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AremA Article About Catenary Systems DNLDD 900823

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C H A P T E R 9 – R A I L W A Y E L E C T R I F I C A T I O N


9.1 Introduction

D espite the competition

of airplanes, buses,
trucks and cars, trains
still play a major transportation
role in society, filling specific
markets such as high-speed and
non-high-speed intercity
passenger service, heavy haul of
minerals and freight, urban light
rail systems and commuter rail.

This chapter presents an Figure 9-1 Overhead High Speed Catenary - Courtesy of LTK, Inc.
introduction to electrification of
rail systems. It is intended to provide a historical perspective and an overview of
typical design principles, construction practice, and maintenance considerations. Those
interested in learning more are invited to review AREMA’s Manual for Railway
Engineering, Chapter 33, Electrical Energy Utilization, and Chapter 17, High Speed
Rail Systems, which contain sections devoted to electrification power supplies, traction
power systems studies and guidelines for the design of overhead contact systems.

9.2 Development of Motive Power

for Railways
The earliest recorded tramway served a mine in Germany, beginning in about 1550.
The tramway was developed because the rolling resistance of wheels on rails was much

©2003 AREMA®
C H A P T E R 9 – R A I L W A Y E L E C T R I F I C A T I O N

§ Does not create possible electrical safety hazards to the public due to the presence
of the bare conductors of the contact system.

When the cost of diesel fuel was 9 cents a gallon and the supply seemed unlimited,
United States railways were not interested in alternative methods of propulsion.
Railway electrification interest peaks during times of uncertainty in the energy industry.
When fuel rose to 34 cents per gallon and the oil embargos occurred, much effort was
expended studying alternatives to hydrocarbon fuels. Studies showed that "an
estimated 34% savings in energy could be achieved by using electric power.
Electrification of just 10% of the (then) present rail trackage (in the densest traffic
corridors) could result in a 40% reduction in railway diesel fuel consumption.”

Studies made in the 1970’s also showed that approximately 6 years after electrifying a
route, the operating cost would break even when compared to the operating cost of
diesel service. At 30 years, the annual operating cost of an electrified system would be
one-third that of diesel service. In other words, over the effective life of a railway, the
cost to operate a diesel-electric system far exceeds that of an electric system. These
increased costs mainly come from the price of fuel and maintenance. Diesel
locomotives average 3 to 10 gallons or more of fuel per mile and three times the
amount of maintenance of straight electric locomotives.

The most significant aspect arising from these studies is that in order to realize the
long-term savings, a huge capital investment is needed. Even when engineering
economic studies show that an electrified system would be beneficial, raising enough
money to perform the capital upgrade is a daunting challenge. Private railways would
most likely require government assistance or financing from the utilities.

9.4.2 Mainline Infrastructure Compatibility

The electrification of a section of existing mainline cannot be undertaken without
considering the requirements that the electric locomotives, substations, overhead or
third rail power distribution systems and traction return system will place on the
existing rail infrastructure.
The more significant issues are noted below:

§ Tracks may need to be upgraded, including new track work or re-alignment. Sites
must be found and real estate acquired for substations. In rights-of-way with
restrictive width, the location of the system-wide ductbank requires coordination
with track drainage, the foundations for OCS poles and emergency walkways. In all
cases, maintenance access must be provided.

§ If DC traction is used, the effects of electrolytic corrosion due to leakage (stray)

currents must be mitigated.

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C H A P T E R 9 – R A I L W A Y E L E C T R I F I C A T I O N

§ Additional clearance may need to be provided in tunnels and at bridges. Existing

civil structures may have insufficient clearance to accommodate the proposed
electrification system. It may be necessary to lower tracks through overhead
crossing bridges. New bridges resulting from grade-crossing elimination will need
to be built with adequate electrical clearance. Future widening of existing
overhead bridges must be considered.

§ Tunnels may be suitable for electrification, or may require costly remedial work,
enlargement or “daylighting.”

§ Integration of the electrification support structures with existing station canopies

must be considered. Station canopies that project over platform edges may need

§ Where OCS poles cannot be

installed for lack of clearance,
attachments, such as wall
brackets, will need to be added
to civil structures. Pictured at
the right is an example of an
OCS cantilever attachment to
an overhead structure.

§ Signals and communication

systems will need to be replaced
or upgraded. Because electric Figure 9-4 OCS Cantilever Attachment - Courtesy of LTK, Inc.
traction systems use the same
running rails for traction return current, it is necessary for the two electrical
systems to be electrically isolated. The signal circuits need to be “immunized”
from the traction power circuits.

§ Grounding and bonding of exposed metals is necessary to protect the public from
electrical hazards, as well as insuring that there is no interference with the signals
and communications systems.

§ A central location will be needed to supervise the power system. SCADA, pilot
wires or a relaying system must send information to a central point to insure
power is being supplied to the system when necessary.


More details on these and other aspects impacting the railway route are given later.
The advent of electrification increases the level of overall maintenance on the right-of-
way. The traction power distribution system, comprising substations, feeder cables,
OCS or third rails, lineside disconnect switches, impedance bonds and rail bonds

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C H A P T E R 9 – R A I L W A Y E L E C T R I F I C A T I O N

urban areas, the structures are often relegated to sidewalks. To help the structures fit
into the urban environment, the structures will often serve double duty by acting as
light poles, traffic signal poles, etc. On straight or slightly curved track, either
cantilevers or cross-spans support the trolley wire such that it is placed over the center
of the track. When the track requires tight curves, the trolley wire is held in place with
cross-spans, pull-offs and back bones. Although trolley poles pivot at the base, the
trolley harp does not pivot so that the trolley wire must be placed towards the center of
the curve on sharp curves to allow the trolley shoe to track efficiently. The trolley shoe
must be drawn tangentially along the trolley wire, thereby not rubbing against the
‘cheeks’ of the groove. Only by using rigid harps can the trolley shoe diverge onto the
correct trolley wire at turnouts, as the pole operates passively being positioned only by
the direction of the streetcar on its tracks.

Catenary Systems
Two-wire systems are referred to as
simple catenary and utilize a contact
wire and above it, a messenger wire.
The messenger wire serves two
purposes (1) to support the contact wire
vertically between structures by use of
hangers and (2) to provide more
electrical conductivity.

Variations of simple catenary exist, such

as low profile simple catenary, which
can be considered as a three-quarter- Figure 9-19 Two Cross-span Wires with Full Simple Catenary -
scale version of the most economic Courtesy of LTK, Inc.
simple catenary style. The low profile
simple catenary has reduced visual impact by virtue of requiring only one cross-span
wire for support between poles compared to the necessary two cross-span wires with
full simple catenary as pictured (Figure 9-19). Structure spacing is, however, reduced,
thus increasing the pole count by about 30%.

Nevertheless, it is still only about half the cost of a single contact wire system with
parallel underground feeders, which would be electrically equivalent. Twin contact
wires are also commonplace on light rail systems in Europe. Other systems using
three conductors called compound catenary are operating, but are more costly and are
generally not considered necessary for new installations. Compound catenary utilizes
three or more conductors, with a main messenger being the top conductor, the contact
wire serving as the bottom conductor, and an auxiliary messenger located between the
two. Other styles, which have been installed in the past, include stitched catenary,
triangular catenary and ‘hanging beam’ catenary, and all continue in use today.

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C H A P T E R 9 – R A I L W A Y E L E C T R I F I C A T I O N

Inclined catenary exists to the present day in the Northeastern United States and
requires the use of the messenger, and on severe curves, an auxiliary messenger to align
the contact wire around curves. This is accomplished by inclining the OCS so that the
messenger wire is moved to the outside of the curve while the contact remains close to
the track centerline. Sloping hangers support the contact wire at a carefully calculated
angle to provide the lateral restraint. Inclined catenary has fixed terminations, which
means that the contact wire moves up and down relative to the track surface as
temperatures change. Thus greater clearances are required under structures and over
grade crossings. Because of the special techniques needed to align inclined catenaries,
the trend today is to replace them with chordal (simple) catenary, where the messenger
is located directly above the contact wire.

Catenary systems are designed to allow the contact

wire to operate satisfactorily over the full extent of
the carbon-rubbing strip of the pantograph.
Careful calculations are performed to determine the
extent that the wire can be staggered at the OCS
registrations (supports) and to ensure that the
pantograph does not dewire in a combination of
adverse operating conditions, including strong
winds, maximum vehicle sway and poor quality
track. These calculations are then used to
determine how much the contact wire can be
allowed to be placed off the centerline of the track
and still allow safe operations. On tangent tracks,
the wire is intentionally staggered from one side of
Figure 9-20 Contact Wire Placement in a
the track centerline to the other at successive poles Curve - Courtesy of LTK, Inc.
to prevent grooves from forming in the middle of
the pantograph carbons.

All overhead contact systems exhibit the characteristic of increased sag between
supports and loss of tension when conductor temperatures rise due to solar gain
and/or current heating. Although small variations to sag and tension do not adversely
affect current collection, also called ‘commutation,’ large variations, say over 6 inches,
can be unacceptable. In order to control conductor sag between supports, two options
are available:

§ Limit span length (length between poles)

§ Tension compensation (described later)

Both options apply to Single Contact Wire (SCW) systems and to multiple conductor
catenary systems to be described later.

©2003 AREMA®
C H A P T E R 9 – R A I L W A Y E L E C T R I F I C A T I O N

9.8 Electrification Interfaces with

Other Rail Elements
When an established railway is to be electrified, there can be significant engineering and
operational impacts on the existing infrastructure. The more significant impacts

§ Right-of-Way

§ Track Structure

§ Civil Structures

§ Signaling and Communications

9.8.1 Right-of-Way

Track Layout/Realignment
It is desirable that track alignment and modifications to track crossovers and turnouts
be completed before route electrification occurs. Additionally, track renewals and track
lowering measures, as described below, should have been finished. Future track
improvements may need to be accelerated to avoid the need for later changes. Old
redundant track should be removed before initiating electrification so that cranes are
not impeded by the presence of high voltage catenary wires, conductor rails or cables.


Typically, 25kV substations require a site area of about an acre in size, with road access
suitable for trucks delivering the largest piece of substation equipment. DC substations
are smaller, ranging in size from 2000 to 5000 square feet, but are generally more
numerous than AC substations.

Supporting Structures for the Contact System

On existing main line routes, particularly those with more than two tracks, there will
probably not be enough room between tracks to install OCS pole foundations.
Therefore, the poles will be allocated to the outside of the line. The right-of-way needs
to be examined to insure that structures and any supporting back guys fall within the

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C H A P T E R 9 – R A I L W A Y E L E C T R I F I C A T I O N

ROW without impeding drainage. Since third rail is attached to the end of the ties,
ROW limits are not as critical for third rail systems as for overhead systems.

Systemwide Ductbanks
Ductbanks are required for power distribution cables and should be designed to
accommodate new signal or communication cables, should existing aerial signal and
communication cables need replacement. The location of parallel track and cross-track
ductbanks will need to be coordinated with drainage pipes, foundations for signals and
OCS poles, and emergency walkways.

9.8.2 Track Structure

On rail lines, the area extending from
track centerline in which no wayside items
can be placed is known as the structure
clearance envelope. On non-electrified
lines, this envelope is based on the
dynamic envelope of the vehicle along
with passing clearances. For electrified
lines, this envelope has to be increased to
allow for the electrical clearance envelope.
This increased envelope insures that no
wayside structures come close enough to
any “live” part of the vehicle to create an
electrical hazard. One way to provide the
requisite vertical clearance at overhead
bridges is to lower the tracks. However, if
significant lowering is required, the track
subbase may need to be excavated first,
which may be a prohibitive operating pre- Figure 9-23 Clearance Envelope - Courtesy of LTK, Inc.

Because the running rails will be carrying the high currents of the traction return
system, it is necessary that all bolted rail joints be paralleled with traction bonding
cables to carry the 1000 amps or more of traction current. Defective bonds can give
rise to severe arcing between the rails and cause enough damage to curtail normal train

The possible effects of electrolytic corrosion due to leakage (stray) currents from the
track rails, especially with DC power must be addressed. With AC systems, the effects
of leakage currents is considered to be minimal, but still needs to be checked. Leakage
currents can cause and/or accelerate corrosion in underground piping, steel
reinforcement in concrete structures and may damage underground utilities.

©2003 AREMA®

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