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Hostel Rules

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General Rules

1. All the rights of admission to the University Hostels will be reserved with the Dean Students’
Welfare and are implemented according to the University rules and policies.
2. A student, who violates the rules of the Hostel or causes indiscipline, may be fined and /or
rusticated from the Hostel/University. If a student indulges in violent activity, he/she will be
immediately suspended from the Hostel and his/her entry to the Hostel will be banned. He/She
may be suspended from the Department as well. In case of non-compliance, Dean Students’
Welfare, after investigation can recommend some other punishment too.
3. Admission to the Hostel will be made fresh in every academic session.

4. Admission to the Hostel will be subjected to the following rules:

(a) Fresh Students: Merit in the department level qualifying exam on which admission is
sought. However, this doesn’t guarantee admission which is dependent
on merit as well as availability of rooms.

(b) Returning Students

i) Behavior during previous stay in the University.

ii) Who disobeyed the rules and regulations during their stay will not
be given accommodation in the hostel.
iii) Regularity in payment of dues of the Hostel during previous years.
iv) Students who were detained from examinations or have E/F grade
or equivalent will not be entitled for hostel accommodation. In case
surplus hostel accommodation is available, then they will be allotted
hostel on the last priority.
v) Room will be allotted on first cum first serve basis not later than
seven days after paying the hostel fees.
5. The Boys and Girls whose residence is within 40 kilometers and 25 kilometers respectively from the
University Campus will not be entitled for accommodation in the hostel. However in special case the
accommodation in hostel may be provided to the boys & girls whose residence is within less than
the stipulated distances mentioned above subject to the availability of accommodation in the

6. Accommodation in hostels will be provided under following conditions:-

a) Regular full time Research Scholars, Project Fellows/Assistants will be given hostel
accommodation as per rules. While residing in hostel, they will not be allowed to take up
any job.

b) The regular hostel accommodation will not be provided to Part-time Ph.D students, part
time research fellows, part time students in the department of Foreign Language/ Life Long
Learning and AIS center.

c) Room sharing will be compulsory for all students including Ph. D and M. Phil students.

d) As per rules, accommodation in the hostel to M. Phil students will be provided only for one
year. However in case of Ph. D/M. Phil students individual room may be provided subject to
the availability of accommodation.

7. Student must fill the online form and take the printout of the same and deposit it in the concerned
hostel to get the room allocated. It must carry:

a) Recommendation of the Head of the concerned Department

b) Signatures of Father/Mother/Guardian and

c) Permanent Address with proof.

8. Admission in the Hostel shall be cancelled and security deposit forfeited if false
statement/address/telephone number is given in the Hostel admission form.

Note: If the parents of the hostel resident are alive, guardian’s signatures will not be accepted.

9. Ignorance of Hostel rules will not be taken as an excuse for avoiding any disciplinary action

10. Every hosteller and his/her Parents/Guardian have to sign an affidavit issued by UGC regarding
prevention of Ragging along with admission form.

11. No guest is allowed to stay in the hostel during night. However, under unavoidable circumstances
the Grand Parents/Parents/Real Brother and Sister can be given permission to stay in the University
Guest House depending upon the availability of the room. The guest shall have to pay the fixed rent
of room. In any circumstances, the guest shall not be permitted to stay in the Guest House for more
than two days. The proof of relationship has to be submitted by hostel resident .

12. No present or old student of the University can be the guest of the hostel resident without the
permission of the warden.

13. No Hostel Resident shall be allowed to change his/her room during the session in normal

14. The University reserves the right to get the hostels vacated only under unavoidable circumstances or
for hosting seminars during the summer and winter breaks.

15. A Hostel Resident is not authorized to allow any guest to stay in the room without permission of
competent authority. Violation of the above may cause a fine Rs 5000/- and repeating the same
may lead to severe fine and even expulsion from the hostel. His/her security deposit will be also

16. Hostel Residents are prohibited to take away the furniture from any room, canteen or mess to their
allotted room.

17. Before vacating the hostel, a hostel resident shall obtain the clearance from the Hostel office and
shall personally hand over the charge of the room and other hostel properties to the authorities.
He/she shall personally be responsible for the loss and damage of the Hostel property and shall also
pay for the repairs of damage caused to the furniture fixtures/fittings, etc..

18. A hostel resident will be required to vacate the room within a week after his/her examination is
over. No extension will be given to any hostel resident except for project work/Research work and
attending classes at University Campus which should be the part of syllabus. On overstay he/she
shall have to pay a fine of Rs. 100/- per day for over stay. If he/she fails to vacate the hostel within
the specified period then he/she would be declared to be having unauthorized possession which will
lead to his/her expulsion from the hostel. His/her lock shall be broken in the presence of the
DSW/Warden and the room thus opened, shall be considered as vacated from that very day.

19. Hostel residents are advised to keep the identity cards always with them and should produce the
same whenever asked by the concerned authorities

20. Students can meet the Warden/Dean Students‟ Welfare in the office during the specified time for
official work.

21. Hostel Residents are cautioned not to keep cash, ornaments and other valuable/costly articles in
their rooms. They themselves will be responsible for the safety of Mobile Phones, Laptops, and
other valuable/costly articles. University authorities will not be responsible in any kind of loss.

22. No Hostel Resident is allowed to keep car. Hostel Residents shall park their cycles, scooters,
motorbikes etc. in the General parking space and nowhere else. Defaulter shall be fined Rs. 500/-
per incident. They will get their vehicles insured against such loss or theft. They will also get official
stickers issued from the University's security office.

23. Indiscipline, misbehavior (including with hostel staff and security guards) and gambling in the
premises of the Hostel or the hostel room are strictly prohibited. Violations of the above may lead to
disciplinary action, imposition of fine (minimum Rs 5000/-) and even eviction from hostel.

24. Keeping arms ammunition in the hostel premises or the hostel room are strictly prohibited.
Violations of the above will leads to strict disciplinary action, imposition of fine and even eviction
from hostel.

25. Consuming/keeping alcohol /Hooka/ Tobacco/ any other intoxicants in the hostel premises or the
hostel room by hostel resident and their guests is strictly prohibited. Resident who violates the
above will be fined Rs 5000/- and repeating the same may lead to severe fine and even eviction
from hostel.

26. Every hostel resident will make sure that before leaving the hostel room, he/she switches off the
lights and the fan. If he/she fails to do so, he/she will be fined Rs. 200/-per day.

27. No hostel resident is allowed to cook food or prepare tea in his/her room. Using/keeping electrical
appliances such as like Iron (press), Induction plates, kettles, heaters, heating rod and radio/stereo
etc. is strictly prohibited. If a hostel resident is caught having any such electric gadget then he/she
will be fined Rs. 500/- per gadget and the gadget will be confiscated from the resident. If the hostel
resident repeats the same mistake, the fine will be doubled each time and may even cause eviction
from hostel.

28. Hostel resident shall not damage any type of hostel property including electric, sanitary items
installed in the hostel. If he/she does so, then the repair cost along with a fine of Rs 500/- will be
recovered from him/her. If the hostel resident repeats the same mistake, the fine will be doubled
each time and may even cause eviction from hostel.

29. A hostel resident may be asked to open his/her room, almirah etc. for inspection by the authorities
whenever required.

30. At night the hostel residents will sleep in their own rooms. A hosteller cannot sleep in another room
without prior permission of the warden.

31. No large gatherings or meetings are allowed in the hostel premises without the permission of
Warden and DSW.

32. Hostel residents will make proper use of TV, newspapers, magazines, and indoor games provided in
the common rooms. Hostel warden will fix the timings of the common rooms and a common room
committee will be appointed to look after their functioning. Eatables, snacks, Tea etc, are strictly
prohibited in the common room.

33. Hostel residents will wear proper dress while going to the common room, dining hall, guest room,
and office or roaming about on the campus. If a Student ignores the warning of the attendants/
Assistant Warden he/she will be subjected to disciplinary action that may include eviction from the

34. Hostel telephone is for official use only and hostel residents cannot use the same without the
permission of the official concerned.

35. A hostel resident should mark her leave in leave register and will fill leave proforma for going home
and give it to Gate attendant which will be on duty. Leave proforma will available on the University
website. The name of the hostel resident who is continuously absent for more than one week, shall
be struck off the rolls and the possession of his/her room will be taken by the warden.

36. A student who remains absent for more than one month from the Department, his/her room will be
got vacated.

37. Hostel residents will ensure that their guests behave properly with the security guards. If they fail to
do so, then they can be asked to vacate the hostel room.

38. In case of non-payment of the hostel dues, the warden can get the room vacated after informing the
head and DSW.

39. In boys’ hostel only males would be allowed to enter the hostel room. Similarly, in girls’ hostel only
females would be allowed to enter the hostel room.

40. Before commencement of the examinations, hostel residents will clear their dues and obtain a ‘no
dues’ slip from the Hostel office.

41. All the rules of the hostel will also apply to the research fellows.

42. Hostel residents are instructed to see the notice board twice a day.

43. In boys hostel residents cannot come in or move out after 11.00 PM. For timings for girls hostel
please refer page no. 13. The duration of time during exams can be extended for boys only with
the prior permission of the competent authority.

44. In the boys' hostel, non-residents are not allowed to enter the hostel from 6.00 PM to 8.00 AM.

45. If the Parents/Guardians of the Hostel Resident don’t respond to the call of authorities in an
emergent situation, the entire responsibility would fall upon the Parents/Guardians.

46. If any student is found stealing in the hostel, strict disciplinary action will be taken against him/her.
He/She can be expelled immediately from the Hostel.

47. If any student is suffering from serious chronic disease, he/she must fill the same in the hostel
admission form. He/she will be allotted accommodation in the hostel only on recommendation of
the senior medical officer.

48. In the hostels’ premises, home delivery of cooked food/fast food is strictly prohibited. Any hostel
resident violating this rule will be immediately expelled from the hostel

For the information of students, Forms of Ragging and its Punishment are given below:

Clause (3):What constitutes Ragging: -

Ragging constitutes one or more of any of the following acts:

a. any conduct by any student or students whether by words spoken or written or by an act which
has the effect of teasing, treating or handling with rudeness a fresher or any other student;

b. indulging in rowdy or undisciplined activities by any student or students which causes or is likely to
cause annoyance, hardship, physical or psychological harm or to raise fear on apprehension
thereof in any fresher or any other student;

c. asking any student to do any act which such student will not in the ordinary course do and which
has the effect of causing or generating a sense of shame or torment or embarrassment so as to
adversely affect the physique or psyche of such fresher or any other student;

d. any act by a senior student that prevents, disrupts or disturbs the regular academic activity of any
other student or a fresher;

e. exploiting the services of a fresher or any other student for completing the academic tasks
assigned to an individual or a group of students;

f. any act of financial extortion or forceful expenditure burden put on a fresher or any other student
by students;

g. any act of physical abuse including all variants of it: sexual abuse, homosexual assaults, stripping,
forcing obscene and lewd acts, gestures, causing bodily harm or any other danger to health or

h. any act or abuse by spoken words, emails, post, public insult which would also include deriving
perverted pleasure, vicarious or sadistic thrill form actively of passively participating in the
discomfiture to fresher or any other student;

i. any act that affects the mental health and self confidence of a fresher or any other student.

j. with or without an intent to derive a sadistic pleasure or showing off power, authority or
superiority by a student over any fresher or any student.

Clause (7): Action to be taken by the Head of the institution:-

On receipt of the recommendation of the Anti Ragging Squad or on receipt of any information
concerning any reported incident of ragging, the Head of institution shall immediately determine if a
case under the penal laws is made out and if so, either on his own or through a member of the Anti-
Ragging Committee authorized by him in this behalf, proceed to file a First Information Report (FIR),
within twenty four hours of receipt of such information or recommendation, with the police and local
authorities, under the appropriate penal provisions relating to one or more of the following, namely;

 Abetment to ragging;

 Criminal conspiracy to rag;

 Unlawful assembly and rioting while ragging

 Public nuisance created during ragging;

 Violation of decency and morals through ragging

 Injury to body, causing hurt or grievous hurt;

 Wrongful restraint;

 Wrongful confinement;

 Use of criminal force;

 Assault as well as sexual offences or unnatural offences;

 Extortion;

 Criminal trespass;

 Offences against property;

 Criminal intimidation;

 Attempts to commit any or all of the above mentioned offences against the victim(s);

 Threat to commit any or all of the above mentioned offences against the victim(s);

 Physical or psychological humiliation;

 All other offences following from the definition of “Ragging”

Provided that the Head of the institution shall forthwith report the occurrence of the incident of
ragging to the District Level Anti-Ragging Committee and the Nodal officer of the affiliating University, if
the institution is an affiliated institution.

Provided further that the institution shall also continue with its own enquiry initiated under
clause 9 of these Regulations and other measures without waiting for action on the part of the
police/local authorities and such remedial action shall be initiated and completed immediately and in no
case later than a period of seven days of the reported occurrence of the incident of ragging.

Clause(9): Administrative action in the event of Ragging:-

9.1 The institution shall punish a student found guilty of ragging after following the procedure and in
the manner prescribed herein under:

1) The Anti-ragging Committee of the institution shall take an appropriate decision, in regard to
punishment or otherwise, depending on the facts of each incident of ragging and nature and gravity
of the incident of ragging established in the recommendations of the Anti-Ragging Squad.

2) The Anti-Ragging Committee may depending on the nature and gravity of the guilt established by the
Anti-Ragging Squad, award, to those found guilty, one or more of the following punishment, namely;

 Suspension from attending classes and academic privileges.

 Withholding/withdrawing scholarship /fellowship and other benefits.

 Debarring from appearing in any test/examination or other evaluation process.

 Withholding results.

 Debarring from representing the institution in any regional, national or international

meet, tournament, youth festival, etc.

 Suspension/expulsion from the hostel.

 Cancellation of admission.

 Rustication from the institution for period ranging from one to four semesters.

 Expulsion from the institution and consequent debarring from admission to any other
institution for a specified period.

 Provided that where the persons committing or abetting the act of ragging are not
identified, the institution shall resort to collective punishment.

(c) An appeal against the order of punishment by the Anti-Ragging Committee shall lie,

 in case of an order of an institution, affiliated to or constituent part, of a University, to

the Vice-Chancellor of the University;

 in case of an order of a University, to its Chancellor.

 in case of an institution of national importance created by an Act of Parliament, to the

Chairman or Chancellor of the institution, as the case may be.

Note: The above is based on Report of the Committee to curb the menace of Ragging in Universities/
Educational Institutions issued by University Grants Commission, New Delhi vide its D.O. No F-1-
16/2009 (CPP-II), dated 30-10-09. (vide clause: 3, clause: 7 & clause: 9)

The Syndicate of the Guru Nanak Dev University vide Para-II of its meeting held on 12.04.2000
has banned Ragging in the University with immediate effect. Strict action will be taken against the
student involved in ragging and their admission will be cancelled. Fine upto Rs. 25,000/- may also be

1. HOSTEL EXPENSES AND SECURITIES (For Old Students admitted to GNDU before session 2018-19)
At the time of admission, the hostel resident will have to pay the following expenses:
Annual Charges Amount (in Rs.)
a) Rent 4200/-(Sharing Basis)
5400/- (Single)
b) Water 600/-
c) Electricity 5400/-
d) Establishment 2400/-
e) Dilapidation 1200/-
f) Common Room 1200/-
g) Admission Fee 1000/-
h) Medical 100/-
i) Geyser 200/-
j) Development Fund 1000/-
k) Hostel Welfare Fund 200/-
l) Fan Charges 350/-
Total (for Sharing Basis) 17850/-
Total (for Single Basis) 19050/-
* m) Motor Cycle/Scooter Parking Charges 500/- ( Half fees for 6 months).
Security (Refundable) Amount (in Rs.)
Mess Security 5000/-

2. HOSTEL EXPENSES AND SECURITIES (For New Students admitted to GNDU from session 2019-20)
At the time of admission, the hostel resident will have to pay the following expenses:
Annual Charges Amount (in Rs.)
a) Rent 4500/-(Sharing Basis)
6000/- (Single)
b) Water 600/-
c) Electricity 5500/-
d) Establishment 2700/-
e) Dilapidation 1300/-
f) Common Room 1300/-
g) Admission Fee 1200/-
h) Medical 200/-
i) Geyser 300/-
j) Development Fund 1200/-
k) Hostel Welfare Fund 300/-
l) Fan Charges 450/-
Total (for Sharing Basis) 19550/-
Total (for Single Basis) 21050/-
* m) Motor Cycle/Scooter Parking Charges 500/- ( Half fees for 6 months).
Security (Refundable) Amount (in Rs.)
Mess Security 6000/-

3) HOSTEL EXPENSES AND SECURITIES (For International Students’ Hostel accommodation)

The International students will have to pay the following expenses:-
a) Room Rent Rs. 10,000/- per month (for Single Basis). For more than one student staying in the
room, rent shall be shared equally among students. Security ( Refundable) without interest Rs.
b) The Electricity bill will be paid by the student(s) at the prevailing rates per unit as applicable by
Punjab State Power Corporation Limited as per the actual consumption.
c) In case the International student hostel resident opts to avail the mess facility, the diet charges
and mess security will be same as that of new student applicable as per the new student
admitted in hostel from session 2018-19, as mentioned above.
d) Motor Cycle/Scooter Parking Charges 500/- *(Half fees for 6 months).

* Applicable to those students who will have scoter/motorcycle in the hostel

4) At the time of admission every hostel resident will have to pay full annual charges. Those students
who will join late their annual rent and electricity charges will be reduced proportionately. Residents,
whose courses end in the middle of the academic session, will pay the charges accordingly.

5) All dues are to be paid on or before the specified date. A hostel resident who fails to pay any kind of
dues for more than two months will have to vacate the hostel room.

6) Under exceptional circumstances any old student/Part time Ph.D student of Guru Nanak Dev
University, research scholar, project fellows, Project assistant from other approved institutions of
India and abroad visiting Guru Nanak Dev University for academic or research purpose wants to stay
in the hostel, they can do so with the recommendation of concerned faculty member (under whom
they would be working), HOD and prior permission of Dean Students’ Welfare for six month subject
to the availability of accommodation. Such students will have to pay Rs. 100/- per day on guest entry
basis and such students will also have to deposit mess security. All hostel and mess rules are also
applicable on these students.

7) The hostel expenses of students migrating from one hostel to another hostel or from University
Campus to Regional Campus, Constitute Colleges and Vice-versa shall be adjusted if the student gets
accommodation in the hostel, in case he/she does not get accommodation his/her fee will be
refunded as per University rules.

8) If a student after seeking admission in hostel surrenders his/her seat from University due to his/her
admission in any other educational institution before taking possession of his/her room in the hostel
the entire fee collected from the student after a deduction of processing fee of Rs.1000/- will be
refunded. However, if the Student leaves after taking possession of a room, then the hostel fee
deposited by her/ him will be refunded after deducting room rent for the period of his/her stay and a
processing fee of Rs.1000/-. This will not be applicable to a student who left hostel due to any other
reason except on following grounds :

 Medical reason
 Surrenders his/her seat/admission in the university.


1. Provision of breakfast, lunch and dinner along with canteen services is made in all the Hostels.
Students are encouraged to take all the three meals during their stay in the hostel.
2. Messes and Canteens will function under the direct supervision and control of the Wardens who
will be assisted by a Mess/Canteen Committees of students.
3. Usually no deduction in the mess bill be allowed except if the hostel resident is absent from the
hostel and prior information must be given to the Mess In-charge two diets in advance.
4. If a student joins hostel after 20th of the month he/she will be charged half the minimum monthly
prescribed charges.

5. Each student residing in the hostel of university campus Amritsar, regional campuses and
constitute colleges will have to pay minimum monthly mess charges of Rs. 1100/- in case of boys
and Rs. 1000/- in case of girls.
6. During vacation and training/official tour the students have to seek the prior permission from
HOD and will inform to hostel warden. If a student does not want to take food in hostel mess on
medical ground he/she has to deposit the prescription slip issued by the Medical Officer of
University Health Center. After that he/she will be given the benefit of discount of mess charges
of prescribed days.
7. Paying of the Mess bills before the 15th of each month is compulsory after which a fine of Rs. 10/-
per day will be imposed till the last day of the month. If 15th is an off day the fees can be
deposited on next working day without the fine. Hostel resident who fails to pay the Mess Bill by
the end of the month shall pay a fine of Rs. 20/- per day up to the next two months. If the hostel
resident doesn’t deposit his/her mess bill by the end of above mentioned time, he/she will have
to vacate the room.
8. Food will not be served before or after the mess timings, nor will it be served in the Room except
in case of illness and that too, with the permission of the Warden. Hostel Resident or the Mess
steward can be fined for violating this rule.
9. Mess and canteen employees will be under the control of the Warden only, whom he/she can
suspend or award any other punishment for any kind of lapse. Hostel Resident can’t punish the
employees but they can file complaint against them to the Warden or to the DSW.
10. Hostel Residents can’t have food as guest if they reside in same or another hostel.
11. Taking crockery, utensils and furniture out of the Mess/kitchen or dining hall to the Hostel Room is
strictly prohibited. Snacks and tea will only be served in the canteen, particularly in the case of
Girl’s Hostel.
12. Before getting their Examination Roll Number, the Hostel Residents will obtain a ‘No Dues’
certificate after paying the dues of their Canteen and Mess Bills. All the dues must be cleared
before vacating the Hostel. The names of the violators will be sent to the Controller of
Examination/ Head of the Department not to issue them the Roll Number or declare their result.
Other disciplinary action can also be taken against them in this regard.
13. The Mess security deposited at the time of admission in the Hostel can only be withdrawn within
one year after vacating the Hostel as per University rules.
14. Mess, Canteen, Common Room and Guest Room can be closed during the vacations. The closing
date shall be notified by the DSW.
15. If an international student avails mess facility regularity, all mess rules mentioned in the
prospectus will be applicable to him or her.


1. At the time of admission to the Hostel, Parents /Guardian should accompany their daughter to the
warden. They will submit a list of relatives who are to be allowed to meet their child/ward.
2. Only authorized guests shall be allowed to meet the Hostel Resident in the Guest Room situated
within the four walls of the Hostel. Authorized guests can meet the Hostel Resident on all Saturday
and Sundays from 10.00 AM to 5.00 PM.
3. It is expected from the parents and the authorized guests to make their entry in the Visitors
Register and also mention their relation with the Hostel.
4. Hostel Residents can meet the guests only during the time assigned for this purpose in the guest
5. In all circumstances, Hostel Residents will intimate their absence for the night with the written
permission of the Warden and they have to sign in the leave register during office hours.
6. Hostel Residents shall be permitted to meet their local guardians only on Sundays and other
holidays with the prior permission of the Warden.
7. Hostel Residents will mark their presence personally at the place notified for attendance time.
8. The gates of the Hostels will be immediately closed after the attendance. Late entry without prior
permission shall be taken as a serious offence. Hostel Residents entering the Hostel late shall
register their entry in the register kept for the said purpose.

9. The closing time of Hostels during summer season (1st April-30th September) will be 9:00 pm and for
winter season (1st October-31st March) will be 7:30 pm. These timings can be changed anytime by
the authorities.
10. Hostel Residents who enter the Hostel after the time of entry can be fined as follows:
Summer Winter
a. 9.00-9.30 p.m. 7.30-8:00 p.m. No fine

b. 9.30-10.00 p.m. 8.00-9.00 p.m. Rs. 50/-

c. 10.00-10.30 p.m. 9.00-10.00 p.m. Rs. 100/-

d. after 10.30 p.m. after 10.00 p.m. Rs.500/- with permission from warden and
information to parents regarding late entry.

10 (a) However, the entry in the Campus will be upto 09.00 p.m. only.

11. Hostel residents who remain absent from the hostel without the prior permission of the Warden
shall be fined Rs. 100/- per night and such absence will be brought to the notice of their parents.

DSW would take suitable action against such defaulters and give his recommendation to expel
them from the hostel.
12. Old University Students/guests will not be allowed to stay in the Hostel. Grand Mother/Mother of
Hostel Resident can stay in the Hostel for two days without any charge. However, she will have to
pay Rs. 100/- per day for over stay. Real sister can also be allowed to stay in the Hostel after
identification. She can stay by making a payment of Rs. 100/- per day
13. Eatables cannot be brought out of the hostel premises.

There is no guarantee that every applicant will get Hostel accommodation in the University. Hostel
accommodation shall be provided on the basis of availability of Rooms and according to University


Guru Nanak Dev University Campus, Amritsar
(Phone No. 0183-2258802-09, 2450601-14 (PABX)

Designation Hostel Extn. Office Residence Mobile No.

Telephone No. Telephone No.

University Campus, Amritsar

Dean Academic Affairs 3006 0183-2258237 98145-93666
Dean Students Welfare 3193 0183-2256730 98720-02958
Warden Boys Hostel-1 3161 84277-00177
Warden Boys Hostel-2 3164 97805-80753
Warden Boys Hostel-3 81466-22326
Warden Girls Hostel-1 3146 94172-76049
Warden Girls Hostel-2 3147 98885-04121
Warden Girls Hostel-3 3548 75082-69887
Warden Girls Hostel-4 3149 95010-12458
Security Officer 3135 0183-2258835 98147-11181

R.C. Jalandhar
Associate Dean, 0181-2414542 97818-10380

R.C. Gurdaspur
Associate Dean, 01874-242678 94652-04534

R.C. Sathiala
O.S.D., 95015-11664


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