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Study of HACCP Implementation in Milk Processing P

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Study of HACCP Implementation in Milk Processing Plant at Khyber Agro Pvt.

Ltd in Jammu & Kashmir

Article · January 2016

DOI: 10.4172/2157-7110.1000610


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Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences


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Journal of Food
Jan et al., J Food Process Technol 2016, 7:8


DOI: 10.4172/2157-7110.1000610
rnal of

Processing & Technology

ISSN: 2157-7110

Research Article Open Access

Study of HACCP Implementation in Milk Processing Plant at Khyber Agro Pvt.

Ltd in Jammu & Kashmir
Tabeen Jan*, Yadav KC and Sujit Borude
Department of Food Process Engineering, Sam Higginbottom Institute of Science and Technology, Allahabad, UP, India

The goal of the study was to set up a HACCP plan for milk processing industry in Pulwama Jammu & Kashmir to abolish
and diminish the hazards for safe and sound milk and cheese production and to appraise the degree of conformity to food
safety and to investigate the actual intricacy that occurs during the HACCP implementation process. Hazard Analysis and Critical
Control Point System (HACCP) has been indicated as an effective and rational means of assuring food safety from principal
production to final consumption, it is appreciated as a worldwide systematic and defensive tactic to address biological, chemical
and physical hazards through deterrence and anticipation instead of end-product testing and inspection. The study was based on
actual conditions in the milk processing plant, the seven principles of HACCP and several existing standard models of HACCP
were practically applied using qualitative approach to eliminate the hazards and to guarantee safe dairy products as HACCP can
enhance the responsibility and degree of control for hazards for ensuring food security at food industry level. CCPs were identified
in the milk and cheese production using the decision tree the most important identified CCPs were pasteurization temperature,
working of UV light, cold storage temperature, and metal detector. The prerequisite program was provided to deal with hazards so
as to reduce the number of CCPs before the production to simplify the HACCP plan.

Keywords: CCPs; Food safety; HACCP; Milk processing purpose of the study was to design a HACCP plan to control hazards
and to ensure safe and secure production of milk and milk products
Introduction the implementation of HACCP system can provide safe food to the
consumer and can improve the quality, safety and customer confidence.
The food processing industry in India is one of the leading
As the milk and milk products are consumed by all age groups, infants,
industrial sectors in terms of production, consumption, export and
adolescents, old aged and even by the immune suppressed ones so a
growth prospects. Significant sub-sectors in the food processing
necessity of implementing Food safety programs like HACCP should
industries are fruit and vegetable processing, fish processing industries,
be made mandatory for safety of the one’s consuming the milk and
milk, meat and poultry manufacturing, packaged /convenient food,
milk products. There is a need to endorse and enhance implementation
alcoholic beverages and aerated drink and grain milling and processing
of hazard analysis critical control point system and consumer food
industrial sectors. As per national dairy development board of India
safety education efforts at all stages of milk and cheese production and
the annual milk production status in Jammu & Kashmir state in the
year 2014-2015 was 1951000 tones. Milk and milk products are marketing chains (Figure 1).
highly nutritious but are mostly prone to health risks due to microbial Methods
contamination. Availability of standard Hygienic Milk is a subject
of matter in many parts of the country counting the Kashmir valley. The research work on ‘Study of HACCP implementation in milk
Unhealthy practices in dairy farm units, at milk reception centers, processing plant” was conducted in Khyber Agro farms Private ltd.
processing lines and during post processing handling are allied with Lethpora, Pulwama, Jammu and Kashmir during December 2015 to
a potential health risk to consumers due to the presence of pathogens May 2016, the methodology used for this research is mentioned.
in the milk and due to environmental contamination. The microbial
contamination of milk and Milk products should not surpass the Implementation of HACCP in milk and cheese processing
quantity that could badly have effect on shelf life and, if it does, it makes plant
the milk insalubrious and hence unhealthy for human consumption [1] The purpose of this study was to design a HACCP system in milk
Food safety in dairy industry is a technical discipline depicting milk
processing plant. This study is based on qualitative approach rather
acquirement, processing, handling, storage and marketing of milk and
than quantitative approach and based on HACCP checklist and CCP
milk products in manner that prevent food borne illness. This is mainly
decision tree given by FAO. The HACCP system was implemented on
due to unhygienic conditions and inappropriate processing, handling
the twelve steps given by codex alimentarious commission mentioned
and storage conditions, the human resources in the industry are poorly
as the following.
educated, unlicensed, and inexpert in food hygiene and they work under
unsophisticated and unsanitary conditions with little or no knowledge
about the reasons and roots of food borne diseases If HACCP is applied
*Corresponding author: Tabeen Jan, Department of Food Process Engineering, Sam
to milk marketing it should consider the advancement to milk safety at Higginbottom Institute of Science and Technology, Allahabad, U.P., India, Tel: +91-532-
all phases of the chain. Hazard analysis and critical control point system 2684281; E-mail:
(HACCP) has been internationally acknowledged and accepted as the Received June 17, 2016; Accepted July 06, 2016; Published July 13, 2016
system for the effective food safety management [2]. The main hazards
in dairy industry are Microbiological as studied by Tranter [3]. There is Citation: Jan T, Yadav KC, Borude S (2016) Study of HACCP Implementation
in Milk Processing Plant at Khyber Agro Pvt. Ltd in Jammu & Kashmir. J Food
always an ever increasing consumer demand for safe and high quality Process Technol 7: 610. doi:10.4172/2157-7110.1000610
foods of protracted life. It is important to develop a food safety policy
and plan for the implementation of HACCP because most of dairy Copyright: © 2016 Jan T, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted
foods are sensitive have less shelf life and are prone to foods borne use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and
diseases due to destitute handling and manufacturing practices. The source are credited.

J Food Process Technol

ISSN: 2157-7110 JFPT, an open access journal Volume 7 • Issue 8 • 1000610
Citation: Jan T, Yadav KC, Borude S (2016) Study of HACCP Implementation in Milk Processing Plant at Khyber Agro Pvt. Ltd in Jammu & Kashmir.
J Food Process Technol 7: 610. doi:10.4172/2157-7110.1000610

Page 2 of 5

On-site confirmation of flow diagram: The HACCP team leader

Assemble HACCP team after the formation of a flow diagram had to verify the flow diagram
on-site for accuracy and completeness. The HACCP team leader along
Describe product with the other HACCP team members scrutinized the flow diagram
constructed to confirm with the authentic operations it represents
Identify intended use on site. The various changes, proceedings, or activities that would
entail an on-site confirmation included, shifting of raw material and
Construct flow diagram ingredients through processing pathways and apparatus, redeployment
of equipment. New ingredient used or product developed, movement of
On site authentication of flow diagram product from one line to next line or equipment, packaging conditions
storage etc.
List all potential hazards List all the potential hazards conduct a hazard analysis: Hazard
analysis is the most important aspect of HACCP plan to ensure the
(Conduct a hazard analysis, consider control measures) safety of product during and after processing and to improve the
product shelf life and make it safe to consume. Hazard analysis was
Determine CCP conducted by the HACCP team on the basis of HACCP checklist (as per
FAO) and all the feasible hazards correlated with unprocessed material,
Establish critical limits for each CCP ingredients, process operations, post process operation were identified,
and marked as Biological (B), Chemical (C), Physical (P). Hazard
Establish a monitoring system for each CCP identification is beneficial to identify potential biological, chemical and
physical hazards that may arise during each step of processing.
Establish counteractive actions
Determine CCPs: The identification of CCPs is the most important
aspect of the HACCP plan the CCPs were detected on the basis of
Establish authentication procedures decision tree given by Codex mentioned in the appendices, it requires a
logical reasoning approach. The application of decision tree was flexible
Establish documentation & record keeping according to the type of operation i.e., production, processing, storage,
Figure 1: Logical sequence for the application of HACCP. and distribution or other.
Establish critical limit for each CCP: For each CCP identified a
Assemble the HACCP team: The first task in the application critical limit was established and specified. A critical limit represented
of HACCP in the milk processing plant was to create a team having the boundaries that were used to judge whether an operation was
the knowledge and expertise to develop a HACCP plan. The team producing safe products. Critical limits were set for factors such as
formed was multidisciplinary and included plant personals from temperature, time, product measurements, water activity (ah), humidity
production/sanitation, quality assurance, microbiologist, engineering level, etc. if these parameters are maintained within boundaries then
the safety of the product will be confirmed.
and inspection all these experts were internal. Highly effective HACCP
teams had well defined role clarity and ensured proper depiction of the Establish monitoring procedures: Monitoring is the process that the
team. producer depends upon to show that the HACCP plan is being followed.
It provides the manufacturer with accurate reports enabling the producer
Describe the product: The HACCP team made a complete
to prove that the conditions of production are in compliance with the
description of the product on the basis of ingredients/processing
HACCP plan Mostly time-temperature treatments (thermograph), pH,
method /packaging materials/etc. used in the product Preparation to
moisture level, equipment’s and proper processing techniques were
help out in the identification of all probable hazards associated with the
monitored by the HACCP team these activities were monitored on weekly
product this is shown in Table 1.
and monthly basis. Monitoring procedures performed during operation
Identification of intended use: The intended use of the product were recorded in documents for future information and allowed taking
refers to its normal use by end-users or consumers, it was identified action in the event of loss of control or for a process adjustment to be
on the basis of normal use of the product by the consumers, including made if there is a tendency towards a loss of control.
infants, elderly people immune suppressed ones the products i.e.,
Processed milk was used by infants as baby foods, health drinks, Product name Processed milk Cheese
beverages like tea, coffee, etc., it was obligatory to be placed in ice-cold Weight of packet 500 ml,
conditions or boiled, and cheese (coagulated product) used in pizzas, 1litre
instantly ready to consume foods, customary and convectional foods Water -86.6 % 42.50%

with shelf life of 1 week and could be consumed with no risk. Product characteristics Fat- 4.5 % 40%
SNF-8.5% -
Construct a flow diagram: It was easier to identify paths of potential Protein- 3.4 % 21-23%
contamination, to suggest method of control so a flow diagram of whole Ash -0.7% 3%
process was made. The function of a flow diagram was to provide a Packaging LDPE poly packs Food grade AL. coated PE
clear, simple outline of the paths involved in the process. The range of Shelf life 7 days 14 days
the flow diagram covered all the steps in the process which were openly Store in refrigerated
Labelling instruction <4ºC
under the charge of the company. The flow diagram of the products was condition <4°C
developed for the specific products i.e., milk and cheese on the possible Distribution conditions <5ºC <5°C
parts of sequence and their processing steps. Table 1: Description of the products.

J Food Process Technol

ISSN: 2157-7110 JFPT, an open access journal Volume 7 • Issue 8 • 1000610
Citation: Jan T, Yadav KC, Borude S (2016) Study of HACCP Implementation in Milk Processing Plant at Khyber Agro Pvt. Ltd in Jammu & Kashmir.
J Food Process Technol 7: 610. doi:10.4172/2157-7110.1000610

Page 3 of 5

Establish corrective action: For each CCP identified in the process Possibility of hazard occurrence in milk and cheese processing
a specified critical limit was set. When monitoring activities identified and suggestive measures to control hazards as per HACCP
a deviation associated to a CCP, corrective actions were completed to
Hazards identified in the milk and cheese processing steps and
bring the process back into control.
corrective measures suggested are shown in Tables 2 and 3.
Establish verification procedure: Verification refers to the
To determine the critical control points (CCPs), their critical
diligence of methods, procedures, checks, and other appraisal, in
limits and monitoring frequency
addition to scrutinizing to determine compliance with the HACCP
plan. Authentication ensures that adequate contingency procedure The critical control points in milk and cheese processing steps were
plans are in place when critical limits are exceeded, the verification determined on the basis of CCP decision tree. The CCPs identified
was done by quality analyst and supervisor of food safety team on daily are mentioned in Tables 4 and 5. For each CCP critical limits were
weekly and monthly basis. identified and monitoring procedures and frequency was decided in
Establish documentation and record keeping: Records are case of any failure at CCP corrective actions can be taken which include
essential for assessment of the adequacy of the HACCP plan and Temperature control checks, maintaining proper pH, aw control,
the adherence of the HACCP system to HACCP plan. Records were microbial testing of end product, equipment calibration when failure of
maintained for the whole HACCP plan and included processing CCP occurs owing to improper working of equipment.
charts, written records, computerized records, records generated by the
HACCP system microbial and analytical testing records verification Constraints in adopting HACCP by the industry
and validation records. These records were well maintained in record There are many constraints in implementing HACCP system by
books of the industry. an industry which include the Need of awareness and responsiveness
of HACCP, No apparent reimbursement, lack of industrial personnel
Results and Discussion training, lack of management commitment, unevenness of production
In this study the HACCP system for milk and cheese processing lines and individuality of each product, lack of Government support
was developed step by step on the basis of twelve steps mentioned in in implementation of food safety management programs like HACCP,
the materials and methods as per Code Alimentarious commission lack of Technical expertise and inadequate personnel and broad-scale
(CAC) at Khyber Agro farms. The pre-requisite program was provided improvement and advancement of the plant required before HACCP
to minimize hazards to simplify the HACCP plan. Based on industrial could be set in the industry.
standards and Govt. regulations the hazard identification, critical
Hazard Control
limits monitoring and validation corrective actions were performed Processing steps
Microbial Physical Chemical measure
The CCPs were identified by the HACCP team by logically answering
Unhygienic Implementation
questions given in the decision trees. The decision tree technique was contacts, Extraneous of GMP OPRP,
Receiving of milk Starch
put into practice to decide the CCPs as this method is visual easy to Salmonella, matter Effective
Staphylococcus filtering
understand substitute to numerical charts and statistical probabilities
used in other decisions For the hazards identified control measures
were recommended and for critical control points identified proper cleaning of
Unhygienic Extraneous
monitoring procedures and corrective actions were put forward. Cooling (OPRP)
contacts matter
Not usually cooling tanks,
Pre-requisites of GMP
Heavy Filter changing
This first step was fetching in all existing pre-requisite programs metals, and effective
Faecal, coli
under the cover of HACCP program and giving them a widespread R.O treatment calcium Not usually cleaning
route of achieving zero defects within the end product so as to Hardness membrane
of water filtration,
guarantee that are no health concerns within the final product.
Some precondition programs created the basis of the HACCP model Unhygienic Extraneous Effective
Standardization Not usually
contacts matter cleaning
for ensuring a strong system of checks hostile to possible failures of
critical control points. The pre-requisite programs used in the milk contacts, Implementation
Pasteurization Extraneous
processing are the sanitation programs to maintain sanitary condition Salmonella, Not usually of GMP, proper
CCP B1 matter
in the building, premise equipment’s, to maintain a clean and hygienic Staphylococcus, pasteurization
environment, essential for the production of highest quality and safe
NON working of Extraneous Monitoring of
food products, Good manufacturing practices in the industry to control Poly packing (UV)
UV light matter
Not usually
UV light
hazards The Pest Control Program was designed to allow no pests in Effective
Unhygienic Extraneous
the plant. This included rodents, insects and birds The Product Recall Cold storage Not usually cleaning, pest
contacts matter
Program was developed to protect customers from the probable events control
of product safety malfunction by eradicating all wary products from the Unwashed can Effective crate
Crate washing Extraneous
lead to microbial Not usually washing with
distribution channels in the minimum time, once a product recall or (OPRP) matter
hazards tested water
withdrawal is defensible and commenced for the product The aim of the Effective
Chemical Control Management Program was to reduce the possibility Extraneous
cleaning and
Dispatch Not usually Not usually maintenance
of chemical contamination of ingredients contact surfaces and finished materials
of hygienic
products, as well as shielding the work area and the workforce from conditions
revelation to hazardous chemicals. Table 2: Hazard analysis of milk processing steps.

J Food Process Technol

ISSN: 2157-7110 JFPT, an open access journal Volume 7 • Issue 8 • 1000610
Citation: Jan T, Yadav KC, Borude S (2016) Study of HACCP Implementation in Milk Processing Plant at Khyber Agro Pvt. Ltd in Jammu & Kashmir.
J Food Process Technol 7: 610. doi:10.4172/2157-7110.1000610

Page 4 of 5

Processing steps Control measure
Microbial Physical Chemical
Receiving of milk Unhygienic contacts Extraneous matter None Implementation of GMP
Standardization Unhygienic contacts Extraneous matter None Implementation of GMP
Unhygienic contacts improper
Pasteurization Not usually None Proper pasteurization
Cooling Unhygienic contacts None None Implementation of GMP
Proper verification of citric acid
Coagulation by 1% citric acid Unhygienic contacts None Adulterants
quality from a certified buyer
Proper cleaning and GMP
Draining of whey Unhygienic contacts Extraneous matter Not usually
Milk solids filled in blocks and
Unhygienic contacts Extraneous matter Not usually Implementation of GMP
pressed by weight
Implementation of GMP and use
Cutting into pieces Not usually Metal dust Not usually
of metal detector
Dipped in chilled water 4°C Unhygienic contacts Extraneous matter Not usually Implementation of GMP
Draining of water Unhygienic contacts Not usually Not usually Implementation of GMP
Packed into desired weight and Implementation of GMP, and
Unhygienic contacts Pests Not usually
stored at 4°C(OPRP) packing under UV light
Strict Control of sanitary
Dispatch in chilled conditions
Unhygienic contacts Extraneous materials Not usually conditions during dispatching to
Table 3: Hazard analysis of cheese processing steps.

Product Hazard Ccp Critical limit Monitoring Corrective action Verification

CCP B1 Pasteurized milk& Sent for re-pasteurization,
Proper temperature control
Microbial Pasteurization 76-80°C for 15 sec pasteurization effective monitoring,
and working of pasteurizer
temperature Temperature study thermographs
Re-processing of
CCP B2 Non-Working of whole lot and repair Microbial load & working of
Microbial Working of UV light
Working of UV light UV light of UV light(preventive UV tubes during packing
Effective temperature
control, Cold storage
Cold storage temperature
Microbial, CCP B3 >4°C structure to be modified Cold storage temperature
and hygiene
to maintain proper
Table 4: HACCP plan for pasteurized milk.

Product Hazard Ccp Critical limit Monitoring Corrective action Verification

Sent for re- Proper temperature of
CCP B1 pasteurization 76°C -80°C for 15 Pasteurized milk & pasteurization, effective pasteurization by
of milk for cheese sec Pasteurization temperature monitoring, study Lab testing & studying
thermographs thermographs
Cheese Check the sliced Proper working of
Fe material: 0.4mm Metal pieces by Metal
CCP P1 Cheese for metal Metal detector
Physical Non Fe material: detector x-ray scanning,
Cutting of cheese contamination & use of Each time the product is cut
(metal pieces) 0.5mm Each time the product is cut
(metal detector) certified cheese cutting into pieces by production
SS material: 0.7mm into pieces
machines manager
Effective temperature Cold storage temperature
Cold storage temperature &
Cold storage control, Cold storage Lab testing
Microbial CCP B2 temperature for structure to be modified Every 4 hrs after corrective
Hourly by production
storing cheese to maintain proper action by
temperature Production manager
Table 5: HACCP plan for cheese processing.

Conclusion and Recommendations production industry the implementation of HACCP provides familiar
value. The lessening of identified CCP number is necessary since it
Conclusion will ensure the safety of food products for consumption and safety of
the consumer, and will decrease the overall cost for monitoring hence
From the research study it can be concluded that that application of
increase in the net outcome of the company Further studies are needed
HACCP system can improve the quality of pasteurized Milk and cheese
to verify and validate the HACCP system in milk processing plant.
by control of critical points The pre-requisites programs (GMPs) and
the operational pre-conditional programs that form the sturdy pillars Recommendations
of a stout and sturdy HACCP plan must be made mandatory to ensure Proper education and training of the management bodies, workers, employees
good quality and hygiene in the plant as well as product the direct and handlers allied with milk and cheese manufacturing in the plant is the basic
application of HACCP is difficult in industries that are not producing necessity required. Application of HACCP system throughout the chain of
food products. But for industries that are associated with the food pasteurized milk and Cheese process should be encouraged to ensure better

J Food Process Technol

ISSN: 2157-7110 JFPT, an open access journal Volume 7 • Issue 8 • 1000610
Citation: Jan T, Yadav KC, Borude S (2016) Study of HACCP Implementation in Milk Processing Plant at Khyber Agro Pvt. Ltd in Jammu & Kashmir.
J Food Process Technol 7: 610. doi:10.4172/2157-7110.1000610

Page 5 of 5

control and safe food. Enhancement of storage and marketing conditions of dairy References
products are required. To shun the spoilage of sensitive products like cheese and
milk, the manufacturer should apply the CIP (clean in place) and COP(clean out 1. CAC (2003) Guidelines for the Application of the Hazard Analysis Critical
place) after every production process, guidance curriculum of GMP and HACCP Control Point (HACCP) system. Codex Alimentarious Commission, FAO,
should be designed and deliberately conducted by training centers and institutes Rome.
for entrepreneurs of dairy industry to smoothen the process of adoption of these
2. International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) (2005) Bridging the regulatory
food safety programs and formulate special program for building up the food safety
space for small-scale milk traders. ILRI Briefing Paper.
awareness to consumers and to make it mandatory for dairy producers to adopt
food quality and food safety management programs. 3. Tranter HS (1990) Food borne staphylococcal illness. Lancet 336: 1044-1046.

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ISSN: 2157-7110 JFPT, an open access journal Volume 7 • Issue 8 • 1000610

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