2018 Audi q5 2
2018 Audi q5 2
2018 Audi q5 2
2018 QS
Your new Audi wi l l allow you to experience the best in groundbreaking techno lo-
gy and premium quality equipment a vehicle has to offer . We recommend that
you read your Owner's Manual thoroug hly so that you quickly become acquaint-
ed with your Audi and make use of all of its features.
In addition to explaining how the different f eat ures work, we provide many use-
f ul tips and information concerning your safety, how to care for your vehicle and
how to maintai n your vehicle's val ue. We also give you useful tips and informa-
tion on how to drive your veh icle more efficiently and in an environmentally
friendly manner.
We hope you enjoy driving your Audi and we wish you safe and pleasant motor -
Tabl e of contents
Table of content s
MMI On/Off knob with joystick function . . 148 Audi connect vehicle control .... 197
Infotainm ent system display . . . . . .. .. . 148 Introd uction . . ... . . . . . . . . .... . .. .... 197
MMI operat ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . 149 Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .... 197
MMI touc h . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . 151 Additional options . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .... 198
Contro l knob with joystick function .. .. . 153 Remot e locking and un locking . . . .. .... 198
Shortcut keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . 155 Vehicle status report . . . . . . . . . . . .. .... 198
Letter/number speller . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . 155 Parking locat ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .... 198
Free text search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . 157 Geofencing Alert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .... 199
Menus and Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . 158 Speed Ale rt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .... 199
Valet Alert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .... 199
Multifunction steering wheel .. . 160 Stolen Vehicle Locato r . . . . . . . . . . .. .... 199
I ntroduction .. . ........ ........ .... . 160 Online Audi service request . .... . .. .... 199
Radio . . . . . .. . ........ ........ .... . 160
Media . . . . . .. . ........ ........ .... . 160 Emergency call . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. 20 1
Telephone . . .. . ........ ........ .... . 16 1 I ntrod uction . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. 201
Navigation . .. . ........ ........ .... . 162 Emergency cal l . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. 201
Online roads ide assistance .. .. .. .. .. .. 202
Voice recognition system . .. .. .. . 167
Operating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. . 166 Navigation ............ .. .. .. .. .. .. 203
Command overview information . .. .. .. . 167 Opening navigation . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. 203
Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. . 168 Entering a destination . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. 204
External voice operat ion 172 Personal route assistance . .. .. .. .. .. .. 209
Alternative routes . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. 210
Telephone ........................ 174 Additional settings . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. 210
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 Map ....... ..... .. ................ . 213
Set up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 Satel lite map . . . . .. . .............. .. 21S
Using the telephone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 Map upd ate . . . . . .. ................. 2 16
Favorites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179 Traffic informa t ion . . .............. .. 2 17
Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 Troub leshooting .. .. . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . 219
List ening t o voicema il . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 Radio .. . . . . . . . . . .............. .. .. 220
Addit ional set t ings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184 Opening the radio ......... .. .. .. .. .. 220
Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186 Radio functions . . ......... .. .. .. .. .. 221
Radio menu . . . . . ......... .. .. .. .. .. 223
Audi connect (Infotainment) .... 187 Presets . . . . . . . . . ......... .. .. .. .. .. 223
I ntroduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 187 Additional settings ........ .. .. .. .. .. 223
Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 187 Troub leshoot ing . . ......... .. .. .. .. .. 224
Configuration through myAudi . . . . . . .. . 187
Opening Aud i connect (Infotainment) .. . 188 Media .... . . . . . . . ................ .. 225
Aud i connect Infotainmen t services . . .. . 188 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. 225
W i-Fi hotspot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 193 Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. 22S
Conf igur ing the data connect ion . . . . . .. . 194 Med ia drives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. 226
Aud i connect (Infotainment) general Bl uetooth aud io player . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. 228
info rmat ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 194 Wi-Fi audio player . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. 22 9
Troubleshoot ing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 196 Online med ia and Interne t radio .. .. .. .. 230
u Mult imed ia connections . . . . . . .. .. .. .. 231
,..._ Playing media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. 234
..... Additional settings . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. 23 7
Tabl e of contents
Table of content s
Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369
Capacities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369
We ights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 370
About this Owner 's Manual
tips, suggestions and warn ings for using your ve - Text with this symbo l contains additional use-
hicle. ful info rmation.
~ & Cross
reference to a "WARNING" with in a
section . If a page number is indicated , the
WARNING is located out side of th e section.
Text with this symbol contains info rmat ion
about reducing the risk of damage to your ve-
Cockpit overview
Cockpit overview
Controls at a glance
Coc k pit o v er v iew
(D side assist displays, warn ing abo ut - Rear fog lights . . . . . . . .... . . . 45
exiting the vehicle . .... ........ 120 @ Switch for luggage compartment
@ Door handle lid ...... . . . . . . . ............ . 36
@ Centr al locking switch ....... ... 34 @ Power exte rior mirror adjustment 49
@ Memory buttons ........... ... S9 @) Power windows . ............. . 40
® Thumbwheel for vent @ Child safety lock . ............ . 40
@ Vent @ Infotainment system display . . . . 148
(J) Leverfor: @ Lockable glove compartment ... . 61
- Turn signals and high beams 46 @ Drives for CD, DVD,SIM cards .. . 226
- High beam assistant ....... .. 46 @ Front passenger's airbag .... . . . 273
- Active lane assist .......... .. 117 @ Switch for cooled glove compart -
- Traffic jam assist ......... ... 109 me nt ... . . . . . . . ............ . 61
@ Multif unct ion steer ing wheel with: @ Climate contro l system . . .... . . . 69
- Horn @ Depend ing on equ ipment, buttons
- Driver's airbag . . .... . . . . . . . . 273 for:
- Driver informa tion system con- - drive select . . . ............. . 125
t rols . . . . . .............. ... 12, 15 - Sta rt/Stop system .......... . 78
- Audio/v ideo, telephone, naviga- - Electronic Stabilization Control
t ion and voice recogn ition con- (ESC) .. . . . . . . . ............ . 141
t rols .. . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . 14, 15 - Parking system . ............ . 130
- ~/ stee ring wheel heat ing button 14 - Hill hold ass ist . . ........... . 142
- Shift paddles ............. .. 88 - Infotainment system display .. 148
® Instrument cluster .... . . . . . . . . 10 @ Audi music inte rface .......... . 232
@) Windshield washer system lever 51 @ Socket . . . . ... . . . . . . . . .... . . . 60
@ Reset tr ip odometer ...... . . . . . 12 @ Infotai nment system on/off
@ Emergency flashe rs .... . . . . . . . . 47 button .. . . . . . . . ............ . 148
@ Steer ing whee l adjustment, de- @ Cent er armrest wit h st orage com-
pending on equipment partmen t. Depending on vehicle
- Mechanica l . . . . . .... ........ 75 equipment, it may have:
- Power . . . . .............. ... 75 - Cup holder . . . . . . . . . . .... ... 60
@ Lever for: - Audi mus ic interface ........ . 232
- Cruise cont rol system 95 @ Start ing t he engine if the re is a
- Adaptive cruise control ..... .. 102 malfunction . . . . . . ........... . 78
@ Butt on for switch ing the hea d-up @ Electromechanical par king brake 80
display on/o ff, adjust ing t he @ Automa tic transmission selector
height .. . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . 18 lever .... . . . . . . . ............ . 84
@) Data link connector for On-Board @ Infotainment system unit ... . . . 147
Diagnostic System (OBDII) ... . . 3 14 @ I START EN GINE STOP I button 76
@ Hood release . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . 315
@ Instrument illumination 49 (D Tips
@) Headlight cont rol switch 45 Some the equipment listed he re is only insta l-
u @ Buttons for : led in certa in models or is available as an op-
..... - All-weather lights 45 tion.
Cockpit overview
Instrument cluster
Instrument cluster overview
The instrument cluster is the central information center for the driver.
Cockpit overview
ture once th e LEDs up to the center of th e gauge
turn on. If the. indicator light in the instru-
Do not assume the roads are free of ice based ment cluster display turns on, the coo lan t tem-
on the outside temperature display . Be aware perature is too high ¢ page 23.
that there may be ice on roads even when the
outside temperature is around 41 °F (+5 °C) @ Note
and that ice can increase the risk of accidents . - Auxiliary headlights and other accessories in
front of the cooling-air intake impair the
(D Tips cooling effect of the coolant. This increases
- Depending on vehicle equipment, the in- the risk of the engine overheating during
strument illumination (needles and gauges) high outside temperatures and heavy en-
may turn on when the lights are off and the gine load .
ignition is switched on . The illumination for - The front spoiler also helps to distribute
the gauges reduces automatically and even- cooling air correctly while driving. If the
tually turns off as brightness outside in- spoiler is damaged, the cooling effect will
creases. This function reminds the driver to be impaired and the risk of the engine over-
turn the low beams on at the appropriate heating will increase. See an authorized
time. Audi dealer or authorized Audi Service Fa-
- You can select the units used for tempera- cility for assistance.
ture, speed and other measurements in the
Infotainment system ¢ page 245. Tachometer
- If your vehicle is stationary or if you are driv -
ing at very low speeds, the temperature dis- The tachometer displays the engine speed in rev-
played may be slightly higher than the ac- olutions per minute (RPM).
tual temperature outside due to the heat ra-
The beginning of the red zone in the tachometer
diating from the engine.
indicates the maximum permissible engine speed
- At temperatures below 41 °F (+5 °C), a for all gears once the engine has been broken in
snowflake symbol appears in front of the and when it is warmed up to operating tempera-
temperature display ¢ ,&.. ture. Before reaching this zone, you should shift
into the next highest gear, select the "D/S" selec-
Coolant temperature indicator tor lever position, or remove your foot from the
acce ler ato r pedal.
The coolant temperature display @ ¢ page 10,
fig . 3 or ¢ page 10, fig . 4 only functions when @ Note
the ignition is switched on. To prevent engine
The needle in the tachometer @ ¢ page 10,
damage, please observe the following notes
about the temperature ranges.
fig. 3 or ¢ page 10, fig. 4 may only be in the
red area of the gauge for a short time or there
Cold range is a risk of engine damage . The location where
If only the LEDs at the bottom of the gauge turn the red zone begins varies depending on the
on, the engine has not reached operating tem- engine.
perature yet . Avoid high engine speeds, full ac-
celeration and heavy engine loads.
@) For the sake of the environment
co Upshifting early helps you to save fuel and re-
N duces operating noise.
Cockpi t overv iew
Never d rive unt il the tank is comple t ely emp-
ty. The irregular supp ly of fuel that resul t s
from that can cause engine misfires. Uncom -
busted fuel will then ente r the exhaust sys-
tem. This can cause overheating and damage
to the cata lytic converter.
The trip odome t er can be rese t to zero by press- The following tabs are available, depending on
ing the ~ reset button. vehicle eq uipment :
The odometer shows the total d istance that the First t ab Vehicle functions ~ page 16
vehicle has been dr iven . Second Messages
taba )
Malfunction indicator
Third tab Radio ~ page 160
If there is a malfunct io n in the instrument clus-
Media ~ page 160
ter, DEFw ill appea r in the trip odometer display .
Have the malfunct ion corrected as soon as possi-
b le.
Cockpit overview
a) This ta b is onl y visible when t here is at least one ind icat or 0 Left thumbwheel
ligh t or m ess age disp laye d.
- Selecting a function in a menu/ list : t urn the
@ ~ Button left th umbwheel to the des ired function (fo r
- Switching tabs : press the ~ button repeated- examp le, select ing a freque ncy).
ly until the des ired tab is shown (for example, - Confirming a selection: press the left thumb-
Radio) . wheel (?) c:>fig. 7.
- Zooming in/ out on the map: whe n a map is
@ IVIEW! button disp layed , turn the left thumbw heel to zoom in
Switch ing views or reducing the display and out on t he map.
c:>page 14.
@ [2] Button
Return to funct ions at higher leve ls.
Control buttons
Applies to: vehicles with multifunction steering wheel plus
Cockpi t overv iew
Change view
Appl ies to: vehicles with Audi virtual cockpit
Cockpit overview
- Opening the call list : if no phone call is in prog - - Sele ct in t he Infotain ment system: IMENU ! but-
ress and there are no incoming calls, press the ton > Vehicle > left control button > Vehicle
[a button. settings > Steering wheel button assignment.
@ 51 Button @ lq,~,I
- Switching the voice recognition system on: - Repeating the last navigation prompt: press
br iefly press the 51bu tto n. Say t he des ired t he 1~...,Ibu tton when rou t e g uidan ce is active.
comma nd after t he Beep. - Changing the voice guidance volume : when
- Switching the voice recognition system off : rou t e guid an ce is act ive, t ur n t he rig ht t hu mb -
press and hold t he 51but t on . Or: say t he com - wheel upw a rd or downward dur ing a naviga t ion
mand Cancel. prompt.
@ l1<1<1
I / lt>t>II Button
- Selecting the previous/next track or station :
press the l1<1
I or lt>1>1
I button.
- Fast forwarding/rewinding audio files : press
and hold the l1<1
<1I or 11»1! button until the desired Fig. 12 Left side of multifu nct ion st ee ring whee l
location in the fi le is reached .
Cockpi t o v erv ie w
(D Operating the driv e r inform ation system - Muting or pausing: turn the right thumbwhee l
The drive r informat ion system conta ins mult iple down . Or: press the right thumbwhe el.
tabs (D c::>
page 12, fig. 6 that display various in- - Unmuting or resuming : turn t he right thumb-
formation @ c::> page 12, fig. 6. wheel upward. Or: press the right thumbwheel.
al This t ab is only visibl e when t here is at least one indicat or - On-board computer c::>page 16
light or message dis played.
- Lap times c::>page 98
- Switching t abs: press the !MODE ! button - Statistics c:>page 99
fig . 12 on the mult ifunction steer ing wheel
c::> - Layout c::>page 14
repeatedly until the des ired tab is d isp layed .
- Selecting a fun ction in the menu/ list : turn the Trip computer
left thumbwheel on the multifunct ion steer ing
whee l to the desired funct ion.
- Confirming a selection : press the left thumb-
wheel on the multifunction steering wheel to
confi rm your select ion.
- Scrolling w ithin the list s: turn the left thumb-
whee l on t he multifunct ion steer ing whee l
quic kly to scroll within the lists.
@~ Button
- Switching th e voice recognition system on: Fig. 14 I nstr umen t cluste r: fue l consumpt ion display
briefly press the 51 button c::>
fig . 13 . Say the
desired command after the Beep. Resetting values to zero
- Switching th e voice recognition syst em off : Requirement: the Fuel consumption , Short -term
press and hold the 51 button . Or: say the com- memor y or Long-t erm memor y d isp lay must be
mand Cancel. selected.
Fo r more information about the vo ice recog nit ion .,. To reset the values in the respective memory to
system, see c::>
page 16 7, Voice recognition sys- zero, press and ho ld the left thumbwheel on
tem or c::>
page 245 . the mult ifunct ion stee ring w heel for one sec-
ond. Or
@ Right thumbwheel
.,. On the multifunction steering w heel, selec t:
The vo lume of an audio source o r a system mes- the rig ht contro l button > Reset values*.
sage (such as t raffic a nnouncements) can be di-
rect ly adjusted dur ing the aud io output. In t he t rip compu t er, yo u can call up t he fo llow -
ing displays one afte r the other by t ur ning the
- In creasing or decreasing the volume : turn the left thumbwhee l on t he multif unction steering
right thumbwhee l c::>
fig. 13 up o r down. whee l. ..,.
Coc k pit o verv iew
The current fue l consumption can be shown us- A gauge @ also shows the current tota l con-
ing a bar g raph ¢ fig. 14. The average cons ump- sumption of all othe r consumers.
tion stored in the short-term memory is also dis-
played . If the bars are green or the gray tone on Engine oil temperature display and boost
the bars changes (depending on the equipment), indicator
your vehicle is sav ing fuel by the following func - Applies to : vehicles with engine oil temperature display/boost
tion :
- Recuperati on: electrical energy can be stored in Applies to: vehicles with analog instrument cluster
the vehicle battery when the vehicle is coasting The eng ine oi l temperature and boost ind icator
or driving downhill. The bar will move toward are only s hown in the lap t imer d isplay
0 /0. <::>page98.
@ Tips
Engine oil temp erature indicat or
The date, time of day and time and date for-
Applies to: vehicles with Audi virt ual cockp it
mat can be set in the Infotainment system
The engine oi l temperature is on ly shown in the
page 245 .
enhanced view or in the sport view c:>page 14.
Cockpi t overv iew
may be higher if there is heavy eng ine load and Settings in the Infotainment system
high temperatures outside . This is not a cause for .. Select in the Infot ainment system: IMENU ! but-
concern as long as the . ¢ page 24 or II ton > Vehicle > left control button > Driver as-
¢ page 24 indicator lights do not turn on.
sistance > Head-up display .
Boost indicator
Display content
Applies to: vehicles with Audi virtual cockpit
In t he Infotainment system, you can spec ify
The boost indicator is only displayed in the sport which information sho uld be disp layed: For ex-
view ¢ page 14 . ample, t his can include navigation information*,
adaptive cruise contro l* or camera -based tra ff ic
The current eng ine load (meaning the current s ign recognition *.
boost pressure) is indicated by a bar .
The display of ce rt ain informa t ion a nd some of
the red indica t or ligh t s cannot be hidden in t he
Head-up display Infotainment system .
Appl ies to: vehicles with hea d-up d isp lay
Picture rotation
You can rotate the picture in the Infotainment
Fig. 16 Instrument pane l: knob for the head -up disp lay system cloc kwise or counter clockwise .
Coc k pit o v er v iew
Cockpi t o v erv ie w
Coc k pit o v er v iew
Cockpi t o v erv ie w
Canada mod els: - If the indicator light and the message appear
when the vehicle is station ary or afte r switch-
speed war ning system* ing the ignition on, check if you can re lease the
¢ poge95 parking brake. If you cannot release the park-
Active lane ass ist* ing brake, see an authorized Audi dealer or au-
¢ page 118
thorized Audi Service Facility. If you can release
the parki ng brake and the message st ill ap-
Audi side assist* pears , see an author ized Audi dealer or autho r-
¢page 125 ized Audi Service Facility immediately to have
Camera-based traffic sign recogni- the ma lfunction correc t ed.
- If the indicator light and message appear while
driving, the hill sta rt ass ist or emergency brak-
High beam assistant * ing function may be ma lfunction ing. It may not
¢ poge46 be poss ible to set the park ing brake or release
High beams it once it has been set. Do not park your vehicle
¢ poge46 on hills. See an aut horized Audi dea ler or au -
High beam assistant * thorized Audi Service Facility for assistance .
¢ poge46
Brake booster : limited functionality . You can
continue driving . Please cont act Service
Brake system
There is a ma lfunction in the brake booster . The
If th is indicator light turns on, there is a malfunc- brake booste r is availab le, but its effective ness is
tion in the brake system . reduced. Braking behavior may be different from
how it normally functions and the brake peda l
1111( USA mod els) / . (Canada models )
may vibrate .
Brakes: stop vehicle and check bra ke fluid level
Drive to an aut hor ized Audi dealer or aut horized
Stop the vehicle and check the brake fluid level.
Audi Service Facility immed iate ly to have t he
See an authorized Audi dea ler or authorized Audi
malfunction corrected.
Service Facility for assistance if necessary.
1111( USA model s) / . (Canada model s) & WARNING
Brakes: malfunction! Stop vehicle safel y - Read and follow the warnings in
If t he indicator light tu rns on and th is message ¢ page 314, Working in the engine com -
appears, there is a malfunc t ion in the brake portment before opening the hood and
booster. checking the brake fluid level.
- If the brake system indicator light does not
If t he ABSindicato r light ~ (USA mode ls) / turn off or it turns on wh ile driving, the
fee) Bl
(Canada mode ls), the ESC indicato r light brake flu id level in the reservo ir is too low,
and the bra ke system indicator light 1111 (USA and this increases the risk of an accident .
models) / . (Canada mode ls) all t urn on and Stop the vehicle and do not continue driv-
this message appears, then t he ABS, ESCand ing. See an autho rized Audi dea ler or au-
braking distribution are malfunctioning ¢ .&.. thor ized Audi Service Facility for assistan ce.
Do not cont inue driving. See an autho rized Audi - If t he brake system indicator light t urns on
dea ler or autho rized Audi Service Facility for as - together wit h the ABSand ESC indicator
sistance ¢ .&. lights, t he ABS/ESC regu lating function may
be ma lfunct ioning. Funct ions t hat st abi lize
1111( USA models)/ . (Canada model s) Park-
the vehicle are no longer available. This
ing brake : malfun ction! Safely stop vehicle. See
could cause the vehicle to swerve, which Ill>
owner 's manual
Coc k pit o v er v iew
increases the risk that the vehicle will slide. To release the parking brake, press t he brake
Do not continue driving. See an a uthorized peda l and press the ~ button at the same time,
Audi dealer or author ized Audi Service Facili- or start driving w ith hill start assist ¢ page 82,
ty for assistance . Starting to drive .
(D Tips
®)/~ Electromechanical parking
brake For additional informat ion on the parking
bra ke, see ¢ page 80 .
If t he - (USA models) / . (Canada models)
indicator light tu rns on , the pa rking br a ke was
-L Cooling system
• Turn off engine and check coolant level. See
If the - (USA models)/ . (Canada models) in-
owner's manual
d icator light blinks, the bra king fo rce is no t build-
ing up enough or no t building up at all. Selec t the The coo lant level is too low.
"P" selec t or leve r posit ion t o he lp secure the vehi -
Do no t con t inue dr iving and switch t he e ngine
cle. Make sure t he indicato r light is off before yo u
off. Chec k t he coolant leve l ¢ page 319.
start driving.
- If the coo lant level is too low, add coolant
@ Parking brake: malfunction! Please contact
¢ page 320 . Only continue dr iving on ce the in-
d icator ligh t turns off.
There is a malfunction in the park ing brake . Drive
• Coolant temperature: too high . Let engine
to an author ized Audi dealer or author ized Audi
run with vehicle stationary
Serv ice Fac ility immedia t ely to have t he malfunc -
tion co rrected. Let the engine ru n at idle for a few mi nutes to
cool off , until the indicator light turns off .
II (USA models)/ ffc,)(Canada model s) Parking
brake: warning! Vehicle parked too steep - If the ind icator light does not t urn off, do not
cont inue driv ing the ve hicle. See an authori zed
There is not enoug h braking force to hold the ve -
Aud i dea ler or aut horized Audi Service Facility
hicle in place . The brakes have overhea t ed . The
for assistance .
ve hicle could roll away even on a small incli ne .
Cockpit overview
~ Safety belt If this message turns off aft er a little while, the
vehicle battery charged enoug h while driving.
The. indicator light stays on unt il the driver's
and front passenger's safety belts are fastened. If the message does not turn off and stay off
Above a certain speed, th ere will also be a warn - whe n driving, have an authorized Audi dealer or
ing tone. authorized Audi Service Facility repair the mal -
function .
(D Tips
For additional information on safety belts, ~ Engine oil pressure
see "*page 261. • Turn off engine. Oil pressure too low
Cockpit overview
Steering lock: malfunction! Please contact Due to a system ma lfunction, your vehicle's
Service ground clearance is very low at the front or rear
axle* (in veh icles with all-whee l steering) . Be-
There is a malfunction in the elect ronic stee ring
cause of this, the wheels no longer have enough
clearance to steer correctly.
Drive to an authorized Audi dea ler or authorized
See an authorized Audi dealer or authorized Audi
Audi Service Facility imm ediately to have the
Service Facility for assistance.
malfunction corrected.
• Air suspension: malfunction! You can con-
tinue driving slowly. Speed limited to max.
Do not tow your vehicle when there is a mal- 3S mph (60 km/h )
function in the electronic steering lock - this There is a malfunction that can res ult in restrict -
increases the risk of an accident . ed driving stab ility. The speed is limit ed to a
maximum of 35 mph (60 km/h).
~ Engine start system
Drive to an authorized Audi dealer or authorized
• Engine start system: malfunction! Please Audi Service Facility immed iately to have the
contact Service malfunction corrected.
Do not switch t he ignition off because you may • Air suspension: malfunction! You may con-
not be able to switch it on again. tinue driving slowly at max. 35 mph (60 km/h)
Drive to an autho rized Audi dea ler or authorized There is a malfunction that can result in restrict-
Audi Service Facility immedia t ely to have the ed driving stab ility .
malfunction corrected. Drive to an authorized Audi dealer or authorized
l::JEngine start system: malfunction! Please Audi Service Facility immed iate ly at a maximum
contact Service speed of 35 mph (60 km/h) to have the malfunc-
t ion corrected .
There is a malfunction in the engine start ing sys-
tem . • Air suspension: service mode! Vehicle can be
moved but handling may be impaired
Drive to an authori zed Audi dea ler or authori zed
Audi Service Facility immediately to have the Carefully drive to an authorized Audi dea ler or
malfunction corrected . authorized Audi Service Facility immediately to
have the service mode deactivated .
Hood II Air suspension: malfunction! Please contact
• Warning! Hood is not locked. Stop vehicle
and check the lock There is a system malfunction that can result in
restricted driving stab ility or red uced ground
If the indicator light turns on and the message clearance.
appears, the hood locking mechanism is not en-
gaged correctly. Drive to an authorized Audi dealer or autho rized
Audi Service Facility immed iately to have the
Stop immediately and close the hood malfunction corrected.
c>page 315 .
II Air suspension: vehicle too low. Limited
ground clearance
0 /QAir suspension
..... Applies to: vehicles with air suspension The ground clearance is very low due to a system
N malfunction . Wait until the air suspension sys-
..... • Air suspension: malfunction. Safely stop ve-
<( tem has restored normal ground clearance . .,.
0 hicle. Steering and ground clearance limited
Cockpi t o v erv ie w
Othe rwise, conditions such as an uneven road Drive to an authori zed Audi dealer or aut horized
surface can lead to vehicle damage. Audi Service Facility immediate ly to have the
malfunction corrected.
B Suspension: malfun ction! You may cont inue
There is a suspension control malfunction . Have the safety systems inspected immedi-
Drive to an authorized Audi dea ler or authorized ately. Otherwise, there is a risk that the sys-
Audi Service Facility immediately to have the tems may not activate during a collision,
malfunct ion corrected. which increases t he risk of serious injury or
f;. ! [J Electronic Stabilization Control (ESC)
(CD) Brake system
If the D.1
indicato r light blinks while driving, the
ESC or ASR(Anti-Slip Regulation) is actively reg u- miJ
Brakes overheating . Please shift to D
lating. There was a heavy load on the brakes . Place the
If the Ii) indicato r light turns on, the system has selector lever in the "D/S" posit ion in order to use
switched the ESCoff. In this case, you can switch t he engine brak ing effect and reduce the load on
the ignition off and t hen on to switch t he ESC on t he brakes.
aga in. The indicat or light turns off when the sys-
tem is funct ioning fully. wt:t/{0 ) Brake pads
If the II
indicato r light turns on, ESC was II (USA model s)!£tjJ (Canada models) Brake
switched off using the 1.$,.,1button ~ page 140. pads: wear limit reached. You can continue driv-
Stabilization control (ESC/ ABS): malfun ction! ing. Please contact Service
See owner' s manual The bra ke pads are wor n.
If the Ii) indicator light and the [1] (USAmod- Drive to an authorized Audi dealer or authorized
els)lliJ (Canada models) ABSindicator light turn Audi Service Facility as soon as poss ible t o have
on and the message appears, there is a malfunc - t he malfunct ion corrected.
tion in the ABSor the elect ronic differential lock.
This also causes the ESC to malfunct ion. The
d::, Engine control
brakes still funct ion wit h t heir norma l power , but
ABSis not active. II Drive syst em : malfun ction! Please contact
Drive to an autho rized Audi deale r or aut horized Service
Audi Service Facility immediately to have t he There is an eng ine contro l ma lfunction .
malfunct ion corrected.
Drive slowly to an authorized Audi dea ler or au-
(D Tips thorized Audi Service Facility to have the engine
For add it ional information on ESCand ABS,
see ~ page 140.
!'?\ Engine speed limitation
The E,Iindicator light monit ors t he safety sys- The eng ine speed is automatically limited to the
tems . speed displayed in the instrument cluster . This
prot ects the engine from overheat ing.
If t he E,Iindicato r light turns on or blinks, there
is a malfunction in a safety syst em . The eng ine speed limitat ion deactivates once the
engine is no longer in the critical temperature IJIJ,
Coc k pit o v er v iew
range and you have released the accelerator ped- If the indicato r light turns on f or t he f irst time
al once. and the message appears, there are about 2 .1
gallons (8 liters) of fuel left in the tank .
If t he engine speed lim itation was act ivated by
an engine contro l malf unction, the II ind icator fiDPlease refuel immediately
light also turns on. Make sure the engine speed
If the indicato r light turns on the message ap-
does not go above the speed displayed, for exam-
pears, the fuel ta nk is almost empty. Refuel the
ple when downshifting. Drive to an autho rized
vehicle immedia t ely.
Audi dealer or authorized Audi Service Facility im-
mediately to have the malfunction corrected. 1111
Tank system: malfunction! Please contact
-- ... Engine oil sensor There is a ma lfunction in the fuel tank system.
II Oil level system: malfunction! Please con- Drive to an authorized Audi dealer or authorized
tact Service Audi Service Facility immediate ly to have the
malfunction corrected.
The sensor to check the engine oil level has
fa iled. Drive to an authorized Audi dealer or au-
thor ized Audi Service Facility immed iate ly to have
(D Tips
the malfunct ion corrected. For more information on f ueli ng, see
r=;,page 311 .
• Oil level sensor: oil change necessary. Please
contact Service
~ Washer fluid level
Fuel has entered the engine oi l as a result of fre-
quent short dr ives. Avoid high engine speeds, full mPlease add washer fluid
acceleration and heavyengine loads. Drive to an Fill the washer fluid for the windshie ld washer
author ized Audi dealer or author ized Audi Service system and the headlight washer system* when
Facility immediately to have the oil changed. the ignit ion is switched off ¢ page 323 .
• Oil pressure sensor: malfunction! Please
contact Service <it>!Windshield wipers
There is a malfunction in the oil pressure sensor. $ vVindshield w ipers: malfunction! Please con-
Drive to an authorized Audi dealer or authorized tact Service
Audi Service Facility immediately to have the
There is a ma lfunction w ith the windshield wip-
malfunct ion corrected.
Cockpi t o v erv ie w
Adapt ive light is not work ing . The headlights st ill Ill All-wheel drive overheating . Please adapt
f unction. driving style . See owner's manual
Coc k pit o v er v iew
Contact an authorized Audi dealer or author-
ized Audi Service Facility if the all whee l drive/
sport differential is faulty or malfunctioning .
The repair must be performed by trained per-
sonnel using the correct oil in order to ensure
safety .
¢¢Turn signals
If the B II
or indicator light blinks, a t urn sig-
nal is turned on. If both indicator lights are blink-
ing, the eme rgency flashe rs are on .
If an indicat or light blinks t wice as fast as usual,
a tu rn signa l bulb has failed . Carefully drive to an
authorized Audi dealer or authorized Audi Service
Facility immediately to have t he malfunction cor-
¢ 9 Trailer turn signals
Appl ies t o : vehicl es with traile r hitc h
Op e ning and clo s ing
Opening and closing - If the driver's door is open, the vehicle cannot
be locked by pressing the !'.TIbutton on the re-
Central locking mote contro l key or by touching the locking
sensor* on a doo r.
- If the most recently used convenience key* is
You can lock and unlock the veh icle centrally . You detected in the luggage compartment, the lug-
have the following options: gage compartment lid automat ically unlocks
aga in after closing it.
- Remote control key <=> page 33
- If the convenience key* that was last used is de-
- Sensors in the door hand les" <=>
page 33
tected inside the veh icle, then the vehicle can-
- Lock cylinder on the driver's door <=>
page 35,
not be locked from the outside .
- Interior central locking switch <=>
page 34 A WARNING
Turn signals - If you leave the vehicle, switch t he ignition
off and t ake the veh icle key wit h you. This
The tu rn signals flas h twice when you un lock the
appl ies particular ly when children remain in
vehicle and flash once when you lock the veh icle.
If t hey do not flash, then one of the doo rs, the the vehicle. Otherwise, children cou ld st art
luggage compartment lid or the hood is not the engine or operate electr ical equipment
(such as power windows), which increases
closed complete ly.
the risk of an accident.
Automatic locking (Auto Lock) - No one, especially children, should stay in
The Auto Lock funct ion locks all doors and t he the vehicle when it is locked from the out-
luggage compartment lid once the speed has ex- side, because the windows can no longer be
opened from the inside <=> page 36. Locked
ceeded approximately 9 mph (15 km/ h).
doors make it more difficult for emergency
The vehicle can be unlo cked if the openi ng func- wo rkers to get into the vehicle, which puts
t ion in the centra l locking syst em switch is used lives at risk.
or one of the door handles is pulled.
In t he event of a crash with airbag deployment, (0 Tips
the doo rs will also aut omat ically unloc k to allow - Do not leave valuables unattended in the ve-
access to t he vehicle. hicle. A locked vehicle is not a safe!
- The LEDin the driver's door rail blinks when
Selective door unlocking
you lock the vehicle. If the LEDlights up for
The doors and luggage compartment lid will lock approximate ly 30 seconds after locking,
when they close . You can set in the Infotainment there is a malfunction in the centra l locking
system whether only the driver's door or the en- system . Have t he problem corrected by an
tire vehicle should be unlocked when unlocking authorized Audi dealer or aut horized Audi
<=>page 35. Service Facility.
Unintentionally locking yourself out
Only lock your vehicle when all of the doors and
the luggage compa rtme nt lid are closed and the
remote control key is not in the vehicle. This
helps to prevent you from locking yourse lf out
accide nta lly.
The follow ing cond itions prevent you from lock-
ing your remote contro l key in the vehicle:
Opening and closing
have all the keys when purchasing a used vehicle . Protect the remote control key against high
temperat ures and direct sunlight.
Electronic immobilizer
The immobilizer prevents unauthorized use of (D Tips
the vehicle . - The operation of th e remote control key can
r-- be temporarily disrupted by interference
..... from transmitters near the veh icle work ing ..,_
Opening and clo s i n g
Opening and closing
@ Tips
Unlocking / locking by remote control
- Only use the remote control key when you
are within view of the vehicle.
- The vehicle can only be locked when these -
lector lever is in the "P" position .
I ll
- Do not use the remote control when you are
inside the vehicle. Otherwise, you could un-
intentionally lock the vehicle . If you then try
to open a door, the anti-theft alarm will
trigger . If this happens, press the unlock
button @.
Fig. 21 Rem ot e control key: button progra mmin g - Only use the pan ic function in an emergen-
cy .
.,.To unlock the vehicle, press the ffibutton
¢ fig. 21. Unlocking / locking with the convenience
.,.To lock the vehicle, press the ('f)button one key
time ¢ _& . Applies to: vehicles with convenience key
.,.To unlock the luggage compartment lid, press
The doors and luggage compartment lid can be
the e:5 button briefly .
unlocked/locked without using the remote con-
.,.To open the luggage compa rt ment lid, press
trol key.
and hold the e:5 button for at least one second .
.,.To trigger the alarm, press the red IPANIC I but -
ton. The vehicle horn and emergency flashers
will activate .
.,.To sw itch off the alarm, press the red IPANIC I
button again.
Opening and clo s i n g
,..To lock the vehicle, close the door and touch Central locking switch
fig. 22. Do
the se nsor in the door hand le once r=>
not hold the door handle while doing th is.
The door cannot be opened for a brief period di- ,..To lock the vehicle, press the {TIbutton r=>,&..
rectly after locking it. This way you have the op- ,..To unlock the vehicle, press the a3button.
portunity to check if the doors locked correctly .
When locking the vehicle with the central locking
The settings in t he Infotainment system deter- switch, the following applies:
mine if the entire vehicle or only one of the doors
is unlocked when unlocking the vehicle - Opening the doors and the luggage compart-
page 35 .
r=> ment lid from the outs ide is not possib le for se-
curity reasons, such as when stopped at a light.
A WARNING - The LEDin the centra l locking switch t urns on
Read and following all WARNINGSr=>.&.in De- when all doors are closed and locked.
scription on page 30. - You can open the doors individually from the
inside by pulling the door handle.
@ Tips - In the event of a crash with airbag dep loyment,
the doors unlock automatica lly to allow access
If your vehicle is left standing fo r a long peri-
to the vehicle.
od of time, note the following:
- The energy management system grad ually
turns off unnecessary convenience functions
- The central locking switch also works when
to prevent the vehicle battery from draining
the ignition is switched off and automatical-
and to mainta in the vehicle's ab ility to start
ly locks the entire vehicle when t he m but-
for as long as possib le. You may not be able
ton is pressed.
to unlock your vehicle using the convenience
key. - The central locking switch is inoperative
when the vehicle is locked from the outs ide.
(D Tips - Locked doors make it more difficult for
emergency workers to get into the vehicle,
Unlocking with the convenience key (keyless
which puts lives at risk. Do not leave anyone
access) can be deactivated in the Infotain-
behind in the vehicle, especially children.
ment syst em r=>page 35 .
- Read and following all WARNINGSr=>.&.in
Description on page 30.
(D Tips
Your vehicle locks automatically when it
reaches a speed of 9 mph (15 km/h) (Auto
Lock)r=>page 30. You can unlock the vehicle
Opening and closing
aga in using the o:lbutton in the cent ral lock- Mechanically locking/unlocking the doors
ing switch.
If the central locking fails, you must unlock/lock
the doors separat ely.
Setting the central locking system
Opening and clo s i n g
~ WARNING @ Tips
Read and following all WARNINGS c:>.&.in De- The interior/towing protection monitoring *
scription on page 30 . on ly functions correctly when the windows
and the roof* are closed.
Anti-theft alarm system
Applies to: vehicles with anti-t heft alarm syste m Luggage compartment
If the anti -theft alarm system detects a vehicle
break-in, audio and visual warning signals are Opening/closing the luggage compartment
triggered. The anti-theft alarm system is switch- lid
ed on or off when locking/unlocking your vehicle.
If the alarm is tr iggered, it w ill shut off automat -
ically after a ce rta in amount of time .
If you leave persons/an imals in t he vehicle o r Closing the luggage compartment lid
have the vehicle t ransported, sw itch off the inte - • Use the inside grip to pull the luggage com-
rior/towing protection monitoring alarm to pre - pa rtment lid down and allow it to close using a
vent the alarm from being triggered: gentle push ¢ .&,.
• Press the ffi button on the remote cont rol key a
seco nd time within 2 seconds. Or &_ WARNING
• Applies to vehicles with convenience key: touch -After closing the luggage compartment lid,
the sensor on the door handle a second t ime make sure that it is latched . Otherw ise, the
within 2 seconds . Or luggage compartment lid cou ld open sud-
• Turn the mechanical key in the door lock to the denly when driving, which increases the risk
close pos it ion a second time within 2 seconds. of an accident.
• If you lock the veh icle now, then the interior/ - Never drive with the luggage compartment
towing protect ion monitor will stay off until lid ajar or open, because poisono us gases
the next time the vehicle is unlocked. can enter the vehicle interior and create the
risk of asphyx iat ion. ..,_
Opening and closing
Op e ning and clo s ing
Storin g th e luggage compartm ent lid - To reduce the risk of pinching injuries, a l-
opening position ways make sure that no one is in the operat-
~ Bring the luggage compartment lid into the de- ing area of the luggage compartment lid, in-
sired open position. The position must be at a cluding the hinge areas and the upper and
certain height or higher to store. lower edge of the luggage compartment lid .
~ Press and hold the C> button in the luggage - Never drive with the luggage compartment
compartment lid for at least four seconds to lid ajar or open, because poisonous gases
store the new open position . A visual and audio can enter the vehicle inte rior and create the
signal will follow . risk of asphyx iat ion.
~ To set a higher open position, wait at least five - If there is a luggage rack (such as a bicycle
seconds and then caref ully press the luggage rack) on the luggage compartment lid, the
compartment lid upward . luggage compartment lid may not ope n
~ Press and hold the C> button again for at least comp letely under cert ai n circu mstan ces or it
four seconds to store the desired opening posi - could close by itself if open du e to t he extra
tion. weight. There fore, the open luggage com -
partment lid must be given additional sup-
The opening/closing process will stop immedi-
port or the cargo must fi rst be removed
ately if:
from the luggage rack.
- You pull/release the C> switch in the driver's
door, or @ Note
- Applies to: vehicles with convenience key: The luggage compa rtment lid can bump into
press/release the C> button on the remote objects such as the garage ceiling when open-
contro l key, or ing and become damaged .
- Applies to: vehicles with conveniern;e key: press
the C> button or the {n but t on in the luggage (D Tips
compartment lid, or - The settings in the Infotainment system de -
- You push the hand le in the luggage compart - termine if t he luggage compartment lid can
ment lid, or be opened using the hand le ~ page 35.
- When something blocks the luggage compa rt- - There are audible signals when closing the
ment lid or makes it difficu lt fo r the lid to luggage compartment lid with the remote
move . contro l key (vehicles with conven ience key*)
If you press the hand le or one of the C> or {n but- or with the C> button in the driver's door.
tons (veh icles w it h conven ience key*) now, the - When the vehicle is locked, the luggage
luggage compartment lid w ill either open or compartment lid can be unlocked sepa rately
close, depending on its angle . by pressing the C> button on the remote
control key . The luggage compartme nt lid
A WARNING locks automat ically when it is closed again.
- After closing the luggage compartment lid, - Applies to: vehicles with convenience key:
make sure that it is latched. Otherwise, the The luggage compartment lid can be closed
luggage compartment lid could open sud- w ith the conven ience from a distance up to
denly when driving, which increases the risk approximate ly 9 ft (3 m).
of an accident . - The luggage compartment lid can be oper-
- Pay careful attention when closing the lug- ated manua lly if the veh icle battery is low .
gage compartment lid. Otherw ise, you could It is necessa ry to use mo re force when do ing
cause serious injury to yourself or others de - this. Move the lid slow ly t o redu ce the
spite the pinch protection . amou nt of fo rce needed. ..,.
Op eni ng a nd cl os ing
- When the trailer socket is being used (for General informat ion
example, for a bicycle rack), the luggage
In some sit uations, the funct ion may be limited
compartment lid can be opened and closed or temporarily unavailable. This may happen if:
using the handle or the foot motion activa-
tion (vehicles with convenience key*). - the luggage compartment lid was closed imme-
d iately before
- you park close to a hedge and the branches
Opening/closing the luggage compartment
lid with foot motion activation (kicking move back and forth under the veh icle for a
movement) long per iod of t ime
Applies to: veh icles with conven ience key and sensor-control- - you clean your veh icle, for example with a pres-
led luggage compartment lid sure washer or in a car wash
- there is heavy rain
- the bumper is very dirty, for example after driv-
ing on salt-covered roads
- there is interference to the radio signal from
the vehicle key, such as from cell phones or re-
mote controls
- Pay careful attention when closing the lug-
Fig. 29 Rear of the vehicle : foot movement gage compartment lid . Ot herwise, you could
cause serious injury to yourself or others de-
You can open and close the luggage compart- spite the pinch protection .
ment lid w ith foot motion activat ion . - To reduce the risk of pinching inju ries, al-
ways make sure that no o ne is in the ope rat-
Requirements: you must be carrying your conven-
ing area of the luggage compartment lid, in-
ience key* with you . You must be standing at the
cluding the hinge areas and the upper and
center behind the luggage compartment lid. The
lower edge of the luggage compartment lid.
ignition must be switched off . Make sure you
have firm foot ing. - Never drive with the luggage compartment
lid ajar or open, because poisonous gases
- Move your foot back and forth under the bump- can enter the vehicle interior and create the
er one time q fig. 29. Do not touch the bumper. risk of asphyxiat ion.
The luggage compartment lid will open/close - If there is a luggage rack (such as a bicycle
once the system detects the movement. rack) on the luggage compartment lid, the
The luggage compartment lid will only open/ luggage compartment lid may not open
close if you perform the movement as described. comp letely under certa in circumstances or it
This prevents the luggage compartment lid from could close by itself if open due to the ext ra
open ing or closing due to sim ilar movements, weight. Therefore, the open luggage com-
such as when you walk between the rear of the partment lid must be given additional sup-
vehicle and your garage door. port or the ca rgo must fi rst be removed
from the luggage rack.
The closing of the luggage compartment lid is in-
d icated by a warning signa l and can be cance led
by making the described movement again .
The foot movement does not lock the vehicle.
Opening and closing
Power windows
Fig. 31 Sect ion of driver's door: contro ls
The driver can control all power windows .
Open ing and cl os ing
Opening and closing the windows All of the windows and the roof* con be opened/
closed at the some time .
.,.To open or close the w indow completely, press
the sw itc h down or pull the sw itc h up br iefly to Convenience opening f eature
the second level. The operation will stop if the
.. Press and hold the @ button on the remote con -
switch is pressed/pu lled again.
trol key until a ll of the windows reach the de -
.. To se lect a position in between opened and
sired position and the roof* is ti lted open .
closed, press/pull the switch to the first leve l
until the desired window position is reached. Convenience closing feature
Power w indow switch es .. Press the t'flbutton on the remote control key
until the roof* is closed ~ ,&., or
(D Left front door
.. Touch the sensor * on the door handle unti l all
@ Right front door of the windows and the roof* are closed. Do not
@ Left rea r door* place your hand in the door handle when doing
© Right rear door* this .
Opening and clo s i n g
Correcting power window malfunctions .,.To select a partia lly open pos ition, push the~
button forward/back to the first level unti l the
You can reactivate the one-touch up/down func- desired pos ition is reached .
tion if it malfunctions.
© Opening and closing the sunshade
.. Pull the power window sw itch up unt il the win-
dow is completely raised. .,.To open the sunshade completely, slide the ·-P. •·
.. Release the sw itch and pull it up again for at sw itch back briefly to the second level.
least one second. .,.To close the su nshade completely, slide the -'f'~
switch forward briefly to the second level.
.,.To select a partially open position, slide the -:t-;&
Panorama glass roof
switch to the first level until the sunshade
Panorama glass roof, opening/closing the reaches the desired posit ion.
Applies to: vehicles with panorama glass roof A WARNING
The front segment can tilt and slide open. To reduce the risk of injury, always pay atten-
tion when clos ing the panorama g lass roof.
Always switch the ignition off when leaving
the vehicle and always take the vehicle with
(D Note
Always close the panorama g lass roof when
leav ing you r vehicle. Rain can cause damage
to the interior equipment of your veh icle, par-
ticular ly the electronic equ ipment.
Fig. 34 Sect ion of the front headline r: pano rama glass roof
(I) Tips
@ Tilting and closing th e roof - For information about convenience open-
.. To tilt the sunroof comp letely open, press the ing/closing, see 9 page 41 .
button up briefly to the second leve l.
c::::::, - You can still operate the panorama glass
.,.To close the sunroof comp letely, pull the~ roof for about 10 minutes after the ignit ion
button down briefly to the second level ¢ _& . is switched off. The swit ch is deactiv ated
.. To set a position between opened and closed, once the driver's or front passenger's door is
press/pull the~ button up to the first level opened .
until the roof reaches the desired position . - The pa norama g lass roof will on ly open at
temperatures down to -4°F (-20°).
@ Opening and closing th e roof
.,.To move the roof into the reduced wind noise Panorama glass roof emergency operation
position, push the~ button back briefly to the Applies to: vehicles with pano rama g lass roof
second level.
If an object is detected when closing, the roof
.. To open the sunroof completely, push the~
will open again automatica lly. In this case, you
button back briefly aga in to the second level.
can then close it with the power emergency clos-
.,.To close the sunroof comp letely, push the c::::::,
ing function.
button forward briefly to the second level
¢ ,& . .,.Within five seconds after the sunroof opens au-
tomatically, pull the applicable button unti l the
roof is closed.
Opening and closing
@ Tips
When opening or closing the garage door, do
Fig. 35 Garage door opene r : examp les of usage fo r diffe r· not press and hold the button longer ten sec -
ent syste ms onds or the garage door opener will switch to
programming mode.
With the garag e door opener (Hom elink), you
can activate systems such as the garage doors,
Programming buttons
security systems or house lights from inside your
Applies to: vehicles with garage door opener (Home Link)
vehicle. Three buttons are integrated in the head·
liner that can be programmed to up to three re- ~
mote controls . ~0:,
To be able to oper ate systems using the garage , 1 111 111
door opener, the buttons in the headliner must
first be programmed .
When operating or programming the garage
door opener, make sure that no people or ob·
Fig. 36 He adlin e r: controls
jects are in the area immediately surround ing
the equipment. People can be injured or prop- You can program both fixed code and rolling code
erty can be damaged if struck when closing. systems using this procedure.
Programming/reprogramming buttons
- For security reasons, we recommend that Requirement: the vehicle must be in range of the
you clear the programmed buttons before system , such as the garage door, that you would
selling the vehicle . like to program.
- For additional informat ion about Homelink, ., Switch the ignit ion on .
visit www.homelink.com. ., Press and hold the button in the headliner that
- For an explanation on conformity with the you would like t o program fo r at least two sec·
FCCregulations in the United States and the ends . Or
Industry Canada regulations, see .. Select in the Infotainment system: IMENU ! but -
¢ page 374 . ton > Vehicle > left control button > Vehicle
..... settings > Garage door opener > Program ga-
..... rage door opener > Program button I /P rogram ll>
Op e ning and clo s ing
button II / Program button III (reprogram) . cle > left control button > Vehicle settings >
The yellow LED@ blinks. Garage door opener > Program garage door
~ Follow the instructions in the Infotainment sys - opener > right control button > UR-Mode /
tem. D-Mode .
(D Tips
- The garage door opener may need to be
synchronized with the system motor after
the programming . Follow the manufactur -
er's instructions for doing t his.
- The programming process can take up to 30
seconds . The hand transmitter may need to
be operated again during the process.
- Make sure the batteries in the hand trans -
mitter are charged before starting the pro-
gramming process.
- In some cases, the system must be pro -
grammed using an alternative mode. Select
in the Infota inment system : IMENU I > Vehi-
Lights and V ision
- Automatic headlights* are on ly intended to
assist the driver. They do not relieve the
driver of responsibil ity t o check the head-
lights and to t urn t hem on manua lly based
Fig. 37 Instrument pa nel: light switc h with buttons on t he curren t light and vis ibility condition s.
For examp le, fog canno t be detec t ed by the
Light switch ·'!:!
· light sensors. So always switch on the low
Turn the light sw itch to the corresponding posi- beams under these weather conditions and
tion when t he ignition is switched on. :oo:and the when driving in the da rk io .
selected pos ition turn on (except pos ition 0). - To prevent glare for traffic behind your vehi -
cle, the rear fog lights should only be turned
0 - The daytime running lights automat ica lly t urn
on in accordance with traff ic regulat ions.
on. In vehicles for certain markets, you can
- Always observe legal regulations when us-
switch the automatic daytime running lights on
ing the lighting systems desc ribed .
and off in the Infotainment system*.
Lights and Vision
Lights and V ision
Lights and Vision
The emergency flashers also work whe n the igni- Rear interior lighting
t ion is turn ed off .
(D Tips
You s hou ld sw itch t he emergency flashers on
- you are the last car in a traff ic jam so that
a ll other vehicles approaching from behind
can see your vehicle
- your ve hicle has bro ke n down or you are
having an eme rgency
Fig. 4 1 Headliner: reading light s, version 1
- you r vehicle is being t owed or if yo u ar e tow-
ing another vehicle
Interior lighting
Front interior lighting
Lights and Vision
Version 1
(D Tips
To adjust the brightness of individual zones, se-
Depending on vehicle equipment, the instru-
lect Front brightness* , Door brightness or Foot-
ment illumination (needles and gauges) may
well brightness. Turn the control knob to th e left
turn on when the lights are off and the igni-
or to th e right. Press the control knob to confirm
tion is switched on. The illumination for the
the brightness.
gauges reduces automatically and eventually
Version 2 turns off as brightness outside increases . This
function reminds the driver to turn the low
Select and confirm one of the displayed profiles
beams on at the appropriate time.
by pressing the control knob.
(0) Tips
The setting is automatically stored and as-
signed to the remote control key that is being
Fig. 44 Dri ver's door: knob fo r t he ext erior mirr ors
Instrument illumination
Turn the knob to the desired position:
The brightness of the illumination for the instru-
0 - all adjustment functions are deactivated .
ments, display and head-up display* can be ad-
justed. q;p - adjusting the left/right exterior mirror.
Move the knob in the desired direction .
-------- ...~ ® - Heats* the mirror glass depending on the
i outside temperature.
Lights and Vision
move out of reverse and into another gear, the Dimming the mirrors
new mirror position is stored and assigned to the
Your vehicle is equipped with a manual or auto-
key you are using.
matic* dimming rearview mirror .
The mirror goes back into its original position
once you drive forward faster than 9 mph Manual dimming rearview mirror
(15 km/h) or turn t he ignition off. .,. Pull the lever on the bottom of the mirror back.
Lights and Vision
•• ®
when the interior lighting is turned on or 0
the reverse gear is selected. ;&
Sun visors
• @
. •® • @
Fig. 47 W indshield wi per lever
- a,
Lights and Vision
Clean the wiper blades when you see wiper
streaks. Use a soft cloth and a glass cleaner.
- The rain sensor is only intended to assist the
driver. The driver may still be responsible Windshield wiper
for manually switching the wipers on based .,. Place the windshield wiper arms in the service
on visibility conditions. position ~ page 53.
- The windshield may not be treated with wa- .,. Fold the windshield wiper arms away from the
ter-repelling windshield coating agents . Un- windshield.
favorable conditions, such as wetness, dark-
ness or low sun, can result in increased Rear window wiper
glare, which increases the risk of an acci- .,. Fold the wiper arm away from the rear window .
dent. Wiper blade chatter is also possible.
- Properly functioning windshield wiper
blades are required for a clear view and safe
- If there is frost, make sure the windshield
wiper blades are not frozen to the wind-
Lights and Vision
(D Note
- Only fold the windshield wipers away when
they are in the service pos ition. Otherwise,
you risk damaging the paint on the hood or
the windshield wiper motor .
Fig. 49 Removing wind s hiel d w iper bl ades - You should not move your veh icle or operate
the windsh ield wiper lever when the wiper
Windshield wiper service position /b lade
arms are folded away from the windshield .
replacement position
The windshield wipers would move back in-
"' To bring the windshield wipers into the service to t heir or iginal pos it ion and could damage
pos ition, turn the ignition off and move the the hood and windshie ld.
windshield wiper lever into position @ - To red uce t he risk of damage to the wiper
¢ page 51 , fig. 47.
system, always loosen blades wh ich are fro-
"'To bri ng the windshield wipers back to the nor- zen to the windshield before operating the
mal pos ition, switch the ignition on and hold w ipers.
the windshie ld wiper lever in posit ion @ until - To red uce the risk of damage to the wiper
the windshie ld wipers go back to the normal blades, do not use gasoline, kerosene, pa int
pos ition, or drive faster than 8 mph (12 km/h) . thinner, or other solvents on or near the
You can a lso tu rn the service position on or off in wiper blades.
the Infotainment system : - To reduce the risk of damage to the wiper
"' Switch the windshield wipers off (position @ arms or other components, do not attempt
¢ page 51 , fig. 47) . to move the wipers by hand.
"' Select : the IMENU ! button> Vehicle> left con-
trol button > Service& checks> Wiper change (D Tips
position. - You can also use the service position, for ex-
ample, if you want to protect the windshield
Removing the wiper blade
from icing by using a cover .
"' Fold the windshield wiper arm away from the - You cannot activate the service posit ion
windshield . when the hood is open .
"' Press the locking knob (D ¢ fig. 49 on the wiper
blade . Hold the wiper blade firmly . Replacing rear wiper blade
"' Remove the wiper blade in the direct ion of the
arrow .
Lights and Vision
Removing th e wiper blade • To t urn the compass on or off , press the button
• Fold the wiper arm away from the rear window . @ unti l the compass in the mi rror appears or
• Remove the wiper blade from its ho lder.
Installing the wiper blade The dig ita l compass o nly works when the ignit ion
is turned on . The directions a re indicated with ab-
• Press the wiper blade mount into the retainer. breviations: N (north), NE (northeast), E (east),
• Fold the window wipe r arm bac k onto t he rear SE (so utheast), S (so uth), SW (southwest), W
window. (west), NW (northwest) .
For safety reasons, the windshie ld wiper To prevent inaccurate compass readings, do
blades sho uld be replaced once or twice each not br ing any remote contro ls, electrical devi-
year . ces or metallic objects near the mirror.
Digital compass
Switching the compass on and off
Applies to: vehicles with digital compass
Lights and Vision
The magnetic zone must be adjusted correctly for the compass to read accurately.
S e ats and s tor a ge
CD-Lumbar support* or multif unction button*
c>poge 56. To adj ust the lumbar support, press
See c>page 252, Driving safety for important the button in the applicab le location .
information, tips, suggestions and warnings
that you should read and follow for your own A WARNING
safety and the safety of your passengers .
- The power front seats can also be adjusted
when the ignition is switched off. To reduce
Front seats the risk of injury, children should never be
left unattended in t he vehicle for this rea-
Power seat adjustment
son .
- To reduce the risk of an accident, only adjust
the driver's seat when the vehicle is station-
- Exercise caution when adjust ing the seat
he igh t . Unsupe rvised or careless seat ad-
justment can pinch finge rs or hands, which
increases the risk of injury.
- The front seat backrests must not be re-
clined too far bac k when d riving, beca use
Fig. 53 Front seat : adjust ing the seat (version A) this impa irs the effect iveness of t he safety
be lts and a irbag syst em, which increases
the risk of injury.
Multifunction button
Applies t o: vehicles with mult ifunc tion butto n
© - Lengthe ning/shortening the upper thigh ...If you t urn the multifunction button CD
support c> fig . 53 . Lift the grip handle . A spring c>page 56, fig. 54 to the left or to the right,
moves the support forward . the poss ible seat settings @ are shown in the
Infotainment system c> fig . 55. ..,
Seats and storage
@ Tips
The massage function switches off automati-
cally after approximately 10 minutes.
Center armrest
Fig. 58 Adjusting forwa rd and backwa rd*
There is a storage compartment under the arm-
rest. Adjusting the angle of the backrest*
S e ats and s tor a ge
S e ats and s torag e
Remote control key
Applies to: vehicles with memory function
-Always read and follow the applicable warn -
ings c::>page 255 , Proper adjustment of The driver's seat profile can be assigned to the
head restraints . remote control key when the vehicle is locked .
- Only remove the head restraints from the ...Select in the Infotainment system: IMENU ! but-
rear seats when it is necessary for install ing ton > Vehicle > left control button > Vehicle
page 291, Child safe-
a ch ild safety sea t c::> setting s > Seats > Driver's seat > Store set-
ty. Install the head restra int aga in immedi- ting s on remote control key.
ately once the chi ld safety seat is removed .
Driving with the head restraints removed or
not in the upright position increases the risk
(D Tips
of serious injury. If you do not wish to have the seat prof ile for
anothe r dr iver assigned to the remote control
key, sw itch the memory function off in the In-
Memory function fotainment system.
Applies to: vehicles with memory function Memory buttons
Applies to: vehicles with memory function
Using the memo ry funct ion, you can qu ickly and
eas ily store a pe rsonal seat profile for the dr iver
and recall the setti ngs later. The memory func-
tion is controlled by the remo t e control key and
the memory buttons in the drive r's door.
S e ats and s tor a ge
,.. If the driver's door is closed or the ignition is leave children unattended in the vehicle wit h
switched on, press and ho ld the memory but- the vehicle key.
ton until the seat adjustment is comp lete.
(D Note
- Disconnect the connectors from t he power
- For safety reasons, the seat setting can only sources carefu lly to reduce the risk of dam-
be recalled when the vehicle is stationary to aging them .
reduce the risk of an accident. - To reduce the risk of damage to the vehicle
- In an emergency, seat adjustment operation electrical system, neve r attempt to charge
can be stopped by press ing the ISETI button the vehicle battery by connecting accesso-
or the buttons @ or @ ¢ page 56, fig . 54. ries that provide power, such as solar panels
or battery chargers, to the power sources.
Power sources - To reduce the risk of damage to the power
sou rces, on ly use plugs and connectors that
fit correctly.
Cup holders
Incorrect usage ca n lead to serious injuries or holder while the vehicle is moving. Hot bev-
burns. To reduce the ris k of injur ies, neve r erages could spill, which increases the risk
of injury. 1iJ,,
Seats and storage
- Do not use any breakable beverage contain- - Do not use any breakable beverage contain-
ers (for example, made out of glass or por- ers, such as ones made out of glass or por-
celain). You could be injured by them in the celain. You could be injured in the event of
event of an accident . an accident .
To t urn off t he cooling/heating function, press Fig. 66 Glove compartment: switching cooling mode on/
the button repeatedly until the LED(D and @ off
turns off .
.,.Turn the knob @ counter-clockwise to switch
When cooling, th e temperature will reach ap- the cooling on .
proximately 38 °F (3 °C). When heating, the tem- .,.Turn the knob @ clockwise to switch the cool-
perature will reach approximately 128 °F (53 °C). ing off . The symbols on the knob must appear
When the temperature reaches 104 °F (40 °C), as they do in ¢ fig. 66 .
the heat indicator @ a lso turns on to remind you
If the heating is switched on, sw itching the glove
not to touch the plate when it is too hot. The dis-
compartment cool ing mode off is recommended .
play turns off if the temperature falls below this
Additional storage compartments
_&,WARNING You will find a var iety of storage compartments
- To reduce the risk of burns, never touch the and holders at various locat ions in the vehicle .
u beverage holder plate when the heat indica-
..... - Glove compartment: the glove compartment
r-- tor is on.
..... can be locked using the mechan ical key
~0 ¢ page 31, Key set.
S e ats and s tor a ge
- Always keep t he g love compartment lid Fig. 67 Luggage compar tme nt : cove r attac hed
closed while driving t o reduce the ris k of in-
- Only use the storage compartments in the
doo r trim pa ne ls t o sto re small objects that
will not st ick out of t he compa rt ment and
impa ir the range of t he side a irbags.
- Due to strength reasons, only secure objec t s
up to 11 lbs (5 kg) with the t ie-downs* .
Heavier objects are not adequately sec ured .
There is risk of persona l injury.
Fig. 68 Lugga ge compartme nt: remov ing and ins tall ing
- Make s ure that the view to the rear is not
the luggage com part ment cove r
obstructed by hanging garments.
- Hang on ly lightwe ight cloth ing and be su re Attaching
t hat there a re no heavy or sha rp-edged ob -
.,. Pull the cover out and attach it in the mo unt ing
jects in the pockets.
eyelets in the side t rim panel q fig. 67.
- Do not use coat hangers t o han g the cloth-
ing because t his could impair the effective- Removing
ness of the side cu rtain airbags .
...Pull both levers in the direction of the arrow
q fig. 68 and remove the cover upward.
Luggage compartment
General information
... Place the left and right sides of the cover into
the moun t s on the s ide trim panel.
... Push the cover downward until it clicks into
Read and follow t he important safety precau- place .
tions in q poge 257 , Storing cargo correctly.
Seats and storage
Increasing the size of the vehicle interior " Pull the upper release lever (D and fold the
Applies to: vehicles with fold ing backrests backrest forward @ ¢ fig. 70 or press the re-
lease button* @ ¢ fig. 70 and the red marking
The rear seat backrests con be folded forward ei-
on the release button* will become visible. Fold
ther separately* or together.
the backrest forward.
" Fold the backrest back up again until it locks in-
to place and the red marking is no longer visi-
b le ¢ _& .
- The backrest must be securely latched to
ensure the safety belt is protecting the rear
seat positions.
- The backrest must be securely latched so
Fig. 69 Outer backrest: release lever and secu ring knob objects cannot slide forward out of the lug-
gage compartment during sudden braking.
- Be careful when releasing t he backrest and
folding it forward . To reduce the risk of be-
ing pinched, pay attention and check when
folding backrests forward .
- If you move the front seat back when the
rear seat backrest is folded forward, you
cou ld damage the head restraints on the
rear seat .
- To reduce the risk of damage, move the rea r
head restraints down before folding the
rear backrests forward ~ page 58.
- Make sure the outer safety be lts are not
pinched or damaged when folding the seat
S e ats and s tor a ge
The rear seat backrests can be folded forward ei- The partition net prevents objects from sliding
ther separa tely* or toge ther. from the luggage compartment into the passen-
ger compartment.
A WARNING Attaching
- When releas ing the rear seat backrest, .,.Attach the part ition net to the top mounting
make sure there are no peop le or animals eyelets first and then at the bottom eyelets ®
within its range of motion. The back rest will c!>fig. 72.
fold fo rwa rd automatically after it is re- .,.Tighten and sec ure the straps @ .
- Be careful when releas ing the backrest and Attaching with the backrests folded down
folding it forward. To reduce the risk of be- .,. Fold the backrests down ¢ page 63.
ing pinched, pay attention and check when .,.Attach the part ition net to the mounting eye -
folding backrests forward. lets @ ¢ fig. 72 .
.,.Tighten and secure the straps @ .
(D Note
To reduce the risk of damage, move the rea r
he ad restr aints down before fold ing the rear .,. Posit ion the part ition net at the desired heigh t
backrests forward ¢ page 58. @ ¢ fig. 73 .
.,.Loosen the straps @ .
.,. Disengage the partit ion net .
Seats and storage
The height of the partition net can be adjusted. Removing and installing adjustable tie-
This a llows you to transport long objects using downs*
the cargo pass-through, wh ile keep ing the parti- .. To install the tie-downs, press both buttons at
tion net attached at the same time. the sides and insert the tie-down in the rai l @
fig. 75 .
(D Tips .. To remove the tie-downs, press both buttons at
- The straps must face tow a rd the rear when the sides and remove the tie -down from the
attaching the part ition net. rail.
- You must disengage the part ition net before .. To secure the luggage compartment net, fold
fo lding the backrest back into the upright the t ie-down retaine r upward .
position. .. Attach the hooks for the luggage compa rt ment
- The partition net can also be attached to the net in the tie-downs.
adjustable tie-downs* ~ page 65.
Sliding the adjustable tie-downs*
Tie-downs and luggage compartment net .. To slide the tie-downs, press both of the side
Applies to: vehicles with tie-dow ns a nd luggage compartment buttons a nd slide the tie-downs to the desired
net position @ r=>fig.75 .
The cargo net prevents small objects from slid-
tng . Fixture set
Applies to: vehicles with a fixture set
ell I
S e ats and s tor a ge
- The backrest must be securely latched so
objects cannot slide forward out of the lug-
gage compartment during sudden braking .
- Loose objects in the passenger compar t-
ment can fly forward during abrupt mane u-
vers or acc idents and can inju re occupants. Fig. 78 Luggage compartment: © crosswise cargo mat/ @
lengthw ise cargo mat
Cargo floor
S e ats and s torag e
Removing and installing the cargo floor recommend roof racks and attachme nts from
.,.To remove the cargo floo r, pull the entire cargo the Audi Genu ine Accessories program .
floor toward the back of the veh icle . - Note the permitted axle load, permitted total
...To insert the cargo f loor, slide it toward the weight , and permitted roof load of your veh icle
9 pag e 3 70 . The roof load is the total of the
backr ests until it aud ibly engag es into the tabs
r=>fig. 79 . weight of the roof rack, the attachments and
the cargo you are carrying . However, you must
also not e the permit t ed load of t he carrier sys-
Roof rack tem being used .
Applies to: veh icles with roof rack
Installing the roof rack
Applies to: vehicles with roof racks supplied by the factory
The roof rack set consists of a front and rear roof
rack, the cover profile and a socket wrench . On
the inner side of the roof rail, the re are two holes
for the rear roof rack. To prevent confusing the
front and rear roof rack, there a re three holes on
the left inner side and two holes on the right in-
ner side 9 fig. 80 .
Fig. 80 Roof: mo unt ing poi nt s fo r t he roof rack - Before mount ing the roof rack, open the cap (D
upward 9 fig . Bl .
- Use t he socket wrench @ to loos en the left and
right screw in the d irection of @ unt il res ist -
ance is felt. Make sure the arrow on the socket
wrench and the arrow on the screw line up ex-
- Clean the rubber washers @ and the roof rai l
around the mounting points .
- Carefully place the roof rack over the holes in
the roof rail '=>fig . 81 . Make sure the sticker is
on the left side of the vehicle and the imprinted
arrow points in the direct ion of travel.
- Place the pins @ into the holes. The claw fas-
tene r ® must engage into the edge of t he roof
rail. Make sure the rubber washers @ lie flat on
the roof rai l.
- Tighten the screw in the directio n of @ using
t he socket wrench. Make sure the arrow on the
socket wrench and the arrow on the screw line
Fig. 81 Roof rail: insta lling a roof rack up exactly. The required tight e ning specifica-
tion is 4 ft lbs (6 Nm) .
If luggage or cargo is to be carried on the roof ,
- Repeat these steps for the other mounting
you must obse rve the following:
po ints for th e roof rack .
- Only a specially designed roof rack may be used
on your veh icle . These roof racks are the basis
Installing the attachments
co Applies to: vehicles with roof racks supplied by the factory
..... for a complete roof rack system . Additional at-
N tachments/carrie r systems are necessary to - Remove the cap @ to mo unt at t achments on
~0 t ransport luggage a nd sports equipment . We the roof rack . 9 fig. 81 ..,
S e at s and s t o rage
- Slide the attachment into the T-groove (z). - To red uce the risk of damage, you must re -
- Tighten the att achmen t accord ing to the roof move the roof rack and attachment before
rack insta llation instructions . tak ing your vehicle thro ugh an a utomat ic
- Close the cap @ . car wash.
- Make sure that the luggage compartment
Installing the cover profile lid and the panorama g lass roof* do not
Applies to: vehicles with roof racks supplied by the factory
come into contact with objects on the roof
- After you have mounted the attachments, seal w hen they are open.
the open ings in the T-groove 0 with the cover
profi le @ . @) For the sake of the environment
- If you do not want to use the attachment, seal Your vehicle will use more fue l due to the in-
the whole T-groove 0 w ith the cover profile creased wind resistance. So remove the roof
®· rack after us ing it.
- If necessary, cut the cover prof ile to the neces-
sa ry length . (D Tips
Applies to: vehicles with roof racks supplied
by the factory: when installing the roof rack
- Follow the installat io n instructions provided supplied by the factory on the roof ra il, sensor
with the roof rack sys t em. If you do not se - technology is used to adjust the ESCto any
cure the roof rack sys t em and objec t s on t he possib le change in the vehicle's cen t er of
roof cor rectly, they could come loose from g ravity resulting from the load.
the vehicle and cause an accident .
- The risk of an accident increases when using
a roof rack system, because it changes the
driving characteristics by shifting the center
of gravity and/or the increasing the surface
area exposed to wind. You may need to
adapt your driving style and speed to the
current conditions . We recommend that you
do not dr ive faster tha n 80 mph (130 km/
- Distribute the cargo evenly on the roof rack
and do not exceed the maximum width or
the max imum tota l roof load weight .
- Before every tr ip, a ll bolts and connect ions
on the roof rack must be checked. Tighten
them if necessary and re che ck t hem regular-
ly. If you do not do th is, there is a higher
risk of t he roof rack o r the att achme nts
loosening or fa lling off .
- If you use ot her roof luggage rac k systems
o r do no t inst al l the roof rac ks as s pec ified,
then a ny damage t o t he vehicle is not cov-
ered by the warranty . Caref ully follow t he
assembly and insta llation instructions in-
cluded with the roof rack carrier system.
Warm and c o ld
or. It is the most effective when the w indows and - To prevent interference with the heating
sunroof* are closed . If there is a bu ild -up of heat and cooling output and to prevent the win -
inside the ve hicle, ventilation can he lp to speed dows from fogging over, the a ir intake in
up the cooling process. fro nt of the windshie ld must be free of ice,
snow or leaves .
In all he ating mode funct ions except for defrost ,
- Condensation from the coo ling system can
the blower on ly switches to a higher speed once
dr ip and form a pudd le of water under the
the engine coolant has reached a sufficient tem -
veh icle . This is norma l and does not mean
perature .
t here is a lea k.
Pollutant filter - The e nergy management system may tem-
pora rily switch off certa in functions, such as
The po llutant filte r removes pollutants such as
the seat heati ng* or rear window defogger .
d ust and pollen from the a ir.
These sys t ems are availa ble aga in as soon
Key recognition as t he e nergy supply has been restore d .
Warm and cold
Press the knobs, buttons or rocker switches to another button or a knob. Airflow from outside is
turn the functions on or off. When the funct ion is blocked when the climate control system is
sw itched on, the LEDin the respective button or switched off.
knob turns on ¢ fig. 82. The rocker switches are
A/C Cooling mode
sensitive to touch. The driver and front passenger
settings can be adjusted separately. You can switch the cooling mode on or off using
the rocker switch @ . The air is not cooled and hu-
You can adjust the settings for the rear of the ve-
midity is not removed when cooling mode is
hicle using the controls in the rear ¢ fig. 83 .
switched off . This can cause fog on the windows.
On right-hand drive vehicles*, the functions of Cooling mode switches off automatically when
the rocker switched @ and ® are switched . the outside temperature is below zero .
Warm and cold
system operates most efficiently in eco cooling to prevent the windows from fogging and to en -
mode. sure a continuous exchange of air inside the vehi-
cle . To have the blower regulated a utomatica lly,
A/C MAXCooling mode* press one of the knobs @ .
You can switch the maximum cooling mode on or
Air distribution
off using the rocker switch @ . The air is not
cooled and humidity is not removed when coo ling You can use the rocker sw itches @ to adjust the
mode is switched off. This can cause fog on the vents where the air will flow out of. Press the
windows . Cooling mode switches off automati- rocker switches @ repeatedly until the desired
cally when the outside temperature is below air distrib ution setting is disp layed in the climate
ze ro. When the cooling mode is switched on, the contro l system controls. To have the air distribu-
vehicle interior is cooled as quickly as possible t ion regulated automat ically, press one of the
and dehumidified. knobs @ .
<::E::> mode .JI~ Seat heating/ventilation*
In recirculation mode, the air inside the vehicle is Pressing the JI~ button switches the seat
circu lated and fi ltered. This prevents the unfil- heating/ventilation on at the highest setting
tered air outside the vehicle from entering the (level 3). The LEDs indicate the temperature lev-
vehicle interior . Switch ing recirculation mode on el. To reduce the temperature, press the button
when dr iving through a tunnel or when sitting in again. To switch the seat heat ing/ventilat ion off,
traffic is recommended ~ ,&.. press the button repeatedly until the LED turns
You can switch the recircu lation mode on or off
using the 6<:> button . You can also sw itch the re- :.f%
circulation mode off by pressing the knob (!) or
The w indshield and side windows are defrosted
the Sfxbutton.
or cleared of condensat ion as quickly as poss ible.
AUTO automatic mode The maximum amount of a ir flows mainly from
the vents below the windsh ield. Recirculat ion
Automatic mode ma inta ins a constant tempera-
mode switches off. The temperatu re should be
ture ins ide the veh icle. Air temperature, airflow
set at +72°F (+22°() or hig her. The temperature
and a ir distribution are controlled automatically .
is controlled automat ically.
You can switch automatic mode on or off by
pressing the knob @ . You can switch the defroster on or off using the
3Rbutton . You can switch the fu nction off by
pressing a knob @ .
You can adjust the temperature between 60°F
[ffi) REARRear window defogger
(+16°() and 84°F (+28°() by turn ing the knob
@ . If outs ide of this range , LOor HI will appear You can switch the rear w indow defogger on by
in the climate control system display. In both pressing the !!P. button . It only operates when the
sett ings, the climate control runs constantly at engi ne is run ning . It switches off automatically
the maximum cooling or heating level. The tem- after 10 to 20 minutes , depending on the outside
perature is not regulated. temperature.
The temperature can be adjusted in the rear us- To prevent the rear window defogger from
ing the rea r controls ~ fig. 83 . switching off automat ically, press and hold the
QiPREARbutton for more than t hree seconds.
This is stored unti l the ign it ion is switched off . .,.
,..._ You can adjust the volume of air generated by the
..... blower to your preference using the rocker sw itch
0 @ . The blower should always run at a low setting
Warm and c o ld
SYNC Synchronization
@ Note
Use t he rocker sw itc h ® to select the funct ion.
To avoid damaging the seat heating* ele -
When synchronization is switched on, the set-
ments, do not knee l on the seats or place
tings for the driver's side are applied to the front
heavy pressure on one area of the seat.
passenger's side and the rear (except for seat
heating/venti lation*). When the settings on the
front passenger's side or in the rear are changed, Setup
the synchron izat ion is automatically switched off The climate control system basic settings ore ac-
and 3-zone appears in the display . cessed in the Infotainment system .
SETREARfun ction .. Select in the Infotainment system : IMENU ! but -
Use the rocker switch ® to select the function . ton > Vehicle > left control button > Air condi-
When the function is switched on, you can adjust t ioning
all settings for the rear us ing the climate control
Auto recirculation
system controls in the cockpit . The rear climate
control system controls cannot be operated at When sw itched on, a utomat ic rec irculat ion con -
the same time . This function switches off auto- tro ls the recircu lation mode automatically . If the
mat ica lly after a ce rtain per iod of t ime or after windows fog up, press the® MAXbutton .
leav ing the menu.
Automatic auxiliary heater *
Vents The aux ilia ry heater he lps to wa rm the vehicle in-
You can open or close the center and rear vents in te rior more qu ickly.
the cockpit and the vents in the rear center con-
sole us ing the ridged thumbwhee ls . The levers Steering wheel heating
adjust the d irection of the airflow from the vents. Applies to: vehicles with steering wheel heating
You can activate the residual heat function when .. Press the lg\~ page 14, fig. 11 button on the
the ignition is switched off by pressing the knob mu ltifu nction stee ring wheel to switch the
(!). The res idual heat from the coolant is used to steer ing whee l heating on and off . The mes-
heat the vehicle interior. The residual heat func- sage Steering wheel heat ing: on/ Steering
tion switches off automatically afte r about 15 wheel heating: off appears in the instrument
m inutes. cluster display.
The t empe rat ure is ma inta ined at a constant lev-
el when steering wheel heating is switc hed on .
- You should not use the recirculation mode
for an extended period of time, because no The steer ing whee l heating sett ings are stored
fres h air is drawn in and the windows can automat ica lly and assigned to the remote control
fog when cooling mode is sw itched off. This key t ha t is in use .
increases the risk of an accident.
- Individuals with reduced sensitivity to pain
or temperature cou ld deve lop burns when
using the seat heating* funct ion. To reduce
the risk of injury, these ind ividuals should
not use seat heati ng*.
General information A
Breaking in After driving thro ugh water or m ud, the effec -
tiveness of the brakes may be reduced due to
A new vehicle must be broken in for the first moisture on the brake rotors and brake pads.
1,000 miles (1,500 km). Do not dr ive at speeds A few careful brake applications shou ld dry
that will exceed 2/3 of the maximum permitted off the brakes and restore the fu ll braking ef-
engine speed (RPM) for the first 600 miles fect.
(1,000 km), and avoid full acceleration during
this period . You may gradually start increasing @ Note
the RPM and the speed between 600 miles
- Vehicle components such as the engine,
(1,000 km) and 1,000 miles (1,500 km) .
transmission, suspension or electrical sys-
During the first hours of use, the engine has a tem can be severely damaged by driving
higher internal friction than later on when all through water .
moving parts have settled into place with each - Always switch the Start/Stop system* off
other. when driving through water ¢page 78.
Drive at moderate engine speeds after the initial - Determine the depth before driving through
break-in per iod, part icularly when running a cold water.
engine. This will reduce engine wear and improve - Do not stop the vehicle, drive in reverse or
the m ileage. switch the engine off when driving through
Do not drive at too low of an engine speed (RPM).
- Keep in mind that oncom ing vehicles may
Shift down if the engine stops running "smooth-
create waves that raise the water level and
ly". Extremely high engine speeds are automati-
make it too deep for your vehicle to drive
cally reduced.
through safely.
- Avoid dr iving through salt water, because
Reducing the risk of vehicle damage this can cause corrosion.
Dr iv i n g
engaged, for examp le when you notice that the Avoid short trip s
next traffic light is red . This produces an engine
The eng ine and exh au st clean ing system mus t
braking effect, which helps to protect the brakes reach their optima l operating temperature to ef-
and tires and reduces the emissions and fuel con- fective ly reduce consumption and emissions.
sumpt ion to zero (fuel shut-off during decelera-
tion) . A cold engine uses a d isp roportionately high
amoun t of fue l. Th e eng ine reaches opera ti ng
Shift effici entl y temperat ure and cons umption norma lizes on ly
Upshifting earlier is an effective way to save fuel. after approximate ly 2.5 mi les (4 km) .
Staying in a gear too long uses fue l unnecessari-
Check the tire pressure
To save fue l, ma ke sure the t ires are always in-
Press down on the acce lerator peda l slowly and
flated to the correct press ur e~ page 335. The
avoid "kick-down".
fuel consumpt ion can increase by 5% if the pres -
Avoid full acceleration sure is on ly 0 .5 bar too low. Due to t he increased
rolling resistance, low tire pressures wi ll also
You shou ld rare ly t ravel at the maximum vehicle lead to greater tire wear and will affect driving
speed. High speeds cause a d isp ropor t ionately behavior.
high increase in fuel consumption, emissions and
traffic noise . Driving more slowly saves fue l. Do not drive on winter tires year -round, as this
will consume up to 10% more fue l.
Reduce idling time
Eliminat e unnecessary weight
The Start/Stop system* he lps to reduce the idling
time automatically. In vehicles witho ut the Start/ Since eve ry po und of ext ra weight increases fuel
Stop system* , it is efficient to switch the eng ine consump ti on, a quick inspec ti on of the luggage
off when stopped at rai lroad crossings and long compartment may be worth it to avoid unneces -
red lights . Stopping the engine for 30 -40 sec - sary weight .
onds already saves more fu el than the amount of When not be ing used , a roof rack sho uld be re -
extra fuel needed to restart the engine. moved to decrease the w ind resis t ance of the ve-
It t akes a very long time in idle to wa rm t he en - hicle . This will save you approx imately 12% fue l
gine up to operating temperature . Wear and at speeds from 6 2 - 75 mph (100 - 120 km/h) .
emissions are especially high in the warm -up
Save energy
phase. Therefore, you should begin driving im-
mediately after starting the engine. Avoid high The eng ine d rives the generator, which generates
RPMs while do ing th is . electr icity; the fuel consumpt ion also inc reases
wit h the demand for e lec t ricity . The refore, sw itch
Have mainten ance performed regularly electrica l eq uipment off when you no longe r
By having maintenance performed regu lar ly on need it . Examples of eq uipment that uses a lot of
your veh icle, you can he lp to reduc e fuel con- energy are air blowers at a high setting, the rear
sumpt ion before you even start to dr ive. The window defogger and seat heating* .
maintenance condition of your vehicle not only
affects traffic safety and long -term value but al- @ Note
so impacts fuel consumption . A poorly main- Do not leave engine idling unattended after
tained engine can lead to fuel consumpt ion that starting. If warning lights should come on to
is 10% higher tha n normal. indicate improper operation, they would go
unheeded. Extended idling also produces
heat, which could result in overheating or
other damage to the veh icle or othe r proper-
ty .
(D Note
"Bring the steering wheel into the desired posi-
- Have your vehicle maintained properly and " Push the leve r against the steer ing column un-
in accordance with the service recommenda- til it is secure.
tions in your Warranty & Maintenance book-
let. Lack of proper maintenance as well as
improper use of the vehicle will impair the
function of the emission control system and
Incorrect use of the steering wheel adjust-
ment and an incorrect seating position can
Fig. 84 Steeri ng column: lever for adjust ing the steer ing
wheel position
..... "Pull the lever in the direction of the arrow
..... ¢ .&.-
Driv ing
Fig. 85 Steer ing colum n: switch for adju st ing the steering
whee l pos it ion
In vehicles with memory function*, the steering " Press the IST AR T ENGINE ST OP ! but to n with-
col umn sett ings a re stored together wit h the out pressing the brake ped al. Vehicles wit ho ut
seat pos it ion. the Start/Stop system* : the need le in the tach -
ometer moves into the READY posit ion .
Easy seat entry .. To switch the ignition off, press the button
Applies to : vehicles with power stee ring wheel adjustme nt aga in. The needle in the tachometer moves into
the OFF position.
Easy seat entry makes it easier to enter and exit
the vehicle by adjusting the steering column au- Equipment that uses a lot of e lectricity is switch -
tomatically. ed off temporarily when you start the engine.
" Select in the Infota inment system: IMENU I but- If the engine does not st art immedia t ely, the
ton > Vehicle > left contro l button > Vehicl e starting procedure stops automatically after a
setting s > Seats > Driver 's seat > Easy entry short time . Repeat the starting procedure .
fun ction .
Start/Stop system*
When easy seat entry is swit ched o n, the stee ring page 78, Start/Stop
See the information in c::;,
col umn goes bac k up into the par k posi t ion whe n sys tem .
the ign ition is switched off. After ente ring the ve-
h icle, the steering column ret urns t o t he stored & WARNING
position once t he ignition is switched on. To reduce the risk of poisoning, never allow
the eng ine to run in confined spaces.
briefly or press and hold for longer than two sec- fore leaving vehicle
onds. This message appears and a warning tone sounds
if you open the driver's door when the engine is
A WARNING running.
- Never turn off the engine before the vehicle
Please press the brake pedal
has come to a complete stop. The full func-
tionality of the brake booster and the power This message appears if you do not press the
steering is not guaranteed. You must use brake pedal when starting the engine .
more force to steer and brake the vehicle. Ill Remote control key: key not detected. Is the
The fact that you cannot steer and brake as key still in the vehicle?
usual can increase the risk of accidents and
serious injuries. This indicator light turns on and this message ap-
- If you leave the vehicle, switch the ignition pears if the ignition key was removed from the
u vehicle when the engine was running. If the igni-
..... off and take the vehicle key with you . If you
r--- do not, the engine could be started and tion key is no longer in the vehicle, you cannot
..... switch on the ignition or start the engine once ..,.
electrical equipment such as the power win-
you stop it . You also cannot lock the vehicle from See owner's manual must display and the I) in-
the outside. dicator light must turn on .
Shift to P, otherwise vehicle can roll away. .,. Place the remote control key on the locat ion
Doors do not lock if gearshift is not in P shown in t he illustrat ion y>l)c:>fig. 87.
... Press t he brake pedal.
This message appears for safety reasons if the
... Press the ISTART ENGINE STOPIbutton. The
selecto r lever is in the "N" position when you
eng ine will start.
switch the ignition off. Move the selector lever to
... Drive to an authorized Audi dealer or author-
the "P" posit ion. Otherwise the vehicle is not pro-
ized Audi Service Facility immediately to have
tected from rolling and it cannot be locked.
the malfunction corrected .
I) Remote control key: hold back of key
against the designated area. See owner's man- (!) Tips
You can view the message aga in by pressing
If the indicator light turns on and th is message the lSTART ENGINE STOPI button.
appears, there is a malfunction c:>page 78.
It may not be possible to start the engine under The Start/Stop system is automat ica lly act ivated
certain circumstances, for example, if the bat - as soon as the ignition is sw itched on.
tery in the vehicle key is drained, if interference is Basic requirements
affecting the key or if there is a system malfunc-
tion. - The driver's door and hood must be closed.
- The "P", "N" or "D" selector lever position must
be engaged .
- The steering wheel must not be sharply turned .
- The vehicle must have dr iven faster than 2 mph
(3 km/h) since the last time it stopped.
- A trailer must not be hitched to the vehicle.
(D Note
Always switc h the Start/Stop system off when
driving through water r=;,page 80.
Fig. 87 Center console/remote contro l key: start ing the
eng ine if there is a malfunct ion
cluster once the engine stops automatically . If you leave the vehicle during a "stop" phase, the
"'The engine starts again when you take your engine can be restarted within approximately 30
foot off the brake peda l. The indicator light seconds if the doors are closed, the driver's safe-
turns off. ty belt is fastened and the brake pedal is pressed.
Dr iv i n g
(D Tips Electromechanical
If you leave t he vehicle with the "D/S" or "R" parking brake
selector lever pos ition engaged, the parking ,-..
brake is automatically set. 0
The (A_)
oFFbutton is located in the center conso le .
.. Press (A_)
OfFto switch on or off. The LEDin the
button turns on when the funct ion is switched
Fig. 88 Center console: parking brake
Your vehicle is equipped with an electromechani -
@ Tips cal parking brake (!) ¢ fig . 88 . The parking brake
If you switch the system off dur ing a stop is designed to prevent the vehicle from rolling
phase, the engine will start again automati- unintentionally and replaces the hand brake.
Setting / manuall y re leasing the parking
.. Pull the®> switch to set the parking brake. The
App lies to: vehicles with Sta rt/Stop system
LEDin the switch turns on. The - (USAmod-
Start / stop system: deactivated . Please start els)/ . (Canada models) indicator light also
engine manually turns on in the instrument cluster display .
This message appea rs when specific conditions .. To release the parking brake manually, press
are not met during a stop phase. The Sta rt/Stop the brake or accelerator peda l while the igni-
system will not be ab le to restart the engine . The tion is switched on and press the®) switc h at
engine must be started with the the same t ime. The LED in t he button and t he
I ST AR T ENGINE ST OP I button. indicator light in t he disp lay turn off.
Start /s top system: malfunction! Function Releasing the parking brake automatically
unavailable . Please cont act Se rvice Requirement: the doors must be closed and the
There is a malfunction in the Start/Stop system . driver's safety belt must be fastened.
Drivethe vehicle to an authorized Audi dealer or .. To start driving and release the parking brake
author ized Service Facility as soon as poss ible to automatically, press the accelerator pedal as
have the malfunction corrected. usual.
In add ition to releasing the parking brake auto-
matically, other convenience and safety functions
are available when you start driving¢ page 82,
Starting to drive .
~ To prevent the parking brake from releasing au- During emergency braking, your vehicle will
tomatica lly, pull and hold the(®) switch and brake similar to heavy braking. ESCand the
press the accelerator pedal. The park ing brake associated components (ABS, ASR, EDL)
remains set and prevents the veh icle from roll - cannot overcome the laws of physics.
ing backward. Around curves and when road or weather
~ You can release the(®) switch again once you conditions are bad, a full brake applicat ion
are sure that you are giving enough dr iving can cause the veh icle to skid or the rear end
force to the whee ls by pressing the accelerator to swerve, which increases the risk of an ac-
pedal. cident.
- If the power supply fails, you cannot set the
Emergency braking function
parking brake if it is released . In t his case,
You can use the emergency brak ing funct ion in an park the veh icle on level ground and secure
emergency situation, or if the standard brake op- it by placing the selector lever in the "P" po-
erat ion malfunct ions or is disabled . sition. See an authorized Audi dealer or au-
~ Pull and hold the(®) switch. thor ized Audi Service Facility for assistance.
~ As soon as you release the (®) switch or acceler- - Always set the parking brake when leaving
ate, the brak ing stops . your veh icle, even if for a short period of
time. Otherwise the vehicle could roll away,
Pulling and holding the(®) switch while driv ing
increasing the risk of an accident .
the vehicle activates the emergency braking func-
- If you leave the vehicle, switch the ignition
tion . The vehicle is braked at all four wheels by
off and take the veh icle key with you. This
activating the hydraulic brake system . The brak-
applies particularly when children remain in
ing effect is similar to heavy braking ~ .,&..
the vehicle . Otherwise, children could start
To reduce the risk of activating the emergency the engine, release the parking brake or op-
braking by mistake, a warn ing tone (buzzer) erate electr ical equipment such as power
sounds when the(®) switch is pulled . Emergency windows, wh ich increases the risk of an acci-
braking stops as soon as the(®) switch is released dent.
or the accelerato r pedal is pressed. - No one, especially children, should remain
in t he vehicle when it is lo cked. Locked
doors ma ke it more diffic ult for emergency
~ Press the brake pedal to stop the vehicle. workers to get into the vehicle, which puts
~ Pull the(®) switc h to set the parking brake. lives at risk .
~ Select the "P" selector lever posit ion .
~ Turn the engine off ~ .,&.. (D Tips
~ Turn the steer ing whee l w hen parking on in-
When stopp ing at a t raff ic signal or stopp ing
clin es so that the whee ls will roll into the curb in city traffic, you can set the park ing brake
if t he vehicle starts moving. manua l ly. The vehicle does not have to be
held with the brake pedal. The parking brake
A WARNING eliminates the tendency to creep when a se-
- Do not press the accelerator pedal inadver- lector lever position is engaged. As soon as
tent ly if a gear is selected when the vehicle you press the accelerator pedal, the parking
is stationary and the engine is running. Oth- brake releases automatically and your vehicle
erwise, the veh icle w ill start to move imme- starts to move ~page 82 .
diately and th is could result in an accident.
- Emergency braking should only be used in (D Tips
..... an emergency, when the normal brake pedal
- Occasional noises when the parking brake is
..... has failed or the brake pedal is obstructed . set and released are normal and are not a
0 cause for concern . .,.
- The parking brake goes thro ugh a self-test natural physical laws. The increased comfort
cycle at regular intervals when the vehicle is offered by hill hold assist should not cause
stopped . Any noises associated w ith this are you to take safety risks .
normal. - Hill hold assist cannot hold the vehicle in
- If there is a power fai lure, the parking brake place on all hills (for examp le, if the ground
will not set if it is released, and it will not is slip pery or icy).
release if it is set¢ ,& . See an authorized - To reduce the risk of an accident, always
Audi dealer or authorized Audi Service Fa- make sure the vehicle is situated safely
cility for assistance. while stationary .
Requirement: the driver's door must be closed Only drive on terrain that is suitable for the ve-
and the engine must be running. hicle and your driving ability. Never take any
~ To activate hill hold assist, press and hold the
brake pedal for several seconds. The vehicle Before driving offroad
must be in an uph ill direction of travel.
- Check the engine oil level, the tire pressure, the
After releasing the brake pedal, the brak ing pow- coolant level and the fluid level in the washer
er is maintained for a brief moment ¢ .& to pre- fluid reservoir.
vent the vehicle from rolling back when starting. - Store pieces of luggage and other objects in the
During th is time, you can easily begin to move luggage compartment and secure them from
your vehicle. sliding out of place .
After driving offroad
- If you do not begin driving immediately or - After driving offroad , remove branches and
the engine stalls after releasing the brake other debris from the radiator grille, under-
pedal, your vehicle may begin to roll back- body, and wheels. Look especially for foreign
ward . Press the brake pedal or set the park- objects (such as st ones) that may be stuck in
ing brake immed iate ly. the t ire tread .
- The intelligent techno logy of hill hold assist - Clean the vehicle body and underbody and in-
cannot overcome the lim itations imposed by spect the vehicle for possible damage . .,,.
- Clean the windows, head lights, tail lights and Ground clearance
the license plate if they are dirty.
The dis t ance be tween the road surface a nd the
- Perfo rm a brake t est (especially aft er dr iving lowest point of the vehicle underbody. Gro und
t hrough water) . clearance : 8 . 1 in (205 mm)
- Be espec ia lly caut ious and aware when driv- =
Exceeding the max imum specified va lues can
ing under difficult conditions and when off- lead to serious injur ies or vehicle damage.
road. Vehicle damage and injur ies may occ ur - All spec ificat ions were determine d base d on
whe n d riving at excessively high speeds or a level, firm, an d non -slippe ry road surface
w ith incorrect dr iving ma neuvers . in dry weather conditions.
- Always adjust your speed and driv ing style - The ideal cond itions do not apply in offroad
to t he roads, te rra in, traffic and weather d riving. Do not always go a ll the way up to
co nditi ons. Drive espec ially slowly if the re is the maximum val ues . Stay slightly below
low visibility when offroad . them for safety .
- Please note t hat the wheels can spin more
and t he vehicle can swe rve w hen in off road
mode, especially whe n t he road is s lippery Messages
or has loose su rface m ater ial. There is only one motto when driving in difficult
- Driving stab ility is reduced w hen in off road condi tions and off road: drive slowly and with
mode. caution!
@ For the sake of the environment Observe the following when driv ing on unpaved
roads :
Avoid harmi ng the enviro nment and show
considera ti on for nature . .. Only dr ive in ter ra in tha t is sui t able for the ve -
hicle and yo ur dr iving ability . Never take any
(D Tips unnecessa ry risks!
Only dr ive where it is permitted a nd a lways .. Drive slow ly and caref ully.
stay on the provided roads a nd paths. .. Pay attent ion to the ground clearance of your
veh icle .
.. Activa t e the offroad mode as needed
Explanation of technical terms
¢ page 141 .
The follow ing data is based on ideal cond it io ns . .. Use the hill descent assist when d riving down
The val ues may d iffe r depend ing o n the vehicle st eep hills ¢ page 142 .
load, road character ist ics, and th e a rea. The d riv-
Difficult terrain and off-road
e r is t herefo re res ponsible for d ec iding w hethe r a
ve hicle can hand le a spe cific s ituation ¢ .&.. When driving in unfam iliar areas and off road,
dr ive slowly and keep on the watch for unexpect-
Pitch angle ed obstacles (such as pot ho les, rocks, tr ee
The amount of ver ti ca l elevation change (grade) stumps , etc.).
in a dis t ances of 109 yards (100 mete rs) is speci - To preve nt the vehicle from bottom ing out and to
fied as a percentage o r in degrees. Spe cifica t ion reduce the risk of underbody damage, you should
of how st eep of a grade t he ve hicle can dr ive up dr ive across uneven gro und o n only o ne sid e of
usi ng its own power (de pends on the road sur - t he ve hicle so that on ly two of you r whee ls cross
u face and the eng ine power, among other things) . t he uneven a rea, ins t ead of dr iving across t he
..... Maxim um permitted pitch ang le : 3 1°.
,..._ cente r of the uneven ar ea wit h all four wheels. ..,
Dr iv ing
Drive quick ly through sandy or marshy off-road Showing the additional display
sections and do not stop , if at all poss ibl e .
To ch a nge the con t en t s shown in the righ t ar ea of
Driving through water t he screen, se lect in the In fot a inment system :
right contro l button > Additional display.
Also read the information found in ¢ page 73.
Angle : th is displays t he cur rent stee ring wheel
Driving on a slope angle and t he max imum a ng le t hat was reached
If you a re ever unable to dr ive up a hill , do not t ry dur ing a drive . These values are reset when the
to turn around . Drive back down in reverse in- ignition is switche d off .
stead. Otherwise you run the risk of t ipping over . Position : di splays the he ig ht, di rect io n a nd geo -
If the vehicle threatens to tip over when driving coor d inat es of t he cur rent veh icle posit io n.
across a slope, you must immediately steer Off : only the air suspe ns io n disp lay remains on .
downhill in the direction of the slope.
To reduce the risk of t ipping over, dr ive on hills in - Do not excee d t he yellow range in the
the direction of the downward s lope (fa ll line) - gau ge. Your ve hicle can t ip, whi ch incre as es
never crosswise. t he risk of an accident.
- Unde r some circu ms t an ce s, the vehicle can
t ip ove r or t ilt sid eways eve n if t he sideways
Tilt angle display
angle is low. The angle display does not re -
Description place the d river's attent io n. To re du ce the
Applies to: vehicles with a tilt angle disp lay risk of an accident, make sure the vehicle
does not tip, especially when yo u are driving
at high speeds.
Automatic transmission
tiptron ic transmission You must press the brake peda l to engage a se-
lector lever position when the engine is running
In the tiptronic transmission, power is transfer -
and the vehicle is stationary.
red by a torque converter.
You do not have to press the brake pedal if you
Selecting a selector lever position shift from "D" to "R" within one second. This al-
lows you to "rock" the vehicle to free it when it is
a, P - Park
This selector lever position prevents the vehicle
from rolling . Only shift into pa rk when the vehi -
cle is stationary ¢ .&.. To select the "P" selector
lever position, press the "P" button @ on these-
lector lever¢ fig. 90. P appears next to the selec-
tor lever.
Fig. 90 Center console: selector lever
Applies to vehicles with S t ronic transm ission:
the parking lock can only be re leased when the
The current selector lever pos ition is shown next
ignition is switched on and the brake peda l is
to the selector lever ¢ fig. 90. The current selec-
pressed. To release the parking lock, press the
tor lever position is also shown in the instrument
brake pedal, press the locking button @ on the
cluster display .
selector lever and select the desired posit ion
...You may need to release the selector lever lock ¢ fig . 90. The engine must also be started in or-
depending on which selector lever position is der to engage the "D" or "R" selector leve r pos i-
selected and which one you would like to se- tion.
Applies to vehicles with tiptronic transmission:
...To do this, press the locking button © on the
the parking lock can only be re leased when the
selector lever¢ fig. 90.
engi ne is ru nning and the brake peda l is pressed .
...To engage the nearest selector lever position,
To release the parking lock, press the brake ped-
move the selector lever forward/back until you
al, press the locking button @ on the selector
feel the first pressure point . The selector lever
lever and select the desired position ¢ fig. 90.
will return to its original posit ion.
..,To skip over one selector lever position, move "P" engages automatically if you switch the en-
the selec t or lever pas t the pressure point into gine off whi le the selector lever is in "D", "E", "S",
the desired position . The selector lever will re- "R" or manua l mode.
turn to its original position.
If you switch the eng ine off when the "N" selector
For example, you can skip over the "N" position if lever position is selected, the transmission re-
~ you would like to go directly from "D" into "R". mai ns in "N" for approximately 30 m inutes and
...... then "P" is engaged. The vehicle is not secured ..,
Dr iv i n g
from rolling in t he "N" selector lever position, so pends on engine load , vehicle speed and driving
you need to set the pa rking brake<®>¢ page 80 . sty le.
You must use the parking lock emergency release Select t he sport mode "S" for sporty dr iving. The
before towing the vehicle ¢ page 90. vehicle makes full use of t he eng ine's power.
Shift ing may become noticeable when accelerat -
R- Reverse
ing .
The reverse gear is engaged in this pos ition . Only
The "S" se lector lever posi t ion engages automati-
select reverse gear when the veh icle is stationary
cally w hen you select t he dynam ic* mode in drive
and the eng ine is running at idle speed ¢ .& . To
engage the "R" se lecto r lever posit ion, press the
brake pedal , press the lock ing button CD
selector lever, and select the "R" position
on the
t hen t urn the engine off. If you accide nta lly select "N" while dr iving,
take your foot off the accelerator pedal and
For safety reasons, the vehicle cannot be locked wait fo r the e ng ine to slow down to idle be-
when the transm ission is in the "N" pos ition . fo re selecti ng "D" or "S".
DIS· Driving forward
Driving tips
When the t ransmission is in the "D/S" pos it ion, it
can be operated e ither in the normal "D" mode or Starting the engine
in the "S" sport mode . Move the selector lever
.,.The "P" or "N" pos it io n m ust be selected.
back to engage the "S" spo rt mode . You can o nly
select the "S" se lector lever position when the "D" Starting from a stop
or "E" pos it io n is selected. To sele ct the "D" or "E"
.,. Press and hold the brake peda l.
position again w hen "S" is engaged, move these-
.,.Start the eng ine ¢ page 76 .
lecto r leve r back ¢ .& . To shift from "N" to "D"
.,. Press the locking button CD on the selector lev-
when traveling at speeds below 1 mph (2 km/h),
er a nd se lect the "D", "E", "S" or "R" pos it ion
press th e brak e pedal and shift into the "D" posi-
¢ page 85.
tion ¢ _&.
.,.Wa it a mome nt until the t ransmiss ion sh ifts.
In t he normal mode "D", the transmission a uto - You will notice a slig ht movement when t he
matica lly selects the suitab le gear ratio . It de - gear engages .
~ Release t he brake pedal and press the acce lera- - To reduce the risk of an accident, neve r se-
tor pedal ~ ,&. . lect the "R" or "P" pos itions wh ile d riving.
Various conven ien ce fun ctions are ava ilable for - Do not inadvertently press the accelerator
st arting on hills ~page 82. pedal when the vehicle is stationa ry. Other-
wise the ris k of an accident increases be-
Stopping temporarily cause the vehicle will start to move immedi-
~ Press the brake pedal to stop the vehicle, for ately, even if the parking brake is set .
example at a t raff ic light . Do not press the ac-
cele rato r peda l w hen do ing th is. Hill descent control
~ To prevent t he vehicle from rolling when you
The hill descent control system assists the driver
sta rt d riving, se t the pa rking brake when stop -
when driving down hills.
ping on steep hills¢ ,&. .
~ The parking bra ke will re lease automatically Hill d escent cont rol activates when the t ransmis -
and your vehicle will begin to move when the s ion is in the "D" or "S" pos ition and you press the
doors a re closed, the driver's safety belt is fas- brake pedal. The transmission automatica lly se-
tened, and you accelerate as usual. lects a gear that is suitable for the hill. Hill de-
Stopping / parking scent cont rol tr ies to maintain the speed ach -
ieved at the t ime of braking, w it hin physical a nd
If the se lector lever is not in the "P" position tec hnical lim itations . If may still be necessary to
when you ope n the driver's door, the vehicle adjus t the speed w it h t he bra ke pedal.
could rol l.
Hill descent con t rol switches off once the hill lev-
~ Press and hold the brake pedal ¢ ,&. . els out or you press t he accelerator pedal.
~ Set the parking brake.
~ To se lect the "P" selector leve r position, press When operat ing the cruise cont rol system*
the "P" button @ on the selector lever ¢ page 95, hill descent contro l is a lso activated
¢page 85, fig. 90. whe n the speed is set .
- The veh icle can roll even when the engine is
switched off .
- Unintended veh icle movement can lead to
serious injur ies .
- To reduce the risk of an accident, do not
press t he acce lera t or pedal when changing
co the se lector lever posi t ion while the vehi cle
is sta t ionary an d the engine is running.
Dr iv ing
Shifting manually (tiptronic mode) .. To engage the lowest gear, hold the 0 shift
paddle .
The tiptronic mode allows the driver to shift the .. If you do not press a shift button within a sho rt
gears manually. time while in the "D/S" position , the transmis-
sion will return to automatic mode . To keep
shifting using the shift paddles, move these -
lector leve r to the right out of the "D/S" posi-
tion .
" When you want to shift out of tiptronic mode,
press an d ho ld t he 0 shift padd le for a longer
period of t ime or move t he se lector lever back
and release it.
(D Tips
- If you shift to the next lowest gear, the
t ransmission will only s hift if the engi ne will
not be over-revved.
- With kick-down, the t ransmiss ion shifts to a
Fig. 9 2 Steer ing wheel: shifting manually
lower gear, depen ding on vehi cle spee d and
eng ine speed.
Shifting with the selector lever - ti ptr onic does not work if the transmission
is runni ng in emergency mode .
You can sh ift into tiptronic mode while stationary
and while driv ing.
" To sh ift into tiptronic mode, push the selector
lever from the "D/S" position to the right . As Kick-down enables maximum acceleration .
soon as the transmission switches over, the "M"
When you press the accelerator pedal down be-
t ransm ission sett ing will appear in t he inst ru-
yond the res istance point, t he automatic trans-
ment cluster d isp lay.
mission downshifts into a lower gear and the en-
"T o sh ift up a gear, tap the se lector lever for-
gine ut ilizes its full power, depending on vehicle
ward 0 ¢ ffg. 91 .
speed and engine RPM. It shifts up int o the next
.. To sh ift down a gear, tap the selector lever
highe r gear once the maximum specified engine
backward 0 -
RPM is reached .
.. To switch tiptronic mode off, push the selector
lever back into the "D/S" pos ition.
Shifting with the shift paddles Please note that the whee ls cou ld spin on
slick or slippery roads when kick-down is ac-
You can operate the shift padd les in the "D/S" or
"M" se lector lever positions .
Launch control program not be ava ilab le for a few minutes. It will be
Applies to: vehicles with S tro nic tra nsmission avai lab le agai n after a coo l-down period.
- Whe n accelerati ng usi ng the launch cont rol
The launch control program provides the best
program, all vehicle parts are subject to
possible acceleration when starting from a stop.
heavy loads. This can lead to increased
Requirement: the eng ine must be at operating wear.
temperature and the steer ing whee l must not be
turned . Transmission malfunction
~ Deact ivate the Start/Stop system* c:>page 80. • Transmiss ion: too hot. Please stop vehicle
The LED in the 1 0~·1button turns on.
~ With the engine runn ing, press the ~ ~FF=I but-
l fl- O Do not continue driving. Se lect the "P" selector
ton briefly c>page 141 . The Illindicator light lever posit ion and contact an authorized Audi
tu rns o n a nd the message Stabil ization control dealer or authorized Audi Service Facility for as-
(ESC): offroad . Warning! Reduced stabilit y ap- s istance.
pears in t he inst rumen t cluste r display. • Transmiss ion: malfunction! Please stop ve-
~ Pull the selector lever back out of t he "D/S" po-
hicle and shift to P
sit ion briefly to select the "S" position or se lect
the Dynamic driving mode in drive se - Do not continue dr iving . Se lect t he "P" selec t or
lect* ¢ page 12 7. lever posit ion and contact an authori zed Audi
~ Press the brake pedal firmly with your left foot
dealer or authorized Audi Service Facility for as-
and hold it all the way down for at least one sistance.
second. [O] Selector lever : malfunction ! You can cont in-
~ At the same t ime, press the gas pedal all the ue driving. Please contact Se rvice
way down with your right foot unt il the engine
The re is a system malfu nction in t he transmis-
reaches and stays at a high RPM level.
sion. Drive to an a ut horized Aud i de al e r o r au-
~ Remove yo ur foot from t he brake pedal within
five seconds c:>,&.. tho rized Aud i Serv ice Facility immedia t ely to have
the mal function corrected.
Dr iv ing
cluster display. The parking lock engages auto - [il Tran smission: malfunction! You can contin-
matica lly when you turn off the engine. Drive to ue driving with limited fun ction. No reverse
an author ized Audi dealer or authorized Audi gear
Serv ice Facility immediately to have the malfunc-
There is a system malfunction in the t ra nsmis-
tion corrected .
sion . The transmission is switch ing to emergency
[O] Transmi ssion : Please press brake pedal and mode. This mode only shifts into certain gears or
select gear again will no longer shift at a ll. The eng ine may sta ll.
You cannot engage the reverse gear. Drive to an
Press the bra ke pedal and se lect the des ired se-
authori zed Audi dealer or authori zed Audi Service
lector lever position again. You can then continue
Facility immediately to have the ma lfunction cor -
rected .
[il Transmi ssion: too hot. Please adapt driving
[il Danger of rolling away! P not possible.
Please apply park ing brake
The transm ission tempe rature has increased s ig-
- The parking lock was re leased using the emer -
nificant ly. Drive ve ry ca utiously or take a break
page 90 . Or
gency re lease c::>
from dr iving unt il the tempera tu re returns to the
- The parking lock can no longer be engaged .
normal range and the ind icator light turns off .
Drive to an authorized Audi dealer or author-
[O] Transmission : malfunction ! You can contin- ized Aud i Service Facility immed iately to have
ue driving . See owner' s manual the malfunction corrected.
There is a system malfunct ion in the transm is- [il Mo ve selector lever to automatic position
sion . You may continue dr iving . Drive to an au-
There is a ma lfunction in the tiptron ic mode. End
thor ized Audi dealer or authorized Audi Service
tiptroni c mode by pus hing the se lec t or lever to
Facility soon to have the malfunction co rrected.
the left into the "D/S " position .
[il Transmission : malfunct ion! You can contin-
ue driving in D until engine is off
Parking lock emergency release
There is a system malfunct ion in the transmis-
The parking lock must be released with the
sion . The transmission is switching to emergency
emergency release when driving through moun -
mode . If you tur n the engine off, you will not be
tains/maneuvering .
able to select any other selector lever pos it ions
after start ing the eng ine again . Drive to a n au-
thor ized Audi dealer or author ized Audi Service
Facility immediately to have the malfunc t ion cor-
- Only activate the eme rgency re lease while
on a level surface or a s light slope.
- The pa rking lock may only be released us ing
the emergency release if the parking brake
is set. If it is no t funct ion ing, secure the ve -
hicle from rolling using t he brake ped al or
ot her suitab le means, such as blocking a
front and a rear whee l. An unsec ur ed vehicle
may roll away, wh ich increases the risk of an
acc ident.
- To reduce the risk of an accident, you m ust
not drive when the emergency re lease is ac-
t ivated.
T r ail e r to w ing
Trailer towing
The maximum pe rmitt ed tongue weight of the Follow the legal regu lat ions rega rding the light -
trailer drawbar on the trailer hitch ball head may ing equipment on your trailer. Contact an author-
not be exceeded . ized Audi dea ler or authorized Audi Service Facili-
ty for more information.
If the tongue we ight is too low, th is affects t he
trailer's handling. For dr iving safety, we recom- Before sta rti ng to dr ive , check all lighting eq uip-
mend to always utilize the maximum permitted ment on the hitched trailer.
tongue weight, but not exceed it. You can reach
The headlight range cont rol adjusts automat ica l-
it, for example, by distributing the cargo in the
ly to the light ra nge of the headlights .
trailer correctly.
Safety chains
You can determine the tongue weight, for exam-
ple, with a bathroom scale or a public weigh sta - Make sure the safety chains are correctly applied
tion . when pulling a trailer . The cha ins should hang
enough so that the trailer can drive around
The permitted tongue we ight of your veh icle can
curves . Howeve r, t hey must not touch the
be found in the vehicle documentation or in
¢ page 370.
Air suspension
Load distribution
Applies to: vehicles with air suspension
Poor cargo load and distribution can negatively
The air suspens ion must be at the standard vehi-
impact ve hicle handl ing .
cle height before you set the tongue we ight on
- Store objects preferably in the vehicle luggage the tra iler and hitch the trailer ¢ @, ¢ page 128,
compartment. The vehicle shou ld always carry Raising/lowering the vehicle.
the heaviest possible load and the trailer
For vehicles with a factory-installed trailer hitch,
shou ld have the lightest possible load.
the a ir suspension trailer mode w ill automatically
- Distribute the load in the tra iler so that the switch on if you connect the trailer cable to the
heavy objects are as close to the ax le as possi- socket.
- Secure objects from slid ing out of place. For vehicles with a retrofitted trailer hitch, you
- Utilize the maximum permitted tongue we ight must sw itch on the a ir suspension trailer mode
if possible . manua lly. Select in the Infotainment system:
IMENU I button> Vehicle> left cont rol button>
Tires Vehicle settings > Air suspension:trailer . Switch
Set the tire pressure on your vehicle for a "full it off again after towing a t ra iler .
load"; see the t ire pressure sticker¢ page 335 . You can also sw itch off trailer mode manually
If necessary, also adjust the tire pressure on the wh ile dr iving, for example, whe n using a bicycle
trailer according to the manufacturer's recom- rack system.
mendation .
If you have to dr ive through d ifficult road cond i-
W inter tires should be mounted on the vehicle tions, you can ra ise the vehicle again after hitch-
and on the trailer during winter temperatures . ing the tra iler or after adjusting the tongue
we ight.
Outside mirrors
If you cannot see the traffic behind the trailer (UJ}Note
u with the standard exterior mirrors, then you Applies to: vehicles with air suspension
..... must attach addit ional exterior m irrors. Adjust
r--- - Changes in t emperature or load can affect
..... them so you have a sufficient visibility behind
0 the height of the vehicle .
you .
T r ail e r to w ing
- Set the air suspension to the standard vehi- ¢ page 11. Shift to a higher gear in a timely man-
cle height, otherwise the applicab le tongue ner .
weight no longer applies to your vehicle.
(D Tips Constant braking causes the brakes to over-
- Use chocks when parking on incl ines if the heat and substantially reduces braking per-
trailer is loaded . formance, increases braking distance or caus-
- We recommend also having the vehicle in- es complete failure of the brake system.
spected between the inspection intervals if
you are towing a trai ler frequent ly.
- Avoid driving with a trailer during the vehi-
cle break-in period .
Adhere to the legal speed limits. Follow the legal
regulat ions specific to the country.
Brake in a t imely manner . Downshift before driv-
ing downhill so that the engine can assist w ith
braking ¢ ,&..
A s si s t a nce s ystems
Sett ing a threshold is recommended if you would .,.To switch t he system on, pull the lever into po-
like to be reminded when you reach a certa in sition (D ¢ fig. 94.
maximum speed . Situations where you may want .,. Drive at the speed to be maintained.
to do so include driving in a country with a gener - .,.To store the speed, press the button @ .
al speed limit or if there is a specified maximum
speed for winter tires.
The stored speed and the @jltJ~i,
(USA models) /
l'I (Canada models) ind icator light appear in the
Setting the warning threshold instrument cluster display. An additional indica-
tor appears in the head-up display*.
Select in the Infotai nment system: IMENU I but-
ton > Vehicle > left control button > Driver assis- The speed is mainta ined by modifyi ng engine
tan ce > Speed warning > Manual. power or through an active brake intervention.
Regard less of the speed warning system, you - Always pay attention to the traffic a round
should always monitor your speed using the you when the cruise control system is in op-
speedometer and make sure you are following eration. You are always responsible for you r
the legal speed limit. speed and the distance between your vehi-
cle and othe r vehicles .
- For safety reasons, cru ise control should not
be used in the city, in stop -and-go t raff ic, on
winding roads a nd when road conditions a re
poor (such as ice, fog, g rave l, heavy ra in and
hydr oplani ng), bec a use t his increases the
risk of an acciden t.
- Sw itch the cr uise con t rol off tempor ar ily
when dr iving in turning lanes, highway exits
..... or in construction zones.
r-- - Please not e t hat unconsc iously "rest ing"
..... your foot on the accelerator ped al prevents
A ss is tanc e s y s tem s
Switching off
(D Tips
Applies to: vehicles with cruise control system
The brake lights turn on w hen the brakes a re
app lied automat ically . Deactivating temporarily
.,. Press t he brake pedal, or
Changing the speed .,. Press the lever towar d @ (not loc ked into
Applies to : vehicles with cruise control system place) ¢ page 95, fig. 94.
Switc hing the ignit ion off w ill erase the stored
Overriding the speed speed .
Applies to: vehicles with cruise control system
A s si s t a nce s ystems
- if t he camera 's visual field c::>fig. 96 is cove red,
for examp le by dirt or st icke rs For informat ion
~ 180 m1 & I f1' I! ' I Pl on cleaning, see c::> page 344 .
IJ'mm ..
- if the t raff ic signs are comp letely or partially
covere d, for examp le by t rees, snow, dirt or
! I~ / .-. other vehicles
I 1:9:11 " '
) ' a!i ,,' i ' - if speed t raffic signs do not conform to the
stand a rds
- if t raffic signs are damage d or ben t
- if traff ic sig ns are d isplayed o n sig n holders
Fig. 95 Instrument cluste r : tr aff ic sign reco gnit ion with elec t ronic s igns
- if the traffic signs or the configu ration of the
road have changed (navigation data is no lon-
ge r up-to-da t e)
Pay at ten t ion to traffic and t he area around
your vehicle when traffic sign recogn ition is
turned on . The traffic signs insta lled on the
road a lways ta ke precedence over the display.
Fig. 96 Windsh ield: cam era window for t raffic sign recog-
The dr iver is a lways responsible for assessing
nition the traffic situation.
- Under some circ umstances, traffic s ign rec-
Traffic sign recognit io n assis t s you when driving ognition may not detect traff ic signs cor-
by d isp laying detected speed limits or signs pro - rectly or detect them at a ll. As a resu lt, the
hibit ing passing in the instrument cluster d isp lay system may not dis play the correct speed
fig . 95 . Within the limits of the system, the le-
c::> lim it or any speed limit .
gal speed lim its in school zones are detected and - Traffic sign recognit ion does not adapt your
d isp layed. veh icle's speed to match the speed limit!
- The display in the instrument cluster is
General info rmation
based on the units of measurement used for
Traffic sign recognit ion can detect standa rd speed in that country . As a result, the dis-
speed limit sig ns that are within the camera's vis- play 50 in t he inst rument cluste r can mean
ua l field. With assistance from navigation data, eithe r km/h or m ph, depend ing o n t he cou n-
detected speed lim its are evaluated and shown in try.
the disp lay. The traffic sign for the current de-
tected speed limit will blink in the display if you
exceed the war ning th reshold set in the Infotain-
ment system c::>page 98 .
A ss is tance s y s tem s
...Se lect: the first tab> Traffic signs. There is no warning when the set threshold is ex-
ceeded .
Setting a speed warning
No tr affic sign information available
You can set a warn ing th reshold down to 10 mph
There is no valid navigation data and do speed
(15 km/h). The traffic sign for the current detect-
limits were detected. Or there is a recommended
ed speed limit will blink in the disp lay if you ex-
speed but there is not a speed lim it (for examp le
ceed the set t hresho ld.
driving on and off the expr essway) .
... Select in the Infotainment system: IMENUIbut-
Malfun ction! See owner's manu al
ton > Vehicle > left contro l button > Driver as·
sistan ce > Speed war ning > Traffic sign based The system cannot guarantee correct funct ion
warning . and is switched off. See an autho rized Audi dea l-
er or autho rized Audi Serv ice Facility for assis -
Add itional display
If a view other than the traffic sign recognit ion is
Function not available in this country
selected in the instrument cluster disp lay, the
speed limit w ill be shown in another disp lay The vehicle is in a country where the function is
~ fig. 97 . The cur rent applicable speed limit will not availab le .
be shown there , if possib le with in the limits of
the system. Lap timer
(D Tips Introduction
Applies to: vehicles with lap t imer
- An additional indicator appears in the head-
up d isplay*. You can measure and analyze lap times with the
- Your speed warning settings a re stored au- lap timer in the display.
tomatically and ass igned to the remote con-
Opening the lap timer
tro l key in use .
...Open the first Vehicle tab (trip computer) using
the l<11I>button on the multifunction steering
Applies to: vehicles with camera-based traff ic sign recogn i-
tion ...Sele ct on the multifunction steering wheel : left
cont rol button > Lap time s. Ill-
Traffi c sign recognition : current ly unavaila-
ble _Camera view limit ed due to surrounding s
A ss istance s ystems
A ss is tance s y s tem s
Symbol Meaning
USA models:
Speed lim it
Canada models:
km/h Fig. 98 Inst rument cluster : predictive control
Speed limit
A ss istance s ystems
Overriding control
w Traffic circle
The driver can override the predict ive control at
a ny time by press ing the accelerator or brake
- Read the wa rnin g s on ¢ .&. in General infor-
pedal. If the system changes the vehicle speed to mation on page 103 and on¢ & in De-
adapt to speed limits, you ca n cha nge the speed scription on page 97.
usi ng the lever ¢ page 106, fig. 105 . - Pay attent ion to traffic and the a rea around
your veh icle when pred ictive cont rol is
Always switch off the predictive control in
sw itched on. The driver is always responsi-
the following situations:
ble for assessing t he traffic situation.
- When increased atte ntion is needed from the - There is an increase in the risk of an acci-
drive r. dent, because the system does not consider
- In poor weat her cond it ions such as snow or "right of way"rules and also does not re-
heavy ra in. spond t o traffic lights .
- When driving on roads in poor condition . - The system only cons iders t raff ic signs that
Indicator in the instrument cluster display g ive a speed lim it .
- The permitted speed can be exceeded if the
W hen switching on the adaptive cru ise cont rol adaptation to a speed lim it is incorrect . The
for the first time, the message ACC: + R B
ac- d river is responsible for adher ing to the pe r-
tive in the instrument cluste r indicates the ava il- mitte d speed .
ab ility of the predictive control.
- The s peed at w hich a curve is dr iven th rough
The '?·;SOmh symbo l appears when the system does not necessarily match your own driving
is reg ulating the speed to match a speed lim it. If style. Brake the vehicle yo ur self whe n need-
this is the case, the system is regulating a speed ed t o redu ce the risk of an accid en t .
of SO mph (80 km/h) . The speed is then taken
over by t he adaptive cru ise control. The speed in 0) Tips
the speedomete r LED ring ad justs to the speed to - If a speed lim it is detected, the stored
be maintained ¢ page 104, fig. 104 . The .. speed is also adjusted in the speedometer
¢ fig. 98 sym bo l appe ar s whe n t here is an adap - LED line when the ada pt ive cru ise control is
ta t ion to t he route ahea d. not active .
If you are in the Driver assistanced isp lay in the - The adaptat ion by t he system d epends on
instr ument cluster, then t he fo llow ing symbols t he driving mode se t in dr ive se lec t *.
will indi cate w hich oc cur ren ce t he sys t em is cu r- - Switching off predict ive con t rol, fo r exam-
u ple whe n d riving in low t raff ic zones, does
..... ren t ly responding to:
ll This is not availa ble in some count ries.
A ss is tanc e s y s tem s
not cause the adaptive cruise control to can also be done with at to lerance, if desired . I n
switc h off . this scenario, you may fall below or exceed the
- After switching on t he ignit ion, the system set speed in favor of increased efficiency.
initially adj usts to a speed of 80 mph
Adaptation to route ahead - whe n t his f unct ion
(130 km/h) when driving onto highways
is switched on, the system adapts to the route
without a speed limit. Then the system ad-
ahead, such as reducing the speed when driving
justs to the last speed stored by the driver.
around curves.
- There is no adaptation to speed li mits when
driving thro ugh highway interchanges and
when driving on or off the expressway.
(D Tips
- There is no pred ictive control at speed limits No predictive messages are shown on vehicles
under 20 mph (30 km/h). without a navigation system.
- If a speed li mit is only detected by the cam-
era and the actua l speed is significantly Audi adaptive cruise
higher, then the speed limit will blink in the control
display unt il you have reached the requ ired
speed Q page 98. Description
Applies to: vehicles with Audi adaptive cruise control
- Incorrect values from the camera-based
traffic sign recogn ition* or outdated naviga-
tion system map data can lead to incorrect
or implausible contro l.
- When route guidance is switched on, the
system adapts to the route provided by the
navigation system. Driving w ithout route
guidance or leaving a route can result in im-
plau sible cont rol.
- The system switches off when outside of a
road system th at is recorded in t he naviga- Fig. 99 Detect ion ra nge
tion system map data.
The adaptive cru ise cont rol system is a comb ina-
Settings in the Infotainment system t ion of speed and distance regulation . It assists
Applies to: vehicles with predictive efficiency assist t he driver by bot h regulating t he speed and
maintain ing a distance to the vehicle driv ing
Predict ive messages* ahead, within the limits of the system. If the sys-
~ In t he Infotainment system, select: IMENU ! tem detects a vehicle driving ahead, the adaptive
button > Vehicle > left contro l button > Driver cruise contro l can brake and accelerate your vehi-
assistance > Efficiency assist. cle. This makes driving more comfortable both
on long stretches of highway and in stop -and-go
Predicti ve messages are shown when this f unc-
tion is switched on.
What can adapti ve cruise control do?
Setting predictive control*
The adaptive cru ise control system uses video, ra-
~ Select in the Infota inment system: IMENU I but-
dar, ultrasound and navigation data . Vehicles
ton > Vehicle > left contro l button > Driver as-
driv ing ahead can be recognized up to 650 ft
sistan ce > Audi adaptiv e cruise cont rol > Pre-
(200 m) away.
dictive control.
Predictive functions offer the driver additional
Set speed limit - when this function is switched
comfort and contr ibute to the reduct ion in fuel
on, t he system adju sts to the speed li mits. This
consumption and CO2 em issions Q page 100. IJIJ,
A s si s t a nce s ystems
On open roads with no t raffic, it functions like a ing, see ¢ page 344 . The same applies fo r any
cruise control syst e m. The stored spe e d is main- modifications made in the front area .
tained. When approach ing a veh icle driving
In some dr iving sit uations, t he adaptive cruise
ahead, the adaptive cruise control system auto-
contro l func t ion is restricte d :
mat ica lly brakes to mat ch that vehicle's speed
and then maintains the set distance . As soon as - Veh icles can on ly be de t ected when they are
the system does not detect a vehicle driving with in the sensor detection zones ¢ page 102,
ahead, adaptive cruise contro l accelerates up to fig. 99 .
the stored speed. - The system has a limited ability to detect
ve hicles t hat are a short dis t ance ahead, off to
In stop -and -go traff ic, adaptive cru ise control can
t he side of your ve hicle or movi ng into your
brake unt il the vehicle is stat io nary and then can
also start driving again automatically under cer-
- Objects that are d ifficult to detect s uch as mo-
tain condi t ions ¢ page 106.
torcycles, veh icles with high gro und clea rance
In traffic jams or stop -and -go traffic, traffic jam or an overhanging load are detec t ed late or not
assist can assist the driver ¢ page 109 . detected at all.
- When driving through curve s ¢ page 104 .
Which function s can be controlled ?
- W he n the veh icle is sta t ionary r=;,page 104 .
When you switch adapt ive cruise control on, you
can s et the current speed as the "control speed" A WARNING
¢ page 104, Switching on/off.
Always pay at t ent ion t o the traffic around you
When driving, you can stop cruise contro l when adaptive cru ise con t rol is switched on .
¢ page 10 7 or change the speed ¢ page 106 at As the driver, you are still responsible for your
any time. own speed and the d istance to other veh icles.
The adaptive cruise cont rol is used to assist
You can a lso set the distance to the vehicle driv-
you. The driver must always take action to
ing ah ead and set the driving mode of the adap-
avoid a collision . The driver is always responsi -
tive cruise control ¢ page 10 7.
ble for braking at the correct t ime.
- For safety reasons, do not use adaptive
General information cruise control when the road surface is in
Applies to: vehicles with Audi adaptive cruise contro l
poor condi t ion and/or in bad weather condi-
tions (such as ice, fog, gravel, heavy rain and
hydroplani ng) . Using t he system under
these co ndit ions increa ses the ris k of an a c-
cide nt.
- Switch adaptive cru ise contr ol off t empora-
rily when dr iving in tu rning lanes, on ex-
pressway exits (except if predictive cont rol
is switched on) or in construct io n zones .
This prevents the vehicle from acce lerating
Fig. 10 0 Front of the vehicle : se ns ors and video cam e ra
to the stored speed when in these situa-
The areas with the rada r and ultrasonic sensors - The adaptive cruise contro l system will not
and the video camera ¢ fig. 100 must not be cov- brake by itself if you put your foot on the ac-
ered by stickers, deposits or any other objects , celerator pedal. Doing so can over ride the
..... because this can interfe re with the adapt ive speed and d ista nce regulation . ~
..... cru ise control funct ion. For information on clean-
Assistance systems
(D Note
Fig. 102 Example: vehicle changing lanes and stationary
The sensors can be displaced by impacts or vehicle
damage to the bumper, wheel housing and
underbody . This can impair the adaptive Within the limits of the system, adaptive cruise
cruise control. Have an authorized Audi dealer control can react to stationary vehicles
or authorized Audi Service Facility check their ¢ fig. 102, as long as you are driving slower than
function. 30 mph (SO km/h) and the system classifies the
possible passing maneuver as low . For example,
@ Tips if a vehicle that was already detected (D turns or
changes lanes, the adaptive cruise control reacts
For an explanation on conformity with the
to the stationary vehicle ahead of it @ .
FCCregulations in the United States and the
Industry Canada regulations, see
¢page 374. Switching on/off
Appli es to: vehicles with Audi adapt ive cruise control
In curves
Applies to: vehicles with Audi adaptive cruise control
A ss istance s ystems
You can set any speed between 20 mph and 95 © Instrument cluster display
mph (30 km/h and 150 km/h).
If t he Driver assistance displ ay is not shown in
Indicato r lights and messages in t he instr ument the instr ument cluster d isp lay, you can open it
cluste r display inform you abou t the cur ren t s it - using the m ultif unction steering whee l buttons
uation and setting. c:!;>
page 12.
An addit ional ind icator appears in the head- up Base d on t he gr ap hic d isp lay, you can dete rm ine
d isp lay*. if t he system is maintain ing a d istance t o the ve -
hicle driving a head and what t hat distance is .
Switching adaptive cruise control on
No vehicle - no ve hicle was detec t ed dr iving
"' Pull the lever toward you into position @ ahe ad.
fig . 103 .
Silver vehicle - a vehicle was detected driving
Storing the speed and activating regul ation ahead.
"' To store the current speed, press the !SE TIbut- Red vehicle - reques t for driver interve ntion
ton <=>fig. 103. The stored speed is shown in the page 108 .
speedometer in the LED line @ and appears
fig . 104 .
briefly in the status line @ <=> The five distan ce bars on the gauge © represent
"'T o activate the regu lation wh ile stat ionary, also page 107for infor-
the set distance (refer to c:!;>
press the brake peda l. ma t ion on how to change t he d istance). If you
fall below the selected d ista nce, the distance
Sw itching adaptive cruise control off bars become red from the bottom upwa rd .
"' Push the lever away from you into position @
unt il it clicks into place . The message ACC:off A WARNING
appears . If yo u press the !SET Ibutto n w hen dr iving at
speed s below 20 mph (30 km/h), t he ve hicle
® Indicator light s accelera t es aut om atic ally up t o 20 mph (30
II- Adaptive cruise control is switched on. No km/h), w hich is the minim um speed t ha t can
ve hicles are detected ahead. The stored speed is be set.
Assistance systems
Fig. 105 Operat ing lever : changing t he speed Fig. 106 I nstrume nt cluster: safe st art mo nitor
~ To increase/decrease the speed in 1 mph (1 The adaptive cru ise con tro l system also assists
km/h) increments, br iefly tap the lever toward you in stop-and-go traffic. If a vehicle driving
0 10 ¢ fig. 1 OS to the first level. ahead stops, your vehicle will brake and stay at a
~ To increase/decrease the speed in 5 mph (5 stop within the limits of the system.
km/h or 10 km/h) increments, briefly tap the
Starting to drive with adaptive cruise
lever toward 0 10 up to the second level.
controt 1>
~ To increase or decrease the speed continuously,
hold the lever toward 0 / 0 to the first o r sec- As long as the message ACC:automatic go is dis-
ond level until the red LED@ reaches the de- played, you r vehicle will begin driving when the
s ired speed ¢ page 104 , fig. 104 . vehicle driving ahead starts to move c::>A_.
You can also preselect the speed when adaptive If you are stopped fo r several seconds, your veh i-
cruise control is not active by moving the lever in cle will no lon ger drive autonomously for safety
the desired direction 0 10 . Activate the previ- reasons, and the message will turn off.
ously se lected speed by pulling the lever into po- ~ To reactivate ACC:automatic go temporarily,
sition (D ¢ page 104, fig. 103. pull the lever to position @ ¢ page 107,
After each change, the new stored speed appears fig. 107.
briefly in the status line ¢ page 104, fig. 104 @ . ~ To resume manua l control of the vehicle, tap
When adaptive cruise control is active, the B in- the accelerator pedal.
d icator light turns on and when adaptive cruise Safe start monitor
control is not active, the ll'J
indicator light turns
on . In the Audi virtual cockpit*, the indicator II If an obstacle is detected when you start dr iving,
light turns on instead. you will be alerted to the danger by the. indi-
cator light and the image in the instrument clus-
fig. 106 c::>&.. An audio signa l will
ter display c::>
also sound. Your vehicle will drive more slowly
when starting. This may also happen in some sit-
uations when there is no apparent obstacle .
A s si s t a nce s ystems
"' To resume the stored speed, move the lever to -
ward you into position @ .
If the message ACC: autom atic go 1) appears,
your veh icle will start driving even if there is Canceling cruise control when stopped
an obstacle between your vehicle and the ve- "' Push the lever away from you into position @ .
hicle driv ing ahead . This increases the risk of The message ACC: standby appears,
an accident. "' To resume cruise contro l, press t he brake peda l
and pull the lever toward you into position @ .
@ Tips
- For safety reasons, your veh icle will only A WARNING
start to drive automatical ly if: It is dangerous to activate cruise contro l an d
- t he driver's safety belt is fastened resume the stored speed when the current
- all doors and the hood a re closed road, traffic or weather cond itions do not per-
- your vehicle is not stopped for a long per i- mit this . This increases the risk of an accident .
Setting the distance
Interrupting cruise control Applies to : vehicles with Audi ada ptive cruise control
Applies to: vehicles with Audi adaptive cruise contro l
Fig. 1 08 Opera t ing lever: setting the distance
Fig. 107 Selecto r lever
...Tap the sw itch to display the current set dis-
Requirement: adaptive cruise contro l must be tance ¢ fig. 108.
sw itched on . "' To increase or reduce the d istance in incre-
ments, tap the switch upward/downward
Overriding crui se control
aga in . The distance between the two veh icles
"' To accelerate manually, pull the lever toward will change in the inst rument cluste r display .
you into pos ition @ and ho ld it there or press
the accelerator pedal. The message ACC: over- When approaching a vehicle driving ahead, the
ride appears . adaptive cruise control system brakes to match
...To resume cruise cont rol, release the leve r or that vehicle's speed a nd then adj usts to the set
ta ke your foot off t he acce le rato r peda l. distance. If the veh icle d riving ahead accelerates,
t hen the adapt ive cruise con t rol will also acce ler-
Canceling cruise control while driving ate up t o t he speed th at you have set.
"' Move the lever into position @ . The message The higher the speed, t he g reater the distance
ACC: standby appears, Or ¢ .&,.The Distance 3 sett ing is recommended .
"' Press the brake peda l. That is eq ual to the ge ne ral recommendation of
..... "ha lf t he speed shown on t he speedometer ". ..,.
co l) This is not available in some countries.
Assistance systems
The distances provided are specified values . De- Storing the last distance 1)
pending on the driving situation and how the ve-
The last distance that was set will be stored after
hicle ahead is dr iving, the actual d istance may be the ignition is swit ched off . If the distance is not
more or less than these target d istances. stored, Distance 3 is a utomatica lly set eve ry time
If you change the time gaps, the newly set value the ignit ion is switched on.
appears briefly in the instrument cluster disp lay,
Driving program
for example II
for Distance 3. This only occurs if Applies to: vehicles without Audi drive select
the Driver assistance display is not currently
shown in the display r=>page104, fig. 104. Depending on the selected driving program and
distance, driving behavio r when accelerating will
Distance 1: this setting corresponds to a distance vary from dynamic to comfortable.
of 92 ft (28 m) when traveling at 62 mph (100
km/h), or a time d istance of 1 second. Selecting the driving mode
Applies to: vehicles with Audi drive select
Distance 2 : this setting corresponds to a distance
of 118 ft (36 m) when traveling at 62 mph (100 For vehicles with drive select, refer to
km/h), or a time d istance of 1.3 seconds . r=>
page 127.
When setting the distance, the driver is re-
sponsible for adhe ring to any applicab le lega l
1) In prepa ratio n at the t ime of print ing. This funct ion is not
ava ilable in every vehicle .
A s si s t a nce s ystems
Traffic jam assist If traffic jam ass ist was deactivated through the
Applies to: vehicles with traff ic jam ass ist Infotainment system, you can continue operating
the active lane ass ist using the ¢ fig . 110 button
Traffic jam assist supports the driver when driv-
¢ page 118. The traffic jam assist functions are
ing in traffic jams or in heavy traffic.
no longer available.
A ss is tance s y s tem s
and follow the warni ngs on c::,&. in General .,.In the Infotainment system, select : IMENU I
information on page 103. Never use t raffic button > Vehicle > left control button > Driver
jam assist in the following situat ions or you assistan ce > Distan ce warning .
will increase the risk of an accident .
- Driving offroad or on unpaved roads . Traffic A WARNING
jam assist is only designed for use on paved - Read and follow the warnings on c::,&. in
roads . General information on page 103.
- In city driving or in construction zones. - The driver is always responsible for adhering
- On curving stretches of road. to the regulat ions applicab le in that coun-
- In narrow lanes . try .
- In unclear traffic situations s uch as at inter-
sections or toll stations. (D Tips
You may fa ll below he warning threshold
(D Tips brief ly when passing or when qu ickly ap-
You are not necessarily gu ided to the cente r proaching a slow vehicle. There is no warn ing
of yo ur lane . in this scenar io . A warning is g iven o nly if you
fall be low the warning thresho ld for a n ex-
Distance display and distance warning tended per iod of t ime .
Applies t o: vehicles with Audi adaptive cruise cont rol
A ss istance s ystems
The road exceeds the maximum possib le grade the steering whee l so you can be ready to steer at
for safe operation. The systems cannot be switch- any time.
ed on.
14§Traffic jam ass ist : currentl y unavailable .
Ill ACC with traffic jam ass ist : only availabl e in Please fasten seat belt
D, Sor M
The system switches off when the drive r's safety
Select the "D/S " or "M" selector leve r pos it ion. belt is unfastened.
Ill ACC w ith traffic jam ass ist: currentl y un- Ill ACC: eff iciency ass ist not available in thi s
available . Parking brake applied countr y
The systems sw itch off if you set the parking The adaptation to speed lim its and routes ahead
brake . The systems are available again after you is not available in this country .
release the parking brake .
IIJACC:predict ive control currentl y unavaila-
llJACCw ith traffic jam ass ist: currentl y un· ble . See owne r's manual
available. Stabili zation cont rol (ESC) input
The ad a ptation to speed lim its and routes ahead
This message appears if the Electronic Stabili za- swit ches off at speed limits under 20 mph
tion Control (ESC) is taking action to stabilize the (30 km/h) .
ve hicle . The systems switch off in this scenario .
The message ca n also appear if t he adaptation to
Ill ACC with traffic jam ass ist : manu al control! speed limi t s and routes a head has a t emporary
failure . Have your vehicle checked by an autho r-
This message appea rs if the veh icle rolls back
ized Audi dea ler or authorized Audi Service Facili-
when sta rting on a slight incl ine, even t hough the
ty if the malfunction is continuous .
systems are active . Press t he brake peda l to pre -
vent the vehicle from rolling or sta rting to move. Distance warning: malfunction! Pleasecontact
Se rvice
IIJACCw ith traffic jam ass ist: currentl y un-
availabl e. Downhill ass ist activated The system cannot gua rantee that it will detect
vehicles correct ly and it has switc hed off. The ra-
You cannot activate the system when hill hold as-
dar sensors have shifted or are fa ulty . Drive t o an
sist is act ive .
authorized Aud i dea ler or a uthorized Audi Serv ice
II!!ACCwith traffic jam assist: manual control! Facility immediate ly to have the ma lfunction cor -
rected .
This message appears if the driver does not take
over steering after mu ltip le driver intervention Distance warning : currentl y unavailable . Sen sor
requests and the system switches off . The vehicle view restricted due to surrounding s. See own-
brakes unt il it is stationary . e r's manual
iiTraffic jam ass ist : unavailable. See ow ner's This message appears if the rada r senso r view is
manual obstructed, for examp le by leaves, snow, heavy
spray or dirt. Clean the sensors ¢ page 103,
The system can no longer ensure that t he ve hicle
fig . 100.
will stay in the lane and sw itches off. Have yo ur
vehicle checked by an a ut horized Audi dea ler or Distance warning : curre ntly unavailable . See
authorized Audi Service Facility if the ma lfunc - owner' s manual
tion is continuous .
This message appears if the system has a tempo-
14§Traffic jam ass ist : Please take over steering! ra ry fa ilur e. If this occurs m ultip le t imes, drive to
u an a ut horized Aud i dea le r o r a ut ho rized Aud i
co This message appea rs as soon as the system
r--- Se rvice Facility immed iate ly t o have the ma lfunc -
N stops detecting steer ing activ ity when the system
..... t ion corrected . liJ,,
limits are rea ched. Always keep yo ur hands on
A ss is tanc e s y s tem s
ACC: Please fa sten seat belt - Within the limits of the system, pre sense city
uses the camera data and can detect an im-
The system is not comp letely available if t he d riv-
pending collision with vehicles and pedestrians .
er 's seat be lt is unfas t ened .
In this case, the system warns the driver visual-
Station ary obje ct ahead ly, acoustical ly and wit h a jerk on the brakes if
necessary . If needed, it ca n initiate a full dece l-
This message appears if you would like to switch
erat ion to reduce t he coll ision speed or to avoid
the system on and there is a stationary object di-
the collision under certa in circumstances . In
rectly in front of your veh icle .
conjunction with pre sense basi c/rear, the front
Door open safety belts are a lso reve rsibly te nsioned whe n
The system is not ava ila ble when the door is needed.
open .
functions can init iate measures in particularly - Certa in pre sense fu nct io ns sw itch off when
dangerous situat ions to protect the ve hicle pas - driving in reve rse.
sengers and ot her road users. - The pre sense funct io ns m ay no t be ava ila -
ble if t here is a ma lfunct ion in t he ESC sys -
- Due to the interl ink ing of various vehicle sys-
tem or t he airbag control module .
tems , crit ica l dr iving situat ions can be detected
- Note that the reversible belt tens ioner on
by pre sense basic and measu res fo r preventa-
the front passenger 's side deactivates when
t ive occ upan t protect ion are can be initiated.
the front passenger's airbag is deactivated.
- The pre sense front system uses the data from
- Switch the pre sense off when yo u are not
t he adapt ive cr uise control* radar sensors and
using public streets or when loading the ve-
t he camera to calc ulate the probab ility of a col -
hicle onto a vehicle carrier, train, ship or
lision . Within the limits of the system, an im-
other type of transportat ion. This can pre-
pending collision with vehicles can be detected
vent an undesired intervention from the pre
in both urban and rural speed ranges. In this
sense system.
case, the system warns the driver visually,
acoustically and with a jerk on the brakes if nec-
essary . If needed, it can initiate a partial or fu ll Audi pre sense basic
deceleration to reduce the collision speed or to Appli es to: vehicles wit h Audi pre sense basic
avo id the co llis ion unde r ce rtain circumstances . The pre se nse bas ic functions are activated at a
In conjunct ion with pre sense basi c/rear, the speed of approx imately 20 mp h (30 km/h) or
front safety belts are also revers ibly tensioned highe r.
whe n needed. The pre sense front is also act ive
when adaptive cruise control* is switched off . The following functions ca n be triggered under
- Pre sense rear con t ains pre sense basic func -
certain co nd it ions w it hin the lim its of the sys-
tions. It uses the data from the side assist* ra- tem:
dar sensors and calc ulates within the limits of - Tensioning of the safety belts (for examp le,
the system the probability of a rear end colli - during heavy brak ing) : the front safety belts
sion with the vehicle behind you . Pre sense rear have reversible belt te nsioners . If a collision
is also active when s ide assist* is switched off . does not occur , the safety belts loosen slig htly
and are ready to tr igger aga in. ...
A ss istance s ystems
- Closing the w indows and sunroof* When t his warning occurs, it may only be possi-
- Activ ati ng the emergency fl ashers l ) . ble to avoid a coll ision by swerving or braking
strongly . The message Audi pre sense.
The message Audi pre sense. ¢ page 113,
¢ fig . 113 and a wa rning tone will warn you
fig . 113 will warn you about the dange r.
about the danger .
Audi drive select*: the trigger t imes are adjusted
If you do not react enough or not at all to a dan-
depend ing on the mode selected .
gerous sit uat ion that was detected by the sys-
tem, pre sense front provides assistance by ap-
Audi pre sense front ply ing the brakes.
Applies to: vehicles with Audi pre sense front
If a collision is imminent, the system will first
provide an acute warning by braking sharply . You
will also warned by an indicato r in the instr ument
cluster disp lay¢ fig. 113 . If you do not react to
the acute warning, pre sense front can brake w ith
increasing fo rce wi t hin t he limits of the
system 1>. Thi s reduces the veh icle speed in the
event of a collision . At low vehicle speeds, pre
sense fron t can init iate a complete decelerat ion
shortl y bef ore a collision wi t h a vehicl e dr iving
Fig. 113 Inst rumen t clu ste r : approac h warn ing ahead l)_ If pre sense front determi nes that you
are not braking strong ly enough when a colli sion
Description is imminent, it can increase t he braking force.
Within the limits of the system, pre sense front
The following fu nctions t rigge r in conjunction
can warn you of impending coll isions and initiate
with pre sense basic/rea r at corresponding vehi-
the corresponding brak ing maneuvers or the sup-
cle speeds:
port ing measures when avoiding a collision .
- Reversible tens ioning of the front safety belt s
If detected in time, the system can rank the dan-
- Closing th e windows and sun roof*
gerous situation as critica l if a vehicle driving
ahead brakes sudden ly, if you r own vehicle is ap- Audi drive select*: depending on the select ed
proaching a significantly slower vehicle at high mode, t he reversible belt tensioner and the clos-
speed or when there is an oncom ing vehicle dur- ing of the w indows and sunroof * are not act ive.
ing a tur ning maneuve r.
Evasive steering support
If detection is not possible, then pre sense front
Evasive steering support helps you to steer the
does not react.
vehicle around an obstacle in a crit ical situat ion.
Warnings If you avoid an obstacle after the acute warning,
then the evasive st eering suppo rt assists you by
The system recognizes various dange rous situa -
applying sligh t steering adjustmen t t o correct
tions. The early warning occurs if:
your steering w heel angle as long as you are ac-
- a vehicle driving ahead brakes sudden ly t ively st eering. Evasive st eering support is availa-
- your own vehicle approaches a significant ly ble at speeds bet ween approx imately 20 mp h
slower veh icle or station ary vehicle in t he dire c- (30 km/h) and 90 mph (150 km/h) . ..,.
t ion of t ravel
ll This is not availa ble in som e countr ies.
A ss is tanc e s y s tem s
sta nce. The d river must a lways intervene. If the risk of a collision with a vehicle ahead is de -
The d river is always respons ible for braking tected, the follow ing funct ions can be triggered:
at the correct time. Do not let the increased
safety provided tempt you into taking risks . - Reversible tens ioning of the front safety belts
This cou ld increase your risk of a collision . at the corresponding speeds.
- The system can deploy incorrectly d ue to - Closing the windows and sunroof*
system -specific limits . - Activating the emergency flashers with in-
- Please note that the sensors and the camera creased frequency ll .
do not always detect all objects or lane The message Audi pre sense. page 113,
markings. This increases the risk of an acci- fig . 113 will warn you about the danger.
Audi drive select* : t he function is not act ive de-
- Pre sense front does not react to people, an -
pend ing on t he mode selected.
ima ls or objects that are crossing the veh i-
cle's path or that are diff icult to detect c::>&
in General information on page 103.
- Reflective objects s uch as guard rails or the - To re du ce the risk of an accident, please
entrance to a tunnel, heavy rain and ice can note that the side assist* radar sensors do
affect the function of the radar sensors and not a lways detect every object.
the system's ability to detect a coll ision risk. - Pre sense rear does not react to people, ani -
mals or objects that are crossing t he vehi -
{UJ)Note cle's path or that are d ifficult to detect.
- Reflective objects such as guard rai ls, heavy
The sensors can be displaced by impacts or
rain and ice can impair the function of the
damage to the bumper, whee l housing and
radar sensors and the ability to detect a col-
underbody . Pre sense fro nt can be impa ired
lision risk.
by this. Have an authorized Audi dealer or au-
thori zed Audi Service Facility check the ir func-
@ Note
The radar sensors can be disp laced by impacts
(D Tips or damage to the bumper, w heel housing and
underbody. Pre sense rear can be impa ired by ..,.
- You can cancel the brak ing with increasing
fo rce that is init iated by the system by brak-
A ss istance s ystems
t his. Have an authorized Audi deale r or au- reduces t he vehicle speed in the event of a colli-
thorized Audi Service Facility check their func- sion. The message Audi pre sense. also ap-
tion. pears.
Assistance systems
Assistance systems
This message appears if the pre sense functions
are switched off through the Infotainm ent sys- -
tem or if the system is not ready. - The system warns the driver that the vehicle
is leaving the lane using corrective steering .
The driver is always responsible for keeping
Audi active lane assist
the vehicle within the lane .
Description - The system can help you keep the vehicle in
Applies to: vehicles with Audi active lane assist the lane, but it does not drive by itself. Al-
ways keep your hands on the steering
Active lane assist (lane departure warning) de-
tects lane marker lines within the limits of the
- Corrective steering may not occur in certain
system using a camera in the windshield. If you
situations, such as during heavy braking.
are approaching a detected lane marker line and
- There may be cases where the camera does
it appears likely that you will leave the lane, the
not recognize all lane marker lines. Correc-
system will warn you with corrective stee ring .
tive steering can only take place on the side
You can override this steering at any time . If you
of the vehicle where lane marker lines are
pass over a line, the steering wheel will vibrate
lightly . In order for this warning vibration to oc -
- Other road structures or objects could possi-
cur, it must first be switched on in the Infotain-
bly be identified unintentionally as lane
ment system. Active lane assist is ready for oper-
marker lines. As a result, corrective steering
ation when the lane marker line is detected on at
may be unexpected or may not occur.
least one side of the vehicle.
- The camera view can be restricted, for ex-
The system is designed for driving on express- ample by vehicles driving ahead or by rain,
ways and highways and therefore only activates snow, heavy spray or light shining into the
at speeds above approximately 40 mph (65 km/ camera. This can result in active lane assist
h). not detecting the lane marker lines or de-
Appl ies to: veh icles w ith side assist: if you acti- tecting them incorrectly .
vate a turn signal when active lane assist is ready - In certain situations where visibility is low,
and it classifies a lane change as critical because the vehicle may switch from an "early" to
of vehicles traveling alongside you or approach- "late" steering correction.
ing you, there will be noticeable corrective steer- - Under certain conditions such as ruts in the
ing shortly before you leave the lane. This will at- road, an inclined roadway or crosswinds, the
tempt to keep your vehicle in the lane. corrective steering alone may not be enough
to keep the vehicle in the middle of the lane .
Applies to: veh icles w it hout side ass ist: the ready
- For safety reasons, active lane assist must
system does not warn you if you activate a turn
not be used when there are poor road and/
signal before crossing the lane marker line. In
or weather conditions such as slippery
this case, it assumes that you are changing lanes
roads, fog, gravel, heavy rain, snow and the
potential for hydroplaning. Using active lane
Applies to: vehicles with adaptive cruise control: assist under these conditions may increase
there is no corrective steering or warnings if the the risk of a crash.
syst em recognizes a distinct passing maneuver.
If the conditions are met, traffic jam assist
switches on at speeds under approximately
40 mph (65 km/h) ¢ page 109 .
Assistance systems
{i) Tips
- Make sure the camera window<=>fig. 115 is
not covered by stickers or other objects. For
information on cleaning, see¢ page 344.
- In certa in markets: if the system is switched
on, it will switch on automatically each time
Fig. 115 W indshield: camera window fo r acti ve lane assist
th e igni t ion is switched on .
• Press the button to switch the system on and Display in the instrument cluster
fig . 114. The indicator light in the instru-
off c:':> Applies to: vehicles with Audi active lane assist
ment cluster turns on or off.
You can open up the Driver assistance disp lay for Drive to an authori zed Audi dealer or authori zed
the active lane assist using the m ultifunction Audi Service Facility immediate ly to have the
steer ing whee l buttons ¢ page 12 . malfunction corrected.
An addit ional ind icator appears in the head- up rl!Audi active lane assist: currently unavaila-
d isp lay*. ble. Camera view restricted due to surround-
ings. See owner's manual
Multi-Color Display
This message appears if the ca mera is unab le to
See ¢fig . 116.
de t ect t he lines. This could happen if:
Driver assistance Meaning on the corre- - The camera fie ld of view c>page 118, fig. 115 is
display in the in- sponding side d irty or covered in ice . Clean t his area on the
strument cluster w indshie ld c>page 344.
Gree n line(s) Active lane ass ist is acti- - The camera fie ld of view is fogged over. Wait
(left or right) vated a nd ready to pro - until the fog has clea red befo re switching the
vide warnings. active la ne ass ist o n aga in .
Red line Active lane assist warns - The system has bee n unab le to detect the la nes
(left or right) you before leav ing a la ne . for an extended per iod of ti me due to roa d con -
In add ition, the steer ing ditions . Switc h ac t ive la ne ass ist back on w hen
whee l vibrates lightly. the lines are more visib le .
Gray line(s) Active lane assist is acti- rl!Audi active lane assist: currently unavaila-
(left or right) vated, but is not ready to ble. See owner's manual
give warning
There is a temporary malfunct ion that may pre-
Monochrome display vent the act ive lane assis t from sw itchi ng on . Try
See c>fig. 117. switching t he active lane assist on again late r.
A ss is tance s y s tem s
Steering time
Early: in th is sett ing, the correct ive steering hap-
pens continuously to help keep the vehicle in the
center of the lane.
Vibration warning
Fig. 119 Disp lay on the exterior mirror
You can switch the additional vibration warning
in the stee ring wheel on or off . Side ass ist (lane change ass ist) helps you mon itor
you r bl ind spot and traff ic beh ind your vehicle.
,&. WARNING Within the limits of the system, it warns you
With the vibration warning switched off, about vehicles that are coming closer or that are
t here will also be no visual warn ing in the in- traveling with you within sensor range (D
strument cluster display when crossing a lane ¢ fig. 118 . If a lane change is class ified as cr iti-
Warning stage
If t he display in a m irro r blinks brightly whe n you
activate a turn s ignal, side assist is warning you
Fig. 11 8 Sensor detect ion range about detected vehicles that it has classified as
critica l. If this happens, check traff ic by glancing
in the exterior m irrors and over your shoulder
¢ A in General information on page 122 .
A s si s t a nce s ystems
about detected vehicles that it has classified as the sooner the display in the exterior mirror will
critical. turn on .
You ca n adju st t he brig htness on of the dis- Vehicles traveling with you are indicated in the
play on the rearview mirror ~ page 122. exter ior mirror if they a re classified as critical for
a la ne change. All vehicles dete cted by side assist
are indicated by the time they ente r your "blind
General information
spot", at the latest.
Applies to : vehicles with Audi side assist
Functional limitations
© The radar sensors are des igned t o detect the left
and right adjacent lanes when the road lanes are
the norma l width . In some situations, the display
in the exte rior mirror may turn on even though
there is no vehicle located in the area that is criti-
cal for a lane change. For example :
Fig. 120 Driving sit uations
- If the lanes are narrow or if you are driving on
the edge of your lane. If t his is the case, the
system may have detected a vehicle in another
lane that is not adjacent to your current lane .
- If you are driving through a curve. Side assist
AUDI may react to a vehicle that is in the same lane
or one lane over from the adjacent lane .
- If s ide assist reacts to other objects (such as
roads ide structures like guard rails).
- In poor weather conditions . The side assist
Fig. 121 Rear of the vehicle: posit ion of the sensors
functions are limited.
Side assist functions at speeds above app roxi- Do not cover the radar sensors Q fig. 121 with
mately 9 mph (15 km/h) . stickers, deposits, bicycle wheels or other ob -
jects, because this will impair the funct ion. Do
@ Vehicles that are app roaching
not use s ide ass ist when towing a trai ler. For in-
~ In certain cases, a vehicle will be classified as format io n on cleaning, see ¢ page 344. ..,.
:::. critica l for a lane change even if it is still some-
~ what far away . The faste r a veh icle approaches,
A ss is tanc e s y s tem s
If the system is activated , the disp lays in the ex-
terior mirrors will turn on briefly when th e igni-
- Always pay attention to traffic and to the tion is switched on .
area around your vehicle . Side assist cannot
replace a dr iver's attention . The dr iver alone (D Tips
is a lways responsible for lane changes and
When yo u switch side assist on or off, the exit
simi lar d riving maneuvers.
warning system activates or deactivates
- In some situat ions, the system may not
¢ page 123 .
funct ion or its funct io n may be lim ited. For
example :
Setting the display brightness
- If vehicles are approaching or being left
Appli es to : vehicles wit h Audi side assist
behind very quickly. The display may not
turn on in time . The display brightness can be adjusted in the In -
- In poor weather conditions such as heavy fotainment system.
rain, snow or heavy mist.
.,. Select in the Infotainment system: I MENU ! but -
- On very wide lanes, in tight curves, or if
ton > Vehicle > left control button > Driver as-
there is a rise in the road surface. Vehicles
sistanc e > Audi side assist.
in the adjacent lane may not be detected
because they are outs ide of the sensor The disp lay br ightness adjusts automatically to
range . t he brightness of the sur roundings, both in the
information and in the warning stage. In very
@ Note dark or very bright surroundings , the automatic
The sensors can be displaced by impacts or adjustment will set the display to the minimum
damage to the bumper, whee l housing and or max imum level. In such cases, you may notice
underbody . This can impa ir the system . Have no change when adjusting the br ightness, or the
an author ized Audi dealer or authorized Aud i change may only be noticeable once the sur -
Serv ice Facility check their function . round ings change .
Assistance systems
The exit warning system is subject to limita-
tions and cannot warn you before every im-
pending collision:
- If the vehicle is too wide for the parking
space and covered by the neighboring
- Approaching objects or people such as cy-
clists or skateboarders may not be detected
Fig. 123 Door: warning light
under certain circumstances.
- The system does not react to stationary ob-
When the vehicle is stationary, the exit warning
system warns the passengers of a possible colli -
- The view of the radar sensors may be im-
sion when opening the door . Within the limits of
paired by leaves, snow, heavy spray or dirt.
the system, the system monitors the areas be-
Clean the area in front of the sensors
hind and next to the vehicle using the radar sen-
sors ¢ page 121, fig. 121 . Moving objects that
¢page 121, fig. 121 .
are approaching from behind, such as cars, are
detected ¢ fig. 122.
(D Note
Also read the information in ¢ (i) in General
If you open the door and a critical situation is de-
information on page 122.
tected, the door handle frame on the affected
door will blink ¢ fig. 123 and the display in the
(D Tips
outside mirror on the same side also appears. If
the door is already open and another road user is - The exit warning system is switched on and
detected and the situation is classified as critical off through the side assist¢ page 122. The
then the corresponding displays turn on. exit warning indicators turn on during the
adjustment process.
- The display brightness for the exit warning
system cannot be adjusted.
- Always pay attention to traffic and to the
- The system is not available when towing a
area around your vehicle . The exit warning
system does not replace the attention of the
u passengers. The vehicle passengers are al-
..... ways responsible for opening the doors and
..... exiting the vehicle .
A ss is tance s y s tem s
A ss istance s ystems
@jAudi side assist: currently unavailable. Sen- Drive sele ct ma kes it pos si ble t o exper ien ce dif-
sor vision restricted due to surroundings . See ferent types of vehi cle se tti ngs in one veh icle.
owner 's manual You can select t he d riving modes Offroad* or
e, Audi side assist and exit warning: currently
unavailable. Sensor vision restricted due to sur-
Lift / Offroad *, Allroad* , Comfort , Auto and Dy-
namic in the Infota inme nt system, fo r example
Assistance systems
Engine and automatic transmission order to keep the steering effort as minima l as
possible when the driver is maneuvering the vehi-
Depending on the mode , the engine and auto-
cle. At low and average speeds, dynamic steer -
matic transmission respond more quickly or in a
ing* addit ionally prov ides more respons ive steer-
more balanced manner to accelerator pedal
ing performance.
movements. In the sporty Dynamic mode, the
transmission shifts at higher speed ranges. Sport differential*
Air suspension* As a component of the all whee l drive system
(quattro) r=!>page 144, the sport differentia l dis-
The air suspension* is an electronically-control -
tributes the driving power to the rear axle de-
led air suspension and damping system. The ad-
pending on the situation. The distr ibut ion of
justment depends on the driving mode selected,
steering movements, the driver's braking and ac- power varies depending on the selected mode
celerat ion, and as the road surface, vehicle speed from moderate (Comfort ) to sporty (Dynamic) .
and load. The veh icle ground clearance depends The goal is a high level of agilit y and ability to ac-
on the mode selected and the speed. celer ate on curves. The vehicle is very responsive
to steering.
The ground clearance increases significantly
when the vehicle is in the Allroad mode . At Adaptive cruise control (ACC)*
speeds from approximate ly SO mph (80 km/h) to The behavior whe n accelerating can be adjusted
75 mph (120 km/h), the ground clearance re- from comfortable to sporty, depending on the
duces in stages . When the speed decreases, the drive select mode . Adaptive cruise control also
ground clearance increases again automat ically . responds to the dr iving behavior of the vehicle
The ground clearance is the lowest in Dynamic ahead in a more conservative or sporty manner.
Suspension control*
The eng ine sound adapts to the current mode
The suspension control* uses sensors to record and can be subtle to sporty .
information regard ing steering movements ,
braking and acceleration operations by the driv- @ Note
er, road surface, dr iving speed, and load. This Applies to: vehicles with air suspension
makes it possible to adapt damping to the driv-
- Make sure there is enough clearance above
ing situation nearly in real time. With drive se-
and below the vehicle when parkin g. The
lect, you can adjust the suspension contro l to be
height of the vehicle (gro und clearance) can
sporty (Dynamic), comfortab le (Comfort ) or bal-
change once it is parked due to t emperature
anced (Auto).
fluctuations, changes to the load conditions
Steering and changes to the driving modes.
- When transporting the vehicle on a car car-
The power steering adapts. Ind irect steer ing that
rier, train, ship or by other means, on ly tie
moves easily as in Comfort mode is especially
the vehicle down at the running surface of
suited to long drives on highways. The Dynamic
the tires, which is the outer circumference.
mode provides sporty, direct steering.
Securing the vehicle at the axle compo-
The following applies to vehicles with dynamic nents, suspension struts or tow ing eyes is
steering* : the steering ratio changes based on not perm itted because the pressure in the
vehicle speed in order to maintain optimum air suspension struts can change during
steering effort for the driver at all times . This transport. The vehicle may not be secured
sets the steering to be less sensitive at higher sufficiently if this happens .
speeds in order to prov ide improved vehicle con-
trol. At reduced speeds, steering is more direct in
Assistance systems
~ Select in the Inf otainment system: ! MENUI but- The equipment in yo ur vehicle will determine
ton > Vehicle > Audi drive select> Individual > which settings you can adjust . The fo llowing ta-
right contro l button. ble gives an overview of the characteristics .
A ss is tance s y s tem s
CDNote but t on
The Lift / Offroad mode switches to Allroad Requirement: all vehicle doors must be closed.
mode when dr iving above approximately
.,..Open the luggage compar t ment lid.
20 mph (30 km/h) and the vehicle automati-
.,..Press the lower sect ion of the button
cally lowers again . These modes may only be
C) fig. 12 7 @ . The rear of the vehicle lowers .
used on a tempo rary bas is and are not intend-
.,..Press the upper section of the button @ . The
ed for continuo us driving.
rear of the veh icle ra ises again.
(D Tips The rear lowering automat ically deactiva t es
- The filled -in boxes in the Infotainment sys- whe n you select another mode or when the vehi-
tem represent the current vehicle level. If cle speed exceeds approx imately 2 mph (2 km/
the segment is white or blinking, then the h).
vehicle is lifting or lowering. If only the bot -
The LEDin the button t urns on while the veh icle
tom segment is filled in, then the veh icle is
is lowering. When the loading level has been
at the lowest level (lowest ground clear-
reached, the LEDstays on as long as the rear of
ance). If all the segments are filled in, then
the vehicle is lowered. The LEDturns off when
the vehicle is at the highest level (highest
the veh icle returns to the or iginal level.
ground clear a nee) .
- The target level is highlighted with a red
frame while the vehicle is lifting or lower-
- Before the rear lowering ends, make sure
ing. The frame is then hidden when the ve-
there is enough clearance above the vehicle
hicle reaches the target level.
and the luggage compartment lid, if it is
- The vehicle lifts up to the highest level
open .
when you select Lift / Offroad. Select an-
- Do not park the vehicle in a lowered load ing
other mode to lower the vehicle again .
level. ..,..
A ss istance s ystems
(D Tips
- The vehicle will not lower if one of the vehi-
cle doors is open or when the ignit ion is
switched off and the compressed air reser-
voir is empty. The button LED blinks three
times .
- If the compressed air reservoir is empty, it
is refilled while dr iving at speeds above
25 mph (40 km/h) .
Applies to: vehicles with air suspension
Parking aid
P a rk ing a id
The rear parking system is an audible parking Parking system plus provides audio and visual
aid . signals when parking.
There is a sensor in the rear bumper cover. If
these detect an obstacle, audible signals warn
you .
Make sure the sensors are not covered by stick-
ers, deposits or any other obstructions as it may
impair the function of the system . For informa-
tion on cleaning, see c::;,page 344 .
The range at which the sensors begin to measure Fig. 128 Illust rat ion:
is approximately:
Sensors are located in the front and rear bump-
side 3 ft (0 .90 m) ers. If these detect an obstacle, audible and visu-
center 5.2 ft (1.60 m) al signals warn you.
The closer you get to the obstacle, the shorter Make sure the sensors are not covered by st ick-
the interval between the audible signals . A con- ers, deposits or any other obstructions as it may
tinuous tone sounds when the obstacle is less impair the function of the system. For informa -
than approximately 1 foot (0.30 meters) away. tion on cleaning, see c::;,page 344.
Do not continue backing up c::;,&. in General infor- The display field begins approximately at:
mation on page 130, c::;,(D in General information
on page 130! ® 4 ft (1.20 m)
Parking aid
the sound was muted, no tone will sound . Pay at - switch on automatically . Audible signals wi ll
tention to the vehicle's surroundings when you sound once the obstacle is within the sensor de-
start to dr ive. tection area.
P a rk ing a id
- Always read and follow the applicab le warn-
ings¢ &. in General information on
page 130.
- If the position and the installation angle of
the rearview camera was changed, for ex-
Fig. 131 Diagram: lines to aid in parking
ample after a collision, do not continue to
use the system for safety reasons. Have it
The rearview camera helps you to park or maneu-
checked by an autho rized Aud i dea le r or a u-
ver us ing the or ientation lines .
thor ized Audi Se rvice Facility.
- Only use the rearv iew camera to ass ist you if
General information it shows a good, clea r pictu re . For example,
Applies to: veh icles wit h rearv iew camera
the image may be affected by the sun shin-
ing into the lens, dirt on the lens, or if the re
is a malfunction.
- Use the rearv iew came ra o nly if the luggage
compa rt ment lid is comp letely closed. Make
sure any objects you may have mo unted on
the luggage compartment lid do not block
the rea rview camera .
- The camera lens enlarges and distorts the
field of vision. The object appears both a l-
Fig. 13 2 Area covered (y and area not covered @ by t he tered and inaccurate on the screen.
rearv iew camera . - In ce rtain situations, people o r objects in
the display appear closer or farther away :
- For o bjects tha t do not touch the ground,
such as the bumper of a parked veh icle, a
trailer hitch or the rear of a truck . Do not
use the orie nt ation lines in th is case.
AUDI - If driven from a level surface onto an in-
cline, or a downwar d slope.
- If driven toward protruding objec t s.
- If the vehicle is car rying too much load in
Fig. 13 3 Luggage compartment lid: locat ion of the rear - the rear .
view camera - Applies to: veh icles with air suspens ion: the
accuracy of the or ientat ion lines and blue
The rearview camera is located above the rear li- surfaces dec reases whe n the vehicle is
u cense plate bracket. Make sure that the lens for
..... raised/ lowere d ¢ page 125.
r-- the rearview camera¢ fig. 133 is not covered by
..... depos its or any other obstructions because th is
Parking aid
(D Note
- Always read and follow the applicable warn-
ings ¢ 0in General information on
page 130.
- The orange-colored orientation lines in the
Infotainment display show the vehicle path
based on the steering wheel angle. The
front of the vehicle swings out more than Fig. 135 Infota inment system: align ing the vehicle
the rear of the vehicle. Maintain plenty of
distance so that an exterior mirror or a cor- • Turn the Infotainment system on and shift into
ner of the veh icle does not collide with any reverse gear.
obstacles. • The orange orientation lines (D show the vehi-
cle's direction of travel. Turn the steering wheel
until the orange orientation lines appear in the
Switching on/off
parking space ¢ fig . 134 . Use the markings @
App lies to: vehicles with rearview ca mera
to he lp you estimate the distance to an obsta-
Switching on/off cle. Each mark ing represents approximately 3
ft (1 m). The blue area represents an extension
Requirement: the vehicle speed must be under
of the vehicle's outline by approximate ly 16 ft
approx imately 6 mph (10 km/h).
(5 meters) to the rear.
• Press the P,11Abutton in the center console • While driving in reverse gear, adjust the steer-
¢ page 132, fig . 129. A short confirmat ion ing wheel angle to fit the parking space using
tone sounds and the LED in the button turns the orange orientat ion lines for assistance
on. ¢ .&. in General information on page 133, i=> (D
in General information on page 134 . @ repre-
Switching on automatically
sents the rear bumper. At the very latest, stop
The system switches on automat ically when re- the vehicle when the red or ientation line @
verse gear is engaged while the engine is run- borders an object.
n ing. A brief confirmation tone will sound.
P a rk ing a id
~ Now you can position your vehicle in front of - If the position or the installation angle of a
the trailer ¢ A in General information on camera was changed, for example after a
page 135, ¢ (Din General information on coll is ion, do not cont inue to use the system
page 135. The orange orientation line indi- for safety reasons. Have it checked by a n au-
cates the expected path toward the trailer thorized Audi dealer or authorized Audi
hitch . Use the blue lines to help you estimate Serv ice Facility.
the d ista nce to the trailer hitch. - Keep in mind that the image in the display is
incorrect if the exterior mirror housing has
Peripheral cameras been moved out of place.
- Use the Rear mode and the Corner view
(rear) mode only when the luggage com-
Applies to: vehicles with peripheral cameras
pa rtment lid is comp letely closed. Other-
With this equipment, the parking system plus* wise the image in the disp lay w ill be inco r-
¢ page 131 is supplemented with various periph - rect .
eral cameras. The four cameras give you the fol- - The area around the veh icle is shown us ing
lowing views : area around the veh icle, front cor- the camera images. The vehi cle image is
ner view and rear corner view, view in front of the shown by the system. Objects and obs t acles
veh icle and beh ind the veh icle . above the camera are not disp layed .
- Ca mera lenses enl arge and distort t he field
General information of vision. The objects appear both a ltered
App lies to: vehicles with peripheral cameras a nd inaccurate on the screen.
- Applies to: ve hicle s with air suspension: the
(D Note
- Always read and fo llow t he applicable wa rn-
ings c::>
(D in General information on
page 130 .
- The Info t ainmen t display shows the direc -
Fig. 137 Location of periphera l cameras
tion in which the rear of the vehicle is travel-
The four per ipheral cameras are located in the ra- ing based on t he steering wheel ang le . The
d iator grille, in the luggage compartment lid and front of the veh icle swings out mo re than
on both exterior mirrors ¢ fig . 13 7 . Make sure the rear of the vehicle. Maintain plenty of
that the lenses are not covered by deposits or any distance so that a n exterior m irror or a cor-
other obstructions as t his may impa ir the system. ner of the vehicle does not coll ide with any
For info rmat io n on cleaning, see c::>page 344. obstacles.
_& WARNING fo lded in or the dr iver's door/front passeng-
co e r's door/luggage comp art me nt lid was
..... - Always read and follow the applicable warn -
r-- opened .
..... ings ¢ A in General information on
~0 page 130.
Parking aid
Fig. 138 Infotainment system: select the mode Fig. 139 Infota inment system: Corner view (front)
Switching on automatically
This view can assist you for example, when you
The system switches on automat ically when re- are exiting from an area with poor visib ili ty. The
verse gear is engaged while the engine is run- area at the front and rear sides of the vehicles is
ning . A brief confirma t ion tone wi ll sound. displayed.
Switching off automat ically • To show the side view toward the front, select
The system switches off automatically when dr iv- the symbol @ c;>fig. 139 with the control knob
ing forward faster than 6 mph (10 km/h). and press the contro l knob .
• To show the side view toward the rear, select
Selecting the mode the symbol © c;>fig. 140 with the contr ol knob
• Turn the control knob to the symbol for the de- and press the control knob .
sired mode @ t hrough © ¢ fig. 138 and press
the control knob. Front
Applies t o: vehicles with peripheral cameras
You may select from the following modes:
Parking aid
of the display. You can switch between the opti- Perpendicular parking
cal display and camera image ¢page 138. Applies to: vehicles with peripheral cameras
"'Select the symbol @ with the control knob. The This view may be used when parking in a garage
orange-colored orientation lines denote the or in a parking space.
projected direction of travel. Stop the vehicle
when the red orientation line* borders an ob-
ject¢ &. in General information on page 135.
Applies to: vehicles with peripheral cameras
Parking aid
Adjusting the parking aid - The set t ings for volume and automa t ic act i-
Applies to: vehicles with a rear parking system/parking sys- vation * are stored automatically and as-
tem plus/rearview camera/peripheral cameras signe d to the remote control key in use.
The fun ctions are adjusted in the Infotainment
system . Error messages
Applies to: vehicles with a rear parking system/parking sys-
.,.Select in the Infota inm ent system: IMENU I but - tem plus/rearview camera/peripheral cameras
t on > Vehicle > left co ntro l bu t ton > Driver as-
sistance > Parking aid. Or
Ill Rear parking aid: malfunction! Obstacl es
cannot be detected
.,.When the par king aid is active, se lect in the In -
fotainment system : rig ht contro l butto n*. Ill Front parking aid: malfunction! Obstacles
cannot be detect ed
End system * - stop t he pa rking aid
- Seve ral menus can be accessed w ith t he There is a system malfunction if t he % symbo l
right contr ol butt on only w hen the pa rking appe ar s a nd the corresponding a rea of t he dis -
a id is act ive. play is shown in black . The camera is not wo rking
in th is area. ...
Parking aid
Trailer hitch
Applies to: vehicles with a rear parking system/parking sys-
tem plus/ rearview camera/peripheral cameras and trailer
hitc h
@ Tips
Trailer hitches that are not installed at the
factory may cause the parking system to ma l-
function or they may restrict its function.
Intelligent Technology
The follow ing systems are int egrated in the ESC: Automatic post-collision braking system
The "automat ic post-collis ion braking system"
Anti-lock braking system (ABS)
can help to reduce the risk of sl iding and of addi-
ABS prevents the wheels from locking when brak - tional collisions after an accident. If the airbag
ing. The vehicle can still be steered even during contro l modu le detects a collision, the vehicle is
hard braking. Apply steady pressure to the brake braked by the ESC.
pedal. Do not pump the pedal. A pulsing in the
brake pedal indicates that the system is acting to The veh icle does not brake automatically if:
stabilize the vehicle . - the driver presses the accelerator pedal, or
- the ESC, the brake system or the veh icle electri-
Brake assist system
cal system are not functioning .
The brake assist system can decrease braking dis-
tance. It increases braking power when the driver A WARNING
presses the brake pedal quickly in emergency sit-
- The ESC and its integrated systems cannot
uations . You must press and hold the brake pedal
overcome the lim its imposed by natura l
until the dangerous situat ion is over . In veh icles
phys ical laws. Th is is espec ially impo rta nt
with adapt ive cru ise control*, the brake assist
on slippery or wet roads. If the systems be-
system is more sensitive if the distance detected gin acting to stabilize yo ur vehicle, you
t o the vehicle dr iving ahead is too small. should immediately alter your speed to
Anti-Slip Regulation (ASR) match the road and traffic conditions. Do
not let the increased safety provided tempt
ASR reduces eng ine power when the drive wheels
you into taking risks. This could increase
beg in sp inning and adapts the force to the road
your risk of a coll is ion.
conditions . This makes it easie r to start, acceler-
- Please note the risk of a collision increases
ate and dr ive up hills.
when dr iving fast, especially through curves
Electronic Differential Lock (EDL) and on slippery or wet roads, and when dr iv-
ing too close to objects ahead . The ESC and
EDLapplies the brakes to a wheel that starts
its integrated systems cannot always pre-
spinning and transfers the drive power to the
ve nt co llisions - there is st ill a risk of acci-
other driving wheels. This funct ion is not availa-
ble at higher speeds.
Intelligent Technology
- Press t he acce lerato r pedal carefully whe n conditi on. Different t ire sizes can lea d to a
acceleratin g on smooth , slippery sur faces re duction in eng ine power.
s uch as ice and snow. The drive whee ls can - You may hear noises when t he systems de-
spin even when th ese contro l systems are scribed are wor king.
inst alled and th is can affe ct driving st ability - Applies to: vehicles with roof racks supplied
and increase the ris k of a collis ion. by the factory: when inst alling the roof rac k
supplie d by t he factory on t he roof rail, se n-
(D Tips sor tec hnology is used to adjust the ESCto
any poss ible change in t he vehicle's cente r
- The ABSand ASRonly function correctly
of grav ity resu lting from the load.
whe n all four whee ls have a s imilar wear
ESC levels
Behavior The ESCand ASRstabiliza - The sta bilization function is The full stabilizatio n func-
tion funct ions are limited not available c>& . ESCand tion of the ESCand ASRis
Q _&. ASRare switc hed off . availab le aga in.
Operating Press t he 1.$<>,
I but t on brief- Press a nd hold t he 1.$<>,
I but - Press t he 1.$<>,
I but t on again .
Ly. ton lon ger t han th ree sec-
Indicator II turns on . JI and lf'lii•)H
turn on. II turns off or II and
lights lf'lii•)~~
tu rn off.
Messages Stabilization control (ESC): Stabil .ization control (ESC): Stabilization control (ESC):
offroad . Warning! Reduced off . Warning! Restricted
stability stability
on ..
Intelligent Technology
However, there must be enough traction . Hill de-
scent assist cannot function as expected , if for
You shou ld only switch offroad mode on or example the hill is icy or if the surface is loose
switch ESC/ASR off if your driving abilities c>,& .
and the traff ic conditions perm it. There is a
risk of slid ing. Active regulation of a speed up to approximate ly
- The stabilization function is limited when 19 mph (30 km/h) is signaled in the instrument
offroad mode is switched on. The driving cluster by an indicator light • . The iiindicator
wheels could spin and the vehicle could light turns on in the ready mode.
swerve, especially on slick or slippery road The system does not work at speeds between ap-
surfaces. proximately 19 and 37 mph (30 and 60 km/h).
- There is no vehicle stab ili zat ion when ESC/ The system is then in ready-mode. This is indicat-
ASR are switched off . ed by the LED in the button turning on. The sys-
tem automat ically switched off when you dr ive
Hill descent assist faster than 37 mph (60 km/h) . The LEDw ill also
turn off in this scenario.
Hill descent assist makes it possible to drive
down a hill at a constant speed. Hill descent assist is automatically activated un-
der the follow ing condit ions:
0 - the LED in the button turns on
ID - the vehicle speed is lower than 19 mph (30 km/
- the hill angle is at least approximate ly 6%
When hill descent assist is on, the speed your ve- Brakes
hicle was traveling when it ente red the hill is
maintained . It is on ly possible to switch on the New brake pads
assist when driving slower than 37 mph (60 km/ New brake pads do not achieve their full braking
h). The assist begins shortly after you start driv- effect during the first 250 mi (400 km) . They
ing and continues up to approximate ly 19 mph must be "broken in" first . However, you can com-
(30 km/h) . The driver can increase or decrease pensate for the slightly reduced braking force by
the vehicle speed with in these limits by pressing pressi ng fi rml y on t he brake pedal. Avoid heavy
the accelerator or brake pedal. braking during the break-in period . ..,.
Intelligent Technology
Intelligent Technology
If th is ind icator light turns on and stays on and The all-whee l drive system distributes the driving
this message appears, the power steer ing may power variably to the front and rear axle. It works
have fa il ed. together with selective wheel torque control,
which activates when driving through curves
Stop the vehicle in a safe location as soon as pos-
c>page 140. With the sport differential*, power
sible . Do not continue driving . See an author ized
distribution to the rear wheels is variable and can
Audi deale r or authorized Audi Service Facility fo r
be adjusted using the drive select c>poge 125 .
assistance .
Intelligent Technology
Intelligent Technology
(D Tips
Your vehicle may be equipped with Audi con-
nect. Your use of certain Audi connect fea-
tures requires wireless services that are pro-
vided by a third party wire less te lecommuni-
cations provider . For detai ls regarding how in-
formation obtained through Audi connect is
collected, processed, transmitted, used, and
shared, please see your contract with the
w ireless telecommunications provider.
Multi Media Inte rface
Only use the Infotainment system when traf-
fic conditions permit and always in a way that
allows you to maintain complete control over
your vehicle.
@ Tips
Certain functions are not available while driv-
ing .
Fig. 148 MMI cont rol pane ls · integ rated shortcu t keys
Top : wit ho ut MMI tou ch Bottom : with MMI touch
Multi Media Interface
Infotainment system
Switching on/off
Adjust the volume of the audio system so that
signals from outside the vehicle, such as po - Fig. 151 Disp lay vers ion B
lice and fire sirens, can be heard easily at all
times. Additional content (such as album cover and map
mater ial) is shown on display version B, if appli-
cable (D c:>fig . 151. Because the other content Ill-
Multi Media Inte rface
shown on the displays is nearly identical between Opening the main menu/menu
the two versions, this manual will primarily de-
scr ibe display version A.
MMI operation
Selecting and confirming a function
Multi Med ia Interfac e
Opening the selection menu/options menu Selection menu: through the se lection menu,
with the control buttons you can open additional functions wit hin a menu
item (such as Radio).
Example of a path
Select: IRADIO Ibutton > left control button >
FM .
Multi Media Inte rface
co Fig. 15 7 Display when MMI touch is active
Multi Media Interface
s nou•••• St I mt ··)-
l.. 1
Applies to: vehicles with automatic transmission and MMI Applies to: vehicles w ith automatic transmission and MM[
touch touch
Fig. 158 moving the crosshairs Fig. 159 moving t he map
- Showing/hiding the crosshairs: press t he con- - Showing/hiding the crosshairs: press t he con-
tro l knob to show t he crosshairs @ <=> fig . 15 8 . trol knob to show the crosshairs (!) c>fig . 159 .
Or: press on the MMI touch cont rol pad. Press Or: press on t he MMI to uch control pad. Press
the I BACKI button (J) <=>page 147 , fig . 148 to the I BACKI button (J) <=>
page 147, fig. 148 to
hide the crosshairs again. hide the crosshairs again.
- Moving the crosshairs on a map : move the
- Moving the standa rd map/satellite map 1l:
crosshairs shown in the desired direct ion using
move the crosshairs show n in the desired direc-
your finger on the MMI touch contro l pad
tion using two fingers on the MMI touch con-
fig . 158 .
trol pad <=>fig. 159.
- Moving the crosshairs quickly: w hen the cross-
- Moving the map quickly: when the crosshairs
hairs are vis ible @ <=>fig . 158, slide your finge r
are visible, pull two f ingers across the MMI
quic kly across the MMI to uch cont rol pad in the
to uch control pad quickly in t he desired direc-
fig . 158 . The crosshairs will
desired direct ion <=>
tion . The map w ill come to a stop after several
come t o a stop aft er several seconds.
Multi Media Inte rface
Requirement: the Balance/fader fu nction must Opening the entertainment sliding menu
be selected ¢ pag e 24 9. Applies to: vehicles with MMI touch
- Moving the crosshairsfor sound focus: move Opening the ente rtainment sliding menu: push
your finge r in the desired direction on the MMI the control knob down to open the enterta in-
touch cont rol pad. ment s liding me nu ® ¢ page 158, fig. 165.
- Storing the crosshairslocation: press the con- The n you can se lect and con firm a func t ion.
trol knob twice. Or: press the I BACK ! bu t ton (J)
Closing the entertainment sliding menu: push
¢ page 147, fig. 148.
t he control knob up to close the entertainment
s liding me nu . Or: press the I BACK I button (J)
Using the DVD main menu
¢ page 147, fig. 148.
Applies to: vehicles with MMI touch
- Selecting a menu item : mov e your finger up/ Displaying the input field/switching to
down or left /right on t he MMI touch contro l speller input
Pus h the contr ol knob up¢ page 153, fig. 16 1 to
reach t he begin ning of a list in t he cent ral ar ea or
t he inpu t fie ld. If the input fie ld is already open,
..... switch d irectly to the speller in the input field by ..,.
Multi Med ia Interfac e
Using the DVD main menu Press the I BACK I button 0 c>page 147, fig . 148
to return to the function one leve l up .
Requirement: a DVDmust be playing
i=:>page 234 . The DVDmain menu is shown .
Multi Media Inte rface
Letter/number speller
You can enter letters, numbers and symbo ls in - Entering accented characters (such as a,~.n,
the MMI using the letter/number speller. This o) *: t urn the contro l knob with the character
option is ava ilab le when the input f ield @ is ac- fig . 163 to a character. To open
select io n @ c::>
tive ¢ fig . 163. the selected accented characters, press and
hold the con t rol knob. Turn t he control knob
- Opening / closing the letter / number speller :
w it h the character selec t ion @ c::> fig. 163 to an
move the control knob up/down when t he input
ac cen t ed charac t er. Press the cont rol knob to
field is active. Or: select the right contro l but-
inser t the accen ted chara ct er. To close t he ac-
ton > Open speller / Close speller .
cented characters wit hout select ing a charac -
- Entering characters : turn the contro l knob with
ter, press an d hold the contro l knob again. Or:
t he character selection @ ¢ fig . 163 to the de-
select a nd confi rm !aou I0 c::> fig . 163. Se lect
s ired symbo l. Press the control knob to confirm
and confirm an accented cha racter .
t he cha racter . Your input is disp layed in t he in-
put field @ . When you have en t e red all of t he - Deleting characters : sele ct an d confirm <RI@
~ char acters, s ele ct an d confirm t he I L IST I button fig.
<=:> 163. To de lete all cha racters in the input
© c::>fig. 163 . Or: push t he con tr ol knob dow n. fie ld, press and hold the control knob on <RIun-
..... til all characters in the input f ield a re deleted . ...,
Multi Media Interface
- Entering special characters: select and con- fig. 163. Select and confirm a suggestion
firm l!&?I@ q fig. 163 or l123 I@ . Select and from the list .
confirm the desired special character (for ex-
Requireme nt : the input field @ qfig. 163 must
amp le, a hyphen or period) with the number
be active.
- Switching between speller and MMI touch* :
- Input assistance: in some cases such as in navi-
the handwriting recognit ion for the MMItouch
gation*, there is a word suggestion* @
control pad* is activated automatically . Simply
<=>fig. 163 based on available entr ies while you
start writ ing.
are enter ing data. You can select th is sugges-
tion by pushing the control knob upward . Overview of symbols in the speller
- Results list : in some cases, such as in the direc-
The symbols in the letter/number speller are ex-
tory, the system switches automat ically to the
plained in the following tab le:
results list based on availab le entr ies @
Symbol/Description Description
Switches from lower case to upper case letters or from upper case
to lower case letters.
Opens additional spe ller options, for example Close speller and
® E Clear input field
.. Inserts the suggested word* when you push the control knob up .
(D Tips
Accented characters are not available for ev-
ery letter.
Multi Media Interface
Multi Media Interface
Multi Media Interface
Multifunction steering wheel
In the driver information system display, you can See¢ page 223 .
control numerous Infotainment functions using
the multifunction steering wheel plus* Q) Tips
¢ page 12 or the mult ifunct ion steer ing wheel* Pay attention to the Infotainment system dis -
¢pag e 15. play if necessary. Depending on the se lected
funct ion, it may be necessary to use the MMI
You can control additional Infotainment func-
control panel.
tions using the MMI control panel¢ page 147 in
the Infota inment system display.
Applies to: vehicles with multifunction
steering wheel and
Dep ending on vehicle e quipm ent, the following - Playing an audio/video file : se lect and confirm
functions may be available in the dr iver informa- a file .
tion system. - Pausing/resuming playback: press the right
thumbwheel @ ¢ page 14, fig. 11 . To resume
- Selecting the frequency band : select and con- playback, press the right thumbwheel again.
firm a frequency band .
- Opening additional track information : se lect:
- Selecting a station from the station list : select
right control button > Show "Now Playing"
and confirm a radio station.
- Selecting a station from the presets list : select
and confirm Presets and then a radio station . For additional information, see ¢page 238.
Multifunction steering wheel
Applies to: vehicles with mul tifunction steering wheel Additional funct ions include:
• Press t he IM ODE i butto n o n the multifunction Mute*: if you se lect a nd co nfirm this func t ion,
stee ring wheel repeate dly until the Telephone t he ot her person on t he phone canno t hear you.
tab is displayed . You can hear the ot her perso n.
Multifunction steering wheel
call* . By press ing the left contro l butto n, you can - Starting route guidance to the stored home
make additional calls from t he directo ry or t he address: select and confirm Cancel route guid·
call list . Resume* takes all parties off hold. ance if necessa ry and then Home address.
Multifunction steering wheel
@ A bar graph appears when there is an upcom- Requirement: a destination must be entered
ing tu rn. The fewer bars are shown, the shorter page 204, route guidance must be started and
the distance is until the turn. If there is not an the navigation tab must be displayed.
upcoming turn, the distance to the dest ination/
Depending on vehicle equipment, the following
stopover and the calculated arrival time is dis-
information may be shown in the driver informa-
played in the right speedometer .
tion system.
© Name of the street where you are currently
(D Distance to the destination or stopo ver
@ Distance to the next maneuver
Map view with route guidance started @ Display of the road that is currently being
Applies to: vehicles with navigation system and map view traveled or the road that you will turn onto dur-
Depending on the vehicle equipment, you con al- ing the next maneuver
so hove the active route guidance display in the © Map cont ent such as points of interest or traf-
mop view* in the driver informa tion system . fic informat ion
Ho est
Depending on the vehicle equipment, the active route guidance will be displayed in the street view* in
the driver information system.
co Fig. 169 Example: d is play of a turn in t he s treet view (analog instr um e nt clust er)
Multifunc t io n ste e ring whe e l
Requirement: a destination must be entered The following functions are also avai lab le when
page 204, route guidance must be started and
r::!> route guidance is act ive :
the navigation tab must be disp layed.
- Changing the voice guidance volume : turn the
Depending on vehicle equipment, the following righ t thumbwheel up or down du ring voice
information may be shown in the driver informa - guidance.
tion system r::!>fig. 169 :
Depending on the vehicle equipment , the active route guidance will be displayed in the arrow view* in
the driver information system.
Fig. 170 Example : arrow view (monoc hrome inst rument cluster)
Requirement: a destination must be entered Depend ing on veh icle equipment, the following
page 204, route gu idance must be started and
r::!> information may be shown in the driver info rma-
the navigation tab mus t be d isp layed . tion system r::!>fig. 170:
Multifunction s te e ring w h e el
The route calc ulated by the navigation system
is a recommendation fo r reaching your desti-
nation. Obey t raff ic lights, stopping rest ric-
tions, one-way streets, lane change restr ic-
tions, etc.
(D Tips
- Also see the chapter~ page 8, Controls at a
- An exclamation point" !" in front of t he
street name indicates that the informat ion
abo ut t his street or t his section of the route
is no t complete in t he navigation da t a con-
tained in the MMI. Obey traffic laws in one -
way streets and pedestrian zones.
Voice recognition system
• Telephone • Favorites
• Audi connect • Call (XV)
• Navigation • Enter number
• Directory • Redial
• Radio • Read new text message
• Media • Navigate to (XY)
• Sound • Enter address/destination
• Help • Online destinations
• Help Speech dialog system • Cancel route guidance
• Help Telephone • Map
• Help Audi connect • Line (XY)
• Help Navigation • Next page/ previous page
• Help Map • Cancel
• Help Radio • No. I meant (XV)
• Help Media • Correction
• Enter number • Call list
• Delete number/ correction • Redial
• Directory • Call mailbox
• Call (XV) • Telephone favorites
• business I private/ land tine I mobile
N~~It ~J ION
• Navigate to (XY) • Block route for (XV) miles I Block
• Start/ cancel route guidance the next section
• Directory • Route list
• Last destinations • Calculate alternative routes
• Navigation favorites • Online destinations
• Drive home • Special destination
• Enter address
• Enter country I town I street I state
• Exclude route/ Exclude route for (XV)km/ m
• Map
• Day map/ Night map
• 2D driving position map/ 2D north position map/ 3D map/ Destination map I Overview map
• Audi connect • Flight Informa tion
• Travel Information/ Parking Information • City events
• Fuel prices • Online news
• Weather • Twitter
• Radio presets • Jukebox
• FM /AM/ SIRIUS XM • SD card l / SD card 2
• Station (XV) / Frequency (XV) • Audi music Interface/ IPod/ USB / Bluetooth I
• Traffic announcement on/ off WI-Fl I Medium (XV)
• Media favorites I Artists/ Albums/ Genres I
Tracks I Playllsts / Videos
• Folder up
• Random playback on / off
Voice recognition system
Voice recognition system Do not d irect the vents towa rd the hands -free mi-
crophone, wh ich is in the roof head liner nea r the
Operating front interior lights.
Applies to: vehicles with voice recognitio n system
Only use t he system fr om t he dr iver's sea t be -
You con operate many Infotainment functions ca use the hands -free microphone is di rected to -
conveniently by speaking. ward that seat .
Requirement: the ignition and the MMI must be Additional settings
switched on ¢ page 148, there must not be any
phone call in progress and the park ing system See ¢ page 245 , Speech dialog system .
must not be active .
~ Switching on: press the ~ button @
- Direct you r full atte nt ion to dr iving. As t he
¢ page 14, fig. 11 or ¢ page 15, fig. 13 br iefly d river, you have com plet e responsibili ty fo r
on the mu ltifunction stee ring wheel and say
safety in t raff ic. Only use the functions in
the des ired command after the Beep.
such a way t hat you a lways maintai n com -
~ Switching off : press and hold the [2;Jbutton.
plete contro l over your vehicle in all traffic
Or: press the [2] but to n.
~ Pausing: say t he command Pause. To res ume,
- Do not use t he voice recognition system in
press the [2;Jbutton .
emergencies beca use your voice may change
~ Correcting: say th e com m a nd Correction. Or:
in st ressfu l situations. It may take longe r to
simp ly say a new comm a nd d uring an an -
d ia l the number or t he system may not be
no uncement ¢ page 245.
ab le t o d ia l it at all. Dial the emergency
Input assistance number m anually.
Speak clearly and dis ti nct ly at a normal volume . The following overv iews des cr ibe t he comm an ds
Speak lo uder when d riving faste r. t hat can be used to ope rate the MMI using the
Emphasize the words in the commands even ly voice recognit ion system.
a nd do no t leave long pauses . Alte rnative co m m and s ar e separate d using a "/ ",
Close the doors, the windows and the sunroof* to for exa mple say: Telephone / (or) Navigation /
reduce background noise . Make s ur e that passen- (o r) Radio.
u gers a re not speaking when you a re giving a voice Sequences of com m ands used to perfo rm an ac-
..... command .
t io n a re iden tified w it h a ">", fo r exam ple say:
..... Enter address > (t hen) Enter country/state . ..,
Voice recognition system
The major ity shown are main commands. This es . For a Business address, you can a lso say busi-
system also recognizes synonyms in certain cas - ness, work , office or at the office .
Global commands
Applies to: vehicles wit h voice recognition system
Function Say:
Opening a menu Telephone / Directory / Navigation / Radio / Media / Audi con-
nect* / Car / Tone
Having the possible commands Help / Help speech dialog system / Help Telephone //
read a loud Help Navigation / Help Map / Help Radio / Help Media / Help
Audi connect*
Te lephone functions Call (XV), for example, Call "John Smith" /
Enter number / Redial / Directory / Read out new text mes-
sage I Read out new e-mail
Navigation funct ion s* Drive me to (XV) or Navigate to (XV), fo r example Navigate to
John Smith/
Enter address / Cancel route guidance / Map / Online destina-
tions* / Online destination (XV)*
Access ing favorites Favorites > follow the system prompts
Selecting an entry from a list Line (XV)
Scrolling through a list Next page / Previous page
Correcting the command given Correction
Switching the voice recogn ition sys- Cancel
tern off
Applies t o: vehicles with voice recognit ion syst em and telep hone
Req uirement: a cell phone must be connected to Depending on the vehicle equipment and these-
the MMI ~ page 174 and the Telephone menu lected menu item, you can say the following com -
must be open ~ table on page 168. mands:
Function Say:
Calling a contact from the directory Call (XV), for example Call "John Smith"
Selecting a specific contact number Call (XV) business / private / land line / cell phone,
fo r example, Call "John Smith" private
Selecting a phone number w ith an Call/ Call work/ Call private / Call land line / Call cell phone
address card open work
Calling a contact from yo ur favor- Telephone favorites > a~er being prompted, say the desired
ites list contact > Dial
Displaying the call list Call list
Voice recognition system
Function Say:
Calling t he last number dialed Redial
Dialing a phone num ber Enter number > after being prompted, say the telephone num-
ber in group s of individual numbers, fo r example. 888 555
1212 > Dial
Correcti ng the phone number that Correction / Delete number
was entered
Showing contact information Directory > say the desired contact when prompted,
for example John Smith
Listen ing to messages Call voicemail
Entering the PIN (SIM) Enter PIN > when prompted, say the PIN in individual numbers
> Save
Corre ct ing the PIN entry Correction / Delete PIN
Correcting data inp ut No I meant (XV)
Clos ing the full-screen command Close
Function Say:
Access ing Audi con nect Infota in- Audi connect > follow the system prompts
me nt serv ices
Audi co nnect Infotainment serv ices Weather / Online news / Fuel prices / Parking information /
Travel infor m ation / Twitter / Online traffic information / City
Events / Flight information
Search areas for Audi connec t Info - Near destination / Nearby / In a new city
t ainment serv ices
Correcting data inp ut No I meant (XV)
(D Tips
u Always read t he cha pte r ¢ page 194, Audi
..... connect (Infotainm ent) general information .
Voic e recognition sy stem
Function Say:
Text editi ng commands Read out I Addi / Delete / Record everything again / Replace
with (XV) / Add recipient / Send
Reading out a new message Read out new te xt message I Read out new e-mail
Reading a message Read out t ext me ssage / Read out e-m ail
Replying to the open text message Reply
Forwarding the open text message Forward > Add recipient / In sert template / Send
Correcti ng data input No I meant (XV)
Applies to: vehicles with voice recognition system and navigation system
Requiremen t : the Navigation men u must be Depend ing on the vehicle equipmen t and these-
open ¢ table on page 168 . lected menu item, you can say the following com -
mands to enter a destination:
Function Say:
Opening the list of previous naviga - Last destinati ons
tion destinations
Accessing favo rites Navigation favorit es
Selecting the home add ress Home address or Drive home
Ente ring an add ress wi t h guidance Enter address > follow the system prompts
from the system
Individual commands for entering a Enter country/ state / Enter city/ Enter ZIP code / Enter
destination street / Enter house numb er
Making a correction wh il e entering a Correction
Navigating to a contact Drive me to (XY) or Navigate to contact, for example Drive me
to "John Smith "
Navigating to a specific address for Navigate to conta ct (XV) business/ private ,
a contact for examp le "Navigate to John Smith pr ivate"
Navigating t o favorites Navigation favori t es> Line (XV) / Line contents> Start route
guidance when prompted
Voice recognition system
Function Say:
Start ing route g uidance with an ad- Navigate / Navigate to private address/ Navigate to business
dress card open address
Ente r ing a new desti nat ion/stop - Enter address > enter the desired address when prompted>
over w hen rout e gu idance is act ive confirm the new destination/stopover if prompted
Start ing route guidance after enter- Start route guidance
ing a dest ination
Canceling current route g uidance Cancel route guidance
Calculat ing alternat ive routes Calculate alternative route s
Ente r ing a point of interest by se- Point of intere st > Change search area > category or subcote-
lecting a search area with guidance gory when prompted, for example "restaurant"
from the system
Dest inat ion input cat egor ies Audi Service / Train station / Airport / Hotel / Hospital / Park-
ing / Rest area / Restaurant / Gas station etc.
Search areas for entering points of Nearby / Along route / Near destination / Near stopover / In a
interest new city / In a new country/ state
Entering an online destination* Online desti nation (XV), for examp le "Online destination
"Lakeview Hotel" "
Correct ing data input No I meant (XV)
Closing the full -screen command Close
Requirement: you must be in the Navigation or lowing commands for additional settings in navi-
Map men u. Depending on the veh icle equipment gation:
and the selected menu item, you can say t he fol-
Function Say:
General map options Map / Day map / Night map / Automat ically change map color
Map t ype 2D heading up map / 2D north up map / 3D map / Destination
map / Overview map / Standard map */ Google Earth map* al bl
Showing the route li st Route list
Showing the remaini ng d istance/ Destination information
time w hen route guidance is active
Speed limit prompt How fa st can I drive here?
Setting voice guidance for active Voice guidance on / Voice guidance off / Voice guidance short-
route guidance ened / Voice guidance complete / Voice guidan ce traffic
Blocking a certain sect ion on t he Block route for (XV) meter s/ kilometers / yards/ miles / Block
rou t e next route / Avoid next section of route
Voic e recognition sy stem
Applies to: vehicles with voice recognition system
Requirement: the Radio must already be open. Depend ing on the vehicle equipment and these-
lected frequency band, you ca n say the fo llow ing
commands :
Function Say:
Selecting the frequency band FM*/ SiriusXM* / FM / AM
Selecting a station from t he st at ion Channel (XV) / !Frequency (XV)
Selecting a stat ion from favorites/ Radio presets > Line (XV)
Setting the frequency Frequency (XV) / Frequency (XV) HO 1
Correct ing data inp ut No I meant (XV)
Clos ing the full-screen command Close
Applies to: vehicles with voice recognition system
Requ irement: you mus t be in the Media menu . Depend ing on the vehicle equipment and the ac-
t ive media, yo u can say the following commands :
Function Say:
Selecting a sou rce directly Jukebox* / CO / DVD / SO card 1 / SO card 2 / Audi music inter-
face*/ iPhone* / USB* / Bluetooth * / Wi - Fi* / Medium (XV), fo r
exa m ple "John's player "
Selecting aud io/video" files in the Media favorites I Artists / Albums / Genres I Tracks / Playlists /
Jukebox* Videos
Selecting aud io fi les on a n iPod Artists / Albu mis/ Genres I Tracks/ Playlists / Composers I
(so ur ce: Audi music interface*) Podcast s / Audio books
Naviga t ing with in a folder st ruc- Folder up / Line (XV)
tu re/l ist
Selecting shuffle Shuffle on / Shuffle off
Corre ct ing data inp ut No I meant (XV)
Clos ing the full-screen command Close
Voice recognition system
(D Tips
- There are no voice guidance* prompts when
a dialog is active.
- This function depends on the cell phone
used. You can obtain more information
from your cell phone service provider or
from your cell phone user guide.
- AUDI AG simply provides access to control
your cell phone with voice operation and
does not take any responsibility for the con-
tents and commands within the external
voice control.
T e l e phone
Telephone @ Note
button > Settings > left control button > MMI - You only have to pair your device one time.
settings > Connection manager ¢ page 246. Bluetooth devices that are already paired
~ Select and confirm the desired cell phone from automatically connect to the MMIwhen the
the list of displayed Bluetooth devices. Bluetooth function is switched on, they are
~ The MMIgenerates a PIN for the connection within range and the ignition is switched on.
setup ¢fig . 172 . The last connected cell phone is given first
~ Select and confirm Yes. priority.
~ Enter the PIN for connecting on your cell - Authorizing the MMIconnection in your cell
phone. Or: when the PIN is displayed on your phone will make automatic connection pos-
cell phone, confirm the PIN on your cell phone sible .
and in the MMI. The time allowed for entering - Pay attention to any system prompts dis-
the PIN is limited to approximately 30 seconds. played on your cell phone, for example if
~ Pay attention to any additional system prompts the system should connect automatically in
displayed on your cell phone, for example if the the future. Depending on the cell phone,
system should connect automatically in the fu- you may also need to download the directo-
ture. Depending on the cell phone, you may ry and confirm access to your text messages
have to confirm downloading the directory sep- separately.
arately . - When leaving the vehicle, the Bluetooth
connection to the cell phone will automati-
After connecting successfully
cally disconnect. Depending on your cell
After connecting successfully, information about phone, phone calls in progress may be auto-
the connected profiles will appear. You can also matically redirected from the MMIto your
change the profiles later. Select: ! MENUI button> cell phone and you can continue the call on
Settings > left control button > MMI settings > your phone.
Connection manager ¢ page 246 . - You can obtain more information from your
In addition, the cell phone contacts are automat- cell phone service provider or from your cell
ically loaded in the MMI directory. This process phone user guide. For information on using
can take several minutes, depending on the num - the telephone, visit www.audiusa.com/
ber of contacts . bluetooth or contact an authorized Audi
dealer or authorized Audi Service Facility.
You can also make your connected cell phone t he - Applies to: vehicles without secondary
default phone by selecting Set as default tele- phone: Several cell phones can be paired to
phone in the Connection manager ¢ page 248 . the MMI, but only one cell phone can be ac-
tively connected to the MMI.
@ Note - Applies to: vehicles without seconda ry
Always follow the information found in¢ @)in phone: If a Bluetooth device is already con-
Wi-Fi hotspot on page 194. nected to the MMI, it will be disconnected
when another device connects to the MMI.
(D Tips
- Making phone calls through the MMIis only
possible using the Handsfree Bluetooth pro-
- You can apply additional settings to con-
nected mobile devices using the Connection
u manager ¢ page 246.
..... - You can also search for the MMI in your cell
..... phone using the Bluetooth device search.
T e l e phone
Operating two telephones through the Switch primary and second. phone: select
MMI IMENU! button> Telephone > rig ht contro l but-
ton > Swit ch primary and second. phone.
You can connect two cell phones to the MMI, for
example your business cell phone as the primary
phone and your private cell phone as the secon -
(D Tips
dary phone . You can be reached in your vehicle - Please note that on ly the directory from the
through both cell phones. primary phone is always disp layed .
- You can see if a cell phone is connected as
The first connected cell phone is displayed as the the primary phone or secondary phone in
primary phone in the MMI. The second cell phone the Connection manage r¢ page 246 . Or:
is connected as the secondary phone. the device name of the connected pr imary
phone is shown in the Telephone menu
The directory from the connected pr imary pho ne
(such as myPhone).
will always be displayed. If you wou ld like to use
the directory from the seconda ry phone, yo u - If the pr imary phone does not connect auto-
must switch the primary and secondary phone matically to the MMI when the ignit ion is
¢ page 176. switched on, for example because it is out
of the ve hicle range or the Bluetooth func-
Connecting a cell phone as the primary t ion is switched off, then a previously pa ired
phon e se condary p ho ne is automat ically connected
Connect your ce ll phone to the MMI via Blue - as the primar y phone.
tooth . The first connected cell phone is displayed - You can send and rece ive messages on your
as the Primary phone in the MMI. pr imary phone as we ll as o n your secondary
phone ¢page 177, fig. 173 . You do not
See page 17 4, Connecting a cell phone using
need t o sw itch your pr imary phone and sec -
8/uetooth . ondary phone for this .
Connecting a cell phone as the secondary - You can also make you r connec t ed cell
phon e phone t he defau lt phone by se lecting Set as
default telephone in the Connection man-
Req uirement: a cell phone must be connected to
ager ¢ page 248.
the MMI as the primary phone.
Fig. 173 Exam ple: telep hone funct ions in select ion me nu
Fig. 174 Examp le: add it ional telepho ne funct ions in selec- "' Select: ! ME N UI button> Telephone > left con-
t ion m enu
t rol button .
- Delete call list : se lect and confirm if you would - Muting the active call : se lect and conf irm
like to Delete this entry or Delete all entries. Mute.
- Store as favorite : sto re the selec t ed cont act as - Ending a phone call/cancel dialing : se lect and
a favo rite. confirm End call.
- Show contact details : see ¢ page 183 .
Caller information : t he name, ph one number or
- Connection manager: see ¢ page 246.
Unknown app ea rs in th e Infota inm en t syst em
- Bluetooth settings : see ¢ page 248 . display depen di ng o n if t he calle r has been store d
- Online settings : see ¢ page 248. in the di rectory and if the phone number has
- Wi-Fi settings : see ¢ page 193, Wi-Fi hotspot. been t ransmitted . A pict ure may also be dis -
- Telephone settings : see ¢ page 184. played, depen di ng on whether you have assigned
a pictu re to a contact in your directory and if it
was transfe rred to your MMI. You can find out if
Requir e m en t : a phon e numb er o r cont act mu st you r cell phone supports t his fu nction from your
be st ored as a favorit e ¢ page 179. cell phone ne twor k prov ider, your cell pho ne
Selec t a nd conf irm a favor ite in t he favo rit es list . owner 's ma nual or at www.a udiusa .com /
bl uet oot h .
sto red in your cell phone . - The radio or me dia playback is m ut ed dur ing
a phone call.
Select an d confirm a phone num ber from the di-
- Missed calls ar e di splayed wit h a symbol in
rectory ¢ page 183.
the sta t us line of t he Info t ai nme nt syst e m
Enter number displ ay @ ¢ pa ge 158, fi g . 165 .
T e l e ph o n e
- Muting the incoming call: select and confirm visible for a few seconds afte r a ca ll is an -
Mut e. swered/ignored depending on the ce ll
- Additi onal call : se lect: Find contact > Call list/ phone in use.
Directory/ Favorite s > an entry from the list .
Mut e: if you select and co nfirm th is function, the Making an emergency call
Applies to: vehicles with telephone
other pe rson on the phone cannot hea r yo u. You
can hear the other person . To turn the micro- .,. Select: ! MENUI button> Telephone > left con-
phone back on, se lect and confirm Unmute. trol button > Enter number > Enter emergency
Hold call / Resume held call : you can place the ex- call number (for example, 911) > OK.
isting call on hold and resume it again. To re-
sume the call, select and confirm the ca ll you A WARNING
wo uld like to resume. - Because yo ur phone works w ith rad io sig-
Transfer call to mobile device* : se lect and con- na ls, a connection canno t be gua ranteed un -
firm Transf er call t o mobile device t o tra nsfer de r a ll circumsta nces. Do not rely o n only
your phone when it comes to essential com -
the existing call from the MMI to you r ce ll phone.
m unication (such as a medical emergency) .
Swit ch t o hands-fr ee mode*: Requirement: you - Always follow the inst ru ct ions given by t he
must have a phone call in prog ress o n your cell emergency pe rsonne l dur ing an emergency
phone. Select and confi rm Swit ch t o hands-free call and on ly end the ca ll w hen they instruct
mode to t ransfer the call from your ce ll phone you to do so .
back to the MMI.
Deleting a stored favorite - Please note that you may have to activate
t he receivi ng a nd send ing of t ext m essages
- Se lect : Favorites > a favorit e from the list .
dep e ndi ng on t he SIM ca rd being us ed in
- Se lect the right contro l button > Delete favor-
your cell pho ne (for exampl e, w hen using a
ite > Delete this favorite or Delete all favor-
mult i-SIM). You can obt ain mo re informa-
tion fr om your cell phone serv ice provider or
from you r ce ll phone use r guide .
Messages - For m ore inform ation on suppo rt ed cell
Text messages pho nes, visit www .a udiu sa .com/ blu eto oth
Applies to : cell phones with Bluetooth Message Access Profile
or contact a n a ut horized Audi dea le r or au -
(MAP) t horized Audi Service Fac ility .
Depending on the cell phone being used and the - You need a cell phon e wit h Mes sage Access
Profi le that al so sup ports the sen din g func-
cell phone ne t work contract, you can receive and
t ion to be a ble to se nd te xt messa g es
send text messages using the MMI.
throug h the MMI.
- Using a template : select and confi rm the de- Storing a text message as a template
s ired temp late from the list.
Ten t ext mess age t emp lat es are st ored in t he
- Writing your own text *: select and confi rm Do
MMI. You can save up t o t en ad dition al tem -
not use template . Ente r text us ing the MMI
plates .
touch contro l pad* o r the lette r speller .
- Ente r one o r mo re recip ients. - Create a t ext m essage.
- Se lect and confirm Send. - Select an d confirm Store as template .
Disp lays all re ceived t ext m essages . The last ed ited text message can be resumed .
Sent Reply*
Displays all sent tex t messages . A reply ca n be sen t for t he se lect ed mess ag e in
t he Inbox.
Wi-Fi settings
"' Select : IMENUI button> Telephone > left con-
trol button > e-mail (myPhone)/e-mail (secon- See ¢ page 193 .
dary phone)* > Inbox/ Sent/ Outbox > right
Telephone settings
contro l button.
See ¢ page 184.
The follow ing options may be available depend-
ing on the selected menu .
(D Tips
Store as template - Messages that are deleted in the MMI are
Ten e -mail templates are stored in the MMI. You also automatically deleted in the connected
can save up to ten addit ional templates. cell phone .
- You cannot read any messages while driv-
- Create an e-mai l. ing.
- Select and confirm Store as template .
Read out 1)
E-mail settings*
~ Select: I M ENUI button> Telephone > left con - ments for Audi connect Infota inme nt serv ices*
tro l button . must be met ¢ page 187.
~ Se lect and confirm Directory > a contact from
~ Sele ct: ! ME NU I butto n> Telephone > left con-
the directory.
t rol butt on > Directory.
~ Select : rig ht contro l butto n > Show contact de·
~ Sele ct: right con tr ol button> Directory set-
tails .
- Calling: select and confirm the desired tele -
- Importing contacts from a storage device : se -
phone numbe r.
le ct an d con f irm Import contacts > SD card 1/
- Navigating : to sta rt navigation, se lect and con -
SD card 2 or USB device 1/ USB device 2 > de -
firm the desi red address. Select and confirm
sired contacts > Start import.
Start route guidance .
- Exporting contacts to a storage device: selec t
Press the right cont rol button to open additional an d confirm Export contacts > SD card 1/ SD
options fo r t he contact details. card 2 or USB device 1/ USB device 2 > desired
contacts > Start export .
Add destination
- Selecting all contacts at once to import/ex-
To st ar t navigat ion, se le ct and co nfirm the de - port : select and confirm Import contacts / Ex-
sired ad d ress . Select a nd confirm Start route port contacts > SD card 1/ SD card 2 or USB de·
guidance . vice 1/ USB device 2 > All > Start import / Start
export .
Store as favorite
See ¢ page 179, Favorites . (D Tips
Send text message* - Always read the chapter¢ page 194, Audi
connect (Infotainment) gen eral informa-
You can send a text message¢ page 180 to the tion.
selected contact . - For add itiona l information o n the myAudi
Delete contact accou nt , visit www .a udiusa .com/myaud i.
- The imported contacts a re stored in the lo-
The se lected contact can be d elete d.
cal memory of t he dire cto ry.
- A ma ximum of 1,0 00 contacts can be im -
(D Tips
ported. You ca n check t he directory memory
- Contacts e dit ed in th e MMI dire cto ry cannot capaci ty at any t ime ¢pag e 185.
be autom at ically up dat ed in t he connec t ed - Never save important data on memory ca rds
ce ll phone. Audi recommends editing cell or USB storage devices. Audi is not responsi-
ph one contacts dir ect ly in t he cell phone . ble fo r damaged or los t files a nd m edia.
- Only the cont acts in the loca l MMI memory - Contacts t hat were dow nloa d ed from a cell
ca n be edite d or de leted . phon e cannot be expo rted.
- There should be no ot her files or fo lde rs on
Importing and exporting contacts t he st ora g e m ediu m contain ing th e contacts
App lies to: vehicles with telep hone to be im porte d .
Contacts in vCard forma t (.vcf) can be impo rted
into the directory or exported . Additional settings
Requir e m en t : an SD car d m ust be inse rt ed in one Telephone settings
of th e SD ca rd readers * ¢ page 22 6 or a USB Applies to: vehicles wit h telepho ne
st orage dev ice m ust be connecte d to the Audi
~ Select: I ME NU I button> Telephone > righ t con-
m usic interface * ¢ page 231 o r the require -
trol button > Telephone settings. .,,.
Call forwarding : you can switc h the forwarding See¢ page 246.
of incoming calls to your voicemail or to anothe r
Bluetooth settings*
phone number on and off . You can check if the
function is activated or deactivated with Check See ¢ page 248 .
status .
Online settings*
Call waiting : you are alerted to an incoming call
See c::>
page 248.
during a phone call when the function is switched
on~ - You can check if th e function is activated Wi-Fi settings*
or deactivated with Check status .
See ¢ page 193, Wi-Fi hotspot.
Send own telephone number: sending your
phone number with an outgoing call can be acti - Directory settings
vated and deactivated . With the Network -de- Applies to: vehicles with telep ho ne
pendent setting, the setting listed in the con-
tract with the cell phone service provider is used. "' Sele ct: ! MENUI button> Telephone > left con -
The settings only apply to the Telephone menu in trol button > Directory > right control button >
the MMI. Please note that the settings on your Directory settings.
cell phone will apply afte r disconnecting the
Memory capacity
Bluetooth connect ion. You ca n check if the func-
tion is activated or deact ivated with Check sta- Shows the Memory capacity fo r the directory.
tus . You can manage up to 17,000 contacts with the
directory. You can load up to 4,000 contacts
Ringtone and volume settings 1)
from your cell phone int o each directory. You can
Using the Mute telephone funct ion, you can also impo rt up to 1,000 contacts from a storage
switch the ringtone playback through the MMI device .
speake r o n a nd off. You can play the ringtones
using the Ringtone funct ion. Select and confirm Sort order
an entry from the list. For t he Ringtone volume/ You can sort the contacts in your directory alpha-
Message volume settings, see ¢ page 250. The bet ically according to Last name or First name .
Microphone input level can be adj usted during a
phone call using the control knob. Import contacts/Export contacts
See ¢ page 184.
(D Tips
Download directory
- Several cell phones can be paired to the
MMI, but only two* cell phones can be ac- To update the contacts in t he MMI, you can man -
tive ly connected. ually download your cell phone contacts . De-
- To delete all paired Bluetooth devices, the pending on the cell phone, the Bluetooth connec-
Bluetooth function can be reset to the fac- tion may need to be disconnected and reconnect-
tory default sett ings c::>page 246. ed to update the contacts.
T e l e phone
Applies to: vehicles with telephone
Problem Solution
Pairing the cell phone to the MMI Check if the requirements for connecting a cell phone are met
failed. page 174.
Or: check if you accidentally declined the connection setup PIN on
your cell phone . If necessary, repeat the pairing process
¢ page 174 .
After pairing, not all contact s/ no Avoid using special characters in names .
contacts are loaded in the MMI. Avoid using contact groups on your cell phone .
Certa in te le phone function s are The te lephone funct ions depend o n the cell phone serv ice provider
grayed out or not availab le. a nd the cell pho n e you are using. You ca n obtain more info rma -
tion from your cell phone se rvice provide r, in your cell phone use r
guide or in the database for mobi le devices at www .audiusa.com/
bluetooth .
Some tel ephone funct ions are On corporate phones, some Bluetooth settings may not be com-
switched off or not availab le, even patib le or the ce ll phone Bluetooth funct ion may be deactivated.
tho ugh the cell phone is support- You can obtain more informat ion from yo ur system admi nistrator.
ed .
Audi conn e ct ( Inf o tainment )
Some Audi connect Infotainment services must
To reduce the risk of an accident, only use be configured through your personal myAudi ac-
Aud i connect Infotainment serv ices when count before using them for the first t ime.
road a nd traffic cond it ions permit. Always - If you do not have a persona l myAudi account
read and fo llow the notes in ~ page 147, yet, you can register on line at
Traffic safety information. www.audiusa.com/myaudi.
- Add your vehicle to your myAudi account.
Setup - Activa t e/config ure the Audi connect (Infotain -
ment) services you would like for your ve hicle in
Requirements for Audi connect your myAudi account.
- For some Audi connect Infotainment services,
Applies to vehicles with Audi connect (Infotainment)
you may also have to enter your myAudi user
The data connection fo r Audi connect Infota in- data or your myAudi PIN when accessing serv-
ment services is made th rough an embedded SIM ices in the MMI to connect you r vehicle to
card (eS IM card) that is equipped in the ve hicle. myAudi.
The follow ing requ irements must be met to use For detailed information on configuration, visit
the embedded SIM card : www .audiusa .com/myaudi.
- You have also already logged in to your myAudi To use some Audi connect Infotainment services
account under Audi connect plan for the em- (such as Twitter*), you must first connect your
bedded SIM card and accepted the terms of use vehicle to myAudi to transfer your personal set-
given there. For add it io nal information, co ntact tings from your myAudi account.
an a utho rized Aud i dea le r o r a ut horized Aud i
Service Facility .
(D Tips
- After the free subscr iption has ended or the
data volume has been used up, data packets
Fig. 17 9 Logg ing int o myAud i
ca n be pu rchased for t he use of Audi co n-
u nect Infota inme nt serv ices. You ca n fi nd ad -
..... .,. Sel ect: ! MENU I button> Audi connect > right
dit iona l information about fees and pur-
control button > Log in.
..... chasing at www .a udiusa.com/myaudi.
18 7
Audi connect (Infotainment)
,.. Enter your myAudi user data. Or : enter your connect Infota inme nt service ¢ page 150. The
eight-digit myAudi PIN. basic functions are in the correspon d ing options
,..Confirm your entry with OK. menu:
Then you can open yo ur persona l se tt ings from ,..Sele ct: ! ME N U I butt on> Audi connect > desired
your myAudi account in you r vehicle . Audi connect Infotainment service> right con -
trol button .
(D Tips
Depend ing o n t he Audi connect Infota inme nt
You ca n re ceive you r myAudi PIN if you have se rvice selected, t he follow ing basic funct ions are
set u p a myAud i account. For addi t ional infor - available :
mation, see www.audi usa .com/mya udi.
Save as preview*
Opening Audi connect You can also see a preview of the selected Audi
(Infotainment) con nect Infotai nment services on the Audi con-
App lies to vehicles with Audi conn ect (Infotainment) nect Infot a inment home page @ ¢ page 188,
fig. 180.
Show on map
You can show selected con t ent s on the map and
use them fo r route gu idan ce .
Log in
See¢ page 187, Logging into myAudi in the vehi-
Fig. 180 Audi conn ect (Infota inm en t ) home page
cle .
Audi connect (Infotainment)
Parking information
Applies to: vehicles with parki ng informa tio n
~ Se lect and confirm Parking information. Fig. 18 1 Examp le : dis play of a spee d recom menda tion
Travel information
Applies to: veh icles with travel info rma t ion
Aud i conn e ct ( Infotainment)
- when the camera-based traffic sign recogni - .. Select and confirm Weather .
tion* is malfunctioning ¢ page 97
You can also disp lay the current weat her condi-
- when the re are warnings from t he camera-
t ions on the map , fo r example.
based traffic sign recognition*
.,. Select: left control button > on entry .
Switching traffic light information on and
off Flight information
- Se lect: IMENU Ibutton > Audi connect > Traffi c Applies to: vehicles with flight information
ture times in the selected search area .
.,. Select and confirm Flight information .
- When traffic light information is shown, a l-
so always pay attention to the traffic situa -
t ion, the distance to other vehicles and the City events
Applies to: vehicles with City events
area around the ve hicle. The driver is always
respons ible for assessing the traff ic situa- Information on events in various categories in
t ion . the desired search area.
- Always adapt your speed to the current
weather, road and traff ic conditions. The .,. Select City Events > left co nt rol button > cate-
displayed information must never cause you gory.
to ignore lega l traffic regulations and pose a
safety risk. Online news
- Regardless of the traffic light info rmat ion, Applies to: vehicles with on line news
yo u should always monitor yo ur speed using Youcan checkthe current headlines of your fa-
the speedometer and make su re yo u are ad - vorite publications in the MMI.
her ing to the legal speed lim it .
- The traffic light information does not adjust Requirement: yo ur myAud i acco unt must be sub-
yo ur vehicle 's speed to the speed recom - scribed to news feeds and your vehicle must be
mendat ion shown in the display. connected to myAudi ¢ page 187 .
Information on current weather cond itions as
You must have co nnected your myAudi account
well as weathe r fo recasts for the selected sea rch
with Tw itter. You can find additional information
area .
fo r th is on line at www .audiusa .com/myaud i. .,.
Audi conn e ct ( Inf o tainment )
You must have connected your vehicle with The Audi MMI connect app must be insta lled and
myAudi r=>page187 . open on your mobi le device .
.,. Se lect Twitte r > left co ntrol button > desired You m ust be logged into your myAudi account in
function (for example, Trends). the Audi MMI connect app and you must have se -
lected your vehicle.
The fo llow ing categories can be selected in the
Twitt er menu: The Wi-Fi function on your mob ile dev ice and on
t he MMI m ust be switched on.
- My tw eets: News Feed and the Tweets you have
posted are listed. The MMI must be connected to the network.
- Home: the Tweets for everyone you follow are .,. Press: !MENU ! button> Audi connect > left con-
displayed. trol button > Information category > Travel.
- Trends: topics on Twitter that are currently
After opening the trave l guide, trave l tips in your
popular w ith in a country .
area will be displayed including current ratings as
Different functions are availab le depending on well as the corresponding category.
the Twitter category you have selected: .,. Press the left control button to change the cat-
- New tweet : you can post a new tweet using egory (such as bars nearby).
pre -made templates or using myAudi tem -
plates that you have created yourse lf. A WARNING
- Refresh: the selected Twitter function is re- - It is only safe to use tablets, laptops, mo-
freshed. bile dev ices and ot her sim ila r devices when
- Favorite : mark a Tweet as favorite to show you the vehicle is st at ionary because, like all
liked it. loose objec t s, they co uld be t hrown aroun d
- Retweet: you can quote a Tweet to share it with the inside of the ve hicle in a crash and cause
others. serio us inj uries . Store these types of devices
secure ly while driving .
(D Tips - Do not use any wireless devices on the front
- Other se tt ings such as accoun t , la ng uage, seats within range of the airbags whi le driv -
Tweet security and location settings cannot ing. Also read the warnings in the chapter
be changed in the MMI. These changes must r::>
page 2 73, Front airbags.
be made on the Twitter website .
- You can on ly connect one Twitter account @ Note
with your myAudi acco unt . Always follow the information found in¢ (!) in
- Audi con nect (Infotainment) makes it possi - Wi-Fi hotspot on page 194.
ble to access Twitter . Permanent avai lability
ca nnot be guaranteed, because t hat de - (D Tips
pends on Twitter. Units of measurement, la nguage se tt ings a nd
time are shown in the Infotainment system
Travel (travel guide) display based on how they were set in the
Applies to: vehicles with Travel (travel guide) MMI system sett ings r::>
page 245.
You can use the Audi MMI connect opp to store
points of interest on your mobile device (such as Audi connect (Infotainment) in navigation
a smartphone) and then use them for route Applies to: vehicles with a navigation system and Audi con -
nect (Infotainment)
u guidance in the MMI.
..... .,. Select: !MENU! button> Audi connect > left
,..._ Requirement:
..... control button > Navigation.
Aud i conn e ct ( Infotainment)
The fo ll owing Audi connect Infotainment services Applies to: vehicles with Wi-Fi audio player
are current ly availab le: - Wi -Fi audio player: you can access the med ia
center through a Wi-Fi connected media player
- Navigat ion with satellit e map 1> ¢ page 215. (such as a smartphone) ¢ page 229.
- Point of I nterest (POI) online search with
voice recognit ion (such as restaurants) : plan & WARNING
route guidance using t he MMI contr ol panel
It is only safe to use tablets, laptops, mobile
¢ pag e 207 and the voice recognition system
devices and other simi lar devices when the ve-
¢ page 167 .
hicle is stationary because, like all loose ob-
- Set up dest inat ions in your MMI using your jects, they could be thrown around the inside
myAudi account or the satellite map view l)
of the vehicle in a crash and cause serious in-
¢ page 215 .
juries . Store these types of devices securely
- Online traffic inform at ion: receive up-to -the - while driv ing .
minute traffic information about accidents,
road construction and other incidents @ Note
¢ page 219.
Always fo ll ow the information fo und in ¢ \@in
- Map updat e: import navigation map updates
Wi-Fi hotspot on page 194.
directly to your vehicl e using an SD card or as
an on line update ¢ page 216.
(D Tips
(D Tips - Also see the chapter ¢ page 194, Audi con-
nect (Infotainment) general information.
- For the map update Audi connect Infotain -
- For more information on t he Wi -Fi audio
ment service via SD card, check the current
player and supported devices, contact an
software version in your vehicle and then
authori zed Audi dealer or autho rized Audi
check www.aud iusa.com/myaudi to see if a
Service Facility.
newer version is available. You can also have
the new navigation data installed by an Audi
dealer, wh ich can be done for an additional Additional options
charge. Applies to vehicles with Audi connect (Infotainment)
- You can find additiona l information abo ut ~ Select: ! M E NUI button> Audi connect > right
the map update on line at cont rol button .
www.audiusa.com/myaud i.
The following options are available in the Audi
Audi connect (Infotainment) in Media connect I nfota inment services overview :
About Audi connect
Applies to vehicles with Audi connect (Infotainment)
Here you wi ll find lega l information for Audi con-
~ Select : IMENUI button> Audi connect > right nect (Infotainment) usage.
cont rol button > Entert ainment .
Log in*
- Online media and Internet radio: offers access
to different online media services as we ll as In- See ¢ page 187, Logging into myAudi in the vehi-
ternet radio and operation through the MM I us- cle.
ing the Audi MMI connect app ¢ page 230. Connection manag er
See¢ page 246 .
Audi conn e ct ( Inf o tainment )
are displayed. When the function is switched on You can use the fvlfv/Ias a Wi-Fi hotspot to con-
10,the message Warning before subscription nec t up t o eigh t Wi-Fi devices to the Interne t.
expires will display to warn you that your license While driving, res tricted use of unsecured , ligh t,
is about to expire. small wireless devices is only possible from the
rear of the vehicle .
Refr esh
The content of the selected Audi connect Info - Requirement: the ignition must be sw itched on .
tainment service o r the entire Audi connect (Info - .. Select: I MENU I button> Telephone > right con-
tainment) list is updated . trol button > Wi-Fi setting s.
Data privacy The following sett ings can be selected:
Requ irement: the ign it ion must be switched on.
Wi - Fi
Location and personal data are transmitted when
The MMI Wi-Fi hotspot is deactivated at the fac-
using Aud i connect services . If you do not want
tory. Switch the W i-Fi hotspot to Hot spot before
this information to be transm itted, act ivate data
establ ish ing a con nection between your ve hicle
privacy .
and yo ur Wi-Fi device.
- Activate privacy: the data conn ection is limit ed
or deactivated. Some Audi connect services will - On: the MMI Wi-Fi hotspot is act ive and visible
not be available. In veh icles w ith Audi connect to other dev ices. You can connect your W i-Fi
emergency call and se rvice¢ page 201, loca- dev ice to the MMI and use the Inte rnet co nnec-
t ion and veh icle data will be transmitted via the t ion if necess ar y.
emergency call in cases of eme rgency . For on- - Off : the MMI Wi-Fi hotspot is deactivated. An
line roadside assistance*, only the voice call is Inte rnet co nnect ion for W i-Fi dev ices is not
made a nd no data is transmitted. possible .
- Deactivate data privacy : if the data connect ion
is limited or deactivated, you ca n sw itch on the =
data connection for the use of all Aud i connect - To reduce the risk of an accident, use t he
services . Se lect and confirm Activ at e dat a con- Audi connect Infotainment services with a
nection . W i-Fi hotspot only in the rear seat when the
veh icle is in mot ion, or only when the vehi-
(D Tips cle is stat ionary.
Applies to: vehicles with emergency call function - It is only safe to use tablets, laptops, mo-
In vehicles wit h Audi connect emergency ca ll bile dev ices and other simi lar devices when
and service, a data connection is requi red. It the vehicle is stationary because, like all
cannot be deact ivated. Location data is only loose objects, they could be thrown around
transmitted together with vehicle data when the inside of the vehicle in a crash and cause
emergency calls are made . ser ious injur ies . Store these types of dev ices
secure ly while dr iving.
- Do not use any wireless dev ices on the front
seats within ra nge of the airbags whi le dr iv-
ing. Also read t he warnings in t he chapte r
¢ page 2 73, Front airbags .
u - As t he d river, do not allow usage of the W i-
,..._ Fi ho t spot t o d ist ract yo u from dr iving, as
..... this cou ld increase the risk of an accident .
Aud i conn e ct ( Infotainment)
Audi conn e ct ( Inf o tainment )
Service Facility or your cell phone service - AUDIAG collects, processes, shares and
provider for additional information . transmits your personal information in ac-
- Usage of Audi connect Infotainment serv- cordance with legal reg ulations in order to
ices depends on the availability of services ensure proper function and availab ility of
through third party providers . the individua l Audi connect Infotainment
- Audi connect Infotainment services are only serv ices. You can view the complete, current
available within the cell phone network cov- and valid Audi connect (Infotainment) data
erage from your cell phone service provider. protec t ion policy in your MMI. The myAudi
- Audi connect Infotainment services are pla tform is availab le for t o you to act ivate
available in the USA. Audi connect Infotain- add itio nal Audi conne ct Infotainment serv-
ment services are currently not available in ices and to t ransfe r data to your vehicle,
Canada or in Mexico. among other services . A one -time registra -
- Also read the information in the chapter tion is require d to establish a connection to
¢ page 174, Telephone. your vehicle. For th is purpose, AUDIAG col-
- Availability, scope, providers, screen display lects, processes, transm its and uses your re-
and costs of serv ices may vary depend ing on quired persona l information as required for
the country, model, model year, end device you to use the services provided by AUDI
and rates. For additional informat ion, visit AG. Your informat ion is not distrib uted to
www.audiusa.com. third parties. Using your cell phone with
- An init ial registration/activation on the your myAudi platform allows you to trans-
myAudi platform at www.aud iusa.com/ m it dat a fo r your Audi conne ct Infot ain-
myaudi is requ ired to use individual serv- ment serv ices functions to your vehicle and
ices. You can contact an autho rized Audi you can allow specific vehicle data to be
dealer or Audi connect (Infotainment) cus- transmitted from your vehicle.
tomer service at (877) SOS-AUDI(2834) to - Byactivating special information se rvices
receive information on options fo r expand- that are part of your Audi connect (Infotain-
ing your usage and any costs that may re- ment) portfolio, you can use these functions
sult. directly in your vehicle by ente ring data to
- The Audi connect Infotainment services are confirm your identity (to use social net-
a Wi-Fi/lnternet -based system. If the sys- works , for example). To do this, the ident ifi-
tem does not function correctly even cat ion information you provided is forward-
though all of the requirements are met, ed with t he request to the respec t ive service
please try again later or contact Audi con- provider. Then you can access your person al
nect (Infota inment) customer service at content using a se cure conne ct ion. This con-
(877) SOS-AUDI(2834). t ent is displaye d in t he vehicle for your use .
- For detailed information on Audi connect Your personal conten t is not stored with in
(Infotainment) and the Terms of Use, refer Audi AG. The necessary connection informa-
to www.audiusa.com. tion is processed and used for providing
serv ices and the prope r funct ion of the serv-
ices in accordance with applicable legal
Data protection
guide lines.
Applies to vehicles with Audi connect (Infotainment)
- You can find additional information in your
MMI in the options menu for the selected
(1) Tips Audi connect Infotainment service and also
- You can find add itiona l information in your online at www.audiusa.com.
MMI in the opt ions menu fo r the selec t ed - By providing Audi connect Infotainment
Audi connect Infotainment service and also serv ices, Audi of America is aut horized to
..... on line at www.audiusa .com . collect , process, t ransmi t and transfer
0 - Your privacy is important to us.
Audi connect (Infotainment)
information about you and your vehicle. Ad- found in the applicat ion's privacy policy . For
ditional information can also be found in additional information about the
your MMI in the opt ions menu for these- www.aud iusa.com/myaudi website or other
lected Audi connect Infotainment service. applications, websites or on line services
- Information on our data protection meas- connected to Audi, visit www.aud iusa.com/
ures in conjunction with the mobile Audi pr ivacy.
connect (Infotainment) application can be
Applies to vehicles with Audi connect (Infotainment)
Problem Solution
Audi connect Infotainment serv- Some Audi connect Infotainment services must be act ivated/con-
ices: individual Audi connect Info - figured through your personal myAudi account before using
tainment services are grayed out or them for the first time . You can find detailed informat ion on line
not available. atwww .audiusa.com/myaudi.
Wi -Fi hotspot : it is not possible to Delete all existing Wi-Fi connections on your mobi le device and
connect through W i-Fi. restart it .
Audi connect vehicle control
With the Audi connect vehicle control services l) , Creating and verifying a user account
you can access various information or use individ- "' Create an account at www.aud iusa.com/myaudi
ual functions in the Audi MMI connect app or in and verify it.
myAudi .
Setting a key user in the vehicle
Audi connect vehicle control includes the follow-
Requirements: the ignition must be switched on .
ing services:
Another key user must not be set in the veh icle .
- Remote locking and un locking ¢ page 198 . If necessary, reset the key user ¢ page 198.
- Vehicle status report ¢ page 198.
.. Select in the Infotainment system: IM ENU ! but-
- Parking locat ion ¢ page 198 .
ton > Audi connect > if necessary, Display
- Geofencing Alert ¢ page 199.
available functions > right control button >
- Speed Alert ¢ page 199 .
Audi connect user management > Key user >
- Valet Alert ¢ page 199 .
Set key user.
- Stolen Vehicle Locator ¢ page 199.
"' Enter the user name for your ve rified account
- Online Audi service request ¢ page 199. and enter the IO-digit vehicle code. You can rub
the key tag for your remote control key to re-
(D Tips
veal the vehicle code ¢ page 31.
- Accessing specific data or controlling func- .. Select and confirm Log in.
tions remote ly depends on the charge leve l
You can now use the vehicle control services
of the vehicle battery. Therefore, these
through the Audi MMI connect app or through
functions only have limited availability after
www .audiusa.com/myaudi.
switching off the ignit ion.
- The services are provided through a SIM Using vehicle control services in the Audi
card installed in the vehicle . The cost of the MMI connect app
call and data connections is included in the
Requirement: your mobi le devices must be com-
price for the services . Services are provided
assuming that the cell phone network re-
quired for the installed SIM card is function- .. Install and sta rt the Audi MMI connect app on
ing and ready to operate. The available serv- your mobi le device .
ices set by Aud i AG are only available within .. Log in to the Audi MMI connect app using your
the cell phone network coverage area for user name and password and se lect your vehi-
the cell phone service provider selected by cle.
Audi AG.
- You can also find more information on Audi (D Tips
connect on line at www.audiusa.com. - Store the vehicle code in a secure place . It
may be necessary to re-enter the vehicle
N l) In pre pa rat ion at t he t ime of prin t ing. The availab ility of
0 the services off ered depends o n th e country a nd may
chang e ove r tim e .
Audi connect vehicle control
- Pay attention to upper- and lower -case let - - The ignition must be switched off.
ters when entering the vehicle code.
- If you do not have the 10-digit ve hicle code, Vehicle status report
contact an authorized Audi dealer or author- Appli es to vehicles w ith Audi connect vehicle control
ized Audi Service Facility .
The Driver Informat ion System collects data un-
der certain conditions and sends it to a server.
Additional options
Applies to vehicles with Audi connect vehicle control When data is sto red, you can access va lues such
as these using the se rvice :
License subscription
- Remaining range,
The validity and expirat ion date of you r subscrip-
- Fue l tank level,
tions are displayed. When Warning before sub-
- Oil level,
scription expires is activated, a message wi ll be
disp layed warning you that your license is about - If the vehicle doors are open/closed or locked/
to expire. un locked,
- mileage,
Select : !MENU ! button> Audi connect > Display - Next oil change
available functions > right control button> Li-
- Next service,
cense subscription.
- Warning messages,
Resetting the primary user - If the parking lights are on/off .
- This requires the 4-dig it PIN that you specified - Select: !MENU!> Audi connect> Car Finder
during the verification on www.audiusa.com/ parking position .
myaud i. If you do not set./, no location information will
- The vehicle must be stationary. be sent to the server .
Audi c o nn e ct ve h icl e c o ntr o l
You can set up to two speed limits for your veh i- Online Audi service
cle using th is serv ice. If your vehicle exceeds a set
speed limit, you will be notified by a push not ifi- Applies to vehicles with Audi connect vehicle control
cation and/or e-mail.
Requirement: to be able to use on line Audi serv-
Requirement ice request , you must activate the service at
- You must be ver ified as the pr imary user of your www.aud iusa.com/myaud i and se lect an aut hor-
vehicle on myAudi. ized Audi dea ler or author ized Audi serv ice facili-
ty .
(D Tips
Online Audi serv ice request transmits service- rel-
You can set on myAudi if you would like to be evant data to your se lected autho rized Audi dea l-
u notified via push not ificat ions and/or e-ma il. er or autho rized Audi service fac ility. They will
..... contact you before your next service appoint -
..... ment .
Audi connect vehicle control
(D Tips
You can deactivate t he on line Audi service re-
quest at www .audiusa .com/myaudi.
Emergen cy call
- The services are provided through a SIM Requirement: the LED@ must be green.
card installed in the vehicle. The cost of the
call and data connections is included in the Manual emergency call
price for the services. Services are provided Requirement: the ignition must be switched on.
assuming that the cell phone network re-
quired for the installed SIM card is function- .,.Tap the cover (!) to open it.
ing and ready to operate . The available serv- .,.Press and hold the emergency call button until
ices set by Audi AGare only available within the LED@ blinks green. The emergency call is
the cell phone network coverage area for made.
the cell phone service provider selected by .,.If the emergency call button is pressed by mis-
Audi AG. take, then press it again immediately until the
- You can find what data will be transferred LEDstays green. The emergency call is can-
at www.audiusa.com. celed .
- These serv ices cannot be deactivated using Automatic emergency call
the settings in the Infotainment system .
The vehicle electrical system initiates an auto-
matic emergency call under certain circumstan -
Emergency call ces, for example if an airbag deploys. The LEDin
Description the emergency call button @ blinks green . The
Applies to: vehicles with emergency call function emergency call is made . This cannot be canceled.
Emergency call
Na v iga tion
Navigation A WARNING
Opening navigation - The demands of traffic require your full at-
Applies to: veh icles with navigation system tention. Always read the chapter
page 147, Traffic safety information.
The navigation system directs you to your desti-
- Obey all traff ic laws when driving.
nation, around traffic incidents and on alterna-
- The route calculated by the navigation sys-
tive routes, if desired .
tem is a recommendation for reaching your
destination. Obey traffic lights, stopp ing re-
strictions, one-way streets, lane change re-
strictions, etc.
(D Note
- If the driving directions conflict with traffic
laws, obey the traffic laws .
Fig. 185 Diagram : Ente r dest ina tio n menu - To reduce the risk of an accident, adjust the
volume of the nav igation system so that sig-
.. Press the I NAV/MAPI button. nals from outs ide the veh icle, such as police
and f ire s irens, can be heard easily at all
The Ente r destinatio n menu is displayed after times.
opening navigation. The following information
can be displayed in the Infotainment system dis- Ci) Tips
- Snow and obstruct ions on the GPS antenna
(D Input field for free text search 204 or interference caused by t rees and large
@ Home address ................ 205 buildings can impair satell ite recept ion and
@ Last dest inatio ns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204 affect the system's ability to dete rm ine the
veh icle pos it ion. Several deactivated or mal-
@ Stored favorites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
functioning satell ites can also interrupt GPS
As soon as yo u select an entry from the list (de- recept ion and affect the system's ability to
pending on the ve hicle equipment), the corre- determine the vehicle position.
spond ing destination displays as a map preview* - Because street names sometimes change,
@ r:::>
fig .1 85. the names stored in the MMI may in rare
If you have connec t ed a cell phone to the MMI, cases d iffer from the actual street name.
your directory contacts will also be listed if they
have navigation data assigned to them.
Na v igat io n
Na vi gation
Or: search for a country/state using the input Setting a home address/favorite as the
field. destination
- Entering a destination using th e City/ ZIP Appli es to : vehicles wi th navigat ion system
code: se lect and confirm City/ ZIP code. Enter a You can quickly and easily start route guidance
city or a ZIP code . Or: select and confirm a city to your home address using the home address
from the list. function. Favorites allow easier access to fre-
- Se lect and confirm additional detai ls about the quently used destinations.
destination such as Street , House number or
Downtow n. "' Press the I NAV/MAPI button repeatedly unti l
- Destination ent ry using a st reet inter section* : t he Ente r dest ination men u is displayed
Requirement: you must enter a street. Se lect c>page 203, fig. 185 .
and confirm Inte rsection. Select and confirm a
Setting a home address as the destination
street d irectly from the list. Or : search for a
street using the input field . Requirement: a home address must be stored
- Select and confirm Start route guidance. c>page 210.
Your Home address is shown directly in the Enter
Selecting a destination on the map destination menu @ c>page 203 , fig. 185 .
Applies to: vehicles with navigation system and MMI touch
- Select: Home address > Sta rt route guidance.
A point on the map can be used as the destina-
tion. Setting a favorit e as the destination
Na v igat io n
0 :- Audi Beverly Hills (,
the Enter dest inat ion me nu is displayed
¢page 203, fig. 185 .
~ ,. Hawthorn Ave, Los Angeles, CA
.. Select: left control button > Points of intere st.
&=9 t<;'l
, Wilshire Bl vd, Beverly Hills, CA
t<A 34°03'12.l"'N, 118°14'43.2"W - Changing the search area : select and confirm
9,~ Search area > a search area from the list .
Fig. 186 Possible directory/contacts The following search categor ies are available:
Requ irement: an address with navigat ion data or Nearby : po int s of int eres t can be se lect ed from
a nav igat io n destination must a lready be as - diffe rent categories. The points of interest are
signed to a conta ct ¢ page 211 . listed starting from the immediate vicinity of the
vehicle up to a radius of approximately 124
i. Press the INAV/MAPI button repeatedly until
miles (200 km).
t he Enter destination menu is displayed
¢ page 203, fig. 185. Along the route : points of interest a long the
i. Select: left con tr ol button > Directory > a con- route can only be se lected during active route
tact. guidance. The points of interest are located di-
rectly along or in the immediate vicinity of the
The d irectory/contacts a re shown in alphabetical calculated route. The points of interest can like-
order and are marked w it h symbo ls to ind icate wise be selected from various categories . For ex-
the storage location: ample, you can searc h for a hotel or parking lot
(D Business address at the dest inat ion .
Na vi gation
(D Tips (D Tips
- Distances to points of interest are displayed Always read the chapter r=>
page 194, Audi
as a straight -line distance from your current connect (Infotainment) general information.
location. The actua l distance from your cur-
rent location to the point of interest is up- Accessing destinations from myAudi
dated automat ica lly. The list of found account
po ints of interest is not resorted when th is Applies to: vehicles with a navigation system and Audi con-
happens . nect (Infotainment)
- There may be entries in the list that cannot Import individual destinations from your myAudi
be displayed completely due to the ir length . account into the MMI.
Se lect the co rresponding e ntry from the
list . Se lect : righ t co ntro l butto n > Show des- Requirement:
t inati on detai ls . Det ail ed informat ion for The requirements for Audi connect (Infota in-
t he selec t ed en t ry in t he list is t hen dis- ment) must be met ¢ page 187 .
You must have a reg istered myAud i account at
www .audiusa .com/myaudi . You must have ave -
Online point of interest search (online
hicle assigned to your myAud i account and you
must have stored one or more destinations .
Applies to: vehicles with a navigatio n system and Audi con-
nect (Infotainment)
.. Press t he I NAV/MAPI button repeatedly until
You con sear ch for points of interest on the In - the Enter destination menu is displayed
tern et. r=>
page 203, fig . 185 .
.. Select: left control button > myAudi contact s.
Req uirement: the requirements fo r Audi co nnect .,.If necessa ry, enter yo ur myAud i use r data or
(Info t ainment) m ust be met r=>
poge 187. your myAudi PI N ¢ page 187. The con t acts
.,. Press the I NAV/MAPI button repeatedly until stored in myAud i a re displayed .
the Enter destination menu is displayed
- Select and confirm a contact.
poge 203, fig . 185.
- Select and confirm a private or business dest i-
.,. Se lect : left cont rol button > Online search. The
nation .
search area last set is d isplayed in the inp ut
- Select and confirm Start route guidance.
Find which search areas a re available under .,. Press the I NAV/MAPI button repeatedly unti l
..... ¢ page 206, Point of interest search.
the Ent er dest ination men u is disp layed
N You can sea rch fo r onl ine dest inat ions using t he ¢ page 203, fig. 185 .
voice recognition system ¢ table on page 170 .
.,.Select: left control button > Geographical coor- Cancel route guidance
dinates . Applies to: vehicles with navigation system
::0 -·-·-·-
' HC'spcria. CA, 92345 1:22 AM
Fig. 187 Example: active route guidance w ith stopover Cancel route guidance: Requ irement: route guid-
ance must be active. Route guidance is canceled.
Requirement: route guidance must already be ac- For additional information, see ¢ page 208 .
tive .
Country information : you can display the app li-
.,.Press the I NAV/MAPI button repeatedly until cab le urban and rural speed limits for any coun -
the Enter destination menu is displayed try/state. If this function is activated, the infor-
¢ page 203, fig . 185 .
mation will be automatically shown to you in the
Entering a destination as a stopover route informat ion (J) ¢ page 213 , fig . 192 when
the speed limit is exceeded ¢ page 215.
- Enter a destination in the input line
¢ page 204. Country/state selection: see¢ page 204, Nar-
- Se lect and confirm a destination from the re - rowing the search area .
sults list . Route criteria: see ¢ page 212, Route criteria .
- Select and confirm Add as stopover.
Show location on map : Requirement: you m ust
Deleting a stopover have se lected a destination from the results list.
The destination entered is displayed on the map .
- Push the cont rol knob up . Free text search and
active route guidance are displayed. Or: turn Parking at this location* : Requirement: you
the control knob to t he left until the active must have se lected a destination from th e re-
route guidance is shown. su lts list . All parking options near the selected
- Select and confirm Delete stopover @ location are displayed in the Infotainment sys-
¢ fig. 187. tem.
- The stopove r is deleted.
Delete: t he selected entry is deleted. You can de-
lete individual entries or a ll entries (for examp le,
favorites or last destinations) . ...
Audi connect at this location *: Requirement: you " Press the ! NAV/MAPI button repeatedly until
must have selected a destination from the re- the Enter destination menu is displayed
sults list . Allows you to search for items in the vi- r::;,
page 203, fig . 185.
cinity of the selected location, such as Travel in- " Select: right control button > Navigation set-
formation. tings > Personal route assistance.
Online traffic data* : the on line traffic informa- When the function is switched on~. the MMI re-
tion r::;,
page 219 can be switched on or off . cords the frequently-driven routes regardless of
Add destination to contact : see r::;,
page 211. whether a destination was entered and reached
or not.
Store as favorite : see r::;,
page 211 .
As long as route guidance is not active, your per-
Voice guidance: see r::;,page212. sonal routes are listed in the Enter destination
Navigation settings: seer::;,page 211 . menu under the home address and indicated with
the symbol (D r::;,fig. 188. When personal route
(D Tips ass istance is switched on, this symbol is dis-
played in the Navigation menu and in the Info-
Information on online traffic data* can also
tainment system display status line at the same
be found online at www.audiusa.com.
time .
As soon as you switch off personal route assis- .,. Press t he INAV/MAP I button repeatedly unti l
tance, the symbol in the status line turns off and the Enter destination menu is displayed
your trips are no longer recorded. Trips that were ¢ page 203, fig. 185.
already stored remain stored. .,.Select: right control button> Navigation set-
tings > Show alternative routes .
Deleting personal routes:
Three rout e s are displayed in the overview map
- Select the desired personal route in the Enter
after you enter a destination.
destination menu ¢ fig. 188.
- Select : right control button > Delete destina· Up to three route suggestions and their proper-
tion. ties are displayed on the overview map when the
Deleting all personal routes: funct ion is switched on~ ¢ fig. 190.
- Se lect : IMENU Ibutton > Settings > left control If available, the following information will ap-
button > MMI settings> Factory settings. pear on the rout e suggestions :
- Select : Navigation and on line memory > Re· - Route type (fast (D, fast alternative @ , eco-
store factory settings r:>page 246 . nom ic route @ )
- Distance to the destination and the calculated
@ Tips arriva l t ime
- Personal routes are learned based on the ve- - Traffic congestion along the route includ ing
hicle position. The route is prioritized ac- time delays
cording to how frequently you drive to a
The route that was calculated accord ing to the
route criteria you selected is shown on the over -
- A maximum of three personal routes are
view map . The specia l prope rt ies of the route are
displayed in the Enter destination menu.
also displayed @ ¢ fig. 190 and given as a spo-
Based on the current vehicle pos ition, the
ken message.
traffic situation for the route that is most
likely to be dr iven out of the three routes Using the control knob, you can select the possi -
will a lways be monitored . ble rout ing for the alternat ive routes and show
- Please note that personal routes that have them on map Se lect and confirm the desired
a lre ady been stored will remain stored after route that you wou ld like to use for route gu id-
the ignition is switched off and they must ance.
be deleted manually.
Additional settings
Alternative routes Home address
Applies to: vehicles with navigation system
Applies to : vehicles wit h navigat ion syste m
Na vi gation
- Select and confirm a destination > right control Storing a destination as a contact in the
button > Store as home address. dir ectory
Navigation settings
Favorites Applies to: vehicles with navigation system
Applies to: vehicles with navigation system
"' Press the ! NAV/MAP I button repeatedly unti l
"' Press the INAV/MAPI button repeated ly until the Enter destination menu is displayed
the Enter destinati on menu is displayed ¢page 203, fig.185 .
¢page 203, fig. 185. "' Select: right control button > Navigat ion set-
ting s.
- Storing a destin ati on as a f avorite : searc h for
the des ired destination us ing the input fie ld. Depending on the selected function, the follow-
Or: select a dest inat ion from the list. Se lect: ing settings can be selected:
right control button > Store as favorite.
- Renaming a favorite : select the left cont rol
Show alternative routes
bu tton > Favorites > a favorite from the list > Up to three suggested routes are shown on the
right cont rol button > Rename favorite . map when this function is switched on ~
- Move favorite : se lect a favorite from the list> ¢ page 210 .
right cont rol but t on > Move favorite . Select
Low fuel warning
and confirm the location of t he se lected favor-
ite . A message is d isplayed if the fue l gauge goes be -
- Deleting a favorite : se lect a favorite from the low the reserve marking w hen this function is
list> right contro l button > Delete favorite > switched on~- Confirming this message disp lays
Delete this favorite or Delete all favorites. a list of gas stations in the area. When a gas sta-
tion is selected, route guidance from the current
vehicle position is calculated.
Directory contacts
Applies to: vehicles with navigation system
Trail er mode*
Two addresses (private/business) can be as- Trailer mode is switched off at t he factory .
signed as destinations for each contact in the di-
rectory. When the funct ion is switched on~, the max i-
mum pe rmitted speed for ve hicles w ith t railers is
"' Press the INAV/MAPI button repeated ly until inco rporated into t he route guidance an d the cal -
the Enter destinati on menu is displayed culated arriva l t ime is adjusted accord ingly. Trail-
¢ page 203, fig. 185 . er mode is displayed using symbols- ':! in the side
menu on the map . ..,.
Personal route assistance* .. Select: right con tr ol bu tton > Route criteria .
Pe rsonal route assis t an ce is sw itc hed off at t he @ HOV/ carpool lanes 1l: wit h th e Avoid fu nc-
factory . t ion, HOV la ne s a re ex clud ed whe n ca lculat ing
Your t rips are reco rde d a nd d esti nat ions are sug- rou t es . With Allow , the MMI will route yo u
gested by t he MMI when t his funct io n is switch ed t hr ough HOV lanes and show them .
on ~ ¢ page 209 . @ Highways / @ Toll roads/ @ Ferries: if t he na v-
The persona l rou t e ass istance is indica t ed by the igati on sys t em should not include hig hways, toll
~ symbol in t he stat us line of t he Info t ainmen t roads or fer ries - if poss ible - w hen cal cula ti ng
sys t em disp lay. routes, you can se lect the Avoid function .
Fig. 191 Possibl e route cri teria
(for example, the upcoming maneuver in-
(D Direction. For additional information, see @ Map contents (points of interest, favorites) .
When there are multiple points of interest in
¢ page 215.
the immediate vicin ity, the symbols are
@ The distance to the destination includes the
shown stacked on the map.
u calculated arrival time.
1l Only appl ies to vehicles withou t camer a-bas ed speed lim it
co d isplay.
~ Better route~ : if a better route is avai lab le Map settings : see¢ page 214.
for the current route guidance, it will be indi-
Route criteria: see ¢page 212.
cated on the map includ ing the time that
wou ld be saved. More information can be Voice guidance: see¢ page 212.
found under ¢page 218.
Navigation settings : see ¢ page 211 .
Show alternative routes : see¢ page 210.
Map functions
Applies to: vehicles with navigation system Parking along the route* : parking options ne ar
t he vehicle are displayed .
.,.Press the INAV/MAPI button repeatedly until
the map is displayed ¢pag e 213, fig. 192. Save current position : you can save your current
.,.Press the left control button. vehicle position as a favor it e¢ page 211 or save
it as a contact in the directory ¢page 211 .
The follow ing map functions can be selected:
Audi connect at this location *: allows you to
Switch to destination input search for Travel information at the entered lo-
The free text search in the Enter destination cation (events, weather at the destinat ion, etc.) .
menu is disp layed ¢page 203, fig. 185. Online traffic data* : you can switch the online
Traffic messages traffic data on or off(~).
Curre nt traffic info rma tion is displayed in the In- Country information : see¢ page 208.
fotainment system disp lay. You can a lso find ad- Avoid route *: when route guidance is active, the
ditiona l information under ¢pa ge 217. calculated route will avoid the area you have
specified (maximum: 12 mi (20 km)), if possible.
Route list
The navigation system calculates an alternative
The route list ca n only be displayed when route rout e . The rout e to be avoided that you hav e en -
gu ida nce is active and contains information re- tered applies only to the current route and must
ga rding the route, the names of t he st reets and be set again, if needed. The areas you have se-
the length of the route sections. When traveling lected to avoid w ill appear with red and white
on highways, possib le parking lots and rest areas shading on the map .
are shown, which you can select as a stopover.
Move route *: move your finger over the MMI
POis along the route touch contro l pad* or use the contro l knob to ad-
Requirement: route gu idance must be active . just the route on the overview map .
.,.Press the INAV /MAP I button repeatedly until Depend ing on the selected function, the follow-
the map is displayed ¢p age 213, fig. 192 . ing settings can be selected :
.. Press the right contro l button .
Map colors
Depending on the function selected, the follow-
Day/ Night : the map is displayed with a light/
ing op t ions can also be selected under the Map
dark background.
Automatic : the map display adapts to the light- when there are upcoming maneuvers so that you
ing conditions (for example, changing from Day can see the street or turn better.
to Night when driving through a tunne l).
Off : the map scale you have chosen is ma in-
Map display ta ined .
Route information
The display of route information, such as the cur-
rent street being driven on or points of interest
a long the current route ¢ page 213, fig. 192, can
be switched on/off or can be minimized on the
Fig. 194 Example : satelli te map
display of upcoming maneuvers.
..... 1> AUDI AG pr ovides access to se rvices fro m th ird party pro -
r-- vide rs. Perman ent ava ilab ility can not be g uaranteed , be·
..... cau se that de pends on th e th ird party provider .
~0 2> Provide r at tim e of pr inting .
N av ig a t io n
of memory space in the MMI memory that can be Online map update
used to temporarily store the map or navigation Applies to: vehicles with a navigation system and Audi con-
data that was received. This is roughly the nect (Infotainment)
amount required for the ma p/navigation data for Using th e online mop update, you con update
a 2,48S mile (4,000 km) route . As long as t he the mop material in your navigation system di-
satellite images loaded for route guidance are rect ly from your vehicle.
stored, you can use them w ithout having an ac-
tive data connection .
(D Tips
- The stored satellite map 1> data can be de -
leted in Fact ory sett ings > Navigati on and
page 246 .
online memory c::>
- The satellite map 1> is updated regularly
whenever the funct ion is opened . The proc- Fig. 195 Example: display of a new on line map update
ess may take severa l seconds.
- When the satellite map display is switched
on l ) with the 30 pos it ion map type, the
MMI display automatically switches to the
20 map type when driving through tunnels.
- Also read the information in the chapter
c:>page 194, Audi connect (Info tainment)
general information .
- For additional informat ion, visit Fig. 196 Example: se lect ion of a coun try package
www.audiusa.com .
Requirement: the requi rements for Audi connect
Map update page 187 .
Infotainment se rvices must be met c::>
Na v iga tion
Warning symbols with~ : avoided traffic inci- .. Press t he I NAV/M A PI button repeatedly unti l
dents . t he map is displayed .
The display of colored markings, warning sym- Requirement: route guidance must be active.
bols, etc . can be set in the Map content menu
,=;,page215. If your MMI has calculated a better route than
t he current route guidance, t he message A better
(D Tips route is available. appears for severa l seconds
alo ng with the time that may be saved. A better
Part icularly crit ical t raffic information, such
rout e is indicated in t he map view by the symbol
as warnings about wrong-way dr ivers, is auto-
tS ,=;,
page 213, fig . 193 .
mat ically displayed. To hide the traffic infor-
mat ion, press the IBACK I button or the con- A message also appea rs in the traffic informat ion
t rol knob. overview(i) c;,page217, fig.197.
Applies to: vehicles with navigation system
Problem Solution
Free text search : the desired des- The dest ination might not be entered in the navigation database.
ti nation cannot be found . Or: check the spe lling of the term that was searched . Check if the
desired country/state was selected for the free text search using
the Country/state selection ¢ page 204 or the option All coun-
tries/states .
N l) AUDI AG provides access to services from t hi rd party pro -
0 viders. Permanent availabil ity cannot be g uaranteed , be-
cause that depends on the th ird party provider.
Radio (D Presets
The stat ion is stored as a preset. The symbo l
Opening the radio
shows the st ored location in the prese t s list (fo r
The radio supports the FM, AM and SiriusXM* example, 21).
(satellite radio) bonds. Using the HO Radio re-
ceiver also allows you to receive radio stations
@ Radio te xt (shortened dis play)
on the FM and AM bonds in digital format. If availab le, program information about the set
station is d isplayed in al l of the stat io n lists .
® Frequency
@ Stati o n name
® Stat ion w ith HD Radio technolog y ava ilable
@ Channel number
Fig. 19 8 FM stat ion list (HD Radio technology FM) If there is a loss of radio signal (SiriusXM*), the
fo llow ing system information is displayed in the
' 'JI
R,1d10 : 5ir ius.XM
e NoS19n,1l
station list:
6 003 20 on 20 · NoS19nal The system informa t ion turns off when the radio
004 40s on 4 NoS19nal stations are received again.
Radio functions - Scan: all stat ions a re played for severa l seconds
Free text search - Radio settings: see ¢ page 223.
App lies to: vehicles with free text search
Using the free text search, you can select the or- Radio text
der that the search terms are entered in the in-
put field . Search in all frequency bands for a sta- "' Select: IRADIO Ibutton > left control button > a
tion name or program type, such as News. frequency band (such as FM) > a station.
"' Select: right control button > Radio text .
Info rmation t ha t accompanies the program (such
as art ist, composer, track) is disp layed .
"' Select: IRADIO ! button > right contro l butto n. The availability of radio text a nd Rad io Text
Plus depends on the rad io station.
The fo llow ing options are ava ilable depend ing on
the frequency band:
After you have stored a SiriusXM alert for your fa- Managing SiriusXM alerts
vor ite tracks or artists, you can display an over- - Select: right control button> Manage SiriusXM
view of your favorite tracks or artists currently alerts .
be ing re ceived in the SiriusXM alerts menu a nd - Switching SiriusXM alerts on/off : when the
p lay t hem immed iat e ly. You can also receive a function is sw itched on~. you are notified
SiriusXM alert notifi cat ion @ fo r these tracks or when this t rack or ar t ist is being p layed on a
artists in the entertainment sliding menu
SiriusXM channel.
¢ fig . 201.
- Deleting Sirius XM alerts : select an entry from
Storing a SiriusXM alert the list> right control button > Delete from
alerts > Delete this entry or Delete all entries.
Requirement: your favo rite track or artist must
be play ing on a SiriusXM channel.
View: additional station information
- Se lect : right contro l button > Store track as fa-
vorite or Store artist as favorite .
~ Se lect : IRADIO ! button > left control button. - Displaying the presets list : se lect: IRADIO I but-
ton > Presets.
Setting the frequency band: select and confirm
the desired frequency band in the radio menu Requirement: the presets list must be d isplayed .
¢ fig. 203 . Or: press the IRADIO Ibutton repeat- - Listening to presets: select and confirm a pre-
edly until the desired frequency band is set . The set from the list.
station list is d isplayed. - Move favorite : select a favorite from the list >
right control button > Move favorite. Or: press
@ Presets and hold the control knob for several seconds.
The presets list is displayed q page 223, Pre- Select and confirm the location of the selected
sets . preset.
- Deleting presets: select a preset from the list >
@ SiriusXM alerts right control button > Delete preset > Delete
Applies to: vehicles with SiriusXMalerts
this preset or Delete all presets.
Afte r you have sto red a SiriusXM alert for your fa-
page 222, an overview
vorite tracks or artists <!> Additional settings
of your favorite tracks or artists currently being
received on SiriusXM is displayed . Radio settings
Variable : scrolling text transmitted by th e FM When the function is swit ch ed on~ and the sta-
stations is shown in the In fotainment system tions or presets list is open, the disp lay wi ll
display. switch to the Show "Now Playing" screen view
after approximate ly five seconds ¢ page 222. De-
Fixed: scrolling text transmitted by the FM sta -
pending on availability, information about the
tions is not shown in the Infotainment system
set stat ion (such as stat ion name, artist and sta-
disp lay. Only the current section of the scro lling
tion logo) may be d isplayed in this view.
text is displayed.
Preferred picture view*
FM/AM HD Radio*
You can set your preferred screen view for the
You can sw itch HD Rad io recept io n on or off.
Show "Now Playing" screen¢ page 222 .
Channel sorting (SiriusXM*)
- Station logo: the station logo is displayed, de-
You can set the station sorting for SiriusXM sta- pending on availability .
tion lists* by: - Cover art: the album cover is displayed if availa-
- Channel number: the channels are sorted in as-
cending order according to their channel num- Gracenote online database*
Requirement: the MMI must be connected to the
- Channel name: the channels are listed in alpha-
Internet. The Cover art opt ion must be selected
betical order.
¢ page 224, Preferred picture view*.
- First category, then channel number : t he
channels are sorted by the ir category and then When the funct ion is switched on~. the album
by the ir channel numbers. cover or genre cover for the song that is play ing
- First category, then channel name : the chan- is loaded from t he Gracenote online database,
nels are sorted by their category and then by depend ing on availability.
their channel names.
Subscription status (SiriusXM)*
Category filter (SiriusXM*) This opt ion is available when your subscr ipt ion is
The stations shown in the station list can be fi l- about to expire or has already expired . The expi-
tered by your personal preferences and by pro- ration date for your license is displayed .
gram type. The program categories that you can
Call to SiriusXM*: the contact information for
select depend on what is offered by your provid-
your satellite radio provider is displayed . To call
er. Select the All categories option to deactivate
your satellite radio provider using the MMI, press
all filter options and display all ava ilable stations
Call to SiriusXM*.
in the satellite station list.
Problem Solution
A station with poo r reception is no longer Store the stat ion as a preset in advance. Access the pre-
displayed in the station list once you sets using the presets list¢ page 223 .
switc h to a different station.
General @ Note
Medi a
(CO) 6/VDE 0837. The optical readers that are in- DVD drive
stalled conform to safety class 1. Lasers in this Applies to : vehicles with a DVDdrive
class are very weak and well shielded, so there is
no danger if used correctly.
Media drives
SO card reader
through the MMI @ 9 page 234, fig . 210 . - Never force a CD/DVD into the drive. The
CD/DVD is pulled in automatically .
(D Note - Do not insert CDs/DVDs with labels into the
Only use one-piece SD cards. If adapter cards drive. Labe ls can come loose from the CD/
(SD cards with more than one piece) are used, DVDand damage the drive.
the card cou ld fa ll out of the adapter when
driving because of vibrations . Ind ividual
(D Tips
pieces cou ld then become stuck in the d rive - The CD/DVD playback is not ensured with
and impair the func t ionality. audio files that have a high data rate.
- The SIM card reader then does not function .
(D Tips
The SIM card reader then does not function.
CD drive Jukebox
App lies to: vehicles wit h a CD drive App li es to : vehicles w it h Jukebox
When importing, the audio files a re au t omatica l- - The Juk ebox does not provide a n ex port
ly sorted into the media center categories based function du e to legal reasons .
on the stored addit iona l info rmation - Files o r tra cks w ithou t a ddit ional store d in-
¢ page 235. The copied video files a re stored in formation a re listed as Unknown. Aud i rec -
the media center under the Videos category. ommends adding add it iona l info rmation
(such as ID3 tags) to a udio files.
Playing the Jukebox
- Reset the Jukebox to the facto ry defa ult
Req uiremen t : the Jukebox must con t ain audio/ settings when sel ling yo ur ve hicle
video fi les ¢ page 22 7, Adding files to the Juke- ¢ page 246.
- The status of t he de leti ng process is shown in un t il the sources ove rview is d isp layed. Selec t
the MMI. Jukebox playback st ops d ur ing t he de- and confirm Bluetooth audio player ®
let ing process a nd st arts again au t oma t ically ¢page 234 , fig . 211 .
o nce t he dele t ion is comp lete . - If necess ar y, se lect and co nf irm , Not connected
> Connect Bluetooth audio player. The Blue-
(D) Note tooth device search starts. Follow the instruc -
tions in the MMI.
Do not import aud io/video files when t he en-
- Select and confirm t he des ired Bluetooth de -
gi ne is t ur ne d off because th is will dr ain th e
vice from the list . The MMI generates a PIN fo r
veh icle batt ery.
the connection.
(D Tips - Select and confirm Yes.
- Ent er t he PI N for conne ct ing on your Bluetoo t h
- Tracks fro m au di o CDs cannot be im port ed
dev ice . Or : if the PIN is already dis played on
t o t he Ju ke box for legal reasons .
your Bluetooth device, confi rm it in the Blue-
- Files t hat have already been importe d are
tooth device and in the MMI. The time a llowed
a utomat ica lly recogn ized and cannot be
for entering the PI N is lim ited to approx imately
cop ied to t he Juke bo x again.
30 seconds . IJIJ,
- It is no t possib le t o play audio/v ideo* files
in the CD/DVD* dr ive while importi ng the m .
The media is started and operated through the - If necessary, select and confirm Wi-Fi turned
mobile device or the MMI, depending on the de- off> Turn on Wi-Fi to activate Wi-Fi in the
vice being used. MMI. Select Wi-Fi settings, if necessary. Select
the same settings on the wireless media player
(D Tips that are used for the Wi-Fi hotspot.
- Check for any connection requests on your - Starting the Wi-Fi audio player: start the Audi
Bluetooth device. MMI connect app or a UPnP server app, or set
- Multiple Bluetooth audio players can be media permissions on your media player.
connected to the MMI,but only one mobile Operating the media player: the media player is
device can be active. operated through the MMI.
- Bluetooth protocols AVRCP (1.0/1.3/1.4)
- Press the left control button repeatedly until
and A2DP are supported.
the Folders menu item appears. Select and con-
- Note the volume setting on your Bluetooth firm Folders.
device. Audi recommends setting your mo-
- Playing music from the media player: select
bile device to the maximum volume when
and confirm Media center .
using it as a Bluetooth audio player.
- The supported media functions (such as Web radio: see c::;,
page 230 .
shuffle) depend on the Bluetooth device be-
ing used. A WARNING
- For more information on the supported de- -As the driver, do not allow usage of the Wi-
vices, visit www.audiusa.com/bluetooth or Fi hotspot to distract you from driving, as
contact an authorized Audi dealer or author- this could increase the risk of an accident.
ized Audi Service Facility. - It is only safe to use tablets, laptops, mo-
bile devices and other similar devices when
Wi-Fi audio player the vehicle is stationary because, like all
Appl ies to: vehicles with Wi-F i audio player loose objects, they could be thrown around
the inside of the vehicle in a crash and cause
Using the Wi-Fi audio player media source on the
serious injuries. Store these types of devices
MMI,you can connect and operate your Wi-Fi-ca-
securely while driving.
pable media player (such as a smartphone) to
- Do not use any wireless devices on the front
wirelessly play music from your media player li-
seats within range of the airbags while driv-
brary. The media player is connected through the
ing. Also read and follow the warnings in
vehicle's Wi-Fi hotspot. A UPnP Server opp or an
page 2 73, Front airbags.
integrated UPnPIDLNA server on your media
player is required to accessyour media player li-
@ Note
Always follow the information found in ¢ @ in
Requirement: the Wi-Fi function on your media Wi-Fi hotspot on page 194.
player must be switched on. The Audi MMI con-
nect app or a UPnP server app must be installed (D Tips
on your media player . Or: you must be using a
- Always read the chapter c::;,
page 194, Audi
media player with an integrated UPnP/DLNA
connect (Infotainment) general informa-
- Connecting a media player: press the IMEDIA ! - Please note that a Wi-Fi connection does
button. Press the left control button until the not automatically make it possible to use
u page 234 is displayed. Se-
sources overview c::;, the Internet. For additional information,
r--- lect and confirm Wi-Fi audio player 0 see c::;,
page 187.
..... c::;,
page 234, fig . 211 .
- To avoid interruptions during playback, de- - The MMI must be connected to the network.
activate the power saving function on the - The symbol for the Online media source @
media player or connect it to a charger. c> fig. 207 is shown in the MMI.
- The loading times for the audio data depend Applies to: using online media
on the media player used and the number of Additional requirement:
files that it contains. - A supported online media service must be avail-
- A maximum of 2,000 entries per directory able in your country.
are displayed in the MMI. - You must have an account with a supported on-
- Songs downloaded for offline use using mu- line media service.
sic streaming services are stored on your - Depending on the online media service, you
mobile device (such as a smartphone) and must install and open an app on your mobile
may be DRMprotected. The Wi-Fi audio device.
player will not play ORMprotected files. Starting Online media
- Contact an authorized Audi dealer or au- - Press the IM EDIA I button . Press the left control
thorized Audi Service Facility for additional
button until the sources overview <=> page 234
information on the Wi-Fi audio player .
is displayed .
- Select and confirm an online media service.
Online media and
Start ing Internet radio
Internet radio
Applies to: vehicles with Audi connect
- Press the IM EDIA I button . Press the left control
button until the sources overview <=> page 234
You con playback and operate various online me - is displayed .
dia services and Internet radio using the MMI.
- Select and confirm Internet radio. The Internet
radio browser or the last station that was play-
ing is shown .
- Selecting the station : if necessary, select and
confirm a category in the Internet radio Brows-
er> a station.
(D Tips
- Depending on the Internet connection and
network traffic, a connection loss can occur Fig. 208 Audi Genuin e Accessories: USB adapter
during playback of on line media services.
- Online media and Internet radio usage de- You can purchase the USB adapter c::>fig. 208
pends on the service availability of the third from an authorized Audi dealer or at specialty
party provider . stores:
- Audi AG simply makes the access to online (D USBadapter for devices with a micro USBcon-
media services possible through the MMI nection
and does not take any respons ibi lity for the
contents of the online media services. @ USB adapter for devices with an Apple Light-
- Always read the chapter c::>
page 194, Audi ning connection
connect (Infotainment) general informa- @ USB adapter for devices with USBtype C con-
tion . nection
- Depending on the mobile device used, there
may be interruptions during media playback Depending on the vehicle equipment, you may be
and when using the Audi MMI connect app. able to connect your mobile devices through the
Audi music interface to the MMI using the USB
To avoid interruptions when using a mobile
device, do not lock the screen on your mo- adapters and charge the battery at th e same
time .
bile device and keep the Audi MMI connect
app in the foreground . Applies to : vehicles wit h Aud i music interface
- Contact an authorized Audi dealer or au- - Audi music interface : see c::>page 232 .
thorized Audi Service Facility for additional Applies to: vehicles with USB charging ports in the rear
information about online media . - USB charging ports in the rear: see
Handle the USBadapter carefully . Do not al-
..... low it to be pinched.
Medi a
Driving requires your complete and undivided
attention. As the driver, you have comp lete
responsibility fo r safety in traffic. Never oper -
ate mobile devices while driving, because this
increases the risk of an accident.
Fig. 2 0 9 Storage compartmen t under the ce nter armr est
and at th e fro nt• of th e cent e r conso le : diag ram : Audi mu- (D Note
sic inte rface - Use a USBextens ion cable to connect devi-
ces that have an integrated USBconnector
USB Input
(such as a USBstick) to prevent damage to
- Connecting a mobile device using a USS
your USBdevice and the Audi music inter-
adapte r: connect the applicable USBadapter @
face .
fig . 209 to t he port on the Audi music inter-
- Extremely high or low temperatures that
face @ c:::>fig. 209 or in the front of the center
can occur inside vehicles can damage mobile
console* and then connect the adapter to the
devices and/o r impa ir the ir performance .
mobile device © (such as an iPhone) .
Never leave mobile devices in t he vehicle in
- Charging a mobile device using a USS adapter :
extremely high or low tempe ratur es .
when you connect a mobile device to the Audi
music inte rface @ c:::>fig. 209 or at the fro nt of (D Tips
the cent er console* using the appli cable USB
- Alwaysfollow the information found in
adapt er @ c:::>fig. 209, t he batte ry will auto-
c:::> 60 .
matically charge .
- Whe n you switch the ignition off, the USB
- Disconnecting a mobile device from the Audi
ports are st ill supplied with power unt il the
mu sic interface : remove t he USB adapte r @
energy managem ent intervenes.
fig .
c:::> 209 from the Audi music interface .
- Do not use an addit iona l adapter or USBex-
The media are started and ope rated through the tension cable to connect mobile devices to
mobile device or the MMI, depend ing on the de- th e Audi music inte rface tha t already have a
vice being used c:::>page 234 . cable or th at must be connect ed with a USB Ill-
adapter( ¢ page 231). They may impair the thorized Audi dealer or authorized Audi
functionality. Service Facility.
- You can purchase the AUX connector cable
from an authorized Audi dealer or at spe- USB charging ports in the rear
cialty stores. Applies to: vehicles with USB charging ports in the rear
- Audi recommends setting the volume of a
You con charge the battery on your mobile device
mobile device connected to the AUX input to
through a USB charging port.
approximately 70% of the maximum vol-
ume .
Two USB charging ports are located at the back
- Functionality is not guaranteed for mobile
of the center console .
devices that do not conform to the USB 2.0
- USB adapter: refer to ¢ page 2 31, USB adopter
for Audi music interface or USB charging port.
- USB hubs are not supported.
- Charging a mobile device using the USB
- Some versions of the iPod such as the iPod
adapter: connect your mobile device to a USB
shuffle cannot be connected to the USB
charging port using a suitable USB adapter.
adapter for devices with Apple Dock connec-
- Disconnecting a mobile device from the charg-
tor. Connect these devices using a AUX con-
ing port: remove the USB adapter from the USB
nector cable.
charging port .
- Changed content on a mobile device l) that
- Disconnecting mobile devices with an Apple
is connected to the Audi music interface
Dock connector: remove the Apple Dock con-
may not be displayed in the media center.
nector from the Apple device with the release
In this case, reset the Media settings back
tabs pressed in.
to Factory settings ¢ page 246.
- Video playback through the Audi music in-
terface is only supported if the connected =
device is recognized as a USB storage device Driving requires your complete and undivided
(for example a USB stick). Apple devices and attention. As the driver, you have complete
MTP devices (such as smartphones) are not responsibility for safety in traffic. Never oper-
recognized as USB storage devices. ate your mobile devices while driving, because
this increases t he risk of an accident.
- iPod/iPhone malfunctions also affect the
operation of the MMI. Reset your iPod/
iPhone if this happens. @ Note
- Audi recommends updating the iPod/iPhone Extremely high or low temperatures that can
software to the latest version. For impor- occur inside vehicles can damage mobile devi-
tant information on operating your iPod/ ces and/or impair their performance . Never
iPhone, refer to the user guide for the de- leave mobile devices in the vehicle in ex-
vice. tremely high or low temperatures .
- The USB adapter on the Audi music inter-
face will support iPod touch/iPhone from (D Tips
the 5th generation or later with the light- - In preparation at the time of printing.
ning connector. - Always follow the information found in
- For more information about the Audi music <=>
page 60 .
interface and supported devices, check the - When you switch the ignition off, the USB
Audi database for mobile devices at ports are still supplied with power until the
www .audiusa .com/mp3 or contact an au- energy management intervenes .
o l) Appli es only t o MTP devices. Does not appl y to Ap pl e devi-
~ ces and USB mass st orage devices.
@ Artists
All availa ble a rt ists a re displayed . Sele ct and con-
firm an a rtist, an album and then a t rack .
@ Albums
~ 1l Depending on the DVD, t his may not be possible during
~ playback.
Medi a
All available playlists from the source and the Applies to: iPod/iPhone on Audi music inte rface
smart playlists are displayed. Select and confirm - An Internet connection is required to use
a playlist and then a track . the additional Radio category, an onl ine
media se rvice . Also see the chapter
Smart pl ayli st s:
q page 193, Wi -Fi hotspot . Also read the in-
- Last played track s: the last tracks played in the formation on t he Audi music inte rface and
selected source are disp layed. the supported devices q page 231 .
- Most played: the most played songs in the se-
- Depend ing on the Int ernet connection and
lected source are disp layed. network traffic, a connection loss can occur
- S sta rs to 1 star: tracks from the se lected during playback of online media services.
source are displayed according to their rating. - The use of on line media serv ices depends on
- Unrat ed : all files from the selected source the service availability of the third party
without rat ing informa t ion (for example, in the provider.
103 tag) are displayed . - Audi AG simply makes the access to on line
@ Vid eos* media services possib le through the MMI
and does not take any responsibility for the
All available video files are displayed . Select and
contents of the online media services.
confirm a video file .
@ Tips
- Only the categories supported by the medi-
um are available. For example, CD/DVD-
ROM tracks cannot be selected with catego-
ries such as Arti st s, Alb um s or Genres.
With an iPod/iPhone (source: Audi music in-
terface q page 231), the Podcast s, Audi o Fig. 214 Input field and resu lts lis t for free text search
books and Composers catego ries are also
available. You can open the fr ee te xt search depending on
- For safety reasons, the video image is only the selected source.
displayed when the vehicle is stationary. On- Requirement: the playl ist q page 23 7 or media
ly the sound from the video plays while driv- center q page 235 must be displayed . ..,.
Opening free text search - Select: right control button > Store as favorite.
.,.Keep turning the control knob to the left until Or: press and ho ld the control knob for several
the free text search input field (D ¢ fig . 214 seconds.
appears . Or: push the contro l knob up. When you store a track as a favorite, the associ-
ated a lbu m will appear in the favorites list as an
Using the free text search: see ¢ page 157, Free
text search .
Requirement: at least one entry must be sto red
Entries that contain the entered search term are
in the favorites list.
listed in the results list @ ¢ fig. 214. You can
sea rch fo r artists @ ¢ fig. 214, albums @ or Displaying the favorites list : press the IMEDIAi
tracks @ as we ll as genres and videos . button. Press the left control button until the
sources overview ¢ page 234 is displayed. Select
(D Tips the source that contains the categories
- It will then search thro ugh the files in the ¢ page 235 (for examp le, SD card). Select the Fa-
active so urce. vorites category .
- If you open free text sea rch in the Folders Requirement: the favo rites list must be dis-
category (i) ¢ page 235, fig. 213 or the played .
Composers, Podcasts and Audio books cat- - Listening to a favorite: select and confirm a fa-
egories, it will only search through the files vorite from the list.
in that folder. - Move favorite : select a favorite from the list >
right control button > Move favorite. Select
Playlist and confirm the location of the selected favor-
ite .
- Deleting a favorite : select a favorite from the
list> right control button> Delete favorite >
Delete this favorite or Delete all favorites .
Additional settings
Options menu
Fig. 215 Example: playlist
Context -specific functions and settings are avail -
The track, artist, album and album cover, if appli- able depending on the selected source.
cab le, w ill appea r in the playlist ¢fig. 215 . .,. Press the right control button.
Options menu Sound settings
See ¢ page 23 7, Additional settings . See ¢ page 249 .
Input level
Requirement: a mobile device must be connected
Up to 50 entries for every media source can be
to the AUXconnection cab le or to a USB adapter
stored in any order in the favorites list.
¢ page 231, Multimedia connections .
Requirement: the playlist or media center must The volume of the mobile device is adapted to
be open . the MMI. Audi recommends adju sting the volume
- Select the desired entry from the playlist or on the mobi le device to 70% of the maximum
r--- volume output .
..... media center .
l) The fun ct ion auto mat ically switches off whe n t he source
is cha nged.
2> This fun ct ion is not availab le fo r all cell phone s.
You can set subtit les for playback manua lly. The - Not all video DVDs have parental control.
languages available depend on the DVD. - Th e protection levels for the Parental con-
trol are based on the US standards from th e
Aspect Motion Picture Association of America
Aud i recommends the Automatic setting for the (MPAA). Note that the age levels for video
picture format . You can set the picture format DVDs in European countr ies may differ.
depending on t he active fi le or source (for exam - - Password entry for Parental control will be
ple video file*, DVD*). locked for approx imately one m inute if you
enter the incorrect password three t imes in
..... 1> The fun ct ion automatica ll y swit ches off when the source
r--- is changed .
..... 2> Depending o n the DVD, th is may not be possibl e during
The Jukebox*, SD card reader and the USB storage device" connection support the following audio/vid-
eo file properties :
may diffe r f or audio files with variab le bit - The manufac t ure r of the st orage device can
rate. prov ide info rmat ion about its " USB Device
- Special characte rs (such as th ose in 103 t ag Subcl ass".
informat ion) display different ly depending - Some MTP player f unct ions are not support -
on the system language and cannot always ed, such as ratin g music tracks and video
be guaranteed. playback.
CD drive
Appl ies to : vehicles wit h a CD d rive
Audio files
Supported Audio CDs (up to 80 min) with CD text (artist, al bum, t rack)*, CD-ROMs with a capaci-
media ty of up to 700 MB
File system CD file system : 1509660, Joliet, UDF
Metadata Album cover : GIF, JPG, PNG w it h max. 800x800 px. The album cover from the medi -
um may be disp layed, depend ing on availabili ty.
Format MPEG 1/ 2 Windows Media Au- MPEG2/ 4 FLAC
Layer 3 dio 9 and 10
File extension .mp3 .wma .m4a ; .flac
Playlists .M3U; .PLS;.WPL; .M3U8; .ASX
Characteristics up to maxim um 320 kbit/s and 48 kHz samp l ing freque ncies 48 kHz sampling
frequen cy
Number Maximum 1,000 files per med ium
of files
Problem Solution
Audi music interface / Bluetooth Read the inst ruc t ions in the chapter~ page 231, Multimedia con-
audio player *: mob ile device is nec tions/~ page 228, Bluetoo th audio player . You can lear n
not supporte d. about support ed mobi le devices in the Audi database fo r mobile
devices at www.audiusa.com/bluetooth.
Audi music interface : t he volume Adju st the volume of t he mobile device to approximate ly 70% of
,..._ is too high/too low w hen sta rt ing t he maxim um output ~ page 23 7, Input level.
..... playb ack t hrough t he AUX input.
Problem Solution
Audi music interface : the porta - For many ce ll phones or mobile devices, playback is not possible
ble device is not recogni zed as a when the battery level is too low (less than 5% of its capacity).
source. The mobile device will only be recogn ized as a source in the MMI
after connecting if the battery charge is sufficient .
Audi music interface: ma lfu nc - The Bluetooth audio player function is switched on. Switch this
tions during audio playback function off ¢ page 248 when you are not using the Bluetooth
through an iPod/ iPhone. audio player.
Audi music interface: contents Reset the Media settings to the factory default settings
that are changed on a mob ile de - ¢ page 246.
vice connected t o the Audi music
interface al are not disp layed in
the media center .
AUX input : there is stat ic when When connecting a nd disconnecting, the External audio player
connecting and disco nn ect ing the source is already selected. Before connecting or disconnecting the
AUXconnection cable. mob ile device, eithe r mute the dev ice (see ¢ page 249) or sw itch
to a different audio source (fo r example ¢ page 220, Opening the
Bluetooth audio player* /W i-Fi Only one interface should be act ively used at a time to ensure
audio player*: aud io playback in- problem-free playback .
Jukebox*: tracks on the imported When importing p laylists, a ll of the files themselves must be im-
playlist are grayed out. ported.
Jukebox*: im ported tracks cannot If you cannot find impor ted tracks in the media center, they may
be played or found. not be supported. Only copy supported fi les"* page 240 to t he
Online media *: connect ion fa iled To establish a connection to the MMI, the MMI connection switch
between the MMI and the Audi must be switched on in the Audi MMI connect app status sc ree n.
MMI connect app .
Bluetooth audio player*: interfer- Playback interference can occur when using the Bluetooth audio
ence with track d isp lay and aud io player if a music player app from a third party provider is open.
playback . Aud i recommends using the integrated media player on your Blue-
tooth device (such as a smartphone) .
Wi-Fi hotspot* : your Wi-Fi device Make sure the network optimization functions are switched off in
is disconnected from the Wi-Fi the Wi-Fi settings or in the network settings for your Wi-Fi device .
hotspot . For addit ional information refer to the user guide for your Wi-Fi
dev ice.
Audi music interface: audio play - Make sure the USB mode MTP is selected in the settings on your
back through the connected mo- mobi le device.
bile device is not possible.
al Applie s o nly t o MTP devices. Does not apply to App le devices and USB mass sto rage devices.
Aud i s martph o n e interfac e
Audi smartphone interface
Applies to: vehicles with Audi smartphone interface
Problem Solution
Audi smartphone Check the battery charge level on your smartphone .
interface cannot be Check the USB cable and use a different one if necessary.
opened. Check if Android Auto or Apple CarPlay is available in your country.
Android Auto : check if the Android Auto app is installed on you r smartphone.
Connecting the Make sure that you are using the correct USB adapter and check if the USB
smartphone to the adapter is connected correctly to your smartphone and the Audi music interface
MMI failed . ¢page 231 .
Apple CarPlay: check if App le CarPlay is activated on your smartphone.
Android Auto : check in the And raid Auto app if Andro id Auto permits new
veh icles.
The smartphone is Make sure that you are using the correct USB adapter and check if the USB
not automatically adapter is connected correctly to your smartphone and the Audi music interface
detected. ¢page 231 .
Check if the requirements needed to connect a smartphone have been met.
System settings
Automatic daylight saving time* Short dialog : when this function is switche d on
g, a shorter form of the prompts is used .
When t his function is switche d on g, the time
will automatically switc h to daylight saving time . Command during voice output* : t his function is
swit ched on at the factory . When this funct ion is
Time format switched on g , you can say new commands dur-
co If you select 24h , the clock will disp lay, for ex- ing announcements. You do not need to wait for
r--- ample, 13 :00 . If you se lect AM/ PM, the clock the signal tone (beep) dur ing an announcement.
..... will disp lay, for examp le, 1:00 PM . When the funct ion is swit ched off 0, you need to Iii>
System settings
wait for the sig nal t one (bee p) to say a new Connection manager
Volume : yo u can adj ust th e volum e of th e
promp t s by t urning th e con t ro l kno b . The connection manager gives you an overview
of your connected devices and their network sta -
Individual speech training (on ly when th e vehi-
tus .
cle is st ati onary): yo u ca n ada pt th e vo ice recog-
nition syste m to your voice or pro nunciati on in
or d er t o improve th e sys t em's a bilit y t o recognize -====-
• Prima
Conne-ction manager
MyPhone .,.
your speec h. Indivi d ua l speech train ing is com - c MyPhone Ii'!
prised of 20 s peech ent ries t hat consist of com - • Second ary phone : Not connected
• Data connection : Not conn.,ct.,d
mands and sequences of nu mbers . You can d e-
• MM I connect App : Not connected
lete the programmed voice t rain ing with the Re- • Audi smartpho ne : Not conn..cted
set individual speech training function.
Depe ndi ng on t he ve hicle eq uipme nt, th e fo llow- If a mobile device was already connected and you
ing functio ns can be rese t to fa ct ory se tti ngs : select and co nfirm the co rresponding menu item,
t he dev ice name and co nnect ion mode a re dis-
- Sound settings
played under the m e nu ite m r:!;>fig. 21 6.
- Radio
- Media settings You can indiv id ually connect (~) or disconnect
- Jukebox* (0) a pa ired device .
- Directory
- Bluetooth and Wi-Fi* - The ve hicle m ust be statio na ry and the ignit ion
- Navigation settings* m ust be switc hed on .
- Navigation and online memory * - The Bluetooth sett ings will open on yo ur mo -
- Speech dialog system* bile device dur ing the connection setup .
- Shortcut keys - The Blue t ooth func t ion and visibilit y of th e MMI
- Message settings * c:!;>page 24 8 and mobile device must be switc h-
-Apps * ed on.
- Tool tips - The mo bile d evice to be con nected m ust not be
- Audi connect* connected to any othe r Bluetoot h dev ice .
- Audi smartphone interface *
Primary phone
You can se lect the desi red functio ns ind ividua lly
Appli es to: vehicles wit h telepho ne
or all at once with the option Select all entries .
Select an d confirm Restore factory settings . - Connect new device: search for and connect a
cell phone.
(D Tips - List of devices already paired : se lect yo ur ce ll
Ma ke sure that not only the sett ings were de - phone from the list of all the dev ices that a re
leted but a lso the sto red data, if a pplicable. already paired.
System settings
ded SIM car d ll i=>page 187. You do not need to Alway s follo w t he inf ormat ion foun d in i=>@ in
adjust a ny addit ional sett ings. Wi-Fi hots po t on p age 19 4.
Requirement : the Bluetooth funct ion and visibili- - Sel ect your cell pho ne from t he list of cell
ty must be sw itched on in the MMI i=>page 248 pho nes t hat have alr ea dy bee n con nec t ed.
and on the Bluetoot h aud io player.
Additional options
- Connect new device: press the contro l knob.
Se lect Bluetooth audio player . Sea rch for and Depen di ng on t he sele ct ed fun ct ion, yo u ca n use
connect a mobile device . t he righ t contro l bu tton t o access the ava ila ble
- List of devices already paired : se lect a Blue- additional options in t he connection mana ger . .,.
tooth device from the list of a ll the devices that
are already paire d .
ll SIM card installe d in t he vehicle at t he factory.
System settings
System settings
- Version information : information on t he MMI - Front: on ly t he s pea ke rs in the fron t of the ve-
software version and the nav igat ion database * hicle are active.
software vers ion is disp laye d. The Software in· - Rear*: on ly t he speakers in the rear of the vehi -
formation function a lso provides information cle a re act ive.
on the software con t ained in the MMI and t he
Select and co nfir m a 30 effect * sett ing (su rr ound
licens ing agreeme nt .
so un d):
- Off : the 30 effect is switched off .
Sound settings
- Low: the 30 effect is optimized , fo r exam ple
The sound distribution and volume of the MMI for au di o books .
can be adjust ed individually . The settings depend - Medium: the 3 0 effect is optimized for all sour -
on vehicle equipme nt. ces .
- High: the 3 0 eff ect is at t he ma ximum .
----- 1 Subwoofer*
J -~
+~- Turn the con tr ol knob t o adj ust t he subwoofer .
System settings
System settings
- Press and hold the hea d-u p d isp lay but t on~
fo r more than five seconds after switching on
t he ignit ion .
- Press t he control knob to close the information.
Or : start d riving .
ll Not avai lable in all ve hicles.
Dr iv i n g saf e t y
- What impairs driving safety?
- Always make sure that you follow the in-
structions and heed the WARNINGSin th is Safe driving is directly related to the condition of
manual. It is in your inte rest and in the in- the vehicle, the driver as well as the driver's abili-
te rest of your passengers . ty to concentrate on the rood without being dis-
- Always keep all of the Owner's Literature tracted.
manuals in your Audi when you lend or sell The driver is responsib le for the safety of the ve-
your vehicle so that t his import ant informa- hicle and all of its occupants. If your ability to
t ion will always be availab le t o t he driver drive is impa ired, safety risks for everybody in the
and passengers. vehicle increase and you also become a hazard to
- Always keep the Owner's Lite rat ure handy everyone else on the road ¢ _&.. Therefore:
so that you can find it easi ly if you have
questions . .. Do not let yourse lf be distracted by passenge rs
or by using a cellular telephone .
.. NEVERdrive when your driving ability is im-
paired (by med ications, alcohol, drugs, etc .) .
.. Observe all traffic laws, rules of the road and
speed limits and plain common sense . .,.
Dri vi ng sa fe ty
~ ALWAYSadjust your speed to road, traffic and ~ Adjust the steering wheel so that the steering
weather conditions. wheel and airbag cover points at your chest and
~ Take frequent breaks on long trips. Do not drive not at your face.
for more than two hours at a stretch. ~ Grasp the top of the steering wheel with your
~ Do NOTdrive when you are tired, under pres- elbow(s) slightly bent.
sure or when you are stressed . ~ Adjust the head restra int so the upper edge is
as even as possible with the top of your head . If
A WARNING that is not possib le, t ry to adjust the head re-
straint so that it is as close to this posit ion as
Impaired dr iving safety increases the risk of
possible .
ser ious personal inju ry and death whenever a
~ Fasten and wear safety belts correctly
vehicle is being used.
c::>page264 .
~ Always keep both feet in the footwell so that
Correct passenger you are in contro l of the ve hicle at a ll t imes.
seating positions
For detailed information on how t o adj ust the
Proper seating position for the driver drive r's seat, see c::>
page 56 .
Driving safety
- Before driving, always adjust the front seats - Passengers must always sit in an upright po-
and head restraints properly and make sure sition and never lean against or place any
that all passengers are properly restrained. part of their body too close to the area
- Never adjust the seats while the vehicle is where the airbags are located.
moving. Your seat may move unexpectedly - Passengers who are unbelted, out of posi-
and you could lose control of the vehicle. tion or too close to the airbag can be seri-
- Never drive with the backrest reclined or ously injured by an airbag as it unfolds with
tilted far back! The farther the backrests are great force in the blink of an eye.
tilted back, the greater the risk of injury due - Always make sure that there are at least
to incorrect positioning of the safety belt 10 inches (25 cm) between the front pas-
and improper seating position . senger's breastbone and the instrument
- Children must always ride in child safety panel.
seats¢ page 291 . Special precautions ap- - Each passenger must always sit on a seat of
ply when installing a child safety seat on the their own and properly fasten and wear the
front passenger seat c:>page 269. safety belt belonging to that seat.
- Before driving, always adjust the front pas-
Proper seating position for the front senger seat and head restraint properly.
passenger - Always keep your feet on the floor in front
of the seat. Never rest them on the seat, in-
The proper front passenger seating position is strument panel, out of the window, etc. The
important for safe, relaxed driving. airbag system and safety belt will not be
For your own safety and to reduce the risk of in- able to protect you properly and can even in-
jury in the event of an accident, we recommend crease the risk of injury in a crash.
that you adjust the seat for the front passenger - Never drive with the backrest reclined or
to the following position: tilted far back! The farther the backrests are
tilted back, the greater the risk of injury due
.,.Adjust the angle of the seatback so that it is in to incorrect positioning of the safety belt
an upright position and your back comes in full and improper seating position.
contact with it whenever the vehicle is moving . - Children must always ride in child safety
...Adjust the head restraint so the upper edge is
seats ¢ page 291. Special precautions ap-
as even as possible with the top of your head. If
ply when installing a child safety seat on the
that is not possible, try to adjust the head re-
front passenger seat c::> page 269.
straint so that it is as close to this position as
possible¢ page 58.
...Keep both feet flat on the floor in front of the Proper seating positions for passengers in
rear seats
front passenger seat .
.,.Fasten and wear safety belts correct- Rear seat passengers must sit upright with both
ly¢ page 264. feet on the floor consistent with their physical
size and be properly restrained whenever the ve-
For detailed information on how to adjust the
hicle is in use.
front passenger's seat, see ¢ page 56 .
To reduce the risk of injury caused by an incorrect
A WARNING seating position in the event of a sudden braking
Front seat passengers who are unbelted, out maneuver or an accident, your passengers on the
of position or too close to the airbag can be rear bench seat must always observe the follow-
seriously injured or killed by the airbag as it ing :
unfolds. To help reduce the risk of serious ...If there are passengers on the outer rear seats,
personal injury:
adjust the head restraints so the upper edge is .,.
Dri vi ng sa fe ty
as even as possible with the top of your head. If Proper adjustment of head restraints
that is not possible, try to adjust the head re-
Correctly adjusted head restraints are an impor-
straint so that it is as close to this position as
tant part of your vehicle's occupant restraint sys-
possible. If there is a passenger in the center
tem and can help to reduce the risk of injuries in
rear seat, slide the head restraint upward
accident situations.
c:>page 58 .
• Make sure that the seatback is securely latched
in the upright pos ition r:::;,page 63 .
• Keep both feet flat in the footwell in front of
the rear seat .
• Fasten and wear safety be lts properly
• Make sure that children are always properly re-
strained in a child restraint that is appropriate
for their size and ager:::;,page 291 .
Fig. 220 Head restraint: viewed from t he front
Passengers who are improperly seated on the The head rest raints must be correctly adjusted to
rear seat can be seriously injured in a crash. achieve the best protection.
- Each passenger must always sit on a seat of • Adjust the head restraints so the upper edge is
their own and properly fasten and wear the as even as possib le with the top of your head. If
safety belt belonging to that seat . that is not possible, try to adjust the head re-
- Safety belts only offer max imum p rotection straint so that it is as close to this position as
when the seatback is securely latched in the possible . Position* the head restraint as close
upr ight position and the safety be lts are as possible to the back of your head.
prope rly pos itioned on the body. By not sit- • If there is a passenger in the center rear seat,
t ing upright, a rea r seat passenger increases slide the head restra int upward.
the risk of personal inj ury from improperly
posit ioned safety belts ! Adjusting head restraints page
r:::;, 58.
- Always adjust the head rest raint properly so
that it can g ive maximum protection. A WARNING
All seats are equipped with head restraints .
Driving without head restraints or with head
rest raints that are not properly adjusted in-
creases the risk of se rious or fata l neck injury
dramat ical ly. To help reduce the risk of inju ry:
- Always d rive with the head restra ints in
p lace and properly adjusted.
- Every pe rson in the veh icle must have a
properly adjusted head restraint.
- Always make sure each person in the veh icle
properly adjusts the ir head restraint. Adjust
the head restraints so the upper edge is as
even as possible wit h the top of your head.
u If that is not poss ible, try to adjust the head
..... rest raint so that it is as close to this position
..... as poss ible. Ill>
Dr iv i n g saf e t y
- Never attempt to adjust head restraint - never put your feet on the instrument panel
wh ile driving. If you have dr iven off and - neve r rest your feet on t he seat cushion or bac k
must adjust the driver headrest for any rea- of the seat
son, first stop the vehicle safely before at- - neve r ride in the footwell
tempting to adj ust the head restra int. - never ride in the cargo area
- Children must always be properly restrained
in a child restraint that is appropriate for .8, WARNING
their age and size c>page 291 . Imp roper seating positions increase the risk
of ser ious personal inju ry and dea t h whenever
Examples of improper seating positions a veh icle is being used.
- Always make sure that all veh icle occupants
The occupant restraint system can only reduce st ay in a proper sea t ing posit ion and a re
the risk of injury if vehicle occupants are properly proper ly restrained whenever the vehicle is
seated . being used .
Improper seating positions can cause serious in-
jury or deat h. Safety belts can only work when Pedal area
they are properly positioned on the body . Im-
proper seating positions reduce the effect iveness
of safety belts and w ill even increase the risk of The pedals must always be free to move and
inju ry and death by moving the safety be lt to cr it- must never be interfered with by a floor mat or
ical a reas of t he body. Improper seat ing posit ions any other object.
a lso increase the risk of serious injury and dea t h
when an airbag deploys and strikes an occupant Make sure that all pedals move free ly without in-
who is not in the proper seating position. A driver terference and that nothing prevents them from
is responsib le for the safety of all vehicle occu- retur ning to their or ig inal pos itions .
pants and especially for children. Therefore : Only use floor mats that leave the pedal area free
~ Never allow anyone to ass ume an incorrect and can be secured with floor mat fasteners.
seating position when the vehicle is being used If a bra ke circuit fails, increased brake pedal trav -
c>& . el is req uired to bring the vehicle to a fu ll stop.
Dri vi ng sa fe ty
Use only floor mats that leave the pedal area un-
obstructed and that are firmly secured so that
they cannot slip out of pos it ion . You can obtain
suitab le floor mats from your authorized Audi
deale r.
Floor mats used in your vehicle must be attached Fig. 221 Safe load pos itioning: plac e heavy objects as low
to these fasteners. Proper ly securing the floor and as far forward as poss ible.
mats will prevent them from sliding into posi-
tions that could interfere with the pedals or im- Loose items in the luggage compartment can
pa ir safe operation of your vehicle in other ways. sh ift suddenly, changing vehicle hand ling charac-
te ristics. Loose items can a lso increase t he risk of
A WARNING se rious persona l injury in a sudden veh icle ma-
Peda ls that cannot move free ly can result in a neuver or in a collision .
loss of vehicle control and increase the risk of .,. Distr ibute the load evenly in the luggage com-
ser ious personal injur y. pa rtment .
- Always make sure tha t floor mats are prop- .,.Always place and properly secu re heavy items in
erly sec ured. t he luggage compartment as low and as far for-
- Never place o r install floor mats or other wa rd as possib le ¢ fig. 221.
floor coverings in the ve hicle that cannot be .,.Secure luggage usi ng the tie -downs provided
prope rly secured in place to prevent them ¢ page 65.
from slipp ing and interfering with the ped- .,. Make sure that the rear seatback is secure ly
als or the ability to control t he vehicle . latched in place.
- Never place o r inst all floo r mats or ot her
floor coverings on top of already insta lled WARNING
floo r mats. Additional floor mats and other
Improperly stored luggage or other items can
cove rings will reduce the size of the peda l
f ly t hrough the vehicle ca us ing se rious per-
area and interfere with the pedals.
sona l injury in the event of ha rd bra king or an
- Always properly reinstall and secure floor
accident. To help reduce the risk of serio us
mats that have been taken out for cleaning.
personal injury:
- Always make sure that objects cannot fa ll
- Always put obje cts, for examp le, luggage or
into the dr iver footwell while the veh icle is ot her he avy item s in the luggage compa rt -
moving. Objects can become trapped under
men t.
the brake peda l and accelerator peda l caus-
- Always secure objects in the luggage com-
ing a loss of veh icle control.
u part ment us ing the tie -down eyelets and
..... suitable straps .
Driving safety
Use the tie-downs to secure your cargo properly
Q page 25 7, Loading the luggage compartment.
Always make sure that the doors, all win-
In a collision , the laws of physics mean that even
dows, the sunroof* and the rear lid are se-
smaller items that are loose in the vehicle will
curely closed and locked to reduce the risk of
become heavy missiles that can cause serious in-
injury when the vehicle is not being used .
jury. Items in the vehicle possess ene rgy which
- After closing the rear lid, always make sure
vary with vehicle speed and the weight of the
that it is properly closed and locked.
item . Vehicle speed is the mos t significant fact or . ..,.
Driving safety
For examp le, in a frontal collision at a speed of tion, and if it find s that a safety
30 mph (48 km/ h), the forces act ing on a 10-lb
(4. 5 kg) object are abo ut 20 times the no rma l defects exists in a group of
weight of the item. This means that the weight vehicles, it may order a recall and
of t he item would suddenly be abo ut
200 lbs . (90 kg) . You can imagi ne the injuries remedy campaign. However,
that a 200 lbs . (90 kg) item flying free ly t hroug h NHTSA cannot become involved in
the passenge r compart men t could cause in a col-
lision like t his .
individual problems between you,
your dealer, or Audi of America,
_& WARNING - Inc .
Weak, da maged or improper st ra ps us ed t o
secure it ems to t ie-downs can fail du ring hard To contact the NHTSA, you may
brak ing or in a collision a nd cau se seriou s per-
sonal injury .
either call:
- Always use su it a ble mounting str ap s a nd
Tel.: 1-888-327-4236 (TTY:
prope rly secure item s to the tie-downs in
t he lugg age compartment t o help prevent 1-800-424-9153) or
items fr om s hifting or flying fo rwa rd as dan-
gerous missiles.
- When t he rea r seat backrest is folde d down, or you may write to:
always use su itab le mounting stra ps an d
prope rly secure items t o th e tie -downs in NHTSA
t he lugg age compartmen t t o he lp pre ven t
it ems from flying fo rwar d as dang e rou s
U.S. Department of Transporta-
miss iles into t he pass eng er com part ment . tion
- Never at tac h a child saf et y se at t et her st rap
1200 New Jersey Ave., S.E.
t o a t ie-do wn .
West Building
Reporting Safety Defects Washington, DC 20590
Applicable to U.S.A. You can al so obtain other infor-
If you believe that your vehicle mation about motor vehicle safe -
has a defect which could cause a ty from :
crash or could cause injury or http: / /www.safercar.gov
death, you should immediately in-
Applicable to Canada
form the National Highway Traffic
Safety Administration (NHTSA) in If you live in Canada and you be-
addition to notifying Audi of lieve that your vehicle has a de-
America, Inc. fect that could cause a crash, in-
u jury or death, you should immedi-
..... If NHTSA receives similar com-
,..._ ately inform Transport Canada,
..... plaints, it may open an investiga-
<( Defect Investigations and Recalls . ..,.
Driving safety
Safety belts
Not wearing safety belts or wearing them im-
properly increases the risk of serious personal
injury and death.
- Safety belts are the s ingle most effective
means ava ilable to reduce the risk of serious Fig. 222 Safety belt warn ing ligh t in the instrument clus ·
injury and death in automobile accidents. te r - en larged
For your protection and that of your passen-
gers, always correctly wea r safety be lts Before driving off, always:
when the veh icle is moving. • Fasten your safety belt and make sure you are
- Pregnant wome n, injured, or physically im- wearing it properly.
paired persons must also use safety be lt s. • Make sure that your passengers also buckle up
Like all vehicle occupants, they are more and properly wear their safety belts.
like ly to be serio usly injured if they do not • Protect ch ildren with a child restraint system
wear safety belts. The best way to protect a appropr iate for the size and age .
fetus is to protect the mother - throughout
the entire pregnancy. The warning light . in the instrument cluster
lights up when the ignit ion is switched on as a re-
minder to fasten the safety belts . In add ition,
Number of seats
you w ill hear a warn ing tone for a certain period
Your Audi has a total of five seating positions: of time.
two in the front and three in the rear. Each seat-
Fasten your safety belt and make sure that your
ing position has a safety belt.
passengers also properly put on their safety
Safety belts
Why use safety belts? (2,000 lbs. or 1,000 kg) o r more . At greater
speeds, these forces are even higher.
Frontal collisions and the law of physics
People who do not use safety belts are also not
Frontal crashes create very strong forces for peo- attached to their vehicle. In a frontal coll ision
ple riding in vehicles. they will also keep moving forward at the speed
their vehicle was travelling just before the crash.
Of course, the laws of physics don't just apply to
frontal collisions, they determine what happens
in all kinds of accidents and collisions .
Fig. 224 The vehicle crashes into the wall Fig. 225 A driver not wea ring a safety belt is violentl y
t hrow n fo rward
The physical principles are simple. Both the vehi-
cle and the passengers possess energy which var-
ies with vehicle speed and body weight. Engi-
neers call this energy "kinetic energy."
The higher the speed of the vehicle and the
greater the vehicle's weight, the more energy
that has to be "absorbed" in the crash.
Safet y bel t s
Never rely o n a irbags alone fo r protection . Even Safety be lts attach passengers to the car and g ive
when t hey deploy, airbags provide on ly additiona l t hem the benefit of being slowed down more
protection. Airbags are not supposed to dep loy in gently or "soft ly" th rough the "give" in the safety
all kinds of accidents. Although your Audi is belts, crush zones and other safety features engi-
equ ipped w ith airbags, all vehicle occupants, in- neered into today 's vehicles. By "absorbing" the
cluding the dr iver, must wear safety belts cor - kinetic ene rgy over a longer period of t ime, the
rectly in order to minimize the risk of severe in- sa fety belts make the fo rces on t he body more
jury or death in a crash . "tolerab le" and less likely to ca use injur y.
Remember too, that airbags will deploy only Although these examples are based on a frontal
once and that your safety belts are always there collision, safety be lts ca n also substa ntia lly re-
to offer protection in those acc idents in w hich duce the ris k of injury in ot her kinds of crashes.
airbags are not supposed to deploy or when they So, whethe r you're on a long tr ip or just go ing to
have a lready deployed. Unbel t ed occupants can t he cor ner store, a lways buckle up and make sure
a lso be thrown out of the vehi cle where even othe rs do, too. Acciden t st atis tic s show tha t vehi-
more severe or fatal injur ies can occur . cle occupan t s properly wea ring safety bel t s have
a lower risk of be ing injured and a muc h better
It is also important for the rear passenge rs to
chance of surviving an accid ent . Properly using
wear safety belts corre ctly . Unbel t ed passengers
sa fety belts also great ly increases the ability of
in the rear seats endanger not o nly t hemse lves
the supp lemental airbags to do their job in a col-
but also t he driver and ot he r passengers
lision. For this reason, wearing a safety belt is le-
¢ fig. 226. In a fronta l collision they will be
gally required in most count ries includ ing much
thrown forward violently, where they can hit and
of the United States and Canada .
injure the driver and/or front seat passenger .
Although your Audi is equipped with airbags, you
Safety belts protect still have to wear the safety belts provided. Front
airbags, for example, are activated only in some
People think it's possible to use the hands to frontal collisions. The front airbags a re not acti-
brace the body in a minor collision. It 's simply vated in a ll frontal collisions, in side and rear col-
not true! lisio ns, in rollove rs o r in cases whe re there is not
eno ugh deceleration t hroug h impact to t he front
of the veh icle. The same goes for t he othe r a irbag
systems in your Audi . So, always wear your safety
belt and make sure everybody in your vehicle is
properly restrained !
Safety belts
Safet y bel t s
Automati c saf ety belt retractors of the body into critical areas like the abdo-
Every safety be lt is equ ipped with an automatic men .
be lt retractor on the shoulder belt. Th is feature - Always lock the convertible locking retractor
locks the belt when the belt is pulled out fast, when you are securing a child safety seat in
during hard braking and in an accident. The be lt the vehicle c:>page 304.
may a lso lock when you drive up or down a steep
hill or through a sharp curve. During normal driv- Safety belt position
ing the belt lets you move freely .
Correct belt position is the key to getting maxi-
Safet y be lt pretensioners mum protection from safety belts.
Safety belts with pretensioners he lp to tighten
the safety belt and remove slack when the pre-
tensioners are activated c:>page 267 . The func-
tion of the pretensioner is monitored by a warn-
ing light <=>
page 26 .
Sa f e t y belts
from the strong bones to more vulnerable, - Always read and heed all WARNINGS and
soft tissue and cause ser ious injury. other important informat ion¢ A in Fasten-
- Always read and heed all WARNINGS and ing safety belts on page 265.
other important information r=> page 263.
Unfastening safety belts
Pregnant women must also be correctly
Unbuckle the safety belt with the red release
button only after the vehicle has stopped .
The best way to protect the fetus is to make sure
that expectant mothers always wear safety belts
correctly - throughout the pregnancy.
t he buck le r=>
To prov ide max imum protection, safety belts .. Let the bel t wind up o n the retra ctor as you
must always be positioned correctly on the wear - guide the bel t tongue t o its stowed position.
page 265 .
er's body r=>
.,.Adjust the fro nt sea t and head restra int cor- A WARNING
rect ly ¢ page 56, Front sea ts. Never unfasten safety be lt wh ile the vehicle is
.,. Make s ure the seatback of the rear seat bench moving. Doing so will increase your risk of be-
is in an upright position and secure ly latched in ing injured or killed.
place before using the belt .
.. Pull the safety be lt evenly across the chest so
Adjusting safety belt height
that it sits as low as possible on the pelv is and
there is no pressure on the abdomen With the aid of the safety belt height adjust-
¢ fig . 230, r=>.&,. ment , the three point safety belt strap routing
.. Inse rt the tongue into t he cor rect buckle of can be fitted to the shoulder area, according to
you r seat until you hea r it latch secure ly . body size .
.,.Pull on t he be lt to make sure tha t it is securely <f
latched in t he buck le. 0
Improperly positioned safety be lts can cause
serious persona l inju ry in an accident.
- Expectan t mothe rs must a lways wear the
lap portion of the safety belt as low as pos-
sible across the pelvis and below the round-
ing of the abdomen . Fig. 23 2 Safety belt heigh t adjus tment - loop -arou nd fit-
Safet y b e lts
The shou lder belt should lie as close to the center - Always make sure that all veh icle occupants
of the collar bone as possib le and should fit well are cor rectly restrained and stay in a correct
on the body c> Ain Safety belt position on seating position whenever the vehicle is be-
page 265. ing used.
~ Push the loop-around fittings up c>fig . 232 @ , - Always read and heed all WARNINGS and
or other important informat ion c>page 263.
~ squeeze together the @ button, and push the
loop-around fittings down @ . Belt tensioners
~ Pull the belt to make sure that the upper at-
tachment is properly engaged . How safety belt pretensioners work
Incorrectly positioned safety belts can cause se- Seat belts with pyrotechnic safety be lt preten -
vere injuries. sioners are tensioned automaticallyin severe col·
lisions, depending on the circumstances . This
Wearing safety belts improperly can cause seri- helps to reduce t he fo rwa rd motion of the occu-
ous injury or death . Safety belts can only work pants.
when they are correctly pos itioned on the body .
Imp roper seating positions reduce the effect ive- A
ness of safety be lts and will even increase the - It is poss ible for the pretensioners to dep loy
risk of injury and death by mov ing the safety belt incorrectly .
to cr it ical areas of the body. Imp roper sea t ing - Any wo rk on t he tens ioner system or remov-
positions also increase the risk of serious injury al and installation of system components
and death when an airbag deploys and strikes an for other repairs must be performed by a
occupant who is not in the correct seating posi - qualified wor kshop.
tion . A driver is respons ible for the safety of all
- The pyrotechnic system can only provide
vehicle occupants and espec ia lly for children.
protection for one collision. If the pyrotech-
nic pretens ioners deploy, the pretensioning
~ Never permit anyone to assume an incorrect system must be replaced.
s itting position in the veh icle wh ile traveling
c>&_. (D Tips
- A fine dust is re leased when the pyrotechnic
A WARNING safety belt pretensioners dep loy. This is nor-
Improperly worn safety belts increase the risk ma l and is not caused by a f ire in the veh i-
..... of serious personal injury and death wheneve r cle. ..,
r--- a vehicle is be ing used.
S a f e t y b e lt s
- The re levant safety req uirements must be rate. When the vehicle or parts of the re -
observed when the vehicle or components straint system including airbag modu les safe-
of the system are scrapped . A qualified ty belts with pretensioners are scrapped, all
dealersh ip is familiar with these regulations applicable laws and regulations must be ob-
and will be pleased to pass on the informa- served. Your authorized Audi dealer is familiar
tion to you . with these requirements and we recommend
that you have your dealer perform this service
Service and disposal of safety belt preten- for you.
2 68
Airbag system
Airb a g syste m
a lso not inflate in side or rear co llisions, or in - To reduce the risk of injury when an a irbag
ro llovers . inflates, always wear safety belts prope rly
¢ page 264, Safety belts.
Always remember: Airbags will deploy only once,
and on ly in ce rtain kinds of coll isions. Your safety - Always make certa in that children age 12 or
be lts are always there to offer protection in those younge r always ride in the rear seat. If chil-
situations in which airbags are not supposed to dren are not properly restrained, they may
deploy, or when they have already deployed; for be severely injured or killed when an airbag
examp le, when your vehicle str ikes or is struck by inflates.
another vehicle after the first col lision. - Never let ch ildren ride unrestra ined or im-
properly restrained in the vehicle . Adj ust the
This is just one of the reasons why an airbag is a
front seats properly .
supp lementary restraint and is not a substitute
- Never ride with the back rest recl ined .
for a safety belt. The a irbag system works most
- Always sit as far as possible from the steer-
effect ively when used with the safety belts.
ing wheel or the instrument panel
Therefore, always properly wear your safety belts
¢page 253 .
¢ page 261 .
- Always sit upright w ith your back against
the backrest of your seat.
- Never place your feet on the instrument
Sitting too close to the steering wheel or in- panel or on the seat. Always keep both feet
st rument panel will decrease the effective- on the floor in front of the seat to help pre-
ness of the airbags and will inc rease the risk vent serious injur ies to the legs and hips if
of personal injury in a co llision.
the airbag inflates.
- Never sit closer than 10 inches (25 cm) to - Never recl ine the front passenger's seat to
the steering wheel or instrument panel.
transpo rt objects . Items can also mo ve into
- If you cannot sit mo re than 10 inches the area of the s ide air bag or the front air-
(2 5 cm) from the steering wheel, invest i- bag du ring brak ing or in a sudden maneu-
gate whether adaptive equipment may be ver . Obje cts nea r the airbags can become
available to help yo u reach the pedals and projecti les and cause injury when an airbag
increase your seating distance from the inflates.
steering wheel.
- All vehicle occupants and especially children
must be restrained properly whenever riding
Airbags that have deployed in a crash m ust be
in a vehicle. An unrestrained or improperly
restra ined child could be injured by striking
- Use on ly original equipment airbags ap-
the interior or by being ejected from the ve-
proved by Audi and installed by a trained
hicle during a sudden maneuver or impact.
technician who has the necessary tools and
An unrestrained or imp roperly restrained
diagnostic equipment to properly replace
child is also at greate r risk of inju ry or death
any airbag in yo ur vehicle and assure system
through contact with an infla t ing airbag.
effectiveness in a crash.
- If you are unrestrained, leaning fo rwa rd, sit-
- Never perm it salvaged or recycled airbags to
t ing s ideways or out of pos ition in any way,
be installed in your vehicle .
yo ur risk of inj ury is much higher.
- You will also receive serious injuries and
could even be killed if you are up aga inst the Child restraints on the front seat - some
air bag or t oo close to it when it inflates - important things to know
even with an Advanced Airbag.
.,. Be sur e to re ad the impo rt an t info rmat ion an d
hee d the WARNINGS for impo rta nt deta ils ..,.
Airbag sys t e m
Airb a g syste m
the electronic control unit c>page 281, PASSEN- ufacturer for use on a front seat with a pas-
GERAIR BAG OFF-,,;, ON@ light . senger front and side airbag.
Always remember, a child safety seat or infa nt - Never put the forward-facing child restraint
carrier insta lled on the front seat may be st ruck up against or very near the instrument pan-
and knocked out of position by the rapid ly inflat- el.
ing passenger's airbag in a fronta l collision . The - Always move the front passenger seat to
airbag cou ld greatly reduce the effect iveness of the highest posit ion in the up and down ad-
the child restraint and even seriously injure the justment range and move it back to the
child dur ing inflation. rearmost posit ion in the seat's fore and aft
adj ustment range, as far away from the a ir-
For this reason, and because the back seat is the
bag as poss ible, before ins t all ing the for-
safest place for ch ildren - when properly restra in-
ward-facing chi ld restraint.
ed according to the ir age and size - we strong ly
- Always make sure that the safety belt upper
recommend that children always sit in the back
anchorage is behind the ch ild rest raint and
seat c>page 291, Child safety .
not next to or in fron t of the child rest raint
so th at the safety be lt will be properly posi-
A child in a rearward-facing child safety seat - Make sure th at the PASSENGERAIR BAG
installed on the front passenger seat w ill be OFF-,,;,light comes on and stays on all the
ser iously injured and can be killed if the front time wheneve r the ign it ion is swit ched on .
airbag infla t es - even w ith an Advanced Airbag
- The inflating a irbag w ill hit the child safety
To reduce the risk of serious injury, ma ke sure
seat or infant carrier wit h great force and
that the PASSENGER
will smash the chi ld safety seat and child
will be disp layed whenever a ch ild restraint is
against the backrest, center armrest, door
installed on the front passenger seat and the
or roof.
ignit ion is switched on.
- Always install rear -facing child safety seats
- If the PASSENGERAIR BAGOFF-,,;,light
on the rear seat .
does not stay on, perform the checks descri-
- If you must install a rearward fac ing ch ild
bed c>page 281, Monitoring the Advanced
safety seat on the front passenger seat be-
Airbag System .
cause of exceptiona l circumstances and the
- Take the child restra int off the front passen-
PASS ENGERAIR BAGOFF,;; light does not
ger seat and install it properly at one of the
come on and stay on, immed iate ly install
rear seat positions if the PASSENGERAIR
the rear-fac ing ch ild safety seat in a rear
BAGOFF,;; light does not stay on .
seat ing pos ition and have the airbag system
- Have the airbag system inspected by your
inspected by your authorized Audi dea ler .
author ized Audi dealer immed iate ly.
- Forward-facing ch ild safety seats installed
- Always carefully follow instructions from
on the front passenger's seat may interfere
child restraint manufacturers when instal-
with the deployment of the airbag and
ling child restra ints.
cause serio us pe rsonal injury to the child.
If, in exceptional circumstances, you must in-
If, in except ional circumst a nces, you must in-
stall a forward or rearward-fac ing child re-
stall a forward-f acing chi ld res t rain t on t he
stra int on the fron t passenger's seat: Ill>
front passenger's seat:
- Always make sure t he forward-f acing se at
has been designed a nd ce rt ified by its man-
Airbag system
Never rely on airbags alone for protection .
- Even when they deploy, airbags provide only
supplemental protection.
- Airbag work most effectively when used
with properly worn safety belts.
- Therefore, always wear your safety belts and
make sure that everybody in your vehicle is
Fig. 233 Location of driver a irba g: in stee ring wheel
properly restrained.
- Always hold the steering wheel with both
hands on the outside of the steering wheel
rim at the 9:00 o'clock and 3:00 o'clock po-
u sitions to help reduce the risk of personal in-
r-- jury if the driver's airbag inflates. ..,..
Airb a g syste m
passenger airbag if an infant o r a small child
is on the fron t passenger sea t , nobody can
Objects between you and the a irbag w ill in- absolu t ely guarantee t ha t deployment un-
crease the risk of injury in a crash by interfer- de r these specia l condi t ions is impossible in
ing w ith the way the airbag unfo lds and/or by all conceivable situations that may happen
being pushed into you as the airbag inflates . during the useful life of yo ur vehicle.
- Always make sure nothing is in the front air- - The Advanced Airbag System can dep loy in
bag deployment zone that could be str uck accordance with the ,.low risk" option for 3-
by the airbag when it inflates. and 6-year-old children under the U.S. Fed-
- Objects in the zone of a deploying ai rbag eral Standard if a child w ith electrical capac-
can become projectiles when the airbag de - itance greater than the combined capac i-
ploys and cause serious persona l injury . tance of a typical one-year o ld infant re-
- Never hold th ings in your hands or on your strained in one of the forward facing or rea r-
lap when the vehicle is in use. ward-facing chi ld seats with which yo ur ve-
- Never place accessor ies or other objec t s hicle was certified is on the front passenger
(s uch as cup ho lders, telephone brackets, seat and the ot her conditions for airbag d e-
note pads, navigation systems, or things ployment are me t.
that are large, heavy, or bulky) on the doors; - Accident sta tisti cs have shown th at children
never attach then to the doors or the wind- are generally safer in the rear seat a re a than
shield; never place them over or near or at- in t he front seat ing pos ition.
tach them to the area marked ,,AIRBAG"on - For their own safety, a ll ch ildr en, especi a lly
the steering wheel, instrument panel or the 12 years and younger, should alw ays ride in
seat backrests; never place them between the back proper ly restrained for their age
these a reas and yo u or any other person in and size .
the vehicle.
- Never attach objects to the w indshield
Advanced front airbag system
above the passenger front airbag, suc h as
accessory GPS navigation unit s or mus ic Your vehicle is equipped with a front Advanced
players . Such objects could ca use serio us in- Airbag System in compliance with United States
jury in a collision, especially when the air- Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSS)
bags inflate. 208, as well as Canada Motor Vehicle Safety
- Never recline the front passenger seat to Standard (CMVSS) 208 as applicable at the t ime
transport objects . Items can also move into you r vehicle was manufactured .
the deployment area of the side a irbags or
The front Advanced Airbag System supplements
the front a irbag during breaking or in a sud-
the safety belts to provide add itiona l protect ion
den maneuver. Objects near the airbags can
for the driver 's and front passenger's heads and
fly dangerous ly through the passenger com-
upper bod ies in fronta l crashes. The a irbags in-
partment and cause injury, particularly
flate only in frontal impacts when the vehicle de-
when the seat is reclined and the airbags in-
ce le rat ion is high e nough. II>-
Airbag sys t e m
The front Advanced Airbag System for the front airbag on the passenger side may or may not
seat occupants is not a substitute for your safety dep loy.
belts. Rather, it is part of the overall occupant re-
The PASSENGERAIR BAGOFF~; light comes on
stra int system in your vehicle. Always remember
whe n t he elect ronic cont rol unit detec t s a t otal
that the airbag system can on ly help to protect
electrica l capacitance on the front passenger seat
you, if you are sitting upr ight, wear ing your safe-
that requires the front airbag to be turned off. If
ty belt and wear ing it properly . This is why you
the PASSENGERAIR BAGOFF~; light does not
and your passengers must always be prope rly re-
come on, the front airbag on the passenger side
stra ined, not just because t he law req uires you to
has not been turned off by the contro l unit and
can deploy if the contro l unit senses an impact
The Advanced Airbag System in your vehicle has t hat meets t he cond it ions stored in its memory .
been cert ified to meet the "low risk" requ ire-
If the total electr ical capacitance reg istered on
ments for 3 and 6 yea r-old children on the pas-
the front passenger seat is more t han that of a
senger side and very sma ll adul t s on the driver
typ ical 1 year-old , but less than the weight of a
side . The low risk dep loymen t criteria are intend -
small ad ult, t he front airbag on t he passenger
ed to help reduce t he risk of injury through inter-
side may dep loy (the PASSENGERAIR BAGOFF
action with the front airbag that can occur, for
~; light does not come on).
examp le, by being too close to the steering whee l
and instrument pane l when the airbag inflates . For example, the airbag may deploy if:
In addition, the system has been certified to - a small child that is heavier than a typica l 1
comp ly with the "suppression" requirements of year-o ld child is on the front passenger seat
the Safety Standard, to t urn off the front airbag (regardless of whether the child is in one of t he
for infants 12 months old and younger who are child safety seats listed<=:>page 293),
restrained on the front passenger seat in child re- - a child who has outgrown child restraints is on
stra ints that are listed in the Standard the front passenger seat.
page 293, Child restraints and Advanced Air-
If the front passenge r airbag is t urned off, the
PASSENGERAIR BAGOFF~ ; light in the head -
"Suppress ion" requ ires the front airbag on the liner will come on and stay on.
passenger side to be turned off if:
If the front passenge r airbag deploys, the Feder -
- a child up to about one year of age is restra ined al Standard requi res t he airbag to meet the "low
on the front passenger seat in one of the rear- risk" deployment criteria to help reduce the risk
facing or forward-fac ing infant restra ints listed of injury through interaction with the airbag.
in Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 208 "Low risk" deployment occurs in those crashes
with which the Advanced Airbag System in your that take place at lower decelerations as defined
vehicle was cert ified. For a listing of the child in the electronic contro l unit . <=:>
page 281
restra int s tha t were used to certify your vehi-
Always remember : Even though your vehicle is
cle's comp liance wit h t he USSafety Standard
equipped with Advanced Airbags, the safest place
page 293,
for childre n is properly restra ined on the back
- When a person is det ecte d on t he fron t passen - seat . Please be sure to read the import ant infor-
ger sea t t hat has an electr ical capacit ance t hat mation in the sect ions that follow and be sure to
is more t han t he tota l electrical capac itance of
heed all of t he WARNINGS.
a child that is about 1 year old restrained in one
of the rea r-facing or forward-facing infant re- _&.WARNING
straints (listed in Federal Motor Vehicle Safety
..... To reduce th e risk of injury when an airbag in-
Standard 208 with which the Advanced Airbag
N flates, always wea r safety belts properly . ...,
System in your vehicle was certified), the front
Airb a g syste m
- If you are unrestrained, leaning forward, sit- - Never put the forward-facing child restraint
t ing s ideways or out of pos ition in any way, up against or very near the instrument pan-
your risk of injury is much higher. el.
- You will also receive serious injuries and - Always move the front passenger seat to
could even be killed if you are up aga inst the the highest posit ion in the up and down ad-
airbag or too close to it when it inflates - justment range and move it back to the
even with an Advanced Airbag ¢ page 269 . rearmost posit ion in the seat's fo re and aft
adj ustment range, as far away from the a ir-
A WARNING bag as poss ible, before installing the for-
A child in a rearward -facing child safety seat ward-f acing chi ld restrain t .
installed on the front passenger seat w ill be - Always make sure that the safety be lt upper
ser iously injured and can be killed if the front anchorage is behind the ch ild rest raint and
airbag inflates - even w ith an Advanced Airbag not next to or in fron t of t he child rest raint
System. so that the safety be lt will be properly posi-
- Although the Advanced Airbag System in tioned.
your vehicle is designed to tu rn off the front - Always make sure that there is noth ing on
airbag when a rearward-facing child re- the front passenger seat tha t will cause the
straint has been insta lled on the front pas - capacitive passenger detection system in
senger seat, nobody can absolutely guaran- the seat to signal to the Airbag System that
tee that deployment is impossible in all con- the seat is occup ied by a person when it is
ceivable s ituations that may happen during not, or to signal that it is occupied by some-
the useful life of your vehicle. one who is heavier than the person actually
- The inflating a irbag w ill hit the child safety sitt ing on the seat. The presence of addi-
seat or infant carrier with great force and tional objects could cause the passenger
will smash the chi ld safety seat and child front airbag to be turned on when it should
against the backrest, center armrest, door, be off, or could cause the airbag to work in a
or roof . way that is differen t fr om the way it wou ld
have worked without the object on the seat .
- Always install rearward -facing ch ild re -
straints on the rear seat . - Make sure that the PASSENGER AIR BAG
OFF "I,;;light comes on and stays on all the
- If you must install a rearward fac ing ch ild
time wheneve r the ignition is switched on .
safety seat on the front passenger seat be -
cause of exceptional circumstances and the
PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF ~; light does not Advanced Airbag System components
come on and st ay on, immed iate ly install
The front passenger seat in your vehicle has a lot
the rear-fac ing ch ild safety sea t in a rear
of very important parts of the Advanced Airbag
seat ing pos ition and have the airbag system
System in it. These pa rts include the capacitive
inspected by your authorized Audi dea ler.
passenger detection system, wir ing, brackets,
and more . The control unit monitors the system
on the front passenger seat when the ignit ion is
If, in exceptional circumstances, you must in- switched on and turns the airbag indicato r light
stall a forward-facing chi ld restraint on the o n when a malfunction in the one of the system
front passenger's seat : components is detected ¢ page 281. Because
- Always make sure the forward-facing seat t he fron t passenger sea t contains impo rtant
has been designed and cert ified by its man- parts of the Advanced Airbag System , you must
ufacturer for use on a front seat with a pas- take care to prevent it from being damaged .
senger front and side a irbag. Damage to the seat may prevent the Advanced .,.
Airbag sys t e m
Airb a g syste m
The ad d itiona l layers prevent the capacitive installed child restraint system on the seat .
passenger detection system from accurately Wet towels or other wet things on the seat
measuring the capac itance of the ch ild safe- cushion can have the same effect. If the
ty seat and/or the person on the seat and front passenger fronta l airbag is turned on,
thus keep the Advanced Airbag System from the PASSENGERAIR BAGOFF~; light will
working properly . turn off.
- Never place or use any electrical device
(such as a laptop, CD player, elect ronic How the Advanced Airbag System
games dev ice, power inverte r or seat heater components work together
for child seats) on the front passenger seat
if the device is connected to the 12-vol t The front Advanced Airbag System and the side
socket or the cigarette lighter socket . Such airbags supp lement the protection offered by the
devices can infl uence the capacitance regis- front t hree-point safety belts and the adjustable
tered by the capacitive passenger detection head restraints to he lp reduce the risk of injury in
system, so that incorrect information is pro- a wide range of accident and crash situat ions. Be
vided to the airbag control unit. sure to read the important informat ion about
- If you must use a child restraint on the front safety and heed the WARNINGS in t his chapter .
passenger seat and the child restraint man- Deployment of the Advanced Airbag System and
ufacturer's instructions require the use of a the activation of the safety belt pretensioners de-
towel, foam cushion or something else to pend on the dece leration measured by the crash
properly position the ch ild restraint, make sensors and registered by the electronic contro l
certain that the PASSENGERAIR BAGOFF unit . Crash seve rity depe nds on speed and decel-
~; light comes on and stays on whenever eration as well as the mass and stiffness of the
the chi ld restraint is installed on the front vehicle or object involved in the cras h.
passenger seat .
On the passenger side, regard less of safety be lt
use, the front passenge r frontal a irbag will be
does not come on and st ay on, immedi ate ly
install child restra int in a rear seating posi - turned off if t he e lectr ica l capacitance measured
tion and have the airbag system inspected by the capacitive passenge r detection system o n
by your Audi dealer . t he fron t pa ssenger sea t is less th an t he amou nt
prog rammed in t he e lect ronic contro l unit. The
,&_WARNING front passenger frontal airbag will also be turned
off if the capacitance measured by the system for
If the front passenger seat gets wet, dry it im- the front passenger seat equals that of an infant
mediately. of about one year of age in one of the chi ld seats
- If liquid soaks into the front passenger seat, that was used to certify the Advanced Airbag Sys-
this can keep the a irbag system from work- tem under Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard
ing prope rly and may, for instance, deact i- 208 . The PASSENGERAIR BAGOFF~; light
vate the passenger frontal airbag. If this comes on and stays on to tell you when the front
happens, the PASSENGERAIR BAGOFF~; Advanced Airbag System on the passenge r side
light will come on and stay on togethe r wit h has been tu rned off<=?page 281.
the a irbag ind icator lightmin t he inst ru-
ment cluster. ,&_WARNING
- If liquid is poo led on the seat, bu t has not
To reduce the risk of injury when an airbag in-
soa ked in, this may also keep the airbag sys-
flates, always wear safety belts prope rly.
tem from wo rking properly and ca use the
- If you are unres t rained, leaning forward, sit -
passenge r frontal a irbag to be enabled
ting sideways or out of position in any way,
(tu rned on), even though there is a properly
your risk of injury is much highe r. ~
Airbag system
- You will also receive serious injuries and sions, can also happen when airbags inflate . Air-
cou ld even be killed if you are up aga inst the bags do not protect the arms or the lower parts
airbag or too close to it when it inflates - of the body. Front airbags supp lement the three -
even with an Advanced Airbag 9 page 269 . po int safety belts only in some frontal collisions
in which the vehicle dece leration is high enough
to dep loy the airbags .
More important things to know about front
airbags Front airbags will not depl oy:
0 - if the ignition is switche d off when a crash oc-
.:, curs
- in side collisions
- in rear -end collisions
- in rollovers
- when the crash decele ration measured by the
airbag system is less than the m inimum thresh-
old needed for airbag dep loyment as registe red
by t he electronic contr ol un it
Fig. 2 35 Inflated front airbags
The front passenger airbag also will not
Safety belts are important to help keep front deploy:
seat occupants in the proper seated position so - when the fron t passenger seat is not occupied,
that airbags can unfold prope rly and provide sup· - when the e lectr ica l capacitance measured by
plemental pro t ection in a frontal collision. the capacit ive passenger detection system for
t he front passenge r seat ind icates that the pas-
The front airbags are designed to provide add i-
senger side frontal airbag must be switched off
tional protect ion for the chest and face of the
by the electronic control unit (the PASSENGER
d river and the front seat passenger when:
AIR BAGOFF~; light 9 page 281 comes on
- safety belts are worn properly and stays on).
- the seats have been positioned so that the oc-
cupant is properly seated as far as possible A WARNING
from the airbag Sitting in the wrong position can increase the
- and the head restraints have been proper ly ad- risk of ser ious injury in crashes.
justed - To reduce the risk of injury when the a irbags
Because airbags inflate in the blink of an eye with inflate, the driver and passengers must al·
g reat fo rce, things you have on your lap or have ways sit in an upright posit ion, must not
placed on the seat cou ld become dangerous pro- lean aga inst or place any part of their body
jectiles, and be pushed into you if the airbag in· too close to the area where the airbags are
flates . located.
- Occupants who are unbelted, out of posit ion
When an airbag deploys, fine dust is released.
or too close t o the airbag can be serio us ly
This is normal and is not caused by a fire in the
injured by an airbag as it unfolds with g reat
veh icle. This dust is made up mostly of a powder
for ce in t he blink of an eye r=>page 2 70.
used to lubricate the airbags as they deploy . It
could irritate skin .
It is important to remember that while the sup - A child in a rearward-fa cing child safety seat
..... plemental a irbag system is designed to reduce insta lled on the front passenger seat will be
r-- the likelihood of ser ious injuries, other injuries,
..... seriously inj ured and can be killed if the front .,,.
~0 for example swelling, bruising and minor abra -
Airb a g syste m
airbag inflates - even with an Advanced Airbag projecti les and cause injury, part icularly
System. when the seat is reclined.
- The inflating airbag will hit the child safety - Never place or transport objects on the
seat or infant carrier with great force and front passenger seat. Objects on the front
will smash the child safety seat and child passenger seat could cause the capacitive
against the backrest, center armrest, door sensor in the seat to signal to airbag system
or roof . that the seat is occupied by a person when it
- Always install rear-facing child safety seats in fact is not, or that the pe rson on the seat
on the rear seat . is heavie r than he or she act ually is . The
- If you must install a rearward-fac ing child change in elec t ric capa citan ce beca use of
safety seat on the front passenger seat be- such obje cts can ca use t he passenge r front
cause of exceptional circumstances and the airbag to be t urned on when it should be
PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF ~; light does not off, or can cause the airbag to work in a way
come on and stay on, immed iate ly install that is different from the way it would have
the rear-fac ing ch ild safety seat in a rear wo rked without objects on the seat.
seat ing pos ition and have the airbag system - Always make sure that there is nothing on
inspected by your a uthorized Audi dea ler. the front passenge r seat that will cause the
capacitive passenge r detection system in
the seat to signal to the Airbag System that
Objects between you and the a irbag w ill in- the seat is occup ied by a person when it is
crease the risk of injury in a crash by interfer- not , or to signal that it is occupied by some-
ing with the way the airbag unfo lds or by be- one who is heavier than the person act ually
ing pushed into you as the a irbag inflates. sitt ing on the seat. The presence of an ob-
ject could ca use the passenger front air bag
- Never hold things in your hands or on your
to be turned on when it should be off, or
lap when the vehicle is in use.
could cause the airbag to work in a way that
- Never transport items on or in the area of
is different from the way it would have
the front passenger seat . Objects could
worked without the object on the seat.
move into the area of the front airbags dur-
ing brak ing or other sudden maneuvers and
become dangerous projectiles that can
cause serious personal injury if the a irbags The fine dust created when airbags deploy can
inflate . cause breathing prob lems for people with a
- Never place or attach accessor ies or other history of asthma or other breath ing cond i-
objects (such as cupholders, telephone tions .
brackets, large, heavy or bulky objects) on - To reduce the risk of breathing problems,
the doors, over or nea r the area marked those with asthma or other respiratory con-
"AIRBAG"on the steering wheel, instru- ditions should get fresh a ir right away by
ment pane l, sea t backrests or between getting out of the vehicle or opening win-
those areas and yoursel f . These objects dows or doors .
could cause injury in a crash, especially - If you are in a collision in which airbags de-
when the airbags inflate. ploy, wash your hands and face with m ild
- Never recline the front passenger's seat to soap and water before eating.
transport objects . Items can also move into - Be carefu l not to get the dust into your eyes,
the area of the side airbag or the front a ir- or into any cuts or scratches.
bag dur ing braking or in a sudden maneu- - If the residue should get into your eyes,
ver. Objects near the airbags can become flush them w ith wate r.
Airbag system
28 1
Airb a g syste m
front seat passenger's frontal Advanced Airbag. If the PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF ~ ; light
The PASSENGERAIR BAG OFF ~; light: comes on . ..
- will come on if the front passenger seat is not If the PASSENGERAIR BAG OFF ~ ; light comes
occupied; on when one of the condit ions listed above is
- will come on if t he e lectr ical capacitance meas - met, be sure to check the light regularly to make
ured by the ca pac it ive passenger detect ion sys - certain that the PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF ~;
tem for the front passenger seat equals the light stays on cont inuously whenever the ign ition
combined capacitance of an infant up to about is on . If the PASSENGERAIR BAG OFF ~; light
one year of age and one of the rearward -facing does not appear on and does not stay on all the
or forward-facing chi ld rest raints listed in Fed- t ime, stop as soon as it is safe to do so and
eral Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 208 with - reactivate the system by turn ing the ignit ion
which the Advanced Airbag System in your veh i- off for more than 4 seconds and then tur ning it
cle was certif ied; For a list ing of the child re- on again;
straints that were used to cert ify your vehicle 's - remove and re install the ch ild restraint . Make
compliance with t he U.S. Safety Standard sure that the child restra int is prope rly insta l-
¢ page 293. led and that the safety belt for the front pas-
- will go out if the front passenger seat is occu- senge r sea t has bee n correct ly rou t ed th rough
pied by an adult as reg istered by the capacitive t he child restraint as desc ribed in t he child re-
passenger detection system . straint man ufacturer's instructions;
- The PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF ~; light must - ma ke sure that t he convert ible locking ret rac-
come on and stay on if the ignition is on and ... tor on the safety belt for the front passenger
- a car bed has been insta lled on the front pas- seat has been activated and that the safety belt
senger seat, o r has been pu lled tight .
- a rearward-facing child restraint has been in- - make sure that no e lectrica l device (s uch as a
stalled on the front passenger seat , or laptop , CD player , e lectronic games d evice,
- a forward-facing child restra int has been instal- power inverte r or seat heater for chi ld seats) is
led on the front passenger seat, placed or used on the front passenger seat if
- and if the electrical capacitance registered on the device is connected to the 12-volt socket or
the front passenger seat is equal to or less than the cigarette lighter socket;
the comb ined capac itance of a typical 1 year- - make sure that no seat heater has been retro-
o ld infant a nd one of t he rearward-fac ing or fitted or otherw ise added to the front passen-
fo rwa rd-facing ch ild restrain t s list ed in Federal ger seat;
Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 208 with which - make sure that noth ing can interfere with the
the Advanced Airbag System in your vehicle was safety belt buckles and that they are not ob-
certified . structed;
If t he fron t passenger sea t is not occ upied, t he - make sure that there are no wet objects (such
fron t airbag w ill not dep loy, and t he PASSENGER as a wet towel) and no water or other liquids on
AIR BAG OFF "1 ; light will stay on. the front passenger seat cushion .
Never install a rearward-fac ing child rest raint on If the PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF ~; light still
t he fro nt passenge r sea t , the safest place for a does not come on ...
chi ld in any kind of chi ld restraint is at one of t he If the PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF ~; light still
seating positions on the rear seat ¢ page 2 70, does not come on and does not stay on cont inu-
Child restraints on the front seat - some impor- ous ly (when the ign ition is switched on),
tant things to know and ¢ page 291, Child safe -
- take the child restra int off the front passenger
ty .
seat and install it properly at one of the rear ..,.
Airbag sys t e m
seat positions . Have the airbag system inspect- seat after tak ing the steps described above,
ed by your Audi dealer immediately . make sure the adu lt is properly seated and
- move the chi ld to a rear seat position and make restrained at one of the rear seating posi-
sure that the child is properly restrained in a tions. Have the a irbag system inspected by
child restraint that is appropriate for its size your author ized Audi dealer before trans-
and age. port ing anyone on the front passenge r seat.
Airb a g syste m
Make sure that the PASSENGER AIR BAG - Never attach any objects such as cupholders
OFF ,;; light comes on and stays on all the or telephone mountings to the surfaces cov-
t ime whenever the ignition is switched on. ering the a irbag un its.
- For cleaning the horn pad or instrument
panel, use only a soft, dry cloth or one mois-
- If the PASS ENGER AIR BAG OFF 1'i; light tened w ith plain water. Solvents or cleaners
does not go out when an adult is sitting on could damage the airbag cover or change
the front passenger seat after tak ing the the st iffness or strength of the material so
steps described above, make sure the adult that the airbag cannot deploy and protect
is properly seated and restrained at one of properly.
the rear seating positions. - Never repair, adjust, or change any parts of
- Have the airbag system inspected by your the airbag system.
authorized Aud i dealer before transporting - All work on the steering wheel, instrument
anyone on the front passenger seat. panel, front seats or e lectr ica l system (in-
cluding the installation of a udio eq uipment,
(D Tips cellular telephones and CB radios, etc.)
m ust be performed by a qualified techn ician
If the capacitive passenger detection system
who has the training and specia l equipment
determines that the front passenger seat is
empty, the frontal airbag on the passenge r
- For any work on the airbag system, we
side w ill be tu rned off, and the PASSENGER
strong ly recommend that you see your au-
AIR BAG OFF 1'i ; light will stay on.
thorized Audi dealer or qualified workshop.
- Never modify the front bumper or parts of
Repair, care and disposal of the airbags the vehicle body.
Parts of the airbag system are installed at many - Always make sure that the side a irbag can
different places on your Audi. Installing, remov - inflate without interference:
ing, servic ing or repa iring a part in an area of the - Never install seat covers or replacement
veh icle can damage a part of an airbag system upholstery over the front seatbacks that
and prevent that system from working properly have not been specifically approved by
in a collision . Audi.
- Never use additional seat cushions that
There are some important things you have to
cover the areas where the side airbags in-
know to make sure that the effectiveness of the
system w ill not be impaired and that discarded
- Damage to the orig inal seat cove rs or to
components do not cause injury or pollute the
the seam in the area of the side airbag
env ironment.
module mus t a lways be repaired immedi-
ate ly by an autho rized Aud i dealer .
- The a irbag sys t em can deploy on ly once. Af-
Improper care, serv icing and repai r proce-
ter an airbag has been deployed, it m ust be
dures can increase the risk of personal injury replaced with new replacement parts de-
and death by preventing an airbag from de-
signed and approved especia lly for your
ploying when needed or dep loying an airbag
Audi model version . Replacement of com-
plete airbag systems or airbag components
- Never cover, obstruct, or change the steer - must be performed by qua lified workshops
ing wheel horn pad or airbag cover or the in- only . Make sure that any airbag service ac-
strument pane l or modify them in any way. tion is entered in your Audi Warranty &
Maintenance booklet under AIRBAG RE-
Airbag system
Airbag system
- the e lectronic control modu le and externa l side duce the likelihood of serious injuries, other inju-
impact sensors ries, for example, swelling, bruising, friction
- t he two side airbags located in the sides of the burns and m inor abras ions can also be assoc iated
front backrests with deployed side airbags. Remember too, side
- two rear side airbags* airbags will dep loy only once and only in certa in
- the a irbag wa rning light in the instrument clus- kinds of accidents - your safety belts are always
te r. there to offer protection .
The a irbag system is monitored electronically to Vehicle damage, repair costs or even the lack of
make certa in that it is functioning properly at all vehicle damage are not necessar ily an ind ication
times. Each time you turn on the ign ition, the air- of over-sens itive or fa iled airbag activat ion . In
bag system ind icator light will come on for a few some collis ions, both front and side airbags may
seconds (self diagnostics). inflate. Remember too, that a irbags w ill dep loy
only once and only in certain kinds of collisions -
The side a irbag system supplements the safety
yo ur safety belts a re always there to offer protec-
be lts and can help to reduce the risk of injury to
tion in those accidents in which airbags are not
the dr iver's, front and rear* passenger's upper
supposed to deploy or when they have already
torso on the side of the vehicle that is struck in a
side co llision . The airbag dep loys on ly in side im-
pacts and on ly when the vehicle acceleration reg - The side airbag system will not deploy:
istered by the control unit is high enough. If this
- when the ignition is turned off
rate is below the reference value programmed in-
- in side co llisions whe n the accele ration meas-
to the control un it, the side airbags w ill not be
ured by the sensor is too low
tr iggered, even though the car may be badly
- in fro nt-end coll is ions
damaged as a result of the collision. It is not pos-
- in rear-end collisions
sib le to define an ai rbag tr igger ing range that
- in rollovers.
will cover every possible ang le of im pact, s ince
t he circumstances w ill vary considerably between In some types of accidents t he front airbags, side
one collision and another. Important factors in- curtain airbags and side airbags may be triggered
clude, for example, the nature (hard or soft) of together.
the impacting object, the angle of impact, vehicle
speed, etc. c>page 287, Important safety in- A WARNING
structions on the side airbag system. - Safety belts and the airbag system will only
Aside from their normal safety function, safety provide protection when occupants are in
be lts work to help keep the driver or front pas - the proper seat ing position c>page 287.
senger in position in the event of a side collision - If the airbag ind icator light c>page 26
so that the side a irbags can provide protection. comes when the vehicle is being used, have
the system inspected immed iately by your
The airbag system is not a substitute for your
author ized Audi dealer . It is possible that
safety belt . Rather, it is part of the overa ll occu -
the airbag will inflate when it is not sup-
pant restraint system in your vehicle. Always re-
posed to , or will not infl at e when it should.
member that the s ide airbag system can only
help to protect you if you are wearing your safety
belt and wearing it properly. This is another rea-
son why you should always wear you r safety
be lts, not just because the law requ ires you to do
soc> page 261, General information.
Airbag system
How supplemental side airbags work Important safety instructions on the side
airbag system
Side airbags deploy instantly and can help re-
duce the risk of upper torso injuries for occu- Airbags are only supplemental restraints. Always
pants who are properly restrained. properly wear safety belts and ride in a proper
seating position .
An inflating side airbag can cause serious or
fatal injury. Improperly wearing safety belts
Fig. 238 Inflated side airbags on left side of vehicle , rea r and improper seating positions increase the
side airbag optiona l equipment risk of ser ious personal injury and death
whenever a vehicle is being used.
When the system is triggered, the airbag is filled - In order to reduce the risk of injury when
with propellant gas and breaks through a seam in the supplemental side airbag inflates:
the seat surface area. It expands between the
- Always sit in an upright position and never
side trim panel and the passenger. In order to
lean against the area where the supple-
help provide this additional protection, the side
mental side airbag is located.
airbag must inflate within a fraction of a second
- Never let a child or anyone else rest their
at very high speed and with great force. The sup-
head against the side trim panel in the
pleme ntal side airbag could injure you if your
area where the supplemental side airbag
seating position is not proper or upright or if
items are located in the area where the supp le-
- Always make sure that safety belts are
mental side airbag expands. This applies espe-
worn correctly,
cially to children <=:>page291, Child safety . Sup-
- Do not let anyone sitting in the front seat
plemental side airbags inflate between the occu-
put their hand or any other parts of their
pant and the door panel on the side of the vehicle
body out of the window.
that is struck in certain side collision<=:>
fig. 238.
- Always make sure that the side airbag can
Although they are not a soft pillow, they can inflate without interference.
"cushion" the impact and in this way they can - Never install seat covers or replacement
help to reduce the risk of injury to the upper part upholstery over the front seatbacks that
of the body. have not been specifically approved by
A fine dust may develop when the airbag deploys. Audi.
This is normal and does not mean there is a fire - Never use additional seat cushions that
in the vehicle. cover the areas where the side airbags de-
- Damage to the original seat covers or to
the seam in the area of the side airbag
module must always be repaired immedi-
ately by an authorized Audi dealer.
u - Objects between you and the airbag can in-
r-- crease the risk of injury in an accident by in-
..... terfering with the way the airbag unfolds or .,.
A i rb ag syste m
by being pushed into you as the airbag in- - Never drive when loudspeakers in the
flates. doors have been removed unless the
- Never place or attach accessories or other speaker holes have been properly closed.
objects (such as cupho lders, telephone - Always make certain that openings are
brackets, or even large, bulky objects) on covered or filled if additional speakers or
the doors, over or near the area marked other equipment is installed in the inside
"AIRBAG"on the seat backrests. door panels.
- Such objects and accessories can become - Always have work on the doors done by an
dangerous projectiles and cause injury authorized Audi dea ler or qualified work-
when the supplemental side airbag de- shop.
- Never carry any objects or pets in the de- Side curtain airbags
ployment space between them and the
airbags or allow children or other passen- Description of side curtain airbags
gers to travel in this position. The side curtain airbags can provide supplemen-
- Always use the built-in coat hooks* only for tal protection to properly restrained occupants.
lightweight clothing . Never leave any heavy
or sharp-edged objects in the pockets that
may interfere w ith side airbag deployment
and can cause personal injury in an accident.
- Always prevent the side airbags from being
damaged by heavy objects knocking against
or hitting the sides of the seatbacks.
- The airbag system can only be triggered
once . If the airbag has been triggered, the
system must be replaced by an author ized
Audi dealership . Fig. 239 Side curt ain airbags, driver's side : locatio n
Airbag system
collision . It is not possible to define an airbag The side curtain airbag is not activated :
triggering range that will cover every possible an-
- if the ignition is turned off
g le of impact, s ince the circumstances will vary
- in side collisions whe n the acceleration meas-
considerably between one collision and another.
ured by the sensor is too low
Important factors include, for example, the na-
- in rear-end col lisions .
ture (hard or soft) of the impacting object, the
angle of impact, vehicle speed, etc. Q page 289, _&.WARNING
How side curtain airbags work.
- Safety bel t s and the airbag system will only
Aside from their normal safety function, safety provide protect ion when occupants are in
be lts work to he lp keep the driver or front pas- the proper seating position ¢ page 56,
senger in pos it ion in t he event of a collision so Front seats.
that the side curtain airbags can provide protec- - If the airbag ind icator light¢ page 26
tion . comes when the veh icle is being used, have
The airbag system is not a substitute for your the system inspected immediately by your
safety belt . Rat he r, it is part of the overa ll occu- authorized Audi dealer. It is possib le that
pant restraint system in your veh icle . Always re- the airbag will inflate when it is not sup-
member that t he airbag system can only help to posed to, or will not inf late when it should.
protect you if you are wea ring your safety bel t
and wearing it properly . This is another reason How side curtain airbags work
why you should always wear your safety belts,
Side curtain airbags con work together with side
not j ust because the law requires you to do so
airbags to help reduce the risk of head and upper
¢ page 261, General information.
torso injuries for occupants who are properly re-
It is important to remember that whi le the s ide strained.
curtain ai rbag system is designed to he lp reduce
the likelihood of serious injuries, other injuries,
for example, swelling, bruising, friction burns
and minor abrasions can also be associated with
these airbags upon deployment . Remember too,
these airbags will deploy only once and only in
certa in kinds of acc idents - you r safety belts are
always there to offer protection .
Airb a g syste m
seating position is not proper or upright or if loose and cause serious injury if the side cur-
items are located in the area where the supp le- tain airbag inflates.
mental side curtain airbag inf lates . This applies - A deploying airbag inflates in a fraction of a
especia lly to children c::>page 291. second and with great force.
Although they are not a soft pillow, side curtain - Never attach objects to the cover or in the
airbags can "cushion" the impact and in this way deployment zone of a side curtain airbag .
they can help to reduce the risk of injury to the - The airbag deployment zones must be kept
head and the upper part of the body. clear at all times. Make sure there are no
objects, pets, or othe r persons in the space
A fine dust may deve lop when the airbag deploys .
between any vehicle occupant and any air-
This is quite normal and does not mean there is a
bag at any time.
f ire in the veh icle .
- Do not attach any accessories to the doors.
Ch ild s af e t y
Ch ild s a fety
- Never place objects on the seat (such as a
laptop, CD player, elect ronic games de-
- Forward-facing chi ld seats installed on the vice, power inverter or seat heater for
front passenger seat may interfere with the ch ild seats) . These may influence the elec-
deployment of the a irbag and cause serious trical capacitance measu red by the capaci-
personal injury to the child. tive passenger detection system and can
- If except ional circumstances require the use also fly a round in an acciden t and cause
of a forward-facing child restraint on the se rious personal injury.
front passenger's seat, the child's safety - Never place or use any elect rical device
and well-being require the following special (such as a laptop, CD player, electronic
precautions to be taken: games device, powe r inverter or sea t heat-
- Always make sure that the forward-facing er for child seats) on the front passenger
seat has been designed and cert ified by its seat if the device is connected to the 12-
manufacturer for use on a front passenger volt socket or the cigarette lighter socket.
seat with a front and s ide a irbag. - If a seat heater has been retrofitted or
- Always carefully follow the manufacturer's otherwise added to the front passenger
instructions provided with the child seat seat, never install any child restraint sys-
or infant carrier. tem on this seat.
- Never install a child restraint without a - Make su re that there a re no wet objects
properly attached top tether strap if the (such as a wet towe l) and no water or oth-
child restraint manufacturer's instructions er liquids on the front passenger seat
require the top tether strap to be used. cush ion .
- Always make sure that the PASSENGER
AIR BAGOFF~; light comes on and stays
Ch ild s af e t y
on all the time whenever the ignition is Even thoug h your veh icle is equipped with an Ad-
sw itched on. vanced Airbag system, all chi ldren, especially
- If the PASSENGERAIR BAGOFF~. light those 12 years and younger, should a lways ride
does not come on and stay on, immediate- in the back seat properly restrained for their age
ly insta ll the forward-facing child seat in a and size . The airbag on the passenger side makes
rear seating position and have the airbag the front seat a potentia lly dangerous place for a
system inspected by your authorized Aud i ch ild to ride . The front seat is not the safest place
deale r. fo r a ch ild in a forward-fac ing ch ild safety seat. It
- Always buckle the chi ld seat firmly in can be a very dangerous place fo r an infant or a
place even if a ch ild is not sitt ing in it. A la rge r ch ild in a rea rwa rd-facing seat.
loose ch ild seat ca n fly around during a The veh icle 's Advanced Airbag System has a ca-
sudden stop o r in a coll is ion. pacit ive passenger detection system in the front
- Always read and heed all WARNINGS passenge r seat cushion that can detect the pres -
wheneve r us ing a ch ild restraint in a veh i- ence of a baby or a child in a child res t ra int sys -
cle ~ page 261, Safety belts, ~ page 269, tem on this seat .
Airbag system and ~page 291, Impor-
The capacitive passenger detection system reg is-
tant information .
te rs the changes that result in an elect rical field
whe n a child, a ch ild restraint, and a baby bla nket
(j) Tips
are on t he fron t passenger seat. The change in
Always replace ch ild restraints that were in- the measured capacitance due to the presence of
stalled in a veh icle dur ing a crash. Damage t o a chi ld, a child restraint, and a baby blanket on
a child restra int tha t is not visib le co uld cause the front passenger seat is related to the child
it to fail in another collision situation . restra int system resting on the seat. The meas-
ured capacitance of a child restra int system var-
Advanced front airbag system and children ies depend ing on the type of system and specific
make and model.
Your ve hicle is equipped with an "Advanced Air-
bag System" in comp liance with United States The electrical capac itance of the various types,
Federa l Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSS) makes, and models of child restraints specif ied
208, as well as Canada Motor Veh icle Safety by the U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Ad-
Standard (CMVSS) 208 as applicable at the t ime min istrat ion (NHTSA) in the relevant safety
your ve hicle was manufactured . standard are stored in the Advanced Airbag Sys-
tem contro l unit together with the capacitances
The Advanced Airbag system in your vehicle has
typ ica l of infants and a 1-year old child. When a
been certified to meet the "low-risk" requ ire-
child restraint is used on the front passenger
ments for 3- and 6-year old children on the pas-
seat with a typical 1 year -old infant, t he Ad-
senger side and small adults on the driver side.
vanced Airbag System compares the capacitance
The low risk deployment crite ria are intended to
measured by the capacitive passenger detection
reduce t he risk of injury thro ugh inte ract ion with
system with the data stored in the electronic con-
the airbag t hat can occur, for examp le, by being
trol un it .
too close to the steering whee l and instrument
panel when the airbag inflates . In addition, the
system has been certified to comply with the Child restraints and Advanced Airbags
"suppression" req uirements of the Safety Stand - Regardless of the ch ild restraint that you use,
ard, to turn off the front airbag for infants up to make sure that it has been certified to meet Safe-
~ 12 months who are restra ined on the front pas-
..., ty Standards and has been cert ified by its manu-
~ senger seat in child restraints that are listed in fact ur er for use w ith an airbag . Always be sur e
~0 the Standard . t hat the child restraint is properly installed at IJJ,,
Ch ild s a fety
one of t he rear seating positions . If in exception - Subpart B - Rear-facing child rest raints
a l circumstances you must use it on the front
Model Manufactured on or
passenger seat, carefully read all of the informa-
tion on child safety and Advanced Airbags and
heed a ll of the app licab le WARNINGS. Make cer- Century SmartFit 4543 December 1, 1999
tain that the child and child restraint are correct- Cosco Arriva September 25, 2007
ly recogn ized by the capacitive passenger detec- 22-013PAW and base
tion system in the front passenge r seat, that the 22 -999WHO
front passenger airbag is turned off, and t hat the Evenflo Discovery Ad- December 1, 1999
a irbag stat us is a lways cor rectly sig naled by the just Right 212
PASSENGERAIR BAG OFF~; light. Evenflo First Choice December 1, 1999
Many types and models of child rest raints have 204
been ava ilable ove r t he yea rs, new mode ls are in- Graco Infant 8457 December 1, 1999
troduced regularly inco rporat ing new and im- Graco Snugride September 25, 2007
proved designs and older mode ls are taken out of
Peg Perego Primo Viag- September 25, 2007
production . Child restraints are not standardized .
Child restraints of the same type typica lly have
d ifferent weights and sizes and d ifferent "foot- Subpart C - Forward-facing and convertible
prints", the s ize and shape of the bottom of the child restraints
chi ld restraint that s its on the seat, when they
Model Manufactured on or
are installed on a vehicle seat . These differences
make it virtually impossible to ce rtify compliance
with the requ irements fo r advanced airbags with Britax Roundabout September 25, 2007
each and eve ry child rest raint th at has ever been E9L02xx
sold in the pas t or will be sold ove r the co urse of Cosco Tou riva 025 19 December 1, 1999
the useful life of your vehicle. Cosco Summit Deluxe September 25, 2007
For this reason, the United States Nat ional High- High Back Booster
way Traffic Safety Adm inist ration has published a 22-262
list of specific type, makes a nd models of child Cosco High Back Boos- September 25, 2007
rest raints that must be used to cert ify comp li- ter 22 -209
ance of the Advanced Airbag System in your vehi- Evenflo Tribute V September 25, 2007
cle with t he suppression requirements of Federal 379xxxx
Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 208. These child
Evenflo Meda llion 254 December 1, 1999
restraints are:
Evenflo Generat ions September 25, 200 7
Subpart A - Car bed child restraint s 35 2xxxx
Graco ComfortSport September 25, 2007
Model Manufactured on or
after Graco Todd le r Safety September 25, 200 7
Ange l Guard Ange l September 25, 2007 Seat Step 2
Ride AA2403FOF Graco Plat inum Cargo September 25, 2007
To reduce the risk of se rious injury, ma ke sure
that t he PASSENGERAIR BAGOFF~; light
comes on and stays on whenever a child re -
straint is insta lled on the front passenger seat
and the ignition is switched on .
Ch ild s af e t y
- Take the chi ld restraint off the front passen- chi ld restraint increases the risk of serious
ger seat and install it properly at one of the personal injury and death.
rear seat positions if the PASSENGERAIR - All vehicle occupants and especially children
BAG OFF~; light does not stay on. must be restra ined properly whenever riding
- Have the airbag system inspected by your in a vehicle. An unrestra ined or improperly
authorized Audi dealer immediately. restrained child cou ld be injured by striking
the inter ior or by be ing ejected from the ve-
(D Tips hicle dur ing a sudden maneuve r or impact.
The chi ld seats listed in categories A to C have An unrest rained or imprope rly restrained
been statically tested by Audi only for the Ad- child is a lso at greater risk of injury or death
vanced Airbag function. through contact w ith an inflating air bag.
- Commerc ially availab le child safety seats
are requi red to comply with U.S. Federal
Important safety instructions for using
Motor Vehicle Safety St andard (FMVSS) 213
child safety seats
(in Canada CMVSS 213).
Correct use of child safety seats substantially re- - When buying a child restra int, select one
duces the risk of injury in an accident! that fits your ch ild and the vehicle .
As the driver, you are responsible for the safety - Only use child restraint systems that fully
of everybody in the veh icle, especially chi ldren: contact the flat portion of the seat cush-
ion. The ch ild restraint must not t ip or
~ Always use the right chi ld safety seat for each lean to either side. Audi does not recom-
child and a lways use it properly ~ page 297. mend using child safety seats that rest on
~ Always carefully follow the child safety seat legs or tube-like frames. They do not pro-
manufacturer's instructions on how to route vide adequ ate cont act with the se at.
the safety belt properly through the child safe- - Always heed all lega l requirements per-
ty seat . t ai ning to the insta llation and use of child
~ When using the vehicle safety be lt to install a safety seats and carefu lly follow the in-
ch ild safety seat, you must first activate the structions provided by the manufact urer
convertible locking retractor on the safety be lt of the seat you are using .
to prevent the child safety seat from moving - Never a llow children under S7 inches
~page 302 . (1.45 meters) to wear a normal safety be lt.
~ Push the child safety seat down with your fu ll They must a lways be restrained by a proper
weight to get the safety be lt really tight so that child restraint system. Otherwise, they
the seat cannot move forward or sideways could sustain injuries to the abdomen and
more than one inch (2.5 cm). neck areas during sudden braking maneu-
~ Secure unused safety belts on the rear seat vers or accidents .
~ page 297. - Never let more than one child occupy a chi ld
Always remember: Even though your vehicle is safety seat.
equ ipped w ith an Advanced Airbag system, all - Never let babies or older children ride in a
children, especially those 12 years and younger, veh icle while sitting on the lap of another
should always ride in the back seat properly re- passenger.
stra ined fo r their age and size. - Holding a child in your arms is never a sub-
stitute fo r a chi ld restraint system .
_& WARNING - The st rongest person cou ld no t ho ld t he
co Not using a ch ild safety seat, using the w rong ch ild with the forces t ha t exist in an acci-
,..._ child safety seat or improper ly installing a dent. The child will strike the interior of
..... the vehicle and can also be struck by the
0 passenger.
Ch ild s a fety
- The chi ld and the passenger can a lso in- - Always make sure that the safety belt up-
jure each other in an accident . per anchorage is behind the chi ld restraint
- Never install rear-facing child safety seats and not next to or in front of the child re-
or infant carriers on the front passenger straint so that the safety belt will be prop-
seat. A child will be serious ly injured and erly pos itioned.
can be killed when the passenger airbag in- - Always make sure that nothing prevents
flates - even with an Advanced Airbag Sys- the front passenger's seat from being
tem . moved to the rearmost position in its fore
- The inflating a irbag w ill hit the child safety and aft adjustment range.
seat or infant carrier with great force and - Always make sure that the backrest is in
will smash the chi ld safety seat and child the up right pos ition.
against the bac krest, center armrest, doo r - Never place or use any electrical device
or roof. (such as a laptop, CD player, electronic
- Always install rear-facing child safety seats games device, powe r inverter or seat heat-
or infant carr iers on the rear seat. er for child seats) on the fro nt passenger
- Before you carry a ch ild in a rea r-facing child seat if t he devi ce is connec t ed to the 12-
safety seat on the rear seat, remove the volt socke t or the cigarette ligh t er soc ket.
Rear Seat Entertainment (RSE)* and its - If a seat heate r has been retrofitted or
holder* from the ba ckres t of the front seat. othe rwise added to the fron t passenger
- Make sure there is enough space in fron t of seat, neve r install any child restraint sys -
the ch ild in t he child se at . If necessary, ad- tem on this seat .
just the angle and posit ion of the seat in - Make sure that t here a re no wet objects
front of the child seat . (such as a wet towe l) and no water or oth -
- Forward-facing ch ild safety seats installed er liquids on the front passenger seat
on the front passenger's seat can interfere cush ion.
with the airbag when it inflates and cause - Never place objects on the seat (such as a
serious injury to the child. Always insta ll for- laptop, CD player, elect ronic games de-
ward-facing child safety seats on the rear vice, power inverte r or seat heater for
seat. ch ild seats) . These may influence the elec-
- If except ional circumstances require the use trical capacitance measured by the capaci-
of a forward-facing child restraint on the tive passenger detection sys t em and can
front passenger's seat, the child 's safety also fly a round in an accident and cause
and we ll-being require that the following se rious personal injury.
special precautions be taken: - Always buckle the child safety seat firmly in
- Make sure the forward -fac ing seat has place even if a ch ild is not sitt ing in it . A
been designed and certified by its manu- loose child safety seat can fly a round dur ing
facturer for use on a front seat with a pas- a sudden st op or in a collision .
senger front and side airbag . - Always read and heed all WARNINGS when-
- Always carefully follow the manufacturer's eve r us ing a child restrained in a vehicle is
instructions provided with the child safety be ing used~ page 2 61, Safe ty belts,
seat or ca rrie r. ~ page 269, Airbag system and
- Always move the front passenger seat to ~ page 291, Child safety.
the highest posit ion in the up and down
adj ustment range and move it back to the _&.WARNING
rearmost posit ion in the seat's fore and To reduce the risk of serious injury, make sure
aft adjustment range, as far away from that the PASSENGERAIR BAGOFF'I,;;light ~
the airbag as possible, before installing
the forward-fac ing ch ild rest raint .
Ch ild s a fe ty
comes on and stays on whenever a child re- - Always secure unused rear seat safety belts
straint is installed on the front passenger seat out of reach of children in child seats such
and the ignition is switched on. as by properly routing them around the
- Take the child restraint off the front passen- head restraint of the seat where the child
ger seat and install it properly at one of the restraint is installed .
rear seat positions if the PASSENGER AIR - Never activate the convert ible locking re-
BAG OFF ~; light does not stay on . tractor when rout ing the safety belts around
- Have the airbag system inspected by your the head restraints.
authorized Audi dealer immediately . - Never let anyone s it at the center rear seat-
ing position if the center rear safety belt has
Secure unused safety belts on the rear seat been routed around a rear head restraint.
Ch ild s a fety
should ride only in special restraints in which the if the device is connected to the 12-volt
chi ld faces the back of the vehicle. These infant socket or the ciga rette lighte r socket.
seats support the baby's back, neck and head in a - If a seat heater has been ret rofitted or oth-
crash c::>fig. 242. erwise added to the front passenger seat,
The airbag on the passenger side makes the front never install any child restra int system on
seat a potentially dangerous place for a child to this seat.
ride . The front seat is not the safest place for a - Make sure that there are no wet objects
child in a forward -facing child seat. It is a very (such as a wet towel) and no water or other
dangerous place for an infant or a larger child in liquids on the front passenger seat cush ion .
a rearward -facing seat . - Never place objects on the seat (such as a
laptop, CD player, electron ic games device,
A WARNING power inverte r or seat heater for ch ild
Not using a ch ild safety seat, using the wrong seats). These may influence the elect rical
child safety seat or improperly install ing a capacitance measu red by the capacitive pas-
child restra int increases the risk of se rious senger detect ion system and can also fly
personal inju ry and death in a crash. a round in a n accident and cause se rious per-
sonal injury .
- Never install rear-facing chi ld safety seats
or infant carr iers on the front passenger - Always read and heed a ll WARNINGS when-
seat - even with an Advanced Airbag Sys- eve r us ing a child restrained in a vehicle is
tem . A child w ill be seriously injured and can be ing used c::>page 2 61, Safety belts,
be killed when the inflating airbag hits the page 269, Airbag system and
child safety seat or infant carrier with great ¢ page 291 , Important information .
force and smashes the child safety seat and
child against the backrest, center armrest,
door or roof c::>page 2 70, Child restraints on
the front seat - some important things to
know .
- Always install rear-facing child safety seats
or infant carr iers on the rear seat.
- Never install a rear-facing child restra int in
the forward-facing direct ion . Such restraints
are designed for the spec ial needs of infants
and very sma ll children and cannot protect
them properly if the seat is forward-fa cing.
- If you must install a rearward fac ing ch ild
safety seat on the front passenger seat be-
cause of exception al circumst a nces and t he
PASSENGERAIR BAGOFF,;; light does not
come on and stay on, immediate ly install
the rear-facing chi ld safety seat in a rear
seat ing pos ition and have the airbag system
inspected by your Audi dealer.
- Never place or use any electrical device
(s uch as a laptop, CD player, elect ronic
games dev ice, powe r inverter or seat heater
for child seats) on the front passenger seat
Ch ild s a fe ty
Convertible child safety seats Todd lers and children who are older than one
year up to about 4 years old and weigh more than
Properly used convertible child safety seats can 20 lbs. (9 kg) up to 40 lbs . (18 kg) must always
help protect toddlers and children over age one be properly restrained in a child safety seat certi-
who weigh between 20 and 40 lbs. (9 and 18 kg) fied for their size and weight ¢ fig. 243 and
in a crash. ¢ fig. 244.
The airbag on the passenger side makes the front
seat a potent ially dangerous place for a child to
ride. The front seat is not the safest place for a
child in a forward -fac ing child safety seat . It is a
very dangerous place for a n infant or a larger
child in a rearward-facing seat .
Not using a child safety seat, using t he wrong
f ig. 243 Schematic overview: installatio n of the attach-
child safety seat or imprope rly insta lling a
ments app licable to a LATCH seat
child restraint increases the risk of ser ious
personal injury and death in a collision or oth-
er emergency situation.
- Children on the front seat of any car, eve n
wit h Advanced Airbags, can be seriously in-
jured or even killed when an airbag inflates .
A child in a rearward-fac ing child safety seat
installed on the front passenger seat will be
serious ly injured and can be killed if the
front airbag inflates - even with an Ad-
Fig. 24 4 Schematic overview: installat ion of t he seat using va nced Airbag System .
the vehicle's safety belt system - The inflat ing airbag will hit the ch ild safety
seat or infant carr ier with great force and
~ When using the vehicle safety belt to install a
will smash the child safety seat and child
child safety seat, you must first activate the
aga inst the backrest, ce nter a rmrest, door
convertible locking retractor on the safety belt
or roof.
to prevent the child safety seat from moving
- Always inst all rear-fa cing child safety seats
¢ page 302 or install the seat us ing the LATCH
on the rear seat .
attachments .
- If you m ust instal l a rea rwa rd facing child
~ Push the child safety seat down with your fu ll
safety seat on t he front passenger seat be-
weight to get the safety be lt rea lly t ight so that
cause of exceptional circums t an ces a nd the
the seat cannot move forward o r s ideways
PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF "1; light does not
more than one inch (2.5 cm) ¢ page 302 .
come on and stay on, immediately insta ll
~ If the child safety seat is equipped with a tether
the rea r-facing child safety seat in a rear
strap, attach it to the tether anchors
seating position and have the a irbag system
¢ page 308.
inspected by your Audi dealer.
~ Secure unused safety belts on the rear seat
- The rear side of the ch ild safety seat shou ld
¢ page 297.
be positioned as close as possible to the
~ A toddler or child is usually too large for an in- backrest on the veh icle seat. Adjust or re-
~r-- fant restraint if it is more than one year old and move the rear seat head restraint if it is dif-
~ weighs more than 20 lbs. (9 kg). f icult to instal l the ch ild seat with the head ._.
Ch ild s a fety
restraint in place ~ page 58. Install the if the device is connected to the 12-volt
head restraint again immediately once the socket or the cigarette lighte r socket.
child seat is removed. Driving without head - If a seat heater has been ret rofitted or oth-
restra ints or w ith head restraints that are erwise added to the front passenger seat,
not properly adjusted increases the risk of never install any child restra int system on
serious or fatal neck injury dramatically . this seat.
- Always read and heed all WARNINGS when - - Make sure that there are no wet objects
ever using a child restrained in a veh icle is (such as a wet towel) and no water or other
being used ~ page 261, Safety belts, liquids on the front passenger seat cush ion .
~ page 269, Airbag system and - Never place objects on the seat (such as a
~ page 291, Important information. laptop, CO player, electron ic games device,
power inverte r or seat heater for ch ild
A WARNING seats) . These may influence the elect rical
If exceptional circumstances require the use capacitance measu red by the capacitive pas-
of a forward- facing child restra int on the senger detect ion system and can also fly
front passenger's seat, the child's safety and around in a n accident and cause se rious per-
well-being require that the following special sonal injury .
precaut ions be taken: - Make sure th at the PASSENGER AIR BAG
- Make sure the forward-facing seat has been OFF 1-f;light comes on and stays on all the
designed and cert ified by its manufact urer time wheneve r the ign it ion is switched on .
for use on a front seat with a passenger - If the PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF 1-f;light
front and side airbag. does not come on and stay on, immediately
- Always follow the manufacturer's instruc- install the forward -facing child seat at a
t ions prov ided with the ch ild safety seat or seating position on the rear seat and have
infant carrier. the airbag system inspected by your author-
- Always move the front passenger seat to ized Audi dealer.
the highest position in the up and down ad- - Take the child restra int off the front passen-
justment range and move it back to the ge r seat and install it prope rly at one of the
rearmost position in the seat's fore and aft rear seat positions if the PASSENGER AIR
adjustment range, as fa r away from the air- BAG OFF 1-f;light does not stay on whenever
bag as possib le, before insta lling the for- the ignition is switched on.
ward-facing child res t ra int.
- Always make sure that the safety belt upper
anchorage is beh ind the child restrain t a nd
not next t o or in front of the child restrain t
so that the safety belt will be properly pos i-
- Always make sure that nothing prevents the
front passenger's seat from being moved to
the rearmost position in its fore and aft ad-
justment range.
- Always make sure the backrest is in an up-
right position .
- Never place or use any electrical device
(such as a laptop, CO player, elect ronic
games dev ice, power inverte r or seat heater
for child seats) on the front passenger seat
Child safety
Booster seats and safety belts must not use the vehicle safety belts without a
suitable child restraint .
Properly used booster seats can help protect
children weighing between about 40 lbs. and It is usually best to put these children in appro-
80 lbs . (18 kg and 36 kg) who are less than 4 ft. priate booster seats. Be sure the booster seat
9 in . (57 inches/1.45 meters) tall. meets all applicab le safety standards .
Ch ild s a fety
body and the front of the passenger compart- any way du ring an accident can be struck by
ment, the air bag can inflate comp lete ly and pro- a deploying airbag. This w ill result in serious
vide supp lemental protect ion in certain fronta l personal injury or death.
coll is ions. - If you must install a booster seat on the
front passenger seat because of exceptiona l
circumstances the PASSENGER AIR BAG
Not using a booster seat, us ing the booster OFF '1;light must come on and stay on,
seat improperly, incorrectly installing a boos- wheneve r the ign it ion is swit ched on.
ter seat or using the vehicle safety belt im- - If the PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF '1;light
properly increases the risk of ser ious personal does not come on and stay on, perform the
injury and death in a collision or other eme r- checks desc ribed ¢ page 281, Monitoring
gency sit uat ion. To help red uce the risk of se- the Advanced Airbag System.
rious persona l injury and/or death: - Take the child res t ra int off the front passen-
- The shoulder be lt mus t lie as close to the ge r seat and install it prope rly at one of the
center of the child's collar bone as possib le rear sea t positions if the PASSENGER AIR
and must lie flat and snug on the upper BAG OFF '1;light does not st ay on whenever
body. It must never lie across the throat or the ignition is switched on .
neck . The lap be lt must lie across the pelvis - Always read and heed a ll WARNINGS when-
and never across the stomach or abdomen. eve r us ing a child restrained in a vehicle is
Make sure the belt lies flat and snug. Pull on be ing used ¢ page 2 61, Safety belts,
the belt to tighten if necessary. ¢ page 269, Airbag system and
- Failure to proper ly route safety belts over a ¢ page 291 , Important information .
child's body will cause severe injuries in an
acc ident or other emergency situation
Securing child safety
¢ page 261.
- The rear side of the child safety seat should
be pos itioned as close as possible to the Securing a child safety seat using a safety
backrest on the vehicle seat. Adjust or re- belt
move the rear seat head restraint if it is d if-
Safety belts for the rear seats and the front pas -
ficult t o install the child seat with the he ad
senger can be locked with the convertible locking
restra int in place¢ page 58. Ins t all the
retractor to properly secure child safety seats .
head restraint again immediately once the
child seat is removed . Driving without head The safety belts for t he rea r seats and for the
restra ints or w ith head rest raints that are front passenge r's seat have a conve rtible locking
not properly adjusted increases the risk of retractor for child safety seats. The safety belt
serious or fatal neck injury dramatically. must be locked so that be lt webb ing cannot un -
- Never let a child put the sho ulder belt under reel. The retractor can be act ivated to lock the
the arm or beh ind the back, because it cou ld safety belt and prevent the safety belt webbing
cause severe injur ies in a crash. from loosening up dur ing norma l dr iving . A ch ild
- Children on the front seat of any car, even safety seat can o nly be prope rly installed when
with Advanced Airbags, can be seriously in- t he safety be lt is locked so that the child and
jured or even killed when an airbag inflates . child safety seat will stay in place.
- Never let a child stand or knee l on any seat,
Always remember : Even though your veh icle is
for example the front seat.
equipped with an Advanced Airbag system, all
- Never let a child ride in the cargo area of
child re n, especially those 12 yea rs and you nger,
you r vehicle.
sho uld always ride in t he back seat properly re-
- Always remember that a child leaning for-
strained for t heir age an d s ize. II>-
ward, s itting sideways or out of position in
Ch ild s af e t y
restraints on the front seat - some impor-
tant things to know.
Imp roperly installed chi ld safety seats in-
crease the risk of serious personal injury and
death in a collision.
- Always make sure that the safety belt re-
Always take special precautions if you must
install a forward or rearward-facing child re-
tractor is locked when installing a child
safety seat. An unlocked safety belt retrac- stra int on the front passenger's seat in excep-
tor cannot hold the child safety seat in place tional situations:
dur ing normal driving or in a crash. - Whenever a forward or rearward-fac ing
- Always buckle the child safety seat firmly in child restraint is installed on the front pas-
place even if a child is not sitting in it. A senger sea t , the PASSENGERAIR BAGOFF
loose child safety seat can fly around during ~; light must come on and stay on whenev-
a sudden stop or in a collision. er the ign ition is switch ed on.
- Always make sure that the rear seat back- - If the PASSENGERAIR BAGOFF~; light
rest to wh ich the center rear safety belt* is does not come on and stay on, perform the
attached is secure ly latched whenever the checks d esc ribe d ~ page 281, Mo nito ring
rea r cente r safety belt is being used to se- t he Advanced Airbag System.
cur e a ch ild rest raint. - Take the child res t ra int off the front passen-
- If the backrest is not securely latched, the ge r seat a nd inst a ll it prope rly at one of the
child and the child restraint will be thrown rear sea t positions if the PASSENGERAIR
forwar d toge t her w it h the backrest and will BAGOFF~ ; light does not stay on whenever
st rike parts of the vehicle interior. The ch ild the ignition is switched on .
can be se riously inj ured or killed . - Imp roper installat ion of child restra ints can
- Never ins t all rear-f acing chi ld safety sea t s reducetheir effectivenessor even prevent
or infant carriers on the front passen g er them from providing any protect ion .
seat . A child will be serious ly inju red and - An imprope rly installed child restra int can
can be killed when the passenger airbag in- interfere with the airbag as it deploys and
flates. serio us ly injure or even kill the chi ld.
- The inflating airbag will hit the child safety - Always carefully follow the manufacturer's
seat or infant carrier with great force and instr uctions provided with the child safety
will smash the ch ild safety seat and chi ld seat or ca rrier.
against the backrest, center armrest, door - After checking to make su re that the child
or roof . rest raint is proper ly installed, make ce rtain
- Always install rear-facing child safety seats that the child restraint is correctly recog-
or infant carriers on the rear seat. nized by the capacitive passenger detection
- Forward-fac ing ch ild safety seats or infant system in the front passenger seat and that
carriers installed on the front passenger's the PASSENGERAIR BAGOFF~; light sig-
seat may interfere with the deployment of na ls the correct fr ont passenger fronta l air-
the a irbag and cause serious injury to the bag sta t us.
- It is safe r to install a forward-fac ing ch ild A WARNING
safety seat on the rear seat. Forw ar d-facing child restra int s:
- Always read and heed all WARNINGS when- - Always make sure the forward-facing sea t
ever using a child res t rained in a veh icle is has been des igned and certified by its man-
..... being used~ page 291 . Spec ia l precaut ions ufa cturer for use on a fron t sea t with a pa s-
r--- apply when installing a child safety seat on senger front and side air bag.
..... t he fron t passenger sea t ~ page 2 70, Child
Ch ild s a fety
- Never put the forward -facing child restraint Activating the convertible locking retractor
up, against or very near the instrument pan-
Use the convertible locking retractor to secure a
child restraint.
- Always move the front passenger seat to
the highest position in the up and down ad- Always heed the ch ild safety seat manufacturer's
justment range and move it back to the instruct ions when installing a child restra int in
rearmost position in the seat's fore and aft your vehicle. To activate the convertible locking
adjustment range, as far away from the air- retractor:
bag as possib le, before insta lling the for-
.,. Place the child restraint on a seat, preferably
wa rd-facing child restra int.
on the rear seat .
- Always make sure that the safety belt upper
.,.Slowly pull the belt all th e way out .
anchorage is beh ind the child restra int and
.,. Route it around or through the child restra int
not next to or in front of t he ch ild restraint
be lt path~ .,&..
so tha t the safety belt will be properly pos i-
.,. Push the ch ild safety sea t down with your full
weigh t to ge t t he safety belt rea lly t igh t .
- Make sure tha t the PASSENGER AIR BAG
.,.Insert t he be lt tong ue into the buckle for t hat
OFF ~; light comes on and stays on a ll the
seating position .
time whenever the ignition is switched on.
.,.Guide the safety be lt back into the retractor un -
til the belt lies flat and snug on the child safety
Rearward-facing child restraints: .,.You shou ld hear a "cl icking" noise as the belt
- A ch ild in a rea rwar d-facing child safety seat w inds back into the inertia reel. Test the con -
insta lled on the front passenger seat will be vert ible locking retractor by pull ing on the belt.
seriously injured and can be killed if the You s hou ld no lo nge r be able to pull the belt
front airbag inflates - even with an Ad- out of the retracto r. The convertib le locking re-
vanced Airbag System. tracto r is now activa t ed .
- The inflating airbag will hit the child safety .,. Make sure that the red release button is facing
seat or infant carrier with great force and away from the child restraint so that it can be
will smash the chi ld safety seat and child unb uckled quickly .
against the backrest , center armrest, door .,. Pull on the belt to make sure the safety belt is
or roof. properly t ight and fastened so that the seat
- Always be especially careful if you must in- cannot move forward or sideways more than
sta ll a rearward facing child safety seat on one inch (2 .5 cm) .
the front passenger seat in exceptional cir-
cumstances. A WARNING
- Make sure that the PASSENGER AIR BAG Using the wrong ch ild rest raint or an improp-
OFF ~; light comes on and stays on all the e rly insta lled child restra int can cause se rious
t ime whenever the ignition is switched on. pe rsonal injury or death in a crash.
- If the PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF ~; light - Always make sure that the safety be lt re-
does not come o n and stay o n, immed iate ly tr actor is locked whe n installing a child
install the rea r-fa cing child safety seat in a safety seat . An un locked safety be lt retr a c-
re ar seat ing pos ition and have t he airbag tor cannot hold the chi ld safety seat in place
system inspe cte d by your Audi de al e r. during normal driving or in a crash.
- Always buckle t he chi ld safety seat firm ly in
place even if a chi ld is not sitting in it. A
loose chi ld safety seat can fly a round during
a sudden stop or in a crash.
Ch ild s af e t y
- Always make sure t he seat backrest t o w hich wou ld not be rest rained and could be seri-
t he ch ild restraint is installed is in an up- ously injured in an accident.
rig ht position and securely latched into - Always read and heed all WARNINGS when-
place a nd ca nnot fold forward. Otherwise, ever using a child restrained in a vehicle is
t he sea t back with the ch ild safe ty seat at- be ing used¢ page 291. Special precautions
tach ed t o it could fly forward in the event of apply when install ing a child safety seat on
an acc ident or ot her emergency situation. the front passenge r seat ¢ page 2 70, Child
- Always read and heed all WARNINGS when- restraints on the front seat - some impor-
ever using a child restrained in a veh icle is tant things to know.
being used¢ page 291. Spec ia l pre caut ions
apply when inst alling a child safety seat on LATCH system (lower
the front passenger seat¢ page 2 70, Child
restraints on the front seat - some impor-
anchorages and tethers
tant things to know. for children)
Child Restraint System anchors and how
Deactivating the convertible locking are they related to child safety
To provide a simp ler and more practicab le way to
The convertible locking retractor for child re- attach the ch ild rest raint on the vehicle seat,
straints will be deactivated automatically when Federal regulations require spec ia l lower ancho-
the belt is wound all the way back into the re- rages in vehicles and devices on new child re-
tractor . straints to attach to the vehicle anc horages .
~ Press the red button on the safety be lt buckle. In the United States, the combination of the
The belt tongue w ill pop out of the buckle. tethe r anchorages and the lower anchorages is
~ Guide the safety be lt all the way back into its now generally called t he LATCHsystem for
stowed pos ition . "Lower Anchorages and Tethers for Childre n" . In
Canada, the terms "top tether" with "lower uni-
Always let the safety belt retract complete ly into versa l anchorages" (or "lowe r universa l anchor-
its stowed position. The safety belt can now be age bars") a re used to descr ibe the system .
used as an ordinary safety belt without the con-
vert ible lock ing retractor for child restra ints . In other countries the term "ISOFIX" is used to
desc ribe the lower anchorages .
If the convert ible locking retractor should be ac-
tivated inadve rtently, the safety belt must be un- Forward-facing chi ld restraints manufactured af-
fastened and guided completely back into its ter September 1, 1999, are requ ired by U.S. fed-
stowed position to deact ivate this feature . If the era l regulations to comply with new child head
convert ible lock ing ret ractor is not deact ivated, movement pe rformance requ iremen t s. These
the safety belt w ill gradually become tighte r a nd new pe rformance req uirements make a tether
uncomfo rt able to we ar . necessary on most new ch ild seats.
Child safety
Improper installation of child restraints will
increase the risk of injury and death in a
- Always follow the instructions provided by
the manufacturer of the child restraint you
Fig. 247 Rear seats: lower anchorag e cove rs
intend to install in your vehicle.
- Never install a child restraint without a
properly attached top tether strap if the
child restraint manufacturer's instructions
require the top tether strap to be used.
- Improper use of child restraint LATCHlower
anchorage points can lead to injury in a colli -
sion . The LATCHlower anchorage points are
designed to withstand only those loads im-
posed by correctly fitted child restraints .
- Never mount two child restraint systems on Fig. 248 Rear seat s: lowe r anchorage bra cket loca tions
one LATCHlower anchorage point.
- Never secure or attach any luggage or other Lower anchorages
item to the LATCHlower anchorages. The lower anchorage attachment points are lo-
cated between the rear seatback and rear seat
Location cushion ~ fig. 247, ~ fig. 248.
Ch ild s a fe ty
.,. Loosen the tension on the straps fo llow ing the
Improper use of LATCHlower anchorages can
child restraint manufacturer's instructions.
cause serious personal injury in an accident.
.,. Depress the spring catches to release the an-
- Always carefu lly follow the child restra ints
chorage hooks from the lower anchorages.
manufacturer's instructions for proper in-
sta llation of the child restraint and proper Remember: Use tethe r straps to help keep the
use of the lower anchorages or safety belts child restraint firmly in place .
in your vehicle.
- Never secure or attach any luggage or other A WARNING
items to the LATCHlower anchorages .
Improper use of the LATCHsystem can in-
- Always read and heed the important infor- crease the risk of serious personal injury and
mation about child restraints in this chapter death in an accident.
and WARNINGS ¢ page 291, Child safety.
- These anchors were developed only for child
safety seats using the "LATCH"system.
Installing a child restraint with LATCH - Never attach other child safety seats, be lts
lower anchorages or other objects to these anchors.
Whenever you install a child restraint always fol- - Always make sure that you hear a click when
low the child restraint manufacturer's instruc- latching the seat in place. If you do not hear
tions . a click the seat is not secure and could f ly
forward and hit the interior of the vehicle,
or be ejected from the vehicle .
Improper installation of child restraints will
increase the risk of injury in an accident.
- Always follow the child restraint system
manufacturer's instructions for proper in-
stallat ion of the chi ld restraint system and
proper use of tether straps as well as the
Fig. 24 9 Lower anchorages: proper mount ing
lowe r ancho rages or safety belts in your ve-
- Always read and heed the important info r-
.,.Make sure the seatback of the rear seat bench mat ion a nd WARNINGS abou t ch ild safety
is in the upr igh t position and securely latched a nd the inst allat ion of child restraint sys-
in place . tems ~ page 291 , Child safety.
.,.Remove the covers to access the lower anchor -
age brackets .
.,.Attach both hook -on connectors with the spring
catch release on the ch ild safety seat onto the
LATCHlower anchorage so that the connectors
lock into place ¢ fig. 249 .
.,.Pull on the connector attachments to make
sure they a re prope rly attached to the LATCH
u lower anchorage.
..... .,.Pull straps tight fo llowing the child restra int
..... manufacturer's instructions.
Child s a fet y
Tether anchors and tether straps - Never attach a tether strap to a tie -down
hook in the luggage compartment .
- Never use child restraint tether anchorages
to secure safety be lts or other kinds of occu-
pant restraints.
- Never secure or attach any luggage or other
items to the LATCHlower ancho rages or to
the tether anchors.
Fig. 2 52 Tet her st rap: prope r rou ting and moun ting
Ch ild s af e t y
Checking and Filling
The vehicle is equipped with a catalytic converter Use of gasoline containing alcohol or MTBE
and must only be driven with unleaded gasoline. (methyl tertiary butyl ether)
Audi recommends using TOPTIER Detergent Gas- You may use unleaded gasoline blended with al-
oline. Additional information on TOP TIER Deter- cohol or MTBE(commonly referred to as oxygen-
gent Gasoline can be found on the official web- ates) if the blended mixture meets the following
site (www.toptiergas.com). criteria:
The individual gasoline grades are differentiated Blend of gasoline methanol (wood alcohol or
by octane ratings. This value is given with (R+M)/ methyl alcohol)
2 equating to AKI or in RON. - Anti-knock index must be 87 AKIor higher.
The following headings match the corresponding - Blend must contain no more than 3% metha-
sticker in the fuel filler door . nol.
- Blend must contain more than 2% co-solvents.
Regular/ MIN. RON 91 Regular Blend of gasoline and ethanol (grain alcohol or
ethyl alcohol)
Use regular gasoline with minimum 87 AKI/
91 RONi::>@. - Anti-knock index must be 87 AKI or higher.
- Blend must not conta in more than 15% etha-
The maximum eng ine power is only reached if
prem ium gasol ine 91 AKI/ 95 RONis used.
Blend of gasoline and MTBE
+M)/2 91 / SUPER MIN. RON 95 - Anti-knock index must be 87 AKIor higher.
- Blend must not contain more than 15% MTBE.
Using premium gaso line with minimum 91 AKI/
95 RON is recommended. Seasonally adjusted gasoline
If premium gasoline is not available, you can also Many gasoline grades are blended to perform es-
use regular gasoline 87 AKI/ 91 RON. However pecially well for winter or summer driving . Dur-
this does reduce t he engine powe r slight ly. ing seasonal change-over, we suggest that you
fill up at busy gas stat ions where the seasonal
0 Note adjustment is more likely to be made in t ime.
- Filling the tank just one t ime with leaded
fuel or other metallic additives will cause @ Note
permanent det er iorat ion to the catalytic - Methanol fuels which do not meet these re-
converter function. quirements may cause corrosion and dam-
- When gasol ine with an octane rat ing that is age to plastic and rubber components in the
too low is used, high speeds or heavy engi ne fuel system.
load can lead to engine damage. - Do not use fue ls that fa il to meet the speci-
fied criteria in this chapter. ...
Checking a nd Filling
Gasoline additives
Ch e c k ing and Filling
filler door . For additional information on fuel, - Always place a fue l container on the
see r=>poge 310. ground before filling . Never fill the fuel
For the tank capac ity in your vehicle , refer to the container with fuel while it is in or on the
Technical Data r:!>
pog e 369. vehicle . Electrostatic charge can occur
while refueling and the fuel vapors could
To reduce the risk of fuel leak ing out or vapors ignite .
escap ing, make sure that the fuel tank is closed - For fuel containers made of metal, the
correct ly. Otherwise thP ¢'4indicato r light will fuel pump nozzle must always maintai n
t ur n on. contact with the conta iner to reduce the
If the central locking system malfunct ions, the risk of st at ic charge.
fue l filler door may emergency release - Insert the fuel pump nozz le as far as pos-
r=>poge 313. sible into the filler opening while refuel-
ing .
_& WARNING - Follow lega l requ irements when using,
An improper fueling procedure and improper stor ing and t ransporti ng fuel cont ainers.
hand ling of fue l can lead to explosions, fires, - Make sure that the fuel containe r meets
severe burns and other injuries . t he indust ry standa rds, fo r example ANSI
- Do not smoke and keep away from open or ASTMF852 -86.
flames .
- The ign it ion m ust be switched off when re- @ Note
fueling . - Remove fuel that has overflowed onto any
- Cell phones, radio devices and other radio vehicle components immediately to reduce
equipment shou ld always be switched off the risk of damage to the vehicle.
when refueling . Electromagnetic rays could - Neverdrive until the fuel tank is completely
cause sparks and start a fire . empty . The irregula r supply of fue l that re-
- If you do not insert the fue l pump nozzle all sults from that can cause eng ine misfi res.
the way into the filler tube, then fue l can Uncombus t ed fuel will ente r t he exhaus t
leak out . Spilled fue l can ignite and start a system and increase the risk of damage to
fire. the cata lytic converter .
- Never get into the vehicle when refueling. If
there is an exceptional situation where the @ For the sake of the environment
vehicle must be entered, close the door and Do not overfill the fuel t an k, ot herwise fuel
touch a metal surface before touching the can leak out when the veh icle is warming up.
fuel pump nozzle again . This will reduce the
risk of electrostat ic discharge that can cause (D Tips
flying sparks . Sparks can start a fire when The fuel fille r doo r on your veh icle does not
refuel ing . lock if you lock t he vehicle from t he inside us-
ing the centra l locking switc h.
We recommend t hat you do not t ransport any
fue l conta iners in t he vehicle. Fuel could leak
out of the container and ignite, espec ially dur -
ing an accident. This can cause explosions,
fires and injuries .
- If you must transport fuel in a fuel contain -
er, please note the following:
Chec k ing a nd Filling
(D Note
Only pull on the loop until you feel resistance.
You will not hear it release. Otherwise you
could damage the emergency release mecha-
Fig. 257 Footwell on left s ide of t he veh icle: conn ect ion
u port fo r the On-Board Diagnost ic System (08D)
Ch e c k ing and Filling
On- Board Diagnostic System - Never open the hood when there is steam or
Eng ine data can be read out at the On-Board Di- coo lant escaping from the engine compart-
agnostic System connection po rt using a special ment, because there is a risk that you could
testing device ¢ fig. 257 . be burned . Wait unt il no steam or coolant is
Indicator light - Keep children away from the eng ine com-
Ift hP ¢..ifi
indicato r light blinks or tu rns o n, there partment .
is a malfunction that is caus ing poor emiss ions - Never sp ill fluids on a hot engine . These flu-
qua lity and that could damage the catalytic con - ids (such as the anti-freezing agent con-
verter. tained in the coolant) can ignite .
- Avoid short circuits in the electrical system.
Drive slow ly to an author ized Audi dealer or au-
- When working in the engine compartment,
thor ized Audi Se rvice Facility to have the ma l-
remember that the radiator fan can switch
function co rrected.
on even if the ignition is switched off, wh ich
The indicator light can also turn on if the fuel fill- increases the risk of injury .
er cap is not closed correct ly 9 page 311. - Never open the cap on the coolant expan-
sion tank when the engine is warm . The
cool ing system is under pressure .
Incorrect use of the connection po rt fo r t he - To protect your face, hands, and arms from
On-Board Diagnostic Syst em can ca use mal - hot steam or coolant, cover the cap w ith a
functions, which can then result in accidents large cloth when open ing.
and serious injuries. - Do not remove the engine cover under any
- Only allow an authorized Audi dealer or au - circumstances . This increases the risk of
thorized Audi Service Facility to read out the burns .
engine data . - If tests need to be performed with the en-
g ine runni ng, there is add itiona l danger due
Engine compartment to mov ing components (such as the ribbed
be lt, alte rnato r and rad iato r fan) and from
Working in the engine compartment the hig h-voltage ignition system.
Special care is required if you are working in the - Do not unde r any circumstances activate the
engine compartment throttle inadvertent ly (for example, by hand
from the engine compartment) if the veh i-
For work in th e engi ne comp artm ent such as cle is stationary but the engine is running
checking and filli ng flu ids, the re is a risk of in- and a gear is engaged. Otherwise, the vehi -
jur y, scalding , accident s, and burns. For t his cle will start to move immediate ly and this
reason, follow all th e warning s and general could result in an acc ident.
saf et y precaution s provided in t he foll owin g in- - Pay attention to the following warnings
f ormat ion. The engine compartmen t is a dan- when work on the fue l system is required:
gerous area . 9 &, . - Do not smoke.
- Never work near open flames .
_& WARNING - Always have a working fire extinguisher
- Turn the eng ine off. nearby.
- Switch the ig nit ion off. - All work on the battery or electrical system
- Set the parking brake . in your vehicle can result in injuries, chemi-
- Select the "P" selector lever pos it io n. cal burns, acc idents or burns . Because of
- let the engine coo l down. this, all work must be performed only by an
author ized Audi dealer or author ized Audi
Serv ice Faci lity.
Checking a nd Filling
- To reduce the risk of electric shock and in- @) For the sake of the environment
jury, never touch the following components
You should regularly check the ground under
when the engine is running or is being start-
your vehicle in order to detect leaks quickly. If
there are visible spots from oil or other fluids,
- I gnition cable
bring your vehicle to an authorized Audi deal-
- Other components in the electronic high-
er or authorized Audi Service Facility to be
voltage ignition system
- If you must check or perform work on the
engine while it is running:
Opening/closing the hood
- Set the parking brake first and then select
the "P" selector lever position . The hood is released from inside the vehicle .
- Always proceed with extreme caution so
that clothing, jewelry or long hair do not
become caught in the radiator fan, fan
belt or other moving components or do
not come into contact with hot compo-
nents. Tie back long hair before beginning
work and do not wear cloth ing that can
hang down into the engine.
- Limit your exposure to exhaust and chemi-
cals to as short a time as possible c::>
Fig. 258 Driver footwell : relea se lever
California Proposition 65 Warning:
- Engine exhaust, some of its constituents,
and certain vehicle components contain or
emit chemicals known to the State of Cali-
fornia to cause cancer and birth defects and
reproductive harm. In addition, certain flu-
ids contained in vehicles and certain prod-
ucts of component wear contain or emit
chemicals known to the State of California Fig. 259 Unlocked hood : lever
Che c king and Filling
Closing the hood - For safety reasons, the hood must always be
~ Push the hood down until you overr ide the latched securely while dr iving. Because of
force of t he struts . this, always check the hood after closing it
~ Let the hood fall light ly into the latch. Do not to make sure it is latched correctly . The
press it in. c::>&_. hood is latched if the front corners cannot
be lifted .
A WARNING - If you notice that the hood is not latched
while you are driving, stop immed iate ly and
- Never open the hood when there is steam or
close it, because d riving when the hood is
coolant escaping from the engine compart-
not latched increases the ris k of an accident.
ment, because there is a risk that you could
- If the hood is not latched comp letely, it
be burned. Wait until no steam or coolant is
could f ly up wh ile you are driving and ob-
st ruct your vision.
Fig. 2 6 0 Typical location of the rese rvoir and the engine oil filler open ing
@ Washer fluid rese rvoir (W) c::>page 323 @ Brake fl uid reservo ir (Oi) c::>
pag e 321
@ Jump start po int(+) under a cover,(-) with The location of the eng ine oil filling open ing ®
hex head screw c::>
page 323 c::>
page 363 and the coolant expansion tank ® c::>fig . 260
® Engine oil filler openi ng (9:=r.) c::>
page 317 may differ depending on the eng ine version . Iii>
@ Eng ine oil label * wit h VW st a ndard
c;, page 317
® Coolant expans ion tank (-L) c::>
page 320
Checking and Filling
Read and follow all WARNINGS before check- The engine oi l level must not be under the
ing anything in the eng ine compartment "m in" marking, as th is w ill increase the risk of
9poge 314. engine damage.
Checking and Filling
- With all these variables coming into play, ,.. Restart the ignition after two minutes and read
no standard rate of oil consumption can be the current oil level in the Infota inment system
established or specified. There is no alterna- c::,page 317, Checking the engine oil level.
tive to checking the oil level regularly and "Add more oil if necessary.
- If you have the impression your engine con- A WARNING
sumes excessive amounts of oil, we recom- - When adding oil, do not let oil drip onto hot
mend that you consult an authorized Audi engine components . This increases the risk
dealer to have the cause of your concern of afire.
properly diagnosed . Keep in mind that the - You must seal the cap on the oil filler open-
accurate measurement of oil consumption ing correctly so that oil does not leak out
requires great care and may take some onto the hot engine and exhaust system
time. An authorized Audi dealer has instruc- when the engine is running, because this is
tions about how to measure oil consump-
a fire hazard.
tion accurately.
-Always clean skin thoroughly if it comes into
- You can find information on engine oil and
contact with engine oil.
engine oil capacities for the USAat
- Engine oil is poisonous and must be kept
www.audiusa.com/help/maintenance, or
out of reach of children.
for Canada at www.audi.ca/ca/web/en/
- Store the engine oil securely in the original
customer-area/ care-a nd-maintena nee/ aud i-
service-schedules. html , or call
800 -822-2834.
(D Note
Ch e c k ing and F illing
- Pay attention to legal requirements when keep your forearm parallel to the ground to
disposing of empty oi l containers . help prevent hot oil from running down your
Changing the engine oil - Drain the oil into a container designed for
this purpose, one large enough to hold at
We recommend that have your oil changed by an
least the tota l amount of oil in your engine.
authorized Audi dealer or a qualified service sta-
- Engine oil is poisonous. Keep it well out of
the reach of children.
Before you check anyt hing in the eng ine compart - - Continuous contact with used engine oil is
ment, alwa ys read and heed all WARNINGS¢ .&. harmful to your skin. Always protect your
in Working in the engine comportment on skin by washing oil off thoroughly with soap
page 314. and water.
nance booklet . This is very important because the Never mix oil additives with your engine oil.
lubricat ing propert ies of oil diminish gradually These additives can damage your engine and
during normal vehicle use. adversely affect your Audi limited New Vehi-
cle Warranty.
Under some circumstances the engine oil should
be changed more frequently. Change oil more of- @) For the sake of the environment
ten if you drive most ly short distances, operate
- Before chang ing your oi l, first ma ke sure
the vehicle in dusty areas or under predominant ly
you know where you can properly dispose of
stop-and-go traffic condit ions, or have your vehi-
the used oil.
cle where temperatures remain below freezing
-Always dispose of used engine oil properly.
for extended periods.
Do not dump it on garden soil, wooded
Detergent additives in the oil will make fresh oil areas, into open streams or down sewage
look dark after the engine has been running for a dra ins.
short time. This is normal and is not a reason to - Recycle used eng ine oil by tak ing it to a used
change the oil more often than recommended. engine oi l collec t ion fac ili ty in your area, or
Because of the problem of proper disposal, along contact a service station.
with the special tools and necessary expertise re-
qu ired, we strongly recommend that you have Cooling system
your oil changed by an authorized Audi de aler or
a qualified service station .
If you choos e to change your o il yourself , please The eng ine cooling system is fi ll ed w ith a mixture
note the following important information: of purified water and coolant additive at the fac-
tory. This coolant must not be not changed.
- The coolant level is monitored through the . in-
To red uce the risk of personal injury if you dicator light ¢page 23. However, we do recom-
must change the engine oil in your vehicle mend occasionally checking the coolant level
yourse lf: manual ly.
- Wear eye protection.
If you must add coolant, use a mixture of water
- To reduce the risk of burns from hot engine and coolant additive. Mix ing the coolant additive
u oil, let the engine cool down to the touch.
..... with dist illed water is recommended. IIJ>-
r--- - Whe n removing the oil drain plug with your
..... fingers, stay as far away as possible. Always
Che c king and Filling
G12 ++ TL 774 G
G13 TL 774)
The amount of coo lant additive that needs to be Fig. 262 Engine compartment: release butto n on coola nt
expansio n tank
mixed with water depends on the climate where
the vehicle will be operated. If the coolant addi-
Observe the safety precautions ¢ page 314,
tive percentage is too low, the coolant can freeze
Working in the engine compartment.
and damage the engine.
Checking the engine coolant level
Coolant Freeze protec-
tion " Park the vehicle on a level surface .
11>Switch the igni ti o n off.
" Read the coolant level on the coolan t expansion
Warm min . 40% m in. -13 °F
t ank ¢ fig. 262.
reg ions (-25 °C)
"T he coolant level must be between the MIN and
max . 45%
MAXmarki ngs when the engine in cold . When
Cold min. 50% max. -40 °F
the engine is warm it can be slightly above the
reg ions (-40 °C)
max. 55%
Adding coolant
(D Note
Requireme nt: there m ust be a residual amount of
- Before the start of winter, have an author- coolant in the expansion tank ¢ (D.
ized Audi dealer or authorized Audi Service
" Let t he engi ne cool down.
Facility check if the coolant additive in your
" Place a clot h over the coo lant exp a nsion tank
vehicle matches the percentage appropriate
fo r the climate. This is especially important
" Push the release button ¢ fig. 262 and carefu l-
when driving in colde r climates.
ly unscrew the cap to the left unti l you feel re-
- If the appropriate coolant additive is not
sistance ¢ _A.
available in an emergency, do not add a ny
" Push the release button aga in and remove the
othe r addi t ive. You cou ld da mage t he en-
cap completely.
gine. If this happens, only use water and re-
" Add coo la nt m ixed in the correct rat io
store t he correct mixture rat io with the
page 319 up to the MAXmark ing .
specified coolant additive as soon as possi-
" Make sure that the f luid level remains stab le .
Add mo re coolan t if ne cessa ry.
- Only refill with new coo lant.
" Turn the cap t o the right t o secure it unt il you
- Radia t or sealan t must not be m ixed w it h
fee l resista nce a second time .
the coo lant .
Coola nt loss us ually ind icates there is a lea k. Im-
med iate ly dr ive you r veh icle to a n author ized
Audi dealer or aut hor ized Audi Servi ce Fac ility
and have the cooling system ins pected . If the
Chec k ing a nd Filling
cooling system is not leaking, a loss can come The brake fluid level is monit ored automatically .
from the coolant boiling through overheating
Changing the brake fluid
and being pushed out of the cooling system .
Have the brake fluid changed regularly by an au-
t horized Audi dea ler or author ized Audi Service
- The cooling system is under pressure. Do Facility.
not open the coolant expans ion tank cap
when the eng ine is hot. This increases the A WARNING
risk of burns. - If t he brake fl uid level is below t he MIN
- The coolant add itive and the coolant can be marking, it can impair the brak ing effect
dangerous to you r healt h. For this reason, and driving safety, which increase the risk of
keep t he coolant in the original container an accident. Do not continue dr iving. See an
and away from children. There is a risk of author ized Audi dealer or author ized Audi
poiso ning. Service Facility for assistance.
- When working in the engine compartment, - If the brake fluid is old, bubbles may form
remember t hat the radiator fan can switch in the brake system dur ing heavy bra king.
on even if the ign ition is switc hed off, which This wo uld impair braking performance and
increases t he risk of injury. driving safety, which increases the risk of an
@ Note - To ensure the brake system functions cor-
Do not add coolant if the expansion tank is rectly, only use brake f luids t hat comply
empty. There may be air in the cooling sys- wit h VW standard S0 l 14 or
t em, wh ich increases t he risk of engi ne dam- FMVSS-1 16 DOT 4 .
age . If this is the case, do not continue driv-
ing . See an authorized Audi dea ler or author - (D Note
ized Audi Service Facility for assistance . - If the brake flu id level is above the MAX
ma rking, bra ke f luid may leak out over t he
Brake fluid edge of the reservo ir and resul t in damage
t o t he vehicle.
- Do not ge t any brake fluid on t he vehicle
pai nt, because it will corrode t he paint.
General warnings about batteries
in the engine comportment on page 31 4 . The term "vehicle battery" refers to the 12 Volt
batte ry in your vehicle. ..,.
Checking the brake fluid level
"' Read the brake fluid level on the brake fluid
..... reservoir ¢ page 316, fig. 260. The brake fluid
N level must be between the MIN and MAXmark-
~0 ings ¢ ,&. .
Checking and Filling
Chec k ing a nd Filling
(D Tips
- Only charge the veh icle battery through the
connect ions in the engine compartment .
Fig. 264 Engine compar tment : connec tors for a charg er
- Read all of the manufacturer's instructions
and jump s tart cables for the charger before charging the vehicle
Requirement: on ly use charge rs with a maximum
charging voltage of 30 amp s/ 14 .8 Volts . The Windshield washer
vehicle battery cables remain connected .
.,.Read the warn ings ¢ & in General warnings
about batteries on page 322 and ¢ ,& .
.,.Switch off the ignition and all e lectrical equip-
ment .
.,.Open the hood ¢ page 315 .
.,.Open the red cover on the positive term inal
¢ fig . 264 .
.,.Clamp the charger term inal clamps to the jump
start pins according to the instruct ions . (pin
under the red cover = "positive", pin with hex-
agonal head= "negative ") . Fig. 265 Engine compar t men t : was her fluid res ervoir cap
Checking and Filling
- Never add radiator anti-freeze or other addi - your vehicle, especially the engine . Even if
tives to the washer fluid. the mileage on the vehicle is low, do not ex-
- Do not use a glass cleaner that contains ceed t he time for the next service .
paint solvents, because this could damage
the paint .
0 Note
- Only reset the oil change indicator if the oil
was chan ged.
- Following the service inter vals is critical to
maintain ing the service life and value of
and bulges). Remove foreign ob- - Please note that summer and
jects from the tire tread . winter tires are designed for
.,,.If driving over curbs or similar the condit ions that are typical
obstacles, drive slowly and ap- in those seasons. Audi recom-
proach the curb at an angle. mends using winter ti res dur -
.,,.Have faulty tires or rims re- ing the winter months. Low
placed immediately . temperatures significantly de-
.,,.Protect your tires from oil, crease the e lasticity of summ-
grease and fuel. er tires , which affects traction
.,,.Mark tires before removing and braking ab ility. If summer
them so that the same running tires are used in very cold
direction can be maintained if temperatures, cracks can form
they are reinstalled . on the tread bars, resulting in
.,,.Lay tires flat when storing and permanent tire damage that
store them in a cool, dry locat ion can cause loud driving noise
with as litt le exposure to light as and unbalanced tires.
possible . -Burnished, polished or
chromed rims must not be
&_ WARN IN G - used in winter driving condi-
-Never drive faster than the tions . The surface of the rims
maximum permitted speed does not have sufficient corro-
for your tires. This could cause sion protect ion for this and
the tires to heat up too much . could be permanently dam-
This increases the risk of an aged by road salt or similar
accident because it can cause substances.
the tire to burst.
-Always adapt your driving to
® Rim diameter
Size of the rim diameter in inches.
Wh e el s
(J) US DOT number (TIN) and must also specify the materials
manufacture date used in the tire . These include
The manufacture date is listed on steel, nylon, polyester and other
the tire sidewall (it may only ap- materials.
pear on the inner side of the tire): @ Ma x imum permitted load
DOT ... 2217 ... This number indicates the maxi-
means , for example, that the tire mum load in kilograms and
was produced in the 22nd week of pounds that the tire can carry .
the year 2017 . @ Uniform t ire qual ity grade
@ Audi Original Tires standards for treadwear,
traction and temperature
Audi Original equipment tires resistance
with the designation "AO" have
Treadwear , tract ion and tempera-
been specially matched to your
ture ranges r=:>page341 .
Audi . When used correct ly, these
tires meet the highest standards @ Running direction
for safety and handling . An au- The arrows indicate the runn ing
thorized Audi dealer or author- direction of unidirectional tires .
ized Audi Service Facility will be You must always follow the speci-
able to provide you with more in- fied running direction
formation . Q page 355.
® Mud and snow capability @ Ma x imum permitted
" M/5 " or " M+S" indicates the tire inflation pressure
is suitable for driving on mud and This number indicates the maxi-
snow . & indicates a winter tire . mum pressure to which a tire can
@ Composition of the tire cord be inflated under normal operat-
and materials ing cond itions .
Wh e el s
Wh e el s
by the tire manufacturer . This in- for the numbe r of seating posi-
formation is used to contact con- tions. Refer to the table ¢ table
sumers if a tire defect requires a on page 337 for the number of
recall. people tha t correspond to t he ve-
hicle normal load .
Vehicle capacity weight
means the rated cargo and lug- New tires or wheels
gage load plus 150 lbs. (68 kilo-
Audi recommends having all work
grams) times the vehicle's desig-
on t ires or wheels performed by
nated seating capacity .
an authorized Audi dealer or au-
Vehicle maximum load on the thorized Audi Service Facility.
tire These facilities have the proper
means that load on an individual know ledge and are eq uipped with
tire that is determined by distrib- the required too ls and rep lace-
uting to each axle its share of the ment parts.
maximum loaded veh icle weight
...New t ires do not yet have the
and dividing by two.
optim um gripping properties.
Vehicle normal load on the tire Drive carefully and at moderate
means that load on an individual speeds for the first 35 0 m iles
tire that is determined by distrib- (500 km) with new tires .
uting to each axle its share of the ...Only use tires with t he same de-
curb weight, accessory weight, sign, size (rolling circumfer -
and normal occupant weight (dis - ence) , and as close to t he same
tr ibuted in accordance with¢ ta - tread pattern as possible on a ll
ble on page 33 7) and d ividing by four wheels .
two . ...Do not replace tires individually.
At least replace bo t h tires on the
Occupant loading and distri- same axle at the same time .
bution for vehicle normal load
...Audi recommends that you use
for various designated seating
capacities Audi Original Tires. If you would
like to use different tires, please
Refer to the tire inflation pres -
note that the tires may perform ...
sure label¢ page 335, fig. 269
- carefully when doing so.
-Do not use steel rims that are -Do not use run-flat tires on
17 inches or larger. Other- your vehicle. Using them when ,..
on the front axle and vice versa. risk of hydroplaning when driv-
This will allow the tires to have ing through deep puddles.
approximately the same length of
service life. Tire pressure
For unidirectional tires, make Ii..
sure the tires are installed accord- a,
Hidden damage
Damage to tires and rims can of- Fig. 268 Driver's side 8-pillar : tire pres-
sure label
ten occur in locations that are
hidden. Unusual vibrations in the
-~-- ~--.-::""' ---.-=---•>- ~-=~l:-~
vehicle or pulling to one side may
indicate that there is tire damage. .............
-- ...___.._
.... ......
... .....
_.,.. ...
__,. .... ...
_.._. _
on the label on the driver's side B- ignation on the tire pressure label
pillar, always follow the specifica- and the tire pressure table.
tion on the B-pillar label The following table lists recom-
page 335, fig. 268.
mended tire pressures in cold
Make sure that the tire designa- tires according to the load and
tion on your tire matches the des- the size of the tires installed.
Model/ Tire designation Tire pressure
Engine Normal load Maximum load
(up to 3 people)a)
front rear front rear
Q5: 235/60 R18 103H 29 200 29 200 35 240 38 260
2.0L 235/55 R19 101H 29 2 00 29 200 33 230 36 250
255/45 R20 101H 29 200 29 200 33 230 36 250
gasoline en-
255/45 R20 101W 29 2 00 29 200 32 220 35 240
255/40 R21102Y 32 220 32 220 32 220 35 240
SQ5: 255/45 R20 101H 33 2 30 30 210 36 250 36 250
3.0L 255/45 R20 101W 36 2 50 33 230 41 280 44 300
255/40 R21102Y 33 230 33 230 36 250 39 270
gasoline en-
vehicle's Gross Vehicle Weig ht gers who are heavier than the
Rati ng ("GVWR"). standard weights assumed mean
The "GVWR"includes the weight that less weight can be carried as
of the basic vehicle, all factory in- luggage .
stalled accessories, a full tank of The Gross Vehicle Weight Rating
fuel, oil, coolant and other fluids and the Gross Axle Weight Rating
plus maximum load. The maxi- are listed on the safety compli-
mum load includes the number of ance sticker labe l located on the
passengers that the vehicle is in- driver's side B-pillar.
tended to carry ("seating capaci-
ty") with an assumed weight of
Overloading a vehicle can cause
150 lbs . (68 kg) for each passen-
loss of vehicle control, a crash
ger at a designated seating posi-
or other accident, serious per-
tion and the total weight of any
sonal injury, and even death.
luggage in the vehicle. If you tow
-Carrying more weight than
a trailer, the weight of the trailer
your vehicle was designed to
hitch and the tongue weight of
carry will prevent the vehicle
the loaded trailer must be includ-
from handling properly and
ed as part of the vehicle load .
increase the risk of the loss of
The Gross Axle W eight Rating vehicle control.
("GAWR")is the maximum load -The brakes on a vehicle that
that can be applied at each of the has been overloaded may not
vehicle's two axles . be able to stop the vehicle
The fact that there is an upper within a safe distance .
limit to your vehicle's Gross Vehi- -Tires on a vehicle that has
cle Weight Rating means that the been overloaded can fail sud -
total weight of whatever is being denly, including a blowout and
carried in the vehicle (including sudden deflation, causing loss
the weight of a trailer hitch and of contro l and a crash.
the tongue weight of the loaded -Always make sure that the to-
trailer) is limited . The more pas- tal load being transported - ..
sengers in the vehicle or passen -
Wheel bolts and rims The effectiveness of winter tires is reduced great-
ly when the tread is worn down to a depth of
Wheel bolts 0.16 in (4 mm) . The characteristics of winter
Wheel bolts must be clean and loosen/tighten tires also decrease greatly as the tire ages, re-
easily. gardless of the remaining tread.
Winter tires significantly improve the vehicle's Use of snow chains is only permitted with certain
handling when driving in winter conditions . Be- rim/tire combinations due to technical reasons.
cause of their construction (width, compound, Check with an authorized Audi dealer or author-
tread pattern), summer tires provide less trac- ized Audi Service Facility to see if you may use
tion on ice and snow. snow chains.
"'Use winter tires on all four wheels . Use fine-mesh snow chains. They must not add
"'Only use winter tires that are approved for your more than 0.53 in (13.S mm) in height, including
vehicle . the chain lock.
"'Please note that the maximum permitted
You must remove the snow chains on roads with-
speed may be lower with winter tires e> & in
out snow . Otherwise, you could impair driving
General information on page 325. An author-
ability and damage the tires .
ized Audi dealer or authorized Audi Service Fa-
cility can inform you about the maximum per-
mitted speed for your tires .
Using incorrect snow chains or installing snow
"'Check the tire pressure after installing wheels
chains incorrectly can result in loss of vehicle 9"'
¢ page 335.
@ Note
- Traction AA ABC
- Temperature ABC
- Snow chains can damage the rims/wheel
covers* if the chains come into direct con - Quality grades can be found where applicable on
tact with them . Remove the wheel covers* the tire side wall between tread shoulder and
first. Use coated snow chains. maximum section width <=> page 326, fig. 266.
- Do not install and use snow chains if there is For example: Tread wear 200 , Traction AA, Tem-
a malfunction in the air suspension*, be- perature A.
cause the vehicle height will be very low. If
you drive with snow chains anyway, the All passenger car tires must conform to Federal
wheel housings and other vehicle compo- Safety Requirements in addition to these grades.
nents can be severely damaged. Tread wear
Low-profile tires For example, a tire graded 150 would wear one
App lies to: vehicles with low-profile tires and one half (1 1/2) times as we ll on the govern-
ment course as a tire graded 100 .
Compared to other tire/rim combinat ions, low-
The relative performance of tires depends upon
profile tires offer a wider tread surface and a
larger rim diameter with shorter tire sidewalls. the actual cond it ions of the ir use, however, and
This results in an agile dr iving style. However, it may depa rt significantly from the norm due to
may reduce the leve l of comfort and increase variations in driv ing habits, service practices and
road noise when driving on roads in poor condi- differences in road characteristics and climate.
tion . Traction
Low-profile tires can become damaged more The traction grades, from highest to lowest, are
quickly than standard tires when driving over AA, A, Band C. Those grades represent the tire's
large bumps, potho les, manhole covers, and ability to stop o n wet pavement as measured un-
curbs . Therefore, it is particular ly important to der controlled conditions on specified govern -
maintain the correct tire pressure<=> page 335 . ment test surfaces of asphalt and concrete. A tire
To reduce the risk of damage to the tires and marked C may have poor traction performance
rims, drive very carefu lly on poor roads. c:>,& .
The grade C corresponds to a level of perform - check your tires as soon as possible, and inflate
ance which all passenger car tires must meet un- them to the proper pressure . Driving on a signifi-
der the Federa l Motor Vehicle Safety Standard cant ly under-inflated t ire causes the t ire to over-
No. 109. Grades Band A represent higher levels heat and can lead to tire fa ilure . Under-inflation
of performance on the laboratory test wheel than also reduces fue l eff iciency and tire tread life,
the minimum required by law. and may affect the vehicle's handling and stop -
ping ability .
- Please note that the TPMSis not a substitute for
The traction grade ass igned to this tire is proper tire maintenance, and it is the driver's re-
based on straight-ahead braking traction spons ibility to maintain correct t ire pressure,
tests, and does not include accelerat ion, cor- even if under-inflation has not reached the level
ne ring, hydroplaning or peak traction charac- to trigger illumination of the TPMS low t ire pres-
teristics. sure te lltale .
Your vehicle has also been equipped with a TPMS
malfunction indicator to indicate when the sys-
The temperatu re grade for this tire is estab-
tem is not operating prope rly. The TPMS mal-
lished for a tire that is properly inflated and
function indicator is combined with the low tire
not overloaded. Excessive speed, underinfla-
pressure telltale. When the system detects a
tion, or excessive loading, either separate ly or
malfunction, the telltale will flash for approxi -
in combination, can cause heat buildup and
mately one minute and then remain continuously
possible tire failure.
illuminated. This sequence will continue upon
subsequent vehicle start-ups as long as the mal-
- funct ion exists.
Temperature grades apply to tires that are
When the malfunction indicator is illuminated,
properly inflated and not over or underinflat-
the system may not be ab le to detect or signal
low tire pressure as intended. TPMS malfunctions
may occur for a variety of reasons, including the
Tire pressure monitoring installation of replacement or alternate tires or
system wheels on the veh icle that prevent the TPMS
from functioning properly. Always check the
(l) General notes
TPMSma lfunction telltale after replac ing one or
Each t ire, including the spare (if provided), more tires or wheels on your vehicle to ens ure
should be checked monthly when cold and inflat- that the rep lacement or alternate tires and
ed to the inflation pressure recommended by the whee ls allow the TPMSto continue to function
vehicle manufacturer on the vehicle placard or properly.
tire inflatio n press ure label. (If your vehicle has
t ires of a different size than the size indicated on If the tire pressure monitoring indicator
the vehicle placard or tire inflation pressure la- appears
bel, you should determine the proper tire infla- Appli es to : vehicles wit h Tire Pressure Monitor ing System in-
tion pressure for those t ires) .
The tire pressure indicator in the instrument
As an added safety feature, your veh icle has been
cluster informs you if the tire pressure is too low
equipped with a tire pressure monitoring system
or if there is a system malfunction .
(TPMS)that illuminates a low tire pressure te ll-
tale when one or more of your t ires is significant- Using the ABSsensors, the tire pressure monitor-
ly under-inflated. Accordingly, when the low tire ing system compares the tire tread circumfer-
pressure tellta le illuminates, you should stop and ence and vibration characteristics of the
[IJ- loss of pressure in at least one tire ¢ ,&.. Storing tire pressures
Check the tires and replace or repair if necessary. Appli es to: vehicles wi th Tir e Pressure Monito ring Syst em in-
dicat or
Check/correct the pressures of all four tires and
store the pressure again in the Infotainment sys- If the tire pressure changes or a tire is replaced ,
tem ¢ page 343 . it must be confirmed in the Infotainment sys-
pressure: malfunction! See owner's manual. If .. Before storing the tire pressures, make sure the
mm appears after switching the ignition on or tire pressures of all four tires meet the speci -
while driving and the [IJ indicator light in the in- fied values and are adapted to the load
strument cluster blinks for approximately one ¢ page 335 .
minute and then stays on, there is system mal- .. Switch the ignition on .
function . Try to store the correct tire pressures .. Select in the Infotainment system: IMENU ! but-
~ page 343 . In some cases, you must drive for ton > Vehicle > Service & checks > Tire pres-
several minutes after storing the pressures until sure monitoring > Store tire pressure > Yes,
the indicator light turns off. If the indicator light store now.
does turn off or turns on again after a short peri-
od of time, drive to an authorized Audi dealer or (D Tips
authorized Audi Service Facility immediately to
Do not store the tire pressures if snow chains
~ have the malfunction corrected.
.... are installed .
Care and cleaning
Care and cleaning seals on the side windows, doors, lids or the sun-
roof* or at tires, rubber hoses, insulating materi -
General information a l, sensors* or camera lenses* . Keep a distance of
at least 16 in (40 cm).
Regular, proper care helps to maintain your vehi-
cle's value. It can also be a requirement when Do not remove snow and ice with a pressure
submitting warranty claims for corrosion damage washer.
and paint defects on the body.
Never us e cone nozz les or high pressu re nozzles.
The required cleaning and care products can be
The water temperature must not be above 140 °F
obtained from an authorized Audi dealer or au -
(60 °() .
thorized Service Facility . Read and follow the in-
structions for use on the packaging . Automatic car washes
Spray off the vehicle before washing.
The longer that deposits such as insects, bird To avoid damaging the pa int when washing, first
droppings, tree sap or road salt remain on the ve- remove dust and la rge part icles from you r vehi -
hicle, the more the surface can be damaged. High cle. Insects, grease spots and fingerprints are
temperatures such as those caused by sunlight best removed with a special cleaner for matte
increase the damaging effect . finish paint .
Before washing, rinse off heavy deposits with Apply t he product using a microfiber cloth. To
plenty of water. avoid damaging t he paint surface, do not use too
much pressure.
Stubborn deposits such as bird droppings or tree
sap are best removed with plenty of water and a Rinse the ve hicle thoroughly w it h wate r. Then
microfiber cloth. clean using a neutra l shampoo and a soft micro-
fiber cloth .
Also, wash the underside of yo ur vehicle once
road sa lt stops being used for the season . Rinse the ve hicle thoroughly aga in and let it air
dry. Remove any wate r residue using a chamois .
Pressure washers
When washing your veh icle w ith a pressure wash-
er , al ways fo llow the operating instructions pro- - Only wash the vehicle when the ign ition is
vided with the press ure washer. This is especially off and follow the instructions from the car
important in regard to the pressure and spraying
distance. Do not aim the spray directly at the
Care and cleaning
wash operator to reduce the risk of acci- height and width of the inside of the car
dents. wash .
- To reduce the risk of cuts, protect yourself - To reduce the risk of paint damage, do not
from sharp metal components when wash- wash the vehicle in direct sunlight .
ing the underbody or the inside of the wheel - To reduce the risk of damage to the surface,
housings. do not use insect removing sponges, kitchen
- After washing the vehicle, the braking effect sponges or similar items .
may be delayed due to moisture on the - Matte finish painted vehicle components:
brake rotors or ice in the winter . This in- - To reduce the risk of damage to the sur-
creases the risk of an accident. The brakes face, do not use polishing agents or hard
must be dried first with a few careful brake wax.
applications. - Never use protective wax. It can destroy
the matte finish effect .
@ Note - Do not place any stickers or magnetic
- If you wash the vehicle in an automatic car signs on vehicle parts painted with matte
wash, you must fold the exterior mirrors in finish paint. The paint could be damaged
to reduce the risk of damage to the mirrors. when the stickers or magnets are re-
Power folding exterior mirrors* must only moved.
be folded in and out using the power folding
function. @ For the sake of the environment
- To reduce the risk of damage to the rims Only wash the vehicle in facilities specially de-
and tires, compare the width between the signed for that purpose . This will reduce the
wheels on your vehicle with the distance be- risk of dirty water contaminated with oil from
tween the guide rails in the car wash. entering the sewer system.
- To reduce the risk of damage, compare the
height and width of your vehicle with the
Exterior cleaning
Component Situation Solution
Windshield wiper Deposits soft cloth with glass cleaner, ¢ page 52
Headlights/ Deposits Soft sponge with a mild soap solution 3 >
Tail lights
Sensors/ Deposits Sensors: soft cloth with a solvent-free cleaning solution
camera lenses Camera lenses: soft cloth with an alcohol-free cleaning
Snow/ice Hand brush/solvent-free de-icing spray
..... Wheels Road salt Water
..... Brake dust Acid-free special cleaning solution
Care and cleaning
Interior cleaning
Component Situation Solution
Window glass Deposits Glass cleane r, then wipe dry
Decorative parts/ Deposits Mild soap so lution al
Plastic parts Deposits Dam p clo1th
Heavier deposits Mild soap solution al, detergent-free plastic clean ing solu-
tion, if necessary
Display s/ instru- Deposi t s Soft cloth with LCD cleaner; dust in the lower area of the
ment cluster instrument cluster can be removed using a soft brush.
Controls Deposits Soft brush, then a soft cloth with a m ild soap solutional
Safety belts Deposits Mild soap so lution al, allow to dry before letting them re -
Care and cleaning
- Never use any pa int polish or other abra-
sive materials .
The windsh ie ld may not be trea t ed with wa - - Damage to the protect ive layer o n the
ter-repelling windshield coating agents. Un- rims such as stone ch ips or scratches must
favorable conditions such as wetness, dark - be repaired immediately .
ness, or low sun can result in increased glare .
- Came ra lenses
Wiper blade chatter is also possible.
- Neve r use warm or hot wa t er t o remove
snow or ice from the camera lens . This
@ Note
could cause the lens to crack .
- Headlights / tail light s - Neve r use ab rasive cleaning m ate rials or
- Never clean headlights or tail lights with a a lcohol to clean t he camera lens . This
dry clot h or sponge. could cause scratches and cracks .
- Do not use any cleaning product that con- - Door window s
.... tains alcohol, because they cou ld cause - Remove snow and ice on windows and ex-
,..._ cracks to form . terior mirrors w ith a plast ic scraper . To
0 - Wheels
Car e and cl e aning
avoid scratches, move the scraper on ly in have them replaced by an authorized Audi
one direction and not back and forth. dealer or authorized Audi Serv ice Facility.
- Never remove snow or ice from door win- - Textile s/artificial leather/ Alcantara
dows and mirrors using warm or hot water - Never treat art ificial leather/ Alcantara
because this could cause cracks to form . with leathe r ca re products, solvents, floor
- To avoid damage to the rear w indow de- polish, shoe polish, spot remove or s imilar
fogger, do not apply any stickers on the products.
heating wires on the inside of the window . - Have a spec ialist remove stubborn stains
- Decorati ve parts / trim to prevent damage .
- Never use chrome care or cleaning prod- - Never use steam cleaners, brushes, hard
ucts. sponges, etc. when cleaning.
- Paint - Do not turn on the seat heating* to dry the
- To red uce the risk of scratches, the vehicle seat .
must be free of dirt and dus t before pol- - Objects w ith sharp edges, such as zippers
ishing or waxing . or rivets on clothing or belts, can cause
- To prevent pa int damage, do not pol ish or damage to the surface .
wax the veh icle in dire ct sunlight. - Open hook and loop fastene rs, for exam-
- To red uce the risk of pa int damage, do not ple on clothing, can damage seat covers .
polish away rust spots. Make sure hook and loop fastene rs a re
- Remove cosmetics and sunscreen immedi- closed.
at ely - these could damage the pa int. - Natural leather
- Displays / instrument cluster - Neve r trea t leather wit h solvents, floor
- Make sure that the instrument cluster is polish, shoe polish, spot remover or sim i-
switched off and has cooled off before lar products .
cleaning it. - Obje cts w it h sharp edges, such as zippe rs
- Displays, the instrument cluster and the or rivet s on clothing or belts, can cause
trim surrounding it must not be cleaned damage to the surface .
w ith dry cleaning methods beca use they - Neve r use st eam cleaners, brushes, hard
cou ld become scratched. spon g es, etc . when cleaning .
- Make sure no fluids enter the spaces be- - Do not t urn on the seat he ating * to dry the
tween the instrument cluster and the seat.
trim, because that could cause damage. - To he lp prevent the leather from fadi ng,
- Controls do not leave t he vehicle in d irec t sunlight
- Make sure tha t no fluids enter t he con- for long periods of time . If leav ing the ve-
trols, because this could cause damage. hicle parked for long periods of time, you
- Safety belts should cove r the leathe r to protect it from
d irect sunlight.
- Do not remove the safety belts t o clean
them .
(D Tips
- Never clean safety belts or their compo-
nents chemically or wit h cor rosive fl uids - Insects are easier to remove from paint that
or so lvents and neve r allow sharp objects has been freshly waxed.
to come into contact w ith the safety belts. - Regular waxing can prevent rust spots from
This could cause damage to the belt web- forming.
- If there is damage to the webbing, the
connect ions, the retractors or the buckles,
Care and cleaning
Emergency assistance
Fig. 270 Luggage compar tment: vehicle too l kit, veh icle Using the tire mobility kit
jack, t ire mob ility kit and comp ressor
Applies to: vehicles with tire mob ility kit
Improper use of the vehicle jack can cause se-
rious persona l injuries.
- Never use the screw driver hex head to
Fig. 271 Tire : tire damage that cannot be repaired
tighten wheel bolts, since the bolts cannot
attain the necessary tightening torque if you
Em er gen cy as s istanc e
The tire repair is only meant for temporary use . Repairing tires
Change the spare tire as soon as possib le ¢ Li:\.
. Applies to : veh icles wit h tire mo bility kit
- Please note that the tire mobility kit cannot
be used in all situations, and that it may on-
ly be used temporari ly.
- The tire sealant must not come in contact
Fig. 273 Tire mobil ity kit connect ion
with skin, eyes, or clothes.
- If tire sealant gets in your eyes or on your
Requirement: the tire mobility kit must be laid
sk in, thoroughly rinse the affected area im-
out and ready for use ¢ page 350 .
med iately with clean water.
- Do not inhale the fumes . In stalling the tire mobil ity kit
- If you swallow any of the tire sealant, thor- .,.Open the cover @ on the compressor
oughly rinse yo ur mouth immediately and ¢fig. 272 .
drink a lot of water. Do not induce vomiting. .,. Remove the connector © and pressure hose ®
Seek medical attention immediately. with pressure gauge from the housing .
- Change your clothes immediate ly if they get .,.Install the compressor pressure hose ® onto
t ire sealant on them. the flange @ on the t ire sealant bottle (J).
- If an allergic reaction occurs, seek immedi- .,.Insert the sea lant bott le with the flange at the
ate medical attention. bottom into t he opening @ on the compressor
- Keep the tire sea lant away from children . cover .
.,. Remove the valve cap from the faulty tire .
(D Tips .,.Insta ll the filler hose @) on the valve 0
- If se alant lea ks, allow it to dry in place. You ¢ fig. 273.
can then pee l it off like a sticker. .,.Connect the plug © ¢ fig. 2 72 to an outlet in
- Note the expiration date on the sealant bot - the vehicle.
tle . Replace the tire sea lant at a n author- .,.Switch the ignit ion on .
ized Audi dealer or author ized Audi Se rvice Inflating a tire
Facility .
u .,. Move the switch ® ¢ fig. 2 73 on the compres-
co - Radio reception can be interrupted when
r-- operating the compressor. sor into position I. .,..
~0 - Obey all laws.
Em e rg e nc y assis tanc e
~ Inflate the tire to between 29 psi (200 kPA) - If the tire is too severe ly damaged, see an
and 36 psi (250 kPA) and read the pressure on author ized Audi dealer or authorized Audi
the gauge. Serv ice Facility for ass istance.
~ If this tire pressure is not reached, remove the
filler hose. Drive s lowly approximately 33 feet @) For the sake of the environment
(10 m) forward or in reverse so that the sealant
You can give the used tire sealant bottle to an
can be d istr ibuted in the tire . Pump up the t ire
a uthorized Audi dea ler or authorized Audi
again ~ ,&. .
Service Facility for disposal.
Emergency assistance
- If you have a flat tire, move a safe distance Loosening the wheel bolts
off the road. Turn off the engine, turn the
emergency flashers on and use other warn-
ing devices to alert other motorists.
- Make sure that passengers wait in a safe
place away from the vehicle and well away
from the road and traffic.
- To help prevent the vehicle from moving
suddenly and possibly slipping off the jack*,
always fully set the parking brake and block
the front and back of the wheel diagonally
Fig. 275 Wheel: loosen ing the wheel bolt
opposite the wheel being changed. When
one front wheel is lifted off the ground,
.. Slide the wheel wrench (from the vehicle tool
placing the Automatic Transmission in P
kit) all the way onto the wheel bolt .
(Park) will not prevent the vehicle from
.. Turn the wheel bolt approximately one turn to
moving .
the left -arrow- . To reach the required torque,
- Before you change a wheel, be sure the
hold the end of the wheel wrench. If the wheel
ground is level and firm. If necessary, use a
bolt will not loosen, press carefully on the
sturdy board under the jack*.
wheel wrench with your foot. Hold onto the ve-
- Always store the vehicle tool kit, the jack*
hicle securely while during this and make sure
and the replaced tire in the luggage com-
your stance is stable.
partment ¢ page 2 5 7.
(D Tips -- WARNING
To reduce the risk of an accident, only loosen
- Obey all laws.
the wheel bolts gently (one turn) before rais-
- Before changing the wheel, you must acti-
ing the vehicle with the vehicle jack* .
vate the jacking mode*, so that the auto-
matic controls for the air suspension* do
not make it more difficult to lift the vehicle
with the jack* c::>page 354.
Emergency assistance
Em er gen cy as s istanc e
Never use the hex socket in the screwdriver
handle o r the hex socket wrench with the
ratc het to loosen or tighten the wheel bolts.
Fig. 278 Whee l: int ernal hex socket to turn the wheel This increases the risk of an accident, because
bolts you will not reach the tightening specif ication
required .
(D Note
When removing or instal ling the wheel, the
rim could hit t he bra ke rotor and damage t he
rotor . Work carefully and have a second per -
son help you .
(D Tips
Fig. 279 Wheel: alignment pin in the top hole
- When mount ing tires with unidirectional
tread design make sure the tread pattern is
Removing a wheel
pointed the right way c::>page 355 .
.,.Remove the top wheel bolt complete ly using - The wheel bolts sho uld be clean and easy to
the hex socket in the screwdriver handle (in the t urn. Check for dirt and corrosion on the
vehicle tool kit) c::>
fig. 2 78 and place it on a mating surfaces of both the wheel and the
clean surface . hub. Remove all dirt from these s urfaces be-
.,.The n install the alignment pin (from the vehicle fore remounting the wheel.
tool kit) by hand into the empty wheel bolt ho le
. 279 .
Unidirectional tires
.,.Remove the rest of the wheel bolts .
.,.Remove the whee l c::> G). The al ignm ent pi n re - A un idirectional t ire profi le is identified by arrows
mains in the hole while doing this. that point in the running direct ion on the tire
sidewa ll. You must always adhe re to the spec i-
Install a wheel
fied ru nning direction. Th is is necessary ensure
Read the direct ions on c::>page 355 when ins tal- the tire's opt imum pe rformance in reg ar d to ad -
ling unidirectional tires . hesion, runni ng no ise, friction and hydroplaning .
.,.Slide the wheel on over the alignment pin c::>
0. To benefit fully from the advantages of the uni-
..... .,.Install the wheel bo lts and tighten gen tl y using directional t ire design, you should replace fa ulty
..... t he hex socket . t ires as soon as possible and restore t he correc t
~0 runn ing direction on all of the t ires.
Emergency assistance
Finishing - Replace the flat tire with a new one and have
it installed on your vehicle as soon as possi-
.,. Reinstall t he caps on the whee l bolts if neces - ble. Remount the wheel cover.
sar y.
.,. Store t he vehicle tool kit in its design ate d Until then, drive with extra care and at reduced
place . speeds.
.,. If the removed whee l does not fit in the spare
whee l we ll, store it sec ure ly in t he luggage
compartment c::> page 257. - If you are going to equip yo ur vehicle with
.,. Check the tire press ur e on the installed whee l tires or rims which diffe r from those which
as soon as possible . were facto ry installed, then be sure to read
.,. Correct the tire pr essure a nd st ore it in the In- the information c::>page 332 .
fota inment system c::> page 343 . - Always make sure the damage d w heel or
.,.The w heel bo lt tig hte ning spe cifica t ion mus t be even a flat tire and the jack* and too l kit are
100 ft lbs (140 Nm) . Check it as soo n as poss i- properly secured in the luggage compart-
ble wit h a t orq ue wrench . Drive care fully unti l m ent and a re not loos e in t he pass eng e r
then . compa rt m e nt .
.,. Have the faulty wheel rep laced as quick ly as - In a n accide nt or sudden maneuv e r they
poss ible. could fly forward, injuring anyo ne in the ve-
hicle .
(D Tips - Always st ore damaged wh ee l, jack* an d
- If you notice t hat the w hee l bo lts are cor- t oo ls sec ur ely in th e luggage com partm e nt .
roded and diffic ult to t ur n wh ile chan g ing a Othe rwise, in an accide nt or sud d en ma neu -
tire, they sh ould be replaced before you ver t hey could fly forw ard, causi ng injur y to
chec k the tig htening torque. passengers in t he vehicle.
- Drive at reduced speed until you have t he
tig htening torques chec ked . Collapsible spare tire
Applies to: vehicles wit h collapsible spare t ire
Notes on wheel changing The co llaps ible spa re tir e is inte nded fo r sho rt -
t e rm use only. Have the dam age d t ire checked
Please read the info rmation c::> page 332 if you
a nd rep laced, if necess a ry, by an aut ho rized Audi
are go ing to use a replaceme nt tir e w hich is dif-
dealer or aut hor ized Aud i Se rvice Fac ility as soo n
fer ent fro m t he tir es on your vehicle.
as possible.
Afte r you change a t ire:
There a re so m e restr ict ions o n t he use of t he co l-
- Check the tire pressure on the replacement lap sible spar e tir e. The coll ap sible spar e tir e has
tire immediately after installation. been desig ned specifically for your type of vehi -
- Have the wheel bolt tightening torque cle . Do not rep lace it wit h the co llaps ible spa re
checked with a torque wrench as soon as pos- ti re from a nother type of vehicle .
sible by your authorized Audi dealer or quali-
The collapsibl e s par e tir e is loc at ed in t he lug-
fied workshop.
gage co m pa rtmen t under t he ca rgo fl oo r cover .
- With steel and alloy wheel rims, the wheel
bolts are correctly tightened at a torque of pag e 35 0 and
Requireme nt: t he veh icle t oo l kit c::>
100 ft lbs (140 Nm) . th e co mpr ess or m ust be laid ou t .
- If you notice that the wheel bolts are corroded
and difficult to turn while changing a tire,
they should be replaced before you check the page 350 ,
.,. Fold t he cargo floor cove r back c::>
tightening torque. fig. 270 .
Em er g e nc y a ss is tanc e
~ Turn the handwheel counter -clockwise and re- - After insta lling a collapsib le spare tire, the
move it . tire pressure m ust be checked as quickly as
~ Remove the collapsible spare tire. possible to reduce the risk of an accident.
You must inflate the collapsible spa re ti re be- - Do not drive faster than SO mph (80 km/h)
forehand in order to use it. with the collapsib le spare tire . Driving faster
than that increases the risk of an acc ident.
Inflating - Avoid full-throttle acceleration, heavy brak-
~ Remove the valve cap from the collaps ible ing, and fast cornering with the collapsible
spare tire. spare tire, because this increases the risk of
~ Tighten the compressor hose on the collapsible an accident .
spare tire va lve. - Never drive using more than one collapsible
~ Connect the compressor hose to a vehicle sock- spare tire, because this increases the risk of
et and switch it on. an accident .
~ Let the compressor run until the specified value - Normal tires or w inter t ires must not be
on the tire pressure sticker is reached mounted on the collapsible spare tire rim .
page 335 , fig . 269 <=>
<=> @.
~ Screw the valve cap back onto the valve . @ Note
The compressor must be switched off after 12
Returning to storage
minutes at the most to reduce the risk of
~ Remove the valve cap to drain the air. overheating. Let the compressor cool down
~ Wait several hours before placing the collapsi- for several m inutes before us ing it aga in.
ble spare t ire in the spare wheel well. Only then
will it fold down completely so that you can
store it securely.
~ Then screw the valve cap back onto the valve .
~ Secure the collaps ible spare t ire w ith the hand-
~ Fold the cargo floor cove r bac k into place.
Snow chains
Using snow chains on the collaps ible spare t ire is
not permitted for techn ica l reasons .
- Only use the collaps ible sp ar e t ire in eme r-
gencies and dr ive very caref ully, especially if
it is more than six years old.
- The comp ressor and the hose can become
very hot d uring operat ion which increases
.... the risk of burn injuries .
Fuses and bulbs
Fig. 2 81 © Driver's side of the cockpit (left -hand drive ve-
hicle/r igh t-hand drive vehicle): cover, @ Left s ide of lug-
gage compartment: cover
Fuses and bulbs
Do not repair fuses and never replace a blown
fuse with one that has a higher amp rating.
This can cause damage to the electrical sys-
tem and increases the risk of fire.
Fig. 282 Driver's footwell (left -hand drive vehicle): fuse
(D Note
panel with plastic clip
(D Tips
- The following table does not list fuse loca-
tions that are not used.
- Some of the equipment listed in the follow-
ing tables applies only to certain model ver-
sions or certain optional equipment.
Fu ses and bulb s
Fuses and bulbs
Fuse assignment - Driver's side of the Fuse assignment - Left side of the luggage
cockpit compartment
Fig. 284 Driver side cockpit: fuse panel wit h plastic bracket
Fuse panel
No. Equipment
2 Telephone
4 Head-up display
5 Audi music interface, USB charging port
6 Front climate control system controls
7 Steering column lock
Fig. 285 Left side of the luggage compartment: fuse panel
8 Infot ainment system display with plastic clip
9 Instrument cluster
10 Info tainment unit Fuse panel @ (black)
Fu ses and bulb s
Fuse panel © (brown) you, since your dealer has the proper tools, the
4 Audi side assist correct bu lbs and the expertise.
16 Right safety belt tensioner LED headlights requ ire no maintenance. Please
contact your author ized Audi dealer if a bulb
Fuse panel ® (red) needs to be replaced .
No. Equipment
2 Sound-amplifier A WARNING
3 AdBlue heating Changing Xenon lamps without the necessary
s Trailer hitch (right light) equ ipment can cause serious personal injury.
- Bulbs are pressurized and can explode when
7 Trailer hitch
be ing changed. Potent ial risk of injury!
8 Trailer hitch (left light)
- On veh icles equipped with gas discharge
9 Trailer hitch (socket) bulbs (Xenon light) life-threaten ing injuries
10 Sport differential can resu lt from improper handling of the
11 AdBlue heating high-vo ltage portions of such lamps!
- Only your author ized Audi dealer or quali-
fied wo rkshop shou ld change the bulbs in
Bulbs gas discharge lamps. The re a re parts w ith
Replacing light bulbs sha rp edges on the open ings and on the
bu lb holders that can cause serious cuts. If
Foryour safety, we recommend that you have
you are uncertain about what to do, have
your authorized Audi dealer replace any bulbs for
the work performed by an authorized Audi
dea ler or qualified workshop. Serious per-
It is becoming increasingly more and more diff i- sonal injury may result from improperly per-
cult to replace vehicle light bulbs since in many formed work.
cases, other parts of the ca r must first be re-
moved before you a re able to get to the bu lb. (D Tips
This applies espec ially to the light bu lbs in the - If you still prefer to replace the light bulbs
front of your car which you can only reach yourself, be aware that the engine compart-
through the engine compartment . ment is a hazardous area to work in c:>.&. in
Sheet metal and bulb ho lde rs can have sha rp
Working in the engine compartment on
edges that can cause ser ious cuts, parts must be
page 314.
correct ly taken apart and then properly put back - It is best to ask your authorized Audi dealer
together to he lp prevent breakage of parts and whenever you want to change a bulb .
long term damage from water that can enter
housings that have not been properly resea led.
Emergency situations
@ Note
- Applying a higher voltage booster battery
Batteries contain electricity, acid, and gas.
will cause expensive damage to sensitive
Any of these can cause very serious or fatal in-
electronic components, such as control
jury. Follow the instructions below for safe
units, relays, radio, etc.
handling of your vehicle's battery.
- There must be no electrical contact between
-Always shield your eyes and avoid leaning
the vehicles as otherwise current could al-
over the battery whenever possible.
ready start to flow as soon as the positive
- A dead battery can freeze at temperatures
co (+) terminals are connected.
around 32 °F (0 °C). If the vehicle battery is
N frozen, you must thaw it before connecting
<( the jump start cables. If you do not, this in-
Emergency situations
Using the jump start Connecting the negative cable (black) to the
negative terminal
3. Secure one end of the negative cable (black)
Both jump start cables must be connected in the
to the negative terminal @ on the battery
correct order!
that is providing the current @ .
4. Secure the other end of the negative cable
(black) to the jump start pin @ (hex head pin
= "negative") on the vehicle that needs to be
started @ .
Emergency situations
- When connecting jumper cables, make sure - Never wrap the safety chains or winch cables
that they cannot get caught in any mov ing around the brake lines .
parts in the engine compartment. - To prevent unnecessa ry damage , your Audi
- Do not bend over the batteries - danger of must be transported with a flatbed truck.
chem ica l burns! - To load the vehicle on to the flatbed, use the
- The battery cell lock ing screws must be towing loop found in the vehicle tools and at-
t ightened sec ure ly. tach to the front or rear anchorage
¢ page 365 and ¢ page 366 .
- Before you check anything in the eng ine
compartment, a lways read and hee d a ll
WARNINGS q page 314 .
A veh icle being towed is not safe for passen-
(D Note ge rs . Neve r allow anyone to ride in a vehicle
Impro per hook -up of jum pe r cables can ruin being towed, fo r any reason.
the gene rato r.
- Always connect POSITIVE (+) to POSITIVE Front towing loop
(+), and NEGATIVE(- ) to NEGATIVE( - )
Only install the front towing loop when it is
g roun d post of t he battery mana ge r contro l
- Check that a ll screw plugs on t he battery
cells are screwed in firmly. If not, t ighten
plugs prior to connecting clamp on negative
batte ry terminal.
- Please note that the procedure fo r con nect-
ing a j umper cab le as desc ribed above ap-
plies specifica lly to the case of yo ur vehicle
being jump starte d . When you are giving a
ju mp st a rt to anothe r vehicle , d o not con-
nect the neg ative (-) cab le to the neg ative Fig. 288 Front bu mpe r: insta lling the towing loop
(-) t ermin al o n the discharged batt e ry @
q fig. 287 . Inst ead , securely connec t t he The t hreaded opening for t he t owing loo p is lo-
nega t ive (-) cab le to either a solid me t al cate d on t he righ t side of the front bum per.
com ponent that is f irm ly bolted to the e n-
.. Remove the t owing loop from the vehicle too l
gine block or to the engine bloc k itself. If
kit ¢ pag e 350 .
the battery that is be ing cha rge d does not
.. Pull s harp ly o n the tr im in the dire ct ion of the
vent to the outs ide, escap ing battery gas
arrow t o remove ¢ fig. 288.
could ignite and exp lode!
.,.Tight en t he towi ng loop in the t hreade d open -
ing until it stops and then tighten it with a
Towing with a tow truck wheel wrenc h .
.,.After usi ng, place the tow ing loop back in the
General hints
veh icle tool kit.
Your Audi requires special handling for towing.
The fo llow ing information is to be used by com -
mercia l tow tr uck operators who know how t o op-
If the tow ing loop is not tightened until it
u e rate the ir equip m ent safe ly. stops whe n installing, t he threads may be
..... pull ed ou t wh en towing t he vehicle and th at
~ - Never tow your Audi, towing will cause dam-
N could ca use a n accident.
~ age to the engine and transmission .
Emergency situations
(D Note A
The trim is attached to the bumper with sev- Applies to: vehicles with trailer hitch
eral hooks . To reduce the risk of damage, do - Only use a special towing bar to prevent
not use any force when removing and instal- damaging the ball hitch. These towing bars
ling. have been spec ially designed for trailer tow-
ing hitches.
Rear towing loop - Only use special towing cab les.
If the towing loop is not tightened until it
stops when insta llin g, the threads may be
pulled out when towing the veh icle and that
could cause an accident.
Emergency situations
-+ ,c___------= ------ i - Always lift the vehicle on ly at the special
workshop hois t a nd f loor jack lift poin t s il-
lustra t ed c::>fig. 291 and c::>fig . 292.
- Failure to lift t he ve hicle at these poi nts
could cause the veh icle t o t ilt or fall from
a lift if t he re is a change in ve hicle we ight
d istr ibu t ion and balance . This migh t ha p-
pen , for exam ple, when heavy compo -
nen t s such as the engi ne block or trans -
Fig. 291 Front lif t ing point mission a re removed.
- Wh en remov ing heavy com ponen t s like
t hese, an chor veh icle to hoist or add corre -
spond ing weig hts to ma inta in the center of
g ravity . Otherw ise, the vehicle mig ht tilt or
slip off the hoist, causing serious pe rsonal
inj ury.
(D Note
- Be aware of the fo llow ing points before lift -
ing t he vehicle :
Fig. 292 Rear lift ing point
- The vehicle should never be lifted or
.,.Read and heed WARNING c::>&, . jacked up from underneath the engine oil
.. Locate lift ing po int s c::>
fig . 291 and c::>
fig. 292. pan, the transmission housing, the front
.. Adjust lifting arms of wo rkshop ho ist or floo r or rear axle or the body side members .
jac k to match veh icle lifting points . This could lead to serious damage .
.. Inse rt a rubb er pad between t he floor jack/ - To avoid damage to the underbody or
workshop hois t a nd the lifting points. chassis frame, a rubber pad must be in-
serted between the floor jack and the lift
If you must lift your vehicle with a floor jack to points.
work underneath , be sure the vehicle is safely - Before driving over a workshop hoist ,
supported on stands intended for this purpose. check that the vehicle weight does not
Front lifting point exceed the permissible lifting capacity of
the hoist.
The lift ing po int is located on the floor pan re in-
- Before driving over a workshop hoist , en-
forcement about at t he same leve l as the jack
sure that there is sufficient clearance be-
mo unt ing po int c::>fig . 291 . Do not lift the vehi-
tween the hoist and low parts of the ve-
cle at the vertical sill reinforcement.
u Rear lifting point
The lift ing po int is located on the vert ica l re in-
..... forcement of the lower sill fo r t he on board jack
~0 fig. 292 .
Em e rg e nc y s it uati o n s
Vehicle transport
Applies to: vehicles with air suspension
@ Note
When transporting the vehicle on a car carr i-
er, tra in, ship or by other means, only tie the
veh icle down at the running surface of the
tires, wh ich is the outer circumference. Secur-
ing the vehicle at the axle components, sus-
pensio n struts or tow ing eyes is not perm itted
because the pressure in the air suspension
struts can change d uring transport . The vehi -
cle may not be secured sufficient ly if this hap-
3 68
Technical data
XXX KW XXX booklet .
XXXX XXXXXX The sticker contains the fo llow ing vehicle data:
©+ ~rur:i~ xxxxI xxxxXXXI xx
II.· AIJSlit
I OPTIONS © Vehicle Identif ication Number (VIN)
7 D5 4U B 6 XM
@ Vehicle type, eng ine output, transm ission
9G3 OG7
@ Engine and transmiss ion codes
l XW
3 KA 8EH Ul A
803 908
© Paint and interior codes
7T6 CV7 71<0 4X3 21<2 ® Optional equipment numbers
3 L4 4 KC 3YO 413 50 2
1SA 7GB 0 1A 4GQ
The VIN number is located in t he following pla- Please note that the specifications listed in the
ces : vehicle documen t at ion a lways take prece d ence.
- Select : the IMENU ! button > Vehicle > left con- (D Tips
t rol button > Service & checks > Vehicle infor·
Missing technical data was not ava ilable at
mati on.
the time of pr int ing.
- On t he vehicle ident ificat io n labe l
Length (in (mm )) Width (in (mm)) Width acrossthe Height at curb
mirrors (in (mm )) weight (in (mm))
Q5 183 .6 (4,663) 74 .5 (1,893) 84 .3 (2,140) 65 .3 (1,659)
SQ5 183 .9 (4,671) 74.5 (1,893) 84 .3 (2,140) 65.3 (1,659)
Approximate capaci·
u Fuel ta nk 18.5 gal (70 L)
r-- Windsh ield and headlight washer system* 5.3qt(5L)
Technical data
Gross Axle Weight Rating (GAWR)
= 1111I~
1IIIIIIII Illllllll 1111111111
11111111 The maxim um per mitte d loa d is list ed on the t ire
pressure labe l on t he d river's doo r pilla r.
Fig. 294 Safety cert ificate
Roof load
Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR )
The maxim um permiss ible roof load is 165 lbs
The max imum pe rm itted t otal we ight (D of the (75 kg).
ve hicle is listed on t he safety certificate on the
side area of t he doo r or o n t he dr iver's door pillar.
Trailer load
Consumer Information
Con s um e r Info r mation
Con s um e r In fo rm a tion
Weight Materials) are as unique as the ir drivers . - If items other than genu ine Audi spare
Therefo re, the availability of certain parts needed parts, add-on equipment and accessory
for repa ir, restorat ion, or reconstruction will be items are used or if repa ir work is not per-
rest ricted , or parts will be unava ilable, if the ve- form ed according to specified methods, th is
hicle is not repa ired at an authorized Audi colli- can result in seve re damage to your vehi-
sion repair facility . This includes but is not limit- cle's eng ine and body (such as corrosion)
ed to structura l parts which require specia lized and adve rsely affec t your vehicle's warranty.
training and equipment to restore their crash - - If emergency repa irs must be pe rformed
worthiness back to the original NHTSAand IIHS elsew here, have t he vehicle examined by an
performance. authorized Audi dealer as soon as possib le.
- The manufac t ure r cannot be he ld liable for
..... Your vehicle incorporates the latest safety design
,..._ damage which occurs due to failure t o com-
features ensuring a high standard of active and
..... ply with these stipulations.
passive safety.
Con s um e r Info r mation
Improper repa irs and modificat ions can (1) This device may not ca use interference; and
change the way veh icle systems work and (2) This dev ice m ust accept any interference, in-
cause damage to the veh icle and ser ious per - clud ing inte rfe rence that may cause undes ired
sonal injury. operation of the device.
(UJ)Note CNR-Gen
If emergency rep air s mus t be pe rformed else - Le present appare il est conforme aux CNR d'In-
where, have t he vehicle exa m ined by an a u- dust rie Canada app licables aux appare ils radio
thorized Audi dealer as soon as possib le . exemp t s de licence . L'explo itation est autor isee
a ux deux condi t ions su ivantes :
Declaration of 1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage;
compliance for telecom- 2) l'appareil do it accepter tout brouillage radioe-
munications equipment lectr ique subi, meme si le brouillage est suscept i-
and electronic systems ble d'en compromettre le fonct ionnement .
The fo llow ing equipment comp lies w it h FCC sec-
tion 15 and RSS-Gen:
A Air suspension
Alarm system
....................... 125
Ind ex
Imbalance (wheels) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334
Garage door opener
refer to Homelink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Immobili zer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Garment hooks . . . . ............ ........ 61 Important things to do before driving . . . . 252
Gas discharge lamps . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . 362 Importing and exporting (contacts) ...... 184
Gasoline 310 Improperly worn safety belts . . . . . . . . . . . 267
Octane rating ... ................ . . . . 310 Indicator lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Recommendation . ............ . ... . . . 310 Airbag system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281
GAWR PASSENGER AIR BAG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281
refer to Gross Axle Weight Rating (GAWR) 3.70 Infant seats 297
Glossary of tire and loading terminology . . 328 Input
Glove compartment .................... 61 Using the MMI touch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
Using the speller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
Gross Axle Weight Rating (GAWR) . . . . . . . 370
Input level (media) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 7
Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) . . . . . 370
Inspection interva l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324
Ground clearance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Installing the upper tether strap on the an-
chorage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308
refer to Gross Vehicle Weight
Rating (GVWR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 370 Instrument cluster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346
Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
H Instrument ill umination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Handsfree ....... . .. .. .. .. .... .. .. ... 174 Interior lighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Head-up display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Interior monitoring .................... 36
Headlight range control system . . . . . . . . . . 45 Internet
Headlights . . . . . . . . . . . ........ .. .. .. . . 45 refer to Audi connect (Infotainment) .... 187
Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ .. .. .. . 345 Internet radio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
Headlight range control system . .. .. .. . . 45 Interval mode (wipers) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Washer system . . . . . . ........ .. .. .. . . 51
Head restraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58, 255
refer to Audi music interface ....... 231, 232
Adjusting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
Heating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Heavy clothing and safety belts . . . . . . . . . . 263
J Listening to music
refer to Media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225, 234
Jukebox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
Load....... . . . . . . . . . .............. . . 370
Jump-starting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363
Loading the luggage compartment . . . . . . . 257
Jump start cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 364
By remote control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
K With the convenience key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Key.................................. 31 With the lock cylinder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Key not recogni zed . . . . . ...... . . . . . . . . 78 Low beam headlights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Key replacement . . . . . . . ...... . . . . . . . . 31 Lowering the rear of the vehicle . . . . . . . . . 128
Mechanical key . .............. . . . . . 31, 32 Luggage compartment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Replacing the battery . . . ...... . . . . . . . . 32 Cover (manual) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Unlocking/locking . . . . . . ...... . . . . . 33, 35 Power sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Vehicle code . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . . . . . . . . 31 Storing cargo correctly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
Kick-down (automatic transmission) . . . . . . . 88 Tie-downs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
also refer to Loading the luggage compart-
ment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
L Luggage compartment lid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Lane assist
Emergency release . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
refer to Audi active lane assist . . . . . . . . . 117
Lumbar support ....................... 56
Lap timer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Evaluating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Starting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 M
LATCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305 Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371
Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306 Maintenance intervals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324
Installing a chi ld restraint . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307 Making an emergency call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
Locat ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306 Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) . . . . . . . 313
Mounting and releasing the anchorage
hook . . . ... . . ................ . . ... . 307 Display . . . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 218
Launch control program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 Operating . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 213
Leather care/cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347 Settings . . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 214
Left control button . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Update . . . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 203
Licensing agreements (MMI) . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 Map update . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
Lifting points (vehicle jack) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354 Mechanical key . . . . . . . .............. 31, 32
Light/rain sensor Mechanically locking the front passenger's
Headlights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 door . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Interval mode (wipers) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225, 234
Light functions . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 45 Drives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
High beam assistant . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 46 Supported formats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240
Instrument illumination . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 49 Media center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
Inter ior lighting . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 48 Memory buttons
Lighting refer to Shortcut keys ............ 147, 155
Exterior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Memory capacity
Interior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
..... Lights Jukebox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
Headlight range control system . . . . . . . . . 45
Ind ex
S tronic (automatic transm ission) . . . . . . . . . 84 Tire Mobil ity System (t ire repair set) . . . . . . 350
Tires....... . . . . . . . . . . . ............ . . 325
Subti tl es (DVD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 7
Low-profile t ires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 341
Subwoofer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
quattro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 144
Repair set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 350
Rear window/rear doors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Replacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 352
Sun viso rs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Service life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 33 4
Swap call .. . . . . . . . ............ . ... . . . 178 Tire pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 33S
Switching tabs Tire pressure mo nitoring system . .. . . . . 342
refer to Multifunction Tire pressure table . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 336
steer ing whee l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12, 14, 15 Tire pressure (trai ler towing) . . . . .. . . . . . 92
Switchi ng the ign ition on/off. ............ 76 Treadwear indicators . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 334
Symbo ls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 Unidirectional . . . . . . . . . .......... 327,355
Navigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213 Uniform tire qua lity grading . . . . . .. . . . . 341
Traff ic .. . . . . . . . ................ 217,2 18 Tires and wheels
also refer to I ndicato r lights . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Glossary of tire and loading te rminology . 328
SYNC(button) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Tires and vehicle load li mits . . . . . . . . . . . 337
refer to Traffic information . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
Vanity mirror. . . ... . . ................ .. 51
Tone (sound)
refer to Adjusting the sound . . . . . . . . . . . 249
Care/cleaning .. .. .. . .. .. .... .. .. .... 344
Tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350
Dimensions . . .. .. .. . .. .. .... .. .. .... 369
Torn or frayed safety belts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
Out of service .. .. .. . .. .. .... .. .. .... 349
Raising . . . . . .. .. .. . .. .. .... .. .. .... 354
refer to MMI touch 151
Specifications .. .. .. . .. .. .... .. .. .... 369
Towing Transport ing .. .. .. . .. .. .... .. .. .... 368
Tow trucks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365
Vehicle battery . . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 321
Towing loop . . . ................ . . 365,366 Charge level . . . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 145
Towing protection monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Charging . . . . . . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 323
TPMS Winter operation . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 322
Tire pressure monitoring system . . . . . . . 342 Vehicle care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
Traffic information ............ 217,218,219 Vehicle control modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
Traffic jam assist ..................... 109 Vehicle jack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350
Traffic messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214 Lifting points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354
Traffic sign recognit ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 Whee l change mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352
Trailer load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 370 Vehicle key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Trailer mode (navigation) ......... . . ... . 211 Vehicle status report
Trailer tow ing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Audi connect vehicle contro l . . . . . . . . . . . 198
Parking systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 Vehicle tool kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350
Trailer load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Ventilation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Turn signa ls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Version information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
Transport Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259 VIEW button . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Travel guide VIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369
refer to Travel (travel guide) . . . . . . . . . . . 191 Voice guidance
Travel (travel guide) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191 refer to Multifunction
Treble (sound) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249 steering wheel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12, 14, 15
Trip computer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Voicemail ........................... 182
Turnassist . . ... . .............. . ... . .. 113 Voice recognition system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
Turn signal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
External ........................... 172
u Operating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245
Unfastening safety belts 266 Vol ume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
Uniform tire quality grad ing 341 Vol ume ..... . . . . . . . ................ . 249
By remote control . . . . . . . . . .
W it h the central locking switch
34 w
W ith the convenience key . . . . .. .. .. .. .. 33 Warning lights
W ith the lock cylinder . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. 35 refer to Indicator lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Updating stations (radio) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 Warranty coverages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371
u USB charging port ............. 60 , 232, 233 Washing matte finish paint . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
,..._ U5B stick Web radio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
..... refer to Audi music interface ....... 231, 232 Weights..... . . ... . . ................ . 370
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Owner's Manual
Englisch Nordamerika 05.2017
80A012721BC www.audi.com