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O C TO B ER 2 , 2 02 2

Amazing God, Alive, What ROMANS 10:1-10 Towards the end of WWII, Filipino and American prisoners-of-war
He’s Done, All Glorious, (READ THE REST OF THE (POWs) were going to executed by their Japanese captors. The
US military quickly put together a strategic rescue plan and on
VERSES UP TO THE END OF January 30, 1945, 516 POWs were successfully rescued! The plan
THE CHAPTER) and the resources were from the US military, but the POWs had
WELCOME to willingly go with their rescuers out of captivity.
Brothers and sisters, my
What’s your favorite movie heart’s desire and my prayer We are all prisoners of sin; God planned our rescue and sent
or TV series featuring first to God for them is for their Jesus to save us. God wants all of us to be saved (2 Peter 3:9),
responders (police, firefight- salvation. 2 For I testify about yet we also must do our part -- to believe in Jesus.
ers, emergency services) or them that they have a zeal 1. Trust Not in Self-Righteousness
other rescue missions (mili- for God, but not in accordance
tary, pets, etc.)? What made with knowledge. 3 For not How’s our level of compassion for people without Christ? Paul
it your favorite show? knowing about God’s has such intensity in compassion towards the Jews that he was
righteousness and seeking willing to go as far of giving up his salvation in exchange for theirs
to establish their own, they (vv. 1-3). This was not just Paul’s desire, but something that he prayed
did not subject themselves for (Romans 10:1) because God’s sovereignty goes together with
to the righteousness of God. man’s responsibility. If our salvation were all up to God’s sover-
4 For Christ is the end of the eignty, then there will be no need for us to pray for people to be
Law for righteousness to saved (1 Timothy 2:1, 3-4)!
everyone who believes.
5 For Moses writes of the The Jews were enthusiastic about God, yet they did not have an
righteousness that is based experiential knowledge of Him (Romans 10:2-3). “Knowledge”
on the Law, that the person as used here is gained through first-hand relationship, like that
who performs them will live by between married couples. The Jews had religion, but no relationship
them. 6 But the righteousness with God.
based on faith speaks as
follows: “Do not say in your The righteousness of God is imputed on us, not earned by us; it
heart, ‘Who will go up into is a gift from God, by grace. Yet this was rejected by the Jews.
heaven?’ (that is, to bring People seek to establish their own righteousness through many
Christ down), 7 or ‘Who will ways. There are those who believe that “all roads lead to God”,
others believe they can be “good” without God, etc. However,
descend into the abyss?’ man’s ways to gain salvation apart from Jesus eventually leads to
(that is, to bring Christ up death (Proverbs 14:12).
from the dead).” 8 But what
does it say? “The word is Even following God’s law perfectly will not save us (Romans 10:4-5)!
near you, in your mouth and In fact, the “end” or purpose of the law is not to save us. Rather, it
in your heart”—that is, the is to show us what God’s will is, and our inability to live a perfect and
word of faith which we holy life apart from Him. All of us have broken God’s commands.
are preaching, 9 that if you None of us can even keep the entire Ten Commandments (James 2:10).
confess with your mouth The end of the law is Jesus Christ, without Him, we cannot be
Jesus as Lord, and believe saved.
in your heart that God raised
Him from the dead, you will 2. Trust in Jesus Alone
be saved; 10 for with the
Paul quotes Old Testament (Deuteronomy 30:11-12) when he asserts
heart a person believes, that because Jesus has already come, and there is no need for
resulting in righteousness, anyone to “ascend into heaven”. Nor is there anymore a need for
and with the mouth he anyone to “descend into the abyss…” to bring Christ up from the
confesses, resulting in dead, because Christ has already risen (Romans 10:6-7). Praise
salvation. God that we serve a risen King, a risen Savior today!

Moses told the Israelites that they should listen to the prophet
that God will someday send to them, referring ultimately to Jesus
Christ (Deuteronomy 18:15). God the Father affirmed this at the
transfiguration of Jesus, Moses who appeared with Elijah on that
Moses prophecy about Jesus
O CTOB E R 2, 20 22

mountain at that time, must have said, “I told you so!”. Are you DISCUSSION
listening to Jesus today? QUESTIONS I. Thanksgiving
(Leaders: Please choose questions
We are to “confess...and believe” so that we may be saved that are appropriate to the level of
• Worship God for who He is,
(Romans 10:8-10). Confess that Jesus is Lord; “to be in full agreement” spiritual maturity of your members) what He has done, and what
that we cannot save ourselves, that only Jesus can save! Confess He will do in our lives
also means “to celebrate” that Jesus is Lord. Salvation is only found 1. Self-Check.
II. Country and the World
in Him, and we confess these things and celebrate these truths! In what or whom are you
• Upright and moral governance
trusting for your eternal
of public servants; repentance
The word “believe” in Matthew 9:27-29 show how two blind men salvation? Explain your and salvation for government
in a desperate situation were crying out for mercy from Jesus. Jesus answer. leaders and citizens for a
asked, “do you believe that I am able to do this?” The men confessed Christ-centered Philippines.
they believed that only Jesus could heal them. To believe in God is 2. Setting It Right.
• Recovery and restoration for
to profess conviction that God has invited us to a relation commiment How can you develop
places devastated by recent
with Him and declaring that we have accepted his invitation greater compassion for
typhoons and hurricanes.
(J.I. Packer). those who do not know
• War in Ukraine to end, loss
Jesus as Lord and Savior?
of lives prevented.
To “call” is to make a desperate appeal to Him who alone can save
us (Romans 10:1-13). Trusting in our own righteousness will cause us 3. Living It Out.
What will you do this week III. Church
the greatest disappointment and the most terrible eternal destiny;
we need to trust in Jesus alone. to tell someone about • That CCF Members would
Jesus? honor and love God and make
3. Tell Others About Jesus disciples.
• Elders, pastors, dleaders,
God used someone to tell us about Jesus, it’s now our turn to “pay and families (holy, humble,
it forward” by telling others about Him. harmonious, happy, heart-working.
Paul makes a very practical statement in Romans 10:14-15: WORKS • Ministries and churches
expansion worldwide.
Call ← Believe ← Hear ← Preach ← Sent. Paul also quotes from PRAY CARE SHARE
Isaiah 52:7, “How beautiful are the feet of those who spread good IN ACTION
IV. CCF Facilities
news”. This is not only for “preachers”; all those who share the good • Worship and Training Center
news have beautiful feet in God’s eyes! It’s not just our responsibility Pray for at least three of
• Prayer Mountain
to share Christ to others; it’s also our privilege! In fact, it is hypocritical your family members or
for us to pray according to Matthew 9:36-38 and be unwilling friends who may be having V. Personal Concerns
to participate in the answer to the prayer. God’s sovereignty and a difficult time trusting in • Deeper intimate relationship
man’s responsibility go together! Jesus alone as Savior and with God.
4. Think: How Will You Respond? Lord. Take time to listen to • Righteous living.
their doubts or questions • Salvation of family and friends.
How will you respond to the truth about Jesus? How will you respond about Jesus. Point them
to His mission to save you? If you are a believer, how will you
respond to the challenge that you are sent because people need to Bible verses, or other
to hear about Jesus? resources that can help
remove barriers to faith in MEMORY VERSE
At the end of Romans 10 (vv. 16-21) Paul quotes Psalm 19:4 (see Christ. Pray for them and
also Romans 1:19-20), Deuteronomy 32:21 and Isaiah 65:1-2 in share the gospel with those ROMANS 10:9-10
reference to how God has reached out to the Israelites, and how willing to listen.
they have not listened to the message about Jesus, the Messiah. 9 that if you confess with
your mouth Jesus as Lord
A practical application for us today (v.19) is that, when people look and believe in your heart
at our lives, would they want to have Jesus too because they see that God raised Him from
Christ in us, and through us? Would there be sufficient evidence the dead, you will be
that Christ is in you by the way you live? saved; 10 for with the heart
a person believes, resulting
We pray that as Jesus stretches out His nail-pierced hands today, in righteousness, and with
you will respond, confess, and believe in Him as your only Lord and the mouth he confesses,
Savior. For believers, we’re called to stand in the gap. Take the resulting in salvation.
time to listen, to pray, and to share about Jesus Christ to others!

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