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The Maristán Stigma Scale - A Standardized

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Saldivia et al.

BMC Psychiatry 2014, 14:182


Open Access

The Maristn stigma scale: a standardized

international measure of the stigma of
schizophrenia and other psychoses
Sandra Saldivia1*, Ariadne Runte-Geidel2, Pamela Grandn3, Francisco Torres-Gonzlez4, Miguel Xavier5,
Claudio Antonioli6, Dinarte A Ballester7, Roberto Melipilln1, Emiliano Galende6, Benjamn Vicente1,
Jos Miguel Caldas5, Helen Killaspy8, Rachel Gibbons9 and Michael King8

Background: People with schizophrenia face prejudice and discrimination from a number of sources including
professionals and families. The degree of stigma perceived and experienced varies across cultures and communities.
We aimed to develop a cross-cultural measure of the stigma perceived by people with schizophrenia.
Method: Items for the scale were developed from qualitative group interviews with people with schizophrenia
in six countries. The scale was then applied in face-to-face interviews with 164 participants, 103 of which were
repeated after 30 days. Principal Axis Factoring and Promax rotation evaluated the structure of the scale; Horns
parallel combined with bootstrapping determined the number of factors; and intra-class correlation assessed
test-retest reliability.
Results: The final scale has 31 items and four factors: informal social networks, socio-institutional, health professionals
and self-stigma. Cronbachs alpha was 0.84 for the Factor 1; 0.81 for Factor 2; 0.74 for Factor 3, and 0.75 for Factor 4.
Correlation matrix among factors revealed that most were in the moderate range [0.31-0.49], with the strongest
occurring between perception of stigma in the informal network and self-stigma and there was also a weaker
correlation between stigma from health professionals and self-stigma. Test-retest reliability was highest for informal
networks [ICC 0.76 [0.67 -0.83]] and self-stigma [ICC 0.74 [0.64-0.81]]. There were no significant differences in the scoring
due to sex or age. Service users in Argentina had the highest scores in almost all dimensions.
Conclusions: The MARISTAN stigma scale is a reliable measure of the stigma of schizophrenia and related psychoses
across several cultures. A confirmatory factor analysis is needed to assess the stability of its factor structure.
Keywords: Stigma, Questionnaire, Psychometrics, Rating scale schizophrenia

People with schizophrenia and other psychoses face a
range of problems, some arising directly from the illness
and others from the stigma of the disorder. Stigma can best
be understood as the loss of status by, or discrimination of,
a person because of an attribute that others evaluate disapprovingly [1]. Stigma complicates recovery, thereby reducing self-esteem and access to social networks [2,3]. It has
a particularly severe impact on patients quality of life [4].
* Correspondence:
Department of Psychiatry and Mental Health, Faculty of Medicine, University
of Concepcion, Concepcion, Chile
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

For this reason stigma has generated considerable interest

in recent decades [3,5].
Given that it is the result of a social interaction, stigmas
manifestations vary from one culture to another [6,7];
each society determines what is considered abnormal, how
illness is defined and how and where help is sought [8].
An increasing number of studies have assessed stigma
and its consequences. Some of them have focused on public attitudes to people with mental illness [9-11], others
have considered the perception of the families or carers
and professional groups, and others have measured the
personal experience of those who suffer stigma [12-14].
Even psychiatrists have been shown to stigmatise patients

2014 Saldivia et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly credited.

Saldivia et al. BMC Psychiatry 2014, 14:182

with mental illness. For example, 42% of psychiatrists surveyed recently in Brazil negatively stereotyped people with
schizophrenia, agreed with some restrictions on their civil
liberties (e.g. the right to vote) and scored highly on
attitudes reflecting prejudice and a need to keep a social
distance [15]. Although qualitative studies of interviews
with people with mental illness have shown that stigma
can occur in a variety of forms [16], the main distinction
made by service users is between acts of discrimination
and feelings of stigma. The first concerns actual social rejection, while the second refers to feelings of inferiority
and shame, and fear of provoking negative responses in
others [16].
A further element is self-stigma when the person seems
to accept a negative stereotype and either becomes
ashamed or simply hides some element of their make-up
that they perceive is unacceptable to others. This happens
when the mentally ill person internalizes the stereotypes
and negative social attitudes associated with people with
mental disorders to the extent that they shape his/her
own identity [17,18]. High self-stigma appears to be at the
opposite pole to a sense of personal empowerment and
control [19]. Self-stigma also occurs in family members,
particularly those with full insight into the mental illness
and possibly its gravity [20].
Most instruments used in measuring personal stigma of
mental illness have considered different ways in which
stigma is experienced; some are focused on stigmatisation
of the self [3,21], others are based in the direct experience
of discrimination [13,22], some on the perception of
stigma [23,24], and more recent studies have considered
the anticipated discrimination [5,25]. Most instruments
evaluate both perception and experience of the stigma and
some consider self-stigma [26]. Peoples experience of
stigma is considered mainly in terms of perceived discrimination and stereotypes about the population with mental
illness [26].
Only a few instruments have based the development of
their scale on qualitative data about peoples experiences
and views. Angermeyer et al. [27] developed a scale from
results of focus groups conducted in Germany [27,28]. An
instrument developed by Stuart et al. [12] also started with
a qualitative approach; it has two scales, one of which
assesses the experience of stigma in a number of lifes
domains and the other evaluates its impact [12]. Differences in the response format and number of items make it
difficult to make comparisons with other instruments and
reduce the possibility of exploring the complexity of the
experience. Finally, Thornicroft et al. [5] developed an
instrument starting with a qualitative step but this step
was limited to obtaining the views of people to a number
of items already extracted from the literature. The resulting scale, the DISC is a long and complex instrument that
measures a number of domains. Its main advantage is that

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it was developed across a number of European countries

[5]. Its disadvantage is lack of detailed psychometric data.
A recent systematic review compared instruments developed up until 2009. It is clear in this review that nearly all
were developed in a single culture [26].
Few studies have been multi-cultural [5,25]. Some researchers have found that there are no differences on
the stigma in different places [29], whereas others show
a lower discrimination in certain sites [30]. Cheon and
Chiao [31] reaffirm the importance of taking account of
cross-cultural factors in the study of stigma, because
cultural variations may be important even in societies
with low overall stigma [31,32]. Furthermore, given that
few cross-cultural studies use the perceptions of affected
persons [33], there is the need to focus more on this
The Maristn Network is an international group of
mental health professionals who collaborate on research
and teaching in Europe and Latin America (http://www. Our objective was to develop an instrument to evaluate stigma in people with schizophrenia and
other psychoses that would have validity across cultures.
We aimed to construct a broad measure of stigma whose
component parts could assess perceived stigma from
family, friends, colleagues and professionals, stigma in
its more institutional form and self-stigma if it were
evident. We did not have the resources to recruit enough
people to compare the degree and type of stigma between
countries (with appropriate statistical power). Rather, our
aim was to include all countries to ensure that the psychometric properties of the instrument would have relevance
to all.

The method of the overall Maristn study, of which this
is a part, is presented in detail elsewhere [34]. In brief,
the process began with the collection of data from 46
focus groups in six countries in which 303 respondents
participated, including patients with ICD-10 diagnoses
of schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders, informal
and formal carers. All participants in each focus group
were asked to discuss informal care, needs for care and
the stigma experienced by patients with schizophrenia.
The focus groups were undertaken in 2002 in Argentina,
Brazil, Chile, Spain, the United Kingdom and Venezuela.
A tree of categories was constructed from the qualitative
data for stigma and this tree was the basis on which the
items were derived [35]. The questionnaire was first
developed in Spanish and a member of each local team
in Lisbon and London translated the Spanish version
after which both the original and the translation were
reviewed by the research team. Three expert groups
(consisting of 23 people in all), each communicating in
one of three languages [Spanish, Portuguese or English],

Saldivia et al. BMC Psychiatry 2014, 14:182

then agreed a first version of the instrument. This penultimate version was then sent back to the expert group
members who carried out a final assessment by scoring
the relevance of each statement from 1 (not at all relevant)
up to 5 (highly relevant); the score three, as the median,
was established as the cut-off point and the items that
scored less were considered of little or no relevance [34].
This led to a final draft of the questionnaire, which was
tested in a new sample of patients in Buenos Aires,
Argentina; Porto Alegre, Brazil; Concepcin, Chile; Granada,
Spain; Lisbon, Portugal; and London, England, using the
appropriate versions in Spanish, Portuguese and English.

Page 3 of 9


The first draft of the Maristn Questionnaire that was

developed for testing consisted of 38 statements to which
the respondents indicate their degree of agreement. The
statements concerned stigma in personal, family and
social life, the attitudes of health professionals, and stigma
in the public sphere and work. The format was a Likert
scale with a score of 1 indicating complete disagreement
and 7 indicating complete agreement with each statement.
Where appropriate, the direction of scoring was reversed
so that a high score indicates a high level of stigma. In all
countries, the questionnaire was read out by an interviewer to make sure the meaning was clear.


The aim in this final phase of the study was to recruit up

to 30 patients from each country, aged 18 years and over
whose diagnoses of schizophrenia and related psychoses
[F20-F29, International Classification of Disease version
10] was confirmed by the responsible psychiatrists. Participants were attending outpatient psychiatric services or
day centres, had experienced a minimum of three years
since the first known contact with services and had at
least one year of continuous contact with the service. We
chose three years to be sure that the diagnosis was established and stable, and for sufficient time to have passed
for patients to have lived with the diagnosis and experienced stigma. Participants with moderate or profound
intellectual disability and those with a history of illness of
over 15 years since first contact with services were excluded. The latter was to restrict the sample to people
with lesser degrees of institutionalisation, who receive care
in model of community mental health. It was also our
clinical observation that patients with longer term illness
become accustomed or resigned to stigma and may be less
likely to notice its effects on a day-to-day basis. Participants were identified from the clinical service registers in
each participating centre. In the UK a key clinician invited
patients to participate and if they agreed they were put in
contact with a researcher who confirmed the diagnosis
and inclusion criteria. In other countries researchers used
a mixture of direct contact with patients and recruitment
via clinicians. A written informed consent was obtained in
keeping with each countrys guidance for good clinical
practice in research. The study was approved by appropriate research ethical committees of the Faculties of
Medicine and local health services in each country (Ethic
Committees in National University of Lanus, Argentina,
Maternal and Childrens Hospital Presidente Vargas, Porto
Alegre, Brazil, Faculty of Medical Sciences in Nova
University of Lisbon, Portugal, Faculty of Medicine in
University of Concepcion, Chile, Ethic Committee in
Human Research (CEIH) in Granada, Spain; and Camden
and Islington Local Research Ethics Committee in UCL
Medical School, UK).


As described, participants took part in individual face-toface interviews in which the questionnaire was delivered
by professionals who had clinical or other experience in
the care of people with severe mental illness. All of the interviewees were invited to answer the questionnaire again
after 30 days in order to estimate temporal stability. Each
investigator kept field notes regarding the application of
the questionnaire, including the degree of comprehension
of each statement, the language terms used, views on the
length of the interviews and any adverse comments about
Data analysis

The analysis was undertaken by means of SPSS, version

11.0. An exploratory factor analysis was used to evaluate
the structure of the scale, using Principal Axis Factoring
[PAF], followed by a Promax rotation. This approach is
one of the most recommended strategies for analysis of
the structure of a rating scale [36-38]. In order to determine the number of factors to extract we used Horns
parallel analysis combined with sample selection or
bootstrapping [39-41]. This analysis addresses weaknesses in more traditional factor analysis. For example,
the Kaiser-Guttman rule dictates that all factors with an
eigenvalue of more than 1.0 should be retained but
ignores the possibility of random variation in eigenvalues
obtained from any one sample population. Similarly, in
the Catell analysis of the scree plot to determine the
number of factors to be retained, it is often not possible
to make an unequivocal decision about the cut-point,
which leads to indecision on how many factors to retain
[39,42-45]. Pearsons product moment correlations were
used to obtain correlations between factors. Cronbachs
alpha was used to estimate internal consistency and the
intra-class correlation coefficient (with 95% confidence
intervals) for test-retest reliability. A series of ANOVA
were used to evaluate differences in factor scores between
groups of patients.

Saldivia et al. BMC Psychiatry 2014, 14:182

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164 interviews were undertaken, of which 103 repeated
the scale after about 30 days. Socio-demographic characteristics of participants in each country are given in
Table 1. 60.4% of participants were men, 82.2% were single, 54.6% had completed secondary schooling and
54.9% were in receipt of Social Security payments. Mean
age was 39 years (sd 9.8), while mean years of illness was
12.8 (sd 8.8). Patients interviewed in Argentina were
older, had greater involvement in work (27.8%) and included fewer single persons (61.1%). Brazil was the only
country where the proportions of women and patients
with only basic education were the greatest, 72.4% and
55.2% respectively. Patients in the sample from Spain
had a low level of education (45% with basic schooling),
and Argentina and Portugal had the lowest proportion
of patients classified as disabled by Social Security.
Results obtained from Horns Parallel Analysis on
5,000 bootstrap samples revealed that only the first four
eigenvalues of the correlation matrix of the stigma scale
[eigenvalues 7.86, 2.97, 2.07, and 1.85] were greater than
the 95 percentile of the eigenvalues obtained from the
bootstrap samples [values 2.20, 2.03, 1.91 and 1.81]. This
result revealed that there were four main factors in
the scale. For the purposes of comparison, application
of the Kaiser Guttman criterion identified 12 factors, while
the analysis utilizing the scree plot revealed a sharp break
after the second factor.
Given the above, it was decided to extract four factors
followed by a Promax rotation. The analysis of the pattern matrix revealed that six items had coefficients less
than 0.3 on any of the four factors and thus these were
removed and the extraction repeated. The results of the
second analysis showed that one additional item had a

coefficient of less than 0.3. This item was also removed

and the analysis repeated once again, resulting in all
remaining items having coefficients greater than 0.3.
Thus this was accepted as the final factor solution for
interpretation [see Table 2].
Following this analysis the scale contained 31 items
and four factors. We called factor 1 "informal networks
as it contains 11 items on perception of stigmatizing
attitudes of people closest to the patient, including the
family, partner and friends. The second factor, namely
socio-institutional, consists of 12 items on the stigma
in health services, the communication media, people
who have close contact with patients, and mental health
law. The third factor health professionals was composed
of four items concerning cold and impersonal attitudes of
professionals with regard to patients. The fourth factor
which we called self-stigma concerned four items on
patients feelings of inferiority and low expectations of
their own performance.
With regard to internal consistency of each factor,
Factor 1 had a Cronbachs Alpha coefficient of 0.84, with
values of corrected item - total correlation ranging from
0.43 to 0.64. Items in the Factor 2 had a Cronbachs Alpha
of 0.81 with corrected item - total correlations from 0.34
to 0.54. Cronbachs alpha for the Factor 3 was 0.74 with
corrected item - total correlations varying between 0.34
and 0.65. Finally, the internal consistency of Factor 4 was
0.75 with corrected item - total correlations ranging from
0.44 to 0.62.
Analyzing the correlation matrix between factors [see
Table 3] revealed that most were in the moderate range
[0.31-0.49], with the strongest occurring between perception of stigma in the informal network [factor 1] and
self-stigma [factor 4]. Conversely there was a weaker

Table 1 Sample socio-demographic characteristics by country









18 (11.0%)

30 (18.3%)

30 (18.3%)

20 (12.2%)

20 (12.2%)

46 (28.0%)

164 (100.0%)


9 (50.0%)

8 (27.6%)

25 (83.3%)

11 (55.0%)

14 (70.0%)

32 (69.6%)

99 (60.7%)

Age mean (sd)

45.7 (6.4)

36.7 (9.2)

39.6 (10.1)

34.4 (8.3)

38.5 (8.4)

41.2 (10.9)

39.41 (9.8)


11 (61.1%)

25 (86.2%)

25 (83.3%)

16 (80.0%)

17 (85.0%)

40 (87.0%)

134 (82.2%)


5 (27.8%)

5 (3.1%)


2 (11.1%)

16 (55.2%)

9 (30.0%)

2 (10.0%)

9 (45.0%)

3 (6.5%)

41 (25.2%)


10 (55.6%)

11 (37.9%)

17 (56.7%)

14 (70.0%)

7 (35.0%)

30 (65.2%)

89 (54.6%)


1 (5.6%)

2 (6.9%)

4 (13.3%)

4 (20.0%)

4 (20.0%)

13 (28.3%)

28 (17.2%)

In work

5 (27.8%)

1 (3.8%)

3 (10.0%)

3 (15.0%)

1 (5.0%)

3 (6.5%)

16 (10.0%)


7 (38.9%)

9 (34.6%)

3 (10.0%)

11 (55.0%)

6 (30.0%)

3 (6.5%)

39 (24.4%)

Social security benefits

6 (33.3%)

16 (61.5%)

24 (80.0%)

6 (30.0%)

13 (65.0%)

40 (87.0%)

105 (65.0%)

Years of illness

18.2 (7.2)

15.8 (7.9)

19.3 (11.3)

9.3 (4.1)

18.7 (10.9)

14.1 (10.5)

12.8 (8.8)

Saldivia et al. BMC Psychiatry 2014, 14:182

Page 5 of 9

Table 2 Pattern matrix for the MARISTAN Stigma Scale


I have been hidden away by my family










Due to my illness people close to me have become more distant





My family doesnt take me seriously






People look at me as if I am odd






People always expect me to behave and talk in an odd way






My family is afraid of me






People dont respect me





I have been ill-treated by my family (abandoned, locked in my own home, etc.).





My family criticises me for everything






People are not tolerant with me






My family hides my illness from others






Health Problems of people with mental health problems are not taken seriously,
as they tend to be understood as part of the mental illness






The opinion of people with mental health problems is not so well considered
whenever decisions about their treatment (hospital admission) are taken,
unlike in the case of other illnesses






There are not enough services for people with mental health problems






Mental health services have fewer staff than other health services






Medical services try to avoid having to deal with people with mental
health problems






The emergency services dont look after people with mental health
problems in the same way as people with other illnesses.






Government policy has not supported the development of mental

health services compared to other health services






People use unpleasant words when talking about people with mental
health problems






Mental health law excessively restricts the rights of people with mental
health problems






Mental health facilities are in a worse state than other health service facilities.






The media portray a poor image of people with mental health problems






Psychiatric medication is not as well funded as medication for other illnesses






Mental health professionals are cold and impersonal towards me






General practice staff are cold and impersonal towards me






Professionals from the emergency services are cold and impersonal

towards me






Professionals in psychiatric units are cold and impersonal towards me





The illness makes me feel inferior





I avoid relating to others because I feel different





Im afraid that I might disappoint others





At times I think that I am not normal





Italic text, it shows items belonging each factor.

correlation between stigma from health professionals

[factor 3] and self-stigma [factor 4].
Intra-class correlation coefficients for test-retest reliability for each factor were as follows: informal networks
[ICC 0.76 [IC 95% 0.67 -0.83]]; socio-institutional [ICC
0.62 [IC 95% 0.49-0.73]]; health professionals [ICC 0.62

[IC 95% 0.48-0.72]]; and self-stigma [ICC 0.74 [IC 95%

There were no significant differences in scoring with
sex or age. Descriptively, service users in Argentina had
the highest scores on almost all dimensions. As noted
above, our study was not powered to explore differences

Saldivia et al. BMC Psychiatry 2014, 14:182

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Table 3 Pearson correlation between the MARISTAN

Stigma Scale total score and factor scores
Informal SocioHealth
Selfnetworks institutional professionals stigma
Informal networks











Health professionals


*p < 0.05; ***p < 0.001.

in scoring between countries. However, for informal

networks [Factor 1] this score was significantly higher
than in Spain, Brazil and the UK; for socio-institutional
stigma [Factor 2] this was higher than in the UK,
Spain or Portugal; and for the factor health professionals
stigma [Factor 3] the difference was significant in comparison to all the other countries [Table 4).

We have developed a reliable instrument to measure the
stigma of severe mental illness across six countries, and
its cross-cultural, bottom-up development provides the
validity needed to compare different dimensions of the
stigma across cultures. It has moderate to high internal
consistency [Cronbachs Alpha 0.89] and moderate testretest reliability [ICC 0.77]. There are four factors in the
scale, namely informal networks, socio-institutional,
health professionals and self-stigma. However, because
of highly variable correlations between them we recommend using the four separate subscale scores rather than

a total score from the sum of all of them. Given that the
self-stigma subscale contains only four items, it could also
be argued that an alternative scale (e.g. Ritsher et al.) [21]
should be used if this were the main focus of a study.
However, it is worth cautioning that test-retest reliability
of this instrument was assessed in only 16 participants.
The questionnaire was applied by interviewers to make
sure the items were understood and to help with any difficulties. Although this increased both time and costs associated with its application, it standardized data collection
in diverse contexts, where the cultural background of the
patients was very different. It now needs to be tested in a
pure self-report format.
Social networks

Patients social networks can be both a source of support

and of stigma. Stigma complicates recovery and reduces
self- esteem. When it arises in a persons close relationships, it can have a severe knock-on effect on the take-up
of opportunities for work, use of services, symptoms,
hospitalization, trajectory of the illness, and quality of life.
Although the family may be victim of stigma because one
of its members has a mental illness [20], family members
themselves can hold stigmatizing attitudes. The relationship between both processes is not yet clear; however
recent research indicates that as people with schizophrenia become increasingly isolated, their family becomes the
closest and most important support network. This may
mean that patients are focused on this intimate relationship, even when it risks becoming a source of difficulties

Table 4 MARISTAN Stigma Scale Factor scores by demography [Mean item score and (sd)]
Informal networks
M (SD)
Total sample

2.9 (1.3)

M (SD)

3.7 (1.3)

Health professionals
M (SD)

2.5 (1.5)

M (SD)

3.7 (1.7)


2.8 (1.3)


3.0 (1.4)


3.7 (1.3)


3.6 (1.3)

2.6 (1.5)


2.5 (1.6)

3.6 (1.6)


3.9 (1,9)

Age group

2.4 (1.1)


3.5 (1.4)


2.2 (1.4)


3.5 (1.4)


2.8 (1.4)

3.6 (1.4)

2.5 (1.5)

3.4 (1.6)


3.2 (1.3)

3.9 (1.3)

2.8 (1.6)

3.9 (1.8)

50 and more

3.0 (1.3)

3.6 (1.2)

2.0 (1.3)

4.1 (1.8)



3.9 (1.2)


2.6 (1.2)

3.9 (1.5)

2.6 (1.7)

3.5 (1.8)


3.2 (1.4)

4.0 (1.1)

2.7 (1.5)

4.4 (1.5)


2.9 (1.4)

3.6 (1.3)

2.3 (1.2)

3.2 (1.3)


2.6 (1.1)

3.3 (1.3)

2.6 (1.3)

3.2 (1.7)


2.7 (1.3)

3.3 (1.4)

2.0 (1.5)

3.6 (1.8)

*p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001.


4.7 (0.8)


3.9 (1.1)


4.1 (1.9)


Saldivia et al. BMC Psychiatry 2014, 14:182

[33]. Few scales cover this issue in detail and it might be

most relevant in societies with a lesser developed community mental health system.
Stigma in the area of professional care

Unfortunately, formal care givers appear to be an important source of stigma. Two of the factors [socio-institutional and stigma from health professionals] touched
on this source of stigma. Thus it may be important to include both the system and professionals when developing
strategies to reduce stigma. A frequent complaint against
health professionals concerns their attitudes, while perceptions of socio-institutional stigma concern processes of
care and scarcity of resources. The latter requires political
and public health solutions in each country. Stigma arising
from professionals and institutions may be less likely
to be experienced by patients with less than three years of
illness or those who have never been institutionalised.
One modification when applying the Maristn scale to this
group is to use only the subscales informal social
networks and self-stigma, both of which were strongly
correlated with each other and both of which tapped
important, albeit incomplete elements, of perceived stigma
in this group of people.
The relation between stigma and the demand for mental
health care does not appear to be direct. A number of
authors have suggested that perceived stigma may not
affect demand for mental health care in particular populations, but this may vary with the characteristics of the
population affected [46]. Furthermore, people with schizophrenia are in long-term contact with specialized services
and if they perceive stigma arising from such institutions
and from health professionals, specific measures need to
be taken to address it.
Both families and professionals were sources of stigma.
Previous research is contradictory on this issue. There
have been suggestions that close interaction with patients
will reduce stigmatising or negative attitudes [47], however more recent research indicate that those with the
closest contact may be the most discriminating of all [33].
Thus, we need closer study of just how the degree of
intimacy leads to an increase or decrease in stigma.
Types of stigma and scoring

Of the four factors we derived, three identify sources of

stigma, while self-stigma, one of the most commonly
found in other instruments to measure stigma [12,21], is
the internalization of the public stigma; it is the experience
of the self [17]. Our qualitative work however, showed that
the other three areas of stigma were of much greater
concern to patients and carers and thus this section of the
scale is brief. The items in the self-stigma subscale capture
internalized or subjective stigma and they reflect the prejudice which people with mental illness may turn against

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themselves [21], rather than explicit behaviours which give

rise to discrimination. Although it includes a general item
people dont respect me, stigma perceived as arising from
informal social networks included mainly family and other
close persons and reflects the limited social networks
which patients with psychotic mental illness can depend
on. The fact that both factors [self-stigma and informal
networks] are the most stable over time and have the
greatest intra-factor correlation suggests they are closely
As opposed to other scales [14] there were no positive
elements associated with suffering a severe mental illness.
This may reflect the way in which the qualitative data
were collected. In focus group discussions about stigma;
patients and carers may be most concerned about discussing what is wrong in their lives rather than what
is going well.
Users of services in Argentina, a country where psychiatric care is still largely concentrated in hospitals, had
higher (worse) mean scores on the factors informal networks, socio-institutional and health professionals than
users in the United Kingdom, Spain, Portugal and Brazil,
where community care appears to be better developed.
This suggests that community based service provision
is less stigmatising and professionals attitudes are less
institutionalised and hierarchical, than in hospital based

There are a number of limitations to our study. First,

the instrument has been tested in patients in contact
with mental health services, a population that may have
different perceptions of stigma than those who have no
contact with services. Second, the questionnaire was validated in a relatively middle aged population that had
been in contact with community services for a mean of
over 12 years but had not had experience of long stay
hospital care. We explain our reasons for that above.
Third, the interviewers noted that a 5 point response
scale might be simpler and thus the pattern of scoring
may be revised in later testing of the instrument. Finally
although we did not include any measure of criterion
validity, we omitted this for two reasons: 1. No stigma
scale exists that has universal application across these six
cultures and 2. We believe that its multicultural, bottomup development provides the validity needed.
Future work

We have presented the development and standardisation

of the MARISTAN Stigma Scale. Further evidence on its
structure, in particular confirmatory factor analyses, is
needed, as well as its application in treatment services
for schizophrenia and related psychoses around the

Saldivia et al. BMC Psychiatry 2014, 14:182

The MARISTAN stigma scale is a reliable measure of
the stigma of schizophrenia and related psychoses across
several cultures. A confirmatory factor analysis is needed
to assess the stability of its factor structure.
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Authors contributions
FT-G, MK, SS, MX, EG, JMC, AR-G, BV: Conceived of and designed the study.
MK, HK, RG, AR-G, MX, PG, CA, DAB: Coordinated the collection of data in
each country. SS and MK: wrote the article and PG worked on the draft.
FT-G, EG, BV, JMC, AR-G, MX, PG, CA, DAB: Gave final approval of the version
to be published. RM: undertook the statistical analysis and helped to
interpret the findings. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
We are grateful to all the patients, carers and professionals who took part
and also to Dr Dominic Bishop. We are also grateful for support from the
Pan-American Health Office (PAHO), Camden and Islington NHS Foundation
Trust and University College London (UCL).
Author details
Department of Psychiatry and Mental Health, Faculty of Medicine, University
of Concepcion, Concepcion, Chile. 2Department of Pedagogy, University of
Jaen, Jaen, Spain. 3Department of Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences,
University of Concepcion, Concepcion, Chile. 4Centre of Bio-Medical Research
in Network of Mental Health (CIBERSAM), Section of Psychiatry and Medical
Psychology, University of Granada, Granada, Spain. 5Faculty of Medical
Sciences, University Nova of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal. 6Department of
Community Health, University National of Lanus, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
University State of Londrina, Londrina, Brazil. 8Division of Psychiatry, Faculty
of Brain Sciences, UCL Medical School, London, UK. 9Camden and Islington
NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK.
Received: 30 July 2013 Accepted: 4 June 2014
Published: 18 June 2014
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Cite this article as: Saldivia et al.: The Maristn stigma scale: a
standardized international measure of the stigma of schizophrenia
and other psychoses. BMC Psychiatry 2014 14:182.

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