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GOD's Clearing Process

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Case Study:
-In many ways, Joseph was like
other great leaders;
-First, all leaders has a dream;
a vision of a better future;
•In Joseph’s case,
he experienced
literal visions;
-Second, the vision and the person
who has the vision are inseparable;
-The leader’s heart beats for the
vision, and he won’t be content until
it is fulfilled;
-Another person cannot fulfill that
leader’s dream for him;
•Joseph and his vision were divinely
destined to be intertwined;
-Third, no leader’s vision can be
kept secret; it must be
communicated rightly in the
appropriate time
Into the fire
1.Like most great leaders:
-Joseph had a vision long before he
had the leadership ability to make
it happen.
-He had a divine leadership destiny;
•But he did not start out as an
effective leader;
-He held no influence with his
brothers, or with anyone older than
his father;
-Before God could use him, Joseph
had to be CLEARED:
•Purified; and
•Forged into the leader he had
the potential to become,
2.All great leaders need these things
prepare them:
to _______
1)Time to ______
-Like most great leaders, Joseph
labored in obscurity for a season
of his life;
-He required 13 years to be prepared.
-By the time he interpreted Pharaoh’s
dream, he was a changed man:
•He was equipped;
•He was humble;
•He was a great leader.
2)Trials to _________
-Gold is purified only after it
passes repeatedly through
the fire;
-Diamonds are created under
extreme pressure;
-And great leaders are formed
only through trials;
-Joseph would never have
reached his potential if he
had stayed in the comforts
of his home;
-To become a great leader,
he had to become a slave
and a prisoner!
3)God to _____
-Without God, a leader can do
nothing of real value;
-Jesus declared:
John 15:5
5 "I am the vine; you are the
branches. If a man remains in
me and I in him, he will bear
much fruit; apart from me you
can do nothing. NIV
-God blessed Joseph as he worked
in Potiphar’s house as a slave;
-Then he blessed him as he worked
in prison;
Gen 39:23
23 The warden paid no attention
to anything under Joseph's care,
because the Lord was with Joseph
and gave him success in whatever
he did. NIV
-If you are on God’s side, you
can’t lose!
1. Joseph was a cocky kid;
-That is not unusual for a boy
of seventeen;
-He was too arrogant for his
own good.
2. When God gave Joseph a dream
revealing that he would one day
become a leader of his family:
-Joseph thoughtlessly told
everyone about it;
-His brothers of course
were outraged;
-When he shared his dream, they
hated him;
-Joseph didn’t know what he
was doing!
-The cost was alienation from his
family for more than two decades;
James 5:7-11
7 Be patient, then, brothers, until the
Lord's coming. See how the farmer
waits for the land to yield its valuable
crop and how patient he is for the
autumn and spring rains. 8 You too, be
patient and stand firm, because the
Lord's coming is near.
9 Don't grumble against each other,
brothers, or you will be judged. The
Judge is standing at the door!
10 Brothers, as an example of
patience in the face of suffering,
take the prophets who spoke in the
name of the Lord.
11 As you know, we consider blessed
those who have persevered. You
have heard of Job's perseverance
and have seen what the Lord finally
brought about. The Lord is full of
compassion and mercy. NIV
1. When the future leadership
responsibility are especially
difficult, or the potential leader
is particularly hard-headed;
• God uses time to pass for the
maturation process;
-God also uses trials;
-The larger the task ahead, the
more difficult the trials;
2. When faced with adversity, people
become either bitter or better
-Joseph chose the latter;
-He certainly had plenty of
opportunities to become
-He could have held a grudge
against many individuals;
• His brothers;
• The slave traders;
• Potiphar’s wife;
• The Chief Butler, etc.
-But instead he turned to God
during his struggle
-And viewed the people who
offended him as instruments
of divine sovereignty
Ps 37:3, 7, 9, 23
3 Trust in the Lord and do good;
dwell in the land and enjoy safe
pasture. NIV
7 Be still before the Lord and wait
patiently for him; do not fret when
men succeed in their ways, when
they carry out their wicked
schemes. NIV
9 For evil men will be cut off, but
those who hope in the Lord will
inherit the land. NIV
23 If the Lord delights in a man's
way, he makes his steps firm;
1. Like most great leaders, Joseph
obscurity for a season
labored in ________
of his life.
-And it is during this period that
God most often work to prepare
a potential leader;
-That was true of Abraham, Jacob,
Nehemiah, etc.
2. Nearly 23 years passed from the
pit to the palace before he was
reunited with his brothers;
• And his own vision was fulfilled;
-But by then he understands that
self-promotion can never replace
divine promotion;
-And he learned that lesson the
hard way;
-His self-promotion with his brothers
failed miserably;
-Only when he finally became
• As a slave; and
• Chose to work faithfully
for Potiphar;
-Did it became evident that the
Lord was with him;
-In prison, he served the Jail keeper;
• And again God showed him
favor and mercy;
-All the prisoners were put under
Joseph’s authority;
-And his work prospered;
3. When Joseph tried to take
self-promotion back into his hands;
• By recommending himself
to Pharaoh’s butler;
-God again made him wait;
-Two years passed before Joseph
gets an audience with Pharaoh;
-By then, Joseph had learned
his lesson;
-He was content to recognize that
God was in charge;
-When Pharaoh asked him to
interpret his dream, Joseph
Gen 41:16
16 "I cannot do it," Joseph replied
to Pharaoh, "but God will give
Pharaoh the answer he desires."
1. It took a lot of growth, but Joseph
eventually realized that God was
directing the process of his
leadership development;
-And he recognized that he was
being grown as a leader for a
much greater purpose than he
could have imagined;
2. By the time Jacob, his father died;
-Joseph had learned to see things
more from God’s perspective;
-When his brothers feared for their
lives, Joseph summed up his life
using the following words:
Gen 50:19-20
19 But Joseph said to them, "Don't
be afraid. Am I in the place of God?
20 You intended to harm me, but God
intended it for good to accomplish
what is now being done, the saving
of many lives. NIV

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