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Profesional - Modul 2

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By : Listiani, M.Pd


Judul Kegiatan Belajar (KB) 1. Personal letter
2. Invitation
3. Announcement
4. Advertisement
No Butir Refleksi Respon/Jawaban
1 Garis besar materi LEARNING ACTIVITY 1 : Personal letters
yang dipelajari a. The definition of personal letter based on the text given in module
is a type of letter that is sent from one to another that usually
concerns personal matters and it is informal.
The type are formal and informal letter.
b. The social functions of personal letter is To inform personal
matters like the writer’s feeling, experiences, plan, etc.
c. The generic structures of text, there are 3 :
- Heading (the address, date and salutation)
- Body (introduction, body, closing)
- Closing (complimentary close and signature)
d. Language features (structure and style)
- Accuracy of grammar (present and past tense)
- Slang and contraction
- Personal Pronoun
- Use person’s name you writing to
- Honorific expression if needed


a Definition
An invitation letter is a document that presents a formal
request for the presence of an individual, a group of
people or an organization at an event.
There are two types of invitation :
1. Formal invitation
An invitation which follows as a dignified form,
tone, or style in agreement with the estabished
example meeting or conference
2. Informal invitation
An invitation about personal reqiurement that is
written informally, example wedding invitation
Invitation can be spoken and written.
b Social functions
1. To maintain interpersonal relationship in formal
and informal context
2. To invite someone to formal and informal event
c Stucture of invitation
1. Formal Invitation
i. Logo
ii. Adresses of the inviter and invitee
iii. Salutation
iv. Body
v. Closing
vi. RSVP
vii. Signature

2. Informal Invitation
i. Adreess
ii. Body
iii. inviter
d Language features
1. Formal invitation
 Use of formal wording
 Use third person
 Use of perfect combination of present and future
 In formal invitation letter use formal tone
 Use RSVP in written
 In spoken invitation use some following
expression (would you like to...will you join us
2. Informal invitation
 It is written in the first person
 There is no inside address
 The salitation is dear...+ name
 The date of writing is given but the year is
 The complimentary close is yours sincerely

3. LEARNING ACTIVITY 3: Announcements

a. Definition
An announcement is a statement made to the public or
to the media which gives information about something that has
happened orthat will happen. An announcement in a public
place, such as newspaper or the window of a shop, is a short
piece of writing telling people about something or asking for
b. Social Function
1. to inform an event that is going to happen or
that has happened to other people.
2. to solve problem by giving information if there
are missing thing and others
c. Structure of Announcements
1. Stating purpose: The text that cotains what
event will be held.
2. Stating day and date and time: Day and date
realization. The text that contains where the
event will be held
3. Stating place : The text that contains where the
event will be held
4. Informing sender : The text that contains name
of the person who will be contacted
d. Language Features
1. Using simple present tense and simple future
tense. For example: The event will be held next
2. Using an exact nount. Example: All


Advertisements are messages paid for by those who send them and
are intended to inform or influence people who receive them.
Advertising is always present, though people may not be aware of it.
In today's world, advertising uses every possible media to get its
message through. It does this via television, print (newspapers,
magazines, journals etc), radio, press, internet, direct selling,
hoardings, mailers, contests, sponsorships, posters, clothes, events,
colours, sounds, visuals and even people (endorsements).
2 Daftar materi yang 1. The complete explanation about advertisements were not
sulit dipahami di 2. How to differentiate between personal letter and invitation of
modul ini informal
3 Daftar materi yang 1. Ad and brochures
sering mengalami

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