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Addis Ababa University

Addis Ababa Institute of Technology

School of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Assessment of Pedestrian’s Road Crossing Behavior on Selected
Road Segments in Addis Ababa


Tewodros Tsegaye
A thesis submitted to School of Graduate Studies in partial fulfilment of the requirement for
Degree of Masters of Science in Civil Engineering (Road and Transport Engineering)

ADVISOR: Dr. Bikila Teklu

June, 2019

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Submitted by:
Tewodros Tsegaye

Student Name Signature Date

Recommended by:
Dr. Bikila Teklu

Main Advisor Signature Date

Engr. Emnete Tadesse

Co-Advisor Signature Date

Endorsed by:

School of civil and Signature Date

Environmental Engineering

Associate Director, Post Signature Date

Graduate Program

I declare that this thesis entitled, Assessment of Pedestrian’s Road Crossing Behavior
on Selected Road Segments in Addis Ababa, is my original work performed under the
Supervision of my research main advisor Dr. Bikila Teklu and co. advisor Engr. Emnete
Tadesse and has not been presented for a degree in any other university, and that all
sources of materials used for this thesis have also been acknowledged.

Tewodros Tsegaye

Signature ________________ date _________________

I will submit this thesis for examination with my approval as university supervisor


Main advisor: Dr. Bikila Teklu

Signature ________________ date __________________

Co advisor: Engr. Emnete Tadesse

Signature ________________ date _________

Assessment of Pedestrian’s Road Crossing Behavior on Selected Road Segment


First, I thank God for giving me the abilities, courage and drive to complete this thesis work.
Secondly, I would like to thank my advisors, Dr. Bikila Teklu and Engr. Emnete Tadesse, for their
encouragement and guidance throughout the thesis work starting from the very beginning.

My deep hearted gratitude to Ethiopian Road Authority (ERA) and Addis Ababa institute of
technology by giving me the opportunity to avail the scholarship program in pursuing my master’s
degree in civil engineering (road and transport engineering).

Also, I would like to say thanks a lot to all my friends who shared their unselfish help and kind
support in the research.

Finally, my special thanks go to my parents, brothers and sisters who are always been there on
times of difficulties and giving me moral support to complete this research work.

Tewodros Tsegaye, MSC. Thesis, June 2019
Assessment of Pedestrian’s Road Crossing Behavior on Selected Road Segment

The injuries and fatalities of pedestrians increases time to time in Ethiopia. This is due to either
human, environmental, or engineering factors. The interaction between drivers and pedestrians has
a great role to minimize accidents. However, the illegal crossing and movement of pedestrians and
the driver faults cause life losses on pedestrians. To reduce the pedestrian injury and fatalities,
finding out the pedestrian road crossing behavior is important. This study focused on digging out
the pedestrian’s behavior at three selected road segment on the selected road section in the capital
city of the country and models are prepared by correlating the behaviors with human factors and
speed of the pedestrians during crossing.

The study focused on human factors that influence utilization of crosswalk and crossing speed.
The road crosser data is collected by video recording for the sake of its convenience. Road crosser
behaviors are extracted manually then used for analysis.

Three road segments of 15 m length with zebra marked crosswalks are taken as a representative
and the data recorded in three different working days. The data collected for two times per day to
represent the high and low pedestrian movements. The duration for recording and observation was
15 minutes.

There are 494 pedestrians observed while crossing illegally from 1350 road crosser pedestrians.
These constitute 37% of the total road crosser within 15m road segment. The extracted data from
video is used for analysis by SPSS 25 to determine the influence of human factors on crosswalk
utilization and crossing speed on 323 pedestrians. The human factors don’t influence the crosswalk
utilization preference of pedestrians. The analysis result shows human factors such as gender,
number of elders, crossing group, activities and baggage has significant influence on the road
crossing speed. Number of children and waiting time have no significant influence on crossing
speed. A model developed for crossing speed is: CRspeed = 1.413+ 0.088Gn -0.116El – 0.11Csize

– 0.039talk-0.072talkmob – 0.133redtex + 0.054Bagg.

Keywords: pedestrian’s behavior, road crossing speed, road segment, crosswalk utilization

Tewodros Tsegaye, MSC. Thesis, June 2019
Assessment of Pedestrian’s Road Crossing Behavior on Selected Road Segment


UNDERTAKING ........................................................................................................................... ii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................................... i
ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................................... ii
LIST OF TABELES ...................................................................................................................... vi
LIST OF FIGURES ....................................................................................................................... vii
ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS .................................................................................... viii
CHAPTER ONE ............................................................................................................................. 1
INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background ........................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Statement of the problem ...................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Research questions ................................................................................................................ 3
1.4 Objectives .............................................................................................................................. 3
1.4.1 General objective ............................................................................................................ 3
1.4.2 Specific objectives .......................................................................................................... 3
1.5 Scope of research .................................................................................................................. 3
1.6 Significance of the study ....................................................................................................... 4
1.7 Structure of the research ........................................................................................................ 4
CHAPTER TWO ............................................................................................................................ 5
LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................................................... 5
2.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 5
2.2 History of accidents in Ethiopia ............................................................................................ 5
2.2.1 Crash history ................................................................................................................... 5
2.2.3 Road safety issue in Addis Ababa .................................................................................. 6
2.2.4 Distribution of road accidents in Addis Ababa .............................................................. 7
2.2.3 Distribution of road traffic accident by location ............................................................ 7
2.3 Pedestrian road crossing behaviors ....................................................................................... 9
2.4 Crossing behaviors .............................................................................................................. 12
2.4.1 Crosswalk utilization .................................................................................................... 12
2.4.3 Pedestrian Crossing speed ............................................................................................ 12

Tewodros Tsegaye, MSC. Thesis, June 2019
Assessment of Pedestrian’s Road Crossing Behavior on Selected Road Segment

2..5 Gaps identified from pervious works ................................................................................. 13

CHAPTER THREE ...................................................................................................................... 14
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.................................................................................................. 14
3.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 14
3.2 Study area ............................................................................................................................ 14
3.3 Study design ........................................................................................................................ 14
3.4 Study Population ................................................................................................................. 15
3.5 Data collection..................................................................................................................... 15
3.5.1 Video recording ............................................................................................................ 16
3.5.2 Visual Observation ....................................................................................................... 16
3.5.3 Types of data ................................................................................................................ 16
3.6 Study variables .................................................................................................................... 17
3.6.1 Dependent variable ....................................................................................................... 17
3.6.2 Independent variables ................................................................................................... 17
3.7 Observational location selection .................................................................................... 17
3.7.1 Near to Wabi-Shebele Hotel (M-2) .............................................................................. 18
3.7.2 In front of Mexico Square(M-1) ................................................................................... 18
3.7.3 Near to Bunana shay building (M-3) ............................................................................ 19
3.8 Observation Time ................................................................................................................ 20
3.9 Crosswalk utilization ........................................................................................................... 20
3.10 Demographic characteristics ............................................................................................. 21
3.11 Pedestrian crossing speed .................................................................................................. 21
3.12 Pedestrian crossing condition ............................................................................................ 22
3.13 Pedestrian crossing activities and bagging ........................................................................ 23
3.14 Waiting time ...................................................................................................................... 24
3.15 Age estimation process...................................................................................................... 25
3.16 Sample size determination ................................................................................................ 25
3.17 Data analysis ..................................................................................................................... 25
3.17.1 Variables and coding .................................................................................................. 26
3.17.2 Multiple Linear Regression model (MLR model) ...................................................... 28
3.17.3 Binary logit model (BLM) .......................................................................................... 29

Tewodros Tsegaye, MSC. Thesis, June 2019
Assessment of Pedestrian’s Road Crossing Behavior on Selected Road Segment

RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS ................................................................................................. 30

4.1 Crosswalk utilization ........................................................................................................... 30
4.2 Factors affecting crossing speed ......................................................................................... 32
4.2.1 Crossing speed at each segment ................................................................................... 32
4.3 Crossing speed for all selected segments ............................................................................ 41
CHAPTER FIVE .......................................................................................................................... 44
CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ....................................................................... 44
5.1 Conclusions ......................................................................................................................... 44
5.2 Recommendations ............................................................................................................... 45
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................. 46
APPENDICES .............................................................................................................................. 48
Appendix 1-A: Pedestrian behavior @ M-1 on high volume crossing ..................................... 48
Appendix 1-B: Pedestrian ......................................................................................................... 49
behavior @ M-1 on low volume crossing ................................................................................. 49
Appendix1-C: Pedestrian behaviour @ M-2 on high volume crossing .................................... 50
Appendix 1-D: Pedestrian behavior @ M-2 on low volume crossing ...................................... 51
Appendix 1-E: Pedestrian behavior @ M-3 on high volume crossing...................................... 52
Appendix1-F: Pedestrian behavior @ M-3 on low volume crossing ........................................ 53
Appendix 2-A: MLR result of M-1 at high pedestrian movement ............................................ 54
Appendix 2-B: MLR result of M-1 at low pedestrian movement ............................................. 55
Appendix 2-C: MLR result of M-2 at high pedestrian movement ............................................ 56
Appendix 2-D: MLR result of M-2 at low pedestrian movement ............................................. 57
Appendix 2-E: MLR result of M-3 at high pedestrian movement ............................................ 58
Appendix 2-F: MLR result of M-3 at low pedestrian movement ............................................. 59
Appendix 2-G: over all MLR analysis result from SPSS.......................................................... 60
Appendix 4-A Dummy variable coding in SPSS ...................................................................... 61
Appendix 5-A: Sample images taken from the recorded video ................................................ 62

Tewodros Tsegaye, MSC. Thesis, June 2019
Assessment of Pedestrian’s Road Crossing Behavior on Selected Road Segment


Table 2-1: Distribution of road traffic accident by location [6]...................................................... 8

Table 3-1: Description of variables and coding ............................................................................ 27
Table 4-1: Crossing preference of pedestrian high pedestrian movement .................................... 30
Table 4-2: Crossing preference of pedestrian low pedestrian movement ..................................... 30
Table 4-3: Binary logistic regression analysis result for crosswalk utilization ............................ 31
Table 4-4: Multiple linear regression analysis result with SPSS 25 at M-1 high pedestrians ...... 33
Table 4-5: Multiple linear regression analysis result with SPSS 25 at M-1 low pedestrians ....... 34
Table 4-6: Multiple linear regression analysis result with SPSS 25 at M-2 high pedestrian........ 36
Table 4-7: Multiple linear regression analysis result with SPSS 25 at M-2 low pedestrians ....... 37
Table4-8: Multiple linear regression analysis result with SPSS 25 at M-3 high pedestrians ....... 39
Table 4-9: Multiple linear regression analysis result with SPSS 25 at M-3 low pedestrians ....... 40
Table 4-10: Multiple linear regression analysis result with SPSS 25 for all sites ........................ 42

Tewodros Tsegaye, MSC. Thesis, June 2019
Assessment of Pedestrian’s Road Crossing Behavior on Selected Road Segment


Figure 2-1: Means of transport in Addis Ababa [3] ........................................................................ 6

Figure 2-2: Distribution of road accident by day and year in Addis Ababa [6] ............................. 7
Figure 2-3: Distribution of road traffic accident by location .......................................................... 9
Figure 3-1: Research design.......................................................................................................... 15
Figure 3-2: Road segment near to Wabi-Shebele Hotel ............................................................... 18
Figure 3-3: In front of Mexico square........................................................................................... 19
Figure 3-4: Near to Bunana shay building .................................................................................... 20
Figure 3-5: Crosswalk utilization.................................................................................................. 21
Figure 3-6: Pedestrian crossing distance....................................................................................... 22
Figure 3-7: Crossers group............................................................................................................ 23
Figure 3-8: Pedestrians involved in activities and baggage .......................................................... 24
Figure 3-9: Waiting at mid-block ................................................................................................. 24
Figure 4-1: Pedestrian behavior data of high pedestrian movement at M-1 ................................. 32
Figure 4-2: Pedestrian behavior data of low pedestrian movement at M-1 .................................. 34
Figure 4-3: Pedestrian behavior data of high pedestrian movement at M-2 ................................. 35
Figure 4-4: Pedestrian behavior data of low pedestrian movement at M-2 .................................. 37
Figure 4-5: Pedestrian behavior data of high pedestrian movement at M-3 ................................. 38
Figure 4-6: Pedestrian behavior data of low pedestrian movement at M-3 .................................. 40

Tewodros Tsegaye, MSC. Thesis, June 2019
Assessment of Pedestrian’s Road Crossing Behavior on Selected Road Segment


ECA: Economic Commission for Africa

OAU: Organization of African Union

WHO: World Health Organization

E.C: Ethiopian Calendar

PMDs: Personal Music Devices

SPSS: Stastical Package Software for Social since

MLR: Multiple Linear Regression

BLR: Binary Logistic Regression

OR: Odds Ratio

ANOVA: Analysis of Variance

HCM: Highway Capacity Manual

AATA: Addis Ababa Transport Authority

P: Pearson correlation

Tewodros Tsegaye, MSC. Thesis, June 2019
Assessment of Pedestrian’s Road Crossing Behavior on Selected Road Segment



1.1 Background

Addis Ababa is the capital and largest city of Ethiopia. It has a population of 3,384,569 according
to the 2007 population census, with annual growth rate of 3.8%. This number has been increased
from the originally published 2,738,248 figure and appears to be still largely underestimated.
Which is located at at an elevation of 2,300 meters (7,500 ft) and is a grassland biome located
at 9°1′48″N 38°44′24″ECoordinates: 9°1′48″N 38°44′24″E. The city lies at the foot of Mount
Entoto and forms part of the watershed for the Awash. From its lowest point, around Bole
International Airport, at 2,326 meters (7,631 ft.) above sea level in the southern periphery, the city
rises to over 3,000 meters (9,800 ft.) in the Entoto Mountains to the north. As a ,Addis Ababa has
the status of both a city and a state .[
urban-form-addis-abeba]. It is where the African Union is and its predecessor the OAU were
based. It also hosts the headquarters of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa
(ECA)and numerous other continental and international organizations. Addis Ababa is therefore
often referred to as "the political capital of Africa" for its historical, diplomatic and political
significance for the continent .

Now a day’s population of Addis Ababa increases and movement of the people increases
significantly. The reason is due to urbanization and better job opportunity attracts the people
towards the capital city. Due to this reason the number of road users increases and it needs better
facilities and transportation services. Since most of the peoples are categorized under low income
workers, they use walking to do certain activities and moving from place to place. When they are
walking on side of road way and crossing the road section its common seeing peoples who use the
road illegally. The intervention between drivers and pedestrians is a basic phenomenon, especially
in urban section, since the number of vehicles and pedestrian increases comparing to rural section.
The pedestrian’s safety is the main concern and the interaction between drivers and roads users’
needs emphasis. There are many pedestrians observed when crossing the road illegally. This is
due to either design factor, human factor, behavioral, environmental factor or a combination of

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Assessment of Pedestrian’s Road Crossing Behavior on Selected Road Segment

them. Identifying the crossing behavior of pedestrians at selected road segment has been the main
task of this research.

Walking is one means of trip and highly recommended for being healthy. Also walking has many
advantages in large cities. Because it can reduce the use of vehicles and then reduces traffic
congestions and air pollution due to vehicles emission. Addis Ababa city administration and
transport office also highly encourage walking and using bicycle for short trips through medias.

According to WHO 2013, Walking has well established health and environmental benefits such as
increasing physical activity that may lead to reduced cardiovascular and obesity-related diseases,
and many countries have begun to implement policies to encourage walking as an important mode
of transport. Unfortunately, in some situations increased walking can lead to increased risk of road
traffic crashes and injury.

The city (Addis Ababa) has two basic road safety targets as presented by Daniel Molla,2017. The
first one is by 2023, the city will halve (reduced by half) the number of deaths and injuries from
road traffic crashes and the second target is by 2030, provide access to safe, affordable, accessible
and sustainable transport systems for all.

1.2 Statement of the problem

Most of the time pedestrians walk along the roadway and cross the road illegally. WHO (2013b)
confirmed that about 88% of the road network in developing countries, including Ethiopia, are
constructed without pedestrian footpaths.

Although the mobility of people and motorization has increased in Ethiopia due to the economic
advancement achieved in recent years; the adverse consequences of pedestrian crashes have
become a more apparent problem. As a developing country, the problem of pedestrian crashes is
severe. For instance, 1,296 pedestrians were killed and 3,003 pedestrians were injured during
2008/09 (2001 E.C.) in Ethiopia (Federal Police Commission of Ethiopia, 2010). Moreover, fatal
crashes involving pedestrians comprised 50% of the total fatal crashes in the country and 35% of
the injuries. According to the World Health Organization (2009), pedestrian fatal crashes
accounted for 55% of deaths that occurred amongst road users in 2007. This may either due to
human factor, design factors and vehicle factor.

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Assessment of Pedestrian’s Road Crossing Behavior on Selected Road Segment

According to Jiregna Hirpa,2017 The highest number of crashes and injuries in Addis Ababa
occurred at mid-block section of the city than any other junction. About 86% of the victims were
pedestrians. The main reason associated with this crash are pedestrian’s improper usage of the road
and drivers speed.

Although these pervious works present different injury and fatal reports on pedestrians and the
pedestrians during road crossing, there is no study on the road crossing behaviors of pedestrian at
road segments (Mid-blocks) in Addis Ababa till today. Hence crosswalk utilization and pedestrian
crossing speed and modeling the crossing speed is the main target of the study.

1.3 Research questions

✓ What are the human factors that affect crosswalk utilization on mid-block segment?
✓ What are the human factors that affect crossing speed?
✓ What is the predicting model developed for crossing speed?

1.4 Objectives

1.4.1 General objective

The general objective of this research is to assess the road crossing behavior of pedestrians at
selected road segment in Addis Ababa city roads.

1.4.2 Specific objectives

• To determine the effect human factors on crosswalk utilization on mid-block segment.

• To determine the effect of human factors on crossing speed.
• To develop a predicting model for pedestrian crossing speed

1.5 Scope of research

This research focused on high traffic volume roads of the capital city of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa
and mainly focused on assessing road crossing behavior of pedestrian at three selected road
segments. Although illegal road crossing and unsafe road crossings are common in many large

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Assessment of Pedestrian’s Road Crossing Behavior on Selected Road Segment

cities and regions of the country this study is limited to this selected area. The study considered
only human factors affecting crosswalk utilization as well as crossing speed determination. The
data collection method is video recording due to its convenience and reliability.

1.6 Significance of the study

Since accidents on pedestrian during road crossing is increasing from time to time it’s necessary
to identify the problems on the pedestrian’s side. Although other factors like drivers, design factors
and the environment have their impact for the contribution for these accidents. Pedestrian are the
main elements as a risk taker. So, identifying the safe and the unsafe crossing behaviors help
pedestrian to minimize the severity and exposure for accident. This study helps the government
and the road client for design and management of cross walk facilities.

Also, this research is used for urban planning and future research works by using as a reference
and input information. The model is used for crossing speed value determination and comparative

1.7 Structure of the research

The research has five broad chapters. The first chapter is talking about the introduction part and
consists background of the study, scope of the study, main objectives and specific objectives and
significance of the study. The second chapter is review of literatures that are related with this
research work and the research area. The third chapter talks about the methodology of the study.
In this chapter the methods and details about variables and study locations, way of data collection.
The fourth chapter consists the results and discussion of the study. The result is designed to answer
the main and specific objectives. The final chapter draws conclusion and recommendation based
on the results and discussions.

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Assessment of Pedestrian’s Road Crossing Behavior on Selected Road Segment



2.1 Introduction

This chapter comprises review of pervious works related to pedestrians and road crossing
behaviors of pedestrians. From this study crossing behavior of pedestrian and cause of illegal
crossings are presented. Also, the literature includes reviewing of related articles and their method
of data collection and analysis.

2.2 History of accidents in Ethiopia

The crash history in Ethiopia and the capital, Addis Ababa, are studied and the possible causes,
the crash locations, crash injury severities, road usage and most of the victims are presented by
pervious works.

2.2.1 Crash history

Getu S. Tulu et al. (2013) studied on Characteristics of Police-reported Road Traffic Crashes in
Ethiopia over a Six Year Period. The study was from July 2005 - June 2011 consisting of 12,140
fatal and 29,454 injury crashes on the country’s road network. The 12,140 fatal crashes involved
1,070 drivers, 5,702 passengers, and 7,770 pedestrians, totaling 14,542 fatalities, an average of 1.2
road user fatalities per crash is reported. From this report more than half of the fatalities in Ethiopia
involve pedestrians. During the six years, pedestrian collisions comprised an average of 48.55%
of fatalities, while rollovers accounted for 17.34%. For injuries, the respective figures were
53.16% and 17.17%. According to the study failing to observe the priority of pedestrians and
speeding were the major causes of crashes attributed by police. “The majority of crashes occurred
during daylight hours. Crashes increased rapidly from 6:00am to 7:00am. Numbers were more or
less steady until 8:00 pm after which they declined in most cases, though not as steeply as the
morning increase. It can be seen that the change in volume by time of day is similar to the change
in crashes” .

Tewodros Tsegaye, MSC. Thesis, June 2019 5

Assessment of Pedestrian’s Road Crossing Behavior on Selected Road Segment

The study by Jiregna Hirpa shows most affected road users are pedestrians and accounts for 86%
of the total crash injuries. From this more than 60% of the fatal data analysis shows adult age
groups (18-50 years old). The majority of crashes occurred at major roads and mid-block segments
(out of junction) and the cause is identified as pedestrian’s conflict with vehicles. The reason for
this is unsegregated vehicular and pedestrian traffic and uncontrolled vehicular speed. About half
of the crashes were happened on roads that are median divided. Median divided roads are mostly
major roads. Out of the locations with worst fatal crash record (more than 2.5 average fatalities in
a year), 50% of them are on the ring roads. Almost all of crash spots where more than 2 average
fatalities happened in a year are located on main roads; specifically, on primary arterials and ring
roads. Hence, major roads have high frequency of fatal crashes

2.2.3 Road safety issue in Addis Ababa

Road safety crises shows there are 400 fatalities annually, Daniel Molla ,2017. There are massive
changes in population and prosperity. The city has rapid population growth of 2.5% and rapid
urbanization (15% in 2005 to 24.1% in 2025). Rapid increases in motor vehicle traffic - 25% since
2009. There is very high number of pedestrian activities and very low levels of safety protection.
There is also high proportion of pedestrian casualties. 88% of all fatalities were pedestrians (2010
to 2015).

Figure 2-1: Means of transport in Addis Ababa

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Assessment of Pedestrian’s Road Crossing Behavior on Selected Road Segment

2.2.4 Distribution of road accidents in Addis Ababa

According Addis Ababa transport authority (AATA) accidents are increased from year to year and
so different day by day. Saturday is the day of the week which most the accidents occurred. From
the five working days (Monday to Friday) Friday has most accidents. The road accident data and
frequency are presented from 2003 E.C TO 2007 E.C by AATA as shown in figure 2.2.

Figure 2-2: Distribution of road accident by day and year in Addis Ababa.

2.2.3 Distribution of road traffic accident by location

The location of accidents from 2003 E.C to 2007 E.C are identified based injury data and organized
by AATA. The injury type and severity also identified and presented in table 2.1 for each location
and year.

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Assessment of Pedestrian’s Road Crossing Behavior on Selected Road Segment

Table 2-1: Distribution of road traffic accident by location

Year Injury No Y- T- Roundabout Intersection X- Total

(E.C) type junction junction junction junction

Serious 77 4 11 17 10 15 134
2003 Minor 43 13 15 16 7 2 96
property 808 139 134 160 58 38 1337
Serious 158 2 6 6 0 0 172
2004 Minor 74 0 2 4 2 0 82
property 897 60 40 280 400 0 1677
Serious 180 18 16 16 22 4 256
2005 Minor 98 14 12 8 6 2 140
property 1312 142 208 204 440 160 2466
Serious 244 0 0 13 0 0 257
2006 Minor 141 0 0 2 0 0 143
property 2291 0 0 280 258 0 2829
2007 Serious 266 0 0 12 10 0 288
Minor 121 0 0 6 3 0 130
property 2646 0 0 317 292 6 3261

As shown from table 2.1 and figure 2.3 the accident and damages are rising year to year. Most of
the accidents and injuries are located on the segmental road (no junction). For the year 2003 E.C
to 2007 E.C the no-junction road location accounts for highest injuries of property damages,
serious injuries and minor damages.

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Assessment of Pedestrian’s Road Crossing Behavior on Selected Road Segment

















2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

No junction Y-junction T-junction Roundabout Intersection X-junction

Figure 2-3: Distribution of road traffic accident by location

2.3 Pedestrian road crossing behaviors

Wickrama single and Priyankara (2011) assessed factors affecting pedestrians ‘illegal road
crossing behaviors. The research was conducted as two main parts; face to face interview and
video survey. According to the outcome from the conjoint analysis, it gives that the most
contributory for an illegal road cross is traffic condition. The range between the maximum and
minimum utility values of this attribute is found to be the widest. It means when pedestrians have
high potential to perform an illegal road cross when the traffic condition is at high level {i.e. more
than 40veh/ min (not jammed)} and also least touching physical factor to perform an illegal road
cross is side walk condition. But pedestrians will attempt to do an illegal road cross when the side
walk condition is in bad condition (more than 45 people/mint/meter with Disturbance).

Deepti Muley et al. (2017) find out pedestrians’ crossing behavior at marked crosswalks on
channelized right-turn lanes at intersections. A total sample of 235 pedestrian observations was
used for waiting behavior, crossing speed, accepted gaps, and driver yielding behavior analysis.

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Assessment of Pedestrian’s Road Crossing Behavior on Selected Road Segment

The results showed that the waiting behavior was independent of pedestrian characteristics and
depend only on the traffic characteristics. The average road crossing speed was 1.43m/s and the
gender, distraction, and group significantly affected the crossing speed. Besides, the distracted
pedestrians and pedestrians crossing in groups accepted significantly larger gaps compared to
undistracted and individual pedestrians. Moreover, about 15% of drivers yielded for pedestrians,
yielding was irrespective of gender and mainly affected by the crossing direction. Consequently,
innovative strategies in terms of engineering measures and awareness are needed to improve
pedestrian safety at these locations .

Yasar I Demiroz et al. (2015) assessed the illegal road crossing behavior of pedestrians at overpass
locations: Factors affecting gap acceptance, crossing times and overpass use. Data were collected
at the overpasses using a video recording technique. Video cameras were fixed at the top of the
overpasses to observe pedestrians crossing illegally and on the sidewalks to observe pedestrians
crossing using the overpass. At four overpass locations a total of 454 (160 female and 294 male)
illegal pedestrian crossings (46%) and a total of 539 (254 female and 285 male) pedestrian
crossings using the overpass (54%) were observed. At overpass locations where the speed limit
was 50 km/h, 254 illegal crossings were observed and at overpass locations where the speed limit
was 70 km/h, 91 illegal crossings were observed totaling 345 illegal crossing. Excluding the
condition where the oncoming vehicle was out of view only data from 224 pedestrians (173 illegal
crossings where the speed limit was 50 km/h and 51 illegal crossings where the speed limit was
70 km/h) were analyzed. The average crossing speed of pedestrians was found to be higher in
higher speed zones.

Bungum et al. (2005) assessed the relationship between distracted walking and performing routine
cautionary behaviors of pedestrians crossing a busy street in a southwestern city at an intersection
adjacent to a university. Trained observers recorded behaviors of 866 pedestrians as they walked
across a 105-foot wide street served by a stop light and a zebra-painted crosswalk. The study found
that 5.7% of the observed pedestrians crossed the street while wearing headphones or conversing
on the phone, and 15.1% were eating, drinking, or smoking while in the crosswalk.

Walker et al. (2012) observed cautionary behavior (looking before crossing a road) for pedestrians
with or without personal music devices (PMDs). The study found that male pedestrians listening
to PMDs, displayed more looking behavior than those not listening to PMDs, while females

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Assessment of Pedestrian’s Road Crossing Behavior on Selected Road Segment

showed no differences between the two conditions. Authors concluded that unlike cell phones,
PMDs do not decrease cautionary behavior of pedestrians.

Kuzel et al. (2008b) reviewed real-world collisions involving pedestrians who were reportedly
auditorily distracted. The review found that highly salient and expected roadway objects such as
buses, police vehicles, and trains have been involved in collisions with reportedly distracted
pedestrians at or near standardized road crossing points. The data suggested that pedestrians
distracted by auditory activities, regardless of their form, may not always be sufficiently engaged
in the act of crossing or walking along a street to perform the task safely.

Lichenstein et al. (2012) searched the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System, U.S.
Consumer Product Safety Commission, Google News Archives and Westlaw Campus Research
Databases for cases involving pedestrian distraction from 2004 to 2011. The study found 116
reports of death or injury of pedestrians wearing headphones. Of all the reports, 74% stated that
the pedestrian was wearing headphones at the time of the crash and 29% mentioned that a warning
was sounded before the crash. The majority of victims were male (68%) and under the age of 30
years (67%). The majority of vehicles involved in the crashes were trains (55%), and 89% of cases
occurred in urban counties.

Nasar and Troyer (2013) used data from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission on
injuries in hospital emergency rooms from 2004 to 2010 to evaluate pedestrians' mobile phone
related injuries. The study found that pedestrian injuries that related to mobile-phone usage while
walking increased compared to total pedestrian injuries in 2010. Mobile-phone use related injuries
for pedestrian under 31 years old were higher for males than female. It was concluded that using
a mobile phone while walking puts pedestrians at risk of accident, injury or death.

The use of mobile phones and other smartphones is growing fast worldwide. An estimated 77% of
the world’s population have a mobile phone. While the risk of talking and texting while driving a
vehicle is now well documented much less is known about walking and distraction .Since 2005, a
number of studies, conducted primarily in the United States and among young adults, have been
published that suggest pedestrians who are distracted by phone conversations, or other distracting
activities such as listening to music or texting, take greater risks when crossing roads. These results
can probably be generalized to pedestrians in other high-income countries .The contribution of
distracted walking will most likely be higher in countries where there is a greater mix of traffic,

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Assessment of Pedestrian’s Road Crossing Behavior on Selected Road Segment

less controlled crossings or where awareness of the risks is low because these pedestrians are at
higher risk in the first place .A concerted, combined approach needs to be used in all countries
.Hard-hitting social marketing campaigns are needed to educate pedestrians, while policy-makers
and engineers need to consider alternative ways to protect those ‘talking and walking’, including
modifying the environment.

2.4 Crossing behaviors

From this related study the pedestrian effect on the road accidents is identified (discussed under
section 2.3). Although this pervious works shows injury and fatal data on pedestrians walking and
crossing the road, there is no satisfactory study on the behavior of pedestrian at zebra marked
crosswalk in Addis Ababa till today. Especially countries like Ethiopia with most of the people
use walking to perform daily activities, the safety of pedestrians need high emphasis. So, to identify
and quantify the pedestrian’s exposure during road crossing is essential study.

2.4.1 Crosswalk utilization

Pedestrian crossing is a point on a road where pedestrians traverses the road. It may be found at
intersections or long section of the road. Marked crosswalks are designed by marking with white

From 15m road segment there is the pedestrian’s choice to use or neglect the zebra marked
crosswalk. Based on their utilization there are two types of pedestrians. The first type of
pedestrians is legal who used the crosswalk and the second type are illegal pedestrians who didn’t
use the zebra marked crosswalk.

2.4.3 Pedestrian Crossing speed

Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) (2000) Suggested design crossing speed of elderly pedestrians
at mid-block crosswalks and signalized intersections were 1.0 and 1.2 m/sec, respectively and
suggested a walking speed of 1.2m/sec and indicated that walking speed depended on the
proportion of elderly pedestrians (ages 65 and over) of pedestrians. If the proportion of elderly
pedestrian was over 20%, it was 1.0m/sec.

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Assessment of Pedestrian’s Road Crossing Behavior on Selected Road Segment

Pedestrians are vulnerable road users, and they are always at risk when making their daily trips.
Hence, roadway design and traffic control devices need to consider pedestrians’ safety. the
Bivariate analysis shows that crosswalk type, age and gender significantly contribute to pedestrian
speed in Malaysia. Chi-square test also showed that children pedestrians are the fastest group, and
elderly pedestrians are the slowest group in terms of pedestrian crossing speed. Male pedestrians
have significantly faster crossing speed than female pedestrians.

The crossing speed is determined by dividing the crossing distance by crossing time. The crossing
time is the time taken by the pedestrian to complete the crossing path without stopping. The
crossing distance is the length of the path used by the pedestrian to cross. The crossing speed is
calculated from the video recordings. The crossing distance is taken as the inner two lanes for each
case. The time taken by individual and group crossers, males and females, adults, children’s and
elders, and with different crossing activities is recorded. Pedestrians who changed crossing path,
stop, changed direction and changed crossing condition are not included in crossing speed. During
pedestrian crossing time determination, the pedestrian who cross on or parallel to zebra marked
crosswalk with clear visibility to the entrance and leaving of the lanes are considered.

2..5 Gaps identified from pervious works

The research works previously done in Ethiopia doesn’t emphasize the effect of pedestrians on the
traffic disturbance. While pedestrian’s activity and crossing condition can affect the traffic
condition and the overall safety of the pedestrians, none of this research gives what exactly the
pedestrian activity can contribute the traffic risks in Ethiopia. Internationally there are some
researches to model pedestrian behaviors, like pedestrian gaps, crossing utilization and speeds but
in the case of this country there are no research to model the pedestrian behavior. However
pedestrian crashes and jay waking is commonly observed. So it’s a must to identify and model the
pedestrians activity and crossing conditions to consider the effect of pedestrians n the traffic

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Assessment of Pedestrian’s Road Crossing Behavior on Selected Road Segment



3.1 Introduction

This chapter presents and describes the approaches and techniques the researcher used to analysis
data and investigate the research problem. They include the research design, study population,
sample size and selection, sampling techniques and procedure, data collection methods, data
quality control (validity and reliability), procedure of data collection and data analysis

3.2 Study area

The research study area is on a road segment of Addis Ababa, the capital city of Ethiopia, Which
is located at an elevation of 2,300 meters (7,500 ft) and is a grassland biome, located
at 9°1′48″N and 38°44′24″E Coordinates with an estimated area of 527km2 ,(Google earth). The
selected road segments represent the pedestrian volume area and random crossing. The study
location (mid-block segment) is chosen because of its high crash recorded data as stated in section
2.2.1 and 2.2.4 and most of the crashes occurred in major roads of the city.

3.3 Study design

The major steps involved in this study are: (1) selection of suitable site for field survey (2) selection
of observation time (3) field data collection (4) data extraction (5) analysis of pedestrian data (6)
model development for pedestrian road crossing behavior (7) discussion on results.

During road crossing pedestrian may or may not use the zebra marked cross walk. Also, pedestrian
may do different activities that increase exposure of accidents and may affect the traffic flow when
they are crossing such as talking with mobile phones, hugging, talking, eating and others that take
their concentration on the crossing time or approaching car. From this study the effect of
demographic characters (age and gender), pedestrian volume, activities of pedestrian (mobile
usage), and crossing pattern (alone/group crossing) on crossing speed and crosswalk utilization are

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Assessment of Pedestrian’s Road Crossing Behavior on Selected Road Segment

The data is analyzed and interpreted using both descriptive (case reports and case series, Ecological
studies, cross sectional study) and analytical methods approach. These major steps are shown
below in figure.

Segment selection From


By video Data
camera Data

sions Analysis
& of data
and Modeling

Figure 3-1: Research design

3.4 Study Population

The study populations are road users such as road crosser pedestrians on the selected segments.

3.5 Data collection

Even if most of the required data were quantitative, somehow qualitative date are also collected
through this research study. The collection of the relevant information for this study have been
started from deciding the title and identifying the problem. The data were collected with minimal

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Assessment of Pedestrian’s Road Crossing Behavior on Selected Road Segment

expenditure of effort, time and money. The data collecting technique was done mainly by video
recording, and observation.

3.5.1 Video recording

This data collection is the most reliable and has high significance of avoiding errors of counting
pedestrian when they cross the road. The video cameras are fixed at convenient locations to record
the pedestrian and vehicles data clearly. Pedestrian who use and not use zebra walk are recorded.
Waiting and crossing pedestrian are recorded with video.

Video recording is the most reliable and carful method because data can be viewed by slowdown
and replayed when necessary. Reducing the number of characteristics being recorded by the
observer may improve count accuracy. In addition, because most data collectors are subject to
fatigue and errors [17].

3.5.2 Visual Observation

This type of data collection technique is also primarily and it is directly by observing the conditions
on the selected road segments. In this case different conditions observed number of lanes, crossing
distance, fencing condition of pedestrian and choice of crossing section. Factors affecting
pedestrian crossing behaviors and pedestrian-vehicle interaction will be identified. Crossing length
of the road measured in the field of the

3.5.3 Types of data

The data type that are collected in this study is primarily data. This are pedestrian with safe and
unsafe crossing, pedestrian who crosses on zebra, waiting pedestrian and vehicles and vehicle. The
data that are obtained from the camera recording and observations have two main categories,
General and individual.

a. General characteristics
➢ pedestrian behavior (alone/group crossing)
➢ Pedestrian volume

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Assessment of Pedestrian’s Road Crossing Behavior on Selected Road Segment

b. Individual characteristics
➢ Gender
➢ Age of pedestrian
➢ Pedestrian crossing path
➢ Pedestrian crossing speed and time
➢ Crossing condition (talking cellphone, stopping, stepping back, changing speed and
➢ Crossing location/cross walk utilization
➢ Pedestrian-vehicle interaction

3.6 Study variables

In this thesis, the variable to be studied are pedestrian crossing speed, demographic characters,
waiting time of pedestrian, activities of pedestrian during crossing. From this study the effect of
demographic characters (age and gender), pedestrian volume, road type and geometry, traffic
volume, activities of pedestrian (mobile usage), and crossing pattern (alone/group cross) on
crossing speed are studied. The pedestrian age, gender, crossing pattern, were considered as the
independent variables and crossing speed and crosswalk utilization was considered as the
dependent variable.

3.6.1 Dependent variable

The dependent variables in this study are pedestrian crossing speed and crosswalk utilization

3.6.2 Independent variables

The independent variables in this study are pedestrian age, pedestrian gender, pedestrian volume,
waiting time, pedestrian activities and pedestrian crossing pattern.

3.7 Observational location selection

In this study strategical sampling method is used to select different location. The observation is
taken considering well-marked crosswalk(zebra) with unfenced segments, the selected areas were
convenient for video recording and enhance clear observation of group and individual

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Assessment of Pedestrian’s Road Crossing Behavior on Selected Road Segment

characteristics of the road crossers. Also, they represented different number of lanes as well as
traffic volume. The possibility of illegal crossings also different. To get clear and identify the face
and behavior of pedestrian 15m length of this segment is used for analysis from three road
segments selected for data collection. This location has chosen by stratified techniques by. On a
similar study in India by B Raghuram and P Vedgari on modelling pedestrian behavior under
mixed traffic condition from the selected 135m mid-block segment only 15m is used for analysis.
The selected sites have different road characteristics and pedestrian conditions. The convenient
place for camera fixing and description of the sites are stated below.

3.7.1 Near to Wabi-Shebele Hotel (M-2)

This site has six lanes (3 in each direction) and pedestrian island at the middle. It has fenced
segment in one direction and unfenced segment with median in the other direction.

Figure 3-2: Road segment near to Wabi-Shebele Hotel

3.7.2 In front of Mexico Square(M-1)

The location has six lanes (3 in each direction) and zebra marked cross walk with wider median (1
m). High pedestrian volume observed. The video camera was fixed at ground. Flat terrain without
fenced median.

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Assessment of Pedestrian’s Road Crossing Behavior on Selected Road Segment

Figure 3-3: In front of Mexico square

3.7.3 Near to Bunana shay building (M-3)

This location has high number of pedestrians to cross the road. The road has two lanes in each
direction and a narrow median of 0.5 m width. There is possibility of illegal movement in both
direction of the crosswalk.

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Assessment of Pedestrian’s Road Crossing Behavior on Selected Road Segment

Figure 3-4: Near to Bunana shay building

3.8 Observation Time

There were two different stages of data collection time for each site. This was to represent the
high pedestrian movement and the low pedestrian movement. This was to examine the pedestrian
behaviors on different scenarios and when the speeds of vehicles were high and low. For both
cases the observation duration was fifteen minutes (a total of 1h hour and 30 minutes). The data is
collected under normal weather condition (sunny, no rain). pedestrian volume and behavior
obtained during this time is used for analysis. Based on previous studies on the area the majority
of road crash accidents occurred in the two working days of the week (Monday and Friday) as
described by section 2.2.1 and 2.2.4 so this two day are preferred for data collection.

Most related research works followed similar procedure of survey time and analysis method.
Pengefei LI., et al., 2013 studied Pedestrian crossing behavior at unsignalized mid-block crossing
around primary school. The filming periods were from 7:00 am to 8:00 am, when a majority of
children were travelling to school. The weather conditions were the same in all time periods. It
was sunny and no wind with the temperature of 230 to 260.

3.9 Crosswalk utilization

From 15m road segment there is the pedestrian’s choice to use or neglect the zebra marked
crosswalk. Pedestrians have many reasons to use or not use the crosswalk. This may be human

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Assessment of Pedestrian’s Road Crossing Behavior on Selected Road Segment

factor or design factors. Based on their utilization there are two types of pedestrians. The first type
of pedestrians is legal who utilized the crosswalk and the second type are illegal pedestrians who
didn’t utilize the zebra marked crosswalk.

Figure 3-5: Crosswalk utilization

3.10 Demographic characteristics

Demographic characters basically include gender and age groups. Gender includes men and
female. The crossing speed is determined for male and female pedestrian. Age is grouped in to
three categories. Children aged less than 18, adults from 18 to 60 and elders who are older than
60 years. Their age is estimated from their facial expression, physical appearance and walking
structure. Facial texture and physical appearance are used to estimate the age category of
pedestrian. Observers were close enough to the crossings to note these surface and configuration
characteristics and make an age estimation based on observation of the pedestrians.

3.11 Pedestrian crossing speed

The crossing speed is determined by dividing the crossing distance by crossing time. The crossing
time is the time taken by the pedestrian to complete the crossing path without stopping. The
crossing distance is the length of the path used by the pedestrian to cross. The crossing speed is

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Assessment of Pedestrian’s Road Crossing Behavior on Selected Road Segment

calculated from the video recordings. The crossing distance is taken as the inner two lanes for each
case. The time taken by individual and group crossers, males and females, adults, children’s and
elders, and with different crossing activities is recorded. Pedestrians who changed crossing path,
stop, changed direction and changed crossing condition are not included in crossing speed. During
pedestrian crossing time determination, the pedestrian who cross on or parallel to zebra marked
crosswalk with clear visibility to the entrance and leaving of the lanes are considered.

Figure 3-6: Pedestrian crossing distance

3.12 Pedestrian crossing condition

Pedestrians can cross road alone or in group. when two or more pedestrians cross the road together
is considered as group crossing. A single crosser is taken as alone crosser.

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Assessment of Pedestrian’s Road Crossing Behavior on Selected Road Segment

Figure 3-7: Crossers group

3.13 Pedestrian crossing activities and bagging

During road crossing pedestrians may involve in different activities. Activities observed are talking
mobile phone, texting or reading, bagging or caring, etc. These activities of pedestrians may affect
the crossing speed, cross walk utilization preference and vehicle-pedestrian interact.

Activities are one of the main human factors that influence the crossing speed significantly.
Internet browsing, texting and emailing while crossing affect pedestrians speed [18]. Also, cell
phone usage, taking, reading text can influence the crossing speed and reduce attentions of
pedestrians while crossing [21,22,23].

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Assessment of Pedestrian’s Road Crossing Behavior on Selected Road Segment

Figure 3-8: Pedestrians involved in activities and baggage

3.14 Waiting time

Before entering to the crosswalk or at the mid-block pedestrians wait the coming vehicle. This
time depends on the approaching vehicle speed and the traffic volume. The waiting time is
recorded using stopwatch for individual pedestrians and the average time is recoded.

Figure 3-9: Waiting at mid-block

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Assessment of Pedestrian’s Road Crossing Behavior on Selected Road Segment

3.15 Age estimation process

From the video age is estimated by looking facial observation and physical appearance of
pedestrian. Because ages can be predicted to a particularly high degree of accuracy within the age
range of 20-60, this method was justified by past research.

According to Pittenger,1975, Rhods,2009 and Sorqivist,2007, an average age estimation of an

unknown person based on facial characteristics has been shown to have 2.39 years of deviation
and 2.83 years of deviation the 5-year increments in which age estimations were made were
therefore warranted by this past research .

For the case of this study age group is classified in to three age intervals (i.e., <18 years-children,
18-50 years-middle age (adult) and > 50 years-elders). This age grouping may have high accuracy
than the literatures observed because the interval range is higher hence had less degree of errors.

3.16 Sample size determination

To represent the total population who crosses the road segment a sample size is calculated from
online sample size calculator ( for a confidence
interval of + 5. Based on this sample size calculator from 1350 population a minimum of 299 road
crossers can represent the total population. Hence for this study there are 323 road crossers
behaviors have been analyzed. However, the samples analyzed are based on purposive sampling

3.17 Data analysis

The qualitative and quantitative data (material) that obtained from data collection process be
analyzed by statistically or descriptive analysis method. For the quantitative analysis a logistic

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Assessment of Pedestrian’s Road Crossing Behavior on Selected Road Segment

regression conducted to model the relationships between dependent variables and several
independent variables covering the characteristics of drivers, pedestrian, and the environment.
IBM SPSS 25 software and Microsoft excel 2016 used with statistical and mathematical modeling.

3.17.1 Variables and coding

The dependent and independent variables are coded to use in SPSS software. Gender, age, crossers
size, activities during road crossing and bagging or carrying are discrete variables. Crossing speed
and waiting time are continuous variables.

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Assessment of Pedestrian’s Road Crossing Behavior on Selected Road Segment

Table 3-1: Description of variables and coding

Variables Description Coding Symbol Types of

Gender Male or female 0=female Gn Discrete
Age Child (<18 years) 0=child Age Continues
Adult (18 to 50 years 1=adult
Elder (> 50 years) 2=elder

Crosswalk Pedestrian cross on 0=yes Utz Discrete

utilization zebra or not 1=no
Activity Activities of 0=none
pedestrians while 1=talking Discrete
crossing 2=talking mobile Act
3=reading or
Crossers pattern No pedestrians 0=alone CRsize Discrete
crossing together or 1=group
Bagging Caring or bagging 0=yes Bagg Discrete
Crossing speed Pedestrians crossing Numeric CRspeed Dependent
speed(m/s) variable
Waiting on side Waiting for a clear Numeric WaitS Continuous
space on side of road
Waiting on mid- Waiting for a clear Numeric WaitM Continuous
block space on mid-block of

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Assessment of Pedestrian’s Road Crossing Behavior on Selected Road Segment

Categorical predictor variables cannot be entered directly into a regression model and be
meaningfully interpreted, some other method of dealing with information of this type must be
developed. In general, a categorical variable with n levels will be transformed into n-1 variables
each with two levels. For example, age has three levels, hence it has two dichotomous variables
could be constructed that would contain the same information as the single categorical variable.
Similarly, activity has four levels hence it has three dichotomous variables. Dichotomous variables
have the advantage that they can be directly entered into the regression model. The process of
creating dichotomous variables from categorical variables is called dummy coding. These
variables have the advantage of simplicity of interpretation and are preferred to correlated predictor

3.17.2 Multiple Linear Regression model (MLR model)

A multiple regression model is a regression model that contains more than one regressor variable.
The MLR model is useful for finding out the crossing speed of pedestrians. The study by B.
Raghuram and P.Vedgari on modelling pedestrian behavior under mixed traffic condition, MLR
is developed to get the accepted gap. The pedestrian may reject a greater number of available small
gap size values and they may accept higher gap size values. To include a categorical variable with
more than two level in a multiple regression prediction model, additional steps are needed to ensure
that the results are interpretable. These steps include recoding the categorical variable into a
number of separate, dichotomous variables.

To develop the crossing speed model, a log normal regression was selected by considering that
pedestrian human factors which followed a normal distribution.

The general model framework is given below:

Crossing speed= β0 + β1X1 + β2X2 + β3X3+……………+ βnXn ……… 3.1

Xi-n= explanatory variables;
Βi-n= are estimated parameters from the model;
β0= constant
n = number of independent variables

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Assessment of Pedestrian’s Road Crossing Behavior on Selected Road Segment

3.17.3 Binary logit model (BLM)

To identify the significance influence factors on pedestrian crossing behavior, a one-way analysis
of variance (ANOVA), Pearson’s correlation coefficients and pedestrian t test will be first
performed. Further analysis will be performed by developing a logistic regression model used to
describe the effect between two groups. Logistic regression measures the relationship between
dependent variable and independent variables. The probability of selecting alternatives can be
expressed by a utility function given by equation 3.2. in this study the probability of pedestrians
to utilize zebra marked crosswalk or not utilize can be checked by a binary logit model.

Ui = ai + Bi1X1 + Bi2X2 + Bi3X3 +…. + BinXn …………………………………….3.2


Ui = utilization of alternative i

i = the alternative (utilize / not utilize)

X= the independent variable

a = constant

B = coefficients

n = number of independent variables

The probability of utilizing the crosswalk then can be determined by the equation given in 3.3

P(i) = 1/[1+exp(-Ui)] …………………………………………………………….3.3

Where P(i) is the probability of selecting alternative i

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Assessment of Pedestrian’s Road Crossing Behavior on Selected Road Segment



4.1 Crosswalk utilization

Pedestrians have two alternatives to cross the road. These alternatives are either using zebra
marked crosswalk or without using the crosswalk (Illegally). The human factors that affect the
choosing of the alternatives are studied in this research. The probability of utilization of the
crosswalk also determined. The effect of demographic factors, group size, activities and bagging
or carrying has been studied in this research.

Table 4-1: Crossing preference of pedestrian high pedestrian movement

Site Type of crossing Total no

Illegal 87
M-1 On zebra 274
Illegal 55
M-2 On zebra 114
Illegal 179
M-3 On zebra 208

Table 4-2: Crossing preference of pedestrian low pedestrian movement

Site Type of crossing Total no

Illegal 62
M-1 On zebra 102
Illegal 33
M-2 On zebra 60
Illegal 78
M-3 On zebra 98

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Assessment of Pedestrian’s Road Crossing Behavior on Selected Road Segment

From table 4.1 and 4.2 its observed that many pedestrians are engaged in illegal crossing (not
utilize zebra). There are 494 pedestrians observed while crossing illegally from 1350 road crosser
pedestrians. These constitute 37% of the total road crosser within 15m road segment. The human
factors that contribute to the illegal movement are analyzed by binary regression analysis.

Table 4-3: Binary logistic regression analysis result for crosswalk utilization

Variables in the Equation

B S.E. Wald Df Sig. Exp(B)
Step 1 Gn -.088 .278 .100 1 .751 .916
CRspeed .333 1.318 .064 1 .801 1.395
CRsize -.264 .320 .683 1 .408 .768
NBagg -.002 .272 .000 1 .993 .998
Child .150 .464 .105 1 .746 1.162
Adult -.252 .350 .518 1 .472 .777
None .622 .584 1.137 1 .286 1.864
Talking .236 .623 .144 1 .705 1.266
talking .717 .615 1.359 1 .244 2.049
WaitS -.017 .073 .058 1 .810 .983
WaitM -.151 .068 4.912 1 .027 .860
Constant -.573 1.656 .120 1 .729 .564
a. Variable(s) entered on step 1: Gn, CRspeed, CRsize, Bagg, child, adult, none,
talking, talking mobile, WaitS, WaitM.

From SPSS analysis of binary logistic regression for alternatives to utilize or not utilize the
crosswalk is obtained as presented on table 4.3. Then from the analysis the independent variables
with Pearson significant (p value) less than 0.05 are taken as significantly influence the utilization
and greater than 0.05 are not significant values.

All human factors such as gender, age, number of crossers, activities and baggage of pedestrians
can’t influence the preference of crosswalk utilization. So, the studied behaviors or human factors
doesn’t affect the crosswalk utilization. This means whether the pedestrian is male or female, child,
adult or elder, alone or group crosser, involved in activities or not or has baggage or without
baggage the utilization and preference of the crosswalk is not influenced.

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Assessment of Pedestrian’s Road Crossing Behavior on Selected Road Segment

4.2 Factors affecting crossing speed

Crossing speed is one of the main factors that affect the design and management of the crosswalk.
The crossing speed is extracted and categorized by age group, gender, crossing group, activities
during crossing and bagging or carrying.

4.2.1 Crossing speed at each segment

The video recording is done for three road segments representing different conditions as stated in
section 3.11 the total number of pedestrians observed in 15-meter road segment (including the
crosswalk) for 15 minutes are presented in figure 4.1 to 4.6 with the number of pedestrians used
for analysis. Pedestrians chosen for analysis is not randomly but in purposive way. pedestrians
must follow straight path and normal walking (not running or changing path) are selected for
analysis. Pedestrians covered by vehicles and other pedestrians are also excluded from analysis.
The number of pedestrians taken for analysis is greater than 20% of the total observed pedestrians
for all independent variables and road segments.

The analysis result from MLR of SPSS 25 is presented with Pearson significant coefficient and p
value. The effect of independent variables on the crossing speed (dependent variable) is
determined for each road segment.

Crossing speed,m/s






Group (>1)

Talking mobile




Gender Age Group Pedestrian Activities during road Pedestrian

Crossing crossing carrying or

Figure 4-1: Pedestrian behavior data of high pedestrian movement at M-1

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Assessment of Pedestrian’s Road Crossing Behavior on Selected Road Segment

Table 4-4: Multiple linear regression analysis result with SPSS 25 at M-1 high pedestrians

Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta T Sig.
1 (Constant) 1.379 .063 22.027 .000
Gn .107 .024 .385 4.472 .000
Utz .014 .025 .050 .563 .575
Csize -.102 .030 -.371 -3.391 .001
NBagg .044 .027 .146 1.623 .109
Child -.017 .038 -.059 -.462 .645
Elder -.119 .043 -.352 -2.745 .008
None .022 .034 .077 .654 .516
talking mobile -.040 .046 -.090 -.886 .379
reading or -.114 .084 -.132 -1.360 .179
Waitsd -.005 .006 -.072 -.839 .405
WaitMB .005 .008 .058 .673 .503
a. Dependent Variable: CRsp

Multiple linear regression gives crossing speed and model as;

CRspeed = 1.379 + 0.107Gn -0.119 El – 0.102Csize ………………………...…………... 4.1

The significant of this model is to predict the crossing speed using the demographic characters,
crossing conditions and age proportion of pedestrians while crossing.

The MLR analysis of SPSS 25 for segment M-1 at high pedestrian’s volume shows human factors
such as gender, age(elder) and crossers size of pedestrians has significantly influenced the crossing
speed having p value of less than 0.05. utilization, number of children, waiting, activities and
baggage has no significant influence on crossing speed on this segment. Significant values closer
to 0.05 are more sensitively affect the crossing speed.

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Assessment of Pedestrian’s Road Crossing Behavior on Selected Road Segment

Crossing speed,m/s






Group (>1)

Talking mobile



Gender Age Group Pedestrian Activities during road Pedestrian
Crossing crossing carrying or

Figure 4-2: Pedestrian behavior data of low pedestrian movement at M-1

Table 4-5: Multiple linear regression analysis result with SPSS 25 at M-1 low pedestrians

Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 1.305 .082 15.837 .000
Gn .101 .047 .313 2.141 .041
Utz .023 .037 .074 .625 .537
Crsize -.122 .049 -.411 -2.470 .020
NBagg .044 .045 .145 .979 .336
Child .153 .062 .371 2.475 .020
Adult .154 .055 .464 2.795 .009
Talking -.041 .057 -.128 -.725 .475
talking mobile -.094 .049 -.227 -1.905 .067
reading or -.141 .060 -.286 -2.357 .026
WaitS .006 .010 .064 .553 .584
WaitM -.019 .012 -.189 -1.622 .116
a. Dependent Variable: Crspeed

Tewodros Tsegaye, MSC. Thesis, June 2019 34

Assessment of Pedestrian’s Road Crossing Behavior on Selected Road Segment

Multiple linear regression gives crossing speed and model is as;

CRspeed = 1.305 + 0.101Gn + 0.153Ch +0.154Ad– 0.122Csize – 0.141Redtex ….…………. 4.2

The significant of this model is to predict the crossing speed using the demographic characters,
crossing conditions and age proportion of pedestrians while crossing.

For segment M-1 at low pedestrian movement, the analysis result of MLR for human factors such
as gender, crossing size, adult and child, reading or texting has a significant influence (P <0.05)
on the crossing speed. Human factors such as baggage, talking, talking mobile, waiting time and
crosswalk utilization have no significant influence on crossing speed (P >0.05).


Crossing speed, m/s






Male Female Child Adults Elders Alone Group Talking Talking None Yes No
(>1) mobile
Gender Age Group Pedestrian Activities during road Pedestrian
Crossing crossing carrying or

Figure 4-3: Pedestrian behavior data of high pedestrian movement at M-2

Tewodros Tsegaye, MSC. Thesis, June 2019 35

Assessment of Pedestrian’s Road Crossing Behavior on Selected Road Segment

Table 4-6: Multiple linear regression analysis result with SPSS 25 at M-2 high pedestrian

Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 1.200 .061 19.828 .000
Gn .101 .029 .395 3.481 .001
Utz -.024 .026 -.093 -.908 .371
Crsize -.066 .035 -.258 -1.909 .065
NBagg .039 .025 .154 1.555 .130
child .155 .045 .455 3.413 .002
adult .148 .034 .576 4.295 .000
none .088 .032 .336 2.759 .010
talking -.011 .039 -.037 -.280 .781
WaitS -.002 .009 -.027 -.233 .818
WaitM .005 .007 .079 .753 .457
a. Dependent Variable: Crspeed

Multiple linear regression gives crossing speed and model as;

CRspeed = 1.20 + 0.101Gn + 0.155Ch +0.148Ad + 0.088none …………….…...…………. 4.3

The significant of this model is to predict the crossing speed using the demographic characters,
crossing conditions and age proportion of pedestrians while crossing.

From this analysis, age, gender and activities (none) has a significant influence (p<0.05) on the
crossing speed. However, crossing size, baggage, talking mobile, waiting time and utilization of
crosswalk of pedestrians have a p value greater than 0.05 hence not significantly influence the
crossing speed of the pedestrians.

Tewodros Tsegaye, MSC. Thesis, June 2019 36

Assessment of Pedestrian’s Road Crossing Behavior on Selected Road Segment

Crossing speed,m/s






Group (>1)

Talking mobile



Gender Age Group Pedestrian Activities during road crossing Pedestrian
Crossing carrying or

Figure 4-4: Pedestrian behavior data of low pedestrian movement at M-2

Table 4-7: Multiple linear regression analysis result with SPSS 25 at M-2 low pedestrians

Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 1.365 .081 16.775 .000
Gn .100 .042 .293 2.365 .034
Utz .049 .041 .130 1.176 .261
CRsize -.130 .130 -.384 -1.003 .334
NBagg .055 .058 .162 .938 .365
child .061 .054 .118 1.127 .280
elder -.130 .088 -.250 -1.479 .163
talking -.076 .146 -.224 -.517 .614
talking mobile -.124 .072 -.238 -1.713 .110
reading or -.237 .139 -.276 -1.709 .111
WaitS .009 .014 .079 .671 .514
WaitM .011 .011 .110 .988 .341
a. Dependent Variable: Crspeed

Tewodros Tsegaye, MSC. Thesis, June 2019 37

Assessment of Pedestrian’s Road Crossing Behavior on Selected Road Segment

Multiple linear regression gives crossing speed and model is developed as;

CRspeed = 1.365 + 0.100Gn …....................................................................................………. 4.4

The significant of this model is to predict the crossing speed using the demographic characters,
crossing conditions and age proportion of pedestrians while crossing.

Human factors like age, activity, crossers size, baggage Waiting times, and crosswalk utilization
have no significant influence on crossing speed since they have a p value greater than 0.05.
However, gender have significant influence on the crossing speed with a p value less than 0.05.
the positive sign of the Pearson correlation coefficient indicates direct relationship and a negative
sign indicates indirect relationship with the crossing speed.


Crossing speed, m/s










Group (>1)

Talking mobile




Gender Age Group Pedestrian Activities during road crossing Pedestrian

Crossing carrying or

Figure 4-5: Pedestrian behavior data of high pedestrian movement at M-3

Tewodros Tsegaye, MSC. Thesis, June 2019 38

Assessment of Pedestrian’s Road Crossing Behavior on Selected Road Segment

Table4-8: Multiple linear regression analysis result with SPSS 25 at M-3 high pedestrians

Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 1.343 .033 40.236 .000
Gn .055 .023 .207 2.361 .021
Utz -.003 .022 -.012 -.141 .888
CRsize -.118 .026 -.445 -4.625 .000
NBagg .056 .024 .207 2.295 .024
child .143 .045 .321 3.172 .002
adult .076 .029 .258 2.583 .012
talking -.026 .030 -.082 -.859 .393
talking mobile -.038 .030 -.106 -1.253 .214
reading or -.110 .049 -.188 -2.233 .028
WaitS -.010 .013 -.067 -.810 .420
WaitM -.001 .011 -.009 -.103 .918
a. Dependent Variable: CRspeed

Multiple linear regression gives crossing speed and model as;

CRspeed = 1.343 + 0.055Gn – 0.118Cs + 0.143Ch + 0.076Ad–0.11redtex + 0.056NBagg…4.5

The significant of this model is to predict the crossing speed using the demographic characters,
crossing conditions and age proportion of pedestrians while crossing.

Waiting times, talking each other, talking mobile and crosswalk utilization have no significant
influence on crossing speed since they have a p value greater than 0.05. However other human
factors like age, gender, activity (reding or texting), crossers size and baggage have significant
influence on the crossing speed with a p value less than 0.05. Significant values closer to 0.00 are
more sensitively affect the crossing speed. The positive sign of the Pearson correlation coefficient
indicates direct relationship and a negative sign indicates indirect relationship with the crossing

Tewodros Tsegaye, MSC. Thesis, June 2019 39

Assessment of Pedestrian’s Road Crossing Behavior on Selected Road Segment

Crossing speed, m/s






Group (>1)

Talking mobile



Gender Age Group Pedestrian Activities during road crossing Pedestrian
Crossing carrying or

Figure 4-6: Pedestrian behavior data of low pedestrian movement at M-3

Table 4-9: Multiple linear regression analysis result with SPSS 25 at M-3 low pedestrians

Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 1.409 .034 41.381 .000
Gn .074 .035 .258 2.106 .043
Utz .017 .024 .061 .715 .480
CRsize -.086 .041 -.296 -2.115 .042
NBagg .097 .042 .325 2.288 .029
child .003 .036 .008 .079 .937
elder -.127 .037 -.303 -3.399 .002
talking -.055 .049 -.176 -1.138 .263
talking mobile -.020 .044 -.044 -.457 .651
reading or -.108 .052 -.216 -2.101 .043
WaitS -.005 .009 -.049 -.580 .566
WaitM -.007 .009 -.072 -.788 .436
a. Dependent Variable: CRspeed

Tewodros Tsegaye, MSC. Thesis, June 2019 40

Assessment of Pedestrian’s Road Crossing Behavior on Selected Road Segment

Multiple linear regression gives the data presented on table 4.15. The dependent variable is
crossing speed and model is developed as;

CRspeed = 1.409+ 0.074Gn -0.127El – 0.086Csize – 0.108redtex + 0.097NBagg…..........…. 4.6

The significant of this model is to predict the crossing speed using the demographic characters,
crossing conditions and age proportion of pedestrians while crossing.

Number of children, talking, talking mobile, waiting times and crosswalk utilization have no
significant influence on crossing speed since they have a p value greater than 0.05. however other
human factors like number of elder pedestrians, gender, reading or texting activity, crossers size
and baggage have significant influence on the crossing speed with a p value less than 0.05. the
positive sign of the Pearson correlation coefficient indicates direct relationship and a negative sign
indicates indirect relationship with the crossing speed.

Generally, the average speed of road crosser pedestrians is greater than the speed Suggested design
crossing speed by (HCM) (2000) of elderly pedestrians at mid-block crosswalks and signalized
intersections 1.0 and 1.2 m/sec, respectively and suggested a walking speed of 1.2m/sec as
described in section 2.4.3.

4.3 Crossing speed for all selected segments

The overall crossing speed is the combined effect of variables of all the selected segments. This
combined speed analysis gives the governing factors that can affect the speeds of pedestrian during
road crossing. The significant of the variables are checked by p value (which is less than 0.05) at
95% confidence level. For the dependent variable that are significant, a model is developed using
multiple linear regression.

Tewodros Tsegaye, MSC. Thesis, June 2019 41

Assessment of Pedestrian’s Road Crossing Behavior on Selected Road Segment

Table 4-10: Multiple linear regression analysis result with SPSS 25 for all sites

Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta T Sig.
1 (Constant) 1.413 .015 91.926 .000
Gn .088 .011 .310 8.156 .000
Utz .003 .010 .009 .251 .802
CRsize -.110 .012 -.392 -8.894 .000
NBagg .054 .011 .187 4.793 .000
Child .027 .015 .064 1.775 .077
Elder -.116 .014 -.316 -8.516 .000
Talking -.039 .014 -.127 -2.843 .005
talking mobile -.072 .015 -.181 -4.873 .000
reading or -.133 .024 -.207 -5.622 .000
WaitS -.001 .003 -.014 -.390 .697
WaitM -.001 .003 -.012 -.338 .736
a. Dependent Variable: CRspeed

The result of Pearson significant (p value) is for gender is 0.00 which is less than 0.05. it shows
that gender has significant influence on the crossing speed of pedestrians. Number of elder
pedestrians also has significant effect on crossing speed having p value of 0.00. Crossing group
size and baggage has influence the crossing speed of pedestrians having p value of 0.00 for both.
Pedestrian activities such as, group talking, talking mobile and reading or texting also have a
significant influence on the overall crossing speed with a p value less than 0.05.

Crosswalk utilization, number of children and waiting time have non-significant influence on the
crossing speed.

From Multiple linear regression analysis results presented on table 4.16. The dependent variable
was crossing speed and model is developed for variables that have significant effect.

CRspeed = 1.413+ 0.088Gn -0.116El – 0.11Csize – 0.039talk-0.072talkmob – 0.133redtex +

0.054NBagg…...………………………………………………………………………...……. 4.7

Tewodros Tsegaye, MSC. Thesis, June 2019 42

Assessment of Pedestrian’s Road Crossing Behavior on Selected Road Segment

The significant of this model is to predict the crossing speed using the demographic characters,
crossing conditions and age proportion of pedestrians while crossing as ageneral model for all

From the model developed, the proportion of men can increase the crossing speed by 0.088.the
number of elder road crossers can reduce the crossing speed by 0.116 times the proportion of elders
relative to adults. Talking with others, talking mobile and reading or texting can reduce the
crossing speed by 0.039,0.072 and 0.133 respectively. Crossing the road without baggage or
carrying goods can increase the crossing speed by 0.054.

Group crossing can reduce the crossing speed by 0.11 times proportion of group crossers relative
to pedestrians crossing alone. The sign of Pearson correlation coefficients (Beta) shows the
relationship between the crossing speed and independent variables. Variables that have positive
sign has direct relationship and coefficients with negative sign indicate indirect relationship with
crossing speed. Gender has positive Pearson correlation coefficient (B=0.088). this shows the flow
of male pedestrian can increase the crossing speed.), hence it indicates the flow elder pedestrians
can reduce the crossing speed. The road crossing group size also has a negative correlation
coefficient (-0.11). this shows group crossing can reduce the crossing speed of the pedestrians than
a single crosser. Pearson correlation coefficient for activities of pedestrian is negative hence it has
indirect relationship. Pedestrians involved with activities i.e. talking, reading or texting and talking
mobile while crossing can reduce the crossing speeds of a pedestrian. Pedestrians without baggage
and carrying things has larger speed than with baggage due to a positive correlation coefficient

Generally, the crossing speeds of pedestrians has been affected by human factors such as gender,
age crossing group size, activities during crossing and crossing with baggage and carrying things
and goods.

Crosswalk utilization has a Pearson significant (p value) of 0.955 which is greater than 0.05, so it
non-significant. These shows weather the pedestrian utilize zebra crosswalk or can’t affect the
crossing speed. Waiting time at side or median of crosswalk have no significant influence (p value
>0.05) on the crossing speed of pedestrians.

Tewodros Tsegaye, MSC. Thesis, June 2019 43

Assessment of Pedestrian’s Road Crossing Behavior on Selected Road Segment



5.1 Conclusions

The study on assessment of pedestrian road crossing behavior on selected road segments has
conducted. Human factors that could and couldn’t affect the Utilization of zebra marked crosswalk
and the road crossing speed of pedestrians were identified. A predicting model for pedestrians
crossing speed was developed by considering the variables that have significant influence.

The findings of this study indicate 494 pedestrians observed while crossing illegally from 1350
road crosser pedestrians. These constitute 37% of the total road crosser within 15m road segment.
Human factor such as gender, age, activities, crossers group, baggage and waiting times have no
significant influence on pedestrian’s preference for utilization of the crosswalk. Hence pedestrian’s
utilization of crosswalk is independent of the human factors.

The crossing speed is highly influenced by gender, number of elders, activities, crossers group and
baggage of the pedestrians with p value less than 0.05. Number of children and waiting times at
the side or median has no significant effect on determining the pedestrians crossing speed. Hence
to use them in the model for design crossing speed is vital.

Male pedestrians cross faster than female pedestrians. Adult pedestrians cross faster than elder
pedestrians. Pedestrians involved in carrying goods or hanging bags, talk mobiles, group talking
and writing or reading text crosses slowly than non-involved pedestrians. Crossers in group has
lower speed than single crosser.

The developed Model for crossing speed determination is CRspeed = 1.413+ 0.088Gn -0.116El –
0.11Csize – 0.039talk-0.072talkmob – 0.133redtex + 0.054NBagg. Road crossing speed has a
direct relationship with the proportion of male pedestrians and crossers without baggage. Also, the
crossing speed has indirect relationship with the proportion of elder pedestrians, group crossers
and involvement in activities while crossing the road. Hence this model can be used to predict the
road crossers speed on mid-block segments and crosswalk.

Tewodros Tsegaye, MSC. Thesis, June 2019 44

Assessment of Pedestrian’s Road Crossing Behavior on Selected Road Segment

5.2 Recommendations

From the limitation of this study the following recommendations are proposed for future study.

Since this study focused on human factors on crossing speed and crosswalk utilization further
study by considering design factors and vehicle factors should be done.

The behavior study of pedestrians should be extended for intersections, roundabouts and

Further study on the pedestrian’s factor behavior such as road using familiarity, frequency of
crossing and purpose of crossing should be included in future works.

Since some of the pedestrians were covered by large vehicles during recording drone camera is
preferable to record and examine pedestrian vehicle interaction and their decision making.

Lightening effect (day and night) and rainfall effect are not considered in this study, further study
is recommended by considering the effect of rainfall and lightening.

The finding of this research shows crosswalk utilization is independent of human design
factors such as fencing, grade separated junctions and others must be considered.

Road facility designs should take in to consideration of pedestrians involved in activities,

demographic characteristics and age of pedestrians.

To determine the design crossing speed of pedestrians, human factors should be studied and
proportion and categories should be identified.

Those designers who wants to use this model should incorporate all the human factors depicted on
the model.

Tewodros Tsegaye, MSC. Thesis, June 2019 45

Assessment of Pedestrian’s Road Crossing Behavior on Selected Road Segment


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Tewodros Tsegaye, MSC. Thesis, June 2019 47

Assessment of Pedestrian’s Road Crossing Behavior on Selected Road Segment


Appendix 1-A: Pedestrian behavior @ M-1 on high volume crossing

No. of Average crossing

Observed Parameter Total No. of pedestrian speed
pedestrian for (m/s)
Gender Male 206 45 1.46
Female 155 32 1.32
Child 45 8 1.40
Age Group Adults 249 53 1.44
Elders 67 16 1.30
Pedestrian Crossing Alone 220 42 1.45
Group (>1) 141 35 1.35
Activities during road Talking 83 17 1.33
crossing Talking mobile 23 8 1.38
Reading/texting 11 2 1.25
None 244 50 1.44
Pedestrian carrying or Yes 109 23 1.32
bagging No 252 54 1.44

Tewodros Tsegaye, MSC. Thesis, June 2019 48

Assessment of Pedestrian’s Road Crossing Behavior on Selected Road Segment

Appendix 1-B: Pedestrian

behavior @ M-1 on low volume crossing

No. of Average
Observed Parameter Total No. of pedestrian crossing
pedestrian for analysis speed
Gender Male 115 28 1.47
Female 49 12 1.29
Child 26 6 1.45
Age Group Adults 113 29 1.43
Elders 25 5 1.29
Pedestrian Alone 92 22 1.49
Crossing Group (>1) 72 18 1.32
Talking 56 12 1.32
Activities during Talking mobile 14 6 1.36
road crossing Reading/texting 9 4 1.43
None 85 18 1.49
Pedestrian carrying Yes 61 16 1.37
or bagging No 103 24 1.45

Tewodros Tsegaye, MSC. Thesis, June 2019 49

Assessment of Pedestrian’s Road Crossing Behavior on Selected Road Segment

Appendix1-C: Pedestrian behaviour @ M-2 on high volume crossing

No. of Average
Observed Parameter Total No. of pedestrian crossing
pedestrian for analysis speed
Gender Male 88 26 1.44
Female 81 17 1.34
Child 20 7 1.39
Age Group Adults 113 26 1.44
Elders 36 10 1.31
Pedestrian Crossing Alone 108 26 1.43
Group (>1) 61 17 1.36
Activities during Talking 45 18 1.38
road crossing Talking mobile 34 10 1.32
Reading/texting 6 0 -
None 84 15 1.49
Pedestrian carrying Yes 53 18 1.34
or bagging No 116 25 1.44

Tewodros Tsegaye, MSC. Thesis, June 2019 50

Assessment of Pedestrian’s Road Crossing Behavior on Selected Road Segment

Appendix 1-D: Pedestrian behavior @ M-2 on low volume crossing

No. of Average
Observed Parameter Total No. of pedestrian crossing
pedestrian for speed
analysis (m/s)
Gender Male 49 14 1.43
Female 44 11 1.29
Child 7 3 1.52
Age Group Adults 75 19 1.38
Elders 11 3 1.16
Pedestrian Alone 76 14 1.44
Crossing Group (>1) 93 11 1.27
Activities during Talking 65 12 1.26
road crossing Talking mobile 12 3 1.30
Reading/texting 5 1 1.12
None 87 9 1.56
Pedestrian Yes 63 13 1.24
carrying or No 106 12 1.51

Tewodros Tsegaye, MSC. Thesis, June 2019 51

Assessment of Pedestrian’s Road Crossing Behavior on Selected Road Segment

Appendix 1-E: Pedestrian behavior @ M-3 on high volume crossing

No. of Average
pedestrian crossing
Observed Parameter Total No. of
for speed

Gender Male 209 54 1.43

Female 178 39 1.33
Child 38 9 1.46
Age Group Adults 251 67 1.40
Elders 46 17 1.31
Pedestrian Alone 188 41 1.45
Group (>1) 199 52 1.33
Activities during Talking 90 20 1.30
road crossing
Talking mobile 42 15 1.42
Reading/texting 12 5 1.32
None 243 53 1.41
Pedestrian Yes 137 37 1.32
carrying or No 250 56 1.43

Tewodros Tsegaye, MSC. Thesis, June 2019 52

Assessment of Pedestrian’s Road Crossing Behavior on Selected Road Segment

Appendix1-F: Pedestrian behavior @ M-3 on low volume crossing

Total No. of No. of Average

Observed Parameter pedestrian pedestrian crossing speed
for analysis (m/s)

Gender Male 96 23 1.53

Female 80 22 1.32
Child 21 9 1.37
Age Group Adults 132 30 1.46
Elders 23 6 1.30
Pedestrian Crossing Alone 112 27 1.50
Group (>1) 64 18 1.32
Activities during road Talking 40 13 1.34
crossing Talking mobile 17 5 1.30
Reading/texting 14 4 1.30
None 105 23 1.52

Pedestrian carrying or Yes 55 16 1.29

bagging No 121 29 1.50

Tewodros Tsegaye, MSC. Thesis, June 2019 53

Assessment of Pedestrian’s Road Crossing Behavior on Selected Road Segment

Appendix 2-A: MLR result of M-1 at high pedestrian movement

Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta T Sig.
1 (Constant) 1.379 .063 22.027 .000
Gn .107 .024 .385 4.472 .000
Utz .014 .025 .050 .563 .575
Csize -.102 .030 -.371 -3.391 .001
NBagg .044 .027 .146 1.623 .109
child -.017 .038 -.059 -.462 .645
elder -.119 .043 -.352 -2.745 .008
none .022 .034 .077 .654 .516
talking mobile -.040 .046 -.090 -.886 .379
reading or texsting -.114 .084 -.132 -1.360 .179
Waitsd -.005 .006 -.072 -.839 .405
WaitMB .005 .008 .058 .673 .503
a. Dependent Variable: CRsp

Excluded Variablesa
Partial Statistics
Model Beta In t Sig. Correlation Tolerance
1 adult .b . . . .000
talking .b . . . .000
a. Dependent Variable: CRsp
b. Predictors in the Model: (Constant), WaitMB, child, none, Gn, Utz, Waitsd, reading or
texsting, Bagg, talking mobile, Csize, elder

Tewodros Tsegaye, MSC. Thesis, June 2019 54

Assessment of Pedestrian’s Road Crossing Behavior on Selected Road Segment

Appendix 2-B: MLR result of M-1 at low pedestrian movement

Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta T Sig.
1 (Constant) 1.305 .082 15.837 .000
Gn .101 .047 .313 2.141 .041
Utz .023 .037 .074 .625 .537
Crsize -.122 .049 -.411 -2.470 .020
NBagg .044 .045 .145 .979 .336
child .153 .062 .371 2.475 .020
adult .154 .055 .464 2.795 .009
talking -.041 .057 -.128 -.725 .475
talking mobile -.094 .049 -.227 -1.905 .067
reading or texsting -.141 .060 -.286 -2.357 .026
WaitS .006 .010 .064 .553 .584
WaitM -.019 .012 -.189 -1.622 .116
a. Dependent Variable: Crspeed

Excluded Variablesa
Partial Collinearity
Model Beta In t Sig. Correlation Statistics
1 none .b . . . .000
a. Dependent Variable: Crspeed
b. Predictors in the Model: (Constant), WaitM, talking mobile, WaitS, child, Utz, reading or
texsting, Bagg, Crsize, Gn, adult, talking

Tewodros Tsegaye, MSC. Thesis, June 2019 55

Assessment of Pedestrian’s Road Crossing Behavior on Selected Road Segment

Appendix 2-C: MLR result of M-2 at high pedestrian movement

Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 1.200 .061 19.828 .000
Gn .101 .029 .395 3.481 .001
Utz -.024 .026 -.093 -.908 .371
Crsize -.066 .035 -.258 -1.909 .065
NBagg .039 .025 .154 1.555 .130
child .155 .045 .455 3.413 .002
adult .148 .034 .576 4.295 .000
none .088 .032 .336 2.759 .010
talking mobile -.011 .039 -.037 -.280 .781
WaitS -.002 .009 -.027 -.233 .818
WaitM .005 .007 .079 .753 .457
a. Dependent Variable: Crspeed

Excluded Variablesa
Partial Statistics
Model Beta In t Sig. Correlation Tolerance
1 elder .b . . . .000
talking .b . . . .000
a. Dependent Variable: Crspeed
b. Predictors in the Model: (Constant), WaitM, Gn, Utz, none, Bagg, adult, WaitS, talking
mobile, child, Crsize

Tewodros Tsegaye, MSC. Thesis, June 2019 56

Assessment of Pedestrian’s Road Crossing Behavior on Selected Road Segment

Appendix 2-D: MLR result of M-2 at low pedestrian movement

Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta T Sig.
1 (Constant) 1.365 .081 16.775 .000
Gn .100 .042 .293 2.365 .034
Utz .049 .041 .130 1.176 .261
CRsize -.130 .130 -.384 -1.003 .334
NBagg .055 .058 .162 .938 .365
child .061 .054 .118 1.127 .280
elder -.130 .088 -.250 -1.479 .163
talking -.076 .146 -.224 -.517 .614
talking mobile -.124 .072 -.238 -1.713 .110
reading or texting -.237 .139 -.276 -1.709 .111
WaitS .009 .014 .079 .671 .514
WaitM .011 .011 .110 .988 .341
a. Dependent Variable: Crspeed

Excluded Variablesa
Partial Statistics
Model Beta In t Sig. Correlation Tolerance
1 adult .b . . . .000
none .b . . . .000
a. Dependent Variable: Crspeed
b. Predictors in the Model: (Constant), WaitM, reading or texting, Utz, Gn, talking, child,
WaitS, talking mobile, elder, Bagg, CRsize

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Assessment of Pedestrian’s Road Crossing Behavior on Selected Road Segment

Appendix 2-E: MLR result of M-3 at high pedestrian movement

Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 1.343 .033 40.236 .000
Gn .055 .023 .207 2.361 .021
Utz -.003 .022 -.012 -.141 .888
CRsize -.118 .026 -.445 -4.625 .000
NBagg .056 .024 .207 2.295 .024
child .143 .045 .321 3.172 .002
adult .076 .029 .258 2.583 .012
talking -.026 .030 -.082 -.859 .393
talking mobile -.038 .030 -.106 -1.253 .214
reading or texting -.110 .049 -.188 -2.233 .028
WaitS -.010 .013 -.067 -.810 .420
WaitM -.001 .011 -.009 -.103 .918
a. Dependent Variable: CRspeed

Excluded Variablesa
Partial Statistics
Model Beta In t Sig. Correlation Tolerance
1 elder .b . . . .000
none .b . . . .000
a. Dependent Variable: CRspeed
b. Predictors in the Model: (Constant), WaitM, Utz, talking mobile, WaitS, adult, CRsize, Gn,
reading or texting, Bagg, talking, child

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Assessment of Pedestrian’s Road Crossing Behavior on Selected Road Segment

Appendix 2-F: MLR result of M-3 at low pedestrian movement

Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 1.409 .034 41.381 .000
Gn .074 .035 .258 2.106 .043
Utz .017 .024 .061 .715 .480
CRsize -.086 .041 -.296 -2.115 .042
NBagg .097 .042 .325 2.288 .029
child .003 .036 .008 .079 .937
elder -.127 .037 -.303 -3.399 .002
talking -.055 .049 -.176 -1.138 .263
talking mobile -.020 .044 -.044 -.457 .651
reading or texting -.108 .052 -.216 -2.101 .043
WaitS -.005 .009 -.049 -.580 .566
WaitM -.007 .009 -.072 -.788 .436
a. Dependent Variable: CRspeed

Excluded Variablesa
Partial Statistics
Model Beta In t Sig. Correlation Tolerance
1 adult .b . . . .000
none .b . . . .000
a. Dependent Variable: CRspeed
b. Predictors in the Model: (Constant), WaitM, Gn, Utz, WaitS, reading or texting, talking
mobile, elder, CRsize, child, Bagg, talking

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Assessment of Pedestrian’s Road Crossing Behavior on Selected Road Segment

Appendix 2-G: over all MLR analysis result from SPSS

Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 1.413 .015 91.926 .000
Gn .088 .011 .310 8.156 .000
Utz .003 .010 .009 .251 .802
CRsize -.110 .012 -.392 -8.894 .000
NBagg .054 .011 .187 4.793 .000
child .027 .015 .064 1.775 .077
elder -.116 .014 -.316 -8.516 .000
talking -.039 .014 -.127 -2.843 .005
talking mobile -.072 .015 -.181 -4.873 .000
reading or texting -.133 .024 -.207 -5.622 .000
WaitS -.001 .003 -.014 -.390 .697
WaitM -.001 .003 -.012 -.338 .736
a. Dependent Variable: CRspeed

Excluded Variablesa
Partial Statistics
Model Beta In t Sig. Correlation Tolerance
1 adult .b . . . .000
none .b . . . .000
a. Dependent Variable: CRspeed
b. Predictors in the Model: (Constant), WaitM, Gn, child, talking mobile, Utz, WaitS, reading
or texting, elder, CRsize, Bagg, talking

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Assessment of Pedestrian’s Road Crossing Behavior on Selected Road Segment

Appendix 3-A: Binary logistic regression result for crosswalk utilization

Variables in the Equation

B S.E. Wald df Sig. Exp(B)
Step 1a Gn -.088 .278 .100 1 .751 .916
CRspeed .333 1.318 .064 1 .801 1.395
CRsize -.264 .320 .683 1 .408 .768
NBagg -.002 .272 .000 1 .993 .998
child .150 .464 .105 1 .746 1.162
adult -.252 .350 .518 1 .472 .777
none .622 .584 1.137 1 .286 1.864
talking .236 .623 .144 1 .705 1.266
talking mobile .717 .615 1.359 1 .244 2.049
WaitS -.017 .073 .058 1 .810 .983
WaitM -.151 .068 4.912 1 .027 .860
Constant -.573 1.656 .120 1 .729 .564
a. Variable(s) entered on step 1: Gn, CRspeed, CRsize, Bagg, child, adult, none, talking, talking mobile,
WaitS, WaitM.

Appendix 4-A Dummy variable coding in SPSS

RECODE Age (0=1) (ELSE=0) INTO ch.

RECODE Age (1=1) (ELSE=0) INTO ad.
RECODE Age (3=1) (ELSE=0) INTO el.

RECODE Act (0=1) (ELSE=0) INTO none.

VARIABLE LABELS none 'none'.
RECODE Act (1=1) (ELSE=0) INTO talk.
VARIABLE LABELS talk 'talking'.
RECODE Act (2=1) (ELSE=0) INTO talkmob.
VARIABLE LABELS talkmob 'talking mobile'.
RECODE Act (3=1) (ELSE=0) INTO redtex.
VARIABLE LABELS redtex 'reading or texsting'

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Assessment of Pedestrian’s Road Crossing Behavior on Selected Road Segment

Appendix 5-A: Sample images taken from the recorded video

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