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YAMAHA F250h Owner's Manual 6FJ-28199-K5

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.. FL250H



ffl P-f-M


FL250H .

. . " , .
A Read this manual· carefully before operating this
outboard motJr.
\ .
Read this manual carefully before operating this outboard motor. Keep this
manual onboard in a waterproof bag when boating. This manual should sta~
with the outboard motor if it is sold.
Important manual information
between your machine and this manual. If
To the owner
there is any question poncerning this manual,
Thank you for selecting a Yamaha outboard
please consult your Yamaha dealer.
motor. This Owner's Manual contains Infor-
To ensure long product life, Yamaha recom-
mation needed for proper operation, mainte-
mends that you use the product and perform
nance and care. A thorough understanding of
the specified periodic inspections and main-
these simple instructions will help you obtain
tenance by correctly following the instruc-
maximum enjoyment from your new Yamaha.
tions in the owner's manual. Any damage
If you have any question about the operation
resulting from neglect of these instructions is
or, maintenance of your outboard motor,
not covered by warranty.
please consult a Yamaha dealer.
Some countries have laws or regulations re-
In this Owner's Manual particularly important
stricting users from taking the product out of
information is distinguished in the following the country where it was purchased, and it
ways. may be impossible to register the product in

& :This is the safety alert symbol. It is used the destination country. Additionally, the war-
ranty may not apply in certain regions. When
to alert you to potential personal injury haz- planning to take the product to another coun-
ards. Obey all safety messages that follow try, consult the dealer where the product was
this symbol to avoid possible injury or death. purchased for further information.
If the product was purchased used, please
consult your closest dealer for customer re-
A WARNING indicates a hazardous situa- registration, and to be eligible for the speci-
tion which, if not avoided, could result in fied services.
death or serious injury.
The F250HET, FL250HET and the standard
1+1-Ji@j __________-:-_ accessories are used as a base for the expla-
A NOTICE indicates special precautions nations and illustrations in this manual.
that must be taken to avoid damage to the Therefore some items may not apply to every
outboard motor or other property. model.
EMU25123 •

A TIP provides key information to make pro- F250H, FL250H
cedures easier or clearer. OWNER'S MANUAL
©2022 by Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.
Yamaha continually seeks advancements in 1st Edition, November 2021
All rights reserved.
product design and quality. Therefore, while-·
Any reprinting or unauthorized use
this manual contains the most current prod- without the written permission of
uct information available at the time of print- Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.
ing, there may be minor discrepancies is expressly prohibited.
Printed in Japan
Table of contents .
Safety information • Remote control requirements....... 1
···········,................ . 1
0 utboard motor safet Battery requirements ..... .. ... .... .... .. 1
Propelle Y··············:····· 1
Rotatingr p····· ·rt....................................... 1
a s........... ......................... .
Battery specifications....................... 1
Propeller selection .. .. .. ... .. ........ .. .. . 1
Hot parts.. ......... 1
1 Counter rotation models .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. 1
Electric shock .............. ··................ ·
.. .. ............ 1 Start-in-gear protection .. .. ... .. ...... . 1
Power trim and tilt ····.. ··.. ·...... ·.. ·
1 Erigine oil requirements ... ..... ... .. .. . 1.
Engine shut-off co;d·(j~~Y··~·;d)............. · Fuel requiremeAts .... .............. ....... 1,
Gasoline ............
Gasoline ........................................... 1
Gasoline and sp1i1~.............. 22 Anti-fouling paint .. ... ... .. .. ... .. .. ....... 1,
Carbon monoxide ............ ·
Modifications ............................. · 2 Outboard motor eisposal
Boating safe ..................................... · 2 requirements .............................. 1·
Alcohol and~~ .. ................. _. ......... 2 Emergency equipment. .................. 1·
g .............................. 2
Person~! flotation devices (PFDs) .. .. .. 2
c ·omponents .................................... 1l
People in the water .. :................ :........ 2
Components diagram .. ..... .. ......... . 11
Passengers ......................................... 2
Remote control box .......................... 1!
Overloading .... ,... ;............................... 3
Remote control lever......................... 21
. Avoid collisions ...... ,........................... 3
Neutral irterlock trigger.................... 21
Collisions with floating or submerged
Neutral throttle lever......................... 21
objects ............................................. 3
Weather .............................................. 4
Free accelerator ............................... 2·
_Throttle triction adjuster ................... 2·
Passenger training .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .... .. .... . 4
Boating safety publications ................ 4 Eng!n~ ~put-off cord (lanyard) and
chp .............................................:.. 2:
Laws and regulations ....................·..... 4
Maj ri ~witch ........., ............................. 2:
Power trim and tilt switch on remote
General information .......................... 5 control ........................................... 2:
Identification numbers record ......... 5 Power trim and tilt switch on bottom
Outboard motor. serial number........... 5 c~wiin_g :...... :......... '. .... :................... 2:
Key number ........................................ 5 Powe~trim and tilt switches (twin
EC Declaration of Conformity _ b~nna~le type) ................. :......... : .... 2,
(DoC) ............................................ 5 Tilt support lever for power trim and
CE Marking / UKCA Marking .......... 5 tilt model·:..................................... 2,
Read manuals and labels ................ 7 Cowling lock lever............................ 2t
Warning labels .............. .... .. .. .. .... ...... . 7 Flushing device .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .... . 2t
Engine data recording ................'..... 9 Fuel filter ........................................... 2t

Specifications and requirements ... 10 Instruments and indicators ............ 2E

Specifications................................ 1O Digital tachometer ......................... 2E
Installation requirements............... 11' Tachometer .. .................................... 2E
Boat horsepower rating .................... 11 nm meter................... 2,
Hour meter .................... · · '
Mounting outboard motor.............. .. 11
Low oil pre;~·~~~·~~l~·rt·i~di·~·~t~;:::::::: ; ;
Table of. contents
overheat-alert indicator ... ................ 27 Battery .............................................. 49
Digital speedometer ...................... 27 Filling fuel ... ..... .. . ... .. ... .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . 50
Speedometer.................................... 27 Operating engine ... ... . .... .. .. .... .. ..... 50
Fuel gauge........................................ 28 Sending fuel .... ...... ........ ................... 50
Trip meter/ Clock/ Voltmeter .......... 28 Starting engine .................... .... ........ . 51
Fuel level-alert indicator................... 29 Checks after starting engine ......... 53
Low battery voltage-alert Cooling water................................... 53
indicator........................................ 29 · Warming up engine ....................... 53
Fuel management meter . .. . .. .. .. .. . .. 29 Procedure for warming up engine.... 53
Fuel flow meter................................. 30 Checks after engine warm up ...... , 53
Fuel consumption meter I Fuel Shifting .................... ............ ............. 53
economy meter I Twin engine Stop switches................................... 53
speed synchronizer....................... 30 · Shifting ................................... ·: ..... 54
Water separator-alert indicator .. ...... 32 Stopping bpat .................. ···: ·· .... .. . 55
CL5 Display ................................... 32 Stopping engine............................ 55
6Y8 Multifunction meters .............. 34 Procedure .......................................... 55
Trimming' outboard m'o tor .. ... . .. . .. . . 56
Engine control system .................... 38 Adjusti hg tr,im angle (Power trim
Alert system .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . ... . . ... . .. .. . 38 and tflt) .............. :..,. .. , .. '. .... :············· 56
Overheat alert................................... 38 Adjusting boat tri_m .. ,........................ 57
Low oil pressure alert....................... 39 . Tilting up 'a nd down .... :.-................ 58
Water separator alert........................ 40 Procedure for tilting up ..................... 58
ProcedureJor tilting _down.·............... 60
nstallation ....................................... 4? Shallowwater .:.: .......................... 60
Installation .. ... .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. .. . . ... . . .. .. . 42 Power trim and tilt models.:............. 60
Mounting the outboard motor.......... 42 Cruising in other cqnditions. .... .. .. . 61

)peration .................. :...................... 44 Maintenance .................................... 62

Firsi-time operation ....................... 44 Transporting ?f'"!ci ~toring qutboard
Fill engine oil .. .. ..... .. ... .... .. .... ....... .... . 44 motor······················ :·················· 62
Breaking in engine .......•.................... 44 Storing outboard motor.................... 62
Getting to know your boat .... ..... .. .... 44 Procedure......................................... 63
Checks before starting engine ...... 45 Lubrication ..................... ..... ..... ........ 64
Fuel level .... .. ... ..... ... .. ...... ...... ... .. .. .. .. 45 Flushing cooling water passage ....... 64
Removing top cowling .... ......... ........ 45 cieaning the outboard motor ... ....... . 65
Fuel system ............................ .... ..... 45 Checking painted surface of
Controls ............................................ 46 outboard motor............................. 65
Engine shut-off cord (lanyard) .......... 46 Periodic maintenance................... 66
Engine oil.......................................... 46 · Replacement parts ........................... 66
Outboard motor ............................... 47 Severe operating conditions .......... .. 66
Flushing device .... ................. ..... ...... 47 Maintenance chart 1......................... 67 ·
Installing top cowling ....................... 4 7 Maintenance chart 2 ......................... 70
Checking power trim and tilt Greasing., ......................................... 71
system .......................................... 48
Table of contents
Inspecting spark plug ....................... 73
Inspecting idle speed ... .................... 74
Changing engine oil.......................... 74
Replacing the engine oil filter ........... 78
Why Yamalube ................................. 79
Inspecting wiring and connectors .... 79
Checking propeller........................... 80 .
Removing propeller ...................... :... 80
Installing propeller ... '. .....: .....·............. 81 , I

Changing gear oil ...................... :...... 82

- Inspecting and replacing anode(s) :.. 83
Checking battery (for electric start
models) .................................. :...... 84
Connecting the battery ........ :............ 84
Disconnecting the battery··::····:··:···· 86 ,l

Trouble Recovery .......................:.... 87

. Troubleshooting ... :......................... 87
Temporary action in emergency ... 90
Impact damage .............. :...... :.......... 90
Running single engine (twin ,
engines) ~.................: .. .'.... :............. 90
Replacing fuse .~............. :.......:.:.:..... 91
Power trim and tilt will not ' ·
operate ............................ '.: ..: .... :....· 91
Water separator-alert indicator
blinks while cruising ..:...:............... 92
Treatment of submerged motor::·· 93

INDEX.-..... ;..............:......................::. 94 , I'

& Safety information
EMU33623 . EMU33662
Outboard motor safety· Power trim and tilt . ,, ,,1

Observe these precautions at all times. Body parts ca'il be crushed between the mo-
tor and the clamp bracket when the motor is
trimmed or tilted. Keep body parts out of this
area at all times. Be sure no one is in this area
People can be injured or killed if they come in
before operating the power trim and tilt
contact with the propeller. The propeller: can
mechanism. . .
keep moving even when the motor is in neu-
The power trim ~nd tilt switches operate even
tral, and shai'p edges of the propeller can cut
when the main switch is off. Keep people
even when stationary:
away fro~ the switches wh~never working
• Stop the engine when a person is in the I ' , •
around the motor. ·
water near you. - ,
Never get i.mderth~'lower 'unit while it is tilted,
• Keep people out of reach of the propeller,
·even when the tilt support lever is locked_. Se-
even when the engine is off. , -
vere injury could_occur _if the outboard motor
accid,entally falls.·., •. , - , . .
! :
·· · : ;>
I • \. ' I , • I - j ,-.. ':
Rotating parts ,._. ,

EMu33612: . ' ·' .- . ' . . ' . ,

Hands, feet, hair, jewelry, clothing, personal
Engine shut-off cord (lanyard) . :
flotation device (PFD) straps; etc., ·can be-
Attach the engine shut-off cord so that the
come entangled with internal rotating parts of
engine stops if the operator ~alls 0\/erb_0§lf'd or
the engine, · re$ulting . in . serious · injury. or
leaves the helm. This prevents the_boat from
death. ._ c:··.~; .·"-:::J_· .._:";
running 'aw~y u~der power and leaving peo-
Keep the top cowling in place whene¥er pas:..
ple ;tra~d;d, or_running' over pe<;>ple or ob-
sible. Do not remove or replace th-e top cowl-' jects.' :.- :- ', . .. . , .
ing with the engine running. ~ ' · • .:; ·"·'"1 c- : '
Always attach the engirie sh1-:1t-off cord to a
Only operate the engine with the top cowling
secure place on your clothing or your arm or
removed according to the specific · instruc-
ie.g 'while ope~ating. Do not rer:nov~ _it to leave
tions in the manual. Keep hands, feet, hair,
the helm while the boat is moving. Do not at-
jewelry, clothing, PFD straps, etc;,_a'A'.a:Y_f~?~ tach the cord to clothing that could tear
,,.. ... . rnoving
( ' .
··• -parts. , ,• ., '. . , ,, : , loose, or route the cord where it could ·be-
•• I I !
·c©me entangled, preventing it from function-
Hot parts fng. --:-- · ,.: ·· ' -
During and after operation, engine p-arts are Do not route the cord where it is-likely to be
hot enough- to cause burns. Avoid touching accidentally pulled out. If the cord is pulled
any parts under the top cowling until the en- during operation, _the engine will shut off and
gine has cooled. · ·· '· you will lose ·m<?st s!e~ring contra~. The ~oat
could ·slow rapidly, throwing people and ob_~
EMU33851 '. - ' ' 1 i ·' ,' . 1 >~-:.- ... I·..i.. ~ , ; jects forward; ·- - : . . ' ,
Elecbic shock ___ ., .. .- ~. -- . , ·, -. ·,
Do not touch any" electrical ·pa~ while start-
ing or operating the engine. They can cause
shock or electrocution. ·

Gasoline EMU33711
Alcohol and drugs
Gasoline and its vapors are highly flamma- Never operate after drinking alcohol or taking
ble and explosive. Always, refuel according drugs. Intoxication is one of the most com-
t? the procedure on page 50 to reduce the mon factors contributing to boating fatalities.
risk of fire and explosion. ·
Personal flotation devices (PFDs)
Gasoline exposure and spills Have an approved PFD on board for every 1
Take care not. to spill gasoline. If gasoline occupant. Yamaha recommends that you
s~ills,_~ ipe it up immed_iately with dry rags. must wear a PFD whenever boating. At a
Dispose of rags properly. minimum, children and non-swimmers
If any gasoline spills onto your skin, immedi- should always wear PFDs, and everyone
ately wash with soap and water. Change should wear PFDs when there are potentially
clot_h ing if gasoline spills on it. · hazardous boating conditions.
If you swallow gasoline, inhale a lot of gaso- .
line vapor, or get gasoline in your eyes: get EMU33732
People in the water
immediate medical attention. Never siphon
Always watch carefully for people in the wa-
fuel by mouth.
ter, such as swimmers, skie"rs, or divers,
EMU33901 whenever the engine is running . When some-
Carbon mo.noxide one is .in the water near the boat; shift into
This pfoduct emits exhaust gases which con- neutral and stop the engine.
tain> carbon monoxide, a• colorless, odoriess
Stay away from swimming areas. Swimmers
gas which may cause brain damage or death can be ha(d to see.
when inhaled. Symptoms include nausea, The propeller can keep moving _even when
dizziness, and drowsiness. Keep cockpit and the motor is in neutral. Stop the engine when
cabin a:-eas well yentilated. Avoia ' blocking a person is in the water near you.
exhaust outlets.
.. Passeng·ers
Modifications Consult your boat manufacturer's instruc-
Do not attempt to modify this outboard mo- tions for details about appropriate passenger
tor. Modifications to your outboard motor locations in your boat and be sure all p~ssen-
may reduce safety .a nd reliability, and render gers are_positioned properly before acceler-
the outboard unsafe or illegal to use. ating, and when operating above an idle
EMU33742 speed. Standing or sitting in non-designated
Boating s~fety locations may result ' in being thrown either
This .section includes <\l few ~f.the m~ny im- overboard or within the boat, due to waves,
portant safety 'precautions that you should wakes, or sudden changes in speed or direc-
follow when boating. tion. Even when people are positioned prop-

& Safety information
erly, alert your passengers if you must make • Ride with~n your limits and avoid aggres-
any unusual maneuver. Always avoid jump- sive maneuvers to reduce the risk of loss of
ing waves or wakes. ' control, ejection, and collision.
• Take early action to avoid collisions. Re-
member, boats do not have brakes, and
stopping the engine or reducing throttle
Do not overload the boat. Consult the boat
can reduce the ability to steer. If you are not
capacity plate or boat manufacturer for max-
sure that you can stop in time before·hitting
imum weight and number of passengers. Be
. an obstacle, apply throttle and turn in an-
sure that weight is properly distributed ac-
other direction.
cording to the boat manufacturer's instruc-
tions. Overloading or incorrect weight EMU48100
distribution can compromise the boat's han- Collisions with floating or submerged
dling and lead to an accident, capsizing or objects
swamping. If the outboard motor hits a floating object or
an obstacle in the water while cruising, the
following could occur:
Avoid collisions
• The p~ssengers and any loose equipment
Scan constantly for people, objects, and oth-
,, or luggage could be thrown forward due to
er boats. Be alert for conditions that limit your
the sudden deceleration.
visibility or block your vision of others.
• Parts of the outboard motor could come
loose as a result of the impact and could be
thrown into the boat.

... -- -- 'D"' • The boat' or outboard motor could be dam-

aged as a result of the impact.

J.Jr-- When you operate the boat in an area where
there might be floating objects or obstacles in
the water, be sure to adjust the trim angle of
the outboard _motor, slow down, and operate
ZMU06025 carefully. For further information, see page
ively at ~fe speeds and keep
If the outboard motor hits a floating object or
away from people, objects,
an obstacle in the water, ~ake sure that there
are no abnormalities with the boat and the
outboard 'mot~r. If anything . abnormal is
to the nearest harbor at low
ms or other maneuvers that
ers to avoid you or un-
~or.. •'
a Yamaha dealer inspect the
are goln •

& Safety information

Stay informed about the weather. Check
weather forecasts before boating. Avoid
boating in hazardous weather.

Passenger training .
Make sure at least one other passenger is
trained to operate the boat in the event of an

Boating safety publications
Be informed about boating safety. Additional
publications and information can be obtained
from many boating organizations.

Laws and regulations
Know the marine laws and regulations where
you will be boating-and obey them·. Several
sets of rules prevail according to geographic
location, but all are basically the same as the
International Rules of the Road.

General information
Identification numbers record Key number
If a main key switch is equipped with the mo-
EMU25186 tor, the key identification nomber is stamped
Outboard motor serial number on your key as shown in the illustration. Re-
The outboard motor serial number is cord this number in the space provided for
stamped on the label attached to the port reference in case you need a new key.
side of the clamp bracket.
Record your outboard motor serial number in
the spaces provided to assist you in ordering ZMU01693
spare parts from your Yamaha dealer or for
reference in case your outboard motor is sto-

77 0

1. Key number


,,,+-::.:::==7 EC Declaration of Conformity

1. Outboard motor serial number location (DoC)
This declaration is included with outboard
motors that conform to European regula-
This outboard motor conforms to certain por-
tions of the European Parliament directive re-
lating to m~chi.nery.
Each conformed outboard motor acc<?mpa-
nied with EC DoC. EC DoC contains the fol-
lowing information;
• Manufacturer
• ·Model name
1. Serial number
• Engine code
2. Model name
• Applied directives
3. Motor transom height
4. Engine code CE Marking / UKCA Marking
This label is affixed to outboard motors that
conform to European regulations.

General information

1. CE marking location


0026 1521 GEE-43394-90

CE marking
Outboard motors affixed with this •;CE" mark-
ing conform with the directives of;
2006/42/EC and 2014/30/EU.
UKCA marking
This product is in compliance with the Elec-
tromagnetic Compatibility Regulations 2016
and Supply of Machinery (Safety) Regula-
tions 2008.

General information
Read manuals and labels
Before operating or working on this outboard motor:
• Read this manual.
• Read any manuals supplied with the boat.
• Read all labels on the outboard motor and the boat.
If you need any additional information, contact your Yamaha dealer.

Waming labels
If these labels are damaged or missing, contact your Yamaha dealer for replacements.

General information

... ... .... . _· ..clolhlng

' ..... raHon.

away , -
englna 11 running,

•Wea an=
•Read Owner's Mlnulls and ~bels.
pe,sonal llotJlioo device (PFD~
. Alllch eng shut-off cord ~rd) lo your PFD,
ann, or~ Ille engine stops )'011 ICCldentally
leave !he m,which could prmnl arunaway
el Jes \'elements I rbt IH-02~
el Ill rllirez IIICUne piece.._._,,,; lcn du
111 ouderulliulioo. -.,..,
•Lil le llanil!I de 11/1illsallll el Jes illquelles.
.AlllcllezijCOfdonlanitdumol!Ur couptdmjt)lvollt
l1J glleldeSIUYellge,lvolr!brlloulwollljlnbe&°:que~
nm1'l!itlilvoos~i111laccldenllilemefrt bm.
Cell~llvliltque bliNUnepllUIIIMllroule
sans controle. IE l-021'M-SO

• Attach engine shut-off cord (lanyard) to
Contents of labels
your PFD, arm, or leg so the engine
The above warning labels mean as follows.
stops if you accidentally leave the helm,
EWM01682 which could prevent a runaway boat.

• Keep hands, hair, and clothing away Other labels

from .rotating parts while the engine' is
3 ,.-r-- -_-_-_-_-_-_-"T-_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_,~
• Do .not touch or remove electrical parts

when starting or during operation.

YAMAHA SAH-81996-00

• Read Owner's Manuals and labels.

• Wear an approved personal flotation de-
vice (PFD).

General information
EMU:15133 ,. .
Symbols . · Electrical hazard
The following symbols mean as follows.
: • I




Engine data recording

. ZM.U05696
This model's ECM stores certain·engine d~ta
to assist in the diagnosis of malfunctions and
Read. Owner's Manual
for research, statistical an8:lysls and develop-
ment purposes. · ., ·
Although the sensors and recorded data will
vary by model, the main data points are:
• Engine status and engine performance
data ·
This data will be uploaded only ~hen spe- a
cial Yamaha diagnostic tool is attached to the
engine, such as when maintena~ce checks or
ZMU05664 service procedures are performed.·. .-
Yamaha will not disclose this data to a third
Hazard caused by continuous rotation. :i party except in the following cases. In .a.deli~
. ) .

tion, Yamaha may provid~ engine data to a

I. contr~ctor in order to ~ut~ource services re:-
lated to the handling of ~he
.. I
data. Even
. -{ in this case, Yamaha will require the contrac-
; . ,-; tor to properly ha~dle the engine" data we
. -~
,_,y"~ ~., .. ·t ;';) . -, provided and Yamaha . will appropriately
.' w • - I·:..., _;:i1· l manage · · · ' ·· '
i_; - • With the consent of the boat owner
·, • w ·here obligated by la~
· ZMU05665
• For use by Yamaha in litigation
• For general Yamaha-conducted research
· purposes wh-~n t_he data is not related to an
individual ~ngine or owner "

Specifications and requirements
Spark plug (NGK):
Spark plug gap: .
"(SUS)" indicates that the specification is for 1.0-1.1 mm (0.039-0.0 43 in)
the out board motor when it is equipped with Steering system:
a stainless steel propeller. Remote steering
Starting system:
Electric starter
Dimension and weight Starting carburetlon system:
Overall length: Fuel injection
870 mm (34.3 in) Valve clearance IN (cold engine): .
0.17--0.24 mm (0.0067--0.0094 in)
Overall width:
Valve clearance EX (cold engine): .
634 mm (25.0 in)
0.31--0.38 mm (0.0122--0.0150 in)
Overall height X:
Battery rating (CCA/EN):
18;30 mm (72.0 in)
Overall height U: 510-1080 A
Battery rating (20HR/IEC):
1957 mm (77.0 in)
Motor transom height X:
Maximum generator output:
643 mm (25.3 in)
Mot or transom height U:
Lower unit:
770 mm (30.3 in)
Gear shift positions:
Dry wejght (SUS) X:
283 kg (624 lb)
Gear ratio:
Dry weight (SUS) U:
2.00 (26/13)
289 kg (637-lb)
Trim and tilt system:
Power trim and tilt ·
Full throttle operating range:
Propeller mark:
S0OD-6000 rf min
Rated power:
Ml/TL (FL250HET)
183.9 kW (250 HP)
Fuel and oil:
Idle speed (in neutral):
Recommended fuel:
600-700 r/min
Regular unleaded gasoline
Power unit_
Min. research octane number (RON):
Type: 90 ·
4 -stroke DOHC V6 24 valves
Recommended engine oil:
Total displacement:
YAMALUBE 4 or 4-stroke outboard
3352 cm 3 (204.5 c .i.)
motor oil
Bore x stroke:
94.0 x 80.5 mm (3.70 x 3.17 in)
Ignition system:

Specifications and requirements

'I I I I: I Before installing the outboard motor(s), con-

firm that the total horsepower of your out-
board motor(s) does not exceed the boat's
maximum horsepower rating. See the boat's
Recommended engine oil grade 1:
capacity plate or contact the manufacturer.
SAE 10W-30/1 0W-40/5W-30
Engine oil quantity (without oil filter Mounting outboard motor
4.5'L (4.76 US qt, 3.96 Imp.qt)
Engine oil quantity (with oil filter • Improper mounting of the outboard mo-
replacement): tor could_result in hazardous conditions
4. 7 L (4.97 US qt, 4.14 Imp.qt) such as poor handling, loss of control,
Lubrication system: or fire hazards.
Wet sump •-Because the outboard motor is very
Recommended gear oil: ·heavy, special equipment and training is
YAMALUBE outboard gear oil or Hypoid required to mount it safely.
gear oil
Your dealer or other person experienced in
Recommended gear oil grade:
proper rigging should mount the outboard
SAE 90 APtGL-4 / SAE 80W API GL-5 /
mptor usi,r.ig correct equipment and complete
Gear oil quantity: rigging instructions. For further information,
see page 42.
1.000 L (1.057 US qt, 0.880 Imp.qt) _EMU33562
(FL250HET) ~emote control requirements
1.150 L (1.216 US qt, 1.012 Imp.qt) , EWM0.1581

Noise and vibration level: • If the,engine starts in gear, the boat can
Operator sound pressure level (ICOMIA move suddenly and unexpectedly, pos-
39/94): sibly causing a collision or throwing
79.7 dB(A) , passengers overboard. · .
• If th~ - engine ever star.ts in gear, the
Installation requirements
start"'.:in-gear ,, prptection device is not
EMl.133566 working cprrectly and you should dis-
I~at horsepower rating continue using the outboard. Contact
I EWM01561
your Yamaha dealer.

Ioverpowering a boat can cause severe in- Th~ r~~?te, control 'unit must be equipped
I•stability. :,,vith -~ start-'in=gear_protection device(s). This
devic~:prevfnts itie/ engine from starting un-
less it is in neutral.

Specifications and requirements

Battery requirements EMLM1604 Propeller selection

N t to selecting an outboard motor, select-
in:xthe right propeller Is one of the most im-
Battery specifications
portant purchasing decision~ a boater can
Battery rating (CCA/EN): make. The type, size, and design of your pro-
510-1080 A peller have a direct Impact on acceleratl~n,
Battery rating (20HR/IEC): top speed, fuel economy, and even engine
life. Yamaha designs and manufactures pro-
pellers for every Yamaha outboard motor and
The engine cannot be started if battery volt-
age is too low. -every application.
Your Yamaha dealer can help you select the
EMU36293 right propeller for your boating n~eds. Select
a propeller that will allow the engine to re~ch
Mounting battery the middle or upper half of the operating
Mount the battery holder securely in a dry, range at full throttle with the maximum boat-
well-ventilated, vibration-free location in the load. Generally, select a larger pitch propeller
boat. WARNING! Do not put flammable for a smaller operating load and a smaller
items, or loose heavy or metal objects in pitch propeller for a heavier load. If you carry
the same compartment as the battery. loads that vary widely, select the propeller
Fire, explosion or sparks could result. that lets the engine run in the proper range for
(EWM01821J your maximum load but remember that you
Battery cable may need to reduce your throttle setting to
The battery cable size and length are critical. stay within the recommended engine speed
Consult your Yamaha dealer about the bat- _ range whel"! carrying lighter loads.
tery cable size and length. Yamaha recommends to use a propeller suit-
able for the "Shift Dampener System (SOS)".
For further information, consult your Yamaha
Multiple batteries dealer.
To connect multiple batteries, such as for To check the propeller, see page 80.
multiple engine configurations or for an ac-
cessory battery, consult your Yamaha dealer
about battery selection and correct wiring.
Battery isolator .
Your outboard motor is capable of charging
an accessory battery separate from the start-
ing battery using an optional isolator lead.
contact your Yamaha dealer for installation
of an optional isolator lead with over-current

Specifications and requirements
Propeller example feature pe~its the engine to be started only
when it is in neutral. Always select neutral be-
fore starting the engine.

Engine oil requirements

Select an oil grade according to the average
temperatures in the area where the outboard
motor will be used.

Recommended engine oil:

YAMALUBE 4 or 4-stroke outboard
motor oil
Reco"!.mended engine oil grade 1:
' A
fllll XIU-1! B ~ 1 SAE'10W-30/1 0W-40/SW-30
1 2 3 2~ ti Recommended engine oil grade 2:
SAE 15W-40/20W-40/20W-50
,1 1. Propeller diameter in inches API SH/SJ/SL
Engine oil quantity (without oil filter
2. Propeller pitch in inches -
3. Type of propeller (propeller mark)
4.5 L (4.76 US qt, 3.96 Imp.qt)
Engine oil quantity (with oil filter re-
Counter rotation models placement):
4. 7 L (4.97 US qt, 4.14 Imp.qt)
Standard outboard motors rotate clockwise.
Counter rotation models rotate counterclock-
If oil grades listed under Recommended en-
wise and are typically used in multiple motor
oil •gradi
I •

not• available;
select an al-
1 setups. ternative oil grade listed under
_On counter rotation models, be sure to use.a
Recommended engine oil grade 2.
1 propeller intended for counterclockwise rota-
Recommended engine oil grade 1
tion. These propellers are identified with the
I Ietter "L" after the size indication on the pro-
-4 14 32 -50 68 86 104 122"F
peller. WARNING! Never use a standard I I I I I ! !.- I I I I I I I I I
40 ' so·c ·
-20 · -10 o· 10 --
,- 20
. 30
propeller with a counter ro~tion motor, or SE
I I 1 I

I 1ow-30 I I

a counter rotation propeller with a stan- .,K- I I I

1 1
I : I
_,1 1
1 SG
dard motor. Otherwise the boat could go K ?' SH
1 I
1 10W--40 1 I
1 ·, I I I 1 1 I I I I I I
in .~e directiori opposite of that expected I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I

k SL
1 I

' 5\IV-=30 ' ' I 1 I

(for example, reverse instead· of forward), , I I I

which ·could lead to an accident. (EWM01a111

For instructions on propeller removal and in-
stallation,, see pag~~80.

Start-in-gear protection
Yamaha outboard motors or Yamaha-ap-
pr<:>ved remote control units are equipped
with start-in-gear protection device(s). This

Specifications and requirements
Recommended engine oil grade 2 meets the minimum octane ratings. All ethaJ
SAE API nol blends containing more than 10% etha~ol
can cause fuel system damage or cause en-
·20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 so·c gine starting and running problems. Yamaha
i1Jw~6 : :j. i SH
I I I I 1 I I
. I I
does not recommend gasohol containing
methanol because it can cause fuel system
' \20:w~q===t l ! SJ damage or engine performance problems.
~SL EMU36331
Anti-fouling paint
A clean hull improves boat performance. The
ZMU06855 boat bottom should be kept as clean of ma-
rine growth as possible. If necessary, the
Fuel requirements boat bottom can be coated with an anti-foul-
ing paint approved for your area to inhibit ma-
Gasoline rine growth.
Use a good quality gasoline that meets the Do not use anti-fouling paint which includes
minimum octane rating. If knocking or ping- copper or graphite. These, paints can cause
_ing occurs, use a different brand of gasoline more rapid engine corrosion.
or premium unleaded fuel. Yamaha recom-
mends that you use alcohol-free (see Gaso-
hol) gasoline whenever possible.

Recommend~ fuel:
Regular unleaded gasoline
Min. research octane number (RON):

IN•Jit9i ____________

• Do not use leaded gasoline. Leaded EMU40302 .

gasoline can seriously damage the en- Outboard motor disposal re-
_gine. quirements
• Avoid getting water and contaminants it;t ~ever illegally discard (dump) the outboard
the fuel tank. Contaminated fuel can motor. Yamaha recommends consulting the
cause poor performance or: engine dam- dealer about discarding the outboard motor.
age. Use only fresh gasoline that has
been stored in clean containers. Emergency equipment
Keep the following items onboard in case
Gasohol there is trouble with the outboard motor.
There are two types of gasohol: gasohol con- • A toa,I ~it with assorted screwdrivers, pliers,
taining ethanol (E10) and th~t containing wren.~hes (including metric sizes), and
methanol. Ethanol can be used if·the ethanol electrical tape.
content does not exceed 10% and the fuel • Waterproof flashlight with extra batteries.

Specifications and requirements
. • An extra engine shut-off cord (la_nyard) with .
I clip.
• Spare parts, such as an extra set of spark
consult your Yamaha dealer for details.

I '

\ I

I •

. ;r· _:..:(_ ., .
. l -· i

·-·· ' - ,.,


EMU4B722 Components diagram
May oot be exactly as shown; ,Jso may oot be ;,.;uded as -da,d ""uipmeot " ,JI models

(order from dealer).

1. Top cowling
2. TIit support lever
3. Cowling lock lever
4. Clamp bracket
5. Anode
6. Cooling water inlet
7. Idle hole



. 5

1 '

1 _Anti-cavitation plate
2. Propell~ . -
3_ Gear oil drain screw
4. on level plug
5_ Clamp bracket ·
6_ CooHng water pilot hole
7• Cowling lock lever ·


~ ·----r,17-:~~

6 \
1. Fuse box
2. Oil filler cap
3. Fuel filter
4 _ Cowling lock lever
5 _ Power trim and tilt switch
6. Flushing device
7. Oil dipstick

Instruments and indicators
Water separator-alert indicator
This indicator will blink when water has accu-
mulated in the water separator. In such an
event, stop the engine and drain the water 1
from the separator.

This indicator only operates when a water
separator sensor is equipped. -

1. Touchscreen
2. Power button

-/-\- TTL

mii ;:

CL5 Display xlOOrhn

The CL5 Display shows engine status and
alert information. The display can be 10 9 8 7 6
changed. This manual mainly covers the alert 1. Boat status
display. 2. Speedometer
If a warning message appears on the CLS 3. Tank level
Display, follow the instructions on the dis- 4. Engine condition
play. 5. Trolling mode button
6. Trim angle
TIP: 7. Engine alert
• The functions shown in the display varies
8. Tachometer
according to the equipment of the boat. 9. Sub status
• For more information, see the CLS owner's 1O.Engine status
GPS signal strength icons
The icons shown in the upper-right of the en-
gine screen indicate the GPS signal strength.
"@oln shows GPS satellite signal strength ac-
cording to the number of antenna symbol.
"@>"' shows no GPS antenna connection.
To use the GPS feature, a GPS receiver must
be connected to this device.

Instruments and indicators
contact your Yamaha dealer for information
n hoW to connect a GPS receiver: · · .
~ngine condi!io~ icons . .
orange icons indicate engine conditions.
• Yamaha Security System indicator "~"
. (optional) · ' ' ,
This indicator appears when the Yamaha
security System is in lock mode. Make
sure it is off before starting the engine.
• Engine V{arm-up indicator "U."
This indicator appears while the engine is 1_; Engine alert icon

i4•H@=I _·___________
being warmed up and goes off when ECM00093 :

warming-up is finished .
.• Engine synchronization indicator "O" .
Do not continue to operate the engine if an
In multiple engine types, this indicator ap- alert device has activated. Consult your
pears while the engines are under synchro- Yamaha dealer if the problem cannot be
nization control. It goes off when engine · located and corrected.
synchronization control is released. .
Engine alert icons . , The engine alert icon will appear according to
Red icons Indicate·· engine abnormalities. the kind of abnormality. The symbols and
When an ab~()rmality_~c~~.'."• ·~- ~°.p~up win- their explanations are described below. - - -
dow will be displayed, and the buzzer will • Overheat~lert
• 'f -_ i .
'' · ' - . 1 -
sound. ·· " · . · If the engine temperature rises too high
· While cruising; ·this alert will be activated.
Stop- the ~ngine immediately:· Check· 'the
. Illa.a.: cooling water inl~t for clogging, and clear it
.. if it is blocked: ··· - . .

M•Ji@=I __., . . . ,. . .,. _______

t '...,' ECM01594

• Do not continue to run the engine if the

overheat-alert indicator blinks~ Serious
' engine cf~mage wm occ~r.
1 2. • Do not continu'e to operate the e~gine if .
1. Pop-up window an alert device has activated. Consult
2. Confirm button
your Yamaha dealer if the problem can-
Press the confirm button to change to the
riot be located :and·corrected;'
. ,- -

llOrrnal display. The engine aleri'icon will start • Low oil pressure alert "-&-"
to blink. - : "' . If the engine oil pressure drops too low, this
alert will be activated. Stop the'engine im-
. mediately. Chec-k ·the' engine oil ievel and
replenish oil if necessary. If the alert device
~- . . ; . ' ..

lnSt ruments and indicators -
h~s activat~d while the appropriate engine
• 6Y8 Multifunction speed & fuel meter
oil level is maintained, consult your 6Y8 Multifunction tachometer
Yamaha dealer.

00 n~t con•:ti;:.n::-u-e-=-to_ru_~_t_h_e_e_n_g_in_e_if_t_h_e
low_ 011 pressure alert device has activated.
Senous engine damage will occur.

• Water in Fuel Alert "¥" SET MOOE

If water has accumulated in the water sep- 1

arator (fuel filter) while cruising, this alert ~MU08407

will be activated. Stop the-engine.irpmedi- 1. Set button

ately and see page 90 of this mahual to 2. Mode button
drain the water fro'11 the fuel filter. Consult
a Yam?ha dealer. . 1 2
. T!~" .l. -
f#•Ji@j __. ; . ;_. :. ;. _______ I

-- ~o 0 .¥ 0
Gasoline mixed with water could cause the engine.

• Low battery voltage alert ''e''

• I I I
. -i r..a

If the battel'Y, vo_

ltage drops, this alert will be 1- ·G• •cl>·~ .Jh -
·activated. If the low battery volt~ge al!3rt ZMU08408
device· has activated, return to port .and 1. Tachometer
consult a Yamaha dealer _ir:nmed,iat~iy, To . 2. Trim metE/r
charge the battery, consult _your Yamaha 3. Multifunction display
dealer. 6Y8 Multifunction speed & fuel meter
• Check engine alert ''O"
,l f the engine malfunctions while cruising;
this alert will be activated. Return to port
and .consult a Yamaha dealer immediijtely.
• Check System / St~ring Mairunc~io~
. Alert
If a malfunction occurs in the system, the
syst~m ·alert ~wJII be acti~ated, Returr,i to
, ·0 Q

port immediately and contact your Yamaha 1 7 2

1. Set button
™aY8 Multifun~tion meters: 2. Mode button
There,are two types of 6Y8 Multifunction me-
• 6 y 8 Multifunction tachometer

Instruments and indicators
7. Cooling water pressure indicator (optional)
1 2 1

~PEED~~ I_ I _ Yamaha · Security • System indicator (op-:

tionaQ · · · ·
GPS f I I I I km/h •
f .•--, .--,
This indicator appears, when the Yamaha Se~
knots== •
curity System is in lock mode. ·

88•soBmileV .
fl.OW f4II mpgph
•• Lock mode
N : • nkm/1/h
3 , ZMU0B410
1. speedometer
2. fuel meter
3. Multifunction display

Toe information displayed on the multifunc-
tion display can be changed. For information
1. Yamaha Security System indicator (optional)
on other settings or changing the displayed
information, see the operation manual includ- Make sure that the Yamaha Security System
ed with the 6Y8 Multifunction meter. · indicator is off before starting the engine.
Water separator-alert indicator ,.
If water has accumulated in the water sepa-
rator (fuel filter) while cruising, th~ water sep-
Tois manual mainly covers the alert display of
arator-alert indicator will start to blink.
the 6Y8 Multifunction tachometer. · See the • :. ;) .•• .. . . . . , ~' ', t • •. , • ' ,._ ,,, '

following sections for information about the

alert indicators. - •
Indicators , ·


1. Water separator-alert indicator

Stop· t~e engine im'!'~iately and see page

· 1 ·s· - s-· 4·-; · ZMuo0411
90 of this manual to drain the water from the
1. Yamaha Security System indicator (optionaQ . fuel filter. Get _b ack to the port soon and con-
2. Water separator-alert indicator · · · . .,.. , sult a Yamaha dealer iml!1ediately. ·
3• Engine trouble-alert indicator
4• Battery voltage indicator
5• Overheat-alert indicator
6• Low oil pressure-alert indicator

Instruments and indicators

Rt•ii@I Get back to the port soon if the low batteri

voltage alert device has activated. For charg
Gasoline m;;:ix;:e;::d:;-:w:::i;:th;:-:w~at:-e-r-co_u_l_d_c_a_u_se
Ing the battery, consult your Yamaha dealer.
damage to the engine.
Overheat-alert indicator
Engine trouble-alert indicator If the engine temperature rises too high whilE
If th~ engine malfunctions while cruising, the cruising, the overheat-alert indicator will star
e~gine trouble-alert indicator will start to to blink, and the engine speed will automati-
cally decr~ase to about_200G--3500 r/min.

~· ~·
blink. Get back to the port soon and consult
a Yamaha dealer immediately.

I-- - ,
.- -, ::x('=-6
-, .._A -c-7- 1 x100 DZII

--- . =.:I -•6

.- r/min -

-- -
- - r/ mln L - - ,--\llf)
, '
--i-- 1,/
71 \-:,.,,

1. Overheat-alert indicator
· ZMU08414
1. Engine trouble-alert Indicator Stop the engine immediately if the buzzer
sounds and the overheat device has activat-
@t•iit':11 ------------

ed. Check the cooling w~,er inlet for clog-

1n such an event, the engine will not oper~ gi(lg._-

i4•1itii ____________
ate properly. Consult a Yamaha dealer im-
• Do not continue to run the engine if the
Low battery voltage alert overheat-alert indicator blinks. 5.erious
If the battery voltage drops, t~e battery volt- engine damage will occur.
age value will start to blink. • Do not continue to operate the engi.n e if

-,- --
an alert device has activated. Consult
. I
YO!,lr -Yamaha dealer if the problem can-
not be located and corrected.

- -'"' I
I x100
rfmin -
~8.201 :E!- ---·

/ I \E::!I=- '

- ~ , ..
Low oil pressure-alert indicator
If the engine oil p"ressure drops too low, the
low oil pressure-alert indicator will start to
blink, and the engine speed will automatically'
decrease to about 200G--3500 r/min.
1 ZMU08415

1. Battery voltage value

Instruments and indicators


j ' ••

1. Low oil pressure-alert indicator

Stop the engine immediately if the buzzer

sounds and the low oil pressure-alert indica-
tor blinks. Check the engine <;>ii level and re-
plenish oil if necessary. If the alert device has
activated while the appropriate engine oil lev-
el is maintained, consult your Yamaha dealer.

M•ii@i ____________

Do not continue to run the engine if the

low oil pressure alert device has activated.
Serious engine damage will occur. ! ·.
I , .o
) \ .;


i l j



' I

!;ngine control system

Alert system
Rt•iiMI .
Do not continue to operate the engine if an
alert device has activated. Consult your
Yamaha dealer if the problem cannot be
located and corrected.


Overheat alert
This engine has an overheat-alert device. If • The buzzer will sou nd _
the engine temperature rises too high, the
alert device will activate.
• The engine speed will automatically_de-
crease to about 2000-3500 r/min.
• The overheat-alert indicator will light or



.,_,~, -,



' ---

r/ min
L- - --,~

-..,,._ @ OFF !START OFF !START A @ __...,__

• The pop-up window will appear on the



.Engine control system
he alert system has activated, stop the en-
t and check t he coo 1·mg water .in Iets: ,
; Check trim angle to be sure that_the cooling
,. water inle~ is s~br:nerged. ; .

Low oil pressure alert
If the oil pressure drops too low, the alert de-
1~ vice will activate.
1. cooling water inlet • The engine speed will automatically de-
1 Check the cooling water inlet for clogging. crease to about 2000--3500 r/min.
Twin engine drive users • The low oil pressure-al~rt indicator_will light
If the overheat alert system of one outboard or blink.
motor activates, the engine will _slow down.
To tum off the alert activation on the out-
board motors not affected by overheating ·
(1) Tum the .main switch to "OFF" (off) for the
overheating outboard motor.

, ON .,,.

OFF~ :
/ ...
B : _· ·\>< . ,,.
-i -- -
· ZMU01828

.I -~-•---· -- -

'· ,, ,

' """'~i,j'iil:~ . I ,

If the alert system has activated, stop the ~n-
gine and tilt the outboard motor up to check
tlie cooling water inlets for clogging.
(2} If the alert system is still.activated, tilt the
overheated outboard rnotor up and re- • The pop-up window will appear on the
turn to port. Multi-Display. ·

Engine control system
a o.:o '
If the alert system has activated, ·s top the en
gine as soon as it is safe to do so. Check thi
oil level and add oil as needed. If the oil leve
is correct and the alert system does not tun
off, consult your Yamaha dealer.
Twin engine drive users
If the low oil pressure alert system of one out
board motor activates, all of the engines wil
slow down and the buzzer will sound.
• The buzzer will sound. To turn off the alert activation on the out
board motors not affected by the low oil pres-
Tum the main switch to "OFF" (off) for the out-
board motor that has the low oil pressure.


~&: )

EMU4 1947
Water separator alert
The outboard motor is equipped with a water
separator alert system. If water separated
from the fuel exceeds a specific volume, the
alert system will activate.
• The water separator-alert indicator will
come on or blink.


Engine control system

1. Water separator-alert indicator

•The . pop-up window will appear on the


11,0.a . -ii,

J < • , • • • i ; . . r•. ,
• The buzzer will sound intermitter:itly w_ hen
. _the control leyer is in the neutr:._al pos_iti9 n, .
If the alert system has activated _ .: _, _, ~. .-, • - •• .J. •• '

Stop the engine and see page 92 of this _maf'!,:

ual to drain the _water from the fuel filter: '3e~
tum to port and consult a Yamaha dealer
immedi~tely: ._ , ,

tt•ii@i ,'
ECM02471 ·

Although the buzzer will stop when the en-

-gine is started and . the control lever is
moved to the forward or reverse ·position,
do not use the outboard'
~otor: Othe~ise;
&e~~us engine dai:nage. <?O!-ll_d occur,.

I .•


The information presented in this section is
.intended as reference only. It is not possible
to provide complete instructions for every
possible bo.a t and motor combination. Proper
mounting depends in part on experience and
the specific boat and motor combination.

• Overpowering a boat could cause se- 1. Center line (keel line)

vere instability. Do not install an out-
board motor with more horsepower
than the maximum rating on the capaci-
ty plate of the boat. If the boat does not
have a capacity plate, consult the boat
manufacturer. ·
• Improper mounting of the outboard mo-
-tor could result in hazardous conditions
. '

such as poor handling, loss of control,

or fire hazards. For permanently mount- 1
ed models, your dealer or other person 1. Center line (keel line)
experienced in proper rigging should EMU26937

mount the motor. Mounting height (boat bottom)

The' mdunting height of your outboard motor
affects 7ts ·efficiency and reliability. If it is
Mounting the outboard motor mounted too high, propeller ventilation may
The outboard motor should be mounted so occur, which will reduce propulsion due to
that the boat is well balanced. Otherwise, the exbessi\te ·propeller · ·siip, and the water in-
boat could be hard to steer. For single-engine takes for the cooling system may not g_et ah
boats, mount the outboard motor on the cen- adequate water supply, which can cause en-
terline (keel line) of the boat. For twin engine gine overheating. If the engine is mounted too
boats, mount the outboard motors equidis- low, water resistan9e (drag) will increase,
tant from the centerline. Consult your thereby reducing engine efficiency and per-
Yamaha dealer or boat manufacturer for fur- formance. ,
ther information on determining the proper Most commonly, an outboard mbto·r should
mounting location. be mounted so that the· anti-cavitation plate
is in alignment with 'the bottom of the 'boat.
The optimum mounting height of the o.ut-
board motor is affected by the boat/motor
combination and the desired use. Test runs
at different heights can help determine the ,

Installation -
' tirnurn . mounting -height. , Consult ' your
:,p aha dealer or boat manufacturer for fur-:
ya!Tl •nforrnation on determining · the proper
ther 1 •
moU ntinQ height.


I,;, __ .J .

. .•.: :: . : i·.

. ·• ,

.) 1 ••
, ,~MU01762, .

i •
-. . ·I.

. • . - . -·· -'.~-
Mal<e sure that the · idle h~le ' i~ high
enough to prevent water from entering
' the engine everi if the boat is stiitionary
with the maximum load. -~ _ . . . .
• Incorrect engine height or ·obstructions
( )
I to the_, smooth flow. of. water'
l •
{such 'as

design or condition of the boat, or

cessories, such as ·transom~ladde~s or
' j 1' ' • ,.._,..
'l I 1 - .> ' I
depth finder transducers) can create air-
borne water spray while the bo;~t . is
J', ' cruising. If the outboard -~ ot~r is 'dper~
.! ated the'pr~sence of air-
nl - borne water spray, enough water could .'
I.I enter the engine through .the. air inta:i<e
o\ . ·opening in the top cowling to cause se-
311 vere en~ine damage. Remove. the cause
, . of the airborne water spray. :J;--1 .. , .. ,
l • 4
J ,• t ..._

di .
ti '. '·'
t-!I , . , .,
' i
)f i
15 ,

Operation .

First-time operation
life. NOTICE: Failure to follow the break~lj
procedure could result in reduced engi
life or even severe engine damage. [EcMoo I
Fill engine oil
EMU27086 /'
The engine is shipped from the factory w·1th- Procedure for 4-stroke models
out engi ne o1·1 . If. your dealer did not fill the oil Your new engine requires a period of 1d/
you must fill it before starting the . ' hours break-in t6 allow mating surfaces of!'
NOTICE. engine. moving parts to wear in evenly.
. . : Check that the engine is filled
TI~ . .
with oil before first-time operation to avoid
severe engine damage• [ECM01782J Run the engine i.n the water, under load (in
Th~ engine is shipped with the following tag, gear with a propeller installed) as follows. Fo
which should be removed after engine oil is 10 hours for breaking in engine avoid extend-
filled for the first time. For more information ed idling, rough water and crowded areas. 1
on checking the engine oil level, see page 46. (1) For the first hour of operation:
Run the engine at varying speeds up to
2000 r/min or approximately half throttle.
(2) For the second hour of operati~n:
Increase engine speed as much as nec-
essary to put the boat on plane (but
avoid full-throttle operation), then back
off on the throttle while keeping the boat
at a planing speed.
(3) ·Remaining 8 hQurs:
Run the engine at any speed. However,
avoid operating at full throttle for more
than 5 minutes at time.
(4) After the first \ 0 hours:
Operate the engine norrnall~.

Getting to know your- boat
All boats have unique handling characteris-
tics. Operate cautiously while you. learn how
ZMU01710 your boat handles under different conditions'
and various trim angles (see page 56).
Breaking in engine
Your new engine requires a period of break-
in to allow mating surfaces of moving parts to
wear in evenly. Correct break-in will help en-
sure proper performance and longer engine

:-- Installation
optimum ·. mounting height. - Consult ' your
Yamaha dealer or boat manufacturer for fur-
ther information on determining . the proper
mounting height.

ZMU01762 .

61•Ji@j _-_·,._· _,_,:_-._--,---------

• Make sure that the ·idle h~le '_ is high
· enough to prevent water from entering
the engine even if the boat is stationary
with the maximum load. · .
• Incorrect engine height or obstructions
to th~ smooth flow of ~ater (such as the
design or condition of the boat, or ac-
·cessories, such as transom ladders or
depth finder tra~;~ ducers) can 'create air-
borne water spray while _the boat · is
· cruising. If the outboard moto~ is· oper-
ated continuously in the prese.nce of air- I
. borne water spray, enough water could .I
enter the engine thr<>ugh the air .intake
.. opening in the top cowling to cause se-
vere engine damage. Remove_the cause
. , of the airborne water spray. .: •; -

i Operation
EMU38382 life. NOTICE: Failure to follow the break-in
First-time operation
procedure could result in reduced engine
life or even severe engine damage,
Fill engine oil p~;~:dure for 4-strok~ models .
The engine is shipped from the factory with- Your new engine requires period of 10
out engine oil. If your dealer did not fill the oil, hours break-in t6 allow matrng surfaces of
you must fill it before starting the engine. moving parts to wear in evenly.
NOTICE: Check that the engine is filled
with oil before first-time operation to avoid Run the engine in the water, under load (In
severe engine damage. 1ecM011e21 ar with a propeller installed) as follows. For
The engine is shipped with the followi~g tag, ge . . "d
10 hours for breaking rn engrne avor extend-
which should be removed after engine oil is ed idling, rough water and crowded areas.
filled for the first time. For more information (1) For the first hour of op~ration:
on checking the engine oil level, see page 46. Run the engine at varyrng speeds up tc
2000 r/min or approximately half throttle.
(2) For the second hour of operati~m:
Increase engine ·speed as much as nec-
essary to put the boat on plane {bul
avoid full-throttle operation), then bac!
off on the throttle while keeping the boa1
at a planing speed.
(3) ·Remaining 8 hours:
Ff~n the engine at any speed. However
avoid operating at full throttle for morE
than 5 minutes at a time.
(4) After the first 10 hours:
FIii engine oil
ftada acelte de mot Operate the engine normally.
locer oleo de mot
le pleln d'hulle _m
Getting to know your boat
All boats have unique handling characteris
tics. Operate cautiously while you learn hm
ZMU01710 your boat handles under different condition
and various trim angles (see page 56).
EMU30175 •
Breaking in engine
Your new engine requires a period of break-
in to allow mating surfaces of moving parts to
wear in evenly. Correct break-in will help en-
sure proper performance and longer engine

EMIJ36414 • •
Checks before starting engine

If any item in "Checks before starting en- 1 1

1 gine" is not working properly, have it in-
spected and repaired before operating the
,I outboard motor. Otherwise, an accident
could occur.

at•Ji@j ____________
I ECt.100121 . .

1. Cowling lock lever

Do not start the engine out of water. Over-
heating and serious engine damage can
Fuel system
occur. EWM00061

F,uel level Gasoline and its vapors are highly flamma-
. Be sure you have,ptenty of fuel for your trip. A ble and explosive. Keep away from sparks,
I good rule is to use 1/3 of your fuel to get to cigarettes, flames, or other sources of ig-
the destination, 1/3 to return, and to keep 1/3 nition.
I as an emergency reserve. With the boat level EWM00911
on a trailer or in the water, turn the key to "ON"
(on) and check the fuel level. For fuel filling in-
Leaking fuel can result in fire _or explosion.
1 structions, see page 50.
e;Check for f':Jel leakage regularly.
• If any fuel leakage is.found, the fuel sys-
Removing top cowling , tem must-be repaired by a qualified me-
For the following checks, remove the top chanic:;_., Improper repairs can make the
cowling from the bottom cowling. outboard unsafe to operate.
To remove the top cowling, pull the cowling EMU36453
lock levers and lift up the top cowling. Check for fuel leaks

1(~ 1/
., • Check for fuel leaks or ,gasoline_fumes in
J the boat.
5 • Check for fuel leakage from the fuel sys-
tem. '
• Check the f!J~I tank and fuel lines for
cracks, swellings, or other damage.

1. Cowling lock lever

Checking the fuel filter · ·1
Check th at th e fuel filter is clean and free of
water.. If any water is found in the fuel or if a
significant amount of debris is found, ;he fuel 2
tank should be checked and cleaned by a
Yamaha dealer.


1. Clip
2. Engine shut-off cord (lanyard)

Engine oil
(1) Place the outboard motor in a vertical ,
position (not tilted). NOTICE: If the out-
board motor is not level, the oil level
indicated on th~ oil dipstick may not
be accurate. 1EcM018621
Controls ·
(2) Remove the oil dipstick and wipe it 1
• .Tum the steering wheel full-right and' tull-
clean. ·
left. Make sure operation is smooth and un-
restricted throughout the whole range with
no binding or ·excessive free play .
. • Operate the throttle levers several times to
make sure there is no hesitation in their
travel. Operation should 'be smooth over
the complete range of motion, and each le-
ver ~hould retum,completely to the idle·po-
s ition.
• Look for loose or damaged connections of
the throttle and shift cables. 1. Oil dipstick

EMU36484 (3) Insert the oil dipstick completely and re- ·

Engine shut-off cord (lanyard) move it again.
Inspect the engine shut-off cord and clip for (4) Check that the oil level on the oil dipstick
damage,, such as cuts, breaks, and wear. is between the upper and lower marks. :
Consult your Yamaha dealer if the oil lev·
el is not at the proper level or if it appears
milky or dirty.

3. Flushing device
I- 3 EMU46700
Installing top cowling
(1) Check the rubber seal for damage. If the
rubber seat is damaged, have it replaced
by a Yamaha dealer.

1. Oil dipstick

I 2. Lower mark
3. Upper mark

:a Outboard motor
t- • Check, that the outboard motor is mounted
el pr~perly and ·check the outboard motor 1. Rubber seal
mounting bolts for looseness. 2. Bottom cowling
• Check the propeller for damage.
(2) Check that the rubber seat is seated all
n • Check for engine o_il teaks. the way around the bottom cowling.
(3) Check that all of the cowling lock levers
Flushing device are pulled outward.
Check that the flushing ·device's garden hose (4) Align the 3 protrusions on the top cowl-
connector is securety rscrewec:1 -bri to-t he fit- ing , with the _corres·ponding holders on
ting on the bottom cowling. NOTICE: If the the bottom cowli17g, and then place the

.. I
garden hose connector is not property top cowling ·on the b~ttom cowling.

connected, cooling wate,..can leak out and
I the e,:igine cari overheat du,-ing op~ration. t_r----2

1 2 3

1. Top cowling
2. Protrusion
3·. Holder
4. Bottom C0Y{ling
1. Fitting
2. Garden hose connector

rectly, water can enter the top co..,j
and damage the engine, or the tod
cowling can blow off at high speeds.

1. Top COWiing
2. Protrusion
3. Holqer
4. Bottom cowling

(5) Push the cowling lock levers downward

to secure the top cowling. Ch;~king power trim and tilt system

1(~ 1/ • Never get under the lower unit while it is

tilted, even when the tilt support lever is
locked. Severe injury cQuld occur if the
- outboard motor accidentally fall~.
• Body p~rts can be .crushed between the
.mQ~or and ~he ~lamp brac.ket vvhe_n the
·motor !Strimmed or tilted.
• Be sure no one is .near the outboar,d mo-
1 . Cowling lock lever
tor•b_efore perforrnlng this check.

(1) ' 'd ,ecRthe"p:ower tri~ and tilt unit for any
sign of oil leaks.
1 1 (2) Operate each of the power trim and tilt
switches on ttie remote control and en-
gine bottom cowling to check that all
switches work.
(3) Tilt the outboard motor up and check
that the tilt rod and trim rods are extend-
ed completely.
1 . cowling lock lever
(G) Check the fitting of the top cowling by
ushing it with both hands. NOTICE: If
~e top cowling is not installed cor-


: 1. Tilt rod , '.

(7) Activate the trim~up switch until the tilt
• 2. Trim rod
. rod is fully extended. Unlock the tilt sup-
- , • , • l
(4) Use the tilt support lever to lock the mo- , P?rt lever. .
. tor in the up position. · Operate the tilt ' .
down switch briefly so the motor is sup-
ported by the tilt support lever.


(8) ·• Ti.It the "outboard motor down. Check

that the tilt rod arid ' rods · operate
smoothly. ,; · , , < •, ·=.::. ,1
1. TIit support lever
·1 (5) Check that the tilt rod and ·trim rods are EMU36585 , , ; 1 -, ·: , • , ,, i • ,1
y' Battery _. . . _ 1. .
free of corrosion or other flaws.
(6) Activate the tilt-down, ~wiJch until the Check ~he battery's, charge. If your boat is
•' ·l ' ·' ' I ,I '; j , ,1 . ' 1 1,

trim rods have retracted completely into equiAped with a Yamaha digital speedome-
-·. 1 ,. J '. J l , \ , ) ' ' ' , •

the cylinders. ter, the voltmet~r and low battery alert func-
tions wiU help' you monitor . the . batt~ry's
charge ..A b~ttery i~ .good condition wili pro~ ·
,· ,l '! I' . ; ' _. ··., .i '

vide a minimum of 12 volts. Check that the

battery connections a~e clean, secure and
•, , • ., ' ! ''! .1, t • :·, , ·, 1 • ,i

covered by insulating covers . .The electrical

co~nections I th'e' batte'ry·'a~d cables must
, 1 1 Ill : · \ , l l ·•·1 , . ;;
of '!' , i

be clean and properly connected or the bat-

tery will not start the engi~e. .. . ' ' .
' ' - 1. r _!',1 .. . : ,t' r

If th .
y e battery needs charging, consult your (9) Wipe up any spilled gasoline immediate- "
. amaha dealer or the battery manufacturer's ly with dry rags. Dispose of rags prope~y
instructions. according to local laws or regulations,
Filling fuel Operating engine

• Gasoline and its vapors are highly flam- This product emits exhaust gases which
mable and explosive. Always refuel ac- contain carbon monoxide, a· colorless
cording to this procedure to reduce the odorless gas which could ' cause brain' ,

risk of fire and explosion. damage or death when inhaled. Symp.
• Gasoline is poisonous and can toms include nausea, dizziness, . and
jury or'death. Handle gasoline with care. drowsiness. Keep cockpit and cabin areas
Never siphon gasoline by mouth. If you well ventilated. Avoid blocking exhaust 1f
should swallow some gasoline or inhale outl~ts. · , ' ' 1
a lot of gasoline vapor, or get some gas- l I ' '~ I ' '

oline in your eyes, see your doctor im- EMU31814

Sending fuel
mediately. If gasoline spills on your skin,
(1) If there is a fuel joint or a fuel valve on the
' I wash with soap and water. If gasoline 1
boat, firmly connect the fuel line to the
spills on your clothing, change your 1

joint or open the fuel valve. ·

clothes. 1

(2) Squeeze th~ primer ~ump, with the ar- 1

(1) Make sure that the engine is stopped. row pointing up, until you feel it become 1'
(2) Make sure that the boat is in a well-ven- furn. · · ·
tilated outdoor area, .., either securely
moored or trailered.
(3) Make sure that no one is in the boat.
(4) Do not smoke and keep away from
sparks, flames, static electric disch~rge,
or other sources of ignition. .
(5) If you use' a ·portable container to ' ;tore
and dispense fuel, only use a locally ap-
,, . prov'eo GASOLINE container. . . . . I

(6) _Touch the fuel nozzle to tfle filler opening ZMU02025

·or· funnel to help · prevent electrostatic 1. Arrow

. , , ".'.I . .
(7) Fill · the. fuel tank, but · do n~t , oyerfill.
WARNING! Do not overfill. Otherwise
fuel can expand and overflow if 'the
. temperature incre~se.s. 1™,102~11!
(8) Tighten the fuel tank cap securely.


EMU274~ •
starting engine
I EWM01601 N

Before starting the engine, make sure that

the boat Is tightly moored and that you can
steer clear of any obstructions. Be sure
there are no swimmers in the water near
Electric start and remote control models
0 ZMU04588

The start-in-gear protection device prevents
1 • Failure to attach the engine shut-off the engine from starting except when in neu-
cord could result in a runaway boat if tral.
operator is ejected. Attach the engine (2) Attach the engine shut-off cord to a se-
shut-off cord to a •secure place on your cure place on your clothing, or your arm
clothing, or your ann or leg while oper- or leg. Then install the clip on the other
ating. Do not attach the cord to clothing end of the cord into t~e engine shut-off
that could tear loose. Do not route the switch.
cord where it could become entangled, t

preventing· it from ,functioning. -~ 11

1 • Avoid accidentally pulling the cord dur-
ing normal operation. Loss·"of engine
power means the loss of most steering
control. Also, without engine power, the
boat. could slow rapidly. This could
cause people and objects in .the boat to
lbe thrown forward.
i (1) Place ~he rem·ote control iever in "N"







(3) Tum the main switch to "ON" (on).

\ I
.,_ _,1
@) evAIIAHA------


(5) Immediately .after the engine starts; re:
lease the main switch to return it to "ON"
TIP: (on). NOTICE: Never tum:· the main
Dual engine users: When the main switch is ,· .. switch to "START" (start) while the en-
turned on, the buzzer operates for a few sec-
gine is running. Do not keep the start-
onds then stops automatically. The buzzer
. er motor turning · for more than 5
also operates if one of the engines stalls.
:... , seconds. If the starter motor is turned
(4) Tum the main switch to "START" (start),
continuously for more than 5 seconds,
and hold it for a maximum of 5 seconds.
r y_~ill_be quickly discharged,
·; the b-;i,tte_
thus mal<ing it impossible ·tctstart the

engine. The starter can also be dam·
• RT aged. If the engine will not start after 5
seconds of cranking, return the main
switch to "ON" (on); wait. 10 seconds,
th en crank the engine ' again.
- (Ect.1001931

/' - .

52 ;

Et.lchecks after starting engine Warming ·up·engine

EMU41234 · •
cooling water . Procedure for warming up engine
Check for a steady flow of water from the (1) After starting the engine, _wa·rm up the
cooling water pil~t hole. A continuous flow of engine until the engine ·speed stabilizes
water from the cooling water pilot hole shows at idle speed to provide maximum oper-
that the water pump is pumping water ating performance and acceleration.
through .the cooling_water passages. NOTICE: Failure to do so will shorten
engine life. (EcMoosOJ
TIP: ••··· - '
wtien the engine is ~tarted, there may be a Idle speed (in neutral):
slight delay before water flows from the cool- 600-700 r/min '
ing water pilot hole.

m,11@1 ___________
ECM02251 (2) Check that the lowoil pressure-alert indi~
· · cator remains off. NOTICE: If the low oil
If water is not flowing _out of the cooling pressu~~~alert indi~~to~ . bH!}kS . after ,,
water pilot hole at all times while the en- the engine starts, stop the . engine.
gine is running, overheating and serious . Otherwise, serious engine damage
damage could occur. Stop the engine and could occur. Consult . your Yamaha
dealer. (EcM02aa11 · , ·· · · ·
check whether the cooling water inlet on
the lower case or the cooling water pilot
Checks after engine warm up
hole is blocked. Consult your Yamaha ',
. dealer if the problem cannot · be -located EMU36542
and corrected. , ··· t ) : Shifting ·· ' ·, .
While the boat is tightly moored, and without
applying throttle, confirm that the engine
shifts smoothly into forw'ard and reverse, and
back to neutral. ; ' '
~· .- !' ' -;:

Stop switches
Perform the foilowing procedure to check
that · tf:le ' main switch arid engine : shut-off
switch operate properly. ,. (, ',, , I

• Check that the engine stops when the main

1. Cooling water pilot hole switch is turned to the "OFF" (off) position.
• Check that the engine stops when the clip
is pulled from the engine shut-off switch.
• Check that the engine cannot be started
with the clip removed from the engine shut-
-off switch.


Shifting N -. 32°

Before shifting, make sure there' are no

swimmers or obstacles in the water near ' /
ECl.101611 -. rtt.-'=rt-=-~
-Jo bi~.
Warm up the engine before shift{ng into
2MUo~ '

gear. Until the engine is warm, the idle

speed may be higher than nonnal. High 35° 35•
idle speed can prevent you from shifting F R
bc1c~ to neutral. If this occurs, stop the en-
gine, shift to neutral,- then restart the en-
gin~ and.°c1How it to wann up. .
To shift out of neutral
• .I
(1) Pull ' the neutral interlock trigger up Qf
· · equipped). · ·
To shift from•in gear (forward/reverse) to neu-
tral ... .
(1) .. Close . the •tlilrottle so that the engine
slows to idle speed.


1. Neutral interlock trigg~r _· " 1 ,: . . . . . . . .·' _ :.,, .-i :, :~

(2) Move the remote control lever firmly and

~risply forward (for forward gear) or rear:-:-
ward (for reverse gear) about 35° (a de-
tent can be f~lt). · .., :. .

the boat. This could increase the risk of
serious injury. It could also damage the
R shift mechanism. ~
• Do not shift into reverse while traveling
at planing speeds. Loss of control, boat
swamping, or damage to the boat could

The boat : is not equipped with a separate

ZMU05463 braking system. Water resistance stops it af-
ter the throttle lever is moved back to idle.
• (2) After the engine is at idle speed in gear,
The stopping distance varies depending on
move the remote control lever firmly and
gross weight, water surface conditions, and
crisply to the neutral -position.
wind direction. - ·

. , ·stopping engine
Before stopping the engine, first let it cool off
· for a few minutes at idle or low speed. Stop-
ping the engine i~rnediately' after operating
at ·high speed is not recommended.

EMU31832 · .- .) I ;~-~ ... . --..-:,- ....

Proce~ure · · -•. · ·
zMuom1 .· (1) Turn the main switch to "OFF" (off): ·

' ZMU04588

EMU31743 .

' "
Stopping boat

• Do not use the reverse function to·slow

down or stop the boat a-s it could cause
you to lose control, be ejected, or im-
pact the steering wheel or other parts of

prove performance and fuel economy Whil
-· -
reducing strain on the engine. Correct tri~
@FFOt-iST~® angle . depends upon the combination
boat engine, and propeller. Correct trirn .
' 1
also affected by variables such as the load in
. ~
the boat, sea conditions, and running speed.


@) 1. Trim operating angle

EMU27889 •
ZMU05833 ·. Adjusting tr_
i m angle (Power tnm and
(2) Remove the key if the boat will be left,1;1n~ EWM00754

TIP: • Be sure all people are clear ·of the out•
The engine can also be stopped by pulling · board motor when adjusting the trim an-
the cord and removing the clip from the en- gle. Body parts can be crushed between
gine shut-off switch, then turning the main the motor and the clamp bracket when
switch to "OFF" (off). . ; the motor is trimmed or tilted.
EMU27865 - c , • Use caution when trying a trim position
Trimming outboard .motor . for the first time. Increase speed gradu•
ally and watch for any signs of instabilitY
or control problems. Improper trim an·
Excessive trim for the operating condi~ · gle can cause loss of control.
tions (either trim up or trim down) can • If equipped with a power trim and tiH
cause boat instability and can make steer- switch located on the bottom cowling,
ing the boat more difficult. This increases use the switch only when the boat is ata
the possibility of an accident. If the boat complete stop with the engine off. 00
begins to feel unstable or is hard to steer, · ·. ~ot adjust the trim angle with this switch
slow down and/or readjust the trim _angle. _ · while the boat is moving.

The trim angle of the outboard motor helps Adjust the outboard motor trim angle usi
determine the position of the bow of the boat the power trim and tilt switch.
in the water.. Correct trim angle will help im-



ZMU01781 ZMU01784

1. _power trim and tilt switch Bow Up

Too much trim-out puts the bow of the boat
top high in the water. Performance and econ-
1 0 JI omy are dec~eased because the hull of .the
boat is pushing the water and there is more
air drag. Excessive trim-out can also cause

the propeller to ventilate, which reduces per-
formance further, and the boat may "por-
poise" (hop in the water), which could throw

1. Power trim and tilt swhch
'"""'"" the operator and passengers over:board.

To raise the bow (trim~out), press the switch

"UP" (up).
1 To lower the bow (trim-in), press the switch
I "DN" (down).
Make test runs with the trim set to different
1 angles to find the position that works best for
your boat and operating cond!tions.
Bow Down
Too much trim-in causes the boat to "plow"
Adjusting boat trim
When the boat is on plane, a bow-up attitude throµgh th.e '!later, decreasing fuel economy
1 and, making 'it hard to \ricrease speed. Oper-
I results in less drag, greater stability. and effi-
' ciency. This 1s generally when the keel line of atjng with excessive trim-in at higher spe~s

llI the boat is up about 3 to 5·degrees. With the also makes the boat unstable. Resistance at
the bow i~ greatly increased, heightening the
ii bow up, the boat may have a greater tenden--
1 cy to steer to one side or the other. Compen- danger of -"bow steering" and making opera-
sate for this as you steer. When the bow of tion difficult and dangerous.
I the boat is down, it is easier to accelerate
I from a standing start onto plane.

O eration
• To prevent..the cooling water Pa ssag
from becoming frozen when the 61
ent temperature Is 5°C (41°F) or ba_rtibt,

e1 0 .,,
tilt the outboard motor up after it h ,
been stopped 30 seconds or more. a.

Procedure for til~ing up
·(1) Place the remote control lever in neut
. • rat

Depending on
the type of boat, the outboard
motor trim angle may have little effect on the
tr!m of the boat when operating. · · '
EMU27948 '

, · ,_ - Tilting up and down ··

If the engine will be stopped for some time or
if the boat Is moored in shallows, the out- ZMU01m

board motor should be tilted up to protect the

propeller and lower case from damage by
collision with obstructions, and also to re-
duce salt corrosion.

Make sure that all people are clear of the

outboard motor when tilting the outboard
motor up -and down. Bod¥, part~ can be between the outboard motor and ZMU07396
the clamp bracket when the outbo;:ird mo-
tor is trimmed or tilted. (2) Press the power trim and tilt switch "Up'
(up) until the outboard motor has tiltec

M-Ji@i ____________
up completely.

• Before tilting the outboard motor, follow

the procedure under."Stopping engine"
.. in this chapter. Neve~ tilt the outboard
motor while the engine is _running. Se-
vere damage from overheating can re-
l ' '

suit. ·



1, UP 0

ZMU02112 .,
• • - • '"'f• (4) Once the outboard motor is supported
(3) · Pull the _ tilt suppo.rt lever tow~rd Y':)_i.i'. to with the tilt support lever, press the pow-
• · support the engine. _\Y~R!'ll~G_!' After er trim and tilt switch "DN" (down) to re-
tilting the outboard motor; _be _:i!Jre,t~ tract the trim rods. NOTICE: Make sure
. : support with th~ ~ilt ·s~f:>PO~ ~ob,or - that the trim rods ·retract -completely
. tilt support l~ver.- _Other:wise th,~ ~ut- during mooring. This protects the rods
- board motor could -fall "back , down from marine growth and corrosion,
··suddenly if ofr in th~ P~'"'."er~~ aryd-tilt v,,hich could damage the power trim
. unit or in the power tilt uriit loses pres- . and tilt mechanism. [ECM00254]
sure. [EWM00263] NOTICE: :'l:>o:
not" use th~
tilt support lever or knob when traile-
ring the boat. The_' outboard ·. n,'ot<?.r .
could shake loose from the tilt support
and fall. If the motor cannot be
trailered in the normal running posi-
tion, use an additional support device
to secure it in the :tilt position. For
· more detailed information, see page
62.1.ECMOt 842] -


Procedure for tilting down

(1) Push the power trim and tilt switch "UP"
(up) until the outboard motor is support-
ed by the tilt rod and the tilt support lever
becomes free.
(2) Release the tilt support lever.


Shallow water

p~:er trim and tilt models

The outboard motor can be tilted up partial!
to allow operation in shallow water.
(3) Push the power trim and tilt switch "DN"
(down) to lower the outboard motor to
tn•Jita=i ____,._---------1
• If the engine speed is suddenly in-
the desired position. creased when the outboard motor is
partialiy tilted up, the power trim and tilt
unit could be damaged.
• Do not tilt the outboard motor up so that
the cooling water inlet on the lower unit
is above the surfa9e of the water when
setting up for and cruising in shallow
water. Otherwise severe damage from
overheating can result.
Procedure for power trim and tilt models
(1) Place the remote control lever in neutral.


~; ™-

- Operation
' EMU35392 ••

Cruising in other cond1t1ons

Cruising in salt water
After operating in salt water, flush the cooling
water passages with fresh water to prevent
them from becoming clogged. Also rinse the
outside of the outboard motor with fresh wa-
. ter.
Cruising in muddy, turbid, or acidic water
ZMU04588 Water in some areas can be acidic or with a
lot of sediment in it, such as muddy or turbid
:2) Slightly tilt the outboard motor up to the (cloudy) ·water. After operating in such water,
desired position using the power trim flush the cooling passages with fresh water to
and . tilt switch. WARNING! Using the prevent corrosion. Also rinse the outside of
power trim and tilt switch on the bot- the outboard motor with fresh water.
tom cowling while the boat is moving
or engine is on could increase the risk
of falling overboard and C!)uld distract
the operator, increasing the risk of
. collision with another boat or an ob-
stacle. (EWM01es1I

...., ..--4••·· ·•··• ····•-

ZMU05173 (1\ l l~. -. >; ·.. · ~;-~ ,- .. . . '· :.. ·.~...-- . . , ·::· • .:-
motor to the nor-

EMU31845 sition, then trailer the outboard mot .
Transporting and storing out- tilt position using a motor suppo;r in .
board motor , such as a transom saver bar Co
Yamaha dealer for further details. Yo
When the outboard motor is tiited pr 1
• USE CARE when transporting fuel tank, time for moo~ng or trailering the bo; ongeo
whether in a boat or car. the fuel valve. ' close
• DO NOT fill fuel container to maximum
capacity. Gasoline will expand consider- EMU3oo42

ably as it wanns up and can build up Storing outboard motor

pressure in the fuel container. This can When storin,g your Yamaha outboard rnot°' ;
cat1se fuel leakage· and• a potential fire for prolonged periods of time (2 month
· hazard. · longer), several important procedures s °' io:
• Leaking fuel is a fire hazard. Tighten se-
·. ,
be. perfomied
to prevent excessive
. damage e
musi r,

curely the fuel valve when transporting

and storing the outboard motor.
. db
service y an authorized Yamaha dealer
It 1s advisable to have your outboard rn 01 ·
• Never get under the outboard motor or t~ ~torage. However, you, the owner, With
while it is tilted. Severe injury could oc- a minimum of tools, can perfomi the· folio .
cur if the outboard motor accidentally ing procedures. · · . . w ,-
falls. ECM01351
• Do not use the tilt support lever or knob •· • - - - -
when trailering the boat. The outboard • To prevent problems which can be
motor could shake loose from the tilt caused by oil entering the cylinder from :
support and ·fall. If the outboard motor . the sump, keep the .outbo_a rd motor in 111 1
cannot be trailered in the normal run- the attitude show~ when transporting
ning position, use an additional support and storing it. Do n~t store or transport :
device to secure it in the tilt position. - t~e outboard motor on its side (not up, 111
nght). - · - - ·· - -. - ·· .- 1~
• ~o not place the outboard motor on lts
14-Jitii -----------
When storing the outboard motor for pro-
side before · the cooling water has
drained from it completely, otherwise tit
longed time, fuel must be drained from the water may enter the cylinder through the
fuel tank. The deteriorated fuel could clog , exhaust port and cause engine trouble,
the fuel line causing engine start difficulty • Store the outboard motor in a dry, well-
or maHunction. ventilated place, not iri direct sunlight.
• Drain the -remaining gasoline from the
Leaking fuel is a fire hazard. When trailering
vapor separator. Gasoline left in the va-
the boat, close the fuel valve to prevent fuel
por separator for a prolonged period d
from leaking.
time will break down and could cause
The outboard motor should be transported
damage to the fuel line.
and stored in the nomial running position. If
there is insufficient road clearance in this po-

- Maintenance
II (1) If there is a fuel joint or a fuel valve on the
I. .

boat,· disconnect the fuel line from the

joint or close the fuel valve. ' · ·
(2) Wash the exterior of the outboard motor
using . fresh water. NOTICE: _Do not
. spray water into the air intake. [ECM01841J
For further information, see page 65 ·
(3) . Remove the top cowling and propeller.
(4) Install the flushing attachment over the
I , cooling water inlet, and then turn on th e
I water supply. NOTICE: Do not run the
EMU28306 '
Procedure . ·:. _ engine without supplying it with cool-
ing water. Either . the engine wa!er
·Fl~ing with the flushing attachment '
' EWt,!00323
_. pump will be damaged or the en~me
will be damaged from overheating.
Before starting the engine, be sure to
,You could be seriou~ly i_ njur~d if .t~~ · en-
supply the cooling water p~s-:
1 gine acciden~lly_s~rt~ wflen y~u are near
: sages. Avoid - runn~ng the outboard
the propeller. . . - , ·
· motor at high speed while on the
' • Before inspecting, removing, or in~tall-
1 ' ,. .. • •
fl~shing ·a ttachment, otherwise over-
· ..., ing the prppeller, , remov~ ..the ~ig,mt1on
coils from the spark plugs. Also, .~lace he~t_i~~ could occur: IecM02001I
the shift control in neutral, tum the, mai~
switch to ''oFF" (oft} and r~move ,the key,
and remove the clip •from the engi~e
shut-off switch. Tum off the battery.
' - - - • - "-f '·f .
off switch if your boat has one: , _· ·
• Do not use your hand to hold the propel-
ler when · looseni~g or tightening ·the
· propeller nut Put a wood block be~~en
the anti-cavitation plate and the propel.:
ler to prevent the propeller from tuming 1
1:· Flushing attachment
Cooling system flushing is essential to pre~
vent the cooling system from clogging up ·
A flush_ irig attachment is available· from your
with salt; sand, or dirt: In 'addition; foggiriglh.i-
Yamaha dealer. _ __ _
bricating of the engine is ·mandatory to ·pre-
(5) Run the engine at ·a fast idle for a few
vent excessive engine .damage due to ru~t:
minutes in neutral while supplying fresh
Pertom:i the flushing anp fogging at the same
time. · · "· ·- · · · water. WARNING!- Do not touch or re-
- . move ·electrical parts when startin·g or ·
..., : .during operati~·n. Keep hands, hair,
and clothes away from the flywheel

and other rotating parts while the en- (7) Tum off the water supply, and then re.;
gine is running. IEWM00092l NOTICE: Never move the flushing attachment and wi
tum the main switch to "START" (start) off any excess water.
while the engine is running. Do not (8) Install the top cowling and propeller.
keep the starter motor tur.ning for (9) Drain the cooling water completely out of
more than 5 seconds. If the starter the outboard motor. Clean the exterior of
motor is turned continuously for more the outboard motor thoroughly. I
EMU41321 •
than 5 seconds, the battery will be Draining the gasoline from the vapor sep.
quickly discharged, thus making it im- arator
possible to start the engine. The start- Gasoline in the vapor separator must be I
er can also be damaged. If the engine drained before storing the outboard motor
will not start after 5 seconds of crank- Have a Yamaha dealer drain the gasolinj
ing, return the main switch to "ON" from the vapor separator. 1:
(on), wait 10 seconds, then crank the
engine again. iecM001031 EMU41O72 ¢
TIP: (1) Change the gear oil_. For instructions, s~
• When using the flushing attachment, main- page 82. Check the gear oil for the pres-
tain adequate water pressure so that there ence of water that indicates a leaky seal.
is a steady flow of water from the cooling Seal replacement should be performed
water -pilot hole. by an authorized Yamaha dealer prior to ,
• If the overheat alert device is activated, tum use. '
the engine off, and consult your Yamaha
(6) Just prior to turning off the engine, quick-
(2) Lubricate all grease fittings. For further
details, see page 71 . ii
ly spray fogging oil into the intake silenc- TIP: 1~
For long-term storage, fogging the engine I 1
er. When properly done, the engine will 1
smoke excessively and almost stall. with fogging oil is recommended . Contact

_., your Yamana dealer for information about

fogging oil and procedures for your outboard !ill
. -
~ i

EMU40964 lilt
Flushing cooling water passage
Perform this procedure right after operation
I ••~
for the most thorough flushing.
ECMO1531 •i..t

14•Ji@j ____________ 1
Do not perform this procedure while the
engine is running. The water pump may be
If fogging oil is not available, consult your damaged and severe damage from over·

Yamaha dealer: heating can result.

( ) Disconnect the garden hose connector connected, cooling water can leak out
trom the fitting on the bott?m cowling. and the engine can overheat during
operation. iecM01a02I

2 TIP:
When flushing the cooling water passages
with the boat in the water, tilting the outboard

~-= ____!::d..-::=::~~~~~.,_... motor up until it is completely out of the water

will achieve better results.

Cleaning the outboard motor
",~ . When cleaning the outboard motor, the top
cowling must be installed., ,
1. Fitting
(1) Wash the exterior of the outboard motor
2. Garden hose connector
using fresh water. NOTICE: · Do not
(2) Connect the garden hose to the garden spray water into the air intake. 1ECM01941I
hose connector.

2 3

\ '

1 0 II . ;. 1. Air intake

1. Garden hose .,. . . .

2. Garden hose adapter (commercially avail- (2) Drain the cooling wa~er_completely out of
able) _ ~the , outb.oar~ motor. Clean the body
3. Garden hose connector thoroughly.
(3) Wrth the engine off, turn on the water EMU28463
supply and let the water flush through Checking painted surface of outboard
the cooling water passages for about 15 · motor
minutes. Check .the ~utboard motor" for scratches,
(4) Tum off the water supply, and then dis- nicks, or flaking paint. Areas with damaged
connect the garden hose from the gar- paint are more Ukely to corrode. If necessacy,
den hose connector. clean and paint the areas. Touch-up paint is
(5) Connect the garden hose connector to available from your Yamaha dealer.
the fitting on the bottom cowling and
tighten it securely. NOTICE: If the gar-
den hose connector is not properly

EMU2847G EMU34152 , ..

Periodic maintenance Severe operating conditions

Severe operating conditions involve o_ne 0
more of the following types of operation on .
• C

These procedures require · mechanical regular basis:·

skills, tools, and supplies. If you do not • Operating continuously at or r:_iear max;
have the proper skills, tools, or supplies to mum engine speed (rpm) for many hours
perform a maintenance procedure, have a • Operating continuously at a low engine
Yamaha dealer or other qualified mechan- speed (rpm) for many _hours
ic do the work. • Operating without sufficient time for engine
The procedures involve disassembling the .to warm up and cool down
motor and exposing dangerous parts. To • Frequent quick acceleration and decelera.
reduce the risk of injury from moving, hot, .- tion
or electrical parts: · • F:requent shifting
• Tum off the engine and keep the key(s) • Frequently starting and stopping. ttie en-
and engine shut-off cord (lanyard) with gine(s) ·
you when you ·perform maintenance un- • Operation that fluctuates often betweeo
less otherwise specified. light and heavy cargo loads
• The power trim and tilt switches operate Outboard motors operating under any ct
even when the ignition key is off. Keep these above conditions require more ·fre-
people away from the switches whenev- quent maintenance. Yamaha recommends
er working around the motor. When the that you do ·this service twice as often a,
motor is tilted, keep away from the area specified in .the maintenance chart. For ex-
under it or between it and the clamp ample, if a particular service should be done
bracket. Be sure no one is in this area at 50 hours:'d~ it instead at 25 hours. This wi1
before operating the power trim and tilt help prevent ' more rapid deterioration of en-
mechanism. . t_ gine corripone'nts.
• Allow the engine to cool before handling
hot parts or fluids. · · ·
• Always completely reassemble the .mo-
tor before operation.

Replacement parts · · · ··
If replacement parts are necessary, use only
genuine Yam~a parts or parts of equivalent
design and ~uality. Any part of inferior quality
may malfunction, and · the . resulting loss . of
control could endanger the operator and pas.:
sengers. Yamaha genuine parts and acces-
sories are available from your Yamaha dealer.

Et.4~6073 •
Maintenance chart 1
e C
• Refer to the sections in this chapter for explanations of each owner-specific action.
• n,e maintenance cycle on these charts assume usage of. 100 hours per year and regular
flushing of the cooling water ·passages. Maintenance frequency should be adjusted when
irs operating the engine under adverse conditions, such as extended tro[ling. ·
~in • Disassembly or repairs may be necessary ~epending on the outcome of maintenance
checks. -. ,
~in :• Expendable or consumable parts and lubricants will lose th.eir effectiveness over time and_
: through normal usage regardless of the warranty period. · · · ·
e1c • When operating in salt water, muddy, other turbid (cloudy), acidic water, the engine should
be flushed with clean water after each use. · · · ' i
Toe e" symbol indicat~s the check-ups whici you may carry out yourself.

en Toe "O" symbol indicates work to be carri7d out by your Yamaha dealer..
Initial : Every ·;I,
ee '.

Item Actions 20 hours Page

100hours 300hours 500hours
, C -·- - --- -- -- (3 · (1 year) - (3 y~ars) ~5 years)
-· ·months) , :
fn - -
.. - - -
Inspection orre-.
Anode(s) (external) placet:nent as nee- -- ' --- - - e;o_ . '
- -- -

- 83
a essary ·- '• ' '
~-- -. ·, ·•· ·-----·
.. .. - -- ·- --·- ------- ·-· ---- --
Inspection or re-
• ·-

' _,_
Anode(s) Qnternal) placement as nee~ :0 .J,_ . •.._ -·

-. -
·1 --- essary -··- - ... . . . ·, ·-
·----- - ···· .,
·- -· ·•
Wi i
Anode(s) QnternaQ • r •.
, ,.
en ·2 Replac~ment ',
I : ~ . ..
_ ,.
0 -
- - --- -·· -- .

e/o e;o
.,., .. -,--- -· -- •• · . r - ·• --··
Battery (electro- 84
lyte level, terminaQ
,· . :,
-·-·· ·•-- .. --·- ·- ... .. -- ·- - --
Fill, charging or re-

Battery (electro- ' -

lyte level, terminaQ
placing as n7ces- ; -- 0 ·•
sary - ··•-- .- - -,•···-• - --· ··- -- . -
Inspection or re- ··,
Cooling water _
placement as nee- .Jo ·O ..
':" -
- -----
., ..
- - ..
essary .

Cowling lock lever Inspection

' •10 45,47

•10 ,

Engine starting
Inspection •10 50 -

Inspection •10 •19 - .. .. - 74 -

Engine oil Replacement e;o.. e;o · ;

74 .,

Engine oil filter -- Replacement

... - · ··• · .
•10 ,. ,
-- . - .
(cartridge) · .·. i

' -····- --- .. . . -- .,_ - ~·-·· -·· - ,._ .. ~-

··-·--- .. < - .


Maintenance __ 1
Every .
__ v
Item Actions 20 hours 100hours 300hours 500hours Page
(3 (1 year) (3 years) (5 years)

Fuel filter (can be
Inspection or re-
placeme·nt as nee-
e;o e/O 46
Fuel line (Higl'!
pressure) Inspection
• • -
Fuel line (High Inspection or re-
pressure) placement as nee- 0 0 ' If
essary .J
Fuel line (Low

Fuel line (Low


Inspection pr re-
placement as nee-
• •
0 0 ' .
_ Ir,,
Inspection or re- II•'
Fuel pump placement as nee- 0
- L.,
Fuel/engine oil
leakage Inspection 0 0 - .,..
Gear oil *3 - Replacement e;o e;o. - ' 82 \II,'

Greasing points Greasing e;o e;o- 71

Clamp bracket bolt
(through tube)
Inspection and
·O s, - Iii
- ~l
Inspection or re-
pump housing
placement as nee- 0 -
essary II!
pump housing

0 - pe
OCV (Oil Control
Valve) filter
0 - 11
Power trim and tilt
Inspection •10 •10 ·'
Inspection or re-
nut/cotter pin
placement as nee-
•10 •10 80

Inspection or re-
PCV (Pressure
Control Valve)
placement_as nee~ .. O ·
' "

Inspection, adjust~
Shift link/shift ca-
ment or replace-
ment as necessary
0 0 ..
Inspection or re-
Spark plug(s) placement as nee-
essary •10 - ·- -

-- • Item
· I•
20 hours

100hours 300hours 500hours Page

(1 year) (3 years) (5 years)
Inspection or re-
Ignition colls/ignl-
tion coil leads
placement as nee-
0 0 -

Shift Dampener
system (SDS) pro-
peller damper
Inspection or re- _
placement 0 . -
Water from the
, cooling water pilot
•10 •10 53

Inspection, adjust-
Throttle link/throt-
tie cable
ment or replace-
ment as necessary
0 0 -
Inspection or re-
placement as nee-
0 -
Inspection or re-
Timing belt placement as nee-
0 -
Inspection and ad-
Valve clearance
justment 0 -
Cooling water inlet Inspection
•10 •10 16
Inspection or re- ,
Main switch/stop
placement as nee-. 0 0 -
Wire harness con- Inspection or re-
nections/wire cou- placement as nee- 0 0 -
pier connections essary
(Yamaha) Me-
tar/gauge Inspection 0 0 -

. *1 cylinder head
*2 cylinder head, thermostat cover, exhaust cover, cooling water passage cover, Rectifier
Regulator cover
. *3 Severe condition: recommended gear oil grade _

- -
Maintenance chart 2

Item Actions 1000 hours

Inspection or re-
Exhaust guide/ex- placement a~ nec-
haust manifold essary
Timing belt

i - -
. i

·•l ~

., .

vamalube Qrease A"~" (water resistant grease)
·Yama~.a ?rea_se D " ~ " (corrosion resistant grease)


,...--:=::=::A=-=-r:-:--:---- I

--- ,

'\ ' j


ini::ecting sp~rk ~lug

.,; n,e spark plug 1s an important engine com-
panent. The co~dition of the spark plug can
indicate something about the condition of the
:: engine. For example, if the center electrode
I" porcelain is very white, thi_s could indicate an
I I intake air leak or carburet1on problem in that
cylinder. Do not attempt to diagnose any -
proble~s yourself. Instead, take the out-
board motor to a Yamaha dealer. You should 1. Bolt
I periodically remove and check the spark plug 2. Ignition coil
, because he~t and deposits will cause the
(3) Remove the spark plug. WARNING!
spark plug to slowly break down and erode.
When removing or installing a spark
To remove the spark plug _
plug, be careful not to damage the in-
(1) Remove the bolts to remove the ECM
sulator. A damaged insulator could al-
(Electronic control module) cover.
low external sparks, which could lead
to explosion or fire. iewMcios62J
~ - -··_\______:.::::

1. Bolt
2. ECM (Electronic Control Module) cover
To check the spark plug .
(2) Remove the bol_ ts that ar~ securing the
(1) _ Check ~he condition of the sp~ plug. If
ignition coil, and then remove the ignition
. electrode erosion becomes excessive or
coil. NOTICE: Do not use any tools to
carbon and other deposits are exces-
remove or install the ignition coil. Oth-
sive, replace the spark plug with the
erwise, the ignition coil coupler could
specified plug.
be damaged. IECM0233lJ
Standard spark plug:
LFR6A-11 . . . · _ .

(2) Measur~ the spark . plug gap using a

.. !hickness gauge. If ~he spark plug gap is

out of specification, replace the spark
plug _with the specified plug.

Bolt tightening torque:
8 N·m (0.8 kgf·m, 5.9 lb·ft) .

Inspecting idle speed
EWM00452 ·

,• Do not touch or remove electrical Pa

• when starting or during operation.
• Keep hand: , hair, and clothes aw
1. Spark plug gap · from the flywh_e el and other rotatln
. 2. Spark plug part number
parts while the engine is running.
3. Spark plug 1.D. mark (NGK)

Spark plug gap: ~-

1.0-1.1 mm (0.039--0.043 in) .-
Mt•Ji@i : - - - ~ : - - - - - -
This procedure must be performed While
the outboard motor is in the water. A, fl,ush-
To install the spark plug
ing attachment or test tank can be used.
(1) Wipe off any dirt from the threads; insu-
lator, and gasket surface of the spark If the boat is not equipped with a tachometer
plug. . for the outboard motor, use a diagnostic ta-
(2) Install the spark plug, and then tighten it chometer for this procedure. Results ,,:,ay 1JifOC
to the specified torque. ·· · vary depending on whether testing ·is con- j:n j)J
ducted with the flushing· attachment, in a test 111111
Spark plug tightening torque:
25 N·m (2.5 kgf·m, 18 lb·ft) tan~, or with the outboard motor in the water. li:allC
(1) Start the engine and allow it to warm up ww
fully in neutral un~il it is running smoothly.
(2) Once tile engine has warmed up, verify ,

If a torque-wrench is not available when you
whether the idle speed is set to specifi- ,
are· reinstalling a spark plug, a good estimate
_catiqn'. For idle speed specifications, see I
of the com~ct torque is 1/12 tum past finger~
page 10. If you have difficulty verifying j
tight. When you are installing a new spark
the idle speed, or the idle speed requires I
plug, a good estimate of the correct torque is
. adjustment, consult a Yamaha dealer or
1/2 to 2/3 tum past finger-tight. · .
(3) . Install the ignition coil, and then tighten
ther qualified mechanic.
. ___ !he ~olts ~~ ~e sp~i~ed torque. ____ . EMU37488

Changing engine oil

Bolt tightening torque: ': ·. · . __ · EWM00761
~ tt
7 N:lll (0._7 kgf·'!'• ~-2-l~~f!) :. " ; .
(4) Install the ECM (Electronic control,mo'd - • Avoid draining the engine oil immediate- ~tt
.ule) cover and tighten ttie bolts to the ly after stopping the engine. The oil is 14s.
specified torque. · ·· · · hot and should be handled with care to ,
avoid bums.

• Be sure the outboard motor is s~curely (5) Remove the oil filler cap. Pull out the dip-
_fastened to . the transom or a stable stick and use the oil changer to extract
stand. the oil completely. _
w•li@I · · - ·
ECM01711 '

1 -
Change the engine oil after the first 20
hours of operation or 3 months, and every
100 hours or at-1 -year intervals thereafter;
a Oth~rwis!!.the engine will wear quickly. ·
9 To prevent spilling oil where it could cause
damage to nature, it is strongly recommend-
ed that you use an <?ii changer to change the ,. . __ n ~ -
engine oii.- If an oil changer is not available, 1. Oil filler cap
ile drain the engine oil by re_moving the drain
h screw. If you are not familiar with the proce-
dure for changing the engine oil, consult your
Yamaha dealer.
Changing the engine oil using an oil changer
a (recommended) • .
3 (1) Put the out~oard motor in an upright po-
n- sition (not ,tilted). -!'JOT/CE: If the out-
st board motor is not level, the oil level
!r, in_dicated on the ~ii ,dif:!s~ck _m ay not
IP be accurate. [EcM01as2I . , • .. ._- ·• :::' ·-· , I:-
1. Oil changer
y, , 1
(6) . Add the correbt amount of oil through th'e
,_ ,J
i'-•.! -
. .•

. • d :· . filler hole. Put back the filler cap aAd the

~- . :-:!-,_ dipstick: NOTICE: Overfilling the oil
le \· I •• could cause leakage'or damage. If the
19 '. :·: oil level is above the upper level mark,
,s : drain ·until the.level meets the speci-
.. ,: fied capacity:1Ec~o1es1( -':;c< · <.-'

Recommended engine oil: ..

. ·vAMALUBE 4 or 4:-stroke outboard
motoroiI ··
(2) Start the· engine. Warm it up. and keep Engine oil quantity (without oil filter
· the idle speed for 5-10 minutes. -~ · replacement): .• ·· -.: -· -,· · ··
4.5 l (4. 76 US qt, 3.96 Imp.qt) ,
(3) Stop the engine and leave it for 5-1 Omin-
Engine oil quantity (with oil filter re-
s utes. · placement): · · · ·
(4) Re!TIOVe the top cow_ling. _ 4.7 L (4.97 US qt, '4.14 Imp.qt)

(7) Leave the outboard motor for 5-10 min- TIP:
utes. • For more information on the disposal
(8) Remove oil dipstick and wipe it clean. · used oil, consult your Yamaha_dealer.
(9) Insert the dipstick and remove it again. • Change the oil more often when operati
Be sure to completely insert the dipstick the engine under adverse conditions su
into the dipstick guide, otherwise the oil as extended trolling.
level measurement will be incorrect.
(10) Recheck the oil level using the dipstick to Changing the engine oil by draining the oil
be sure the level falls between the upper (1) Put the outboard motor in ari upright
and lower marks. Consult your Yamaha sition .(not tilted). NOTICE: If the o
dealer if the oil level is out of specified board motor is not level, the oil lev
level. indicated on the oil dipstick may n
be accurate. 1EcM01aa21

1. Oil dipstick
2. Lower mark
(2) Start the engine. Warm it up and ke
3. Upper mark
the idle speed for 5-1 0 minutes.
(11) Start the engine and make sure that ~he (3) . Stop the engine and leave it for 5-10 mi
low oil pressure-alert indicator remains utes. ·
off. Also, make sure that there are no oil (4) Remove the top cowling and oil filler ca
- leaks. NOTICE: If the low oil pressure-
alert indicator comes on or if there are
oil leaks, stop the engine and find the 1
cause. Continued operation · with a
problem could cause . severe engine,
damage. Consult your Yamaha dealer
if the problem cannot be ,located and
corrected. (ECM01623I
(12) Install the top cowling.
(13) Dispose of used oil according to local ,....__
·. .
regulations. 1. Oil filler cap
(5) Remove the bolts to remove the ~P
from the starboard side.

If the oil does not drain easily, change the tilt
angle or tum the outboard motor to port and

2]( '1?E
starboard to drain the oil.
(7) Put new gasket on the drain screw. Ap-
ply a light coat of oil to the gasket and in-
stall the drain screw.
ill I Drain screw tightening torque:
0 27 N·m (2.7 kgf·m, 20 lb·ft)
1 1
n TIP:
If a torque wrench is not available when you
are installing the drain screw, finger tighten
the screw just until the gasket comes into
contact with the surface of the drain hole.
Then tighten 1/4 to 1/2 tum more. Tighten the
drain screw to the correct torque with a
torque wrench as soon as possible.
(8) Add the correct amount of oil through the
/ 1. Bolt
filler hole. Put back the filler cap and the

;· ~r::ar:_e a suitable container that holds a

dipstick. NOTICE: Overfilling 'the oil
could cause leakage or damage. If the

J larger amo!,Jnt than tt)e engine oil capac-

ity. Remove the screw and gasket
oi,! levei.ts above the upper level mark,
dr_ain until the level meets the speci-
1./ while holding the .container._: unq~~ the fied capacity. 1EcM01es1I

1 drain hole. Let the oil drain complete,ly.

Wipe up any spilled oil immediately.
Recqmme!lded engine oil:
' YAMALUBE 4 or 4-stroke outboard
· motor oil
Engine.oil.quantity (without oil filter
4.5 ,L (4.76 US qt, 3.96 Imp.qt)
Engine oil quantity (with oil filter re-
4.7 L (4.97 US qt, 4.14 Imp.qt)

(9) Leave the outboard motor for 5-1 O min-


1. Drain screw (10) Remove the oil dipstick and wipe it

2. Gasket clean.

(11) Insert the dipstick and remove it again. TIP:
Be sure to completely insert the dipstick • For more information on th .
e dis '
used oil, consult your Yarnah P~ '
into the dipstick guide, otherwise the oil . a deai 1
level measurement will be incorrect. • Change the 011 more often Wh en er, ,
(12) Recheck the oil level using the dipstick to the engine under adverse cond· . Pera&i
as extended trolling. , itions
be sure the level falls between the upper
and lower marks. Consult your Yamaha
dealer if the oil level is out of specified Replacing the engine oil filter
level. EWM00761 ·

3 . h llled1""'
ly after stopping t e engine. The ..
hot and should be handled With oq I
avoid bums. care~
• Be sure the outboard motor is secur
fastened to the transom or a

Yamaha recommends you to have a Yam

1.. Oil dipstick dealer replace the engine oil filter.
2. Lower mark If you perform replacement yourself,' toi
3. Upper mark the_proce~ure be!ow. If you have any qllel
(13) Start the engine and make sure that the tions; please consult a Yamaha dealer. '
low oil pressure-alert indicator remains ~1) · Dr~i~ t.he eng.lne oil.. For ; urther infoj
off. Also, make sure that there are no oil tion, see page 7 4. · -.
leaks. NOTICE: H the low oil pressure- (2) Place a cloth·under the engine oil filter.
alert indicator comes on or if there are (3)' Ttirn _t,he engine oil filter .
oil leaks, stop the engine and find the wise and remove it. · · •
cause. Continued operation . with a
problem could cause severe engine
damage. Consult your Yamaha dealer
if the problem cannot be located and
corrected. jECM016231 .

(14) Apply LOCTITE ?72 to the threads of the

. bolts, and then install the apron.
LOCTITE 572 is used as a sealant.
(15) Install the top cowling.
(16) Dispose of used oil according to local
regulations. · TIP:
• Wipe up any spilled engine oil.

• Dispose of th~ removed engi_ne oil filter in
ccordance with local regulations.
(4 Apply _e~gine oil to the O-ring of the en-
develop the engine together with the oil it will -
use. Yamalube oils take full advantage of the
base oil's qualities and blend in the ideal bal-
gine 011 filter. ance of additives to make sure the final oilt
clears our perfon:r,ance standards. Thus,
Yamalube mineral, semi~ynt~etic and syn-
thetic oils have their own distinct characters
and value. Yamaha's experience gained ove_ r
many years of research and development
into oil since the / 1960's helps mak~
Yamalube the best choice for your Yamaha .
' '
1. 0-ring ::· ·

(5) Tum .the engine oil fi_lter clockwise and

· tighten it to the specified torque. ._ .
.,_ , r I

. '
EMU29116 : 1
Inspecting wiring and connectors
• Inspect that each connector is engaged se-
curely: ·· · · · ,.
• Inspect that each ground lead is properly
-·secured:- ----: - ·- · ·
. _ _,·i .• . :· ', :: :

· Engine oil filter: . '.,.) .,

18 N·m (1 .8 kgf·m, 13 lb·ft)

(6) Fill up the engine with engirie 9iL For fur7

therinfonnation, see
page ,7f, , ,' .. ,.
_· i l I

e.tucao&o ' ~. ,· : ·1 :, . , , ''

WhyYamalube . ; _; . ;·;~ ., ,.'. ·.
YAMALUBE oil is Genuine YAMAHA Part
born of the engineers' passion and belief that
engine oil is an important liquid engine com- • l

ponent. We form teams of specialists in the

fields of mechanical engineering, chemistry,
electronics and track testing, and have them


• Check each of the propeller blades for er
sion from cavitation or ventilation, or ot
• Check the propeller shaft for damage.
• Check the splines for wear or damage.
• Check for fish line tangled around the pr
peller shaft.

Checking propeller

You could be seriously injured if the en- -

gine accidentally starts when you are near
· the propeller. Before inspecting, remov-
ing, or installing the propeller, place the
shift control in neutral, tum the main ·• ·check the propeller shaft oil ~eal_ford
switch to "OFF" (off) and remove the key, '. age.
and remove the clip from the engine shut-
off switch. Tum off the battery cut-off EMU42632 • ,

switch if your boat has one. . Removing propeller

(1) Straighten the cotter 'pin and pull it
Do not use your hand to hold the p_ropeller using a pair of pliers.
when loosening or tightening the propeller · (2) Remove the propeller nut, ·washer,
nut Put a wood block between the anti-cavi- spacer. WARNING! Do · not use Y
tation plate and the propeller to prevent the hand to hold the propeller when loo
propeller from turning. _ ening the propeller nut. [EWMD1891J

(2) Install the thrust washer, spacer (if
equipped), and propeller on the propeller
shaft. NOTICE: Make sure to install the
thrust washer before iQstalling the
propeller. 9t~erwise, the lower case
and propeller boss could be damaged.

(3) Install the spacer, washer, and propeller

nut. Tighten the propeller nut to the
· specified torque.

1. Cotter pin
2. Propeller nut
3. Washer
4. Spacer 5 '
5. Propeller
6. Thrust washer
(3) · Remove .. the . propeller,.

EM00648 , · .
spacer. -(if
equipped), and thrust washer.

. . ,

Installing p~opeller , .;_·_ . :::- .-~ .._·.: .'

EWM00771 ' ' ' ' • -
;-i, ,C~tte! pin
. 2. Propeller nut ,

On counter rotation models, be sure to 3., .Washer

. '
4. Spacer .· .
use apropeUer intended for counterclock- · 5: Propeller
.. rotation.',_·These
' •' -
. '•.
. - ...
identi- '~
6.' Tti'rust washer · ·
,· I.
fied with the letter "L" after · the size • fl "I ... ~- . · - ,· - . ......

Indication on the propeller. Otherwise the " Propeller nut tightening torque: _ .
boat could move in the opposite direction . •·•-- 54 N·m·-
· ·- •,• · . .. ...
(5.4 kgf·m,
- 40
.,. lb·ft)
. .- ; ,
from that expected.
(4) - Align the propeller nut slot with the pro-
._ ,< peller shaft hole.· Insert q new cotter pin
W•Jitii ___;__________

- " _ in the hole and bend the cotter pin ends.

Make sure to use
a new cott~r pin and NOTICE: Do not reuse the cotter pin.
bend the ends over securely. Otherwise, .-, ·· Otherwise, the propeller can come off
the propeller coulcf come off during oper- during operation. IecM01a921
ation and be lost.

(1) ApplyYamalube Marine Grease or a cor-

rosion resistant grease to the propeller

magnetic gear oil drain screw, thi
can indicate l~wer unit problern. Co~
suit your Yamaha dealer. 1EcM0100,1
·~ 1

1. Cotter pin

If the propeller nut slot does not align with the
1_ Gear oil drain screw
propeller shaft hole after tightening the pro- 2. Gasket
peller nut to the specified torque, tighten the
nut further to align the slot ':"ith the hole. TIP:
Always use new gaskets. Do not reuse the re-
moved gaskets. . ,
Changing gear oil
(4) Remove the oil level plug and gasket to
allow the oil to drain completely.
NOTICE: Check the used gear oil after
• Be sure the outboard motor is securely
it has been drained. If the gear oHis t
fastened to the transom or 'a stable
·- milky or cc;miains · water 'or a large
stand. You could be severely injured if
; a'mou~t -of , metal ·particles, the gear
the outboard motor falls on you. .
.~ase . m~y · be damaged. . Have a
• Never get under the lower unit whi_ l e it is
tilted, even when the tilt support lever o~
Yam~ha dealer check and repair the
:., o~oard ,,
motor. [E~M00714) : '' •
knob is locked: Severe injury could oc- . ' . \, \ ,

• cur if the outboard motor accidentally 1 • 'J ·

fans: - -- - · - · · - · -

(1) Tilt the outboard motor so that the gear

, oil drain screw is at the lowest point pos- ~1
sible. .:. · 2 TI
(2) Place a suitable container under the gear
(3) Remove the gear oil drain screw and
gasket. The screw is magnetic so a small
quantity of metal particles on the end of 1: Gasket · ·. "
the screw is normal. Simply remove 2. Oil level plug : -
them. NOTICE: If there is an excessive
quantity of metal particles on the

Maintenance .
h· TIP:
TIP: . .
For disposal of_used oil, consult your Yamaha Apply a light coat of gear oil to the gear oil
dealer. · · drain screw thread and gasket before instal-
(5) Put the outboar~ motor in a vertical posi- lation .
. tiori. Using a flexible or pressurized filling
, Tightening torque: .
devfce; inject the gear oil into the gear oil
7 N·m (0.7 kgf·m, 5.2 lb·ft)
drain screw hole. '

. . Recommended gear oil: , EMU29318 • " : · , ,

YAMALUBE outboard gear oil or Hyp- Inspecting and replacing anode(s) . , .

oid gear oil · · ·. ·· · · Yamaha outboard motors are protected from
Recommended gear oil gr ade: ' · corrosion by sacrificial anodes. Inspect the
SAE 90 API GL-4 / SAE SOW API GL- external a~odes peri(?dically. Remove scales
5 / SAE 90 API GL-5 ·. ' ' ' , ',
from the surfaces of the anodes. Consult a
·Gear oil quantity: · ,
1.000 L (1.057 US qt, 0.880 Imp.qt) Yamaha dealer ~or replacement. of external
(FL250HEl) - anodes.
1.150 L (1.216 US qt,- 1.012 Imp.qt)
14•Ji@i ___________
ECM00721 .

(F250HEl) ,
Do not paint anodes, as this would render
tliem ineffective. ~-. - . .

..... ,
... ' . .
\ ·:

;·'.. : ; '°:; 1.,: j { ,J f'l :.,:

(6) Put a new.gasket on the oil level plug.
When the oil begins flow 'mrt
of tl')e oil
' ) eyel plug hole;· insert and tight·~~ 'the oil
level plug tothe.specifiedtorq'ue.-· ·.
. . ·' ., .
Apply a light coat of gear oil to the oil level

plug thread and gasket before installation. ; ,;,,•"" <Jii"
Tightening torque: 0
7 N·m (0.7 kgf·,m, 5.2 lb·ft) ___.-;
. 1 .
(7) Put a new gasket on the gear oil drain ·
screw. Insert and tighten the gear oil 1. Anode
drain screw to the specified torque.

TIP: (2) Check the battery's charge. If your b
Inspect ground le d. Is equipped with the digital speedo;a
odes on e . a s attached to external an-
y h quipped models. Consult a
ter, the voltmeter and low battery ae, Ie
ama a dealer to · functions will help you monitor the b
ment of i t r inspection and replace- tery's charge. If the battery needs charg at
. n emal anodes attached to the pow-
er unit. Ing, consult your Yamaha deafer.
(3) Check the battery connections. Thei
should be clean, secure, and covered b
Checking battery (for electric start an insulating cover. WARNING! 8
. a~
connections can produce shorting or
arcing and cause an explosion.·1.,.,,,_

~attery electrolyte is poisonous and caus- EMU35608

tic, a nd batteries generate explosive hy- Connecting the battery

drogen gas. When working near the
Mount the battery holder securely in a dry
• Wear protective eye gear and rubber
well-ventilated, vibration-free location i~
the boat. Install a fully charged battery in
• Do not smoke or bring any other source
the holder.
of ignition near the ~attery.
The procedure for checking the battery varies
for different batteries. This procedure con- IN•Ji@=I -----------
Do not reverse the battery cables. Other-
tains typical checks that apply to many bat-
wise, the electrical parts could be dam-
teries, but you should always refer to the
battery manufacturer's instructions.
(1) Make sure the main switch (on applica-
t8•Jitff=i ____________

ble models) is "OFF" (off) before working

A poorly maintained battery will quickly on the battery.
deteriorate. (2) Connect the red battery cable -to the
POSITIVE(+) terminal first. Then connect
(1) Check the electrolyte level.
the black battery cable to the NEGATIVE
(-) terminal. .

Single engine

1. Red cable
2. Black cable 3 1.
3. Battery
(3) The electrical contacts of the battery and
cables must be clean and properly con-
nected, or the battery will not start the
Connecting an accessory battery (optional)
If connecting an ac:cessory battery, consult
your Yamaha dealer about correct wiring. It is
recommendable to install the fuse to the iso- 1. Isolator lead with circuit protection ,,· .
lator lead as shown in the illustration. For the 2. Red cable ·1.
1er fuse size, be sure to follow local regulations. 3. Black cable
For example, for USA, the ABYC rules (E-11) 4. Fuse
5. Battery for accessories
should be observed.
6. Battery for starting
7. Negati:,-e connecting cable

'· 1 r ; ~J ._ t~ , I, t :I•

Twin engines (4) Clean, maintain, and store the batte
according to the manufacturer's instru1

4 4 3

1. Starboard side engine

2. Port side engine
3. Red cable
4. Black cable
5. Isolator leads with circuit protection ,', ,
6. Fuse
7. Battery for starting _
8. Battery for accessories
9. Negative connecting cable

EMU29372 .
Disconnecting the battery
(1) Tum off the battery cut-off switch Qf
equipped) and main switch. NOTICE: If ·
they are left on, the electrical system
can be damaged. [ECM01931) •

(2) Disconnect the negative cable(s) from

the negative (-) terminal. NOTICE: Al-
ways disconnect all negative(-) cables
first to avoid a short circuit and dam-
age to the electrical system. (EcM01941J
(3) Disconnect the positive cable(s) and re-
move the battery from the boat.

Trouble Recovery
Et.4\),14361 A. Fill tank with clean, fresh fuel.
Trouble.s hooting
This section describes the likely causes and Q. Is fuel contaminated or stale?
remedies for problems, such _as _those in the A. Fill tank with clean, fresh fuel.
fuel, compression, and ignition systems, poor
starting, and loss of power. Please note that Q . Is fuel filter clogged?
all of the items in this section may not apply A. Clean or replace fuel filter. ·
to your mod.el. . · .- •
If your ou_tboard motor requires repair, bring Q. Is starting procedure incorrect?
it to a Yamaha dealer. A. See page 51.
If the engine trouble-alert indicator is _blinking,
consult your Yamaha dealer. ., Q. Is fuel pump malfunctioning?
,, ,, A. Have serviced by a Yamaha dealer.
Sta~er will
not ~perate.
Q. Is remote control l_
ever in gear? ! : • Q. Are spark plugs fouled or _of incorrect
A. Shift to neutral. . . : ,I type? .. .... - .
•• • ·•,(•, t A. Inspect spark plugs. Clean or replace with
Q. Is battery capacity low or weak? recommended type.
A Check battery condition . .Use .~atterY, ~f
recommended capacity. , . - ..•
, L ·• •, ,o ' ) • ' Q. Are igr.iition parts malfunctioning?,
-- .. ·,: ,. ,.. ·;
A. Have serviced by a Yamaha dealer..
Q. Are battery connections corroded ' or
loose? . -. . _ ,_ , a~Js igraition wiring damaged or poorly con-
A. Tighten battery cab.ies anci clean battery nected?
tenninals. A. Inspect wires for breaks and wear. Have
co~nections •tightened and broken or worn
Q . Is fuse for starter re!ay or. elec~r!c 9irc~it wires replaced by a Yamaha dealer.
blown?. :·, ;· , ·-, . :: :,:· , - - .'. -, : '\
A Check for cause of electric overload and Q. Are en.gine inner parts damaged? . -.
repair. Replace ,fuse .wi_th _or.:ie of, c~>rrect . am-; A. Have serviced by a Yamaha dealer.
Engine idles irregularly or stalls.
a. Are starter components malfunctioning~ Q. t:,.re spark plugs fouled ·or of incorrect
' .•.. by- .a ,Yamaha
A Have'seniicec:i' l. • ' dealer
.. •.. type?
A. Inspect spark plugs. Clean or replace with
Engine will not start (starter'operates). recommended type. - ''
0 : clip on ,engine shut-off cord Oanyard) in-
stalled? Q. Is fuel system clogged?
A Install clip ...
to ·engine
. ,,
.- .... ,
,- ·-· .
_ '.·. .. A. Inspect for pinched or kinked fuel line or ·
other obstructions in fuel system.
Q. Is fuel tank empty?

Trouble Recovery ----..;
A. Have seryi_c ed ,bY a Yamaha dealer
a. ts fuel contaminated or stale? ' , . ·,'
A. Rll tank with clean, fresh fuel.
a. Is battery cable disconnected?
A. Connect securely.
a. ts fuel filter clogged?
A. Clean or replace fuel filter.
Alert buzzer ~ ounds or indicator lights.
a. Is cooling system clogged? , .
a. Are ignition parts malfunctioning? A. Inspect cooling water inlet for obs~
A. Have serviced by a Yamaha dealer.
a. Has alert system activated? a. Is low oil pressure-ale'r t indicator on
A. Rnd and correct cause of alert.
blinking? ·
A. Have serviced by a Yamaha dealer.
a. ls spark plug gap incorrect?
A. Replace spark plug.
Q. ls heat range of spark plugs incorrect? .
A. Inspect spark plugs and replace with rec.
Q. ls ignition wiring ·damaged or poorly con-
ommended type.
A. Inspect wires for breaks and wear. Have
connections tightened and broken or worn
a. Is specified engine oil not being used?
A. Inspect engine oil and replace with speci,
wires replaced by a Yamaha dealer.
fled type. ·
Q. ls specified engine oil not being used? .
A. Inspect engine oil and replace with speci- a. Is engine oil contaminated or deteriorat:
ed? :·
fied type.
A. Replace engine oil with specified type.
Q. ls thermostat clogged or malfunctioning? •
A. Have serviced by a Yamaha dealer. Q. Is oil filter clogged?
A. Have serviced by a Yamaha dealer.
a. Is fuel pump malfunctioning?
<· , ' - - .'

A. Have serviced by a Yamaha dealer. Q~ Is oil

pump malfunctioning? ·
A. Have serviced by a Yamaha dealer.
Q. ls fuel tank air vent restricted or clogged?
A. Remove obstruction. Q. is load on boat improperly distributed?
A. Distribute load to place boat on an e~
a. ts outboard motor angle too high? . · - plane.
A. Return to normal operating position.
a. ls thermostat 6r water pump maltunc
Q. ls fuel joint connection incorrect? · ing?
A. Connect correctly. A. Hav~ serviced by a Yamaha dealer.

Q. ls throttle cable adjustment incorrect? Q. Is there excess water in fuel filter?

ifrouble Recovery

Drain fuel filter. A. Fill tank with clean, fresh fuel.

,gine power loss. Q. Is spark plug gap incorrect?

, ls propeller damaged? A. Replace spark plug.
, Have propeller repaired or replaced.
Q. Is ignition wiring damaged or poorly con-
!, ls propeller pitch or diameter incorrect? nected? ·',
.. Install correct propeller to operate ·out- A. Inspect wires for breaks and wear. Have
,oard motor at its recommended speed co'nnections tightened and broken or worn
·/min) rang~.,., ;y , , ,_.. . wires replaced by a Yamaha de~ler.
1_ •• • ; ;\ ' l • ,,,.,.,: , ; '•. \> • ·• -, \'. •~ ._ I

~:•j~outboard motor mounted ~t iricorre~t Q. Are electrical parts malfunctioning?
1~ight 6n tr~~S(!m? . , . ., •. · . A. Have serviced by a Yamaha dealer.
~- Have outboard motor.adjusted to proper
transom height. a. Is specified fuel not being used?
A. Replace fuel with specified type.
-\ ; . t - ·· - • ·• \ · . • } • .- .i , \ • , •• -~ \.3
a. Has alert system activated? , . . . .- ,, , :· •• • . ·- • • ,.. . ·• f > ·' ' . ' " .-
A. Find and correcicause"of aierf ...1 .. ;. I :' .. .s Q: Is specified engine oil not b~ing used?
- .. - ~;,, ; • • • • • • •• • - - •• ' J, •

A. Replace engine oil ~ith specified type.

:1· ·-- : '· •"\~ . ·: ·"4 _~ : ~t;•:- . .\
Q. ls boat bottom fouled with marine growth?
A. Clean boat bottorn. · Q. Is thermostat clogged or malfunctioning?
A. Have serviced by a Yamah~-dealer.-- . ' .
a. Are spark pl~gs f~ul~d-:or·:·of incorrect-
typ~? -_ .. . ' .. · ' ~/::~-:~ --,/-: / ci: fsfu~fta~ ~ air vent-r¥~tricted qr clogged_
A: Inspect spark plugs. Clean or _replace w.ith . A,. ~er:r,ovepb.~tructio!"). ,,,, :· ,.. . ,
recommended type. ~·,->,_:_: ,.>___~;:_ ·• ·..
. . . . . -::-- '
. Q. Is fuel purn!l) _
' ' .-• ,.

- .,,. -- • - ; ' t

Q. Are weeds or'other foreign material tan- A:,Have serviced by a Yamaha dealer.
gled on gear housing? - , -· ' , ·- -· : /' ·_ -<
A. Remove foreign material and clean lower cf Is fuel joint ~onnectiori incorrect? -
• - . . '-!" - / I

unit A. Connect correctly . .

' . -~- . - . . ·. ~. ·. ,. . ; ,_, ·-·. • L·.., I ••

a. Is fuel system clogged? _ · · .- 1 •• Q. Is heat range of spark plugs incorrect?

A. inspect for pin~hed or .kinked fuel line, or
A. Inspect spark pl~gs arid ·replace ~ith re~-
?ther obst~ctions in fuel system. . .. omm~nded type. 0
·' , ,

'\ ,;

· a. Is fuel filter clogged? a. Is engine ·not responding properly to re-

A. Ctean or replace fuel filter. mote control lever position? . ~- .
A. Have serviced by Yamaha dealer. a
· a. Is fuel contaminated or stale? '-
Engine vibrates excessively. . ..·.

Trouble Recovery
Q. Is propeller damaged? - (2) Check the control system and all cornP(
A. Have propeller repaired or replaced. nents for damage. Also, check the bQ•
for damage. '
Q. Is propeller shaft damaged? (3) Whether damage is found or not, retu,
A. Have serviced by a Yamaha dealer. to the nearest harbor slowly arrd caret~
0. Are weeds or other foreign material tan- (4) Have a Yamaha dealer check the Ou
gled on propeller? board motor before operating it again
A. Remove and ciean propeller.
EMU29454 • ( •
Running single engm~ n_vm enginesJ
Q. Are outboard motor mounting bolts loose? When using only one engine in an emerger
A. Tighten bolts or have serviced by a cy, be sure to keep the unused one tilted u
Yamaha dealer. and operate the other engine at low speed.

Q. Is steering pivot loose or damaged?

A. Have serviced by a Yamaha dealer. lf the boat is operated with one engine i
the water but not running, wate,r may ru

Temporary action in emergen- 1

into the exhaust pipe due to wave actior

cy causing engine trouble.
Impact damage

The outboard motor can be seriously

.' '
. damaged by a collision while operating or
trailering. Damage could make the out-
board motor unsafe to operate.
\'~- 1 ·Pl , '
If the outboard motor hits an object in the wa-
ter, follow the procedure below. \0~1 ~.:}~'-' '"'°""
When you are maneuvering at low speed
such as near a dock, it is recommended tha
both engines be running with one· in neutra
gear if possible.

_.. .
\ \"'"\
() ...J () ZMU01814

(1) Stop the engine immediately.

Trouble Recovery
EMl.)46603 • .
1 Replacing fuse ,
1~ 2 .

Substituting an incorrect fuse or a piece of

J/ •
wire could allow excessive current flow.
nThis could cause electric system damage
and a fire hazard.

If a fuse has blown, replace the fuse accord-

I ing to the following procedure.
1 (1) Turri the main switch to the "OFF" (off) 1. Fuse box cover
I position. 2. Fuse puller
(2) Remove the fuse box cover. 3. Spare fuse (10 A, 15 A, 20 A, 30 A)
(3) Remove the fuse with a fuse puller, and 4. Spare engine main fuse (60 A)
then replace it with a·spare or,e of the
proper amperage.

rn ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,
\ 234567

,j._____, 8 ZMU08320
' <
1. Fuse p1,1IJer .
Consult your Yamaha .dealer if the new fuse
immediately·blows again.

EMU29529 .
Power trim and tilt will not operate

1. Fuse box cover

2. Main switch / PTT switch fuse (20 A) Never get under the engine whil~, it is tilt-
3. Electric throttle valve fuse (10 A)
ed. Severe injury could occur if the out-
4. Fuel feed pump fuse (10 A)
board motor accidentally falls.
5. Fuel pump fuse (15 A)
6. Starter relay fuse (30 A) If the ·outboard motor cannot be, tilted
7. Ignition coil/ Fuel injector/ Variable cam- up/down using the power trim and tilt unit,
shaft ti ming / ECM (Electronic C,ontrol Mod-
ule) fuse (30 A) e:g. because of a discharged battery or a fail-
8. Isolator fuse (60 A) ure with the unit itself, the outboard motor
9. Engine main fuse (60 A) can be tilted manually.

Trouble Recovery
(1) Stop the engine. If the water separator-ale~. indicator blir,
(2) ~oo_sen th e manual valve screw by turn- perform the following procedure. ·
ing it count~rclockwise until it stops.

' 0~1 I •

1. Water separator-alert Indicator
' ZMU07196 ·,

1. Manual valve screw ,r i.

(1) Stop the engine.
(2) Remove the top cowling.
(3) Adjust the outboard motor to a navigable (3) Remove the holder.
angle, tighten the manual valve screw
clockwise, and secure the outboard mo-
tor. s :

EMU37573 ,
Water separator-alert in.dicator blinks
while cruising

Gasoline is highly flammable, and its va- - iL __ _ - -

pors are flammable and explosive. ·
• Do not perform this procedure on a1hat
or running engine. Allow the engine to
cool. '
• There will be fuel in the fuel filter. Keep
away from sparks, cigarettes, flames or
other sources of ignition.
• .This· procedure will allow some fuel to
, ·spill. Catch fuel in a rag. Wipe up any
·spilled fuel immediately. . .,
• The - fuel . filter, must be reassembled 1. Holder ' [ '

carefully with the O-ring, filter cup, and

· hoses . in place. Improper assembly or (4) Disconnect the water detection swit
replacement could result in .a fuel leak, · coupler. NOTICE: Be careful not to 9
which could result in a fire or explosion · any water on the water · detecti
switch coupler, otherwise a malfun
tion could occur. [ECM01951.J

92 -
Trouble Recovery

f Water detection ·switch coupler '. . '
' ' ·. • . ' ' .
" ,., ,
1. Water detection switch coupler
(5) Unscrew . the filter _cup from the filter (9) __Fasten the water detectio~ ·switch lead
housiag.: NOTICE: Be ,careful not to with the ·holder. ' . ' ' . ' ,, '
. . . ,,. '
twist the water detection switch lead
when unscrewing the filter cup. IECMa 19611

. ·it

:- 2 .
. -.-:-~ .
·1 :·-_
;-,1,. Holder - ' · ; ' ·. ' ·' · ·-
-; ., ,, ("; • •.-• • • •• • ,r ,.-· • T • • ~ • • • ,-. , ... ,. • ,!•, •
.,·, (10).ln~tall the top cowling. . - ._
1· Filter cup • . . , . , .. _ (1 _1) Start .the engine a~d m~k~ sur; that the
2. Water det~ctio~ -s~it~h lea:~ .. ·. l · ·.~.'.'·_ :: ,! ..:·,: '·. ;·; ---
j • • • - . .
• - - .· I
·_':-; . water_separator-alert ·indicator remains
(6) Drain the water \n the filter cup by soak- ,: ·-. : off. Have a Yamaha dealer inspect the
ing it up with a rag.: ' ·. ,·, ·,:_-, !_,.,:1 outboard motor after returning to port.
EMU33502 -- . . .. ., • .. . . . • . ...
(7) Firmly screw the filter' cup o~to the filter
housing . . NOTICE: Be -·car~ful not . to. Treatment of submerged motor
If the outboard motor is submerged, immedi-
twist the water 'detection switch lead
ately take it to a Yamaha dealer. Otherwise
when· screwing the filte'r cup e>~to the
some corrosion_may begin almost immedi-
filter housing. (EC~o1~111 - . - ·_ - - . -- - -
-ately. NOTICE: Do not attempt to rurJ the
(8) Connect the water detecti~n s~itch c~u-
outboard motor until it has been com-
pler securely until a click is heard.
pletely inspected. IE~Moo402J


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