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Ingilizce Çıkmış Sorular

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Sınavdan 85 aldım, darısı sizin başınıza

1)bu soru vardı ama şıklarda datum yoktu. Landmarks yaptım.

-map must be labelled with …. and depth information
a ) navigational
b) landmarks*****
c) datum
d) lighthouse

2)………….. fener görünüş mesafelerini etkiler. Fog,snow, hail…..v.s

Şıklarda Atmosphere condition vardı, en yakın o geldi onu işaretledim.

3)..............................a signal announce indicated for safety?

a) all ships
b) all ships all ships
c) pan pan
d) securite*****

4) A safety message is sent whenever ………........…………….. .

a) There is an important navigational or meteorological warning******
b) There is an urgent message about the safety of a ship
c) There is an urgent message about the safety of a person
d) Immediate assistance is required
e) There is loss of life

5) When steel is in contact with water, air or salt solutions, it undergoes a chemical
change known as ...... .
a) Coating
b) Bitumen
c) Rusting*****
d) Cement
e) Deteriration

6) Halon gazı etkisinde kalan biri ne durumda olur ?


7) Visiul coded signals and radio-telegraphy signals are printed in ………………………

a) National code of manners
b) International code of signals*****
c) International regulations
d) Worldwide magazines
e) Multinational regulations

8) repeat/have/what/you/received kelimlerini düzenleyerek cümle oluştur.

repeat what have you received*****

9) Manifesto’nun tanımını yapmış, nedir ne işe yarar diye, aşağıdakilerden hangisi

manifestonun içeriğinde bulunmamaktadır demiş,
Agent ile ilgili birşeyden bahsetmemiş ama şıklarda vardı. Onu işaretledim

10) Temporary Certificates of Inspection are effective until the __________.

A) Solas Certificate is issued
B) Load Line Certificate is renewed
C) classification society approval is issued
D) permanent Certificate of Inspection is issued*****
11) freboard markalaması ve bilmem bişey hangi sertifikaya istinaden yapılır.
-Loadline Sertifikasına göre dedim..***

12) Gas and vapor ile ilgili bir soru vardı tanımını yapmış bu nedir diyordu, en yakın
“flammale point” diye bir cevap vardı onu işaretledim

13) muster list posted before ship sailing

a) engine officers
b) deck officers
c) engine crews
d) each crew member****
e) cadets

14) For classification survey,the following is to be kept on board and made available to
the surveyor on
request :
a) Class certificates and other documentation of significance,
b) Reports on previous surveys performed,
c) Approved drawings,
d) All the above,****
e) None of the above

15) ** Emergency towing arrangemet solasta neye göre düzenlendi.

Oil tanker not less than 20,000 dwt ***
a)roro passanger 
c) dry cargo ship more than 20,000 
d)cargo ship more than 20,000

16) Aşağıdakilerden hangisi Statutory Certificate değildir diyordu,

“İnspection certificate” diğer şıklardan farklı duruyordu onu işaretledim.

17) The vessel which has the right of way is known as . . . . . . .. . . . .

a) the regulations
b) more safety
c) a higher certificate
d) the standing-on vessel****
e) their message

18) An instrument used for measuring the .................. of the air is called a hygrometer
a) Pressure
b) Heat
c) Air pressure
d) Speed
e) Humidity*****

19) purpose of sheer in construction içeren bir soru vardı, ne olduğunu anlamadım
cevabıda salladım, hatırlayan varsa yazsın..

20) Cell code’a gore container yüklemesinde dikkate alınan en önemli sey nedir gibi bir
soru vardı.
Weight of container yaptım bilmem doğrumu.

sınavı 15 dakikada tamamladım, kalan süreyi soruları ezberlemekle geçirdim. BAŞARILAR

1.05.2015 Ankara Uzakyol 1.zabit ingilize sinavi yeni sorular. Arkadaslar gasm 2014
kitabindan cikmis sorular 141-175-214-237 sorulari gelmistir. Yarisindan fazlasi yeni soru
olarak gelmistir. Bunlardan bir kismi denizcilikfakultesi forum sitesinden gelmistir.
Asagida verilen cevaplar benim kendi cevaplarim olup sizleri yanlis yonledirmek istemem.
75 ile gectim ama hangileri dogru, yanlis bilmiyorum.

Ingilizce yeni sorular:

1.-Adamin bas parmagina (thumb) balikci oltasi ignesi(fishhook) takiliyor. Nasil mudahale
edersin diyor

a)-Push the barb(cengel), cut it off then remove the hook

b)-Pull with pliers(kerpeten) -------benim cevabim. A ile B arasinda kaldim ama emin

c)-Yarali bolgesi kesin

d)-Surgical mudahale de bulunulsun

e)-Yarali bolgesi kesin vs (c sikkindan farkli ama tam hatirlamiyorum)

2.-Guvertede araba tasiyan gemiler icin araba en etkin nerede tasinmalidir diyordu

a)-One of the hatch immedialty backward of midship ----- benim cevabim ama emin

b)-No 1 hatch

c)-Forward hatch

d)-One of the hatch immedialty forward of midship

e)-On the deckhouse

3.-checking the provision of means of embarkation and disembarkation from ships for
use in port and in port-related operations, such as gangways and accommodation
ladders-which certificate ……………..

a)-safety equipment cert ---------------benim cevabim

b)-LL cert

c)-Safety contruction cert

d)-Deck department cert


4.-Cargo gear annual sörvey tamamlandıktan sonra uygulanacak prosedür nedir diyordu?
b-with cargo gear certificate 
d- attaced to cargo gear certificate------------- benim cevabim ama emin degilim


5.-Kaptan bi yazi yazmis c/p ye gore yukleme yaptim. Bilmem ne tarihi ve saatinde
bilmem ne limaninda shifting yaptim diyor. Butun olaylarin sorumlulugu aliyorum diyor.
Bu yazilan nedir diyordu.


b)-Letter of protest -------------- benim cevabim .ama olabilecek ya A olur ya B. diger

siklar sacma

c)-Bill of lading

d)-Time ….


6.-DSC icin hangisi dogru degildir

a)-Urgency durumlar icin gonderilmez.------------benim cevabim

b)-Dsc mesaji icin de tanimlayici numeratic of station

c)-Dsc indivual yada group gonderilebilir

d)-Dsc nin amaci acil, tehlike durumlarindan gonderilir (cumleyi tam hatirlamiyorum)

7.-Egc hangi sertifikada kontrol edilir?

a-safety radio certificate--------- benim cevabim ----e-safety radiotelegraphy cert.

8.-Spole of the bottom from keel to bilge …….(cumleyi tam hatirlamiyorum)


b)-Camber-----benim cevabim ama yanlis. 


d)-Keel the height------cevap buydu galiba emin degiilim.


9.-A partial of hold deck,

a)-orpol deck------ galiba cevap bu

b)-Shelder deck

c)-Main deck------------benim cevabim ama sorudan birsey anlamadim. Emin degilim

d)-Weather deck


10.-vardiyacı rüzarın counterclockwise olduğunu fark etti?


11.-genel kural geregi toplanma istasyonunda herkes can yelegini giymis sekilde
toplanir.ancak bazi durumlarda bu yapilmaz, yelekler ellerde hazir tutulur gibi birsey
diyordu. Buna kim karar verir


b)-safety officer


d)-chief officer--------benim cevabim ama emin degilim.master da olabilir.

e)-chief engineer

12.-for maintenance of class

a)u.s coast gurasd controls must be performed by the flaf state
b)the periodical(reqular)and occasional(extraordinary) surveys must be performed----
benim cevabim
c)inspections by İMO officers for the ship's documents must be performed
d)the shipyard must control the ship
e)the port state cont. should be performed

13.-Seabed old day sounding pipe, this times ………(eski zamanlarda dip olcumu
yapilamiyordu.suan ise bilmem ne sayesinde olcumler daha kolay vs diyordu.

14.-is published weekly informing mariners of important effecting navigational safety

including new hydrographic information ,changes in-
and aids to navigation
a)the notice to mariners-------------benim cevabim
b )the nautical almanac-
c)planning guide-
d)the pilot book-
e) the sailing directions planning

15.-Gemi jurnalinden bahsetmiş... jurnale hava raporu, rota sicaklik vs -en az hangi
sıklıklarda jurnal doldurulmalıdır?
b)daily ---------benim cevabim
e)önemli bir olay sonrasında hemen

hatirlayabildiklerim bunlardir. Kolay gelsin

Kitaptan sadece 9 soru geldi sanırım.

İngilizce seyir soruları çıktı birkaç tane.

Hatırladığım kitapta olmayan sorular

-Harita Projeksiyon sorusu
-Elektrikli vinç çalışırken gemi sistemleri çökerse ne olur?
-hangi durumda güç ile çalışan ekipmanlar kullanılamaz?
-Meteroloji soruları

If an electric cargo winch is being used to lift a draft of cargo and the engine room loses
all power, which will occur?
A The load will fall rapidly to the deck unless the foot brake is engaged.
B An electromagnetic brake will hold the load where it is suspended. xxxxxxx
C A pawl, forced by a spring mechanism, will engage the teeth of the bull gear and hold
the load.
D The load will slowly lower to the deck under control of the drag of the winch motor.

1.gemi operasyon sırasında shifting yapmak zorunda kalmıs ama c/p de shifting olmadıgı
icin metin asagıdakilerden hangisine aittir.
notice of readiness
bill of lading 
protest of letter*******

2. yangını onlemek icin gerekli tedbirler alınmalıdır in ingilizcesi nedir?

precoutins should be taken to prevent fire (bunu isaretledim)

3. portable recargable lamps should be placed.... turkcesini sormus (eski soru)

4.hangisi yagıs degildir?


5. geminin agırlıgı yuzdurme kuvvetine esit olursa ne olur eski soru


6. c tipi yangın hangisidir.

7.geminin bastarafna dogru stackler mı ole bisey tanım sormus asagıdakilerden
hangisi ....staklerdir demis
down stracker diye cvpladım ama emin degilim 

8.roro gemilerinde zincir kullanıldıgında tansion elemanı hangisidir demis cvbi bilmiyorum
chain tension
chain hook

9.geminin savrulmasını mumkun oldugunca durdurmak icin hangisi uygulanır.eski soru


10.silindir seklinde yapılan ve en yaygin kullanılan projeksiyon hangisidir.

marcator (ben marcator dedim)
lamberd conic

11.tonnage sertifikasının suresi nekadardir demis

1 year
5 year *****
6 months
2 year

12 bi serifika demis yalan olmasın constraction dı galiba hangi tip gemi icindir demis
bulk carrier
oil tanker
hepsi **** 

13. babaların ve towing arrangmentlarin swl leri nerede yazar demis

safety construction certificate (bunu isaretledim emin degilim)
safety equipment certificate
class inspection certificate

14.navigasyon yaparken text lerden ve ...... dan faydalanılır diye giden soru
sailing directions
list of light

simdilik hatırladıklarım bunlar 75 le gectim cvplarıma cok guvenmeyın

700 soruluk pdf ve 2015 kitabından calısmıstım

kolay gelsin herkeze basarılar

kitaptan; 55,90,121,177,217
700 uscg; 271,630
650 soruluk uscg den ; 228 ve 321 ama tam 321 gıbı degıl sordugu sey aynı farklı bı
sekılde sormus cevabıda
auto-ıgnıtıon temperature yaptım ben.

hangisi chartlarda bulunmaz demıs


hangısı fire man outfitın bı parcası degıldır demıs

falan fılan dıye gıdıyo

CO2 is ......... to prevent the fire by smootherıng gıbı bısey

falan fılan

2 tane farklı ısılara sahıp hava kutlesının bulustugu noktalara ne denır demıs

cevabı front+++

sacma sapan bı makıne sorusu vardı. dıesel engıneler nerelere hava basar dıye bıseydı
galıba 2 tanesını soylemıs sana
turbo charger ı hatırlıyorum sadece 1 tane daha verıcek sana onun yanında 3ncusunude
sana sorucak 

air receivers 
falan fılan gıdıyo

dumenın enı ve boyunun bırbırıne oranını soruyo width ıle heıght demıs 

rudder ratio
constructıon ratio
aspect ratio++++
fln fln

***Your vessel is issued a load line certificate dated 29 April 2010. What is NOT an
acceptable date for one of the surveys for endorsements?
a) 28 January 2011
b) 29 February 2012 
c) 26 September 2013
d) 24 June 2013 
bu soruya cok benzıyo aynı soru sadece tarıhler degısık bu 3 yıl 5 ay kuralını kullanıyosun
heralde ben oyle yaptım.
tarıh yıne aprıl 2010 sıklardada 2014 ler falan felan var 3 september var ben onu

bı tane daha survey sorusu var acıklamaya calısıcam

harmonized survey altında gırılen bır ınıtıal ıcın hangısı yanlıstır demıs

ben cevabı herhangı bı tamırat yapıldıgı zaman gırılır falna gıbı bı sık vardı onu yaptım
emın degılım.

Bu kadar hatırlayabıldım arkadaslar.

Ben sınavdan 90 aldım umarım sizede yardımcı olur bu sorular.

1. Damage to cargo caused by dust is known as....?

2. Report is she does not....the....
3. My position has been .... by decca
4. Whic one exntiguishes the electrical fire?
Halon (şıklarda CO2 yoktu)
5.Immersion suits help reduce the .... of body heat and shock on entering cold water,....
6. If an object blocks the airway of a person, what first aid method is used to remove
that object?
Heimlich Maneouvre
7. The Nautical Almanac contains information on sunrise ...... moonrise and moonset?
8. .... is an official record book which is used to keep information about a journey such as
the ship's speed heading, port of call, crew complement, and events on board ship.
A log book
9."North Harbour, this is Amphora, this is Amphora, on channel 14, over" is an example
First contact
10. What is the difference in height between MHW (high water) and MLW (Low water)?
11. Inspection, either general or particial according to circumstances, to be made after a
repair resulting from casualty investigations or whenever any important repairs or
renewals are made...
Additional Survey
12. Which sentence is true for inspections of the ship's bottom of cargo ships.
Inspections of the outside of cargo ships bottom bottom of cargo ships being carried out
with both ship is in drydock and afloat
13. The joint formed when two steel shell plates are placed longitudinally side by side is
14. Eskiden gemilerde derinlik el iskandilleri ile ölçülürdü, şimdi deniz diplerine ilişkin
ölçümler... ile yapılıyor gibi bir cümle vardı (Cümleyi çok net hatırlıyamıyoum, kusura
15. Bill of Lading ile ilgili bir paragraf vermiş, bu durumda yüklenme durumu nedir gibi
bir soru sormuş. Cümlede yükün yüklenmiş olduğu anlatılıyor. Bu nedenle;
CEVAP: carrier received the goods
16. ........ (personelin toplanmasını anlatan kısım)drill.(bu boşlukta personelin ne giyerek
toplanacağı işaret edilyor)ve boşluk bırakılmı.....
CEVAP: Wearing lifejackets. (soru çok basitti üzerinde durmadım ezberlemek için, kusura
17. Sesli ve görsel alarm (ballast and dry space gibi ifadeleri de içeren bir cümle vardı)
SOLAS' a göre hangi tür gemiler için zorunluluktur şeklinde sormuş. (ben oil taker dedim)
DOĞRU CEVAP: Bulk Cariiers olacak, kaynağından öğredim.
18. Bir geminin durumu STIFF VESSEL olarak tarif edilmiş, yüklemede ne tür bir
değişiklikle rahatlama sağlanır diyordu.
NOT: Bu sorunun cevabından emin olmadığım için bir cevap yazmıyorum
BEWARE WINDS MAYBE %40 ıncrease,.... diye devam eden uzun bir paragraf var. BU
paragrafa göre hava nasıl olacak diye soruyor.
CEVAP: WINDS EXCHANGE... diye devam eden cümle olacak (ben bu soruyu yanlış
yaptım, ancak buraya yazdığım cevap kesin olarak doğrudur. Zaten emin olmadığım
ceapları yazmıyorum, bir soru bile çok değerli bu sınavda o nedenle kimseyi 5 puandan
etmek istemem)
20. Marine Survey hangi durumlarda veya nezaman yapılır tarzında bir soru vardı, (soru
bağlama kısmı after... şeklinde) bu sorunun cevabındandan da emin değilim o yüzden
yazmıyorum, ancak şıkları hatırlıyorum belki bilen birileri doğru cevabı yazarsa biz de
öğrenmiş oluruz.
a. an inspection b. a notice c. every voyage c. a drill d. a protest
Umarım yazdıklarımın siteyi takip edenlere bir faydası olur. Ben çok faydasını gördüm, bu
nedenle bu sitede soru paylaşan herkese çok teşekkür ederim. Sınavlarım yeni bitti diğer
sınavların sorularını da fırsat buldukça paylaşacağım. 13. soruyu sınavda yanlış yaptım
ama kaynağından doğru cevabı öğrendim. Ben 80 ile geçtim. Toplamda daha önce hiç
görmediğim diyebileceğim 6 soru vardı. Bana özellikle üç tanesi zor geldi. Allah herkese
kolaylıklar versin.

Load line certificate annual yenileme suresiyle ilgili

-three month s either way endorsment day
-three months before the endorment day
-three months after the endorsement day
-6 month

-To amplify voice ................................... is used.

a) aldis lamp
b) loud hailer
c) gong
d) drum
e) low frequency

-As a last resort, a tourniquet can be used to __________.

a. hold a victim in a stretcher
b. stop uncontrolled bleeding
c. hold a large bandage in place
d. restrain a delirious victim

-electronic harita ile ilgili soru paper chart is generally used, paper chart back up if it ......

-40 dwt ton tanker should have IOPP certificate ( it is carrying cargo under marpol)
-Atmospheric pressure is usually given in ………………………………….
a) minibars
b) minimum
c) millenium
d) miles
e) milibar

-Yangını önlemek için tedbirler alınacaktır. Correct translation of this sentence into 
English is;
a) Precautions must be done to avoid fire.
b) Precautions shall be taken to prevent fire.
c) There shall be prevented with caution.
d) To prevent fire, some cautions shall be taken.
e) Fire is prevented by some precautions.

-which standart Safety equipment certificate comply

-vessel is at risk. officer on watch preoccupied when there is risk of.... (Collision)

-A towing hawser is readied for service by __________.

A) spooling it on a winch cathead
B) coiling it in a counterclockwise direction on the fantail
C) faking it on deck in a fore and aft direction
D) spooling it on a reel lying on its side to prevent rolling

- paint and scale is removed ....... (scraper)

-temporary certificate ile ilgili hangisi dogrudur diye bi soru vardi

-Hold, ballast and air dry spaces must have visual and audible signals acc to solas
a) Bulk carriers
b) Tankers
c) Passsenger
d) Ro-ro
e) passenger roro

-chief officer. Loading discharging times statement of fact ile ilgili bi soru

-Cargo gear ………………………………………………………

a) provides ventilation in the holds
b) sometimes called manholes leading to the lower compartments.
c) protects the weather compartments below deck from waves
d) is a vital concern both for good seamanship and for the seaworthiness of the vessel
e) is used for purposes of loading and discharging

-Light Displacement Tonnage is:

A) The amount of water spilled out by a ship,when it floats at a specific condition,
B) The tonnage value of a ship,after subtracting the volumes of navigational spaces,
C) The total volume of all closed spaces in cubic feet(ft3), divided by hundred (100),
D) The sum of the weights of hull, machinery, engines, rigging, spare parts, all
E) None of the above.
-Which of the following can not be a defect a light might have?
a) Destroyed b) Damaged c) Unlit d) Off station e) Expensive

Which of the following statements is incorrect?

a) If there is a new crew member who joins the vessel, he must be trained within the
first two 
weeks after joining the vessel
b) All the life-saving equipment and appliances must be in their correct places and order
c) If there are any passengers on board, they must be trained on how to use the life-
d) Drills must be conducted as if there is a real emergency situation
e) It is not necessary to lower at least one life-boat into the sea when there is an

-My position has been ............. by decca.

A) loosened
B) performed
C) fulfilled
D) lost
E) obtained

30.11.2015 tarihli Uzakyol 1. Zabit İngilizce sınavında çıkan sorular. İlk 3 soruyu
hatırlamıyorum ama 2 yanlışım var. Belki yanlışlarım alttaki sorulardadır, cevaplarımı

3) Before the charterer or shipper is under an obligation….

Bu soruyu tam hatırlamıyorum.

4) The vertical joint formed when two steel plates are placed end to end is
called a.............

a)butt ************

5) If an object blocks the airway of a person, what first aid method is used to
remove that object?
A) Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation(CPR)
B) Artificial Respiration
C) Heimlich Manoeuvre ***********
D) Splinting
E) Rescue Breathing

6) Instructions in the ………………. Describe the allocated muster station,

survival craft station and emergency duty and all emergency signals and actions
if any to be taken on hearing such signals
a) Muster List *************
b) Emergency Procedures
c) Fire Drills
d) Crew List
e) Check List

7) Different dangerous good are considered incompatible if their stowage

together may result in undue hazards in the case of leakage, spillage or any
other accidents. Which of the following measures can be used to prevent above
mentioned hazards?

a) discrepancy
b) segregation ***************
c) disorder
d) decontamination
e) allotment

8) The force or speed of a ……………. is measured by an anenometer.

b) hall
c) fog
d) wind *************
e) pressure

9) Classification of ships are made by:

a) ministry of maritime affairs

b) shipyards
c) national dependent organizations
d) independent international or internationally recognised classification
organizations ***********
e) none of the above 

10) Which of the following is irrelevant with the survey of “crude oil washing

a) Testing ballast pipelines that through Cargo tanks and those cargo pipelines
that pass through ballast tanks to ensure there is no cross contamination
b) Examing washing piping, pumps, valves and deck-mounted washing machines for
c) Carrying out pressure testing of the washing system to 1.5 times the working pressure
d) Checking that, when fitted, steam heaters for water washing can be properly isolated
during oil washing operations.

11) A fire can be extingıished for …

a) water
b) foam
c) carbon dioxide
d) sprinkling
e) all
12) To amplify voice …… if used

a) Aldis lamo
b) loud hailer
c) gong
e) low frequeny

13) During which survey it is confirmed that contintinuous synopsis record is


A) Safety Equipment Certificate survey

b) Safety Construction Certificate survey ************
c) International Sacurity Certificate survey
d) Load Line Certificate survey
e) Class Continous survey

14) “Checking the provision of mans of embarkation and disembarkation from

ships for use in the port and in port-related operations, such as gangways and
accommodation ladders” is a part of:

a) Safety Equipment certificate survey *******

b) Safety Construction certificate survey
c) Load line certificate survey
d) Deck Equipment certificate survey
e) Classification certificate survey

15) A: Go Ahead : (Follow Me)

B: …….

a) I will be ready to help

b) I am going ahead (I am following you) ******
c) I will be followed by vessel
d) He will go ahead
e) Will you be followed by vessel?

16) You are running into danger. Fog bang ahead of you.

a) Tehlikeye gidiyorsunuz. Önünüzde kesik sis var.

b) Tehlikeye gidiyorsunuz. Önünüzde sığ su var.
c) Tehlikeye gidiyorsunuz. Önünüzde enkaz var.
d) Tehlikeye gidiyorsunuz. Önünüzde kesif sis var. ********
e) Tehlikeye gidiyorsunuz. Önünüzde mayın var.

17) Depths are measured from the chart ……., which is related to the local sea

a) datum ******
b) information
c) line
d) scale
e) symbol
18) Without a calculator or comğuter programme for sight reduction, the
navigatör needs sight reduction tables together with Nautical Almanac to solve
the celestial …………

a) body
b) sphere
c) meridian
d) azimuth *****
e) triangle

19) An instrument used for measuring the ……………………… of the air is called a

a) pressure
b) heat
c) air pressure
d) speed
e) humidty ******

20) Freeboard is measured from the upper edge of the ………..

a) deck line ******

b) bulwark 
c) gunwale
d) sheer strake
e) coaming

Bugün girmiş olduğum İngilizce sınavına dair hatırımda kaldığı kadarıyla soruları
paylaşıyorum, sınavlara giren arkadaşlara şimdiden kolaylıklar dilerim.
Sınava dair şunu belirtmek isterim, yeterli puanı alacak kadar eski sorulardan çıkmadı,
neredeyse yarı yarıya bir oran vardı.

1- In certain fairways you must maintain a speed of 10 knots exactly. The name given to
this speed is FAIRWAY SPEED.
2- What would the sW point in degrees? - 225 degrees
3- repeat/have/what/received/you kelimelerini düzenleyerek cümle oluştur? - REPEAT
4- Restricted visibility - LIMITED VISISBILITY.
YOU" tarzı soru vardı, kitapta mevcut.

Daha önce görmediğim sorulardan;

6- Gemi merkez hattına koyulan gemi kreynlerinin avantaj/avantajları hangisidir? - TÜM
7- Bir Türk gemisi Kaptan'ı tarafından hazırlanmış olan protesto mektubu vardı. CP'de
shifting yokmuş, ama gemiyi shift ettirmişler, Kaptan "LETTER OF PROTEST" yazmış.
8- Kimyasal tankerde tank yıkamada hangisi yapılmaz/kontrolü yapılmaz nevinde bir soru
9- Maddelerin kendiliğinden yanma/tutuşma konusu ile ilgili bir soru vardı, açıklama
yapmış ve adı nedir şeklinde soruyordu - ŞIKLARDA SELF IGNITING ŞEKLİNDE (VEYA
10- Şoka girmiş birisine hangi işlem yapılmaz şeklinde bir soru vardı.
11- Herhangi bir güç veya enerji ile çalışmayan, düz ve manual ekipmanlar varken, enerji
ile çalışan ekipmanların kullanılmaması daha iyi olacaktır tercümesinde bir cümle vardı.
Cümlenin ikinci kısmını boş bırakmış, kalan kısmının doldurulmasını istemiş.
12- Geminin tersane girişinde en tehlikeli zaman hangi olayın olduğu zamandır şeklinde
13- Cevabını "KEEL HEIGHT" olarak işaretlediğim, açıklamasını yapmış olduğu ve bu
açıklamada özetle omurgadan sintine kısma kadar olan kısma ne ad verilir şeklinde bir

Aklıma gelirse kalan 7 soruyu da paylaşırım. Herkese başarılar...

bugun girdiğim son kalan ingilizce sınavından 85'le geçtim sınavdan aklımda kalan
1-Plain language is usually used on marine weather __________. 
2-"ship structure acces manuel" ile baslıyor cevabı dry cargo** ymuş.
3- meteorology report
athens meteology
center part 1 : no gale part 
2 : baleras sw1-3, w2-4, nw4-6 later strom and strong wind , moderate
thunderstrom ..... 
which could be the weather case of baleras state? 
4-beam nedir gibi bir soru vardı cevabı a şıkkıydı**(genişilk taraftan taafa gibi birşey
5-235)İçinde "expense" gider olan bir soru vardı şıklar (soru hatalı) 
-fuel -store -port due -custom fee -freigth ***
(what does not dispursement account includes an expens?)(soru buydu)
6-There are certain medicine on board whih you can use only when
medical advised by radio**
7-which of the follwing messages needs to be corrected?
"ı wıll use my tow lines"**
8-you can anchor until there is sufficent water
su derinliği yeterli olana dek demirleyebilirsiniz**
9-which of the following is not life-saving appliances?
life insurances**
10-for extinguısh a fire which is not true? (soru daha farklıydı anlam aynıydı)
put a heat detector**
11-ın which case ıs the ıopp certificate of an inspected vessel not invalidated?
the requıred oıly -water seperators malfunctıons**
12-which type of verification survey consists of an examinatıon of the plans diagrams
other technıcal documantatıon to verify that the structere machınery and equıpment
relevant to the partıcular certıfıcate?
13-line throwing appliances should not ...
explosive atmosfer** yağmurlu hava kopru ustu gıbı sıklar vardı
14-routine details of the voyages , any lose or damage to the ship or cargo or any related
events are kept the,,,,,,,,,,,,,,by the mates durıng their watches. 
a)scrapt log book b)engine log book c)unoffical log book d)clean log book e)officer’s log
15-***what is the validity ship construction certificate or ship examination certificate ?
( 3 ay yaptım )
16-güverte kreynlerini calıstırmadan once kımden talep edılır gıbı bır soru vardı 
engıne room- master- chıef off gıbı engıne room dedim.

63.Many types of bulk cargo are liable to shifting and therefore special precautions must
be taken with such cargoes as grain, some kind of ores, certain kinds of coal, broken
granite etc. It is necessary to see that the bulk cargo is well trimmed. A load of barrels
should be stowed bilge free and well blocked off to avoid it.
This passage is about ..........
a) handling damage
b) crushing
c) dust damage
d) leakage
e) shifting

bunu cevabı bazı yerde shifting bazı yerde dust damage.. kesin cevabı bılen varmı?

8.A vessel overtaking another ………………………….…………… of the overtaken vessel.

a) must keep clear
b) must alter course
c) will be kept
d) shall keep out of the way
e) follow

bu soruda 700 soruluk pdf de must keep clear ama colreg de shall keep out of the way
geçiyor. bılgısı plan varmı

9-Aşağıdakilerden hangisi fiber halatların avantajlarındandır?

c)ısınmazlık düşük sürtünme vs

bu da stabılıte sorusu yenı soru ama cevabını bulamadım

UZAKYOL VARDİYA ZABİTİ SINAVI İÇİN -700 PD den yaklaşık 10 tane soru geldi. 80 ile
geçtim ben.yeni sorulardan aklımda kaldığı kadarıyla;
-bir soruda ambar kapaklarının sızdırmazlığı ve dayanıklılığı hangi sertifika kontrollerinde
şıkları hatırladığım kadarıyla yerleri değişik olabilir;
a) safety equıpment cert.
b) safety construction cert. ( ben bu yaptım )
e)cargo gear booklet inspection( bazı forumlarda cevabın bu olduğu söylenmişti ama
soruyu okuyunca bu olamayacağı kanaatına karar verdim ben ).
-hangisi bir arama çağrısı için kullanılabilir.( a calling can be defined... tarzında bir şeydi)
a)hull number
b) register number
d) masters name
e) call sign ( ben bu yaptım )

-limanda beklenilen fazla zamanlardan dolayı armatör sorumlu olmaz gibi bir şey vardı.
a)dead freight
c)demurrage ( ben bu yaptım )

-hangi tip sütün ( pillar ) hem en dayanıklı hemde en hafif olandır.

a)cardinal pillar 
c) I tipi
d) H tipi 
e U tipi ( ben bu yaptım)

sadece yeni çıkan soruları yazıyorum.

1-The vessel's ............. is measured vertically from the lowest point of the hull,
ordinarily from the bottom of the keel, to the side of any deck that you may choose as a
reference point

a-width b-height c-depth d-draft e-

2-cylindrical projectionın hangi tip harita için kullanıldığı.

3-rolo saç yüklemesi ile ilgili bir paragraf vardı.paragrafta "locking coil" kelimesinin altını
çizerek yerine kullanılacak kelimeyi sormuş.
cevap:key coil

4-Yangınlar neye göre sınıflandırılır?

cevap:combustible material.

5-05 martta bir sertifika expire olmakta ve geminin limana kadar varabilmesi için 04
harizana kadar uzatma alınmış.renewal survey yapılırken başlangıç tarihi hangisi

a-05th mar b-04th of jun c-04th of jan d-05th of jan

Soru bankasidakilerinin disinda, aklimda kaldigi kadariyla yaziyorum. 700 soruluk pdf
denen dokumana bakmamistim. o yuzden ordan geldi mi gelmedi mi bilmiyorum

1. Moulded depth nerden olculur.

a. from inside the shell
b. from outside of the shell
c. from the top the vertical keel 
2. gemi crane'lerinin safe working limit certifikalarini kim duzenler gibi bir soru
a. Authorized bilmem ne
b. marine engineers ...

3. gemileri rat-proof yapmak icin yapilmasi gerekenler

a. farelikler
b. gemi insa edilirken yapilacaklar
c. ortada yemek yiyecek cop birakmama gibi biseyler

4. bi tane ilkyardim sorusu: Kolu yaralanmis birine eldeki imkanlar cercevesinde ne

a. ucgen sargi bezi ile sarmak....
b. yarayi steril bezle baglayip, sikica baglamak
c. turnike yapmak

aklima gelenler simdilik bu kadar.. Yarim yamalak yazdim ama isinize yarar umarim.

sınavdan 90 ıle gectım benım kıtap ve pdf den ayrı olarak gordugum sorular soyle ıdı

- kreyn ve derrıc arasındaki farklar nelerdır?

all of the above (benım cevabım emın degılım)

-net tonnaj ile gross tonnaj arasında kı fark nedır?

cvbı hatırlamıyorum.

-GMDSS ın amacı nedır ?

cevaplar cok uzun ama dogru cevabı gorunce anlıyorsunuz dıger sıklar cok alakasız.

-kımyasal yanıklarda ne yaparsınız?

su ıla yıkamak dedım ben

-sağa sarımlı ınceye ne denır ?

cevabı S-lay olarak ısaretledım.

fenerlerin şakıl ve karakterlerını kım belırler ?

cvp IALA

-pılot carmıhı gang way gıbı eqıpmanların krıterlerı neye gore duzenlenır?

kitap ve pdf ten 9 soru geldı 11 soru farklıydı farklı olanlardan aklımda kalanlar bunlardı.
sınava gırecek adaylara başarılar
Burada ve facebookta paylaşılan sorularin kelimelerdenden yola çıkarak uscg sitesinden
aratma yaparak bulmuş oldugum çıkmış sorulardır.cevaplarda yanlışlık yoktur. 

Diesel engines obtain combustion air through turbo chargers, blowers, or __________.
A natural aspiration ****
B air starters
C air receivers
D carburetors

Securing cargo by running timbers from an upper support down to the cargo, either
vertically or at an angle, is called __________.
A shores
B Toms*****
C braces
D dunnage

What is the period of validity of the SOLAS required Cargo Ship safety construction
A 12 months
B 24 months
C 48 months
D 60 months ****

Good housekeeping on a vessel prevents fires by __________.

A improving personnel qualifications
B allowing better access in an emergency
C eliminating trip hazards
D eliminating potential fuel sources ****

Which variable factor affects the initial lashing requirements aboard Ro-Ro vessels?
A Changes in humidity
B Center of gravity of vehicle or cargo unit *****
C Age of vehicle or cargo unit
D Vessel's draft

Which variable factor affects the initial lashing requirements aboard Ro-Ro vessels?
A Size and weight of vehicle/cargo unit****
B Air pressure in the vehicles tires
C Age of vehicle or cargo unit
D Reputation of shipper concerning condition of cargo

Which variable factor affects the initial lashing requirements aboard Ro-Ro vessels?
A Port of origin
B Vessel's draft
C ABS requirements
D Number, position and angle of lashings****

Your load line certificate expires on 27 May 1988. The vessel is surveyed on that date
and is found satisfactory. You are sailing foreign the same day. Which statement is
A A new certificate must be issued before you sail.
B The existing certificate is extended for a period of up to 150 days. *****
C The existing certificate is endorsed as valid for a five year period commencing 27 May
D The existing certificate is extended until the first foreign port of call where a new
certificate will be issued by the local surveyor.

Which statement is TRUE of a tender vessel?

A It has a good transverse stability.
B It has a large GM.
C It has a very low center of gravity.
D Its period of roll is long. ******

What term indicates a curvature of the decks in a Longitudinal direction?

A Deadrise
B Camber
C Flare
D Sheer ****

Which term refers to a transverse curvature of the deck?

A Camber******
B Deadrise
C Flare
D Freeboard

What term indicates the outward curvature of the hull above the waterline?
A sheer
B tumble home
C Flare*****
D deadrise

What term indicates an inward curvature of the ship's hull above the waterline?
A Deadrise
B Tumble home****
C Camber
D Flare

What is the preferred method of controlling external bleeding?

A a tourniquet above the wound
B direct pressure on the wound ****
C pressure on a pressure point
D elevating the wounded area

Where is the GMDSS Radio logbook kept aboard ship?

A In the Master's office
B In the Chief Mate's office
C At the principal radio operating location ****
D Attached to the Deck logbook
documented vessel operating over 50 miles offshore must carry an inflatable liferaft with
a __________.
A solas B pack
B coastal pack
C solas A pack ****
D small vessel pack

Spring tides occur __________.

A when the moon and sun have declination of the same name
B at the beginning of spring when the sun is over the equator
C when the moon is new or full ****
D only when the moon and sun are on the same sides of the earth

spring tides occur when the __________.

A Moon's declination is maximum and opposite to that of the Sun
B Sun and Moon are in quadrature
C Moon is new or full ***
D Moon is in its first quarter or third quarter phase

spring tides occur __________.

A when the Sun, Moon, and Earth are nearly in line, in any order ****
B at the start of spring, when the Sun is nearly over the equator
C when the Sun and Moon are at approximately 90° to each other as seen from the Earth
D only when the Sun and Moon are on the same side of the Earth and nearly in line

spring tides are tides that __________.

A occur in the spring of the year
B are unpredictable
C have lows lower than normal and highs higher than normal *****
D have lows higher than normal and highs lower than normal

Which statement about bilge keels is CORRECT?

A They attach to a low stress area.
B They provide support when the vessel is dry docked.
C They increase resistance to rolling. ******
D They are critical strength members and require careful design consideration.

What may NOT be used when securing heavy vehicles aboard Ro-Ro vessels?
A Chain lever
B Chain
C Webbing********
D Turnbuckle 

Which statement is TRUE concerning lifeboat gripes?

A They must be released by freeing a safety shackle.
B They may be adjusted by a turnbuckle. ***
C They should not be released until the boat is in lowering position.
D They are normally used only with radial davits.
The "inner bottom" is the __________.
A compartment between the tank top and shell of the vessel
B inner side of the vessel's shell
C tank top****
D space between two transverse bottom frames

the boom stops on a pedestal crane prevent the boom from __________.
A being raised too high ****
B swinging at sea
C overloading when not in use
D being lowered too low

Damage to cargo caused by fumes or vapors from liquids, gases, or solids is known as
A oxidation
B vaporization
C Tainting ****
D contamination

Odorous cargoes are those that __________.

A are susceptible to damage by tainting
B are exceptionally dusty and leave a residue
C are liquid, but in containers
D give off fumes that may damage other cargoes ****

An immersion suit should be equipped with a/an __________.

A air bottle for breathing
B whistle and handheld flare
C whistle, strobe light, and reflective tape***
D whistle, handheld flare, and sea dye marker

For an upright vessel, draft is the vertical distance between the keel and the
A amidships section
B Waterline ***********
C Plimsoll mark
D freeboard deck

major advantage of the NAVTEX system when compared to other systems is that
A a low frequency band is used for long distance transmission
B the information can be received on an ordinary FM radio
C broadcasts are at scheduled times
D warnings are printed out for reading when convenien xxxxx

To ensure receipt of all relevant MSI, a NAVTEX receiver should be turned on at least
how many hours prior to departure from port?
D 4xx

Cargo that is highly susceptible to damage by tainting from odorous cargo is called
A dry cargo
B delicate cargo xxx
C immune cargo
D clean cargo

argo that gives off fumes that may contaminate other cargo is known as a(n)
A dirty cargo
B toxic cargo
C delicate cargo
D odorous cargo

The height of a light is measured from which reference plane?

A Mean high water xxxxxx
B Geographical sea level
C Mean low water
D Average water level

What purpose does a bridge fitting serve when lashing containers?

A Ties a container stack to the deck
B Restrains the container against horizontal motion xxxxxxxxxxxxx
C Restrains racking loads
D Ties a container to the container below it

Your vessel is required to have a slop chest. Which of the following articles is NOT
required by law to be carried in the slop chest?

A Blankets
B Candy xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
C Tobacco products
D Foul weather clothing

The garboard strake is the __________.

A row of plating nearest the keel ****************

B raised flange at the main deck edge
C riveting pattern most commonly used in ship construction
D riveted crack arrester strap on all-welded ships

What is the major limitation in using the sight reduction Tables for Air Navigation Volume
I (Pub. No. 249) for star sights?
A More accuracy is needed for celestial observations on board ship than what is
B Only first magnitude stars are tabulated.
C Sights must be made at even time increments to benefit from the tables.
D Only certain stars are included and sights must be limited to those stars. xxxxxxxxxxx

When determining compass error by an azimuth of Polaris, you enter the Nautical
Almanac with the __________.
A GHA Aries
B LHA Polaris
C lha aries xxxx
D GHA Polaris

Plain language is usually used on marine weather __________.

A synoptic chart
B analyses
C observations
D forecastsxxxxxxx

The best information on the location of the blocks when dry docking a vessel is contained
in the __________.
A ship's docking plan xxxx
B general arrangement plan
C docking diagram
D shell expansion plan

Which type of vessel shall be required to have an emergency towing arrangement fitted
at both ends?
A An 18,000 dwt ton tanker constructed in 1998
B A 22,000 dwt ton tanker operated after Jan. 1, 1999 xxxx
C A 30,000 dwt ton oil barge
D A 5,000 dwt ton coastal tanker

Aqueous Film Forming Foam (afff), commonly known as 'light water', is especially
suitable for fighting __________.
A any class D fire
B oil fires in the engine room bilges xxx
C class C fires in paint lockers
D all of the above

the annual change in variation for an area can be found in __________.

A the center of the compass rose on a chart of the area **
B the handbook for Magnetic Compass Adjustment, Pub 226
C the compass deviation table
D Variation does not change.

the distance between the bottom of the hull and the waterline is called __________.
A freeboard
B reserve buoyancy
C draft***
D tonnage

the fore and aft run of deck plating which strengthens the connection between the beams
and the frames and keeps the beams square to the shell is called the __________.
A stringer strake ****
B garboard strake
C sheer strake
D limber strake

the most effective first aid treatment for chemical burns is to immediately __________.
A apply an ice pack to the burned area
B wrap the burn with sterile dressing
C flood the affected area with water****
D apply ointment to burned area

You are in a tropical port. The refrigeration machinery on a container loaded with air-
cooled fruit fails. It cannot be repaired for 18 to 24 hours. Which step should you take to
reduce the temperature rise and spoilage of the fruit?
A Discharge a cylinder of nitrogen into the container
B Spread ice over the top layer and in any voids within the container
C Seal any ventilation openings and add dry ice
D Shade the container and periodically hose it down***

Which statement concerning sweat damage in containers is TRUE?

A In general, containerized hygroscopic cargoes are the only ones subject to sweat
B sweat damage in containers is unusual due to the small enclosed volume of air.
C Containers should be ventilated, dehumidified, or the contents physically protected
against sweat damage.****
D sweat damage is not a problem except in insulated and refrigerated containers.

The complete details of a crude oil washing system aboard your vessel, including the
operating sequences and procedures, design characteristics, a description of the system,
and required personnel will be found in the __________.
A crude oil washing Operations and Equipment Manual****
B Code of Federal Regulations
C Oil Transfer Procedures Manual
D crude oil washing addendum to the Certificate of Inspection

A pelican hook __________.

A is used for extra heavy loads

B is used for boat falls
C is used for light loads only
D can be released while under strain***

what is meant by the term "topping the boom"?

A Spotting the boom over the deck
B Raising the boom***
C Lowering the boom
D Swinging the boom athwartships

Before a tank is to be crude oil washed, what position must the oxygen content in the
tank must be measured at?
A in the vent riser
B immediately above the level of the oil
C at the top of the tank
D one meter from the deck***

A self-contained breathing apparatus is used to __________.

A determine if the air in a tank is safe for men
B make underwater repairs to barges
C resuscitate an unconscious person
D enter areas that may contain dangerous fumes or lack oxygen***

A tug's horsepower available at the shaft is __________.

A brake horsepower***
B net horsepower
C indicated horsepower
D dynamic horsepower

which statement about the deck line is TRUE?

A On a vessel with a rounded stringer-sheer plate, the deck line is marked where the
stringer plate turns down from the plane of the deck line.
B The deck edge is marked at the intersection of the freeboard deck with the side shell,
at the lowest point of sheer, with the vessel at even trim.
C A vessel with wooden planks on a steel deck will have the deck line marked at the
intersection of the upper line of the wood sheathing with the side shell.****
D The top of the deck line is marked at the highest point of the freeboard deck, including
camber, at the midships point.

the agonic line on an isomagnetic chart indicates the __________.

A magnetic longitude reference line
B points where there is no annual change in variation
C points where there is no variation***
D magnetic equator

The IMO requires cargo securing manuals on certain vessels. Which of the following are
required to maintain this manual onboard?
A RoRo Carriers***
B Liquid Bulk Carriers
C LNG Carriers
D Solid Bulk Carriers

Which arrangement of shell plating is used most in modern shipbuilding?

A Joggled
B Flush***
C In-and-Out
D Clinker

the shoreline on charts generally represents the mean __________.

A high water line***
B low water spring line
C low water line
D tide level

The purpose of the tripping line on a sea anchor is to __________.

A maintain maximum resistance to broaching
B aid in its recovery---
C aid in casting off
D direct the drift of the vessel

Which variable factor affects the initial lashing requirements aboard Ro-Ro vessels?
A Vessel's draft
B Center of gravity of vehicle or cargo unit***
C Changes in humidity
D Age of vehicle or cargo unit

Which variable factor affects the initial lashing requirements aboard Ro-Ro vessels?
A Number, position and angle of lashings***
B ABS requirements
C Port of origin
D Vessel's draft

Which statement about bilge keels is CORRECT?

A They provide support when the vessel is dry docked.
B They increase resistance to rolling.***
C They are critical strength members and require careful design consideration.
D They attach to a low stress area.

Which variable factor affects the initial lashing requirements aboard Ro-Ro vessels?
A Reputation of shipper concerning condition of cargo
B Air pressure in the vehicles tires
C Age of vehicle or cargo unit
D Size and weight of vehicle/cargo unit***

Paints and solvents used aboard a vessel should be __________.

A stowed safely at the work site until work is completed
B returned to the paint locker after each use***
C drained into a common container after each use
D covered with a fine mesh screen to protect from ignition sources
Which type of precipitation is a product of the violent convection found in thunderstorms?
A Freezing Rain
B Snow
C Sleet
D Hail ***

Lubricating oil should be changed on a heavy duty diesel engine when __________.

A it has been in use for a specified interval***

B it gets dark in color
C it no longer supports combustion
Da sample rubbed between fingers feels thin

You You are docking a ship with a single-screw tug assisting on your starboard bow. How
should the tug be tied up if you are anticipating that she will have to hold your bow off
while you stem the current?
A The tug should put a stern line up, leading ahead on the ship.***
B One head line would be sufficient.
C The tug would need at least two head lines.
D The tug should put a spring line up, leading astern on the ship.

When instructing a crew member concerning the right way to lift a weight, you would
instruct him to __________.
A arch the back to add strength to the muscles
B bend his back and stoop
C bend his knees and lift with his legs***
D bend his back and stoop with arms straight

What does it mean to "shore up" the main deck for the stowage of deck cargo?
A strengthen the main deck by placing pillars underneath it in the tween-decks***
B package the cargo in wooden crates so it will not damage the deck
C distribute the weight of the cargo by placing fore-and-aft planks on the main deck
D weld pad eyes on deck in proper position to secure the cargo

What is the difference between net tonnage and gross tonnage?

A Net tonnage is tonnage of cargo compared to tonnage of whole ship.
B Net tonnage is the gross tonnage less certain deductions for machinery and other
C Net tonnage is the net weight of the ship.
D There is no difference.

A periodic thorough examination of the cargo gear proves satisfactory. What percentage
of the total gear must be dismantled to determine actual internal condition?
A None***
B 10%
C 25%
D 100%

The water in which a vessel floats provides vertical upward support. The point through
which this support is assumed to act is known as the center of __________.
A effort
B buoyancy***
C gravity
D flotation

Onboard a Ro-Ro vessel many decks are used for the carriage of both rolling and
container cargoes, as such it is most useful if a deck socket accepts both __________.
A container locks and bridge fittings
B twist-Locks and lashing hooks ***
C bridge fittings and lashing hooks
D twist-locks and container locks

The biggest problem you generally encounter while towing a single tow astern is
A yaw***
B swamping of the tow
C the tow tending to dive
D the catenary dragging on the bottom
your chart indicates that there is an isolated rock and names the rock using vertical
letters. This indicates the __________.
A rock is dry at high water ***
B exact position of the rock is doubtful
C rock is a hazard to deep draft vessels only
D rock is visible at low water springs only

The only portable electrical equipment permitted in a compartment which is not gas free
is a lamp that is __________.
A self-contained
B approved explosion proof
C battery fed
D All of the above ***

Which danger exists to people when co2 is discharged into a small enclosed space?
A Respiratory arrest ***
B Damaged eardrums
C Frostbite
D Electric shock

A person reports to you with a fishhook in his thumb, what procedure should you use to
remove it?
A cut the skin from around the hook
B have a surgeon remove it
C push the barb through, cut it off, then remove the hook ***
D pull it out with pliers

What best describes for how long a gas-free test is good?

A For the instant that it is made ***
B For as long as is indicated on the gas-free certificate
C Until changes in temperature or pressure affect the vapor content in the space
D Until valves in line with the tank or compartment are reopened
When using a pneumatic chipping tool all of the following are TRUE except?
A The equipment is not required to be grounded to prevent shock hazard.
B The equipment shall be secured to the hose by a quick-disconnect coupling to prevent
the tool from becoming accidentally disconnected.
C It is not intended to be used in an explosive atmosphere.
D The needles of the needle-type chipping gun must be replaced when they have been
blunted more than ½ of their diameter. ***

Safety goggles or glasses are NOT normally worn when __________.

A handling wire rope or natural fiber line***
B using a rotary grinder with an installed shield
C painting with a spray gun
D letting go the anchor

Combustible gas indicators operate by drawing an air sample into the instrument
A where it is mixed with nitrogen
B where its specific gravity is measured
C over an electrically heated platinum filament ***
D where it is ignited by a sparking device

the hoods over galley ranges present what major hazard?

A They inhibit the effective operation of fire fighting systems in combating deep fat fryer
or range fires
B Grease collects in the duct and filter and if it catches fire is difficult to extinguish.****
C In order to effectively draw off cooking heat they present a head-injury hazard to a
person of average or more height.
D They concentrate the heat of cooking and may raise surrounding flammable material to
the ignition point.

Normally It is desirable to have screens on the vents of potable water tanks to

A prevent explosions
B filter the incoming air
C stop insects from entering***
D prevent backups

fire starting by spontaneous combustion can be expected in which condition?

A Clean mattresses are stored in contact with an electric light bulb.
B Paints, varnish, or other liquid flammables are stowed in a dry stores locker.
C Inert cargoes such as pig iron are loaded in a wet condition.
D Oily rags are stowed in a metal pail.****

Mechanical gearing of deck machinery such as the windlass or towing engine should
A be painted a contrasting color from the base color in order to call attention to the
B not be operated if there is any crew within 10 feet of the machinery
C have a guard over the gearing***
D be open to view so, if a foreign object gets in the gearing, the operator can
immediately stop the machinery

What is used to test a tank for oxygen content?

A Atmosphere analyzer kit
B Vapor indicator
C Combustible gas indicator
D None of the above ***

Normally Your vessel is on a voyage of three months duration. The number of sanitary
inspections required is __________.
A one ***
B three
C six
D twelve

You are ordering ship's stores. Which statement is TRUE?

A All stores of line, rags, linens and other similar type stores must be certified by UL as
being fire retardant.
B Cylinders containing compressed gasses must be constructed and tested in accordance
with the Bureau of Standards.
C Up to five gallons of a flammable liquid may be stowed in the engine room.****
D All distress flares when received must be stored in the portable magazine chest.

Safety shackles are fitted with __________.

A round pins and locknuts
B a threaded bolt
C a threaded bolt, locknuts, and cotter pins***
D a round pin, with a cotter pin
You are berthed at a cargo facility where you have just completed discharging a
dangerous cargo. You must complete topside repairs involving hot work before sailing.
Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A The repair area must be inspected by a marine surveyor to ensure that it can be done
B The Captain of the Port may give specific approval to make hot work repairs.***
C You can make repairs with permission of the facility owner since you are empty and the
cargo is on the facility.
D Hot work repairs at such a facility are prohibited.

Which type of hull damage should be repaired FIRST?

A Damage to interior watertight boundaries
B Damage at or just above the waterline***
C Damage in way of machinery rooms
D Damage below the waterline

Small hull leaks can be temporarily repaired by __________.

A parceling
B parbuckling
C seizing
D caulking ***

Your vessel has gone aground in waters where the tide is falling. The BEST action you
can take is to __________.
A shift the vessel's load forward and wait until the next high tide
B shift the vessel's load aft and repeatedly surge the engine(s) astern
C set out a kedge anchor ***
D slowly bring the engine(s) to full speed astern

The best information on the location of the blocks when dry docking a vessel is contained
in the __________.
A ship's docking plan***
B general arrangement plan
C docking diagram
D shell expansion plan

The Sailing Directions (Enroute) contain information on __________.

A well-charted inner dangers
B offshore traffic separation schemes
C port facilities
D coastal anchorages ***

The Sailing Directions (Enroute) contain information on all of the following EXCEPT
A ocean currents***
B tidal currents
C outer dangers to navigation
D major port anchorages

The maritime radio system consisting of a series of coast stations transmitting coastal
warnings is called __________.

Plain language is usually used on marine weather __________.

A synoptic chart
B analyses
C observations
D forecasts ***

Water ballast placed in a tank that has been crude oil washed, but not water rinsed, shall
be regarded as __________.
A segregated ballast
B dirty ballast***
C crude oil
D clean ballast

The agency which assigns Load lines and issues Load line Certificates is the __________.
A American Bureau of Shipping***
B U.S. Coast Guard
C U.S. Customs
D Secretary of Commerce

When referring to dry bulk cargoes, the term "flow state" __________.
A relates to the suitability of loading a cargo by flowing down inclined chutes
B designates the state of a commodity when the ship is heeled past the angle of repose
C refers to the saturation of a dry bulk product with water to the point where it acts as a
D relates to the minimum granule size of a particular product where it will flow like a
liquid at an angle of 30°

the official logbook is filed with the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection (OCMI)
A at the end of the year with all other official logbooks
B at the next Certificate of Inspection
C within 30 days of the date of arrival of the first U.S. port
D upon completion of the voyage***

If the vertical center of gravity (vcg) of a ship rises, the righting arm (GZ) for the various
angles of inclination will __________.
A increase
B be changed by the amount of GG' x cosine of the angle
C decrease ****
D remain unchanged

the "inner bottom" is the __________.

A space between two transverse bottom frames
B inner side of the vessel's shell
C compartment between the tank top and shell of the vessel
D tank top***

The Boom stops on a pedestal crane prevent the boom from __________.
A swinging at sea
B being lowered too low
C being raised too high ****
D overloading when not in use

Charted Depth is the __________.

A vertical distance from the chart sounding datum to the ocean bottom, plus the height
of tide
B vertical distance from the chart sounding datum to the ocean bottom ****
C average height of all low waters at a place
D average height of water over a specified period of time

Which term refers to a transverse curvature of the deck?

A Camber***
B Deadrise
C Flare
D Freeboard
The principle personnel hazard unique to halon fire extinguishers is __________.
A skin irritation
B displacement of oxygen
C eye irritation produced immediately after discharge from cylinder
D inhaling toxic vapors produced when exposed directly to a flame for extended

**The original Bill of lading, once signed by the Master, is NOT __________.

A surrendered to the customs agency of the country where the cargo is discharged**
B a receipt and proof that goods have been received on board
C proof of title or ownership of the cargo
D used to transfer ownership of the cargo while the ship is enroute

Cargo pump rooms on tank vessels, constructed in 1965, handling grade C liquid cargo
shall have power ventilation systems. What is time requirement for these ventilation
systems to completely change the air?
A 1 minute
B 3 minutes **
C 5 minutes
D 10 minutes

Your vessel has completed an inspection for certification and is issued a temporary
certificate. This __________.
A must be posted in the vicinity of the officers' licenses
B expires six months after it is issued
C has the full force of a regular Certificate of Inspection**
D must be exchanged for a regular Certificate of Inspection before going foreign or out of

Temporary certificates of Inspection are effective until the __________.

A Load Line Certificate is renewed
B SOLAS Certificate is issued
C permanent Certificate of Inspection is issued
D classification society approval is issued

One advantage of Chain over wire rope for a tow bridle is that chain __________.
A is better suited for inland towing
B handles more easily
C resists damage from chafing ***
D equalizes towing forces better

Which instrument is used to measure the relative humidity of the air?

A A spectrometer
B A hydrometer
C A hygrometer ***
D A barograph

The instrument most commonly used to gather the data for determining the relative
humidity is the __________.
A psychrometer **
B hydrometer
C barometer
D anemometer

The total weight of cargo, fuel, water, stores, passengers and crew, and their effects,
that a ship can carry, is the __________.
A bale cubic
B loaded displacement
C gross tonnage
D deadweight ***

For vessels fitted with cargo gear, an initial test of the units under a proof load shall be
conducted. Subsequent tests and exams of the same nature shall be carried out at what
time interval?
A 1 year
B 3 years
C 4 years
D 5 years ***

Before entering the chain locker, you should __________.

A make sure there is sufficient air within the locker
B de-energize the windlass
C have someone standing by
D All of the above ***

The Strength of a deck will be increased by adding __________.

A sheer
B deck beam brackets ***
C hatch beams
D camber

cribbing" is __________.
A cardboard separation pieces placed between deck loads to prevent chafing ***
B a crate in which a deck cargo is packaged
C the chains and shackles used to secure a deck cargo
D wooden blocks or dunnage placed between a deck load and the deck

the stowage of deck cargo, "cribbing" is __________.

A nets placed across the hatch opening to keep the cargo from falling in the hatch
B separation pieces used to keep cylinders upright and steady
C placed on deck to support the cargo ****
D shims for stowing baled cargo

Fires which occur in energized electrical equipment, such as switchboard insulation, are
class __________.
C C***

A major advantage of the Navtex system when compared to other systems is that
A broadcasts are at scheduled times
B warnings are printed out for reading when convenient***
C the information can be received on an ordinary FM radio
D a low frequency band is used for long distance transmission

A shore is a piece of securing dunnage that __________.

A is placed on the deck under the cargo to distribute its weight evenly
B is also known as a "distance piece"
C is run horizontally from a support to the cargo
D runs from a low supporting level up to the cargo at an angle ***

Damage to cargo caused by dust is known as __________.

A oxidation
B contamination*******
C tainting
D vaporization

The purpose of the tripping line on a sea anchor is to __________.

A maintain maximum resistance to broaching
B aid in its recovery****
C aid in casting off
D direct the drift of the vessel

Which statement about a gnomonic chart is correct?

A Parallels, except the equator, appear as curved lines.*****
B Meridians appear as curved lines converging toward the nearer pole.
C A rhumb line appears as a straight line.
D Distance is measured at the mid-latitude of the track line.

The usual method of arranging a line on deck so that it will run out easily without kinking
or fouling is __________.
A flemishing the line
B faking down the line***
C racking the line
D coiling the line

Chafing gear __________.

A reduces and prevents wear caused by the rubbing of one object against another-****
B prevents corrosion of running rigging
C reduces and prevents corrosion of standing rigging
D protects the body against extreme cold

Which factor is MOST important in preventing Sweat damage within a cargo hold?
A Outside air temperature
B Dew point of the outside atmosphere
C Dew point of the cargo hold**
D Temperature of the cargo

Faking a line means to __________.

A stow it below
B put a whipping on it
C arrange it on deck in long bights***
D coil it down on deck

Dunnage may be used to protect a cargo from loss or damage by __________.

A tainting
B inherent vice
C hygroscopic absorption
D ship's sweat ****

When fruit is carried as refrigerated cargo, the most frequent cause of its being infected
at the discharge port is __________.
A improper pre-cooling of the cargo spaces
B leaks in the ship's refrigeration system
C carriage at the wrong temperature
D improper cleaning of the cargo spaces***

What is NOT required on an uninspected towing vessel?

A Certificate of Documentation
B FCC Station License
C Operators Credential
D Certificate of Inspection***

A spreader bar is used to __________.

A protect the slings
B protect the upper part of a load ***
C increase the lifting capacity
D increase the lifting radius

What would you use to adjust the height of a cargo boom?

A Lizard
B Spanner guy
C Working guy
D Topping lift ***

You have abandoned ship and are in an inflatable raft that has just inflated. You hear a
continuous hissing coming from a fitting in a buoyancy tube. What is the cause of this?
A The inflation pump is in automatic operation to keep the tubes fully inflated.
B Excess inflation pressure is bleeding off and should soon stop.***
C A deflation plug is partially open allowing the escape of CO2.
D The saltwater is activating the batteries of the marker lights on the canopy.

Which statement is TRUE concerning a Mercator projection?

A The length of the meridians is increased to provide for equal expansion in all
B Degrees of longitude decrease in length as latitude increases.
C The mileage between the meridians is increased as the latitude increases.
D All of the above

A towing hawser is readied for service by __________.

A coiling it in a counterclockwise direction on the fantail
B faking it on deck in a fore and aft direction ***
C spooling it on a winch cathead
D spooling it on a reel lying on its side to prevent rolling

The velocity of the current in large coastal harbors is __________.

A generally too weak to be of concern
B predicted in tidal current tables ***
C generally constant
D unpredictable

A partial deck in a hold is called a(n) __________.

A Main deck
B shelter deck
C weather deck
D orlop deck ***

The internal volume of a cargo hold measured from the inside faces of the cargo battens,
the lower side of the deck beams, and the top of the tank top ceiling is known as the
A bale cubic ***
B stowage area
C deadweight space
D gross tonnage

Which can be prevented only by segregating two lots of cargo into separate holds?
A Contamination of a clean cargo by a dirty cargo
B Contamination of a food cargo by an odorous cargo***
C Overcarriage, overstowage, and short landing
D Contamination of dry cargo by a wet cargo

Keeping certain cargoes separated because of their inherent characteristics is known as

A segregation**
B cargo typing
C overstowage
D spot loading

The upward slope of a vessels bottom from the keel to the bilge is called __________.
A rake
B sheer
C camber
D rise of bottom ***
What area of the earth cannot be shown on a standard Mercator chart?
A Areas including both North and South latitudes
B A narrow band along the central meridian.
C North and South Poless***
D Equator

On a Mercator chart, 1 nautical mile is equal to __________.

A 1 degree of latitude **
B 1 degree of longitude
C 1 minute of longitude
D 1 minute of latitude

Distance along a track line is measured on a Mercator chart by using the __________.
A longitude scale near the middle of the track line
B latitude scale near the middle of the track line***
C latitude or longitude scale at the middle of the scale
D latitude scale at the mid-latitude of the chart

A Mercator chart is a __________.

A simple conic projection
B rectangular projection
C polyconic projection
D cylindrical projection***

he principal advantage of NAVTEX radio warnings is that __________.

A they cover a broad spectrum of the radio band allowing reception on almost any type
of receiver
B they can be used by mariners who do not know Morse code**
C information on a given topic is only broadcast at specified times
D only an ordinary FM radio is necessary to receive these warnings

A major advantage of the NAVTEX system when compared to other systems is that
A broadcasts are at scheduled times
B warnings are printed out for reading when convenient***
C the information can be received on an ordinary FM radio
D a low frequency band is used for long distance transmissio

The explosive range of petroleum vapors mixed with air is __________.

A 0% to 1%
B 1% to 10%**
C 10% to 15%
D 12% to 20%

Which statement about the deck line is TRUE?

A On a vessel with a rounded stringer-sheer plate, the deck line is marked where the
stringer plate turns down from the plane of the deck line.
B The deck edge is marked at the intersection of the freeboard deck with the side shell,
at the lowest point of sheer, with the vessel at even trim.
C A vessel with wooden planks on a steel deck will have the deck line marked at the
intersection of the upper line of the wood sheathing with the side shell.***
D The top of the deck line is marked at the highest point of the freeboard deck, including
camber, at the midships point.

A spanner is a __________.
A special wrench for the couplings in a fire hose line**
B cross connection line between two main fire lines
C tackle rigged to support a fire hose
D None of the above

What is used to test a tank for oxygen content?

A Atmosphere analyzer kit
B Vapor indicator
C Combustible gas indicator
D None of the above***

If the vertical center of gravity (vcg) of a ship rises, the righting arm (GZ) for the various
angles of inclination will __________.
A increase
B be changed by the amount of GG' x cosine of the angle
C decrease **
D remain unchanged

he Coast Guard broadcasts urgent marine storm warning messages on which of the
following frequencies?
A 156.80 MHz (VHF-FM Ch. 16)
B 2670 KHz
C 157.10 MHz (VHF-FM Ch. 22A)***
D None of the above

the purpose of sheer in ship construction is to __________.

A eliminate the need for margin plates
B give greater strength at the deck edge
C eliminate the need for butt straps
D allow the ship to ride waves with drier decks***

the joint formed when two steel shell plates are placed longitudinally side to side is called
a __________.
A bevel
B bond
C strake
D Seam***

The joint formed when two steel plates are placed end-to-end is called a __________.
A Seam
B bond
C butt***
D bevel

The welds used to attach stiffeners to a plate are known as __________.

A Seam welds
B fillet welds***
C plate welds
D butt welds

The welds used to join shell plates in flush construction are known as __________.
A continuous welds
B Seam welds
C butt welds***
D fillet welds

The numeral in the center of a wind rose circle on a pilot chart indicates the __________.
A percentage of calms***
B average wind force on the Beaufort scale
C total number of observations
D average wind force in knots

**The original Bill of lading, once signed by the Master, is NOT __________.

A surrendered to the customs agency of the country where the cargo is discharged xxxxx
B a receipt and proof that goods have been received on board
C proof of title or ownership of the cargo
D used to transfer ownership of the cargo while the ship is enroute
14)Solas’a zorunlu olmayan code hangisidir ?
d)ILO xxxx

Metal Plates that cover the top of the hawsepipe are called __________.
A buckler Plates***
B stop waters
C plugs
D footings

The safety stopper that prevents the anchor cable from running free if the cable jumps
the wildcat is the __________.
A buckler Plate
B devil's claw
C spill pipe
D riding pawl***

Vertical structural members attached to the floors that add strength to the floors are
called __________.
A stiffeners***
B boss plates
C buckler Plates
D breast hooks

The heading of a vessel is indicated by what part of the compass?

A Gimbals
B Lubber's line**
C Needle
D Card

Which of the following statements is/are TRUE concerning cranes being installed on the
centerline of vessels?
A One crane is able to work both sides of the ship.
B One crane is able to work one end of two adjacent hatches.
C They are more economical and weigh less.
D All of the above**

What is a Wet Cargo?

A A cargo that contains hygroscopic moisture
B A cargo particularly susceptible to damage by moisture
C A canned or bottled liquid such as beer***
D A liquid cargo carried in the deep tanks

Which device is designed to automatically hold the load if power should fail to an electric
A Electromagnetic brake
B Hand brake
C Pneumatic brake
D Motor controller
If an electric cargo winch is being used to lift a draft of cargo and the engine room loses
all power, which will occur?
A The load will fall rapidly to the deck unless the foot brake is engaged.
B An electromagnetic brake will hold the load where it is suspended.***
C A pawl, forced by a spring mechanism, will engage the teeth of the bull gear and hold
the load.
D The load will slowly lower to the deck under control of the drag of the winch motor.

-P&i assessment cert
-Tank designation cert
-Safety construction initial cert**
-Safety equip renewal cert
-Loadline initial cert

**_____________should be regarded as a special attention after installing a new

hydraulic pump.
a) The relief filters should be readjusted
b) The filters and strainers should be checked frequently***
c) System pressures should be readjusted
d) The fluid should be drained and renewed
e) All above

1-) If you are bunkering and you close off one tank in the line of tanks being filled, the
rate of flow to other open tanks on the same line will...
İncrease ***
Moulded depth is measured from the.........
a.inside of the Shell***
b.outside of the shell of the center vertical keel of the garboard strake of the stringer plate
** Every producer of nautical charts must provide a system ..
a-the latest prices
b-the latest development
d-thealtaki wikipedia sayfasına bakarsanız cevabın changes olacagını goreceksınız.

Continuoussynopsisrecord (CSR) hangi sertifika kapsamındadır diye bir soru vardı----ship

contruction .

8. ( Bilge soundings indicate __________. o 

(A) the amount of condensation in the hold 
o (B) whether the vessel is taking on water
o (C) whether the cargo is leaking or not 
(D) All of the above•

The continous horizontal surface of a ship are called

The congressman , accompained by secret service agent and aides , are preraring to
enter theconvention hall within the next few minutes.
a)within the next b)by c)to enter d)are**e)aides

In order to reduce the accumulation of static electricity while loading petroleum products,
you should...
start to load slowly

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