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Analysis of Mechanical Properties of Aluminium Based Metal Matrix Composites Reinforced With SIC and Alumina A Review

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Volume 2, Issue 6, June 2017 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No: - 2456 - 2165

Analysis of Mechanical Properties of Aluminium

Based Metal Matrix Composites Reinforced with SIC
and Alumina: A Review
Rajan Verma Saurabh Sharma Dinesh Kumar
Sri Sai College Of Engineering And Sri Sai College Of Engineering And Sri Sai College Of Engineering And
Technology Technology Technology
Badhani, Punjab. Badhani, Punjab. Badhani, Punjab.

Abstract-In the present work, literature related with composites, at present however producing a wide enthusiasm
suitable fabrication of aluminium as a base matrix and for research organization, are not as generally being used as
particles as a reinforcement is studied. From literature their plastic counterpartrs. High strength, fracture toughness
survey it is find out that Al356 Aluminium alloy has wide and stiffness are offered by metal matrix than those offered by
scope in all engineering applications and Alumina and their polymer partners. They can withstand raised temperature
Silica as a reinforcements gives excellent modifications in in destructive condition than polymer composites. Most metals
overall mechanical properties when utilized with base and composites could be utilized as matrices and they require
metal. An attempt has made for the estimation of suitable reinforcement materials which should be steady over a scope
Combination of base matrix i.e Al356 and reinforcements of temperature and non-reactive as well. However the
particles i.e Al2O3 and SiC. The ratio between the base managing viewpoint for the decision depends basically on the
matrix and the reinforcements are such that composite matrix material. Light metals frame the matrix for temperature
gives upgraded mechanical properties than base metal and application and the reinforcements notwithstanding the
this is best find out by charge equation. The best method previously mentioned reasons are described by high module[7].
for the fabrication of AMMCs is also found out. Here, in MMC network of metal or combination and some
reinforcement material is utilized to create composite. Matrix
Keywords-Al356 Aluminium alloy, Alumina, Silica, mechanical is the base material in the composite. Among the different
properties, AMMCs, fabrication method. matrix materials accessible, aluminum and its compounds are
generally utilized as a part of the creation of metal network
composites. Different aluminum based composites with
I. INTRODUCTION different support material have been accounted for by
researchers. Reinforcement of aluminum compound by hard
The development of Al based metal matrix composites is and soft reinforcements, for example, SiC, MgO, graphite, Si-
attracting a lot of interest from materials engineers in rice husk, and numerous more is continue in research industry.
developing countries. This interest spans from the low cost of Extensive variety of utilizations and requirement of metal
aluminium based alloys in comparison with other potential matrix composites in industry for various applications put
metal matrices and the wide spectrum of properties it offers many researchers in finding a cost effective techniques for
which includes: high specific strength and stiffness, improved these composites[8]. There are distinctive strategies for
high temperature properties, controlled thermal expansion creation of composites, depend on sort of material included and
coefficient, improved wear and abrasion resistance among furthermore on kind of composite to be delivered. Casting is
others. regularly utilized technique for production of MMC. Powder
metallurgy is other generally utilized technique for creation of
A composite material can be characterized as a combination of MMC. One of the problem in wide utilization of MMC in
a matrix and a reinforcement, which when joined gives different applications is its plastic counterparts. But still,
properties better than the properties of the individual parts. MMCs are preferred because of High strength, fracture
The matrix, normally a form of resin, keeps the reinforcement toughness and stiffness are offered by metal matrixes than
in the desired orientation. It shields the reinforcements from those offered by their polymer counterparts[9].Stir casting
chemical and nature attack, and it bonds the reinforcement so method is most preffered method for the manufacture of the
that connected loads can be viably transferred.[1-5]. Composite composite. Stir casting set-up essentially comprises a furnance
materials have unique place in assembling industry in view of and a stirring assembly. As a rule, the solidification synthesis
their properties, for example, high strength and stiffness, wear of metal network composite includes a melt of the selected
resistance, thermal and mechanical fatique and creep base material taken after by the addition of a reinforcement
resistance. Till date a substantial number of composites have material into the melt, acquiring a suitable dispersion. [10-15]
been developed and effectively discovered their utilization for
various applications. Metal network composite (MMCs) is a
progression underway of composites[6]. Metal matrix

Volume 2, Issue 6, June 2017 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No: - 2456 - 2165

II. LITERATURE SURVEY hydrogen from the air". The incremental in bulk hardness and
micro hardness are also observed. The composite with 6% fly
Martin et al. (1996) takes Al2618 composite as base matrix ash have higher compressive strength contrasted with 12%
and add 15% by volume of SiC in it by utilizing Stir Casting Vol. of fly ash strengthened composite. The reinforced Al356
technique and examine wear resistance in the temperature fly ash metal matrix composite showed better properties than
between 20 to 200 C and analyse that by reinforcement of the unreinforced composite at surrounding temperature [19].
SiC particulates the wear resistance enhanced by a figure of
two in the mild wear area, and the transition temperature was Natarajan et al. (2009) takes Aluminum and reinforced this
increased by approx. 50 C. This increase transition with 5% and 10% TiB2 examined Wear at raised temperature
temperature was a result of the holding of the mechanical and notices the "hardness and wear resistance of TiB2
properties of the composite at increased temperature [16]. strengthened composite was higher than the unreinforced
samples at all the experiment temperature and furthermore with
Wilson and Alpas (1996) takes Al356 alloy as base matrix and the increase in quantity of TiB2 the load taking capacity of the
add 20% by volume of Al2O3, SiC and graphite and examines composite increases". The wear phenamenon of the composites
high-temperature dry sliding wear resistance and notice, Gentle changed from abrasive wear to oxidative wear with the
to extreme wear postponement was seen in the composites with increase of temperature. At higher temperature i.e. over 200 oC,
the diffusion of Al2O3 and SiC. On the other hand Al356 extreme adhesive wear occurs, is because of crack
composite hybrid containing SiC and graphite both in a gentle propagation[20].
wear regime even at the most elevated temperature of 460C.
The nonappearance of extreme wear in this composite adds to Manoj Singla et al. [2009] In this study Authors trying to
the hindrance of comminution and break by graphite entrained create aluminum based silicon carbide particulate MMCs with
in the surface tribolayer[17]. a target to build up at an ordinary cost and efforts to acquire
homogeneity in material. To accomplish these targets stir
N. Chawla et al. [2003] Writers examined the Tensile Strength casting method has been used as fabrication technique and
in irregularly reinforced aluminium samples. In their analysis various properties of the samples has been measure. Aluminum
writer changes the normal molecule measure (6-23 (98.41% C.P) and SiC (320-grit) has been picked as matrix and
micrometer), Heat treatment is likewise given. The results of strengthening material. Tests have been directed by varying
this paper is that there is inverse relation between the Tensile weight of SiC (5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, and 30%), while
Strength and Particle Size of reinforcements but heat treatment keeping every single other parameter consistent. An expanding
increases the Tensile Strength. pattern of hardness and impact strength with increment of
weight rate of SiC has been watched. The best outcomes (most
S. Balasivanandha et al. [2006] In this study the Authors extreme hardness 45.5 BHN and impact strength quality of 36
takes high silicon content aluminum alloy and reinforced this N-m.) have been gotten at 25% weight part of SiC.
with 10% SiC, by varying different stirring speed and time
certain samples are prepared. The microstructure of the Kumar et al. (2010) takes Al7075 and reinforced this with 15
reinforced composites was inspected by the optical and - 25% SiC and explored Hardness, Rough wear conduct with
electron microscopes and then hardness test was performed. various molecule sizes utilizing scientific model the
The Increment in stirring speed and time brought about better examination of fluctuation (ANOVA) with utilizing the
dispersion of particles. The hardness test shows that stirring procedure of Powder metallurgy and watched "Hardness of the
speed and time have their impact on the hardness of the composite expanded with the SiC expansion and micrographs
composite. The uniform hardness were accomplished at 600 indicated uniform appropriation of the SiC particles". The
rpm with 10 min stirring time. On the other hand after increase abrasive clearly shows the expansion in wear resistance as SiC
in beyond limits, their is decrement in properties observed. went about as a load supporting component. Composites with
bigger particle size and high volume portion showed enhanced
Prabu et al. (2008) takes Al384 alloy and reinforced this with abrasive wear resistance when contrasted with different
10% SiC. Authors takes stirring speed and time as input mixes[21].
parameters and observes the microstructure of the prepared
samples. "Microstructure investigation shows that at low Reddappa et al. (2011) takes Al-6061 and strengthed this with
stirring speed i.e. at 500rpm and stirring time clustering was 2, 6, 10 and 15% beryl composites and then explored
the predominant phenomenon but at increase stirring speed of Hardness, Wear rate , Erosion coefficient with the changes in
700rpm pores was observed in the prepare samples and connected load utilizing using stir casting and "Increase in
mechanical properties of the composite decreases. The friction coefficient was seen because of the solid interlocking
optimum properties observed at a speed of 600rpm with 10 of the unpleasant surfaces in contact amid the underlying
min. At this speed and time uniform hardness and defect free phases of sliding. Abrasive wear was prevailing in the steady
structure were obtained[18]. state and the transfer film formed on surface lessened the wear
rate". The expansion of load prompted leads to the increment
Sudarshan and Surappa (2008) takes Al356 composite and of the wear rate. As the load expanded from lower to higher,
reinforced this with 6 and 12 Vol.% fly ash debris particles by the morphology of the well- used surface slowly transformed
Stir Casting process and finds Mechanical properties of the from the scratches to particular furrows and drop pits [22].
samples and found that due to increase in reinforcements
particles in the samples pores increases because of pickup of

Volume 2, Issue 6, June 2017 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No: - 2456 - 2165

Lakhvir et al. (2012) takes Al composite with 3, 6 and 9% expanded the wear resistance". Fine Al2O3 particles were very
Al2O3 particles examined Impact of input parameters i.e. much dispersed in the between particles separating of coarse
molecule measure, wt% of strengthening element, stirring time, SiC particles inside the grid which increments the hardness and
wt % and utilizing stir casting procedure and concludes diminished the wear rate. A fine MMCs coefficient of friction
"Increase in hardness, tensile strength and impact strength was was lower than that of a coarse molecule estimate MMCs at
seen with higher weight rate". All these mechanical properties surrounding temperature [24].
showed an upward pattern with increment in weight %, stirring
time and reduction in molecule size of the particles[23]. Show et al. (2014) takes Al635 and strengthening this with 4%
(Al2O3+SiC) both together as reinforced particles and
Anand Kumar [2012] In this work base metal is taken as examined Wear behaviour at various loads utilizing stir casting
Aluminium and then it is reinforced with TiC, SiC, Al2O3, technique and concludes "At lower load, the wear phenemenon
TiO2, TiN etc for enhacement of the mechanical properties of includes adhesion and micro cutting abrasion". At higher loads
the AMMCs. In-situ strategy for fabrication of the AMMCs is abrasion wear including micro cutting and micro-ploughing
used over the Exsitu technique. In the present examination, with the oxide formation which was the primary cause of wear
Al-Cu compound (arrangement of 2014 Aluminum composite) damage. Hybrid composite with (2 Vol% Al 2O3+2 Vol% SiC)
was utilized as a framework and strengthened with TiC showed the best wear resistance because of massive clusters
utilizing As a part of situ process. The Metal matrix Composite which opposed the abrasive activity [25].
(MMC) material, Al-.5%Cu/10%TiC shows higher yield
strength, ultimate strength and hardness when contrasted with Kumar and Sharma(2016) takes Al356 alloy as a base metal
Al-4.5%Cu compound. Rate increment in yield and ultimate and reinforced this with different percentage of aluminium
strength were accounted for to be around 15% and 24% oxide i.e 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% by stir casting process and
separately though Vickers hardness expanded by around 35%. finds that addition of alumina particles in Al 356 alloy results
The higher values in hardness demonstrated that the TiC in composite that have hardness greater than Al 356 alloy.
particles added to the increment of hardness ofAMMCs. Hardness of MMC increases with increase in percentage of
alumina reinforcement.With increasing percentage of alumina
Daljeet Singh et al. [2012] In this work the alteration in the amount of energy absorbed by MMC material increase. This
properties of aluminum by including a distinctive %age increase has large value at 5-10 % alumina reinforcement.
measure of "Sic" and "Al2O3" reinforcements are observed. It Study of tensile strength behaviour confirms that alumina
is concluded that as the weight %age of reinforcements reinforcement increases strength of Al 356 alloy. This increase
increases the mechanical properties, for example, hardness, in strength continues with increase in percentage of alumina in
yield strength, ultimate strength likewise increments. On the MMC. Microstructure study confirms formation of alumina
other hand %age elongation decreases and the conduct of particulate in Al 356 / Al2O3 MMC. This show feasibility of
material changes from ductile to brittle. The outcomes affirmed production technique[26].
that stir formed Al 1050 with SiC/Al2O3 reinforced composites
is better than base Al 1050 in the correlation of tensile strength, III. IDENTIFICATION OF THE PROBLEM
impact strength and additionally Hardness. Scattering of
SiC/Al2O3 particles in AMMCs enhances the hardness of the From study of various works by different researchers it is
lattice material. It is also observed that %age elongation tends observed still there is gap in the optimum fabrication &
to diminish with expanding particles wt. rate, which affirms Characterization of metal matrix composites. Further research
that silicon carbide and alumina particles increases brittleness. is needed to achieve objectives like:
It is found that UTS and Yield strength begins increments with
increment in weight rate of SiC and Al2O3 in the network. The Suitable fabrication of various AMMCs.
Hardness increments after addition of SiC, Al2O3 particles in Improvement in mechanical properties like Tensile
the matrix. strength, Impact strength, Compressive strength,
Shear strength & Hardness measurements of the
H. Izadi [2013] In this paper it is watched that the prepared AMMCs.
increment in the micro scale hardness of AlSiC composites In order to bridge this gap , it is decided to fabricate the
produced by conventional powder metallurgy and sintering aluminium based MMCs via stir casting method and then
techniques observed. The material flow in the mixing zone analyze their mechanical properties. Al356 is selected for
amid FSP was successful in consistently distribution the SiC present study. Work is planned for fabrication of Al356/Al2O3
particles. In any case, when tests with 16% SiC (by volume) and Al356/Sic composite with 10% reinforcement.
were prepared, there was remaining pores and absence of a
union. An expansion in hardness of all specimens was seen IV. OBECTIVES OF RESEARCH WORK
after friction stir processing which was credited to the change
in molecule appropriation and disposal of porosity. The objectives of research work are:
To prepare the cost-effective AMMC material by
Altinkok et al. (2013) takes Al alloy and strengthed this with taking Al356 with matrix ceramic particulate silicon
10% of Al2O3/SiC and observed micro hardness and Wear carbide and alumina (aluminium oxide) as reinforced
conduct at high temperatures with the utilization of stir casting phase using stir casting technique.
process and discovered "distribution of hybrid inside the grid

Volume 2, Issue 6, June 2017 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No: - 2456 - 2165

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Volume 2, Issue 6, June 2017 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No: - 2456 - 2165

Aluminium Alloy Al 356 And Al 356/Al2o3 Metal

Matrix Composite, International Journal of Applied
Engineering and Technology ISSN: 2277-212X
(Online) An Open Access, Online International
Journal Available at
2016 Vol. 6 (2) April-June, pp.16-23.


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