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Kyushu University Institutional Repository

Utilization of Groundnut Shell as Reinforcement

in Development of Aluminum Based Composite to
Reduce Environment Pollution: a review
Dwivedi, Prakash, Shashi
Department of Mechanical Engineering, G.L. Bajaj Institute of Technology and Management

Maurya, Manish
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Accurate Institute of Management and Technology

Maurya, Kumar, Nagendra

Department of Mechanical Engineering, G.L. Bajaj Institute of Technology and Management

Srivastava, Kumar, Ashish

Department of Mechanical Engineering, G.L. Bajaj Institute of Technology and Management

出版情報:Evergreen. 7 (1), pp.15-25, 2020-03. 九州大学グリーンテクノロジー研究教育センター

EVERGREEN Joint Journal of Novel Carbon Resource Sciences & Green Asia Strategy, Vol. 07, Issue 01, pp15-25, March, 2020

Utilization of Groundnut Shell as Reinforcement in

Development of Aluminum Based Composite to Reduce
Environment Pollution: a review
Shashi Prakash Dwivedi1, Manish Maurya2, Nagendra Kumar Maurya1*, Ashish
Kumar Srivastava1, Satpal Sharma3, Ambuj Saxena1
Department of Mechanical Engineering, G.L. Bajaj Institute of Technology and Management, Greater
Noida -201308, India
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Accurate Institute of Management and Technology, Greater Noida -
201308, India
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Gautam Budha University, Gautam Budha Nagar -201310, India

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed:

(Received November 16, 2019; Revised January 28, 2020; accepted March 2, 2020).

Abstract: There are various types of reinforcements used in the development of aluminium based
metal matrix composites. It was observed that by the use of ceramic particles, mechanical
characteristics such as hardness and tensile strength were enhanced. However, density and cost was
also increased. Groundnut shell is waste product that produces lots of soil pollution. By utilizing
ground nut shell ash as reinforcement material with aluminium, mechanical properties can be
improved. Further, density and cost of composite can be reduced. The aim of this review article is to
study the influence of various types of reinforcements in the fabrication of composites with enhanced
mechanical properties.

Keywords: Waste products, groundnut shell ash, tensile strength, hardness, density.

1. Introduction increased the mechanical characteristics like hardness and

tensile strength of composite. The reinforcement for a
As the name tells us that, in metal matrix composites, matrix alloy is selected based on the property requirement
the matrix phase should be in the form of metal like for the composite, wettability of the reinforcement and the
aluminium, magnesium, titanium. Metals are mainly matrix compatibility Hybrid metal matrix composites
reinforced to increase or decrease the properties according imparts the expected properties by bringing the combined
to the requirement of needed design1). Metal matrix advantages of both matrix and reinforcement into full play,
composites provide following advantages- it includes which gives us a rather high degree of freedom in material
modulus and higher specific strength by reinforcing low design5). Various techniques present to present composites
density metals like aluminium and titanium; Lower are shown in Fig 1. In this review article, focus is
coefficients of thermal expansion by reinforcing with presented on the composites prepared through stir casting
fibers of low coefficient of thermal expansions such as technique.
graphite; and maintaining properties such as strength at
high temperature2). Metal matrix composites provide 1. 1 Green Metal Matrix Composites
several advantages as compared to polymer matrix
composites that include higher service temperature, Green manufacturing is a business technique that
higher elastic properties, better wear, fatigue and flaw focuses on profitability through environmentally friendly
resistance and higher electric and thermal conductivity3). operating processes. Groundnut shell is an aviculture by
In comparison to polymer matrix composite, metal matrix product that has been listed worldwide as one of the worst
composites have some drawbacks such as higher environmental problems6). The effective utilization of
processing temperature and higher densities 4). groundnut shell in development of aluminium based
When two or more than two reinforcements are added composite is strongly encouraged in our society for
to the matrix then the resulting composite is called hybrid environmental and economic reasons7).
composite. Addition of reinforcement materials had

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EVERGREEN Joint Journal of Novel Carbon Resource Sciences & Green Asia Strategy, Vol. 07, Issue 01, pp15-25, March, 2020

Fig. 1: Classification of Fabrication techniques for Metal Matrix Composite

Fig. 2: Some photographs of Groundnut shell

Groundnut shell ash (GSA) is a product obtained from 1.2 Nano Reinforced Composites
burning groundnut shells. GSA consists of considerable
amount of refractory oxides and active silica (SiO2) such There is a growing body of evidence that composite
as hematite (Fe2O3) and Alumina (Al2O3). It also materials containing a nano scale constituent have the
contains small amount of alkalis and other trace elements8). potential to serve as a new generation of high performance
The chemical composition of GSA varies, depending on and robust engineering materials. There is also a strong
the geographic location, variety, and climate9-10). supposition that the thermal and electrical properties of
Photographs of Groundnut shell waste (source from ADA some nano scale constituents could confirm these
BIO ENERGY) is shown in Fig. 2. composite materials with secondary characteristics that
will make them very attractive for a wide range of

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Utilization of Groundnut Shell as Reinforcement in Development of Aluminum Based Composite to Reduce Environment Pollution: a review

structures and platforms. Such materials could be 2. Development of Composite Material

fabricated either through incorporation of a nano-scale
constituent as the reinforcing phase in a polymer matrix, In this study, electromagnetic or mechanical stir
or as an additional constituent to a continuous casting technique is studied to fabricate the composites by
fiber/polymer matrix composite (i.e. a hierarchical various reinforcements. Traditional electromagnetic or
composites). These nano-constituents can take a range of mechanical stir casting technique is still preferred
forms, but the research we have pursued here has been on nowadays due to its simplicity, easiness and effective cost.
using carbon nanotubes (CNTs) as a reinforcing phase.
Research is underway worldwide to develop 3. Literature Review
nanostructured and hierarchical composite materials.
Over the last decade a number of researchers have Large volume of work was earlier carried on
attempted to incorporate nano constituents into bulk development of metal matrix composites, hybrid metal
polymers using fairly direct approaches (such as simple matrix composite and nano-reinforced composite using
mixing), with disappointing results. A particular hurdle various reinforcements via different casting technique.
has been the limited nano constituent loading fractions Keeping these facts in the mind, exhaustive literature
which can be achieved (under 1% by weight) before the review has been carried in the present wok and it has
composite becomes unprocessable. This has highlighted mainly been divided into four categories. Some of the
the need to consider the composite architecture in the important literature outcomes are summarized below for
material development process. However, over the last few the development of GSA based reinforcement material
years, considerable advances have been made in the with aluminium.
material characterization methods to allow researchers to
understand the interactions between the parent and nano 1. Literature Review of GSA as reinforcement
scale constituents. Furthermore, advances in material 2. Literature Review of AA 2024 aluminium as a
modelling have provided the research community an matrix material
insight into how to optimize the formulation of these 3. Literature Review of Aluminium based Nano
materials. Presently there is a growing understanding of reinforced Composites
the issues which need to be addressed in order to bring 4. Literature review of Hybrid metal matrix
these materials to a technical readiness level at which they composites
can then be exploited and utilized by industry [11]. The 5. Literature review of various reinforcements in
next sub section will provide the detailed literature review. aluminium metal matrix composites

Table 1: Literature Review of GSA as reinforcement

S.No. Materials Reinforcements Conclusion and Results Ref.
Used No.
1 Polymer GSA Mixing of the reinforced content had increased the mechanical properties up to some 7)
composites weight % and with further increase of reinforced particles, the reduction of
characteristics was observed.

2 (OPC) GSA Compressive strength of the GSA/OPC concrete was increased from 29% to 8)
concrete 40% by the addition of GSA.
3 Groundnut Epoxy resins Groundnut fiber, used as the matrix material had enhanced the physical and mechanical 9)
Shell Fiber properties.
4 Polymer GSA and CSP Maximum tensile strength was obtained for the composite fabricated by reinforcing 10)
Composite 40% vol. fraction CSP &GSP volume fraction. Maximum flexural strength was
obtained for composite manufactured with 50% CSP&GSP filled.
5 Zn –Al hybrid GSA The fracture toughness has been increased with the increase of GSA content in the 11)
composite hybrid composite.
6 Aluminium GSA Tensile strength increases up to 9% of reinforcement and then started decreasing. 12)

7 Polyester GSA This investigation has found that the 15 Wt.% groundnut shell reinforced polyester 13)
resin matrix composite exhibited the highest tensile strength.
8 Cement Cement/GSA Experiment is evolved to determine optimum percentage of cement can be replaced 14)
Concrete with ground nut shell ash pozzolona without sacrificing the strength mortar cubes.
9 CBRPC and GSA/Cow Bone Mechanical properties of epoxy can be significantly enhanced by these reinforcements 15)

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EVERGREEN Joint Journal of Novel Carbon Resource Sciences & Green Asia Strategy, Vol. 07, Issue 01, pp15-25, March, 2020

GSRPC epoxy
10 Polymer Al-Mg-Si alloy The corrosion behavior of GSA reinforced composite was investigated. 16)
11 Recycled GSA Alkaline treated GS powder had better-quality of mechanical properties for GSP- 17)
polyethylene recycled polyethylene composites, by mixing 20% weight fraction.
12 Aluminium GSA/SiC Mechanical properties was improved by for the 6 Wt.. % Al–Mg–Si/SiC–GSA grades. 18)
alloy An improvement of 15.7% was attained, as compared to 7.33% accomplished by 10
Wt.. % composite grades.
13 Eichhornia Groundnut shells In this medical research paper, the adsorption of dye Basic Blue 9 (BB9) was 19)
charcoal (EC) considered using groundnut shells charcoal and Eichhornia charcoal as adsorbents.
14 Concrete GSA The compressive strength of 10% replacement of GSA shows an increase of 2.95% 20)
and 1.21% for 7 and 28 days respectively when compared to the conventional concrete.
15 Epoxy GSA /RHA Samples consisting of GSA and RHA epoxy composites having 2.5%, 5%. 7.5%, 21)
Composites 10%, 12.5% and 15% content of GSA and RHA were fabricated.
Outcomes of this research work showed that the GSA reinforced epoxy composites
had better mechanical properties in comparison to the RHA epoxy composites.

Table 2: Literature Review of AA 2024 aluminium as a matrix material

S. No. Materials Reinforcements Conclusion and Results Ref.
Used No.
16 Al 2024 SiC/Fly Ash Al/SiC, Al/fly ash, Al/SiC/fly ash composites were positively manufactured by the two 22)
step stir casting method.
17 Al 2024 Fly ash and E E-glass fiber & fly ash had reduced the corrosion level from 17 mpy to 7 mpy for a 23)
glass fiber period of 2 days.
18 Al 2024 MOS2 Tensile Strength of Al 2024/4% MoS2 was maximum. Hardness was obtained to be 24)
maximum for Al 2024/4% MoS2composite
19 AA 2024 SiC/Gr AA 2024 10%SiC+5%Gr composite consist of better hardness value as compare to base 25)
20 Al 2024 B4C Tensile strength and hardness was obtained to be maximum for Al 2024/5% B4C 26)
21 AA 2024 Fly ash Fracture toughness of AA2024 was in the range of 17-18 MPa as compared to 21 MP 27)
for re-melted alloy AA2024. The JIC fracture toughness of composites was 6-15 KJ/m²
as compared to 25 KJ/m² for the re-melted AA 2024.
22 AA 2024 Fly ash/ E-Glass UTS was improved with increase in reinforce content. E-glass fibre and fly ash resists 28)
deforming stresses and improves the compressive strength of AA 2024/.Fly ash/ E-
Glass composite.
23 AA 2024 B4C/Gr The observed microstructure test revealed that alloying elements are distributed 29)
homogeneously in aluminium matrix. B4C and Gr had enhanced the strength of the AA
24 AA 2024 SiC Mechanical characterization had proved that there is enhancement in the mechanical 30)
25 AA 2024 B4C Wear in height loss was lower in case of AA2024-B4C composites as compared to base 31)
26 AA 2024 Tungsten The reinforcement had improved the micro hardness and wear characteristics of 32)
Carbide fabricated composite.
27 AA 2024 pure Cu Microstructural examination of a dissimilar AA2024 to pure Cu joint made by linear 33)
friction welding was observed.
28 Al 2024 SiC+ Gr The tensile strength and yield stress was increased. Elongation was reduced as the volume 34)
alloy fraction of SiC content was reduced. Interfacial bonding of Gr/matrix and SiC/matrix had
enhanced the relative homogeneity in the fabricated composite.
29 Al 2024 Al2O3 nano Al 2024/Al2O3 nanoparticles was positively made by compo casting method followed by 35)
alloy composite FSP.

30 Al 2024 B4C UTS and YS of Al 2024/ B4C composite was improved whereas percentage elongation 36)
alloy of the composites was decreased by the increase of the order of boron carbide.

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Utilization of Groundnut Shell as Reinforcement in Development of Aluminum Based Composite to Reduce Environment Pollution: a review

31 Al 2024 SiC – Graphene Al2024-SiC-Graphene hybrid nano composite was developed by ultrasonic liquid 37)
processing (ULP) technique .

Table 3: Literature Review of Aluminium based Nano reinforced Composites

S. No Alloy Reinforcement Result Ref.
32 Al 356 Nano-SiC particles A356 /nano-SiC composite was fabricated by stir casting method. SiC 38)
content was distributed uniformly within the matrix. Mixing of 4.5 vol. %
of SiC had improved the UTS from 145 to 240 MPa.
33 AA 7075 Nano SiC particles AA 7075/SiC nano composites were manufactured by mechanical stirring 39)
and ultrasonic cavitation process. Hardness and impact strength of AA
7075/10%SiC nano composite was improved by 10% and 75 %
34 Al 6061 Nano Al2O3 particles Al 6061/ Al2O3 composite was prepared by ultrasonic assisted squeeze 40)
casting method with avoiding the accumulation of Al2O3particulates.
35 Pure Al TiO2 nanoparticles Al/ TiO2 nano composite specimen was manufactured via powered stir 41)
casting technique with avoiding agglomeration of TiO2 nanoparticles.
36 Al 6061 Nano ZrO2 content Aluminium-ZrO2 nano composites 7.5% successfully produced by stir 42)
casting method.
37 Al 2219 Nano silicon carbide AA 2219/SiC nano composite was prepared via ultrasonic assisted stir 43)
(SiC) particles casting method.
38 AZ31 Graphene nano The AZ31-GNPs composite was fabricated by using stir-casting method 44)
platelets (GNP) followed by hot extrusion. The mechanical testing at room temperature had
depicted the enhancement in mechanical properties.
39 Pure aluminum Nano TiO2 The powder metallurgy method was used to prepare Al/ TiO2 composite 45)
successfully. Uniform distribution of 40reinforcement was observed.
40 Al-SiC alloy Al2O3-WS2 Increased Wt. % of WS2 solid lubricant had increased the hardness of the 46)
hybrid composite. The % of WS2 had increased the density of the
composite by filling the gap of the composite. Composites with about 5
percent of WS2 have less pits and worn out surface as compare to composite
without WS2
41 AZ91E Al2O3 AZ91E/ Al2O3 composite was prepared by Semi Solid stir casting method 47)
with varied weight percentages. AZ91E/ 2 Wt.% Al2O3 composite had
improved mechanical properties than other varied reinforcements. Macro
hardness and tensile strength was enhanced by 22.5% and 26.54%.
42 AA 7075 SiC+ Al2O3 Single and hybrid reinforced nano composites was manufactured via stir 48)
Nano composites and squeeze cast process. Hardness was enhanced by 63.7% and 81.1% for
single and hybrid reinforced nano composite.

Table 4: Literature review of various reinforcements in aluminium metal matrix composites

S. No. Materials Percent Reinforcements Hardness Tensile Strength Ref. No


43 Al 6061 8 Wt.% SiC 51 HRB 298 MPa 49)

44 A 359 8Wt.% Al2O3 148.7 BHN 148.7 N/mm2 50)

45 A 356 7.5 Wt.% Al2O3 78BHN 164 MPa 51)

46 A 356 5 Wt.% SiC 104.66 BHN 309.83 MPa 52)

47 Aluminium 7 Wt.% Al2O3 63BHN 120 MPa 53)

48 Aluminium 15 Wt.%SiC 52BHN 145 MPa 54)

49 Aluminium 6 &10 Wt.% GSA, SiC 63HRV 166 MPa 55)

50 Aluminium 10 Wt.%SiC 147.2VHN 163 56)

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EVERGREEN Joint Journal of Novel Carbon Resource Sciences & Green Asia Strategy, Vol. 07, Issue 01, pp15-25, March, 2020

51 Aluminium 6 Wt.% SiC 88HV 130 MPa 57)

52 Aluminium 20 Wt.% SiC 45.40 BHN 77.56 MPa 58)

53 AA 5083 10 Wt.% SiC 76 BHN 253 MPa 59)

54 LM 25 10% mica & 10% activated 89.5 BHN 60)


55 LM 6 10 Wt.% SiC 78BHN 61)

56 Al 6061 12 Wt.% Al2O3 185BHN 195 MPa 62)

57 Al 6061 NiP coated 10 Wt.% Si3N4 86.6BHN 306 MPa 63)

58 AA 6061 10Wt.% B4C 68HV 145 MPa 64)

59 AA 6061 15Wt.% TiC 230 MPa 65)

60 AA 6063 12% Al2O3 & 1%Gr 351.6 MPa 66)

61 Al 6082 12Wt.% Si3N4 93.5VHN 201 MPa 67)

62 AA 6082 10%Wt. WC 83BHN 190 N/mm2 68)

63 LM 25 2wt% Al2O3, 3wt% B4C 52.8BHN 54.6 MPa 69)

64 Al 7075 10Wt.% SiC 229.9 MPa 110 BHN 70)

65 AA 6061 5Wt. % Cenosphere 57VHN 0.075 KN/mm2 71)

4. Summary and discussion

Utilization of groundnut shell as reinforcement is an for development of AA 2024 based metal matrix
interesting research area in the development of various composite. It can be observed that most of the researchers
composite materials. However, utilization of GSA as have used flash and SiC as a reinforcement to enhance
reinforcement in the development of concrete based mechanical properties of AA 2024 alloy. However, very
composite material has been carried out by various fewer efforts have been made to understand the effect of
researchers is shown in Table 1. Very few researchers have pure Cu, WC and MOS2 on mechanical behavior of AA
tried to utilize GSA with aluminum alloy. 2024 based composite. Table 2 shows the summary of
Fig. 3 shows the summary of reported work GSA as reported work of various reinforcement materials for the
reinforcement for the development of different types of development of AA 2024 based composite material.
composite. It can be observed that GSA was utilize as Fig.5 shows the summary of percentage contribution of
reinforcement for the development of polymer based various reinforcement material used for the development
composite about 53%. In the development of cement of metal matrix composite. The details of reported work
concrete based composite GSA was used about 27%. related to various reinforcement material presented by
However, only about 20% GSA was used as reinforcement various researchers is provided in Table 4.
material for the development of metal matrix composite. Furthermore, through literature survey it was found that
Nowadays, aluminum copper based alloy AA 2024 Kenaf/E-glass72), SiC73-74) and uncarbonized egg shell75)
based composite is highly demanding material in the particles were successfully used to develop composite
automotive industries due to high strength to weight ratio. through stir casting techniques.
Fig.4 shows the summary of reinforcement material used

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Utilization of Groundnut Shell as Reinforcement in Development of Aluminum Based Composite to Reduce Environment Pollution: a review

Aluminium based

Cement Concrete 53%
based composite

Fig 3: Summary of reported work GSA as reinforcement for the development of different types of composite


Pure Cu

Reinforcement Material




Eglass fiber



0 5 10 15 20 25
Reinforcement percentage

Fig 4: Summary of reinforcement material used for AA 2024 based metal matrix composite

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EVERGREEN Joint Journal of Novel Carbon Resource Sciences & Green Asia Strategy, Vol. 07, Issue 01, pp15-25, March, 2020



Reinforcement Material








0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Reinforcement percentage

Fig 5: Summary of percentage of reinforcement material used for the development of metal matrix composite

5. Conclusions
After the exhaustive review of literature it was observed that
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