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T he S cience of R eading M ovement :

T he N ever -E nding D ebate and the

N eed for a D ifferent A pproach to
R eading I nstruction

Paul Thomas
Furman University

September 2022

National Education Policy Center

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Suggested Citation: Thomas, P.L. (2022). The Science of Reading movement: The never-ending
debate and the need for a different approach to reading instruction. Boulder, CO: National Education
Policy Center. Retrieved [date] from

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Peer Review: The Science of Reading Movement: The Never-Ending Debate and the Need for a
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T he S cience of R eading M ovement : T he N ever -
E nding D ebate and the N eed for a D ifferent
A pproach to R eading I nstruction

Paul Thomas
Furman University

September 2022

Executive Summary
How students learn to read and how reading is best taught are often the focus of media,
public, and political criticism. For example, within 10 days in May 2022, two articles about
reading ran prominently in The New York Times. Both mentioned the so-called science of
reading movement that since 2018 has been politically effective but also intensely polariz-

The contemporary reading reform movement is the latest chapter of a long history of similar
controversies, dating from at least the early 20th century. Throughout the decades, atten-
tion has focused on how teachers teach reading (typically including specific concern for
phonics instruction), standardized test scores (including international comparisons), and a
changing list of hypothetical causes for disappointing test scores (including progressivism,
whole language, and balanced literacy). Low reading achievement has been sometimes at-
tributed to how reading is taught, sometimes to social influences on students (such as tech-
nology and media), and sometimes to both. Widespread and ongoing criticism over the last
80 years has targeted state and federal reading policy; the quality of teacher education and
teacher professional development; theories of learning to read and reading instruction; the
role of phonics and other reading skills in teaching reading; and the persistent gaps among
classroom practices, reading policy, and the nature or application of science and research.

Scholars and literacy educators have over this time conducted extensive research into these
and other issues. In contrast to much of the public debate and policymaking, these research-
ers have found reading instruction and learning to be complex, complicating the design of
effective policy and classroom practice. Overall, this robust research base supports policies
and approaches that acknowledge a range of individual student needs and that argue against
“one-size-fits-all” prescriptions. It also points to the apparently perennial gap between re- 3 of 36
search and classroom instruction, a gap common in other areas of education as well.

Among literacy educators and scholars, then, important reading debates continue but do
so without any identified silver-bullet solutions. The public debate is different. Since 2018,
the phrase “science of reading” has been popularized as loosely defined shorthand for the
broad and complex research base characterizing how children learn to read and how best to
teach reading. Simplifying the issue for the public and for political readers, and failing to
acknowledge the full complement of research findings, prominent members of the education
media have used the term when framing the contemporary debate—often as pro-phonics
versus no phonics. Various types of vendors have also found the shorthand term “science
of reading” highly useful in branding and marketing specific phonics-oriented reading and
literacy programs.

As a result of this selective characterization of the research base, advocates in the current
movement have been extremely effective in lobbying for revised and new phonics-heavy
reading legislation across most states in the U.S. As the movement has grown, scholars have
been concurrently cautioning that advocacy and political responses based on this partial
characterization of research have produced rigid and ultimately harmful policy and prac-
tices. In particular, the current science of reading reform movement has not served reading
policy decisions well because advocates and commercial vendors often exaggerate and over-
simplify both the problems and solutions around reading achievement and instruction.

Still, in pursuing reform to address identified challenges, the movement does provide an
opportunity for policymakers to investigate different approaches to reading instruction and
to develop more nuanced policy. Accordingly, when policymakers explore new guidelines,
they would be wise to do the following:

• Be wary of overstatements and oversimplifications within media and public advoca-

cy, acknowledging concerns raised but remaining skeptical of simplistic claims about
causes and solutions.

• Attend to known influences on measurable student reading achievement, including

the socioeconomics of communities, schools, and homes; teacher expertise and auton-
omy; and teaching and learning conditions.

• Recognize student-centered as an important research-supported guiding principle

but also acknowledge the reality that translating such research-based principles into
classroom practice is always challenging.

• Shift new reading policies away from prescription and mandates (“one-size-fits-all”
approaches) and toward support for individual student needs and ongoing teacher-in-
formed reform.

In rethinking past efforts and undertaking new reforms, policymakers should additionally
move beyond the ineffective cycles demonstrated during earlier debates and reforms, avoid-
ing specific mandates and instead providing teachers the flexibility and support necessary
to adapt their teaching strategies to specific students’ needs. Therefore, state policymakers
should do the following: 4 of 36
• End narrowly prescriptive non-research-based policies and programs such as:

o Grade retention based on reading performance.

o High-stakes reading testing at Grade 3.

o Mandates and bans that require or prohibit specific instructional practices, such
as systematic phonics and the three-cueing approach.

o A “one-size-fits-all” approach to dyslexia and struggling readers.

• Form state reading panels, consisting of classroom teachers, researchers, and oth-
er literacy experts. Panels would support teachers by serving in an advisory role for
teacher education, teacher professional development, and classroom practice. They
would develop and maintain resources in best practice and up-to-date reading and
literacy research.

On a more local level, school- and district-level policymakers should do the following:

• Develop teacher-informed reading programs based on the population of students

served and the expertise of faculty serving those students, avoiding lockstep imple-
mentation of commercial reading programs and ensuring that instructional materials
support—rather than dictate—teacher practice.

• Provide students struggling to read and other at-risk students with certified, experi-
enced teachers and low student-teacher ratios to support individualized and differen-
tiated instruction. 5 of 36
T he S cience of R eading M ovement : T he N ever -
E nding D ebate and the N eed for a D ifferent
A pproach to R eading I nstruction

Paul Thomas
Furman University

September 2022

How students learn to read and how reading is best taught are often the focus of media,
public, and political criticism. For example, within 10 days in May 2022, two articles about
reading ran prominently in The New York Times. In one, Lola Fadulu1 introduced a new
dyslexia program for New York City, promoted by Mayor Eric Adams. In the other, Dana
Goldstein2 offered a front-page critique of Lucy Calkins’ popular but controversial3 reading
program, Units of Study. Both articles fit within a prominent message in the mainstream
and social media movement begun in 2018. Grounded in the journalism of Emily Hanford,
the movement calls for teachers to learn and implement research-based reading instruction,
popularly characterized as the “science of reading” movement. 4

Promoted by various advocacy groups embracing the term, that movement has been polit-
ically effective but also intensely polarizing. 5 The phrase “science of reading” is currently
shorthand for several complex debates and issues related to learning and teaching reading.
For the general public and for political leaders, media coverage has oversimplified debates
as pro-phonics versus no phonics. However, among literacy educators and scholars, the pho-
nics/reading debate is much more complex and remains unsettled.6 Within this brief, the
term “science of reading movement” refers to advocacy based on the overly simplistic pho-
nics-oriented characterization of current reading debates. The discussion here, however,
details the diverse range of evidence available in the full and much more complex research
base to inform both reading instruction and reading policy. Next, an overview of historical
debates provides context for the current controversy. 6 of 36
Historical Overview of Reading Debates
The contemporary debate fits into a long history of public controversies about reading,
reaching back at least into the first half of the twentieth century. At various times, low read-
ing achievement has been attributed to ineffective reading instruction, social influences on
students (such as technology and media), or both. 7 Concurrent with public and political
concerns about reading achievement among children, in every decade over the last century
many literacy educators and scholars have noted the “considerable gap”8 between research
and classroom instruction.

Here, a representative, but not comprehensive, overview of reading debates since the 1940s
highlights recurring reading debates,9 providing context for policymakers as well as the pub-
lic to better understand the current science of reading movement and the resulting state-lev-
el legislation.


High Expense of Army Illiteracy, by Eleanor Roosevelt10, addressed worrisome illiteracy

rates in military recruits during World War II. Media and political coverage of the issue
prompted concerns about reading achievement and instruction in U.S. public schools. The
media blamed progressive teaching methods, but literacy scholars and educators demon-
strated that the draftees had received traditional, not progressive, instruction. Scholars also
identified poverty as the more significant influence on reading achievement. 11

This wartime debate about reading illustrates the important roles of media, political leaders,
and educators in creating reading policy for schools. As is common in later debates, much
of the criticism of reading instruction in the 1940s focused on the role of phonics and pho-
nics instruction in teaching reading. The two broad approaches in such phonics debates are
skills-based instruction, which teaches isolated reading skills before students read, and ho-
listic instruction, which engages beginning readers in reading experiences to develop read-
ing skills.12

1950s, 1960s

The 1950s and 1960s reading debate was prompted by Why Johnny Can’t Read by Rudolf
Flesch.13 Flesch’s book included international comparisons and blamed the reading crisis
on whole word instruction14 during the era of Dick and Jane whole-word readers. Flesch
endorsed a systematic, skills-based approach to reading that emphasized direct instruction
of phonics as essential for all students to acquire reading proficiency. 15

In contrast, advocates for whole-word instruction maintained that systematic phonics in-
struction included far more rules and exceptions for children to memorize than the number
of whole words students could learn to begin reading independently. 16 7 of 36
1960s, 1970s

After the public debate about reading prompted by Flesch, an important bridge to the read-
ing debate in the 1990s was the rise of whole language in the 1960s and 1970s. The work of
psycholinguists and sociolinguists17 established whole language as a philosophy of litera-
cy that emphasized holistic experiences and reading skill instruction—including phonics—
in the context of those whole experiences. Kenneth Goodman, Yetta Goodman, and Frank
Smith helped found and develop the whole language approach to teaching reading. 18

Whole language proposes teaching phonics and other reading skills within the context of
students reading text. That is, students learn phonics primarily by reading, instead of being
taught phonics systematically before reading. 19 But whole language also encourages teaching
students to use a variety of social and cultural cues beyond print to support pronunciation
and understanding when reading.20 While whole language is often portrayed as anti-pho-
nics, whole language instruction includes teaching basic phonics patterns readers need and
expanding those basics and other skills through ongoing reading experiences. 21

Jeanne Chall, a critic of whole language, emphasized the need for scientific research during
this era, notably in her Learning to Read: The Great Debate, published in 196722 and in two
more editions in 1983 and 1996. Voicing concerns raised in the contemporary reading de-
bate, Chall called for research to guide instruction for dyslexia, identified the gap between
research and classroom practice, and challenged the lack of systemic approaches to phonics
and other reading skills in the whole language movement. 23

To be clear, the phonics debate during this time was not if students need to learn phonics,
but rather how and when students should learn them. Proponents of whole language as well
as its critics agreed on the goals of reading instruction, but not on the methods.

1980s, 1990s

California introduced whole language as the state’s official reading philosophy in 1987.
When reading achievement later floundered in the state, media and political leaders blamed
the shift to whole language and a lack of systematic phonics instruction as the cause of de-
clining test scores. However, literacy scholars pointed to evidence-based research indicating
that the causes of low reading achievement were a decade of underfunding education, the
influx of high-poverty student populations, and an increase of students learning English
as a second language.24 Further countering popular criticisms of whole language, National
Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) data for 1992 showed a correlation between
students receiving whole language instruction and higher standardized test scores. 25


Prompted by the reading debate over whole language in the 1990s, the National Reading
Panel (NRP) was formed under Bill Clinton and charged with determining the then-current
state of research on how children learn to read. The NRP report and the reports from its sub-
groups26 became a central part of George W. Bush’s No Child Left Behind (NCLB) legislation, 8 of 36
mandating scientifically based instruction.27 However, instead of ending the reading debate
cycle, the NRP report became the focus of the next reading controversy.

Panel member Joanne Yatvin28 issued a minority view29 charging that the panel had not met
its primary duty. She criticized the panel because it lacked teacher representation and fo-
cused on a narrow body of research (experimental and quasi-experimental research 30) and
ignored decades of classroom-based and other forms of qualitative research. 31 While Yatvin
acknowledged value in the findings of the NRP, she predicted the report would be misrepre-
sented and ultimately “irrelevant” for classroom practice. 32

Along with Yatvin, several literacy scholars challenged the findings of the NRP, specifically
the subgroup report on phonics.33 Nonetheless, the NRP findings became the basis for the
federal reading program Reading First, which was eventually derailed by scandal related
to the federal funding application process and state-/district-level reading program adop-

Another panel member and current advocate in the science of reading movement, Tim Sha-
nahan, acknowledged some criticisms of the panel as warranted, but supported the validity
of both the narrow use of research and the findings based on the panel’s review. Shanahan
also acknowledged the need to translate the research into practical classroom application. 35
Instead of solving the reading debate of the 1990s, the NRP findings represent the political
challenges of identifying a settled body of research as well as translating reading science into
daily instruction with diverse populations of students.

Enduring Issues Around Reading

Throughout the 20th and into the 21st century, media, public, and political criticism of
students’ reading achievement has focused on phonics instruction, standardized test scores
(including international comparisons), and instructional approaches (progressivism, whole
language, and balanced literacy).36

Over the last 80 years, debates about reading reform like those outlined above have ad-
dressed state and federal reading policy; the quality of teacher education/teacher profes-
sional development; theories of how reading is learned and should be taught; the role of
phonics and other reading skills in learning to read and reading instruction; and the per-
sistent gap between science/research and classroom practices and reading policy (notably
including the National Reading Panel Report since 2000). To understand the current debate
and to design more effective policy than previous reform cycles have yielded, policymakers
must understand the contested research base around those controversies.

Review of the Literature on Reading

Reading Policy

Over the past two decades of education reform, research on state, national, and internation- 9 of 36
al reading policy suggests reading policy has tended to change classroom reading instruction
and influenced state and district adoption of commercial reading materials and programs. 37
State-level reading policy in the U.S. has focused on third-grade proficiency, and some poli-
cy changes have resulted in short-term gains in standardized reading test scores. 38 Research
is less clear about the long-term impact of reading policy and which policies specifically im-
pact achievement. For example, states have adopted several different versions of standards
and high-stakes testing since the 1990s, and yet continue to lament low reading achieve-
ment, prompting another round of new standards and testing. Therefore, researchers cau-
tion against “copycat” approaches to reading legislation. 39

In the UK, national reading legislation implemented in 2006 significantly changed classroom
practice when England mandated synthetic phonics 40 instruction for all beginning readers.
However, a recent analysis of those policies and changes in classroom practice found that
systematic phonics instruction was no more effective than previous policies and thus had
not fulfilled the goals of that reform. 41

Reading and Teacher Education/Professional Development

A 2021 overview of 27 studies on teacher preparation in phonics and code-related (pronun-

ciation) instruction concluded that the current research base offers little clarity about what
beginning teachers know and are prepared to practice in terms of reading instruction. The
researchers found a need to better understand how teacher candidates are taught reading
instruction. Based on their review, they recommended that preparation programs provide
pre-service teachers: (1) more phonemic and morphological knowledge, (2) practice trans-
lating code-related knowledge into classroom practice, (3) greater practice in code-related
instruction, and (4) more information on diverse learner needs. A fifth recommendation
called for increased qualitative research on code-related instruction for pre-service teach-

Among scholarly concerns about teacher preparation is the quality of research pre-service
teachers may encounter in their certification programs. Current evidence shows that crit-
icism of teacher preparation tends to be driven by non-peer reviewed reports from think
tanks, specifically the National Council on Teacher Quality (NCTQ), 43 as well as anecdot-
al evidence in the media. However, more reliable guidelines to improving preparation are
available. Researchers have concluded that a robust body of research exists for understand-
ing and improving teacher education and pre-service teachers’ knowledge and practice in
teaching reading.44

While preparation programs may have room for improvement, some research findings are
relevant but not yet practical for guiding practice. For example, since the 2000 NRP re-
port’s review of reading research (see below), cognitive psychology and brain research have
produced new evidence related to reading. Researchers acknowledge, however, that this ex-
panded evidence does not easily translate into classroom practice, and so is less practical for
teacher preparation or professional development. 45

Notably, Mark Seidenberg, a key neuroscientist46 in the science of reading movement, pub- 10 of 36
lishing with others, explains: “Our concern is that although reading science is highly rele-
vant to learning in the classroom setting, it does not yet speak to what to teach, when, how,
and for whom at a level that is useful for teachers.” 47 While cognitive scientists are making
important contributions to reading research, they also acknowledge that brain research does
not easily translate into mandates for instruction.

Criticism of reading content knowledge among practicing teachers has also prompted re-
search on professional development, specifically addressing teacher knowledge of phonics
and direct, systematic instruction of reading skills. Evidence has shown that improving prac-
tice of in-service teachers involves addressing curriculum and reading programs, the quality
of professional development, and local leadership. More specifically, although commercial
reading programs provide the foundation for teachers’ knowledge and practice, they vary
widely in type and quality. 48 Such programs are not all created equal and must be selected
and implemented with care and caution. The professional development provided to teachers
varies significantly in “format, focus, and coherence,”49 while it should instead be consis-
tent and based on high-quality, research-based strategies. Finally, district- and school-level
leadership strongly influence teacher knowledge and practice. 50

Theories of Reading and Reading Instruction

Policymakers confront the challenge of making sense of the complex field of reading re-
search.51 Reading scholarship includes several camps, each of which proposes theories of how
children learn to read based on different definitions of “reading” and different approaches
to what counts as evidence, or “science.” 52 Currently, several different reading theories are
used to support policy, programs, and classroom practice: whole language, balanced liter-
acy, simple view of reading (SVR), active view of reading, and structured literacy, which
integrates theories drawn from cognitive psychology and brain research.

Whole Language

Grounded in the research of Ken Goodman, Yetta Goodman, Frank Smith, and others, whole
language is a holistic theory that promotes learning to read through whole experiences with
texts, such as reading or being read to. Reading skills are acquired and developed primar-
ily through such experiences, instead of being taught systematically before students read
independently. Whole language theory acknowledges the importance of reading skills such
as phonics, but it replaces direct, systematic, and uniform instruction with individualized
instruction that focuses on individual student needs and strengths. 53 Whole language also
introduced a cueing system for students (often referred to as “three-cueing” 54) to help deter-
mine meaning in a text. Such cues allow them to move beyond text, letters, and words them-
selves, for example, by considering pictures in a text or by employing guessing strategies.

Balanced Literacy

Balanced literacy emphasizes the autonomy and expertise of teachers and recommends in-
struction based on individual student needs and strengths. One distinction between whole 11 of 36
language and balanced literacy is that balanced literacy as a theory of reading does not en-
dorse or reject any instructional practice if students show need. 55 However, like whole lan-
guage, a balanced literacy approach prioritizes individualized, student-centered instruction
over whole-class direct and systematic instruction.

Simple View of Reading

SVR is the most common theory of reading that educators learn. In this theory, reading
consists of pronunciation and listening comprehension, and pronunciation is a precursor to
comprehension. Although SVR is popular, literacy scholars note that ongoing research has
illustrated a more complex view of reading (the active view discussed next), 56 making SVR
an inadequate theory for classroom instruction.57

Active View of Reading

Grounded in SVR, a more recent understanding of reading is the active view of reading.
In addition to SVR’s core components of pronunciation and listening comprehension, sub-
sequent research has advanced understanding of reading acquisition in three ways: (1) by
identifying additional root causes of reading difficulties, (2) by demonstrating that rather
than being sequential, pronunciation and comprehension overlap, and (3) by illuminating
the importance of “active self-regulation” in learning to read. 58

Structured Literacy

Structured literacy describes a scripted approach to teaching reading that requires uniform
instruction. It may include the following: scripted lessons, systematic phonics (including
programs such as Orton-Gillingham59), decodable texts,60 prescribed reading instruction for
all students based on the needs of struggling students, structured literacy reading programs,
and strict requirements for program compliance.61 Structured literacy draws from cognitive
psychology, brain research, and neuroscience, although literacy researchers caution there is
still much to learn about the brain and learning to read. 62

While proponents of competing theories all claim research support, there is general agree-
ment that the evidence-based literature presents at least three consistent and compelling
conclusions: Reading is a complex process consisting of a wide range of skills and strategies;
culture and experience impact learning to read; and student needs change as they develop
reading proficiency.63

National Reading Panel

As noted above, while the influential 2000 NPR report sparked a reading debate, it also es-
tablished a guiding framework for how reading is taught in the U.S. Specifically, it identified
what is commonly referred to as the Five Pillars of Reading: phonemic awareness, phonics,
fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension.64 12 of 36
The panel concluded that phonemic awareness 65 is a “means rather than an end” in reading
instruction in that it doesn’t increase comprehension. Therefore, phonemic awareness is
only one of many elements needed to read independently. Phonics instruction had mini-
mal effectiveness in kindergarten. In Grade 1 it was effective in teaching students to pro-
nounce real and nonsense words, but did not further their comprehension. The panel drew
no conclusion about phonics instruction beyond Grade 1 for “normally developing readers,”
but found that for struggling readers in Grades 2-6, phonics instruction had a weak impact
on reading text and spelling. The panel concluded at-risk students benefit from whole lan-
guage, Reading Recovery, and direct instruction. Further, the panel defined fluency as the
ability of students to make sense of text grammatically and with understanding of punctu-
ation. Acknowledging that readers acquire vocabulary in many ways, the panel concluded
that direct instruction does not equip readers with acquired vocabulary. Students in Grades
3-8 developed about one-third of their vocabulary growth through reading. The panel found
less evidence on comprehension but identified the need for scientifically based reading re-
search (SBRR) to guide teaching, and endorsed the importance of teacher expertise and

Subsequent research and criticism have raised concerns about the panel’s subgroup report
on phonics; placed the report findings in the context of additional research; recognized the
impact of the report on teaching and policy; identified myths and misrepresentations in the
report; and—an especially important point for policymakers—noted the challenges of trans-
lating the panel’s findings into policy and classroom practice. 67

Systematic Phonics and Comprehension

Although phonics is only one essential aspect of reading, many researchers emphasize the
importance of systematic phonics instruction for beginning and struggling readers. Research
on the direct impact of phonics on reading comprehension is complicated because many ap-
proaches to phonics exist—from synthetic or analytic phonics 68 and systematic phonics pro-
grams (such as Orton-Gillingham) to phonics instruction embedded in holistic instruction 69
(such as whole language and balanced literacy 70).

In short, research on the importance of phonics instruction is clear, but there is much less
clarity about what type of phonics to teach and how much direct instruction students need or
when.71 There is consensus that proficient readers have strong phonics knowledge, but how
that occurs (through direct instruction, reading, or both) remains a point of debate.

One recent overview of 12 meta-analyses72 of the effectiveness of systematic phonics con-

cluded that systematic phonics instruction for all students was no more effective than whole
language or balanced literacy approaches. This analysis raises concerns about conducting
research comparing competing instructional reading practices and recommends that policy-
makers seek additional approaches to reading instruction.73 As noted earlier, a 2022 analy-
sis of England’s shift to systematic phonics concluded that the new phonics-first approach
was not as effective as a “balanced” approach to reading instruction. 74

Recent research on systematic or direct phonics instruction continues to show effectiveness 13 of 36
in children pronouncing real and nonsense words (notably in Grade 1), but less effectiveness
in promoting comprehension, especially in kindergarten or for readers in later grades.75 In-
stead of systematic phonics, reading amount and comprehension instruction are more effec-
tive or at least as important as phonics for fostering comprehension and learning to read. 76

Recent Developments
The release of the 2000 NRP report became a key part of NCLB and the federal mandate that
instruction had to be scientifically based.77 However, the Reading First scandal78 and the
replacement of NCLB with the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) 79 stalled NRP momen-
tum. Nevertheless, through the 2010s and into the 2020s, elements of the panel’s findings
remained in most state and federal reading policy and standards, notably the Five Pillars
detailed above.80

The 2010s also included a rise in parental advocacy around dyslexia (discussed below), es-
tablishing the context for the current reading debate commonly termed the “science of read-
ing” movement. Grounded in the journalism of Emily Hanford, 81 the movement has been
reinforced by the 50-state organization Decoding Dyslexia, 82 the parent advocacy group al-
ready in place when Hanford called for new reforms.

The Science of Reading Movement

Educators and scholars have used the term “science of reading” as shorthand for the broad
and nuanced body of research on how children learn to read and how best to teach reading.
Since 2018, however, the phrase has been used in the media-based movement emphasiz-
ing phonics and in marketing phonics-oriented reading and literacy programs and services.
Such media attention and associated advocacy have been extremely effective in lobbying for
phonics-oriented legislation across most states in the U.S,83 with commercial vendors also
contributing momentum.84

Policymakers thus face the confounding reality that the term “science of reading” is used
in different ways by many advocacy groups, including the media, parents, education and
literacy stakeholders, and literacy educators, researchers, and scholars. 85 Additionally, the
movement has unfolded in the context of parents, education advocates, and political leaders
often raising valid concerns about students learning to read, especially students at-risk and
in marginalized groups including students in poverty, Black students, multilingual learners,
and special needs students. Everyone agrees on the need to do better—but the question of
how to do better remains.

Literacy educators, researchers, and scholars continue to define the science of reading as a
rich, decades-long body of research reflecting a variety of methodological and ideological
perspectives. Studies have been ongoing and findings consistently complex.86 While that
body of work provides context for determining “compelling evidence” for classroom instruc-
tion,87 closing the gap between research and practice remains challenging. 88 14 of 36
According to NRP panel member Shanahan, the science of reading movement based on the
comprehensive research base raises several important questions for policy and classroom

Which research questions are worthwhile from a ‘science of reading instruction’

perspective? Should we promote basic or applied science? Should pedagogy be
governed by standards of instruction or professional autonomy? What are the
nature and qualities of research most likely to contribute to a science of reading
(e.g., types of studies, methodological rigor, criteria for amounts and types of

Much remains to be better understood.

Media Portrayals of Reading Science

An article titled Hard Words90 by Hanford is ground zero of the current science of reading
movement.91 Based on the example of a Pennsylvania school that implemented reading sci-
ence and raised test scores, the article offered an extended analysis and criticism of reading
instruction across the U.S.92 The analysis established several points of debate about the
teaching of reading.

Reading science, Hanford claimed, is limited to the simple view of reading 93 (detailed above)
and is characterized as settled science. Other claims in her coverage are that “science” is re-
stricted to the field of cognitive psychology and experimental/quasi-experimental research 94
(like the scope of the NRP). The sources of low student reading achievement are that teach-
ers do not know or fail to implement reading science and that teacher educators either do
not understand or “dismiss”95 reading science. The movement’s advocacy also blames low
reading achievement on popular commercial reading programs, notably those by Lucy Calk-
ins (Units of Study) and Fountas and Pinnell.96

Advocates in this science of reading movement include journalists (including Hanford,

Goldstein, and Natalie Wexler97), cognitive scientists (including Seidenberg and Daniel
Willingham98), and literacy scholars (including Louisa Moates99). However, many literacy
scholars and researchers have challenged the media-based movement for exaggerating and
oversimplifying claims about reading, science, and research; for depending on anecdotes
and misleading think-tank claims about successful implementation of reading research; and
for fostering a hostile social media climate around reading debates. 100

New and Revised Reading Policy

Throughout the late 2010s, the science of reading movement as presented in the media di-
rectly and indirectly influenced state-level reading policies and practices 101 such as:

• States revised or passed new legislation focusing on reading proficiency by 3 rd grade,

often including grade retention policies linked to high-stakes testing. 102 While research
on the effectiveness of grade retention (detailed below) shows short-term test score 15 of 36
gains, they fade over time and have long-term negative consequences for students. 103

• Specific commercial reading programs have been banned at the state level and been
re-evaluated at the district and school levels.

• Reading policy and practices addressing dyslexia among students now include uni-
versal screening and prescribed systematic phonics instruction (often Orton-Gilling-

• Policies have mandated systematic phonics instruction for all students.

• A renewed emphasis on phonics has been added to teacher professional development

(such as requiring training in LETRS) and teacher education.105

Discussion and Analysis

As noted, the current debate about reading achievement and best instructional practice fits
into a century of similar debates. This movement has advanced several popular and political
claims that policymakers find compelling and that have consequently influenced current
policy and classroom practices. However, recent events may illustrate less about how poli-
cymakers should shape reading instruction and more about the political and practical chal-
lenges of designing policy and practice in the face of pervasive advocacy. 106

The concerns about reading that the media and parents raise are in fact valid. Reading
achievement can and should be improved. In addition, any students struggling to read,
whether diagnosed with dyslexia or not, should be served fully by K-12 public education.
Yet, like previous reading debates, current criticism of reading achievement and instruction
as well as the policy and practice reforms being proposed rarely acknowledge that reading
achievement is often a strong indicator of home and community inequity and poverty rather
than a reflection of failed instruction or policy. 107 Instead, policymakers are being primarily
confronted with the realities that too many students struggle with learning to read and that
policy patterns from a century of reform have been ineffective.

Just as debates about reading are enduring, efforts to create and implement reading instruc-
tion based on research is an ongoing challenge for policymakers, teacher educators, school
and district administrators, and classroom teachers. The issue of what to do about dyslexia
is another example of comprehensive research failing to translate readily to effective policy
and instruction in an area with passionate advocates demanding attention and reform.


Scholars note that no single definition for diagnosing dyslexia exists, and many disagree
about estimates of how many people are dyslexic. Some stakeholders reject the diagnosis
entirely,108 many believe that dyslexia is relatively rare and complex, and others, notably
parent advocates such as members of Decoding Dyslexia, maintain that one in five students
has dyslexia.109 Here, policymakers must be cautious in the face of advocacy because effec- 16 of 36
tive reform should be informed by a detailed definition of dyslexia and considered in the
context of how to serve all students struggling to read.

Although research in these areas is ongoing, the current research base suggests the follow-

• No single effective instructional approach exists for students with dyslexia or other
struggling readers.

• Mandating Orton-Gillingham-based approaches for all students with dyslexia is not


• Narrow instructional approaches are ineffective for students with dyslexia.

• Teacher expertise and autonomy are necessary to address the complex issue of how
best to help students with dyslexia and other struggling readers. 110

A 2021 overview of research on dyslexia and policy concluded that the science on dyslexia
is not settled, although it does offer research-informed policy implications. Policymakers
face challenges posed by the lack of a unifying definition to classify students as dyslexic as
well as by the fact that the existing research offers little to help design instruction. What is
known is that early screening for reading difficulties is effective, but screening for dyslexia
does not produce further benefits. Because phonemic awareness and phonics instruction
are only one component of a complex reading instruction process, research does not sup-
port mandating systematic phonics programs as a single solution to the various problems
of students with dyslexia and other reading difficulties. And finally, overambitious dyslexia
policy may have negative consequences, including underserving students with non-dyslexia
reading challenges111

Neuroscience and Brain Research

Although cognitive science, neuroscience, and brain scan researchers have contributed to
the knowledge base on how children learn to read, it has remained difficult to translate
evolving evidence into classroom instruction. Moreover, many literacy scholars have chal-
lenged conclusions drawn from brain research. Some scholars also highlight the negative
consequences of using a narrow definition of “science” 112 to guide practical day-to-day in-
struction for student populations having individual strengths and needs. 113

The current reading debate, researchers contend, suffers from the same mistake the NRP
made—using only partial research evidence to guide classroom instruction. Since student
populations are rarely homogeneous,114 reading instruction in classrooms reading is messy.
Expanding the types of evidence used to guide policy and practice may be more effective
than advocacy for narrow definitions of “science.” 115

Criticism of Balanced Literacy and Reading Programs

As noted earlier, reading debates have historically blamed theories of reading, reading pro- 17 of 36
grams and ineffective teacher instruction for low reading achievement. Not surprisingly,
the current reading movement also includes criticism of both balanced literacy and popular
reading programs.116

These criticisms are complicated, especially for policymakers and district/school-level ad-
ministrators and teachers. Research over several decades has shown that the fact that a
district or state has adopted reading theories or reading programs does not ensure they are
being implemented as intended. In other words, even when a reading program is identified
as “balanced literacy,” there is no guarantee that balanced literacy is being practiced. 117

Yet, the current movement, for example, recommends that districts and states avoid adopt-
ing reading programs using the three-cueing system118 or programs not identified as struc-
tured literacy, and replace those with phonics-intensive programs. This aspect of advocacy
fails to recognize that the problem with reading achievement is not necessarily related to
specific commercial programs but instead likely results from implementing any commercial
program too rigidly.119 A wide and deep body of research identifies teacher expertise and
autonomy, instead of scripted programs, as key to reading achievement. 120 In contrast, rigid
implementation of reading programs often restricts or even replaces teacher decision mak-
ing that could better serve individual student needs.

In arguing against balanced literacy programs, current reading movement advocates en-
dorse SVR. However, literacy scholars have noted that SVR is not settled science, and cur-
rent research better supports the active view of reading. Studies have also shown that SVR
is inadequate for guiding robust and effective reading instruction. 121

Overall, the literature recommends that policymakers resist advocacy for “one-size-fits-all”
solutions offered by different or new commercial reading programs. 122 Instead, policy should
support the development of reading programs based on identified student needs at the state,
district, and school levels.

Teacher Education/Professional Development, Phonics, and Grade


The political challenges policymakers face is embedded in that research does not support
the recommendations of advocates in the current reading reform movement. Advocates and
media have misrepresented teacher education, endorsed systematic phonics for all students,
and tolerated grade retention.123 Media advocacy often relies on anecdotes, and supporters
of the movement “do not employ the same standards for scientific research that they claimed
as the basis for their critiques.” 124

While teacher education may need reform in preparing candidates, the movement’s criti-
cism tends to rely on non-peer-reviewed reports from NCTQ, an advocacy think tank that
issues reports based on faulty methods and selective use of evidence. 125 Further, the move-
ment has promoted a commercial teacher training program emphasizing systematic pho-
nics, LETRS—a program that research does not support.126

While the research literature is clear that phonics and phonemic awareness are essential 18 of 36
for learning to read, the current reading reform movement has exaggerated both the lack of
phonics instruction and the effectiveness of systematic phonics instruction for all students
and students with dyslexia. Much of the advocacy for systematic phonics in the current
reading movement is based on anecdotes from parents and promotional material from com-
mercial phonics programs. Evidence, including the recent evaluation of England’s move to
systemic phonics discussed above, 127 suggests that how and when students should receive
intensive phonics instruction varies among students and discounts a single approach for all
students as a means of improving achievement.

One of the most harmful consequences of the current reading movement is that states have
increased policies mandating grade retention based on high stakes testing, copycat versions
of the post-NCLB “Florida model,”128 despite evidence suggesting that retention remains
harmful. Further distorting the picture, the media have presented increased standardized
test scores in Mississippi as proof of the effectiveness of reading science reforms,129 although
no research exists to support that claim and it is possible that Mississippi’s high retention
rate130 may well be a more influential factor than instruction. Research demonstrates grade
retention may increase test scores short-term, but the long-term impact is negative, since
grade retention is primarily linked to students dropping out of high school. 131

Nevertheless, grade retention policy remains politically attractive for policymakers because
there is evidence linking it to short-term increases in standardized reading scores 132 That
said, policymakers should be skeptical, because research has not yet clarified if those in-
creases are due to retention or other policies impacting retained students. And reviews of
short-term gains continue to show that they fade over time and that negative consequences
of grade retention (like eventually dropping out of school) remain. 133

By 2022, the current reading debate has demonstrated significant momentum.134 It has di-
rectly and indirectly affected state-level legislation, classroom reading instruction, teacher
professional development, and teacher education. 135 Calls for science-informed policy and
instruction are compelling, even when the agenda of advocacy is based more on ideology
than on evidence. Media, parents, and policymakers remain drawn to simply defined prob-
lems and “one-size-fits-all” solutions. 136

Advocacy, then, within any reading reform movement does not serve policy decisions well.
Still, the current movement provides an opportunity for policymakers to rethink and re-
design alternative approaches to reading/literacy policy and practice based on sound con-
clusions from rigorous research. In general, such conclusions indicate that policymakers

• Be wary of overstatements and oversimplifications within media and public advoca-

cy, acknowledging concerns raised but remaining skeptical of simplistic claims about
causes and solutions.

• Attend to known influences on student reading achievement, including: the socioeco- 19 of 36
nomics of communities, schools, and homes; teacher expertise and autonomy; and
teaching and learning conditions.

• Recognize student-centered as an important research-supported guiding principle

but also acknowledge the reality that translating such research-based principles into
classroom practice is always challenging.

• Shift new reading policies away from prescription and mandates (“one-size-fits-all”
approaches) and toward support for individual student needs and ongoing teacher-in-
formed reform.

In rethinking past efforts and undertaking new reforms, policymakers should additionally
move beyond the ineffective cycles demonstrated during earlier debates and reforms, avoid-
ing specific mandates and instead providing teachers the flexibility and support necessary
to adapt their teaching strategies to specific students’ needs. Therefore, state policymakers
should do the following:

• End narrowly prescriptive non-research-based policies and programs such as:

o Grade retention based on reading performance.

o High-stakes reading testing at Grade 3.

o Mandates and bans that require or prohibit specific instructional practices, such
as systematic phonics and the three-cueing approach.

o A “one-size-fits-all” approach to dyslexia and struggling readers.

• Form state reading panels, consisting of classroom teachers, researchers, and oth-
er literacy experts. Panels would support teachers by serving in an advisory role for
teacher education, teacher professional development, and classroom practice. They
would develop and maintain resources in best practice and up-to-date reading and
literacy research.

On a more local level, school- and district-level policymakers should do the following:

• Develop teacher-informed reading programs based on the population of students

served and the expertise of faculty serving those students, avoiding lockstep imple-
mentation of commercial reading programs and ensuring that instructional materials
support—rather than dictate—teacher practice.

• Provide students struggling to read and other at-risk students with certified, experi-
enced teachers and low student-teacher ratios to support individualized and differen-
tiated instruction. 20 of 36
Notes and References

1 Fadulu, L. (2022, May 12). Mayor Adams unveils program to address dyslexia in N.Y.C. schools. The New York
Times. Retrieved May 19, 2022, from

2 Goldstein, D. (2022, May 22). In the fight over how to teach reading, this guru makes a major retreat. New
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3 Teachers College Reading and Writing Project (2021, November 3). A response to EdReports’ assessment
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4 Hanford, E. (2018, September 10). Hard words: Why aren’t kids being taught to read? APM Reports.
Retrieved May 16, 2022, from

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of reading. Reading Research Quarterly, 56(S1), S86. Retrieved July 26, 2022, from

6 Compton-Lilly, C.F., Mitra, A., Guay, M., & Spence, L.K. (2020). A confluence of complexity:

Intersections among reading theory, neuroscience, and observations of young readers. Reading Research
Quarterly, 55(S1), S185-S195. Retrieved July 26, 2022, from

Brooks, G. (2022, July 18). Current debates over the teaching of phonics. Oxford Research Encyclopedia
of Education. Retrieved July 23, 2022, from

7 Preston, T. (2022, May 2). A look back: A chronicle of Kappan’s coverage of the reading wars. Phi Delta
Kappan, 103(8), 5-7. Retrieved June 9, 2022, from

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Williams, B.T. (2007, October). Why Johnny can never, ever read: The perpetual literacy crisis and student
identity. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 51(2), 178-182.

8 LaBrant, L. (1947, January). Research in language. Elementary English, 24(1), 87.

9 Preston, T. (2022, May 2). A look back: A chronicle of Kappan’s coverage of the reading wars. Phi Delta
Kappan, 103(8), 5-7. Retrieved June 9, 2022, from

10 This report is identified in: Betts, E., Dolch, E., Gates, A., Gray, W., Horn, E., LaBrant, L., . . . Witty, P. (1942).
What shall we do about reading today?: A symposium. The Elementary English Review, 19(7), 225-256.
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reading today?: A symposium. The Elementary English Review, 19(7), 225-256. Retrieved May 16, 2022, from 21 of 36
12 Krashen, S. (2002a). Defending whole language: The limits of phonics instruction and the efficacy of whole
language instruction. Reading Improvement, 39(1), 32-42. Retrieved May 17, 2022, from http://www.

13 Flesch, R. (1986). Why Johnny can’t read: And what you can do about it. William Morrow Paperbacks.

14 Bowers, J.S. (2020). Reconsidering the evidence that systematic phonics is more effective than alternative
methods of reading instruction. Educational Psychology Review, 32(2020), 681-705. Retrieved July 26, 2022,

15 Education: Why Johnny can’t read. (1955, March 14). Time. Retrieved April 27, 2022, from https://content.,33009,807107,00.html

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Williams, B.T. (2007, October). Why Johnny can never, ever read: The perpetual literacy crisis and student
identity. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 51(2), 178-182.

16 Semingson, P. & Kerns, W. (2021). Where is the evidence? Looking back to Jeanne Chall and enduring debates
about the science of reading. Reading Research Quarterly, 56(S1), S157-S169. Retrieved July 26, 2022,

17 See An intersection of sociolinguistics and psycholinguistics. (2013, November 24). Penn State. Retrieved
July 26, 2022, from

18 Semingson, P., & Kerns, W. (2021). Where is the evidence? Looking back to Jeanne Chall and enduring
debates about the science of reading. Reading Research Quarterly, 56(S1), S157-S169. Retrieved July 26,
2022, from

19 For example, a teacher might read a text to a class of children not yet able to read and afterward call their
attention to its repeating sounds link to repeating letters—like the “op” sound in the Dr. Seuss book Hop on
Pop. Much literature for very young students features repeating letters sounds and letters and facilitates such

20 Semingson, P. & Kerns, W. (2021). Where is the evidence? Looking back to Jeanne Chall and enduring debates
about the science of reading. Reading Research Quarterly, 56(S1), S157-S169. Retrieved July 26, 2022,

21 Krashen, S. (2017). Does phonics deserve the credit for improvement in PIRLS? Retrieved July 26, 2022, from

22 Chall, J. (1967). Learning to read: The great debate. McGraw-Hill.

23 Semingson, P. & Kerns, W. (2021). Where is the evidence? Looking back to Jeanne Chall and enduring debates
about the science of reading. Reading Research Quarterly, 56(S1), S157-S169. Retrieved July 26, 2022,

24 Krashen, S. (2002b). Whole language and the great plummet of 1987-92. Phi Delta Kappan, 83(10), 748-753.

McQuillan, J. (1998). The literary crisis: False claims, real solutions. Heinemann.

25 Darling-Hammond includes a chart comparing teaching practices that compares “structured subskills”
(traditional, skills approach) versus “integrative language” (whole language practices). Average score for
“structured subskills” was 200, lower than for “integrative language,” which was 220, for example.

Darling-Hammond, L. (1997, November). Doing what matters most: Investing in quality teaching. Kutstown, 22 of 36
PA: The National Commission on Teaching and America’s Future.

26 Report of the National Reading Panel: Teaching children to read. (2000, April). U.S. Department of Health
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Report. Education Week, 22(33), 44-45, 56. Retrieved May 18, 2022, from

29 Yatvin, J. (2000). Minority view. Retrieved June 8, 2022, from


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32 Yatvin, J. (2000). Minority view. Retrieved June 8, 2022, from


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Yatvin, J. (2003). I told you so! The misinterpretation and misuse of The National Reading Panel
Report. Education Week, 22(33), 44-45, 56. Retrieved May 18, 2022, from

34 See Chapter 3 in Thomas, P.L. (2020). How to end the reading war and serve the literacy needs of all
students: A primer for parents, policy makers, and people who care. Information Age Publishing.

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36 Krashen, S. (2002). Defending whole language: The limits of phonics instruction and the efficacy of whole
language instruction. Reading Improvement, 39(1), 32-42. Retrieved May 17, 2022, from http://www.

Williams, B.T. (2007, October). Why Johnny can never, ever read: The perpetual literacy crisis and student
identity. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 51(2), 178-182.

37 Cummings, A. (2021). Making early literacy policy work in Kentucky: Three considerations for policymakers
on the “Read to Succeed” act. Boulder, CO: National Education Policy Center. Retrieved May 18, 2022, from

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Collet, V.S., Penaflorida, J., French, S., Allred, J., Greiner, A., & Chen, J. (2021). Red flags, red herrings, and
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51 Compton-Lilly, C.F., Mitra, A., Guay, M., & Spence, L.K. (2020). A confluence of complexity:

Intersections among reading theory, neuroscience, and observations of young readers. Reading Research
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the many programs (like Orton-Gillingham) that teach reading by following the evidence and research behind
the Science of Reading. Programs that exemplify the components and methods that are outlined in the term,
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Intersections among reading theory, neuroscience, and observations of young readers. Reading Research
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68 Yelland, N. (2020, August 19). Phoney phonics: How decoding came to rule reading lost meaning. Teachers
College Record. Retrieved May 17, 2022, from

69 Holistic instruction describes teaching methods that start with the whole activity by students, such as reading
and writing by choice. Instruction is then based on those whole performances by students. By contrast, skills
instruction begins with isolated skills, such as phonics instruction, and builds those skills before students
perform the whole activity.

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research evidence, curriculum policy and teachers’ practices for teaching phonics and reading. Review of
Education, 10(1), e3314. Retrieved July 26, 2022, from

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Brooks, G. (2022, July 18). Current debates over the teaching of phonics. Oxford Research Encyclopedia
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Week. Retrieved July 25, 2022, from

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common ground: An expert study in response to state reading policy. Educational Considerations, 47(1).
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Fountas and Pinnell, yet evidence shows some schools have found their programs very effective, suggesting
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research evidence, curriculum policy and teachers’ practices for teaching phonics and reading. Review of
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Policy Research Unit. Retrieved May 18, 2022, from

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