This document discusses quantifiers in logic and mathematics. It introduces propositional functions and how quantifiers like "for all" and "there exists" are used to assign truth values to propositional functions over a domain of discourse. Some key points:
- Universal and existential quantifiers are used to make statements like "for all x, P(x)" and "there exists x such that P(x)" into propositions with defined truth values.
- Variables inside quantifiers are bound, while free variables in unquantified statements can take on any value.
- Negating quantified statements follows patterns like "not for all" is equivalent to "there exists not".
- Examples demonstrate how quant
This document discusses quantifiers in logic and mathematics. It introduces propositional functions and how quantifiers like "for all" and "there exists" are used to assign truth values to propositional functions over a domain of discourse. Some key points:
- Universal and existential quantifiers are used to make statements like "for all x, P(x)" and "there exists x such that P(x)" into propositions with defined truth values.
- Variables inside quantifiers are bound, while free variables in unquantified statements can take on any value.
- Negating quantified statements follows patterns like "not for all" is equivalent to "there exists not".
- Examples demonstrate how quant
This document discusses quantifiers in logic and mathematics. It introduces propositional functions and how quantifiers like "for all" and "there exists" are used to assign truth values to propositional functions over a domain of discourse. Some key points:
- Universal and existential quantifiers are used to make statements like "for all x, P(x)" and "there exists x such that P(x)" into propositions with defined truth values.
- Variables inside quantifiers are bound, while free variables in unquantified statements can take on any value.
- Negating quantified statements follows patterns like "not for all" is equivalent to "there exists not".
- Examples demonstrate how quant
This document discusses quantifiers in logic and mathematics. It introduces propositional functions and how quantifiers like "for all" and "there exists" are used to assign truth values to propositional functions over a domain of discourse. Some key points:
- Universal and existential quantifiers are used to make statements like "for all x, P(x)" and "there exists x such that P(x)" into propositions with defined truth values.
- Variables inside quantifiers are bound, while free variables in unquantified statements can take on any value.
- Negating quantified statements follows patterns like "not for all" is equivalent to "there exists not".
- Examples demonstrate how quant Applications by Kenneth H. Rosen 1 Introduction Logic that deals with propositions is incapable of describing most of the statements in mathematics and computer science. For example p: n is an odd integer. The statement p is not a proposition because the truth or falsity of p depends on the value of n. Since most statements in mathematics and computer science use variables, we must extend the system of logic to include such mathematical statements. Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications by Kenneth H. Rosen 2 Universe of Discourse Definition: Let P(x) be a statement involving the variable x and let D be a set. We call P a propositional function (with respect to D) if for each x in D, P(x) is a proposition. We call D the domain of discourse of P. A propositional function P, by itself, is neither true nor false. However, for each x in its domain of discourse, P(x) is a proposition and is, therefore, either true of false. P is also called a predicate. Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications by Kenneth H. Rosen 3 Example 1 Let P(n) = n is an odd integer and D be the set of positive integers. Then P is a propositional function with domain of discourse D since for each n in D, P(n) is a proposition. For example, if n = 1, we obtain the proposition 1 is an odd integer (which is true) if n = 2, we obtain the proposition 2 is an odd integer (which is false) Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications by Kenneth H. Rosen 4 Example 2 The following are propositional functions: n2 + 2n is an odd integer (D = set of positive integers) x2 – x – 6= 0 (D = set of real numbers) The student gets a GPA of 3.0 or better during the 2nd semester SY 2005-2006 (D = set of students in CIT) The actress has won a FAMAS award. (D = set of actresses) Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications by Kenneth H. Rosen 5 Quantifiers Most of the statements in mathematics and computer science use terms such as “for every” and “for some.” For example, in mathematics we have the statements: For every triangle T, the sum of the angles
of T is equal to 180°. For some triangle S, the sum of two angles
is less than 90°.
Universal and Existential Quantifiers Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications by Kenneth H. Rosen 6 Universal Quantifier Definition: Let P be a propositional function with domain of discourse D. The statement for every x, P(x) is said to be a universally quantified statement. The symbol means “for every.” Thus the statement above may be written x, P(x). The symbol is called a universal quantifier. The statement for every x, P(x) is true if P(x) is true for every x in D and false if P(x) is false for at least one x in D . Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications by Kenneth H. Rosen 7 Existential Quantifier Definition: Let P be a propositional function with domain of discourse D. The statement for some x, P(x) is said to be an existentially quantified statement. The symbol means “for some.” Thus the statement above may be written x, P(x). The symbol is called an existential quantifier. The statement for some x, P(x) is true if P(x) is true for at least one x in D and false if P(x) is false for every x in D. Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications by Kenneth H. Rosen 8 Binding Variables We call the variable x in the propositional function P(x) a free variable. (The idea is that x is “free” to roam over the domain of discourse). We call the variable x in the universally quantified statement x, P(x) or the existentially quantified statement x, P(x) a bound variable. (The idea is the x is “bound” by the quantifier or .) We previously pointed out that a propositional function does not have a truth value. Quantifiers assign a truth value to the propositional function. In general, an unquantified statement is not a proposition and a quantified statement is a proposition. Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications by Kenneth H. Rosen 9 Binding Variables The part of a logical expression to which a quantifier is applied is called the scope of this quantifier. In the statement x P(x,y), the variable x is bound by the existential quantification x, but the variable y is free because it is not bound by a quantifier and no value is assigned to it. Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications by Kenneth H. Rosen 10 Binding Variables In the statement x (P(x) Q(x)) y R(y), all variables are bound. The scope of the first quantifier, x, is the expression P(x) Q(x) because x is applied only to P(x) Q(x), and not to the rest of the statement. Similarly, the scope of the second quantifier, y is the expression R(y). Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications by Kenneth H. Rosen 11 Remarks The symbol may be read “for every,” “for all,” or “for any.” The symbol may be read “for some,” “for at least one,” or “there exists.” Sometimes, to specify the domain of discourse D, we write a universally quantified statement as for every x in D, P(x) and we write an existentially quantified statement as for some x in D, P(x). Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications by Kenneth H. Rosen 12 Remarks The universally quantified statement for every x, P(x) is false if for at least one x in the domain of discourse, the proposition P(x) is false. A value x in the domain of discourse that makes P(x) false is called a counterexample to the statement for every x, P(x). Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications by Kenneth H. Rosen 13 Table 1. Quantifiers
Statement When True? When False?
x P(x) P(x) is true for There is an x for
every x. which P(x) is false.
x P(x) There is an x for P(x) is false for
which P(x) is true. every x.
Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications by Kenneth H. Rosen 14 Exercise Let P(x) be the statement “x = x2.” If the universe of discourse consists of the integers, what are the truth values? a. P(0) b. P(1) c. P(2) d. P(-1) e. x P(x) f. x P(x) Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications by Kenneth H. Rosen 15 Negating Quantified Statements x P(x) x P(x) Example: Let P(x) be “x has taken a course in calculus.” The negation of this statement is “It is not the case that every student in the class has taken a course in calculus.” This is equivalent to “There is student in the class who has not taken a course in calculus.” Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications by Kenneth H. Rosen 16 Negating Quantified Statements x P(x) x P(x) “It is not the case that there is a student in this class who has taken a course in calculus.” This is equivalent to “Every student in this class has not taken calculus.”
Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications by Kenneth H. Rosen 17 Table 2. Negating Quantified Statements Negation Equivalent When True? When False? Statement x P(x) x P(x) For every x, There is an x P(x) is false. for which P(x) is true.
x P(x) x P(x) There is an x P(x) is true for
for which P(x) every x. is false. Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications by Kenneth H. Rosen 18 Exercise Translate each of these statements into logical expressions using predicates, quantifiers, and logical connectives. (Let P(x)=“x is perfect” and F(x)=“x is your friend”) 1. No one is perfect. 2. Not everyone is perfect. 3. All your friends are perfect. 4. One of your friends is perfect. 5. Everyone is your friend and is perfect. 6. Not everybody is your friend or someone is not perfect. Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications by Kenneth H. Rosen 19 Exercise Determine the truth value of each of these statements if the universe of discourse for all variables consists of all integers. a. n (n2 0) b. n (n2 = 2) c. n (n2 n) d. n (n2 < 0) Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications by Kenneth H. Rosen 20 Exercise Determine the truth value of each statement where the domain of discourse is the set of real numbers. 1. xy (x2 < y+1) 2. xy (x2 < y+1) 3. x y (x2 + y2 = 13) 4. xy (x2 + y2 = 13)
Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications by Kenneth H. Rosen 21