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Introduction To General Psychology CG

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Grade: 12 Semester: _____________________________________

Subject Title: Introduction to General Psychology # of Hours/Semester: ___________________________
Prerequisite (if needed): _________________________

Subject Description:
This course is designed for Grade 11 and 12 senior high school students to provide them with insights about General Psychology. This includes the different branches and schools
of thoughts that have given birth to Psychology as a field of study, psychology as a scientific and human endeavor, neurobiological basis of psychology, consciousness and perception,
human emotions and behaviors, personality and individuality, and social behavior. The module of this course has been made simple for the students to easily understand the key concepts,
ideas, definitions, and points. This aims to provide the students with knowledge and skills in preparation for building a stable foundation for their future field of specialization .


Quarter 1
Part 1: Psychology as a Scientific and Human
I. Nature of Psychology

1. Psychology and Its Scopes The learners demonstrate an The learners shall be able to… The learners…
understanding of…
1.1 define and identify the major aims of
1.2. discover some of the problems that
psychologists examine such as brain
damage and facial recognition, attributing
traits to people, childhood amnesia, and
2. History of Psychology the nature of psychology, the clarify the scopes of psychology including its 2.1 describe the eight traditional
historical milestone of psychology, traditional approaches, research methods, approaches to psychology
the relationship between theories and psychology-related careers. 2.2 identify the approach used by most
and research, and the possible modern psychologist
3. Methods of Psychology careers in psychology 3.1 explain the different methods of
research and their ethical considerations
3.2 describe the typical psychology
experiments and distinguish between
independent and dependent variables and
between an experimental and control group
4. Careers in Psychology 4.1 identify different field of specializations
in psychology
4.2 identify the similarities and differences
in the training and specialization of
psychologists, psychiatrists, and
Part 2. Biological and Developmental Processes
II. Neurobiological Basis of Psychology
5. Nervous System The learners demonstrate an The learners shall be able to… The learners…
understanding of…
5.1 discuss the different parts of the
nervous system and the structures of its
5.2 identify the parts of a neuron and
explain how neurons transfer signals
the influence of biological identify the influence of genes on both throughout the body
6. Brain Structures mechanisms that underlie behavior physiological and psychological traits 6.1 describe hindbrain, midbrain, and
forebrain with its various subdivisions
explain the structure and function of the 6.2 discuss what researchers know about
nervous system hemispheric specialization and especially
7. Hormones and Glands 7.1 discuss some of the effects that the
hormones secreted by endocrine glands
have on behavior
7.2 identify the effects of food, especially
carbohydrates on behavior
III. Psychological Development
8. Newborns, Infancy, and Early Childhood The learners demonstrate an The learners shall be able to… The learners…
understanding of…
8.1 identify some of the perceptual abilities
found in infants
8.2 identify some of the major changes that
occur as a child passes through infancy and
into childhood
9. Intellectual Development 9.1 define accommodation and assimilation
and describe how the two processes create
the psychological development of an express the connections between a cycle of intellectual and behavioral
individual such as intellectual intellectual, moral, and social aspects on learning
development, moral development, the psychological development of an 9.2 identify and describe Piaget’s four
and social development from infancy individual stages of intellectual development
10. Moral Reasoning to adulthood. 10.1 define morality and describe
Kohlberg’s three levels of moral
11. Social Development 11.1 discuss social development from birth
to adulthood
11.2 discuss social development and how
peer groups influence behavior
11.3 describe Erik Erikson’s psychosocial
stages theory of development
Part 3. Consciousness and Perception
IV. Sensory and Perception
The learners demonstrate an The learners shall be able to… The learners…
understanding of…
12. The Visual System 12.1 identify and describe parts of the eye
and explain how they process visual stimuli
13. Visual Perception 13.1 explain how our visual perception
system allows us to maintain a uniform
view of the world by means of size and
shape constancy
13.2 discuss how we perceive depth using
monocular and binocular depth cues
13.3 describe some of the illusions we
experience and give some explanations for
how sensory information is received distinguish the difference between why these experiences are thought to
and processed by the nervous system sensation and perception, the properties of occur.
and how that affects human light and sound stimuli, and the basic 13.4 describe the Gestalt approach to
conscious experience of the world structure and function of the sensory perception and identity five Gestalt law of
system organization
14. Auditory Perception 14.1 describe the physical stimulus for
auditory perceptual processes
14.2 identify the major components of the
structures of the ear
14.3 distinguish between place and
frequency theories of hearing
15. Taste and Smell 15.1 identify stimuli and receptor cells
involved in the taste and smell perceptual
16. Skin Senses 16.1 describe the structure of skin and
indicate its major functions
16.2 discuss pain as a perceptual system
and describe the Melzack-Wall gate control
17. Extrasensory Perception 17.1 discuss extrasensory perception as it
fits into the field of contemporary
V. Consciousness and Its Altered States
18. Aspects of Consciousness The learners demonstrate an The learners shall be able to… The learners…
understanding of…
18.1 discuss about the nature of conscious
experience and the functions of
19. Sleep, Sleep Problem and Disturbances 19.1 define circadian rhythms and indicate
their effects on behavior
the state of consciousness with appraise their sleeping patterns and discuss 19.2 discuss the variation in amount of
emphasis on sleep; and altered its influence on their behavior; and identify sleep people need according to their age
consciousness produced by the influence of psychoactive drugs on the and activity level
psychoactive drugs, hypnosis, and behavior 19.3 explain how sleep deprivation affects
meditation behavior and subsequent sleep patterns
20. Dreams 20.1 discuss dreaming, including when we
dream, when we are most likely to
remember our dreams, and some thoughts
about why we dream
21. Altered States of Consciousness 21.1 describe consciousness, altered states
of consciousness, and the distinction
between levels and states of consciousness
22. Psychoactive Drugs 22.1 discuss alcohol consumptions and
some of the physiological changes that
occur with its use
22.2 evaluate the influence of psychoactive
drugs on one’s physical and psychological
Part 4. Learning, Remember, and Thinking
VI. Learning and Conditioning
23. Classical Conditioning The learners demonstrate an The learners shall be able to… The learners…
understanding of…
23.1 define conditioning and explain how
classically conditioned responses are like
and unlike reflexes
23.2 describe classical conditioning and
define the various types of stimuli and
responses involved
24. Operant Conditioning 24.1 describe operant conditioning and
identify two American psychologists who
are well known for researching the variables
involved in operant conditioning
24.2 identify and describe the types of
reinforcers and the forms of reinforcement
involved in operant conditioning
25. Cognitive Learning 25.1 describe the results of cognitive
learning, studies that focused on insights
and latent learning
25.2 describe observational learning,
explain the variables that affect it, and
discuss some of the difficulties involved in
the cognitive processes of have a greater appreciation of the higher- studying how it occurs
VII. Memory and Forgetting conditioning, learning, memory, and level cognitive processes that contribute to
26. Memory: Retaining Information cognition our distinctiveness as species 26.1 define memory and identify the
relationship between learning and memory
26.2 relate how psychologists study recall,
recognition, and reconstruction and tell
what they have found
27. The Information-Processing Approach to 27.1 describe the key components of
Memory encoding, storage, and retrieval
28. The Sensory Register 28.1 describe the structure, function, and
time course of the sensory register
29. Short-Term Memory 29.1 describe the structure, function, and
the time course of short-term memory
29.2 distinguish between maintenance and
elaborated rehearsal
30. Long-Term Memory 30.1 describe the structure, function, and
time course of lone-term memory
30.2 distinguish between procedural and
declarative memory and between episodic
and semantic memory
31. Forgetting and Memory Loss 31.1 explain how memory is lost through
decay and interference
VIII. Cognition and Language
32. Cognitive Psychology: An Overview 32.1 define cognitive psychology and
indicate some of its basic assumptions
32.2 describe the levels-of-processing
approach to understanding memory storage
33. Concept Formation 33.1 define concept, describe the elements
involved in concept formation, and discuss
how researchers study concept formation
34. Decision Making 34.1 define reasoning, logic, and decision
making and explain how syllogism are used
to examine reasoning
35. Problem Solving 35.1 describe functional fixedness and
psychological set
35.2 describe how brainstorming affects
one’s ability to solve problems
35.3 identify four things a person can do to
improve his or her problem solving abilities
36. Language 36.1 discuss the relationship between
language and thought
37. Language Acquisition: Nature vs. Nurture 37.1 explain how researchers investigate
the relative contributions of nature and
nurture to language acquisition
38. Theories of Intelligence 38.1 discuss four theories that attempt to
describe the nature of intelligence
Quarter II
Part 5. Motives and Emotion
IX. Basic Motives
39. Hunger, Thirst, and Sexual Motivation The learners demonstrate an The learners shall be able to… The learners…
understanding of…
39.1 describe drive theories of motivation
and explain what is meant by a mechanistic
analysis of behavior
39.2 describe the hunger drive and some of
the physiological and psychological causes
of obesity
40. Learned Motives 40.1 describe social motives and social
40.2 describe the need for achievement and
identify the factors that lead some people
the issues relating to both motivation identify the physiological needs that drive to have high achievement needs
and emotion some human behaviors, as well as the
41. Cognitive Theory importance of our social, cognitive, and 41. 1 describe cognitive theories of
emotional experiences that are influencing motivation and cite the results of a study
our actions. that show we do have some voluntary
control over our emotions
41.2 describe intrinsically motivated
behavior and explain how extrinsic rewards
affect these behavior
42. Humanistic Theory 42.1 explain Abraham Maslow’s theory of
motivation and personality
IX. Emotions
43. Definition and Components of Emotion 43.1 define emotion and identify the
aspects of emotion that are studied by
44. Theories of Emotion 44.1 describe the James-Lange, Cannon,
Schachter-Singer and Shaver theories of
45. Controlling Your Emotions Better 45.1 describe the relationship between
emotion and arousal
Part 6. Personality
X. Personality
The learners demonstrate an The learners shall be able to… The learners…
understanding of…
46. Psychoanalytic Theory 46.1 discuss the origin of psychoanalysis
and the impact of Freud-s work on modern-
day psychology
47. Psychoanalytic Theory: Dissent and 47.1 identify the neo-Freudians and explain
Revision the theories and approaches that make an affirmation of their personality how they tried to revise Freud’s theories
48. Humanistic Approach explain personality traits types or traits 48.1 explain how self-actualization is
development involved in the development of personality
49. Behavioral Approaches 49.1 identify the basic structure and core
tendency of personality according to
behavioral approaches
50. Cognitive Approaches 50.1 discuss some of the assumptions made
by cognitive theorists that differ from the
traditional behavioral model
51. Trait and Type Theories 51.1 distinguish between traits and types.

Part 7. Stress, Psychopathology, and Therapy

XI. Stress, Health, and Coping

The learners demonstrate an The learners shall be able to… The learners…
understanding of…
52.1 characterize the stress response and
indicate the importance of appraisal in
52. Characteristics of Stressful Events the psychological and physiological create a plan to stay mentally healthy in stress
natures of stress, and its causes and spite of the stress they experience so they 52.2 discuss some of the broad types of
consequences can master stress rather than becomes its stress—frustrations, conflicts, and
victim pressures—and conditions that contribute
to stress—work environment time, and life-
cycle events.
53. How Stress Affects Health 53.1 discuss the possible physiological and
psychological effects of stress
54. Coping Skills 54.1 describe the process of coping, and the
meaning of vulnerability, coping skills, and
social support
54.2 discuss between defense-oriented and
task-oriented coping skills
54.3 identify a series of things a person can
do to cope using a positive attitude
Part 8. Social Psychology
XII. Social Cognition, Attitude, and Behavior

55. Social Cognition The learners demonstrate an The learners shall be able to… The learners…
understanding of…
55.1 discuss some of the ways we express
ourselves by means of nonverbal
55.2 describe some of the research on facial
perception, especially smiling
55.3 explain how we make decisions
concerning the character of other people
how the presence of other people evaluate one’s behavior as influenced by through the process of attribution
influences the bahavior of the people around him/her 55.4 explain how self-perceptions (self-
individuals, dyads, and groups. concepts) develop and how they affect our
psychological health and our perceptions of
56. Attitudes 56.1 describe the three components of an
attitude ad explain how individuals acquire
their attitudes
56.2 identify three situational variables that
increase the likelihood that an attitude will
govern behavior
56.3 identify the most influential medium of
attitude change and characteristics of the
communicator and the communication that
influence the extent to which an attitude
will change
57. Social Influence 57.1 discuss several characteristics of a
group that can influence the probability of
individuals conforming
57.2 describe three explanations for why
people conform
58. Behavior in Groups 58.1 define social facilitation and give some
reasons why individual performance
changes when others are present
58.2 describe some of the non-productive
behavioral effects of social loafing, group
polarization, groupthink, and de-
XIII. Social Interaction

59. Prejudice The learners demonstrate an The learners shall be able to… The learners…
understanding of…
59.1 define prejudice, stereotypes, and
discrimination; indicate some of the causes
of prejudice and what can be done to
reduce or eliminate it
60. Prosocial Behavior 60.1 describe prosocial behavior and
altruism and present the sociobiologist’s
view of these behavior
60.2 describe bystander apathy and explain
the factors that influence prejudice, make an evaluation on how individual and why it occurs
61. Aggression pro-social behavior, and aggression; group behaviors can influence one’s 61.1 describe three major approaches that
and the environment where behavior attempt to explain why people are
socialization occurs which includes aggressive
industries and organizations. 61.2 discuss the influence of television on
behavior and attitudes
61.3 describe the work that focuses on
cognitive variables in aggression and gender
differences in aggression
62. Environmental Psychology 62.1 identify some environmental variables
that are taken into consideration by
62.2 discuss how temperature and noise act
as stressors and affect performance
62.3 identify factors that contribute to the
psychological state called crowding and
explain how people behave in a crowded
62.4 explain what is meant by personal
space, how it changes with various
conditions, and how it influences human
62.5 explain why privacy is important and
discuss some of the ways that people
establish a sense of privacy
63. Industrial and Organizational Psychology 63.1 describe the purpose of
industrial/organizational psychology
63.2 explain how an industrial
organizational psychologist approaches the
task of selecting personnel.
63.3 describe the processes of performance
appraisal focusing on the role of cognition
63.4 identify several factors that contribute
to job motivation
63.5 make a distinction between job
motivation and job satisfaction
63.6 describe the paternalistic, behavrioal,
and participatory approaches to the
management of employee motivation

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