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MushroomBadTripSurveyInPress JOP 2016

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Survey study of challenging experiences after ingesting psilocybin mushrooms:

Acute and enduring positive and negative consequences

Article  in  Journal of Psychopharmacology · August 2016

DOI: 10.1177/0269881116662634


210 2,784

7 authors, including:

Theresa Carbonaro Frederick Streeter Barrett

U.S. Federal Government Johns Hopkins Medicine


Katherine A Maclean Robert Jesse

Johns Hopkins Medicine Johns Hopkins University


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The Shamatha Project View project

Johns Hopkins Psilocybin Research Project View project

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Original Paper

Survey study of challenging experiences

after ingesting psilocybin mushrooms:
Acute and enduring positive and Journal of Psychopharmacology

negative consequences
© The Author(s) 2016
Reprints and permissions:
DOI: 10.1177/0269881116662634

Theresa M Carbonaro1, Matthew P Bradstreet1, Frederick S Barrett1,

Katherine A MacLean1, Robert Jesse1,2, Matthew W Johnson1
and Roland R Griffiths1,3

Acute and enduring adverse effects of psilocybin have been reported anecdotally, but have not been well characterized. For this study, 1993 individuals
(mean age 30 yrs; 78% male) completed an online survey about their single most psychologically difficult or challenging experience (worst “bad
trip”) after consuming psilocybin mushrooms. Thirty-nine percent rated it among the top five most challenging experiences of his/her lifetime. Eleven
percent put self or others at risk of physical harm; factors increasing the likelihood of risk included estimated dose, duration and difficulty of the
experience, and absence of physical comfort and social support. Of the respondents, 2.6% behaved in a physically aggressive or violent manner and
2.7% received medical help. Of those whose experience occurred >1 year before, 7.6% sought treatment for enduring psychological symptoms. Three
cases appeared associated with onset of enduring psychotic symptoms and three cases with attempted suicide. Multiple regression analysis showed
degree of difficulty was positively associated, and duration was negatively associated, with enduring increases in well-being. Difficulty of experience
was positively associated with dose. Despite difficulties, 84% endorsed benefiting from the experience. The incidence of risky behavior or enduring
psychological distress is extremely low when psilocybin is given in laboratory studies to screened, prepared, and supported participants.

Psilocybin, psychedelic, hallucinogen, bad trip, adverse effects, survey, human

Psilocybin, the principal psychoactive component of the found to be very low when evaluated by drug experts (Nutt et al.,
Psilocybe and other genera of mushrooms (Presti and Nichols, 2010; van Amsterdam and van den Brink, 2010) and by experi-
2004), has likely been used for millennia within some cultures enced drug users (Carhart-Harris and Nutt, 2013), and psilocybin
for religious or divinatory purposes (Guzmán, 2008; Metzner, was ranked as moderately beneficial by experienced drug users
2004; Stamets, 1996; Wasson, 1980). Of the US population aged (Carhart-Harris and Nutt, 2013).
12 years or older, 8.7% (22.9 million people) reported lifetime Data-reporting systems from emergency rooms and poison
use of psilocybin (NSDUH, 2014). In 2004–2005 (the last year centers also confirm that psilocybin is associated with seeking
data were available), over half (52%) of those who reported initi- medical treatment (DAWN, 2013; Mowry et al., 2014). However,
ating use of a hallucinogen in the past year did so with psilocybin the incidence of psilocybin toxicity is extremely low relative to
(NSDUH, 2007). other drugs used non-medically. For instance, in 2011, emer-
Although psilocybin has very low physiological toxicity and is gency room mentions of problems with psilocybin alone (83
not associated with compulsive drug seeking, it sometimes pro- mentions) were only a very small fraction of mentions for heroin
duces acute and, more rarely, persisting adverse psychological reac-
tions (Johnson et al., 2008; Tylš et al., 2014). Case reports document
adverse effects of psilocybin in non-research settings, including 1Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Johns Hopkins
short-term distressing psychological symptoms such as fear (Nordic University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA
2Council on Spiritual Practices, Baltimore, MD, USA
Council of Ministries, 2009; Riley and Blackman, 2008; van
3Department of Neuroscience, Johns Hopkins University School of
Amsterdam et al., 2011), individuals putting themselves at risk for
physical harm (Allen et al., 1991; Schwartz and Smith, 1988; van Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA
Amsterdam et al., 2011), seeking medical help (Allen et al., 1991;
Corresponding author:
Nordic Council of Ministries, 2009; Mowry et al., 2014), and Roland Griffiths, Departments of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, Johns
enduring negative psychological or psychiatric problems (Allen Hopkins University School of Medicine, 5510 Nathan Shock Drive,
et al., 1991; Nordic Council of Ministries, 2009; Nielen et al., Baltimore, MD 21224-6823, USA.
2004). However, the perceived risk of psilocybin-related harm was Email:

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2 Journal of Psychopharmacology

alone (10,309 mentions, 0.81%), cocaine alone (9828, 0.84%), Participants who met the inclusion criteria were directed to the
and marijuana alone (9711, 0.85%) (DAWN, 2013). remaining questions in the survey. In completing the survey, par-
The present study was undertaken to characterize challenging ticipants were instructed to complete the survey items in reference
experiences occasioned by psilocybin and the consequences of to their single most psychologically difficult or challenging ses-
such experiences. An internet survey was conducted of a large sion or experience (worst “bad trip”). Individuals who did not
international sample of individuals who reported having had a meet the inclusion criteria were linked to an alternate, shorter ver-
difficult or challenging experience with psilocybin. Detailed sion of the survey and their data were not used in the analyses. It
questions were asked about an individual’s single worst “bad was reasoned that this approach would discourage such individu-
trip.” Questions addressed demographics, the set and setting con- als from attempting to take the survey again and providing differ-
ditions in which psilocybin was ingested, as well as any negative ent answers because it would appear to them that they had
and positive acute and enduring psychological and emotional completed the survey. Participants were excluded from analysis if
consequences of the challenging psilocybin experience. the challenging experience was attributed to the co-consumption
of a substance other than psilocybin or if the open-ended written
comments raised concern about validity of their other responses.
Participant recruitment Measures
Participants were recruited primarily via internet advertisements and Demographics. Participants provided basic demographic infor-
email invitation. An internet link to the survey was posted on web- mation as described in the results section.
sites that attract individuals interested in hallucinogens (e.g. Erowid,
Bluelight, Reddit, etc). Information about the survey was also shared
Lifetime hallucinogen use. Participants reported the total
by email with individuals knowledgeable about psychedelic drugs,
number of different occasions on which they had ingested any of
and information about the survey spread through online social net-
the following hallucinogens: psilocybin mushrooms, LSD, morn-
works. Individuals were recruited who endorsed having had a diffi-
ing glory seeds, mescaline, peyote cactus, San Pedro cactus,
cult or challenging experience after ingesting psilocybin mushrooms
DMT, or ayahuasca. They also provided the total number of occa-
(e.g. “Have you had a difficult or challenging experience (i.e., a “bad
sions they used only psilocybin mushrooms. Both questions were
trip”) with psilocybin mushrooms? If so, please take the Johns
answered on an 8-point categorical scale (1; 2–5; 6–10; 11–20;
Hopkins online survey on psilocybin and bad trips”). The link
21–50; 51–100; 101–300; and more than 300 times). Participants
directed participants to a webpage that described the aims of the
also reported how old they were when they first and last used
study and provided basic information about study completion.
psilocybin mushrooms.
Participants were informed that study participation was anonymous,
they could choose to stop answering questions at any time, and if
they did not complete the survey their specific responses would not Questions about the session experience. After participants
be used. The Institutional Review Board of the Johns Hopkins had chosen their session (i.e. their worst “bad trip”), they were
University School of Medicine approved all study procedures. asked questions about the estimated dose of psilocybin con-
sumed, the set and setting conditions in which the session
occurred, the duration of the difficult experience, strategies
Survey administration attempted and that helped to stop the experience, and acute nega-
tive consequences of the experience. As with laboratory studies
The survey was designed to take approximately 45 minutes to of psilocybin (Griffiths et al., 2006, 2011), the phenomenology of
complete (not including an optional open-ended written the psilocybin experience was assessed using three question-
response), and participants were required to complete the survey naires: Hallucinogen Rating Scale (HRS) (Strassman et al.,
in one sitting. The survey was administered using SurveyMonkey 1994); Mystical Experience Questionnaire – 30 item version
(, an online survey and data-collection (MEQ30) which is part of the States of Consciousness Question-
software tool with security and privacy features that make it suit- naire (Barrett et al., 2015; Griffiths et al., 2006; MacLean et al.,
able for clinical research. 2011); and selected subscales from the 5D-ASC (Studerus et al.,
2010). Data analyzed for this report were the six subscales of the
HRS (expressed as raw scores) and the total and four subscales of
Inclusion criteria the MEQ30 (expressed as percentages of maximum possible
Participants were required to fulfill six inclusion criteria: (1) At scores). A participant was designated as having had a “complete”
least 18 years old; (2) Read, write, and speak English fluently; (3) mystical experience if scores on each of the four subscales of the
Have taken a dose of psilocybin mushrooms that produced mod- MEQ30 were 60% or higher. The results from other questions
erate to strong psychoactive effects; (4) After taking psilocybin and subscales will be reported elsewhere.
mushrooms, “have you ever had a psychologically difficult or
challenging experience (i.e., a bad trip)—that is, have you expe- Qualitative ratings of the psilocybin experience. Participants
rienced significant fear, anxiety, or distress or anything else that were instructed to answer four questions according to “how you
you found psychologically difficult?”; (5) The experience feel now about your chosen psilocybin session” and to “retrospec-
referred to above (#4) occurred when between 18 and 70 years tively evaluate your experiences during your psilocybin session in
old and did not occur in the context of a university or hospital the context of your full life experience.” The questions were as
study; (6) Have not completed this survey previously. follows: (1) How psychologically difficult or challenging was the

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Carbonaro et al. 3

experience? (2) How personally meaningful was the experience? meet the inclusion criteria; 92 were excluded because partici-
(3) Indicate the degree to which the experience was spiritually pants reported that the experience was attributed to the co-con-
significant to you; and (4) Do you believe that the experience and sumption of a substance other than psilocybin or because the
your contemplation of that experience have led to a change in open-ended written comments raised concern about validity of
your current sense of personal well-being or life satisfaction? The their other responses. Some 2691 were excluded because they did
response options for all four questions are shown in Figure 1. not complete the survey, with 91% of these failing to complete
half of the survey questions. Thus 1993 individuals provided use-
Negative psychological or emotional experiences before and able data. Of these, 70% found the survey link on a website, 7%
after the experience. Participants answered questions about the received the survey link as a part of an email distribution list, and
occurrence, duration, and severity of the negative psychological or 13% heard of the survey by word of mouth. The median time to
emotional experiences of fear, paranoia, anxiety, depression, and complete the survey was 59 minutes. A written response in the
“other” that they may have experienced at any time before the open-ended comment section was provided by 83% of
challenging experience occurred. Participants also answered a participants.
similar set of questions about these same types of negative psycho-
logical experiences if they occurred after the challenging experi-
ence and were attributed to the challenging psilocybin experience. Participant characteristics
Table 1 presents participants’ reported characteristics. Participants
Open-ended written comments. Participants were offered an were, on average 29.8 years of age. The majority were male
optional opportunity to provide a written description of their psi- (78%), White (89%), had a college or graduate degree (51%).
locybin experience. Most participants (93%) had used psilocybin more than two times
in their life (median = 6–10 times) and had used hallucinogens
more than 10 times in their life (59%) (median = 11–20 times). At
Statistical analysis the time of the survey, daily use of cannabis, tobacco, and alcohol
Descriptive statistics (percentages, mean, median, range, and were reported by 38%, 27%, and 11% of the group, respectively.
standard error of the mean) were used to characterize the responses Participants were, on average 23.3 years of age at the time of
to questions and the subscale scores of the questionnaires. Pearson their chosen session (Table 1), which occurred on average 6.5
correlations were used to analyze the associations among partici- years before completing the survey. Median number of uses of
pant ratings of the degree of difficulty of the challenging experi- psilocybin before their chosen session was 2–5 times. Of the
ence, the duration of the challenging experience, personal respondents, 16% had not used psilocybin at all before their cho-
meaning, spiritual significance, and enduring change in well- sen session and for 10% of the total sample, the chosen session
being. Multiple regression analysis was used to further explore the was the first time they had used any hallucinogen.
relative roles of duration of difficult experience and the degree of
difficulty of the experience on the ratings of personal meaning,
spiritual significance, and enduring change in well-being. Pearson
The challenging psilocybin session
correlations were also used to analyze the association of difficulty Some 84% and 16% of participants, respectively, reported taking
and duration of difficulty of the psilocybin experience to dose dried and fresh mushrooms. Of those who reported knowing the
(weight of dried mushrooms consumed and HRS item referring to weight of the mushrooms consumed, the median reported weight
approximate dose), setting conditions, age at time of the psilocy- of dried psilocybin mushrooms was 4 g (n = 1203 respondents),
bin experience, past hallucinogen experience, use of cannabis and and the median weight of fresh mushrooms was 21–30 g (n =
use of another mood-altering drug (including cannabis, but 148). Of the participants, 68% endorsed having taken a moder-
excluding nicotine) immediately before or during the session, and ately high or high dose of psilocybin; 36% reported that they
endorsement of putting self or others at risk for physical harm. were attempting to take a larger than usual dose of psilocybin for
Binary logistic regression (odds ratios) were used to analyze the the session.
associations of setting conditions, use of cannabis and the use of During the session, participants reported being alone (25%) or
another mood-altering drug (including cannabis, but excluding in the company of one person (24%), with a few people (39%), in
nicotine) immediately before or during the session to endorsement a small to medium size group (9%), or a large gathering (4%).
of putting self or others at risk for physical harm. The percentage The majority of participants indicated that their emotional state
of participants reporting negative psychological and emotional before taking psilocybin (76%), the physical comfort and safety
symptoms as well as the percentage seeking treatment for such of the surroundings (76%), and the social support and trust for
symptoms before and after the chosen psilocybin session was others during the session (65%) were conducive to having a posi-
assessed. Rates of endorsing these experiences were analyzed by tive experience. Only 25% had a “guide” or “sitter” present dur-
z-tests to compare independent proportions. ing the session and only 2.7% had a trusted and sober guide
present who was experienced in supporting psychedelic sessions.
Some 53% and 19%, respectively, reported using cannabis or
Results alcohol immediately before or during their chosen challenging
psilocybin session. Fifty-nine percent reported having had a seri-
Survey completion ous intention (psychological or spiritual exploration) for their
During recruitment (January–July, 2013), 5850 individuals began session; 73% covered or closed their eyes for some length of time
the survey. Of these, 1074 were excluded because they did not during the session (median = 10–30 minutes).

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4 Journal of Psychopharmacology

Figure 1. Distributions of ratings in response to four questions about how the participant felt in retrospect about their experiences in the context
of their full life experience (N = 1993). Bars show percentage of total participants that endorsed each category.

Figure 2 shows the distribution of durations of the psycho- reported that the chosen challenging experience resulted in a
logically difficult portion of the experience; 31% percent decrease in their sense of well-being or life satisfaction
reported the duration to be 1 hour or less, with 25% and 40% (slightly or greater) (Figure 1). A substantial majority of par-
reporting the duration to be 1 to 2 hours and 2 hours or longer, ticipants (84%) rated that they benefited from the challenging
respectively. portions of their sessions. Almost half (46%) endorsed that
they would want to repeat their chosen session and all that had
happened in it, including the difficult or challenging portions
Qualitative ratings of the psilocybin of the session.
experience Table 2 shows correlations among the four measures of
qualitative effects described above and the duration of difficult
As shown in Figure 1, the majority of participants (62%) experience. The duration correlated positively (r = 0.30) with
considered the experience to be among the top 10 most psycho- the overall degree of difficulty of the experience, but nega-
logically difficult or challenging experiences of their lives tively or less robustly with the meaningfulness, spiritual sig-
(Figure 1, sum of among top 10, among top five and single nificance, or enduring changes in well-being. Interestingly, the
most), with 39% rating it as among the top five including sin- degree of difficulty of the experience correlated positively with
gle most and 11% rating to be the single most. Despite this the degree of personal meaning (r = 0.41), with less robust but
psychological challenge, 34% and 31% rated this same session significant correlations with spiritual significance and enduring
to be among the top five including single most personally well-being. Finally, spiritual significance correlated robustly
meaningful and spiritually significant, respectively (Figure 1), with personal meaning, and enduring change in well-being cor-
experiences of their lives, with 6.2% and 8.6%, respectively, related robustly with both personal meaning and spiritual sig-
rating it to be the single most personally meaningful and spiritu- nificance. Table 3 shows the results of multiple regression
ally significant of their lives. Although most of the participants analysis regressing participant ratings of personal meaning,
(76%) reported that experiences during the psilocybin session spiritual significance, and enduring change in well-being on
led to increases in current well-being and life satisfaction, 8% degree of difficulty and the duration of the psychologically

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Carbonaro et al. 5

Table 1. Participant characteristics (N = 1993).a

Numerical variable
Age at time of survey (years) M = 29.8 (18–79)
Age of first psilocybin use (years) M = 19.9 (12–65)
Age of last psilocybin use (years) M = 26.1 (18–66)
Age of chosen psilocybin session (years) M = 23.3 (18–66)
Lifetime hallucinogen use (times) Med = 11–20 (1–300 or more)
Lifetime psilocybin use (times) Med = 6–10 (1–300 or more)
Categorical variable
Gender 78% male, 22% female
Education 17% graduate degree, 8% some graduate school, 26% college degree, 36% some college, 11%
high school diploma, 2% some high school
Race 89% White, 1.3% American Indian, 1.2% Asian, 0.3% Black or African American, 1.7% some
other race
Hispanic or Latino 93% No, 6% Yes
Current marital status 50% single, 30% in a committed relationship (not married), 15% married, 4%, divorced, 1%
Current household income (USD) 18% <10K, 26% 10–30K, 25% 30–60K, 14% 60–90K, 14% 90–200K, 3% > 200K
Current country of residenceb 66% US, 8% Canada, 7% UK, 3.4% Australia, 1.9% Sweden, 1.8% Germany, 1.6% Netherlands,
1% Norway
Current daily drug use 38% cannabis, 27% tobacco, 11% alcohol, 2.8% prescription stimulants, 2.1% benzodiazepines,
1.7% opioids, 0.4% synthetic cannabinoids, 0.2% methamphetamine, 0.1% cocaine

aThe table presents descriptive statistics for demographic variables (N = 1993). Numerical variables are reported as mean (M) or median (Med) values with range in paren-
theses. Categorical variables are reported as percentage of respondents that endorsed each category. Percentages do not sum to 100 because some questions include a
“prefer not to answer” option.
bApproximately 48 additional countries of residence (not listed) were represented by 15 or fewer participants each.

Figure 2. Distribution of participant-rated durations of challenging experiences (N = 1993). Bars show percentage of total participants that
endorsed each category.

challenging experience after taking psilocybin. These data Difficulty and duration of difficulty of the
show a consistent pattern of effects, with personal meaning, psilocybin experience: Relationship of dose,
spiritual significance, and increases in well-being all positively
setting conditions, use of another mood-altering
and significantly related to difficulty of experience. In con-
trast, all three of these outcome measures are significantly drug, age, and past hallucinogen experience
negatively related to the duration of the difficulty of the As shown in Table 4, dose assessed by weight of dried mush-
experience. rooms consumed, and estimated dose (from a question on the

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6 Journal of Psychopharmacology

Table 2. Pearson correlations (r) examining relationships among participant ratings of duration of difficult experience, difficulty of experience,
personal meaning, spiritual significance, and enduring increased well-being.1

Duration of difficult Difficulty of Personally Spiritually Enduring change

of experience experience meaningful significant in well-being

Duration of difficulty of experience X

Difficulty of experience 0.30**** X
Personally meaningful ns 0.41**** X
Spiritually significance −0.14**** 0.20**** 0.58**** X
Enduring change in well-being3 0.18**** 0.11**** 0.39**** 0.46**** X

1Data analyzed are from those respondents who endorsed knowing the length of their difficult or challenging experience (n = 1897).
2Asterisks indicate significance level (*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001; ****p < 0.0001); ns = not significant;
3Positive scores indicate increased well-being.

Table 3. Multiple regression analysis regressing participant ratings of personal meaning, spiritual significance, and enduring increased well-being on
degree of difficulty and the duration of the psychologically challenging experience after taking psilocybin.1

Dependent variable Adjusted R2 Predictors Estimate SE t p

Personal meaningful (Scored from 1 to 8) 0.2 (Intercept) 5.53 0.03 162.86 <0.0001
difficulty 0.49 0.02 21.72 <0.0001
duration −0.23 0.03 −8.36 <0.0001
Spiritual significance (Scored from 1 to 6) 0.084 (Intercept) 3.33 0.04 92.69 <0.0001
difficulty 0.28 0.02 11.69 <0.0001
duration −0.27 0.03 −9.49 <0.0001
Enduring change in well-being (Scored −3 to +3) 0.061 (Intercept) 1.44 0.03 51.97 <0.0001
difficulty 0.16 0.02 7.82 <0.0001
duration −0.25 0.02 −10.00 <0.0001

1Data analyzed are from those respondents who endorsed knowing the length of their difficult or challenging experience (n = 1897).

Table 4. Pearson correlations (r) examining the relationship of dose, setting conditions, use of another mood-altering drug, age, and past
hallucinogen experience to difficulty and duration of difficulty of the psilocybin session.1,2,3

Difficulty of experience Duration of difficult experience

Weight of dried mushrooms (g) .110*** .107***

Estimated dose4 .181*** .069**
Emotional state before ingestion −.052* −.087***
Physical comfort of setting −.068** −.074***
Social support during the session −.085*** −.146***
Guide present ns −.092***
Cannabis use before or during session −.057* ns
Any drug use before or during session5 −.072** ns
Age −.062** ns
Past hallucinogen experience6 −.054* ns

1Data are analyzed are from those participants who endorsed knowing the length of their difficult or challenging experience (n = 1897). n = 1151 for data with weight of
dried mushrooms because not everyone used dried mushrooms and not everyone knew the weight of the consumed mushrooms.
2Point by serial correlations were used for emotional support, physical comfort, social support, guide present, cannabis use before or during session, and any drug use

before or during session because these data are dichotomous.

3Asterisks indicate significance level (*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001); ns = not significant.
4Estimated dose was rated on a scale from 1 (low) to 4 (high) in the Hallucinogen Rating Scale (HRS).
5Use of another mood-altering drug (excluding nicotine) immediately before or during the session.
6Number of occasions of past use of psilocybin-like classic hallucinogens.

HRS), both significantly positively correlated with degree significantly negatively correlated with degree of difficulty
of difficulty and duration of difficult experience. Emotional and duration of difficult experience. Having a guide present
state before ingesting psilocybin mushrooms, physical comfort was significantly negatively correlated with duration of diffi-
of setting, and social support present during the session were cult experience, but not with degree of difficulty. The use of

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Carbonaro et al. 7

cannabis and/or another mood-altering drug (excluding nico- strategy helped to substantially stop the challenging experience.
tine) immediately before or during the session, age at the time Comparison of the gray and striped bars indicates that all strate-
of the experience, and past hallucinogen experience were sig- gies were only modestly effective (i.e. on average, striped bars
nificantly negatively correlated with difficulty of experience, are 57% as long as gray bars).
but not with duration of difficult experience.

Risks and problems during the experience

Endorsement of putting self or others
Of the 1993 respondents, 10.7% reported putting themselves or
at risk of physical harm: Relationship of others at risk of physical harm, 2.6% reported behaving in a
dose, setting conditions, difficulty and physically aggressive or violent manner towards themselves or
duration of difficulty of experience, use of others, and 2.7% reported getting help at a hospital or emergency
another mood-altering drug, age, and past department during the chosen occasion.
hallucinogen experience
Endorsement of putting self or others at risk for physical harm Suicidality
was positively correlated with estimated dose (from a question
Two research staff members independently reviewed all open-
on the HRS) (r = 0.071, p < 0.01), degree of difficulty of experi-
ended textual responses to identify instances in which changes in
ence (r = 0.154, p < 0.001), and duration of difficult experience
suicidal thoughts or behavior were attributed to acute or enduring
(r = 0.157, p < 0.001). Furthermore, endorsement of putting self
effects of the challenging experience. This review provided evi-
or others at risk for physical harm was less likely in those who
dence of both increased suicidality (five cases) and decreased
also endorsed that the physical comfort of the setting (odds ratio
suicidality (six cases). More specifically, one individual, who had
= 0.562, p < 0.001, 95% CI [0.416, 0.760]) and the social support
pre-existing anxiety, depression and suicidal planning, reported
during the session (odds ratio = 0.657, p = 0.004, 95% CI [0.493–
purposely attempting suicide by overdosing with benzodiaz-
0.875]). Endorsement of risk of physical harm was not signifi-
epines and, subsequently, awakening in an intensive care medical
cantly associated with the weight of dried mushrooms, age, past
unit. Another respondent reported unsuccessfully trying to shoot
hallucinogen experience, emotional state before ingestion, use of
himself in the head. A third respondent reported that pre-existing
cannabis, or use of a mood-altering drug (excluding nicotine).
serious depression was exacerbated by the psilocybin experience
and later resulted in a suicide attempt. Two other individuals
Hallucinogen Rating Scale and Mystical reported salient suicidal thoughts during their psilocybin experi-
ence. In contrast, six respondents reported that pre-existing sui-
Experience Questionnaire 30 cidal thoughts (including depression in five cases) fully remitted
The mean (SEM) for all 1993 participants for the six subscales of after their psilocybin experience.
the HRS were: Intensity, 2.62 (0.01); Somaesthesia, 1.64 (0.02),
Affect, 1.89 (0.01), Perception, 2.54 (0.02), Cognition, 2.30 (0.02),
Volition, 2.02 (0.02). The means (SEM) for the subscales and total Enduring negative psychological and
scores on the MEQ30 were: Mystical 45.35 (0.65), Positive Mood emotional experiences
50.74 (0.61), Transcendence of Time and Space 52.56 (0.53),
To meaningfully assess enduring effects, data from participants
Ineffability 69.24 (0.58), and Total Score 50.26 (0.54). The per-
whose session occurred at least 1 year before completing the sur-
centage of participants who fulfilled criteria for having had a
vey were analyzed (n = 1339). Of the participants, 19.3%
“complete” mystical experience on the MEQ30 was 20.5%.
endorsed that they had sought treatment for at least one of five
negative psychological symptoms: fear (F), anxiety (A), depres-
Strategies for alleviating the challenging sion (D), paranoia (P), and “other” (O) before their chosen ses-
sion and which they did not attribute to having taken psilocybin
experience or some other hallucinogen. After the challenging session, 24%
The majority of participants reported that the social support and of these 1339 participants reported experiencing one or more of
trust for others physically present (65%), physical comfort and these symptoms that lasted 1 week or longer and that the partici-
safety of surroundings (75%), and emotional state (76%) before pant attributed to the chosen psilocybin session (F = 13%, A =
taking psilocybin was conducive to having a positive experi- 16%, D = 12%, P = 9%, O = 12%). The majority of those report-
ence. Most participants (91%) reported trying to stop the chal- ing symptoms (65%) reported more than one symptom. Some
lenging experience. As shown with the gray bars in Figure 3, 10% of the 1339 participants reported psychological symptom(s)
participants tried a wide range of different strategies to attempt lasting ⩾12 months after the challenging session, and 7.6%
to stop the experience. Most participants reported trying to calm sought professional treatment for the symptom(s) after the cho-
their mind (69%) or change location (63%). Some 33–40% tried sen session (F = 3.4%, A = 4.6%, D = 4.8%, P = 1.8%, O = 3%).
to stop the experience by shifting their body, changing the Of those who sought professional treatment after the session, 28
music or social environment, or asking for help from a friend. (2.1% of the 1339) reported no previous symptoms or treatment.
About 25% smoked cannabis or changed their environment in Those that sought treatment before the challenging experience
other ways, with a minority reporting drinking alcohol (5%) or were significantly more likely to seek treatment afterwards
taking another drug (3%). The striped bars in Figure 3 show the (14.3% with vs. 6% without prior treatment histories; p < 0.001;
percentage of participants who indicated that the specific z = 4.37). All of these findings based on the subset of 1339

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8 Journal of Psychopharmacology

Figure 3. Percentage of participants endorsing specific strategies that they reported using to attempt to stop the challenging experience
(gray bars) (N = 1993) and that they reported having helped substantially to stop the challenging experience (striped bars) (N = 1993). Of the
participants 9.1% reported doing nothing to try to stop the experience. The bars sum to more than 100% because most participants (52%) endorsed
trying more than one strategy.

participants were similar to those that occurred in the total par- Discussion
ticipant sample.
Inspection of data and review of open-ended comments doc- This survey documents that psychologically difficult experi-
umented three cases in which the challenging experience with ences after taking psilocybin mushrooms can be associated with
psilocybin was reported to be associated with the onset of acute adverse effects and enduring psychological problems as
enduring and impairing psychotic symptoms. All three were well as enduring benefits. Almost 2000 participants, who were
White males who were 18 to 21 years old at the time of the on average 30 years old when they took the survey, met inclu-
experience, which had occurred 3 to 20 years before the survey. sion criteria and completed the survey on the basis of their sin-
None of the three reported having psychotic symptoms before gle most psychologically difficult or challenging experience
the experience. In their open-ended written comments about (worst “bad trip”) after taking psilocybin mushrooms. Of these
their symptoms the first individual described auditory halluci- respondents, 39% rated the experience as among the top five
nations (hearing voices) and paranoia. The second described (including single most) most challenging experiences of their
severe depersonalization, very disturbing visual hallucinations, lifetime, 11% reported putting themselves or others at risk of
and extreme confusion. This individual subsequently started physical harm, 2.6% reported behaving in a physically aggres-
taking unspecified antipsychotic drugs and later received a sive or violent manner, and 2.7% reported getting medical help
diagnosis of schizophrenia. The third individual reported para- during the occasion. Of those whose session occurred at least 1
noia, agoraphobia, severe social withdrawal, mental confusion, year earlier, 7.6% reported that they sought treatment for one or
and also reported that he had received diagnoses of bipolar dis- more psychological symptom they attributed to the challenging
order and post-traumatic stress disorder. psilocybin experience. Three cases appeared associated with

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Carbonaro et al. 9

onset of enduring and impairing psychotic symptoms and three and treatment-seeking for psychological problems, a population
cases with attempted suicide. survey has indicated protective effects of lifetime psilocybin
Despite these difficulties, it is notable that 84% of respond- exposure and psychological distress and suicidality (Hendricks
ents reported having benefited from the experience, with 76% et al., 2015).
reporting increased well-being or life satisfaction attributed to The rates and severity of both acute and enduring problems
the experience. Some 60% of respondents considered their expe- shown in the survey are notably higher than those we and others
rience to be among the top 10 most psychologically personally have observed in laboratory research studies involving adminis-
meaningful experiences of their lives, while 34% and 31% tration of high doses of psilocybin to carefully screened, well-
reported the experience in the top five most personally meaning- prepared, and closely monitored volunteers (e.g. Griffiths et al.,
ful and spiritually significant, respectively. 2006, 2008, 2011; Johnson et al., 2014; Studerus et al., 2010). At
The distributions of the degree of difficulty and the degree of Johns Hopkins, we adhere to our published guidelines for safe
personal meaningfulness (Figure 1, top row) were strikingly sim- administration of classic hallucinogens (Johnson et al., 2008).
ilar. Furthermore, correlation and multiple regression analyses Since initiating psilocybin research in 2000, we have adminis-
showed that the degree of difficulty of the experience was posi- tered psilocybin doses of 20 mg/70 kg or higher to about 250 vol-
tively and significantly related to the attribution of enduring per- unteers in more than 380 sessions (as of May 2016). Although no
sonal meaning, spiritual significance, and increased life volunteer has been physically harmed during sessions, there were
satisfaction. These counterintuitive findings are consistent with three instances (0.9%) in which a participant’s disorientation dur-
clinical observations of psychedelic psychotherapists who have ing a session might have put them or staff members at risk if
reported that, during a psychedelic session, the resolution of psy- appropriate supervision had not been provided: (1) a volunteer
chologically challenging experiences may result in attribution of decided to stand up and engage in expressive movements; (2) a
meaning, spiritual significance, and increased life satisfaction volunteer moved from the couch to the floor while vigorously
(Richards, 2015), sometimes described as catharsis. Challenging moving legs and arms in an erratic fashion; and (3) a volunteer
experiences are not necessary for positive therapeutic outcomes. became confused and disoriented when in the restroom. In
Whether some challenging experiences can have facilitative or response to these instances, we changed our session management
detrimental effects on therapeutic outcome has not been scientifi- procedures to strongly emphasize to both volunteers and session
cally explored. staff the instruction and intention that volunteers remain on the
The duration of the challenging experience was positively couch throughout the session when not engaged in a specific task
related to the degree of difficulty of the experience and negatively or using the restroom. When volunteers need to go to the restroom,
related to personal meaning, spiritual significance, and enduring they walk to the restroom with the staff member at their side.
increased well-being. From the perspective of maximizing mean- When in the restroom, the door remains unlocked and slightly ajar
ing, spiritual significance, and enduring well-being, this finding with a staff member of the same gender remaining immediately
suggests that therapeutic interventions during a challenging expe- outside of the door and in intermittent (about 1 minute intervals)
rience should be preferentially aimed at reducing the duration verbal contact with the volunteer. With regard to post-session
rather than the peak difficulty of the challenging experience. negative symptoms, we have had three cases (0.9%) in which vol-
Dose assessed by weight of dried mushrooms consumed and unteers reported physical or psychological symptoms within sev-
estimated dose (from a question on the HRS) positively corre- eral days to a week after a psilocybin session. In the first case, 1
lated with degree of difficulty (r = 0.11 and 0.18). This finding is week after a session the volunteer reported feeling anxious after
consistent with laboratory studies showing that the frequency of experiencing physical symptoms consistent with a heart attack.
challenging experiences increase at higher psilocybin doses An evaluation at an emergency department found no abnormal
(Griffiths et al., 2011; Studerus et al., 2012). signs. The volunteer was offered a further medical consultation
In the present study, respondents who reported having been that the volunteer declined as unnecessary. In the second case, the
treated for psychological symptoms before their challenging ses- volunteer reported a range of symptoms that were ultimately diag-
sion were more than twice as likely than those with no treatment nosed as hyperthyroidism. In the third case, the volunteer reported
history to subsequently seek treatment for psychological symp- that the psilocybin session experience was dominated by negative
toms that they attributed to the session (14.3% vs. 6%). This find- emotions such as sadness and fear. After the session, the volunteer
ing suggests alternative interpretations. First, those with treatment reported periods of intermittent depressed mood. The volunteer
histories may be less reluctant to seek out professional treatment declined our offer to meet with a psychologist, but, instead, sought
or may have better access to treatment services. Second, it is pos- out a spiritual counselor. At a 5-month follow-up visit, the volun-
sible that those with treatment histories are more vulnerable to teer reported that the symptoms had resolved. This low rate of
enduring adverse effects of psilocybin. enduring psychological symptoms in laboratory studies is also
The present survey documents nontrivial rates of both acute consistent with a summary of such effects from 110 psilocybin
problems (e.g. 11% putting themselves or others at risk for research participants from another laboratory (Studerus et al.,
physical harm during the session) and enduring problems (e.g. 2011). In that report, seven participants endorsed negative changes
7.6% seeking professional help for negative psychological in psychological well-being, but only one participant (0.9%)
symptoms lasting >1 year). These rates are likely much higher reported a level of distress sufficient for him to contact the
than the expected population rates of problems with a single researchers. Those symptoms resolved after a few sessions with
exposure to psilocybin because survey participants completed an experienced psychotherapist.
the survey based on their worst “bad trip”, with participants Many factors likely contribute to the higher rates of acute and
reporting a median of 6–10 prior psilocybin experiences. More enduring problems reported in the survey compared with the con-
relevant to understanding associations between psilocybin use trolled laboratory studies. In addition to the probable absence of

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10 Journal of Psychopharmacology

psychological screening and unknown psychological preparation equivalent to 25 mg of psilocybin (Bigwood and Beug, 1982;
for psilocybin ingestion, only 2.1% of survey respondents Michael Beug, personal communication, 10 September 2015;
reported taking psilocybin under conditions that are usually Stamets, 1996). A 25 mg dose of psilocybin is in the moderate to
achieved in laboratory settings (i.e. a conducive emotional state high range of doses we have administered in our previous labo-
before administration, physical comfort and safety, social support ratory studies (Griffiths et al., 2006, 2011). In the survey, the
and trust of others, and the presence of a sober, trusted guide who mean score on the HRS Intensity subscale was 2.62 (out of a
is experienced in supporting psychedelic experiences). Some maximum possible of 4.25), which is quite similar to the mean
36% of survey respondents indicated they took a larger than score of 2.64 at 20 mg/70 kg in a laboratory study (Griffiths
usual dose of psilocybin and 53% reported using cannabis before et al., 2011). The mean total score from the MEQ30 in the survey
or during the session. Cannabis use before or during the session was 50.3, with 21% of participants fulfilling criteria for a “com-
was slightly negatively correlated with difficulty of experience, plete” mystical experience. Comparable values in a laboratory
but had no effect on the duration of the difficult experience or the study of 20 mg/70 kg were considerably higher (mean total
likelihood of putting themselves or others at risk of physical score 70.0 and 61% complete mystical experience) (Barrett
harm. Twenty-six percent of participants who tried to stop the et al., 2015), which is consistent with the fact that survey partici-
challenging aspect of the psilocybin session reported using can- pants were reporting on the most challenging psilocybin experi-
nabis to try to do so. Of those, 50% reported that it helped sub- ence of their life.
stantially. It is noteworthy, however, that in optional open-ended In conclusion, this survey of almost 2000 people showed that
textual responses at the end of the survey several volunteers psychologically difficult experiences after taking psilocybin
spontaneously commented that the use of cannabis significantly mushrooms can include acute psychological distress, dangerous
exacerbated their challenging experience. behavior, and enduring psychological problems. Factors contrib-
Several limitations of the current survey should be noted. As uting to the increased likelihood of putting self or others at risk of
an anonymous internet survey, we cannot know if respondents physical harm included the magnitude of the estimated psilocy-
were truthful in completing the survey. Furthermore, the rate of bin dose, the degree of difficulty of the experience, the duration
non-completion was high. However, respondents were not paid of the difficult experience, and the absence of physical comfort
for their participation and completing the survey took about an and social support during the experience. Epidemiological data
hour on average. Furthermore, 83% of respondents took the time indicate that rates of adverse effects after psilocybin are very low
to write open-ended comments about their challenging experience relative to adverse effects after other psychoactive drugs.
at the end of the survey, and many spontaneously expressed their However, the findings from this survey affirm concerns about
interest in and gratitude for having had the opportunity to com- taking psilocybin in uncontrolled environments. With increasing
plete the survey. Another limitation is that respondent population research exploring possible therapeutic uses of psilocybin (Grob
was not diverse: 78% were male, 89% were White, and 87% had et al., 2011, 2013; Johnson et al., 2014), it is important to note
at least some college education. On the other hand, this lack of that risks of dangerous behavior or enduring psychological prob-
diversity may accurately reflect the population of psychedelic lems are extremely low in laboratory studies of psilocybin with
users. carefully screened, well-prepared participants who are supported
Two additional factors limit the generalizability of the find- during and after psilocybin administration.
ings. First, only people who endorsed having had a challenging
experience after psilocybin completed the survey. Therefore it is Acknowledgements
not possible to estimate the prevalence of such experiences after
We thank the many anonymous survey respondents who generously gave
a single psilocybin exposure or after multiple psilocybin expo-
their time and effort to complete this survey. We also thank Earth and Fire
sures. Second, because recruiting for the survey was primarily from for their generous assistance in facilitating survey
conducted via psychedelic-focused internet media, the partici- recruitment.
pant sample was likely biased toward individuals with current
favorable interest in psychedelic drugs. As such, the survey may
have underestimated the severity of negative effects because
individuals who had severe negative effects would be less likely RRG, MPB, MWJ, KAM, and RJ developed the survey. TMC, MPB, and
to have heard about the survey. FSB performed data analysis. All authors took part in the interpretation of
The current study did not address hallucinogen persisting per- the data. TMC and RRG drafted the manuscript, and all authors provided
comments on the manuscript.
ception disorder, which is an uncommon DSM-5 psychiatric dis-
order characterized by clinically significant distress in response
to the re-experiencing of hallucinogen-like perceptual symptoms Declaration of Conflicting Interest
after a period of normalcy following a psychedelic drug experi- The authors declared the following potential conflicts of interest with
ence (Baggott et al., 2011; Halpern and Pope, 2003). respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: RRG
The median reported dose of dried psilocybin mushrooms is a member of the Board of Directors of the Heffter Research Institute.
taken in the survey was 4 g, with most respondents (84%) report- RJ is convener of the Council on Spiritual Practices.
ing having taken dried mushrooms rather than fresh. Although
there is wide variation in psilocybin and psilocin content both Funding
within and across different species of psilocybin-containing The authors disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the
mushrooms (Beug and Bigwood, 1982; Bigwood and Beug, research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This research was
1982), we estimate that 4 g of typically available dried mush- supported by NIH grants RO1DA03889 and 5T32 DA007209 and grants
rooms (P. cubensis) delivers the approximate psychoactive from the Council on Spiritual Practices and the Heffter Research Institute.

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