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22.02.09 Worship Bulletin - Backside

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Going Deeper for Life Change

Therefore as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, having been firmly rooted and now being built up in Him and established in your faith, just as you were instructed, and overflowing with gratitude ~ Colossians. 2.6.7

‘Like Father, Like Son’ - Equal Authority

Jesus Is God understand Jesus Christ and how He relates to being God. And then, if a
by Noah Ressler person cannot understand that, they are susceptible to error such as the
Arians of long ago who claimed that Jesus Christ was created and not
In the Gospel of John, we see expressions of equality that defines their truly God. In our day, Arians are the Jehovah Witnesses. And the tragedy
oneness with God. John 10:30 states, “I and the Father are one.” The is that unless they repent and acknowledge Jesus Christ as God, Lord,
word “one” is in the neuter gender teaching us that Jesus and God the and Savior, they will perish in their willful ignorance.
Father have a unity of essence or unity of nature. The Bible teaches that We see in John chapter 5, Jesus making declarations that He is equal
God is One in a Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), and yet distinct with God; that He is equal with God in His Person, He is equal with God
persons possessing all the attributes of God. The Trinity is in His works, He is equal with God in His power and sovereignty, He is
incomprehensible. We cannot fully understand the mystery of the equal with God in His judgment, He is equal with God in His honor, and
Trinity. When someday we see God, we shall see Him as He is, and in His Sovereign declaration of life and death that only God can claim!
understand Him better than we do now. Yet, even then we will not fully
comprehend Him because He is the unlimited God and we are limited in To understand these claims will help you understand how Jesus is equal
our capacity to know and understand, He will always exceed our to the Father (and is God). Theology is important because correct
knowledge and understanding. We will always be human beings, even doctrinal beliefs are essential to the relationship between the believer and
though perfected, but we will never become God. Those aspects of God, God. This belief in the Deity of Jesus Christ is essential to the
which we will never fully comprehend, should be regarded as mysteries relationship. After Jesus had asked His disciples if they were going to
that go beyond our reason rather than as paradoxes that conflict with leave from following Him also as the others did in John 6:67, Peter
reason. responded, “Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal
life. And we believe and are sure that thou art that Christ, the Son of the
The Pharisees were trying to reason and their reasoning conflicted with living God (vv. 68-69). It is not sufficient to have a warm, positive,
the very God in their presence, the Lord Jesus Christ. Their reason said, affirmative feeling toward Jesus. One must have a correct understanding
“Here is a man like us and he claims to be God. This man has broken the and belief.
very Law of God passed down to us through Moses.” But though they
focused on the Law, they failed to faithfully search the entire Old Theology is necessary because truth and experience are related. While
Testament for His identity. This unity in three persons is seen in Isaiah some would deny or at least question this connection, in the long run
48:16 where the Father has sent the Messiah and the Spirit to speak to truth will affect our experience. As a person falling from the 10th floor of a
the restored nation. In Isaiah 61:1 the Father has anointed the Messiah building may shout while passing each window on the way down, “I’m
with the Spirit for His mission. But the Pharisees were not focused on still doing fine,” and may mean it, Eventually the facts of the matter will
truth because they were not equipped to discern it, for their laws had catch up with the person’s experience. Since the meaning and truth of the
superceded God’s Law thereby rendering the Law of God null and void in Christian faith will eventually have ultimate bearing on our experience,
their day-to-day existence. This is why, even in the presence of seeing the we must come to grips with them.
miraculous, they could not discern the One who was performing the The solution to theological confusion is not merely to determine which
miraculous. They were seeing a distinct Person (Christ) doing things that are false views and attempt to refute them. Correctly understanding the
only God could do – they were seeing the Messiah, God the Son, doing doctrinal teachings of Christianity is the solution to the confusion created
that which only God can do. So a Man, a distinct Person was in complete by the myriad of claimants to belief. I pray that you are not apathetic to
unity with God, and yet a Person and a Man. study of the Word of God. It will enrich your life and give you confidence
in your walk with the Lord. “But sanctify (set apart) Christ as Lord of
Some say that theology or the study of God is not important. “I am a your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks
Christian and I do not need to learn stuff for theologians.” But if that is you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and
the case, how can someone who claims to be a Christian claim to reverence” (1 Peter 3:15).

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