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LK 0.1 Lembar Kerja Belajar Mandiri - Modul 2

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1: Lembar Kerja Belajar Mandiri_Module 2

Judul Modul English For Personal Communication

Judul Kegiatan Belajar (KB) 1. PERSONAL LETTER
No Butir Refleksi Respon/Jawaban
1 Garis besar materi yang dipelajari 1. Learning Activity 1: Personal letters
A personal letter or a friendly letter is a type of
letter which concerns personal matters. It is
sent from one individual to his/her friends,
relatives, parents, etc.
a. The social functions
to convey personal opinion or interest

b. Generic structures
 Date:
 Recipient address (optional)
 Greeting
 content
 Closing
 Signature

c. Language features
The language features of personal letters
are as follows:
● Focus on exchanging personal current
news, feelings, and conditions
● Use of pronouns, simple present tense,
and past tense
● Use of date and address
● Informal greetings or salutations

2. Learning Activity 2: Invitations

Invitationis short functional text which is a
request whether spoken or written to
participate or be present or take part in
something or event.
a. The social functions
The social function is asking or
requesting some one do something, or
participate in certain event..
b. Text structures
 Receiver/To
 Body of invitation/:
- Subjek
- Day or Date
- Time
- Place
 Sender/from

c. language features
Formal Invitation using preset tense
informal using various tenses.

3. Learning Activity 3: Announcements

Announcement is an official notification about
something whether spoken or written which
presented to the public.
a. The social functions
To anounce something to the readers or
b. Text structures
❖ Opening
❖ Content. It involves:
- To whom the announcement is for
- The purpose of announcement
- When the event will be held (day,
date, time)
- Where the event will take place
- Who makse the announcement
❖ Closing sentences)
c. Language features
 Simple present
 Simple futurfe
 No conjuction
 Date, time place
 event

4. Learning Activity 4: Advertisements

Advertisement is a a public promotion of some
products or services.
1. The social functions
To advertize or promote a product or a
service so that the readers, viewers, or
listeners will buy a product or a service.

2. generic structures
 Purpose
 Name of product
 User

3. Language features
 Coinage
 Comparative and Superlative
 Compound word
 Simple sentence
 Imperative sentence
 Disjunctive clause
2 Daftar materi yang sulit dipahami Invitations. We have to understand well to the
di modul ini type of invitation (formal and informal
3 Daftar materi yang sering The language features of announcement both
mengalami miskonsepsi in written and spoken.

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