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Soil Fertility Status in Taluks of Chitradurga District Under Zero Budget Natural Farming of Karnataka

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International Journal of Chemical Studies 2020; 8(3): 2555-2558

P-ISSN: 2349–8528
E-ISSN: 2321–4902 Soil fertility status in Taluks of Chitradurga
IJCS 2020; 8(3): 2555-2558
© 2020 IJCS district under zero budget natural farming of
Received: 01-03-2020
Accepted: 03-04-2020 Karnataka
Dr. Kumar Naik AH
Assistant Professor, Dr. Kumar Naik AH, Dr. Madhu BM, Sannathimmappa HG, Dr. Madhu
Agronomy, AICRP, On G, Kiran Kumar N and Hanumantha Naik G
Groundnut ZAHRS, Hiriyur
UAHS, Shivamogga, Karnataka,
India DOI:

Dr. Madhu BM Abstract

Research Associate, The study was conducted to evaluate the nutrient status of selected villages under six taluks of
(SS&AC) ZBNF Project ZAHRS, Chitradurga District. For this purpose, 854 surface soil samples were collected from six taluks of
Hiriyur UAHS, Shivamogga, Chitradurga district in Karnataka. The results showed that soil pH varied from 6.00-8.00 slightly acidic to
Karnataka, India
slightly alkaline and EC is non-saline nature. Soils were found to be low too high in available nitrogen
(46-400 kg kg N ha) and samples fall under medium to high available phosphorus (>22.50 kg P ha)
Sannathimmappa HG
Assistant Professor, category. The available potassium status in surface soils of different talukas ranged from 94.08 to 685.44
Agronomy, AHRS, Kathalgere kg ha. Available sulphur content in soil varied from 2.85 to 24.60 kg ha-1. Among the 854 samples of the
UAHS, Shivamogga, Karnataka, six taluks, Maximum soil samples area showing sufficient in zinc status, only <10% samples were
India deficient in Cu. Manganese deficiency in the study area was only <2%, when compared to other
micronutrients and soils were deficient on hot water soluble boron in Chitradurga district.
Dr. Madhu G
Research Associate, Keywords: Nutrient, OC, Chitradurga
Agronomy, ZBNF Project
ZAHRS, Hiriyur UAHS,
Shivamogga, Karnataka, India
Soil is the most vital and precious natural resource that sustains life on the earth. The
Kiran Kumar N sustainability of a productive soil mainly depends upon its ability to supply essential nutrients
Assistant Professor, to the growing plants. Soil fertility is one of the important factors controlling the crop yields.
College of Horticulture, Hiriyur Intensively cultivated soils are being depleted with available nutrients especially secondary
UAHS, Shivamogga, Karnataka,
and micronutrients. Soil fertility deterioration is a major constraint for higher crop production
in Karnataka. Intensive agriculture without adequate and balanced use of chemical fertilizers,
Hanumantha Naik G non-ecofriendly tillage practices, and with little or no use of organic manure caused severe
Field Assistant, fertility deterioration of agricultural soils resulting in stagnating or even declining of crop
AICRP, On Groundnut ZAHRS, productivity and soil health (Baruah et al., 2013) [3] only. The deficiency of these nutrients in
Hiriyur UAHS, Shivamogga,
crops leads to various types of disorders in many commercially important crops (Duarah et al.,
Karnataka, India
2011) [9]. Soil testing provides the information about the nutrient availability of the soil upon
which the fertilizer recommendation for maximizing crop yield is made
Nutrient availability plays an important role in crop production and it depends on soil, climate,
cropping system, management practices etc (Raysschaert et al., 2004) [15]. Evaluation of soil
fertility thus, serves as one of the most important tool to achieve higher crop yields. Soil tests
provide information about nutrient availability upon which the fertilizer recommendations
could be made for maximizing crop yields. Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and sulphur are
important soil elements that control the fertility and yield of crops. Soil related limitations
affecting the crop productivity including nutritional disorders can be determined by evaluating
the fertility status of the soils. Maintenance of optimum concentration of plant nutrient in soil
has resulted in obtaining sustainable growth and yield.
Corresponding Author:
Dr. Kumar Naik AH Materials and Methods
Assistant Professor, Chitragurga area falls under Southern Plateau and Hills Region (10) Altitude 14º13'18.40" N
Agronomy, AICRP, On Latitude 76º24'02.31 "E. Longitude it comprises of six taluks. To study the fertility status of
Groundnut ZAHRS, Hiriyur
UAHS, Shivamogga, Karnataka, soils six taluk was selected, 854 villages have been identified. Out of 854 soil samples were
India collected from Chitradurga district.
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International Journal of Chemical Studies

From each taluka, 148 soils samples from Molakalmaru Wolf, 1974. Based on the soil test values for different
(MLK), 130 from Chitradurga (CTA), 175 from Holalkere nutrients, soil samples were generally classified into three
(HLK) 151 from Hosdurga (HSD), 116 from Hiriyur (HYR) categories viz., low, medium and high.
and 134 from Chalkere (CLK) talukas.
Surface soil samples from 0-15 cm depth were collected from Soil pH and EC
6 Chitradurga district. Soil samples collected were air dried, Data presented in Table 1, showed that all soil samples of the
processed to pass through 2 mm sieve and analyzed for pH selected tehsils chitradurga district soil pH varied from 6.00-
(1:2.5 soil:water ratio) by pH meter (Model Systronics 361); 8.00 with an average of 7.16. According to classification of
soil organic matter by wet oxidation method (Walkley and soil reaction suggested by Brady (1985) [5], soils are of
Black, 1934) [18]; and free CaCO3 content by acid titration slightly acidic to slightly alkaline in soil reaction. The
(Richards, 1954). Among major soil nutrients, alkaline minimum value of pH (6) was noticed in MLK, CTA and
potassium permanganate method for available-N (Subbiah HLK taluks. The slightly acidic pH in the soils may be
and Asija, 1956) [17]; ammonium molybdate complex attributed to rainfall associated with 3+ loss of bases due to
colorometric method for available P (Jackson, 1973) [11] and leaching and presence of Al on exchange complex. Due to
ammonium acetate extractant - flame photometric method for precipitation and less evaporation demand, the salt
available K (Jackson, 1973) [11] were adopted. The secondary accumulation is not prevalent in this region, which is suitable
nutrients namely, available-S was determined by versenate for crop growth. The electrical conductivity of soils varied
titration and turbidometric method respectively (Black, 1965) from 0.07-0.99 dSm-1 with an average of 0.23 dSm-1. On the
. DTPA extractable Zn, Fe, Cu and Mn was determined by basis of limits for salt problems of soils, all the samples were
atomic absorption spectrophotometer (Lindsay and Norvell, found to be normal.
1978) [12] and hot water soluble Boron by method outlined by

Table 1: Status of major nutrient in surface soils of Chitradurga district

EC Available major nutrients (kg/ha) Available micro nutrients (ppm)
Taluks Total number of samples pH OC (%)
dSm-1 Avail. N Avail. P Avail. K Avail. S Zn Avl B Fe Mn Cu
6.00- 0.13- 0.19- 46.00- 22.37- 134.40- 7.63- 0.31- 0.07- 2.23- 0.75- 0.09-
MLK 148.00 8.00 0.80 1.00 238.00 64.42 685.44 20.25 1.18 1.64 5.28 2.65 0.39
7.16 0.30 0.50 120.16 42.87 288.78 13.95 0.67 0.33 3.96 1.79 0.21
6.00- 0.13- 0.30- 72.50- 26.54- 134.40- 4.10- 0.17- 0.25- 1.32- 0.06- 0.04-
CTA 130.00 7.80 0.99 1.19 283.50 90.97 389.76 12.53 1.96 0.96 4.00 2.39 0.97
6.74 0.28 0.67 160.58 54.26 247.71 7.88 0.84 0.49 2.32 1.32 0.44
6.00- 0.11- 0.21- 51.00- 22.37- 134.40- 2.85- 0.16- 0.25- 0.74- 0.01- 0.01-
HLK 175.00 7.90 0.67 0.66 157.00 73.97 537.60 16.15 1.69 1.04 4.56 4.94 1.19
6.95 0.32 0.38 90.58 45.86 275.79 9.11 0.64 0.50 2.39 1.64 0.36
6.70- 0.11- 0.19- 46.00- 13.12- 201.60- 5.65- 0.02- 0.10- 0.41- 0.34- 0.01-
HSD 151.00 7.60 0.43 1.02 242.00 137.49 537.60 17.00 2.26 0.69 2.22 2.51 1.16
7.00 0.23 0.65 154.55 50.82 325.32 9.57 0.67 0.36 2.42 1.22 0.43
6.10- 0.10- 0.23- 54.50- 12.82- 120.96- 6.20- 0.08- 0.11- 1.61- 0.29- 0.02-
HYR 116.00 7.80 0.48 1.68 400.00 214.74 456.96 17.85 1.82 0.78 4.93 2.51 0.81
7.15 0.23 0.57 136.67 43.93 261.15 12.86 0.68 0.38 2.95 1.28 0.28
6.10- 0.07- 0.24- 57.50- 22.37- 94.08- 7.90- 0.31- 0.15- 2.23- 0.75- 0.09-
CLK 134.00 7.90 0.56 1.44 342.00 94.84 510.72 24.60 1.18 0.85 5.28 2.65 0.39
7.27 0.22 0.72 170.95 52.88 275.12 14.24 0.65 0.46 3.90 1.79 0.21

Soil Organic Carbon moisture, soil temperature and optimal aeration accelerate
The soil organic carbon content in the survey area ranged SOM decomposition.
from 0.19-1.68% with an average of 0.58%. The majority of
soil samples organic carbon content was low (than the rate of Available nitrogen
decomposition, SOM will decline and, conversely if the rate Available nitrogen status in surface soils varied from 46-400
of organic matter addition is greater than the rate of kg ha with an average value of 138.92 kg ha-1. In general
decomposition, SOM will increase (David, 2004) [7]. This available nitrogen ranges from low to high and higher
might be the reason for variation in organic carbon in available nitrogen was recorded in HYR and CLK taluks. The
different taluks of Chitradurga district. The minimum value of available nitrogen was low in MLK, HLK and HSD taluks
soil organic carbon (0.19%) was noticed in MLK, HSD amd higher available nitrogen was recorded in HYR (400 kg
taluks. Whereas higher soil organic carbon was found in ha-1) and CLK (342 kg ha-1) and CTA (283.50 kg ha-1) taluks.
CTA, HYR and CLK taluks. Organic Carbon Soil organic The variation in N content may be related to available organic
matter (SOM) generally increases where biomass production carbon status, management practices, application of FYM and
is higher and where organic material additions are common. fertilizer to previous crops (Ashok Kumar, 2000). The low
As the district is dry having high temperature with low in organic matter content, low rainfall and vegetation in these
rainfall resulted in faster decomposition and lesser status of soils facilitates faster degradation and removal of organic
organic carbon. Intensive cultivation affects the soil matter, lost through leaching and volatilization leads to low
aggregates increasing the rate of SOM decomposition. Stable nitrogen status. The medium N status in soils may be due to
soil aggregates increase active organic matter and protect continuous application of N fertilizer recommended dose for
stable organic matter from rapid microbial decomposition the crop which maintains the nitrogen status in these soils.
(Preston Sullivan, 2000) [14]. Measures that increase soil (Anon., 1998) [1] reported that 35.8% of the soils in Karnataka
state were moderate in available nitrogen particularly in the
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areas under irrigation and hilly region of the plateau, while is essential to all the organisms and is responsible for the
rest of the area was low in available nitrogen content. production of molecular oxygen in plants during
photosynthesis. Manganese deficiency in the study area was
Available phosphorus only <2%, when compared to other micronutrients. Hot water
Available phosphoru status in surface soils varied from 12.82- soluble boron content in
214.74 kg ha-1 with an average value of 48.43 kg ha-1. In surface soils ranged from 0.07-1.64 ppm. Maximum soil
general available phosphorus ranges from medium to high and samples of HYR, HSD and MLK taluks were deficient on hot
lower value of available phosphorus was recorded in HYR water soluble boron in Chitradurga district. Soil derived from
and HSD taluks. The mean value of available phosphorus is igneous rocks and those in tropical and temperate region of
high in all taluks as it ranges from (42.87-52.88). Though the the world have much lower B concentration than the soils
phosphorus is the second most limiting element in soil, derived from sedimentary rocks and those in arid and semi
Available Phosphorus Phosphorus is the second most limiting arid regions (Ho, 2000) [10]. Decrease in hot water soluble
nutrient often affecting plant growth, which exists in soil in boron might also be associated with the surface adsorption of
both organic and inorganic forms. Higher P content in soils of borate by freshly precipitated Al (OH).
the study area might have increased due to addition of
phosphatic fertilizers specially the DAP for the crops grown Conclusion
in that area. The study clearly indicated that soils of Chitradurga district
were slightly acidic to slightly alkaline in reaction with non-
Available Potassium saline in nature. Available nitrogen ranges from low to high
The available potassium status in surface soils of different and higher available nitrogen was recorded in HYR and CLK
talukas of chitradurga district ranges from 94.08 to 685.44 kg taluks. Available phosphorus ranges from medium to high and
ha. Considering the mean values, the highest K content of lower value of available phosphorus was recorded in HYR
685.44 kg ha-1 K was recorded in MLK taluk and the lowest and HSD taluks. All the Taluks of Chitradurga Districts
value of 94.08 kg ha-1 in CLK with overall mean value of recorded medium to high in potassium And available sulphur
278.92 K kg ha-1. All the Taluks of Chitradurga Districts status was found to be low to high in status. Most of the
recorded medium to high. In available potassium status, surveyed areas are sufficient in Zinc, Iron and only <10%
which indicates that K fertilizers were scantily applied in the samples were deficient in Cu, <2% in Mn and maximum in
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