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B11-Ca-Bet No Answer

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Prepared by: Prof. Catherine Padullon

8. The idea that re-entry of an offender should be

INSTITUTIONAL CORRECTION in the mainstream of society rather than the usual abrupt
1. It is that branch of the administration of the re-entry at the end of a prison sentence.
Criminal Justice System charged with the responsibility for a. Reintegration
the custody, supervision, and rehabilitation of the b. Deterrence
convicted offender. c. Incapacitation
a. Conviction d. Rehabilitation
b. Corrections
c. Penalty 9. The attempt to prevent future crimes through
d. punishment fear of punishment.
a. Retribution
2. These are places where convicted criminals serve b. Deterrence
out their sentences, including prisons, halfway houses and c. Incapacitation
supervised release programs. d. Rehabilitation
a. Correctional Institutions
b. Facility 10. These are conducts that would not be a crime if
c. Correctional Administration it were carried out by an adult.
d. New Bilibid Prison a. Blue Flu
b. Furlough
3. It is the inquiry of chastisement for crime or of c. Safekeeping
criminal offenders. d. Status Offense
a. Institutional Corrections
b. Non-Institutional Corrections 11. It direct, supervise and control the administration
c. Penology and operation of all district, city and municipal jails to
d. Criminal Etiology implement a better system of jail management nationwide
a. Bureau of Jail Management and Penology
4. It deals with understanding the nature of criminal b. Department of Justice
law and its procedure of administration. c. Bureau of Corrections
a. Sociology of Law d. Parole and Probation Administration
b. Criminal Etiology
c. Penal Science 12. It exercise supervision and control over provincial
d. Penal Management jails.
5. A writ issued by the court ordering the b. Bureau of corrections
confinement of person so named in penal institutions c. Provincial government
awaiting trial. d. Parole and probation administration
a. Commitment
b. Commitment Order 13. An agency under the Department of Justice that
c. Mittimus is charged with custody and rehabilitation of national
d. Mittimus Order offenders, that is, those sentenced to serve a term of
imprisonment of more than three (3) years
6. The bureau of corrections is under the ____. a. BJMP
a. Department of social Welfare and Development b. Bureau of corrections
b. Department of Justice c. Provincial government
c. Department of the Interior and Local Government d. Parole and probation administration
d. Provincial Government
14. A correctional institution that has the authority to
7. It refers to the institutional record of an inmate detain persons awaiting trial or adjudication or confine
which consists of his mittimus or commitment order issued convicted offenders for a short period of time.
by the Court after conviction, the prosecutor's information a. Halfway houses
and the decisions of the trial court and the appellate court, b. Penal Colonies
if any; certificate of non-appeal, certificate of detention c. Jails
and other pertinent documents of the case. d. All of these
a. Contraband
b. Personal Records 15. A correctional institution that has the authority to
c. Post Sentence Report detain convicted offenders for longer or extended period
d. Carpeta of time, including those who are waiting their death
a. Halfway house
b. Farm house

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c. Jail 40 days, at the end of which time he is compelled to leave
d. Prison the realm by a road or path assigned to him.
a. Benefit of the Clergy
16. The law creating the Bureau of Jail Management b. Hulks
and Penology. c. Galleys
a. RA 8551 d. None of the above
b. RA 9165 e. In the history of capital punishment, ancients
c. RA 6975 used frames usually of two upright posts and a transverse
d. RA 4890 beam from which criminals are hanged.
f. Galley
17. Who among the following is a provincial prisoner? g. Gallows
a. A prisoner serving a term below six (6) years h. Hulk
b. A prisoner serving a term of six (6) years and up i. Double Blade
c. A prisoner serving a term six (6) months and one
(1) day to three (3) years 26. The basis of this old school of penology is the
human free-will.
18. This theory in criminology states that people are a. Penology School
totally responsible for their behaviors and the stress is b. Classical School
more on the effect of their felonious act than upon the c. Neo-Classical
criminal. d. Positivist
a. Positivist Theory
b. Psychological Theory 27. It is a school of penology which adheres that
c. Biological Theory crimes, as any other act, is a natural phenomenon.
d. Classical Theory a. Eclectic Theory
b. Classical School
19. A prison model which sought (hence the term c. Neo-Classical
penitentiaries) through total individual isolation and d. Positivist
a. Pennsylvania Prison Model 28. The following are justifications of punishment,
b. Auburn Prison Model EXCEPT
c. Work Release a. Retribution
d. Halfway houses b. Deterrence
c. Redress
20. Prisoners whose sentences are from one day to d. Expiation or atonement
six months are
a. Municipal prisoners 29. It is the act of putting the offender into shame or
b. Provincial prisoners humiliation.
c. City prisoners a. Garrote
d. District prisoners b. Musketry
c. Corporal Punishment
21. The New Bilibid Prison, the Correctional d. None of the Above
Institution for women (CIW), Iwahig Prison and Penal
Farm, and Sablayan Prison and Penal Farm are all under 30. It is a form of death penalty also known fusillade.
this agency. a. Garrote
a. BJMP b. Firing
b. Bureau of corrections c. Corporal Punishment
c. Provincial government d. hanging
d. Department of Justice
31. Lethal Injection refers to the practice of injecting
22. In case of mass jailbreak, all members of the a person with a fatal dose of drugs for the explicit purpose
custodial force shall immediately issue firearms and of causing the death of the subject. The main application
assigned to critical posts to: for this procedure is capital punishment. Which of the
a. Plug off the escape routes following drug is injected to stops the heart thus causing
b. To shoot the escapees death by cardiac arrest?
c. Protect the other inmates a. Sodium Thiopental
d. To give warning shots b. Pancuronium
c. Potassium Chloride
23. As a rule, when a jailbreak, escape or riot is in d. Bicarbonate
progress or has just been perpetuated in the jail, the
officer at the control centers shall immediately: 32. A wooden framework with holes for the head and
a. Sound the alarm hands, in which an offender was imprisoned and exposed
b. Locked prisoners in their respective cells to public abuse.
c. Notify the nearest police precinct a. Pillory
d. To give warning shots b. Gallows
c. stocks
24. In Babylon, about 1990 BC, this is credited as the d. Guillotin
oldest code prescribing savage punishment but in fact ___
is nearly 100 years older 33. The classical School of Penology maintains the
a. Hammurabic Code ‘doctrine of psychological hedonism” or ___. That the
b. Sumerian Code individual calculates pleasures and pains in advance of
c. Justinian Code action and regulates his conduct by the result of his
d. Code of Draco calculations.
a. Denied individual responsibility
25. In the 13th century a criminal could avoid b. Free will
conviction by claiming refugee in a church for a period of c. Pleasures and avoiding pain

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d. Natural Phenomenon a. “May Haligue Estate”
b. “Tandang Sora State”
34. History has shown that there are three main legal c. New Bilibid Jail
systems in the world, which have been extended to and d. Muntinlupa Jail
adopted by all countries aside from those that produced
them. Among the three, it was the ___ that has the most 43. What is the name of the prison institution
lasting and most pervading influence. situated in Zamboanga, named after Capt. Blanco of the
a. Mohammedan Law Spanish Royal Army?
b. Anglo-American Law a. Old bilibid Prison
c. Roman Law b. Sablayan Prisons and Penal Farm
d. Hammurabic Code c. San Ramon Prison and Penal Farm
d. Iwahig Penal
35. It is a judirical condition of penalty which means
that no one must escape its effects. 44. It is located inside Camp Sampaguita where its
a. Legal primary function is to orient, evaluate, and classify each
b. Certain newly arrived resident before being assigned to a
c. Personal correctional center or alternative placement for 60 days.
d. Equal a. Reception and Diagnostic Center
b. Directorate for Reception and Diagnostic
36. There are three (3) casework techniques applied c. Minimum Security Compound
by the parole officer, which is not included? d. Medium Security Compound
a. The trick and treat Techniques
b. The executive techniques 45. A special group of prisoners composed of
c. The guidance, counseling and leadership incorrigibles, intractable and dangerous persons who are
techniques so difficult to manage inside prisons.
d. The manipulative techniques a. Medium Security Prisoners
b. Maximum Security Prisoners
37. Who is the director of the English Prison who c. Super Maximum Security Prisoners
opened the Borstal Institution for young offenders? The d. Minimum Security Prisoners
Borstal Institution is considered as the best reform
institution for young offenders today. 46. One of the following is considered as the
a. Evelyn Brise cornerstone in reformation in which includes all the life
b. Manuel Montesimos experiences which shape a person’s attitudes and
c. Zebulon Brockway behaviors.
d. Walter Crofton a. Recreational Program
b. Religious Program
38. The _____ is considered forerunner of modern c. Educational Program
penology because it has all the elements in a modern d. Work Program
a. Bridewell Workhouse 47. It involves supervision of prisoners to insure
b. Elmira Reformatory punctual and orderly movement from the dormitories,
c. Walnut Street Jail place of work, hospital and churches in accordance with
d. Borstal Institution for Boys the daily schedules.
a. Control
39. It was the first juvenile reformatory established b. Custody
in the United States. c. Discipline
a. Borstal Institution for Boys d. Inspection
b. Elmira Reformatory
c. New York House of Refuge 48. Most common form of sexual perversion in prison
d. Bridewell Workhouse and jail facility.
a. Pseudo Marriage
40. It refers to a person whereby a state lawfully b. Masterbation
holds a person by removing their freedom or liberty at that c. Homosexuality
time. This can be due to pending criminal charges d. Sodomy
preferred against the individual pursuant to a prosecution
or to protect a person or property. 49. He wrote his book “State of the Prisons” and he
a. Sentenced Prisoner was also considered as the great prison reformer.
b. Detention Prisoner a. John Howard
c. Inmate b. John Augustus
d. Prisoner c. William Penn
d. Domets of France
41. These are inmates who are are non-violent in
nature and therefore the perpetrators are not considered 50. It is the suffering that is inflicted by the state for
to be a risk for violence and are reasonably trusted to the transgression of a law for the purpose of controlling
serve under open conditions. criminals.
a. Maximum security prisoners a. Prevention
b. Super security prisoners b. Revenge
c. Minimum security prisoners c. Penalty
d. Medium security prisoners d. All of the Above

42. In 1936, the city of Manila exchanges its 51. What is the rank of the head of the BJMP?
Muntinlupa property with the Bureau of prisons originally a. Chief of Jail Bureau
intended as a site for boys’ training school. Today, the old b. Director
Bilibid Prison is now being used as the Manila City Jail, c. Director General
famous as the : d. Chief Superintendent

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52. These are inmates whose cases are automatically c. Sex of offenders
under reviewed by the Supreme Court. d. Medical condition
a. Maximum security prisoners
b. Super security prisoners 62. In the New Bilibid Prison, all minimum security
c. Minimum security prisoners prisoners are confined at the
d. Medium security prisoners a. NBP Main Prison
b. Camp Bukang Liwayway
53. Maximum Security Prisoners are only allowed to c. Camp Sampaguita
view the remains of deceased relatives within the radius d. Medium Security Prison
of 30 kilometers for 3 hours.
a. True 63. This penal colony was originally established in
b. False 1904 to exile offenders sentenced to banishment during
c. Yes Spanish Regime.
d. Partially True a. Iwahig Prison and Penal Farm
b. Sablayan Prison and Penal Farm
54. How many days is granted to a prisoner at any c. San Ramon Prison and Penal Farm
time during the period of his imprisonment, shall he be d. None of the Above
allowed to be deducted for each month of study, teaching
or mentoring service time rendered. 64. Prisoners whose sentences are from one day
a. 15 days three years are
b. 23 days a. Municipal prisoners
c. 25 days b. Provincial prisoners
d. 30 days c. City prisoners
d. District prisoners
55. ____ of prisoners are aimed to prevent moral or
physical contamination of one group by another and to 65. It is the first workhouse in England on 1557 to
prevent unnecessary custodial risk. 1576.
a. Classification a. Singsing Prison
b. Imprisonment b. Brideswell Institution
c. None of these c. Alcatraz Prison
d. Segregation d. Walnut Street Jail

56. In the 13th C, a criminal could avoid _____ by 66. When was the establishment of the Correctional
claiming refugee in a church for a period of 40 days at the Institution for Women?
end of which time he has compelled to leave the realm by a. 110129
a road or path assigned to him. b. 111229
a. Penalty c. 112729
b. Punishment d. 111729
c. Trial
d. Conviction 67. Prisoners having served on 4 years of his
sentence is given a reward for good conduct time
57. The period of deducted sentence granted to a allowance, diligence and loyalty for?
prisoner who remained in prison on the occasion of a. 15 days
disorder arising from conflagration, earthquake or b. 20 days
catastrophe under RA 10592. c. 23 days
a. 2/5 period of sentence d. 30 days
b. 1/3 period of sentence
c. 1/4 period of sentence 68. This penal institution is considered as the highest
d. 1/5 period of sentence income earner National Penitentiary under the Bucor is
a. Luhit Penal Settlement
58. In the Philippines, the most common problem of b. San Ramon Prison and Penal Farm
the National Prison is c. New Bilibid Prison
a. Excessive number of escapes d. Davao Prison and Penal Farm
b. Overcrowding
c. Disagreement about their mess 69. Punishing a criminal to serve as example to
d. Lack of adequate funding others is a theory of :
a. Self-Defense
59. Nobody can assume the suffering for a crime b. Social Defense
committed by others. c. Exemplarity
a. Justice d. Equality
b. Personal
c. Legal 70. BFP and BJMP Professionalization Act of 2004
d. Certain a. RA 9263
b. RA 8551
60. What is the rank of the head of Bureau of c. RA 6975
Corrections? d. RA 9657
a. Director General
b. Secretary 71. It is a method of punishment resorted to in
c. Undersecretary extreme cases when lighter penalties are ineffectual.
d. Director a. Flagellation
b. Starvation
61. These are the factors considered in c. Rehabilitation
diversification, EXCEPT; d. Solitary Confinement
a. Age of offenders
b. Mother of offender

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72. Person who are deemed significant in the d. Alcatraz
reformation of prisoners due to their diurnal exposure with
the inmates. 82. The principle of an eye for an eye “tooth for a
a. Chaplains tooth” doctrine is common among ancient laws,
b. Prison Guards specifically
c. Wardens a. Code of Draco
d. Psychiatrists b. Hammurabic Code
c. Summerian Code
73. When the offender is in transit, the ratio of __;__ d. Code of Solomon
for every offender shall be observed in BJMP.
a. 1:2 83. This refers to the re-entry into society rather than
b. 1:1+1 usual abrupt re-entry at the end of a prison sentence.
c. 1:7 a. Reintegration
d. None of the Above b. Rehabilitation
c. Retribution
74. The Bucor shall maintain the custodial personnel- d. Reformation
inmate-ratio of
a. 1:2 84. This is a belief that people choose pleasure and
b. 1:1+1 avoid pain.
c. 1:7 a. Utilitarianism
d. None of the Above b. Hedonism
c. Felicific Calculus
75. The telephone calls are permitted for inmates for d. Panopticon
a period of how many minutes?
a. Not exceeding 3 minutes 85. He is responsible for the interview of the inmate
b. Not exceeding 5 minutes and administration of tests.
c. Not exceeding 8 minutes a. Chaplain
d. Not exceeding 10 minutes b. Psychiatrist
c. Psychologist
76. The Sablayan Penal Colony and Farm, a National d. Correction Officer
Penitentiary in the Philippines under the BUCOR is located
in ____. 86. They are Responsible for the maintenance and
a. Palawan repair of jail facilities and equipment.
b. Zamboanga a. Budget and finance branch
c. Davao b. General Services branch
d. Occidental Mindoro c. Property and supply branch
d. Mess Services branch
77. The putting of offenders in prison for the purpose
of protecting the public and at the same time rehabilitating 87. Takes charge of financial matters especially in
them by requiring the latter to undergo institutional programming, budgeting, accounting, and other activities
treatment program is referred to as : related to financial services. It consolidates and prepares
a. Imprisonment financial reports and related statements of subsistence
b. Trial outlays and disbursements in the operational of the jail.
c. Conviction a. Budget and finance branch
d. Detention b. General Services branch
c. Property and supply branch
78. Under the prison rules, who is charged for the d. Mess Services branch
hearing of disciplinary cases in prison?
a. Classification Board 88. The followings are the general procedure of
b. Parole Board inmate counting as part of institutional procedures,
c. Administrative Board except:
d. Disciplinary Board a. Each inmate is counted physically at specified
79. When an inmate is given a “shakedown” before b. During the count, all movements shall cease until
admission, it means: the count is completed.
a. He has taken the process of identification, record, c. The count must be accurate. A positive
fingerprint and photograph verification must be made that the inmates are physically
b. He has been examined for contraband absent.
c. His commitment paper are delivered to record d. Result of each of a group of inmates is submitted
clerk to the Warden and/or Deputy Warden.
d. All of these
89. It means the entrusting for confinement of an
80. Under the prison service manual, prescribed color inmate to a jail by competent court or authority for
of prison uniform for maximum security prison is - investigation, trial and/or service of sentence.
a. Orange a. Commitment
b. Brown b. Commitment Order
c. Stripe Orange c. Mittimus Order
d. Blue d. Carpeta

81. The system of prison where the confinement of 90. What is the purpose of a fence in a minimum
the prisoners in single cells at night and congregate work Security Institution?
in stop during the day. a. To avoid inmates from escaping the prison
a. Pennsylvania institution.
b. Auburn b. To keep away the civilian population from
c. Elmira entering the institution.

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c. To protect jail officers from possible ambush. there in waiting for preliminary investigation of their case
d. All of the above. cognizable by the RTC.
a. Municipal prisoners
91. One who at the time of his trial for one crime shall b. Provincial prisoners
have been previously convicted by final judgment of c. City prisoners
another crime embraced in the same title of the Revised d. District prisoners
Penal code e. Non Institutional Correction
a. Habitual Criminal
c. Quasi-Recidivist 101. What is the country, whose early schemes for
d. None of the Above humanizing the criminal justice under its common law,
originated probation?
92. Mr. bantog was convicted for the crime of a. England
infanticide. After serving her sentence, she committed b. United States
again the same crime. Ms Ines Bantog may be considered c. Greece
as a d. France
a. Recidivist
b. Quasi-recidivist 102. Which of the following does not belong to the
c. Habitual delinquent common law practices to which the emergence of
d. Mentally retarded person probation is attributed?
a. Recognizance
93. The tasks of changing an offender’s attitude so b. Reprieve
that he or she may not commit another crime in the future c. Benefit of Clergy
a. Reformation d. Penance
b. Rehabilitation
c. Reintegration 103. Two are most closely associated with the
d. Retribution founding of probation. In 18th century English barrister
and Judge, and John Augustus, a 19th century Boston
94. When the government punishes an individual boots maker.
defendant, he or she is theoretically less likely to commit a. John Howard
another crime because of fear of another similar or worse b. Matthew Davenport Hill
punishment. c. Francois-Marie Arouet
a. Deterrence d. Charles Montesquieu
b. General Deterrence
c. Specific Deterrence 104. A landmark case which lead to the
d. All of the Above institutionalization first probation law in the world.
a. People vs Vera
95. When the public learns of an individual b. Killits Case
defendant’s punishment, the public is theoretically less c. People vs De vera
likely to commit a crime because of fear of the punishment d. Massachusetts case
the defendant experienced.
a. Deterrence 105. What does the French term parole d’ honneur
b. General Deterrence means _____?
c. Specific Deterrence a. Honorable man
d. All of the Above b. Testing period probation
96. The court orders the criminal defendant to pay c. Word of honor
the victim for any harm and resembles a civil litigation d. Pride and honor
damages award.
a. Reparation 106. An alternative to incarceration granted after a
b. Restitution convicted person served a part of his sentence and is
c. Retribution allowed to complete a sentence at large, subject to
d. Collateral restrictions and supervision.
97. It is giving the same food that is off diet, or a. Probation
requiring the prisoners to perform drab or boring daily b. Work release
routine. c. Parole
a. Uniformity d. Halfway houses
b. Hard Labor
c. Monotony 107. An alternative to incarceration that allow
d. A and C convicted persons to remain at large and under varying
98. Authorities saw the need of establishing one degrees of restriction and supervision and certain
prison separate from Bilibid for those who fought the conditions imposed by the granting court.
established government. This prison was originally a. Probation
designed for the confinement of political offender. b. Work release
a. Sablayan Prison and Penal Farm c. Parole
b. Davao Prison and Penal Farm d. Halfway house
c. New Bilibid Prison
d. San Ramon Prison and Penal Farm 108. Which of the following is an executive clemency
99. How many uniform suit/s is/are given to a newly that requires the concurrence of congress?
admitted prisoner? a. Probation
a. 1 b. Pardon
b. 2 c. Amnesty
c. 3 d. Parole
d. 4
100. One who is sentence to a prison term of six (6) 109. Which of the following should a probationer
months and one (1)day to three (3) years. Or those detain elude?

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a. Make periodic report
b. Go and play in the gambling den 119. When shall probation take effect?
c. Work regularly to support family a. 72 hours after its issuance of probation order
d. Stay away from bad associates. b. Upon its issuance
c. 72 hours before its issuance of probation order
110. The supreme court automatically reviews the d. After its issuance
cases of criminals convicted and meted out the penalty of
a. 12 years 6 months and 1 day 120. The purpose of the decree of probation shall be
b. Death to?
c. Life Imprisonment a. Provide the opportunity for the reformation of an
d. 6 years one month and one day offender which might be less probable if he were to serve
a prison sentence
111. The _____ theory in crime causation focuses on b. Prevent the commission of offenses
the criminal disorders, chromosomes irregularity and c. Promote correctional and rehabilitation of an
abnormal brain activity. offender by providing him with individual treatment
a. None of these d. All of these
b. Age reform
c. Age of Discernment 121. When probation supervision service shall
d. Age of Reason commence?
a. Upon its Issuance of probation order
112. It is an agency under Department of Justice b. Three days prior to issuance
responsible for providing less costly alternative to c. 72 hours on the reporting of the probationer
imprisonment of first-time offenders who are likely to d. All of these
respond to individualized community-based programs.
a. Board of Pardons and Parole 122. A person placed under probation for the
b. Parole and Probation Administration maximum period imposed by the law would have to report
c. Office of the President to his probation officer how many times per month
d. Court a. Twice a month
113. What law pioneered the existence of probation in b. Once a month
the Philippines? c. More than twice a month
a. PD No 968 d. All of the above
b. PD No 603
c. Act 4221 123. The probationer is not exempted from the legal
d. RA No. 10707 effects of his punishment upon final discharge.
a. Penalty
114. It is an act of grace given to political prisoner as b. Fine
a means of forgiveness on his criminal responsibility. c. Civil liability
a. Parole d. Criminal liability
b. Probation
c. Pardon 124. Probation is a privilege granted to deserving and
d. Amnesty qualified petitioners, when does it become a matter of
115. What is the purpose of the waiting period in a. After submission of PSIR
granting absolute pardon to restore the political and civil b. When the convicted files an application for
rights of the offender released from prison? probation
a. To give time to the offender to think c. When no appeal is undertaken
b. To allow the released prisoner to suffer the d. When his probation is approved
consequences of his criminal act
c. To give the offender an opportunity to 125. It is also known as “respite” which means the
demonstrate that he has established a new pattern of withholding of the sentence for an interval of time, a
good conduct deferment of execution, a temporary suspension of death
d. All of these penalty.
a. Commutation
116. Before an application for probation can be b. Reprieve
granted or denied a______ must first be conducted. c. Ordeal
a. Preliminary investigation d. Commutation of Sentence
b. Preliminary Hearing
c. Post-Sentence Investigation 126. It is the reduction of the duration of prison
d. Pre-probation Interview sentence by which a heavier or longer sentence is reduced
to a lighter or shorter term.
117. In determining whether a petitioner may be a. Reprieve
placed on probation the court shall consider information b. Commutation of Sentence
relative to which of the following? c. Petitioner
a. Character d. Parolee
b. Antecedents
c. Mental and physical condition of the offender 127. It refers to the prisoner who applies for the grant
d. All of these of executive clemency or parole
a. PDL
118. The central goal of the probation administration b. Client
is to enhance the safety of the community by reducing the c. Petitioner
incidence of criminal acts by person______? d. Parolee
a. To be convicted
b. Previously convicted 128. Who has the authority to give a written approval
c. Just been convicted for the transfer of the parolee from the place of residence
d. Not yet convicted designated in his release document?

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a. Board of Pardons and Parole 138. A recipient of absolute pardon is ___ from civil
b. Parole and Probation Administration liability imposed upon him by the sentence.
c. Court a. Partially exempted
d. Warden b. Exempted
c. Conditionally exempted
129. A procedure by which prisoners are selected for d. Not exempted
release on the basis of individual response and progress
a. Probation 139. In Probation systems philosophy and concept, it
b. Pardon is stated that the individual has the ability to ____ and to
c. Parole modify his anti-social behavior with the right kind of help.
d. Amnesty a. Challenge
b. None of these
130. The purpose of this meeting is to evaluate the c. Change
inmate’s readiness for early release. d. Aggravate his behavior
a. Pre-release treatment
b. Pre parole Interview 140. An inmate maybe granted parole if he
c. Classification meeting a. Earned good conduct time allowance credit
d. Admissions meeting b. Serve minimum sentence
c. Earned good behavior while serving prison term
131. The program specifically planned to prepare the d. All of these
offenders prior to his release on parole 141. Under the prison rules, who is charged for the
a. Pre-release treatment hearing of disciplinary cases in prison?
b. Pre parole Interview a. Classification Board
c. Classification meeting b. Parole Board
d. Admissions meeting c. Administrative Board
d. Disciplinary Board
132. It refers to the report submitted by the Parole
Officer on violations committed by a parolee of the 142. The continuing relationship between probation
conditions of his release on parole or conditional pardon officer and probationer is known as –
while under supervision. a. Affiliation guidance
a. Summary Report b. Pre-serviced Investigation
b. Progress Report c. Supervision
c. Infraction Report d. Probation Guidance
d. Violation Report
143. Those who have been once on probation under
133. It refers to the report submitted by the Probation the probation law:
Officer on violations committed by a probationer of the a. Are qualified to apply for probation
conditions of his probation while under supervision. b. Are disqualified to apply for probation
a. Summary Report c. May be granted for another probation
b. Progress Report d. Should be confined in prison
c. Infraction Report
d. Violation Report 144. The Parole and Probation Administration
administers the ___ correctional Program.
134. It refers to the report submitted by the Parole a. Institutional
Officer on his supervision of a parolee/pardonee as basis b. Integrated
for the latter’s final release and discharge. c. Community-based
a. Summary Report d. Traditional
b. Progress Report
c. Infraction Report 145. A minimum and maximum amount of time to be
d. Final Report served in prison is referred to as
a. A corporal punishment
135. It refers to the report submitted by the Probation b. A determinate sentence
Officer on his supervision of probation as basis for the c. An indeterminate sentence
latter’s final discharge. d. A capital punishment
a. Summary Report
b. Progress Report 146. Mr. Juswa was convicted of the crime of murder.
c. Infraction Report After 10 days from the promulgation of the sentence, he
d. Final Report escaped from his place of confinement. He maybe
a. Liable for evasion of service of sentence
136. In the Philippines, the member of the Board of b. Considered as an escaped prisoner
Pardon and Parole is a ____________? c. Not liable for evasion of service of sentence
a. Full-time board d. All of these
b. Par time board
c. Government agency 147. Upon receipt of the probation officer investigation
d. Non-government organization report, the court shall resolve the application for probation
not later than-
137. This is a procedure which permits a jail prisoner a. 60 days
to pursue his normal job during the week and return to the b. 5 days
jail to serve his sentence during the weekend or non- c. 15 days
working hours. d. 45 days
a. Amnesty
b. Good conduct time allowance 148. Post-Sentence Investigation Report must be
c. Probation submitted by the probation officer to the court within
d. Delayed sentence a. 20 days
b. 30 days

Amici Review Center Page 8

c. 60 days b. Commutation of Sentence
d. 90 days c. GCTA
d. Recognizance
149. The preliminary form filed by the probationer
within 72 Hours after the release of his probation order 159. What document is necessary for an inmate to be
a. Instruction to the probationer released on Parole?
b. Clients profile form a. Certificate of Final Release and Discharge
c. Worksheet b. Release Document
d. Supervision case notes form c. Post-Sentence Investigation Report
d. Final Release
150. The following are considered as discretionary
conditions of probation except 160. He/She whose application for probation has been
a. Drinking intoxicated liquor to excess given due course by the proper court who has failed to
b. Abstain from visiting house of ill repute present himself/herself to the proper Office within seventy
c. Meet his family responsibilities two (72) hours from his/her receipt of the Probation Order
d. Cooperate with the program of probation or within reasonable time therefrom, and who cannot be
located despite efforts exerted.
151. One who assists the probation officer the Chief a. absconding probationer
Probation and Parole Officers in the supervised treatment b. absconding petitioner
program of the probationers. c. fugitive from justice
a. Voluntary probation assistants d. escapee
b. Probation aide 161. Which statement is not correct?
c. Voluntary parolee a. The grant of probation is a matter of privilege
d. Probationer b. Probation is a matter of right after the grant
c. The grant of probation is discretionary
152. The maximum caseloads of a volunteer probation
assistant at any given time shall be ______ probationers d. Probation is a right
on a minimum case classification. 162. The following are offender disqualified under P.D.
a. 3 968, EXCEPT.
b. 5 a. Presently serving his sentence
c. 7 b. Convicted of any offense against public order
d. 10 c. Serving a term of prison mayor
d. 18 years of age and above
153. The case that challenged the constitutionality of
ACT NO 4221. 163. An attached agency of the Department of Justice
a. People vs. De Vera which provides a less costly alternative to imprisonment of
b. People vs. Vera offenders who are likely to respond to individualized
c. People vs. Jennings community based treatment programs.
d. People vs. Medina a. Board of Pardons and Parole

154. imprisonment not more than one year is within b. Bureau of Corrections
_____years c. Provincial Government
a. One d. Parole and Probation Administration
b. Two
c. Three 164. When to file the application for probation?
d. Six a. 15 days before conviction and sentence at the
time of imprisonment start.
155. Pogi, a 17 years old was convicted of a crime b. 15 days before conviction and sentence at the
punishable of an imprisonment of not more than 6 years . time of imprisonment
He applied probation under PD. No. 968. Will his c. 15 days after conviction and sentence at any time
application be granted? before imprisonment start
a. Yes d. 15 days after the conviction and sentence at the
b. No time of imprisonment
c. Maybe
d. Sure 165. It is an act amending Presidential Decree no. 968,
otherwise known as the “Probation Law of 1976”.
156. Jeremiah is convicted of an offense punishable by a. RA 6975
an imprisonment of 3 years and 1 day. He applied b. RA 8551
probation to the chief executive. Is his application valid? c. PD 603
a. Yes d. RA 10707
b. No
c. Maybe 166. Juliana was convicted of the crime homicide
d. Sure where she was sentenced to a penalty of Reclusion
Temporal. She appealed the case to the higher court, while
157. How many hours should a probationer report to the appeal is pending; she filed a petition for parole. Which
court after the effectivity of his probation program? of the following statement is correct?
a. 24 hours a. Her petition must be acted upon because the
b. 48 hours penalty does not exceed 20 years
c. 72 hours b. Her petition must be denied on the ground of
d. 3 days pending appeal
c. Her petition must be acted upon because the
158. It is the statutory reduction of a prisoner’s sentence is not yet final
sentence for good behavior during confinement under d. It depends upon the Board whether to grant or
Article 97 of the Revised Penal Code. deny the petition
a. Reprieve

Amici Review Center Page 9

167. Mr. A was convicted by a court and meted a d. Terminal/Final report
sentence of 6 years imprisonment. Which of the following
must undertake by Mr. A in order that his intention for 174. For conditional pardon, the requirement is that
probation is entertained? the prisoner had already served ______ of the minimum
a. The application be filed with the trial court of his sentence.
b. Apply an appeal to modify the decision of final a. ½
judgment b. 1/3
c. Apply for probation with the period of perfecting c. 2/5
an appeal d. 1/5
d. Petition congress for amnesty
175. 184.Application for probation shall be filed with
168. Which of the statement is TRUE? the Trial Court which has _____ over the case.
a. It is not mandatory for the parolee to comply with a. Authority
the terms and conditions appearing in the release b. Jurisdiction
document. c. Responsibility
b. Outside travel for a cumulative duration of more d. Venue
than thirty (30) days within a period of one (1) year shall
be considered transfer of residence 176. 185.Probation is but a mere privilege and its
c. A parolee may be authorized by the Parole and grant or denial depend upon the Trial court that grant it
Probation Officer to travel outside his operational becomes a ____. and it shall only be cancelled or revoked
jurisdiction for a period of more than thirty (30) days. for cause and a hearing.
d. A parolee cannot transfer to a residence other a. statutory right
than that indicated in the release Document without the b. political right
prior written approval of the Board of Pardon and Parole c. constitutional right
d. civil right
169. Mr. Langga was sentenced to serve a maximum
sentence of not more than six (6) years. He filed petition 177. What is the significance of the Post-Sentence
for probation, but his petition will not be considered if: Investigation Report to the application of probation?
a. He was convicted of subversion a. To determine whether the applicant has immoral
b. He was previously convicted by final judgment of conduct.
an offense punished by imprisonment of not less b. To determine the past offenses of the applicant.
than one month and one day and/or fine of not less c. It would serve as a basis to grant or deny the
than PhP200.00 application for probation
c. He was previously granted probation d. To know the personal affairs of the applicant
d. He was previously granted parole.
178. What is the nature of information obtained during
170. Miss C was previously convicted to a sentence of the Post-Sentence Investigation?
15 days. He served imprisonment for this conviction. After A. Useful
several years he was sentenced to suffer imprisonment of B. confidential
0-6-1 after committing another crime. Can he file petition C. important
for probation for his present conviction, despite of his D. overt
previous conviction?
a. Yes, because his previous conviction is less than 179. The conviction and sentence clause of the
one month and one day statutory definition of probation affects
b. Yes, because his present conviction is not more a. both criminal and civil including subsidiary
than 6 years. penalty
c. No, because his previous conviction would b. both criminal and civil
disqualify him to avail of probation c. only the civil aspect of the case
d. No, because probation is only once. d. only the criminal aspect of the case

171. The case where the Supreme Court laid down the 180. Who shall approve the request of a probationer
doctrine that the absolute pardon removes all that is left to travel outside his area for more than 30days?
of the consequences of conviction, and that it is absolute a. The Trial Court Judge
in so far it restores the pardonee to full civil and political b. The Chief Probation Officer
rights. c. Parole Officer
d. Probation Officer
a. Cristobal vs. Labrador
b. Fernandez vs. Aquino 181. Parole is usually given to individuals who
c. People vs. Galit exhibited good behavior inside prison or jail and_____.
d. None of these a. deem safe to be returned to the society
b. with definite sentence
172. Pardon cannot be extended to one of the c. granted conditional pardon
following instances. d. convicted with heinous crime
a. Murder
b. Brigandage 182. A mode of securing the release of any person in
c. Rape custody or detention for the commission of an offense who
d. Impeachment is unable to post bail due to abject poverty. A person
accused will be released through reputable person in the
173. This is submitted by the PPO concerned to the Community by order of the Judge is known as?
board through the technical services of the PPA, not late a. Bail
than 15 working days regarding the date the parolee b. Probation
reported for supervision. c. Parole
a. Courtesy investigation report d. Release on recognizance
b. Arrival report
c. Progress report

Amici Review Center Page 10

183. The first practical demonstration of probation,
and first use of the term probation as court service and 192. All but one is the major rehabilitation program of
the first legally enactment of the 1st probation law probation.
occurred here: a. Volunteer Probation Aide Program
a. Europe b. Retributive Justice
b. England c. Therapeutic Community
c. Massachusetts d. Restorative Justice
d. United States of America
193. served his sentenced at the New Bilibid Prison in
184. The Volunteer Probation Assistant or Probation Muntinlupa. Why was he
Aide may be appointed by the Parole and Probation photographed at the DRD?
Administrator from among the citizens of _. a. He a good-looking personality upon his entry
a. Good religious Background b. Photographing the inmate is part of the reception
b. High Educational Level procedure
c. Good Repute and Probity who have the c. It is a rare opportunity to have his photograph
willingness, aptitude and capability to act as VPAs d. To have a souvenir photo tor his family
d. High Social Standing
185. What is the effect of Probation to a sentence 194. When the prisoner is pardoned under certain
imposed by the Court to a convicted individual? administrative requirements like reporting monthly to a
a. Exempted from criminal liability judge for a certain number of years.
b. Justified the wrongful act a. Situational Pardon
c. Mitigated both criminal and civil liability b. Absolute Pardon
d. Suspend the execution of sentence c. Pardon
d. Conditional Pardon
186. Who is responsible to conduct an immediate fact-
finding investigation of any alleged violation of probation? 195. Which is NOT an advantage of probation?
a. Probation Administrator a. it restores probationer his civil rights
b. Chief, Parole and Probation Officer b. It conforms to the concept of restorative justice.
c. Probation Officer c. It makes the probationer a tax eater rather than
d. Supervising Probation Officer a taxpayer.
d. It prevents first time convict to become hardened
187. What is the effect of the recommitment of a criminal.
a. He will serve the remaining portion of his 196. The order of the court granting or denying
sentence probation shall be ___.
b. He will serve the remaining portion of the a. Temporary
maximum sentence b. Appealable
c. Minimum sentences impose c. Academic
d. He will serve the original sentence of d. Not appealable
197. What is the nature of post investigation report
188. The Ex–Officio Member of Board of Pardons and conducted by the Probation officer?
Parole under act 4103. a. Final and executory
a. Administrator b. Shall not be appealable
b. Secretary of Justice C. Sociologist c. Recommendatory
c. Clergyman d. Temporary
d. Educator
198. Which is NOT a function of the Board Secretary
189. What portion of the sentence of a petitioner of the Board of Pardons and Parole?
must have been served to be eligible for the grant of a. Authenticate and/or attest all minutes,
commutation of sentence in case of definite sentence? resolutions and recommends of the Board
a. At least one half of the maximum of his b. Prepare and serve all notices of board meetings
indeterminate sentence or sessions to the members of the board
b. At least one half of half the minimum of his c. Prepare and keep the minutes of all the board
indeterminate sentence sessions in a book of purpose.
c. At least one third of the minimum of his d. Prepare an annual report to be submitted to the
indeterminate sentence President about the list of probationers
d. At least Twenty years
199. 198.Parole shall not be granted to the following
190. The earliest forerunner of the probation. inmates EXCEPT
a. Judicial reprieve temporary withholding od a. Those convicted of offenses punished with death
sentence by the court penalty
b. Recognizance b. Those convicted of treason, conspiracy, or
c. Benefits of clergy compromise with the church proposal to commit treason of espionage
d. Transportation solution to overcrowding c. Those suffering mental disorder
d. Those convicted of offenses punished with prison
191. Among the following, one of the purposes of correctional
adult probation is to ______
a. Create a probation office for all offenders 200. The Post Sentence Investigation Report which
b. Foster closer relationship between the offender will serve as guide for the court granting or denying the
and the judge who promulgated the Probation order application is _
c. Place the offender outside police power of the a. Optional
state b. jurisdictional
d. Prevent commission of the crime c. mandatory
d. required

Amici Review Center Page 11

209. The Rules are based on an obligation to treat all
THERAPEUTIC COMMUNITY MODALITY prisoners with respect for their inherent dignity and value
201. These are rights that we have simply because as human beings, and to prohibit torture and other forms
we exist as human beings - they are not granted by any of ill-treatment.
state. These universal rights are inherent to us all, a. United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the
regardless of nationality, sex, national or ethnic origin, Treatment of Prisoners
color, religion, language, or any other status. b. The Nelson Mandela Rules
a. Legal Rights c. The United Nation Rules
b. Economic rights d. A and B
c. Human Rights
d. Political Rights 210. They are given to different classes of prisoners to
promote and encourage good conduct, develop a sense of
202. It is one of the human rights characteristics in responsibility and secure the interest and cooperation of
which it cannot be legitimately seized nor taken away from prisoners in their treatment.
a free person nor be forfeited. a. Investigation
a. Inherent b. Treatment
b. Fundamental c. Privileges
c. Inalienable d. Education
d. Indivisible
211. Persons arrested or imprisoned by reason of a
203. This means that one set of rights cannot be criminal charge against them, who are detained either in
enjoyed fully without the other. police custody or in prison custody (jail) but have not yet
a. Imprescriptible been tried and sentenced, will be referred to as _____
b. Indivisible under the Nelson Mandela Rules.
c. Universal a. Detainees
d. Interdependent b. Persons Deprived of Liberty
c. Untried Prisoners
204. One of its examples is the Article III, Bill of rights. d. Civil Prisoners
It is a right or freedom which is guaranteed to citizens by
the constitution. 212. It means to deny individuals their fundamental
a. Natural Rights moral entitlements and the disallowance of the freedom of
b. Human Rights thought and movement to which all humans legally have
c. Constitutional Rights a right.
d. Statutory Rights a. Punishment
b. Incapacitation
205. This was adopted by the United Nations General c. Human Rights Violation
Assembly on 16 December 1966 and entered into force on d. Ordeal
23 March 1976. By May of 2012, it had been ratified by
167 states that elaborate further the civil and political 213. Who has the burden to ensure the avoidance of
rights and freedoms listed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights violations against prisoners?
Human Rights. a. The State
a. Commission on Human Rights b. The Constitution of the Philippines
b. International Covenant on Civil and Political c. The Law Enforcement
Rights d. Warden
c. The 1987 Philippine Constitution
d. International Bill of Rights 214. The Board of Claims was created to resolve
applications for claims for compensation by victims of
206. This is a landmark agreement between the unjust imprisonment, detention and victims of violent
Philippine government and the CPP/NPA/NDF and is a crimes is under what department of the Government?
glowing testimonial to the painstaking and persevering a. DOJ
efforts of the two sides. b. CHR
a. The Comprehensive Agreement on Human Rights c. Office of the President
and International Humanitarian Law d. DOH
b. Commission on Human Rights
c. International Covenant on Civil and Political 215. It is a system of criminal justice which focuses on
Rights the rehabilitation of offenders through reconciliation with
d. International covenant on economic, social and victims and the community at large.
cultural Rights a. Rehabilitation
b. Restorative Justice
207. It defines certainn rights of the person arrested, c. Criminal Justice System
detained, or under custodial investigation which serves as d. Mediation
additional safeguards for persons who are under arrest.
a. RA 7348 216. The client may or may not deny the offense
b. RA 7438 alleged to him in order to be eligible for the Peace
c. Miranda Doctrine Encounter Conference done to achieve restorative justice.
d. RA 8505 a. True
b. False
208. These rights can be expressly waived in writing, c. Yes
except d. No
a. Right to remain silent
b. Right to counsel 217. It is an environment that helps people get help
c. Right to be informed while helping others. It is a treatment environment : the
d. None of the Above interactions of its members are designed to be therapeutic
within the context of the norms that require for each to
play the dual role of client-therapist.

Amici Review Center Page 12

a. Therapeutic Community (TC) 226. The initial interview is done to gather information
b. Therapeutic Community Model (TCM) about the resident and provide information about the
c. Literacy and Education program and what the expectations are on both parties.
d. Community Service Who is in charge of such procedure?
a. Psychiatrist
218. It is a community-based gathering that brings the b. Psychologist
victim, the victimized community, and the offender c. Director
together. It supports the healing process of the victims by d. Counselor
providing a safe and controlled setting for them to meet
and speak with the offender on a confidential and strictly 227. It is an activity done for 30 minutes where a
voluntary basis. resident is tasked to write a letter about himself to let them
a. Peacemaking Encounter express their internal psychological conflicts.
b. Victim Offender Mediaition a. Secrets
c. Family Group Conferencing b. Group Counseling
d. Community Conferencing c. Static Groups
d. Peer Confrontation Group
219. It is a positive environment for learning how to
be accountable for one's choices in a caring community 228. This is a structured social event where all those
where members can help themselves and each other make involved in an encounter will have ample time to mend
positive changes. fences with those they have offended or hurt in the past.
a. Therapeutic Community a. Confrontation
b. Behavior Management b. Exploration
c. Cognitive Aspect c. Resolution
d. Affective Aspect d. Socialization

220. Langga, a TC resident has internalized the TC 229. It is an activity that brings out the goodness in
values and concept and has given lesser supervision as he man. It is designed to respond to the inner longing of
has proven his ability to take on more responsibility. In residents to find greater faith where they can anchor
what phase of the modality does he belong to? themselves within their struggle to find meaning to their
a. Phase I existence.
b. Phase II a. Pre-Release Interview
c. Phase III b. Spirituality
d. Phase V c. Intellectuality
d. Socialization
221. It is a daily ritual done for an hour that starts the
day in a TC facility. It commences with the Opening 230. It embodies all the challenges and aspirations of
prayer, singing of the National Anthem,recitation of TC most residents who feel alienated and the desire to
Philosophy and announcements. overcome the imposed limitations on their freedom and
a. Pre- Morning Meeting find their own place where they could feel safe and
b. Morning Meeting welcome. It is recited every day during the Morning
c. Afternoon Meeting meeting.
d. Rituals a. Therapeutic Community
b. Therapeutic Community Model
222. It is an outreach correction done by any member c. TC Philosophy
of the TC community to another member who has done a d. TC Unwritten Philosophies
minor infraction but is not aware of it.
a. Talk to 231. These consist of sayings, slogans or aphorisms
b. Pull up that are verbally given to the residents to impart the beliefs
c. Dealt with and values of TC in relation to their day to day living.
d. Verbal Haircut a. Therapeutic Community
b. Therapeutic Community Model
223. This is provided to motivate a resident to make c. TC Philosophy
restitutions for the mistakes he committed and redeem d. TC Unwritten Philosophies
himself in the community.
a. Bans 232. Under the 2015 BJMP Manual, it is defined as a
b. General meeting means of amending or improving by changing an inmate’s
c. Learning Experience behavior or removing his or her faults or abuse and
d. Expulsion removing or correcting an abuse of a wrong or error.
a. Rehabilitation
224. If a resident repeatedly violates a TC rule such as b. Reformation
having sex or physical violence, what is the necessary c. Restoration
Behavior shaping tool to apply to him? d. Incapacitation
a. Bans
b. General meeting 233. These are activities inside the Therapeutic
c. Learning Experience Community that provide intellectual stimulation and seek
d. Expulsion personal involvement among residents; providing
information, improving the resident’s speaking and writing
225. The following are the Skills and Characteristics of abilities and enhancing their listening ability so as to
Counselling, except: understand all the information being presented.
a. Congruence a. Visualization Meditation
b. Respect b. Seminars
c. Sympathy c. Debate
d. Warmth d. Job Functions

Amici Review Center Page 13

234. It is a form of Seminar which enhances the c. TC unwritten philosophies
residents’ ability to communicate, analyse ideas and d. TC Philosophy
develop insights about themselves with the use of
identification with inanimate objects. 243. This may vary from one resident to another. It is
a. “Grab Bag” employed to help a resident establish a practice of moving
b. Discussion his attention within, finding his place of relaxation and
c. Data Sessions peace by contacting his inner wisdom.
d. Charades a. Inner Sanctuary
b. Visualization Mediation
235. He is assigned to conduct inspection in cells, c. Seminars
kitchen and other areas where residents are allowed d. Prayer meeting
together with the staff on duty and the chief expediter.
a. Coordinator On Duty 244. One of the core programs in BJMP aims to
b. Coordinator of the Day provide opportunities for PDL to achieve mandatory
c. Chief Expediter education.
d. Director a. Educational Program
b. Skills Training/Enhancement Program
236. He responsible to manage the everyday functions c. Livelihood Program
and activities of the community, oversees schedule of the d. Health Services
day, communicates with the department heads and
coordinator of the Day. 245. An act providing for reparation and recognition of
a. Coordinator On Duty victims of human rights violation during the Marcos
b. Coordinator of the Day Regime, documentation of said violations, appropriating
c. Chief Expediter funds therefor and for other purposes
d. Director a. RA 10638
b. RA 10368
237. A permanent group of peers and leaders that c. RA 10575
meet regularly while the residents are in treatment. It is a d. RA 10707
sort of home group who provides support for one another
and to the new members of the community. 246. The Administration has adopted a harmonized
a. static group and integrated treatment program for these clients to
b. Peer confrontation group effect their rehabilitation. The following are the
c. Encounter group harmonized and integrated program, except
d. Extended group a. Good Conduct and Time Allowance
b. The Therapeutic Community Modality
238. This is a role given to a person in which he assists c. The Restorative Justice Principles and Concept
or supports another resident in trouble. d. The Use of Volunteer Probation Aides (VPAs)
a. Client role
b. Therapist role 247. It is categorized as an informal program wherein
c. A and B a client is referred for work or job placement through the
d. None of the Above officer’s own personal effort, contact or information.
a. Individual and Group Counselling
239. A kind of structure where adults are at the center b. Moral, Spiritual, Values formation
of the family, in charge of pulling together in the same c. Work or Job Placement/Referral
direction; It is the same structure used in a Therapeutic d. Vocational/Livelihood and Skills Training
a. Nuclear Family 248. The TC is fundamentally a self-help approach,
b. Functional Family evolved primarily outside of mainstream psychiatry,
c. Extended Family psychology, and medicine. Who were the early residents
d. Dysfunctional family of a TC?
a. Substance Abuse
240. An activity in Therapeutic Community Modality b. All of the Above
which intends to assists the clients in trying to sort out c. War Veterans
their problems, identify solutions, reconcile conflicts and d. Alcoholics
help resolve them. This could be done either by individual
or group interaction with officers of the assigned agency. 249. This was founded in 1958 in California by a
a. Individual and Group Counselling recovered alcoholic named Charles (Chuck) Dederich, to
b. Moral, Spiritual, Values formation provide an alternative to Alcoholic Anonymous that later
c. Work or Job Placement/Referral became a cult.
d. Vocational/Livelihood and Skills Training a. Small Group Meetings
b. Alcoholic Anonymous
241. It is a feeling of shame and self-blame. If guilt c. Maxwell Jones Therapeutic Community
remains unresolved, it can be turned inwards, thus d. Synanon
resulting to self-inflicting harm. What philosophy must a
resident uphold to avoid this? 250. Cardinal rules protect the physical and
a. Forgiveness psychological safety of the community and are strictly
b. Humility enforced. Violating a cardinal rule nearly always results in
c. Hang tough automatic dismissal from the TC. The followings are the
d. Guilt Kills Cardinal Rules of TC, except
a. No physical violence
242. It refers to a word or saying that will serve as a b. No threats of violence or intimidation
guide for the community to ponder upon in relation to their c. No drugs or alcoholic beverages
day-to-day interactions and behaviour. d. No sexual activity
a. Word of the Day e. Destroying Properties
b. Concept of the Day

Amici Review Center Page 14

251. Veronica, a new resident had difficulty adopting 259. Who initiated the crafting of the BJMP TCMP
TC concepts. She was assigned to the kitchen crew and Operational Manual which will serve as reference for a
was defiant toward her crew leader and would not follow standard and uniform TC Implementation and training of
directions on assignments. Senior residents and staff personnel and inmates?
members spoke with Veronica and emphasized that to a. National TC Technical Working Group
make it, you have to learn to do things you don’t want to b. DAYTOP International Trainers
do; eventually you’ll get what you want. What concept was c. US State Department
being suggested to Veronica? d. None of the Above
a. Community as a “method”
b. Acting as “if” 260. It is considered as the "heartbeat" of a
c. Self-Help therapeutic community.
d. Mutual Help a. Client
b. Group
252. In the ideal setting, a resident at this stage is now c. Resident
ready to be released back to society as he has d. Inmates
demonstrated adequate self-control and discipline. What
phase of BJMP Therapeutic Modality is being describe? 261. He coined the term "Therapeutic Community" in
a. Phase I- Entry/Orientation Phase his paper "The hospital as a therapeutic institution" in 1046
b. Phase II- Primary Treatment which he pioneered a therapeutic model combining
c. Phase III- Pre-Re-entry community therapy with on-going psychoanalytic
d. Phase IV- Re-entry psychotherapy.
e. Phase V- Aftercare a. Thomas Main
b. Maxwell Jones
253. Privileges are necessary to promote positive c. Elton Mayo
outcomes of the inmates. Which of the following is not a d. Joe Pratt
privilege of an inmate?
a. To wear their own clothes while in confinement 262. Historically, TC has been used for several
b. To receive visitors during visiting hours. different forms of treatment. The _ used TC as a process
c. To write letters, subject to reasonable for treating military veterans as they returned from World
censorship. War II with serious neurotic conditions from their
d. To be treated as a human being experiences in combat and as prisoners of war.
a. British
254. Everyone is entitled to their civil rights, including b. Americans
prisoners. Unfortunately, many forms of civil rights abuses c. Irish
do occur in prisons. Common prisoner rights violations d. Austrians
include: except,
a. Holding a prisoners in out-dated prisons that are 263. What does 'No we/They dichotomy" as a concept
usanitary or unsafe in Theraopeutic Community mean?
b. Preventing the prisoners from being sexually a. If a person acts a certain way long enough, he
harassed by prison guards will begin to feel that way and change his attitude in that
c. Punishing a prisoner for complaining about the direction.
prison to outside parties b. Earn what you get.
d. None of the Above c. All members are given equal opportunity to
255. These are rehabilitation activities including d. The community is the agent of change.
Seminars, Lectures and trainings offered or arranged by
the Agency. Active NGOs, schools, civic and religious 264. New residents will be assigned automatically for
organizations are tapped to facilitate the activities. one month for orientation purposes in what TC
a. Individual and Group Counselling department?
b. Moral, Spiritual, Values formation a. Business Office
c. Work or Job Placement/Referral b. Maintenance
d. Vocational/Livelihood and Skills Training c. Expediting
d. Housekeeping
256. What agency of the Government in Philippines
implements the Therapeutic Community Program? 265. He must serve as a positive role model and deals
a. BJMP with the attitudes of residents and acts as a member of
b. Board of Pardons and Parole the panel during the haircut and addresses the residents
c. Parole and Probation Administration in general meeting.
d. Department of Justice a. Department Head
b. Chief Expediter
257. What year the Therapeutic Community Modality c. Coordinator
Program (TCMP) was introduced in the BJMP? d. Director
a. 1998
b. 1999 266. It is done when a resident is incorrigible and
c. 2000 becomes a threat to community.
d. 2001 a. Haircut
b. Expulsion
258. It is considered as the backbone program of the c. General Meeting
BJMP for inmate development and it being implemented in d. Bans
majority of the jails nationwide.
a. Patrol 267. What is the process through which remorseful
b. Therapeutic Community offenders accept responsibility for their misconduct,
c. TCMP particularly to their victims and to the community. It
d. Rehabilitation Program creates an obligation to make things right through
proactive involvement of victims, ownership of the

Amici Review Center Page 15

offender of the crime and the community in search for c. Afternoon Meeting
solution which promote repair, reconciliation and d. Rituals
a. Volunteerism 276. It is employed to strengthen the learning process
b. Restorative Justice and the practice of more adaptive behaviors within the
c. Therapeutic Community Modality social learning environment.
d. Rehabilitation Program a. Talk to
b. Pull Up
268. A similar term for this is “empowerment” as the c. Haircut
counselor likewise demonstrates that he values the d. Behavior Shaping Tools
integrity of the client.
a. Congruence 277. Who will conduct skills inventory of the residents
b. Respect to determine the appropriate skills training needed?
c. Sympathy a. Inmate’s Welfare and Development Officer
d. Warmth (IWDO)
b. Director
269. Means that anything discussed during counselling c. Parole and Probation Administration
sessions is held absolutely private and not to be discussed d. Big Brother
a. Confidentiality 278. An older member of the community tasked to
b. Privacy provide guidance to the newly committed residents.
c. Empathy a. Coordinator
d. Warmth b. Director
c. Parole and Probation Administration
270. This is done by a Counselor to newly admitted d. Big Brother
residents. Its purpose is to elicit information about the
resident and provide information about the program and 279. The principal guiding rule observed by all
what the expectations are on both parties. residents in a TC with heavier corresponding
a. Counselling consequences.
b. Secrets a. Infractions
c. Intake Interview b. Cardinal Rules
d. Entrance interview c. TC Philosophies
d. TC Unwritten Philosophies
271. The group participants are selected by the staff
and group according to peers like adult members will go 280. The highest position attained by a resident in a
with the same data of entry in the facility and same goes TC hierarchy, who works with the staff in running the
with the middle and young members. house, implementing rules.
a. static group a. Big Brother
b. Peer confrontation group b. Director
c. Encounter group c. Coordinator
d. Extended group d. General Worker

272. This was founded in 1935 by two people: Bill 281. The time period of admitting, denying before
Wilson and Bob Smith. They were both frustrated by what coming up with a decision.
they saw as the failure of medical, psychiatric, and social a. Coercion
service establishments to help people with alcoholism b. Dissonance
effectively. c. All of the Above
a. Synanon d. None of the Above
b. Alcoholism Anonymous
c. TB Patients 282. The highest staff facility officer (Warden) who
d. Therapeutic Community has direct command to both residents and staff.
a. Big Brother
273. It serves as a safety valve within the community b. Director
which is usually high pressured and structured. c. Coordinator
a. static group d. Community
b. Peer confrontation group
c. Encounter group 283. The lowest position in the TC hierarchy.
d. Extended group a. Big Brother
b. Director
274. This is a phase in encounter which involves c. Coordinator
verbalization of concerns or honest disclosure of emotions d. General Worker
that has been provoked during interpersonal interactions
with another resident regardless of the cathartic nature of 284. A Behavior shaping tool consisting of five-man
expression. panel that addresses a resident’s infraction.
a. Confrontation a. Talk to
b. Exploration b. Pull Up
c. Resolution and Commitment c. Haircut
d. Socialization d. Behavior Shaping Tools

275. This is done early in the morning prior to the 285. It is the chain of command of residents in
morning meeting for 15 minutes. Senior members of the Therapeutic Community Modality Program.
community will meet to discuss the attitude of the house a. Functional Family
the previous day. b. Chain of Command
a. Pre- Morning Meeting c. Hierarchical Structure
b. Morning Meeting d. Behavioral Tools

Amici Review Center Page 16

286. A resident who has the closest regard to the other 295. It is an environment that helps people get help
resident. while helping others. It is a treatment environment : the
a. Friend interactions of its members are designed to be therapeutic
b. Best Friend within the context of the norms that require for each to
c. Peer play the dual role of client-therapist.
d. None of the Above a. Therapeutic Community (TC)
b. Therapeutic Community Model (TCM)
287. It is an alternative to the traditional face-to-face c. Literacy and Education
visitation between PDL and respective families. This d. Community Service
service enables the PDL to connect with his/her family
through a supervised video call and chat. 296. Human Rights do not prescribe and cannot be
a. E-Dalaw lost even if man fails to use or assert them, even by a long
b. Paralegal Program passage of time.
c. Cultural and Sports Program a. Imprescriptible
d. Interfaith Program b. Indivisible
c. Universal
288. What is the pattern of Counselling Session? d. Interdependent
I. Conclusion
II. Information gathering 297. He was a former priest who founded the Drug
III. Introduction Abuse Research Foundation (DARE) center in Cavite in
IV. Discussion/Counselor Input 1971. This center introduced the Therapeutic Community
a. III,I,IV,II (TC) program as the first Asian TC in Trece Martires, Cavite
b. II,III,I,IV called Bahay Pag-asa to treat heroin addicts.
c. III,II,IV,I a. Bob Garon
d. I,II,III,IV b. Thomas Main
c. Maxwell Jones
289. It is a cell where the residents stay while on d. Elton Mayo
a. House 298. Containment actions that limit certain privileges
b. Dormitory to all or portions of the community for major breakdowns
c. Lock up in house structure.
d. Custodial Facility a. haircut
b. general meeting
290. What is the population of Class-B TC Community. c. Expulsion
a. 1,000 up d. Bans
b. 700-899
c. 500- 999 299. These are violations to the House Rules of the TC
d. 1-499 Family.
a. Crimes
291. The Therapeutic Community Modality Program b. Felonies
and its four Interconnected Development Aspects are the c. Infractions
following; d. Offenses
a. Behaviour Management, Psychiatrical and
Emotional; Intellectual and Spiritual; Vocational and 300. This is a component in TCMP that introduces the
Survival Skills concept and mechanics of the various shaping tools to
b. Behaviour Management, Psychiatrical and include Morning Meeting in order to facilitate the
Emotional; Intellectual and Supernatural; Job Functions management of and shape the behaviour of the resident.
c. Behaviour Management; Emotional and a. Behaviour Management;
Psychological; Intellectual and Spiritual; Vocational and b. Emotional and Psychological;
Survival Skills c. Intellectual and Spiritual;
d. None of the Above d. Vocational and Survival Skills

292. What are the mandates of BJMP?

a. Punishment and Retribution of Inmates
b. Incapacitation and Redress of Inmates
c. Safekeeping and Development of Inmates
d. None of the Above

293. Phase IV (re-entry) of the BJMP Therapeutic

Modality includes the following, except
a. learning how to follow the rules and norms of
the community
b. transition to life outside of jail
c. creating a new lifestyle applying the tools and
d. reintegration into mainstream of society

294. Confidentiality is one of the most important

characteristics of counselling. In what instance can it be
allowed to be breached?
a. It the client has followed all the rules in the TC
b. If the client has given his full trust to the
c. If the client expressed plan to commit suicide
d. All of the Above

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