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A Secure Hybrid Cloud Enabled Architecture For Internet of Things

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A Secure Hybrid Cloud Enabled Architecture for Internet of Things

Avani Sharma ,Tarun Goyal , Emmanuel S. Pilli , Arka P. Mazumdar , M. C. Govil , R.C. Joshi
of Computer Science and Engineering, Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur, India
Department of Computer Science, Government Engineering College, Bikaner, India
Chancellor, Graphic Era University, Dehradun, India
Email: {avnisharma2010,, chancellor.geu}, {espilli.cse, apmazumdar.cse, mcgovil.cse}

AbstractRapid advances in digitalization, Internet and

world wide web enable the communication between two
computing hosts across any location in the globe. Pervasive
or ubiquitous computing enhanced this to a level that any
two intelligent physical objects can communicate with each
other, anytime and anywhere. Internet of Things (IoT) is a
novel paradigm emerging from ubiquitous computing that
facilitates communication between many real world objects
by collaboration of various technologies. Integrating IoT with
Cloud Computing derives manifold advantages to store and
process enormous data generated by heterogeneous devices.
Though both the technologies together have profound effect in
many application areas like smart home, smart agriculture,
healthcare etc., their integration involves many challenges.
Security is one of the most important issues confronted by IoTCloud architecture. In this paper, we propose a Secure, Hybrid,
Cloud Enabled architecture for IoT (SHCEI), which uses
hybrid cloud (both public and private cloud). This architecture
ensures security of intradomain data and will also address
issues of scalability and interoperability. Further, we highlight
some of the research challenges in implementing the combined
architecture of Cloud and IoT.
Keywords-IoT; Hybrid Cloud; Social IoT; Security; Scalability; Interoperability;

We have entered the third generation of World Wide
Web i.e. Web 3.0 with the proliferation of Ubiquitous and
Pervasive Computing [1]. The new era of Web 3.0 emphases
on connecting real objects and people to the internet by ensuring ubiquitous communication between them. Internet of
things (IoT) is one of the emerging technologies governed by
Web 3.0 that brings new revolution in the field of ubiquitous
communication. IoT was introduced in 1999 by Kevin Ashton of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) at AutoID Center with the concept of integrating radio frequency
identification (RFID) and sensors [2]. IoT provides machineto-machine communication (M2M) between smart objects
with distributed intelligence and decision making capacity
through integration of several technologies like sensors,
actuators, identification, tracking, and enhanced communication protocols [3][4]. Characteristics of IoT devices are low
power consumption, light weight, battery operated, limited
computational, and storage capacity. Resource constraints in

IoT devices restrict efficient deployment of IoT in various

emerging fields like medical, transport, logistics where large
amount of data is collected, and needs high computational
power. An efficient IoT deployment in these fields requires
sufficient resources to provide larger storage capacity for
heterogeneous, high density data generated from different
Cloud computing [5] is one of the supporting architectures
that facilitates the resource and computational requirement
of IoT architecture. Driving force behind using cloud computing as a reference is its configurable resources and its
services that can be provisioned as Software as a Service
(SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Infrastructure as
a Service (IaaS) [5][6]. Though many advantages can be
derived with cloud enabled IoT, integrating cloud in wireless,
mobile, resource constraint IoT environment involves many
challenges like massive scaling, identification of objects,
object naming, heterogeneous networks, mobility support,
architecture dependency, security & privacy, protocol mapping, robustness etc. [7]. Security is one of crucial issues
that needs to be addressed to provide an efficient and reliable
communication of data in IoT environment.
Heterogeneous network of IoT devices imposed with various security risk of distinct homogeneous netwoks forming
it. In literature, various architectures have been proposed
that implements IoT with cloud but none of them consider
intra-level security of information and services. For establishing a secure communication environment, users should
be provided with certain access rights with in a particular
domain. A hybrid cloud structure can be used to facilitate
this functionality. This paper presents a Secure, Hybrid,
Cloud Enabled architecture for IoT i.e. SHCEI that uses
both private and public cloud to ensure security and access
with in a particular domain. We propose Adaptation Layer
in SHCEI that uses private cloud for intra-networking of
information to facilitate security. It also addresses issues
of scalability and interoperability in heterogeneous IoT
environment. Adaptation Layer also grabs the advantages
of federated cloud by sending/receiving data, resources and
functionalities between different private clouds via internet.
Rest of our paper is organized as follows. Section II gives

a glance on existing solutions for IoT-cloud architectures

with the need of designing new architecture. Section III
explores various issues involved in integrating cloud with
IoT. Section IV presents our proposed architecture SHCEI
in detail followed by its application area. Section V discuss
some applications that can be derive using SHCEI architecture. In Section VI, challenges with proposed architecture
have been discuss. Finally, Section VII concludes our paper
with suggestions for future work.
IoT and Cloud are distinct technologies that are evaluated
independently. Integration of Cloud with IoT is required to
provide sensing devices with the facility of data storage and
solution for energy related issues [8]. In this section, we
will discuss some existing architectures with their working
scope and limitations. Some of the already implemented
architectures are discussed below.

interaction model between applications end-points. It works

over the IPv6-based Low Power Wireless Area Network
(6LoWPAN) for defining message frame format, fragmentation methods, and header compression techniques, which
is required to fit IPv6/UDP datagrams in the very limited
IEEE 802.15.4 frame size.
OpenIoT [12] architecture is an open source architecture.
In this architectures sensors communicate directly with the
M2M device and cloud contains database only. Sensors have
to communicate with the Cloud through web portal for any
data. It is a SaaS based architecture.
These architectures can be implemented in the field of
research, health, management, awareness, security, and etc.
Sensors can connect to M2M devices directly and then M2M
devices connect to the cloud server using protocols e.g.
CoAP, SOAP and RESTful Web Services. All the discussed
architectures use only public cloud (GAE, Microsoft Azure,
Amazone EC2, FutureGrid, and etc) which increases security
risk. There is no concept of hybrid cloud for managing
things on the private and public together. These architectures
implements all the resources and functionalities on their
own in the starting phase of deployment. In case of any
new resource requirement, user has to change and deploy
the whole system again. Also, there is no any concept of
resource sharing between the clouds available. Problems
present in the existing architectures are address upto certain
extent in our proposed architecture SHCEI.

Figure 1.

Basic Architecture for IoT-Cloud Integration.

Despite of offering manifold advantages, integrating

Cloud with IoT involves various issues [7] as depicted in
Figure 2.
A. Communication

IoTCloud [9] is a platform that controls and manages the

messages and sensors over the cloud online with following
components. IoTCloud Controller, which is responsible for
managing the components of system. Message Broker, to
handles the low level details of message routing. It works
as the middleware layer for the system after combination
with IoTCloud Controller and designed using JMS. Sensors,
used by smart object to sense the client, object, target and
their availability. Client, subscribes to sensor data to utilize
specific application. GPS sensor module, for establishing
connection between sensors, M2M devices and IoTCloud
controller. This architecture uses FutureGrid Cloud services
instead of GAE, Amazone EC2, and Microsoft Azure platform [10].
CloudThing [11] is a platform that provides infrastructure
for developing, deploying, operating, and composing application and services online. It provides the service platform,
developer suite and operating portal, which works over the
IaaS, PaaS and SaaS services of cloud. It uses Constrained
Application Protocol (CoAP) to provide a request/response

Flow of data from enormous IoT objects to cloud for

storage, computation and maintenance creates latency
in responding of desired output. This delay can be
caused by unnecessary processing at IoT device in
multihop communication.
Highly dense data from heterogeneous IoT devices
have both necessary and unnecessary data. Transfer of
unnecessary data may not be required all the time. This
flooding of data results in inefficient resource utilization
at cloud side of IoT.

Figure 2.

Issues Involved in integrating Cloud with IoT.

B. Security and Privacy

One of the major issues that need to be addressed while

communicating in cloud-IoT environment is security.
Wireless nature of IoT makes them vulnerable towards
different kind of insider and outsider security attacks.
An intruder can interrupt the ongoing communication
either between the IoT devices or between the IoT
network and cloud interface. Infected communication
between IoT and cloud adversely affects the reliable
and efficient data storage on cloud.
With new types of devices and heterogeneous networks,
users employ wide range of public method to access
digital world. It is impossible for an individual to
control the global method adapted that capture personal
information of user. Also with the availably of larger
storage, personal information of user maintained for
longer period that allows disclosure of their personal
information. Use of cloud to facilitate data storage of
IoT creates privacy problem by allowing global access
to information to all the users.

C. Management

Resource scheduling in cloud environment are required

for dynamically prioritize the request and to serve them
in real time. It is a very difficult task for cloud manager
to decide how much a particular resource may be
required by a device.
Managing huge amount of data that consist of highvalued information mixed with dirty and erroneous data
is a challenging task.
Tracking mobile objects to manage their identity and
location is an issue in cloud-IoT environment. Cloud
have to make update to the information about objects
corresponding to their location to provide ubiquitous
and seamless communication among objects.

D. Services

Discovering new services for the users is responsibility

of cloud manager (broker) in cloud enabled IoT. Characteristics of IoT like joining or leaving the network by
node at any moment create challenge for cloud manager
to discover new services.
Objects in IoT differ with each other in many aspects
like processing power, bandwidth requirement, coverage and network interface (IP and Non-IP). Interoperability solution should be maintained to provide seamless interaction among objects to get accurate service
description, publishing and discovery mechanism.

E. Architecture

Protocol structure at device level that support cloud

interface is required for proper realization of IoT with
cloud. Existing protocols does not work well for low
power, energy constrained IoT network. To support

IoT with cloud, a standard architecture based on cloud

computing at centre is required.
Huge number of IoT devices can be identifying using
IPv6. An efficient mechanism to support IPv4-IPv6
coexistence is required in Cloud-IoT architecture.
Maintaining distributed object on a single platform (i.e.
on cloud) is an issue to be solved. With heterogeneous
and distributed devices, cloud need to implement an
interoperability mechanism that can provide interface
for different devices to make network scalable.

F. Commercial Aspects

From business point of view, integrating cloud with

IoT involves issues of pricing services. The billing for
resources utilised from the cloud depends on the layer
of cloud chosen. An integrated approach to use public
cloud with private cloud should be use.

In this section, we propose SHCEI, an architecture to

deploy IoT with cloud while keeping security as a vital
requirement. SHCEI is a Secure, Hybrid (uses both private
and public cloud) Cloud enabled architecture for IoT. The
architecture of SHCEI, as shown in Figure 3, is segmented
into four layers- Device Layer, Adaptation Layer, Internet
Layer and Service Layer. In the following subsections we
discuss each of these layers in brief.
A. Device Layer
The Device Layer forms the basis of SHCEI architecture
where various smart objects, conforming to IEEE802.15.4
and IETF specifications for IoT, communicate with each
other to share information. Different technologies can be
adopted to enable communication between nodes (i.e. smart
objects) based on the application requirements like:
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) for low power, low
cost sensor motes.
Mobile networks for seamless connectivity.
Ethernet for reliable, connection oriented communication.
WSN [14] together with Radio Frequency Identification
(RFID) [15] is most adapted technology to enable communication between physical objects. RFID system consists of
multiple RFID tags (attached to objects to provide unique
identity) and few RFID readers (to read identity of objects).
RFID tag can use either 64 or 96 bit code to store unique
ID of objects based on the EPCglobal standard. Wireless
sensor nodes, equipped with various sensors acquire data
in different forms (text, signal, image, and video) in real
time and communicate among themselves either directly or
using multihop communication. These objects form clusters
of different domains according to the applications. Each
cluster has one or more coordinating nodes, designated as the
master nodes, that control the working and communication

Figure 3.

Framework of Proposed Architecture: SHCEI

between other nodes. Master nodes have more power and

energy compared to the other nodes, or the slave nodes.
The slave nodes communicate either via master node or in
ad-hoc fashion. All the master nodes in a cluster forward
data to the adaption layer through a specific gateway, which
provides the possibility of forming heterogeneous networks.
Various microcontrollers, presently available in market, that
can used to build IoT with different sensors are Arduino,
Raspberry pi, Beagle Bone Black etc [16].
In mobile communication, the devices communicate with
each other using mobile networks provided by various
carriers throughout the world. Hence, these devices can
move freely between the coverage areas seamlessly and
communicate through mobile gateways.
Ethernet, though it is mainly used for communication
from gateway to the upper layers, can also be used for
some sensing devices in scenarios where the node need
not move from places and where reliable communication is
needed. For example, some master nodes may need secure
and reliable connection to the gateway and use ethernet
instead of wireless medium.
B. Adaptation Layer
To ensure security of data within a single domain, data
gathered from the Device Layer is first stored to a private
cloud through gateways. This layer provides data storage
in private cloud within an organization where clouds offer
services like SaaS, Paas and IaaS to its intra-domain users.
Web services over cloud use RESTful [17] and SOAP
architecture [18] to offer light weight services. REST adopts
CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) operation provided by the HTTP protocol such as GET, POST, PUT,
and DELETE. SOAP manages the sensors data and their

geographical working location. User can use web application

through HTTP [19], CoAP [20] or MQTT [21] protocol.
Constraint Application Protocol (i.e. CoAP) is a RESTful
application layer web transfer protocol used between low
power embedded wireless networks using HTTP interfaces.
CoAP is a widely used protocol that incurs less parsing
complexity, low overhead, and runs over top of User Datagram Protocol (UDP). Hyper-text Transfer Protocol (i.e.
HTTP) is a simple text based protocol that supports many
libraries. HTTP client in IoT device (small devices of 8bit micro controller) works in half duplex (Received data
from one side and not sends back) and high complex
TCP. Message Queue Telementry Protocol ( i.e. MQTT)
is specially designed to support lossy networks with small
overheads of nearly 2 byte per message. It is used to publish
and subscribe data transport with efficient bandwidth but it
doesnt provide device-to-device transfer or multicast.
The integration of WSN and the web using REST/CoAP
with web applications (REST/HTTP) through CoAP/HTTP
proxy, helps to visualize the measurements of WSN on the
HTTP web browser based on CoAP. Security of the data
is maintained by the Datagram Transport Layer Security
(DTLS) protocol. Use of private cloud at each domain
restricts information access to the outside users, which in
turn ensures the security of data within a specific domain.
In SHCEI architecture, users can also share data, resources, and functionalities with other private cloud by
using internet on the conceptual, logical, and procedural
level and this technology is known as Cloud Federation.
One organization can extend their working area in future
to one more geographical location with new technologies
and protocols. To share data and resources between different

locations, there is no need to upgrade old setup. Adaptation

Layer not only ensures security using private cloud but
also consider the issues of scalability and interoperability
in heterogeneous IoT environment. Having distinct private
cloud to process heterogeneous data collected from different
IoT devices reduces complications involved in operating heterogeneous data on the same cloud. Bringing the enormous
data on the same platform and accessing it using standard
protocols solves interoperability issues. Though, introducing
adaptation layer in Cloud-IoT environment derives significant advantages, issue of data overhead is still present in
proposed architecture SHCEI. We will discuss this issue with
the other research challenges in Section VI.

intelligence of the things will be limited to a local optima if

it includes a single manufacturers domain. The problem can
be resolved by leveraging information from multiple and
collaborative social networks. Along with the advantages
gained through this collaboration, one major issue that
will also propagate is privacy of information. Sharing of
information among these social networks should consider the
sensitivity of user and ensure protection of privacy of people.
Similar to the previous example, the privacy requirement in
this case can also be managed by the adaptation layer of

C. Internet Layer

Though our proposed architecture SHCEI provides a

novel framework to deploy IoT with cloud, some integration
issues are involved with SHCEI architecture that need to be
addressed. Some of the important issues are discussed here:

Internet Layer provides global communication for information exchange between different private clouds. Data from
these private clouds can then be processed and uploaded to
a public cloud, so that it can be accessed globally by the
users. This layer also communicate resources, and functionalities between private-private or private-public clouds using
Internet. The concept of Cloud Federation, discussed in the
previous subsection, can also be realized in this layer as it
provides the means of communication between clouds. To
facilitate large number of devices in IoT, all the protocols
and hardware used in this layer must support IPv6 for
D. Service Layer
Users access services or data across different organizations through a public cloud. The public cloud provides SaaS
and access to shared data globally. CoAP/HTTP/MQTT
protocols, integrated with RESTful and SOAP architecture,
can be used to access various web services which helps
visualize the data acquired by WSN.
SHCEI can be useful in various domains where secure
data communication is needed like healthcare and Social-IoT
(SIoT). In healthcare, automation has become a prime factor
to process and store the information about patients, doctors
and other staff. Diagnosis of patients require knowledge
about their condition and various medical records by the
respective doctor. Many of these information are confidential
and not disclosable. The adaptation layer of SHCEI provides
this possibility.
Another area where SHCEI can be implemented is SIoT
which integrates concept of social networking with IoT.
SIoT needs secure communication of information to enable
social networking between different organization/institute or
domain. In Social IoT, the things autonomously establish
social relationships among themselves with respect to the
the persons attached to them to provide improved communication and collaboration among human and things. However,


1) Overheads: Use of private-public cloud system in SHCEI architecture gives rise to the overheads. Data communication between private-public cloud and between
private-private cloud generates unnecessary overheads
that in turn affect the computational time, memory,
bandwidth and other resources of cloud.
2) Data Transmission: Transmission of data in Cloud-IoT
environment requires an effective identity management
of IoT devices to deliver underlying quality of services. Identification of huge number of IoT objects can
be done using IPv6 addressing. SHCEI architecture
need to implement an efficient mechanism for IPv4IPv6 coexistence.
3) Data Integrity: Use of private-public cloud structure
creates data integrity problem in SHCEI architecture.
Also, data transferred between different clouds generate redundant information. An efficient mechanism to
handle redundant data and to maintain data integrity
is required in proposed architecture to ensure effective
and reliable service delivery to the users.
4) Resource Management: To effectively and efficiently
utilize the cloud services, management and scheduling
of resources are required. It is difficult to determine
when and how much resources are required. There is
a need to implement an efficient resource management
algorithm and scheduling mechanism at both private
and public cloud of proposed framework.
5) Protocol Mapping: Although SHCEI architecture uses
standard protocol structure that conforms to IEEE and
IETF specification, mapping of protocol for different
type of devices and at different level of cloud is
an important issue. Protocols used may or may not
be supported by heterogeneous IoT devices. In order
to maintain interoperability between IoT devices, an
effective mapping mechanism is required in proposed

6) Federated Cloud: Sharing resources and technologies

between different clouds of different networks in SHCEI architecture involves various challenges. Private
Clouds are imposed with certain policies and law
by the organization under which cloud is used. To
use services of other cloud, some protocols should
be follow which permit access to cloud services. An
architecture that uses list of available resources at each
cloud and signing SLA between clouds on the basis
of logical and conceptual level is required.
7) Pricing: One of the most important aspect of any architecture is its cost of implementation. Deployment of
SHCEI suffers pricing issue because of implementing
both private and public clouds for data storage. From
commercial point of view, use of private clouds at each
intra domain increases may not be feasible in a cost
constraint application environment.
We have proposed SHCEI, a secure hybrid private-public
cloud architecture which provides security to the heterogeneous network data in IoT environment, while ensuring
scalability and interoperability. We have discussed various
integration issues while bringing these two all-encompassing
technologies to talk to each other and derive mutual benefit
from respective strengths and provision great services to
users. We have added an adaptation layer in proposed
architecture which implements private cloud to provide secure and seamless communication between the network and
sensors. We have made use of Cloud Federation to address
the issue of security and communication between distinct
private clouds. Some of the research challenges encountered
with proposed architecture are also discussed.
In future, we would like to address the research challenges
and develop a prototype model of IoT-Cloud which will
secure data of both inter and intra level networks. We
will try to implement proposed architecture for real time
scenario to ensure its applicability. We envision that our
future approach would be cost effective, highly secure,
using minimum resources, built on most efficient protocols
and proper service level agreements in place for data and
resource sharing.
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