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Field Study 1 - Observations of Teaching-Learning in Actual School Environment, is

aligned with the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST) and Program
Outcomes common to all teacher education programs as contained in CMO No. 74-80
and No. 82. s.2017. The PPSTs, the standards of quality teaching in the Philippines,
consist of seven (7) domains and thirty seven (37) strands and 148 performance
Indicators of good teaching the PPSTs are focused on the development of the 21st
century teacher who can respond to the demands of the K to 12 Basic Education
Curriculum which the Department of Education began implementing in SY 2012-2013.
This textbook is aligned with the current trends in education such as constructivist.
integrative, interactive, collaborative, inquiry-based, brain-based, research- based and
reflective teaching-learning.

In this Field Study, fourth year education students or the preservice teachers were
exposed for the first time in an actual school environment. They are to observe the
sequence of teaching-learning process inside the classroom. They must keenly analyze
and take down notes the strategies that the Resource Teacher will use in managing the
class. In this field study 1. students will learn and know the different teaching methods,
routines, and approaches that they will be observed from their assigned Resource

Through observing the school environment, it will help us to define the impact on
learning of the students. By observing the learners, we are able to determine the
possible behaviors we could also encounter during our service and possibly gain ideas
and concepts on how to deal with it. As a Bachelor of Elementary Education student
and a future educator.

I am eager to learn and discover the things I could possibly gain in this stage for me to
uphold and apply in the future as a full-pledge teacher. I am looking forward for a joyful,
meaningful and challenging experience in this subject. am expecting that this will help
me to enhance my skills and knowledge upon continuing this journey of being an
aspiring educator.

Kimberly Puguon is currently a fourth year student at Ifugao State University, Lagawe,
Ifugao, taking up Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education, She is only 26
years young and a very determined lady. She was born on December 14,1995 at
Kiangan,Ifugao. She now lived at Tuplac, Kiangan ,Ifugao with her family. When she
was little she always dreamt of traveling the world with her family, she is very family-
oriented person.

She is a believer and follower of Jesus Christ, they share the same faith with her family
as a bom again Christians. Kimberly is an active youth of their church, she's part of the
Worship Leading Team (WLT) and even leads their congregation into worshipping God
by singing songs of praises and worships, She has a mission and a command to follow
as a believer of Christ and it is to share the Word of God to the other people who
doesn't know about the Lord Jesus Christ yet.

Her strengths upon dealing with students is a bit edge for her to becoming a teacher
someday. Pursuing her dreams for her family was her top priority, she always have a
prick in her heart when it comes to helping and giving bac thank to her family. She lived
a normal life as a striving, loaded of dreams and faith-driven way as a young lady. She
always believe that God will make things certain if it is His plan for her life. She fears no
more about her future for she knew already that God has planned everything for her.
She's living and walloping this journey of life aiming to soar high while keeping her feet
off the ground to glorify God in her life.
Beliefs of Teaching and Learning (Pre)

Learning is a lifelong process. I believe that no one stops leaming even after he finished
his studies. In every aspect of life, every situation, leaming takes place. As an aspiring
educator, I want the teaching and learning process be more evident even in those part
that seems to be falling apart like failed attempts, unclear vision of dreams and pale
hopes among my learners and even to my fellow educator. Learning doesn't always
mean to be just present in a four comered classroom, learning could took place
anywhere. It is boundless and timeless. Learning must go hand in hand, teachers can
also leam form her students and students as well can also learn not just from their
teacher but aslo from their fellow students.

Beliefs of Teaching and Learning (Post)

After we have done our observation of teaching and learning in actual school
environment, a great sense of motivation awaken me as personally exposed my self to
the field Im into someday. I've learned so much about the behaviors of the students and
the classroom management that the teacher had implemented. I been seeing my
younger self as a student among the learners I come to observe, their sense of
belongingness to a community of pursuing learners despite this pandemic they're trying
much harder than we had before.

Teachers are playing avery crucial role in aiding students' ignorance and blank sheet
learning experience. They are responsible of giving quality education by having their
best and suited teaching startegies to apply with their teaching practices. It all starts of
having a clear and firm learning outcome expectations to be followed by activities or
assessment that was aligned with the learning objectives. Teacher must also ensures of
an enviroment that impacts the leaming of the students that allows them to grow. By
teacher's responsibility of setting rules. it will establish a non- treathening environment
for the students that will keep them safe and keep them in order.
As a future educator, finally, I have this load of knowledges and experiences that gives
me purpose of being in this track. It is the desire of continuously learning and imparting
those knowledge learned by teaching young ones to pursue learning as well. Strive to
engage and encourage students to do more for them to grow and leam, never stop
tapping you're your own shoulders as you push beyond limits for a great purpose of
helping young generations.

Our entire experience in observation focuses on learner's environment on how it affects

or infieunce on their learning, the behaviors of students Inside the class, and how
teacher supervised and managed the class. We are able to distinguish the differences
between teacher-centered and leamer-centered mode of teaching that the Resource
teacher applied to her class. We also observed the classroom routines that were
employed in the class. The classroom rules that have been implemented in the class to
follow were observable, the students are actively participating the class discussion and
freely giving their own ideas upon lessons to lessons and activities as well.

A school that fosters a physically, socially, and mentally healthy environment is the type
of school that establishes a strong foundation of quality education for the learners.
Teachers could also perform well to better facilitate and cater students in learning.
Teachers are focused on dealing with the methods they're going to use rather than
aiding to have better environment for children. This also help the students to have a firm
relationship towards other especially to their teacher. In Learning Episode 5 we're able
to examine the classroom of how it was structured or designed to allow everyone's
maximum participation for effective learning.

Upon observing, we learned and understand the school curriculums that we actually
encountered by digging deep into it. A classroom teacher plan, implements and
evaluates school learning activities by preparing a miniscule curriculum called a lesson
plan or a learning plan. I have leaned to give some emphasis on the principles of
learning which must be applied to ensure quality instruction. It also focuses on the
intended leaming outcomes which set the direction of the lesson. They must be
(SMART) Specif Measurable. Attainable. Realistic, and Time- Bound this determines
whether the teacher uses inductive or deductive teaching method. In learning episode
10, I am reminded of my senior years as we, the pioneers of K to 12 curriculum, we're
focused on outcomes, standards and competencies to be delivered in the lesson by our
Evidence Of Learning

This first field study is all about the learners and their learning environment where they
are honed, developed and nurtured into a desired individual. The best way to
understand the learners in a general sense is by way of in depth thinking and analysis
of the current trend and shift of education which has a direct impact and effect to the
learners. The change of the perspective goes hand in hand with the potential change of
how we view these individuals. It has been emphasized so many times that gone are
the days where the teacher is the center of the process and learners are just passive
and waiting to be filled up with knowledge. Another concern of the study is to take a look
on the environment where the learners will be developed. Several topics were anchored
on describing what an essential and conducive learning environment is for the learners.
An environment that is engaging, comfortable and free from any disruptions that may
lead to poor learning. A place that is fun and worth spending for. The very main point for
the observation is to have a first hand in contact with the learners but since all school
are now conducting flexible type of learning don't personally have the chance to observe
student's behaviour inside the classroom. It is also to conduct an observation on the
physical aspects of the school such as the different facilities, classrooms, which totally
has to do with the contribution on learner's development and learning.

Upon observing the learners, I hardly believe that I was seeing myself on them back in
my age. It was still fresh in my memories how I acted and how active I am when I'm on
their age. How they interacts with their classmates was exactly the way we also
interacted with each other back on our stage. have noticed the level of their interest
when it comes to class discussions, they are showing the enthusiasm upon learning and
engaging through raising their opinions when asked. That's the same scenario when we
were at their age. In a classroom, teachers are purposely discussing to the class the
classroom rules and regulation every single day before the class starts, one of these
rules is that one should only talk when asked, unlike them, in my age, we never try to
speak when someone is speaking especially the teacher instead we are raising our
hands and wait for our turn to speak only if we're called.
When I was in fourth grade, I had this teacher that wasn't lovely nor approachable but
was so intimidating, she is Mrs. Ofelia B. Fitzgibbon. Despite of her intimidating
presence, we were taught self-discipline, she imposed to us to be very meticulous in our
surrounding especially in maintaining its cleanliness. She would always reminds us to
bring our own plastic bags and hang it on the side of the backrest of our chairs and put
our garbage on it. And if a chance to forget your plastic bag, you can never throw your
waste to anyone's but to keep it inside your backpack. She's very strict that if she
caught you're not paying attention to her class she would let you stand still until she
finished her discussion. Most of us in her class were conscious of how we acted inside
the room, we never wanted to be punished nor scolded, so, as much as we can, we
apply all the things she taught us, for she wanted us not just to learn but to become
disciplined individual. When interacting with others even with our fellow
classmates, she taught us to be polite and respectful, For me, she was very a significant
one for I was I am today, and it is because she had her part in me of who I am today.

Regardless of the parts of a lesson plan, each lesson it should build on the prior lesson
and flawlessly flow into the next. Alongside from the major components of a curriculum,
there are some guidelines to follow. Each one has some important aspects that go into
its construction such as the type/ level of the students, their prior knowledge which will
allows us to continue with the flow, and the teaching techniques that you we can use in
your lesson plan. Afterwards are the identifying of the learning objectives, planning
specific learning activities, organize the lesson and assess students learning.

The lessons we have learned in developing or writing a lesson plan is that you need to
align the three components so you could achieve what you want to achieved. You need
to plan ahead the knowledge, skills and values you want to achieve by your students,
choose the right methods to achieve the desired outcomes and it is a must to provide
evaluation and assessment that is anchored with your learning outcomes to test where
your learners at the same time of learning

In this learning episode, we learned more about the principles of learning which

must be applied to ensure quality instruction. As I observed, my Resource Teacher

used the

different principle of learning where and also noticed that she did most of the part in the
class that supposedly her students could took part. This principles were guide to have

learner-centered atmosphere and the teacher are only the facilitator of learning.

The value of success will be gained by teacher if the three components are aligned
together. Success in delivering the lessons efficiently, and learning to the students

I think the most important among the principles of learning is learning is an active
process because this principles must be actively interested, engage in higher-order
cognitive tasks such as analysis, synthesis, and assessment. Active learning practices
are advised in this context for instructional activities that include students doing things
and thinking about what they are doing

I have learned from the lesson in determining SMART learning outcomes that, in your
lesson objectives or intended learning outcomes it should be SMART (Specific
Measurable, Attainable, Result-oriented and Time bound) because this will really help
the teacher and it will guide the teacher as well in the learning process and to the
development of the students. As what I have said, SMART objectives will also help the
teachers to direct the flow of the lesson and help the teacher to achieve the desired
goals on a specific topic and it help to make the discussion clear and organized.

The Principles of Teaching are very important for educator to improve themselves and
the process of learning of their student. This promotes excellence in learning and
teaching practices express in different institution that are committed as learning-
centered. There are designed to shape individual capabilities about learning and
teaching goals, practices and policies.

A Principles of Teaching guides by first, effective learning begins with the setting of
clear and high expectations of learning outcomes. This will help the teacher to
accomplish and achieve the learning expectations from the learners. Create an
engaging, motivating, and intellectually stimulating learning experience." By creating a
concrete ideas and improving its teaching methods. Then encourage them by creating
an innovation and critical inquiry that emphasize the importance, relevance, knowledge
that develop a social and ethical value for the learners or student.
In this principle its enhance student to engage and learn through effective teaching. As
a learner, I'm willing to change my process of learning and studying aspects by
regulating ourselves as a learner and to improve a prowess of our behavior. Behavior is
very important in learning and studying and it interpret to our self-capabilities throughout
our lives. This will help me as a future educator to fully develop my learning and
enhance my ability in drawing successful and competitive quality education to my future
learners. It is advisable to back to teaching by objectives or Bloom's mastery learning in

to know if the activities, subject matter, and other educational activities concerning to

topic if aligned or achievable to the objectives or not and make sure it really help the

students learning. For me, OBTL really helps us to be more globally competitive
because this OBTL where it specifically determine to the authentic education wherein
the students may execute their learnings through performance based. This learning is
beneficial to students wherein they could use it in their real life situations. Through this
OBTL students could keep track of their progress and to know if such field is suited to
them. Through OBTL, teachers can provide students with more systematic learning
experiences thus better-quality education.

After careful observation found out a good questioning techniques makes the student to
comprehend more with the subject matter and it employ critical thinking skills. A good
questioning technique where it is the "Cognitive or Knowledge part" wherein students
can impart knowledge to the students. "Affective part where it specifically focuses on
reacting techniques is quite important because even just a simple reaction could leave
mark to a student. That's why, we have to have appropriate reacting techniques and
always be sensitive to other people. A right and appropriate questioning must be a big
deal where it is more sensitive to students for responding correctly. An appropriate
questioning makes the students to interact and cope up with the lessons.

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