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The Role of Plasmids in The Multiple Antibiotic Re

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published: 03 April 2019

doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2019.00633

The Role of Plasmids in the Multiple

Antibiotic Resistance Transfer in
ESBLs-Producing Escherichia coli
Isolated From Wastewater
Treatment Plants
Qing Li 1† , Weishan Chang 1† , Hongna Zhang 2,3 , Dong Hu 4 and Xuepeng Wang 1,2*
Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Animal Biotechnology and Disease Control and Prevention, Shandong Agricultural
University, Tai’an, China, 2 Laboratory for Marine Fisheries Science and Food Production Processes, Qingdao National
Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology, Qingdao, China, 3 Department of Teaching Affairs, Hebei University
of Economics and Business, Shijiazhuang, China, 4 Shandong Provincial Engineering Technology Research Center
of Animal Disease Control and Prevention, Shandong Agricultural University, Tai’an, China
Edited by:
Patrícia Poeta,
University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto We compared the diversity of extended-spectrum β-lactamases (ESBLs) producing
Douro, Portugal
Escherichia coli (E. coli) in wastewater of a municipal wastewater treatment plant.
Reviewed by:
Ziad Daoud,
This was done by analyzing multiple antibiotic resistant phenotypes and genotypes.
University of Balamand, Lebanon Also, we investigated the antibiotic resistance transfer mechanism of the plasmid by
Chengming Wang,
comparing the antibiotic resistance gene linked transfer using a conjugative test, and
Auburn University, United States
by analyzing the full-length DNA sequence of one plasmid. The results showed that
Xuepeng Wang 50 ESBLs-producing E. coli isolates were isolated from 80 wastewater samples at the rate of 62.5% (50/80), out of which 35 transconjugants were obtained with the multiple
† Co-first authors antibiotic resistant transfer rate as high as 70.0% (35/50). Multiple antibiotic resistance
Specialty section:
was shown in all transconjugants and donor bacteria, which were capable of resistance
This article was submitted to to 11 out of 15 kinds of antibiotics. Both transconjugants and donors were capable
Antimicrobials, Resistance of resistance to the Ampicillin and Cefalotin at a rate of 100.00% (35/35), while the
and Chemotherapy,
a section of the journal total antibiotic resistant spectrum of transconjugants narrowed at the rate of 94.29%
Frontiers in Microbiology (33/35) and broadened at the rate of 5.71% (2/35) after conjugate to the donor bacteria.
Received: 11 March 2018 PCR showed that the resistant genotypes decreased or remained unchanged when
Accepted: 13 March 2019
Published: 03 April 2019
compared to donor bacteria with transconjugants while the blaTEM and blaCTX-M genes
were transferred and linked at a rate of 100.00% (35/35) and the blaSHV gene was at
Li Q, Chang W, Zhang H, Hu D the rate as high as 94.29% (33/35). However, the qnrS gene was transferred at a low
and Wang X (2019) The Role of rate of 4.17% (1/24). In addition, the major resistance gene subtypes were blaTEM- 1 ,
Plasmids in the Multiple Antibiotic
Resistance Transfer blaSHV-11 , and blaCTX-M-15 according to sequencing and Blast comparison. Plasmid
in ESBLs-Producing Escherichia coli wwA8 is a closed-loop DNA molecule with 83157 bp, and contains 45 predicted genes,
Isolated From Wastewater Treatment
Plants. Front. Microbiol. 10:633.
including three antibiotic resistant resistance genes, blaCTX-M-15 , blaTEM-1 and qnrS1,
doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2019.00633 which can be transferred with E. coli in vitro. This study shows that E. coli isolated

Frontiers in Microbiology | 1 April 2019 | Volume 10 | Article 633

Li et al. Antibiotic Resistance Transfer in E. coli

from wastewater was capable of transferring resistance genes and producing antibiotic
resistant phenotypes. The plasmids containing different resistance genes in E. coli play
an important role in the multiple antibiotic resistant transfer. Most importantly, antibiotic
resistant resistance genes have different transfer efficiencies, the blaTEM and blaCTX-M
genes transferred at a rate of 100.00% and linked transfer in all 35 transconjugants.
Keywords: Escherichia coli, ESBLs, multiple antibiotic resistant, transconjugants, plasmid

INTRODUCTION The discovery of R plasmid confirms that not only do the bacteria
contain natural resistance genes, but also that they can acquire
Enterobacteriaceae, particularly Escherichia coli (E. coli), are
resistance to defend against survival pressures. This resistance is
among the most important zoonotic pathogens. They are widely
not only vertically transmitted, but it is also transmitted between
distributed in aquatic environments and can cause infectious
species (i.e., horizontal transmission). The major factor in the
disease in most animals and humans, such as urinary tract
spread of resistance is thought to be the ability of bacteria to
infections, diarrhoea, enteritis, and septicaemia (Lewis et al.,
acquire and transmit foreign genes through movable elements,
2007; Ang et al., 2016). Abuse and overuse of antibiotics in
such as plasmids and transposons (Mokracka et al., 2012).
the clinic has resulted in the emergence of multiple antibiotic
The purpose of this study was to analyze the distribution of
resistant bacteria strains (Goldman, 2004). In addition, an
ESBLs-producing E. coli in municipal WTPs, to isolate ESBLs-
increase in the prevalence of multiple antibiotic resistant E. coli
producing E. coli strains, and then to elucidate the multiple
isolates has been reported worldwide. In recent decades, beta-
antibiotic resistance linked transfer using a conjugative test. The
lactams, as well as fluoroquinolones have been used as important
resistant phenotypes and multiple antibiotic resistant genotypes
therapeutic choices against bacterial infection. Therefore, the
were compared in transconjugants, donor and recipient strains.
selective pressure resulting from their use and sometimes
At last, we investigated the role of plasmids in the multiple
misuse contributes to antibiotic resistance (Ben Said et al.,
antibiotic resistance transfer mechanism in E. coli by analyzing
2016; Correia et al., 2016). One of the most important
its full-length sequence.
mechanisms is the plasmid-mediated production of extended-
spectrum β-lactamases (ESBLs), which can hydrolyze β-lactams
(Ramos et al., 2013). ESBLs is a group of enzymes that can
hydrolyze penicillin and also can hydrolyze the first, second,
and third generations of antibiotics, such as Cephalosporins
and Aztreonam. ESBLs can be inhibited by enzyme inhibitors,
WTPs and Sample Collection
which are sensitive to antibiotics, such as Cephamycin and The wastewater samples were taken from a municipal WTPs,
Carbapenem. Bacteria that carry this enzyme can hydrolyze located in Tai’an county, China, in September 2016. The WTPs
the corresponding antibiotics, leading to the failure of some employed an activated sludge process. The wastewater was taken
treatments. Over the past several years, the dissemination of from a hospital and a multi-species slaughterhouse. The samples
E. coli isolates produces ESBLs and pAmpC, which has been used for research were taken from (i) raw wastewater in the
reported in different settings, including in food, food-producing primary sedimentation tank (intake), (ii) treated water (aeration
animals, and different types of aquatic environments, especially tank), and (iii) final treated wastewater (outlet). In each sampling
wastewater (Diwan et al., 2012; Divesh et al., 2014; Warjri event, the samples were taken simultaneously from the three sites.
et al., 2015). In addition, wastewater can also provide favorable The samples were collected in sterile containers at the depth of
conditions for the growth of a diverse bacterial community, 0.3 m and the distance of 1 m from the side of the respective
which constitutes a basis for the further selection and spread of sampling sites as previously described (Mokracka et al., 2012).
antibiotic resistance (Ben Said et al., 2016). Each sample was refrigerated and then transported to the lab and
Wastewater treatment plants (WTPs) are important reservoirs analyzed within 12 h.
of human and animal micro-organisms that can enter into the
environment again through the plant outlet, such as with water Isolation and Identification of
and food, and are likely to infect humans and animals. “The main ESBLs-Producing E. coli
transport pathways of antibiotics into the ambient environment The isolation and the identification of E. coli were done following
are via WTPs, where they may be only partially eliminated” previously described methods (Mokracka et al., 2012). Briefly,
(Xu et al., 2007). So in this ecosystem, antibiotics in wastewater the samples were diluted serially in 0.9% NaCl, inoculated
may exert a selective pressure that promotes the spread of onto Brilliance TM E. coli/Coliform Selective Agar (Oxoid)
the resistant microorganisms to other environments (Schlüter and incubated at 37◦ C for 24 h. Then the single colony was
et al., 2007; Amos et al., 2014). In addition, WTPs’ wastewater passaged three times for the further experiments. Identification
contains a large number of bacteria, which is conducive to of bacteria was done with API 20E kit (bioMerieux), dedicated
the bonding between bacteria, and this promotes transfer of to identifying E. coli and other Gram-negative bacteria using
multiple antibiotic resistance genes carried by movable elements. biochemical tests.

Frontiers in Microbiology | 2 April 2019 | Volume 10 | Article 633

Li et al. Antibiotic Resistance Transfer in E. coli

The suspected ESBLs-producing E. coli isolates were TABLE 2 | Antibiotic resistance phenotypes of donor strains and transconjugants.
confirmed by phenotypic confirmatory tests using cefotaxime
Transconjugant Donor strains
(30 ug), cefotaxime/clavulanic acid (30 ug/10 ug), ceftazidime
(30 ug), and ceftazidime/clavulanic acid (30 ug/10 ug) (Kim et al., AMP-KF-STR AMP-KF-STR-C-FFC-CN-TE-KAN
2017; Zhang et al., 2017). AMP-AZT-KF-FEP-STR-E-TE SXT-AMP-AZT-KF-FEP-STR-C-AZT-CIP-
Conjugation and Identification of
In order to prove the antibiotic resistance gene in E. coli has SXT-AMP-AZT-KAN-KF-STR-E SXT-AMP-AZT-KF-E-TE
the ability to transfer in vitro, 50 ESBLs-producing E. coli SXT-AMP-AZT-KF-STR-C-TE AMP-AZT-KF-TE-CN-NOR
strains were isolated from the WTPs, which were resistant to SXT-AMP-AZT-KF-STR SXT-AMP-AZT-KF-CN-TE-NOR-KAN-
cefotaxime and sensitive to sodium azide. E. coli J53 was resistant C-FFC
to sodium azide and sensitive to most antibiotics, which was SXT-AMP-AZT-KF-STR SXT-AMP-AZT-KF-STR-CN-TE-KAN-C-E-
donated by Professor Yu-Song Yu from Zhejiang University CIP-FFC
School of Medicine. Conjugative testing was performed using the AMP-AZT-KF-STR SXT-AMP-AZT-KAN-KF-STR-CN-TE-NOR-
filter mating method (Wei et al., 2014; Knudsen et al., 2018). C-E-CIP-FFC

The suspected colonies were identified and the positive strains SXT-AMP-AZT-KF-STR SXT-AMP-AZT-KF-CN-TE-FEP-C-E-IPM

were passaged three times from the culture plates to a new SXT-AMP-AZT-KAN-KF-STR SXT-AMP-AZT-KF-STR-TE-FEP
antibiotics selective medium plate by scribing. They were then
preserved in glycerol for subsequent experiments (Zhang, 2006;
Knudsen et al., 2018).
Detection of Antibiotic Susceptibility and SXT-AMP-AZT-KF-STR SXT-AMP-AZT-KF-STR-CN-FEP
Antibiotic Resistant Genotypes AMP-AZT–KF-STR SXT-AMP-AZT-KF-STR-TE
Susceptibility analysis to 16 antibiotics Florfenicol (FFC), AMP-AZT-KF-STR SXT-AMP-AZT-KF-STR-CN-TE-NOR-C-
Sulfamethoxazole (SXT), Ampicillin (AMP), Aztreonam (AZT), CIP-FFC
Kanamycin (KAN), Cefalotin (KF), Cefepime (FEP), Norfloxacin AMP-KF-FEP–STR SXT-AMP-AZT-KF-FEP-TE
(NOR), Streptomycin (STR), Ciprofloxacin (CIP), Imine AMP-AZT-KF-STR SXT-AMP-AZT-KF-CN-TE
imipenem (IPM), Chloramphenicol (C), Erythromycin (E) and AMP-AZT-KF-FEP–STR SXT-AMP-AZT-KF-FEP-STR-TE-E
Gentamycin (CN), Tetracycline (TE) was carried out by disk- AMP-AZT–KF-FEP-STR SXT-AMP-AZT-KF-FEP-STR-IPM-TE
diffusion method (Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute AMP-KF-FEP-STR AMP-KF-STR-AZT-IPM
[CLSI], 2013). E. coli ATCC 25922 was used as a reference strain AMP-AZT-KF-STR SXT-AMP-AZT-KF-FEP-E-IPM
(Silva et al., 2010). All screen-positive ESBLs-producing strains AMP-AZT-KF-STR SXT-AMP-AZT-KF-STR-TE-E-IPM
and transconjugants were from plasmids and genomic DNA AMP-AZT-KF-FEP-STR SXT-AMP-AZT-KF-FEP-STR-CN-TE-E-IPM
extraction. They were then examined for the presence of CTX-M, AMP–KF-STR SXT-AMP-KF-AZT-STR-CN-TE-NOR-KAN-
OXA, SHV, TEM, qnrA, qnrB, and qnrS genes by multiplex C-CIP-FFC-IPM

PCR with the same method and primers as our earlier research, SXT-AMP-AZT-KF-FEP-STR SXT-AMP-AZT-KF-STR-TE-IPM
TABLE 1 | Sequences of primers used for PCR.
Gene Primer sequence (50 –30 ) Product length/bp AMP-AZT-KF SXT-AMP-AZT-KF-TE-STR-IPM

blaSHV F: GGGTTATTCTTATTTGTCGCT 913 NAL, nalidixic acid; E, erythromycin; CIP, ciprofloxacin; FFC, florfenicol; IPM,
imipenem; AML, amoxicillin; SXT, cotrimoxazole; AMP, ampicillin; CN, gentamicin;
TE, tetracycline; STR, streptomycin; NOR, norfloxacin; KAN, kanamycin; FEP,
blaTEM F: GAGACAATAACCCTGGTAAATG 886 cefepime; KF, cefalotin; AZT, aztreonam; C, chloramphenicol; CTX, cefotaxime;
R: GTGAAGTAAGTGACCAGAATC and the primers described in Table 1 (Li et al., 2017). DNA
qnrA F: TCAGCAAGAGGATTTCTCA 627 sequencing using purified PCR products was provided by ABI
R: GGCAGCACTATTACTCCCA PRISM 3730XL Analyzer (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA,
qnrB F: ATGACGCCATTACTGTATAA 562 United States) in Shanghai Sangon Biotech, Co., Ltd., China. The
R: GATCGCAATGTGTGAAGTTT database similarity searches for nucleotide sequences performed
qnrS F: ACCTTCACCGCTTGCACATT 576 using the BLAST tool at the National Center for Biotechnology
R: CCAGTGCTTCGAGAATCAGT Information (NCBI) website1 .

Frontiers in Microbiology | 3 April 2019 | Volume 10 | Article 633

Li et al. Antibiotic Resistance Transfer in E. coli

Analysis of the Ligated Plasmids which is sensitive to the above-mentioned 15 antibiotics. Both
After plasmid electrophoresis analysis, all plasmids were transconjugants and donors were capable of resistance to the
successfully extracted from all CTX-M and TEM gene-positive AMP and KF at a rate of 100.00% (35/35). Among them,
binders. Strains showed great variation in banding numbers and transconjugants had transferred STR, SXT, E, and KAN resistance
distance, containing 1 to 6 plasmids (∼2 to >120 kb). E. coli compared to donors at a rate of 90.91% (20/22), 34.48%
A8 showed only one about 83 kb plasmid carrying CTX-M-15, (10/29), 16.67% (2/12), and 22.22% (2/9). However, the capability
TEM-1 and qnrS and therefore was used as an analysis target. of resistance to STR, SXT, E, and KAN in transconjugants
Plasmid wwA8 was extracted with TIAGEN company plasmid broadened at a rate of 76.92% (10/13), 50.00% (3/6), 4.35% (1/23),
extraction kit by following the instructions and was sent to and 7.69% (2/26). So transconjugants which had a narrowed
Sangon company for analysis of the whole DNA sequence. antibiotic resistance spectrum, lost one or several antibiotic
After sequencing was completed, the open reading frame of the resistances which were present in the donor bacteria, or had
plasmid sequence was predicted using the Bacterial Annotation a broadened antibiotic resistance spectrum and gained one or
System and the result was confirmed with DNAMAN 5.2.10 several antibiotic resistances which were not present in the
software (BASys2 ; Van et al., 2005). Each predicted protein donor bacteria. In a word, the antibiotic resistant spectrum of
was compared to all protein databases using BlastP3 . The gene
sequence was further aligned with the GenBank database by
BLAST, and the sequence homology plasmid resembled the
TABLE 3 | The multiple antibiotic resistant genotypes of 35 strains of donors and
reference plasmid3 . E. coli strain PGR46 plasmid pPGRT46 transconjugants.
(GenBank Accession No. KM023153.1) was used as a reference
plasmid for WWA8 annotation. Plasmid maps were drawn using Transconjugant Donor strain
SnapGene Viewer 3.2.1.
blaTEM-135 –blaSHV-11 –blaCTX-M-15 blaTEM-135 –blaSHV-11 –blaCTX-M-15 –qnrS
blaTEM-1 –blaCTX-M-15 blaTEM-1 –blaSHV-11 –blaCTX-M-15 –qnrS
blaTEM-135 –blaSHV-11 –blaCTX-M-15 blaTEM-135 –blaSHV-11 –blaCTX-M-15 –qnrS
blaTEM-1 –blaCTX-M-15 –qnrS blaTEM-1 –blaSHV-11 –blaCTX-M-15 –qnrS
blaTEM-1 –blaSHV-11 –blaCTX-M-15 blaTEM-1 –blaSHV-11 –blaCTX-M-15
Distribution of ESBLs-Producing E. coli
blaTEM-1 –blaSHV-11 –blaCTX-M-15 blaTEM-1 –blaSHV-11 –blaCTX-M-15 –qnrS
Seventy E. coli strains were isolated from 80 wastewater samples
blaTEM-1 –blaSHV-11 –blaCTX-M-15 blaTEM-1 –blaSHV-11 –blaCTX-M-15 –qnrS
with a separation rate of 87.5%. Among them, 25 out of 25
blaTEM-1 –blaSHV-11 –blaCTX-M-15 blaTEM-1 –blaSHV-11 –blaCTX-M-15 –qnrS
(100%) strains were isolated from intake, 30 out of 30 (100%)
strains from aeration tank, and 15 out of 25 (60%) strains from blaTEM-1 –blaSHV-40 –blaCTX-M-15 blaTEM-1 –blaSHV-40 –blaCTX-M-15 –qnrS

outlet. ESBLs-producing strains could be identified according blaTEM-181 –blaSHV-11 –blaCTX-M-15 blaTEM-181 –blaSHV-11 –blaCTX-M-15

to the CLSI2009 standard, the ESBLs-producing strains were blaTEM-181 –blaSHV-11 –blaCTX-M-55 blaTEM-181 –blaSHV-11 –blaCTX-M-55

confirmed by phenotypic confirmation. A total of 50 ESBLs- blaTEM-1 –blaSHV-11 –blaCTX-M-15 blaTEM-1 –blaSHV-11 –blaCTX-M-15 –qnrS
producing isolates were obtained from 70 isolates of E. coli, with blaTEM-1 –blaSHV-11 –blaCTX-M-15 blaTEM-1 –blaSHV-11 –blaCTX-M-15 –qnrS
the isolation rate as high as 71.4%, of which 22 out of 25 (88%) blaTEM-1 –blaSHV-11 –blaCTX-M-15 blaTEM-1 –blaSHV-11 –blaCTX-M-15 –qnrS
were from water intakes, 20 out of 30 (66.7%) from aeration tanks blaTEM-1 –blaSHV-56 –blaCTX-M-15 blaTEM-1 –blaSHV-6 –blaCTX-M-15 –qnrS
and 8 out of 15 (53.3%) from water outlets. blaTEM-1 –blaSHV-11 –blaCTX-M-15 blaTEM-1 –blaSHV-11 –blaCTX-M-15 –qnrB
blaTEM-1 –blaSHV-11 –blaCTX-M-15 blaTEM-1 –blaSHV-11 –blaCTX-M-15
Identification of Conjugation blaTEM-181 –blaSHV-40 –blaCTX-M-55 blaTEM-181 –blaSHV-40 –blaCTX-M-55 –qnrS
After the conjugative test using the filter mating method, the blaTEM-1 –blaSHV-11 –blaCTX-M-15 blaTEM-1 –blaSHV-11 –blaCTX-M-15 –qnrS
ERIC-PCR, and the selective plate assay, it was judged according blaTEM-1 –blaSHV-11 –blaCTX-M-15 blaTEM-1 –blaSHV-11 –blaCTX-M-15 –qnrS
to the conjugative screening test (Zhang, 2006). Fifty strains of blaTEM-1 –blaSHV-11 –blaCTX-M-15 blaTEM-1 –blaSHV-11 –blaCTX-M-15 –qnrS
ESBLs-producing resistance to Cefotaxime were used as donor blaTEM-1 –blaSHV-11 –blaCTX-M-15 blaTEM-1 –blaSHV-11 –blaCTX-M-15 –qnrS
bacteria, and 35 transconjugants were obtained successfully with blaTEM-1 –blaSHV-56 –blaCTX-M-15 blaTEM-1 –blaSHV-56 –blaCTX-M-15 –qnrS
the transfer rate as high as 70%. blaTEM-1 –blaSHV-11 –blaCTX-M-15 blaTEM-1 –blaSHV-11 –blaCTX-M-15 –qnrS
blaTEM-1 –blaSHV-11 –blaCTX-M-15 blaTEM-1 –blaSHV-11 –blaCTX-M-15
Resistant Phenotype of Donor Bacteria blaTEM-1 –blaSHV-11 –blaCTX-M-55 blaTEM-1 –blaSHV-11 –blaCTX-M-55

and Transconjugants blaTEM-1 –blaSHV-11 –blaCTX-M-15 blaTEM-1 –blaSHV-11 –blaCTX-M-15 –qnrS

The resistant phenotypes of 35 transconjugants for 15 kinds blaTEM-1 –blaSHV-11 –blaCTX-M-15 blaTEM-1 –blaSHV-11 –blaCTX-M-15 –qnrS

of antibiotics compared to the donor strains were shown in blaTEM-1 –blaSHV-11 –blaCTX-M-55 blaTEM-1 –blaSHV-11 –blaCTX-M-55

Table 2. The results showed that all transconjugants and donor blaTEM-116 –blaSHV-11 –blaCTX-M-15 blaTEM-116 –blaSHV-11 –blaCTX-M-15 –qnrS

strains were capable of multiple antibiotic resistance for three blaTEM-1 –blaSHV-79 –blaCTX-M-15 blaTEM-1 –blaSHV-79 –blaCTX-M-15 –qnrS
or more antibiotics compared to recipient strain E. coli J53, blaTEM-1 –blaSHV-11 –blaCTX-M-55 blaTEM-1 –blaSHV-11 –blaCTX-M-55 –qnrB
blaTEM-1 –blaSHV-11 –blaCTX-M-15 blaTEM-1 –blaSHV-11 –blaCTX-M-15
2 blaTEM-1 –blaSHV-11 –blaCTX-M-15 blaTEM-1 –blaSHV-11 –blaCTX-M-15 –qnrS
3 blaTEM-1 –blaSHV-11 –blaCTX-M-15 blaTEM-1 –blaSHV-11 –blaCTX-M-15

Frontiers in Microbiology | 4 April 2019 | Volume 10 | Article 633

Li et al. Antibiotic Resistance Transfer in E. coli

FIGURE 1 | Genetic map of the plasmid wwA8.

transconjugants narrowed after exposure to the donor bacteria of plasmid wwA8 is very homologous to plasmid IpPGRT46
at the rate of 94.29% (33/35) and broadened at the rate (GenBank KM023153.1).
of 5.71% (2/35).

Antibiotic Resistant Genotypes of Donor DISCUSSION

Bacteria and Transconjugants
Escherichia coli are important opportunistic pathogens that cause
The resistant gene phenotypes of 35 transconjugants compared
urinary tract infections and sepsis in animals and humans (Lewis
to its donor strains by PCR were shown in Table 3. The results
et al., 2007). The prevalence of multiple antibiotic resistant
showed that the blaTEM and blaCTX-M genes were all transferred
Enterobacteriaceae in the world has been increasing in recent
successfully at the rate 100.00% (35/35). The blaSHV gene was
decades. β-lactams and fluoroquinolones have been selected as
transferred successfully at the rate 94.29% (33/35). However, only
important therapeutic agents. The selective pressure created
one strain of the qnrS gene was transferred at the rate of 4.17%
by the abuse of these agents has led to the development of
(1/24). Blast comparison results showed that the gene subtype
multiple antibiotic resistant bacteria. One of the mechanisms
of the major resistance was blaTEM-1 , blaSHV-11 and blaCTX-M-15 ,
by which multiple antibiotic resistant bacteria are produced
and at the rate of 82.86% (29/35), 85.71% (30/35), and 85.71
is the production of plasmid-mediated ESBLs which hydrolyze
(30/35), respectively.
β-lactam (Cantón et al., 2008). ESBLs can hydrolyze β-lactam and
propagate through bacteria in a plasmid-mediated manner, which
Analysis of the Transferred Plasmid is one of the main reasons for Gram-negative bacilli resistance.
A plasmid harbored in E. coli A8 was named wwA8 (GenBank The gene coding for ESBLs is located on the plasmid, which
MG773378), and its pattern map drawing with the whole has many genotypes such as blaCTX-M , blaSHV , blaTEM and OXA
DNA sequence was displayed in Figure 1. Plasmid wwA8 is a types. Bacterial genes encoding ESBLs are often located on the
closed-loop DNA molecule with 83157 bp and GC content at same plasmid with other antibiotic resistance genes, leading to
the rate of 52.74%. The plasmid wwA8 contains 45 predicted multiple bacterial resistances, causing great difficulties in clinical
genes (Table 4), carries three known antibiotic resistance treatment of infectious diseases (Ben-Shahar et al., 2012).
genes, blaCTX-M-15 , blaTEM-1 , qnrS1, which can be transferred The genes encoding ESBLs are located on the plasmids. There
in E. coli in vitro. The sequence analyzing results of the is diversity in genotypes of ESBLs including blaCTX-M , blaSHV ,
plasmid showed that E. coli isolated from wastewater had the blaTEM , OXA, etc. Due to the different geographical and antibiotic
proficiency of resistance genes transferring. The basic structure habits, the prevalence of genotypes in different countries, regions,

Frontiers in Microbiology | 5 April 2019 | Volume 10 | Article 633

Li et al. Antibiotic Resistance Transfer in E. coli

TABLE 4 | Open reading frames identified in wwA8. paper, ESBLs-producing E. coli were isolated from WTPs, and
then E. coli J53 was as recipient bacteria performed plasmid
Gene name Nucleotide Function encoded
position conjugation, the multiple antibiotic resistance phenotype and
the multiple antibiotic resistant genotypes test were carried
repA 72–487 IncN replicase gene distrupted by out. One of the plasmids in transconjugants was sequenced
insertion of IS26
to detect the transfer of the plasmids in the bacteria. In this
TnpA 539–1255 Transposase IS26
experiment, 50 isolates of ESBLs-producing E. coli were isolated
TnpA 1720–2940 Transposase for transposon Tn1721
from 80 wastewater samples and the isolation rate was very high.
TetR 3272–3949 Tetracycline repressor protein
Therefore, ESBLs-producing E. coli has been widespread in the
TetA 3953–5227 Tetracycline efflux protein
environment. Among them, the outlet ESBLs-producing E. coli
Int2 8775–9752 Integrase/recombinase
separation rate is 32%, and at the intake the separation rate
VirB1 16090–16752 Type IV secretory pathway VirB1
is 88%. Although WTPs can significantly reduce the microbial
VirB4 17072–19822 Type IV secretion system protein virB4
load in water, it cannot completely eliminate antibiotic resistance
Virb5 19841–20557 P-type DNA transfer protein VirB5
bacteria. On the contrary, these selective pressures increase the
Virb6 20871–21878 VirB6 plasmid conjugal transfer protein
resistance of certain bacteria. The ESBLs-producing E. coli in the
Virb8 22088–22774 Type IV secretion system protein virB8
outlet water cannot be completely eliminated. It will enter the
Virb9 22767–23660 P-type conjugative transfer protein VirB9
local environment, resulting in the spread of resistant bacteria.
Virb10 23657–24853 Type IV secretion system protein virB10
On the other hand, untreated wastewater overflow into the
Virb11 24857–25906 P-type DNA transfer ATPase VirB11
surface during rainstorms may be one of the sources of ESBLs-
DNA topoiso- 27345–29546 DNA topoisomerase III family protein
producing E. coli (Diallo et al., 2013).
merase III In this experiment, 50 ESBLs-producing E. coli strains
TraM 30755–32551 Mobilization protein were isolated from municipal WTPs in Tai’an City, 35
SeSB 32566–33312 Mobilization protein strains were successfully transferred. The detection of antibiotic
Hypothetical 34775–35740 Antirestriction protein resistant ESBLs-producing genes showed that three genotypes
protein of blaCTX-M, blaSHV and blaTEM were detected, which was
TnpA 36357–37415 Transposase of ISL3 consistent with the previous study (Cohen Stuart et al., 2010;
UmuC 37941–39212 UV protection Sima et al., 2016). No OXA genotype was detected in this
SopB 40935–41906 Plasmid-partitioning protein study and a small amount of the fluoroquinolone resistance
SopA 41906–43081 Plasmid partition protein SopA gene was detected. The blaTEM and blaCTX-M genes were
RepB 43813–44823 Initiator replicase protein FIB-like replicon transferred successfully in all strains, except for the blaSHV
Blc 45614–45973 Outer membrane lipoprotein precursor only in which only one strain transferred successfully. With
MerR 46076–46801 Transcriptional regulator MerR the increasing use of β-lactam antibiotics, especially the third-
YedX 46901–47311 Hydroxyisourate hydrolase generation cephalosporins, it is important to monitor the
TnpA 49670–50386 Transposase of IS26 production of blaCTX-M , blaSHV , and blaTEM strains. In particular,
Omp 54416–55708 Putative membrane protein it is important to monitor the surveillance of blaCTX-M , blaSHV ,
YdaA 59566–59925 Resolvase-like protein, YdaA blaTEM genotype transmission in order to provide a reliable basis
QnrS1 62133–62789 Quinolone resistance gene for clinical use of antibiotics.
TnpA 64242–66791 Transposase for transposon Tn3 The mechanism of bacterial resistance is quite complex.
blaCTX-M-15 67430–68305 Beta-lactamase enzyme family However, great progress has been made in the research of this
TnpA 68561–69823 ISEcp1 transposase topic. In particular, research of the R plasmid confirms that the
tnpA 70005–70382 Fragment genetic material contains the natural resistance gene in bacteria.
blaTEM1 71127–71987 Beta lactamase TEM-1 Acquired antibacterial resistance is gained via selective stress.
TnpA 72197–72736 Transposase of ISVsa3 Conjugation is the most common way genetic information is
StrB 72708–73544 Streptomycin resistance protein B transferred and plays a very important role in the spread of
StrA 73544–74035 Aminoglycoside phosphotransferase multiple antibiotic resistance genes. 35 conjugations of E. coli
sul2 74408–75223 Dihydropteroate synthase J53 were finally obtained, and the success rate of conjugation
TnpA 76994–78700 Tn3 family transposase was as high as 70%. The results show that under certain selective
TnpA 78812–79528 Transposase of IS26 pressures, the plasmid is very easily transferred between E. coli,
DfrA14 79842–80324 Dihydrofolate reductase DfrA14 leading to the spread of antibiotic resistance, which is very
IntI1 80471–81484 Class 1 integron integrase harmful to clinical treatment (Cavaco et al., 2007).
TnpM 81423–81737 Transposon Tn21 modulator protein The antibiotic resistant spectrum of transconjugants narrowed
Uvp1 81877–82446 Resolvase of the R46 plasmid compared to the donor bacteria at the rate of 94.29% (33/35).
This could mean that the antibiotic resistance gene may be
located in the movable elements such as plasmids rather than
and environments varies (Fabre et al., 2009). Animal-derived the genomes (Park et al., 2017), or that different strains carry
ESBLs-producing E. coli has been reported (Alexy et al., 2006), different plasmids, some of which are not compatible. However,
but less ESBLs-producing E. coli is reported in wastewater. In this the antibiotic resistance spectrum of transconjugants broadened

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Li et al. Antibiotic Resistance Transfer in E. coli

compared to donor bacteria at the rate of 5.71% (2/35). AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS

In addition, transconjugants which lost one or more antibiotic
resistances also added one or more antibiotic resistances at the QL performed the experiments and analyzed the data. WC
rate of 48.6%. These are why antibiotics should be used with drafted the manuscript. HZ and DH collected wastewater samples
caution so as not to cause an increase in antibiotic resistance. At and some data. XW designed and supervised the study and
the same time, there was a significant increase in the resistance to performed manuscript editing.
STR, which may be caused by the enhanced expression of aadA1
and aadA2 gene cassettes located on the transferred plasmid,
showing resistances that are not in donor bacteria (Zhao et al., FUNDING
2011). The transfer rate of AMP and KF in ESBLs-producing
E. coli was 100%. This proved that the plasmids in E. coli play This work was supported by the earmarked fund for the Modern
an important role in the multiple antibiotic resistant transfer. Agro-industry Technology Research System in Shandong
Province (Grant No. SDAIT-14-07), the National Natural Science
Foundation of China (Grant No. 31402325), funds of Shandong
CONCLUSION “Double Tops” Program, and special funds from the central
finance to support the development of local universities.
This study shows that E. coli isolated from wastewater was capable
of resistance gene transfer and of producing antibiotic resistance
phenotypes. The resistance genes are located on plasmids which ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
have the ability to transfer in vitro, and the plasmids in E. coli
play an important role in the multiple antibiotic resistance We thank Chole Josefson and Taylor Novak at Auburn University
linked transfer. for performing manuscript editing.

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