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Rotc Poi

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The Progressive ROTC POI

The progressive ROTC POI is a deviation on the usual delivery of subjects to

ROTC cadets. This aims to educate the ROTC cadets based on the level of knowledge
that each Military Science (MS) course needs to fulfill. Based on this, the Basic ROTC
student (MS1,MS2) upon completion of the course is expected to be an Infantry Rifle
Man with a rank of Private. Thus, his level of knowledge and skills gained must equate
that of a rifleman. Meanwhile, a graduate of the Advance ROTC (MS 31-MS42) is equal
to that of an NCO (Sgt), thus, his level of knowledge must that of a Sergeant. However,
since, Advance ROTC graduates are projected to be future officers/Platoon Leaders,
there are knowledge/skills that needs to be taught to prepare them.

By reviewing the previous POIs, there are subjects which need to be taught
progressively. An example of this is MAP READING. For an infantry man, the basic map
reading skills is that he should know how to orient maps, use the compass or the very
basic features of map reading. Whereas, as an NCO, he must be proficient in navigation
since he will be a combat leader. It goes with other subjects / skills which must be
progressively taught based on the needed skill / knowledge.

Further, from the previous three (3) modules, the POI was divided into six (6)
modules which were deemed essential in developing a soldier / leader. These are
discussed as follows:

The Six Modules

Military Character Module: This module focuses on developing ROTC cadets in

order to equip them with proper knowledge, skills and attitude that is required of military
personnel. It focuses on orienting them of the army profession and developing their
character to what is desired of a military personnel, particularly as future leaders.

At the end of this module, the students should be able

to adapt to military values, customs, traditions, culture and regimen
Military Leadership Module: The leadership module stress on the application of
the qualities of a good follower and leader. It provides the ROTC Cadets the
opportunities to apply the fundamentals of leadership, and determine the competencies
needed of an army leader.

At the end of this module, the student should be able

to exhibit leadership and followership skills in dealing with the different kind
personalities in different situations.

Military Knowledge Module: The Military Knowledge Module discusses on the

knowledge and information which every ROTC cadets must have which serves as their

Note: This was a result of the workshop initiated by the Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Education and Training, G8 of ARESCOM
with the help of officers from ARESCOM Training School and other officers composing the POI TWG from 15 June to 31 July 2020. The
TWG was under the supervision of the Deputy Commander and Chief of Staff, ARESCOM.
At the end of this module, the student should be able
to acquire the basic knowledge required of a future soldier / soldier.

Military Skills Module:

a. Individual Skills Development: The Military Skills Development

Module discusses on individual skills which every ROTC cadet must develop that will
serve as the foundation in developing their skills which are essentially needed as future
Small Unit Leaders.
b. Collective Skills Development: The Military Collective Skills
Development Module discusses on collective skills which every small unit must develop
and sustain to serve as the foundation of every small unit in developing their team-

Weapons Proficiency Module: The Weapons Proficiency Module discusses

on the weapons which are organic to the basic Army small units which every ROTC
cadet must be familiar and proficient with. At the end of this module, the student should
be able to acquire the weapons proficiency needed by an infantry man.

Physical Fitness and Integration Exercise: This module focuses on the physical
development of the ROTC Cadet through the physical and practical application of
learned skills. At the end of this module, the student should be able to integrate
knowledge and skills gained throughout the course and perform battle fitness tests while
displaying leadership qualities.

Note: This was a result of the workshop initiated by the Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Education and Training, G8 of ARESCOM
with the help of officers from ARESCOM Training School and other officers composing the POI TWG from 15 June to 31 July 2020. The
TWG was under the supervision of the Deputy Commander and Chief of Staff, ARESCOM.


To teach the students the values of citizenship, followership, personal responsibility and
sense of accomplishment while learning essential life skills that will develop their self-esteem,
character, team work and self-discipline. This will prepare the students to be an Infantry Man,
who has the appropriate character, knowledge and skills that will later be enhanced as they
further progress in their personal life and later on with their careers.


To prepare the ROTC Cadets as responsible, capable, knowledgeable, skilled and with
the right character as an Infantry Man.


To inculcate in the students the values of citizenship and personal responsibility, which
are essential in preparing them as responsible Infantry personnel.

To train the students on basic military skills that is essential being an Infantry man.

To develop in the students the attitudes of camaraderie and team work in preparing
them as future leaders of the Infantry Squad.

A. MILITARY SCIENCE 1 (1st Semester, 60 Hours)

Subjects References
Military Character Development Module 21
EO 217 (Code of
Code of
Civic and Ethical Principles for Filipino Citizens 4 Citizenship and
Ethics) of 1939
Standards of The 6 standards of conduct of a Filipino Soldier (Pursuit of FC 1-011 ARMY
Conduct of a Excellence; Pride in Uniform; Discipline; Professionalism; 2 CORE
Soldier Adherence to Law; Deference to Authority) PHILOSOPHY
Definitions of Customs and Traditions; The Military
FC 1-012 AFP
Traditions (Valor, Duty, Honor, Solidarity, Loyalty);
Mil Customs CODE OF
Significant Military Customs (SALUTE, Flag
and Traditions 2 ETHICS; FC 8-
Ceremony/Retreat, 21 gun Salute, 3 Volleys over grave,
1 039 Army NCO
white flag of truce, wearing of decorations, taking oath,
courtesy of the post, Ceremony for retirees, pipe calls);
Introduction to Philippine Army's Vision& Mission, Three (3) FC 1-012 AFP
Core Values Army Core Values, AFP Core Values, The Profession of 2 CODE OF
Arms and Military Professionalism; Pledge of Loyalty. ETHICS
Bill of Rights (Art 3, 1987 Constitution); Human Rights and Art 3, 1987
Rule of Law 4
Intl Humanitarian Law; Writ of Habeas Corpus Constitution

Note: This was a result of the workshop initiated by the Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Education and Training, G8 of ARESCOM
with the help of officers from ARESCOM Training School and other officers composing the POI TWG from 15 June to 31 July 2020. The
TWG was under the supervision of the Deputy Commander and Chief of Staff, ARESCOM.
Historical background of Drills and Ceremonies; General
FC 8-043 PA
Drills and Drill Information; Basic Commands - Attention, Parade
Ceremonies 1 Rest, Facing, Stationary Movement and Marching;
Command Voice ; Salute
Self Development (Perceived and Ideal Self; Social Identity
Values & Self Esteem); Values Education; Forces that Shape ST – Lecture on
Development Contemporary Values; Theories of Values formation; Ethics Values Education
and Moral Education; Morality and Our Conscience

Military Leadership Development Module 2

The Role of Follower, Qualities of Followers, Cultivating ST-002
Followership 1 2
Effective Followers FOLLOWERSHIP

Military Knowledge Module 17

Constitutional Provision; Mandate of the AFP and the
President as the Commander in-Chief; EO 292 (Admin
AFP Mandate, Code) Provisions: Declaration of Policies (Chapter 6 – AFP;
EO 292 (Admin
Mission, Chapter 7 - GHQ; Chapter 8 – Major Services; AFP Chain
3 Code) Provisions
Function and of Command Structure and function of each part);
(Chapters 6 - 8)
Organization Promotional Video or Briefing Presentation regarding AFP
Officer Recuitment including Pay and Allowances and
SP 4-034
Definition, Types of IEDs, Identification of IEDs, landmines
IED Awareness 2 Explosives And
and booby Traps
Introduction: Spanish Era; Commonwealth Era (World War
II); Liberation Era (Korean War, Vietnam War, Huk
Philippine Rebellion), Communist Insurgency; Secessionist Movement ST – Philippine
Military History (MNLF, MILF, & MIFF); Terrorism (JI, ASG, Bombing Military History
&Kidnapping Incidents); Contemporary Philippine Army
Importance and Beginning of the Infantry, The Infantry
Introduction of PAM 3-01 PA
Echelons (Squad, Platoon, Company, Bn, Bde, Division),
Infantry 2 Infantry
Philippine Army’s Doctrine, Principles of War, Elements of
Operations Operations Manual
Combat Power
Definition of Terms; Rules of Personal Hygiene; Rules in
Hygiene and SP 1-0042
Camp Sanitation; System of Waste Disposal; Treatment of 2
Sanitation Medical Aidman”
Water Impurities; Control Measures against diseases;
Cyber Security Definition; Types of Cyber threats; Safety
Cyber Security Spcl Text "Cyber
Tips against Cyber attacks; 10 Steps to Cyber Security; 2
Awareness Security"
Cyber Crime in the Philippines

Military Individual Skills Development Module 8

Basic Life Support
Introduction to First Aid; Definition, Goals and Limitations of and Standard First
Basic Life First Aid; Responsibilities and Characteristics of First Aid 4 Aid Training (DOH-
Support 1 Provider; Protecting the First Aid Provider's Well Being; HEMS
First Steps in First Aid (Scene and Patient Assessment) CALABARZON IV-A)
Survival Definitions; Keyword for Survival; Common Survival 4 SP 8-034 Survival
Note: This was a result of the workshop initiated by the Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Education and Training, G8 of ARESCOM
with the help of officers from ARESCOM Training School and other officers composing the POI TWG from 15 June to 31 July 2020. The
TWG was under the supervision of the Deputy Commander and Chief of Staff, ARESCOM.
Stressors ; Survival Planning and Survival kits; Preparing
and Types of Shelter, Identifying Water Sources,
Techniques 1 Purification and Filtration methods); Fire craft Methods;
Identification of Food for survival , Preparing Traps and
Military Collective Skills Development Module 4
PAM 3-0105
Mission, Capabilities and Limitations of Squad and Platoon, Infantry Platoon
of Infantry 4
Different Movement, Formations, and Techniques, and Squad
Operations 1
Movement SOPs, Actions at Danger Areas Operations

Weapons Proficiency Module 8

The 5.56 mm R4A3 Rifle (General Characteristics, Trouble
Shooting and Corrective Action, Ammunition Types and
Characteristics; Cycles of operation, Modes of Fire,
SP 8-0332
Assembly, Disassembly); The 5.56mm R4A3 Rifle
Weapons Marksmanship for
Preliminary Marksmanship (Introduction, Cycles of 8
Training 1 5.56 mm R4A3
operation, Modes of Fire, Peer Coaching, The Four
Fundamentals, Firing positions, Training Devices and
Exercises, Dry Firing, Zeroing Procedures, Familiarization

Physical Fitness Module (5)

Individual Conditioning Drill, Army Dozen Exercise, Rifle Exercises
(5) (Off POI)
Fitness Test (20 minutes per meeting)

B. MILITARY SCIENCE 2 (2nd Semester, 60 Hours)

Subjects References
Military Character Development Module 16
HPA Ltr Dir dtd 28
Mar 2014, Subj:
PA Wide Gender
Introduction; Definition of Terms; Legal Bases of GAD
Mainstreaming; RA
GAD (Local and International); Understanding Sex and Gender;
2 9710: Magna
Awareness Gender Bias and Manifestation; Gender and Devt
Carta for Women;
Implementation in the Army
Intl Bill of Rights
for Women,
Self Development (Perceived and Ideal Self; Social Identity
Personality & Self Esteem); Values Education; Forces that Shape ST – Lecture on
Development Contemporary Values; Theories of Values formation; Self Development
Ethics and Moral Education; Morality and Our Conscience
Drills and Manual of Arms; Stationary Marchings with Arms; Facings FC 8-043 PA Drills
Ceremonies 2 with Arms And Ceremonies

Note: This was a result of the workshop initiated by the Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Education and Training, G8 of ARESCOM
with the help of officers from ARESCOM Training School and other officers composing the POI TWG from 15 June to 31 July 2020. The
TWG was under the supervision of the Deputy Commander and Chief of Staff, ARESCOM.
A) Other Courtesies in the AFP (New years Call, Newly
Promoted Generals Call, Happy Hour, Military Weddings,
Patronage of EP/Officers Club, RHIP, Visiting the Sick,
Survivor Assistance to the bereaved families); AFP Code of
FC 1-012 AFP
Ethics; Mandatory SALN filing; B) Types of AFP uniform;
Mil Customs Code Of Ethics;
1)Army Uniform (Official and authorized uniforms, Uniform
and Traditions 4 AFPRG 131-031
items, Individual clothing and equipment, Care and
2 "AFP Uniform
Markings) 2) Navy Uniform, 3) Air Force Uniform;
Insignias for (Mess Jacket ; White Duck; Service Blouse;
Bush Coat; GOU; BDA; Specializations; Rank)
Decorations for Service Medals and Ribbons, Badges,

Military Leadership Development Module 2

The Ten Good Rules of Followership, Followers Make Good ST-002
Followership 2 2
Leaders Followership

Military Knowledge Module 11

Early Armies (Roman, Crusade Armies, Napoleonic, Sun ST – Military
Military History Tzu, American Civil War, Colonists); World War I Armies; History and
& Evolution World War II Armies; Cold War Armies; Contemporary Evolution
Basic Military AFP Military
Definitions, Characteristics, The Basic Military
Corresponden 1 Correspondence
Correspondence (STL and Radio Messages)
ce Book 2017Edition
Types of Hazards and Effects; Usage of Hazard Map; Other PAM 7-031
Ph Army's
Emergency Environment; The Army's Role in Disaster Disaster
Role in
Management Cycle (Chapter 2:7); The Army's Functional 4 Operations Mgmt
Component in Disaster Operations(Chapter 3); Safety & Opnl
Security Awareness Environment

Military Individual Skills Development Module 25

Basic Life Support
Basic Life and Standard First
First Aid for Medical Emergencies: Fever and Heat Related 4 Aid Training (DOH-
Support 2 Injuries; Head and Neck Problems; Allergies, Animal Bites HEMS
and Stings; Poisoning CALABARZON IV-A)
Tropical Survival (Tropical Weather, Jungle Types, Travel
Survival SP 8-034
Through Jungle Areas, Water Procurement, Food, 4
Techniques 2 SURVIVAL
Poisonous Plants); Field Expedient Direction Finding,
Training for Camouflaging, Cover, Concealment, Water Proofing, Noise, SP 8-031 Combat
Individual Light and Litter Discipline, React to Flares, Fighting Position Skills of a Soldier
Soldier 1 SOPs, Night Movement Techniques
Map Reading 1 Definitions; Purpose; Security; Protection of Map; 6 SP 8-032 Map
Categories; Military Map Substitutes, Marginal Information; Reading
Scale and Distance (Graphic Bar Scale and Pace
Counting);methods of Expressing Direction; Azimuths; Grid

Note: This was a result of the workshop initiated by the Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Education and Training, G8 of ARESCOM
with the help of officers from ARESCOM Training School and other officers composing the POI TWG from 15 June to 31 July 2020. The
TWG was under the supervision of the Deputy Commander and Chief of Staff, ARESCOM.
Azimuths; The Lensatic Compass; Compass Handling; The
Center Hold Technique Handle for Compass; Orienting the
Map using Compass Method; Practical Navigation
Knot tying and practical usage (Common Types of Knot =
Rope Knot Tying Hand
Square Knot, Half Knot, Eight Knot, Bow Line); Rappelling 3
Techniques 1 Book
(Sit Hip, Rundown, Lizard, Slide for Life) BASIC
Signal Intro to Signal Communication and Definitions, Phonetic
Basic Signal Hand
Communication alphabets and numerals, Different Means of 4
1 Communication, Usage of Morse Codes

Military Collective Skills Development Module 4

Squad Tactical PAM 3-0105
Introduction to Patrolling; Types of Patrolling (Recon,
Operations Infantry Platoon
Combat, Tracking); Introduction to Battle Drills (React to 4
and Battle and Squad
Contact, Break Contact, React to Ambush)
Drills Overview Operations

Weapons Proficiency Module 2

HAND Grenade (Description, Nomenclature and SP 4-032
Functioning, Perform safety checks, engage targets, 2 Ammunition
Training 2
identification and employment) General

Physical Fitness Module (off POI) (4)

Test of stamina, strength and endurance while carrying a
Foot March common weight of load: Learn pacing, distancing, discipline (4)
while on foot march,
Integrating Exercises (off POI) (8)
Paint Ball Application of skills, knowledge, & attitudes learned & taken
Challenge from Basic Subject
Application of skills, knowledge, & attitudes learned & taken
Military Stakes (4)
from all Subjects (Amazing Race Concept)

Note: This was a result of the workshop initiated by the Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Education and Training, G8 of ARESCOM with
the help of officers from ARESCOM Training School and other officers composing the POI TWG from 15 June to 31 July 2020. The TWG was
under the supervision of the Deputy Commander and Chief of Staff, ARESCOM.



Note: This was a result of the workshop initiated by the Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Education and Training, G8 of ARESCOM
with the help of officers from ARESCOM Training School and other officers composing the POI TWG from 15 June to 31 July 2020. The
TWG was under the supervision of the Deputy Commander and Chief of Staff, ARESCOM.

To prepare Advance ROTC Cadets the necessary skills, attributes, character, and
leadership qualities that will develop them into a capable and skilled officer who can soon lead
a platoon of the Philippine Army.


To prepare the Advance ROTC Cadets to be future officers who are capable of leading a
platoon of the Philippine Army.


To develop the Advance ROTC cadets’ leadership skills, while preparing them as
competent future leaders of the Philippine Army.

To train the Advance ROTC cadets on military skills that is essential in the performance
of their roles as Platoon Leaders.

To equip the Advance ROTC cadets with military knowledge required of Platoon Leaders
as they prepare themselves for a military career.

A. Military Science 31 (60 Hours)

Subjects References
Military Character Development Module 12
FC 8-043 PA
Drills and
Squad Drills (with Arms, without Arms) 12 Drills And
Ceremonies 3

Military Leadership Development Module 4

ST -019
Teaching Leadership; Characteristics; Leadership 4 Leadership
Qualities Overview

Military Knowledge Module 4

CA Nr 408 as
Military Justice
Overview and Definitions; Punitive Aws 54 - 95 4 amended by PD
System 1
1968 and 1166

Military Individual Skills Development Module 20

First Aid for trauma Injuries: Wounds, Burns and Standard First Aid
Basic Life
Muscoloskeletal Injuries; Immobilization Purpose and 6 Training (DOH-
Support 3 HEMS
Techniques (Splinting and Bandaging)
Map Reading 2 Grid System, The US Army Military Grid Reference 6 SP 8-032 Map
System; Locating A Point Using Grid Coordinates, Reading
Grid Reference, Grid Reference Box, Coordinates

Note: This was a result of the workshop initiated by the Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Education and Training, G8 of ARESCOM
with the help of officers from ARESCOM Training School and other officers composing the POI TWG from 15 June to 31 July 2020. The
TWG was under the supervision of the Deputy Commander and Chief of Staff, ARESCOM.
and Locations; Scale and Distance (Odometer; Sub-
tense; Estimation); Declination Diagram; Overlays;
Base Line Directions and Protractor; Use of
Compass via (Compass to Check Technique; By
Following an Azimuth; By Passing an Obstacle);
Elevation and Relief (Methods of Depicting Relief;
Contour Intervals; Orienting the Map via terrain
Association; Practical Navigation
Adult Swimming:
Bubbling, Gliding, Fluttering, Two Basic Strokes
Basic Swimming 8 A Beginners
(Free Style and Breast Stroke), PE

Military Collective Skills Development Module 16

PAM 3-01 PA
Fundamentals of
Purpose; Characteristics, Forms of Offense; Different Infantry
Infantry 6
Forms of Maneuver; Purpose; Characteristics, Operations
Operations 2
Forms of Defense; Retrograde Operations Manual
PAM 3-0105
React to Contact, Break Contact, Squad and Platoon Infantry Platoon
Battle Drills 1 10
on the Attack, React to Ambush, Knockout Bunkers and Squad
(Squad Size) Operations

Weapons Proficiency Module 4

Weapons Training M203 GL (General Characteristics, Trouble Shooting SP 4-0314 M203
3 and Corrective Action, Ammunition Types and 4 Grenade
Characteristics); Assembly, Disassembly Launcher

Physical Fitness Module (off POI) (2)

Battle Fitness
Individual Run with Equipment (2)
Integrating Exercises (off POI) (4)
Application of skills, knowledge, & attitudes learned
Military Stakes (4)
& taken from all Subjects (Amazing Race Concept)

B. Military Science 32 (60 Hours)

Subjects Scope References

Note: This was a result of the workshop initiated by the Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Education and Training, G8 of ARESCOM
with the help of officers from ARESCOM Training School and other officers composing the POI TWG from 15 June to 31 July 2020. The
TWG was under the supervision of the Deputy Commander and Chief of Staff, ARESCOM.
Military Character Development Module 8
FC 8-043 PA
Drills and
8 Drills And
Ceremonies 4
Platoon Drills (with Arms, without Arms) Ceremonies

Military Leadership Development Module 4

Frame of Reference for Small Unit Leadership; The FC 8-072
Small Unit
BE-KNOW-DO of Small Unit Leadership; Challenges 4 Leadership in the
and Realities in the Field Field

Military Knowledge Module 16

The AFP Combat
Stages of Teaching Process; Principles of Effective
Methods of Leaders Hand
Instruction; Preparation for Instruction; Presentation 16
Instruction Book (Chapter
of Instruction; Proper teaching Attitude

Military Individual Skills Development Module 14

- Basic Life
Support and
Standard First
Aid Training
First Aid for Circulation, Airway and Breathing CALABARZON IV-A)
Basic Life Support
Emergencies; Cardiovascular resuscitation, Rescue 6 - Home Study
4 Course Manual
Breaths and Choking
on Human
y Resuscitation)
Common Radios Used by Ph Army, Characteristics,
Signal Capabilities and Limitations, Radio Telephone Basic Signal
Communication 2 Procedures, Frequency Factors, Types of Antenna Hand Book
and Considerations, PE
Expedient Water Crossings; 1) Rivers and Streams;
Survival SP 8-034
2) Crossing Hazards, 3) Rapids, 4) Rafts, 5) 4
Techniques 3 SURVIVAL
Floatation Devices; 6) Other Water Obstacles

Military Collective Skills Development Module 10

PAM 3-0105
Infantry Tactical Patrolling, Types of Patrol: (Recon Patrol, Combat Infantry Platoon
Operations 1 Patrol, Tracking Patrol) ; Raid, Patrol Base and Squad
Operations, Observation Posts (Squad Size) Operations

Weapons Proficiency Module 8

M14 7.62 Rifle (General Characteristics, Trouble SP 8-0333 M14
Shooting and Corrective Action, Ammunition Types 8 Rifle
Training 4
and Characteristics, Cycles of operation, Modes of Marksmanship

Note: This was a result of the workshop initiated by the Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Education and Training, G8 of ARESCOM
with the help of officers from ARESCOM Training School and other officers composing the POI TWG from 15 June to 31 July 2020. The
TWG was under the supervision of the Deputy Commander and Chief of Staff, ARESCOM.
Fire, Assembly, Disassembly) M14 7.62 Rifle
Preliminary Marksmanship (Introduction, Cycles of
operation, Modes of Fire, Peer Coaching, The Four
Fundamentals, Firing positions, Training Devices and
Exercises, Dry Firing, Zeroing Procedures,
Familiarization Firing)

Physical Fitness Module (off POI) (2)

Battle Fitness
Buddy Run with Equipment (2)
Integrating Exercises (off POI) (4)
Application of skills, knowledge, & attitudes learned
Military Stakes (4)
& taken from all Subjects

C. Military Science 41 (60 Hours)

Subjects References
Military Character Development Module 8
Military Honors (Change of Command, Welcome and FC 8-043 PA
Drills and
Send Off Ceremony, Activation and Deactivation of 8 Drills And
Ceremonies 5
Units, Arrival Honors) Ceremonies

Military Leadership Development Module 4

FC 8-071
Fundamentals of Leadership; Eleven Army 4 Leadership in
Leadership Principles the Army

Military Knowledge Module 12

CA Nr 408 as
Military Justice
Punitive Articles of War, AW 96 - 105 2 amended by PD
System 2
1968 and 1166
PAM 3-015 PA
Infantry Platoon
Definition, Process, Characteristics, Application of and Squad Opns
Combat Plans
Plans, Orders, OPLAN/OPORD Format; Intro to 6 and FC 3-0033
and Orders
Overlay Techniques Operational
Terms &
Troop Leading Definition, introduction to the 8 Steps in Troop 4 PAM 3-015 PA
Procedures Leading Procedures; Practical Application Infantry Platoon
Overview and Squad Opns
and & FM 7-10
The Infantry Rifle

Note: This was a result of the workshop initiated by the Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Education and Training, G8 of ARESCOM
with the help of officers from ARESCOM Training School and other officers composing the POI TWG from 15 June to 31 July 2020. The
TWG was under the supervision of the Deputy Commander and Chief of Staff, ARESCOM.

Military Individual Skills Development Module 18

Camouflaging, Cover, Concealment, Water Proofing,
Noise, Light and Litter Discipline, React to Flares,
Combat Training SP 8-031
Fighting Position SOPs, Night Movement
for Individual 8 Combat Skills of
Techniques, Arm and Hand Signals, Crossing of
Soldier (CTIS) 2 a Soldier
obstacles (logs, wires, walls and other danger
areas), Utilizing the Five Senses
Field Expedient Methods in Determining Directions;
Map orientation using Terrain Association; Tactical
Considerations in Terrain Analysis; Navigation
SP 8-032 Map
Map Reading 3 Methods ((Moving by Dead Reckon; Moving by 6
Terrain Association; Combination Techniques); Night
Navigation; Navigating in Different Types of Terrain;
The Global Positioning System; Practical Navigation
Knot tying and practical usage (Common and
Practical Types = Double Eight, Half Hitch, Noose
Rope Techniques Knot Tying Hand
Knot, Slip Knot, Overhand Knot, Sheet Bend); 4
2 Book
Rappelling (Sit Hip, Rundown, Lizard, Ascending and
Descending, Slide for Life, Rope Rescue) ADVANCE

Military Collective Skills Development Module 10

PAM 3-0105
React to Contact, Break Contact, Squad and Platoon Infantry Platoon
Battle Drills 2 10
on the Attack, React to Ambush, Knockout Bunkers and Squad
(Platoon Size) Operations

Weapons Proficiency Module 8

Weapons Training M249 MINIMI Machine Gun (Description and
SP 4-0312 M249
5 Components, Ammunition, Clearing Procedures,
Assembly, Disassembly, Functions Check,
Maintenance Procedures)
Weapons Training M60 GPMG (Description, Clearing Procedures,
6 Lubrication, Preventive Maintenance, General
SP 4-0313 M60
Assembly, Disassembly, Loading, Unloading, Cycles 4
Machine Gun
of Functions, Performance Problems and

Physical Fitness Module (off POI) (2)

Battle Fitness
Squad Run with Firearms (10K) (4)
Integrating Exercises (off POI) (4)
Application of skills, knowledge, & attitudes learned
Military Stakes (4)
& taken from all Subjects (Amazing Race Concept)

Note: This was a result of the workshop initiated by the Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Education and Training, G8 of ARESCOM
with the help of officers from ARESCOM Training School and other officers composing the POI TWG from 15 June to 31 July 2020. The
TWG was under the supervision of the Deputy Commander and Chief of Staff, ARESCOM.
D. Military Science 42 (60 Hours)

Subjects References
Military Character Development Module 12
FC 8-043 PA
Drills and
Parade and Review (Coy and Bn Size) 12 Drills And
Ceremonies 6

Military Leadership Development Module 10

1) Definition; Types, Characteristics, Approaches to
Counselling; 2) Introduction; Difference between FM 6-22 and FC
Coaching and Mentoring; Formal and Informal 8-071
Coaching and 6
Coaching; Coaching Guidelines; 3) Definition; Leadership in
Purpose; Types; Process and Techniques of the Army
FC 8-071
Army Leadership
Army Leadership, Leadership Roles, Relational 4 Leadership in
Roles, task Oriented Roles, None Traditional Roles the Army

Military Knowledge Module 12

Types of Military Correspondence (STL, DF,SDF, AFP Military
Advance Military Memorandums, Directives, Circulars, Radio Correspondence
Correspondence Message), characteristics, formatting, Practical Book
Exercise 2017Edition
PAM 7-00 CMO
PAM 7-003 CA
Intro to Civil
Definitions and Introduction to Three (3) Pillars of Manual
Military 4
CMO PAM 7-001 PA
PAM 7-0103 ISA
Introduction; 7 Principles of Intelligence; Strategic
Intro to Military Intelligence; Tactical Intelligence; Combat
Intelligence Intelligence; Counter Intelligence; Intro to IPB and PAM 2-00 PA
GESCON Intel Manual

Military Individual Skills Development Module 8

Basic Life
Support and
Basic Life Transferring the injured, Rescue and Evacuation; Standard First
Support 5 Basics of Triage Aid Training

Note: This was a result of the workshop initiated by the Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Education and Training, G8 of ARESCOM
with the help of officers from ARESCOM Training School and other officers composing the POI TWG from 15 June to 31 July 2020. The
TWG was under the supervision of the Deputy Commander and Chief of Staff, ARESCOM.
Warfighting: A
Combat Threading, Recovery of Firearms, Swimming with Primer on the
Swimming Firearms, Swimming in full battle gear Conduct of

Military Collective Skills Development Module 10

PAM 3-0105
Infantry Tactical Patrolling, Types of Patrol: (Recon Patrol, Combat Infantry Platoon
Operations 2 Patrol, Tracking Patrol) ; Raid, Patrol Base and Squad
Operations, Observation Posts (Platoon Size) Operations

Weapons Proficiency Module 8

Cal 45 Pistol General Characteristics, Cycles of
Operation, Stoppages & Malfunction, Ammunition,
Description, Nomenclature and Functioning, Perform SP 8-0334 Cl .45
Weapons Training
Operation and Maintenance, Magazine, Load, 8 Pistol
Reduce and Clear Stoppage, Assembly and Marksmanship
Disassembly. Fundamentals of Pistol Marksmanship,
Penciling, Safety Procedures, Familiarization Firing

Physical Fitness Module (off POI) (4)

Battle Fitness
Platoon Run (5k) (4)
Integrating Exercises (off POI) (8)
Field Training Application of abilities learned from Military
Exercises Knowledge, Skills and Weapons Proficiency Module


Module MS1 MS2 MS31 MS32 MS41 MS42 TTL

Military Character
21 16 12 8 8 12 77
Military Leadership 2 2 4 4 4 10 26

Note: This was a result of the workshop initiated by the Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Education and Training, G8 of ARESCOM
with the help of officers from ARESCOM Training School and other officers composing the POI TWG from 15 June to 31 July 2020. The
TWG was under the supervision of the Deputy Commander and Chief of Staff, ARESCOM.
Military Knowledge 17 11 4 16 12 12 72
Military Skills
12 29 36 24 28 18 147
Weapons Proficiency 8 2 4 8 8 8 38
Physical Fitness
Module (Off POI)
(5) (4) (2) (2) (4) (4) (21)
TOTAL 60 60 60 60 60 60 360

Note: This was a result of the workshop initiated by the Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Education and Training, G8 of ARESCOM
with the help of officers from ARESCOM Training School and other officers composing the POI TWG from 15 June to 31 July 2020. The
TWG was under the supervision of the Deputy Commander and Chief of Staff, ARESCOM.

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