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ISSN: 2230-9926 International Journal of Development Research

Vol. 07, Issue, 11, pp.17354-17357, November, 2017




1Rinda Dewi Safitri, 1Risi Cicilia, 1Intan Galuh Bintari, 1Intan Permatasari Hermawan,
*2Mustofa Helmi Effendi 3Rahaju Ernawati and 3Jola Rahmahani

1Student, Master Program of Medicine and Veterinary Public Health, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
Universitas Airlangga
2Department of Veterinary Public Health, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Airlangga
3Department of Veterinary Microbiology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Airlangga


Article History: This study aims to isolate, to identify, and to seek out fragments of encoding gene Extended
Received 22nd August 2017 Spectrum β-Lactamase on Escherichia coli isolated from swab surface of broiler chicken meat in
Received in revised form a number of traditional markets in Surabaya. The result shows that 31 out of 50 samples
07th September, 2017 positively contain Escherichia coli, shown through EMBA isolation media and identified using
Accepted 16th October, 2017 indole test. Sensitivity test shows that 100% of the isolates are resistant to Ampicilin, 48.4% are
Published online 30th November, 2017 resistant to Cephazoline, 13% are resistant to Ceftazidime, 9.6% are resistant to Cefotaxime, 6.4%
are resistant to Ceftriaxone and 87.2% are resistant to Tetracycline. 8 out of 8 (100%) samples of
Key Words: E. coli resistant show the presence of band towards blaTEM gene of 861basepair (bp).
Extended Spectrum β-Lactamase,
Escherichia coli,
broiler chicken meat,
blaTEM gene,
Antimicrobial Resistance.

Copyright ©2017, Rinda Dewi Safitri et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Citation: Rinda Dewi Safitri, Risi Cicilia, Intan Galuh Bintari, Intan Permatasari Hermawan, Mustofa Helmi Effendi Rahaju Ernawati and Jola
Rahmahani, 2017. “Detection of encoding gene extended spectrum beta lactamase on escherichia coli isolated from broiler chicken meat in traditional
market surabaya”, International Journal of Development Research, 7, (11), 17354-17357.

INTRODUCTION Chicken is one of animal source food which is prone to

bacterial contamination for it contains an ideal substrate
The phenomenon of antibiotic resistance is a health problem supporting the growth of contaminant bacteria, such as E. coli.
occurring all over the world with various adverse effects which E. coli bacteria are among the most common contaminant
can degrade the quality of health service. At least 23,000 out bacteria to contaminate meat (Norrung et al., 2009). blaTEM
of 2 million people die each year resulting from bacterial which are resistant to antibiotics in food-producing animals,
infections which are resistant to more than one type of such as chickens, are of particular concern, since E. coli is able
antibiotics. One of the bacteria which often carries such to transmit resistant genes to human populations (Molbak,
resistant property is Extended Spectrum Beta Lactamase 2004). Molecular analysis on resistant genes and cellular
(ESBL) bacteria produced by Enterobacteriaceae, especially elements of antibiotic resistant shows that identical elements
Escherichia coli (Nathisuwan et al., 2001). The increasing are found in bacteria which contaminate both animals and
occurrence of E. coli resistance, especially Extended Spectrum humans. It signifies the role of raw food as a medium in the
β-lactamase (ESBL) constitutes a serious issue (Rocha-Gracia contamination of resistant bacteria and resistant genes on
et al., 2014). This is due to the fact that one of the transmission human being through the food chain (Teuber, 2001; Odwar et
pathways is through animal source food contaminated by al., 2015). Of the above explanation, study on detection of
resistant bacteria. encoding gene of Extended Spectrum Beta-lactamase in
*Corresponding author: Mustofa Helmi Effendi, Escherichia coli isolated from broiler chicken meat taken from
Department of Veterinary Public Health, Faculty of Veterinary traditional market in Surabaya is considered to be essential to
Medicine, Universitas Airlangga. conduct.
17355 Rinda Dewi Safitri et al. Detection of encoding gene extended spectrum beta lactamase on escherichia coli isolated from
broiler chicken meat in traditional market surabaya

METHODOLOGY Surabaya shows that 31 samples (62%) indicates the

occurrence of color change from translucent green to cloudy
SAMPLING green in the medium of BGBB as well as the presence of gas
in the durham tube. A metallic green colony with a black
The samples were taken from five traditional markets in colony in the central part as well as indole ring formation is
Surabaya; they are Pabean market (North Surabaya), present in the media of Sulfid Indol Motility (SIM) with the
Wonokromo market (South Surabaya), Keputran market addition of Kovach reagent. A total of 31 positive samples of
(Central Surabaya), Pacar Keling market (East Surabaya), and Escherichia coli coli from isolation and identification
Manukan market (West Surabaya). 10 samples were taken underwent sensitivity test on antibiotics of Ampicilin,
from each market meaning that the total sample in this study is Cefotaxime, Ceftriaxone, Ceftazidime, Cephazoline, and
50 samples. The sample was taken by swab surface of chicken Tetracylin. The sensitivity test indicates 100% E. coli isolates
meat using sterile cotton bud and is inserted into a tube are resistant to Ampicilin, 48.4% to Cephazoline, 13% to
containing 1% peptone water. It is then immediately brought to Ceftazidime, 9.6% to Cefotaxime, 6.4% to Ceftriaxone, and
the laboratory using cool box containing dry ice inside. 87.2% to Tetracycline. The illustration of sensitivity test result
on antibiotics is presented in Figure 1.
Swab samples in the medium of 1% peptone water were
removed to Brilliant Green Bile Broth (BGBB) (E. Merck,
Darmstadt, Germany) and were incubated at 37oC for 24
hours. Positive results in the medium of BGBB were then
grown on the medium of Eosin Methylene Blue Agar (EMBA)
(E. Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) in streak manner and were
incubated at 37oC for 18 – 24 hours. A typical colony of
Escherichia coli on the media of EMBA is indicated in
metallic green.


Testing of Escherichia coli resistant to disc antibiotics Figure 1. The illustration of sensitivity test on Escherichia coli
(OXOID, Basingstoke, United Kingdom), Ampicillin 10 µg isolates towards antibiotics.
(CT0003), Cefotaxime 30 µg (CT0166), Ceftazidime 30 µg
(CT0412), Ceftriaxone 30 µg (CT0417), Cefazolin 30 µg Samples which are resistant to antibiotics in the sensitivity test
(CT0011) and Tetracyclin 30 µg (CT0054), were carried out were then undergone Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) in
by disc diffusion method on the medium of Mueler Hinton order to find the fragment of the encoding gene of Extended
Agar (MHA) (E. Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) . Interpretation Spectrum Beta-lactamase (ESBL). 8 out of 8 E. coli resistant
of the result was known through measurement of inhibitory samples show the presence of DNA band from blaTEM gene of
zone diameter formed in accordance with the recommendation 861bp. The electrophoresis result of PCR products can be seen
of the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI, in Figure 2.
The initial procedure in conducting PCR technique in this
study was the DNA extraction. DNA extraction of Escherichia
coli used boiling method. PCR amplification of the blaTEM
gene with 20 μl PCR reaction consisted of: 12.5 μL PCR
Master Mix, 1 μL primary forward and 1 μL reverse primer, 5
μL DNA template and 0.5 μL nuclease free water. The mixture
of PCR reagent was then added in the thermocycler. Primer
used and the condition of PCR are presented in Table 1.
Tabel 1. Primer and thermal cycling condition that were used for
amplification of blaTEM gene Figure 2. The electrophoresis result of PCR products indicates
blaTEM gene with band of 861bp
Thermal Cycling
gene Primer used
blaTEM F : 5’ GTATCCGC 95°C 15 min → 30x
This study has successfully isolated Escherichia coli by 62%
[95°C 1 min, 58°C 1
CAATAACCCTG-3’ min, 72°C 1 min] → (31 out of 50) samples taken from swab surface of broiler
R : 5’-CCAATGCTT 72°C 10 min → 4°C ∞ chicken meat in 5 traditional markets in the area of Surabaya.
AATCAGTGGAGGCACC-3’ This finding is similar to the study by Bhoomika et al. (2016)
which detects E. coli in chicken meat in Chhattisgrash, India of
RESULT 66.32%. The level of E. coli contamination in chicken meat
reported by Odwar et al. (2014) is also considerably high at
The isolation and identification result on 50 swab samples of 78%.
broiler chicken meat obtained from 5 traditional market in
17356 International Journal of Development Research, Vol. 07, Issue, 11, pp.17354-17357, November, 2017

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