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Nutritive Value Analysis

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AGJSR 31 (2/3) 2013: 114-124, Muhammad Aqeel Ashraf et al

Nutritional Evaluation of Cenchrus ciliaris L. from

Cholistan Desert, Pakistan
Muhammad Aqeel Ashraf; 2Memona Ramzan; 2Karamat Mahmood; and 2Abdul Wajid
Dept. of Geology, Faculty of Science, University of Malaya 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Dept. of Chemistry, Islamic University of Bahawalpur 63100, Bahawalpur, Pakistan

ID# (2647) The present study evaluates the nutritive value of different accessions of
Rec.: 11/03/2012 perennial range grass Cenchrus ciliaris collected from Choilsitan Desert,
In-revised: 22/08/2012 Pakistan. Different standard methods (Benedict’s quantitative reagent for
Corresponding Author; carbohydrates, crude protein and nitrogen by Kjehldahl method, mineral
Muhammad Aqeel Ashraf
analysis by flame photometer and estimation of crude fiber by using acid
E: mail:
base treatment) are utilised for nutritive analysis. Proximate analysis of plant sample determines that maximum crude protein is present in the range of (13
to 17.5%) and nitrogen contents are in the range of (2.8 to 2.24%). Crude
KEYWORDS fiber in the range of (24.34 to 39.48%) and crude lipids in the range of (2.3 to
Cenchrus, minerals; nitrogen; 3.2%) are present in the Cenchrus ciliaris. Whereas minerals such as sodium
protein; carbohydrates; is present in the range between (0.2 to 0.7%), potassium in the range of (3.6
phytochemicals. to 6.0%) while lithium was absent. Similarly, reducing sugar present in the
range from (2.8 to 4%), non reducing sugar in the range of (2.12 to 3.31%)
and total sugars are present in the range of (3.16 to 9.8%). In conclusion, it
could be suggested that Cenchrus ciliaris has great medicinal and nutritional
importance that could be good sources of some important nutrients for humans
and can become a source of poverty alleviation of poor local community of
the area.

‫التقييم الغذائي لنبات العهبة بصحراء كوليستان في باكستان‬

‫عبد الواجد‬2 ‫ و‬،‫كارامات محمود‬2 ،‫ميمونة رامزان‬2 ،‫محمد عقيل أشرف‬1
‫ ماليزيا‬،‫ كوالمبور‬50603 ‫ جامعة مااليا‬،‫ كلية العلوم‬،‫قسم الجغرافيا‬1
‫ باكستان‬، 63100 ‫ جامعة باهاوالبور اإلسالمية‬،‫قسم الكيمياء‬2

‫ال ُمستلخص‬
‫ التي قد‬Cenchrus ciliaris ‫تقيم هذه الدراسة القيمة الغذائية لمجموعة مختلفة األعمار من نبات العهبه‬ )2647( # :‫رقم المسودة‬
‫ تم في الدراسة استخدام طرق قياسية مختلفة منها طريقة‬.‫تم جمعها من صحراء كوليستان في باكستان‬ 2012/03/11 :‫إستالم المسودة‬
Kjehldahl‫ البروتين الخام والنيتروجين بطريقة كيلدهل‬،‫ للكربوهيدرات‬Benedict ‫كاشف بندكت الكمي‬ 2012/08/22 :‫إستالم ال ُم َعدَلة‬
‫ وتحليل المعادن عن طرق قياس طرق الطيفي اللهبي ومن ثم تقدير ألياف الخام باستخدام الحامض‬، ‫ محمد عقيل أشرف‬:‫الباحث ال ُم َراسل‬
‫ و‬،‫ كحد اقصى‬% 17.5-% 13 ‫ أوضحت النتائج ان نسبة البروتين الخام كانت تتراوح بين‬.‫والقاعدة‬ :‫بريد إلكتروني‬
‫ والدهون‬،% 39.48- % 24.34 ‫ ألياف الخام تتراوح بين‬،% 2.24-% 2.8 ‫نسبة النايتروجين في حدود‬
،% 0.7 ‫ إلى‬% 0.2‫ بينما المعادن الغذائية مثل الصوديوم بنسبته تتراوح مابين‬،% 3.2- % 2.3 ‫بمعدل‬
‫ تترواح نسبة السكر المختزل‬.‫ بينما انعدم تواجد عنصر الليثيوم‬% 6.0 ‫ إلى‬% 3.6 ‫والبوتاسيوم بنسبة‬
‫ ونسبة السكر‬،% 3.31‫ إلى‬% 2.12 ‫ وتتراوح نسبة السكر غيرالمختزل ما بين‬% 4‫ إلى‬% 2.8 ‫مابين‬ ‫الكلمات الدالة‬
‫ أهمية غذائية‬Cenchrus ciliaris ‫ يستنتج من الدراسة بأن لنبات العهبه‬.% 9.8 ‫ إلى‬% 3.16 ‫الكلي‬ ،‫ البروتين‬،‫ النتروجين‬،‫ معادن‬،‫نبات العهبه‬
.‫ودوائية كمصدر جيد ورئيسي لغذاء اإلنسان وبالتالي للتخفيف من حدة الفقر لمجتمع هذه المنطقة‬ ‫ الكربوهيدرات‬،‫الصوديوم‬

AGJSR 31 (2/3) 2013: 114-124, Muhammad Aqeel Ashraf et al

Phyto-diversity is considered to be the world’s
heritage and also the vital source of living on this
earth Ahmad et al. (2007). Goel (2002) recognized
the present age as the age of biological extinction
due to anthropogenic habitat loss of pants. These
anthropogenic activities are causing enormous
changes in the natural composition of species and
managed ecosystem. The changes consequently
affect the ecological factors that have direct
relationship with the ecosystem processes (Stuart
Chapin 2001).
Pakistan lies between 24o–37o North latitude Figure 1: Location of Cholistan Desert in Pakista
(27º42’ and 29º45’ North latitude/ 69º52’ and 73º05’
and 61o–75.5o East longitude, covering an area of
East longitude)
796,095 km². Out of this area, 468,000 km² is in
the north and west in the form of mountainous The climate of the area is an arid subtropical,
land and plateau, while the remaining 328,000 km² continental type, characterized by low and
comprises the plains. Environmental variability in sporadic rainfall, high temperature, low relative
Pakistan is enormous, ranging from high snowy humidity, high rate of evaporation and strong
Himalayan peaks in the north to the hot humid summer winds (Ahmad 2002). Aridity is one of
climate of shores of the Arabian Sea in the South. the most striking features of the Cholistan desert
There is great variation in the topography of its with wet and dry years occurring in clusters (FAO
four provinces Muneer et al. (2006). Cholistan is 1994, Akbar et al. 1996). The entire area of this
an extension of the Great Indian Desert (Figure1), desert is rain dependant for its ground water
recharge and drinking water being stored in dug-
which includes the Thar Desert in Sindh province
out ponds (Tobas). Underground water is at the
of Pakistan and the Rajasthan Desert in India,
depth of 30-40 m and mostly is brackish having
covering an area of 85000 km2, it lies within
salt concentration 9000-24000 mg/l (FAO 1994).
Southeast quadrant of Punjab province between
The mean annual temperature of the area is 27.5ºC,
27º42' and 29º45' North latitude and 69º52' and
whereas mean summer temperature is 35.5ºC, and
73º05' East longitude (FAO 1994, Arshad et al.
winter temperature is 18ºC. The average maximum
2007, Jowkar et al. 1996, Ahmad 1999, Ahmad summer temperature goes up to 46ºC (Figure 2)
and Sameera 2007). Among the arid regions of and average minimum winter temperature falls up
Pakistan, Cholistan desert is a very important to 7ºC. The month of June is the hottest and daily
segment that covers a large area (85000 km2) in maximum temperature normally exceeds 45ºC
the Bahawalpur Division of Punjab, Pakistan. This and sometimes crosses 50ºC (Ahmad 2002). The
region demands an immediate attention of plant daily maximum temperature comes down in July
scientists and Government funding agencies for due to monsoon rainy season in the country. There
rehabilitation. The desert temperature shoots up to is always an abrupt fall in temperature during the
52°C during summer and average rainfall is 120 to nights. Mean annual rainfall varies from less than
200 mm, which aggravate the problems of aridity 100 mm in the west to 200 mm in the east. Rainfall
(Naeem et al. 2000). Cholistan vegetation is facing is usually received during monsoon (July through
severe problem of drought, salinity and overgrazing September) and in winter and spring (January
by livestock. But shortage in fodder/ grasses for through March) (Mughal 1997, Arshad et al.
grazing occurs during summer in Cholistan and 2006). About half of the total rainfalls come under
other parts of the country. threshold category while, others do not create

AGJSR 31 (2/3) 2013: 114-124, Muhammad Aqeel Ashraf et al

runoff however, on the whole create a favourable as Lesser Cholistan, which constitutes the desert
environment for the growth of vegetation (Abdullah margin and consists of a series of saline alluvial
et al. 1990, Akbar and Arshad, 2000). flats alternating with low sand ridges/dunes; and
Southern region, known as Greater Cholistan, a
wind resorted sandy desert comprising of a number
of old Hakra River terraces with various forms of
sand ridges and inter-ridge valleys (Tahir et al.
1995). Mega Land Systems (Lesser and Greater
Cholistan) are split into eight Macro Land Systems
(Figure 3), based on geomorphology which
controls soils, moisture and eventually vegetation
– an important component of range ecosystem,
upon which pastoralism depends.
The area is consisting of main four soil types
i.e. dune land with topography ranging between
Figure 2: Ombrothermal Degram of Cholistan undulating and steep slopes. The sand dunes
Desert in Pakistan lie parallel to each other connected by small
(Annual Rainfall and Temperature) streamers and are very excessively drained, coarse
textured, structure less derived from Aeolian
Geomorphologically the area presents quite a material, deposited by strong winds. Sandy soils
complex pattern of alluvial and Aeolian deposition are nearly level to gently sloping, deep to very
which was flowed by: deep, excessively drained, calcareous, coarse
(a) Wind resorting of the sediments into various textured. Loamy soils are level to nearly level with
forms of sand ridges. hummocks of fine sand on the surface, moderately
(b) Wind resorting and dune formation. deep, somewhat excessively drained to well
(c) Resorting and further deposition in spill drained, calcareous, moderately coarse textured to
channels. medium
(d) Deposition of sediments clayey flats. textured (FAO1994). Clayey soils are mostly
The soils of area have been developed by two level, moderately deep, poorly drained, calcareous,
type of materials i.e. river alluvium and Aeolian saline-sodic (Table 1), moderately fine textured
sands (Ahmad 2002). The alluvium consists of to fine textured, pH ranges between 8.6 and 10.0
mixed calcareous material, which was derived (Baig et al. 1980). The soils are either saline or
from the igneous and metamorphic rocks of the saline-sodic, with pH ranging from 8.2 to 9.6
Himalayas and was deposited by the Sutlej and (Akbar and Arshad 2000). The soils of Cholistan
abandoned Hakra Rivers most probably during desert are generally poor, lacking organic matter,
different stages in the sub-recent periods. The saline alkaline, gypsiferous and often duned. The
Aeolian sands have been derived mainly from the dune reaches up to an average height of 100-150 m
Rann of Kutch and the sea coast and partly from the (Rao and Arshad 1991, Akbar et al. 1996, Akhter
lower Indus Basin. Weathered debris of the Aravalli and Arshad 2006). Rainwater harvested in low-
has also contributed. The material was carried lying areas or dug-out ponds (Tobas) is used by the
from these sources by the strong South-Western humans and their livestock. Underground water is
coastal winds (FAO 1994). Based on differences mostlybrackish containing salt 9000-24000 mg/l
in topographic form, parent material, soils and (Anon 1993, Akhter and Arshad 2006).
vegetation, Cholistan desert can be divided into two
main geomorphic regions: Northern region, known

AGJSR 31 (2/3) 2013: 114-124, Muhammad Aqeel Ashraf et al

Figure 3: Land System of Cholistan Desert in Pakistan

(Geomorphologically of Zone 27º42’ and 29º45’ North latitude/69º52’ and 73º05’ East longitude)

Table 1: Types of Soil and Wind Erosion, Cholistan Desert in Pakistan

Types of Soil Extent (Hec.) % Wind Erosion Extent (Hec.) %
Saline clayey (Dhrs) 441.900 17.0 Non or slight 441.900 17.0
Loamy soils 058.700 2.0 Moderate 58.700 2.0
Sand dunes 1.133.900 44.0 Severe 2.079.400 81.0
Sandy soils 945.500 37.0
Total 2.580.000 100 Total 2.580.000 100
(Source: After Pakistan Desertification Monitoring Unit, 1986)
Unpredictable rainfalls support only leafless (Rao and Arshad 1991, Akbar and Arshad 2000,
and spiny scrub jungle with stunted and half nibbled Arshad et al. 2006). These plant species are very
shrubs with a few trees. These plant species, site specific, based on availability of soil moisture,
though very slow growing, respond very well to salinity and plant characteristics (Arshad and Rao,
the favourable climatic conditions and provide 1994, Arshad et al. 1999)
ample biomass for consumption by livestock and Cenchrus ciliaris L., is an important perennial
wildlife. Important genera of perennial grasses range grass species of Cholistan desert, belongs
and sedges include Lasiurus, Cenchrus, Panicum, to family poaceae which is locally known as
Ochthochloa, Sporobolus, Aeluropus, Cymbopogon “Dhaman” and is the first choice of grazing animals.
and Cyperus. Forage shrubs include Calligonum, At maturity, it ranges in height from 10-150 cm
Haloxylon, Salsola, Suaeda, Acacia, Leptadenia (averaging 70cm) tall. The leaf blades are bluish-
and Capparis. Prosopis, Tamarix, Acacia and green 5 to 30 cm long and 2.5 to 11 mm wide with
Zizyphus are notable forage tree species of the area the upper surface soft and hairy (Figure 4).
AGJSR 31 (2/3) 2013: 114-124, Muhammad Aqeel Ashraf et al

the Cholistan Desert, Pakistan. Keeping in view

the importance of plant Cenchrus ciliaris, this
research was done to evaluate the nutritional value
of the Cenchrus ciliaris in the Cholistan Desert as
well as to study the vegetation characteristics of
study area. Such information as well as information
on forage quantity are essential for sustainable
use of rangelands and providing available forage
supplements for livestock in times when they are

Material And Methods

(1) Site Selection and Sampling
Figure 4: Cenchrus ciliaris Collected from Desert grass Cenchrus ciliaris L. collecting
Cholistan Desert, Bahawalpur, Pakistan. expeditions were executed in 2009 and 2010
in different habitats of Cholistan desert by the
This is a widely distributed grass and is resistant Department of Chemistry, Islamia University,
to a number of harsh environmental conditions. It Bahawalpur, Pakistan and different accessions of
can withstand strong winds, low annual rainfall, Cenchrus ciliaris L., were collected from a range of
acute erosion and a nutrient depleted soil profile sites. Field survey of valley was performed for this
(Ziegler et al. 2000). Cenchrus ciliaris has also purpose, which comprised of the following three
been used as folk medicine for kidney pain, tumors, aspects: selection of sites, collection of data, and
sores and wounds. It can be used as anodyne analysis of data. On the findings of a preliminary
(pain reliever), lactogogue (increase milk flow), survey, ten study sites namely, Lal Suhanra, Kalay
and diuretic and as anemollient (Duke 1983). It Paharr, Derawar Fort and Sheikh Zaid Enclosure
is very important species for the grazing cattles were selected mainly on the basis of variation in
and is considered that the milk production of the their ecological attributes, especially topography,
cows is increased when they graze on this grass vegetation type and soil composition. Information
species. It is very well distributed in sandy and about the ecology, brief geological position and soil
sandy loam areas of this desert (Rao and Arshad, properties of these sites are presented in (Table 2).
1991, Arshad et al. 1999). Cenchrus ciliaris L., Plant samples were collected concurrently. Plant
has sufficient variability in the form of different samples (green leaves or leaflets and immature
agro-ecotypes. This vast genetic resources adapted pods) of available plant Cenchrus ciliaris were
in multiple stress environment of Cholistan collected from the ten sites. A total 250 plant
desert could be utilized for higher productivity samples were collected from these ten sites. These
potential. Noor (1991) determined the comparative collected samples were then dried under shade
performance of 10 ecotypes of Cenchrus ciliaris and crushed in grinder then finally used for further
under rainfed conditions and recorded a high analyses.
amount of ecotypic variation. Rai et al. (1982) (2) Digestion
observed significance variation in forage yield of 8 Dried ground material (0.5 g in each tube) was
strains of Cenchrus ciliaris. Agarwal et al. (1999) taken in digestion tubes and 5 mL of concentrated
evaluated 55 accessions of perennial range grass H2SO4 were added to each tube (Wolf 1982).
Dicanthium annulatum L., (Stapf) on the basis of All the tubes were incubated overnight at room
agromorphological attributes and observed a wide temperature. Then 0.5 mL of H2O2 (35%) was
diversity among the accessions. poured down the sides of the digestion tube, ported
No important work has been conducted on the tubes in a digestion block and heated at 350oC
nutritional value of the important range plants in until fumes were produced. They were continued
AGJSR 31 (2/3) 2013: 114-124, Muhammad Aqeel Ashraf et al

to heat for another 30 minutes. The digestion tubes step was repeated until the cooled digested material
were removed from the block and cooled. 0.5 mL was colorless. The volume of the extract was made
of H2O2 was slowly added to each tube and placed up to 50 mL. The extract was filtered and used for
the tubes back into the digestion block. The above determining K, Ca, Na and Cl.
Table 2: (Selection Criteria) for Ten Sampling Sites in Cholistan Desert, Pakistan
Acc. Coll. Name of Soil Vegetation
Habitat Description
No. No. the Site Texture Type
Sand stone with
1 LS1/3 Lal Suhanra Plain surface in the periphery Dominant grasses and shrubs
clayed sand
Kalay Sand stone, Dominant herbs with grasses
2 LS1/2 Plain surface in the periphery
Paharr lime stone and few shrubs
3 KP1/2 Sandy clay Inside desert Dominant grasses with herbs
Kalay Dominant large shrubs with
4 KP1/3 Sandy clay Inside desert
Paharr grasses
Kalay Red sandy clay with Small shrubs and herbs with
5 KP2/2 Inside Desert
Paharr sand stone grasses
6 KP2/4 Mostly sand stone Inside Desert Mixture of grasses and herbs
7 DR2/3 Sandy clay Moderate slope Sedges and small shrubs
Sheikh Zaid Lime stone, sand Dominant grasses with large
8 SZE1/15 Steep slope
Enclosure stone and medium shrubs
Sheikh Zaid Lime stone with More or less flattered
9 SZE1/13 Dominant grasses with herbs
Enclosure sand stone peripheral area
Sheikh Zaid Sand stone with
10 SZE1/9 Uneven peripheral area Dominant grasses and shrubs
Enclosure clay stone
(3) Proximate Analysis Initial weight Final weight
The study involved destructive sampling. The Moisture of Sample of Sample
= X100
samples were washed under running water and Content% Initial weight of sample
blotted dry. The moisture content of the leaf (3.2) Crude Fiber
samples was determined at 60°C (AOAC 2009). A known weight of sample was treated under boiling
The dried matter obtained was ground to a fine conditions initially with 1.25% sodium hydroxide
powder and stored at 5°C in air-tight containers (NaOH) and subsequently with 1.25% sulphuric
prior to further analysis. Different standard methods acid (H2SO4) to dissolve alkali and acid soluble
described in (AOAC 2009) were used for nutritive components present in it. The residue containing
analyses. Benedict’s quantitative reagent (BQR) crude fiber was dried to a constant weight. The loss
was utilized for carbohydrates. Crude protein and of weight on ignition in muffle furnace at 500 oC
nitrogen was determined by Kjehldahl method. was calculated to express it as crude fiber.
Mineral analyses were carried out by using flame Crude Loss in weight on ignition
photometer. Extraction of crude protein was carried = X100
Fiber% Weight of the sample
out by Soxhlet apparatus and estimation of crude
fiber was carried out by using acid base treatment. (3.3) Estimation of Crude Protein
The details of these procedures and formulae are The total nitrogen content of the samples was
described below; determined by micro Kjeldahl method. Finely
(3.1) Moisture Content ground material (1g) was taken in a digestion flask
The moisture content of the collected samples were with 3g of digestion mixture [mercury sulfate
determined by using the following formula: (HgSO4) + potassium sulphate (K2SO4) at the

AGJSR 31 (2/3) 2013: 114-124, Muhammad Aqeel Ashraf et al

ratio of 1:9] and 20 mL concentrated H2SO4. The (3.6) Dry Matter

samples were boiled in digestion apparatus for The dry matter of the samples was determine by
about two hours untill the contents became clear. using the following formula;
The digested material was diluted to 250 mL. An Dry matter% = 100 − Moisture content
aliquot 10 mL of it was transferred to the micro- (3.7) Nitrogen Free Extractable Substances
Kjeldahl distillation apparatus and distilled in (N.F.E.S.)
the presence of 50 mg of zinc (Zn) dust and 10 The NFES was calculated by using the formula
mL NaOH (40%). The distillate was collected in NFES% = 100 − (CP + MM + Fat + Fiber)
a receiver containing 5 mL boric acid (2%) and (3.8) Determination of Na+ and K+
methyl red as indicator solution. The contents of Na+ and K+ cations were determined with a flame
the receiver were titrated against standard sulfuric photometer (Jenway, PFP-7). A graded series of
acid (N/10 H2SO4) to light pink color end point. standards (ranging from 5 to 25 mg L-1) of Na+, K+
From the volume of acid, percentage nitrogen was and Ca2+ were prepared and standard curves were
estimated and protein was determined by using the drawn. The values of Na+, K+ and Ca2+ from
formulae; flame photometer were compared with standard
Vol. used of 0.1NH2SO4 × 0.0014 × 250 curves and total quantities were computed.
Nitrogen% = Weight of sample × 10
(4) Statistical Analysis
Protein% = N × 6.25 Each experiment was repeated three times. The
(3.4) Mineral Matter/Total Ash results are presented with their means and standard
A dried 1g sample was carbonized on oxidizing error. The results were prepared by using MS Excel
flame until no fumes came out. It was then ignited 2003 version.
at 600◦C temperatures in muffle furnace to burn off Results
all organic matter.
Results of crude fiber, lipids, sodium, potassium,
Ash% = Weight of ash X100
Weight of sample nitrogen and protein concentrations in different
(3.5) Fat Percentage accessions of Cenchrus ciliaris plant samples are
A dried sample (2g) was extracted with petroleum presented in (Table 3). Maximum lipid concentration
ether (40◦C–60◦C) in soxhlet apparatus to remove (5.3g/100g) was recorded in the accession number
the ether soluble component present in it. The KP2/4 while the minimum (2.7g/100g) was
extracted material was dried to a constant weight observed at KP2/2 collected from Kalay Paharr
in an oven at 70◦C. The fat% was calculated as Cholistan desert. Different accessions of Cenchrus
given under. ciliaris with regard to crude protein contents was
analysed and its range was found between 13 to
Fat% = Weight of ether extract X100 17.5g/100g. The highest crude fiber (39.48g/100g)
Weight of sample
in the accession number SZE1/9 collected from
Sheikh Zaid Enclosure (Table 3).
Table 3: Crude Fiber, Lipids, Sodium, Potassium, Nitrogen and Protein Concentrations in Different
Accessions of Cenchrus
Acc. No. Site names Lipids Fiber Sodium Potassium Nitrogen Protein
LS1/3 Lal Suhanra 3.2±0.1 37.34±0.3 0.2±0.09 4.7±0.1 2.8±0.1 17.5±0.3
LS1/2 Kalay Paharr 3.2±0.2 24.34±0.4 0.5±0.08 5.8±0.2 2.42±0.2 15.1±0.1
KP1/2 Kalay Paharr 3.0±0.2 27.55±0.2 0.6±0.07 3.8±0.2 2.24±0.1 14.0±0.2
KP1/3 Kalay Paharr 3.2±0.2 32.6±0.5 0.3±0.06 5.0±0.1 2.14±0.2 13.4±0.2
KP2/2 Kalay Paharr 2.7±0.1 30.7±0.3 0.3±0.10 4.1±0.2 2.42±0.2 15.1±0.3
KP2/4 Kalay Paharr 5.3±0.2 37.13±0.4 0.4±0.08 5.8±0.1 2.42±0.1 15.1±0.1
DR2/3 Derawar Fort 2.8±0.1 38.39±0.3 0.4±0.09 6.0±0.2 2.8±0.1 17.5±0.2
SZE1/15 Sheikh Zaid Enclosure 3.1±0.2 27.6±0.2 0.7±0.08 5.9±0.2 2.14±0.2 13±0.2

AGJSR 31 (2/3) 2013: 114-124, Muhammad Aqeel Ashraf et al

Concentration of minerals in Cenchrus ciliaris is Suhanra site. Similarly, maximum concentration

found to be very low. Maximum concentration of of reducing sugars is ranged from 2.85 to 4g/100g
sodium (0.7g/100g) is noted in the accession no and non reducing sugars is 2.11 to 5.31g/100g and
SZE1/15 collected from Sheikh Zaid Enclosure total sugars from 3.16 to 9.8g/100g and maximum
while minimum concentration (0.2g/100g) was concentration of starch i.e. (9.5g/100g) was almost
found in the accession no LS1/3 collected from Lal some in all accession numbers (Table 4).

Table 4: Carbohydrates Concentration in Different Accessions of Cenchrus ciliaris

SN Accession Site name Reducing sugar Non-reducing Total sugars Starch
1 LS1/3 Lal Suhanra 4.00±0.2 5.80±0.3 9.8±0.4 9.50±0.5
2 LS1/2 Kalay Paharr 2.85±0.1 5.31±0.3 8.16±0.4 9.50±0.5
3 KP1/2 Kalay Paharr 4.00±0.2 2.11±0.1 6.12±0.4 9.50±0.4
4 KP1/3 Kalay Paharr 3.33±0.1 5.80±0.3 5.44±0.3 6.78±0.3
5 KP2/2 Kalay Paharr 4.00±0.2 4.80±0.2 9.80±0.5 9.50±0.4
6 KP2/4 Kalay Paharr 5.00±0.3 3.16±0.1 9.80±0.4 9.50±0.5
7 DR2/3 Derawar Fort 4.00±0.2 4.16±0.2 3.16±0.2 6.80±0.3
8 SZE1/15 Sheikh Zaid Enclosure 4.00±0.2 4.16±0.2 8.16±0.5 9.50±0.4
9 SZE1/13 Sheikh Zaid Enclosure 4.00±0.2 2.12±0.1 6.12±0.2 9.50±0.4
10 SZE1/9 Sheikh Zaid Enclosure 4.00±0.2 5.80±03 9.80±0.4 7.91±0.3

Discussions they become mature, tropical grasses more so than

temperate ones. They also believed that legumes
According to the results presented in the present do not lose quality with maturity nearly as fast as
study, significant differences among accessions grasses do. Feed quality of legumes is generally
for nutritive and minerals indices were evident. high except when compared to very young grasses.
However, not all the parameters studied appeared to Holechek et al. (2001) reported much greater
be equally useful for screening of the accessions of declines in nutritive quality of annual grasses
the plant for sensitivity to nutritive values. As Cook than for perennial grasses. They stated tall grasses
and Stubbendieck (1986) reported the chemical typically cure out with lower levels of nutrients
content of plant species may differ because of an than do short grasses; because tall grasses have
inherent ability to withdraw certain nutrients from lower leaf to stem ratios than those of short
the soil and to concentrate them in tissues. Plants grasses. Additionally, investigations are consistent
may also vary in susceptibility to leaching, or may in showing actively growing material of forbs
produce different proportions of leaves, highest, shrubs intermediate, and grasses lowest in
stems, and flower stalks at various stages of concentrations of CP, P, and cell solubles (Krysl et
maturity or because of previous grazing treatments al. 1984).
(Arzani et al. 2001, Arzani et al. 2004). Grass In the this study, lipids are not only the source
species showed relatively lower forage quality of energy but are responsible for performing many
compared to other species. This agrees with important functions in the animal body. A minimum
findings reported by several authors (Ghadosi intake of lipids is essential in order to meet the
and Azrani 1997, Norton 1982, Ghourchi 1995). requirements of essential fatty acids (Sawhney
Cenchrus ciliaris show consistently high crude and Singh 2000). Maximum lipid concentration
protein, variable but relatively low fat and relatively (5.3g/100g) was recorded in the accession number
high carbohydrates. Plant is significantly higher in KP2/4 collected from Kalay Paharr Cholistan
total protein (17.5%) than are local agricultural desert. Overall mean of CP content is shown in
plants like sorghum (11.4% protein), millet (11.9% (Table 3). Different accessions of Cenchrus ciliaris
protein), and manioc (0.9% protein). According with regard to crude protein contents was in the
to Smith et al. (1986) grasses lose quality when range from 13 to 17.5 g/100g, the differences
AGJSR 31 (2/3) 2013: 114-124, Muhammad Aqeel Ashraf et al

between minimum and maximum were significant of some important nutrients for humans and can
(P<0.05). Means of CF content for Cenchrus become a source of poverty alleviation of poor
ciliaris is shown in (Table 3). The highest crude local community of the study area. Moreover, the
fiber (39.48g/100g) in the accession number precious ethno botanical knowledge about
SZE1/9 collected from Sheikh Zaid Enclosure underutilized plants is disappearing very fast,
while lowest was 24.34g/100g was found in the however this study could be helpful in conserving
accession number LS1/2 collected from Kalay the precious knowledge.
Paharr, which the differences between them were
significant (P<0.05). It Seems that CF contents in Acknowledgements
all species positively correlated with CP content,
The work reported in this paper was carried out in
this is agreed with finding of Ramirez et al. (2004).
Analytical Laboratory, Department of Chemistry,
Minerals are important constituents of plants
The Islamia University of Bahawalpur Pakistan.
and play a vital role in the animal life. Maximum
Thanks to the Institute of Research Management
concentration of sodium (0.7g/100g) was noted in
and Monitoring Unit, University of Malaya (IPPP,
the accession no SZE1/15 collected from Sheikh
UM) for providing sufficient funding through
Zaid Enclosure (Table 3), indicated that the soil of
grant no. BKP 006-2013 to carry out this valuable
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(Ashraf et al. 1990). Low concentration of minerals
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