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M AY 2 1 , 2 02 3

Awesome God, In Control, Our new series is called #WORTH IT – Finish Well. It is a call for
How Great is Your Love, GENESIS 39:19-21,
Not For A Moment, See A GENESIS 50:17-20 everyone in the pursuit of God’s mission for us. CHRISTIANS do
Victory not have to follow the statistics of the world – that say only 25% of
19 Now when his master heard leaders finish well. What does it mean to finish well? Matthew 25:21
the words of his wife, which she says when we step into heaven, we enter into the joy of our Master!
WELCOME spoke to him, saying, “This is
what your slave did to me,” his
A real Christian is someone who follows Jesus and follows Him to
the end!
anger burned. 20 So Joseph’s
What reminds you, or master took him and put him
makes you aware of, God’s To finish well, we must LIVE IN GOD’S PRESENCE. It is both a command
into the jail, the place where and a promise (John 15:4-5), Jesus commands us to ABIDE (to stay
Presence the most in your the king’s prisoners were con-
everyday life? intimate) in Him as a vine is to the branch. You and I can’t bear fruit
fined; and he was there in the if we are not connected to the branch. To live in God’s presence is to
jail. 21 But the LORD was with be conscious of our need and dependence upon Him. In Hebrews 13:5,
Joseph and extended kindness Jesus gave a specific promise: “I will never desert you, nor will
to him, and gave him favor in I ever forsake you”. God is with us, the spatial presence of God
the sight of the chief jailer… – but there is also His manifest presence! If we love Jesus, we must
17 ‘Thus you shall say to Joseph, obey His Word, and the benefit is that He “will come to him and
“Please forgive, I beg you, the make Our abode with him” (John 14:23)– a promise of permanent
transgression of your brothers residence. Exodus 33:14 is a promise given by God to Moses –
and their sin, for they did you one of the manifestations of His presence is a life of peace even
wrong.”’ And now, please during chaos and calamities!
forgive the transgression of
the servants of the God of your You must be intentional to know that God is with you all the time.
father.” And Joseph wept when Even in our busy lives, we can function, live and work in the awareness
they spoke to him. 18 Then his of God’s presence. Brother Lawrence, a former military man who
brothers also came and fell became a monk, said “the soul that enjoys God in this world is
down before him and said, looking for nothing but God Himself”.
“Behold, we are your servants.”
19 But Joseph said to them, “Do How do we see this in the life of JOSEPH? He understood God’s
not be afraid, for am I in God’s Presence in his life. He could have been paralyzed and destroyed
place? 20 As for you, you meant by his past – living with a dysfunctional family, brothers hated him
evil against me, but God meant as their father Jacob’s favorite son. They hated him so much that
it for good in order to bring they planned to murder him, except that by Divine Providence, they
about this present result, to changed their mind and sold him as a slave instead.
preserve many people alive.

Genesis 39:1-3 shows Joseph in Egypt, sold to an Egyptian officer,

Potiphar. Joseph could have decided not to follow God anymore
because of his circumstances, but Jacob taught Joseph so well about
God and His promises, and so he decides to cling on to God. Even
during deep disappointments, Joseph chose to LIVE IN GOD’s
PRESENCE. This was noticed by his master, and Joseph’s excellence
set him apart from the other slaves. Does your earthly “master” see
God working in you and through you? Let everybody know that
we are different – during crises, and challenges –choose to respond
in great peace by having a very intimate relationship with the Lord!
Genesis 39:4-5 tells us that Joseph was eventually made overseer
over Potiphar’s estate. Potiphar’s household was so blessed by
Joseph’s excellence, and the source of his success was God!
Excellence is to “do a common thing in an uncommon way”
(Booker Washington). Colossians 3:23-24 reminds us to do everything
for the Lord, it is Him whom we serve. If we live in God’s presence,
it greatly affects our excellence at work, in school, and in whatever
we do, we are excellent for the Lord’s glory!
MAY 2 1, 20 23

QUESTIONS I. Thanksgiving
After being promoted, Joseph faced temptation. Genesis 39:6-7 (Leaders: Please choose questions • Worship God for who He is, what
describes Joseph as handsome, having a nice physique, and he was that are appropriate to the level of He has done, and what He will
being commanded by his master’s wife to have sex with her. But spiritual maturity of your members) do in our lives.
because he lived in God’s presence, Joseph did not listen to her 1. Self-Check.
(vv. 10-12). He continually thought about the consequences of sin, II. Country and the World
and Joseph believed it was not worth it to let sin destroy the goodness How do you practice • Upright and moral governance
of God in him and through him. Joseph made a stand (v.9) and even continuously living in of public servants; repentance
told his master’s wife that what she wants is sin against God! When God’s presence? and salvation for government
we sin, we grieve God – and He does not deserve that disrespect. 2. Setting It Right.
leaders and citizens for a
Joseph was able to escape the temptation, but in a sudden turn of Christ-centered Philippines.
What difference will it make • God’s help and comfort for
events, his master decided to send Joseph to prison (vv. 10-20). in your life if you live in the Sudanese people caught
God’s presence? (work, in violence and conflict.
3. THOUGHT LIFE moral, emotional) • War in Ukraine to end, loss
Oswald Chambers once said that “the root of all sin is the suspicion of lives prevented; tension in
that GOD is NOT GOOD”. When things are bad, what thoughts enter 3. Living It Out. East Asian and Middle East
our minds? If you live in God’s presence, you are able to change your countries to stop.
How will you apply this
thought life. Genesis 39:21 tells us that even in jail, Joseph had the message to those people
Lord’s favor, and he kept doing the right things, so that he prospered who have wronged you or
III. Church
in the things he did in prison (vv. 22-23)! Genesis 40:6-7 shows that • That CCF Members would
hurt you?
instead of feeling sorry for himself, Joseph concerned himself about honor and love God and make
others – encouraging and helping them out! He helped interpret their disciples.
dreams, and Joseph asked that good word be sent to the Pharaoh • Elders, pastors, dleaders,
about him (vv.14-15). Sadly, he was forgotten; so, Joseph again had and families (holy, humble,
to learn to wait. God gave Pharaoh a dream he couldn’t understand harmonious, happy, heart-working).
(Genesis 41:1) and no one could explain it. Only then was Joseph • Ministries and churches
expansion worldwide.
remembered and called to the king’s presence and Joseph credited
God for the interpretation of dreams (Genesis 41:16). Because of godly
IV. CCF Facilities
wisdom, he got appointed as second-in-command, Egypt’s prime
minister! When faced with prosperity, honor and power, Joseph did WORKS • Worship and Training Center
• Prayer Mountain
V. Personal Concerns
4. FAMILY LIFE / LEGACY Pray for family, friends and • Deeper intimate relationship
those around you who are with God.
Joseph showed kindness to his brothers and did not seek revenge struggling to see God’s • Righteous living.
for what they have done to him (Genesis 45:3-8). As they asked • Salvation of family and friends.
presence in the world today.
forgiveness from him, he told them how he saw the hidden blessing
of all the trials he went through (Genesis 50:20-21). For a child of God, Seek God’s manifest Presence
every ADVERSITY has its HIDDEN BLESSING. Joseph chose to forgive in your own life so that you
his brothers, and even held on to the promise of God for the Promise may be able to show
Land. Romans 8:28 reminds us that all things work together for good excellence for Him in all MEMORY VERSE
– as we live in God’s presence, we can excel and make everything you do, as an effective
worth it! witness to others about GENESIS 50:20
Jesus. Share Christ this 20 As for you, you meant
week to someone who evil against me, but God
needs His presence in meant it for good in order
to bring about this present
their life. result, to preserve many
people alive.

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