Multiphase System
Multiphase System
Multiphase System
Vapor-Liquid Liquid-liquid
vapor Extractor
Benzene Decanter
Ethanol liquid 1
Benzene Distillation
liquid 2
liquid Ethanol
Amino acid
Amino acid
Multiphase Systems
DF= 2 + c – 𝜋
= 2 degrees of freedom.
Single Component Phase Equilibrium
Phase Diagram for H2O
DF= 2 + c – 𝜋
= 1 degrees of freedom.
Single Component Phase Equilibrium
Phase Diagram for H2O
When the concentration of all species in each phase no longer change with time, the phase
Air Air
(liquid) Later Eventually
Initial Equilibrium or Saturated
[Not saturated]
Vapor Pressure (p*)
• The higher the vapor pressure for a given temperature the greater the
volatility of species.
• The vapor pressure and hence the boiling point of a liquid mixture depends
on the relative amounts of the components in the mixture.
3. Cox charts.
ΔH v
ln p* =− +B
p ∗ = vapor pressure of pure substance
T = absolute temperature
R = gas constant
log p* = A −
T +C
Calculate the vapor pressure of benzene at 50°C using the Antoine
Equation. Also estimate the normal boiling point of benzene (the vapor
pressure at 1 atm)
T = 50oC …. P* = 271.2 mm Hg
P* = 760 mm Hg …… T = 80.1oC
The Gibbs Phase Rule
DF = 2 + c − Π − R
Dissolved Air +
dissolved SO2 +
DF = 2 + c − Π
Π = 2; c = 3 à DF = 2 + 3 - 2 = 3
Specify 3 intensive variables, temperature, pressure and mole fraction air or SO2 in
the gas or liquid phase
Ethanol + water
DF = 2 + c − Π
Π = 2; c = 2 à DF = 2 + 2 - 2 = 2
Specify 2 intensive variables, temperature and pressure , all concentrations are fixed
DF = 2 + c − Π
Π = 2; c = 3 à DF = 2 + 3 - 2 = 3
Specify 3 intensive variables, temperature, pressure and any one of the concentration
terms are fixed, all other concentration terms are fixed
Π = 2, c = 2 à DF = 2 + 2 - 2 = 2
Specify 2 intensive variables, temperature and pressure, all the concentration terms
are fixed
Example 6.2-1
Determine the degree of freedom for each of the following systems at
equilibrium. Specify a feasible set of independent variables for each system.
1. Pure liquid water.
2. A mixture of liquid, solid, and vapor water.
3. A vapor-liquid mixture of acetone and methyl ethyl ketone.
1. Π = 1; c = 1 à DF = 2 + 1 - 1 = 2
(Specify 2 intensive variables, T, P)
2. Π = 3, c = 1 à DF = 2 + 1 - 3 = 0
3. Π = 2, c = 2 à DF = 2 + 2 - 2 = 2
(Specify either T and P, or a gas phase mass or mole fraction and either T
or P)
Gas-Liquid Systems: One Condensable
Systems containing several components, of which only one is capable of existing
as a liquid at the process conditions
Ø Evaporation:
Water vapor
Liquid water
Evaporator Liquid water
Ø Drying:
Water vapor
Wet solids of Liquid
Dryer Dried solids into Gas
Ø Humidification:
Dry air
Humidified air
Liquid water Humidifier
Gas-Liquid Systems: One Condensable
Transfer of
Air of less water
Wet air from Gas to
Condenser or Liquid
Liquid water
Dehumidifier phase
Raoult’s Law,
single condensable species :
pi = yiP = pi*(T)
pi = partial pressure of the vapor in the gas
yi = mol vapor/ mol total gas
P = total pressure
pi*(T) = pure-component vapor pressure at the system
Raoult’s Law, single condensable species :
pH2O = yH2OP = pH2O*(T)
yH2O = pH2O*(T)/P
= 289.1/760
= 0.381 mol H2O/mol
pi = p*i(T) at equilibrium (Raoult’s Law)
Therefore, pi = 200 mm Hg
Since the sum of all partial pressures must equal the total pressure,
and the partial pressure of acetone is 200 mm Hg, the partial
pressure of air must be 760 mm Hg, 79% (600 mm Hg) is from
yi = p*i(T)/P = 200 mm Hg/960 mm Hg= 0.21
Saturation, Superheated Vapor
w ww w w w w
w w w w ww w w
w w w w w w w
w w w w w
w w w w w
w w w w w w w w w w w
w w w w w w w w
w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w
w w A w
A w A w A
w w w
w A w w A A
A w w
w w w w A w
w w
w w w w ww w w
w w w w w w w w w w
w w w w
w w w w w w
w w w w w w
w w w w w w w w w w
• If pi =yiP < p*i(T), then the vapor is a superheated vapor (gas mixture
can hold more vapor)
Dew Point
w w A w
A w A w
w w w
w A w w A A
A w w
w w w w A w
w w
w w w w ww w w
w w w w w w w w w w
w w w w
w w w w w w
w w w w w w
w w w w w w w w w w
mm Hg contains 25 mol % of water. Determine the dew point and the degree of
2. Calculate the percentage of the vapor that condenses and the final composition
3. Calculate the percentage condensation and the final gas-phase composition if,
Example: a relative humidity of 85% means that the partial pressure of water vapor
equals 85% of the vapor pressure of water at the system temperature.
100% relative saturation - the partial pressure of the vapor in the gas is
the same as the vapor pressure
sm pi ( P − pi* )
y1P = pH2O*(T);
y1 = pH2O*(90)/P
=262.9 mmHg/760mmHg = 0.346 mol H2O/mol
y2 = pH2O*(25)/P
=23.76 mmHg/760mmHg = 0.031 mol H2O/mol
Humid air at 75oC, 1.1 bar (825.07 mm Hg), and 30% relative
humidity is fed into a process until at a rate of 1000 m3/h.
1.The molar flowrate of water, dry air, and oxygen entering the
process unit.
Humid air at 75oC, 1.1 bar (825.07 mm Hg), and 30% relative humidity
is fed into a process until at a rate of 1000 m3/h.
Assumptions : Humid air behaves as an ideal gas.
1000 m3/h
y mol H2O/mol
(1-y) mol BDA/mol
T = 75oC, P =825.07 mm Hg
hr = 30%
Example 6.3-3
15.6oC 100oC
90oC 3 atm 3 atm
1 atm absolute compressor condenser heater
0.1 mol water / mol nc mol hr = ?
0.9 mol dry air / mol yw mol water /mol nair,out mol air
(1- yw) mol dry air/mol
nw mol water
Basis : 1 m3 feed air
15.6oC 100oC
90oC 3 atm 3 atm
1 atm absolute compressor condenser heater
0.1 mol water / mol nc mol hr = ?
0.9 mol dry air / mol yw mol water /mol nair,out mol air
(1- yw) mol dry air/mol
nw mol water
nfeed air =
(1atm )(1000L )
RT æ L.atm ö
ç 0.08206
mol.K ø÷ ( 363K )
= 33.6 mol
nfeed water = 0.1(33.6) = 3.36 mol
nfeed dry air = 0.9(33.6) = 30.24 mol
Basis : 1 m3 feed air
15.6oC 100oC
90oC 3 atm 3 atm
1 atm absolute compressor condenser heater
0.1 mol water / mol nc mol hr = ?
0.9 mol dry air / mol yw mol water /mol nair,out mol air
(1- yw) mol dry air/mol
nw mol water
yw =
from table B.5 , p w = f(T =15.6 o C) = 0.01773 bar
p 0.01773 bar
yw = w = = 5.833x10-3
P 3(1.01325)bar
Solution: Basis : 1 m3 feed air
15.6oC 100oC
90oC 3 atm 3 atm
1 atm absolute compressor condenser heater
0.1 mol water / mol nc mol hr = ?
0.9 mol dry air / mol yw mol water /mol nair,out mol air
(1- yw) mol dry air/mol
nw mol water
Mass balance around compressor/condenser
nfeed air = nw + nc
nw = 33.6 - 30.41= 3.19 mol
15.6oC 100oC
90oC 3 atm 3 atm
1 atm absolute compressor condenser heater
0.1 mol water / mol nc mol hr = ?
0.9 mol dry air / mol yw mol water /mol nair,out mol air
(1- yw) mol dry air/mol
nw mol water
\ hr = x100 =1.75%
Basis : 1 m3 feed air
15.6oC 100oC
90oC 3 atm 3 atm
1 atm absolute compressor condenser heater
0.1 mol water / mol nc mol hr = ?
0.9 mol dry air / mol yw mol water /mol nair,out mol air
(1- yw) mol dry air/mol
nw mol water
æ 2 mol H ö æ 4 mol H ö
n mol H2 )ç
1 mol H O
÷ (
= 10.53 mol CH 4)ç
1 mol CH
è 2 ø è 4 ø
æ 1mol Air ö
(nair )theo = ( 21.06 mol O2 ) ç 0.21mol O ÷ =100.3 mol Air
è 2 ø
nCO 0.53
= = » 0.05
nCH4 10.53
The dew point of the stack gas, assuming that the stack gas pressure is 760 mm
Hg and water is the only condensable species
y H2O = = 0.174 , \ pH2O =132.24 mm Hg
At equilibrium,
w w A w w
w A w C A w
w w w A
A w w C
w w A A A A
w w w w A
w C
w A w w A w C A w w A w
w w w w w C w w w w
w w w w w C w w C w
w w w w
w w w w w C w w
w w w w w
w w w w C w w w C
pi = partial pressure of i
yi = mole fraction of i in vapor phase
P = Total Pressure
xi = mole fraction of i in liquid phase
pi*(T)= vapor pressure of i at temperature T
Vapor-liquid Equilibria for
Benzene-Toluene (ideal solution/mixtures)
p b = ½ P b* and pt = ½ P t*
Note also that although the initial amounts of benzene and toluene in the
solution were equal, more benzene than toluene escapes to the gas phase
because of benzene’s higher vapor pressure.
Raoult’s Law
Henry’s Law: pi = yi P = xi H i (T )
ü If the liquid phase is a pure one, Raoult’s law can be reduced into:
pi = yi P = pi* (T )
valid for the entire range of compositions for mixtures of similar substances
Where xi = mole fraction of component i dissolved in the liquid phase
Hi (T)= Henry’s law constant at the system temperature
Example 6.4-2
Use either Raoults law or Henry ’ s law to solve the following
1.A gas containing 1.0 mol% ethane is in contact with water at 20oC
and 20.0 atm. Estimate the mole fraction of the dissolved ethane.
Example 6.4-2
Use either Raoult’s law or Henry’s law to solve the following problems:
An equimolar liquid mixture of benzene (B) and toluene (T) is in equilibrium with
its vapor at 30oC. What is the system pressure and the composition of the vapor?
Txy and Pxy diagrams
Vapor-liquid Equilibrium
(Ideal Solutions)
Vapor-liquid Equilibrium
(Ideal Solutions)
Constant P cooling path on a T-x diagram Constant P, heating path on a T-x-y diagram
Vapor-liquid Equilibrium (VLE)
It is very important to know conditions at which condensation or evaporation
å i i (T
x p *
å yi =1 = i
hence, Pbp = å x i p*i (T )
Pbp i
Vapor-liquid Equilibrium
(Ideal Solutions)
Dew-point temperature (Tdp) is the temperature at which the first droplet of liquid is
formed at a given pressure. Gas phase composition is given.
= y P = x p (T )
yi P
pi *
hence, å x i = 1 = * (trial & error)
p i (Tdp )
i i i dp
yi 1
å x i = 1 = Pdp å p*i (T ) hence, Pdp =
i i
åi p* (T )
Bubble Point Calculation
(Ideal Solutions)
Bubble Pressure – Given all xi’s and T, calculate P at which the first bubble
forms, and yi’s of the bubble
Bubble Temperature – Given all xi’s and P, calculate T at which the first
bubble forms, and yi’s of the bubble
∑x i pi* (Tbp ) = P
∑x i pi* (Tbp ) = P
Dew Point Calculation
(Ideal Solutions)
Dew Pressure – Given all yi’s and T, calculate P at which the first droplet
condenses, and xi’s of the droplet
Dew Temperature – Given all yi’s and P, calculate T at which the first droplet
condenses, and xi’s of the droplet
yi P
∑p *
i=1 i ( Tdp )
Liquid mole fraction in equilibrium with the vapor can be determined from
Dew Point Calculation
(Ideal Solutions)
Since the liquid composition,x is given, this is a
gas mixture containing 10.0 mole% benzene., 10.0 mole% toluene, and the
Since the gas composition, y is given, this is a dew-point calculation. By trial-&-
yi P
error, assume T, calculate p*i(T) using Antoine equations until it satisfy ∑
p (Tdp )
At 80oC, the p*i(T) is calculated using Antoine equation.
toluene liquid mixture at 1 atm. If the mixture is steadily vaporized until the
Example 6.4-4
2. Using the Txy diagram, estimate the dew-point temperature and the
Example 6.4-5
A mixture that is 70 mol % benzene and 30 mol % toluene is to be distilled in a
batch distillation column. The column startup procedure calls for charging the
reboiler at the base of the column and slowly adding heat until boiling begins.
Estimate the temperature at which boiling begins and the final composition of the
A vapor that is 65 mole% styrene and 35 mole% toluene is in equilibrium with
a liquid mixture of the same two species. The system temperature is 86oC. Use
Raoult’s law to estimate the mole fractions of the liquid and the system
Since the vapor composition is given, 86oC is the dew point temperature and the
system pressure is a dew point pressure
1 1
Pdp = =
åi p* (T ) éê 0.65 + *
0.35 ù
i dp p *
êë s dpT ) p T (T )
dp ú
pi* can be estimated using Antoine equation.
1 1
Pdp = =
yi é 0.65 ù
åi p* (T ) ê * + * ú 0.35 Pdp = 150 mm Hg
i dp
êë p s (Tdp ) p T (Tdp )úû
p i = y i P = x i p*i (Tdp )
yi P
xi =
p*i (Tdp )
p i = y i P = x i p*i (T)
( )
y B P = x B p*B (T) ..... 0.3(760) = x B p*B 115o C
y T P = x Tp*T (T) ..... 0.7(760) = x p (115 C)
PB*= 1990 mm Hg
PT*= 859 mm Hg
a. At what temperature does the first drop of condensate form? What is its
Tdp = ? P = 1 atm (760 mm Hg)
PB*= 1350 mm Hg
PT*= 556 mm Hg
last bubble of vapor condenses = first liquid drop vaporises (i.e. at bubble point
temperature (Tbp ))
p i = y i P = x i p*i (Tbp )
P = å Pi = å x i p*i (Tbp ) = x Bp*B (Tbp ) + x Tp*B (Tbp )
Tdp ~ 98.5°C
(a) When Raoult's law is obeyed, a plot of vapor pressure against mole fraction
yields a straight line.