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06 - Prevalence of Extended Spectrum Beta Lactamase

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FishTech Rep.

6 (2), July-December 2020

The higher weight gain and specific growth rate and better feed attraction and subsequent higher
in shrimp head waste feed observed in the trial level of feed consumption.
might be on account of the higher protein content

Prevalence of extended spectrum beta lactamase

(ESBL) E. coli in fishes from the retail
markets of Guwahati, Assam.
G.K. Sivaraman1*, Sudha S.1, K.H. Muneeb1, Jennifer Cole2,
Bibek Shome3 and Mark Holmes4
ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Technology, Cochin – 682 029
Department of Geography, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK.
ICAR-National Institute of Veterinary Epidemiology and Disease Informatics, Bangalore
Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Cambridge, UK.

It is reported that 90-95% of the population of using BD Phoenix™ M50 automated system (BD
Assam depend on fish as their main protein diet Diagnostics, USA).
with per capita consumption of 9.00 kg (Bhuyan
A total of 79 fish samples were collected from
et al., 2017). Fishes being a major food in a
the retail markets situated in three selected
state like Assam and reports direct the possible
locations (Silagrant, Garchuk and North Guwahati
transmission of antimicrobial resistance through
Town Committee region) in Assam in the month
fish, it is impending to conduct a surveillance
of August, 2019. The samples include the most
to estimate the prevalence of antimicrobial
common food fishes silver carp (Hypopthal-
resistance pathogen. The impact of drug
michthys molitrix), rohu (Labeo rohita), red
resistant bacterial transmission from livestock
belly piranha (Pygocentrus nattereri), catla
and aquaculture resources/seafood to humans is
(Catla catla) and native fish varieties caught from
poorly understood. Antimicrobial resistance is a
either river or beel (lake) namely singara (Mystus
global issue as indicated by the rapid increase
tengara), singhi (Heteropneustes fossilis), kawoi
in cephalosporin and carbapenem resistance in
(Anabas testudines), puthi (Puntius spp.), bata
Enterobacteriaceae, leading to limitations in
(Labeo bata), aree (Sperata seenghala) etc.
treatment options for infections caused by these
bacteria (Bush et al., 2011). Extended- Spectrum Fish samples were collected in sterile polythene
Beta Lactamase (ESBLs) are considered as a bags and transported (maintaining cold chain)
major source of resistance in Enterobacteriaceae to the laboratory in National Research Centre
towards oxyimino- cephalosporins (Bradford, on Pig, Rani, Guwahati for initial processing.
2001). The present study highlights the prevalence Samples were processed within 3-4 hrs of initial
of ESBL E. coli in fishes sold in the selected retail procurement. The gut portion of the fish were
markets of Guwahati, Assam. The microbiological taken for the isolation of E. coli. Macerated
identification and antibiotic susceptibility test fish samples were aseptically transferred to
(AST) profile of the isolates were carried out modified form of Brilliant Green Bile Lactose
FishTech Rep. 6 (2), July-December 2020

Broth, EE broth Mossel enrichment media (pH were interpreted strictly adhering to CLSI, 2020.
7.2) and were incubated for 18-24 h at 35- 37°C. Multiple antibiotic resistance (MAR) index for
A loopful of the enriched culture was streaked E. coli was calculated based on the number
onto MacConkey agar plates supplemented with of antibiotics to which the isolates showed
1 µg/ml cefotaxime and incubated for 18-24 resistance to the total number of antibiotics to
hrs at 35-37 °C. Typical pink colored colonies, which isolates were exposed (Christopher et al.,
indicative of lactose-fermenting characteristics 2013).
of E. coli were picked and further streaked
In all, 66 non duplicate isolates from a total of 79
onto Eosin-Methylene Blue agar. Presumptive E.
fish samples were subjected to identification in
coli colonies with typical purple colour with or
BD Phoenix™ M50, out of which 54 isolates were
without dark purple center or with green metallic
detected as ESBL E. coli. These were further
sheen were picked. Non duplicate isolates were
confirmed at molecular level by using CTX-M genes
inoculated further on to tryptic soy agar plates
(Sivaraman et al., 2020). It is seen that 100% of
for identification and AST.
the E. coli isolates showed resistance to beta-
The BD Phoenix™ M50 automated system is lactam antibiotics such as ampicillin, cefazolin,
specifically used for the identification and cefotaxime and pipercillin. Though 100% of the
antibiotic susceptibility test of the isolates. E. coli isolates showed resistance to cefotaxime,
NMIC/ID55 ID-AST combo panel used in this study only 6% were resistant to ceftazidime, another
of Gram-negative bacteria has a distinct ‘BD third generation cephalosporin. It could be
Phoenix ESBL screening test’ which is based on seen that 85% of the isolates showed resistance
the growth response to selected second or third to fourth generation cefepime and 15% were
generation cephalosporins in the presence or categorized as susceptible-dose-dependent
absence of a beta-lactamase inhibitor, clavulanic (SDD). Only two isolates were resistant to
acid. This feature enables to categorize cefoxitin. Also 96% of the ESBL E. coli isolates
an isolate as ESBL if it is resistant to the were susceptible to β-lactam combination
following antibiotics: cefotaxime/ clavulanate, agents-amoxicillin/clavulanate and pipercillin/
ceftazidime/ clavulanate, cefpodoxime- tazobactam. Among the non β-lactam group of
proxetil, ceftazidime and ceftriaxone/ antibiotics, 33% of the isolates were resistant
clavulanate. Other than these, the panel consists to ciprofloxacin and <33% to levofloxacin.
of 19 different antibiotic wells representing 13 Tetracycline resistance was significantly less.
different antimicrobial categories: amikacin MAR index showed a range of 0.26-0.63 in ESBL
(AN), amoxicillin/ clavulanate (AMC), ampicillin E. coli isolates with 48% of the isolates with an
(AM), aztreonam (ATM), cefazolin (CZ), index value of 0.31. In the present study, all the
cefepime (CPM), cefotaxime (CTX), cefoxitin ESBL isolates showed resistance to more than
(FOX), ceftazidime (CAZ), chloramphenicol (C), three antimicrobial categories and hence were
ciprofloxacin (CIP), gentamicin (GN), imipenem considered as multi drug resistant (MDR). 67% of
(IPM), levofloxacin (LVX), meropenem (MEM), the E. coli were found to have resistance to 4
piperacillin (PIP), pipercillin/ tazobactam antimicrobial classes whereas, two E. coli isolates
(TZP), tetracycline (TE) and trimethoprim/ were resistant to a maximum of 8 antimicrobial
sulfamethoxazole (SXT). Isolates were loaded to classes. The study highlights the prevalence of
individual panels and procedures were followed extended spectrum β-lactamase producing E.
according to manufacturer’s instructions. Quality coli in the fish samples sold for consumption
control using the reference strains E. coli ATCC in retail markets. The prevalence of E. coli in
25922 was also performed. Susceptibility patterns environment is considered as a contaminant
FishTech Rep. 6 (2), July-December 2020

and any pathogenic strain can present several Kishony R., Kreiswirth B.N., Kutter E.
challenges in human health sector. and Lerner S.A. (2011) Tackling antibiotic
resistance. Nat. Rev. Microbiol. 9, 894-896.
This work carried out under the “North East India
One health Study on Transmission Dynamics of Christopher A.F., Hora S. and Ali Z. (2013)
Antimicrobial Resistance (NEOSTAR). Sanc. No: Investigation of plasmid profile, antibiotic
BT/IN/Indo- UK/AMR/06/BRS/2018-19 funded by susceptibility pattern multiple antibiotic
the Department of Biotechnology, Government resistance index calculation of Escherichia
of India. We also thank Dr. Rajendran Thomas, coli isolates obtained from different human
Senior Scientist, ICAR-National Research Centre clinical specimens at tertiary care hospital in
on Pig, Rani, Guwahati, Assam for providing lab Bareilly-India, Ann. Trop. Med. Pub. Health,
facilities. 6, 285.

References CLSI (2020) Clinical and Laboratory Standards

Institute Performance standards for
Bhuyan P.C., Goswami C. and Kakati B.K. (2017)
antimicrobial susceptibility testing; 30th
Study of Fish Consumption Patterns in Assam
edition, document M100 (2020). CLSI,
for Development of Market-Driven Strategies.
Wayne, PA.
Res J. Chem. Environ. Sci. 5 42-52.
Sivaraman G.K., Sudha S., Muneeb K. H., Shome
Bradford P.A. (2001) Extended-spectrum
B., Holmes M. and Cole J.(2020) Molecular
β-lactamases in the 21st century:
assessment of antimicrobial resistance
characterization, epidemiology, and
and virulence in multi drug resistant ESBL-
detection of this important resistance threat.
producing Escherichia coli and Klebsiella
Clin. Microbiol r(2001). Rev. 14(4) 933-951.
pneumoniae from food fishes, Assam,
Bush K. K, Courvalin P., Dantas G., Davies J., India. Microb Pathog. doi: 10.1016/j.
Eisenstein B., Huovinen P., Jacoby G.A, micpath.2020.104581.

“Caring the crafts”: off season maintenance of

fishing boats of Gujarat coast
Prajith K.K.*, Ejaz A.R. Parmar and Toms C. Joseph
ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Technology, Cochin – 682 029

There are number of factors which influence (6.96 lakh t) followed by motorized fishing vessels
the operation and maintenance of the fishing (0.84 lakh t) and non-motorized fishing vessels
systems. The coastal districts of Saurastra and (397 t). The catches from the mechanized sector
Kutch region of Gujarat, are well-known for are mostly contributed by multiday trawlers
skill and craftsmanship for construction of (CMFRI, 2019). Veraval, Mangrol, Okha and
highly efficient fishing and cargo vessels (Prajith Porbandar are the major fish landing centres of
et al 2017). The fishery of Gujarat is mainly the state. In Veraval coast, trawling is done with
contributed by the mechanised fishing vessels wooden and FRP vessels (only one steel vessel

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