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Study of Salt Spray Corrosion On Powdermetallurgymade Aluminummetal Matrix Composites

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er Metallu

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Venkatesh, J Powder Metall Min 2022, 11:6

urnal of P

Journal of Powder Metallurgy & Mining

& Mining

ISSN: 2168-9806

Mini Review Article Open

Study of Salt Spray Corrosion on Powder-Metallurgy-made Aluminum

Metal Matrix Composites
R. Venkatesh*
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Saveetha School of Engineering, SIMATS, Chennai 602105, Tamilnadu, India

Metal Matrix Composites (MMCs) production is one of the major role in the industries, the Powder Metallurgy
method is suitable for production of MMCs at correct proportional rate. Aim of this experimental work is prepare the
Aluminum Metal Matrix Composites (AMMCs) by powder metallurgy route. Aluminium alloy AA7085 is selected for
this experimental work due to their extreme mechanical properties. Strengthening of this aluminum alloy is carried
out by addition of Titanium Diboride (TiB2) with different weight percentage [1-15]. AMMCs are prepared through
powder metallurgy route and the process parameters of the P/M are optimized with the aid of Taguchi approach.
Parameters are selected for this experimental work is milling time (3 hrs, 4 hrs and 5 hrs), compaction pressure
(200 MPa, 250 MPa and 300 MPa) and sintering temperature (550°C, 600°C and 650°C). Minimum corrosion rate is
obtained as 0.00092 mm/year, milling time is highly influenced in the corrosion rate analysis.

Introduction Discussion
The Powder Metallurgy process is excellent for producing MMCs In general, two phases are present in any composite matrix and
at the correct proportionate rate. Metal Matrix Composites (MMCs) reinforcement. Composite is defined as a material which consists of
manufacture is one of the important roles in the industries. The goal two or more physically and chemically distinct parts which are suitably
of this research is to use powder metallurgy to make Aluminum Metal arranged and are having different properties with respect to those of
Matrix Composites (AMMCs). Because of its extraordinary mechanical each constituent par. Industry and material scientist define composite
qualities, the aluminum alloy AA7085 was chosen for this research. as a material that consists of constituents produced by a physical
This aluminum alloy is strengthened by the inclusion of Titanium combination of already existing compound to yield a new material
Diboride (TiB2) in various weight percentages. AMMCs are made via with different properties as compared to the base composition.
the powder metallurgy technique, and the Taguchi approach is used In general matrix is continuous and surrounds the discontinuous
to optimize the P/M process parameters. Milling duration (3 hours, 4 reinforcement phase present in the composite material. The composites
hours, and 5 hours) and compaction pressure (200 MPa, 250 MPa, and are classified according to their matrix (polymer, ceramic, metal and
300 MPa) are the parameters chosen for this experiment. carbon their reinforcement, which includes their chemical nature
oxides, carbides and nitrides the shape (continuous fibres, short fibres,
Energy and resource efficiency are critical components in improving
whiskers and particulates) and (4) the orientation and the processing
the European industry's long-term viability and competitiveness.
routes  . The other two classes are carbon–carbon composites and
Energy efficiency aims to reduce the amount of energy currently hybrid matrix composites. In a composite, when the matrix is a metal
consumed in industrial operations, whereas resource efficiency refers or an alloy of metal, we have a metal matrix composite which forms the
to the ability to create the same product/service with less resources percolating network. Other constituent embedded in this metal/metal
(EC, 2015). Decarbonization of the EU's energy system will require a alloy matrix serves as reinforcement. It is usually non-metallic and are
major increase in energy efficiency. In this sense, the new European commonly ceramic such as, C, Al2O3, SiO2, B, BN, B4C
Green Deal (EC, 2019), which sets the goal of achieving carbon
neutrality for Europe by 2050, could be a game-changer. The new Many factors influence the selection of the processing technique,
Green Deal implements an unparalleled transformation of production which include the type of reinforcement and matrix, their mechanical
and thermal properties and the extent of microstructural integrity
and consumption habits on a scale of less than a decade by increasing
desired. The type of reinforcement, variation of reinforcement in
energy and resource efficiency.
matrix and interaction of matrix with reinforcement plays a vital
Subjective Heading role in determining the final properties of the composite  Various

Present aluminum  matrix composites  are highly demanding

material in aerospace industry, automobile industry and other *Corresponding author: R. Venkatesh, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
engineering applications. Aluminum matrix composites find a wide Saveetha School of Engineering, SIMATS, Chennai 602105, Tamilnadu, India,
range of popularity in transportation sector because of lower noise and
lower fuel consumptions over another material. Composite materials Received: 04-Jun-2022, Manuscript No: jpmm-22-68614, Editor assigned: 06-
Jun -2022, PreQC No: jpmm-22-68614 (PQ), Reviewed: 20-Jun-2022, QC No:
are old as our human civilization but commercialized after 2nd world jpmm-22-68614, Revised: 22-Jun-2022, Manuscript No: jpmm-22-68614 (R),
war. A composite is a material that consists of constituents produced Published: 28-Jun-2022, DOI: 10.4172/2168-9806.1000312
by a physical combination of pre-existing monolithic compounds to Citation: Venkatesh R (2022) Study of Salt Spray Corrosion on Powder-Metallurgy-
obtain a new material with unique properties when compared to the made Aluminum Metal Matrix Composites. J Powder Metall Min 6: 312.
base composition. Current definition distinguishes a composite from Copyright: © 2022 Venkatesh R. This is an open-access article distributed under
other multiphase materials which are produced by bulk processes the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and
where one or more phases result from phase transformation. source are credited.

J Powder Metall Min, an open access journal Volume 11 • Issue 6 • 1000312

Citation: Venkatesh R (2022) Study of Salt Spray Corrosion on Powder-Metallurgy-made Aluminum Metal Matrix Composites. J Powder Metall Min
6: 312.

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investigations have been carried out using the different type of matrix mechanical behaviour, commercialization and application of various
materials  techniques for the manufacture of Al2O3 reinforced aluminium matrix
composites. This article is a comprehensive study of various processing
Magnesium based composites has gained a lot of attention due to
techniques which have been adopted for the manufacture of metal
improved mechanical and corrosion properties. It serves as a potential
matrix composites over the years. It is expected that aluminium based
candidate for application in light weight components. Most Mg–
composites will be helpful in designing and developing components for
Al alloys contain 8–9% Al with small amount of Zn to give increase
light weight industries especially aerospace and aircrafts.
in  tensile strength. 0.1–0.3 wt% addition of Mn improves  corrosion
resistance. Composite materials based on Mg alloys reinforced by Primary processes for manufacturing of AMCs
dispersion particles of silicon carbide shows very low density in
the range of 2.0–2.1 g/cm3  and are characterized by 30–40% better Manufacturing route adopted in fabricating any composite plays
mechanical properties than unreinforced  magnesium alloys. High a vital role in determining the final properties of the composit. There
reactivity of Mg leads to significant problems in synthesis of Mg-based are several techniques which are being adopted for the development
MMCs. Improper fabrication process can also cause degradation rather of quality MMC products. Primary processes for manufacturing of at
than improvement of the mechanical properties. Thus, special attention industrial scale can be classified into three main groups:
should be given to the reaction products at the interface between SiC Goal and framework of the environmental and economic
particles and the Mg matrix. analyses
Iron based metal matrix composites are used for heavy duty Based on data acquired during testing cycles of an actual
applications such as railway wagon wheels, braking system etc. Synthesis pilot-scale demonstration in the north of Spain, the paper gives
of iron based composites is carried out using  powder metallurgy an environmental and economic analysis of the proposed circular
technique since it leads to the generation of homogenous phase along process. The demonstration has been used to treat zinc-rich leftovers
with least interaction between the matrix and reinforcement phase. produced during the manufacture of non-ferrous metals, with the
Gupta et al. reported that for Fe-Al2O3  metal matrix composites the goal of recovering metals (zinc oxide and molten copper), heat, and
various properties such as density, hardness, wear, deformation and inert material. The production data is collected at a second pilot-
corrosion is found to improve. Improvement in the properties is found scale demonstrator in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region of southeast
due to iron aluminate (FeAl2O4) phase formation. Iron aluminate France. System boundaries and functional units were examined.
phase forms as a result of reactive sintering between iron and alumina
The determination of the limits of the examined system, which
Micrometric Al2O3 particulates have been widely used in aluminum are "the set of criteria indicating which unit processes are part of
matrix composites and some literature on use of nano-metric the investigated product system," is a crucial stage in LCA and LCC.
Al2O3 particulates are also available. Aluminum and its alloys are one The LCA/LCC system boundaries must be consistent, and they are
of the most widely used light weight materials in MMCs as matrix, determined by taking into account the entire recycling process, from
both from research and industrial point of view. This is attributed to its the treatment of metallurgical residues to the recovery of by-products.
outstanding properties, such as high strength, high specific modulus,
good wear resistance and low thermal expansion coefficient. Secondary zinc oxide, molten copper, inert material, and
mechanical energy are the last recovered products, avoiding the
Investigated the effect of SiC reinforcement on Al-Si alloy properties. development of alternative goods from basic resources. The prevented
Composites were fabricated by stir casting process. It is reported that landfilling of non-ferrous metallurgical residues is another averted
density of composites decreases with increase in SiC content. Hardness impact. The system expansion approach is used to allocate credits for
of composites also increases as increase in SiC content due to hard avoided productions, accounting for the effect of replacement, i.e.
nature and uniform distribution of SiC particles in Al matrix. Wear rate modeling the effect of alternative processes being substituted.
of composites also decreases with increase in SiC content. SiC particles
reduces the wear rate as well as coefficient of friction by providing Inventory analysis and LCI results
the lubricating film on the counter surface which helps in reduction
The inventory analysis entails compiling and quantifying all
in wear rate of composites. Also, uniform dispersion of SiC particles
foreground important inputs and outputs for the system under
helps in improving protection from corrosion. Maximum  corrosion
consideration. In the environmental inventory analysis, the materials
protection efficiency is found 56.58% at 20 wt.% of SiC.
and energy resources employed in the project are represented as inputs,
Fabricated the Al/Al2O3-TiC composites using stir casting process while outputs include all emissions and waste creation, as well as
and reported that wear rate of composites decreases with increase in finished goods. The expenses and revenues for the economic inventory
reinforcement content. Also, tensile strength of composites is improved are computed by multiplying the flows of energy, materials, and
up to 149.3 MPa due to strong interfacial bonding of matrix material finished goods by the market prices. The inventory for the BIOCHAR
with Al2O3 and TiC. Vinod et alfabricated the A356 alloy RHA-Flyash scenario is detailed in the next session, while extra notes explain how to
reinforced hybrid metal matrix composites by double stir casting calculate the inventory data for carbon emissions from EFFIMELT and
process and investigated the physical and mechanical properties of energy recovery in RECUWASTE.
composites. It is found that mechanical properties of composites are
The economic analysis revealed that, based on the study's
improved due to addition of both organic and inorganic particles.
assumptions, the PV after 25 years and the payback time appear to
Uniform dispersion of  reinforcement particles  helps to improve the
be desired. A prospective up scaling scenario also revealed potential
mechanical properties of composites. Lower porosity is also found in
economies of scale that could boost the technologies' economic
composites due to reinforcement particles.
attractiveness. Metal recovery is critical to the overall process' economic
Present paper reports the primary processing techniques viability, accounting for 96% of total PV25, while averted landfilling
for manufacturing of Metal Matrix Composites. It also reports contributes substantially less. In addition, an analysis of a prospective

J Powder Metall Min, an open access journal Volume 11 • Issue 6 • 1000312

Citation: Venkatesh R (2022) Study of Salt Spray Corrosion on Powder-Metallurgy-made Aluminum Metal Matrix Composites. J Powder Metall Min
6: 312.

Page 3 of 3

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J Powder Metall Min, an open access journal Volume 11 • Issue 6 • 1000312

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