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3-CHAPTER-1 - Edited v1

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Running a business is difficult. Individuals must effectively manage multiple

departments, remain innovative, cut costs, and maximize profits. Most importantly, you must

ensure that everything adheres to a budget. Your budget is one of the most effective tools for

managing the resources of your business. Tracking your business’ performance against its budget

can provide insights that can be used to solve problems or seize new opportunities.

Budgeting enables business owners to maximize profits while avoiding unnecessary

spending and debt. A budget plan also allows you to save money for business expansion.

Likewise, a budget, according to Fortuna (2021), is a necessary tool for business organizations to

have effective financial planning and control. Budget management, which dates back to the

1820s, is an important method of internal enterprise management control that plays an important

role in the maturity and development of modern industrial and commercial enterprises.

Managing finances can be difficult for any small business owner, such as the owner of a sari-sari

store. If the owner does not have a lot of business finance management experience, the company

will fall into bad financial habits that will eventually ruin it. When a business suffers losses as a

result of poor financial management, it can no longer cope and goes out of business.

A sari-sari store is a part of every Filipino's daily life; it's a small neighborhood store that

sells a variety of goods and can be found anywhere as you walk down the street of Barangay.

According to a Kantar World panel study, sari-sari stores are still the most important outlet in

our country, with nearly 99% of Filipinos purchasing from this channel. It is responsible for 47%

of household spending on fast moving consumer goods (Adobo Magazine Online, 2018).

Hence, a budget is a systematic allocation of resources to achieve the goals of the sari-

sari store. Budgeting entails the establishment of predetermined goals, the reporting of actual

performance results, and the evaluation of performance in relation to the predetermined

objectives. Nonetheless, budgeting can present difficulties that prevent the sari-sari store from

effectively achieving its objectives. One primary reason is that if budget management practices

are not effectively implemented. Conclusively, it can have either a positive or negative impact on

the financial performance of the sari-sari store. However, this is dependent on how well the sari-

sari stores manage their operations in order to meet their goals. As a result, sari-sari store should

implement or adopt budgeting practices that aid in the achievement of a budgeting principle and


Finally, your budget will tell you if your business is performing as expected. The benefits

of budgeting allow you to make an informed decision about whether an off-budget expense

should be postponed or if it could be the start of a new path that is even better for your business.

Furthermore, Germain (2010) asserted that one of the most important aspects for small

businesses is to maintain a positive cash flow. Good budget process integration with operating

budget, capital budget, and cash budget that leads to improved operations.

Budgeting involves prioritizing the most important demands and remembering that every

peso gained must be spent prudently in order to avoid gradually sinking into debt. The researcher

discovered that some sari-sari store business grew profitable, while others were compelled to

close their operations. Therefore, the study intends to discover whether there is a lack of

knowledge in terms of budget management practices. This research aims to improve knowledge

about the budget management practices of selected sari-sari store owners in District III,

specifically in the barangays of Capayang, Ino, Balanacan, Argao, Silangan, Gusian,

Hinanggayon and Paye, I would like to focus on a retail business specifically called sari-sari

store and the budget management practices by store owner of it.



The study: “Budget Management Practices of Sari-Sari Stores in District I, Mogpog”

Pursued to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile in terms of;

1.1 Age

1.2 Gender

1.3 Educational Attainment

1.4 Years of Operation

2. To determine the budget management practices of the selected sari-sari stores in terms of;

2.1 Sales

2.2 Operating Expense

2.3 Capital Expense

2.4 Savings

3. Is there a significant difference on the business management practices when group

according to profile?

4. What intervention can propose?



Okoye and Ezugwu (2009) studied that profile such as age, gender, educational

background and years of operation of the owner of an enterprise have an implication on their

management. With exposure to fundamental practices of management, it imparts positively on

the performance of the business. Based on their study, they found out that sexual characteristics

do not influence the skills but educational accomplishment do. Their learning will be the

theoretical foundation to verify the budget management practices among sari-sari store owners in

District III Mogpog. Furthermore this study considered the “Budgetary Management Theory” by

Aishwarya Pillai which explains that budget management simply means predicting and tracking

the income and expenses of a business. This theory states that there are four aspects of budgets

which are monthly sales, operating expense, capital expense and savings. These are the budget

management skills that every new business should know. These skills help the business to make

wise decisions in budgeting. Moreover, budgets help in analyzing the business’s performance

and provide valuable insight for the business. Finally, it would have understood what exactly

budget management means and the responsibilities and skills required for it.



a. Demographic profile Proposed intervention to

Gathering, Analysis
b. Budget management optimize Budget
practices in the four and Interpretation of
Management Practices
aspects of budgets Data
through training courses and

programs, raise educational

levels, and strengthen

entrepreneurial identity.

Figure 1: Research Paradigm

This framework would merely elaborate the study of budget management practices

among selected sari-sari stores in District III of Mogpog, Marinduque.

Figure 1 shows the input-process-output of this study. The input consisted of the

demographic profile and budget management practices in the four aspects of budgets. Data was

selected through and an interview, followed by analysis and interpretation. Interventions that

were proposed at the end will be the output.


The research of Budget Management Practices of Sari-Sari Stores in District III, Mogpog,

may be pertinent to business management. This study can be beneficial for various businesses,

especially small businesses. The following will also benefit from this study:

Store Owners. The study's findings will largely benefit them, assisting store owners in making

decisions as they run their businesses.

Future Entrepreneurs. The study's findings will inspire future business owners with limited

resources to engage in trade and provide guidance on how to start their own business.

Lending Company. The result of the study will widen their knowledge in terms of small

enterprises in acquiring of funds.

Customers. The result of the study will make the business effective and eventually the

customers will be served accordingly and satisfactorily.

The Researchers. They will learn from the study's findings how to manage their finances

effectively if they ever decide to start their own business.

Other Researcher. The study's findings will serve as a guide for other researchers in their future



This study aimed to determine budget management practices of selected sari-sari stores in

District III, specifically in barangays of Capayang, Ino, Balanacan, Argao, Guisian,

Hinanggayon and Paye, Mogpog Marinduque. The area of coverage is limited to sari-sari stores

in District III of Mogpog, Marinduque, who will represent the population. The study would be

conducted by distributing a checklist style research-made questionnaire as a survey and

reference. A questionnaire is used to determine the budget management practices of a sari-sari

store. All information and conclusions that will be drawn from this study will only obtained to

this particular group of Sari-sari store owners.



Sari-sari store – A sari-sari, which literally means "an assortment" is a small retail

establishment, frequently family-run, that sells a range of everyday necessities.

Budget Management – the process of creating financial plans, establishing goals, and allocating

funds to meet those targets.

Initial Capital - the amount of money the owners' allotted to start their sari-sari store

Sales- the sales a company generates by providing goods or services to its customers.

Savings- the funds left over after spending and other commitments have been subtracted from


Operating Expense - a cost incurred by a company as a result of its routine business activities.

Capital Expense- funds used by an entity to acquire, update and maintain physical assets such as

property, plants, buildings, equipment or land.

Intervention- learning what treatments or strategies are most effective in improving outcomes

and making a difference in what matters most to people.




This chapter presents the gathered data and key concepts of the study based on the

different journals, articles, conducted studies and literature on the variables that are being



Budget management, is the practice of managing and tracking income and expenses, as

The Institute of Cost and Management Accountants (2011) stated. Moreover, business's

budgeting management offers individuals charged with administering the business with a

foundation for determining how to source, allot, and use funds to support rational decision

making and meet organizational goals. One of the most effective methods to manage for novel

scenarios is to establish a budget management system that includes a particular plan that is

flexible enough to respond to unanticipated changes.


Hao Zhao, PhD (2020) finds entrepreneurs who begin while in their 50s succeed at

roughly the same rate as people starting up in their 20s. They have theorized that youth

frequently possesses better intellectual capabilities, higher understanding of current technology

and trends, and less aversion to disruptive change. While this is all true, such benefits seldom

appear to outweigh experience.


Generally, traditional family business that can be considered failed still being sustained

by middle and old-aged retailers. Their purpose is not for earnings anymore but to carry on their

family legacy (Watson and Everett, 2017).

Peterson and Shulman (2019) studied that the typical life of a small business is 5 years. A

finding says that 90% of the failed businesses are less than 10 years. An age of a business

certainly associated to failure.

The research in the Organization for Economic Co-operation Development (2012) who

found out that because of limited work experience, young people face more problems than older

men believing that they have stronger attachment to the world of business.


Gender is another demographic issue which could influence budget management

practices along with small businesses. Halkias (2008) postulated that in relation to

entrepreneurial connection and business possession, there is still an important and methodical

gap between genders. Evans and Winston (2008) made a similar claim to that of Halkias (2008).

In the study on loan delinquency among small business owners in Ghana, they initiate

that single college educated women managed their credit more practically than both men in

general and married women. In 2003, about 1,121,687 or 36.8 percent of total employment

women participated in labor force and 30.3 percent of it are women entrepreneurs (Arias 2019).

Gender doesn’t matter but women have inferior access to their own resources, timely

busy and less access to formal education and skills training. Opportunities to women are much
lower than men and they faced harder access to support. Kibera (2020), presented in his previous

studies that women run at least 70% of business enterprise.

Educational Attainment

According to Chong (2019), managing budget practices is affected by the education

achieved of the respondent which concludes that if you have high level of attained education,

you have superior budget management.

Osman (2018) of Malaysia found out that retailers typically don’t have a proper

education so they end up in an established family-type business. A study in India discovered that

more retailers are undergraduate (Selvakumar & Muthumoni, 2017).

According to Kauffman Foundation (2019) in his previous study, he found out that there

is similar characteristic between businessman and college students for that reason, owners

reaching college level are likely to have an entrepreneurial viewpoint. Devol (2013) were right

that better – educated workers have more abilities in improving production.

Years of Operation

Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are the corner stone for economic developments in

both the developed and developing countries. This is because they contribute positively towards

job creation, sustainable economic growth, and contribute also to the gross domestic products

(GDP) (Smit &Watkins, 2018). SMEs are regarded as the engine of growth and development for

their contributions to the manufacturing subsector, reduction of unemployment and

diversification of output (Iorun, 2019). Apart from the positive contribution the SMEs are
making towards the economic growth of the countries, SMEs are faced with a high failure rates,

the estimated failure rate is 75 percent within the first two years of operation.

According to Carlson (2020) your business will have to substantial growth within three

to five years so the investors have a viable exit strategy. Half of all new small business owners

close their doors before their 5th anniversary. Following the entrepreneurship theory, the purpose

of this multiple case study was to explore what strategies 5 small business owners in the food

and beverage industry in the San Francisco Bay area used to survive beyond 5 years of operation.

According to the study of Alusen (2018) majority of the respondents which is 46.43% of

the registered sari-sari stores were operating their business between the periods of 2-4 year. A

considerable number of businesses had been operating for quite some time now, which indicates

that their business is growing and developing as time passes by. The typical life of a small

business is 5 years. A finding says that 90% of the failed businesses are less than 10 years.


Small businesses can be a key source of income for some business owners, in fact, a

report of nonemployee businesses showed that two-thirds of them provide the primary source of

income. A study of business owners found that 86.3% of small business owners make less than

$100,000 a year in income, while Payscale reported that the average small business owner makes


However, specifically in sari-sari store, research study Business Practices of Sari-Sari

Store (2017) tells that the store owners who earn more than a thousand pesos a day are those who

have invested big amounts in their stores. They are able to take advantage of special offers and

opportunities as these come along. Perez (2019), sari-sari stores typically add a 10 to 20%

markup on their products as their main source of income. Though owners usually don’t want to

deal with centavos, so they round it up to the nearest peso.  According to their daily earnings, the

Sari-Sari Store earns an average of P500 per day now. The family’s collective efforts resulted in

the continued and improved prosperity of the community.

According to Chen (2018), the store can earn between P14, 000 and P18, 000 per month

if business is good. As a part of Philippine retail tradition, sari-sari stores have grown to be an

epitome of basic entrepreneurial success. A good start with this business can cost you as little as

P50, 000, while other entrepreneurs can spend as little as P30, 000 or even less. Those with more

ambitious goals and well-funded ventures should consider investing between P70, 000 and P100,

000 in capital funds, which will allow them to produce a wider range of consumer goods.

Additional products in addition to wet goods, hardware, accessories, gifts, and novelty items can

also be used to generate sales. When purchasing a product, make sure it is sold out as soon as

possible, and invest more in it. The margins of sari-sari stores are too small for them to survive

without effective management of goods and people looking after them. Failure to perform these

checks can lead to the business’s demise. Setting a 15% markup is a conservative but reasonable

way to attract customers and enable them to sell items more quickly.

Sale management analysis typically depends heavily on historical data, so companies

keep excellent records and often hire professional analysts to gain a proper understanding of the

customers' needs. Optimizing prices through revenue management can also help companies
inspire trust in their customers and increase brand loyalty. Customer habits typically have a

profound impact on sale management, as customers can change preferences and spending habits

at any time. Companies can use sale management analysis to identify customer habits and

behavioral trends to predict customer intentions.  If properly managed, sari-sari stores can

provide a good source of income. A sari-sari store has a 20% net profit margin on average,

according to the National Retail Federation. In fact, we have heard of families who have used a

sari store as a means to send their children to college. They provide jobs for thousands of people,

and they help to keep local neighborhoods running smoothly.

Operating expense

Retailers have the influence to find its own supplier. Retail and suppliers should build a

good connection because they both concerned channeling of goods (Pearson, 2019). In a study

made in India, the outcome shows that greater part of retailers with 86.50% procure raw

materials from open market. Retailers should be convenient and prepare plans like proper store

atmosphere, product variety and procurement and suitable placement of products within the retail

store. (Selvakumar & Muthumoni, 2011).

According to Pamaos (2018), sari-sari stores get their supplies from “bagsakan” or

middlemen who get their supplies from the supplier in bulk with normal and bulk discount. To

participate with competitors, retailers should be exclusive and appropriate to customers’ needs.

The basic retailing approach is giving the uppermost quality to the customer; it will perfectly

lead the retailer to success.

Reyes (2018) mentioned that small business owners should be familiar with how to

manage the outflow of their inventories, how much to accumulate and goods should be bought

on time. Further, Nielsen (2012) implied that sari-sari store owners. Should innovate because of

fast development of convenience store, a stiff competition is present. Sari-sari stores should

manage with the fast varying taste of the customers. In India, small enterprises have a unique

advantage like it focus more on somewhat small market and facilitate an effective usage of

resources of capital and skills which might remain unutilized. According to Richardson (2019),

people would rather decide to function in an informal basis because it’s easier to trade outside

the formal frameworks for registration, taxation and regulation. Most of the small enterprises

function weak because it lacks proper computation of total expenses, total revenue, profit etc.,

for they do not keep an organized record.

It’s challenging to create a budget or financial projections without knowing what your

operating expenses are. Detailing your operating expenses can provide you with a wealth of

information about your business, such as utility costs, wage details, and advertising and

marketing costs. Sari-sari store operating expenses includes your water and electricity, labor,

transportation and miscellaneous. In addition, reviewing your operating expenses can provide

you with the following information. The true profitability of your business, whether you need to

decrease expenses and whether you’re overspending. There's no way to successfully manage a

business in a sustainable fashion without knowing and understanding what your operating

expenses are. One of the best ways to determine current and future business success is by

regularly examining your operating expenses and making adjustments when needed.

Capital expense

According to CFI Team (2022), capital expense are the funds that are used by a business

for the purchase, improvement, or maintenance of long-term assets to improve the efficiency or

capacity of the business. Long-term assets are usually physical, fixed and non-consumable

assets such as property, equipment, or infrastructure, and that have a useful life of more than one

accounting period.

According to Sammi (2019) capital expense is the money spent on purchasing,

improving, or extending the useful life of fixed assets in an organization that have a useful life of

one year or more. Property, equipment, and infrastructure are examples of such assets. Capital

expenditures are often divided into two categories: acquisition expenses and expansion expenses.

This study of Behr (2017) the influence of capital expenditures on working capital

management in the corporate sector of an emerging economy: the role of financing constraints

departs the assumption that the working capital stock may represent a more accurate estimate of

the company’s internally available financial resources than the operating cash flows. When

confronted with binding financing constraints, that is, a wedge between the costs of external and

internal finance, firms may use the accumulated working capital stock as a relatively cheaper

source of funds for fueling or smoothing their capital expenditures.

A lack of savings prevents small businesses in developing countries from growing. When

credit markets are imperfect, savings are often the only option for small business owners to

collect enough funds to invest in their business. Because of this importance of savings for the

development and growth of small businesses, a substantial number of studies examine ways to

increase savings. These often involve some form of commitment device that locks away money

for a certain amount of time or until a certain amount is saved. These hard commitment devices

are shown to effectively increase savings for low-income people in low-income settings (Ashraf


John (2020) shows, in her study on commitment in the Philippines, that the majority of

participants defaults on their commitment savings contract, subsequently incurring a financial

cost. This is crucial, as liquidity is key, especially for small-scale entrepreneurs, as formal

insurance is essentially absent and savings act as an important form of insurance against shocks.

At the same time, the take up of hard commitment devices is often low (Ashraf 2016), which

means that the general increase in savings is low.

Don’t treat your sari-sari store as an extension of your house where you can just get

anything at any time for free. As much as possible, if you need something, pay for it. With that

said, you should also separate the money of the sari-sari store business from your personal

money. And save a portion of its profits for the growth and sustainability of the business. Don’t

pocket all the income, leave some for the future expenses of the store. There are numerous sari-

sari store success stories out there. Most of them grew from a 9 square meter store to a 20 square

meter mini grocery after a few years. Those can only have made possible by cycling back the

profits into the business.

As prices fell in the post-Japanese occupation period (Sicat 2018), these hoarded goods

may have served as initial capital for new sari-sari stores who saw the opportunity to avoid the

devaluation of their savings by disposing of their stock. The strength of the savings motive

coupled with the deterioration of economic opportunities also predict a rapid increase in the

number of sari-sari stores during periods of stagflation, as in the mid-80s debt crisis (Lim, 2020).

Sari-sari stores have been around to make money for countless small proprietors. It is a business

worth considering for a gradual entrepreneurship take off.


The studies and literature written in this chapter deliberate about the concepts and

narrative detail of pertinent and related information of the study.

Budget management, is the process by which the financial resources made available to an

agency are directed and controlled toward achieving the purposes and objects for which budgets

were approved, as Schwarz (2020) discussed.

According to Watson and Everett (1999), traditional family businesses that could be

considered failed are still being supported by middle-aged and elderly retailers. Thus according

to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (2012), discovered that due to

limited work experience, young people face more problems than older men, despite their

stronger attachment to the business world.

Furthermore, gender is another demographic issue that may influence budget

management practices in small businesses. As per Halkias (2008), there is still a significant and

systematic gender gap in entrepreneurial connection and business ownership. In which Evans

and Winston (2008) made a similar claim to Halkias (2008).

In addition, according to Chong (2019), managing budget practices are influenced by the

respondent's level of education, which leads to the conclusion that if you have a high level of

education, you have superior budget management.

As per to the study of Alusen (2018), the majority of respondents (46.43% of registered

sari-sari stores) operated their businesses between the years of 2-4 years. A significant number of

businesses have been in operation for quite some time, indicating that their business is growing

and developing over time. A small business typically lasts 5 years. Refer to one study, 90% of

failed businesses fail within the first ten years.

Consequently, sales refer to a transaction that includes an exchange of service or goods

for a certain amount of money. Sari-Sari Store earns an average of P500 per day now. According

to Chen (2018), the store can earn between P14, 000 and P18, 000 per month if business is good.

As a part of Philippine retail tradition, sari-sari stores have grown to be an epitome of basic

entrepreneurial success. A good start with this business can cost you as little as P50, 000, while

other entrepreneurs can spend as little as P30, 000 or even less.

It's difficult to generate a budget or financial projections without first determining your

operating expenses. Keeping track of your operating expenses can provide you with a wealth of

information about your business, such as utility costs, wage information, and advertising and
marketing costs. The operating costs of your sari-sari store include water and electricity, labor,

transportation, and miscellaneous. Furthermore, reviewing your operating expenses can provide

you with the following data. The true profitability of your business, whether you need to cut

expenses or if you're overspending. There is no way to manage a business in a sustainable

manner unless you know and understand what your operating expenses are.

Thus, according to CFI Team (2022), capital expense refers to funds used by a business

to purchase, improve, or maintain long-term assets in order to improve the efficiency or capacity

of the business. This study by Behr (2017) on the impact of capital expenditures on working

capital management in the corporate sector of an emerging economy: the role of financing

constraints departs from the assumption that working capital stock may be a more accurate

estimate of the company's internally available financial resources than operating cash flows.

A lack of savings according to Ashraf (2016), prevents small businesses in developing

countries from growing. Savings are often the only option for small business owners to

accumulate enough funds to invest in their business when credit markets are imperfect. Because

of the importance of savings in the development and growth of small businesses, a large number

of studies have been conducted to investigate ways to increase savings.




This chapter present the methods and the procedure that are used in the study, the

research designs, participants, and the data gathering instrument that will use to gather data and

will also presented. In addition, research locale where the study will be conducted, data analysis

and the ethical consideration.

Research Design

The researcher will employ mixed method approach in this study. Mixed methods

research or mixed research (MM) is the class of research designs where the researcher mixes or

combines quantitative and qualitative research techniques, methods, approaches, concepts or

language into a single study for the purpose of breadth and depth of understanding and

corroboration (Creswell & Clark, 2010).

Variables Studied
The variables that was studied in this research are the business’ (sari-sari stores) profile

and their budget management practices applied in selected sari-sari stores in District III,

Mogpog, Marinduque.

The independent variables were the budget management practices in terms of sales,

operating expense, capital expense and savings. In addition, demographic profile of sari-sari

stores owners in terms of age, gender, educational attainment and years of operation is also

independent variable since it cannot be modified and varies depending on the knowledge of these

sari-sari store owners.

These variables were studied because of limited resources, research and journals with

regards to this topic. Furthermore, the researcher wanted to discover how budget management

helps the business owners to budget their money effectively.

Population Frame

The researcher utilized non-probability sampling in gathering the data needed for the

study. Convenience sampling was a method adopted by researchers where they collect market

research data from a conveniently available pool of respondents. It was used to determine the

sample size, or the number of respondents who were able to offer sufficient data for the study.

The respondents chosen for the study or the units used for the sample were picked by the

researcher using Fishbowl draw, it is used to determine the respondents by numbering separate
slips of paper and put into fishbowl or container and shuffled and each slip is randomly picked

out one-by-one.


The participants of this study are the selected sari-sari store owners in District III,

Mogpog, Marinduque. The participants of the study have enough knowledge and expertise with

regards to the topic to answer the questions they will be asked by the researchers.


The study will be conducted in District III of Mogpog, Marinduque specifically in

barangays of Capayang, Ino, Balanacan, Argao, Silangan, Gusian, Hinanggayon and Paye This

area has several sari-sari stores, so the researcher decides to focus the study in this specific area.

The gathering of information will start on April 2023.

Data Gathering Instrument

The researchers used two research instrument. The first research instrument was a

researcher-made survey questionnaire checklists to gather the data needed that deals with the

budget management practices that the selected sari-sari store is using. It consists of four tables

corresponding to the study’s variables: sales, operating expense, capital expense and savings. A

face-to-face interview and a use of voice recorder will also be employed.

Data Gathering

The research is proposed for approval. Upon approval of the research proposal, the

researchers will give a letter of permission to the Office of the Mayor prior to the actual data

gathering. Permission also from the respondents will be asked to get the necessary data to conduct

the study. The data which are collected is based on the guidelines to select key respondents who

show willingness to give their responses. Gathered data are analyzed by the researchers.

Treatment of Data

The researcher accurately used statistical methods to examine and understand the Budget

Management Practices of the chosen sari-sari store after collecting the data.

Frequency Percentage Distribution

The frequency was tallied and the percentage was used.

Formula: P= (f/N) 100

Where: P-percent

f = frequency

N = number of respondents

Budget Management Practices of Selected Sari-Sari Stores in
District III, Mogpog

Directions: Please answer the questions correctly. Check the box and specify your answer if
needed. (Panuto: Pakisagot ng tama ang mga tanong. Lagyan ng tsek ang kahon at tukuyin ang
iyong sagot kung kinakailangan)

I. Demographic Profile of Sari-sari store: 

1. Age

2. Gender
 Male
 Female

3. Educational Attainment
 Elementary Graduate
 High School Graduate
 College Graduate
4. Years of Operation

II. Budget Management Practices used by Sari-sari store owners ( Mga Kasanayan sa
Pamamahala ng Budget na ginagamit ng mga may ari ng sari sari store)

5 – Always Practiced (Palaging Ginagawa)
4 – Often Practiced (Madalas na Ginagawa)
3 – Sometimes (Minsang Ginagawa)
2 – Seldom (Bihirang Ginagawa)
1 – Never (Hindi kailanman Ginagawa)
Sales 5 4 3 2 1
1. Taking advantage of special offers and opportunities.
(Sinasamantala ang mga espesyal na alok at pagkakataon (gaya ng
buy 1 take 1))
2. Do not deal with centavos, so they round it up to the nearest peso.
(Hindi nagpi-presyo nang may putal o sentimos)
3. Making sure that the products will be sold out asap.
(Siguraduhin na ang mga produkto ay mabibili sa lalong madaling
4. Setting 10-20% markup on products
(Pagpapatong ng 10-20 porsyento ng presyo sa mga produkto)
5. Hire professional analysts to gain a proper understanding of the
customers' needs.
(Nag-hire ng mga propesyonal na analyst upang makakuha ng
wastong pag-unawa sa mga pangangailangan ng mga customer)
6. Knowing customer habits and behavioral trends to predict
customers’ intentions.
(Pag-alam sa mga gawi at takbo ng pag-uugali ng mga customer)

Operating Expense 5 4 3 2 1
1. Find own supplier
(Humanap ng sariling supplier) 
2. Purchasing products in bulk with bulk discount 
(Pagbili ng mga produkto nong maramihan na may tawad.) 
3. Exclusive and appropriate to customer needs.
(Eksklusibo at naangkop sa mga pangangailangan ng mga mamimili.)
4. Giving the uppermost quality to the customers.
(Nagbibigay ng pinakamataas na kalidad sa mga mamimili)
5. Manage with the fast varying taste of the customers.
(Pamahalaan ang mas mabili/mabenta na produkto ng mga
6. Proper manipulation of total expense.
(Wastong pagkalkula ng kabuuang gastos)
Capital Expense 5 4 3 2 1
1. Purchasing long-term asset to improve the efficiency of the business.
(Pagbili ng pangmatagalang gamit pangnegosyo upang mapabuti ang
kahusayan ng negosyo.) 
2. Keep the money from the sari-sari store separate from your personal
(Pagpapaganda ng katayuan ng negosyo sa pamamgitan ng pagbili ng
panibagong ari-arian o gamit.) 
3. Allocate funds for the maintenance of keeping the equipment in order.
(Maglaan ng pondo para sa pagpapanatili ng kaayusan ng mga kagamitan
sa negosyo.)

Savings 5 4 3 2 1
1. Involve some form of commitment device that locks away money for a
certain amount of time or until a certain amount is saved.
(Magtakda ng panahon sa pag-iipon gamit ang mga makabagong banko (e-
bank) upang makipag-impok ng tubo) 
2. Keep the money from the sari-sari store separate from your personal
(Ihiwalay ang kinita sa sari-sari store sa iyong sariling pera.) 
3. Set aside a portion of its profits for the business’s growth and
(Nagtatabi ng kinita para sa pagpapalago at pagpapanatili ng negosyo)
4. Don’t keep all the money; save some for the store’s future expenses.
(Huwag itago ang lahat ng pera, magtira ng pera para sa panggastos sa


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