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Alpina 070-Service

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Bore Stroke Displacement Drive
mm (in.) mm (in.) cc (cu. in.) Type
070, 070S, A70, Pro 70,
Super Pro 70S 51 34.5 70 Direct
(2.0) (1.36) (4.3)
P90, Pro 90,
Super Pro 90 54 39.1 90 Direct
(2.13) (1.54) (5.5)
P120, Pro 120,
Super Pro 120 58 45.5 120 Direct
(2.28) (1.79) (7.3)

MAINTENANCE equipped with a breaker-point ignition malfunctions is accomplished by compo-

system. All other models, including nent renewal.
SPARK PLUG. Recommended spark Models 070 and 070S manufactured On Super Pro 90 and Super Pro 120
plug for all models is Champion CJ7Y. after 1983, are equipped with a breaker- models, air gap between ignition module
Electrode gap should be 0.5 mm (0.020 less electronic ignition system. and flywheel magnets should be 0.65
in.). mm (0.026 in.). Air gap between ignition
Breaker-Point Ignition. Breaker- coil and flywheel magnets on all other
CARBURETOR. All models are point gap should be 0.45-0.50 mm models should be 0.40 mm (0.016 in.).
equipped with a Tiiiotson HS diaphragm (0.018-0.020 in.). Air gap between igni- Use a suitable thread locking solution on
carburetor. Refer to Tiiiotson section of tion coil lamination and flywheel module (or coil) attaching screws. Igni-
CARBURETOR SERVICE section for magnets should be 0.45 mm (0.018 in.). tion timing is not adjustable on all
service and exploded views. Use a suitable thread locking solution on models.
Initial adjustment of low speed mix- coil attaching screws. Ignition timing is Starter pawl assemblies (2, 3, 4 and
ture screw is lVs turns open on Super not adjustable, however, breaker-point 7-Fig. AP51) can be removed to ac-
Pro 120, 2 turns open on Super Pro 90 gap will affect timing. Be sure breaker- comodate a suitable bolt-type puller to
and PA turns open on all other models. point gap is adjusted correctly. remove flywheel on all models. Use a
Initial adjustment of high speed mixture suitable thread locking solution on bolts
screw is % turn open on Super Pro 120 Electronic Ignition. Refer to Fig. (2) when reassembling pawls. Tighten
and ^k turn open on all other models. AP51 for exploded view of electronic ig- flywheel nut to 39.2 N-m (29 ft.-lbs.) on
Final adjustment should be made with nition system used on Models A70, Super Pro 90 and Super Pro 120 models
engine running at operating temp- Super Pro 70 and so equipped Models and 28.4 N-m (21 ft.-lbs.) on all other
erature. Adjust idle speed to just 070 and 070S. Note that coil (8) is models.
below clutch engagement speed. Adjust located outside of flywheel (1) while igni-
low speed mixture screw so engine will tion module (13) is located behind LUBRICATION. The engine is
accelerate cleanly without hesitation. flywheel (1). Super Pro 90 and Super lubricated by mixing oil with the fuel.
Adjust high speed mixture screw to ob- Pro 120 models are equipped with Use a good quality oil designed for use in
tain maximum speed of 10,300 rpm on electronic ignition system shown in Fig. air-cooled two-stroke engines. Fuehoil
Super Pro 120, 9,700 rpm on Super Pro AP52. Ignition coil and all electronic cir- mixture should be a 16:1 ratio. Use a
90 and 10,500 rpm on all other models. cuitry are contained in one-piece ignition separate container when mixing fuel and
module (13). oil.
IGNITION. Models 070 and 070S Except for faulty wiring or wiring Models 070S and Super Pro 70 are
manufactured prior to 1984 are connections, repair of ignition system equipped with a manual and automatic
chain oil pump. All other models are only
equipped with an automatic chain oil

F/0. APSt^ Exploded vlaw

of electronic Ignition systam
usad on Models A70, Supar
Pro 70, and Modeis 070 and
070$ manufactured aftar
i983. Two pawi assambllas
(2f3, 4 and 7) are usad.
1. Flywheel
2. Bolt
3. Pawl
4. Spring
5. Nut
6. Washer
7. Washer
8. Ignition coil
9. Ignition switch Fig. APS2-Expiodad vlaw of aiactronic ignition
10. High tension lead systam usad on Supar Pro 90 and Supar Pro 120
11. Cover
12. Module case Rafar to Fig. AP51 for component
13. Module Idantlfication.

pumf). Aut(»matic oil pump output is only NOTE: Do not install a new piston f)iston pin. Piston may be heated to ap-
adjustable on Super F*ro 90 and Super marked "6" or "C" into a new cylinder proximately 110°-120"' C (230^-248'' F)
FVo 120 models. Refer to OIL FHJMF* marked "A." to ease installation of f)iston pin.
under REPAIRS for service and explod-
ed views of manual and automatic oil Piston is equipped with two piston NOTE: Use electric oven or hot oil bath
pump assemblies. Use clean automotive rings. Piston should be inspected and to heat piston. Do not jse an open flame.
oil for saw chain lubrication. renewed if cracking or scoring is noted.
Maximum allowable piston ring end gap On all models, ir stall piston into
REPAIRS is 1.0 mm (0.039 in.). Locating pins are cylinder with arrow on piston crown fac-
present in ring grooves to prevent ring ing toward exhaust port.
CYLINDER, PISTON, PIN AND rotation. Be certain ring end gaps are
RINGS. Cylinder bore is chrome plated properly positioned around locating pins CRANKSHAFT, CONNECTING
and should be renewed if cracking, scor- when installing cylinder. Tighten cylin- ROD AND CRANKCASE. Crankshaft
ing or other damage is noted in cylinder der screws to 11.8 N-m (9 ft.-lbs.) on all and connecting rod are available as a
bore. Note that cylinder used on Super models. unit assemltly only. <Jheck rotation of
Pro 90 and Super Pro 120 models is On Models 070, 070S, A70 and Super connecting rod around crankpin and
etjuipped with decompression valve Pro 70, piston pin (8-Fig. AP53) is a renew crankshaft assembly if rough-
(28-Fig. AP54) to ease starting. press fit in connecting rod small end. ness, excessive play or other damage is
Piston and cylinder are matched dur- Piston rides in needle bearings (7) in- noted. Check crankshaft runout by sup-
ing production to get desired piston-to- stalleci in each side of piston. Piston pin porting crankshaft between two counter
cylinder clearance of 0.02 mm (0.0008 is retained with two snap rings (9). Use points such as a lathe. Make certain no
in.). Original equipment piston and Alpina tool 4180020 or a suitable equiv- damage is present in centering holes at
cylinder are marked "A." Factory alent press to remove and install f)iston each end of crankshaft. Renew
renew^al piston and cylinder assemblies pin. Be sure piston is properly supported crankshaft assembly if runout exceeds
are marked "B." Piston or cylinder to prevent damage to piston. 0.08 mm (0.0031 in.').
marked T/' is 0.127 mm (0.005 in.) over- On all other models, piston pin
size. Piston or cylinder marked "D" is (8-F'ig. AP54) is a press fit in piston NOTE: Crankshaft runout can be
0.127 mm (0.005 in.) undersize. Piston and rides in one needle bearing (7) in- checked white still assembled in
and cylinder markings should match, stalled in connecting rod small end. crankcase. Remove clutch and flywheel
however, a new piston marked "B" can Piston pin is retained with two wire clips and mount dial indicators on each side of
be installe(l into a used cylinder marked (9). Use Alpina tool 4180010 or a suit- crankshaft as close tc main bearings as
"A." able equivalent to remove and install possible. Measure runout while rotating
crankshaft. Renew crankshaft assembly if
Fig. AP53-Expiodeci view runout exceeds 0.07 mm (0.0027 in.) when
of engine assembiy, car- measured in this manrer.
buretor and reiated com-
ponents used on ail models Crankshaft is supported with l)al]-type
except Super Pro 90 and
Super Pro 120. Two needle main bearings (12-F'ig. AP53) or (24
bearings (7) are used. Refer and 25-Fig. AP54) at both ends. Main
to text. bearings are a ()ress fit into crankcase
7. Needle bearing halves. Use the f)r()per size drivers to
Piston pin remove and install main bearings. Use
Snap rinf(
10. Crankshaft & connecting Alpina tool 4180900 or a suitable equiv-
rod assy.
alent to install crankslaft assembly into
12. Main bearing crankcase. Refer to F'ig. AP57. Do not
use gasket sealer on crankcase gasket.
15. Gasket Tighten crankcase screws using a
16. Intake manifoici crisscross pattern to 7.8 N-m (69
17. Gasket
4. Gasket 18. Carburetor in.-lbs.) on Super Pro 90 and Super Pro
5. Piston rings 19. Plate
6. Piston 20. Screen 120 models an(i 7.3 N-m (69 in.-lbs.) on
Super Pro 90 and Super Pro 120 models
and 7.3 N*m (65 in. lbs.) on all other

22 Fig. AP54-Expioded view CLUTCH. Late Models 070, 070S,

of engine assembiy used on
Super Pro 90 and Super Pro
A70 and Super Pro 70 are equipped with
120 modeis. the clutch assembly shown in Fig. AP58.
1. Cylinder Late Models Super Pro 90 and Super
4. Gasket Pro 120 are equipped with the clutch
5. Piston rings
6. Piston assembly shown in Fig. AP60. Refer to
7. Needle bearing Fig. AP59 for view oi' shoes (4), hub (5)
8. Piston pin
9. Wire clip and spring (3) used on all early models.
10. Crankshaft & connecting Note that hub ( 5 - Figs. AP58, AP59 and
rod assy.
21. Right crankcase half AP60) is keyed to (crankshaft on all
22. Gasket
23. Seal models. Inspect shoes (4-Fig. AP58 or
24. Main bearing Fig. AP60), drum (7) £,nd needle bearing
25. Main bearing
26. Seal (9) for excessive wear or damage due to
27. Left crankcase half overheating. Use Alpina tool 4180110 or
28. Decompression valve
a suitable bolt-type puller to remove

clutch. Nut (12) has right-hand threads. Disassembly for repair or component drive plate (10). Drive plate is cycled up
Clutch shoes (4) are available only as a renewal is evident after inspection of and down by plunger (15) which rides on
complete set. Tighten nut (12) to 45.1 unit and referral to Fig. AP61. Hoses (4) cam of engine crankshaft. Piston (5)
N-m (33 ft.-lbs.) on Super Pro 90 and must be renewed if pump is disassem- rotates one notch with each down stroke
Super Pro 120 models and 35.3 N-m (26 bled. Be sure clamps (3) are tight and of drive plate (10). Spring (12) forces
ft.-lbs.) on all other models. properly installed to prevent leakage. piston brake (13) against piston (5),
Refer to Fig. AP62 for exploded view preventing piston (5) from backing up
OIL PUMP. Refer to Fig. AP61 for of automatic oil pump used on Models during drive plate (10) return stroke.
exploded view of manual chain oil pump 070, 070S, A70 and Super Pro 70. Oil is
used on Models 070S and Super Pro 70. pumped by piston (5) which is rotated by

Alpina Tool

Fig. AP57- View showing installation procedure

of crankshaft and connecting rod assembly into
crankcase haif using Alpina tooi 4180900. Main
bearing is pressed into crankcase haif prior to
installation of crankshaft assembly.

Fig. APSS-Expiodad viaw of crankcasa, front handle assembly, fual tank and related components
usad on Models 070, 070S and A70.
1. Cover 17. Screen
2. Air filter 7. Muffler cover 12. Choke lever 18. Fuel pickup
3. Snap ring 8. Right crankcase half 13. Throttle rod 19. Filter
4. Oit tank cap aijsy. 9. Left crankcase half 14. Grommet 20. "0" ring
5. Front handle 10. Cylinder cover 15. Clamp 21. Fuel tank
6. Hand guard 11. Trigger 16. Fuel hose 22. Vent valve

5 6

Fig. AP58—Exploded view of new design clutch

usad on late 070, 070S, A70 and Super Pro 70
1. Bushing
2. Screw 8. Bushing
3. Spring 9. Needle bearing
4. Shoes 10. Washer
5. Hub U. Washer
6. Woodruff key 12. Nut
7. Drum 13. Cover

Fig. APS6-Exploded view of crankcasa, front handia assambiy, rear grip assembly, fual tank and
related components used on Modal Super Pro 70. Refer to legend in Fig. AP55 for component iden-
tification except, safety ia¥ar(23}, vibration isolator (24) and rear grip assembly (25). Super Pro 90 and Fig. APS9- View showing dutch shoes (4), hub
Supar Pro 120 models are simiiar. ($) and spring (3) used on ail aariy models.

Plunger (15) is 31 mm (1.22 in.) long spect seal (30) and seal surface on worm outer coil. Install rope onto rope pulley
when new. Renew plunger if worn short- gear (23). Note that slight wear on seal (6) in a clockwise direction as viewed
er than 30.3 mm (1.193 in.). Renew drive or worm gear may allow pump to draw from flywheel side of pulley. Rotate
plate (10) if wear at piston contact area air causing pump malfunction. It is pulley (6) clockwise to apply tension on
exceeds 1.5 mm (0.059 in.) when com- recommended to renew seal (30) any rewind spring. Apply only enough ten-
pared with a new drive plate. Reservoir time pump is disassembled. sion on rewind spring (5) to pull rope
(R) should be filled with high tempera- handle snug against housing. Rope
ture lithium base grease and capped REWIND STARTER. To disassem pulley should be able to rotate an addi-
with felt plug (20). Pump output is not ble starter, remove rope handle (10- tional V2 turn with n«pe completely ex-
adjustable. Fig. AP64) and carefully allow rope to tended.
Refer to Fig. AP63 for exploded view wind into housing, relieving tension on Refer to V\^. AP51 for exploded view
of adjustable automatic oil pump used on rewind spring (5). Remove screw (9) and of starter pawl assemblies. Use a
Super Pro 90 and Super Pro 120 models. rope pulley (6) using caution not to suitable thread lockin^j solution on pawl
Oil is pumped by piston (5) which is dislodge rewind spring (5). If rewind bolts (2).
rotated by worm gear (23) mounted on spring (5) must be removed, use caution
engine crankshaft. Pump output is regu- not to allow spring to uncoil uncon-
lated by turning adjusting lever (28). trolled.
Renew piston and worm gear if exces- Install rewind spring (5) into housing
sive wear or damage is noted. Closely in- (2) in a clockwise direction starting with


Fig. AP60-Exploded view

of clutch used on (ater Super
Pro 90 and Super Pro 120
2. Screw
3. Spring
4. Shoes
rx Hub
7. Drum
y. Needle bearing
10. Washer
11. WashtT
12. Nut
14. Washer

Fig. AP63 —Exploded view of adjustable

automatic oii pump used on Super Pro 90 and
Super Pro 120 modeis.
24. Collar
25. Pin
26. Pin
27. Bushing
28. Adjusting lever
29. Spring
30. Seal

Fig. AP$2 — Expioded view of automatic oii
pump used on Modeis 070, 070S, A70
and Super Pro 70.
Fig. AP$1 - Exploded view of the manual oil 1. Banjo bolt Fig. AP64-Exploded view of rewind starter
2. Washers 13. Piston brake used on Modefs 070, 070S, A70and Super Pro 70.
pump used on Modeis 070$ and Super Pro 70. 3. Pump body 14. Gasket,
1. Clamp 10. Bolt Super Pro 90 and Super Pro 120 modeis are
4. "0" ring 15. Plunger
2. Pump body 11. Washer 5. Piston 16. Seal simiiar except, washer (1'^) is not used and shaft
;j. Clamp 12. Fitting 6. Cover 17. Fitting (4) is part of housing {2}.
4. Hose 13. Oil pickup 7. Plug 18. Oil pickup 1. Bolt
5. Cotter pin 14. Tube 8. Tube 19. Module case 2. Housing 7. Needle bearing
6. Piston 15. "E" ring 9. Hose 20. Felt plug 3. Washer 8. Washer
7. Spring 16. Washers 10. Drive plate 21. Cover 4. Shaft 9. Screw
H. Spring 17. Seals 11. Pin 22. Flywheel 5. Rewind spring 10. Rope handle
9. Tube 18. Washer 12. Spring R. Reservoir 6. Ropf pulley 11. Washer


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