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University of Maryland, College Park

Pearl Diving Assignment 1

Lejuan Johnson
Communication for Project Managers: ENCE424
Dr. Shana Webster-Trotman
February 25, 2023
Society is expecting engineering students to be well rounded individuals. It is common
knowledge of engineer’s general course load of physics, mathematics, sciences, and technical
course work. Some people do not realize the number of ethics and communication classes that
engineering students enroll in. In these courses, students are typically expected to adhere to some
sort of reading schedule, be full participants in class activities and discussions, and demonstrate
good communication skills in the classroom and the real world. This paper will communicate
what has been picked up in Communication for Project Managers. It highlights lessons learned in
readings, network expansion, and a discussion of a couple of personality assessments completed.
The link between personality and communication is complex. Personality traits can influence the
way people interact and communicate with others. Understanding one's own personality and
communication style, as well as the personality and communication style of others, can be a key
factor in building relationships, effective teamwork, and successful leadership.

Concepts and Techniques Acquired

Communication for Project Managers students are expected to learn the fundamentals of
communications for project managers. There is an emphasis on interpersonal and group
communications, reports and presentations, and communications for employment. Each class
period there are lessons provided and outside of the class period there are required readings to
educate students and lead them to critical thinking. One of the first topics covered was body
language during presentations. When presenting to the class, Professor Trotman, demonstrated to
the class how to stand with confidence and how we should begin with our hands pointed
outwards and fingertips touching. I have seen this before from growing media personnel Keith
Lee. It is a method to portray confidence and help with anxiety. I have begun to perform this
action more in my everyday life since at times when presenting an idea or just socializing to
individuals I am not familiar with.
Secondly, there is body language received by the messenger from the listener. The
listener should attempt to demonstrate that they are listening which will also help them to retain
information. In a media driven world where people are attracted to short videos we have seen the
shortened attention span of people A study by Microsoft found that the average attention span of
humans has decreased from 12 seconds in 2000 to 8 seconds in 2013, which is shorter than the
attention span of a goldfish (9 seconds) (Statista, 2022). This phenomenon has been referred to
as the "digital attention deficit disorder" (NPR, 2018). Multitasking is another factor that
contributes to shortened attention spans. Many people try to do multiple things at once, such as
scrolling through social media while watching television. However, research has shown that
multitasking can actually decrease productivity and impair attention. A study by the American
Psychological Association found that multitasking can reduce productivity by up to 40% (APA,
2006). The effects of shortened attention spans can be significant. Individuals may have
difficulty completing tasks, paying attention in school or at work, and retaining information. This
can lead to decreased productivity, academic or job performance, and overall quality of life. In
addition, shortened attention spans can contribute to mental health issues such as anxiety and
depression. Fortunately, there are strategies for addressing shortened attention spans. In Chapter
five of “A Pocket Guide to Public Speaking” there were multiple tips to improving attention span
when acting as the listener that I am able to use every day in my college classes. Recognizing the
affect of selective perception in our lives. We pay attention to what we hold to be important and
filter the information based on prior knowledge and I have recognized I filter information poorly
because of an arrogant attitude toward listening and learning.
Lastly, in Crucial Conversations the section about ignoring the fool’s choice stood out
most. When faced with a decision, it is tempting to choose the easiest or most obvious route.
Ignoring the fool's choice means taking the time to consider all possible options and making an
informed decision based on the available information. The fool's choice is particularly tempting
in situations where I am under pressure or my back is against the wall in the sense of time. To
avoid falling into the trap of the fool's choice, you must take a step back and consider all possible
options, remain open-minded and challenge any biases.

Growing my Network
Networking is a key tool for personal and professional growth. It produces learning
opportunities, builds relationships, invokes collaboration, grants access to resources, and the
ability to discover new career opportunities. Since enrolling in ENCE424 my perspective on
networking has not changed. It can be a tedious task but the benefits to all parties outweigh the
exhaustion and discomfort it can cause. To expand our current network, the ENCE424 class was
encouraged to connect with peers over the popular platform “LinkedIn”. Per the assignment I
was able to connect with several people including but not limited to: Mubarak Babalola, Linh
Nguyen, Joy Nash, Ethan Cosgrove, John Prather, Daniel Ficca, Sarah Phan, Catherine Kasica,
Siddharth Sharma, and Surya Kanneboina. I have also exchanged contact information with over
half of my peers mentioned.
There are many other ways to network beside LinkedIn such as volunteering, attending
events, other social media platforms, and professional organizations. Prior to entering the
ENCE424 course I was able to attend several job fairs and trade shows where I met multiple
employers and a mentor that I keep in contact with. Monthly, I volunteer to feed the homeless in
our nation’s capital of Washington, D.C. where I have met interesting people that were
contributing members on society until a drastic shift in their life. Although my other social media
I did not create with the intent to network in a professional manner, my pages are set up that I
can do just that while enjoying other available content. Building a strong network takes but it a
network is essential and should never stop growing.

Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, or Conscientiousness Personality Analysis

Communication is important in every aspect of life but is crucial for project managers as
they work to ensure everyone engages in the project and working towards the same goal.
Knowing your personality is important in being an effect communicator. By understanding how
personality affects communication, people can work to improve communication skills that they
lack. Knowing the personality of those that you work with and that surround you is also
important. Knowing others’ personality allows you to communicate with them how they would
like to be communicated with. Personality can impact style of communication, a person’s
attitude or beliefs, expression of emotions, and how a person handles conflict. The DISC
assessment categorized my personality as 35% Steadiness, 32% compliance, 17% Dominance,
and 16% Influence. It was surprising that Influence was not a higher percentage as I see myself
as having a charming personality with a silver tongue.
I agree with these results as I tend to be understanding of people’s circumstances and
have patience with them and am not one to seek to assert dominance. The highest category of
Steadiness describes a temperament of patience, persistence, and thoughtfulness. Knowing that
steadiness leads my personality I realize it has great benefits in project management. Being
patient means I can stay level-headed in the face of challenges and/or setbacks. If unexpected
delays or problems arise, I would be able to avoid making rash decisions. Coworkers would also
feel as if they can come to me for a listening ear and expecting a thoughtful response. knowing
that you have a steadiness personality can be a valuable asset in communication and project
management. By leveraging strengths, such as your ability to build strong relationships, maintain
a calm presence, and a keen attention to detail, I can become a more effective communicator and
project manager. Being more aware of potential challenges, I can develop strategies to overcome
said challenges and ensure the success of projects.
The lowest percentage of the personality types shows what needs to be worked on to be a
more well-rounded and effective communicator. Although I disagree with the level the exam
marks my influence, I know the importance of it in a leader or manager. Influence makes
someone easier to follow and is a valuable skill amongst project managers. To influence others
there has more easily to be an established trust or established qualification to where you can
begin to use persuasive techniques. Persuasion involves presenting arguments in a way that is
compelling and convincing to others. Improving your ability to influence others requires building
trust, communication, persuasiveness, demonstrating expertise, being empathetic, and being
adaptable. Someone who is high in influence would also be very social and outgoing. Being
more sociable is a character trait that should be worked on as currently there is a level of
discomfort with being too social.
The second least personality trait of mine was Dominance. Dominance describes the way
problems are dealt with. This is done by asserting oneself and control situations. Being dominant
in communication can be seen as a negative trait if it involves being aggressive, dismissive, or
disrespectful towards others. I was glad to see it still as moderate portion of my personality but
not a large part of my personality. Dominant personality styles tend to be more direct in
communication and want to get to the point. Those with a dominant personality are also able to
handle criticism and rejection without taking it personally and bounce back from setbacks and
failures with resilience. As a majority steadiness character, I tend to like those that are high
dominant because they are clear and direct. This is a trait I lack and sometimes wish to see more
of in myself.
A large percentage of the DISC personality assessment is compliance. A compliance
personality style seeks to ensure those around them are comfortable, they follow rules, and they
tend to avoid conflict or being wrong. Initially seeing “compliance” as such a high score did not
sit well with me because of the connotation it carries. I originally determined a compliant person
to not be a free thinker but after research I saw compliant individuals tend to be good listeners
and team players, often putting the needs of the group before their own. They are the type to
enjoy doing work in the background with not much if any recognition or praise for the work they
do. After I realized a compliant personality report fit me well. As a compliant person I am able to
be dependable, trustworthy, tend to follow directions. The assessment also allowed be to realize
the negatives of compliance. A compliant individual is less likely to take risks and speak boldly
like an individual who is high dominant. This can lead to missed opportunities, a lack of personal
growth, and failure to assert needs and put themselves first. I have found myself to feel burnout
from such actions and anger that I have fallen short of my potential. In ENCE424 I hope to learn
to assert myself and demonstrate confidence not only in the workplace but also personal life.

Conflict Management Styles Assessment Analysis

After completing the Conflict Management Styles assessment and tallying scores I have
an Accommodating management style. Immediately I do not agree with this assessment, but it
does somewhat align with results of a high compliance individual in the DISC personality
assessment. According to the descriptions an accommodating style typically values relationships
over their own goals and are willing to sacrifice their goals to maintain relationships. Out of all
the categories this is the worst for an individual to have in my opinion and really hinders
effective communication. Someone with an accommodating management style can be seen as a
pushover because they seek to satisfy everyone and not complete the job to the best of their
ability. Being accommodating can lead to confusion, a lack of open communication, and a power
dynamic shift preventing productive communication. An accommodating individual changes
their actions and speech to make other persons comfortable. Being accommodating hinders open
communication, the individual would avoid sharing their own thoughts and concerns to avoid
discomfort leading to the inability to resolve conflicts. Lastly, someone who is always
accommodating, may be seen as submissive or weak, leading to others taking advantage of them.
Accommodating persons will not be seen as an equal participant in conflict resolution. In
past employment I have dealt with managers that were accommodating. People tend to exploit
those that accommodate excuses. In my former employment I have been on the side of exploiting
that manager, although not as much as others. For instance there would be time theft for breaks
not clocked out or just taken well over the allotted time. When leading groups, I was aware not to
be too accommodating for that exact reason. There is one instance that I did more than the
workload assigned which was due to a loss in my team member’s family, so I took on their work,
but this was not a hindrance but more of a benefit to the accommodating style. I focused on the
negatives of leading in the accommodating manager style but there are also positives.
Accommodating conflict managers try to find those win-win solutions where everyone is able to
leave happy.
After seeing that I fit an accommodating conflict management style I will improve on my
competing style. A competitor is viewed as a confident individual that knows what they want
and what they must do to get it. I will use the steps in gaining confidence mentioned in “A
Pocket Guide to Public Speaking”. I can modify the checklist to being more of a competitor by;
practicing being assertive, thinking positively, visualizing success, using relaxation techniques,
incorporating controlled movements, and learning through experiences. Competitors are like
sharks, valuing goals over relationships. Being more like a shark means becoming more
concerned with accomplishing my goals rather than with being liked by others. Competing was
still fairly high with a score of eight.

Jung Personality Analysis

The Jung personality report describes how someone would prefer to deal with and relate
to people, process information, make decisions and organize life. It gives an overview of
personality and behavior which can be used to assess personality fit. The Jung Personality Test
helps individuals gain a better understanding of themselves and their own personality traits. By
identifying preferences in different areas, individuals can gain insight into their natural strengths
and weaknesses, as well as their communication style, decision-making approach, and work
habits. This self-awareness can be valuable, both in personal and professional settings, as
individuals can learn to capitalize on their strengths and work to improve on weaknesses. The
Jung Personality Test is also popular in team building to improve communication and
collaboration within teams. Understanding the personality types of those around you, individuals
can learn to better communicate with others and gain a glimpse into their perspective. After
completing the Jung Personality Test for myself, the tests indicated the personality type that most
accurately describes me is an Introvert-Sensor-Thinker-Judger.
I agree with the Jung personality assessment analysis but there are parts which I think do
not fit my personality. For one, I am often double casted as an extroverted introvert by those who
know me, and other assessments taken in the past. Seeing introvert on a personality assessment is
nothing new to me. The extroverted introvert refers to someone in between the spectrum of being
an extrovert and introvert exhibiting characteristics of introversion and extroversion. According
to the Jung tests which breaks down results, “Introverts tend to be reflective, reserved, and
private. A popular misconception is that introverts are shy.” I do adhere to key characteristics of
introverts such as preferring meaningful interactions as opposed to surface level socialization.
There is also a certain comfort with being in solitude allowing me to focus and have my own
creativity. The assessment emphasized how I feel that being introverted is not a negative trait and
does not mean I lack social skills just a preference to socialize in small groups or with those I
know well. As an introvert I enjoy time alone as well. It allows me to recharge and focus on any
Secondly, the Jung assessment described a sensor, one who lives in the present and rely
on facts. This is one of my characteristics that drew me into the sciences and engineering. In
these fields most concepts or ideas have a supporting proof and do not rely on fantasizing or
subjective ideals as an explanation to the world’s questions. I understand that the past is
important in terms of informing research, but I do not dwell on it. I am always looking for ways
to move forward. Living in the present and relying on facts helps me to stay grounded, make
better decisions, and experience life to the fullest. Even while living in the present, I do also
think about the future and what it holds.
Going hand in hand with sensor comes a thinker. A thinker can make decisions using
logic and impersonal analysis thinking with their head and not their heart. Sensors and thinkers
actually carry similar qualities, so it makes sense for both to be included in my analysis. Some of
my qualities that align with a thinker are curiosity, open mindedness, critical thinking, creative
thinking, and self-awareness. Being a thinker has also affected me negatively as a thinkers I
highly independent and self-reliant. I prefer to rely on their own abilities and find it difficult for
me to seek help from others. In college this has been my downfall in academics and want to
improve on asking for help.
Lastly, the Jung personality assessment described a Judger who prefers a lifestyle that is
planned out and orderly. They would prefer a life that is organized and controlled. I most
disagree with the personality assessment characterization of myself as a judger since there are
times that I would prefer spontaneity of events. Although I may disagree my DISC assessment
does not. Judgers prefer clear rules and adhere to said rules, they can become frustrated when
others do not adhere to expectations. Judgers also tend to be dependable which follows suit with
being high compliance as they also follow rules and they tend to avoid conflict. As a Judger I
have set high goals for myself but am brough back but need to improve on my dominant nature
to reach those goals.
Results from the Jung Personality Test agree with other results from the DISC personality
test. The many typical traits of introverts correspond well to someone who is highly
characterized to be compliance. Both categories are attentive to detail, may struggle in more
social situations, but excel in deeper connections. The thinker assignment also corresponds to
someone who is high compliance because of the same logic and impersonal analysis thinking. I
unfortunately was not surprised by any insights, however in recent years I have moved away
from the driven personality descriptions and would like to work back to getting those
characteristics of being highly driven back. It is interesting that someone who is high steadiness
can also be judger-thinker since they represent similar qualities. On one side of the fence there is
steadiness which are the more “people persons” while on the other of side can be seen as cold
towards people in the wrong context.
The DISC and JUNG personality tests have different origins and approaches, but they can
work hand in hand to provide an accurate understanding of an individual's personality. By
combining results and insight from both tests, I can gain a deeper understanding of my
communication style, decision-making process, and values. This has helped me to identify areas
for personal growth and development and improve on interactions with others. It has given me
more to think about to improve and also information on personality types others may have that I
may better communicate and interact with others.

Engineers often work in teams and teamwork requires effective communication. To be an
effective communicator the person should communicate with others in the receiver’s preferred
manner. To know an individual’s preference towards communication you should have a gauge of
their personality. Personality and communication are tightly knitted together. Through
completing various personality style assessments and conflict management styles I have been
able to get a better understanding of my personality. The assessments show my personality aligns
with personality traits such as introversion, conscientiousness, steadiness, sensor, thinker, and
judger. Knowing my own personality can greatly impact communication preferences and
effectiveness. By recognizing our own personality traits and communication style, as well as
those of others, we can tailor our communication approach to be more effective and build
stronger relationships. Knowing where I lack from my personality tests I am now able to work
on building those skills. For the remainder of the course, I hope to learn more and become a
more well-rounded and effective communicator and expand both personal and professional

“Free Resources.” Free Assessments | The Blake Group,


Grenny, Joseph, et al. Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High. McGraw
Hill, 2022.

Luo, Gai, et al. Wu Xing Ji Gou Tong Shu, Ni De Cheng Gong Ju Lang = Five Stars: The
Communication Secrets to Get from Good to Great. Xian Jue Chu Ban Gu Fen You Xian
Gong Si, 2018.



team, 123test. “Disc Personality Test: Take This Free Disc Assessment at 123test.Com.” DISC
Personality Test | Take This Free DISC Assessment at 123test.Com,

team, 123test. Jung Personality Test #1 Free Myers & Briggs 16 Personalities Types Style Test,

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