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IISER by Laws Autumn

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Bye-laws for Admission for Students of IISER Kolkata, Autumn Semester

IISER Kolkata Rules Regarding Students' General Conduct and Discipline:

1) Students shall follow the Guidelines for Student Conduct in IISER Kolkata as approved by the
Institute governing bodies from time to time and as updated on the website of the Institute.

2) Students shall obey the Hostel Rules and Regulations of IISER Kolkata as approved by the
Institute governing bodies from time to time and as updated on the website of the Institute.

3) The Dean of Academic Affairs is the custodian of the students' academic matters, and the Dean
of Students' Affairs is the custodian of the students' extra-curricular activities and campus life. The
Chief Warden is the custodian of the students' hostel related matters.

4) Students shall show due respect to all members of IISER Kolkata – especially, but not limited
to, the fellow students, teachers of the Institute, the Wardens and the Chief Warden of the Hostels,
the Sports Officers and other Professional Staff related to Student and Academic Affairs of the
Institute, the Deans, the Administrative Staff, and the Housekeeping and Security Staff in and
outside of the Hostels. Proper courtesy and consideration should be extended to the fellow
students and to the employees of the Institute including the Hostels. They shall also pay due
attention and courtesy to visitors.

5) Students are required to develop a friendly relationship with fellow students. In particular, they
are expected to show kindness and consideration to the new students admitted to the Institute every

6) Ragging in any form to anybody is banned. Acts of ragging will be considered as gross
indiscipline. Ragging is a punishable offence, to be registered with law-enforcing agencies and may
lead to the perpetrator’s expulsion. The information regarding anti-ragging measures taken in the
Institute can be found in:

7) The following acts of omission and/or commission shall constitute gross violation of the code of
conduct and are liable to invoke disciplinary measures-
 Ragging
 Sexual Harassment (for details of measures against sexual harassments in the Institute can be
found at:
 Furnishing false statement of any kind in the form of application for admission or for award of
scholarship, or for any reason for that matter
 Displaying lack of courtesy and decorum; resorting to indecent behavior anywhere within or
outside the campus
 Willfully damaging or stealthily removing any property/belonging of the Institute, Hostel or
any member of the Institute
 Possession, consumption or distribution of alcoholic drinks or any kind of hallucinogenic drugs
 Adoption of unfair means in the examinations
 Prolonged absence from the Institute or the hostel without adequate justification or intimation
 Violating the rules of computer access
 Mutilation or unauthorized possession of library books
 Resorting to noisy and unseemly behavior, disturbing studies of fellow students
 Not intimating his/her absence to the Warden of the Hostel before availing any leave, or general
disobeying of Hostel rules on leaves

8) Commensurate with the gravity of the offense, the punishment may be reprimand, fine,
disciplinary action, expulsion from the Hostel, debarment from an examination, rustication for a specified
period, or, even, outright expulsion from the Institute.

IISER Kolkata Hostel Rules and Regulations – Salient Points:

1) The full details of the IISER Kolkata hostel rules will be available in the document: IISER
Kolkata Hostel Rules and Regulations, available in the Institute website.

2) The Chief Warden is the custodian of all hostel related matters of all hostels in the Institute.
The Wardens of the individual Hostels are the custodians of the students in the
respective Hostels. In any hostel-related matter the student should contact the Hostel
Attendants, Hostel Assistants, Assistant Wardens and the Wardens.

3) For any hostel-related issue/emergency, in the absence of Wardens or the Chief

Warden, the decision of the Security or the Hostel Staff (Hostel Attendants or Hostel
Assistants) is final, and must be obeyed by all students during the existence of that

4) Behaviors that are prohibited in and around residential facilities-

 Ragging in any form in the premises of IISER Kolkata campus
 Unauthorized absence from the Institute Campus or any Hostel
 Entry into restricted areas of the residential facilities. These include, but
are not limited to- The residence hostel roof, windows, ledges
Toilets designated for use by members of the opposite sex
 Display of signs/displays in windows or exterior surfaces of any building of the Institute
 Interfering with the rights or safety of one’s roommate(s) and/or other students or creating a
hostile environment within the residential facilities
 Noise or behavior that disturbs other residents in the residential facilities and/or interferes with their
 Possessing cooking appliances such as electric heaters, toasters, toaster ovens, hot plates
 Activities that present a risk of injury to persons or property within and around a residential facility

5) In case of a lab overstay beyond 12 midnight by a student, he/she must inform, by an e-mail
to his/her Supervisor, the Hostel Assistant, and the Chief Security Officer by 11 PM that

6) Change of room may not be done without the permission of the Warden. If permitted the
students need to consult the Hostel Assistants and fill up required forms.

7) Possession and use of motorcycles and scooters is not permitted in the campus. The use
of bicycles is encouraged.

8) In the case of emergency at late nights or early mornings, the students should contact the
resident Hostel Attendant/Hostel Assistant, who, if required, will contact the Warden. If
this channel of information cannot be established, or in the case of extreme
emergency, the student can call the Warden directly.

9) Fine has to be paid for losing keys of locker/almirah/drawer etc. as per the rules.

10) Drinking alcohol and the use of drugs are strictly prohibited in all residential facilities.
Drunkenness will not be tolerated and will attract disciplinary action on the student found at
fault. Smoking is prohibited within Hostel premises. Students should consult the document
on Hostel Rules and Regulations for further details.

11) No religion is patronized by the Institute, and religious practices are considered as
individuals' personal matter. The common premises like the common room, dining hall,
playground, etc., may not be, in general, used for the conduction of any particular group's
religious practice. In the case of such an event planned, the Warden must be consulted and
asked for permission.

12) Students will use lock-and-key provided to them by the Institute during their stay and hand
over one key of the same to the hostel authorities, especially when the student plans to
leave the campus for one or more nights.

13) Students are required to strictly follow the Hostel Leave Rules when they leave the campus
even for a day or for a long vacation. Students should consult the document on Hostel
Rules and Regulations for further details.

14) Students are not allowed to stay in the hostel during summer or winter vacations unless
they are officially registered for a research/summer program at IISER Kolkata. Those
students who have to appear for make-up examination can stay during the above periods
provided they have sought and received written permission from the Warden, at least two
weeks before the start of the vacation.

15) While going on a vacation, students are required to remove their possessions from the
room and to keep these in a central storage facility and to hand over the key of the lock of
the room to the security personnel/Hostel staff. Their rooms will be used to accommodate
students/visitors from other Universities/Institute during the summer and winter vacations.
IISER Kolkata Housing facilities are not open to anyone other than residents
assigned to that facility, IISER Kolkata officials and guests who have a legitimate reason
for being in the building.

16) A guest is someone who comes to a residential facility to visit a specific resident or who
has been extended an invitation by the Institute to visit for a specific occasion, special
function, tour, or official visit. A roommate has the right to free access to his/her room at
all times and must not be restricted by the visitation of a guest.

 All guests must be escorted by their host at all times.

 The host is responsible for familiarizing the guest with pertinent IISER Kolkata rules and
regulations and is responsible for the conduct of the guest(s).
 Opposite sex visit is allowed between 6 AM to 11 PM to the common room/mess and
other designated places (as per the Hostel Rules and Regulations).
 The Institute does not condone cohabitation.
 Individuals in violation of these or other IISER Kolkata rules and regulations may be
required to leave a residential facility.

17) Pets are not allowed in Institute’s residence hostels.

18) Storage and use of inflammable materials in hostel rooms is banned.

19) Students are not encouraged to receive any phone calls after 11 PM in their respective
rooms. If needed they can go to the common room and talk over there.

20) Students are encouraged to use the common room for their study after 11 PM to
avoid inconvenience to the other students who are sharing room. For detailed rules
consult the Hostel Rules and Regulations.

21) Students are encouraged to take their meals in their respective messes.

22) Disciplined behavior and cleanliness are of prime importance/highly appreciable.

23) Ill-behavior with fellow student is punishable.

24) Always save water and electricity by closing water taps, switching off fans and lights when not in

25) Visitors are not encouraged to go to student’s room. They can use the student
common room. Visitors for Women Hostels may be allowed through the side gates which
will directly give the access to the common room. For detailed rules consult the Hostel
Rules and Regulations.

26) Any expenditure arising out of damage and breakage of the items provided by the
Institution in the Hostels will have to be borne by the student.

27) Noise level should be kept low so as not to cause inconvenience to neighboring
members. Specifically no loud music should be played, or disturbance be caused through
actions during
11 PM to 7 AM.

IISER Kolkata Policy Regarding Access to the Computer System:

1) Network Policy:

While the network access is available to all members of the Institute, a detailed log of
network activities are also maintained. The Institute does not have any discrimination in
limiting network bandwidth - all users (faculty, students, and staff) have equal access to
network. Although the general surfing remains free from various servers. For example,
users may directly login to web server for updating their personal page, but they cannot
directly access the mail server. The mail server remains available only through web
interface. IISER Kolkata network p o l i c y tries to conform to IT Act 2000 of
Government of India and its addendum 2008.

Some of the forbidden activities are-

 Creation of ad hoc wireless network within campus area
 Sending spam (unsolicited bulk emails)
 Changing network configuration/connection of existing hardware, such as: removing
 network cable from common access devices (desktops/printers),
tampering with wireless access points
 Use of any mass-downloading software (download accelerator or similar)
 Using P2P software for illegal media/file sharing

If a user is found to be in violation of these rules, he/she will be banned from network
use a n d a disciplinary action will be initiated.

2) Software Policy:

As advised by MHRD to work with open-source solutions wherever possible, the

computer section of IISER Kolkata strongly discourages users from using/purchasing
Windows-based machines, unless they need specific software which does not have an
open source analogue of adequate functionality. Use and distribution of pirated software
within IISER Kolkata campus is strictly forbidden.

3) Personal Devices:

The Computer Section does not provide any official support for any personal items (laptop etc).

4) Biometric Data:

The Institute may collect the student’s biometric data (eg.fingerprint) for exclusively internal usage
purpose (for example: attendance, access to sensitive areas etc.)

IISER Kolkata Medical Facilities for Students:

1) The incoming students will have to fill in a medical form (this form only applicable for new
BSMS students) declaring their medical history at the time of admission
( content/uploads/2019/06/medical_report_2019-1.pdf)

2) The Institute has a functional Medical Centre equipped with an ambulance. The students
should avail this facility for all ailments. One may contact the doctor (Medical Officers of
the Institute) at any time or requisition the ambulance. However, the use of the
ambulance is not permitted unless the nature of the ailment is such that it really warrants
an ambulance, which is to be judged by the Institute's Medical Officer. In particular, it
is not to be used as a means of transport to and from the Medical Centre.

3) We have a dedicated Mind Care and Wellness Centre. The mission of the centre is to
address all the issues and factors leading to feelings of low mood, anxiety, stress, anger,
low confidence, lack of motivation etc. and also to provide guidance to students and
scholars to deal with issues and make better and healthier choices, leading to a healthy
mental state. Counseling and Psychotherapy services are available for individual students
to improve their effectiveness, and thinking towards a healthier change. Counseling
provides an opportunity for individuals to learn to make better choices, improve
interpersonal skills, develop confidence and increase educational effectiveness. Please
click to know more at

It is of utmost importance that in case of any past history of on mental issues and psychological/psychiatric
treatment of any student, parents are requested to fill in the UNDERTAKING ( this undertaking is mandatory)
and provide all details for future wellbeing of the student. Please find it available at

4) Our Institute is also registered with YourDost, an online portal which provided 24 X 7 chat
based counseling support to our students. They also provide audio-video sessions and
organize related workshops/ webinars. The agency keeps all information of the users
private and confidential. But intimate the Authorities about all red flag cases only.
Please register online with

Regulations for Students Availing Medical Leave in IISER Kolkata:

1. Illness while at the Institute:

Students wishing to avail of medical leave must visit the institute medical centre and obtain
necessary certificate from the Institute’s Medical Officer. In the case hospitalization or rest at
home is recommended by the doctor, the student may leave the hostel after giving
necessary intimation to the respective hostel Warden. The Academic Section must be
informed in writing (email is acceptable) within two days of the commencement of the leave
of absence. If the student has left the hostel then it is necessary to inform the
Warden after returning. After recovering the student will have to obtain necessary clearance
from the institute Medical Officer after producing requisite medical documentation. If the
student left the hostel then clearance from the Warden is mandatory. The student will then
submit a joining report to the Academic Section along with the above mentioned

2. Illness while away from the Institute:

If the student falls ill while away from the Institute then he/she (or the respective
guardian) must inform the Academic Section in writing (email is acceptable) within two
days of falling ill. At the time of rejoining the Institute, the student will have to obtain
clearances from the Hostel Warden and the Institute's Medical Officer after producing
requisite medical documentation. He/she will then submit a joining report to the Academic
Section along with the aforementioned clearances. It should be noted that leave on
medical grounds will be granted in these cases only if the requisite permission has been
taken from the Warden before leaving the hostel.

The following documents will have to be produced by the student for inspection by
the Institute’s Medical Officer-
 Prescription from a registered medical practitioner (mentioning registration number
of the doctor) stating nature and duration of illness
 Details of medical treatment while on leave
 Fitness certificate

Granting of medical leave is solely at the discretion of the Institute authority. These rules have
to be strictly adhered to when requesting re-examination on medical grounds.

Research Students Applying for External Grants:

The Institute admits a large number of students in its Integrated-PhD and PhD programs from
its own funding every year. Although the Institute will make every effort to support these
research students during their entire stay in the program, the availability of funding is always
subject to the fund allocation and regulations of the Ministry of Human Resource Development.
IISER Kolkata strongly encourages all the Institute-funded research students to apply for external
grants, as and when applicable during their stay in this Institute. The Faculty and the
Administration will extend all possible help to the students to achieve this. This in no way is to
discourage the research students to pursue their career in research programs in the Institute,
rather to encourage them to be self-sufficient and utilize the Institute resources to the fullest

Choice of Pre-Major and Major Subjects for BS-MS students:

Students study all five subjects - Biology, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Mathematics and Physics
during the first year, and choose any of three of these as Pre-major subjects in their second
year. Students choose a major at their third year out of the Pre-Major subjects following the
Academic Guidelines of the Institute. For the distribution of BS-MS students to the Departments
of the Institute, each Department will specify the maximum number of students they can
accommodate as Majors in a particular academic year. However, this number cannot be less
than 25% of the total number of students choosing a Major in that particular year. A Major
subject will be offered to a student according to merit (CGPA) and also the availability of seats for
a particular Major.

The students must read the Academic Guidelines of IISER Kolkata thoroughly to keep themselves updated.

Penalties for Withdrawing from the Institute after Admission:

In case a new registrant decides to withdraw from the Institute, a refund of fees will be calculated
as per the following guidelines

 If a candidate pays the fees, but does not appear for the registration, a processing fees of
Rs.3000.00 (Rupees three thousand only) will be deducted.
 If the registration is complete and the student withdraws within one month of commencement of
 Rs.8000.00 (Rupees eight thousand only) will be deducted.
 In case of withdrawal after one month of commencement of classes but before the mid-
semester examination, 50% of the fees will be deducted.
 No money will be refunded if one withdraws after the start of the mid-semester examination.

Special Message to Incoming Students :

IISER Kolkata, a MHRD Institute of National Importance, consists of a fully residential campus. All
students in this campus should stay in the Institute Hostels as full-time boarders. Due to
the ever- growing number of s tudents, there has not been arrangement of enough
space. The Institute is expediting efforts to build adequate hostels for all students taking into
account the future projection of student strength.

In the previous academic years, all 1st and many 2nd year BS-MS students stayed in double
rooms turned into triple-shared rooms. This year too, the Institute might have no option other
than to continue with this arrangement or turning single rooms to double-shared rooms until
sufficient rooms become available. The Institute Authorities, however, will take their best care to
settle the students with all amenities at the earliest.

Incoming PhD Students :

Hostel accommodation will be provided subject to availability.

Declaration: I have read and understood, and undertake to abide by all the above rules
and regulations and any changes made thereof by the statutory governing bodies of the
Institute, such as the Senate and Board of Governors, from time to time regarding academic and
disciplinary issues and issues related to students’ campus life.

Signature of Student

I hereby fully endorse the undertaking made by my ward.

Signature of Parent /Guardian



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