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Hydraulic Modeling of Water Supply and Water Losses in Water Supply Distribution

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February 2020








A Thesis Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment for the Degree of Master of Science in

Civil Engineering (Specialization in Water Supply and Sanitary Engineering)





February 2020
I, hereby declare that this thesis entitled “Hydraulic Modeling of Water Supply and Water
Losses in Water Supply Distribution System of Adwa Town, Ethiopia” was prepared by me,
with the guidance of my advisor. The work contained herein is my own except where explicitly
stated otherwise in the text, and that this work has not been submitted, in whole or in part, for any
other degree or professional qualification.

Signature Date:

Autor: Tsegay Brhane Beyene __________________ __________

Signature Date:

Name of Adviser: Sisay Demeku (PhD) __________________ ___________

As a member of examining board of final M.Sc. open defense, we verify that we have read and
evaluated the thesis prepared by Mr. Tsegay Brhane Beyene entitled “Hydraulic Modeling of
Water Supply and Water Losses in Water Supply Distribution System of Adwa Town,
Ethiopia” and recommended for acceptance as a fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of
masters of science in civil engineering (Water Supply and Sanitary Engineering).

Thesis defense date on October 30, 2019

Principal Advisor

Dr. Sisay Demeku ________________ _____________

Signature Date

Member of Examining Board:

1. Dr. Mihret Denanto _____________ ____________

(External Examiner) Signature Date

2. Dr. Brook Abate ___________ __________

(Internal Examiner) Signature Date

3. Alemayehu Feyisa _____________ __________

Dep’t Head of civil Eng. Signature Date

4. Dr. Sisay Demeku ______________ ___________

(Dean, College of Architecture Signature Date

And Civil Engineering)

Hydraulic network of the study area is simulated using Bentley water GEMS V8i (SELECT series5)
by using the data on the urban personal geo database of the town. The hydraulic simulation in the
existing network system to satisfy the reliability of hydraulic parameters such as the pressure at a
junction, head loss m/km at each pipe material and flow of water were modeled. The model was
calibrated according to the observed pressure in five junctions. The result showed that the water
supply scope was very low which covers only 56.3%, besides water demand and supply of Adwa
town were not balanced. The residents of a town used daily water 37.69 l/day for different domestic
activities with the billed water amount is 69.9% of production and around 30.10%water is
considered to be non-revenue (NRW) and the apparent losses and real losses of the town was 15.6%
and 14.5% respectively. The other observed problem in Adwa town is intermittent pipe leakage in
the water distribution network during which the town water utilities do not have an instantaneous
comeback for conservation. In this study, the hydraulic inefficiency in the existing water system to
serve the Adwa town has been proved. The drawbacks of the existing water distribution system is
modified using Darwin designer Water GEMS V8i tool. The modified simulation results showed
the maximum pressure and minimum pressure, maximum velocity and minimum velocity are in the
allowable pressure and allowable velocity respectively.

KEYWORDS: Model Calibration, Water Distribution System, Water GEMS V8i, Water loss,
Leakage Management,

I would like to precise all-powerful God who has permitted me the opportunity to begin, and the
potential to complete my study. He stood on my side and empowered me to reach this distant and
more so accomplished my desire in life.

I would also like to express my gratitude to my advisor Dr. Sisay Demeku for his continuous and
eager guidance and support as well as his important counsel and understanding all through this
inquire about work especially. My appreciation too goes to Dr. Adanech Yared for her regarded
and supportive comments during proposal improvement.

My appreciation other than goes to my companions and families for their support and ethical
bolster all through this handle and for accepting that I would inevitably wrap up. Also, Special
thanks to the officials of Adwa town Water Supply and sewerage Office, Adwa town municipality
Office, Adwa town Administration Office for providing me, the necessary materials, and for their
tireless effort during data collection, their contribution to my study was precious.

Finally, my heartfelt much thankful and appreciation goes to my wife Instructor Genet Tadege and
our children Petros Tsegay without their ethical support and love, it might have been more difficult
to complete my study.

DECLARATION ............................................................................................................................. i

APPROVAL PAGE ........................................................................................................................ ii

ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................................... iii

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ............................................................................................................. iv

TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................................................................... v

LIST OF ABBREVIATION and ACRONYMS ............................................................................ x

LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................................................ xii

LIST OF FIGURES ..................................................................................................................... xiv

1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................. 1

1.1 Background ...................................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Statement of the Problem ................................................................................................. 3

1.3 The Objectives of the Study ............................................................................................. 4

1.3.1 General Objective ......................................................................................................... 4

1.3.2 Specific Objectives of the Study .................................................................................. 4

1.4 Research Questions .......................................................................................................... 4

1.5 Scope of the Study............................................................................................................ 5

1.6 The Significance of the Study .......................................................................................... 5

1.7 Structure of the Thesis...................................................................................................... 6

2. LITERATURE REVIEW ...................................................................................................... 7

2.1 Overview of the Water Distribution System and Water Losses....................................... 7

2.2 Hydraulic Modelling Water Distribution System of the Town ....................................... 7

2.3 Hydraulic Modeling Using WaterGEMS V8i ( SELECT series 5) ................................. 8

2.4 Water Supply Distribution Network System Model ........................................................ 8

2.5 Hydraulic Modeling of Distribution Network System ..................................................... 9

2.5.1 Types of Simulations .................................................................................................. 10

2.5.2 Steady-State, Simulation ............................................................................................ 10

2.5.3 Extended Period Simulation ....................................................................................... 10

2.6 Pump Capacity Curve..................................................................................................... 10

2.7 Estimation of Water Demnad ......................................................................................... 11

2.7.1 Water Demand catagories ........................................................................................... 12

2.8 Water Tariff .................................................................................................................... 13

2.9 Performance Indicators Used in the Study ..................................................................... 13

2.10 Analysis of Water Distribution Network ....................................................................... 14

2.11 Acoustic Detection of Leaks in Water Pipeline ............................................................. 15

2.12 Management of Pressure Zone and Leakage.................................................................. 15

3. MATERIALS AND METHODS ........................................................................................ 16

3.1 The Research Design ...................................................................................................... 16

3.1.1 Description of the Study Area .................................................................................... 16

3.1.2 Climatic and Socio-Economic Activities of the Town ............................................... 17

3.2 Existing Source of Water Supply for the Town ............................................................. 18

3.2.1 Existing Municipal Water Demand of the Town........................................................ 18

3.2.2 Water Meter Adjustment in the Pumping Station ...................................................... 19

3.3 Materials ......................................................................................................................... 20

3.4 Data Collection ............................................................................................................... 20

3.5 Reservoir Locations........................................................................................................ 20

3.5.1 Clearwater Pumping Station ....................................................................................... 21

3.6 Creating Personal Geodatabase Using Parcels ............................................................... 22

3.7 Population Distribution by Mode of Service ................................................................. 23

3.8 Average water demand ................................................................................................... 24

3.9 Water Production............................................................................................................ 24

3.10 Water Consumption........................................................................................................ 26

3.11 Waterline Network of Adwa Town ................................................................................ 27

3.12 Procedure of the Study ................................................................................................... 28

3.13 Data Analysis ................................................................................................................. 29

3.14 Forcasting the Population of the Town ......................................................................... 29

3.14.1 Per Capita Water Consumption of Adwa Town ..................................................... 30

3.15 Creating the Model in Water GEMS .............................................................................. 31

3.16 Diurnal Curve of Water Demand Analysis for Adwa Town .......................................... 32

3.16.1 Overview of Leakage Management and Network Control ..................................... 33

3.17 Procedures of the Leak Location .................................................................................... 33

3.18 Hydraulic Model Calibration ......................................................................................... 34

3.18.1 Pressure Calibration Criteria ................................................................................... 34

3.18.2 Sampling size of Pressure Calibration .................................................................... 35

3.19 Model Validation............................................................................................................ 35

3.19.1 Average Operating Pressure Measurement ............................................................. 36

3.20 Water Loss Analysis in a Distribution Network System................................................ 36

3.21 Unavoidable Annual Real Losses .................................................................................. 39

3.21.1 Infrastructure Leakage Index (ILI) ......................................................................... 40

3.21.2 Performance Indicators of Real Loss ...................................................................... 40

3.22 Non-Revenue Water Management and Controlling Strategies ...................................... 41

3.23 Causes of Water Losses.................................................................................................. 42

4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION........................................................................................... 43

4.1 General ........................................................................................................................... 43

4.2 Population Forecasting ................................................................................................... 43

4.2.1 Population size and water demand ............................................................................. 43

4.2.2 Water Supply Coverage Analysis ............................................................................... 44

4.2.3 Average Daily, Per Capita Consumption ................................................................... 46

4.2.4 Level of connection per family................................................................................... 47

4.3 Hyduralic Model Calibration and Validation ................................................................. 48

4.4 Water Balance System of Adwa Town .......................................................................... 51

4.5 Diurnal Curve of Adwa Town for Water Demand Analysis .......................................... 53

4.6 Unaviodable Real Losses ............................................................................................... 54

4.6.1 Apparent losses per Connections ............................................................................... 55

4.7 Calculating Infrastructure Leakage Index ...................................................................... 55

4.7.1 Water Loss Expressed as Per the Length of Pipes...................................................... 55

4.8 Leakage Noise Correlation at Selected Sample Area..................................................... 56

4.9 Water Demand Estimation ............................................................................................. 56

4.10 Pipe Type Length of Adwa Town .................................................................................. 58

4.11 Pump Curve Definitions ................................................................................................ 61

4.12 Junctions with negative pressure .................................................................................... 62

4.13 Existing Problems Identified in the Water Supply System ........................................... 65

4.13.1 Pressure ................................................................................................................... 65

4.13.2 Velocity ................................................................................................................... 70

5. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION ............................................................... 74

5.1 Conclusions ................................................................................................................... 74

5.2 Recommendations .......................................................................................................... 75

REFERENCE ................................................................................................................................ 76

APPENDEX A: Water Demand Allocation of Adwa Town ........................................................ 80

APPENDEX B: Hydraulic Model Output at Peak Hour for Junction Report ............................. 91

Appendix C: hydraulic model output at minimum consumption hour for junction report ......... 106

APPENDEX D: Calculated summary report on flow demand and flow stored ........................ 121

Appendix E: Adwa Town Developing a Diurnal Curve ........................................................... 121

AMSL above Mean Sea Level
AL Apparent Losses

AWWA American Water Work Association

CARL Current Annual Real Loss

CSA Central Statistics Agency

DCI Ductile Cast Iron

DEM Digital Elevation Model

DMA District Metered Area

DN Nominal Diameter

EEPCO Ethiopia Electric Power Corporation

EPS Extended period simulation

ESRI Environmental system Research Institute

FDRE Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia

GPS Global Positioning System

GIS Geographic Information System

HC House Connection

HH House hold

HGL Hydraulic Grade Line

ILI Infrastructure Leakage Index

IWA International Water Association

MOWIR Ministry of Water Resource, Irrigation and Electric

NRW Non – Revenue Water

RL Real Loss

TWWCE Tigray Water Work Construction Enterprise

PF Peak Factor

PRV Pressure Reducing Valve

PVC Polyvinyl Chloride

UFW Unaccounted for Water

UTM Universal Traverse Mercator

UARL Un Avoidable Annual Real Loss

UWDN Urban Water Distribution Network

WGS World Geodetic System

WHO World Health Organization

YC Yard Connection


Table 2-1 Input Parameters and the Primary Purpose of Water Gems Tools ................................. 9

Table 2-2 the Main Parameters for Checking the Pump Capacity............................................... 11

Table 2-3 Existing Water Tariff of Adwa Water Supply .............................................................. 13

Table 2-4 Performance Indicators Used in the Study ................................................................... 14

Table 3-1 Rain fall data of Adwa town ........................................................................................ 18

Table 3-2 Temperature data of Adwa town .................................................................................. 18

Table 3-3 Preliminary Information on Existing WDS for Adwa Town ....................................... 22

Table 3-4 Population Percentage Distribution by Mode of Service ............................................. 23

Table 3-5 Monthly water production ........................................................................................... 25

Table 3-6 Monthly water consumption ......................................................................................... 26

Table 3-7 Draft calibration criteria pressure modelling ................................................................ 35

Table 3-8 Quantifying Water Losses by Water Balance Method ................................................. 37

Table 3-9 Physical Losses Assessment Matrix for Developing Country Situation ...................... 41

Table 4-1 Adwa town projected population (2007-2035)............................................................. 44

Table 4-2 Customers water coverage information system in Adwa town .................................... 45

Table 4-3 Customer Statically Report Kebeles by Meter Area Coverage .................................... 46

Table 4-4 Water supply coverage of Adwa town ......................................................................... 46

Table 4-5 production of the town.................................................................................................. 47

Table 4-6 level of connection per family ...................................................................................... 47

Table 4-7 junction pressure calibration based on degree of accuracy criteria .............................. 50

Table 4-8 Water Balance and NRW ............................................................................................. 51

Table 4-9 monthly water balance and NRW based on the cumulative value ............................... 52

Table 4-10 Total water loss coverage of the town ........................................................................ 56

Table 4-11 Summarizing current and projected water demand in the study area ......................... 57

Table 4-12 Existing water supply gaps in Adwa town ................................................................. 58

Table 4-13 Adwa town water supply distribution pipeline length. ............................................... 59

Table 4-14 Distribution of pipe material type in Adwa town ....................................................... 60

Table 4-15 distribution of pressure at peak hour consumption..................................................... 66

Table 4-16 distribution of pressure at minimum hour consumption............................................. 69

Table 4-17 distribution of actual pipe velocity at peak consumption hour................................... 71

Table 4-18 distribution of actual pipe velocity at minimum hour consumption........................... 72

Figure 3-1 Location of Adwa Town ............................................................................................. 17

Figure 3-2 Existing Electromechanical Equipment’s At Pumping Station .................................. 19

Figure 3-3 Existing Service Reservoir (Source: Field Observation December, 2018) ................. 21

Figure 3-4 Water line Network Information in Arc map .............................................................. 27

Figure 3-5 Over Flow Work Flow Chart of the Methodology...................................................... 28

Figure 3-6 creating the Model in Water GEMS............................................................................ 32

Figure 3-7 Flow measurement in the outlet of service reservoir ................................................ 33

Figure 3-8 Qualitative measurement of leakage around Medihanialem Church .......................... 34

Figure 3-9 Pressure measurement in the faucet ............................................................................ 36

Figure 3-10 Uncounted For Water for Some Ethiopia Towns ..................................................... 42

Figure 4-1 Profiles of Customers Water Coverage Information System ...................................... 45

Figure 4-2 Variations of Observed and Simulated Pressure at Sample Junctions ........................ 48

Figure 4-3 Correlation between Observed and Simulated Pressure Relationship Plot. ................ 49

Figure 4-4 Monthly water loss distribution curve based on cumulative values .......................... 53

Figure 4-5 Demand Pattern of Adwa Town (Source: - Own Filed Measurement) ....................... 54

Figure 4-6 Categories of NRW during 2018 /2019 ...................................................................... 54

Figure 4-7 Compare the Leakage in the Selected Sample Area ................................................... 56

Figure 4-8 Adwa Town Water Supply Distribution Layout System ............................................ 59

Figure 4-9 Summarized coverage of pipe material in the town .................................................... 60

Figure 4-10 Variation of Pipe Size with Velocity ........................................................................ 60

Figure 4-11 Pump definition of Adwa town (source: own field survey), Legend: a) blue curve
pump characteristics b) Red curve pipe characteristics ................................................................ 61

Figure 4-12 Time Series Plot For Selected Junctions ................................................................... 62

Figure 4-13 Flow of water in the selected pipes ........................................................................... 63

Figure 4-14 Pressure and demand relationship for the selected pipes .......................................... 64

Figure 4-15 Contour Plot Elevation of the Distribution System................................................... 65

Figure 4-16 Distribution of pressure at peak hour consumption .................................................. 67

Figure 4-17 Distribution of Pressure Contour Map at Peak Consumption Hour ......................... 68

Figure 4-18 Distribution of pressure at minimum hour consumption .......................................... 69

Figure 4-19 Comparation of velocity at peak hour consumption ................................................ 70

Figure 4-20 Comparation of velocity at minimum hour consumption ......................................... 73

1.1 Background

Water is an essential resource for lives as 70% of the human body is made up of water it is
considered a curial element of our food and materials and development. Water is unique to the
necessities for the existence of living things in general and human beings in particular. For any
municipal town, an efficient water supply distribution system is an essential service. Without
meeting the water supply-demand of the town, the enhancement of developmental activities and
improving the health condition of communities is impossible. The main role in entire provinces of
human life and growth was led to a human civilization facing water insufficiency in many regions
of the world. The earth hydrosphere has about 1.36 billion km3 water and 75% of earth’s surface is
covered with, though, only 2.5 % of worldwide water is new water possibly existing for the drinking
of living existences. The remaining 97.5% stays as salty water in the oceans (Abraham, and Ali,
2018, Ciobanu, 2013).

AWWA (2017) observed that the water distribution system must provide adequate amounts of water
at appropriate pressure within a range typically specified by standards used in the water utilities.
Models are used to predict pressures under specific demand conditions and under a variety of
scenarios to identify low pressures and to select infrastructure that will improve flow or less
pressure deficiency. According to Chandelier et al. (2013), discussed the existing water loss
breakdown rests on a relatively simple idea: hydraulic simulation software used to make-believe
the behavior of a WDN by using different techniques to detect the leakage add into the hydraulic
network simulation. Water distributions system of the town play a significant character in current
civilizations being its proper operation straight associated to the people’s welfare and is also a
critical part of designing and operating water distribution systems that are capable of serving
communities reliably, efficiently, and safely, both now and sometime (Maruf et al., 2016, Walski
et al., 2004). The hydraulic simulation software is then able to run all the hydraulic ranges related
to each specific leakage managing and, pressure and flow values in correspondence of the UWDS.
The main challenges for the per capita water demand of the town are the increment of the
populations from rural to urban areas and the economic development of the town (Ciobanu and
Natalia, 2013).

The existing designs made available were prepared by international consultants under the Devecon
Engineers for Adwa town and by the Tigray Water Works Study, Design and Supervision Enterprise
(TWWSDSE) on behalf of the Regional Water Resource Bureaus. In the current study, the existing
designs have been evaluated according to the latest issued design criteria and national urban water
supply criteria agreed with the Ministry of Water Resources (MoWE). The existing infrastructure
of the town is old and in poor condition. There are frequent interruptions to the scheme due to the
breakdown of equipment, shortage of technicians, and inefficient operation and maintenance
practices (MoWE, 2006).

The water demand of the Adwa town is estimated by using; the data obtained from the socio-
economic study, the projected population, livestock sizes, and the various modes of services and
there are respective per capita water consumptions. Hence, the estimated water demand accounts
for the livestock water demand in addition to the domestic water demand of Adwa town. The public
and the industrial water demands have also been estimated as the percent of domestic demand.
During the survey, the sample households were also distributed for each kebele with different water
supply converge, service level and new residential areas. The distribution was done using the land
use type of the town, the kebele and the municipality official of the town (Addis et al., 2014).

One of the common problems in Adwa town water supply system was related to the water
distribution system due to the topographical location of the town. Thereby, there was an inadequate
quantity of water supplies and low coverage in the town. There are many cases in the customers
illegally tapping into a water main so as obtain water without paying for it. Beyond committing a
crime (theft of water, thus depriving the water utility of revenue), people who make illegal
connections to the water supply system also compromise the safety of the mains water through
possible contamination. This event can be caused simply by making a break in the pipe without
taking the necessary protections to prevent contamination. Therefore, this research work was
prepared to model Adwa town water distribution network using waterGEMSV8i in hydraulic
performance, water loss and leakage management system.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

One of the major challenges of inadequate delivery of water to Adwa town where the topography
is a bit higher, the water has no power to reach to the top boundary areas. Due to the elevation
structure of the town there is high challenge to reach enough water to the customers the town has
been on the networks of pipes, the head difference due to the elevation of the town varies from one
station to other station, selection of water source for less water pressure areas, selection of reservoir
location, high water consumption in a day.

Another basic issue currently being most of the water supply network pipeline was installed before
the existing road access and residential building is constructed just only using Adwa GIS master
plan. Currently, water distribution lines are found under drainage lines, toilets, ditches, and building
and in the residential building compound. There are different old piping systems without network
distribution design and near kebele, Mebale and Alula near to Pan African University, there is low
velocity which is less than the standard range Pressure should be distributed in such a way that on
all junctions, appropriate pressure is prepared and the network gains its standard manner. In addition
to the pressure, the speed inside the pipes must also be examined.

Those problems of water supply and water loss occurred in Adwa for long years, this research work
will fill the gap on the problems due to reducing water loses on the components of network into
geographical information system dividing large water distribution networks in to districted metered
areas, monitoring of flow rates and water pressures, caring out yearly water balance, hydraulic
modeling, pressure management, active leakage control, recording water consumption of the users,
reducing meter errors and illegal water consumption .

In direction to determination of above stated problems this research is important to identify the
problems of the existing status of water distribution system by adapting of existing drawbacks,
evaluating the existing design operation and maintenance facility of the water supply system and
non-revenue water losses management system of the town by using water GEMS V8i.

1.3 The Objectives of the Study

1.3.1 General Objective

The general objective of the research was to Hydraulic Modeling of Water Supply and Water Losses
in Water Supply Distribution System of Adwa Town, Ethiopia to offer well-organized water
distribution system.

1.3.2 Specific Objectives of the Study

 to model the existing supply and demand of Adwa town water supply distribution system
outcomes using water GEMS V8i

 to evaluate and compare the water losses in distribution system

 to evaluate the existing water supply coverage of the town

1.4 Research Questions

The general and specific objectives of the study would be achieved by seeking responses to the
following questions:

 What are the status of the existing water distribution system and its existing water supply
problems in Adwa town?

 How can be improved the amount of water being lost yearly in the town of the water
distribution system shortcomings?

 What are the conditions of the actual design, operation and maintenance the existing water
supply coverage of Adwa town?

1.5 Scope of the Study

The scope of the study is to check the reliability of the existing water distribution system and water
loss on Adwa town water supply distribution network, and modeling the existing system problems
using water GEMS V8i software and Acoustic/sound detection material that the town to achieve
better fulfillment. Therefore, the research work was limited to model the water distribution network
from a clear water reservoir to distribution endpoint of the customers Adwa town water supply
system in northern Tigray region of Ethiopia and managing the existing and enhanced system
hydraulic parameters (flow, pressure, and velocity) from model simulation results.

The modeled distribution system consists of the network data file and the computer program that
manipulates the network data and performs the necessary mathematical calculations. After
preparing the base data, it is calibrated for further adjustment of the input data. This process
generally requires most data, but, due to the lack of enough budgets, chemical reagents, exclude the
water quality analysis in the distribution system of the study area.

1.6 The Significance of the Study

The main significance of this study is to explore the status of Water distribution system and water
losses by applying hydraulic modeling using Water GEMS V8i to the sustainable water distribution
system of Adwa town. This study also to analyze the WDNs, control its operation, maintenance,
and analysis of the WDS in possible scenarios for planners, decision-makers concerned to WDS. It
serves as baseline data for any further investigation, as useful materials for Tigray Water Works
Study, Design Supervision Enterprise (TWWSDSE), Government organization, NGO’s, and
academic purposes. The WDSs in most parts of Adwa town suffer from the deficiency of water
supply quantities and low in the pressure so that to achieve the consumer demand at satisfactory
levels, it must improve and increase the efficiencies of the water distribution operating and
management systems.

1.7 Structure of the Thesis

This research approached in the distribution system of Adwa town from a number of different
observations and using these findings to obtain an overall picture on the modeling urban water
supply distribution system and water loss due to water GEMS V8i (Bentley time series 5). The
results and findings of the different approaches are presented in a separate chapter as flows: Chapter
one, included the introduction, which focused mainly on the background of the research, statement
of Problem, general objective, specific objectives, research questions, and the scope of the research.
Chapter two: deals with a detailed review of published literature related to modeling, demand, water
loss, in urban water supply distribution system. Chapter three: included research methodology,
which constituted the description of the study area, research design, data collection and preparation
and analysis procedures of indicating development for UWDS. Chapter four: contained, results and
discussion, which describe the result of different chapters were summarized and integrated. Chapter
Five: included a conclusion and recommendation of the study.

2.1 Overview of the Water Distribution System and Water Losses

Zewdu (2014) has recognized as water supply distribution network system, which enables to obtain
the existing water supply system and water loss in the distribution system is a growing management
problem in Ethiopia, there are few studies conducted on the existing modeling of urban water supply
in the country related to water loss and coverage. For domestic consumption, the water demand in a
community is estimated because of per capita consumption (Arunkumar, 2016), (Bhoyar & Mane,
2017). Per capita consumption of water distributed to the network separated by the number of
residents connected to the network in a 24-hour period l/c/day Water demand includes water
distributed to the system to encounter the needs of consumers, additionally, all systems have much
leakage that cannot be economically removed (AWWA, 2017).

Mays (2004) stated pressure-reducing valves are often used to establish lower pressure in WDNs,
with in excess of pressure zone. As upstream pressure increases, the valve will close, creating more
head loss across the valve, until the target pressure is obtained. WDNs of technical management it is
necessary to explore establish an attained pipe network estimation of flow and pressure head in
network pipe has been of great amount and concern for those design construction, operation,
maintenance, conservation of municipal water distribution system, so, it is not exaggerated to say that
supplying and distributing of adequate water form the basis of water life is thus divided in to a number
of district pressure zones. The maximum change in elevation across each zone is determined by the
difference between minimum and the maximum pressure value (NRC, 2006).

2.2 Hydraulic Modelling Water Distribution System of the Town

Bwire & Mburu (2015), states that several computer programs are available for modeling, analyzing,
performance evaluated under various physical and hydraulic condition including, Epanet, Bentley
water CAD v8i, and Bentley water GEMS v8i for modeling distribution network systems have been
designed for each of the pressure zone based on the design top and bottom water levels of the
associated reservoirs and the agreed design criteria using the hydraulic modeling computer program.

2.3 Hydraulic Modeling Using WaterGEMS V8i ( SELECT series 5)

Water GEMS v8i is a powerful tool for hydraulic modeling software package with the advancements
in highly competent and active modeling software, which provides wide management of investigation
and resolutions for fire-flow analysis, water quality modeling. Many of the features and functions are
common in Water CAD V8i and water GEMS V8i, which modernizes the model building, integrated
with the GIS and AutoCAD functionalities, and optimized model calibration, scenario management,
design, and its operations. Water GEMS V8i is selected due to the ease of model building and
operation and is greater programming competencies as compared to water CAD V8i. The software
finds the lowest allowable diameter for each pipe segment that will allow the system to function, or
more specifically, to meet the minimum pressure requirements at all junctions (Shinde, Patil, &
Hodage, 2018). The only disadvantage of this software is commercial or package.

2.4 Water Supply Distribution Network System Model

In WDNs mains are an in-between pipeline used to distributing water from transmission main to
customers. The mains are smaller in diameter than transmission mains and typically follow and the
general topology and alignment of the town streets exposed to soil corrosion and mechanical stress
from the surrounding soil, surface traffic, and fluctuation water pressure (Delesho, 2006).

Brown (2007), has recognized as a water distribution system model is created using a link- node
formulation that is governed by two conservation laws, namely mass balance at nodes and energy
management round hydraulic nodes. The node is an idea where water drinking is allocated and
defined as demand which treated as the nodal hydraulic head can be solved. This design is valid only
if the hydraulic pressure at all nodes is acceptable so that the demand is autonomous of pressure.

Eddie et al., (2000) considered that the water to reach every consumer with the required rate of flow
needs sufficient pressure in pipelines. The layout of a distribution network depends on the existing
pattern of streets and highways, existing and planned subdivision of the service area, property rights-
of-way, possible sites for ground and elevated service reservoirs, and location and density of demand
centers. According to WHO (2014), the distribution system provides a protected barrier to
contamination; it should be fully enclosed and kept under positive pressure to deliver water to user
taps and prevent contamination from entering the water main. Meters are provided too many flows
of water from the source, transfer of water between zones, and the supply of water to consumers.

Table 2-1 Input Parameters and the Primary Purpose of Water Gems Tools

Label Type Primary modeling purpose Input data

Reservoir Node Provides water to the system Hydraulic Grade line, water
surface elevation

Pump Node/Link Provides energy to the system Elevation, pump definition

and raise the water pressure to (characteristics of max,
overcome elevation deference operation and design discharge,
and friction loss head efficiency)

Tank Node/link Store execs water with in the Base elevation, maximum
system and release that water at elevation, minimum elevation
time of high usage and Diameter

Valve Node / Controls flow or pressure Elevation, diameter, valve type

Link through a pipe and results in
losses of energy in the system

Pipe Link Transport water from one node Elevation, Diameter, material
to another node and roughness coefficient

Junction Node Discharge the demand required Elevation

or recharge the inflow water
from / to the system

(Source: water GEMS: user manual)

2.5 Hydraulic Modeling of Distribution Network System

The network hydraulic model provides the foundation for modeling water supply in distribution
systems. This event provides a characteristic of hydraulic modeling, an overview of model inputs,
and general criteria for selection and application (Cincinnati, 2005). Using simulations, problems
can be anticipated in proposed or existing systems and can be evaluated before time, money, and
Materials are invested in a world (Tomas et al., 2003). When a water distribution system does not
provide water 24 hours per day to their customers, but they are supplied by turns during some hours,
such a system is named as intermittent.

2.5.1 Types of Simulations
According to Thomas et al. (2003), there are two, most basic types of simulation that a model
depends on.

2.5.2 Steady-State, Simulation

computes the state of the system (hydraulic parameters such as flows, pressures, pump operating
appearances, valve positions ) by assuming that demands and boundary conditions were not
changed to time (Thomas m et al., 2003).

2.5.3 Extended Period Simulation

Computing the state of the system as the information required by a steady-state model, where the
system can to provide the acceptable; levels of the model with the duration multiple of 24 hours
with the hydraulic demand and boundary conditions do change to time (Thomas et al., 2003).

2.6 Pump Capacity Curve

The proficiency of the pump varies when the diameter is changed in particular the operating point
of the pump moves relative to the lines of constant pump efficiency when the speed is changed.
Therefore the hydraulic force on the impeller created by the pressure profile inside the pump casing,
reduce approximately with the square of speed (Thomas et al., 2003). However, the heights of the
suction and discharge gauges, concerning to the centerline of the pumps, should be determined,
since all pressure measurements must be adjusted to the pump centerline.
Then the pump should operate at the best efficiency point and the system ultimately be measured
is the total head developed by the pump, between the pump suction and the pump discharge.

Table 2-2 the Main Parameters for Checking the Pump Capacity

No Parameter Description

1 Capacity The capacity of a pump is the size of liquid pumped per unit of time.

2 Head In a pump system, the head refers to both pump systems having one or
more pumps and a corresponding piping system. The height to which a
pump can raise liquid is the pump head and the head required to overcome
the losers in a pipe system at a given flow rate is the system head.

3 Efficiency The pump should be selected to operate near its peak efficiency point. In
typical water supply applications, pumps operate over a bond of head
conditions. Therefore, they cannot operate at their peak efforts all the

4 Brake The Power needed to turn the pump (in power units).

5 Net positive Head above vacuum (in units of length) required to prevent cavitation.
suction head

(Source: Mays, 2004)

2.7 Estimation of Water Demnad

Mays (2004) has elaborated water demands, or consumption rates, for distribution systems are
analogues for measuring the level of water demand is the amount of water consumed per capita per
day(L/c/d). It reflects changes in population, climate, land use, the number of benefit associations,
and client way of life. In this manner, the challenge of foreseeing what the demand for water will
be during benefit life includes broad instability at the plan organize. There are two primary
approaches to water demand modeling: deterministic water demand estimation, and stochastic
demand estimating.

Within the deterministic approach, the actual water demand for all major users is evaluated certainly
based on anticipated water consumption over the service time. Be that as it may, stochastic water
demand estimating considers questionable changes on water demand over the time and area ranges.

2.7.1 Water Demand catagories

Piasecki, Jurasz, & Kaźmierczak (2018), stated the number of water demand results from the
number of factor types in water consumption varies according to the mode of services, climatic
conditions, socio-economic condition, and other related factors. It’s also necessary to determine the
monthly water demand variations in the demand rate of the town.

A) Domestic Demand

The domestic water demand considered in the comparison are dictated on one side by the population
differentiated needs, desires and ways of supply and on the other side by whole economical and
financial affordability, and their willingness to pay for the service. The figures are almost within
the limit of demands in the country highlighting that the country/ regions have comparable water
consumption patterns. The domestic water demand includes drinking, bathing, washing, and
cooking, lawn sprinkling, gardening, and for sanitary purpose. According to Adwa water supply
and sewerage office, the per-capita water demand of the town is around 60 l/c/day (MOWE, 2006).

B) Institutional, Commercial, and Public Demands

This demand includes water required for other purposes public, commercial and institutional.
Besides, this category usually includes water day school, clinic, hospital, public office, shops, bar,
restaurant, a cinema house, mosque and, churches. Normally, demand for such facilities is
calculated according to their number or built-up areas assumed and/or projected in the town. Most
of the time institutional and commercial demands will account for 15% of domestic water demand
based on the degree of development of the town.

Accordingly, this study has accounted for institutional and commercial, and public demands each
as 15% of the domestic demand. Generally, 30% of the domestic water demand has been considered
in this study to account for the public, institutional and commercial demands (MOWE, 2006).

C) Industrial Demand

There are small to large scale industries in the town one of the large-scale industries is Almeda
textile plc. The industrial demand category applies to major factories that consume a large volume
of water per day. It is apparent that large scale industries consume a large volume of water, actually
based on the type of industry, compared with other demands and this large demand along with the
demand of the community can cause fluctuations in the water supply system of the community.

2.8 Water Tariff

The major objective of water tariff is to make financially suitability and cost recovery. According
to the water tariff structure for Adwa town system was reviewed applied based on Tigray Water
Works Design and Supervision Enterprise bureau recommended value and expected and capital
benefit of water utilities. Water is often observed as more a social good.

Many countries; constitutions enshrine the right of every citizen to a safe supply of water; however,
water can also be viewed as an economic good. Typically, urban domestic water users have to pay
a tariff on the cost of their water supply. The running tariff for the Adwa water supply and sewerage
office is increasing block tariff for connected customers and a flat rate for public taps. The water
tariff for connected customers and for public taps up to March 2019 was as shown below.

Table 2-3 Existing Water Tariff of Adwa Water Supply

Description Water consumption ranges in (m3) and tariff

1. Domestic 0 – 5m3 6 – 10m3 11–30 m3 31-50 m3 > 50 m3
Tariff (ETB) 3 5 10 15 20
2. Offices (Gove.
0 – 10 m3 11-20 m3 21–30 m3 31-50 > 50 m3
& NGO)
Tariff (ETB) 4 6 10 15 20
3 3 3 3
3.Commercial 0-10 m 11-20 m 21-200 m 201-500 m >500 m3
Tariff (ETB) 5 7 10 12 15
(Source: Tigray Water Works Design and Supervision Enterprise, 2014)

Such a tariff design typically includes a consumption/ volumetric rate in addition to the fixed water
charge capacity for peak demand and reflects tariff efficiencies for servicing various customer
categories. While house and yard connection users are charged progressive rate polices, i.e. the
tariff rate increase with consumption volume of water.

2.9 Performance Indicators Used in the Study

According to Gisha (2016) performance indicator are variables whose objective is to measure a
change in a process, that is monitoring the steps in the research changes the results in the target of
evaluating the results with the specified outcome of the process.

Table 2-4 Performance Indicators Used in the Study

Description Selected target

Minimum and maximum pressure

Pressure 15 m to 70 m
in pipes

Unit head loss Head loss in water pipes < 15 m/km

The flow velocity in distribution

Velocity 0.6-2 m/sec

The volume of water loss as a

Water loss 17%
percentage of water supplied

Source (MoWR, 2009; WHO, 2000)

2.10 Analysis of Water Distribution Network

Machell et al. (2010), explained that the purpose of the distribution system to deliver water to the
customer with appropriate quality, quantity and pressure by ensuring the demands activities of
water supply distribution system adjusts by the utilities of water supply workers to control system
of pumps and valves to meet the demand and supply of the town. According to Datwyler, (2012)
elevation of the junctions using contour maps length of pipes from one junction to another junction
and from a reservoir to the first node reservoir, elevation, peak hourly demand of the town pressure
of the distribution system and Velocity of the flow fluctuation within the time pattern used over a
24hours period. The effective head available at the service connection to the building is very
important because the height up to which the water can rise in the building will depend on this
available head only. were the adequate head is not available at the connection to the building, the
water will not reach the upper story, to overcome this difficulty the required effective head is
maintained in the street pipelines (Abraham, 2015; Walski, 2006). And this analysis was done
through the water GEMS Bentley V8i.

2.11 Acoustic Detection of Leaks in Water Pipeline

Adachi et al., (2015) expressed that the modeling of the water losses in a sample selected area is
located based on the hydraulic simulation software were used to model the distribution system
related to the hydraulic extents in a specific pressure and flow standards of WDS and analysis
necessary to be able to separate among the water that is lost from a WDS due to outflow. Brown
(2007), states that acoustic detection techniques is currently implemented in the field to detect the
leaks on existing water system.

According to Candelieri et al., (2013) discussed that acoustic equipment accompined by noise
correlates, the acoustic signals from the transducers are transmitted to a receiveing unit, where the
signals are processed automatically. in acoustic sound detection techniques, the primary sound
traveling through the water column inside the pipe material to verify practically of using in pipe
measurement for identifying the leaks, and the hydraulic analysis calculates flows, pressures in a
specified pipe network by simultaneously solving a set of equations ( Habib eta al., 2012).

2.12 Management of Pressure Zone and Leakage

WDNs work best with minimum fluctuation in the pressure with maximum and minimum which
specify the operating value within the topographic circumstance and the size of the network (Costa,
Danielle, Elisa, 2016; NRC, 2006). In a WDS, which will reduce the faulty level of controls,
unnecessary pressures all of which will reduce leakage as well as the frequency of burst pipes. The
pressure management was implemented across the areas that are supplied through a pressure reducing
valve and closed at all other boundaries for the benefit of reducing repair backlog, shorter run type
for eruption, multi-feed system for improving the security of supply by regulating a set point of
PRV(Abdel & Ulanicki, 2012).

3.1 The Research Design

Based on the research objective and questions this chapter discusses in detail the steps taken to
build the hydraulic demonstrate the existing water distribution system and water loss of Adwa town.
The steps were characteristics of the town in standings of area, population, climatic conditions
preliminary data collection, data investigation, in modeling the urban water supply and depending
on the volume of utilization and level of water generation after assessing the distribution of water
supply scope within the town, the water loss from distribution of the utility was analyzed and assess
the sum of water being misplaced annually by recognize the causes of water losses, and discover
out the measures taken by the administration to decrease water misfortunes.

3.1.1 Description of the Study Area

The study was conducted at Adwa town which is located within the central zone of the Tigray
region, Ethiopia having a total range of geographically, it is found: Latitude: 14° 09' 60.00" N
Longitude: 38° 53' 59.99" E. By the 2007 population and housing census of Ethiopia projection,
the whole population of the town was assessed to be 51,294 persons. The town is 1006 km from the
North of Addis Ababa and 224 km away from the capital of Tigray, Mekelle. The most extreme
rise of the town is 2009 meters above the ocean level. The mean maximum temperature of the city
is 20°C and the commonplace annually water is 668 mm. Adwa town is located at the foot of Soloda
Mountain, the highest crest within the encompassing. The portion is generally a U-shaped valley
and the town is for the furthermost portion within the swamp region. The town encompasses a
generally hot climate all through a long time, be that as it may, by Ethiopian temperature zoning,
the town has a place overwhelmingly to Woinadega Zone.

Figure 3-1 Location of Adwa Town

3.1.2 Climatic and Socio-Economic Activities of the Town

The climatic condition and the socio-economic conditions of Adwa town with tall normal
temperatures require higher water than those having lower normal temperatures and towns with
higher socio-economic activities to require the next amount of water than towns with less financial
exercises. In those towns with higher financial exercises and improvements, the standard of living
will be high requiring more water for domestic as well as non-domestic consumptions. Thus, as
Adwa is one of the towns within the Tigray regional state with high social, financial and religious
values, the per capita water request of each mode of administrations expends remained
commonplace to account for these values.

Table 3-1 Rain fall data of Adwa town

Month Jan Feb Mar Apr Ma Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Rain fall 16 19 46 55 43 33 154 165 26 19 17 18


(Source: National Meteorological Agency March, 2018)

Table 3-2 Temperature data of Adwa town

Month Jan Feb Ma Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

Avg. Temperature (°C) 16.4 17.3 18.9 20.3 19.9 20.4 18.9 18.5 18.3 17.7 16.7 15.4

Min. Temperature (°C) 7.7 8.6 10.6 12.8 12.4 12.5 12.9 12.8 11.1 10.3 8.8 7

Max. Temperature (°C) 25.1 26.1 27.3 27.9 27.5 28.3 24.9 24.2 25.6 25.2 24.6 23.8

(Source: National Meteorological Agency March, 2018)

3.2 Existing Source of Water Supply for the Town

As per data collected from Adwa water supply and sewerage office, the Midmar dam surface water
catchment area was 75 km2 and the seized lake covers a region of around 1.125 km2. The lake

features a storage capacity of 10 M m3 of water and this water is transmitted by gravity through 350
mm DCI pipe to the treatment plant from the dam to the treatment plant is 3.25 km. The unpolished
water from the dam streams by gravity to the treatment plant which is found near Adi bun through
DN 350 mm pipe with a total length of 3300 m.

3.2.1 Existing Municipal Water Demand of the Town

According to Asgedom (2014), Water demand is a critical restriction for it is based on pump
operation, optimal scheduling and leakage detection of water supply network after consumption
rates are determined the water use is spatially distributed as demand by assigning to model nodes
of Consumer consumption is assessed by deciding the amount of water that really is utilized by
consumers the amount of water in meter cubic per day that's utilized by all the taps on the water
mains to supply single-family home, of all types, health care facilities, schools at all levels of
education, commercial enterprises, industrial complexes, and adjunct uses (street cleaning; water

fountains; watering public grass areas; shrubs, trees, and flowers; parks and recreation including
swimming pools; and the deal of water to temporary workers for building streets, structures, and an
satisfactory and dependable water.

For this research study, per capita water demand is categorized into two basic categories as domestic
and non-domestic water demand. Domestic water demand is water that is required, coking toilets,
drinking, washing, bathing, and other uses.

These are a House connection (HC) Individual Yard tap connection (YCO), Shared Yard tap
connection (YCS) and, Public tap connection (PTU). The per capita water demand for various
demand categories of Adwa town was adopted by taking into account the different development
factors and standards used (Addis et al., 2014).

3.2.2 Water Meter Adjustment in the Pumping Station

According to Trifunovic (2015) the innovation progresses make conceivable the presentation of
unused strategies that move forward how expended water is measured as a result, most benchmarks
have to be occasionally overhauled when these unused innovations and specialized necessities have
gotten major modifications. Pumps are utilized to include vitality to water to adjust supplies, and
to total during the periods of low water request to boost water at the next height.

The measuring values utilized by water meters have been unaltered for numerous a long time. Pump
to Adwa with stream 82.5 m3/hr., Head =88 m having a capacity of control 37 kW) and1470 rpm
the pressure most extreme at 20 0c is 25 bars with add up to numbers of four pumps and two pumps
for backwashing.

Figure 3-2 Existing Electromechanical Equipment’s At Pumping Station

3.3 Materials

This research was conducted on the modeling of existing urban water supply and water loss in the
distribution system of Adwa town. To achieve the goal of the research the materials that were used
are, Pressure gauge to measure the pressure at the nodes and pump outlet, water meter, to measure
the flow of the pipe and handheld GPS to check the coordinates points, Acoustic /sound detector to
receiver or transmitter antenna locate the pipe. Software tools that have been used are, computer
Mendeley, Google earth pro, ArcGIS version10.4.1, water GEMSV8i, AutoCAD2016. Microsoft

3.4 Data Collection

Data collection procedures enable to capably collect data almost depending on the objective of the
study. In building to demonstrate of water distribution framework the information was, to begin
with, accumulated concerning all the water distribution framework parameters. Afield visit the town
of Adwa is conducted on December 8, 2018, with recognizable descriptive of clear and geographic
information vital to coordinates water administration arrange and collect the information is included
to the locale water organize database and GIS defiant with the remaining data required and
organizing for its collection. To determine the total water loss and trend of the loss, monthly water
production and monthly water consumption records of all Kebeles’ private, public, institutions,
commercial and industrial customers record of all sources for one year from April 2018 to March
2019 where are taken from the Utility Office Records. A water audit comparing water delivered to
an area with metered water consumption can indicate of the unaccounted-for water. Site visits are
conducted for all water sources, transmission pipes, reservoirs, and distribution systems to collect
information through observations and measurements.

3.5 Reservoir Locations

The reservoirs are arranged at a higher elevation than the distribution system to secure giving supply
by gravity flow with due care not to exceed allowable pressure amid top hour demand conditions
at the least focuses within the subsystems. In this research, the areas of St, George’s church supplies
are foreordained by considering the relative elevations of the proposed supply destinations and
focuses within the benefit zones.

Figure 3-3 Existing Service Reservoir (Source: Field Observation December, 2018)

3.5.1 Clearwater Pumping Station

In the clear water pumping station, there were two surface horizontal submersible types of pumps
(two running and the other standby) with a design capacity of 22.9 l/s discharge and 88 m head for
the town. These pumps were sucked water from the clear water reservoir which is adjacent to the
pump station and pumping water to the distribution line and service reservoir at the equivalent
period. According to the Adwa town water service office, the pumps currently operating in the
system were installed 20 years ago and performed without replacing the new one.

Table 3-3 Preliminary Information on Existing WDS for Adwa Town

Information obtained

Distribution system parameter Unit Quantity /value

Surface water (Midimar dam)

Water source type
The total average yield of 68 l/sec

The storage tank (service Service reservoir located at St.

reservoir) Georgis with its volume 2000 m3

Number of working pumping

Numbers 3
for Adwa

Pumping hours Hrs. 16

Discharge per pump with

L/s 22.5 l/sec
respect to pumps

Total pump head m 88

Pump kilowatt kW 37

Total number of pumps Numbers 4

Total kilowatt Kw 148

(Source: own field survey)

3.6 Creating Personal Geodatabase Using Parcels

The cadastral data of Adwa town was taken from arranging and GIS specialists of Adwa
municipality, in AutoCAD record arrange and to alter urban arrive utilize controlling the land-use
polygons and assigning the counting the number of houses to enter base water demand to each
intersection the location offers a choice of a few individual geo database. The collected information
incorporates data on buildings, bundles, and pieces for every five Kebeles within the town. For this
investigate, the 30-meter dataset was chosen.

3.7 Population Distribution by Mode of Service

According to Adwa town, the town has four modes of service in which the populations are served.
To estimate as correctly as possible, the total demand of a particular community, all demands must
be considered. According to the CSA, the 2007census mode of services described above expresses
the overall water supply coverage of Adwa town was indicated by 75.6% of this only 3.1%
population were house tab connection users. The greater number of the populations was served their
water need from the shared yard tab are covered 28.1% and 3.1% respectively. The public serves
were covered by about 13.2% the remain the Neighborhood tap user will shift either to house or
yard tap user and the traditional source users’ shifts to Public tap users. This is because; as the living
standard of the society improves their mode of service will also change accordingly. Based on CSA
data 2007 its population of Adwa town was 51,294 persons. Currently, the Adwa town of overall
domestic water supply coverage was indicated 100% from this only about 13% of the total
population is served by house connection 42%-yard connection 35%-yard connection shares and
10% use public services.

Table 3-4 Population Percentage Distribution by Mode of Service

Customer users Total number of Percentage of the population

populations served served by mode of service type

House connection 9196.60 13

Yard owned connection 29711.64 42

Yard shared connection 24759.70 35

Public tab 7074.10 10

Total 70742 Persons 100

Besides, the existing system could be a demonstrate to supply a reasonable sum of water required by the
town with adequate numbers of the open to taps and great scope of a distribution pipe arrange that
empowers all those neighborhoods to tap clients to induce their yard or house association.

3.8 Average water demand

There are several mathematical methods of estimating the water demands of Adwa town; including
extrapolating historical trends and correlating demand with the socio-economic variables of the
town. But, the most common means of forecasting future water demand is estimating current per-
capital water consumption, and multiply this by the projected population. Therefore, during 2019
the average water demand for Adwa town was calculated as;

𝑄𝑎𝑣𝑒 = 𝑃𝑒𝑟 𝑐𝑎𝑝𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 × 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑝𝑜𝑝𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑡𝑜𝑤𝑛 -------- (3-1)

Where, Qave = Average day Demand (m3/sec)

𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑑𝑎𝑖𝑙𝑦 𝑑𝑒𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑑 (𝑚3/𝑑𝑎𝑦) = 𝐴𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑑𝑎𝑦 𝐷𝑒𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑑(𝑑𝑎𝑦) + 𝑁𝑅𝑊 ------------ (3-2)

𝐴𝑑𝑗𝑢𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑑𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑐 𝑑𝑒𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑑 (𝑚3/𝑑𝑎𝑦) = 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐷𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑐 𝐷𝑒𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑑 +

𝐶𝑙𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝐴𝑑𝑗𝑢𝑠𝑡𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝐹𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟 + 𝑆𝑜𝑐𝑖𝑜𝑒𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑜𝑚𝑖𝑐 𝐴𝑑𝑗𝑢𝑠𝑡𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝐹𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟 ------------- (3-3)
3.9 Water Production

According to the data collected from Adwa, water supply service specialists on the water source
for the Adwa water supply distribution system as it were Midimar surface water was utilized. The
water production information got for the examination of water demand framework was taken from
April 2018 to March 2019.

Table 3-5 Monthly water production

Month Water Production(m3/month)

Apr-18 114580
May-18 106896
Jun-18 123037
Jul-18 114268
Aug-18 110069
Sep-18 108445
Oct-18 112722
Nov-18 126140
Dec-18 121324
Jan-19 124445
Feb-19 120041
Mar-19 110214

monthly average 116015.08 (m3/month)

Average daily 3814.19 (m3/d)

Average Yearly

Source: (Adwa water supply and sewerage system office Dec, 2018)

3.10 Water Consumption

To assess the WDS, the water loss and monthly consumption billed data required. As of now, in
Adwa town there are 12356 number of customers within the system, among 11043 residential, 1225
are commercial, institutional and public little industries and 58, and are for 11 industrial facilities,
Bono, 19 NGO, and for hydrants individually. These customers inside the complete area have been
considered to gauge residential water supply and demand gap examination. Water utilization
information at the actual system level was open within the water supply benefit of Adwa town
within the exceed expectations arrange of clients charging information.

Table 3-6 Monthly water consumption

Domestic CIP Industry Consumption Bill

Month m3/month m3/month m3/month m3/month
Apr-18 60970 15860 3520 80350
May-18 61390 14256 3220 78866
Jun-18 63429 15349 3830 82608
Jul-18 60430 15745 4050 80225
Aug-18 57492 15273 3640 76405
Sep-18 61125 14399 3600 79124
Oct-18 60611 15020 4200 79831
Nov-18 69271 14817 4140 88228
Dec-18 60969 13790 3360 78119
Jan-19 67537 12864 3540 83941
Feb-19 61482 14870 3329 79681
Mar-19 66594 15643 3460 85697
total 751300 177886 43889 973075
Monthly Average ( m /month) 62608.3 14823.8 3657.4 81089.6
Average Daily ( m3/day) 2086.9 494.1 120.2 2666.0

Source: (Adwa water supply and sewerage

system office Dec, 2018)

3.11 Waterline Network of Adwa Town

The framework of existing WDS of Adwa town is collected from water supply service office Adwa
town and Tigray water work-study plan and supervision work within the arrangement of a GIS
setup cover. In water Gems computer program distinctive input parameters are required, such as
material type, a distance across of the pipe, elevations of Junction, demand into junction, the
definition of the pump and area of the reservoir, checking and changing organize information to
water Gems program by changing into shape file. At that point sending out utilizing demonstrate
builder tools was performed to induce data on the chosen study area established on the system.

Figure 3-4 Water line Network Information in Arc map

3.12 Procedure of the Study

Figure 3-5 Over Flow Work Flow Chart of the Methodology

3.13 Data Analysis

The data were tabulated and analyzed on descriptive statistical methods, Percentages, averages,
graphs including histograms have been used to interpret and present. The data was used to
summarize observed challenges in the WDNs control practices of the selected area. During data
analysis, the nodal pressure and pipe link velocity have been determined to classify high- or low-
pressure zones area of the node/junction where the pressure is sophisticated or minor than the design
criteria of the system network. These results of a hydraulic network of water supply distribution
system of the town bring the idea and approvals that will help to recover the WDS of Adwa town.

3.14 Forcasting the Population of the Town

In water supply conveyance system Population is the foremost critical information to survey water
demand realities appear that assorted population determining strategies which are utilized for
evaluating the current or future population of a given town, but the comes about of the strategies
are changed from one to the other due to considering the parameters of each strategy. To anticipate
the population of a town, they have to be knowing variables influencing the population conveyance,
estimate, and development rate. In Adwa town, the variables that impact on the changes in
population figures are births, death, and migration. Hence, for this study by the chronicled figures,
presumptions considered (accessible of information) and to be exact, on reliability and
comprehensive convenient practiced, the CSA population estimation strategy was chosen from the
distinctive population projection strategies. At long last, the population number of the town was
evaluated in 2019.

𝐩𝐧 = 𝐏𝐨𝐞𝐫𝐧 ------------------------------------------- (3-4)

Where pn =population at n decades or years

Po= initial population

r= growth rate

n= year

3.14.1 Per Capita Water Consumption of Adwa Town

In Adwa town the growth of socioeconomic activity in both governmental and private sectors there
was high water demand in the town Hence, the per capita water consumption of the town was
calculated using the annual water consumption recorded data and projected total population during

Therefore, the average water demand of the town was calculated by multiplying the per capita
demand with the estimated number of populations as follows.
𝑳 𝒂𝒏𝒏𝒖𝒂𝒍 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒑𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒎𝟑 ×𝟏𝟎𝟎𝟎𝒍
𝑷𝒆𝒓 𝒄𝒂𝒑𝒊𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒑𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 (𝒄 /𝒅) = -------------- (3-5)
𝒕𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝒑𝒐𝒑𝒖𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏×𝟑𝟔𝟓

A) Assigning base water demand in each supply node

To estimate the existing water demand of each node in the distribution network, it was necessary
following the steps below; Once the average daily water demand of the system was determined, to
calculate base water demand for the particular supply node the following equation was used
(Zewdu, 2014).
𝑷𝒐𝒑𝒖𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒔𝒆𝒓𝒗𝒆𝒅 𝒃𝒚 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒏𝒐𝒅𝒆
𝐁𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐥𝐲 𝐧𝐨𝐝𝐞 = ∗ 𝐀𝐃𝐃 -------- (3-6)
𝑻𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝒑𝒐𝒑𝒖𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏

Finally, assigning manually the base water demand into the node. In the same excel sheet, all the
node was those assigned base water demand the above equation the domestic water demand of
Adwa town is 44.15 l/sec based on estimated base demand design 2019. Appendix – A table shows
the sample calculation of domestic demand for assigning base flow water demands to each node.
The industrial, commercial, institutional and public consumption of water was 16.73 l/sec. To
assigning the industrial, commercial, institutional and, public demand to each node was calculated
using the flowing formula given below.

𝐈𝒏𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒕𝒖𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒍 𝒘𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒅𝒆𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒅 = (𝑵𝒖𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓 𝒐𝒇 𝒊𝒏𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒕𝒖𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒔𝒆𝒓𝒗𝒆𝒅 𝒃𝒚 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒏𝒐𝒅𝒆 )/

(𝑻𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝒏𝒖𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓 𝒐𝒇 𝒄𝒖𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒊𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒊𝒏𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒕𝒖𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 ) ∗ 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒆𝒅 𝒘𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒅𝒆𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒅 ----
B) Identification of number a of houses around each supply node

The urban geo-database of the town-based ArcGIS format was obtained from the municipality of
Adwa town. In ArcGIS, this, topographic map was displayed and the town distribution network

map which was drawn in Water GEMS was exported into the ArcGIS shape file and overlapped it
in the topographic map of the town.

Therefore, the number of houses in each census block was physically counted and assigned to the
nearest supply node. An excel sheet was created for demand allocation. The first column counted
all the 358 demand nodes. The second column showed the number of houses assigned to those
nodes. The estimated population in 2019 is 70,742 the total number of the residential house was
identified in 17,254 giving an average count of 4.1 people per house. In detailed calculation in
Appendix A.
𝑻𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝒄𝒖𝒓𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝒑𝒐𝒑𝒖𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏
𝑨𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒈𝒆 𝒑𝒆𝒐𝒑𝒍𝒆 𝒑𝒆𝒓 𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒔𝒆 = 𝑻𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝒏𝒖𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒔𝒆 -------------------------- (3-8)

C) Determination number of peoples in per single-family residence each supply node

To calculate the population served to each node was the physical counted the number of a house
near to the node multiplying the average number of people in each house of the
𝑵𝒖𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓 𝒐𝒇 𝒑𝒆𝒐𝒑𝒍𝒆 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒔𝒖𝒑𝒑𝒍𝒚 𝒏𝒐𝒅𝒆 = 𝒏𝒖𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓 𝒐𝒇 𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒔𝒆𝒔 𝒂𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒈𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝒃𝒚 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒏𝒐𝒅𝒆 ×
𝒂𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒈𝒆 𝒏𝒖𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓 𝒐𝒇 𝒑𝒆𝒐𝒑𝒍𝒆 𝒊𝒏 𝒆𝒂𝒄𝒉 𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒔𝒆 --------------------------------------- (3-9)
3.15 Creating the Model in Water GEMS

Using water GEMS tool one can specifically consequence all the shape files at once. To draw
physically the arrangement in case the drawings and the measurements are accessible or implication
records from AutoCAD and GIS. One exceptionally great include that Water Gems offers is the
Demonstrate Builder. Within the Show Builder, one can select the data basis type as shape files and
after that click on the browse button. At that point has got to browse to the particular area where
the shape files and put away and after that select all of them. One exceptionally imperative
viewpoint is to consider amid modeling is that all the geospatial information records utilized among
modeling should to have the same geographic projection the town as you shown in the fig3.6.

Figure 3-6 Creating the Model in Water GEMS

3.16 Diurnal Curve of Water Demand Analysis for Adwa Town

A diurnal curve is a type of pattern that describes changes in demand for a daily cycle. This variation
in demand over time can be modeled using demand patterns. Demand patterns are multipliers that
vary with time and are applied to a given base demand, most typically the average daily demand.
The average daily demands were subjected to hourly variations, which mean the demand pattern
based on the differences in living standards, industrial water use, Commercial, and Public. Since
our type of Simulation that used for our modeling is the Extended Period Simulation since it is used
to evaluate system performance over time. The variation in water consumption over a 24-hours was
adopted which had been considered. The diurnal curve of Adwa town was developed using
measuring primary data from supplying discharge in the outlet of the service reservoir. The flow
data were measured in a day in 2 hours gap for seven successive days. For example, the peaking
factor applied to average-day demands to obtain peak hourly demand can be calculated by using
𝒑𝒆𝒂𝒌 𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒍𝒚 𝒅𝒆𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒅
𝑷𝒇 = ------------------------------ (3-10)
𝒂𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒈𝒆 𝒅𝒂𝒚 𝒅𝒆𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒅

Figure 3-7 Flow measurement in the outlet of service reservoir

3.16.1 Overview of Leakage Management and Network Control

Meressa (2008), discussed there are various methods for detecting water distribution system leaks
these methods involve Acoustic sound detection equipment which this device can include a pinpoint
listening device that types connection with regulators and cast-iron pipes to identifies the sound of
water escaping a pipe.

Soil type and water table influence the strength of the leak a signal at the ground surface
significantly. Leak sounds are more audible on sandy soils than on clay ones. The metal pipe locator
was used conductively, with the transmitter connected directly to one end of the pipe using a clamp
or ground plate, or inductively where the pipe was not accessible. (Khulief et al., 2012).

3.17 Procedures of the Leak Location

The strategies of leak area depended on the identifying a noise, at that point following it at the
ground level to discover the point of the greatest noise, which was accepted to be specifically over
the position of the leak. The equipment used include listening sticks and stethoscopes, but these were
difficult to use in case the noise was faint or as well loud to be precisely found. A correlated works
by comparing the noise identified at two diverse points within the pipeline. Noise travels from the
leak in both bearings along the pipeline at a steady velocity, so that in the event that the leak is
equidistant between two sensors at that point these sensors will distinguish the noise at the same
time. Conversely, if the leak isn't equidistant then the sensors will distinguish the same noise at
distinctive times, and the contrast in time (the same delay) is measured by the correlate as shown in
the fig3.9.

(a) Leak location ( b) Eureka3 software ( c) leak measurement at the selected site

Figure 3-8 Qualitative measurement of leakage around Medihanialem Church

Source: own field survey

3.18 Hydraulic Model Calibration

3.18.1 Pressure Calibration Criteria

A) sampling location
Cincinnati (2005), created and distributed a set of draft in water distribution modeling to simulate
the variety of benefit water levels and system pressures by simulating the working conditions for
the day over which the field information was collected. A modeler should check for topographical
errors, the precision of influenced piping format and material, common system flow, velocity
values, and distribution framework demands. The perception information was entered in to an Excel
sheet and the respect to squared mistake was calculated for each test at that point the mean square
error and standard deviation.

The pressure reading was taken low, medium high-pressure range of the town. Pressure readings
are done using pressure gauge commonly taken at pump stations, capacity tanks, supplies, domestic
faucets, discuss discharge and other sorts of valves. During the calibration prepare, it is critical to
evacuate many sources of faults in modeling then after calibration work is completed, its exactness
is checked by connecting the computed and observed framework exhibitions with the working

Table 3-7 Draft calibration criteria pressure modelling

Number of pressures
Type of simulation Accuracy of pressure reading
Level of detail reading

Low Steady state or EPS 10% of nodes ±5 psi (3.5 m) for 10% Readings

Moderate to
Steady state or EPS 5% - 2% of nodes ±2 psi (1.4 m) for 90%
±2 psi (2.07 m) for 90%
Low to high Steady state or EPS 10% - 2% of nodes
(Source :Cincinnati, 2005)

3.18.2 Sampling size of Pressure Calibration

To select the sampling size of the junction and pressure reading first specify the intended use.
According to the international proposed pressure calibration standard for this study, the entire
numeral of junctions in the network system of Adwa town is 358 junctions, Hence as per as
(Cincinnati, 2005), However, the minimum acceptable sample equal to 2% of all the junctions in
the system. Hence, the sample size is 7.16, which are approximately seven junctions.

3.19 Model Validation

A) Coefficient of Determination (R2)

The coefficient of determination describes the degree of linearity between simulated and observed
pressure. (R2) describes the proportion of variance in measured data explained by the model. R2
ranges from Zero to one, with higher values indicating less error variance and typically value greater
than 0.5-1 ( 1 inclusive) are considered acceptable (Cincinnati, 2005).
The model performance was taken manually using coefficient of determination (R2) method.
𝒔𝒖𝒎 (𝒙−𝒙 𝒎𝒆𝒂𝒏 ) (𝒚−𝒚 𝒎𝒆𝒂𝒏)
𝑹𝟐 = ---------------------------- (3-11)
(𝑺𝑸𝑼𝑹(𝑺𝑼𝑴(𝒙−𝒙 𝒎𝒆𝒂𝒏)𝟐 ∗𝒔𝒖𝒎(𝒚−𝒚 𝒎𝒆𝒂𝒏)𝟐
Where: R2= is the Correlation coefficient, X and Y are measured and simulated values, X mean and
Y mean are the average value of measured and simulated data respectively.

B) Degree of Accuracy (Error of Difference)
The degree of accuracy varies depend on the size of the system and the amount of field data and
testing available to the modeler Behute, (2016) states that the average difference of ±1.5 m to
maximum of ±5 m represents for good data set and ± 3 m to 10 m far bad data set would be a
reasonable target. This is in terms of comparing the observed versus the calculated pressure heads
in the system.

3.19.1 Average Operating Pressure Measurement

The Pressure readings were taken with a pressure gauge in Adwa town on June, 2019 during the
morning and day. For each node the record was taken three times at different in single days, the
model calibration was undertaken based on the different calibration standard criteria for the
hydraulic network system. To calibrate the model some junctions accessible and available for
pressure measurement are taken using pressure gauge measuring instrument in the faucet. The
pressure measurement using pressure gauge shown fig3.9.

Designed for severe industrial service, WIKA type 212.20 gauges Size: 3.5" Case: 304 SS Ring:
304 SS, bayonet-type Wetted Parts: Copper alloy Window: Flat instrument glass Dial: White
aluminum Pointer: Black aluminum Accuracy: ± 1% of span ASME B40.100 Grade 1A
Connection: Lower mount

Figure 3-9 Pressure measurement in the faucet

3.20 Water Loss Analysis in a Distribution Network System

Dighade et al. (2014), have discussed in analyzing the existing water loss in the distribution pipe
network, it is considered appropriate to relate the percentage of losses to both the distribution
system and to the percentage of the total pipeline length, which lead to impacts on water quality,
flows and pressure, whereas unauthorized connections can lead to contamination through poor or
missing backflow prevention.

Table 3-8 Quantifying Water Losses by Water Balance Method

Authorized Billed metered
consumption consumption (m3/year)
(m3/year) (m3/year)
Revenue water
Billed un metered (m3/year)
consumption (m3/year)
System input
Un Billed metered
m3/ year (m3/year)
Unbilled unmetered
(m3/year) NRW
Water losses Apparent loss Unauthorized consumption (m3/year)

(m3/year) m3/year (m3/year)

Meter inaccuracies
Real loss System data handling errors
m3/year (m3/year)
(Source: Lambert et al., 2016)

The flowing defines some of the relevant categories of water balance (Lambert et al., 2016):

 System input volume

The amount of water produced or treated annually from the service reservoir and ready to be
distributed as input to the distribution network. The flow of the water is measured at the pump
station were the water meter was installed.

 Authorized consumption

The amount of water metered or unmetered the water was taken officially by the registered
customers. It includes water exported, leaks, and overflow beyond the point of customer metering.

 Water loss: is defined as the system input volume mines Authorized is
composed of real loss and apparent loss.
 Real loss: the physical loss of water from a pressurized distribution network up to the points
of customer method.
 Apparent loss: the non-physical loss water that reaches the customer but is not recorded by
the customer utilities. This includes meter under registration authorized consumption and
data management mistakes from the billing or meter reading process.
 Non- revenue water: water that is not billed and no pavement is received it can be either
authorized, result from apparent and real loss. generally evaluated as the amount of water
produced minus the metered customer use divided by the amount of water produced and
multiplied by100 (EPA, 2010).

𝐍𝐑𝐖 = 𝐔𝐧𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐳𝐞𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 + 𝐀𝐩𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬 + 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐥 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬--- (3-12)

 Revenue water (RW): Revenue water is the total consumption of water that produces
revenue to the water administration. Naturally, administrations would be pleased to increase
the revenue water amount. It can be supplied water amount is the sum of revenue and non
– revenue water amounts, decreasing one term increases the other.

 to achieve an increase in revenue water:

 all types of unbilled consumptions should be billed

 illegal usages should be prevented

 precise water meters should be used

3.21 Unavoidable Annual Real Losses

The minimum level of leakage that can theoretically be achieved for any water distribution system
is defined as the unavoidable annual real losses. In theory, this level of leakage can be achieved if
a system is in top physical condition; all reported leaks are repaired quickly and effectively; active
leakage control is practiced to reduce losses from unreported bursts; and there are no financial or
economic constraints.

The size of the UARL depends on the density of connections per km of mains, for systems with
customer meters located close to the limits of the customer’s property (Kanakoudis & Tsitsifli,
2010) .

𝑼𝑨𝑹𝑳(𝒍/𝒅) = 𝟏𝟖𝑳𝒎 + 𝟎. 𝟖𝑵𝒄 + 𝟐𝟓𝑳𝒑) × 𝑷𝒂𝒗𝒆 (Lambert et al, aqua, 1999) --- (3-13)

UARL- Unavoidable annual real loss (l/day)

Lm = length of mains (km)

Nc = number of service connections

Lp = The water utility was layed an average length of 10 m private pipe from distribution

Line to customer boundary. Therefore, for this work total length of private pipe was taken

By multiplying number of service connections and average length of private pipe, and it

Was used 124 Km

Pave = Average operating pressure at average zone point (m). As per data collected from the town
water service office, during the year 2019 the town water system covers:

 total main length of the system = 63 km

 number of service connections (registered) 12356 in numbers
 Average pressure was taken from the actual observed pressure values of 24 hours duration,
and the average value of 39.2 m was adopted ( From Model result for distribution system)

3.21.1 Infrastructure Leakage Index (ILI)

According to EPA (2016), the physical losses per service connection per day can be evaluated
through the analysis of one year trends in the performance indicator.
Mathematically, 𝑰𝑳𝑰 = 𝐔𝐀𝐑𝐋 -------------------------------------------------- (3-14)

Where, ILI = infrastructure leakage index

CARL =current annual real loss (m3/year)

UARL =Unavoidable annual real loss (m3/year)

ILI is the ration of non – revenue water per unavoidable annual real losses evaluates how effectively
the infrastructure activities it calculated as flows ( lambert and mckenzie , 2002).

3.21.2 Performance Indicators of Real Loss

The performance is necessary for comparing the performance of the percentage of water supplied
to consumers from year to year and for setting a performance target of real loss. The most widely
used performance indicator for water loss performance is the percentage of non -revenue as
calculated by dividing the total volume of non -revenue by the total system input. ( Lambert and
McKenzie, 2002).

A) Apparent loss per connection: The purpose of this operational indicator is to evaluate the
volume of apparent losses per service connection in the utility system. this is a useful
indicator to compare between utility is calculated as

𝐀𝐩𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐬 ((𝐥/𝐜𝐨𝐧)/𝐝𝐚𝐲) = ( 𝐕 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐬 )/(𝐍𝐜 ) -------------------- (3-15)

Where V Apparent = volume of apparent loss per day (m3/day)

NC = number of connections

B) Real loss per connection: the objective of this performance indicator to measure the
efficiency of the water supply system. it is given by the expression,

𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐥 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐬 ((𝐥/𝐜𝐨𝐧)/𝐝𝐚𝐲) = ( 𝐕𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐥 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐬 )/(𝐍𝐂 ) ---------------------------- (3-16)

Where, V Real = volume of real loss per day (m3/day)

NC = number of connections

Table 3-9 Physical Losses Assessment Matrix for Developing Country Situation

Technical ILI Physical losses (litter/ connection/day) when the system is

performance pressurized) at an average pressure
category 10 m 20m 30m 40 m 50 m

A 1-4 <50 <100 <150 <200 <250

B 4-8 50-100 100-200 150-300 200-400 250-500

C 8-16 100-200 200-400 300-600 400-800 500-1000

D > 16 >200 >400 >600 >800 >1000

Source: ( Lambert and McKenzie , 2002)

Therefore, the physical loss goal background shows the expected level of ILI and physical losses
in L/c/day from the utilities in developing countries at deferent level of network pressure.

Category A: Good. Further loss reduction may be uneconomic and careful analysis needed to
identify cost- effective improvements. Category B: Potential for marked improvements. Consider
pressure management, better active leakage control, and better maintenance. Category C: Poor.
Tolerable only if water is plentiful and cheap, and even then, intensify NRW reduction efforts.
Category D: Bad. The utility is using resources inefficiently and NRW reduction programmers are
imperative (Lambert and McKenzie , 2002).

3.22 Non-Revenue Water Management and Controlling Strategies

Wageningen (2018), expressed in order to control water loss methods like leak detection techniques
in the field and reparation, recuperation and, replacement program, corrosion control, pressure
reduction and public education program, legal provision such as water pricing policy, encouraging
conservation, human resources development and information system development also need to be
employed. In Adwa town it was observed that the utilities have less thought of controlling water
losses regard to this expanding breakage and leakage exceedingly likely with in water distribution
arrange concurring to information gotten from the town.

3.23 Causes of Water Losses

Sharma (2008) has explained the indicator with respect to UFW level and activity needs < 10
acceptable, monitoring, and control 10-25% middle of the road, and maybe diminished and > 25%
matter of concern, lessening required. A case study was shown by Metaferia consulting engineers
for water Audit Ethiopia in 2010 in five towns .The main cause for loss and leakage is unaccounted
for because of measurement errors, including inaccurate meters, and unmeasured uses are also some
of the causes of water loss and shown in the fig 3.10

Comparation of network leakage rate

level of NRW

48% 51%
20.00% 30.10%
23% 21%
Adwa Assosa Burayu Hossaena Welkitie Sebeta

Figure 3-10 Uncounted For Water for Some Ethiopia Towns

(Source: Metaferia consulting engineers for water Audit Ethiopia in 2010)

4.1 General

This chapter presents the results of the analysis with quantitative statistical techniques, indicated
and presented in tables, figures, graphs, and charts. Answers to research questions and objectives
are pursued through a descriptive analysis of modeling the water supply distribution system with
water loss analysis. The evaluation approach on this result covers on the consultation criteria and
discussion depends on the existing design report criteria’s such as average day demand and peak
hour demand. The basic methods for the evaluation of competence of domestic water system
include system pressure, velocity and head loss. The magnitude of domestic water demand and
distribution in Adwa town is discussed, and the key factors that influence the rate of water demand,
and the current water loss management strategies concerning water consumption, accessibility, and
economic cost analysis of water tariff are explained. The analysis was done based on study ideas
and research enquiries. This chapter further provides a discussion on the study variables and their
implications on domestic water demand, distribution, and water leakage management. The
interpreted data analysis results become the findings of the research study.

4.2 Population Forecasting

4.2.1 Population size and water demand

After population forecasting methods and input data from CSA, population’s sizes are used in the
annual water demand projections for the towns is done based on water demand guidelines produced
(MOWE, 2002). The water demand of a town is proportionally related to the population to be
served. The population of Adwa town from the Ethiopian CSA report, which is carried out in the
year 2007, was indicated 52,294 and it was used as the base population for current estimation.
According to CSA, the regional level annual growth rate for the urban population (2019) was
allocated as 4.1%. Using the above CSA (2007) census data as a base, and applying the exponential
population forecasting method, the current (2019) estimated population figure for Adwa town was
presented in the Table 4.1.

Table 4-1 Adwa town projected population (2007-2035)

Description Unit 2007 2016 2019 2029 2035

Growth rate -urban % 4.3 4.1 3.7 3.5

Population -urban Number 51,294 62,707 70,742 91,580 112,575

From the 4.1 Table regarding the growth rate, the total population of Adwa town was 70742 during
2019. With a population growth rate of 4.1 percent. In the above Figure Population will remain a
major basis of water demand and a main consideration of any water supply system. In terms of how
the total water use is distributed within a community throughout the day, perhaps the best indicator
is land use. In a metered community, the best way to determine water demand by land use is to
examine actual water usage for the various types of land uses. The goal of examining actual water
usage is to develop water responsibilities for the various types of land uses that can be used for
future planning.

4.2.2 Water Supply Coverage Analysis

According to Adwa town water supply service office report the water supply coverage of the town
has been evaluated based on the average per capita consumption. The average per capita
consumption has been derived from the yearly Consumption that was collected from someone
domestic water meters. Statistical investigation remained used to evaluate the supply coverage for
the total town and supply coverage map has been established using ArcGIS. There are a total
number of 12356 customers including residential, commercial, institutional, and industrial. To
identify the gap between demand and supply the most important ways are followed, first by using
annual domestic consumption identifying the level of per capita demand per person, secondly
computing the per capita demand by level of connection and thirdly, by the design criteria
calculating the overall demand coverage of the existing design reports of the town.

Table 4-2 Customers water coverage information system in Adwa town

Customers Active customers

Private 11045
Commercial 1225
Bono 11
NGO 18
Factory 58
Hydrant 1
Total 12356

Profile of customers in Adwa town


level of coverage




customers type

Active customers Disconnected customers

Figure 4-1 Profiles of Customers Water Coverage Information System

Table 4-3 Customer Statically Report Kebeles by Meter Area Coverage

Meter Size (inches) Meter location linked to parcels

1 Inch 1406
1/2 Inch 10874
3/4 Inch 65
Bono 11
Total 12356

4.2.3 Average Daily, Per Capita Consumption

The volume of water consumed for the domestic purpose has been aggregated to the districts of the
town to Analyses the distribution of the water supply coverage among different localities. The
annual consumption data has been converted to average daily per capita consumption using the
number of populations. The average daily Per capita consumption of each district was derived using
the following expressions:
𝒍 𝟏𝟎𝟎𝟎𝒍
(𝑨𝒏𝒏𝒖𝒂𝒍𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒑𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 (𝒎𝟑))∗
𝒄 𝒎𝟑
𝒑𝒆𝒓 𝒄𝒂𝒑𝒊𝒕𝒂 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒑𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 ( 𝒅𝒂𝒚 ) = (𝒑𝒐𝒑𝒖𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒏𝒖𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓 𝒐𝒇 𝒆𝒂𝒄𝒉 𝒅𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒄𝒕∗𝟑𝟔𝟓 ------------- (4-1)

Table 4-4 Water supply coverage of Adwa town

consumption population consumption

Year (m3/year) l/person/day

April 2018 to 973075 70,742 37.69

March 2019

As shown from the table 4.4 , the distribution of average domestic water supply coverage of Adwa
town in the April 2018 to March 2019 is found to be 37.69 l/capital /day, this average per capita
consumption is lower when compared to the standard of the town water consumption that is
according to 60 l/capita/day (MOWE, 2006).

Table 4-5 production of the town

Year production billed data m3 total Water Production

(m3/year population l/person/day

April 2018 to 1392181 973075 70742 53.92

Mar 2019

4.2.4 Level of connection per family

The total number of domestic connections (12356) within the town. The typical number of persons
per housing unit 4.1 in Adwa town to compare the distribution of the water connections among the
different districts, the total numbers of Connections per district are converted to connection per
family using the population data of each district, it gives the following expression,
𝐭𝐨𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐧𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐛𝐲 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐭)
𝐋𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐥 𝐨𝐟 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐟𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 = (𝐧𝐨 𝐨𝐟 𝐩𝐨𝐩𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐛𝐲 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐭)/(𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐟𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝐬𝐢𝐳𝐞)) ---- (4-2)

Table 4-6 level of connection per family

Year population Average Total number level of

family size of connections connection

April 2018 to 70742 4.1 12356 71.6%

March 2019

From Table 4.6, the level of the connection per family for the entire town in 2018/2019 is found to
be 71.6%. This event that at average the water consumption is explained by level of the population

4.3 Hyduralic Model Calibration and Validation

In this research, the pressure data measured at the near to node home faucet of the system is used
to assess the model performance. The model performance measure Such as the degree of accuracy
(error of difference) and the coefficient of determination (R2) are two techniques to be considered
for the calibration model check as mentioned below the results.

A) The coefficient of determination (R2)

Pressures were measured in the field in order to compare with the simulated of the distribution
model. The measurements were covered the low, medium and high-pressure areas of the
distribution system of the town. The following figure expressing the variation of the simulated and
observed pressure at the sample nodes.

Vari ati on of O b served an d S i mu l ated Pressu re at

S amp l e Ju n cti on O ver ati me

8:00 AM 10:00 AM 2:00 PM 6:00 PM

Figure 4-2 Variations of Observed and Simulated Pressure at Sample Junctions

The observed and simulated pressure giving a correlation coefficient of the determination which
ranges between 0 and 1, describes the proportion of the variance in the measured data which is
explained by the model with higher values indicating less error variance. The diagonal line on the
plot represents the line of perfect correlation in fig 4-2 below here, generally, all the points should
align themselves on this line, and all observed pressure should be equal to computed pressure giving
a relationship coefficient of 1 that is the best correlation between observed and simulated.

All observed pressures were equal to the simulated pressures, giving a link coefficient of one that
is the best correlation between observed and simulated. The coefficient of determination (R2) value
was 0.9868, it indicates that observed and simulated relation is strong as values tend to one.

Observed and simulated pressure relationship plot



Simulated pressure

y = 1.0435x - 0.0784
50 R² = 0.9868





0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Observed pressure

Figure 4-3 Correlation between Observed and Simulated Pressure Relationship Plot.

B) The degree of accuracy (error of difference)

Table 4-7 junction pressure calibration based on degree of accuracy criteria

Time Pressure Observed Simulated Difference Pressure Elevation

(hrs.) Junction Id Pressure (m) Pressure (m) Error ( m) (m)
8:00 AM j-15 17 20 -3 1907.0
j-101 24 27 -3 1868.0
j-113 67 70 -3 1884.0
j-162 12 14 -2 1894.0
j-291 60 64 -4 1901.0
10:00AM j-15 16 18 -2 1907.0
j-101 10 11 -1 1868.0
j-113 55 58 -3 1884.0
j-162 3 2 1 1894.0
j-291 51 50 1 1901.0
2:00 PM j-15 12.5 15 -2.5 1907.0
j-101 8 7 1 1868.0
j-113 44 40 4 1884.0
j-162 3.5 3 0.5 1894.0
j-291 38 36 2 1901.0
6:00 PM j-15 23 18 5 1907.0
j-101 45 50 -5 1868.0
j-113 64 70 -6 1884.0
j-162 16 19 -3 1894.0
j-291 65 68 -3 1901.0

The difference average pressure error is (-1.30) from the table above pressure simulated to the
observed value. Hence the model is acceptable calibrated with in satisfied the setting pressure
calibration and validation criteria under average level (± 1.5 m and maximum difference ± 5 m) so
our value is between the allowable range and it indicates it is a good data observed vs. simulated
4.4 Water Balance System of Adwa Town

Essentially ahead of assigning nodal water demand, it is very common to quantify water loss in
water supply distribution network the number of water losses in the system from the system input
meter to the customers billed authorized consumption is in the quantity of water loss crossways the
system is estimated by doing water balance analysis.

NRW in the system is frequently due to either leakage in the system or apparent loss which includes;
meter inaccuracy, illegal use of water by an authorized person. In the Table 4.8 based on the analysis
results the total water loss from the system is 1392181 m3/year and is the Non -revenue water
30.10% of the system views volume.

Table 4-8 Water Balance and NRW

consumption production water balance NRW (%)

Month bill (m3) (m3) (m3)

Apr-18 80350 114580 34230 29.87

May-18 78866 106896 28030 26.22

Jun-18 82608 123037 40429 32.86

Jul-18 80225 114268 34043 29.79

Aug-18 76405 110069 33664 30.58

Sep-18 79124 108445 29321 27.04

Oct-18 79831 112722 32891 29.18

Nov-18 88228 126140 37912 30.06

Dec-18 78119 121324 43205 35.61

Jan-19 83941 124445 40504 32.55

Feb-19 79681 120041 40360 33.62

Mar-19 85697 110214 24517 22.24

Average 973075 1392181 419106 30.10

Table 4-9 monthly water balance and NRW based on the cumulative value

Cumulative Cumulative- Water

Consumption Production Cum-
Month consumption production. balance
(m3/month) (m3/month) NRW%
(m3/month) (m3/month) (m3/month)

18-Apr 80350 114580 80350 114580 34230 29.87

18-May 78866 106896 159216 221476 62260 28.11

18-Jun 82608 123037 241824 344513 102689 29.81

18-Jul 80225 114268 322049 458781 136732 29.8

18-Aug 76405 110069 398454 568850 170396 29.95

18-Sep 79124 108445 477578 677295 199717 29.49

18-Oct 79831 112722 557409 790017 232608 29.44

18-Nov 88228 126140 645637 916157 270520 29.53

18-Dec 78119 121324 723756 1037481 313725 30.24

19-Jan 83941 124445 807697 1161926 354229 30.49

19-Feb 79681 120041 887378 1281967 394589 30.78

19-Mar 85697 110214 973075 1392181 419106 30.10

The cumulative average water loss of Adwa town is shown in the Table 4.9, the water loss is usually
expressed in terms of percentage (NRW), loss per kilometer length main pipes and loss per number
of connections. The total water loss has been evaluated. The cumulative water balance or water loss
percentage is calculated using the cumulative production minus cumulative consumption.

com. consumption and production
1600000 60.00



800000 30.00

cum-cons 20.00
200000 Cum-WL%

0 0.00
Feb-18 Apr-18 May-18 Jul-18 Sep-18 Oct-18 Dec-18 Feb-19 Mar-19

Figure 4-4 Monthly water loss distribution curve based on cumulative values
It observed from the figure 4.4 the estimated annual volume of NRW in urban water utilities of
Adwa town water balance for the year April 2018 to March 2019 is provided accordingly total water
supply production to the city is 1392181 m3/year while the corresponding consumption is 973075

m3/year the resulting water loss 419,106 m3/year.

4.5 Diurnal Curve of Adwa Town for Water Demand Analysis

The demand pattern is registered by monitoring the flow of water at an average consumption per
person for assigning the base water demand in each junction in the distribution network. In a water
distribution network subjected to hourly variations, which means the demand pattern based on the
peak of weekly by varying the time hours from multiplier starting.

There is relatively low usage at night when most people sleep increased usage during the early
morning hours as people wake up and prepare for the day decreased usage during the mid of the
day and lastly, bigger convention again in the early evening as people return to home. It is further
suitable to analyze this system under the daily flow condition to understand its changing aspects.
Thus, a daily flow pattern is applied to every node. Fig 4.5 shows the pattern for water usage over
24 hours. The calculation shows in appendix H.

Utilization pattern
Demand multipler




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Time in steps ( hrs)

Figure 4-5 Demand Pattern of Adwa Town (Source: - Own Filed Measurement)

4.6 Unaviodable Real Losses

The total non -revenue water during the analysis 2019 was recorded as 419106 m3/ year. Those
amounts of water loss was grouped under apparent loss or Real loss.

𝐔𝐀𝐑𝐋(𝐥/𝐝) = (𝟏𝟖𝐋𝐦 + 𝟎. 𝟖𝐍𝐜 + 𝟐𝟓𝐋𝐩) × 𝐏𝐚𝐯𝐞 ------------------------------ (4-3)

UARL (l/d) = (18*63+0.8*12356+25*124) *39.2 = 553,456.96 l/day = 202,011.8 m3/year, the
total apparent loss in the system TAL = (NRW − UARL) = 419106 m3/year -202,011.8 m3/year
=217,094.2 m3/year.

% Apparent Loses= 217,094.2 m3/year /1392181 m3/year = 15.6%

from the above description the Apparent loss were large in volume and it covers 15.6%of total
volume of water loss in Adwa town water distribution system, while the physical loss was also
contributing a considerable volume of loss in the system and it covers 14.5% of total NRW.



Non- Revenue Apparent loss Real loss
water volume of water loss

Figure 4-6 Categories of NRW during 2018 /2019

4.6.1 Apparent losses per Connections

Water loss expressed as per the number could be an appropriate means to show how much the loss
within a given data collected, but it is not a good indicator for comparing the losses from one area
to another. According to some literature, a comparison of water loss between different areas is
recommended to be done using the water loss per service connections per day.

Taking the total number of connections in the town as 12,356 the water loss per connection for a
similar duration was derived as,
𝒎𝟑/𝒚𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝒙𝟏𝟎𝟎𝟎 𝒍/𝒎𝟑 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒏𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏
NRW = 𝟒𝟏𝟗, 𝟏𝟎𝟔 = 𝟗𝟐. 𝟗𝟑 --------------- (4-4)
(𝟏𝟐,𝟑𝟓𝟔×𝟑𝟔𝟓 𝒅𝒂𝒚𝒔) 𝒅𝒂𝒚

According to Sharma (2008), performance indicator physical losses target matrix: Adwa town is
water loss per number of connections were found in good condition system which is less than < 250
litter/connection /day. This figure shows as litters per service connection per day increases water
losses also increase.

4.7 Calculating Infrastructure Leakage Index

The infrastructure leakage index (ILI) indicators are defined as a ratio of real losses (RL) and
unavoidable annual real losses (URAL). As the operating records kept by the operator do not make
it possible to determine the actual real losses (RL) individually for each pressure zone.

419106 𝑚3/𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟
𝐼𝐿𝐼 = = 2.66
157,657 𝑚3/𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟

4.7.1 Water Loss Expressed as Per the Length of Pipes

Water loss stated as per kilometer length of main pipes is also used as an indicator to equate water
loss. This indicator is usually recommended for non- densely populated areas. The total length of
pipes of greater or equal to 25 mm diameter has been used to evaluate total water loss of the entire
town is 63 km. Using total pipe length of the entire town, the water loss per kilometer length of =
= 18.23m3/Km/Day ------ (4-5)

Table 4-10 Total water loss coverage of the town

Year Percentage of Water Loss Expressed as Water Loss

the water loss per Number of Expressed as per
Connection Length of Pipes

2018/2019 30.10% 92.93liter/connection /day 18.23 m3/km/day

4.8 Leakage Noise Correlation at Selected Sample Area

The development of liquid through the spill causes quick pressure changes around on the chosen
location close Medihanialem church the leak such there's arbitrarily changing disorder source found
at the trip. The sensor is found on the valves (helpful get to point for underground channels), and
as appeared. However, in Adwa town the detected leaks around Kebele Debrchi and Medihanialem
church can lead large quantities of lost water since those leaks might exist for a long time due to
the ages of the pipe are exposed and pressure management system.

Figure 4-7 Compare the Leakage in the Selected Sample Area

4.9 Water Demand Estimation

The estimation of water demand per the mode of service and estimation of the population by mode
of service was used to calculate the average consumption. The average per capita domestic water
demand by mode of service for the estimated current demand design in a period of 2019 presented
in Table 4.11, scenario management in model help make easier to assigning the base demand
different alternative. Even the most comprehensive scenario management, however, is just another
tool that needs to be applied perceptively to obtain a reasonable result.

Table 4-11 Summarizing current and projected water demand in the study area

Description Unit 2007 2019 2029 2035

Growth rate 4.18 4.1 3.7 3.5
Population No 57719 70742 91580 112575
Percentage of the mode of % 75.6 100 100 100
Total Population served No 38778 70742 91580 112575
TDD m3/day 917.64966 2255.26 5135.45 7294.32
Adjusted total domestic m /day 1059.89 2604.83 5931.44 8424.94
Public and commercial m3/day 317.97 781.45 1779.43 2527.48
demand (30% of ATDD)
Industrial demand (10% of m3/day 105.99 260.48 513.54 729.43
Livestock demand (10% of m3/day 105.99 260.48 513.54 729.43
Average Daily Demand m3/day 1681.59 4245.53 10003.86 14209.4
% water loss % 25 30.1 17 17
Unaccounted for Water m3/day 420 1061 1701 2272
Total Average Daily Demand m3/day 2101.99 5306.91 11704.51 16624.9
Maximum Daily Factor 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.1
Maximum Daily Demand m3/day 2417.29 6102.95 13460.19 18287.4
Peak Hourly Factor (PHF) 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.6
Peak hourly demand (PHD) m /day 3783.58 9552.44 18727.22 26599.9
The water supply and demand gap between Table 4.11, production and demand consumption is

= 𝑠𝑢𝑝𝑝𝑙𝑦 − demand = 3814.194521m3/ day - 5306.91m3/day = -1492.714826 m3/d

The negative sign indicates that additional water quantity required in the system per day to balance
the system supply and demand gaps. It has been identified that the estimated average day water
demands for the study area are 5306.91m3/day. However, the yield of the existing sources is for

supply is, 3814.194521m3/ day.

This shows that the estimated demands and yield of the existing sources are UN parallel. Let alone
satisfying the ultimate demands, the current supply does not even satisfy the present demand of the
area, which is estimated to be about -1492.714826 m3/day therefore, the existing measured
production of the water supply system to Adwa town is 3814.194521m3/ day with their total
population of 70742 persons. This water is supply in 24 hours and 16 hours at lower and higher
elevation area with a total amount of non- revenue water is 419106 m3/year for supplying water 24
hrs. To fill the gap additional 1492.72 m3/day amount of water is required to satisfy the customer
demands to cover the shortage of supply system of Adwa town.

Table 4-12 Existing water supply gaps in Adwa town

Indicators Target Existing status Gap calculated

Water supply coverage 100% 56.10% 43.9%

Per-capita water
60 l/c/day 37 l/c/day 27 l/c/day
supply- demand

Existing demand and 3814.195m3/

5306.91m3/day -1492.72
supply condition day

Continuity of water
24 hrs. 24-16 hrs. 8 hrs.

Extent of Non-revenue
17% 30.10% 12.90%

4.10 Pipe Type Length of Adwa Town

As per information obtained from the town water service office, the existing distribution pipelines
were, the pipe categories in the town water distribution system were, DCI, PVC and, GI ranges
from DN 25mm to DN 350 mm. the input parameters for pipes during analysis were start and end
nodes diameter, length, and status. As shown in Table 4.13.

Table 4-13 Adwa town water supply distribution pipeline length.

S/N (mm) length (m) Coverage system (%)
1 25 882 1.4
2 40 800 1.3
3 50 3525 5.5
4 65 1491 2.3
5 80 4420 7.0
6 100 12159 19.1
7 125 1023 1.6
8 150 16543 26.0
9 200 9635 15.2
10 250 2089 3.3
11 300 8372 13.2
12 350 2594 4.1
Total 63533 100.0

Figure 4-8 Adwa Town Water Supply Distribution Layout System

Table 4-14 Distribution of pipe material type in Adwa town

Pipe type Length in (m) % in length

DCI 8122 13

PVC 31327 49

GI 24048 38

Total 63533 100

Generally, from the above table in terms of material type, the major pipe in the distribution system
of Adwa town is PVC with the coverage of distance in length is 49%. Where the other pipes in the
distribution system are Galvanize iron and ductile iron which covers in the distributions system a
smaller percentage 38% and, 13% respectively.

coverage system (%)

13% PVC


Figure 4-9 Summarized coverage of pipe material in the town

pipe size and water velocity

pipe size ( mm)




0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 1.88 1.95

water velocity ( m/sec)

Figure 4-10 Variation of Pipe Size with Velocity

The fig 4.10 shows that the variation of pipe size with water velocity the higher the pipe size the
lower the flow velocity in the line with the principle of mass conservation. This figure also shows
that at a constant velocity the higher the size of the pipe, the higher the discharge and similarity, if
the pipe size is kept constant the greater the velocity the greater the discharge, for the system to go
on in balance when the pipe size increase velocity should decrease.

4.11 Pump Curve Definitions

Pumps are energy device which provides pressure and head to the water. A system head cure is
defining as the relating the head that must be provided at, he pumps to the flow rate at the pump
locations. Currently, in Adwa, there are four pumps. To enter the pump data in water GEMS, click
the components of the select pump definitions and select standard three- point from the pump
definition menu and enter the flow and head of each pump. Generally, three parameters define the
pump operation: the shutoff head, the design point, and the maximum point. The system curve is
an important curve necessary to decide the best operating point of the pump, the pump should be
able to overcome the elevation difference, which dependent on the topography of the system. The
shutoff pump head is 117.33m and the design head is 88 m. design flow 68 l/sec and maximum
operating flow 136 l/sec.

Figure 4-11 Pump definition of Adwa town (source: own field survey), Legend: a) blue curve pump
characteristics b) Red curve pipe characteristics

4.12 Junctions with negative pressure

The selected junction in the figure flow is low pressure in the distribution system due to the
topographic variation of the town. The area of Kebele alula near to mosques is marked by very low
pressure < 15 m. As shown in fig 4.12 below the minimum pressure should be maintained in the
system to avoid the water column separation and to ensure that the consumer’s demand is provided
at all times.

Pressure (m H2O)
simulated pressure

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
junction label

Figure 4-12 Time Series Plot For Selected Junctions

Figure 4-13 Flow of water in the selected pipes
As shown from the fig 4.13 above the flow of water depend on the demand of customers the water
passes with in a certain time through a certain section in the selected nodes there is a low velocity
in the system that affects the proper supply and it will cause undesirable sediment formation may
cause due to long time of retention.

A) Pressure and demand

High pressure during low demand conditions can cause pipe overflowing, leakage and large amount
of water loss through the distribution network as shown in the figure below the pressure were low
during day time with the increasing of the water demand of the customers and high during night
hours when the demand is low. This is the graph between pressure and demand which shows the
variation of pressure in different junctions is caused by changing the demand of recurrent starts and
stops of the pump closing and opening of the control valve that induces water hammer. In the figure
below the peak of the demand correspond with valley of pressure curve in the figure on the selected
node J-213 as you shown the Computation between them.

Figure 4-14 Pressure and demand relationship for the selected pipes
B) Contour Plot Elevation

This map shows the contour levels according to the elevation of pipe lines at different levels which
is also differentiated with the help of different colors as shown in figure below.

Figure 4-15 Contour Plot Elevation of the Distribution System
4.13 Existing Problems Identified in the Water Supply System

4.13.1 Pressure

A) Minimum pressures at peak hour consumption: appropriate to assist the maximum supply idea
in the system classically mains, pressures not less than 15 m to 20 m would be required to serve
buildings up to three stores high. Higher pressures may be necessary for some areas where
there are a significant number of dwelling exceeding three-story. Height but high-rise buildings
are required to have their booster supply (MoWE, 2006).
B) maximum pressure during low consumption hour: Typically, at night should be as low as
practicable to minimize leakage for plane parts, the maximum upended pressure the selections
30 m to 45 m is required. The maximum pressure in mains is considered not to exceed 70 m to
limit leakage and stress on pipes (MoWE, 2006).
The WDN of Adwa town was classified using a contour browser, which area is high, medium, and
small-pressure parts. With concerning current simulation, the result for pressure using the
estimated average daily demand during peak hour consumption is summarized in Table 4.15 and
detail in Appendix C

Table 4-15 distribution of pressure at peak hour consumption

Pressure range in (m) Junctions in peak hour Percentage %

>70 2 0.56
60-70 8 2.23
50-60 27 7.54
40-50 44 12.39
30-40 109 30.45
20-30 92 25.69
15-20 33 9.22
< 15 43 12.01
Total 358 100.00

As shown in the Table 4.15 shows that 12.01% of junctions are failed to satisfy desirable minimum
pressure during minimum peak consumption about 0.56 % of the exceeding maximum pressure
>70, while 87.4 % are in the allowable pressure ranges of minimum 15m maximum 70 m. The
failed pressure due to high and low pressure should be upgraded based on the recommended water
supply ranges system ranges of pressure criteria. This graph also shows the sinusoidal variation
pressure at different pressures and different nodes with the help of Microsoft excel as shown in the
fig 4-16.

pressure (m H2o)
simulated pressure


junction label

Figure 4-16 Distribution of pressure at peak hour consumption

Water demands vary throughout the day and throughout the year. The size of the tributary area (for
daily peaking) and the local climate (for seasonal peaking) are the two most prominent factors.
When tributary areas are small, the peak-to-average ratio becomes greater. As the service area
increases, there is a dampening effect and a reduction in peaking. Peaking factors are used to convert
average annual water usage to these specific conditions. The master plan assessment area includes
the entire District. Therefore, the peaking factors used in the overall master plan hydraulic model
are lower than what would be appropriate for a smaller area study, such as a specific development
plan, or an individual pressure zone analysis (as shown above).

Figure 4-17 Distribution of Pressure Contour Map at Peak Consumption Hour
As shown in the figure 4.17, junctions have located at the green color marked areas are reliable to
lower pressure less than 15 m pressure. The red color shows higher pressure in the existing system.
The rest color shows the allowable pressure in the study area. Household located on higher elevation
affected by low pressure during peak consumption hour in kebele alula and Mebale especially, the
other kebeles have enough pressure, where compare with the other kebeles. The reason for creating
high pressure in some kebeles the town is there topography of the town is not flat. The differences
of pressure during day and night can create operational problems caused by increased leakage of
water in the distribution system of the town. The customers located at a higher elevation or far away
from supply point will always collect less amount of water those that near to the source due to
pressure loss.

Table 4-16 distribution of pressure at minimum hour consumption

Pressure range in Junctions in peak hour Percentage %

(m) consumption

>70 2 0.56

60-70 8 2.23

50-60 27 7.54

40-50 40 11.17

30-40 104 29.05

20-30 101 28.21

15-20 30 8.37

< 15 48 13.4

Total 358 100

As described in Table 4.16, 0.56 % junctions are accountable for extremely high pressure during
minimum consumption hour. 13.40 % of junctions are liable to minimum pressure. While 86.01%
of junctions are within the recommended pressure ranges of minimum 15 m and maximum 70 m

100 Pressure (m H2O)

simulated pressure




0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
junctions label

Figure 4-18 Distribution of pressure at minimum hour consumption

4.13.2 Velocity

The velocity of water flow in a pipe is also one of the important parameters in hydraulic modeling
performance evaluation of the efficiency of water supply distribution and transmission line. The
velocity ranges can also be adopted as the design criteria, low velocities for hygienic, while too
high-velocity cause exceptional head loss reason are not preferred velocity distribution is also
varying with demand pattern changes. There are specific standards for velocity and head loss in
WDS. The result of velocity and head loss of Adwa town is not desirable or adequate with response
to (MoWE, 2006) of urban water supply design criteria. These types of hydraulic indicators are as
if a pressure unfortunate as the result of the strategy description. Performance at the peak time
demand, the values are different as compare to minimum consumption hour. The water distribution
network velocity during peak hour demand is summarized in fig 4-19.

Actual Velocity (m/s) at Peak consumption


Velocity (m/sec)



0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
Diameter (mm)

Figure 4-19 Comparation of velocity at peak hour consumption

Table 4-17 distribution of actual pipe velocity at peak consumption hour

Velocity in (m/sec) Pipe (number) %

>2.5 0 0

2-2.5 0 0

1.5 -2 1 0.25

1-1.5 2 0.50

0.3-1 32 8

0.1-0.3 82 20.5

0.05-0.1 87 21.75

0-0.05 193 48.25

Total 400 100

As per showing in Table 4.17, during peak hour demand 48.25% of pipes are below the minimum
velocity. While only 51.75 % are of pipes are in the permissible velocity ranges average (0.3-2).

With concerning the simulation of velocity in the pipe of existing water distribution at low
consumption, the hour was observed. Generally, the above-stated problem in WDS has the flowing
major problems to hydraulic network modeling such as undersized capacity pipe diameter,
oversized capacity pipe diameter, low pressure, high pressure, high velocity and low velocity.

Table 4-18 distribution of actual pipe velocity at minimum hour consumption

Velocity in (m/sec) Pipe (number) percentage%

>2.5 0 0

2-2.5 0 0

1.5 -2 1 0.25

1-1.5 2 0.50

0.3-1 10 2.5

0.1-0.3 55 13.75

0.05-0.1 73 18.25

0-0.05 256 64.48

Total 400 100

As shown in Table 4.18 through minimum hour consumption conditions there is no high velocity
during low consumption hour (≥ 2.5 m/sec), while only 35.52% of pipes are in the allowable
velocity range. Generally, the above stated problems with respect to hydraulic network modeling
such as under sized service pipe diameter, oversized service pipe diameter, low pressure, high
pressure, high velocity and low velocity.

Velocity (m/s) at minimum consumption

Velocity (m/sec



0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
Diameter (mm)

Figure 4-20 Comparation of velocity at minimum hour consumption

5.1 Conclusions

In this study, the existing WDS is simulated through the construct of a model using Bentley Water
GEMS V8i. The actual system was evaluated for the existing design, operation, and maintenance
of the network, especially in various abnormal situations. The result evaluated the design, operation
and maintenance facilities were poor due to the wrong model result implementation without
modifying and due to the poor technician. Finally, we can conclude that there is no clear operation
and maintenance system for the WDS in Adwa town, which ensures the needed for establishing an
effective operation and maintenance system for Adwa town.

The study comes about confirmed the Water GEMS modeling procedure than the conventional
trial and error simulation approach by EPANET and water CAD V8i. After computing the existing
system, about 13.40% of junctions are failed to satisfy desirable minimum pressure during steady
state simulation and 3.85 % of junctions are failed due to extremely high pressure during the steady
state simulation. Generally, the condition or a situation of actual water distribution system of the
study area is inadequacies. In the modified system, the network runs for the Darwin designer tool
for the changed of the system hydraulic parameters are radically improved using the entered data
designed average daily demand.

5.2 Recommendations

This study has found out the very critical findings, which are very important for the overall
modeling and operation of Adwa town water distribution and water loss system. Finally, the
researcher has serious to recommend some of the very important issues to improve the hydraulic
modeling of the water system.

The universal peak factors, which are used in the design of water distribution systems,
should be modified and adjusted in the design of new water systems in Adwa town
according to the local conditions of operating and managing the distribution networks.
During water loss analysis there are an illegal connection and data handling errors are the
other challenges of the water utility. So, the utility should provide customer awareness
programs and should be encouraged to report illegal connections, and regulations should be
in place to penalize the water thieves. While town water utility should be improved their
data handling system supporting computerized recording technology.
Installing of pressure reducing valve devices, which decrease pressure is recommend as a
solution to control the occurrences of maximum pressures during low consumption hour for
desirable pressure range
Install a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition system (SCADA). SCADA should be
installed at each borehole, valves and reservoir. Data control signals and system status are
transferred to and from the central system employing a bidirectional antenna at the center.
In addition, the SCADA system collects and stores all system data and controls the operation
of the system based on system wide variables such as reservoir levels at various locations.
Old and corrode pipes should be replaced and faulty water meters need to be maintained or
replaced to minimize leaks and errors of water production recording and to control and
minimize the risks of water loss customers should be encouraged to report telephonically
and the information should be obtained comprehensively seeking all relevant details of
accurate and timely communication is the key to efficient action. This event can help in
fixing the leakage problems without much loss in resources and avoiding further damage to
pipe infrastructure

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APPENDEX A: Water Demand Allocation of Adwa Town
label x y Residence house population served total base
houses hold size each node demand
j-1 486,864.50 1,566,368.65 0 4.1 0 0.00
j-2 487,281.45 1,566,406.32 136 4.1 496.1 0.27
j-3 487,339.38 1,566,293.22 115 4.1 471.5 0.23
j-4 487,204.17 1,566,134.06 105 4.1 492 0.21
j-5 487,124.77 1,566,120.46 100 4.1 479.7 0.20
j-6 487,147.56 1,566,081.09 123 4.1 504.3 0.32
j-7 487,161.91 1,566,057.24 115 4.1 401.8 0.23
j-8 487,218.73 1,566,058.93 94 4.1 385.4 0.23
j-9 487,264.40 1,565,966.01 131 4.1 537.1 0.26
j-10 487,236.30 1,565,777.96 119 4.1 487.9 0.32
j-11 487,057.96 1,565,905.18 60 4.1 504.3 0.12
j-12 486,999.41 1,565,806.72 124 4.1 508.4 0.24
j-13 486,941.68 1,565,839.91 0 4.1 0 0.04
j-14 486,923.07 1,565,618.79 0 4.1 0 0.26
j-15 487,236.30 1,565,777.96 121 4.1 496.1 0.24
j-16 487,451.76 1,566,062.16 113 4.1 463.3 0.22
j-17 487,515.63 1,566,109.07 128 4.1 524.8 0.25
j-18 487,383.84 1,566,376.17 124 4.1 508.4 0.24
j-19 487,664.27 1,566,192.46 123 4.1 504.3 0.28
j-20 487,601.30 1,566,303.79 88 4.1 360.8 0.24
j-21 487,500.70 1,566,511.19 73 4.1 299.3 0.28
j-22 487,453.07 1,566,615.38 122 4.1 500.2 0.35
j-23 487,550.76 1,566,275.96 104 4.1 426.4 0.21
j-24 487,462.69 1,566,451.75 120 4.1 492 0.24
j-25 487,585.46 1,566,204.01 116 4.1 475.6 0.23
j-26 487,275.08 1,565,948.96 0 4.1 0 0.09
j-27 487,541.28 1,566,091.09 113 4.1 463.3 0.22
j-28 487,565.48 1,566,051.60 117 4.1 479.7 0.23
j-29 487,699.09 1,566,135.71 119 4.1 487.9 0.28
j-30 487,873.10 1,565,871.19 111 4.1 455.1 0.22

j-31 487,677.26 1,565,786.61 94 4.1 385.4 0.23
j-32 487,644.88 1,565,657.38 66 4.1 270.6 0.13
j-33 487,488.19 1,565,571.73 104 4.1 262.4 0.26
j-34 487,502.97 1,565,453.76 71 4.1 291.1 0.14
j-35 487,667.99 1,565,623.39 63 4.1 258.3 0.26
j-36 487,905.46 1,565,788.51 0 4.1 0 0.00
j-37 487,877.55 1,565,608.13 0 4.1 0 0.00
j-38 487,835.74 1,565,494.15 64 4.1 262.4 0.17
j-39 487,846.16 1,565,356.48 120 4.1 492 0.24
j-40 487,876.94 1,565,294.32 119 4.1 487.9 0.24
j-41 487883.86 1565399.35 122 4.1 500.2 0.24
j-42 487,778.79 1,565,222.52 60 4.1 246 0.29
j-43 487,365.23 1,564,941.57 51 4.1 209.1 0.10
j-44 487,158.67 1,564,811.69 59 4.1 241.9 0.17
j-45 487,545.87 1,564,676.62 64 4.1 262.4 0.13
j-46 487,344.17 1,564,522.25 0 4.1 0 0.00
j-47 487,146.56 1,564,558.39 66 4.1 270.6 0.13
j-48 487,819.39 1,565,166.15 54 4.1 221.4 0.11
j-49 487,863.80 1,565,098.06 48 4.1 196.8 0.09
j-50 487,787.57 1,565,147.40 0 4.1 0 0.08
j-51 487,833.08 1,565,075.73 45 4.1 184.5 0.09
j-52 487,845.89 1,565,186.24 60 4.1 246 0.12
j-53 487,889.64 1,565,117.37 67 4.1 274.7 0.13
j-54 488,018.57 1,565,080.21 44 4.1 180.4 0.09
j-55 487,770.98 1,565,446.35 39 4.1 159.9 0.08
j-56 487,825.71 1,565,359.15 33 4.1 135.3 0.07
j-57 487,723.24 1,565,414.55 30 4.1 123 0.06
j-58 487,777.21 1,565,335.72 40 4.1 164 0.08
j-59 487,699.86 1,565,403.87 0 4.1 0 0.10
j-60 487,638.33 1,565,464.79 0 4.1 0 0.00
j-61 487,582.34 1,565,431.32 42 4.1 172.2 0.08
j-62 487,686.82 1,565,390.88 0 4.1 0 0.00
j-63 487,666.43 1,565,374.55 49 4.1 200.9 0.10
j-64 487,745.15 1,565,310.38 103 4.1 422.3 0.20
j-65 487,447.81 1,565,094.87 86 4.1 352.6 0.21
j-66 487,449.29 1,565,210.64 69 4.1 282.9 0.14
j-67 487,389.37 1,565,055.92 114 4.1 467.4 0.23
j-68 487,283.72 1,565,187.14 74 4.1 303.4 0.15
j-69 487,310.14 1,565,006.42 59 4.1 241.9 0.12
j-70 487,213.21 1,565,145.79 112 4.1 459.2 0.22
j-71 487,990.55 1,565,656.29 96 4.1 393.6 0.19
j-72 488,093.29 1,565,432.74 64 4.1 180.4 0.13
j-73 488,104.27 1,565,406.04 0 4.1 0 0.00
j-74 488,049.92 1,565,387.20 40 4.1 164 0.08
j-75 487,887.18 1,565,299.92 34 4.1 139.4 0.07
j-76 488,080.18 1,565,311.41 56 4.1 229.6 0.11
j-77 487,968.16 1,565,236.73 0 4.1 0 0.18
j-78 488,058.28 1,565,113.76 0 4.1 0 0.00
j-79 488,138.08 1,565,454.12 0 4.1 0 0.00
j-80 488,147.08 1,565,423.80 54 4.1 221.4 0.11
j-81 488,352.26 1,565,538.39 65 4.1 159.9 0.13
j-82 488,528.26 1,565,580.02 48 4.1 196.8 0.09
j-83 488,292.84 1,565,688.88 57 4.1 233.7 0.11
j-84 488,649.90 1,565,633.62 103 4.1 422.3 0.34
j-85 488,797.63 1,565,687.77 112 4.1 459.2 0.22
j-86 489,271.22 1,565,879.45 117 4.1 479.7 0.23
j-87 489,360.52 1,565,657.31 110 4.1 451 0.22
j-88 489,232.24 1,565,548.68 61 4.1 250.1 0.12
j-89 489,167.85 1,565,512.12 90 4.1 303.4 0.18
j-90 489,094.93 1,565,577.46 59 4.1 241.9 0.12
j-91 489,093.81 1,565,629.01 49 4.1 200.9 0.17
j-92 488,972.83 1,565,637.93 41 4.1 168.1 0.21
j-93 488,928.83 1,565,589.60 46 4.1 188.6 0.09
j-94 488,903.01 1,565,486.14 42 4.1 159.9 0.08
j-95 488,653.65 1,565,426.51 53 4.1 217.3 0.10
j-96 488,735.78 1,565,514.26 0 4.1 0 0.00
j-97 488,523.90 1,565,234.63 0 4.1 0 0.00
j-98 488,547.46 1,565,168.16 0 4.1 0 0.00
j-99 488,489.62 1,565,042.55 0 4.1 0 0.00
j-100 488,080.35 1,564,619.77 0 4.1 0 0.04
j-101 487,701.58 1,564,780.72 0 4.1 0 0.00
j-102 487,702.27 1,564,394.63 118 4.1 483.8 0.23
j-103 488,226.17 1,565,809.88 105 4.1 430.5 0.21
j-104 488,288.62 1,565,860.04 102 4.1 418.2 0.20
j-105 488,495.37 1,565,776.74 0 4.1 0 0.00
j-106 488,498.62 1,565,695.26 0 4.1 0 0.00
j-107 488,340.95 1,565,757.19 108 4.1 442.8 0.21
j-108 488,494.86 1,565,680.08 0 4.1 0 0.00
j-109 488,575.02 1,565,654.43 104 4.1 426.4 0.21
j-110 488,313.58 1,565,750.84 113 4.1 463.3 0.22
j-111 488,679.83 1,565,816.28 118 4.1 483.8 0.23
j-112 488,786.06 1,565,705.87 120 4.1 492 0.41
j-113 488,511.35 1,565,692.59 113 4.1 463.3 0.22
j-114 488,936.47 1,565,763.94 103 4.1 422.3 0.24
j-115 488,996.38 1,565,790.21 111 4.1 455.1 0.22
j-116 489,271.89 1,565,899.93 77 4.1 315.7 0.22
j-117 489,306.47 1,565,841.99 69 4.1 282.9 0.18
j-118 489,464.52 1,565,895.93 55 4.1 225.5 0.11
j-119 489,371.94 1,565,654.25 67 4.1 274.7 0.13
j-120 489,249.92 1,565,533.87 0 4.1 0 0.04
j-121 489,205.62 1,565,452.00 0 4.1 0 0.00
j-122 489,575.99 1,565,664.57 100 4.1 479.7 0.20
j-123 489,599.66 1,565,615.59 50 4.1 459.2 0.14
j-124 489,638.68 1,565,468.92 60 4.1 299.3 0.12
j-125 489,493.89 1,565,441.01 112 4.1 205 0.22
j-126 489,438.48 1,565,375.21 66 4.1 217.3 0.13
j-127 489,370.50 1,565,498.57 0 4.1 0 0.00
j-128 489,242.68 1,565,416.70 92 4.1 0 0.18
j-129 489,180.93 1,565,444.83 0 4.1 0 0.03
j-130 489,114.00 1,565,347.84 0 4.1 377.2 0.03
j-131 489,069.77 1,565,379.56 83 4.1 340.3 0.32
j-132 488,890.45 1,565,165.97 80 4.1 332.1 0.19
j-133 488,831.90 1,565,181.83 104 4.1 426.4 0.32
j-134 489,020.42 1,565,388.55 112 4.1 459.2 0.22
j-135 488,789.73 1,565,186.65 107 4.1 438.7 0.25
j-136 488,613.14 1,565,241.04 60 4.1 246 0.24
j-137 488,554.57 1,565,083.59 83 4.1 0 0.16
j-138 488,536.63 1,565,027.78 51 4.1 209.1 0.10
j-139 488,738.92 1,565,029.69 0 4.1 0 0.00
j-140 488,690.89 1,564,926.31 96 4.1 393.6 0.31
j-141 488,980.29 1,565,146.10 0 4.1 340.3 0.07
j-142 488,852.45 1,564,961.04 49 4.1 200.9 0.10
j-143 488,828.65 1,564,923.11 42 4.1 172.2 0.08
j-144 488,807.89 1,564,891.70 40 4.1 164 0.11
j-145 488,802.02 1,564,965.70 54 4.1 221.4 0.11
j-146 488,937.46 1,564,926.22 0 4.1 0 0.00
j-147 488,850.23 1,564,679.75 55 4.1 225.5 0.25
j-148 489,021.20 1,565,136.28 40 4.1 217.3 0.08
j-149 489,104.55 1,565,119.86 0 4.1 0 0.00
j-150 489,171.50 1,565,297.38 0 4.1 0 0.00
j-151 488,909.59 1,564,632.00 0 4.1 344.4 0.13
j-152 489,181.78 1,565,071.91 78 4.1 319.8 0.15
j-153 489,171.37 1,565,047.22 0 4.1 0 0.11
j-154 489,125.86 1,564,948.09 0 4.1 0 0.00
j-155 489,250.24 1,564,965.21 109 4.1 237.8 0.22
j-156 489,627.53 1,565,626.56 0 4.1 209.1 0.00
j-157 489,723.33 1,565,449.84 116 4.1 229.6 0.23
j-158 489,813.08 1,565,480.62 59 4.1 241.9 0.22
j-159 489,857.71 1,565,468.87 54 4.1 221.4 0.19
j-160 489,879.56 1,565,466.02 51 4.1 209.1 0.10
j-161 489,896.40 1,565,463.92 84 4.1 0 0.23
j-162 489,977.85 1,565,439.42 105 4.1 430.5 0.21
j-163 490,262.88 1,565,363.07 56 4.1 229.6 0.15
j-164 490,258.46 1,565,349.95 42 4.1 172.2 0.08
j-165 490,328.15 1,565,335.35 0 4.1 0 0.07
j-166 490,397.08 1,565,318.36 0 4.1 0 0.07
j-167 490,510.91 1,565,287.86 0 4.1 0 0.21
j-168 490,417.64 1,565,379.03 56 4.1 0 0.20
j-169 490,360.46 1,565,440.88 0 4.1 209.1 0.00
j-170 490,455.36 1,565,409.50 0 4.1 159.9 0.00
j-171 490,319.65 1,565,295.46 37 4.1 151.7 0.16
j-172 490,507.87 1,565,245.57 80 4.1 0 0.16
j-173 490,312.61 1,565,262.89 0 4.1 0 0.00
j-174 490,446.89 1,565,218.73 0 4.1 0 0.07
j-175 490,303.58 1,565,219.69 0 4.1 434.6 0.00
j-176 489,996.13 1,565,533.71 50 4.1 270.6 0.15
j-177 490,106.13 1,565,505.46 0 4.1 0 0.00
j-178 490,292.07 1,565,458.52 57 4.1 233.7 0.11
j-179 490,192.53 1,565,805.14 0 4.1 0 0.07
j-180 490,311.75 1,565,922.26 58 4.1 0 0.11
j-181 490,216.76 1,565,787.21 0 4.1 237.8 0.07
j-182 490,342.51 1,565,912.86 0 4.1 0 0.07
j-183 490,381.12 1,565,767.27 63 4.1 0 0.19
j-184 490,085.67 1,565,166.06 43 4.1 176.3 0.08
j-185 489,830.84 1,565,314.62 51 4.1 209.1 0.19
j-186 489,886.53 1,565,297.92 0 4.1 0 0.05
j-187 489,910.55 1,565,289.30 0 4.1 0 0.11
j-188 489,907.71 1,565,406.57 0 4.1 0 0.00
j-189 489,895.06 1,565,224.22 0 4.1 0 0.00
j-190 489,866.00 1,565,180.25 0 4.1 0 0.07
j-191 489,664.95 1,565,357.78 40 4.1 426.4 0.08
j-192 489,621.22 1,565,360.16 0 4.1 0 0.00
j-193 489,607.69 1,565,336.35 0 4.1 0 0.00
j-194 489,565.13 1,565,358.47 0 4.1 0 0.13
j-195 489,516.81 1,565,315.49 50 4.1 311.6 0.10
j-196 489,666.76 1,565,672.04 0 4.1 0 0.00
j-197 489,730.37 1,565,616.98 58 4.1 237.8 0.25
j-198 489,687.86 1,565,546.77 0 4.1 0 0.00
j-199 489,839.81 1,565,523.20 53 4.1 0 0.10
j-200 489,736.08 1,565,741.44 0 4.1 299.3 0.17
j-201 489,641.29 1,565,836.57 0 4.1 0 0.04
j-202 489,856.42 1,565,538.85 53 4.1 0 0.10
j-203 489,802.70 1,565,803.03 0 4.1 217.3 0.08
j-204 489,849.71 1,565,843.49 64 4.1 0 0.13
j-205 489,772.21 1,565,925.82 0 4.1 0 0.08
j-206 489,890.63 1,565,881.08 0 4.1 0 0.00
j-207 489,823.60 1,565,957.56 0 4.1 0 0.00
j-208 489,998.58 1,565,978.82 54 4.1 467.4 0.19
j-209 489,952.45 1,565,744.98 0 4.1 0 0.00
j-210 489,988.18 1,565,582.94 0 4.1 0 0.00
j-211 489,999.40 1,565,754.05 0 4.1 0 0.12
j-212 490,035.63 1,565,591.24 0 4.1 0 0.00
j-213 490,146.69 1,565,817.60 65 4.1 241.9 0.13
j-214 488,222.92 1,565,812.43 108 4.1 442.8 0.21
j-215 488,286.63 1,565,862.90 73 4.1 299.3 0.14
j-216 488,433.24 1,565,931.32 51 4.1 209.1 0.18
j-217 488,528.50 1,565,976.09 53 4.1 217.3 0.10
j-218 488,632.81 1,565,863.12 46 4.1 188.6 0.09
j-219 488,842.26 1,565,947.55 103 4.1 422.3 0.20
j-220 488,919.14 1,565,978.51 110 4.1 467.4 0.22
j-221 488,987.68 1,566,007.52 113 4.1 463.3 0.22
j-222 488,939.17 1,566,121.99 108 4.1 442.8 0.21
j-223 489,183.97 1,566,227.62 0 4.1 0 0.06
j-224 489,141.01 1,566,331.49 0 4.1 0 0.00
j-225 489,339.28 1,566,413.68 0 4.1 0 0.00
j-226 489,424.30 1,566,240.26 115 4.1 471.5 0.36
j-227 489,208.93 1,566,156.30 113 4.1 0 0.22
j-228 489,296.64 1,565,908.77 74 4.1 0 0.15
j-229 489,342.62 1,565,926.93 0 4.1 0 0.00
j-230 489,474.69 1,566,123.60 67 4.1 463.3 0.13
j-231 489,526.49 1,566,004.14 91 4.1 303.4 0.26
j-232 489,825.99 1,566,243.14 0 4.1 274.7 0.00
j-233 490,182.20 1,566,704.10 0 4.1 0 0.00
j-234 489,714.36 1,566,460.50 0 4.1 0 0.00
j-235 489,812.59 1,566,507.97 0 4.1 352.6 0.00
j-236 488,394.20 1,565,979.96 0 4.1 0 0.00
j-237 488,518.78 1,566,267.03 0 4.1 0 0.00
j-238 488,487.57 1,566,377.39 74 4.1 303.4 0.15
j-239 488,584.85 1,566,303.06 0 4.1 0 0.00
j-240 488,666.44 1,566,411.40 101 4.1 414.1 0.27
j-241 488,697.26 1,566,119.97 72 4.1 295.2 0.21
j-242 488,787.26 1,566,180.21 76 4.1 311.6 0.15
j-243 488,811.46 1,566,069.67 79 4.1 323.9 0.24
j-244 488,900.21 1,566,227.64 0 4.1 0 0.00
j-245 488,832.73 1,566,382.69 0 4.1 0 0.00
j-246 489,020.59 1,566,282.54 0 4.1 0 0.07
j-247 488,840.31 1,566,552.25 112 4.1 459.2 0.22
j-248 487,815.24 1,566,308.49 113 4.1 463.3 0.22
j-249 487,834.22 1,566,321.63 78 4.1 319.8 0.23
j-250 487,862.10 1,566,278.12 113 4.1 463.3 0.22
j-251 487,894.65 1,566,232.87 0 4.1 418.2 0.00
j-252 488,201.53 1,565,859.95 102 4.1 291.1 0.28
j-253 487,953.29 1,566,280.41 89 4.1 364.9 0.18
j-254 488,012.21 1,566,298.42 0 4.1 0 0.00
j-255 488,079.22 1,566,278.76 71 4.1 0 0.21
j-256 488,032.57 1,566,321.94 0 4.1 0 0.00
j-257 488,131.53 1,566,317.21 0 4.1 0 0.00
j-258 488,134.58 1,566,373.57 116 4.1 475.6 0.23
j-259 487,902.14 1,566,333.39 0 4.1 0 0.08
j-260 487,870.65 1,566,382.63 0 4.1 0 0.00
j-261 488,070.40 1,566,652.01 0 4.1 0 0.00
j-262 488,228.98 1,566,695.67 115 4.1 0 0.31
j-263 487,953.79 1,566,931.85 79 4.1 471.5 0.16
j-264 488,007.51 1,566,880.83 0 4.1 323.9 0.00
j-265 487,979.30 1,566,646.16 88 4.1 0 0.17
j-266 488,042.39 1,566,869.66 0 4.1 360.8 0.08
j-267 488,021.47 1,566,763.34 0 4.1 0 0.00
j-268 488,116.18 1,566,743.54 101 4.1 0 0.20
j-269 487,946.09 1,567,062.00 51 4.1 209.1 0.10
j-270 487,746.62 1,567,402.52 0 4.1 237.8 0.12
j-271 487,660.39 1,567,632.29 53 4.1 217.3 0.27
j-272 487,493.57 1,567,621.22 58 4.1 414.1 0.11
j-273 487,507.98 1,567,437.87 0 4.1 221.4 0.00
j-274 487,339.09 1,567,436.53 54 4.1 0 0.11
j-275 487,672.18 1,567,250.93 0 4.1 0 0.09
j-276 487,396.75 1,567,224.17 94 4.1 0 0.19
j-277 487,778.90 1,567,026.23 0 4.1 385.4 0.23
j-278 487,510.56 1,567,030.34 101 4.1 414.1 0.20
j-279 487,096.41 1,566,921.47 74 4.1 303.4 0.15
j-280 487,549.38 1,566,704.32 51 4.1 209.1 0.10
j-281 487,145.19 1,567,026.93 0 4.1 0 0.07
j-282 487,390.78 1,566,885.35 75 4.1 0 0.15
j-283 487,090.81 1,567,060.30 65 4.1 0 0.19
j-284 487,067.73 1,566,996.63 0 4.1 307.5 0.11
j-285 487,004.40 1,567,016.01 57 4.1 266.5 0.20
j-286 487,037.39 1,566,936.63 0 4.1 233.7 0.00
j-287 486,938.09 1,566,965.11 0 4.1 0 0.11
j-288 486,961.90 1,566,780.84 0 4.1 0 0.00
j-289 486,903.15 1,566,803.13 0 4.1 0 0.00
j-290 486,890.99 1,566,634.37 0 4.1 0 0.11
j-291 486,787.93 1,566,704.31 93 4.1 381.3 0.30
j-292 486,917.95 1,567,192.17 80 4.1 328 0.16
j-293 486,777.49 1,567,220.71 0 4.1 0 0.00
j-294 486,791.28 1,567,250.21 113 4.1 463.3 0.22
j-295 486,687.36 1,567,003.65 0 4.1 0 0.00
j-296 486,539.27 1,566,730.51 89 4.1 364.9 0.18
j-297 486,649.07 1,567,020.75 0 4.1 0 0.08
j-298 486,482.33 1,567,111.27 76 4.1 311.6 0.15
j-299 486,601.50 1,566,931.52 0 4.1 0 0.00
j-300 486,425.96 1,567,039.23 108 4.1 442.8 0.21
j-301 486,556.17 1,566,851.61 0 4.1 0 0.00
j-302 486,425.45 1,566,924.50 96 4.1 393.6 0.27
j-303 486,522.04 1,566,753.13 0 4.1 0 0.11
j-304 486,455.84 1,566,675.69 0 4.1 0 0.08
j-305 486,483.19 1,566,773.46 0 4.1 254.2 0.00
j-306 486,425.11 1,566,692.07 62 4.1 0 0.12
j-307 486,450.48 1,566,792.07 0 4.1 0 0.00
j-308 486,400.96 1,566,818.08 0 4.1 0 0.00
j-309 486,390.78 1,566,713.50 56 4.1 229.6 0.11
j-310 487,380.30 1,567,803.57 54 4.1 221.4 0.11
j-311 487,420.25 1,567,977.29 60 4.1 0 0.14
j-312 487,298.21 1,568,348.32 0 4.1 0 0.00
j-313 487,610.96 1,568,461.72 0 4.1 0 0.00
j-314 487,555.48 1,568,611.54 0 4.1 246 0.01
j-315 487,350.94 1,568,636.57 69 4.1 266.5 0.14
j-316 487,244.01 1,568,588.92 94 4.1 209.1 0.19
j-317 487,216.65 1,568,580.52 65 4.1 205 0.15
j-318 486,999.34 1,568,710.63 50 4.1 385.4 0.10
j-319 486,996.71 1,569,026.46 0 4.1 0 0.07
j-320 487,010.97 1,569,090.13 0 4.1 0 0.00
j-321 487,064.34 1,569,199.38 0 4.1 0 0.05
j-322 487,173.65 1,569,134.09 0 4.1 0 0.01
j-323 486,886.39 1,569,101.14 79 4.1 323.9 0.19
j-324 486,838.00 1,568,795.62 0 4.1 369 0.00
j-325 486,441.78 1,568,825.80 90 4.1 0 0.18
j-326 486,799.59 1,568,674.78 0 4.1 0 0.00
j-327 487,147.02 1,568,450.79 0 4.1 0 0.00
j-328 486,970.71 1,568,142.93 0 4.1 0 0.00
j-329 487,131.62 1,568,072.18 64 4.1 307.5 0.16
j-330 486,845.70 1,567,754.32 75 4.1 0 0.15
j-331 487,012.02 1,567,580.76 87 4.1 262.4 0.25
j-332 486,910.49 1,567,549.42 70 4.1 0 0.22
j-333 486,788.50 1,567,563.69 0 4.1 0 0.08
j-334 486,648.39 1,567,417.09 0 4.1 0 0.07
j-335 486,848.74 1,567,386.65 68 4.1 278.8 0.13
j-336 486,643.69 1,567,569.85 58 4.1 237.8 0.11
j-337 486,660.88 1,567,718.05 74 4.1 221.4 0.15
j-338 486,588.71 1,567,732.28 0 4.1 274.7 0.17
j-339 486,597.40 1,567,800.73 103 4.1 250.1 0.20
j-340 486,561.23 1,567,580.81 82 4.1 422.3 0.16
j-341 486,484.12 1,567,624.36 67 4.1 336.2 0.13
j-342 486,406.52 1,567,687.64 61 4.1 0 0.21
j-343 486,316.48 1,567,765.81 60 4.1 0 0.12
j-344 486,281.56 1,567,794.81 0 4.1 0 0.00
j-345 486,248.57 1,567,819.49 0 4.1 246 0.00
j-346 486,391.39 1,567,929.42 54 4.1 0 0.24
j-347 486,381.76 1,567,660.53 0 4.1 0 0.00
j-348 486,256.68 1,567,761.94 0 4.1 0 0.00
j-349 486,331.68 1,567,595.34 0 4.1 352.6 0.00
j-350 486,384.27 1,567,508.40 0 4.1 0 0.16
j-351 486,510.56 1,567,652.49 50 4.1 0 0.10
j-352 486,428.56 1,567,722.37 0 4.1 0 0.00
j-353 486,520.63 1,567,831.10 0 4.1 356.7 0.00
j-354 486,402.09 1,567,745.48 0 4.1 0 0.00
j-355 486,487.78 1,567,842.84 53 4.1 250.1 0.10
j-356 486,369.86 1,567,775.80 0 4.1 287 0.14
j-357 486,455.27 1,567,870.38 50 233.7 0.10
j-358 486,426.34 1,567,889.20 0 0 0 0

APPENDEX B: Hydraulic Model Output at Peak Hour for Junction Report

Flex Table: Junction Table

Current time 8.00:00 PM hours

Label Elevation (m) Demand (L/s) Hydraulic Grade (m) Pressure

(m H2O)

J-1 1,960.00 0 1,967.98 8

J-2 1,912.00 0.19 1,920.55 8.5

J-3 1,911.00 0.17 1,920.49 9.5

J-4 1,910.00 0.15 1,920.43 10.4

J-5 1,908.00 0.14 1,920.41 12.4

J-6 1,906.00 0.22 1,920.40 14.4

J-7 1,903.00 0.16 1,920.39 17.4

J-8 1,904.00 0.16 1,920.37 16.3

J-9 1,902.00 0.18 1,920.34 18.3

J-10 1,903.00 0.23 1,920.34 17.3

J-11 1,907.00 0.08 1,920.34 13.3

J-12 1,904.00 0.17 1,920.34 16.3

J-13 1,908.00 0.03 1,920.34 12.3

J-14 1,911.00 0.21 1,920.34 9.3

J-15 1,907.00 0.17 1,920.34 20

J-16 1,913.00 0.15 1,920.32 7.3

J-17 1,903.00 0.19 1,920.28 17.2

J-18 1,894.00 0.17 1,920.28 26.2

J-19 1,892.00 0.2 1,920.28 28.2

J-20 1,893.00 0.19 1,920.36 27.3

J-21 1,895.00 0.07 1,920.53 25.5

J-22 1,883.00 0.28 1,920.53 37.5

J-23 1,886.00 0.15 1,920.36 34.3

J-24 1,900.00 0.17 1,920.36 20.3

J-25 1,885.00 0.16 1,920.36 35.3

J-26 1,892.00 0.06 1,920.34 28.3

J-27 1,899.00 0.15 1,920.29 21.2

J-28 1,892.00 0.16 1,920.28 28.2

J-29 1,881.00 0.2 1,920.26 39.2

J-30 1,890.00 0.15 1,920.18 30.1

J-31 1,900.00 0.16 1,920.17 20.1

J-32 1,910.00 9.57 1,910.00 0

J-33 1,899.00 0.18 1,909.99 11

J-34 1,885.00 0.1 1,909.99 24.9

J-35 1,891.00 0.22 1,909.99 18.9

J-36 1,893.00 0 1,920.17 27.1

J-37 1,888.00 0 1,920.14 32.1

J-38 1,893.00 0.12 1,920.11 27.1

J-39 1,885.00 0.17 1,919.93 34.9

J-40 1,878.00 0.17 1,919.89 41.8

J-41 1,876.00 0.17 1,919.85 43.8

J-42 1,874.00 0.25 1,919.82 45.7

J-43 1,880.00 0.07 1,919.41 39.3

J-44 1,881.00 0.12 1,915.03 34

J-45 1,868.00 0.09 1,914.37 46.3

J-46 1,874.00 0 1,914.37 40.3

J-47 1,878.00 0.09 1,919.51 41.4

J-48 1,870.00 0.08 1,919.49 49.4

J-49 1,873.00 0.06 1,919.49 46.4

J-50 1,866.00 0.06 1,919.48 53.4

J-51 1,872.00 0.06 1,919.48 47.4

J-52 1,877.00 0.08 1,919.46 42.4

J-53 1,874.00 0.09 1,919.81 45.7

J-54 1,875.00 0.06 1,920.10 45

J-55 1,884.00 0.06 1,920.10 36

J-56 1,886.00 0.05 1,920.10 34

J-57 1,889.00 0.04 1,920.10 31

J-58 1,885.00 0.06 1,920.10 35

J-59 1,896.00 0.07 1,920.10 24.1

J-60 1,890.00 0 1,920.10 30

J-61 1,895.00 0.06 1,920.10 25

J-62 1,891.00 0 1,920.10 29

J-63 1,895.00 0.07 1,920.09 25

J-64 1,893.00 0.14 1,919.87 26.8

J-65 1,895.00 0.15 1,919.87 24.8

J-66 1,892.00 0.1 1,919.87 27.8

J-67 1,883.00 0.16 1,919.87 36.8

J-68 1,891.00 0.11 1,919.87 28.8

J-69 1,884.00 0.08 1,919.87 35.8

J-70 1,895.00 0.15 1,920.13 25.1

J-71 1,886.00 0.13 1,920.11 34

J-72 1,875.00 0.09 1,920.11 45

J-73 1,872.00 0 1,920.11 48

J-74 1,881.00 0.06 1,920.11 39

J-75 1,882.00 0.05 1,920.11 38

J-76 1,880.00 0.08 1,920.11 40

J-77 1,886.00 0.13 1,920.11 34

J-78 1,884.00 0 1,920.11 36

J-79 1,888.00 0 1,920.11 32

J-80 1,886.00 0.08 1,920.09 34

J-81 1,880.00 0.06 1,920.08 40

J-82 1,883.00 0.06 1,920.08 37

J-83 1,883.00 0.09 1,920.08 37

J-84 1,885.00 0.24 1,920.07 35

J-85 1,886.00 0.15 1,920.07 34

J-86 1,891.00 0.16 1,920.07 29

J-87 1,894.00 0.15 1,920.07 26

J-88 1,893.00 0.08 1,920.07 27

J-89 1,895.00 0.13 1,920.07 25

J-90 1,894.00 0.08 1,920.07 26

J-91 1,891.00 0.14 1,920.07 29

J-92 1,890.00 0.15 1,920.07 30

J-93 1,891.00 0.06 1,920.07 29

J-94 1,891.00 0.06 1,920.07 29

J-95 1,882.00 0.07 1,920.07 38

J-96 1,886.00 0 1,920.06 34

J-97 1,884.00 0 1,920.05 36

J-98 1,881.00 0.06 1,920.05 39

J-99 1,882.00 0 1,920.05 38

J-100 1,875.00 0.03 1,920.05 45

J-101 1,868.00 0 1,920.05 27

J-102 1,865.00 0.16 1,920.09 55

J-103 1,887.00 0.15 1,920.09 33

J-104 1,891.00 0.14 1,920.08 29

J-105 1,892.00 0 1,920.08 28

J-106 1,884.00 0 1,920.08 36

J-107 1,890.00 0.15 1,920.08 30

J-108 1,882.00 0 1,920.08 38

J-109 1,886.00 0.15 1,920.08 34

J-110 1,884.00 0.15 1,920.08 36

J-111 1,892.00 0.16 1,920.07 28

J-112 1,886.00 0.3 1,920.07 34

J-113 1,884.00 0.15 1,920.07 70

J-114 1,887.00 0.17 1,920.07 33

J-115 1,880.00 0.15 1,920.07 40

J-116 1,896.00 0.18 1,920.06 24

J-117 1,892.00 0.13 1,920.06 28

J-118 1,893.00 0.08 1,920.06 27

J-119 1,897.00 0.09 1,920.07 23

J-120 1,898.00 0.03 1,920.07 22

J-121 1,896.00 0.09 1,920.05 24

J-122 1,896.00 0.14 1,920.05 24

J-123 1,909.00 0.1 1,920.05 11

J-124 1,910.00 0.1 1,920.05 10

J-125 1,911.00 0.12 1,920.05 9

J-126 1,914.00 0.09 1,920.04 6

J-127 1,901.00 0 1,920.04 19

J-128 1,913.00 0.13 1,920.04 7

J-129 1,910.00 0 1,920.04 10

J-130 1,913.00 0 1,920.04 7

J-131 1,911.00 0.22 1,920.04 9

J-132 1,909.00 0 1,920.04 11

J-133 1,904.00 0.23 1,920.04 16

J-134 1,908.00 0.15 1,920.04 12

J-135 1,901.00 0.18 1,920.04 19

J-136 1,881.00 0.17 1,920.04 39

J-137 1,883.00 0 1,920.04 37

J-138 1,881.00 0.07 1,920.04 39

J-139 1,909.00 0 1,920.04 11

J-140 1,881.00 0.22 1,920.03 39

J-141 1,884.00 0.05 1,920.03 36

J-142 1,886.00 0.07 1,920.03 34

J-143 1,883.00 0.06 1,920.03 37

J-144 1,889.00 0.09 1,920.03 31

J-145 1,890.00 0.04 1,920.03 30

J-146 1,897.00 0 1,920.03 23

J-147 1,898.00 0.08 1,920.03 22

J-148 1,890.00 0.06 1,920.03 30

J-149 1,885.00 0 1,920.03 35

J-150 1,892.00 0 1,920.03 28

J-151 1,890.00 0.09 1,920.03 30

J-152 1,910.00 0.11 1,920.02 10

J-153 1,886.00 0.08 1,920.01 33.9

J-154 1,911.00 0 1,920.02 9

J-155 1,894.00 0.15 1,920.05 26

J-156 1,889.00 0 1,920.05 31

J-157 1,903.00 0.09 1,920.05 17

J-158 1,887.00 0.18 1,920.05 33

J-159 1,894.00 0.14 1,920.05 26

J-160 1,897.00 0.07 1,920.05 23

J-161 1,898.00 0.21 1,920.05 22

J-162 1,894.00 0.15 1,920.05 14

J-163 1,912.00 0.11 1,920.05 8

J-164 1,896.00 0.06 1,920.05 24

J-165 1,903.00 0.05 1,920.04 17

J-166 1,901.00 0 1,920.04 19

J-167 1,891.00 0.21 1,920.04 29

J-168 1,902.00 0.08 1,920.05 18

J-169 1,903.00 0 1,920.05 17

J-170 1,894.00 0.06 1,920.04 26

J-171 1,908.00 0.11 1,920.02 12

J-172 1,910.00 0.08 1,920.03 10

J-174 1,902.00 0.05 1,920.02 18

J-175 1,909.00 0.16 1,920.05 11

J-176 1,910.00 0.09 1,920.05 10

J-177 1,911.00 0 1,920.05 9

J-178 1,900.00 0 1,920.04 20

J-179 1,902.00 0 1,920.04 18

J-180 1,904.00 0.08 1,920.01 16

J-181 1,910.00 0.05 1,920.00 10

J-182 1,907.00 0.07 1,920.00 13

J-183 1,894.00 0.13 1,920.05 26

J-184 1,904.00 0.06 1,920.05 16

J-185 1,902.00 0.13 1,920.05 18

J-186 1,909.00 0.04 1,920.05 11

J-187 1,904.00 0.08 1,920.05 16

J-188 1,908.00 0 1,920.05 12

J-189 1,910.00 0 1,920.05 10

J-190 1,911.00 0.11 1,920.05 9

J-191 1,910.00 0.06 1,920.05 10

J-192 1,912.00 0 1,920.05 8

J-193 1,910.00 0.11 1,920.05 10

J-194 1,913.00 0.09 1,920.05 7

J-195 1,884.00 0.07 1,920.05 36

J-196 1,905.00 0.1 1,920.05 15

J-197 1,904.00 0.18 1,920.05 16

J-198 1,901.00 0 1,920.05 19

J-199 1,883.00 0.16 1,920.02 36.9

J-200 1,875.00 0.17 1,920.02 44.9

J-201 1,891.00 0.03 1,920.02 29

J-202 1,884.00 0.07 1,920.00 35.9

J-203 1,886.00 0.13 1,920.00 33.9

J-204 1,882.00 0.09 1,920.00 37.9

J-205 1,880.00 0.06 1,920.00 39.9

J-206 1,883.00 0.08 1,919.99 36.9

J-207 1,883.00 0 1,920.00 36.9

J-208 1,884.00 0.13 1,920.00 35.9

J-209 1,886.00 0 1,920.00 33.9

J-210 1,886.00 0.1 1,920.00 33.9

J-211 1,881.00 0.08 1,920.00 38.9

J-212 1,884.00 0 1,920.00 35.9

J-213 1,885.00 0.09 1,920.09 35

J-214 1,886.00 0.15 1,920.08 34

J-215 1,895.00 0.1 1,920.08 25

J-216 1,893.00 0.13 1,920.08 27

J-217 1,891.00 0.07 1,920.08 29

J-218 1,892.00 0.06 1,920.08 28

J-219 1,887.00 0.14 1,920.08 33

J-220 1,884.00 0.16 1,920.08 36

J-221 1,896.00 0.15 1,920.08 24

J-222 1,891.00 0.15 1,920.08 29

J-223 1,901.00 0.04 1,920.08 19

J-224 1,898.00 0 1,920.08 22

J-225 1,888.00 0 1,920.07 32

J-226 1,893.00 0.3 1,920.07 27

J-227 1,885.00 0.16 1,920.07 35

J-228 1,894.00 0.11 1,920.07 26

J-229 1,897.00 0 1,920.07 23

J-230 1,881.00 0.09 1,920.07 39

J-231 1,893.00 0.11 1,920.07 27

J-232 1,894.00 0 1,920.07 26

J-233 1,895.00 0 1,920.07 25

J-234 1,889.00 0 1,920.07 31

J-235 1,886.00 0 1,920.08 34

J-236 1,885.00 0 1,920.08 35

J-237 1,881.00 0 1,920.08 39

J-238 1,896.00 0.11 1,920.08 24

J-239 1,901.00 0 1,920.08 19

J-240 1,896.00 0.19 1,920.08 24

J-241 1,900.00 0.15 1,920.08 20

J-242 1,900.00 0.11 1,920.08 20

J-243 1,894.00 0.17 1,920.08 26

J-244 1,902.00 0 1,920.08 18

J-245 1,901.00 0 1,920.08 19

J-246 1,901.00 0.05 1,920.06 19

J-247 1,895.00 0.08 1,920.20 25.1

J-248 1,891.00 0.15 1,920.20 29.1

J-249 1,893.00 0.14 1,920.20 27.1

J-250 1,892.00 0.15 1,920.19 28.1

J-251 1,890.00 0 1,920.19 30.1

J-252 1,881.00 0.2 1,920.19 39.1

J-253 1,896.00 0.13 1,920.17 24.1

J-254 1,893.00 0 1,920.17 27.1

J-255 1,891.00 0.15 1,920.17 29.1

J-256 1,887.00 0 1,920.17 33.1

J-257 1,885.00 0 1,920.17 35.1

J-258 1,896.00 0.16 1,920.19 24.1

J-259 1,890.00 0.06 1,920.19 30.1

J-260 1,893.00 0 1,920.18 27.1

J-261 1,901.00 0.11 1,920.18 19.1

J-262 1,897.00 0.22 1,920.14 23.1

J-263 1,895.00 0.11 1,920.08 25

J-264 1,902.00 0 1,920.08 18

J-265 1,884.00 0.12 1,920.04 36

J-266 1,889.00 0.06 1,920.03 31

J-267 1,894.00 0 1,920.03 26

J-268 1,896.00 0.14 1,920.13 24.1

J-269 1,893.00 0.07 1,920.13 27.1

J-270 1,890.00 0.08 1,920.13 30.1

J-271 1,885.00 0.19 1,920.13 35.1

J-272 1,884.00 0.08 1,920.13 36.1

J-273 1,900.00 0 1,920.13 20.1

J-274 1,898.00 0.08 1,920.13 22.1

J-275 1,897.00 0.06 1,920.12 23.1

J-276 1,885.00 0.13 1,920.13 35.1

J-277 1,894.00 0.19 1,920.13 26.1

J-278 1,889.00 0.14 1,967.85 78.7

J-279 1,911.00 0.11 1,967.85 56.7

J-280 1,921.00 0.07 1,967.82 46.7

J-281 1,922.00 0.05 1,967.82 45.7

J-282 1,920.00 0.11 1,967.81 47.7

J-283 1,914.00 0.14 1,967.81 53.7

J-284 1,905.00 0.08 1,967.81 62.7

J-285 1,901.00 0.14 1,967.80 66.7

J-286 1,900.00 0 1,967.80 67.7

J-287 1,910.00 0.08 1,967.80 57.7

J-288 1,904.00 0 1,967.80 63.7

J-289 1,908.00 0 1,967.80 59.7

J-290 1,896.00 0.08 1,967.80 71.7

J-291 1,901.00 0.22 1,967.80 60

J-292 1,910.00 0.11 1,967.79 57.7

J-293 1,907.00 0 1,967.79 60.7

J-294 1,905.00 0.15 1,967.78 62.7

J-295 1,910.00 0 1,967.78 57.7

J-296 1,922.00 0.13 1,967.78 45.7

J-297 1,906.00 0.06 1,967.78 61.7

J-298 1,913.00 0.11 1,967.75 54.6

J-299 1,910.00 0 1,967.75 57.6

J-300 1,914.00 0.15 1,967.73 53.6

J-301 1,913.00 0 1,967.73 54.6

J-302 1,915.00 0.19 1,967.72 52.6

J-303 1,912.00 0.08 1,967.72 55.6

J-304 1,921.00 0.06 1,967.72 46.6

J-305 1,915.00 0 1,967.72 52.6

J-306 1,922.00 0.08 1,967.72 45.6

J-307 1,917.00 0 1,967.72 50.6

J-308 1,914.00 0 1,967.72 53.6

J-309 1,922.00 0.08 1,967.75 45.7

J-310 1,913.00 0.08 1,967.74 54.6

J-311 1,914.00 0.1 1,967.71 53.6

J-312 1,916.00 0 1,967.71 51.6

J-313 1,925.00 0 1,967.71 42.6

J-314 1,922.00 0.01 1,967.71 45.6

J-315 1,924.00 0.1 1,967.71 43.6

J-316 1,930.00 0.13 1,967.71 37.6

J-317 1,926.00 0.11 1,967.70 41.6

J-318 1,931.00 0.07 1,967.70 36.6

J-319 1,929.00 0.07 1,967.70 38.6

J-320 1,933.00 0 1,967.70 34.6

J-321 1,931.00 0.04 1,967.70 36.6

J-322 1,934.00 0.01 1,967.70 33.6

J-323 1,930.00 0.14 1,967.70 37.6

J-324 1,935.00 0 1,967.70 32.6

J-325 1,931.00 0.13 1,967.70 36.6

J-326 1,933.00 0 1,967.69 34.6

J-327 1,934.00 0 1,967.69 33.6

J-328 1,941.00 0 1,967.69 26.6

J-329 1,923.00 0.12 1,967.68 44.6

J-330 1,921.00 0.11 1,967.69 46.6

J-331 1,910.00 0.18 1,967.66 57.5

J-332 1,912.00 0.16 1,967.64 55.5

J-333 1,920.00 0.06 1,967.65 47.6

J-334 1,912.00 0.05 1,967.65 55.5

J-335 1,914.00 0.09 1,967.63 53.5

J-336 1,921.00 0.08 1,967.64 46.5

J-337 1,930.00 0.04 1,967.62 37.5

J-338 1,931.00 0.12 1,967.62 36.5

J-339 1,933.00 0.14 1,967.60 34.5

J-340 1,920.00 0.11 1,967.57 47.5

J-341 1,921.00 0.09 1,967.57 46.5

J-342 1,923.00 0.15 1,967.57 44.5

J-343 1,925.00 0.08 1,967.57 42.5

J-344 1,921.00 0 1,967.57 46.5

J-345 1,927.00 0 1,967.57 40.5

J-346 1,930.00 0.17 1,967.57 37.5
J-347 1,921.00 0 1,967.57 46.5
J-348 1,924.00 0 1,967.57 43.5
J-349 1,916.00 0 1,967.57 51.5
J-350 1,916.00 0.11 1,967.57 51.5
J-351 1,925.00 0.06 1,967.57 42.5
J-352 1,924.00 0 1,967.57 43.5
J-353 1,931.00 0.15 1,967.56 36.5
J-354 1,921.00 0 1,967.56 46.5
J-355 1,930.00 0.07 1,967.56 37.5
J-356 1,921.00 0.1 1,967.56 46.5
J-357 1,922.00 0 1,967.57 45.5
J-358 1,931.00 0 1,967.57 36.5

Appendix C: hydraulic model output at minimum consumption hour for junction report

Flex Table: Junction Table

Current Time 2.00:00 AM hours

Label Elevation Demand (L/s) Hydraulic Pressure (m H2O)

(m) Grade (m)

J-1 1,960.00 0 1,967.95 7.9

J-2 1,912.00 0.36 1,920.49 8.5

J-3 1,911.00 0.32 1,920.35 9.3

J-4 1,910.00 0.28 1,920.20 10.2

J-5 1,908.00 0.27 1,920.15 12.1

J-6 1,906.00 0.43 1,920.12 14.1

J-7 1,903.00 0.31 1,920.09 17.1

J-8 1,904.00 0.31 1,920.06 16

J-9 1,902.00 0.35 1,919.99 18

J-10 1,903.00 0.44 1,919.98 16.9

J-11 1,907.00 0.16 1,919.98 13

J-12 1,904.00 0.32 1,919.98 15.9

J-13 1,908.00 0.05 1,919.98 12

J-14 1,911.00 0.31 1,919.97 9

J-15 1,907.00 0.32 1,919.98 18

J-16 1,913.00 0.3 1,919.94 6.9

J-17 1,903.00 0.36 1,919.85 16.8

J-18 1,894.00 0.32 1,919.85 25.8

J-19 1,892.00 0.38 1,919.84 27.8

J-20 1,893.00 0.36 1,920.03 27

J-21 1,895.00 0.13 1,920.43 25.4

J-22 1,883.00 0.43 1,920.43 37.4

J-23 1,886.00 0.28 1,920.03 34

J-24 1,900.00 0.32 1,920.03 20

J-25 1,885.00 0.31 1,920.03 35

J-26 1,892.00 0.12 1,919.99 27.9

J-27 1,899.00 0.3 1,919.87 20.8

J-28 1,892.00 0.31 1,919.85 27.8

J-29 1,881.00 0.39 1,919.79 38.7

J-30 1,890.00 0.3 1,919.63 29.6

J-31 1,900.00 0.31 1,919.63 19.6

J-32 1,910.00 8.94 1,910.00 0

J-33 1,899.00 0.35 1,909.97 10.9

J-34 1,885.00 0.19 1,909.96 24.9

J-35 1,891.00 0.3 1,909.98 18.9

J-36 1,893.00 0 1,919.58 26.5

J-37 1,888.00 0 1,919.49 31.4

J-38 1,893.00 0.23 1,919.39 26.3

J-39 1,885.00 0.32 1,918.83 33.8

J-40 1,878.00 0.32 1,918.73 40.6

J-41 1,876.00 0.32 1,918.61 42.5

J-42 1,874.00 0.33 1,918.53 44.4

J-43 1,880.00 0.13 1,917.15 37.1

J-44 1,881.00 0.23 1,902.69 21.6

J-45 1,868.00 0.17 1,900.50 32.4

J-46 1,874.00 0 1,900.50 26.5

J-47 1,878.00 0.17 1,917.46 39.4

J-48 1,870.00 0.15 1,917.41 47.3

J-49 1,873.00 0.12 1,917.40 44.3

J-50 1,866.00 0.11 1,917.37 51.3

J-51 1,872.00 0.12 1,917.39 45.3

J-52 1,877.00 0.16 1,917.32 40.2

J-53 1,874.00 0.17 1,918.46 44.4

J-54 1,875.00 0.12 1,919.37 44.3

J-55 1,884.00 0.11 1,919.37 35.3

J-56 1,886.00 0.09 1,919.36 33.3

J-57 1,889.00 0.08 1,919.36 30.3

J-58 1,885.00 0.11 1,919.36 34.3

J-59 1,896.00 0.13 1,919.36 23.3

J-60 1,890.00 0 1,919.36 29.3

J-61 1,895.00 0.11 1,919.36 24.3

J-62 1,891.00 0 1,919.36 28.3

J-63 1,895.00 0.13 1,919.34 24.3

J-64 1,893.00 0.27 1,918.65 25.6

J-65 1,895.00 0.28 1,918.65 23.6

J-66 1,892.00 0.19 1,918.64 26.6

J-67 1,883.00 0.31 1,918.63 35.6

J-68 1,891.00 0.2 1,918.63 27.6

J-69 1,884.00 0.16 1,918.63 34.6

J-70 1,895.00 0.3 1,919.46 24.4

J-71 1,886.00 0.26 1,919.40 33.3

J-72 1,875.00 0.17 1,919.40 44.3

J-73 1,872.00 0 1,919.40 47.3

J-74 1,881.00 0.11 1,919.40 38.3

J-75 1,882.00 0.09 1,919.40 37.3

J-76 1,880.00 0.15 1,919.40 39.3

J-77 1,886.00 0.24 1,919.40 33.3

J-78 1,884.00 0 1,919.40 35.3

J-79 1,888.00 0 1,919.40 31.3

J-80 1,886.00 0.15 1,919.33 33.3

J-81 1,880.00 0.11 1,919.30 39.2

J-82 1,883.00 0.12 1,919.30 36.2

J-83 1,883.00 0.17 1,919.28 36.2

J-84 1,885.00 0.46 1,919.27 34.2

J-85 1,886.00 0.3 1,919.26 33.2

J-86 1,891.00 0.31 1,919.25 28.2

J-87 1,894.00 0.3 1,919.25 25.2

J-88 1,893.00 0.16 1,919.25 26.2

J-89 1,895.00 0.24 1,919.25 24.2

J-90 1,894.00 0.16 1,919.25 25.2

J-91 1,891.00 0.2 1,919.25 28.2

J-92 1,890.00 0.28 1,919.25 29.2

J-93 1,891.00 0.12 1,919.25 28.2

J-94 1,891.00 0.11 1,919.25 28.2

J-95 1,882.00 0.13 1,919.27 37.2

J-96 1,886.00 0 1,919.22 33.1

J-97 1,884.00 0 1,919.21 35.1

J-98 1,881.00 0.11 1,919.18 38.1

J-99 1,882.00 0 1,919.18 37.1

J-100 1,875.00 0.05 1,919.18 44.1

J-101 1,868.00 0 1,919.18 11

J-102 1,865.00 0.31 1,919.32 54.2

J-103 1,887.00 0.28 1,919.32 32.3

J-104 1,891.00 0.27 1,919.29 28.2

J-105 1,892.00 0 1,919.28 27.2

J-106 1,884.00 0 1,919.28 35.2

J-107 1,890.00 0.28 1,919.28 29.2

J-108 1,882.00 0 1,919.28 37.2

J-109 1,886.00 0.28 1,919.28 33.2

J-110 1,884.00 0.3 1,919.28 35.2

J-111 1,892.00 0.31 1,919.27 27.2

J-112 1,886.00 0.56 1,919.27 33.2

J-113 1,884.00 0.3 1,919.26 58

J-114 1,887.00 0.3 1,919.26 32.2

J-115 1,880.00 0.3 1,919.24 39.2

J-116 1,896.00 0.27 1,919.24 23.2

J-117 1,892.00 0.24 1,919.24 27.2

J-118 1,893.00 0.15 1,919.23 26.2

J-119 1,897.00 0.17 1,919.25 22.2

J-120 1,898.00 0.05 1,919.25 21.2

J-121 1,896.00 0.17 1,919.21 23.2

J-122 1,896.00 0.27 1,919.20 23.2

J-123 1,909.00 0.19 1,919.20 10.2

J-124 1,910.00 0.19 1,919.18 9.2

J-125 1,911.00 0.23 1,919.18 8.2

J-126 1,914.00 0.17 1,919.17 5.2

J-127 1,901.00 0 1,919.16 18.1

J-128 1,913.00 0.24 1,919.15 6.1

J-129 1,910.00 0 1,919.15 9.1

J-130 1,913.00 0 1,919.15 6.1

J-131 1,911.00 0.43 1,919.15 8.1

J-132 1,909.00 0 1,919.15 10.1

J-133 1,904.00 0.44 1,919.15 15.1

J-134 1,908.00 0.3 1,919.15 11.1

J-135 1,901.00 0.31 1,919.16 18.1

J-136 1,881.00 0.32 1,919.17 38.1

J-137 1,883.00 0 1,919.18 36.1

J-138 1,881.00 0.13 1,919.16 38.1

J-139 1,909.00 0 1,919.16 10.1

J-140 1,881.00 0.42 1,919.13 38.1

J-141 1,884.00 0.09 1,919.13 35.1

J-142 1,886.00 0.13 1,919.13 33.1

J-143 1,883.00 0.11 1,919.13 36.1

J-144 1,889.00 0.14 1,919.12 30.1

J-145 1,890.00 0.07 1,919.13 29.1

J-146 1,897.00 0 1,919.13 22.1

J-147 1,898.00 0.16 1,919.13 21.1

J-148 1,890.00 0.11 1,919.13 29.1

J-149 1,885.00 0 1,919.13 34.1

J-150 1,892.00 0 1,919.13 27.1

J-151 1,890.00 0.17 1,919.14 29.1

J-152 1,910.00 0.2 1,919.10 9.1

J-153 1,886.00 0.15 1,919.07 33

J-154 1,911.00 0 1,919.10 8.1

J-155 1,894.00 0.3 1,919.20 25.2

J-156 1,889.00 0 1,919.20 30.1

J-157 1,903.00 0.17 1,919.19 16.2

J-158 1,887.00 0.26 1,919.19 32.1

J-159 1,894.00 0.27 1,919.19 25.1

J-160 1,897.00 0.13 1,919.19 22.1

J-161 1,898.00 0.4 1,919.19 2

J-162 1,894.00 0.28 1,919.18 25.1

J-163 1,912.00 0.2 1,919.18 7.2

J-164 1,896.00 0.11 1,919.18 23.1

J-165 1,903.00 0.09 1,919.18 16.1

J-166 1,901.00 0 1,919.18 18.1

J-167 1,891.00 0.21 1,919.18 28.1

J-168 1,902.00 0.15 1,919.18 17.1

J-169 1,903.00 0 1,919.18 16.1

J-170 1,894.00 0.11 1,919.17 25.1

J-171 1,908.00 0.21 1,919.08 11.1

J-172 1,910.00 0.16 1,919.13 9.1

J-174 1,902.00 0.09 1,919.10 17.1

J-175 1,909.00 0.31 1,919.19 10.2

J-176 1,910.00 0.17 1,919.18 9.2

J-177 1,911.00 0 1,919.18 8.2

J-178 1,900.00 0 1,919.18 19.1

J-179 1,902.00 0 1,919.18 17.1

J-180 1,904.00 0.15 1,919.09 15.1

J-181 1,910.00 0.09 1,919.07 9.1

J-182 1,907.00 0.07 1,919.08 12.1

J-183 1,894.00 0.26 1,919.19 25.1

J-184 1,904.00 0.11 1,919.19 15.2

J-185 1,902.00 0.26 1,919.19 17.2

J-186 1,909.00 0.07 1,919.19 10.2

J-187 1,904.00 0.15 1,919.19 15.2

J-188 1,908.00 0 1,919.19 11.2

J-189 1,910.00 0 1,919.19 9.2

J-190 1,911.00 0.21 1,919.18 8.2

J-191 1,910.00 0.11 1,919.18 9.2

J-192 1,912.00 0 1,919.18 7.2

J-193 1,910.00 0.2 1,919.18 9.2

J-194 1,913.00 0.17 1,919.18 6.2

J-195 1,884.00 0.13 1,919.20 35.1

J-196 1,905.00 0.19 1,919.19 14.2

J-197 1,904.00 0.34 1,919.19 15.2

J-198 1,901.00 0 1,919.19 18.2

J-199 1,883.00 0.31 1,919.10 36

J-200 1,875.00 0.17 1,919.10 44

J-201 1,891.00 0.05 1,919.10 28

J-202 1,884.00 0.13 1,919.05 35

J-203 1,886.00 0.24 1,919.04 33

J-204 1,882.00 0.17 1,919.03 37

J-205 1,880.00 0.11 1,919.03 39

J-206 1,883.00 0.16 1,919.02 36

J-207 1,883.00 0 1,919.03 36

J-208 1,884.00 0.26 1,919.05 35

J-209 1,886.00 0 1,919.05 33

J-210 1,886.00 0.19 1,919.04 33

J-211 1,881.00 0.16 1,919.04 38

J-212 1,884.00 0 1,919.04 35

J-213 1,885.00 0.17 1,919.30 34.2

J-214 1,886.00 0.28 1,919.30 33.2

J-215 1,895.00 0.19 1,919.29 24.2

J-216 1,893.00 0.24 1,919.28 26.2

J-217 1,891.00 0.13 1,919.28 28.2

J-218 1,892.00 0.12 1,919.28 27.2

J-219 1,887.00 0.27 1,919.27 32.2

J-220 1,884.00 0.31 1,919.27 35.2

J-221 1,896.00 0.3 1,919.27 23.2

J-222 1,891.00 0.28 1,919.27 28.2

J-223 1,901.00 0.08 1,919.27 18.2

J-224 1,898.00 0 1,919.27 21.2

J-225 1,888.00 0 1,919.27 31.2

J-226 1,893.00 0.45 1,919.27 26.2

J-227 1,885.00 0.3 1,919.26 34.2

J-228 1,894.00 0.2 1,919.26 25.2

J-229 1,897.00 0 1,919.26 22.2

J-230 1,881.00 0.17 1,919.26 38.2

J-231 1,893.00 0.2 1,919.26 26.2

J-232 1,894.00 0 1,919.26 25.2

J-233 1,895.00 0 1,919.26 24.2

J-234 1,889.00 0 1,919.26 30.2

J-235 1,886.00 0 1,919.29 33.2

J-236 1,885.00 0 1,919.28 34.2

J-237 1,881.00 0 1,919.28 38.2

J-238 1,896.00 0.2 1,919.28 23.2

J-239 1,901.00 0 1,919.28 18.2

J-240 1,896.00 0.36 1,919.28 23.2

J-241 1,900.00 0.28 1,919.28 19.2

J-242 1,900.00 0.2 1,919.27 19.2

J-243 1,894.00 0.32 1,919.27 25.2

J-244 1,902.00 0 1,919.27 17.2

J-245 1,901.00 0 1,919.27 18.2

J-246 1,901.00 0.09 1,919.24 18.2

J-247 1,895.00 0.16 1,919.60 24.6

J-248 1,891.00 0.3 1,919.60 28.5

J-249 1,893.00 0.27 1,919.59 26.5

J-250 1,892.00 0.3 1,919.59 27.5

J-251 1,890.00 0 1,919.59 29.5

J-252 1,881.00 0.38 1,919.57 38.5

J-253 1,896.00 0.24 1,919.52 23.5

J-254 1,893.00 0 1,919.52 26.5

J-255 1,891.00 0.28 1,919.51 28.5

J-256 1,887.00 0 1,919.51 32.4

J-257 1,885.00 0 1,919.51 34.4

J-258 1,896.00 0.31 1,919.56 23.5

J-259 1,890.00 0.11 1,919.56 29.5

J-260 1,893.00 0 1,919.54 26.5

J-261 1,901.00 0.21 1,919.53 18.5

J-262 1,897.00 0.42 1,919.42 22.4

J-263 1,895.00 0.21 1,919.21 24.2

J-264 1,902.00 0 1,919.21 17.2

J-265 1,884.00 0.23 1,919.08 35

J-266 1,889.00 0.11 1,919.07 30

J-267 1,894.00 0 1,919.07 25

J-268 1,896.00 0.27 1,919.40 23.4

J-269 1,893.00 0.13 1,919.39 26.3

J-270 1,890.00 0.16 1,919.39 29.3

J-271 1,885.00 0.34 1,919.39 34.3

J-272 1,884.00 0.15 1,919.39 35.3

J-273 1,900.00 0 1,919.39 19.4

J-274 1,898.00 0.15 1,919.39 21.3

J-275 1,897.00 0.12 1,919.34 22.3

J-276 1,885.00 0.26 1,919.39 34.3

J-277 1,894.00 0.27 1,919.39 25.3

J-278 1,889.00 0.27 1,967.52 78.4

J-279 1,911.00 0.2 1,967.52 56.4

J-280 1,921.00 0.13 1,967.44 46.3

J-281 1,922.00 0.09 1,967.44 45.3

J-282 1,920.00 0.2 1,967.41 47.3

J-283 1,914.00 0.27 1,967.39 53.3

J-284 1,905.00 0.15 1,967.39 62.3

J-285 1,901.00 0.27 1,967.39 66.3

J-286 1,900.00 0 1,967.39 67.2

J-287 1,910.00 0.15 1,967.38 57.3

J-288 1,904.00 0 1,967.38 63.3

J-289 1,908.00 0 1,967.38 59.3

J-290 1,896.00 0.15 1,967.38 71.2

J-291 1,901.00 0.39 1,967.36 50

J-292 1,910.00 0.21 1,967.34 57.2

J-293 1,907.00 0 1,967.34 60.2

J-294 1,905.00 0.3 1,967.31 62.2

J-295 1,910.00 0 1,967.31 57.2

J-296 1,922.00 0.24 1,967.31 45.2

J-297 1,906.00 0.11 1,967.31 61.2

J-298 1,913.00 0.2 1,967.21 54.1

J-299 1,910.00 0 1,967.21 57.1

J-300 1,914.00 0.28 1,967.15 53

J-301 1,913.00 0 1,967.15 54

J-302 1,915.00 0.36 1,967.11 52

J-303 1,912.00 0.15 1,967.11 55

J-304 1,921.00 0.11 1,967.11 46

J-305 1,915.00 0 1,967.11 52

J-306 1,922.00 0.16 1,967.11 45

J-307 1,917.00 0 1,967.11 50

J-308 1,914.00 0 1,967.11 53

J-309 1,922.00 0.15 1,967.22 45.1

J-310 1,913.00 0.15 1,967.18 54.1

J-311 1,914.00 0.19 1,967.08 53

J-312 1,916.00 0 1,967.08 51

J-313 1,925.00 0 1,967.08 42

J-314 1,922.00 0.01 1,967.08 45

J-315 1,924.00 0.19 1,967.08 43

J-316 1,930.00 0.26 1,967.08 37

J-317 1,926.00 0.2 1,967.07 41

J-318 1,931.00 0.13 1,967.07 36

J-319 1,929.00 0.07 1,967.07 38

J-320 1,933.00 0 1,967.07 34

J-321 1,931.00 0.04 1,967.07 36

J-322 1,934.00 0.01 1,967.06 33

J-323 1,930.00 0.24 1,967.06 37

J-324 1,935.00 0 1,967.06 32

J-325 1,931.00 0.24 1,967.05 36

J-326 1,933.00 0 1,967.04 34

J-327 1,934.00 0 1,967.02 33

J-328 1,941.00 0 1,967.01 26

J-329 1,923.00 0.2 1,967.00 43.9

J-330 1,921.00 0.2 1,967.03 45.9

J-331 1,910.00 0.34 1,966.91 56.8

J-332 1,912.00 0.31 1,966.87 54.8

J-333 1,920.00 0.11 1,966.88 46.8

J-334 1,912.00 0.09 1,966.89 54.8

J-335 1,914.00 0.17 1,966.81 52.7

J-336 1,921.00 0.15 1,966.86 45.8

J-337 1,930.00 0.07 1,966.80 36.7

J-338 1,931.00 0.23 1,966.80 35.7

J-339 1,933.00 0.27 1,966.74 33.7

J-340 1,920.00 0.21 1,966.63 46.5

J-341 1,921.00 0.17 1,966.62 45.5

J-342 1,923.00 0.28 1,966.62 43.5

J-343 1,925.00 0.16 1,966.62 41.5

J-344 1,921.00 0 1,966.62 45.5

J-345 1,927.00 0 1,966.62 39.5

J-346 1,930.00 0.32 1,966.62 36.5

J-347 1,921.00 0 1,966.62 45.5

J-348 1,924.00 0 1,966.62 42.5

J-349 1,916.00 0 1,966.63 50.5

J-350 1,916.00 0.21 1,966.62 50.5

J-351 1,925.00 0.12 1,966.61 41.5
J-352 1,924.00 0 1,966.61 42.5
J-353 1,931.00 0.28 1,966.61 35.5
J-354 1,921.00 0 1,966.61 45.5
J-355 1,930.00 0.13 1,966.61 36.5
J-356 1,921.00 0.19 1,966.60 45.5
J-357 1,922.00 0 1,966.61 44.5
J-358 1,931.00 0 1,966.61 35.5

APPENDEX D: Calculated summary report on flow demand and flow stored

Appendix E: Adwa Town Developing a Diurnal Curve

hour demand 47.8 consumption
1 143 0.673 95 0.514
2 118 0.555 70 0.379
3 133 0.626 85 0.460
4 152 0.715 104 0.563
5 147 0.691 99 0.536
6 184 0.866 136 0.736
7 203 0.955 155 0.839
8 240 1.129 192 1.039
9 257 1.209 209 1.131
10 274 1.289 226 1.223
11 306 1.439 258 1.395
12 314 1.477 266 1.439
13 201 0.946 153 0.828
14 189 0.889 141 0.763
15 133 0.626 85 0.460
16 121 0.569 73 0.395

17 191 0.898 143 0.774
18 208 0.978 160 0.866
19 252 1.185 204 1.104
20 331 1.557 283 1.531
21 310 1.458 262 1.417
22 304 1.430 256 1.385
23 267 1.256 219 1.185
24 124 0.583 76 0.412
Total 213 1.000 165 185


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