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Analysis of Veg.& Soil - Oct.2013

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Pak. J. Bot., 45(5): 1663-1667, 2013.



Department of Botany, University of Karachi, Karachi75270, Pakistan

Corresponding author e-mail:


A survey was conducted to analyse the vegetation pattern and soil characteristics of Astore valley at different altitudes
(1250m-4200m) and localities. It was observed that the herbaceous plant species were dominant in the natural habitat,
particularly in the alpine and sub-alpine zones. At lower altitude i.e. Bunji and adjacent areas xerophytic and halophytic
plant species were found and upper altitudes i.e. Deosai, Kalapani and surrounding areas herbaceous plant species were
common. Total 668 plant species were recorded from the Astore valley during the survey period (2005-2009). Out of these
631 belonged to naturalized flowering plants, including to 291 genera and 76 families, 4 species of Pteridophytes belonged
to two genera and two families while 33 cultivated species belonged to 30 genera and 17 families. The study area was
categorized into five ecological zones on the basis of microclimatic conditions and topography. For comparison of
vegetation pattern in these zones similarity index and Beta Diversity were calculated. Seriphidium brevifolium (Wall. ex
DC.) Ling & Y. R. Ling was the most dominant plant species in the study area. The soil was fine to coarse in texture ranging
from clay loam to sand and acidic to slightly alkaline in nature, containing considerable amount of calcium carbonate (up to
16 %) and appreciable amount of organic matter(up to 33.094 %). Maximum water holding capacity (21.415-63.179) and
pH values (5.35-7.20) were also determined. The amount of organic matter was high; in these habitats and the vegetation
was dense. It is concluded that certain edaphic factors, altitudinal variation, soil texture and amount of organic matter are
responsible for variation in vegetation.

Introduction The average minimum temperature in winter was

2.8oC and the maximum temperature in summer is 20.8oC.
A store is a beautiful valley of Gilgit-Baltistan lying in According to last five years metrological data (2004-
Northern part of Pakistan between 34.8o-35.8o N latitude 2008) of Astore & Bunji lower part of the area the hottest
and 74.4o-75.2o E longitude. The valley has altitudinal and month is June with mean monthly maximum temperature
topographical variation, lower valley parts, Bunji including of 31.06oC while January is the coldest month with the
up to Doain are arid, dry and warm and upper part of the mean minimum monthly temperature of -4.3oC.
valley i.e., Deosai, Domail, Kalapani, Rupal & Rama etc. Metrological data of upper zones is not available but
are cold and some of the most beautiful places in Pakistan. approximately in winter the minimum temperature falls
The valley covers an area of 7222 km2 (Ali, 1995). It is to-20oC. The summer season is very short lasting from
bounded by Baltistan, in south East, Gilgit East North, May to August. Relative humidity is much higher in the
Chillas and Azad Kashmir in West. morning than the evening. The mean monthly
The valley extends over the major part of the Western precipitation is 33.9mm to 750mm (Anonymous, 1999).
Himalayas; it is ranging from sea level to 1200m- (8126m In lower altitude of the area it falls as rain and upper
Nanga Parbat). The Himalayas are one of the most zones mostly as snow.
representative mountain ranges which have vast alpine Phytogeographycally Astore valley belongs to Eastern
vegetation and great varieties of plants. Physiognomically Irano-Turanian sub-region and Sino-Japanese region (It
Astore and Nanga Parbat have great altitudinal variation. may said to be somewhat ecotonic zone). Saharo-Sindian
The lands are deeply cut by rushing hill torrents and plant species are also found in lower altitude of the study
rugged topography forming V-shaped valleys. There are area. Although it is difficult to define the discrete habitat
many habitats, arid desert plains, temperate conifer types and ecological zones of the study area. On the basis
forests, sub alpine bushes to alpine meadows and of Champion et al., (1965), Roberts (1991, 1977), (Dickore
permanent snow covered mountains. & Nuseer (2000), (Mufti & Afzal (2001), Ahmed et al.,
The mountainous topography of the area has (2006), Ahmed & Shaukat (2012), other related literature
extended since the tertiary period when the region was and microclimatic differentiation, Astore valley can be
subjected to prolonged orogeny. The mountain chains are recognized following five altitudinal ranges of vegetation
aligned parallel to the original geological structure and zones. Sub tropical zone (1100m-2000m), dry temperate
this distribution depends on the difference of weathering mountain zone (2000m-2700m), montane zone (2700m-
of the rock type. Glaciation has played an important role 3400m), sub-alpine zone (3400m-3900m) and alpine zone
in producing the rugged topography. Glaciation reached (3900m-4500m).
to maximum during the Pleistocene epoch but the ice has A number of workers have conducted vegetation
since been receded to much higher altitudes. Undisturbed surveys in different parts of northern Areas of Pakistan.
high level river gravels, on the sides of valleys, show that Champion et al., (1965) and Beg (1975) conducted an
the river has cut several hundred feet since the last observational survey and classified various types of
orogeny. The main rock types are slate, quartzite, schist, forests and vegetational zones on the basis of temperature
and gneiss (Ahmed & Qadir, 1976). According to Ahmad and altitude. Similar studies were done by Ahmed (1976)
(1951) whole of northern area falls in sub tropical who conducted multivariate vegetation analysis of
continental highlands. Skardu, Ahmed (1986) described vegetation of foot hills

of Himalaya range in Pakistan. Hussain & Illahi (1991) altitude 1300-2200m in Ramghat, Doain & Hercho
described ecology and vegetation types of Lesser localities. In these localities sparse, scrub and halophytic
Himalayan of Pakistan. Ahmed et al., (2006) presented vegetation was observed such as Tamarix arceuthoides
phytosociology and structure of Himalayan forests from Bunge, Halogeton glomeratus (M. Bieb.) C.A. Mey.,
different climatic zones of Pakistan. Shujaul et al., (2011) Salsola tragus L, Chenopodium badachschanicum Tzvelev,
described the species and community diversity of vascular Ceratocarpus arenarius L., Rumex hastatus D.Don.,
plants of Naran valley. Such types of studies have been Andrachne aspera Spreng. and Fagonia bruguieri DC. var.
conducted by Shaheen et al., (2011) and Ahmad et al., bruguieri were observed. While at the upper altitudes 3400-
(2010, 2011). In the present research work efforts have 4100m represented mostly dense vegetation of Bupleurum
been made to analyse soil characteristics in detailed and longicaule Wall.ex D C., Anthriscus nemorosa (M. Bieb.)
vegetation patterns. The study attempts to provide Spreng., Leontopodium leontopodinum (DC.) Hand.-Mazz.,
altitudinal changes in the vegetation of Astore area. Senecio tibeticus Hook. f., Cerastium davuricum Fisch. ex
Spreng., Carex spp., Juncus sphacelatus Decne., Poa
Materials and Methods sinaica Steud. and Persicaria vivipara (L.) Ronse Decr.etc.
Highest amount of maximum water holding capacity
Phytosociological survey was conducted of the Astore (63.179), percentage of organic meter (33.094 %) and
valley during 2005-2009 in different altitudes, localities calcium carbonate (16 %) were found in soil sample
and categorized the species diversity in infrequent, collected from Kalapani Chore Nullah at 3500m elevation,
abundance; common, rare and very rare. Plant specimen soil texture class was determined as loam in such type of
were collected, pressed and brought to Karachi University localities dense and carpet vegetation of Sedum ewersii
Herbarium (KUH), dried and mounted in the standard Ledeb., Carex spp., Dipsacus inermis Wall. var. inermis,
herbarium sheets, identified with the help of Flora of Trigonella gracilis Benth., Aconogonon alpinum (All.)
Pakistan and other related literatures. Similarity index was Schur, Primula schlagintweitiana Pax and Sibbaldia
calculated by the following formula: SI= 2Ss / (Sj+Sk) tetrandra Bunge. was observed. Slight differences were
(Sørensen, 1948). Where Ss= Number of shared species in found in the value of salinity from the sample to sample in
two localities, Sj= Total Number of species in one locality, these localities.
Sk= Total Number of species in the other locality. Beta Between 2200-3400m altitudes the soil texture class
Diversity was calculated according to (Whittaker, 1972). and other chemical components have minor differences. So
BD= Sc/S̃ where Sc= Number of species in a composite the vegetation was complex composed of trees, shrubs,
sample (Excluding the shared species), S̃= Mean Number perennial and annual herbs that were found in different
of species per locality and BD= Beta Diversity. Soil patterns in (dense to sparse). Such as Pinus spp., Ephedra
samples were obtained from twenty four different stands spp., Carum carvi L., Eremurus fuscus (O. Fedtsch.) Vved.,
and altitudes at 0-35cm depth through hand tools. These Achillea millefolium L., Cichorium intybus L., Artemisia
samples were brought to the laboratory in polythene bags spp., Berberis orthobotrys Bien ex Aitch., Arnebia spp.,
and were kept in air for drying. The soil sample were Pseudomertensia spp. Salix spp. and Capsella bursa-
passed through 2mm sieve and subjected to physical and pastoris (L.) Medike. etc. Seriphidium brevifolium (Wall.
chemical analysis. Soil texture class was determined by feel ex DC.) Ling & Y. R. Ling was observed as the dominant
method. Maximum water holding capacity (MWHC) was plant species of the study area followed by Erigeron acer
calculated by the following formula:- L. and Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medike.
Distribution pattern of plant species varies in
MWHC = Loss in Weight x100/oven dried weight of soil different ecological zones, highest number of plant
species (422spp.) were distributed in montane zone
Soil pH was determined by direct pH reading meter followed by (351spp.) in dry temperate mountain zone
(Mettler Toledo, MP220). Electric Conductivity (EC) were while lowest number of plant species (65spp.) were
determined by AGB 1000 (England) conductivity reading distributed in Alpine zone, 214spp. in sub alpine zone and
meter and total dissolved salts (TDS) were calculated by using 92 spp. in sub tropical zone Fig. 1.
the conversion factor (uS/cm x.67/1000) available online
resources (,,
Calcium carbonate was determined by the method of acid
neutralization, as used by Qadir et al., (1966). Organic matter
was estimated by the method of Jackson (1958). Organic
matter was converted in to total organic Carbon by using the
conversion factor 1.724 (organic matter/1.724) in accordance
with the method of Nelson & Sommers (1996). Vegetation
zones were determined on the basis of microclimatic
conditions, vegetation distribution pattern, soil topography and
elevation from sea level.


Soil characteristics (Table 2) show that in the study

area, 33% of these localities have sandy loam and silty
loam soil followed by 16% loam and clay loam. Soil pH
was ranging from 5.35 to 7.35; high pH was found in lower Fig. 1. Number of species distributed in different ecological zones.

The analyzed data show the highest (.57) similarity organic matter, soil topography and MWHC were
index in contiguous ecological zones and remarkably available for the plant communities to establish in the
lowest (0) in non-contiguous zones (Table 1). In montane natural habitat and lowest number (65 spp.) of species
and sub alpine zones the value of similarity index is high found in alpine zone which may be due to unfavorable
(0.57) followed by in dry temperate mountain and climatic conditions i.e. short period of flowering season
montane zones (0.51), in sub alpine and alpine zones due to late snow melting and low temperature. Species
(0.44) and sub tropical and dry temperate zones (0.24), diversity was optimum at the middle altitudes as
the lowest value of similarity was zero, in sub tropical and compared to lower and high altitudes mainly due to xeric
alpine zone, no species found common. condition and grazing pressure. Such type of species
distribution phenomenon has also been observed in other
Discussion mountainous ecosystems (Nogues et al., 2008).
All species of alpine zone were herbaceous in nature
Composition and distribution status of plant likewise Bupleurum longicaule Wall. ex D C., Anthriscus
communities was found to depend on soil components and nemorosa (M. Bieb.) Spreng., Leontopodium
other environmental factors including, climate, topography, leontopodinum (DC.) Hand.-Mazz., Senecio tibeticus
geology and altitudinal range. Astore Valley consists of Hook. f., Cerastium davuricum Fisch. ex Spreng., Carex
rugged topography and complex vegetation pattern. Out of spp., Juncus sphacelatus Decne., Poa sinaica Steud. and
24 soil samples 33% of soil samples have physically sandy Persicaria vivipara (L.) Ronse Decr.etc. While in Sub
loam and silty loam followed by 16% loam and clay loam tropical zone halophytic vegetation e.g. Tamarix
in texture classes. Soil pH was ranged from 5.35-7.20, high arceuthoides Bunge, Halogeton glomeratus (M. Bieb.)
pH value was found in soil sample collected from lower Ledeb. and Salsola kali subsp. Tragus (L.) Celak. etc.
altitude 1300-2200m in Ramghat, Doain and adjacent were distributed where low amount of organic matter and
localities. Highest amount of maximum water holding high value of soil pH was found, these localities were
capacity (63.179), percentage of organic matter (33.094%) observed as rigid and arid topographically and the value
and % of calcium carbonate (16%) found in soil sample of maximum water holding capacity was low (20.833). In
collected from Kalapani Chore Nullah at 3500m elevation, Dry Temperate Mountain and Montane zone mixed plant
soil texture class determined as loam in these habitats dense communities were distributed e.g. Pinus wallichiana A.
and carpet vegetation were observed. Slight differences B. Jackson, Pinus gerardiana Wall.ex Lamb., Abies
were found in the value of salinity in these soil samples and pindrow Royle, Juniperus communis L., Pistacia khinjuk
the value varied from sample to sample. Singh (1986) said Stocks, Bunium persicum (Boiss.) B.Fedtsch., Artemisia
that in those plant communities which had a higher gmelinii Weber ex Stechm. Seriphidium brevifolium
percentage of soil organic matter, the water holding (Wall. ex DC.) Ling & Y. R. Ling Galinsoga parviflora
capacity of soil was consequently increased due to the Cav., Pseudomertensia multkioides (Royle ex Benth.)
colloidal nature of the organic matter. According to Aubert Kazmi, Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medik., Malcolmia
(1960) considerable amount of calcium carbonate, low intermedia C. A. Mey., Silene vulgaris (Moench) Garcke,
amount of organic matter is a characteristics feature of an Nepeta discolor Royle ex Benth., Astragalus rhizanthus
arid zone soils. Pakistani soils are extremely low in organic subsp. candolleanus (Benth.) Podlech. Cotoneaster
matter (Ladha et al., 1996; Zia et al., 1998; Bhatti, 1999; gilgitensis Kultz. and Rosa webbiana Wall. ex Royle etc.
Aslam et al., 2000). were commonly found. In these vegetation zones the
Highest number (422 spp.) of plant species were Seriphidium brevifolium (Wall. ex DC.) Ling & Y. R.
distributed in the middle (montane zone), in this zone Ling is a dominant species; it was due to grazing pressure
favorable climatic conditions like moisture, sunlight, on herbaceous species.

Table 1. Similarity Index and Beta diversity of species between different ecological zones.
Localities pairs Shared species SI BD
Sub tropical and dry temperate mountain zone 54 0.24 1.76
Dry temperate mountain and montane zone 199 0.51 1.49
Montane and sub alpine zone 182 0.57 1.43
Sub alpine and alpine zone 62 044 56
Sub tropical and montane zone 9 0.04 1.96
Dry temperate mountain and sub alpine zone 38 0.13 1.87
Montane and alpine zone 42 0.17 1.83
Sub tropical and sub alpine zone 1 0.006 1.99
Dry temperate mountain and alpine zone 8 0.038 1.96
Sub tropical and alpine zone 0 0.00 2.00
Over all Beta Diversity of all the five ecological zones 595 - 2.40
Abbreviation: SI= Similarity index, BD= Beta diversity
Pak. J. Bot., 45(5): 1663-1667, 2013.

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(Received for publication 2 December 2011)

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