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f1 Hazardous Agents On Site Amendment 1

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Compliance Document for

New Zealand Building Code

Clause F1
Hazardous Agents on Site
Prepared by the Department of Building and Housing

This Compliance Document is prepared by the Department of Building

and Housing. The Department of Building and Housing is a Government
Department established under the State Sector Act 1988.

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ISBN 0-477-01606-5

© Department of Building and Housing 2006

This Compliance Document is protected by Crown copyright, unless indicated otherwise.

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Status of Compliance Documents
Compliance Documents are prepared by the Department of Building and Housing in accordance with section 22 of the
Building Act 2004. A Compliance Document is for use in establishing compliance with the New Zealand Building Code.
A person who complies with a Compliance Document will be treated as having complied with the provisions of the Building
Code to which the Compliance Document relates. However, a Compliance Document is only one method of complying with
the Building Code. There may be alternative ways to comply.
Users should make themselves familiar with the preface to the New Zealand Building Code Handbook, which describes
the status of Compliance Documents and explains alternative methods of achieving compliance.
Defined words (italicised in the text) and classified uses are explained in Clauses A1 of the Building Code and in the Definitions
at the start of this Compliance Document.

F1: Document History

Date Alterations

First published July 1992

Amendment 1 July 2001 p. 2, Document History, Status

p. 9, Definitions

Note: Page numbers relate to the document at the time of Amendment and may not match page numbers in current document.

Document Status
The most recent version of this document, as detailed in the Document History, is approved by the Chief Executive
of the Department of Building and Housing. It is effective from 1 July 2001 and supersedes all previous versions
of this document.
People using this Compliance Document should check for amendments on a regular basis. The Department of Building
and Housing may amend any part of any Compliance Document at any time. Up-to-date versions of Compliance
Documents are available from

New Zealand Building Code

Clause F1 Hazardous Agents on Site
This Clause is extracted from the New Zealand Building Code contained in the First Schedule of
the Building Regulations 1992.

D E PA R T M E N T O F B U I L D I N G A N D H O U S I N G July 1992 3


References 7

Definitions 9

Verification Method F1/VM1 11

1.0 Introduction 11
2.0 Site Investigation 11
2.1 History and records 11
2.2 Preliminary investigation 11
2.3 Detailed investigation 15
2.4 Analysis 15
2.5 Assessment 15
2.6 Remedial work 16
2.7 Hazards to building elements 16

Acceptable Solution F1/AS1 19

Index 21

D E PA R T M E N T O F B U I L D I N G A N D H O U S I N G July 1992 5

For the purposes of New Zealand Building Code Compliance, referenced documents shall be
deemed to include any amendments issued prior to the date of the Approved Document as
displayed at the foot of the page on which the references are listed.
Where quoted
British Standards Institution
BSDD 175: 1988 Code of practice for the identification of potentially VM1 2.3.1, 2.3.2,
contaminated land and its investigation 2.4.1
New Zealand Government Departments
Department of Labour
Workplace exposure standards and biological indices for NZ 1992 VM1 2.5.2
Australian and New Zealand Environment and
Conservation Council
Guidelines for assessment and management of VM1 1.0.1
contaminated sites 1992
United States Environmental Protection Agency
USEPA SW 846: 1986
Test methods for evaluating solid waste VM1 2.4.1
EPA/540/1 – 89/002: 1989
Risk assessment guidance for Superfund, Vol 1 VM1 2.5.4
Human health evaluation manual (Part A)
Interim final. Prepared by USEPA Office of
Emergency and Remedial Response
United States Public Health Service
Toxicological profiles on individual chemicals. VM1 2.5.2 a)
Prepared by the Agency for Toxicological
Substances and Disease Registry, in collaboration
with the US Environmental Protection Agency
World Health Organisation/Food and Agriculture Organisation
Environmental Health Criteria 70
Principles for the safety assessment of food VM1 2.5.2
additives and contaminants in food, Geneva: 1987
Evaluation of certain food additives and VM1 2.5.2
contaminants, Technical report series 776.
Geneva: 1989
IARC Monographs on the evaluation of VM1 2.5.2 c)
carcinogenic risks to humans for individual chemicals,
groups of chemicals, or processes. Published
by the International Agency for Research on Cancer
“Environment health criteria” for various chemicals VM1 2.5.2 b)

D E PA R T M E N T O F B U I L D I N G A N D H O U S I N G July 1992 7

Where quoted

Miscellaneous Publication
Casarett and Doull’s Toxicology. The basic science VM1 2.5.3
of poisons. 4th ed. Macmillan. New York 1991.
Klassen CD, Amdur MO, Doull J (Eds)

8 July 1992 D E PA R T M E N T O F B U I L D I N G A N D H O U S I N G

This is an abbreviated list of definitions for words or terms particularly relevant to this Approved
Document. The definitions for any other italicised words may be found in the New Zealand Building
Code Handbook.

Building has the meaning ascribed to it by the Territorial authority has the meaning
Building Act 1991. ascribed to it by section 2 of the Local
Contaminant has the meaning ascribed to it Government Act 1974; and includes any
by the Resource Management Act 1991. organisation which is authorised to permit
structures pursuant to section 12(1)(b) of
Drain A pipe normally laid below ground level
the Resource Management Act 1991.
including fittings and equipment and
intended to convey foul water or surface
water to an outfall.
Hazardous Creating an unreasonable risk
to people of bodily injury or deterioration
of health.
Intended use of a building includes:
a) Any reasonably foreseeable occasional
other use that is not incompatible with
the intended use; and
b) Normal maintenance; and
c) Activities taken in response to fire or any
other reasonably foreseeable emergency
– but does not include any other
maintenance and repairs or rebuilding.
Network utility operator means a person
a) Undertakes the distribution or
transmission by pipeline of natural or
manufactured gas, petroleum, or
geothermal energy; or
b) Is an electricity operator or electrical
distributor as defined by section 2(1) of
the Electricity Act 1992 for the purposes
Amend 1
Jul 2001 of any works defined by that Act; or
c) Undertakes the piped distribution of
potable water for supply; or
d) Is the operator of a sewerage system or
a stormwater drainage system.

D E PA R T M E N T O F B U I L D I N G A N D H O U S I N G 1 July 2001 9
Ve r i f i c a t i o n M e t h o d F 1 / V M 1 HAZARDOUS AGENTS ON SITE

Verification Method F1/VM1

1.0 Introduction d) Geological records,
e) Local landowners and adjacent occupiers,
1.0.1 This Verification Method is based on
information derived from the Australian and
New Zealand Environmental and Conservation f) Network utility operators for sewers, gas,
Council “Guidelines for assessment and water, and electricity reticulation. (The
management of contaminated sites”. information should include the presence
of any abandoned pipes or lines.)
1.0.2 The presence of hazardous agents or
contaminants on a building site shall be 2.1.2 Table 1 shows the contaminants likely
evaluated by: to result from some previous industrial uses
of a site.
a) Studying the site history,
b) Visually surveying the site, and 2.2 Preliminary investigation
c) Where necessary, undertaking further 2.2.1 The preliminary visual inspection shall
investigation to: include the observation of flora and fauna
i) identify any hazardous agents or as well as a critical appraisal of the physical
hazardous contaminants, and land features. Anything unusual, or any
ii) evaluate the risk in relation to the non-conformity in the features of the site
proposed building. should be accounted for, as it may indicate
past uses or the presence of hazardous
1.0.3 Figures 1 and 2 outline the procedure to agents or contaminants. A hazardous agent
be followed in investigating and assessing could also be a naturally occurring feature of
a site. the land, for example geothermal activity.
The inspection should include the
2.0 Site Investigation identification of things such as:

2.1 History and records a) Past development and uses,

2.1.1 A study of the history including any b) Old rubbish tips, abandoned pits and
previous use of the site shall be made. This quarries,
study shall include information obtained from c) Mine workings and backfilling,
sources such as: d) Polluted waterways, drains, ponds, or
a) Aerial photographs, aquifers,
b) The land title (which may indicate past uses e) Areas of stunted or blighted growth, or of
of the land), discoloured soil,
c) Territorial authority records (the territorial f) Unhealthy animal life and the presence of
authority will supply information it holds, vermin, and
when an application is made for a project g) Possible surface water transport of
information memorandum), contaminants from adjoining sites.

D E PA R T M E N T O F B U I L D I N G A N D H O U S I N G July 1992 11
HAZARDOUS AGENTS ON SITE Ve r i f i c a t i o n M e t h o d F 1 / V M 1

Figure 1: Site Investigation

Paragraph 1.0.3

Site considered
for a new building
Make preliminary
building design

Study site history

Inspect site

Are there
any hazardous agents or
contaminants present likely to
be a hazard to building
Plan investigation

Samples and
Test on site
laboratory tests

Collate data

Go to
Assessment Figure 2

Figure 2



Change building
Remedial work

Apply for a building


12 July 1992 D E PA R T M E N T O F B U I L D I N G A N D H O U S I N G
Ve r i f i c a t i o n M e t h o d F 1 / V M 1 HAZARDOUS AGENTS ON SITE

Figure 2: Assessment of Agents or Contaminants

Paragraph 1.0.3

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HAZARDOUS AGENTS ON SITE Ve r i f i c a t i o n M e t h o d F 1 / V M 1

Table 1: Industries, Sites and Contaminants

Paragraph 2.1.2

IMPORTANT: This table should not be taken to mean that other types of site need not be investigated nor to
mean that other contaminants are absent (see Note)
Industry Examples of sites likely Likely contaminants
to contain hazardous
Chemicals Acid/alkali works Acids; alkalis; asbestos;
Dyeworks metals; solvents
Fertilisers and pesticides (e.g. toluene, benzene);
Paint works phenols; specialised
Wood treatment plants organic compounds
Petrochemicals Oil refineries Hydrocarbons; phenols;
Tank farms acids; alkalis and
Fuel storage depots asbestos
Tar distilleries
Metals Iron and steel works Metals, especially iron, copper,
Foundries, smelters nickel, chrome, zinc,
Electroplating, anodizing and cadmium and lead;
galvanising works asbestos
Engineering works
Ship building/ship breaking
Scrap reduction plants
Energy Gasworks Combustible substances
Power stations (e.g. coal and coke dust);
Geothermal phenols; cyanides;
sulphur compounds;
Transport Garages, vehicle builders and Combustible substances;
maintenance workshops hydrocarbons; asbestos
Railway depots
Mineral extraction Mines and spoil heaps Metals (e.g. copper, zinc, lead);
Land restoration Pits and quarries gases (e.g. methane);
(including waste Filled sites leachates
disposal sites)
Water supply and Waterworks Metals (in sludges)
treatment Sewage treatment plants Micro-organisms
Miscellaneous Docks, wharfs and quays Acids; alkalis; metals;
Tanneries organic compounds;
Rubber works methane; toxic,
Military lands flammable or
Paper and printing works explosive substances;
Common and widespread contaminants include hydrocarbons, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), asbestos, sulphates
and many metals used in paint pigments or coatings. These may be present on almost any site, and may range from
barely detectable concentrations to relatively high levels.

14 July 1992 D E PA R T M E N T O F B U I L D I N G A N D H O U S I N G
Ve r i f i c a t i o n M e t h o d F 1 / V M 1 HAZARDOUS AGENTS ON SITE

2.2.2 Table 2 gives some site characteristics testing on-site. BSDD 175 sections 5.4, 6.3,
which may indicate the presence of hazardous and 6.4 provide acceptable means of obtaining
contaminants. samples or testing for hazardous agents not
2.2.3 Information derived from the study of directly contained in the soil.
the site history and the visual investigation
shall be used to determine whether or not 2.4 Analysis
further detailed investigation is necessary. The 2.4.1 Analysis may be completed on site or,
intended use and method of construction of particularly for soil samples, may be done in a
the proposed building shall be taken into laboratory. BSDD 175 sections 8 and 9 give
account when this decision is made. acceptable procedures for analysis and for
producing a report summarising the results.
2.3 Detailed investigation An alternative acceptable laboratory procedure
2.3.1 Sampling where contaminated soil is is given by USEPA SW 846.
suspected shall generally be undertaken over
the suspect area in a systematic manner, such 2.5 Assessment
as by using a uniform grid pattern. However 2.5.1 Hazardous agents or contaminants
judgemental sampling may be more are most likely to be a danger to building
appropriate where there is good reason to occupants by being transported in an
believe there is localised contamination. airborne state into the building through
Samples shall also be taken from adjacent open windows and doors or the ventilation
uncontaminated land of similar soil type to system. Contaminated soil particles may
provide background reference levels. An also be carried into a building in this manner.
acceptable procedure for carrying out Actual concentrations of contaminants that
sampling is given in BSDD 175 sections 5.4, are hazardous to building occupants are
6.3, and 6.4. likely to be different from concentrations
2.3.2 Other hazardous agents or contaminants, that are hazardous to people in closer
such as liquids or gases, shall be sampled in a contact with the soil or with liquids at
similar manner to contaminated soils or by ground level on the site.

Table 2: Site Characteristics and Possible Hazardous Contaminants

Paragraph 2.2.2

Signs of possible contamination Possible contaminant

a) Vegetation (absence, poor Metals, metal compounds, organic
or unnatural growth) compounds, gases
b) Surface material (unusual Metals, metal compounds, oily
colours and contours may and tarry wastes, asbestos (loose),
indicate wastes and residues) other fibres, organic compounds,
including phenols, potentially
combustible material including coal
and coke dust, refuse and waste
c) Fumes and odours (may indicate Flammable, explosive and asphyxiating
organic chemicals at very low gases including methane and hydrogen
concentrations) sulphide, corrosive liquids, faecal,
animal and vegetable matter (biologically active)
Other signs of contamination may exist. Adjacent land should be used for comparison.

D E PA R T M E N T O F B U I L D I N G A N D H O U S I N G July 1992 15
HAZARDOUS AGENTS ON SITE Ve r i f i c a t i o n M e t h o d F 1 / V M 1

2.5.2 The concentrations of substances produce an explosion or fire when ignited,

from the site that reach people in the (e.g. fine dusts, volatile oils, tar, sulphur,
building shall be considered in terms of methane gas). These possible effects shall
foreseeable ingress or exposure pathways. also be considered.
Provisional Tolerable Weekly Intakes (PTWI)
or Acceptable Daily Intakes (ADI) shall be 2.6 Remedial work
those determined by the World Health
2.6.1 In some cases remedial work to reduce
Organisation/Food and Agriculture
concentrations of harmful substances in a
Organisation (WHO 1987, WHO 1989).
building may be a more practical solution, and
Workplace exposure standards shall be
additionally may make the site suitable for a
those adopted by the Occupational Safety
wider range of building types.
and Health division of the New Zealand
Department of Labour. Reference texts for 2.6.2 Remedial action can involve one or more
toxicological data shall be: of the following activities:

a) Toxicological profiles for individual a) Excavation of contaminated soil for disposal

chemicals prepared by the Agency for to a place acceptable to the territorial
Toxicological Substances and Disease authority.
Registry (US Public Health Service) in b) Isolation of the contaminated soil by
collaboration with the US Environmental covering it with a calculated thickness of
Protection Agency. clean inert fill or hard cover.
b) ‘Environmental Health Criteria’ for individual c) Chemical, biological or physical treatment to
chemicals published by the World Health destroy, remove, or immobilise the
Organisation. contaminant or agent.
c) IARC Monographs on the evaluation of d) Mixing the contaminated soil with clean soil
carcinogenic risks to humans for individual in order to reduce the maximum
chemicals, groups of chemicals, or concentrations of contaminants to a level
processes, published by the International that is not hazardous to building occupants.
Agency for Research on Cancer, World
2.6.3 Some of the more commonly found
Health Organisation.
contaminants and examples of remedial action
2.5.3 Where information is unavailable in are given in Table 3.
these texts, secondary texts may be
consulted including: 2.7 Hazards to building elements
‘Casarett and Doull’s Toxicology. The basic 2.7.1 Some substances occurring naturally
science of poisons’. in the soil may cause degradation of
2.5.4 The reference text for risk assessment building materials. This could lead to
shall be: USEPA, Office of Emergency and structural failure or provide opportunities for
Remedial Response. Risk assessment contamination within the building.
guidance for Superfund, Vol 1. Human health Sulphates, for example, are known to attack
evaluation manual (Part A) Interim final. concrete and some other naturally occurring
chemicals can attack buried water or gas
2.5.5 Some potentially hazardous agents such
pipes. Such hazards shall be assessed at
as asbestos fibres require action at very low
each site and appropriate preventive
concentration levels.
measures taken.
2.5.6 Some substances may not in
themselves present a hazard but may be
dangerous in combination with others, or may

16 July 1992 D E PA R T M E N T O F B U I L D I N G A N D H O U S I N G
Ve r i f i c a t i o n M e t h o d F 1 / V M 1 HAZARDOUS AGENTS ON SITE

Table 3: Examples of Remedial Action for Common Contaminants

Paragraph 2.6.3

Contaminant Hazard Remedial action

Gases, solids i) Gases which can affect the i) Remove contaminants where
and liquids occupants of buildings practicable, and
include methane and carbon ii) Limited excavation, filling
dioxide. and sealing, and
ii) Solids and liquids such as iii) Sealing service entries, and
hydrocarbons, solvents, iv) Eliminating voids (including
phenols, inert refuse voids due to the settlement
containing gypsum and of any filling) where
domestic and industrial possible, and
wastes may react to produce v) Sealing or effectively
noxious fumes. Other chemicals ventilating at high and low
may only react in the presence level voids which cannot be
of acid or alkaline ground eliminated.
water, liquors or leachates.
Acids may react with
limestone, chalk and other
carbonate rocks.
Disturbance of the ground may
activate these reactions or
release the gases they produce.
Combustible materials Combustible materials may be i) Where the material is known
already burning and smoulder or to have ignited, removal,
flame when broken into or may if partial excavation and filling.
they are not already burning, be This action carries with it
ignited. They may produce gases the risk of aggravating the
which, if inhaled, could affect severity of the fire, and
the occupants of the building. ii) Where gases are being
They may also produce gases produced (whether or not the
which carry the risk of explosion material has also ignited)
and fire or direct damage to remedial action similar to
the building or loss of support those described for Gases
to the foundations in the above.
long term.
Radioactive materials Radioactive materials may be in i) Where the container is intact,
enclosed containers or loose. removal, and;
ii) Where there is no container
or it is not intact,
excavation of
all contaminated ground.
Materials attacking Materials, whether or not they i) Removing the ground
the building fabric are contaminants in their own contaminant particularly
right, may react with materials where it is localised, and
normally used for buildings and ii) Specifying building materials
their services. such as sulphate resisting
cements which are sufficiently
resistant to the ground
contaminant, and
iii) Protecting the building
materials with, for example,
bituminous or plastic
This table is intended as a preliminary guide only. Actual solutions are likely to be more complex and specific to the site.

D E PA R T M E N T O F B U I L D I N G A N D H O U S I N G July 1992 17

Acceptable Solution F1/AS1

1.0 No specific acceptable solution has
been adopted for complying with the
Performance of NZBC F1.

D E PA R T M E N T O F B U I L D I N G A N D H O U S I N G July 1992 19

Index F1/VM1 & AS1

All references to Verification Methods and Acceptable Solutions are preceded by VM or AS

Contaminants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .VM1 1.0.2 c) i), 2.1.2, 2.2.1 g), 2.2.2,

2.3.2, 2.5.1, 2.6.2 a) b) c) d), 2.6.3, Table 2

Hazards to building elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .VM1 2.7

Hazardous agents . . .VM1 1.0.2 c) i), 2.2.1, 2.3.2, 2.5.1, 2.5.5, Table 2

Network utility operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .VM1 2.2.1 f)

Remedial work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .VM1 2.6, Table 3

Risk assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .VM1 1.0.2 c) ii), 2.5, 2.5.4

Site investigations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .VM1 1.0.3, 2.0, Figure 1

analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .VM1 2.4
assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .VM1 1.0.3, 2.5, Figure 2
detailed investigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .VM1 1.0.2 c), 2.3
history and records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .VM1 2.1
preliminary investigations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .VM1 1.0.2 b), 2.2
previous industrial use of site . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .VM1 2.1.1, Table 1

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