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Students Perspective on Facebook Live Selling

Farrah Mae Q. Nable

Immaculate Heart of Mary Academy

April 18, 2022



I would like to express my gratitude to the following people because this study would not be possible

without them.

To my dearest research advisor, Miss Johnelyn Marie Valleser , I are beyond grateful for the efforts and

help you have spared to me whenever I have questions regarding our research paper. I have learned and

accomplished a lot in a short amount of time because of you. I believe that this experience brings out the

best of you and me.

To my cousin who is my special mentor, Ms. Sherie Ann Villar I am In awe to have received the

suggestions and help you have imparted to me. You brought clarity to my mind in times when I was

confused about my research topic. You have guided us all throughout our journey in making this research

paper, and truly gave me . Keen critiques to further improve our work and assuring words that I can

make this Research a huge success. You truly believe that we have potentials that could help me.

To my respondents, thank you for sparing your time during our data gathering. I Wouldn’t be able to get

the results needed in this study without your cooperation. Your Active participation had a great

contribution in making this study a successful one, and you really helped me in compiling as well the

requirements needed for the next level of my Education. Your cooperation is highly appreciated.


This paper aims to examine the students’ perception on Facebook live selling. Specifically, it seeks to
answer the following questions; (1) What do you think about Facebook live selling? (2)What do you think
are the advantages of watching live selling? (3)What do you think are the disadvantages of watching live
selling? (4)How is live selling helpful to you? (5)What do you think are the benefits of watching
Facebook live selling? The study is a type of qualitative research. The style of this research is a thematic
analysis. The researcher make a questionnaire. This study aims to determine the students perspective of
Facebook live selling as well as its advantages and disadvantages. The researcher prepares questionnaires
that will serve to gather information needed for the study. The respondents are active students who watch
live selling around Minglanilla Cebu. The findings show that the participants have both positive and
negative experiences in watching Facebook live but, they also said that Facebook live selling helps them
to shop easily and helps them save time and effort. There are various effects of watching Facebook live
selling from the student’s perspective ; the advantages and disadvantages. The advantages is that,
Facebook live selling is convenient, it saves their time, simple way to shop, and less hassle. The
disadvantage is the items don’t always meet their expectations, technical issues and some are
disrespectful to the live sellers. They sometimes feel disappointed when the products arrives and don’t
meet their expectations. Internet connection also becomes their problem when they watch live selling.
Table of contents

Title Page…………………………………………………………………… i



Table of contents…………………………………………………………….iv


1. Background of The Study………………………………………….1

Statement of The Problem………………………………………….3

Research Questions………………………………………………...3

Purpose of The Study………………………………………………4

Significance of The Study………………………………………….4

Scope and limitations………………………………………………5

2. Review of Related Studies and Related Literature…………………6

3. Research Design……………………………………………....……18

Context and Participants……………………………………....…....18


Data Collection………………………………………………..…....19

Data Analysis…………………………………………………….…21

4. Presentation and Interpretation of Data……………………………..23

5. Conclusion…………………………………………………………..27



Curriculum Vitae……………………………………………………..30

Chapter 1

Background of The Study

In today’s Philippines, social media plays a very important role in many aspects of organizations.

However, there are limited studies on social media marketing and its specifics effects on business. As

well as the use of social media in Philippine as a businesses in general. This study attempts to add to the

little research that has been conducted on the students’ perspective, specifically on Facebook live selling

to Philippine businesses.

Some small online sellers in the Philippines have started to use it as a main tool in selling their products.

Perhaps a product that is sold online the most globally is clothing. Recently, some online sellers use

Facebook Live to showcase clothes and show them in action by wearing on the seller’s body, and

customers who are interested can ask questions and get answers immediately, reserve the item, and

contact the seller via an inbox for payment and delivery. Some use it as an online auction in which a seller

does not sell to the first person receiving the item, but the one offering the highest price within the

time limit .Some sellers stop posting photos of products, and use Facebook Live instead as they

found that they can sell more quickly. As live streaming takes place in real-time without any editing and

with immediate interaction, this should encourage students or customers to trust online transactions

and purchase more. Facebook live streaming is still relatively new, but is invaluable tool to connect and

engage to improve shopping experience in social commerce, and will soon be adopted by

more sellers and customers following the use of live streaming by TV programs. Given
that Facebook live shares live video, and allows the page owner to interact with viewers, this study

aims to examine student’s perception of values of joining the live for apparel selling, and the effect of

using Facebook live on students’ engagement with the brand page. The next section reviews previous

literature in adoption behaviors, retail atmosphere, and e-commerce in constructing the model of live

streaming effect.

A number of social networks are available but the largest is Facebook, and it will be the focus of this

research. Facebook provides several uses to fulfill the needs of its customers’ users, and functions much

like an online social media. Millions use Facebook services and applications, so organizations of all types

create corporate accounts and create profiles to reach users.

Live selling is everywhere, taking the sales and marketing by storm for retail businesses big and small.

Don’t let your brand get left behind. Flux Panda’s live selling platform allows you to stream on multiple

social media platforms—at the same time! It provides an integrated e-commerce platform where you can

sell your products, keep track of your inventory, and deliver your customers’ orders. We usually

emphasize the importance of product photographs for ecommerce. And, of course, the photos are a key

factor to sell online; however, videos allow the user to see the product more closely – especially when it

is complex or very small.

Video also helps the buyer connect with the product and see it in action, or how it is used. Because things

cannot be touched – the main downside of online shopping – being able to see someone else holding and

explaining the product allows for all questions to be cleared up.

Today, our generation continues to defy norms. We have advanced from traditional methods to modern

ones. The corporate world has seen the value of the Internet in the communications field, leading them to

maximize its strength to reach out to its market. Without completely letting go of the traditional forms of

marketing, sellers started utilizing social media to produce powerful and effective marketing campaigns.
If implemented properly, today’s social media platform serves as a potential tool for the students point of

view. With social media continuing to rise, it has become one of the most predominant promotional

methods across the globe.

Facebook has become a virtual world unto itself (Facebook,2013). It is no longer viewed as a simple

social networking site. Facebook has provided a wide range of tools for different concerns of the students.

It can

be fully utilized for students’ perception. Furthermore, Facebook live selling can also be used for the

students viewpoint. It is an evolving tool which students can also capitalized on.

Statement of problem

This study poses the major research problem: How does the Facebook live selling will be viewed from the


The sub problem of the study are as follows

What are the advantages of Facebook live selling?

What are the disadvantages of Facebook live selling?

What are the purpose of watching Facebook live selling ?

Objectives of the study

This study aims to know the students perception on Facebook live selling as well as the advantages and


 The advantages and disadvantages of Facebook live selling for the students.
 Describe the students view point on live selling

 Determine if the live selling is helpful for the students.

Research Questions

1. What do you think about Facebook live selling?

2. What do you think are the advantages of watching live selling?

3. What do you think are the disadvantages of watching live selling

4. ?How is live selling helpful to you?

5. What do you think is the benefits of watching Facebook live selling?

Purpose of The Study

The purpose of this qualitative study is to describe the viewpoint of the student about the Facebook live

streaming/selling. The importance of this research is to understand the students viewpoint of Facebook

live selling. A lot of students watch live selling. Technology is often a wonderful thing. Start or

participate in online live selling with just a few taps on your mobile phone. As long as you have internet

access and an ecommerce app of your choice, you can join the craze. This research is aimed at studying

students who watch live selling through the Facebook live streaming platforms Given that livestreaming

is still not prevalent and use by general users, students who participate in the Live streaming may be

perceived that they are innovative. Innovativeness is often considered as one factor influencing

new product adoption (Hirschman, 1980; Midgleyand Dowling, 1978; Robertson, 1971). Midgley

and Dowling (1978) define innate innovativeness as the degree to which an individual is

receptive to new ideas and takes innovative decisions independently of the experiences

related by other individuals and maintain that first adopters are those with high innate innovativeness .

Proposition. Live streaming has a positive effect on students perceived.

Significance of the study

With the result, the study will give benefits to the students who watch Facebook live and it also benefits

the future researchers. In a way that it will give awareness about the possible dilemma that they may

encounter while watching live. This study focuses on the feelings of the students about the Facebook live

selling. Social media has opened numerous possibilities for individuals to grow and expand themselves

through Facebook. Social media involves a shift in the way people discover, read and share news. It has

connected to many students, enabling businesses to offer products. This study will help the student to

become more wise in strategies for business. At the same time, Facebook users, especially the students

will be able to understand the implications of their Facebook usage on their buying behavior.

Furthermore, studies on the perspective of the students for Facebook live selling is limited. This is

particularly perplexing since social media has continuously revolutionized the marketing landscape today.

Therefore, this study aims to contribute to the limited studies on the students perspective on Facebook

live selling.

This study aims to provide new insights on the field of social media marketing which has not been

considered for the past theses. This study aims to become a pioneer of the students point of view in the

field of social media (Facebook) has, truly, a great potential.

Scope and limitations

This study aims to find out about the students’ viewpoint of Facebook live selling on sales if there are

advantages and disadvantages of using it. For the success of this research, researchers need the

individuals who are needed to answer the questions for the interview. To get the necessary information,

five people from different Facebook groups, pages, and accounts will be taken as samples of the study.
Each sample will be classified as active students who are watching Facebook live. This study would only

focus on the viewpoint of the students.

Furthermore, students who watch Facebook live streaming were studied. This is because they are

subjected to this content. The results from the study were taken in general.

Chapter 2

Review of Related Studies and Related Literature


Marketing is everywhere. It has been of interest to everyone. Philip Kotler, one of the world‟s leading

authorities in marketing, and Kevin Lane Keller (2006) define it as Identifying and meeting human and

social needs. According to them, it is “meeting needs Profitably.” Together with Armstrong, Saunders,

and Wong (2008), Kotler also defines Marketing as “a social and managerial process by which

individuals and groups obtain What they need and want through creating and exchanging products and

value with each Other.” In addition, the American Marketing Association (2008) offers the following

Definition: “Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, Communicating,
delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, Clients, partners, and society at

large.” On the other hand, the Chartered Institute of Marketing (2008) gives this definition: it is “the

management process which identifies, Anticipates, and supplies customer requirements efficiently and

profitably.” Through the

Years, marketing has transitioned from a goods-dominant perspective to a service. Dominant perspective,

in which intangibility, exchange processes, and relationships are Central (Vargo & Lush, 2004). Various

definitions of marketing have been provided by Experts and professionals. From these definitions, we can

generalize that marketing is a Management process addressing the consumers‟ needs through the

exchange of goods And services to gain profits. Without a doubt, marketing is highly significant. Nearly

every aspect of a Consumer’s life is affected by marketing. It gives them a choice among products since

Marketing is created to address their needs. It increases their living standard due to the Production of

goods intended for them. It also increases the nation’s income as it affects The economic growth and


of the nation. Another significance of marketing Is the job opportunities that it offers. For continuous

production, marketing is needed; Therefore, a company would hire professionals to fulfill this duty. At

the same time, it Plays a major role in most companies today. Marketing connects the consumers and the

Companies. It serves as a bridge between the two. The following marketing functions also

Aid in the growth of the company: marketing planning, price management, product Management,

marketing research, and communications management (Perreault, Cannon & McCarthy, 2012; Joshi,

2012; Urbonavičius, Dikčius, & Kasnauskienė, 2007). Certain concepts of marketing make it more

profound. One of these is the 4Ps of Marketing – comprised of product, price, place, and promotion –

which is common in Most marketing books. These are the four critical elements in marketing a product or
Service of a company. (1) Product refers to the goods and services being offered to the Consumers; (2)

Price refers to how much a company would charge for the product or Service; (3) Place involves the

distribution channels used to bring the products to the 16 Consumers, and (4) promotions is the

advertising and selling part of marketing. It is the Process of informing the consumers of the company’s

products. Together, the 4Ps create The marketing mix of a product or service. A single element influences

the other elements Since they are intertwined. If devised effectively, these four elements would lead to the

Company’s success (Ehmke, Fulton & Lusk, n.d.).Due to its undeniable importance and effectiveness,

marketing has proliferated Since. It has taken on various forms to achieve its goal of addressing the needs

of the Consumers. Kirby and Marsden (2006 p. xvii) list different kinds of marketing: (1) Mass Media

advertising is the promotion of a company by means of paid persuasive messages Through a media with a

large audience; (2) Viral marketing is the promotion of a Company that is designed to spread, normally

online, from person to person, and (3) Word of mouth marketing, or buzz marketing, is the promotion of a

company through Initiatives designed to get people and media talking positively about the company.

Industry leaders say that traditional marketing campaigns based on mass media Advertising are not

working anymore due to technological advances. Among the many Types of marketing that have been

utilized in the past few years, one stood out above the Rest because of its low cost and high efficiency – it

is social

media marketing. It continues To flourish today. It is still in its infancy, yet it shows a lot of potential.

Moreover, it is Likely that it will become the most important online marketing tool, even outperforming

Traditional online marketing sites and portals (Laudon & Traver, 2008, p. 440).Social media is here to

stay. According to Chip Salyard (as cited in The Business Times, 2012), “the proliferation of social media

channels coupled with next-generation Applications and mobility has significantly changed the

communication and business 17 Landscape.” Social media tools can empower both the employees and

their organization to Communicate openly. He continues by saying, “When social media is effectively
Implemented, we see that the benefits far outweigh the risks, allowing us to reach out to More people.”

Social media is defined as “Internet-based applications that build on the Ideological and technological

foundations of Web 2.0, and that allow the creation and Exchange of User Generated Content (Kaplan &

Haenlein, 2010, p. 62).” It is networking And connecting by engaging in conversations through

technology (Packer, 2011). Accordingly, social media is becoming more important as a marketing tool

given the Wide adoption by most consumers. It enables companies to talk directly to their Consumers,

and consumers to talk directly with one another – a feat that no type of Marketing has yet achieved

(Mangold & Faulds, 2009) Weinberg (2009) defines „social media marketing‟ as the process that

empowers Individuals to promote their products, or services through online social channels (social

Networking sites), and tap into a much larger community that may not have been Available via traditional

channels. Companies can promote their products and services, Provide instant support, or create an online

community through all forms of social media. Social media marketing is an innovative marketing

concept. It is more sincere in its Communication with the consumers as it tries to show what the brand is

rather than trying To control its image (Erdogmus & Çiçek, 2012). It is about understanding how

technology Connects people with their social networks and how companies can profit from that

Understanding. In its simplest form, social media marketing is utilizing readily available Social media

tools for the marketing efforts of the company. Companies today would liketo learn how social media

marketing can generate value for their businesses (Bashar, Ahmad, & Wasiq, 2012). Several studies

(Wikström & Wigmo, 2010; Laroche, Habibi, & Richard, 2012; Erdogmus & Çiçek,

2012; Laroche, Habibi, Richard, & Sankaranarayanan, 2012; Michaelidou, Siamagka, & Christodoulides,

2011) show that social media is valuable to most companies. It helps companies promote themselves and

improve their consumer relationship. It improves their brand awareness and reputation to their consumers.

It can also harness and control the nature of word of mouth between current customers and potential

customers. Consumers today prefer "recommendations" through these new means rather than being the
receiver of traditional marketing. Social media-based brand communities of companies offer brand

owners the ability to improve the value, brand trust, brand loyalty and feelings of community among

members. Brand communities, defined as a “specialized, non-geographically bound community, based on

a structured set of social relations among admirers of a brand” (Muniz & O‟Guinn, 2001, p. 412)

established on social media, have positive effects on customer/product, customer/brand,

customer/company, and consumer/other customers relationships (elements of the customer centric model

of brand community), which in turn have positive effects on brand trust, and trust has positive effects on

brand loyalty. Furthermore, brand loyalty of the consumers is affected when the brand offers

advantageous campaigns, offers relevant content, offers popular content, appears on various platforms,

and offers social media applications in their respective sites. Social media is used to complement the

traditional ways of marketing. It is used as a two-way communication. Companies will be closer to their

customers enabling them to create a unique brand identity and to differentiate themselves from their

competition. Customers can also benefit from the company since through their use of social media, they

will be able to communicate with the company and provide constructive feedback. Social media has

grown tremendously in recent years. It is emerging into the marketing plan of businesses worldwide.

Originally, social media was used solely for “friendships” with others; now, it is being utilized as a form

of advertising (Bayne, 2011). Social media has become an important feature in today‟s marketing mix.

Adapting some form of marketing online through social media is a key node for all businesses, especially

in an industry where trends constantly change such as fashion and handicrafts (Bashar, Ahmad, & Wasiq,

2012). Companies need not worry because social media offers a variety of tools for them to utilize. The

key social media categories are blogs, social bookmarking, and


social networking sites (SNS). Blogs are defined as a website that contains an online personal journal

with reflections, comments, and often links provided by the author. Social bookmarking is the practice of

saving bookmarks to a public website such as YouTube and Wikis. On the other hand, social networking
sites are websites where people could connect with friends. Some of the well-known SNS are MySpace,

Twitter, LinkedIn, Flickr, and Facebook (Anjum, More, & Ghouri, 2012). Among these online tools,

Facebook has been established as the top social networking site worldwide (Alexa, 2013). It is for this

reason that companies are starting to utilize Facebook to reach out to their consumers. Companies have

recognized the need to focus on what customers are looking for on a site, what the company wants to

communicate, and what the role of Facebook is in communicating their message to the consumers (Kunz

& Hackworth, 2011).


Facebook has grown phenomenally. From a simple Harvard social web application, Facebook has

transformed into a social network which Allows its users to interact in new and exciting ways. In 2003, a

young programmer named Mark Zuckerberg matriculated in Harvard University. One of his controversial

projects called, where users would Choose between two pictures of Harvard female

students based on physical attractiveness, Brought him before the university’s administrative board on

charges of breaching Computer security and violating Internet privacy and intellectual property policies.

Zuckerberg took a leave of absence from Harvard after the controversy, but Harvard Twins Cameron and

Tyler Winkle Voss brought Zuckerberg in to help finish a social Networking project they were working

on. Instead of complying with their requests, Zuckerberg created a separate website that served as a social

application for Harvard Students. He concentrated his efforts on developing what was first known as Initially, Facebook’s aim was to connect Harvard students, but it Rapidly spread to

include high school students, professionals, and then, everyone. To Maintain its growing momentum,

Facebook opened its doors to non-academic users for The first time in 2007. At present, Facebook has

grown to be the largest

social network With more than 1.19 billion users worldwide. (Graham, 2008; Gershon, 2013). More than

a billion users share their interests and personal information on Facebook today. These individuals

connect to others, creating online communities of friends who share public information or send private

messages. At present, it can be said that Facebook is the world‟s largest social networking site. Social

networks have transformed the way people interact online and share information. They have changed the

ways consumers correspond with brands causing companies to struggle in keeping up (Gregori & Baltar,

2011; Hoffman & Fodor, 2010). Companies today actively utilize social networks to improve public

relations, gain market research data, reach customers, offer technical support, find new employees and

more (Shih, 2009). Stelzner (2012) also points out that through social media marketing, companies can

gain loyal fans, acquire marketplace insight, reduce marketing expenses, improve search rankings on

common search engines, generate leads, grow business partnerships, increase exposure and improve

general sales. These advantages are now attracting more and more companies to deem Facebook as a

powerful tool. Brian Offenberger (2013) offers these reasons as to why companies should utilize

Facebook as a marketing tool: (1) Facebook has transformed into a search engine. Facebook has started a

new featured call "Graph Search" where the search rankings are based on a person's connection with

others. This results to optimized search results distinct to the user. (2) A person's Facebook page

influences the search engine rankings on other search engines such as Google and Bing. Through

engagement with its followers, a company would be valued and ranked higher than others. (3) Facebook

can serve as a traffic generating machine for business. It has the potential to drive people to a company's

website and retail store. Offenberger states that some businesses have reported a 300% increase in

website referral traffic due to Facebook. (4) The customers are on Facebook. It is for this reason that

companies should be there, too. (5) Moreover customers of a brand expect companies to market on

Facebook. Customers follow businesses on Facebook because they want something. They expect deals

and information, viewing Facebook as a site where they can get valuable customer service assistance and

information. (6) Lastly, companies could learn about their customers and competitors through Facebook.

.They can gain helpful information through posts and audience comments

He concludes by saying that Facebook requires time, planning and patience. If utilized properly, it can be

a strong marketing channel for any company. In a competitive marketing battlefield, a company must

learn how to create effective and engaging campaigns that would lead to their success. Businesses can

offer current and potential customers something special - exclusive content, contests, or discounts - which

would aid in increasing their sales, leads, brand awareness, and social word of mouth (Constant Contact,

2012). Facebook (2011) also advises companies to build campaigns that are social by design, meaning it

is integrated with the broader marketing efforts of the company. It should also be interactive since

Facebook has already provided avenues to make it more engaging with the consumers. Most importantly,

companies should nurture the relationships they have established in the medium. They should stay in

touch and reward loyal consumers. Since its launch, Facebook has attracted millions of followers. It

claims to offer new solutions to old problems. The way how brands and consumers communicate is

changing (Poynter, 2008). The increase of communication flow between the two entities is creating a new

level of complexity in the design and implementation of new marketing strategies (Ramsaran-Fowdar &

Fowdar, 2013). With Facebook, companies could create fresh and valuable marketing strategies that

would attract and engage potential and current consumers. In the Philippines, the first Filipino logged on

to the Internet through the first public permanent connection achieved by the Philippine Network

Foundation (PHNET) in March 29, 1994. PHNET, a consortium of private and government institutions,

managed the country‟s only gateway to the Internet (Minges, Magpantay, Firth, & Kelly, 2002).

According to the International Telecommunication Union (as cited in Labucay, 2011, p.2), there are about

8.3 million Filipino Internet users in 2009 from a mere 4,000 when it was first established in 1994. Social

media has become a basic staple for everyone with the Philippines having over 408 Internet service

providers and an estimated 2 million Internet subscribers in 2006 (National Telecommunications

Commission, 2006). Social media has become a platform in the social web for individuals to find, acquire
and share information. Social networking sites, an example of which is Facebook, have become avenues

.for data and communication (Angeles, 2010). Internet in the country has definitely reached great lengths


Web 2.0

Definition of Web 2.0 may be a subject of interpretation But the main principles are similar. The term

was first Used and defined by Tim O’Reilly in 2005 as sites and Services that rely upon the generation of

content by their Users, as opposed to editors or dedicated content creators [12]. More detailed definition

can be stated as follows: Web 2.0 is a collection of open-source, interactive and User-controlled online

applications expanding the Experiences, knowledge and market power of the users as Participants in

business and social processes. Web 2.0 Applications support the creation of informal users’ Networks

facilitating the flow of ideas and knowledge by Allowing the efficient generation, dissemination, sharing

And editing/refining of informational content [3]. Some of The examples demonstrating the difference

between Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 are Britannica Online vs. Wikipedia, 1.0 personal websites vs. blogs, page

views vs. cost per click etc. [13]. Hence, B2C communication has become based on intense interaction,

open discussions, reviews and, of course, consumer-generated content. While consumers find emotional

and practical benefits in Participating in online discussions, these conversations Have profound

commercial implications as well. Everyday Consumers are wielding greater control over their media

Habits and their role in the commercial marketplace. Moreover, with the growth of online participation,

Consumers exert greater influence over the products and Brands considered for purchase[17]. Each

internet user Has no time or space limitation to spread negative or Positive ideas on a product or service.

Consumer generated content in social media, blogs and video portals Have immense influence on

consumer decision and behavior. Since “consideration” is an important phase in consumer purchase cycle,

Web 2.0 can have significant influence on final decisions of customers and their behaviors. Also,

audience behavior and opinions are shaped by eWOM which can be triggered and developed both by

companies and audience. Therefore, companies don’t have full control over their marketing campaigns
inasmuch as customers are equal actors in the process, in line with companies themselves. Companies

need to elaborate flexible marketing plans that will respond the challenges existing in Web 2.0



Social Media

In order to understand the context of marketing through Facebook, this research Will first review what

social media is by defining the term itself and identifying Related key terms and concepts. It could be

argued that, defining social media is like shooting at a moving target. With the constant and rapid changes

in the online world, the different online Services which can be defined as social media today, will very

likely include Additional and different services tomorrow. Schaffer (2013) shares this Perspective and

argues that there always is a continuous change in; who uses Which social media, the way people use

them, and the functionality provided by Each social media channel (Schaffer, 2013, pg. 15). This implies

that any social

Media plans must be subject of continuous review, and the plan must enable a Company to respond to

changes with agility and speed. Social media is generally understood as a rather new concept and by the

most Recent definitions of social media, aspects of social media today can certainly Be considered new.

But the core function of social media as means of Interaction between peers, cannot strictly speaking, be

considered new. For Example Wollan et al (2010) notes that social media is not a new phenomena

Per se, as people have shared their opinions and recommendations with others Via two-way conversations

for millennia. And in more recent times, people have Done so via channels other than face-to-face such as

letters, telephone and email. However the authors do continue with the perspective that what is

Considered social media of today, is of “digital” nature (Wollan et al, 2010, Introduction). The view that

social media is not new, is similarly shared by others such as Kaplan & Haenlein (2010) who argues that
social media, as we Understand it’s purpose today, can be dated as far back as 1980 with the Usenet

which was a worldwide discussion system that enabled Internet users to Post public messages, and further

in 1997, where Bruce and Susan Abelson Created an online community site where people could connect

and share their Online diaries. The authors also argue that social media today can be seen as An

expression of the internet going back to it’s roots, where it originally was “a platform to facilitate

information exchange between users” (Kaplan & Haenlein, 2010, pg. 60). Brown (2012) defines social

media of today as a “collection of

webpages and applications that are designed to allow users to interact with their friends” (Brown, 2012

pg. 19). Safko (2012) is in agreement, with the concise definition that “social media is the media we use

to be social” (Safko, 2012, pg. 3). Wollan et al (2010) further outlines some additional specific

characteristics of social media of today, and notes that social media:  Enables one-to many or many to

many conversations  Contains content that is created and posted, by consumers of that content  Is easy

to use  Is highly accessible and highly scalable  Operates in real-time  Is completely public and

transparent (Wollan et al, 2010, Introduction.)With these additional characteristics we get closer to the

picture we see today, Where people have easy access to social media via a plethora of user-friendly

Interfaces. This is unlike 20-40 years ago where the concept of everyone Owning personal computer

could still be seen as futuristic and unrealistic, as a Couple of well-known and unfortunate quotes by tech

industry leaders of that Time bear witness to. A key point made clear with these characteristics of social

Media, is that social media enables a magnified word of mouth (WOM) effect, Compared to WOM in the

non-online world, where the word spreads slower and In a smaller scale. According to Cvijikj, Spiegler &

Michahelles (2013), online WOM refers to: “marketing techniques whose goal is the creation and

transmission Of persuasive marketing messages which are designed to be Spread online and stimulate the

consumers to talk positively about the brand, company or specific products and services” (Cvijikj et al,

2013, pg. 1325). WOM is of interest to companies because consumers are highly influenced by WOM in
their purchase decisions, and will also be much more likely to engage with a brand positively if they have

seen a friend do the same (Hansson, Wrangmo & Søilen, 2013). Further, company driven WOM has also

been shown to increase sales (Cvijikj et al, 2013). It is therefore a key objective for companies to achieve

positive WOM, and especially through social media, due to the increased reach of online WOM which is

enabled by social media technologies. Most of the characteristics defined by Wollan et al (2010) are also

included one of the most used definitions of social media in the recent academic literature on social

media. This is the definition created by Kaplan & Haenlein (2010) where social media is described as: “a

group of Internet-based applications that build


on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0, and that allow the creation and exchange of

User Generated Content” (Kaplan & Haenlein, 2010, pg. 61)

The last point does not entail that companies cannot use social media for Commercial purposes, it merely

suggests that social media is intended for noncommercial user generated content, i.e. UGC, and that

content which is createdby a company to communicate a marketing message should not be considered

UGC. Schaffer (2013) furthers this point, by noting that social media platforms originally were made for

people to interact with each other, and not for companies to engage with people. The author however

elaborates that this view is changing as people are beginning to use social media tools to find information

about companies and brands and engage with them (Schaffer, 2013). All of the above definitions on

social media today share similar conclusive views, that a core feature of social media is, that it is based on

digital media and that social media is designed for interaction, which is two-way interaction between

peers, rather than from corporation to consumer. Considering that the origins and the purpose of social

media platforms are noncommercial, people may easily find approaches from companies via social Media

spaces intrusive. In social media users are essentially more selective in What they will accept to be
exposed to, compared to what they will accept in Traditional media channels when it comes to marketing

communications. Evans (2012) argues that people are used to interruptions from advertising in

Traditional media. For example in television, people have accepted that getting Free or semi-free access

to TV programmes “costs” some of their attention, However in the online world this same acceptance is

not the case. The online Space has experienced a backlash from people against unwanted claims on Their

attention. This has for example resulted in anti-email-spam legislation, Along with a general sentiment

that users “own” the internet, as the consumers Has taken the control of who gets their attention and who

deserves their trust. (Evans, 2012.) This is described further with the following paragraph: ”On the Social

Web, interruptions do not result in a sustainable Conversation. In their purest form, all conversations are

participative And engaged in by choice. This simple premise goes a long way in Explaining why

interruption and deception on the Social Web are so Violently rejected”. (Evans, 2012, pg. 7.)


In traditional media the generally accepted “payment” for content is our Attention; whereas in online

media we have taken control of our attention, but Willingly pay with our privacy. A social media channel

is the overall type of social media channel, and the Social media vehicle is the particular social media

application (Luten & Solomon, 2015, pg. 28-29). To illuminate this distinction with an example, one Can

name Linkedin as a social media vehicle. And the social media vehicle Linkedin, belongs is in the social

media channel called social networking sites. Social media channels has been classified into six overall

categories, including Blogs, collaborative projects, social networking sites, content communities, Virtual

social worlds, virtual game worlds (Kaplan & Haenlein, 2015). Instead of Classifying social media

channels, Luten & Solomon (2015) has taken it a step Outwards by defining a framework of four overall

zones of social media, where Social media vehicles can belong to one or more zones and the authors

argue That Facebook spans over all zones. The zones proposed are social Communities, social publishing,

social entertainment and social commerce, and All social media vehicles within these zones are

“networked around Relationships, technologically enabled, and based on the principles of shared
Participation” (Luten & Solomon, 2015, pg. 29). Each zone contains different Social media channels or

vehicles, but the activities and capabilities of some Social media vehicles operate across these zones. So

although each zone Differs by the specific characteristics and primary purpose of the included Vehicles,

the framework allows for overlap. The capabilities and activities in Social media vehicles can be allowed

to spread over several zones, or change Zones completely over time. Despite its fluidity, the framework

by Luten & Solomon aids to illuminate the functions, requirements, risks and opportunities In social

media, but the knowledge is tied to the separate capabilities and Activities of the social media vehicle,

instead of the characterization of the Channel.


Chapter 3

Research Design

The descriptive method design was used in the study. The researcher gathers the information through an

interview. The statement of the problem best serves through the applied method, and utilizes the aim of

the researcher to identify the students perspective of Facebook live selling. The respondents of the

research study are students who watch live selling on Facebook. The researcher gathers the necessary

information for the study from those who are already familiar with the live selling. With this, the research

was able to obtain valid and credible data. Students who have watched live selling on Facebook were

contacted via F2F interview and via Facebook message. The link of the Interview questions was sent for
those students via message. Respondents Of the research were presented with an online questionnaire

which would include the details of the research today.

Context and Participants

The population of this study is the active students who are watching live sellings through Facebook in

Minglanilla Cebu. The researcher used the purposive sampling technique in choosing the samples of the

study. The Researcher selects participants that are relevant to the objective of the study.

The respondents of the study for the content validity of the students perspective of Facebook live selling

were five(5) students who are knowledgeable and have experience in watching the live selling from

different Facebook sellers. Each sample will be classified as active students who watch live selling

around Minglanilla Cebu.



To answer the problem stated in this study, the researcher interviewed the participants who are needed for

the validity of this study. First, the research identified the objectives of this study to formulate an effective

interview questionnaire. Each question was based on its statement of problem. After the conceptualization

of the questionnaire, researchers carefully analyzed each question and sought consultation for

improvement. After developing the interview questionnaire, the researcher seeks the help for the validity

of the interview questionnaire.

Data Collection

The researcher used a questionnaire method. Questionnaires allow collection of both subjective and

objective data in a large sample of the study population in order to obtain results that are statistically

significant, specially when resources are limited. It is a good tool for the protection of the privacy of the

participants. And prepared the question. It is an economical way of accumulating information. It is

economical both for the sender and for the respondent in time, effort and cost. The cost of conducting the

study with the help of a questionnaire method is very low. In the questionnaire the researcher has to spend

for paper printing and postage only. There is no need to visit each and every respondent personally. So it

does not require a high cost for conduct of the research. Questionnaire makes it possible to contact many

people who could not otherwise be reached. It can cover a large group at the same time. Goode and Hatt

say that when the researcher has to cover the group of respondents who are widely scattered, lie can use

the questionnaire in order to minimize the cost. The data are usually transformed into written text for

analytic use. Selection of interview participants requires purposive and iterative strategies. Production of

interview data requires awareness of the complexity of self-reports and the relation between experience

and language expression. To generate interview data of sufficient breadth and depth requires practiced

skill and time. Production of useful data from other sources is addressed.


The researcher constructed the questionnaire. Then, the respondents are active users of Facebook and

watch live selling. The questions were based on the objectives and so the outcome will be done.

Respondents are those persons who have been invited to participate in a particular study and have actually

taken part in the study. Respondents are giving their time and knowledge to the research, they deserve to

know all they need to do, when, and how. They also deserve to know about any unexpected changes that

might require adjustments concerning them and their role in the research process. The respondents have a

background about this study so it is easy for them to answer the survey. Before the survey was

distributed, the researcher first used their permission, especially the teenagers to participate in this study.
The researcher finds difficulties in finding respondents. Respondents can withdraw from a study at any

point, and the data may or may not be used. Respondents can also be referred to as participants. A number

of factors need to be taken into consideration when selecting participants, including availability, ethics,

and the setting in which they will respond.

For all types of market research, it is important to set expectations for respondents. First and foremost,

respondents want to know what it is they are signing up for when participating in a research study.

Regardless if you are recruiting for in-depth qualitative research or spreading awareness about an online

survey, it is important to provide respondents with details around the study. The respondents know what

they are doing and why they are in the study. They know what to be expected; what they will be doing,

the schedule of events and when things are due. This takes the mystery out of the process and makes them

feel a sense of responsibility to provide you with focused, and connected responses.


Data Analysis

The questionnaire transcripts were analyzed using thematic analysis.

At this stage, I want to be thorough: I go through the transcript of every interview and highlight

everything that jumps out as relevant or potentially interesting. As well as highlighting all the phrases and

sentences that match these codes, I can keep adding new codes as I go through the text.
After I’ve Been through the text, I collate together all the data into groups identified by code. These codes

allow me to gain a condensed overview of the main points and common meanings that recur throughout

the data.

Next, I look over the codes I’ve created, identify patterns among them, and start coming up with themes.

The effectiveness of Problems that may Realizations after The purpose of

watching Facebook encounter in watching live selling watching Facebook

live selling watching live selling live selling

Easy access Slow internet Nothing comes easy Build better

connection relationship

Saves time Needs hard work and Can help local sellers Product are on hand


Sold very easy Disrespectful to the Helps to become Greater

sellers patience communication

Less hassle Scam No need to go outside

Easy to shop Doubts about the


Attractive approach Breed envy



Themes are generally broader than codes. Most of the time, you’ll combine several codes into a single

theme. In this study, I start combining codes into themes like this:

Gaining Structural Gaining Informal Gaining Instrumental Limitations

Support Support Support

The Effectiveness of The purpose of Realizations after Problems that may

watching Facebook live watching Facebook live watching live selling encounter in watching

selling selling Facebook live selling

Easy to shop and Having a greater Helping local sellers Doubts about the

convenient communication. product

The results or findings section usually addresses each theme in turn. I describe how often the themes

come up and what they mean, including examples from the data as evidence. Finally, the conclusion

explains the main takeaways and shows how the analysis has answered our research question.

In my research, I might argue that conspiracy thinking about the findings and discussing the role of

misinformation in respondents’ perceptions. What I decide will vary according to what I am trying to

find out. I want to create potential themes that tell us something helpful about the data for our purposes.


Chapter 4

Presentation and Interpretation of Data

This chapter will present and interpret the results of the data collection performed in the congruence with

the questionnaire handed out to the informants which they have answered. Moreover, this chapter will

help the researchers to determine the result of the data collected. The results are carefully analyzed to

further comprehend the outcome of the study whether the researchers achieved the desired output or not.

Facebook live selling views from the students (1)

Live selling on Facebook is an interactive way to sell items, connect directly with viewers, and gain

potential customers, all in real time. When you sell products through Live Shopping on Facebook, you are

live streaming as you feature and demonstrate your products.Live selling is a practice wherein sellers and

retailers show patrons and potential customers their products, how they work, how much it costs, and

other details in an avenue where customers can order and arrange for the product to be delivered to their

doorsteps. Moreover, students’ viewpoint about live selling is that live selling is easy to access,

convenient, and saves time. Students think that live selling is effective for both consumers and sellers.

Also, based on their answers, they find live selling a new way to attract customers. It saves their time

because you don’t need to go outside to find your product, you just need to sit down and watch them

selling their goods. Easy to access. The items are reviewed from the sellers themselves. Thus, if they

want the product they comment on mine and screenshot it. That is why it is easy to access.

MANILA – Filipinos prefer convenience, live selling and mobile payments when shopping online,

according to a Facebook study, as new trends emerge due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Among the

Filipino respondents, 93 percent said they highly consider convenience alongside price when deciding


what to purchase online, showed the Emerging Trends Research commissioned by Facebook. The study

surveyed 12,500 individuals in 14 countries, including the Philippines.In addition, 87 percent of Filipino

respondents said they’re willing to spend more for ease of access to products or services, it said. (2020)
The advantages of Facebook live selling (2)

According to the respondents, Customers can spend less time shopping for what they want. They can

easily browse through many items at a time and buy what they like. When online, customers can find

items that are available in physical stores far away from them or not found in their locality. Live selling is

a simple way of shopping, and in the times of pandemic, it is really Essential due to some protocols that

need to be followed. It helps them especially when the pandemic happens. During the pandemic, the

students are not allowed to go outside so this live selling is very effective to them especially if they want

the product. Also the respondents said that live selling is also an entertainment for them.

The disadvantages of Facebook live selling (3)

As technology accelerates, it’s becoming harder and harder to single out the negatives of streaming

compared to broadcasting. The most obvious previous weakness was the lack of a major audience, but

when you consider that websites like YouTube attract 3.25 billion views a month, that argument no

longer stands up.

One criticism that perhaps still applies is that there are fewer older people making the switch to watching

content online, so, if your content is aimed at an elderly audience, then streaming channels may not be the

best platform for you.

According to one of the respondents, Technical issues are one of the disadvantages. Expect the occasional

technical glitches that can cause lagging, blurry videos, warped sounds, or slowness for the people that


are tuned in. Also some items don’t meet your expectations. When one’s expectations are met, it can feel

incredibly satisfying. However, when one’s expectations are not met, it can result in tremendous
disappointment, frustration, and resentment (e.g., my crankiness at the unseasonable weather). One’s

expectations can be set by past experiences or by an idealized fantasy of what one wants to have happen

(such as my memories of fall growing up). Another respondent said that there are also plenty of people

who are disrespectful to the seller. In a way that they are mocking the seller and prank the seller that they

will buy the product.

In 2013, ISMP conducted a survey on bullying, incivility, intimidation, and other forms of disrespectful

behavior that have run rampant in healthcare while many remain silent or make excuses to minimize the

profound devastation that disrespectful behavior leaves in its wake. These behaviors range from overt acts

of abuse and bad behavior to insidious actions so embedded in our culture that they seem normal—gossip,

for example. Any behavior that influences the willingness of staff or patients to speak up or interact with

an individual because he or she expects the encounter will be unpleasant or uncomfortable, fits the

definition of disrespectful behavior. There are plenty of bugos buyers during the Facebook live selling

according to the respondents.

Purpose of watching Facebook live selling (4)

Sellers and buyers today interact and transact in all sorts of digital spaces, including online stores, digital

marketplaces, social media networks, and others. One of the most popular e-commerce approaches today

is live selling, an online shopping event in which a seller livestreams a video presenting their products—

and during which customers watching the stream can make purchases in real time. The livestream can be

hosted on a variety of platforms, typically on social media sites, but it can also be done on a subdomain of

the seller’s online shop or even via mobile apps. According to the respondents:

Watching live saves time and effort in going to the shopping store, as well as providing you with greater

communication with the seller when you have a dialogue with them throughout the transaction.

Watching Facebook live selling, we are given the same information about the use of the items, we are

able to see the trendy clothes, and at some point , we can help a local seller when buying his or her items.

Watching Facebook live selling will help you to know if you should buy it because they will show and

explain what they are selling, you don’t have to use apps to order the ones you want to buy and you don’t

even have to wait long when it will arrive because their products are on hand.

Based on their answers, their purpose is that live selling helps them decide if they will buy the product or

not. It also gives them benefits like the product is on hand, they don’t have to wait, and will have a greater


The interaction between the streamers and the viewers is two-way. During a broadcast, streamers are in

the focal point. They can directly acknowledge and respond verbally to viewers, while viewers often type

in comments. Viewers can influence the broadcasts by sending virtual gifts to support streamers.

Meanwhile, viewers can communicate with each other via comments or emojis. Therefore, often there is

an interesting cross-model discourse during online streaming (Recktenwald, 2017). As such, the

interactions—between the viewers and between the streamers and the viewer—provide a much lively

social interaction experience.


Chapter 5

Conclusion and Recommendations


There are various effects of watching Facebook live selling from the student’s perspective ; the

advantages and disadvantages. The advantages term is that, Facebook live selling is convenient, it saves

their time, simple way to shop, and less hassle. They would love to buy an item that was already viewed

from the sellers themselves. It is easy for them and there is no need to go outside to find the product they

want. Facebook live selling helps them to be practical when it comes to shopping. The disadvantage is

that the items don’t always meet their expectations, technical issues and some are disrespectful to the live

sellers. They sometimes feel disappointed when their products arrive because they don’t meet their

standard. Their internet connection also becomes their problem when they watch live selling. And lastly,

there are bogus buyers everywhere and it saddens them that they prank or mock the sellers.


Based from the findings and conclusion, the following recommendations were made:

1. Students must make sure to have a strong connection while watching live selling

2. Students who want to buy a product from live selling should make sure that the seller is legit to

avoid scam.

3. Students must report the bogus buyers from live selling to help the seller and also for their own

4. Facebook live selling may be used as a market for the students especially in this pandemic where

they are forbidden to go outside.



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Curriculum vitae

Farrah Mae Q. Nable

Pob. Ward 4 tres de Mayo, Minglanilla Cebu

Mobile No. 09667954978

Personal Information

Sex: Female

Nationality: Filipino

Date of Birth: February 16, 2005

Birth Place : Simbajon Tabunok, Cebu City

Age: 17

Civil Status: Single

Religion: Roman Catholic

Father’s Name: Adonis Nable

Mother’s Name: Mary Grace Q. Nable

Educational Background

Secondary: Vito National High School

Vito Minglanilla Cebu

Primary: Minglanilla Central School

Ward 1, Minglanilla Cebu

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