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Guide to the use of

EN 1991-1-7 Accidental Actions

September 2006

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Guide to use of EN 1991-1-7 April 2005

It should be noted that this guidance has been based on the latest draft Eurocode;
no National Annex was available at the time.

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1.1 Eurocode terminology and symbosis 6
1.2 Eurocode annexes 6

2.1 Introduction 7
2.1.1 Objectives of this section 7
2.1.2 Definitions 7
2.1.3 Current status of prEN 1991-1-7 7
2.1.4 Current status of existing UK design
recommendations and codes 8 UK requirements before December 2004 8 UK requirements after December 2004 9
2.2 The contents and scope of EN 1991-1-1-7 9
2.3 Consequence Classes 10
2.4 Design Situations 11
2.5 Recommended strategies to ensure that buildings
are sufficiently robust to sustain localised failure
without a disproportionate collapse 12
2.6 EN 1991-1-7 recommendations for design
for specific accidental actions 14
2.6.1 Internal explosions 15
2.6.2 Impact 15
2.7 Risk analysis for Class 3 buildings 16
2.7.1 Qualitative risk analysis 17
2.7.2 Quantitative evaluation 18
2.7.3 Statistical data 18
2.8 National Annex 19


1. Introduction

The project which led to the production of this report arose with the intention of producing a handbook to
encourage the safe and consistent adoption of EN 1991-1 : Eurocode 1 - Actions on Structures: Part 1:
General Actions, in the UK. The project was modified to consider only two specific sections of EN 1991-1,
Actions on structures, which were:

Part 1.4: Wind Actions

Part 1.7: Accidental actions

However, both of these sections require information from EN 1990 Basis of Structural Design, hence EN
1990 also had to be considered.

Although the original intention had been to produce one handbook, it became apparent that the various parts
of the Eurocode could not be treated in a consistent manner. For example, parts of EN 1991-1-4 can be
compared with BS6399-2, but EN 1991-1-7 has no equivalent UK code; hence it was felt appropriate to
prepare separate reports for each section. This would also allow further parts of EN1991-1 to be considered
later. The reports, which have been produced so far, are for EN 1990, EN 1991-1-4 and EN 1991-1-7.

An initial requirement was that the handbook should be concise, user friendly and summarise the major
differences between EN1991-1 and existing UK codes. Therefore, information given in EN 1991 that does
not conflict with UK codes is simply referenced and no explanation is given about its derivation. For this
latter type of information, the reader is referred to the Thomas Telford publications on the Structural
Eurocodes (

Although several parts of EN1991 and their respective National Annexes are complete, others are still being
processed. The current state of progress is given in Table 1. A consequence of starting the work before the
codes with their National Annexes are published by BSI is that the work can only be based on the latest
editions of the code, and some details may change when the Codes are finally issued.

Table 1 Current status of the various sections of EN 1991

Anticipated publication
Final text released by
Section Title date by BSI along with
associated National Annex

EN 1990 Basis of structural design April 2002 April 2004

Densities, self-weight and

EN 1991-1-1 April 2002 April 2004
imposed loads

Actions of structures exposed to

EN 1991-1-2 Nov. 2002 ~ Nov 2004

EN 1991-1-3 Snow Loads July 2003 ~ Dec 2004

EN 1991-1-4 Wind Actions ~ May 2004 May 2006

EN 1991-1-5 Thermal Actions Oct 2003 Oct 2005

EN 1991-1-6 Actions during execution Sep 2004 Sep 2006

Accidental actions due to impact

EN 1991-1-7 Jun 2005 Dec 2007
and explosion

Because EN1991-1-7 is not yet finalised, little guidance on its background and usage has been produced. A
series of designers guides on the various Eurocodes is being prepared by Thomas Telford and some user

Guide to the use of EN 1991-1-7 Accidental Actions

manuals are planned by the Institution of Structural Engineers ( It is recommended that
these web pages be checked to obtain up-to-date information on the available publications

1.1 Eurocode terminology

Most of the definitions given in the Eurocodes derive from

ISO 2394(1998) General principles on reliability for structures

ISO 3898 (1997) Bases for design of structures -- Notations -- General symbols
ISO 8930 (1987) General principles on reliability for structures -- List of equivalent terms

EN 1990 provides a basic list of terms and definitions which are applicable for EN 1990 to EN 1999, thus
ensuring a common basis for the Structural Eurocode suite. Sections of EN 1991-1 contain terms and
definitions which are specifically related to that section.

Attention is drawn to the following key definitions, which may be different from current national practices:

Action means a load, or an imposed deformation (e.g. temperature effects or settlement)

Effects of Actions or Action effects are internal moments and forces, bending moments, shear
forces and deformations caused by actions
Strength is a mechanical property of a material, in units of stress
Resistance is a mechanical property of a cross-section of a member, or a member or structure.
Execution covers all activities carried out for the physical completion of the work including
procurement, the inspection and documentation thereof. The term covers work on site; it may also
signify the fabrication of components off site and their subsequent erection on site.

1.2 Eurocode annexes

There are two categories of Annex used by the Structural Eurocodes. One type is labelled 'I' and is
Informative (i.e. for information and not as a mandatory part of the code). The second type I labelled 'N' and
is Normative (i.e. a mandatory part of the code). In their National Annex (NA), a country can choose to make
an Informative annex Normative if they so wish.

EN 1991 Actions on structures Part 1-7: Accidental actions

2 EN 1991 Actions on structures - Part 1-7: General Actions - Accidental actions

2.1 Introduction

2.1.1 Objectives of this section

The objectives of this report are to:

Review the provisions of the sections on Accidental Action in EN1991 Actions on Structures Part 1,
in comparison with the current UK codes.
Summarise the major differences between EN 1991-1-7 and the existing UK codes.
Include the development of specific guidance on the means of addressing the robustness of
buildings that fall into the category 3 consequence class structures.

EN 1991-1-7 deals with a range of structures including significant information for bridge design. For this
report only the areas concerned with buildings are considered.

2.1.2 Definitions

consequence class
classification of consequences of failure of the structure or part of it.

propagation of a combustion zone at a velocity that is less than the speed of sound in the un-reacted

impacting object
the object impacting upon the structure (i.e. vehicle, ship etc).

key element
a structural member upon which the stability of the remainder of the section depends

load-bearing wall construction

non-framed masonry cross-wall construction mainly supporting vertical loading. Also includes lightweight
panel construction comprising timber or steel vertical studs at close centres with particle board, expanded
metal or alternative sheathing

localised failure
the part of a structure that is assumed to have collapsed, or been severely disabled, by an accidental event

the ability of a structure to withstand events like fire, explosions, impact or the consequences of human error,
without being damaged to an extent disproportionate to the original cause

a measure of the combination (usually the product) of the probability or frequency of occurrence of a defined
hazard and the magnitude of the consequences of the occurrence.

venting panel
non-structural part of the enclosure (wall, floor, ceiling) with limited resistance that is intended to relieve the
developing pressure from deflagration in order to reduce pressure on structural parts of the building

2.1.3 Current status of EN 1991-1-7

At the final edit of this report, a revised draft of the prEN1991-1-7 (dated 1 March 2005) had just been issued
to be submitted to CEN members for formal voting. This will still need to be approved by various

Guide to the use of EN 1991-1-7 Accidental Actions

committees, hence may be subject to change. The current timetable for further versions of the code is a
DAV (Date-of-availability) of June 2005 and the BS EN to be published by BSI in December 2007 along with
its National Annex.

2.1.4 Current status of existing UK design recommendations and codes

As an additional complication, the UK design requirements related to accidental actions (or robustness)
changed part way through this project when an amendment to the Building Regulations Approved Document
A was issued in June 2004 and became effective from 1 December 2004. Although these changes do
align the UK practice with some of the EN1991-1-7 requirements, they provide a significant change to the
former UK practice, hence the changes are described briefly below. UK requirements before December 2004.

The UK robustness regulations were implemented following the progressive collapse of one corner of
Ronan Point in 1968 which resulted from a gas explosion (a deflagration) on the 18 floor of the 22 storey
building. The event had a significant effect on the engineering community in the UK and this led to changes
in the Building Regulations to deal specifically with damage due to an accident such as a gas explosion for
buildings of five storeys or more. The 1976 Building Regulations [1] required that the building should be so
constructed that structural failure consequent on removal of any one member in a storey should be localised
and limited in its extent to a certain area of that storey. If this was not possible, that member should be
capable of sustaining without structural failure, an additional load corresponding to a pressure of 34 kN/m *.

Subsequent revisions were aimed at reducing the sensitivity of a building to disproportionate collapse. One
design option was to provide effective horizontal and vertical ties in accordance with the structural codes of
practice, based on design strengths related to 34 kN/m . Where such provisions could not be made, it was
recommended that the structure should be able to bridge over the loss of an untied member and that the
area of collapse be limited and localised. Finally, if it was not possible to bridge over the missing member
(which may have been the case for a small minority of buildings), such a member should have been
designed as a protected (or key) element capable of sustaining additional loads related to a pressure of 34
2 2
kN/m . In practice the 34 kN/m was used to determine a notional load which was applied sequentially to
key elements in each possible direction and not as a specific overpressure which would result from a gas
explosion. These requirements were considered to result in more robust structures which would generally
be more resistant to disproportionate failure due to various causes, such as impact, and were not solely
related to gas explosions.

The guidance given in the Building Regulations was then incorporated in some structural material codes,
albeit the various codes provided a number of alternative or mixed solutions to deal with the problem. The
accidental loading requirement was also included in the 1996 BS Loading Code BS 6399-1 [2] with the
following text. When an accidental load is required for a key or protected element approach to design (see
appropriate material design code) that load shall be taken as 34 kN/m .

The current UK material codes and standards dealing with robust design are:

BS5628: Code of practice for use of masonry. Part 1 - 1992 Structural use of unreinforced masonry.
Clause 37
BS 5950: Structural use of steelwork in building. Part 1 - 2000 Code of practice for design Rolled and
welded sections. Clause 2.4.5
BS8110: Structural use of concrete. Part 1 - 1997 Structural use of plain, reinforced and prestressed
concrete. Clause
BS8110: Structural use of concrete. Part 2 - 1985 Code of practice for special circumstances. Clause 2.6

* 2
The value of 5 psi (34 kN/m ) was chosen with reference to a rounded estimate failure load of the load-bearing flank
wall at Ronan Point

EN 1991 Actions on structures Part 1-7: Accidental actions UK requirements after December 2004.

In June 2004, Approved Document A (2004 Edition) was published [3]. The new provisions became
effective from 1 December 2004 [4]. Section 5 of the document, which is entitled Reducing the sensitivity
of the building to disproportionate collapse in the event of an accident introduced significant changes to the
previous UK practice.

The document gives an approach for ensuring that a structure is sufficiently robust to sustain a limited extent
of damage or failure, depending on the class of building, without collapse. It introduces a new classification
of buildings and the design procedures which should be adopted for the various building classes. As
mentioned earlier, this aligns closely with some of the guidance given in the EN1991-1-7, hence the relevant
UK classification information will be presented later with the equivalent EN1991-1-7 classification and the
recommended design procedures.

2.2 The contents and scope of EN1991-1-7

The contents of EN 1991-1-7 (1 March 2005) are given below. Under each section heading (given in bold
text) a brief paragraph explains the contents of the appropriate section in EN 1991-1-7 as follows:


The foreword of EN1991-1-7 covers similar topics to the other structural Eurocodes giving the background of
the Eurocode programme, the status and field of application of Eurocodes, National Standards implementing
Eurocodes, links between Eurocodes and harmonised technical specifications (ENs and ETAs) for products,
additional information specific to EN 1991-1-7 and the choices which are allowed in the National Annex.

Section 1 General

Within this section the scope of EN 1991-1-7 is given along with normative references, the difference
between Principles and Application Rules, terms and definitions and the symbols used.

Section 2 Classification of actions

This short section refers to the clauses in EN 1990 specifically addressing accidental actions.

Section 3 Design situations

This section starts with a general discussion, then considers three different accidental design situations: the
strategy for identified accidental actions, the strategy for limiting the extent of localised failure, and the use of
consequence classes.

Section 4 Impact

This section starts by considering the field of application and the representation of actions. It then considers
accidental actions caused by road vehicles, fork lift trucks, derailed rail traffic under or adjacent to structures,
ship traffic, and helicopters.

Section 5 Internal Explosions

This section has three parts; field of application, representation of action, and principles for design

Annex A (I) Robustness of Buildings - Design for Consequences of Localised Failure from an
Unspecified Cause

This annex is especially important for UK engineers as it provides design guidance similar to that introduced
to the UK Building Regulations in 2004. It is quite likely that this will be the design methodology
recommended in the UK National Annex to EN 1991-1-7. It contains eight sections starting with the scope

Annexes labelled I are informative

Guide to the use of EN 1991-1-7 Accidental Actions

and field of application. Subsequent sections are: introduction, consequence classes of buildings,
recommended strategies, effective horizontal ties, effective vertical ties, nominal section of load-bearing wall,
and key elements.

Annex B (I) Guidance for Risk Analysis

This annex contains information some of which is expected to be transferred to EN1990 in future editions of
the Eurocodes. It has nine sections; introduction, definitions, description of the scope of a risk analysis,
methods of risk analysis, risk acceptance and mitigating measures, risk mitigating measures, modification,
communication of results and conclusions, applications to buildings and civil engineering structures.

Annex C (I) Dynamic design for impact

This annex has four sections. It starts with a general discussion and then considers impact dynamics,
followed by impact from aberrant road vehicles and impact by ships.

Annex D (I) Internal explosions

This annex covers dust explosions in rooms, vessels and bunkers, natural gas explosions, together with
explosions in road and rail tunnels.

2.3 Consequence classes

Perhaps the biggest change for engineers versed in pre-December 2004 UK design will be the introduction
of consequence classes. These classes specify how different categories of building should be designed to
deal with accidental actions.

The concept of consequence classes was introduced in EN1990 for the purpose of reliability differentiation.
The criterion for classification of consequences is the importance, in terms of consequences of failure, of the
structure or structural member concerned. The consequence classes given in EN 1990 are reproduced in
table 2.

Table 2: Definition of Consequence Classes in EN1990

Consequences Examples of buildings and civil

Class engineering works
Low consequences for loss of human life, Agricultural buildings where people do
CC1 and economic, social or environmental not normally enter (e.g. storage
consequences small or negligible buildings). Greenhouses
Medium consequences for loss of human Residential and office building, public
CC2 life, economic, social or environmental buildings where consequences of
consequences considerable failure are medium
High consequences for loss of human Grandstands, public buildings where
CC3 life, or economic, social or environmental consequences of failure are high
consequences very great

A recommended categorisation of consequence classes is given in Annex A of EN1991-1-7 (reproduced

here as table 3), although EN1991-1-7 allows the classification to be specified in National Annexes. The
categorisation given in the UK Approved Document (2004) [3] is closely aligned with that in EN1991-1-7;
however, there are minor differences which are outlined in table 4.

EN 1991 Actions on structures Part 1-7: Accidental actions

Table 3 Categorisation of Consequence Classes in EN1991-1-7

Class Example of categorisation of building Type and Occupancy

Single occupancy houses not exceeding 4 storeys.

Agricultural buildings.
1 Buildings into which people rarely go, provided no part of the building is closer
to another building, or area where people do go, than a distance of 1 /2 times
the building height.
5 storey single occupancy houses.
Hotels not exceeding 4 storeys.
Flats, apartments and other residential buildings not exceeding 4 storeys.
Offices not exceeding 4 storeys.
Industrial buildings not exceeding 3 storeys.
Lower Risk 2
Retailing premises not exceeding 3 storeys of less than 1000m floor area in
each storey.
Single storey educational buildings
All buildings not exceeding two storeys to which the public are admitted and
which contain floor areas not exceeding 2000 m at each storey.
Hotels, flats, apartments and other residential buildings greater than 4 storeys
but not exceeding 15 storeys.
Educational buildings greater than single storey but not exceeding 15 storeys.
Retailing premises greater than 3 storeys but not exceeding 15 storeys.
Hospitals not exceeding 3 storeys.
Upper Risk
Offices greater than 4 storeys but not exceeding 15 storeys.
All buildings to which the public are admitted and which contain floor areas
2 2
exceeding 2000 m but not exceeding 5000 m at each storey.
Car parking not exceeding 6 storeys.

All buildings defined above as Class 2 Lower and Upper Consequence Class
that exceed the limits on area and number of storeys.
All buildings to which members of the public are admitted in significant numbers.
Stadia accommodating more than 5000 spectators

Table 4 Differences in Consequence Class definitions between EN 1991-1-7 and the UK.

EN1991-1-7 BR - A3
(items not in BR A3) (items not in EN1991-1-7)
Single occupancy houses not exceeding 4 Houses not exceeding 4 storeys
Retailing premises not exceeding 3 storeys of Retailing premises not exceeding 3 storeys of
2A 2 2
less than 1000 m floor area at each storey less than 2000 m floor area at each storey.
Stadia accommodating more than 5000 Grandstands accommodating more than 5000
spectators. spectators.
Buildings containing hazardous substances
and/or processes

2.4 Design Situations

Design situations are classified in EN 1990. The strategies are illustrated in Figure 3.1 of EN1991-1-7 which
is reproduced here as figure 1.

Guide to the use of EN 1991-1-7 Accidental Actions



e.g. explosions and impact


ROBUSTNESS e.g. protective ACTION load paths ACCIDENTAL and ductility
measures ACTION Ad

Figure 1 - Accidental Design Situations

It can be appreciated that there are two different design strategies and the strategy to adopt may depend on
the situation being considered. The strategy concerned with limiting localised failure will be considered first
as this aligns with current UK guidance. EN 1991-1-7 states that the events to be taken into account may be
given in the National Annex, or agreed for individual projects.

2.5 Recommended strategies to ensure that buildings are sufficiently robust to sustain
localised failure without a disproportionate collapse - for EN1991-1-7 Annex A and Buildings
Regulations A3 (post June 2004)

There are many similarities between the recommendations in EN1991-1-7 Annex A and the current Building
Regulations. Table 5 gives the recommendations made in both documents.

From Table 5 it can be seen that the recommended procedures for determining the required strength of the
ties are similar, albeit EN1991-1-7 refers to other parts of that code (A5 & A6), whereas the Buildings
Regulations refer to the British Standards listed earlier. Not surprisingly there are similarities for this strength
determination, but also a few differences which will be considered next. Design for specific accidental
actions and risk analysis will be considered later.

EN 1991-1-7 Annex A5 considers effective horizontal ties, first for framed structures and then for load-
bearing wall construction. A6 considers vertical ties, also for framed structures and then load-bearing wall

EN 1991 Actions on structures Part 1-7: Accidental actions

Table 5. Recommended strategies to ensure that buildings are sufficiently robust to sustain localised
failure without a disproportionate collapse

Class EN1991-1-7 BR - A3
Provided a building has been designed and Provided that the building has been designed
constructed in accordance with the rules given and constructed in accordance with the rules
in EN1990 to EN 1999 for satisfying stability in given in this approved document, or other
1 normal use, no further specific consideration is guidance under Section 1, for meeting
necessary with regard to accidental actions from compliance with requirements BR A1 and BR
unidentified causes. A2 in normal use, no additional measures are
likely to be necessary.
In addition to the recommended strategies for Provide effective horizontal ties, or effective
Class 1, the provision of effective horizontal ties, anchorage of suspended floor to walls, as
or effective anchorage of suspended floor to described in the codes and standards (these
walls, as defined in A.5.1 and A.5.2 respectively are listed in
for framed and load-bearing wall construction
should be provided.
In addition to the recommended strategies for Provide effective horizontal and vertical ties,
Class 1, the provision of - as described in the BSI codes and standards
Effective horizontal ties, as defined in A.5.1 in all supporting columns and walls, or
and A.5.2 respectively for framed and load- alternatively,
bearing wall construction (see definition) check that upon the notional removal of each
together with effective vertical ties, as defined supporting column and each beam supporting
in A6, in all supporting columns and walls one or more columns, or any nominal length
should be provided, or alternatively, of load-bearing wall (one at a time in each
The building should be checked to ensure that storey of the building) that the building
upon the notional removal of each supporting remains stable and that the area of floor at
column and each beam supporting a column, any storey at risk of collapse (if any) does not
or any nominal section of load-bearing wall as exceed 15% of the floor area of that storey or
2B defined in A7 below (one at a time in each 70m , whichever is smaller, and does not
storey of the building) that the building extend further than the immediate adjacent
remains stable and that any local damage storeys (diagram 25) see Note 2.
does not exceed a certain limit, see Note 1. Where the notional removal of such columns
Where the notional removal of such columns and sections of walls would result in an extent
and sections of walls would result in an extent of damage in excess of the above limit, then
of damage in excess of the agreed limit, or such elements should be designed as a key
other such limit, then such elements should be element.
designed as a key element. See A8.
In the case of load-bearing wall construction,
the notional removal of a section of wall, one at
a time, is likely to be the most practical strategy
to adopt.
A systematic risk assessment of the building A systematic risk assessment of the building
should be undertaken taking into account both should be undertaken taking into account all the
foreseeable and unforeseeable hazards. normal hazards that may reasonably be
foreseen, together with any abnormal hazards.
Critical situations for design should be selected
that reflect the conditions that can reasonably
3 be foreseen as possible during the life of the
building. The structural form and concept and
any protective measures should then be chosen
and the detailed design of the structure and its
elements undertaken in accordance with the
recommendation given in the listed codes and
Note 1. The limit of admissible damage may be Note 2. Diagram 25 in BR A3 is essentially the
different for each type of building. The recommended same as EN1991-1-7 figure A1 except the values of
value is 15% of the floor, or 100 m , whichever is the recommended area.
greater, in each of two adjacent storeys. EN 1991-1-
7 figure A1 is reproduced here as figure 2

Guide to the use of EN 1991-1-7 Accidental Actions

(A) Local damage not exceeding 15 % of floor area in each of two adjacent storeys
(B) Notional column to be removed
a) Plan b) Section

Figure 2 Recommended Limit of admissible damage

The guidance given in EN1991-1-7 Annex A is similar to that given in British Standards, although the latter
tends to provide more detailed information. For framed structures, the information in A5 is similar to that in
BS 5950:2000 clause even adopting the same figure. Some minor differences occur (including
symbols), for example the tensile load for internal ties in A5 is:

0.8 (gk + qk) sL or 75 kN whichever is the greater (here =1)

whereas in BS 5950 the equivalent load is

0.5 (1.4gk + 1.6qk) stL but not less than 75 kN

A similar correspondence can be found between A6 and the British Standards and also with A7 which
defines the nominal section of load bearing walls.

For load-bearing wall construction A5.2 considers two classes. Class 2 buildings lower risk group, in which
appropriate robustness should be provided by adopting a cellular form of construction designed to facilitate
interaction of all components including an appropriate means of anchoring the floor to the walls. And Class 2
buildings of the upper risk group in which continuous effective horizontal ties should be provided in the floors.
The recommended actions are similar to those in BS5628 clause 37.

A8 discusses key elements, and requires the element to be capable of sustaining an accidental action of Ad
applied in horizontal and vertical directions (in one direction at a time) to the member and any attached
components having regard to the ultimate strength of such components and their connections. Although Ad
2 2
can be selected within the National Annex a value of 34kN/m is recommended. The 34 kN/m value aligns
with UK practice although in EN1991-1-7 the loading should be in accordance with expression (6.11b) of EN
1990, whereas in the UK the loading should be assumed to act simultaneously with 1/3 of all normal
characteristic loading (i.e. wind and imposed loading).

2.6 EN1991-1-7 recommendations for design for specific accidental actions

In the previous section the guidance for the design of robust buildings or for the consequences of localised
failure from an unspecified cause was considered, but EN1991-1-7 also considers design for specific
actions, namely impact and explosion. It may well be that the UK National Annex simply recommends
design using Annex A to align with the new UK practice. However, as this is not yet confirmed, it is pertinent

EN 1991 Actions on structures Part 1-7: Accidental actions

to consider the guidance related to specific accidental actions, especially as EN 1991 labels Annex A as
Informative not Normative. In their National Annex, the UK may choose to make Annex A Normative.

The concept of design for specific accidental actions is therefore new to most UK designers, although the UK
regulations were developed as a result of the gas explosion at Ronan Point. Hence, it may be inferred that
the UK regulations are appropriate for design to avoid disproportionate failure in the event of an internal gas

2.6.1 Internal explosions

EN1991-1-7 considers various types of internal explosions which are listed in section 2.2 herein. For this
report, only internal gas explosions (deflagrations) in buildings are considered, and EN1991-1-7 restricts
these to explosions in single vented rooms. Although it is not specifically stated, in buildings of Classes 2
and 3, standard windows and doors are usually much weaker than walls and floors and hence can be
considered to act as vents in the event of an internal explosion.

EN1991-1-7 states that for Class 1 structures, no specific consideration of the effects of an explosion should
be necessary other than complying with the rules for connections and interactions between components
provided in EN 1990 to EN1999.

For Class 2 structures EN 1991-1-7 considers the normative design situation to be a natural gas explosion in
a vented single room. It provides two simple empirical formulae for determining the equivalent static
pressure to be used in design; both of which require the vent failure pressure. For situations where the
provision of natural gas is totally impossible, an unspecified reduced value of the equivalent static pressure
may be permissible. This does not consider the type of multi-room explosion that occurred at Ronan Point
[5], and this is why the calculated pressures will be much less than the 34 kN/m given in UK codes. It also
ignores cylinder explosions which are a large proportion of the explosions recorded in the UK. As peak
pressures in a single room explosion are controlled primarily by the vent strength, the pressures generated
by cylinder explosions can be as high as those from piped gas explosions, so any reduction in the equivalent
static pressure should be carefully considered.

For Class 3 structures some information is given in Annex D dealing with advanced design for explosions,
although a normative design situation is not defined and much is left to the individual designer. This topic
will be considered later.

2.6.2 Impact

EN 1991-1-7 considers impacts from a variety of sources including road and rail vehicles ships and
helicopters. For this report, only road vehicle impacts on buildings are considered. EN1991-1-7 limits this to
buildings used for car parking, parking garages, buildings in which vehicles or fork lift trucks are driven or
buildings that are in the vicinity of traffic.

For explosions the code gives specific advice for the various consequence classes, but this is not the case
for vehicle impacts; hence the general guidance is probably relevant, i.e. for Class 1 no specific
consideration is necessary; for Class 2 a simplified analysis by static equivalent models may be appropriate;
whereas Class 3 may require a risk analysis and use of refined models such as dynamic analysis, non-linear
models and load structure interaction.

EN1991-1-7 states that actions due to impact shall be determined by taking into account the impact velocity
of the impacting object and the mass distribution, deformation behaviour, damping characteristics of both the
impacting object and the structure. It also suggests the type of material properties that should be used in

Equivalent static forces may be used for verification of static equilibrium, strength verification and
determination of deformations. However, if the structure is designed to absorb impact energy by elastic-
plastic deformation the equivalent static loads may be determined by considering both plastic strength and
deformation capacity of structural members.

Guide to the use of EN 1991-1-7 Accidental Actions

Conservative approximations may be made on the assumption that the impacting body absorbs all of the
impact energy (known as a hard impact). For this latter case equivalent static forces are given for vehicle
impact on members supporting structures over or adjacent to roadways and for forces due to impact on
superstructures. The area of application of the collision force is also specified.

Annex C (I) of EN1991-1-7 provides more detailed information on dynamic design for impact but it does not
provide guidance on non-linear material behaviour. It provides some relatively simple formulae for
determining the maximum force in a hard impact or the required ductility to absorb the collision energy for a
soft impact. It then considers the determination of the velocity of an aberrant road vehicle and provides
design values for vehicle mass, velocity and dynamic impact force for a range of road types.

2.7 Risk analysis for Class 3 buildings

The guidance for the design of Class 3 buildings for specific actions is considered in the previous section,
and it can be appreciated that much is left to the designer. For robust design to limit the extent of localised
failure the requirements are much clearer, although their implementation may not be straightforward. The
requirements state:

A systematic risk assessment of the building should be undertaken taking into account both
foreseeable and unforeseeable hazards.

Risk analysis is the topic discussed in Annex B (I) of EN1991-1-7 and in the introduction to that annex a
pictorial overview of the envisaged risk analysis is given. This is reproduced here as Figure 3.

Definition of scope and limitations

Qualitative Risk Analysis

source identification
hazard scenarios
description of consequences Reconsideration
definition of measures - scope and assumptions
- mitigating measures

Quantitative Risk Analyisis

inventory of uncertainties
modelling of uncertatinties
probabilistic calculations
quantification of consequences
risk estimation

Risk evaluation
Risk treatment

Accept risk
Risk communication

Figure 3: Overview of Risk Analysis

As can be seen from Figure 3, there are two types of risk analysis. First a qualitative analysis looking at the
various hazards and their consequences, and secondly a quantitative analysis that is potentially more
rigorous, but which may only be appropriate in certain circumstances. At the onset it should be stated that

EN 1991 Actions on structures Part 1-7: Accidental actions

this is not an exact science and the primary gain is obtained through a systematic examination and recording
of the potential hazards, the structures vulnerability to these hazards, and if necessary the measures that
can be taken to minimise any undesirable consequences. Therefore it is not appropriate to provide a set
procedure for any specific type of building.

Logically design for Class 3 structures should consider the design rules for Class 2 (upper band) as a
minimum. This may include considerations of specific defined incidents or the provision of general
robustness - via tying, alternate load paths or key element design. However, a systematic risk analysis may
result in enhancements to the Class 2 requirements or the provision of further hazard mitigating measures.

2.7.1 Qualitative risk analysis

A qualitative risk analysis is really a systematic consideration of the various hazard scenarios, recording what
has been considered and the actions that are to be taken. The analysis should initially identify the potential
hazards to which a building may be exposed. Logically this will include many other items besides those
specifically identified as accidental actions including fire and possibly terrorist activities.

For each hazard a profile should be developed including a determination of various descriptors including
magnitude, duration, frequency, probability and extent. It may well be necessary to consult various people
(the stakeholders) regarding what hazards should be included in design and it may be reasonable to exclude
some hazards. Further information on risk analyses can be found in refs [6, 7 & 8].

Next for each hazard it is necessary to understand how it will affect the structure and what impact this would
have on the building contents, especially the building occupiers (immediate and longer term) and possibly
the local community. This requires an assessment of the vulnerability of the construction, contents and
economic value of its functions.

The systematic evaluation of the vulnerability of the assets to the various hazards should provide the base to
develop a design strategy, maybe eliminating some hazards, reducing others, designing to resist specific
hazards or even ignoring some. General robustness measures (i.e. those for class 2B) should be adopted
for unforeseeable hazards (design or construction errors, unexpected deterioration, etc).

Once a risk has been determined it has to be decided whether it will be accepted or whether mitigating
measures will be specified. To mitigate the risk the following measures may be taken:

Structural measures, that is by designing over-strong structural elements or by designing for second
load paths in case of local failures.
Non-structural measures, that is by a reduction of the event probability, the action intensity or the

In some instances there may be conflicting requirements for different hazards and these should be
considered carefully. For example, the use of laminated windows may reduce the damage to external
explosions (usually detonations) but serve to increase the pressures in internal gas explosions

The results of the risk analysis should be presented as a list of consequences and probabilities and their
degree of acceptance should be discussed. The probabilities may need to be expressed in relative terms,
i.e. high, moderate, low, unless more detailed information is available. Recommendations for measures to
mitigate risk that naturally arise from the risk analysis should be stated.

It is sensible to compile the results of the work and reasons for the various decisions, in a written report
which may need to be peer reviewed. The report may need to be re-evaluated periodically or when there is
a change in circumstances which may affect specific hazards and thereby require different mitigation

Guide to the use of EN 1991-1-7 Accidental Actions

2.7.2 Quantitative evaluation

In a rigorous quantitative assessment, mathematical calculations are used to determine the expected
consequences from the whole range of hazards. This provides a potentially more accurate picture of the risk
(and the benefits of avoiding it) than the qualitative method. However the basic data related to the risk may
not be sufficient to warrant a rigorous mathematical treatment.

Within the procedures outlined in Annex B (I) of EN 1991-1-7 there is the option of undertaking a quantitative
risk analysis. The equation to be used to determine probability of failure for any one specific hazard is of the

Pf (T ) = N P( F M = m) f M (m) dm

where: N is the total number of relevant events in the time period T

fM(m) is the probability density function of the random magnitude M of the hazard
and P(F|M=m) is the conditional probability of failure for the specified hazard.

However, it is important to consider whether the available information is sufficient to make such an analysis
worthwhile. The statistical data available regarding internal gas explosions in housing in the UK is
summarised in the next section and this is probably as detailed as any statistical data on a specific
accidental action. Nevertheless, it is apparent that it is still not possible to determine the intensity of a gas
explosion with any confidence, except for single room explosions which may be less severe than multi-room
explosions. Therefore for this important accidental action hazard, it is not yet sensible to place any
confidence in a quantitative analysis. This is not saying that the analysis methods are incorrect, and indeed
raising this issue may well serve to generate more useful data and information in the future. The quantity
and quality of data for use in such analyses is a prime consideration.

A full quantitative risk analysis would require this form of evaluation for all identifiable hazards and the
determination of the total risk. Whilst this might be a laudable objective it does not seem a viable option at

2.7.3 Statistical data

When discussing hazards the risk of occurrence arises and it is worthwhile taking a brief overview of the
available information. With accidental actions the main guidance in the UK was developed for gas
explosions, this being initiated following the progressive failure of one corner of Ronan Point in 1968 as a
result of a gas explosion. Since then a significant amount of information has been collected regarding the
frequency and severity of gas explosions, hence this may be considered to represent the most
comprehensive statistical information related to any form of accidental action. Considering gas explosions in
dwellings in the UK, the annual probability of three categories of explosion and indicative peak pressures are
given in table 6.

Table 6 Annual probabilities of gas explosions in dwellings (from ref 5).

Probability of Estimated
occurrence peak pressure
0.079 10
Any explosion
0.015 10
-4 2
Significant explosion < 17 kN/m
Severe or very severe 0.005 10
> 17 kN/m


EN 1991 Actions on structures Part 1-7: Accidental actions

The probability of 10 is that suggested in the Eurocodes as the maximum representative value for an
accidental action. From the designers view point it is only the significant and severe explosions that are of
concern. Broadly speaking the significant gas explosions occur in a single room and are either produced by
piped gas or cylinder/aerosol gas (the latter accounting for approximately 25% of this type of explosion in the
UK). The peak pressure for this type of explosion is limited by the venting of the explosion due to failure of
the weakest element in the room, usually the window or door. For this type of explosion EN1991-1-7
provides guidance for estimating peak pressures (this being the design recommendation for Class 2
structures). The severe explosions (including the very severe category) occur in more than one room and
are primarily related to piped gas (due to the requirement for a large source to provide an explosive mixture
in several rooms). Here the initial explosion in one room propagates into other rooms, but in so doing
causes a progressively more turbulent situation which results in a much more violent explosion and one
which is not simply limited by structural venting. This is the type of explosion that occurred at Ronan Point.
No guidance is available for the determination of the pressures in this type of explosion although they can be
significantly larger than those for a single room event.

It can be appreciated that although the hazard for which Class 3 buildings should be designed is known (i.e.
severe or very severe gas explosion) and the risk of its occurrence can be determined, the tools are not
available to determine explosive pressures in this type of explosion accurately. Therefore, it is not easy to
evaluate the consequences of this type of explosion, even for a reasonably well defined scenario. As a
result, design is likely to be based on general robustness principles, which as it happens were first
developed in the UK for this very hazard scenario.

The other hazard specifically considered in EN1991-1-7 is impact, and some statistical data is given in ref
[9]. It was concluded that the average risk of significant vehicle impacts on buildings in the UK is greater
than the corresponding risks of gas explosions although there are relatively fewer severe impacts. Not
surprisingly the statistics show that when considering accidental impact from vehicles the building location is
critical. It follows that given the opportunity, risk can be minimised by locating the building away from roads,
or by using bollards or safety barriers to prevent vehicles reaching the building, or by using others barriers
like ramps or street furniture for the same purpose. This is especially important if key elements of the
building are vulnerable. EN1991-1-7 provides guidance for the evaluation of impact forces if it is necessary
to design key elements for this eventuality. For this hazard the provision of general robustness measures,
which were originally based upon resistance to gas explosions, may not be ideal.

2.8 National Annex

EN 1991-1-7 gives alternative procedures, values and recommendations for classes with notes indicating
where national choices may have to be made. Therefore the National Standard implementing EN 1991-1-7
should have a National Annex (NA) containing all Nationally Determined Parameters (NDPs) to be used for
the design of buildings and civil engineering works to be constructed in the relevant country.

National choice is allowed in EN 1991-1-7 through the clauses listed in table 7. For each clause related to
buildings a brief description is given.

Although the UK National Annex may not be available until the end of 2007, it is reasonable to assume that
the default parameters given in the Eurocode will be adopted, except where those default values differ from
current UK practice, in which case the latter may be preferred.

The National Annex may only contain information on those parameters which are left open in the Eurocode
for national choice, known as Nationally Determined Parameters, to be used for the design of buildings and
civil engineering works to be constructed in the country concerned, i.e. :

values and/or classes where alternatives are given in the Eurocode;

values to be used where a symbol only is given in the Eurocode,
country specific data (geographical, climatic, etc) e.g. snow map,
procedure to be used where alternative procedures are given in the Eurocode.

Guide to the use of EN 1991-1-7 Accidental Actions

It may also contain :

decisions on the application of informative annexes;

references to non-contradictory complementary information to assist the user to apply the Eurocode.

Table 7 Clauses where the UK National Annex may give alternative rules or guidance
A brief description is given for clauses relating to buildings.
The clauses highlighted in grey do not relate to buildings.

Paragraph Item
2 (2) Classification of accidental actions
The NA or the individual project may specify the treatment of accidental actions (impacts) which are not
classified as free actions.
3.1(2) Strategies for Accidental Design Situations
Notional values for identified accidental actions are proposed. These values may be altered in the NA or for
an individual project and agreed for the design by the client and the relevant authority.
3.2(1) Level of risk
Levels of acceptable risks may be given in the NA as non-contradictory, complementary information.
3.3(2) Notional accidental action
The NA may define the model which may be a concentrated or a distributed action and the design value Ad.
The recommended model for buildings is a uniformly distributed load applicable in the horizontal and vertical
directions (one direction at a time) to the key element and any attached components (e.g. claddings, etc).
The recommended value is 34 kN/m for building structures.

3.3(2) Limit of localised failure

The NA may state the acceptable limit of "localised failure". The indicative limit for building structures is 100
m or 15% of the floor area, whichever is less, on two adjacent floors caused by the removal of any
supporting column, pier or wall.

3.3(2) Choice of strategies

The NA may state which of the approaches given in 3.3 are to be considered for various structures.
3.4(1) Consequences classes
The NA may provide a categorization of structures according to the consequence classes in 3.4(1). A
suggested classification of consequence classes relating to buildings is provided in Annex A.

3.4(2) Design approaches

The NA may give reference to, as non conflicting, complementary information, appropriate design
approaches for higher and lower consequence classes of the structure.

4.1(1) Definition of lightweight structures

4.1(1) Guidance on impact forces transmitted to the foundations
4.3.1(1) Values of vehicle impact forces
For hard impact from road traffic the design values may be defined in the NA
4.3.1(1) Impact force as a function of the distance from traffic lanes
The NA may prescribe the force as a function of the distance
4.3.1(1) Types or elements of structure subject to vehicular collision
The NA may define types or elements of the structure that may not need to be considered for vehicular

4.3.1(2) The treatment of the forces Fdx and Fdy

Rules for dealing with Fdx and Fdy may be defined in the NA
4.3.1(3) The conditions of impact from road vehicles
The NA may define the conditions of impact from road vehicles

EN 1991 Actions on structures Part 1-7: Accidental actions

4.3.2(1) Impact actions on underside of bridge decks

4.3.2(1) Reduction factor r
4.3.2(2) Use of Fdy
4.3.2(3) Dimension and position of impact areas
4.4(1) Value of impact forces from forklift trucks
The NA may give the value of the equivalent static design force F
4.5 Type of rail traffic Structures to be included in each exposure class Classification of temporary structures and auxiliary construction works Impact forces from derailed traffic Reduction of impact forces Point of application of impact forces Impact forces for speeds greater than 120km/h Requirements for Class B structures
4.5.2(1) Areas beyond track ends
4.5.2(4) Impact forces on end walls
4.6.1(1) Classification of ship impacts
4.6.2(1) Values of frontal and lateral forces from ships
4.6.2(2) Impact force due to friction
4.6.2(3) The height of application of the impact force
4.6.2(4) Impact forces on bridge decks from ships
4.6.3(1) Dynamic impact forces from seagoing ships
4.6.3(3) Value of the friction coefficient
4.6.3(5) Dimension and position of impact areas
5.1 (3) Procedures for internal explosion
The NA may give the procedures to be used for the types of internal explosions

Guide to the use of EN 1991-1-7 Accidental Actions

3. References

1. The Building Regulations 1976, Statutory Instrument 1976 No 1676 Building and Buildings, London,
HMSO 1976.

2. BS 6399: Part 1 : 1996. British Standard. Loading for buildings. Part 1. Code of practice for dead
and imposed loads.

3. ODPM. "Approved Document A (Structure) 2004 Edition". The Stationery Office or ODPM Website.

4. Harding G. "Revised Part A of the Building Regulations". The Structural Engineer, Volume 83, No
2, 18 Jan. 2005.

5. Ellis B R and Currie D M. Gas explosions in buildings in the UK - Regulation and risk. The
Structural Engineer, Volume 76, No 19, 6 Oct. 1998. [Correspondence, The Structural Engineer,
Volume 77, No 19, 5 Oct. 1999.]

6. HSE The tolerability of risk from nuclear power stations. UK Health and safety Executive. HMSO,

7. FEMA 386-2. Understanding your risks Identifying hazards and estimating losses. US Federal
Emergency Management Agency, August 2001.

8. BS 7974-7: 2003. The application of fire safety engineering principles to the design of buildings.
Part 7: probabilistic risk analysis.

9. Ellis B R and Dillon P J, Vehicle Impacts on Buildings in the UK Regulation and Risk. The
Structural Engineer, Volume 81, No 3, pp36-40, 4 Feb. 2003.


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