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Group - 1 Refegeration 1 (Marine Refrigeration Cycle)

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Republic of the Philippines


Carmen Campus
R.M. Durano Avenue, Poblacion, Carmen, Cebu

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2nd Semester
S.Y. 2022-2023

Refrigeration 1
A. Marine Refrigeration Cycle







Submitted to:

Engr. Dione A. Baring

Refrigeration 1
A. Marine Refrigeration Cycle
• Elaborate on the components of the marine refrigeration cycles
• Explain the marine refrigeration cycle high-pressure side and the low-pressure side
• Analyze the functions of each component in the refrigeration system
• Operate marine refrigeration system
• Troubleshoot marine refrigeration system

Marine refrigeration and air conditioning plants are one of the few machinery systems
which are always running on board ships. The term refrigeration is defined as the process of
removing heat from a substance under controlled conditions. Simply, a refrigeration cycle's
mission is heat absorption and rejection. As any HVAC instructor will tell you
(emphatically), you can't make cold rather you can just remove heat. The refrigeration cycle
sometimes called a heat pump cycle, routes heat away from the area you want to cool. In
this, the temperature of the space under consideration is maintained at a temperature lower
than the surrounding atmosphere. To achieve this, the mechanical device extracts heat from
the space that must be maintained at a lower temperature and rejects it to the surrounding
atmosphere at a relatively higher temperature. Since the volume of the space which has to
be maintained at a lower temperature is always much lower than the environment, the space
under consideration experiences a relatively higher change in temperature than the
environment where it is rejected.

Furthermore, refrigeration means a continued extraction of heat from a body whose

temperature is already below the temperature of its surroundings. In a refrigerator, heat is
virtually pumped from a lower temperature to a higher temperature. According to the Second
Law of Thermodynamics, this process can only be performed with the aid of some external
work. It is thus obvious that a supply of power is regularly required to drive a refrigerator.
Theoretically, a refrigerator is a reversed heat engine or a heat pump that pumps heat from
a cold body and delivers it to a hot body. The substance which works in a pump to extract
heat from a cold body and deliver it to a hot body is known as a refrigerant.

A vapor compression refrigeration system is an improved type of air refrigeration

system in which a suitable working substance, termed as refrigerant, is used. It condenses
and evaporates at temperatures and pressures close to the atmospheric conditions. The
refrigerant used does not leave the system but is circulated throughout the system alternately
condensing and evaporating. In evaporating, the refrigerant absorbs its latent heat from the
brine (salt water) which is used for circulating it around the cold chamber. While condensing,
it gives out its latent heat to the circulating water of the cooler. The vapor refrigeration system
is, therefore a latent heat pump, as it pumps its latent heat from the brine and delivers it to
the cooler. The vapor compression refrigeration system is nowadays used for all purpose
refrigeration. It is generally used for all industrial purposes from domestic refrigerators to big
air conditioning plants.


Marine Refrigeration Cycle

❖ States that a refrigeration cycle operates on a reversed heat engine cycle.

The refrigeration cycle is based on the long-known physical principle that a liquid
expanding into a gas extracts heat from the surrounding substance or area. Reversible heat
engines use the same working principle as heat engines, including a heat transfer between
a cold region and a hot one. However, reverse heat engines also transfer energy in the
reverse direction. Instead of transferring energy from a higher temperature region to a lower
one, reverse heat engines transfer energy from the colder reservoir to the higher
temperature system by adding work.

Continuous refrigeration can be achieved by several processes. Effectively any heat

engine cycle, when reversed, becomes a refrigeration cycle. The vapor compression cycle is
the most commonly used in refrigeration and air condition applications. The vapor absorption
cycle provides an alternative system, particularly in applications where heat is economically
available. Since it is a reversible cycle, all four processes can be reversed. This will reverse
the direction of heat and work interactions, therefore producing a refrigeration cycle.

❖ Describes the working fluids for this cycle as “refrigerants”

Refrigerants are used as working substances in a Refrigeration system. Fluids

suitable for refrigeration purposes can be classified into primary and secondary refrigerants.
Primary refrigerants are those fluids, which are used directly as working fluids, for example
in vapour compression and vapour absorption refrigeration systems. These fluids provide
refrigeration by undergoing a phase change process in the evaporator. Secondary
refrigerants are those liquids, which are used for transporting thermal energy from one
location to other. Secondary refrigerants are also known under the name brines or
antifreeze. For instance, in a refrigeration unit, the working fluid is called the
refrigerant. Ammonia is a typical refrigerant and may be used as the primary working fluid.
Compared with water (which can also be used as a refrigerant), ammonia makes use of
relatively high pressures requiring more robust and expensive equipment.

The liquid refrigerant travels now to the metering device where it passes through a
small opening or orifice where a drop in pressure and temperature occurs, and then it enters
the evaporator or cooling coil. As the refrigerant makes its way into the large opening of the
evaporator tubing or coil, it vaporizes, ready to start another cycle through the system.
❖ States that because working fluids are used in both the liquid and vapour phase
during the cycle, energy levels and other properties for the working fluid must be
obtained from tables of thermodynamics

Thermodynamic cycles operate over a range of temperature and pressure and

usually involve both liquid and vapor phases, and thus our measurements must cover similar
broad ranges. The thermodynamic properties (density, vapor pressure, enthalpy, heat
capacity, phase behavior, etc.) determine the operating conditions (temperature, pressure,
flow rates, etc.) and the efficiency of the cycle. In a thermodynamic cycle, it may be the case
that the working fluid changes state from gas to liquid or vice versa. Certain gases such as
helium can be treated as ideal gases. This is not generally the case for superheated steam
and the ideal gas equation does not hold. At much higher temperatures, however, it still
yields relatively accurate results. The physical and chemical properties of the working fluid
are extremely important when designing thermodynamic systems.

Heat engines, refrigeration cycles, and heat pumps usually involve a fluid to and from
which heat is transferred while undergoing a thermodynamic cycle. This fluid is called the
working fluid. Refrigeration and heat pump technologies often refer to working fluids as
refrigerants. Most thermodynamic cycles make use of the latent heat (advantages of phase
change) of the working fluid. In the case of other cycles, the working fluid remains in the
gaseous phase while undergoing all the processes of the cycle. When it comes to heat
engines, working fluid generally undergoes a combustion process as well, for example in
internal combustion engines or gas turbines. There are also technologies in heat pumps and
refrigeration, where working fluid does not change phase, such as the reverse Brayton or
Stirling cycle. Finding the optimal working fluid for a given purpose – which is essential to
achieve higher energy efficiency in the energy conversion systems – has a great impact on
the technology, namely it does not just influence operational variables of the cycle but also
alters the layout and modifies the design of the equipment. Selection criteria for working fluids
generally include thermodynamic and physical properties besides economic and
environmental factors, but most often all of these criteria are used together.
❖ Describes the four (4) main components of a refrigeration plant as:
- the evaporator, in which the low-pressure refrigerant enters as a cold liquid and is
evaporated to a cold low-pressure vapour
- the compressor, in which the low-pressure cold vapour is compressed to high-
pressure superheated vapour
- the condenser, in which the hot – high – pressure vapour is cooled and condensed
into a cool liquid
- the expansion valve, where the cool high-pressure liquid is throttled and expanded to
a low pressure



A refrigeration cycle has four major components: the compressor, condenser,

expansion device, and evaporator. Refrigerant remains piped between these four
components in the refrigerant loop.

1. The Compressor
Compression is the first step in the
refrigeration cycle, and a compressor is a piece
of equipment that increases the pressure of the
working gas. To cool a room down, you need to
collect the heat and dump it somewhere else.
The air in this “somewhere else” must be a lower
temperature than the refrigerant for you to be
able to dump the heat. To make sure this is possible, the refrigerant is compressed so
that the temperature increases. That way when the refrigerant reaches the condenser,
the refrigerant within the pipe will be hotter than the air on the outside of the pipe, so it
will be able to dump the heat. If the pipe was the same temperature as the air, then you
wouldn’t be able to reject any heat and you wouldn’t cool the room down.

The refrigerant enters the compressor as a warm, saturated low-pressure gas, it is

then compressed within the compressor. During compression, the quantity of fluid
remains the same but the volume decreases, which increases the pressure and
temperature. The refrigerant leaves the compressor as a superheated (hot) high-pressure

Oil Separator – It is situated on the compressor discharge line.

The purpose of the oil separator:

Separate oil from the hot gas in

the discharge line prevents the
compressor oil from being carried over
to other components in the system and
returns oil to the compressor sump. The
oil return may be float-controlled, electric solenoid controlled on a timer, or uncontrolled
(as shown) with a small-bore capillary tube allowing a continuous return.

2. The Condenser
Refrigerant gas Next, this superheated high-pressure
gas enters the condenser, the condenser is
a coil of pipework that runs between metal
fins. The condenser, or condenser coil, is
one of two types of heat exchangers used in
Refrigerant a basic refrigeration loop. This component is
liquid outlet
supplied with high-temperature high-
pressure, vaporized refrigerant coming off
Sea water
the compressor. Condensers are generally
Sea water water-cooled, as mentioned previously, and
are of the shell and tube type. A typical
modern unit is shown in Figure in which it will be seen that the refrigerant passes over the
tubes and the cooling water is passed through the tubes. In the case of sea water-cooled
condensers, it is usual to have a two-pass arrangement through the tubes.

Liquid Receiver – A liquid receiver is a

storage tank for holding liquid refrigerant and is
located between the condenser and expansion
valve in a refrigeration system. The liquid in this
receiver acts as a seal between the vapor in the
condenser and the liquid as it flows into the next
element, the expansion valve, so that the liquid
refrigerant in the expansion valve may be free of vapor.
3. The Expansion Device

The refrigerant then

approaches the expansion
device as a hot, high-pressure
liquid. It is the device that
determines the refrigerant flow
rate which in turn gives desired
temperature control. The
expansion device is responsible
for quickly driving the pressure of
the refrigerant down so it can boil
(evaporate) more easily in the evaporator.

To cool the refrigerant down it is passed through the expansion valve, this will
reduce the pressure of the refrigerant by restricting how much can flow through the valve.
This restriction means that there will be less refrigerant in the next section of the pipe, so
the refrigerant which is allowed to pass through can expand a little. This expansion
reduces the temperature and gives it some storage room to collect the heat. The
expansion valve restricts the flow of refrigerant through the use of an internal spring-
loaded valve which is connected to a diaphragm.

A thin tube, known as the capillary tube, runs between the expansion valve and a
thermal bulb. The thermal bulb is in contact with the pipe just after the evaporator, the
liquid/vapour inside the thermal bulb expands and contracts with the change in
temperature of the refrigerant leaving the evaporator. This expansion and contraction
cause the diaphragm to move which in turn controls the spring-loaded valve that limits
the flow of refrigerant into the evaporator.

4. Evaporator
Water or
Water or The final key stage of the
brine inlet
brine outlet
refrigeration cycle is the
component called the
Suction evaporator. This is similar to the
condenser in construction, but
the refrigerant behaves
compressor differently inside. The
evaporator is the second heat
exchanger in a standard
Drain/ tube of inner
fin tubing
refrigeration circuit, and like the
inspection port

condenser, it’s named for its

basic function. It serves as the “business end” of a refrigeration cycle, given that it does
what we expect air conditioning to do – absorb heat.

This happens when refrigerant enters the evaporator as a low-temperature liquid at

low pressure, and a fan forces air across the evaporator’s fins, cooling the air by absorbing
the heat from the space in question into the refrigerant.

❖ States that the energy required to evaporate the low-pressure liquid refrigerant to a
low-pressure vapour at constant low temperature is transferred from the refrigerated
chambers either directly or through a secondary coolant such as brine

The expansion valve throttles the liquid refrigerant and maintains the pressure
difference between the condenser and evaporator while supplying refrigerant to the
evaporator at the correct rate. It is thermostatically controlled in most of the systems. The
refrigerant entering the evaporator coil, at a temperature lower than that of the surrounding
secondary coolant (air or brine) receives latent heat and evaporates. Later the heat is given
up in the condenser when the refrigerant is again compressed and liquefied.

For a small refrigerator, the evaporator cools without the forced circulation of a
secondary coolant. In larger installations, the evaporator cools air or brine which are
circulated as secondary refrigerants.

❖ States that the energy required to evaporate the low-pressure liquid refrigerant to a
low-pressure vapour at constant low temperature is transferred from the refrigerated
chambers either directly or through a secondary coolant such as brine

The expansion valve throttles the liquid refrigerant and maintains the pressure
difference between the condenser and evaporator while supplying refrigerant to the
evaporator at the correct rate. It is thermostatically controlled in most of the systems. The
refrigerant entering the evaporator coil, at a temperature lower than that of the surrounding
secondary coolant (air or brine) receives latent heat and evaporates. Later the heat is given
up in the condenser when the refrigerant is again compressed and liquefied. In larger
installations, the evaporator cools air or brine which are circulated as secondary refrigerants.
The continuous operation of the refrigeration cycle draws a sufficient amount of heat from
the cold space-maintaining its temperature. Note that refrigeration involves the movement
of heat from the colder reservoir to the warmer reservoir, which is not the natural direction
of heat flow.

In larger installations, systems are often combined with other systems. A vapour
compression refrigeration system can be used with a secondary cooling system. Secondary
cooling systems are used in many process industries. They removed heat from processes
and equipment and a refrigeration system in turn removes the heat from the secondary
cooling system. Secondary cooling systems typically used coolants such as salt solutions
which are called brine or glycol solutions. Both of these types of solutions have freezing
points that are lower than the freezing point of water. This allows the secondary cooling
systems to operate at lower temperatures than systems that use water as a coolant. The
brine flows through the process equipment where it absorbs heat and cools the equipment.
A pump is used to create flow through the brine cooling system. The brine is then pumped
through the heat exchanger. The heat exchanger in the brine cooling system is the
evaporator in the refrigeration system. In the evaporator, the brine act as the heat source,
and its heat is absorbed by the refrigerant. As the refrigerant flows through the evaporator,
it changes to a vapor. The refrigerant then flows on through the rest of the refrigeration
system, the cooled brine is then directed back to the process equipment and the cycle

❖ States that the transfer of energy from the refrigerated chambers is that which
produces and maintains its low temperature

The continuous operation of the refrigeration cycle draws a sufficient amount of heat
from the cold space-maintaining its temperature. Note that refrigeration involves the
movement of heat from the colder reservoir to the warmer reservoir, which is not the natural
direction of heat flow. The temperature of the refrigerated spaces with a direct expansion
system is controlled between limits through a thermostatic switch and a solenoid valve which
is either fully open to permit the flow of refrigerant to the room evaporator or closed to shut
off flow. The solenoid valve is opened when the sleeve moves upwards due to the magnetic
coil hitting the valve spindle tee piece and taps the valve open.

It closes when the coil is de-energized, and the sleeve drops and taps the valve shut.
Loss of power therefore will cause the valve to shut, and a thermostatic switch is used to
operate it through simple on/off switching. The thermostatic switch contains a bellow which
expands and contracts under the influence of fluid in a capillary and sensing bulb attached
to it. The bulb is filled with freon or other fluid which expands and contracts with the
temperature change in the space in which it is situated.

As the temperature is brought down to the required level, contraction of the fluid
deflates the bellows. The switch opens and the solenoid is de-energized and closes. A
temperature rise operates the switch to energize the solenoid which opens to allow
refrigerant through to the evaporator again. The thermostatic expansion valve supplies the
correct amount of refrigerants to evaporators where the refrigerants take up the heat from
the room and boil off into vapours resulting in a temperature drop for that room. This is how
temperature is maintained in the refrigeration plant of the ship.

❖ States that the refrigeration plant performance is measured by the quantity of energy
extracted from the refrigerated chambers per unit energy supplied in compressor

Data can be obtained with liquid flowmeters, temperature probes, pressure probes
and a network analyzer or electric meter. In the case of using ultrasonic flowmeters, it is
possible to use this method in a non-invasive way. It is a simple method, and the most used
for performance measurement. The amount of work done by a compressor can be calculated
using the compression work formula, which is given by W = h · q. In this formula, W
represents the compression work in Btu/min, h represents the heat of compression in Btu/lb,
and q represents the refrigerant circulated in lb/min.

By knowing the compression work and the amount of refrigerant circulated, it is

possible to calculate the coefficient of performance (COP) of the system, which is a measure
of its energy efficiency.

❖ States that the input energy from the compressor is the difference between values of
the refrigerant energy at the inlet to and at the exit of the compressor

This statement is a simplified version of the first law of thermodynamics as it applies

to a refrigeration cycle. The first law of thermodynamics, also known as the law of
conservation of energy, states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred
or converted from one form to another.

In a refrigeration cycle, the compressor is responsible for raising the pressure and
temperature of the refrigerant, which in turn increases its energy. The input energy required
by the compressor is equal to the increase in energy of the refrigerant as it passes through
the compressor.

Mathematically, the energy input to the compressor can be expressed as:

E_in = h_exit - h_inlet

Where (E_in) is the energy input to the compressor;

(h_exit) is the enthalpy (i.e., the total energy content) of the refrigerant at the exit
of the compressor;

and (h_inlet) is the enthalpy of the refrigerant at the inlet of the compressor.

So, the statement "the input energy from the compressor is the difference between
values of the refrigerant energy at the inlet to and at the exit of the compressor" is a simplified
way of expressing this principle.

Energy extracted in the evaporator

❖ Using, derived from the above objectives calculates the
Energy input from compressor
performance of a refrigerator

The performance of a refrigerator can be measured using the Coefficient of

Performance (COP), which is defined as the ratio of the energy extracted in the evaporator
to the energy input from the compressor. Mathematically, it can be expressed as:

Energy extracted in the evaporator

Energy input from the compressor
The energy extracted in the evaporator is the heat removed from the refrigerated
space, which is the desired output of the refrigerator. The energy input from the compressor
is the work done by the compressor to compress the refrigerant and circulate it through the
refrigeration cycle.

Ideally, the COP of a refrigerator should be as high as possible, indicating that the
refrigerator is efficient in removing heat from the refrigerated space while consuming as little
energy as possible.

In practical terms, the COP of a refrigerator is influenced by factors such as the

operating temperature, the type of refrigerant used, and the design of the refrigeration cycle.
Therefore, the COP can vary depending on the specific refrigerator being used.

To calculate the COP of a refrigerator, you need to measure the energy extracted in
the evaporator and the energy input from the compressor. The energy extracted in the
evaporator can be determined by measuring the heat removed from the refrigerated space
using a thermometer or a heat sensor. The energy input from the compressor can be
determined by measuring the power consumed by the compressor using a wattmeter or a
power meter.

Once you have obtained these measurements, you can calculate the COP of the
refrigerator using the formula mentioned above.


Calculate the coefficient of performance of a generator if it extracts 1200J of heat

from the cold reservoir and releases1800J of heat to the hot reservoir in each cycle?


The heat removed from the cold reservoir (Q2) = 1200J

The heat given to the hot reservoir (Q1) = 1800J
The energy input to the compressor = Q1 - Q2 = 1800 – 1200 = 600 J
The coefficient of performance (COP) of the given by:

Energy extracted in the evaporator

COP = Energy input from the compressor

COP = 600J

COP = 2 (Therefore, the coefficient of performance is 2.)

❖ Draws a label a line diagram of a refrigeration plant, using “blocks” for the main
components and arrows to indicate flow and the working fluid and indicating the
energy values at important points of the cycle


Refrigeration of cargo spaces and storerooms employs a system of components to

remove heat from the spaces being cooled. This heat is transferred to another body at a
lower temperature.

The transfer of heat takes place in a simple system:

1. In the evaporator where the lower temperature of the refrigerant cools the
evaporator; the lower temperature of the refrigerant cools the body of the space
being cooled;
2. In the condenser where the refrigerant is cooled by air or water. The usual system
employed for marine refrigeration plants is the vapour compression cycle for which
the basic diagram is shown in Fig above.

The pressure of the refrigerant gas increase in the compressor, and it thereby
becomes hot. This hot, high-pressure gas is passed through into a condenser. Depending
on the particular application, the refrigerant gas will be either by cold air or water and
because it is still at high pressure, it will condense. The liquid refrigerant is then distributed
through a pipe network until it reaches a control valve meter and delivers the flow of liquid
refrigerant into the evaporator which is at low pressure. The design of the system and the
evaporator should be such that the entire liquid refrigerant is boiled off and the gas slightly
superheated before it returns to the compressor to be recompressed.
❖ Applies simple numerical calculations related to, and making use of the above

Compression horsepower is a measure of the power required to compress the

refrigerant in a refrigeration or air conditioning system. It can be calculated using two
different formulas, both of which are based on the compression work done by the

The first formula for compression horsepower is:


Where P is the compression power in horsepower (hp), and W is the compression work in

Sample calculation:

Determine the compression work if the heat of compression measures 15,300 btu/lb. and
the refrigerant circulated measures 2.52 lb./min.

Given: h = 15,300 btu/lb.

q = 2.52 lb./min

Formula: W= h · q
W= 15,300 × 2.52
W = 38,556 BTU/min

Calculate the horsepower of an engine if the compression work measures 38,556 btu/min

Given: w = 38,556 btu/min

Formula: P =
P= 38,556 / 42.4
P= 909.33hp

For instance, if the swept volume is 459.88 and the clearance volume is 53.8, then find its
compression ratio.

Formula: CR= (VSW + VCL) / VCL

CR= (459.88 + 53.8)/ 53.8
CR= 513.68 / 53.8
CR=9.54 cc
❖ Lists the refrigerants commonly used in marine refrigeration systems.

Here are some refrigerants that are commonly used in marine refrigeration systems:

• R-407C is a mixture of hydrofluorocarbons used as a refrigerant. It is a

zeotropic blend of difluoromethane (R-32), pentafluoro ethane (R-125), and
1,1,1,2-tetrafluoromethane (R-134a). Difluoromethane serves to provide heat
capacity, pentafluoroethane decreases flammability, and tetrafluoromethane
reduces pressure.

• R-404A is a blended hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) refrigerant comprised of R-

125, R-134a, and R-143a. It was designed to replace R-502 and R-22 used in
commercial refrigerator equipment for low and medium temperature ranges.
Its properties make it ideal for use in display cases, refrigerated vehicles, ice
makers, and other applications.
This hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) has similar qualities to R-502 and performs well
in commercial refrigeration systems used in supermarkets or transport
refrigeration where safety is paramount.

• 507 refrigerant is an azeotropic mixture of R-125 and R-143a with zero

ozone depletion potential (ODP). It is a safe, effective alternative to some
chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) and hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFC) refrigerants,
including R-502

In conclusion, we have completed and studied the four main components of the
marine refrigeration cycle, how it works, and also the different types of refrigerants that
are being used commonly onboard ships. To summarize—refrigerant in the evaporator
absorbs heat (cooling the air), and is expelled from the refrigerant to the outdoor air via
the condenser. Simultaneously, the expansion device and compressor help manipulate
the pressure of the refrigerant to make the cycle possible.
In addition, special chemicals called refrigerants are used as the substance that
enables the process to function. The cycle involves the changes of states, and the energy
consumption and heat loss associated with these phase changes are the key to the
process. This cycle has revolutionized how modern society operates. Without this
process, perishable goods such as meat, vegetables, and dairy products will not stay
longer onboard for the crews. Also, cabins and other parts of the ships would not be
cooled with air conditioning. Even many large-scale production processes of goods and
services would be impossible without an understanding of this cycle. The refrigeration
cycle has quietly influenced and shaped modern society, and without it, our progress
would be halted.
Lastly, we have learned that the role of ship refrigeration systems is crucial for
transporting cold goods and food for the crew or passengers. Even without decaying, the
methods to preserve some foods needed the use of chemicals that were particularly
dangerous over time, thus the unreliable methods of food storage would not only affect
flavor but also health issues. Refrigeration eliminated much of this, and as a result, has
had a major impact on the economy.

VI. REFERENCES (URL) OR BOOKS 1695.html?fbclid=IwAR2B

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