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Victorias Campus- ROTC Unit
Hda.Estrella Brgy XIV, Victorias City, Negros Occidental

CPSU-ROTU 21 January 2023

SUBJECT: After Enrollment Report

(2ND Semester, School Year 2022-2023)

TO: Mr. Joseph D. Puasan

ROTC Coordinator

1. References:

a. RA 7077
b. RA 9163
c. AFPRG - 310-021

2. Mission:

To train and Develop college students in the

rudiments of military service in order to produce capable reservists and
future reserve officers of the AFP.

3. Objectives:

a. To promote and protect the physical, moral,

spiritual, intellectual and social well-being of the youth.
b. To inculcate patriotism among the youth.
c. To encourage the involvement in public and civic
d. To prepare and develop college students for
possible service in the defense of the state and in the event of national
e. To Train potential officers for possible
commission in the reserve force, Armed Forces of the Philippines.

4. Personnel Involved:

ROTC Coordinator: Mr. Joseph D. Puasan

5. Enrolment Data:

a. Number of Enrolled Cadets:

MS – 2 34 36 70
MS – 32 1 2 3
MS – 42 4 4 8


On 21 January 2023 the Central Philippines State University-

Victorias Campus was officially opened for Second Semester S.Y. 2020-
2021, This Unit continue to extend efforts and time to facilitate our
ROTC Students for their enrollment process and instructions, the
Instructor’s also provides encouragement to the Students about the
importance of basic military training and inculcates on their mind the
essence of Nationalism and Patriotism to our country as well as their
vital role in our Community as part of the nation building.
7. Training (POI)

- To provide ROTC cadets military training to tertiary level student in
order to motivate,train, organize, and mobilize them for national defense
- To provide students’ knowledge on military science and tactics and
develop/enhance their military skills.
- To develop students’, the ethics of service, patriotism, and nationalism.
- To prepare the youth for the vital role in nation building.
- To develop and promote the physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual, and
social wellbeing of the youth.

Military Character Development Module


Definition of Terms; HPA Ltr Dir dtd 28 Mar

• Legal Bases of GAD (Local and 2014, Subj: PA Wide
International); Gender Mainstreaming;
GAD Awareness • Understanding Sex and Gender; RA 9710: Magna Carta 1-1
• Gender Bias and Manifestation; for Woman; International
• Gender and Development Bill of Rights for Woman,
Implementation in the Army CEDAW

Self-Development ST - Lecture on Self 1-2

(Perceived and Ideal Self; Social Development
Identity & Self Esteem);
Personality • Values Education;
Development • Forces that Shape Contemporary
• Theories of Values formation;
• Ethics and Moral Education;
• Morality and Our Conscience
Drills and Manual of Arms; FC 8-043 PA Drills and 1-3
Ceremonies 2 • Stationary Marching with Arms; Ceremonies
• Facings with Arms
Other Courtesies in the AFP: (New FC 1-012 AFP Code of 1-4
year’s Call, Newly Promoted Generals Ethics; AFPRG 131-031
Call, Happy Hour, Military Weddings, “AFP Uniform Code
Patronage of EP/Officers Club, RHIP,
Customs and Visiting the Sick, Survivor Assistance to
Traditions 2 the bereaved families);
• AFP Code of Ethics;
• Mandatory SALN filing.
• Types of AFP uniform;
1) Army Uniform (Official and
authorized uniforms, Uniform items,
Individual clothing and equipment, Care
and Markings).
2) Navy uniform,
3) Air Force uniform;
• Insignias for (Mess Jacket; White Duck;
Service Blouse; Bush Coat; GOU; BDA;
Specializations; Rank)
• Decorations for Service Medals and
Ribbons, Badges, Streamers.

Military Leadership Development Module

Followership 2 The Ten Good Rules of Followership, ST-002 Followership 2-1

• Followers Make Good Leaders

Military Knowledge Module

Military History Early Armies ST-Military History and 3-1

& Evolution (Roman, Crusade Armies, Napoleonic, Evolution
Sun Tzu, American Civil War,
• World War I Armies;
• World War II Armies;
• Cold War Armies;
• Contemporary Armies.

Basic Military Definitions, AFP Military 3-2

Correspondence • Characteristics, Correspondence Book
• The Basic Military Correspondence 2017 Edition
(STL and Radio Messages)

Philippine Types of Hazards and Effects; PAM 7-031 Disaster 3-3

Army’s Role in • Usage of Hazard Map; Operations Management
Disaster • Other Emergency Environment; & Operational
Management • The Army’s Role in Disaster Environment
Management Cycle (Chapter 2:7);
• The Army’s Functional Component in
Disaster Operations (Chapter 3);
• Safety Security Awareness

Military Individual Skills Development Module

Basic Life First Aid for Medical Emergencies; Standard First Aid 4-1
Support 2 • Fever and Heat Related Injuries; Presentation from DOH
• Heat and Neck Problems;
• Allergies, Animal Bites and Sting;
• Poisoning

Survival Tropical Survival (Tropical Weather, SP 8-034 SURVIVAL 4-2

Techniques 2 Jungle Types, Travel Through Jungle
Areas, Water Procurement, Food,
Poisonous Plants);
• Field Expedient Direction Finding.

Combat Training Camouflaging, SP 8-031 Combat Skills 4-3

for Individual • Cover, Concealment, of a Soldier
Soldier 1 • Water Proofing,
• Noise, Light and Litter Discipline,
• React to flares,
• Fighting position SOPs,
• Night Movement techniques

Definitions; Purpose, Security, SP 8-032 Map Reading 4-4

Protection of Map;
• Categories;
• Military Map Substitutes, Marginal
• Scale and Distance (Graphic Bar Scale
and Pace Counting);
Map Reading 1
• Methods of expressing direction;
• Azimuths;
• Grid Azimuths;
• The Lensatic Compass;
• Compass Handling;
• The center hold techniques handle for
• Orienting the Map using compass
• Practical Navigation

Rope Knot tying and practical usage Knot Tying Hand Book 4-5
(Common types of knot, Square Knot,
Techniques 1 Half Knot, Eight Knot, Bow Line);
• Rappelling (Sit Hip, Rundown, Lizard,
Slide for life)

Signal Intro to Signal Communication and Basic Signal Hand Book 4-6
Communication 1 Definitions,
• Phonetic alphabets and Numerals,
• Different means of Communication,
• Usage of Morse Codes

Military Collective Skills Development Module

Squad Tactical Introduction to Patrolling, PAM 3-0105 Infantry 5-1

Operations and • Types of Patrolling (Recon, Combat, Platoon and Squad
Battle Drills Tracking); Operations
Overview • Introduction to Battle Drills (React to
Contact, Break Contact, React to

Weapons Proficiency Module

Weapons Hand Grenade (Description, SP 4-032I Ammunition 6-1

Training 2 Nomenclature and Functioning, General
• Perform safety checks,
• Engage targets, identification and

Physical Fitness Module (Off-POI)

Foot March Test of Stamina, strength and SP 8 – 021 Foot March 7-1
endurance while carrying a common
weight of load.
• Learn pacing, distancing, discipline
while on foot march.

Integrating Exercises (Off-POI)

Paint Ball Application of skills, knowledge, & 8-1

Challenge attitudes learned and taken from Basic
Military Stakes Application of skills, knowledge, & 8-2
attitudes learned and taken from all
subjects (Amazing Race Concept)

Foot March Test of Stamina, strength and SP 8 – 021 Foot March 8-3
endurance while carrying a common
weight of load.
• Learn pacing, distancing, discipline
while on foot march.

8. Recommendation:

All Cadet/tes will be require to attend the online class and

answers the different activities as written in their module as basis for the
computation of their grades and as a requirement for the completion of
the course.

Prepared By:


A – After Enrollment Report

B – Cadets Profile

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