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JFK Airtrain

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September 22 – 25, 2002

Performance/Design Criteria for the Airtrain JFK Guideway

Joseph M. Englot, Port Authority of NY & NJ, New York, NY

Paul T. Bakas, Parsons Brinckerhoff Quade & Douglass, New York, NY

The AirTrain Light Rail System serving JFK International Airport is an 8-mile dual-track automated
system using linear induction motor (LIM) propulsion and is scheduled to start on-airport operations in
the fourth quarter of 2002. The design-build contract called for 6.3 miles of single-track and 3.2 miles
of double-track aerial guideway structure and required continuous steel rail tracks with direct fixation
throughout. In addition, the rail-structure system was required to sustain the local design seismic
event with the ability to restore service shortly afterward. To meet the performance criteria developed
by the Port Authority of NY and NJ, the design-build contractor utilized continuous multi-span
concrete box girders connected by transverse shear keys and supported on seismic isolation bearings.
The track rails are completely continuous across all expansion joints in the structures and are only
anchored at the two ends where the aerial structures terminate. The contractor chose to design and
install an elastic restraint system attached to the seismic bearings. This system resists bearing lateral
movement under service loads but will break away in an earthquake to allow the seismic bearings to
isolate the box girder superstructure and track.


John F. Kennedy International Airport is a primary gateway for New York City, a densely populated
urban center that attracts people from all over the world. Presently, JFK handles about 30 million
passengers annually; in ten years that number could increase to 45 million.

JFK International Airport terminals are located along a two-mile perimeter roadway called the Central
Terminal Area (CTA). Passengers transferring between airlines, traveling to rental car facilities, or to
long-term parking lots are required to use airport buses. With increased numbers of passengers, the
bus transfers have become time consuming and have contributed to significant traffic volumes on the
airport roadway network during peak hours of operation. In addition, JFK is also difficult to access by
highways from Manhattan and other parts of the Greater Metropolitan area of New York City due to
heavy traffic volumes. To mitigate both of these problems and to realize growth potential, the Port
Authority, the airport operator, planned the design and construction of a light rail system to relieve
traffic congestion and improve access. The system shown in Figure 1 is called AirTrain JFK and
consists of 8.0 miles of grade-separated track and ten passenger stations. This system connects airline
terminals, car rental, and parking areas of JFK Airport, and also directly connects to the regional
transit systems.
Figure 1 – AirTrain System Map
AirTrain JFK provides three distinct services as follows:

Terminal Circulation Service – This service is dedicated to the Central Terminal Area (CTA) of JFK
airport. During peak periods trains will run in the clockwise direction in the CTA to serve the six
stations needed to serve all of the airline terminal buildings in the CTA.

Howard Beach Service – This service begins and ends at AirTrain’s Howard Beach Station, which is
integral with the new inter-modal mezzanine being constructed over the NYCT’s Station at Howard
Beach for the “A Train” serving Queens, Brooklyn and Manhattan. Trains departing from AirTrain’s
Howard Beach Station will serve the Long Term/ Employee Parking Lot Station, Federal Circle
Station (Car rental area) and the six CTA stations with trains running in the counterclockwise
direction. During peak periods trains will depart the Howard Beach Station every 4 minutes.

Jamaica Service – This service begins and ends at AirTrain’s Jamaica Station, which is integral with
the new inter-modal Vertical Circulation Building (VCB) and mezzanine being constructed over the
Long Island Railroad (LIRR) platforms in Jamaica with direct access to the NYCT Station for the E, J,
and Z lines. Trains departing from this AirTrain’s Jamaica Station will also serve the Federal Circle
Station (Car rental area) and the six CTA stations with trains running in the counterclockwise
direction. During peak periods, trains will depart from Jamaica Station every 4 minutes and these
trains will alternately merge with the Howard Beach trains at Federal Circle such that the frequency of
the combined services in the counterclockwise direction in the CTA will also be two minutes.

System Description
While the system uses steel wheel/steel rail technology, AirTrain JFK is not a typical rail system.
AirTrain JFK is a fully automatic/driverless system with environmentally controlled stations designed
to serve the on and off airport needs of JFK International Airport.
The alignment has a tangent section long enough to reach a top operating speed of 60 mph but also has
a significant amount of tight radius curvature with mainline radii as low as 230 feet. The CTA
consists of two loop tracks each with a circumference of about 2 miles as can be seen in Figure 2. The
six CTA stations are center platform stations, which allow boarding passengers to access all three
services from the same platform. The terminal circulation service runs on the inner loop track and the
Jamaica and Howard Beach services share the outer loop track. The terminal stations at Howard
Beach and Jamaica use a #8 double crossover to turn trains. The junction of the Howard Beach and
Jamaica service at Federal Circle also uses #8 turnouts. The remaining mainline turnouts are normally
used for failure management operations and may be either #8 or #6 turnouts depending on site



Figure 2 – CTA Inner and Outer Track Loops

The track consists of 115 RE rail set on standard gauge on tangent track and gauge widening is used in
curved tracks to help equalize wheel wear. The contract required that the rail be continuously welded
rail mounted with a direct fixation system.

AirTrain JFK is powered by a top-running contact rail with a nominal voltage of 750 Vdc.
The AirTrain JFK rail cars are 57 feet 9 inches in length and are 10 feet wide at the threshold. There
are two doors per car per side. The doors are six feet in width to allow easier boarding for passengers
carrying baggage or using baggage carts. The operating capacity is about 75 to 78 passengers per car.
This capacity is less than the capacity normally applied in mass transit systems. The capacity reflects
the need to allow more space per passenger to account for baggage and to provide sufficient
circulation space for a more consistent dwell time at the stations. At the option of the contractor, the
cars use a linear induction motor (LIM) rather than the typical rotary motor. The LIM requires a
reaction rail located between the running rails. In addition, the cars have steer-able trucks, which will
minimize rail and wheel wear.

The alignment is fully grade

separated with 5,160 feet of
dual track at grade, 1,987 feet
of dual track on retained fill,
820 feet of dual track in
retained cut, 1,000 feet of dual
track in cut and cover tunnel,
33,425 feet of single track on
single track aerial structure
(equivalent to 16,712 feet of
dual track) and 16,675 feet of
Figure 3 – AirTrain JFK Rail Car
dual track on dual track aerial
structure. The aerial structure consists of externally post-tensioned precast concrete segments
supported by seismic bearings. The bearings sit on cast in place concrete columns generally 5 or 6 feet
in diameter, which in turn are supported by a pile foundation.

Project Implementation
Although the topic of this presentation is technical in nature, understanding the method of project
implementation is critical precursor to the technical discussions. The Port Authority of New York &
New Jersey decided to implement the AirTrain project using a Design-Build-Operate and Maintain
(DBOM) approach. The primary objectives of the DBOM Approach may be summarized as follows:

• To ensure that the LRS is being procured under a negotiated competitive process
• To have a single contractor team be responsible for all aspects of the design, construction and
operation of the system
• To minimize the delivery time by allowing the entity that will build and operate the system develop
a “fast-track” schedule for design, fabrication, and construction of the system.

The Port Authority was responsible for overall project management, design review and approval,
construction management oversight, and project coordination with all affected agencies, airport
tenants, and affected communities.

This approach required that the Port Authority issue a request for proposals (RFP) and that various
consortiums respond with a proposal that provides management, technical, operating, maintenance and
cost information. The Port Authority, through a negotiated procurement process, reviews these
proposals and selects the best proposal based on a detailed evaluation process. Portions of the RFP
dictated specific requirements such as the use of 115RE rail and tangential design for the turnouts.
Other sections of the RFP provided performance specifications and left the specific solution to the
proposer’s judgment. In particular, the type of aerial structure and its supporting systems was left to
the proposer. The RFP did not require externally post-tensioned precast concrete segments supported
by seismic bearing. This was the choice of the proposer.

Unique performance design criteria were developed to ensure that the selected DBOM team achieves
the Authority’s reliability and durability objectives. This includes resumption of service in the event
of an earthquake, and the accommodation of a future multi-system rail car that will provide an
uninterrupted ride to Manhattan in a later phase.

The successful proposer after contract award is referred to as the DBOM contractor. The successful
team was the AirRail Transit Consortium, a joint venture led by Slattery-Skanksa and Bombardier and
includes Sordoni for stations and other buildings, Koch-Skanksa for guideway erection and a design
team led by STV Inc. The design team for the aerial structure includes Figg Engineers for the
superstructure and Mueser Rutledge Consulting Engineers for the foundations, while STV performed
analysis of the entire guideway structure and the design for the columns, seismic bearings and track

Guideway and System Design Criteria

The performance specifications for the project call for the DBOM contractor to design, furnish and
construct a fully grade-separated track way on a proposed alignment and preliminary profile.
Passenger stations, vehicles, track work, an automatic train control system, communications systems, a
supervisory control and data acquisition system, a traction power system, and an operations,
maintenance and storage facility were also part of the contractor’s scope. The main focus, herein, will
be the aerial guideway and track way. There were two general project design criteria that applied to
the guideway structures and system technology. These were: that design for durability be based upon
a 50-year life and that all technology employed in the system have a proven track record.

Guideway Design Forces

Even though the DBOM team will provide custom designed vehicles for AirTrain JFK, the design
criteria specified minimum train loading for the design of the guide-way structures. This loading was
based on a survey of various light rail transit systems planned or in operation with sufficient capacity
to transport the projected volumes of riders at JFK. For vehicle structural strength and
crashworthiness, criteria typical for light rail vehicles were specified. A service proven light rail
vehicle system comprising steel wheel trucks, running on standard gauge steel rails, and powered by
750V DC top contact third rail was also specified. This, not only assured minimal risks associated
with design, construction, operation and maintenance but also provided basic compatibility with the
regional transit system comprising the LIRR and the NYCTA.

Because the light rail vehicles differed significantly from the standard rail live load in the AREMA
specifications the American Association of State Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Specifications
for Highway Bridges and its applicable guide specifications were used with modifications to
incorporate light rail system (LRS) loads and effects including: LRS vehicle weight and impact
factors, centrifugal force, rolling force, longitudinal braking and tractive force and rail/structure
interaction force. All other forces were similar if not identical to those specified in AASHTO.

A system that utilized direct fixation of the rail to the structure required an analysis for interaction
between the rail and structure including the effect of the structure expanding and contracting beneath
the rail, the effect of one rail breaking, and the effect of the structure restraining the rail from
displacing in the radial direction on horizontal curves.

The standard AASHTO loading combinations were used, with rolling force added to the loading
combinations with live load, and rail interaction forces added to the loading combinations with thermal
force. Loading combinations for service load design and load factor design were specified. The
structural analysis of the multi-span guideway units was performed both with and without the
continuous rail in the model. This was done since the rail is not a structural element of the guideway
but significantly influences the continuity and distribution of load. The worst-case forces or stresses
(with or without the rail) had to be used to design the structure. When the continuous rail was part of
the model, the designer STV had to include in the model adjacent up-station and down-station multi-
span units, as well as, the multi-span unit being analyzed and designed.

Seismic Design

Seismic provisions are an important aspect of the design criteria. New structures at JFK have been
designed for seismic forces since 1987. New York City adopted seismic design for buildings in 1996.
Due to the presence of deep loose sands at JFK, soil borings indicate the potential for liquifaction up to
a depth of 20 feet under the design seismic event.

The Port Authority’s RFP had a technical section entitled 15.5 STRUCTURAL DESIGN
PARAMETERS. This section provided the requirements for the aerial structure including conformance
with AASHTO’s Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges, using an acceleration coefficient of
A=0.15, using a site coefficient of 1.2 and the need for the design to address rail/structure interaction
issues. The RFP also had a technical section entitled 15.6 GEOTECHNIAL DESIGN CRITERIA AND
PARAMETERS. This section advised the proposer that the soil conditions in the project had areas that
were prone to liquefy under the design earthquake magnitude of 5.75.

The above design requirements however did not convey the Port Authority’s intent for the AirTrain
JFK system after experiencing a seismic event. Once a system like AirTrain is in place it is critical
that such a system will remain operational, or be restored to operation as soon as possible after a
seismic event. The design seismic event for the New York area is at a level that the system can be
designed to handle the seismic loads without extensive damage. Therefore the Port Authority added
the following requirement to the RFP.

The basis of the Proposer's concepts for the design of the foundations and structures and their cost
during Proposal preparation shall be such that the facility could be readily restored to service after
the occurrence of a seismic event causing liquefaction to the depths indicated above, i.e., alignment
deficiencies should be able to be corrected by adjustment of the rails and the tolerances required for
safe operation should be capable of being restored, if necessary.
Furthermore, the Port Authority required the proposers to include in their proposals the following:

A complete set of sample calculations for the geotechnical analysis and design of aerial structure
foundations for a typical 40 foot high dual track structure. The sample analyses should include a
narrative describing the approach for each stage of the design and a complete set of geotechnical
design and analysis calculations. Separate sample geotechnical analyses should be performed for soil
conditions represented by the following borings.

• Boring No. 4-126

• Boring No. 4-130

Each proposer had to address this issue by submitting the above analysis with their proposal. The Port
Authority gained significant insight into each proposer’s solution by reviewing these analyses and was
able to address specific design related issues prior to contract award.

In particular, the use of lead core seismic bearings raised concerned about rail/structure interaction and
the potential of adjacent superstructure segments to displace in the opposite direction with severe
damage to track and cable systems. To address these concerns the following section was inserted into
the technical provisions of the contract.

Elastic Design Deflection Criteria - The Design Deflection Criteria for the entire System for seismic
and non-seismic loading conditions shall be as follows:

1. Foundation Displacement top Foundation displacement shall be designed in

of pile cap accordance with AASHTO Division I - Design
Section “Tolerable Movement”

Where tolerable movement criteria for

horizontal foundation movements are
addressed in Design Section, small
vertical displacement shall be defined as less
than 1 inch.

2. Pier Displacement including Less than or equal to L/300 under non-seismic

foundation rotation loading conditions and L/200 during the
design seismic event, where L is the distance
from the top of the pile cap to the bottom of the
guideway bearings.

3. Isolation Bearings under Less than or equal to 50% of the maximum

seismic design event shear strain capacity of the bearing or 2
inches, whichever is less computed vectorially.
Shear keys at the guideway top slab at
expansion joints shall be used and shall be
operable during the seismic event.
4. Isolation Bearings under The elastic deflection of the seismic isolation
non-seismic loading bearings under non-seismic loading conditions
shall be restrained to 1/8 of an inch in the
direction normal to the LRS tracks through the
lead core of the proposed bearing or, if the
lead core is insufficient, the use of elastic
restraint devices in addition to the shear keys
indicated in Item 3 immediately above.

The above deflection criteria shall be incorporated into the design of the guideway and guideway

Of particular note is the requirement for shear keys in item 3 which mitigates any tendency for
adjacent segments to moved in opposing directions. Keying the segments together will keep damage
to the track and cabling systems to a minimum.

Item 4 is a little more interesting. At the proposal stage, the exact behavior of the lead core bearing
during a non-seismic event was an unknown. The non-seismic event includes wind, and of particular
concern, the thermal forces caused by the continuously welded rail, especially on curved tracks. The
lead bearing offered significant resistance but over time the lead can relax and the bearing can deform.
On the other hand, during a seismic event it is important that the bearings are free to move in all
directions because that movement is essential to damping the forces induced by a seismic event.

Features of DBOM Team Design

Prior to advertising the RFP a 10% to 15% preliminary design was prepared for the guideway to
estimate construction costs and to give the proposers a base design which could be developed further
into a final design without extraordinary time and effort. The basic components of the preliminary
design for guideway structure included:

• Full-length precast pre-stressed twin-box concrete girders for two-track guideways and single
box girders for single-track guideways. A steel box construction in composite action with a
reinforced concrete deck slab was also given as an optional alternative.

• Cast-in-place reinforced concrete deck slab closure pours, plinths, parapets, catwalks and
utility duct-ways.

• Cast-in-place reinforced concrete cap beams with supports for dapped box girders.

• Cast-in-place reinforced concrete round pier columns.

• Cast-in-place reinforced concrete pile caps supported on concrete-filled pipe piles, utilizing
batter piles to resist horizontal forces.
Except at particular locations requiring special structural configurations, the preliminary guideway
superstructure consisted of a series of simple spans, each supported on fixed bearings at one end and
guided expansion bearings at the other end. The maximum modular span was 110 feet.

The notable features of the DBOM

SINGLE TRACK design that differed from the
2’-6” GUIDEWAY preliminary design in the bid
7’-3” BOX documents was as follows:
(SPANS 46.5 to 130 ft.)

Segmental • The guideway superstructure

6’-0” 7’-2” Precast w/ was designed for precast
Precast Sound External PT
Barrier segmental construction
6’-6” Capital
• The guideway superstructure
Isolation consisted of box girders
Bearings Varies 5’-0” Dia. continuous over multiple spans
3.5 to 40 ft. Column
• The guideway substructure is
5’-0” Pile Cap designed based on the concept
of seismic isolation
18” Diameter Monotube
or Tapertube Piles
• The parapets and the
catwalk/utility duct-way are
Figure 4 – Type I Box Girder Section precast concrete

The DBOM Guide-way 31’-0” DUAL TRACK

superstructure is comprised of 16’-0” GUIDEWAY BOX
two typical cross-sections. The (SPANS 80 to 150 ft.)
Type I, or single-track guideway
box is shown in Figure 4, while
the Type II, or dual-track 10’-0” Segmental
7’-2” Precast w/
guideway box is shown in
Precast External PT
Figure 5. Typically, individual Sound
spans are longer in the DBOM Barrier
8’-6” Capital

design. Additionally, post- Isolation 6’-0” Diameter

Bearings Varies
tensioning tendons are applied 14’ to
Round Column or
5’-0” X 8’-0” Oblong
across span closures to create 40 ‘ Column
multiple-span continuous units. 5’-6” Pile Cap
For concrete segmental 18” Diameter Monotube or
construction the contract called Tapertube Piles
for adherence to the
Specifications for Segmental
Bridges. Figure 5 – Type II Box Girder Section

The longer spans and continuous units between expansion joints make it a more challenging task to
control the possible gaps that may result from a rail break. The analysis prepared by the guideway
designer computed the maximum possible gaps due to a break. The DBOM car supplier had to
review and accept the anticipated rail break gap associated with the proposed guide-way structures or
as an alternative the contractor has to provide the LRS with a rail-break detection system.

To permit the maintenance of traffic

on adjacent streets and highways, the
majority of the guideway was built
span-by-span with cranes and
triangular trusses as shown in Figure
6. Some portions of the guideway
were built in balanced cantilever
construction for tight curvature or
longer spans as shown in Figure 7.

Seismic isolation is achieved by the

use of lead-rubber bearings. The
superstructure is to “float” on the
bearings during a seismic event. For
non-seismic loading, however, the
bearing must be fixed laterally in the
Figure 6 – Span-by-Span Segmental Construction transverse direction (movement
limited to a 1/8th inch range) relative
to track centerline. The
Contractor and bearing supplier
developed an Elastic Restraint
System (ERS) that will
withstand non-seismic loads
with an appropriate factor of
safety, and will reliably break
away at design-level seismic
loads. The system consists of
galvanized steel plates fastened
to the upper and lower bearing
plates with stainless steel
threaded rods as seen in Figure
8. At mid height of the bearing
the galvanized plates are bolted
together with stainless steel
threaded rods that are necked
down to break at a certain
seismic shear force that exceeds Figure 7 – Balanced Cantilever Segmental Construction
the service level lateral force
needed to laterally restrain the continuous rail. The guideway designer placed the ERS devices at
bearings on and adjacent to curved track alignments and in some cases where the bearings are along a
highway right-of-way at bearings on tangent track alignments.
As required by the AASHTO guidelines for base isolation design, the bearings were tested at the
bearing manufacturers plant with the ERS devices in place. Load cells and displacement
measurements showed that the ERS device performed as designed.

Lead-Rubber Seismic
Isolation Bearing

Necked- Transverse Shear Force Resisted

Down Bolt By Necked-Down Bolts
Figure 8 – Two Views Of The ERS System For Seismic Isolation Bearings

Installation Of The Continuous Rail

The concrete plinth was cast-in-place continuously on the erected and post-tensioned multiple span
elevated guideway units. All reinforcing steel in the plinth, pre-cast concrete guideway and cast-in-
place concrete piers was epoxy coated both for longevity and to provide isolation against stray current.
The pre-cast concrete segmental units had protruding loops of reinforcing steel at the interface with the
plinth concrete to make the plinth composite with the box girder. The plinth was detailed to provide
for adequate drainage pitch to scuppers located adjacent to the expansion joints between multiple-span
guideway units. Drain pipes are located within the concrete pier columns with clean-outs located at
the top within the interior of the box girder and at the bottom near the column pier bases.

The contractor developed jigs made from rail segments to set and cast the sheathed direct fixation
fasteners in their final, surveyed-position within the concrete plinth. A Pandrol clip system was used to
fasten the rail to the track bed with neoprene pads providing isolation of current. The LIM propulsion
system requires a center LIM “reaction rail” also fastened to the track bed with hold-down anchors to
the plinth concrete. The vertical tolerance for setting the LIM rail is very tight since a predefined gap
must be maintained between the LIM motor and the reaction rail. There are also safety guide rails in
the track bed consisting of steel angle sections that prevent vehicles from derailing. See Figure 9.

Eighty-foot-long segments of rail were fusion welded together into 1,300 to 1,560 foot-long lengths at
a point in the system where the AirTrain alignment is on grade. The longer segments were then
transported on dollies to their final locations either at grade or along the elevated guideway. The rail
was installed at a temperature of 90 degrees Fahrenheit (plus or minus 5 degrees) in accordance with
the contractor’s calculations to assure that the rail will not buckle under the extreme operating
temperatures. The continuous rail is anchored on elevated guideway structure against longitudinal
movement at the Howard Beach Station terminus and at the Jamaica Station terminus. At these
locations the contractor provided a pot bearing fixed against lateral movement that could safely resist a
longitudinal thermal anchoring force of 250 Kips for each Type I single-track box girder unit. At the
terminal locations mentioned above the fastening details for the rail had to be modified to





Figure 9 – Type I Guideway Box Track Bed

accommodate the high anchoring force. To do this the spacing of the rail clips in the end span box
girder units were reduced from 24 to 12 inches on center. In addition, adjacent to each rail at the end
of the span, a second in-board length of similarly fastened rail about 11 feet long was added and
horizontally-fastened to the continuous rail with braces and frog-type bolts to transfer the high
anchoring force from the rails to the box girder within the simply supported end span. The additional
in-board rail could be added because the safety guide rail and LIM reaction rail terminate before the
end of the guideway.

In the summer of 2000, the first section of continuous rail was installed at the Howard Beach section
of guideway without the ERS system in place, because testing and delivery of the ERS was not yet
complete. When the cold winter months approached, the guideway box girders, which were on curved
alignments, exhibited a dramatic lateral displacement in the transverse direction (radial direction to the
track tangent). This demonstrated the need for the ERS devices since the lead-rubber bearing cannot
resist a sustained lateral force because the lead core gradually relaxes. See Figure 10. When the
following summer brought warm weather the rail temperature returned to its level at installation and
the bearings straightened out. The ERS devices were then installed and since have weathered cold
temperatures without any transverse displacement. See Figure 11.

Future LIRR System Compatibility

The project performance specifications called for car widths and station platform heights that are
compatible with the LIRR and NYCT transit systems. This leaves open the possibility of providing a
“one seat ride” from Manhattan to JFK by directly connecting AirTrain JFK to the LIRR or NYCTA
rail systems at either Jamaica or Howard Beach.
1.75 +/- Inches

Figure 10 – Bearing On Curve Displaced Radially Figure 11 – Same Bearing

Prior To Installation Of ERS Device With ERS
For the “one seat ride” service, a new rail car will have to be designed to operate both on AirTrain JFK
territory as well as on LIRR/NYCTA territory. This vehicle has to have structural strength and
crashworthiness compatibility with the Heavy Rail Vehicles operated by LIRR or NYCT. The
AirTrain vehicles are fully automated with a linear induction motor (LIM) traction system and steer-
able bogies to make the tight turn radii in the JFK CTA. The LIRR and NYCTA systems are manually
controlled with conventional electric motor propulsion. It is feasible that a hybrid rail vehicle that
could run on both systems can be developed, manufactured, tested, and eventually put into service.

The AirTrain JFK Project is nearly complete. The Terminal Circulation Service and Howard Beach
Service will both start operating in the fourth quarter of 2002. The Jamaica Service will start
operating in early 2003. Keeping in mind that the DBOM contract was awarded in May of 1998
when final design first commenced, the actual progress is quite dramatic. As far as design and
construction is concerned, lessons (from the Owner’s perspective) have been learned and much of the
intent of the DBOM approach has been validated. They may be summarized as follows:

• The owner’s role is vital in overall project management, construction management oversight, and
project coordination with all affected agencies, airport tenants, and affected communities.
• The submittal review and approval process customary to US public works projects must be
modified and accelerated for DBOM contracts.
• Both the contractor and owner must show flexibility, support and trust in reaching the common
goal of completing the project in a timely and cost effective manner.
• The responsibility and risk of conforming to the project criteria in designing and in implementing
work in the field must be left to the DBOM contractor.
• The DBOM contractor has to take ownership of all elements of his design and provide all the
necessary features required to operate and maintain the system in accordance with the contract.

The authors thank Paul Cohen of the Port Authority for his inspiration in writing this paper.

A number of consulting firms and numerous individuals were involved in the planning, design and
construction of this project. The focus of this article is on the structural and track work aspects of the
guide-way and, therefore, so too are the acknowledgements. The preliminary design of the guide-way
structures was performed by Parsons Brinckerhoff Quade & Douglass. The team of PBQD engineers
also worked with Port Authority engineering staff to manage and review all technical design and
construction aspects of the project.

The DBOM contract was awarded to AirRail Transit Consortium (ARTC). Guideway and track
construction is by Slattery Skansa, Inc., Koch Skansa, Inc., and Perini Corporation, members of the
ARTC construction joint venture. STV, Inc. is the design engineer for the guideway structures and
track with the box girder superstructure design subcontracted to Figg Engineers and the foundation
design subcontracted to Mueser Rutledge Consulting Engineers.

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