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Part AChap 01 Sect 02

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Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2


1 General brackets does not form part of the classification notation

indicated in the Register of Ships and on the Certificate of
1.1 Purpose of the classification notations
1.1.1 The classification notations give the scope according
(main class symbol, construction marks)
to which the class of the ship has been based and refer to
the specific rule requirements which are to be complied oil tanker-chemical tanker-ESP-Flash point > 60°C
with for their assignment. In particular, the classification (service notation and additional service features)
notations are assigned according to the type, service and
Unrestricted navigation
navigation of the ship and other criteria which have been
provided by the Interested Party, when applying for (navigation notation)
classification. SYS - NEQ
The Society may change the classification notations at any
(additional class notation).
time, when the information available shows that the
requested or already assigned notations are not suitable for
the intended service, navigation and any other criteria taken 2 Main class symbol
into account for classification.
Note 1: Reference should be made to Sec 1, [1.3] on the limits of 2.1 Main class symbol
classification and its meaning.
2.1.1 The main class symbol expresses the degree of
1.1.2 The classification notations assigned to a ship are
compliance of the ship with the rule requirements as
indicated on the Certificate of Classification, as well as in
regards its construction and maintenance. There is one
the Register of Ships published by the Society.
main class symbol, which is compulsory for every classed
1.1.3 (1/7/2008) ship.
Ships and units, other than those covered in Parts B, C, D, E
2.1.2 (1/1/2009)
and F, are to comply with specific Rules published by the
Society, which also stipulate the relevant classification The main class symbol C is assigned to ships built in
notations. accordance with the requirements of the Rules or other
rules recognised as equivalent, and maintained in a
1.1.4 The classification notations applicable to existing condition considered satisfactory by the Society. The period
ships conform to the Rules of the Society in force at the date of class (or interval between class renewal surveys) assigned
of assignment of class, as indicated in Ch 2, Sec 1. to a ship is maximum 5 years; see Ch 2, Sec 2, [4].
However, the classification notations of existing ships may Except for special cases, class is assigned to a ship only
be updated according to the current Rules, as far as when the hull, propulsion and auxiliary machinery
applicable. installations, and equipment providing essential services
have all been reviewed in relation to the requirements of
1.2 Types of notations assigned the Rules.
Note 1: The symbol C with the 5 year class period is to be
1.2.1 The types of classification notations assigned to a understood as being the highest class granted by the Society.
ship are the following:
Note 2: The symbol C may be followed by the additional
a) main class symbol construction feature light ship in case of ships or other units having
b) construction marks restricted navigation notations and generally having length not
greater than 50 m as well as speed greater than 15 knots, whose
c) service notations with additional service features, as hull scantlings and outfitting comply with the applicable
applicable requirements of Chapters 3 and 6 of the "Rules for the Classification
d) navigation notations of High Speed Craft", issued separately by the Society.

e) operating area notations (optional)

f) additional class notations (optional)
3 Construction marks
The different classification notations and their conditions of
assignment are listed in [2] to [6] below, according to their 3.1 General
3.1.1 The construction mark identifies the procedure
1.2.2 As an example, the classification notations assigned under which the ship and its main equipment or
to a ship may be as follows (the kind of notation shown in arrangements have been surveyed for initial assignment of

RINA Rules 2023 41

Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2

the class. The procedures under which the ship is assigned 4 Service notations
one of the construction marks are detailed in Ch 2, Sec 1.
4.1 General
3.1.2 One of the construction marks defined below is
assigned separately to the hull of the ship and its 4.1.1 The service notations define the type and/or service
appendages, to the machinery installation, and to some of the ship which have been considered for its
installations for which an additional classification notation classification, according to the request for classification
(see [6] below) is assigned. signed by the Interested Party. At least one service notation
The construction mark is placed before the symbol HULL is to be assigned to every classed ship.
for the hull, before the symbol MACH for the machinery Note 1: The service notations applicable to existing ships conform
installations, and before the additional class notation to the Rules of the Society in force at the date of assignment of
granted, when such a notation is eligible for a construction class. However, the service notations of existing ships may be
mark. updated according to the current Rules, as far as applicable, at the
request of the Interested Party.
When the same construction mark is assigned to both hull
4.1.2 (1/4/2006)
and machinery, the construction mark is assigned globally
to the ship without indication HULL and MACH after the The assignment of any service notation to a new ship is
main class symbol. subject to compliance with general Rule requirements laid
down in Part B, Part C and Part D of the Rules and, for some
If the ship has no machinery installations covered by service notations, the additional requirements laid down in
classification, the symbol MACH is not granted and the Part E and in the Common Structural Rules for bulk carriers
construction mark will be placed before the symbol HULL. and double hull oil tankers.

3.1.3 The construction marks refer to the original 4.1.3 A ship may be assigned several different service
condition of the ship. However, the Society may change the notations. In such case, the specific rule requirements
construction mark where the ship is subjected to repairs, applicable to each service notation are to be complied
conversion or alterations. with. However, if there is any conflict in the application of
the requirements applicable to different service notations,
the Society reserves the right to apply the most appropriate
3.2 List of construction marks requirements or to refuse the assignment of one of the
requested service notations.
3.2.1 The mark  is assigned to the relevant part of the
4.1.4 (1/7/2013)
ship, when it has been surveyed by the Society during its
construction in compliance with the new building A service notation may be completed by one or more
procedure detailed in Ch 2, Sec 1, [2.1]. additional service features, giving further precision
regarding the type of service of the ship, for which specific
3.2.2 (1/7/2011) rule requirements are applied.
The mark  is assigned to the relevant part of the ship, For each service notation, the different service features
when the latter is classed after construction in compliance which may be assigned are indicated in this item [4].
with the procedure detailed in Ch 2, Sec 1, [3.2] and it was However, at the request of the Interested Parties, an
built under the survey of a QSCS Classification Society and additional service feature may be assigned together with
was assigned by this Society a class deemed equivalent to service notations different from those for which the
that described in the Rules. additional service feature is specifically foreseen in this item
[4], upon acceptance of the Society, taking into account the
This mark is assigned to ships: service of the ship for which the assignment of the
a) admitted to class in the course of construction surveyed additional service feature is required.
by another QSCS Classification Society; 4.1.5 (1/7/2009)
b) for which the procedure detailed in Ch 2, Sec 1, [3.2] The different service notations which may be assigned to a
does not apply, as it was disclassed from a QSCS ship are listed in [4.2] to [4.12], according to the category
Classification Society for a period longer than six to which they belong. These service notations are also listed
months, but which was built according to the Rules and in alphabetical order in Tab 1.
under the survey of a QSCS Classification Society. In this As a rule, all notations in [4.2], [4.3], [4.5] and [4.6] are
case, the admission to class survey is to confirm that the only to be assigned to self-propelled units.
ship has not undergone conversions or modifications or
alterations, which were not approved by a QSCS 4.1.6 (1/7/2009)
Classification Society. The list of the service notations which may be assigned in
accordance with separate Rules is indicated in Tab 2.
3.2.3 The mark  is assigned to the relevant part of the In addition, for ships engaged in inland navigation the
ship, where the procedure for the assignment of relevant list of service notations is given in the specific
classification is other than those detailed in [3.2.1] and "Rules for the classification of inland waterway ships and for
[3.2.2], but however deemed acceptable. conformity to Directive 2016/1629/EU".

42 RINA Rules 2023

Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2

4.1.7 (1/7/2009) 4.2 Cargo ships

The assignment of a service notation does not absolve the
Interested Party from compliance with any international and 4.2.1 The service notations related to self-propelled ships
national regulations established by the Administrations. intended for the carriage of cargo are listed in [4.2.2] to
Neither does it waive the requirements in Sec 1, [3.3.1]. [4.2.17] below.

Table 1 : List of service notations assigned in accordance with the requirements of these Rules (1/1/2022)

Reference Reference chapter

Service notation
for definition in Part E
asphalt tanker [4.5.8] Part E, Chapter 7
asphalt tanker ESP [4.5.9] Part E, Chapter 7
barge [4.9.1] Part E, Chapter 19
bulk carrier ch xii [4.2.16] (1)
bulk carrier ch xii - double side-skin [4.2.17] (1)
bulk carrier ESP [4.3.2] Part E, Chapter 4
bulk carrier ESP CSR [4.3.3] Part E, Chapter 4
cable laying unit [4.8.7] Part E, Chapter 7
chemical recovery ship [4.8.6] Part E, Chapter 28
car carrier [4.2.5] (1)
chemical tanker [4.5.4] Part E, Chapter 8
chemical tanker - assisted propulsion [4.5.14] Part E, Chapter 31
chemical tanker ESP [4.5.4] Part E, Chapter 8
cement carrier [4.2.10] Part E, Chapter 23
combination carrier/OBO ESP [4.3.6] Part E, Chapter 6
combination carrier/OOC ESP [4.3.7] Part E, Chapter 6
compressed natural gas carrier [4.2.11] Part E, Chapter 24
container ship [4.2.6] Part E, Chapter 2
deck cargo ship [4.2.12] (1)
dredger [4.7.2] Part E, Chapter 13
escort tug [4.8.2] Part E, Chapter 14
fire-fighting ship [4.8.4] Part E, Chapter 16
fishing vessel [4.10.1] Part E, Chapter 20
fly ash carrier [4.2.9] (1)
FLS tanker [4.5.6] Part E, Chapter 7
general cargo ship [4.2.2] (1)
general cargo ship - double-side-skin [4.2.13] (1)
hopper dredger [4.7.2] Part E, Chapter 13
hopper unit [4.7.2] Part E, Chapter 13
liquefied gas carrier [4.5.5] Part E, Chapter 9
livestock carrier [4.2.7] Part E, Chapter 3
marine mobile desalination unit [4.5.13] Part E, Chapter 30
offshore support vessel [4.8.5] Part E, Chapter 32
oil carrier - assisted propulsion [4.5.11] Part E, Chapter 25
oil recovery ship [4.8.5] Part E, Chapter 17
oil tanker [4.5.2] Part E, Chapter 7
(1) No additional requirements are specified in Part E for this service notation.
(2) No additional requirements are specified in Part E for this service notation; however the requirements of Part F, Chapter 8 for the
assignment of the additional class notation REF-CARGO are to be applied.
(3) These ships are considered on a case by case basis by the Society according to their type of service.

RINA Rules 2023 43

Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2

Reference Reference chapter

Service notation
for definition in Part E
oil tanker ESP [4.5.2] Part E, Chapter 7
oil tanker ESP CSR [4.5.3] Part E, Chapter 7
ore carrier ESP [4.3.5] Part E, Chapter 5
palm oil carrier - assisted propulsion [4.5.12] Part E, Chapter 26
passenger ship [4.6.2] Part E, Chapter 11
pipe laying unit [4.8.9] Part E, Chapter 22
pontoon [4.9.2] Part E, Chapter 19
refrigerated cargo ship [4.2.5] (2)
research ship [4.8.8] Part E, Chapter 21
ro-ro cargo ship [4.2.3] Part E, Chapter 1
ro-ro passenger ship [4.6.3] Part E, Chapter 12
salvage tug [4.8.2] Part E, Chapter 14
Self-Unloading Bulk Carriers ESP [4.3.8] Part E, Chapter 4
special service [4.12.1] (3)
split hopper dredger [4.7.2] Part E, Chapter 13
split hopper unit [4.7.2] Part E, Chapter 13
sugar carrier [4.2.8] (1)
supply vessel [4.8.3] Part E, Chapter 15
tanker [4.5.7] Part E, Chapter 10
transhipping unit [4.11.1] Part E, Chapter 27
transhipping floating terminal
tug [4.8.2] Part E, Chapter 14
well stimulation [4.8.10] Part E, Chapter 29
wind turbine installation vessel [4.8.12] Part E, Chapter 33
wood chip carrier [4.2.14] (1)
(1) No additional requirements are specified in Part E for this service notation.
(2) No additional requirements are specified in Part E for this service notation; however the requirements of Part F, Chapter 8 for the
assignment of the additional class notation REF-CARGO are to be applied.
(3) These ships are considered on a case by case basis by the Society according to their type of service.

44 RINA Rules 2023

Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2

Table 2 : List of service notations assigned in accordance with the requirements of separate Rules (1/1/2022)

Service notation Separate Rules for reference

HSC (1) (2) (3) Rules for the Classification of High Speed Craft

MODU Rules for the classification of floating offshore units at fixed locations and mobile offshore
drilling units
Fixed platform Rules for the Classification of Steel Fixed Offshore Platforms
FPSO: assigned to units intended for the Rules for the classification of floating offshore units at fixed locations and mobile offshore
production, storage and off-loading of drilling units
liquid hydrocarbons
FSO : assigned to units intended for the
storage and off-loading of liquid hydro-
FSRU: assigned to units intended for
off-loading, storage and/or regasifica-
tion of liquefied natural gas (LNG)
and/or liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)
FLNG: assigned to units intended for
liquefaction, storage and off-loading of
natural gas (LNG)
(1) The notation is completed by one of the following additional service features, specifying the category of the craft in accordance
with the IMO "International Code of Safety for High Speed Craft" :
• A for a passenger craft which can be defined according to the Code as category A
• B for a passenger craft which can be defined according to the Code as category B
• C for a cargo craft which can be defined according to the Code as category C.
(2) The notation may also be completed by one of the following additional service features specifying the type of construction:
• MON if the craft is a monohull
• CAT if the craft is a catamaran
• HYF if the craft is a hydrofoil
• ACV if the craft is an air-cushion vehicle
• SES if the craft is a surface effect ship
• SWATH if the craft is a twin hull small waterplane vehicle.
(3) The notation may be followed by the service notations specified in [4], as applicable; for example by the notation ro-ro passen-
ger ship for a passenger craft specially equipped to load trains or wheeled vehicles.
(4) The notation may be completed by the following additional service features:
• 12 m SI for boats of 12-metre international rating class
• 6 m SI for boats of 6-metre international rating class.
(5) The notation may be completed by the following additional service features:
• Crew Transfer Vessel - CTV: when workboat is designed to transport technician and other personnel out to sites.
• Dive Support Vessel - DSV: when workboat is designed to support the offshore diving operation.
• MULTICAT: when the workboat are designed as multi-purpose workboat for offshore works and transport. Normally a mul-
ticat is equipped with one or more winches and cranes as well as a spacious flat deck.
• Patrol and Guard Vessel: when the workboat is designed to patrol a coastal area or site for security, observation and
• Pilot boats: when workboat is designed to transport maritime pilots from harbors to ships that need piloting, or vice versa.
• Seismic and Geotechnical Survey Vessel: when workboat is designed for the purpose of research, seismic survey and map-
ping at seas
• Taxi: when the workboat is designed to transport paying passengers on rivers, canals, or sea coastal area.
• Windfarm Service Vessel - WSV: when workboat is designed to transport technician and other personnel to offshore wind
farm and to support operations of wind farm maintenance and survey.
(6) The notation may be completed by the following additional service features:
• passenger ship WIG - TYPE Afor a WIG which can be defined according to MSC.1/Circ.1592 as a Type A and which carry
more than 12 passengers
• cargo shipWIG - TYPE A for a WIG which h can be defined according to MSC.1/Circ.1592 as a Type A and which carry
not more than 12 passengers
• passenger shipWIG -TYPE B for a WIG which can be defined according to MSC.1/Circ.1592 as a Type B and which carry
more than 12 passengers
• WIG -TYPE B cargo ship for a WIG which can be defined according to MSC.1/Circ.1592 as a Type B and which carry not
more than 12 passengers

RINA Rules 2023 45

Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2

Service notation Separate Rules for reference

lifting unit Rules for loading and unloading arrangements and for other lifting appliances on board
floating dock Rules for the classification of floating docks
submersible Rules for the classification of underwater units
submersible pontoon Rules for the classification of underwater units
submersible pontoon launching Rules for the classification of underwater units
submarine Rules for the classification of underwater units
bathyscaphe Rules for the classification of underwater units
mesoscaphe Rules for the classification of underwater units
bathysphere Rules for the classification of underwater units
mesosphere Rules for the classification of underwater units
MSS Rules for the classification of underwater units
hyperbaric diving bell Rules for the classification of underwater units
Isobaric diving bell Rules for the classification of underwater units
ROV Rules for the classification of underwater units
diving-suit Rules for the classification of underwater units
(1) The notation is completed by one of the following additional service features, specifying the category of the craft in accordance
with the IMO "International Code of Safety for High Speed Craft" :
• A for a passenger craft which can be defined according to the Code as category A
• B for a passenger craft which can be defined according to the Code as category B
• C for a cargo craft which can be defined according to the Code as category C.
(2) The notation may also be completed by one of the following additional service features specifying the type of construction:
• MON if the craft is a monohull
• CAT if the craft is a catamaran
• HYF if the craft is a hydrofoil
• ACV if the craft is an air-cushion vehicle
• SES if the craft is a surface effect ship
• SWATH if the craft is a twin hull small waterplane vehicle.
(3) The notation may be followed by the service notations specified in [4], as applicable; for example by the notation ro-ro passen-
ger ship for a passenger craft specially equipped to load trains or wheeled vehicles.
(4) The notation may be completed by the following additional service features:
• 12 m SI for boats of 12-metre international rating class
• 6 m SI for boats of 6-metre international rating class.
(5) The notation may be completed by the following additional service features:
• Crew Transfer Vessel - CTV: when workboat is designed to transport technician and other personnel out to sites.
• Dive Support Vessel - DSV: when workboat is designed to support the offshore diving operation.
• MULTICAT: when the workboat are designed as multi-purpose workboat for offshore works and transport. Normally a mul-
ticat is equipped with one or more winches and cranes as well as a spacious flat deck.
• Patrol and Guard Vessel: when the workboat is designed to patrol a coastal area or site for security, observation and
• Pilot boats: when workboat is designed to transport maritime pilots from harbors to ships that need piloting, or vice versa.
• Seismic and Geotechnical Survey Vessel: when workboat is designed for the purpose of research, seismic survey and map-
ping at seas
• Taxi: when the workboat is designed to transport paying passengers on rivers, canals, or sea coastal area.
• Windfarm Service Vessel - WSV: when workboat is designed to transport technician and other personnel to offshore wind
farm and to support operations of wind farm maintenance and survey.
(6) The notation may be completed by the following additional service features:
• passenger ship WIG - TYPE Afor a WIG which can be defined according to MSC.1/Circ.1592 as a Type A and which carry
more than 12 passengers
• cargo shipWIG - TYPE A for a WIG which h can be defined according to MSC.1/Circ.1592 as a Type A and which carry
not more than 12 passengers
• passenger shipWIG -TYPE B for a WIG which can be defined according to MSC.1/Circ.1592 as a Type B and which carry
more than 12 passengers
• WIG -TYPE B cargo ship for a WIG which can be defined according to MSC.1/Circ.1592 as a Type B and which carry not
more than 12 passengers

46 RINA Rules 2023

Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2

Service notation Separate Rules for reference

habitat Rules for the classification of underwater units
SEALAB Rules for the classification of underwater units
submersible igloo Rules for the classification of underwater units
stowage reservoir Rules for the classification of underwater units
decompression chamber Rules for the classification of underwater units
diving system Rules for the classification of underwater units
Y Rules for the Classification of Pleasure Yachts
Ych Rules for the Classification of Yachts designed for commercial use
racing sailing boat (4) Rules for the construction and classification of racing sailing boats
WIG (6) Rules for the classification of Wing-In-Ground (WIG) Craft
workboat (5) Rules for the Classification of Workboats
(1) The notation is completed by one of the following additional service features, specifying the category of the craft in accordance
with the IMO "International Code of Safety for High Speed Craft" :
• A for a passenger craft which can be defined according to the Code as category A
• B for a passenger craft which can be defined according to the Code as category B
• C for a cargo craft which can be defined according to the Code as category C.
(2) The notation may also be completed by one of the following additional service features specifying the type of construction:
• MON if the craft is a monohull
• CAT if the craft is a catamaran
• HYF if the craft is a hydrofoil
• ACV if the craft is an air-cushion vehicle
• SES if the craft is a surface effect ship
• SWATH if the craft is a twin hull small waterplane vehicle.
(3) The notation may be followed by the service notations specified in [4], as applicable; for example by the notation ro-ro passen-
ger ship for a passenger craft specially equipped to load trains or wheeled vehicles.
(4) The notation may be completed by the following additional service features:
• 12 m SI for boats of 12-metre international rating class
• 6 m SI for boats of 6-metre international rating class.
(5) The notation may be completed by the following additional service features:
• Crew Transfer Vessel - CTV: when workboat is designed to transport technician and other personnel out to sites.
• Dive Support Vessel - DSV: when workboat is designed to support the offshore diving operation.
• MULTICAT: when the workboat are designed as multi-purpose workboat for offshore works and transport. Normally a mul-
ticat is equipped with one or more winches and cranes as well as a spacious flat deck.
• Patrol and Guard Vessel: when the workboat is designed to patrol a coastal area or site for security, observation and
• Pilot boats: when workboat is designed to transport maritime pilots from harbors to ships that need piloting, or vice versa.
• Seismic and Geotechnical Survey Vessel: when workboat is designed for the purpose of research, seismic survey and map-
ping at seas
• Taxi: when the workboat is designed to transport paying passengers on rivers, canals, or sea coastal area.
• Windfarm Service Vessel - WSV: when workboat is designed to transport technician and other personnel to offshore wind
farm and to support operations of wind farm maintenance and survey.
(6) The notation may be completed by the following additional service features:
• passenger ship WIG - TYPE Afor a WIG which can be defined according to MSC.1/Circ.1592 as a Type A and which carry
more than 12 passengers
• cargo shipWIG - TYPE A for a WIG which h can be defined according to MSC.1/Circ.1592 as a Type A and which carry
not more than 12 passengers
• passenger shipWIG -TYPE B for a WIG which can be defined according to MSC.1/Circ.1592 as a Type B and which carry
more than 12 passengers
• WIG -TYPE B cargo ship for a WIG which can be defined according to MSC.1/Circ.1592 as a Type B and which carry not
more than 12 passengers

RINA Rules 2023 47

Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2

4.2.2 (1/7/2015) additional service feature are given in Pt E, Ch 2, Sec 2,

general cargo ship, for ships intended to carry general [2.1.4], [2.1.5] and Pt E, Ch 2, Sec 3, [1.1.1].
cargo. The service notation may be completed by other additional
service features as per [4.2.15], as applicable.
The service notation may be completed by the additional
service features as per [4.2.15], as applicable. 4.2.7 (1/7/2015)
Note 1: With respect to the survey requirements of Ch 4, Sec 8, livestock carrier, for ships specially intended to carry
"General Dry Cargo Ships" are those self-propelled general cargo livestock. The additional requirements of Part E, Chapter 3
ships of 500 gt and above carrying solid cargoes other than: are applicable to these ships.
- bulk carriers and combination carriers of single side skin 4.2.8 (1/7/2015)
construction or double skin bulk carriers
sugar carrier, for ships intended for the carriage of sugar in
- dedicated container carriers
bulk and provided with loading and unloading
- ro-ro cargo ships arrangements such that these operations are not carried out
- refrigerated cargo ships by grabs heavier than 10 t, power shovels or other means
- dedicated wood chip carriers
which frequently damage cargo hold structures.

- dedicated cement carriers The service notation may be completed by the additional
service features as per [4.2.15], as applicable.
- livestock carriers
4.2.9 (1/7/2015)
- deck cargo ships (a "deck cargo ship" is a ship that is designed
to carry cargo exclusively above deck without any access for fly ash carrier, for ships intended for the carriage of fly ash
cargo below deck), in bulk and provided with loading and unloading
- general cargo ships of double side-skin construction, with arrangements such that these operations are not carried out
double side-skin extending for the entire length of the cargo by grabs heavier than 10 t, power shovels or other means
area, and for the entire height of the cargo hold to the upper which frequently damage cargo hold structures.
The service notation may be completed by the additional
- sugar carriers, service features as per [4.2.15], as applicable.
- fly ash carriers. 4.2.10 (1/7/2015)
4.2.3 (1/7/2015) cement carrier, for ships specially intended to carry cement
ro-ro cargo ship, for ships specially intended to carry in bulk in holds and equipped with fixed arrangements for
vehicles, trains or loads on wheeled beds. The additional that purpose. The additional requirements of Part E,
requirements of Part E, Chapter 1 are applicable to these Chapter 23 are applicable to these ships.
ships. The service notation may be completed by the The service notation may be completed by the additional
additional service features as per [4.2.15], as applicable. service features as per [4.2.15], as applicable.
4.2.4 (1/7/2016) 4.2.11 (1/7/2012)
car carrier, fofor ro-ro cargo ships specially intended with compressed natural gas carrier, for ships specially intended
multi deck ro-ro spaces designed for the carriage of empty to carry compressed natural gas (CNG ships) in specifically
cars and trucks as cargo. designed cargo tanks. The additional requirements of Part E,
Chapter 24 are applicable to these ships.
The service notation may be completed by the additional
service features in [4.2.15], as applicable. 4.2.12 (1/7/2015)
deck cargo ship, for ships intended to carry solid general
4.2.5 (1/7/2015)
cargo exclusively above deck without any access for cargo
refrigerated cargo ship, for ships specially intended to carry below deck.
refrigerated cargo. No additional requirements are specified
The service notation may be completed by the additional
in Part E for this service notation; however, the requirements
service features as per [4.2.15], as applicable.
of Part F, Chapter 8 for the assignment of the additional
class notation REF-CARGO are to be applied. The service 4.2.13 (1/7/2015)
notation may be completed by the additional service general cargo ship - double side-skin, for ships intended to
features as per [4.2.15], as applicable. carry solid general cargo of double side-skin construction,
with double side-skin extending for the entire length of the
4.2.6 (1/7/2015)
cargo area, and for the entire height of the cargo hold to the
container ship, for ships specially intended to carry upper deck.
containers in holds or on decks. The additional
The service notation may be completed by the additional
requirements of Part E, Chapter 2 are applicable to these
service features as per [4.2.15], as applicable.
4.2.14 (1/7/2015)
The service notation may be completed by the additional
service feature OPEN TOP. The additional service feature is wood chip carrier, for ships intended for the carriage of
assigned to container ships that are specially designed so wood chip.
that one or more of the cargo holds need not be fitted with The service notation may be completed by the additional
hatch covers. The requirements for the assignment of this service features in [4.2.15], as applicable.

48 RINA Rules 2023

Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2

4.2.15 (1/7/2016) • BC Ch XII: applicable to ships intended to primarily

The service notations listed in [4.2.1] to [4.2.13] may be carry dry cargoes in bulk, which are not constructed
completed by the following additional service features, as with the typical midship section arrangements as per
applicable: [4.3.2] or [4.3.3] and comply with the requirements in
• equipped for carriage of containers, where the ship's Parts A, B, C and D, as applicable, and with the
fixed arrangements comply with the applicable rule requirements in SOLAS, Chapter XII.
requirements in Part E, Chapter 2 • H-CNG: applicable to car carriers when ro-ro spaces
• heavycargo [ AREA1, X1 kN/m2 - AREA2, X2 kN/m2 - comply with the rule requirements in Part E, Chapter 1.
... 4.2.16 (20/9/2017)
when the cargo areas intended to support heavy cargoes bulk carrier ch xii , for general cargo ships intended to
fulfill the appropriate rule requirements. The values Xi primarily carry dry cargoes in bulk, which are not
indicate the maximum allowable local pressures on the constructed with the typical midship section arrangements
various AREAs where the cargo is intended to be as per [4.3.2] or [4.3.3] and comply with the requirements
stowed. The requirements for the assignment of this in Parts A, B, C and D, as applicable, and with the
additional service feature are given in Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 6, requirements in SOLAS, Chapter XII.
[4.1.2] At Owner request this notation can be assigned as
• nonhomload, when the ship has been designed in such equivalent to that assigned for a general cargo ship, with
a way that the cargo spaces may be loaded non- service feature BC Ch XII (refer to [4.2.15]).
homogeneously, including cases where some holds may 4.2.17 (1/1/2018)
be empty, at a draught up to the scantling draught and
bulk carrier ch xii - double side-skin applies to ships in
fulfill the appropriate rule requirements for general
compliance with [4.2.16] and with double side-skin
strength, and when the corresponding loading
extending for the entire length of the cargo area, and for the
conditions are listed in the reviewed loading manual.
entire height of the cargo hold to the upper deck.
This notation can be completed with the indication of
the different maximum loads allowed in each hold and
which holds may be empty, if appropriate. 4.3 Bulk, ore and combination carriers
• P when the ship is intended for the exclusive carriage of 4.3.1 (1/7/2016)
goods in package or any other form excluding solid The service notations related to self-propelled ships (see
goods in bulk, Note 1) intended for the carriage of dry cargo in bulk are
• BC applicable to: listed in [4.3.2] to [4.3.7] below.
a) single skin ship having length less than 100 m and The service notations described in this item are always
no reduced freeboard which is intended to carry dry completed by the additional service feature ESP, which
cargoes in bulk and comply with the following means that these ships are submitted to the Enhanced
requirements of SOLAS Ch XII regulations: Survey Program as laid down in Ch 4, Sec 2.
- XII/11: "Loading Instrument" Example: ore carrier ESP
- XII/12: "Hold, Ballast and Dry Space Water Note 1: Self-propelled ships are ships with mechanical means of
Ingress Alarms" propulsion not requiring assistance from another ship during
normal operation.
- XII/13: "Availability of Pumping Systems".
The service notation bulk carrier is completed by the
Ships having length greater than or equal to 100 m additional service feature CSR for bulk carriers built in
or reduced freeboard are to comply with the accordance with:
requirements for the assignment of the additional
• the "Common Structural Rules for Bulk Carriers” (i.e
service feature BC Ch XII.
single side skin and double side skin bulk carriers with
b) double skin ship having no reduced freeboard unrestricted navigation, having length L of 90 m or
which is intended to carry dry cargoes in bulk and greater, contracted for construction on or after 1 April
comply with the following requirements of SOLAS 2006 but before 1 July 2015), or
Ch XII regulations: • the "Common Structural Rules for Bulk Carriers and Oil
- II-1/3-2.2: "Protective Coatings of Dedicated Tankers" (i.e. single side skin and double side skin bulk
Seawater Ballast Tanks in All Types of Ships and carriers, self-propelled with unrestricted navigation,
Double-Side Skin Spaces of Bulk Carriers" having length L of 90 m or greater, contracted for
- XII/6.2, 6.3 and 6.4: "Structural and Other construction on or after 1 July 2015).
Requirements for Bulk Carriers"
Example: bulk carrier ESP CSR
- XII/11: "Loading Instrument"
4.3.2 (1/4/2006)
- XII/12: "Hold, Ballast and Dry Space Water
bulk carrier ESP, for self-propelled ships which are
Ingress Alarms"
constructed generally with single deck, double bottom,
- XII/13: "Availability of Pumping Systems". hopper side tanks and topside tanks and with single or
Ships having reduced freeboard are to comply with double side skin construction in cargo length area and
the requirements for the assignment of the intended primarily to carry dry cargoes in bulk (see Note 1).
additional service feature BC Ch XII. Typical midship sections are given in Fig 1. However, other

RINA Rules 2023 49

Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2

midship section arrangements may be accepted, if deemed conditions are listed in the reviewed loading manual.
equivalent by the Society. This notation can be completed with the indication of
The additional requirements of Part E, Chapter 4 are the different maximum loads allowed in each hold and
applicable to these ships. which holds may be empty, if appropriate.
Note 1: For bulk carriers with hybrid cargo hold arrangements, i.e. • double skin, when the ship is constructed in accordance
with some cargo holds of single side skin and others of double side with the definition given in Ch 2, Sec 2, [2.2.21].
skin, the requirements of Ch 4, Sec 2 are to apply to cargo holds of
single side skin and those of Ch 4, Sec 9 to cargo holds of double 4.3.5 (1/1/2005)
side skin. The notation ore carrier ESP, or equivalent, is to be
assigned to self-propelled ships which are constructed
4.3.3 (1/4/2006)
generally with single deck, two longitudinal bulkheads and
bulk carrier ESP CSR, for self-propelled ships which are a double bottom throughout the cargo length area and
constructed generally with single deck, double bottom, intended primarily to carry ore cargoes in the centre holds
hopper side tanks and topside tanks and with single or only. Typical midship sections are given in Fig 2. However,
double side skin construction in the cargo length area and other midship section arrangements may be accepted, if
intended primarily to carry dry cargoes in bulk (see Note 1), deemed equivalent by the Society.
with unrestricted worldwide navigation, having length L of
90 m or greater, contracted for construction on or after 1 The additional requirements of Part E, Chapter 5 are
April 2006. Typical midship sections are given in Fig 1. applicable to these ships.

The additional requirements of Part E, Chapter 4 are Figure 2 : Typical midship section of ship
applicable to these ships with the limitations indicated with service notation ore carrier ESP (1/1/2005)
Note 1: For bulk carriers with hybrid cargo hold arrangements, i.e.
with some cargo holds of single side skin and others of double side
skin, the requirements of Ch 4, Sec 2 are to apply to cargo holds of
single side skin and those of Ch 4, Sec 9 to cargo holds of double
side skin.

Figure 1 : Typical midship sections of ships

with service notation bulk carrier ESP

4.3.6 (1/1/2012)
combination carrier/OBO ESP for self-propelled ships
intended to carry both oil and dry cargoes in bulk; these
cargoes are not carried simultaneously, with the exception
of oily mixture retained in slop tanks. This notation is
assigned to ships which are constructed generally with
single deck, double bottom, hopper side tanks and topside
Left: Single side skin construction
tanks and with single or double side skin construction in the
Right: Double side skin construction cargo length area, and intended primarily to carry oil or dry
4.3.4 (1/4/2006) cargoes, including ore, in bulk. Typical midship sections are
The service notations in [4.3.2] and [4.3.3] may be given in Fig 3. The additional requirements of Part E,
completed by the following additional service features, as Chapter 6 are applicable to these ships.
applicable: Note 1: Combination carriers/OBO that do not comply with
MARPOL I/19 may be subject to international and/or national
• heavycargo [HOLDi, Xi kN/m , i kN/m - HATCHi, Y i
2 3
regulations requiring phase out.
kN/m2], when the ship's structure designed to support
heavy cargoes fulfils the appropriate Rule requirements. Figure 3 : Typical midship section of ship
The values Xi and Yi indicate, respectively, the with service notation combination carrier/OBO
maximum allowable local pressures on the inner ESP (1/1/2005)
bottoms of the various HOLDi and on the hatch covers
HATCHi where the cargo is intended to be stowed and
i is the maximum density of the bulk cargo allowable
for carriage in the relevant HOLDi. The requirements for
the assignment of this additional service feature are
given in Pt E, Ch 4, Sec 3, [4.8];
• nonhomload, when the ship has been designed in such
a way that the cargo spaces may be loaded non-
homogeneously, including cases where some holds may
be empty, at a draught up to the scantling draught and
fulfil the appropriate Rule requirements for general Left: Single side skin construction
strength, and when the corresponding loading Right: Double side skin construction

50 RINA Rules 2023

Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2

4.3.7 (1/1/2012) 4.4 Additional service features and

combination carrier/OOC ESP, for self-propelled ships corresponding design loading
intended to carry both oil and dry cargoes in bulk; these conditions for bulk carriers
cargoes are not carried simultaneously, with the exception
of oily mixture retained in slop tanks. This notation is 4.4.1 (1/1/2021)
assigned to ships which are constructed generally with The requirements of item [4.4] are applicable to bulk
single deck, two longitudinal bulkheads and a double carriers as defined in [4.3.2]:
bottom throughout the cargo length area, and intended
primarily to carry ore cargoes in the centre holds and oil a) having length as defined in Note 1 of 150 m or greater
cargoes in the centre holds and wing tanks. Typical midship and contracted for new construction on or after 1 July
sections are given in Fig 4. The additional requirements of 2003 but before 1 July 2020; and
Part E, Chapter 6 are applicable to these ships. b) having length as defined in Note 2 of 150 m or greater
Note 1: Combination carriers/OOC that do not comply with and contracted for new construction on or after 1 July
MARPOL I/19 may be subject to international and/or national 2020.
regulations requiring phase out.
For bulk carriers ESP CSR, as defined in [4.3.3], having
Figure 4 : Typical midship sections of ships with length as defined in Note 1 of 150 m or greater and
service notation combination carrier/OOC contracted for new construction on or after 1 April 2006 but
ESP (1/1/2005) before 1 July 2015, the requirements of the "Common
Structural Rules for Bulk Carriers", Sec 1, [3] apply instead.
For bulk carriers ESP CSR, as defined in [4.3.3], having
length as defined in Note 2 of 150 m or greater and
contracted for new construction on or after 1 July 2015, the
requirements of the "Common Structural Rules for Bulk
Carriers", Ch 1, Sec 1, [3] apply instead.
Note 1: The length L is the distance, in m, measured on the
summer load waterline, from the forward side of the stem to the
after side of the rudder post, or to the centre of the rudder stock
where there is no rudder post. L is to be not less than 96% and
need not exceed 97% of the extreme length on the summer load
4.3.8 (1/1/2017)
Note 2: The length L is the distance, in m, measured on the
Self-Unloading Bulk Carriers ESP, or equivalent, is assigned
waterline at the scantling draught, from the forward side of the stem
self-propelled ships which are constructed generally with to the after side of the rudder post, or to the centre of the rudder
single deck, double bottom, hopper side tanks and topside stock where there is no rudder post. L is to be not less than 96%
tanks and with single or double side skin construction in and need not exceed 97% of the extreme length on the waterline at
cargo length area and intended to carry and self-unload dry the scantling draught.
cargoes in bulk. Typical midship sections are given in Fig 5.
However, other midship section arrangements may be 4.4.2 (1/7/2003)
accepted, if deemed equivalent by the Society. The loading conditions listed in Pt E, Ch 4, Sec 3, [4.1],
Note 1: Combination carriers/OOC that do not comply with Pt E, Ch 4, Sec 3, [4.2] and Pt E, Ch 4, Sec 3, [4.3] are to be
MARPOL I/19 may be subject to international and/or national used for the checking of rule criteria regarding longitudinal
regulations requiring phase out. strength (as required by Pt B, Ch 6, Sec 2, [3] and Pt E,
Ch 4, Sec 3, [5]), local strength, capacity and arrangement
Figure 5 : Typical midship sections of ships with of ballast tanks and stability. The loading conditions listed
service notation Self-Unloading Bulk Carriers/Self- in Pt E, Ch 4, Sec 3, [4.8]) are to be used for the checking of
Unloaders ESP (1/1/2017) rule criteria regarding local strength.
4.4.3 (1/1/2021)
For the purpose of applying the conditions for the
assignment of the additional service features in [4.4.4],
maximum draught is to be taken as moulded summer load
line draught.
4.4.4 (1/7/2003)
Bulk carriers are to be assigned one of the following
additional service features.
a) BC-A: for bulk carriers designed to carry dry bulk
cargoes of cargo density 1,0 t/m3 and greater with
specified holds empty at maximum draught in addition
to BC-B conditions.

RINA Rules 2023 51

Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2

b) BC-B: for bulk carriers designed to carry dry bulk • flash point > 60°C, where the ship is intended to carry
cargoes of cargo density of 1,0 t/m3 and greater with all only such type of products, under certain conditions
cargo holds loaded in addition to BC-C conditions. • double hull, when the ship is constructed in accordance
c) BC-C: for bulk carriers designed to carry dry bulk with the definition given in Ch 2, Sec 2, [2.2.18]
cargoes of cargo density less than 1,0 t/m3. • double hull (heavy grades), when the ship is
The following additional service features are to be provided constructed in accordance with the definition given in
giving further detailed description of limitations to be Ch 2, Sec 2, [2.2.20]
observed during operation as a consequence of the design • double hull (independent tanks), when the ship is
loading condition applied during the design in the constructed in accordance with the definition given in
following cases: Ch 2, Sec 2, [2.2.19]
• maximum cargo density (in t/m3) for notations BC-A and • product, where the ship is intended to carry only
BC-B, if the maximum cargo density is less than 3.0 t/m3 products other than crude oil.
• no MP for all notations, when the vessel has not been
designed for loading and unloading in multiple ports in The additional requirements of Part E, Chapter 7 are
accordance with the conditions specified in Pt E, Ch 4, applicable to these ships.
Sec 3, [4.5.4] 4.5.3 (1/7/2016)
• allowed combination of specified empty holds for The service notation oil tanker ESP is always completed by
notation BC-A. the additional service feature CSR for oil tankers built in
Note 1: The requirements of this item [4.4] are not intended to
accordance with:
prevent any other loading conditions being included in the loading • the "Common Structural Rules for Double Hull Oil
manual, for which calculations are to be submitted as required; nor Tankers" (i.e double hull oil tankers, having length L of
are they intended to replace in any way the required loading 150 m or greater, contracted for construction on or after
manual/instrument. 1 April 2006 but before 1 July 2015), or
Note 2: A bulk carrier in actual operation may be loaded differently
• the "Common Structural Rules for Bulk Carriers and Oil
from the design loading conditions specified in the loading
manual, provided limitations for longitudinal and local strength as
Tankers" (i.e. double hull oil tankers, self-propelled with
defined in the loading manual and loading instrument on board unrestricted navigation, having length L of 150 m or
and applicable stability requirements are not exceeded. greater, contracted for construction on or after 1 July
4.5 Ships carrying liquid cargo in bulk Example: oil tanker ESP CSR
4.5.1 (1/5/2013) The additional requirements of Part E, Chapter 7 are
The service notations related to self-propelled ships (see applicable to these ships with the limitations indicated
Note 1) intended for the carriage of liquid cargo in bulk are therein.
listed in [4.5.2] to [4.5.10] below.
4.5.4 (1/8/2022)
Note 1: Self-propelled ships are ships with mechanical means of
propulsion not requiring assistance from another ship during chemical tanker, for self-propelled ships which intended
normal operation. primarily to carry in bulk chemical products presenting
The service notations related to assisted propulsion units safety and/or pollution hazards. This notation is to be
(see [4.9.4]) intended for the carriage of liquid cargo in bulk assigned to tankers of both single and double hull
are listed in [4.5.11] and [4.5.12] below. construction, as well as tankers with alternative structural
arrangements, provided they are deemed equivalent by the
4.5.2 (1/1/2012)
oil tanker, for self-propelled ships which are intended
primarily to carry in bulk crude oil or other oil products For chemical tankers with integral cargo tanks, the service
having any flash point, liquid at atmospheric pressure and notation chemical tanker is always completed by the addi-
ambient temperature (or thus maintained by heating). tional service feature ESP (i.e. chemical tanker ESP), which
means that these ships are submitted to the Enhanced Sur-
This notation is to be assigned to tankers of both single and vey Program as laid down in Ch 4, Sec 5.
double hull construction, as well as tankers with alternative
structural arrangements, provided they are deemed The additional requirements of Part E, Chapter 8 are appli-
equivalent by the Society. cable to these ships.
For oil tankers with integral cargo tanks, the service The list of products the ship is allowed to carry is attached
notation oil tanker is always completed by the additional to the Certificate of Classification or the Certificate of
service feature ESP (i.e. oil tanker ESP), which means that Fitness, where issued by the Society, including, where
these ships are submitted to the Enhanced Survey Program necessary, the maximum allowable specific gravity and/or
as laid down in Ch 4, Sec 3 or Ch 4, Sec 4, as applicable. temperature.
Note 1: Oil tankers that do not comply with MARPOL I/19 may be The service notation may be completed by the additional
subject to international and/or national regulations requiring phase service feature IMO 1, IMO 2 or IMO 3, when the ship
out under MARPOL I/20 and/or MARPOL I/21. complies with the requirements for the assignment of type
The service notation may be completed by the following 1, type 2 or type 3, respectively, in accordance with Chap-
additional service features, as applicable: ter 2 of the IBC Code.

52 RINA Rules 2023

Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2

Ships assigned with the service notation chemical tanker 4.5.7 tanker, for ships intended to carry non-flammable
and the additional service feature IMO 2 or IMO 3 may be liquid cargoes in bulk other than those covered by the
completed by the additional service feature IMO 1 (tank service notations in [4.5.2] to [4.5.6] above, such as wine
name), when the ship complies with the requirements for or water.
the assignment of type 1, according to Chapter 2 paragraphs
2.5, 2.7, 2.8 and 2.9 of the IBC Code, and the location of The list of cargoes the ship is allowed to carry may be
the named tank complies with the requirements for a type 1 attached to the Certificate of Classification.
ship in paragraph 2.6 of the IBC Code.
For ships intended to carry only one type of cargo, the
Ships assigned with the service notation chemical tanker service notation may be completed by the additional
and the additional service feature IMO 3 may be completed service feature indicating the type of product carried, e.g.
by the additional service feature IMO 2 (tank name), when tanker-potable water.
the ship complies with the requirements for the assignment
of type 2, according to Chapter 2 paragraphs 2.5, 2.7, 2.8 The additional requirements of Part E, Chapter 10 are
and 2.9 of the IBC Code, and the location of the named applicable to these ships.
tank complies with the requirements for a type 2 ship in
4.5.8 (1/7/2018)
paragraph 2.6 of the IBC Code.
asphalt tanker, for self-propelled ships which are
4.5.5 (1/1/2021)
constructed with independent, non-integral cargo tanks,
liquefied gas carrier, for ships specially intended to carry intended to only carry such type of products, under certain
liquefied gases or other substances listed in Pt E, Ch 9, Sec conditions. The maximum cargo temperature will be
1. The additional requirements of Part E, Chapter 9 are indicated on the Certificate of Classification.
applicable to these ships.
The additional requirements of Part E, Chapter 7 are
The list of products the ship is allowed to carry is attached applicable to these ships.
to the Certificate of Classification or the Certificate of
Fitness, where issued by the Society, including, where For asphalt tankers assigned with other service notations,
necessary, the conditions of transportation (pressure, asphalt carrier may be used at the request of the Interested
temperature, filling limits). Party in lieu of asphalt tanker provided that all the
requirements applicable to asphalt tankers are applicable to
The service notation may be completed by the following these ships.
additional service features:
4.5.9 (1/7/2011)
a) LNG BUNKER when the ship is in compliance with the
requirements in Pt E, Ch 9, App 1; and For asphalt tankers intended to only carry such type of
products under certain conditions, but with integral cargo
b) REGASIFICATION SYSTEM when the ship is fitted with tanks, the service notation asphalt tanker is always
a regasification system in compliance with the completed by the additional service feature ESP (i.e. asphalt
requirements in Pt E, Ch 9, App 2. tanker ESP), which means that these ships are submitted to
the Enhanced Survey Program as laid down in Ch 4, Sec 3.
4.5.6 (1/4/2006) The maximum cargo temperature will be indicated on the
Certificate of Classification.
FLS tanker, for ships specially intended to carry in bulk
flammable liquid products other than those covered by the The additional requirements of Part E, Chapter 7 are
service notations oil tanker ESP, oil tanker ESP CSR, applicable to these ships.
chemical tanker ESP or liquefied gas carrier

The list of products the ship is allowed to carry may be 4.5.10 Refer also to [4.3.6] and [4.3.7] for combination
attached to the Certificate of Classification, including, carrier intended to carry alternatively oil products and dry
where necessary, the maximum allowable specific gravity cargo in bulk in cargo holds/tanks.
and/or temperature.
4.5.11 (1/5/2013)
The service notation may be completed by the additional
service feature flash point > 60°C, where the ship is Oil carrier - assisted propulsion, for assisted propulsion
intended to carry only such type of products, under certain ships (see [4.9.4]) of limited size (DWT<10000 tonnes)
conditions. which are intended primarily to carry in bulk crude oil or
other oil products having any flash point, liquid at
For ships intended to carry only one type of cargo, the atmospheric pressure and ambient temperature (or thus
service notation may be completed by the additional maintained by heating) in restricted areas.
service feature indicating the type of product carried, e.g.
FLS tanker-acetone. This notation is to be assigned to ships of both single and
double hull construction, as well as ships with alternative
The additional requirements of Part E, Chapter 7 are structural arrangements, provided they are deemed
applicable to these ships. equivalent by the Society.

RINA Rules 2023 53

Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2

The service notation may be completed by the following trains or wheeled vehicles. The additional requirements of
additional service features, as applicable: Part E, Chapter 12 are applicable to these ships.
• flashpoint > 60°C, where the ship is intended to carry The service notation may be completed by the additional
only such type of products, under certain conditions service feature < 36 passengers, where the ship is intended
• double hull, when the ship is constructed in accordance to carry only such a limited number of passengers.
with the definition given in Ch 2, Sec 2, [2.2.18]
• double hull (heavy grades), when the ship is 4.7 Ships for dredging activities
constructed in accordance with the definition given in
4.7.1 The service notations related to ships specially
Ch 2, Sec 2, [2.2.20]
intended for dredging activities are listed in [4.7.2]. The
• product, where the ship is intended to carry only additional requirements of Part E, Chapter 13 are applicable
products other than crude oil. to these ships.
The additional requirements of Part E, Chapter 25 are
4.7.2 The following notations are provided:
applicable to these ships with the limitations indicated
therein. a) dredger, for ships specially equipped only for dredging
activities (excluding carrying dredged material)
4.5.12 (1/5/2013)
b) hopper dredger, for ships specially equipped for
Palm oil carrier- assisted propulsion, for assisted propulsion
dredging activities and carrying spoils or dredged
ships (see [4.9.4]) of limited size (DWT<10000 tonnes)
which are intended primarily to carry in restricted areas
palm oil in bulk. This notation is to be assigned to ships of c) hopper unit, for ships specially equipped for carrying
both single and double hull construction, as well as ships spoils or dredged material
with alternative structural arrangements, provided they are d) split hopper unit, for ships specially equipped for
deemed equivalent by the Society. carrying spoils or dredged material and which open
The additional requirements of Part E, Chapter 26 are longitudinally, around hinges
applicable to these ships with the limitations indicated e) split hopper dredger, for ships specially equipped for
therein. dredging and for carrying spoils or dredged material and
4.5.13 (9/12/2019) which open longitudinally, around hinges.
Marine mobile desalination unit, for ships intended for 4.7.3 These ships which are likely to operate at sea within
production by means of desalination system, storage and specific limits may, under certain conditions, be granted an
carriage of potable water. The additional requirements of operating area notation. For the definition of operating area
Part E, Chapter 30 are applicable to these ships. notation, reference should be made to [5.3].
4.5.14 (1/1/2021)
Chemical tanker - assisted propulsion, for assisted 4.8 Working ships
propulsion ships (see [4.9.4]) of limited size (DWT<10000 4.8.1 (1/1/2022)
tonnes) which are intended primarily to carry in restricted The service notations related to ships specially intended for
areas in bulk chemical products presenting safety and/or
different working services are listed in [4.8.2] to [4.8.12]
pollution hazards. This notation is to be assigned to ships of
both single and double hull construction, as well as ships
with alternative structural arrangements, provided they are 4.8.2 (1/7/2022)
deemed equivalent by the Society. The service notations for ships intended to tow and/or push
The additional requirements of Part E, Chapter 31 are other ships or units are:
applicable to these ships with the limitations indicated a) tug, for ships specially equipped for towing and/or
therein. pushing
b) salvage tug, for ships specially equipped for towing
4.6 Ships carrying passengers and/or pushing having specific equipment for salvage
c) escort tug, for ships specially equipped for towing
4.6.1 The service notations related to ships specially and/or pushing having specific equipment for escorting
intended for the carriage of passengers are listed in [4.6.2] ships or units during navigation.
to [4.6.3] below.
The additional requirements of Part E, Chapter 14 are
4.6.2 passenger ship, for ships intended to carry more than applicable to these ships.
12 passengers. The additional requirements of Part E, These service notations may be completed by the additional
Chapter 11 are applicable to these ships. service features:
The service notation may be completed by the additional • anchor handling, when the ship visibility from the
service feature < 36 passengers, where the ship is intended bridge and equipment are specially designed for anchor
to carry only such a limited number of passengers. handling operation. The additional requirements of Pt E,
Ch 14, Sec 2, [1.1.1] are applicable to this ship; or
4.6.3 ro-ro passenger ship, for ships intended to carry • anchor handling stab, when the ship is specially
more than 12 passengers and specially equipped to load designed and equipped for anchor handling operation

54 RINA Rules 2023

Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2

and also fulfils specific stability requirements related to The service notation is to be completed by the additional
this service. The additional requirements of Pt E, Ch 14, service feature standby, when the ship is also specially
Sec 2, [1.1.1] are applicable to this ship. intended to perform rescue and standby services for
• barge combined, when ships are designed to be offshore installations (e.g. supply vessel - standby).
connected with barges and comply with the relevant The service notation is completed by the additional service
requirements of Pt E, Ch 14, Sec 3. The barges to which feature rescue, when the ship is specially equipped for
the tug can be connected are specified in an annex to rescue of shipwrecked persons and for their
the Certificate of Classification. accommodation.
• Crew Transfer Vessel - CTV, when ships are specially The service notation is completed by the additional service
intended to transport technician and other personnel features:
out to sites. • anchor handling, when the ship visibility from the
• Dive Support Vessel - DSV, when ships are specially bridge and equipment are specially designed for anchor
intended to support the offshore diving operation. handling operation; or
• Patrol and Guard Vessel, when ships are specially • anchor handling stab, when the ship is specially
intended to patrol a coastal area or site for security, designed and equipped for anchor handling operation
observation and defense. and also fulfils specific stability requirements related to
this service.
• rescue, when ships are specially equipped for rescue of
shipwrecked persons and for their accommodation in • Crew Transfer Vessel - CTV, when ships are specially
accordance with Pt E, Ch 14, Sec 2, [2.10.2]. intended to transport technician and other personnel
• standby, when the ship is also specially intended to out to sites.
perform rescue and standby services (e.g. tug-standby). • Dive Support Vessel - DSV, when ships are specially
• rescue (X, Y), when ships are specially equipped for intended to support the offshore diving operation.
rescue of shipwrecked persons and for their • heavycargo (X kN/m2), when the weather deck
accommodation in specified geographical areas, where intended to support heavy cargoes fulfills the
Pt E, Ch 14, Sec 2, [2.10.3] applies. appropriate structural rule requirements. The value X
The values X and Y indicate, respectively: indicates the maximum allowable local pressure in
X : maximum number of shipwrecked persons kN/m2, which is to be greater than 10 kN/m2. The
for which the unit is designed; requirements for the assignment of this additional
service feature are given in Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 6, [4.1.1]
Y : indication of the geographical areas and/or and Part B, Chapter 7 or Part B, Chapter 8, as
the maximum distance from the shore applicable.
where the rescue operations are performed.
• heavyliquid (X t/m3), when the ship is designed with
• Seismic and Geotechnical Survey Vessel - SGSV, when
specified cargo tanks strengthened to carry heavy
ships are specially intended for the purpose of research,
liquids (i.e liquids having density greater than the one of
seismic survey and mapping at seas.
the sea water) that fulfill the appropriate structural rule
• Windfarm Service Vessel - WSV, when ships are requirements. The value X indicates the maximum
specially intended to transport technician and other density in t/m3 of the liquids that can be carried in the
personnel to offshore wind farm and to support specified tanks 98% full. The requirements for the
operations of wind farm maintenance and survey. assignment of this additional service feature are given in
The relevant arrangements and equipment are recorded in Part B, Chapter 5 and Part B, Chapter 7 or Part B,
the ship's status. Chapter 8, as applicable.
• Patrol and Guard Vessel, when ships are specially
4.8.3 (1/7/2022)
intended to patrol a coastal area or site for security,
The service notation supply vessel is assigned to ships observation and defense.
specially intended for the carriage and/or storage of special
• Seismic and Geotechnical Survey Vessel - SGSV, when
material and equipment and/or which are used to provide
ships are specially intended for the purpose of research,
facilities and assistance for the performance of specified
seismic survey and mapping at seas.
• Windfarm Service Vessel - WSV, when ships are
When the above ships are primarily designed for offshore specially intended to transport technician and other
support services, the service notation Offshore Support personnel to offshore wind farm and to support
Vessel (OSV) is assigned. operations of wind farm maintenance and survey.
The service notation is to be completed by the additional
The additional requirements of Part E, Chapter 15 are
service feature oil product, when the ship is also specially
applicable to these ships.
intended to carry oil products having any flash point.
The service notation is to be completed by the additional 4.8.4 The service notation fire-fighting ship is assigned to
service feature chemical product, when the ship is also ships specially intended and equipped for fighting fire. The
specially intended to carry chemical products having any additional requirements of Part E, Chapter 16 are applicable
flash point. to these ships.

RINA Rules 2023 55

Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2

The service notation may be completed by the following The service notation may be completed by the following
additional service features, as applicable: additional service features:
• 1 or 2 or 3, when the ship complies with the applicable • those described in [4.8.3]
requirements of Pt E, Ch 16, Sec 3 and Pt E, Ch 16,
• W2W, when the ship is equipped with a Walk-to-Work
Sec 4
(W2W) system such as a motion compensated gangway
• E when the characteristics of the fire-fighting system are used for personnel transfer from a mobile unit to an
not those required for the assignment of the additional offshore facility (e.g. a wind farm) or to another mobile
service features 1, 2 or 3, and when the system is unit
specially considered by the Society
• WIND TURBINE MAINTENANCE, for ships specially
• water-spraying when the ship is fitted with a self- equipped for maintenance activities of Wind farms.
protection water-spraying system complying with the
applicable requirements of Pt E, Ch 16, Sec 4, [3]. Wind farm maintenance may include:
• being a mother craft for smaller craft transferring
4.8.5 (1/1/2012) technicians to and from offshore wind turbines
The service notation oil recovery ship is assigned to ships
• transferring technicians directly to the wind turbine
specially equipped with fixed installations and/or mobile
equipment for the removal of oil from the sea surface and its • transferring supplies to the wind turbine
retention on board, carriage and subsequent unloading. The • perform smaller lifting operations onto the wind
additional requirements of Part E, Chapter 17 are applicable turbine.
to these ships.
The additional requirements of Part E, Chapter 32 are
The service notation may be completed by the additional
applicable to these ships.
service feature flash point > 60°C, where the ship collects
only oil with flash point exceeding 60°C. 4.8.12 (1/1/2022)
4.8.6 (15/2/2016) The service notation wind turbine installation vessel is
The service notation chemical recovery ship is assigned to assigned to ships specially equipped with fixed installations
ships designed for operation in hazardous atmosphere in and/or mobile equipment for the installation of fix or
case of accident involving chemical products and specially floating wind turbine.
equipped with fixed installations and/or mobile equipment The service notation is to be completed by the additional
for the removal of chemical products from the sea surface service feature W2W, when the ship is equipped with a
and its retention on board, carriage and subsequent Walk-to-Work system such as a motion compensated
unloading. The additional requirements of Part E, gangway used for personnel transfer from the ship to the
Chapter 28 are applicable to these ships. wind turbine installation.
4.8.7 (1/1/2022) The additional requirements of Part E, Chapter 33 are
The service notation cable laying unit is assigned to ships applicable to these ships.
specially equipped for the carriage and/or laying, hauling
and repair of submarine cables. The additional 4.9 Non-propelled and assisted propulsion
requirements of Part E, Chapter 18 are applicable to these units, sailing ships
4.8.8 (1/7/2004) 4.9.1 Barge (1/9/2022)
The service notation research ship is assigned to ships The service notation barge is assigned to non-propelled
specially intended for scientific or technological research. units intended to carry (dry or liquid) cargo inside holds or
The additional requirements of Part E, Chapter 21 are tanks. This service notation may be completed by additional
applicable to these ships. service features depending on the type of cargo as follows:
4.8.9 (1/1/2022) barge-oil, barge-liquefied gas, barge-LNG bunker, barge-
chemical, barge-general cargo. The additional
The service notation pipe laying unit is assigned to ships
requirements of Part E, Chapter 19 are applicable to these
specially equipped for the carriage and/or laying, hauling
and repair of submarine pipes. The additional requirements
of Part E, Chapter 22 are applicable to these ships. This service notation may be completed by the additional
service feature tug combined when units are designed to be
4.8.10 (1/4/2016)
connected with tugs, and comply with the relevant
The service notation well stimulation is assigned to ships
requirements of Pt E, Ch 14, Sec 3. The tugs to which the
specially equipped permanently with specific systems for
barge can be connected are specified in an annex to the
the stimulation of the well to improve their productivity.
Certificate of Classification.
The additional requirements of Part E, Chapter 29 are
In the case of barges equipped with specific arrangements
applicable to these ships.
for accommodating on board, when moored, persons other
4.8.11 (1/1/2022) than crew, the additional service feature accommodation is
The service notation Offshore Support Vessel (OSV) is added to the notation barge (i.e. barge-accommodation). It
assigned to ships primarily designed for offshore support covers units such as floating hotels used for different
services. purposes like offshore industry support or other commercial

56 RINA Rules 2023

Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2

uses. The notation barge accommodation is completed by 4.9.7 Engine powered sailing ship (1/7/2009)
the additional class notation MOORING. The additional service feature engine powered sailing ship
This service notation may be completed by the additional is assigned to ships propelled primarily by internal
service feature equipped for carriage of containers when combustion engines of power adequate to maintain a speed
the ship's fixed arrangements comply with the applicable of at least 7 knots (at continuous service rating, when the
requirements in Part E, Chapter 2. ship is fully loaded, in smooth water) when not under sail,
but which are provided with sails as an emergency means
4.9.2 Pontoon (1/9/2022) of propulsion.
The service notation pontoon is assigned to non-propelled
units intended to carry cargo and/or equipment on deck
4.10 Fishing vessels
only. This service notation may be completed by the
additional service feature crane when a cargo lifting 4.10.1 The service notation fishing vessel is assigned to
appliance, such as crane or derrick, is permanently fitted on ships specially equipped for catching and storing fish or
board, the cargo lifting appliance is to be certified by the other living resources of the sea. The additional
Society according to the "Rules for loading and unloading requirements of Part E, Chapter 20 are applicable to these
arrangements and for other lifting appliances on board of ships.
ships", or certified by another QSCS Classification Society
Note 1: Units solely dedicated to service in a fishing flotilla by
according to its equivalent rules.
means of cold storage and/or transformation of fish are not covered
This service notation may be completed by the additional by the service notation fishing vessel. They will be considered with
service feature equipped for carriage of containers when the service notation special service.
the ship's fixed arrangements comply with the applicable
requirements in Part E, Chapter 2. 4.11 Units intended for the transhipment of
The additional requirements of Part E, Chapter 19 are dry cargo in bulk
applicable to these ships.
4.11.1 (1/7/2020)
4.9.3 Other units The following service notations are assigned to units
Any non-propelled units other than those covered by the specially intended for the transhipment of dry cargo in bulk:
service notations listed above will be assigned the a) transhipping unit, for units specially intended to
additional service feature no propulsion, to be added to tranship the cargo from one delivering unit to one
their own service notation, e.g. dredger-no propulsion. receiving unit; these units may either have or not have
cargo storage capability
4.9.4 Assisted propulsion units (1/7/2017)
Any units having a propulsion system not enabling them to b) transhipping floating terminal, for units specially
proceed at a speed greater than 7 knots, used for short intended to tranship the cargo between more than one
transit voyages, will be assigned the additional service delivering and receiving units simultaneously; these
feature assisted propulsion to be added to their own service units are normally to have cargo storage capability.
notation, e.g. dredger - assisted propulsion. Self-propelled units are allowed to perform transfer voyages
In case of units classified with a navigation not more than of very limited extension, between locations in the same
Coastal area and provided with propulsion system not area of operation, for loading/unloading operations or
enabling them to proceed at a speed greater than 7 knots, safety reasons. Longer voyages in ballast conditions may be
without any limitation of the length of the voyage, the accepted by the Society on a case-by-case basis. The
additional service feature assisted propulsion unlimited will departure and arrival locations are to be communicated by
be assigned. the Owner/Designer to the Society.
These service notations may be completed by the following
4.9.5 Sailing ships (1/7/2009)
service features:
The additional service feature sailing ships is assigned to
ships having no means of propulsion other than sails. These • buffer [X t, HOLD/DECK] when the unit has bulk cargo
ships are to comply with the requirements of the "Rules for storage capacity and is thus able to allow significant
masting and rigging of sailing ships", issued separately by buffer capacity, ensuring continuous operation. The X
the Society. value indicates the cargo mass, in t, which can be stored
in holds or on deck (HOLD/DECK)
4.9.6 Engine assisted sailing ship (1/7/2017) • heavycargo [HOLDi, Xi kN/m2, i kN/m3 - DECK, Yi
The additional service feature engine assisted sailing ship is kN/m2] when the ship structure designed to support
assigned to ships which are mainly propelled by sails heavy cargoes fulfils the appropriate Rule requirements.
complying with the following requirement: The values Xi and Yi indicate, respectively, the
As > 7,0 (Dmax)2/3 maximum allowable local pressures on the inner
bottoms of the various HOLDi and on the deck areas
DECKi, where the cargo is intended to be stowed and i
As : sails surface, in m2 is the maximum density of the bulk cargo allowable for
Dmax : maximum displacement, in tons [t], carriage in the relevant HOLDi. The requirements for
and provided with internal combustion engine for auxiliary the assignment of this additional service feature are
and emergency propulsion. given in Pt E, Ch 27, Sec 3, [3.2].

RINA Rules 2023 57

Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2

The service notation of units operating permanently 5.2.3 The navigation notation tropical zone is assigned to
anchored or moored in a fixed location is competed by the ships intended to operate only within the geographical
additional class notation “MOORING“. limits as defined in ILLC 1966 for the Tropical zones.
The service notation of units provided with at least one
5.2.4 The navigation notation coastal area is assigned to
crane, fitted with a grab or a bucket, is completed by the
ships intended to operate only within 20 nautical miles
additional class notation “CARGO HANDLING”.
from the shore and with a maximum sailing time of six
hours from a port of refuge or safe sheltered anchorage.
4.12 Miscellaneous units
5.2.5 The navigation notation sheltered area is assigned to
4.12.1 The service notation special service is assigned to ships intended to operate in sheltered waters , i.e. harbours,
ships which, due to the peculiar characteristics of their estuaries, roadsteads, bays, lagoons and generally calm
activity, are not covered by any of the notations mentioned stretches of water and when the wind force does not exceed
above. The classification requirements of such units are 6 Beaufort scale.
considered by the Society on a case by case basis. 5.2.6 (1/7/2009)
This service notation may apply, for instance, to ships The navigation notations defined in these items [5.2.1] to
engaged in research, expeditions and survey, ships for [5.2.5] are those considered as "normal". Where particular
training of marine personnel, whale and fish factory ships cases of navigation are to be assigned which are not
not engaged in catching, ships processing other living included among those so defined, the navigation notation
resources of the sea, and other ships with design features special is assigned, followed by specified restrictions (such
and modes of operation which may be referred to the same as the designation of the geographical area, distance from
group of ships. the shore and/or the most unfavourable sea conditions
An additional service feature may be specified after the
notation (e.g. special service - training, special service - 5.2.7 (1/7/2009)
ship lift, special service - fish factory) to identify the The Society may assign navigation notations provided by
particular service in which the ship is intended to trade. The the regulations of the flag Administration, which may be
scope and criteria of classification of such units are different from those defined in [5.2.1] to [5.2.6].
indicated in an annex to the Certificate of Classification.
5.3 Operating area notations
5 Navigation and operating area 5.3.1 The operating area notation expresses the specified
notations area where some service units are likely to operate at sea
within specific restrictions which are different from normal
5.1 Navigation notations navigation conditions.
The operating area notation is, in principle, solely granted
5.1.1 Every classed ship is to be assigned one navigation to working units, such as dredgers and crane pontoons.
notation as listed in [5.2]. This operating area notation is indicated after the navigation
5.1.2 The assignment of a navigation notation, including Example: unrestricted navigation - “operating area
the reduction of scantlings or specific arrangements for notation”
restricted navigation notations, is subject to compliance
with the requirements laid down in Part B, Part C, Part D 5.3.2 The following operating area notations may be
and Part E of the Rules. assigned:
a) notation specified operating area, where the specific
5.1.3 The assignment of a navigation notation does not operating conditions which have been considered by
absolve the Interested Party from compliance with any the Society are described in an annex to the Certificate
international and national regulations established by the of Classification (i.e. distance from shore or from port of
Administrations for a ship operating in national waters, or a refuge, weather or sea conditions)
specific area, or a navigation zone. Neither does it waive b) notation operation service within ’x’ miles from shore,
the requirements in Sec 1, [3.3.1]. where the operating service is limited to a certain
distance from the shore.
5.2 List of navigation notations
6 Additional class notations
5.2.1 The navigation notation unrestricted navigation is
assigned to a ship intended to operate in any area and any 6.1 General
period of the year.
6.1.1 An additional class notation expresses the
5.2.2 The navigation notation summer zone is assigned to classification of additional equipment or specific
ships intended to operate only within the geographical arrangement, which has been requested by the Interested
limits as defined in ILLC 1966 for the Summer zones. Party.

58 RINA Rules 2023

Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2

6.1.2 The assignment of such an additional class notation In compliance with [6.1.3], these notations are assigned a
is subject to the compliance with additional rule construction mark, as defined in [3].
requirements, which are detailed in Part F of the Rules. The requirements for the assignment of these notations are
given in Part F, Chapter 2.
6.1.3 Some additional class notations, due to the
importance of relevant equipment or arrangements, are 6.3.2 AVM-APS (Alternative propulsion
assigned a construction mark, according to the principles system) (1/7/2008)
given in [3.1.2]. This is indicated in the definition of the The additional class notation AVM-APS or AVM-APS-NS are
relevant additional class notations. assigned to ships which are fitted with systems and/or
arrangements enabling them to maintain operating condi-
6.1.4 The different additional class notations which may tions with some limitations in speed, range and comfort, in
be assigned to a ship are listed in [6.2] to [6.14], according the case of any single failure of items relative to the propul-
to the category to which they belong. These additional class sion.
notations are also listed in alphabetical order in Tab 3. When the auxiliary propulsion system is designed for use in
conditions other than an emergency, the additional class
6.2 System of Trace and Analysis of notation AVM-APS-NS is assigned.
Records (STAR) 6.3.3 AVM-IAPS (Independent alternative
propulsion system) (1/7/2008)
6.2.1 General (1/7/2008) The additional class notation AVM-IAPS is assigned to ships
STAR is a System of Trace and Analysis of Records which are fitted with an independent propulsion system
integrating rational analysis with data and records from enabling them to maintain operating conditions with some
ship-in-service concerning planned inspection and ship limitations in power, speed, range and comfort, in the case
maintenance. of any single failure of items relative to the propulsion.
The requirements for the assignment of these notations are 6.3.4 AVM-DPS (Duplicated propulsion
given in Part F, Chapter 1. system) (1/7/2008)
The additional class notation AVM-DPS or AVM-DPS-NS
6.2.2 STAR-HULL (1/10/2000) are assigned to ships which are fitted with a duplicated pro-
The additional class notation STAR-HULL is assigned to pulsion system enabling them to maintain operating condi-
ships on which an Inspection and Maintenance Plan (IMP) tions with some limitations in power (but 50% of the main
for the hull is implemented. power is to be maintained), speed, range and comfort, in
the case of any single failure of items relative to the propul-
The notation may be completed by the suffix NB when a
structural tridimensional analysis has been performed for
the hull structures, as defined in Pt B, Ch 7, App 1 or Pt B, When the duplicated propulsion system is designed for use
Ch 7, App 2 or Pt B, Ch 7, App 3, as applicable, at the new in conditions other than an emergency, the additional class
building stage. The suffix NB is removed when the ship notation AVM-DPS-NS is assigned.
enters the STAR-HULL survey programme through the
6.3.5 AVM-IPS (Independent propulsion
implementation of the Inspection and Maintenance Plan
system) (1/7/2008)
The additional class notation AVM-IPS is assigned to ships
6.2.3 STAR-MACH (1/7/2003) which are fitted with an independent propulsion system
enabling them to maintain operating conditions with some
The additional class notation STAR-MACH is assigned to limitations in power (but 50% of the main power is to be
ships on which an Inspection and Maintenance Plan (IMP) maintained), speed, range and comfort, in the case of any
for the machinery is implemented. This plan is based on a single failure of items relative to the propulsion.
risk analysis review of the installation.

6.2.4 STAR notation (STAR) 6.4 Automated machinery systems (AUT)

When ships are granted both STAR-HULL and STAR- 6.4.1 General
MACH, the two separate notations are superseded by the The notations dealt with under this heading are relevant to
cumulative additional class notation STAR. automated machinery systems installed on board ships.
In compliance with [6.1.3], these notations are assigned a
6.3 Availability of machinery (AVM) construction mark, as defined in [3].
The requirements for the assignment of these notations are
6.3.1 General
given in Part F, Chapter 3.
The notations dealt with under this heading are relevant to
systems and/or arrangements enabling the ship to carry on 6.4.2 Unattended machinery space (AUT-UMS)
limited operations when single failure affects propulsion or The additional class notation AUT-UMS is assigned to ships
auxiliary machinery or when an event such as fire or which are fitted with automated installations enabling
flooding involving machinery spaces affects the availability machinery spaces to remain periodically unattended in all
of the machinery. sailing conditions including manoeuvring.

RINA Rules 2023 59

Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2

6.4.3 Centralised control station (AUT-CCS) 6.6 Monitoring equipment (MON)

The additional class notation AUT-CCS is assigned to ships
6.6.1 General
which are fitted with machinery installations operated and
monitored from a centralised control station. The notations dealt with under this heading are relevant to
hull and tailshaft monitoring equipment installed on board
6.4.4 Automated operation in port (AUT-PORT)
The requirements for the assignment of these notations are
The additional class notation AUT-PORT is assigned to ships given in Part F, Chapter 5.
which are fitted with automated installations enabling the
ship’s operation in port or at anchor without personnel spe- 6.6.2 Hull stress monitoring (MON-HULL)
cially assigned for the watch-keeping of the machinery in The additional class notation MON-HULL is assigned to
service. ships which are fitted with equipment continuously moni-
toring ship’s dynamic loads through measurements of
6.5 Integrated ship systems (SYS) motions in waves and stresses/deformations in the hull
6.5.1 General 6.6.3 Tailshaft monitoring system (MON-SHAFT)
The notations dealt with under this heading are relevant to The additional class notation MON-SHAFT is assigned to
operation of integrated systems regarding navigation, ships which are fitted with a temperature monitoring system
machinery, communication and specific cargo, as for the tailshaft sterntube bearings. The assignment of this
applicable. notation allows the ship to be granted a reduced scope for
complete tailshaft surveys, see Ch 2, Sec 2, [8.3.1].
In compliance with [6.1.3], these notations are assigned a
construction mark, as defined in [3]. 6.7 Comfort on board ships and in port area
The requirements for the assignment of these notations are (COMF)
given in Part F, Chapter 4.
6.7.1 General (1/1/2020)
6.5.2 Centralised navigation equipment (SYS-NEQ) The notations dealt with under this heading are relevant to
the assessment of comfort on board ships and in port area
The additional class notation SYS-NEQ is assigned to ships with regard to the level of noise, vibration and/or air
which are fitted with a centralised navigation control system temperature/humidity.
so laid out and arranged that it enables normal navigation
The parameters which are taken into consideration for the
and manoeuvring operation of the ship by two persons in
evaluation of the comfort such as the level of noise, the
level of vibration and the air temperature and/or humidity
The additional class notation SYS-NEQ-1 is assigned when, will be indicated in the Certificate of Classification.
in addition to the above, the installation is so arranged that These parameters are only verified once for all when the
the navigation and manoeuvring of the ship can be oper- ship is classed.
ated under normal conditions by one person, for periodical
The requirements for the assignment of these notations are
one man watch. This notation includes specific require-
given in Part F, Chapter 6.
ments for prevention of accidents caused by the operator’s
unfitness. 6.7.2 Comfort with regard to noise on board ships
(COMF-NOISE) (1/7/2020)
6.5.3 Integrated bridge system (SYS-IBS) The additional class notation COMF-NOISE is assigned to
The additional class notation SYS-IBS is assigned to ships ships satisfying levels of noise defined in Pt F, Ch 6, Sec 1.
which are fitted with an integrated bridge system which The assessment of noise levels is only carried out through
allows simplified and centralised bridge operation of all design review and sea trials.
main functions of navigation manoeuvring and communi- The notation is completed by a letter A, B or C which repre-
cation, as well as monitoring from bridge of other functions sents the merit level achieved for the assignment of the
related to specific cargoes and pollution ; for passenger notation, the merit A corresponding to the lowest level of
ships, heating, ventilation and air conditioning are also acceptable noise. The notation COMF-NOISE is only
included in the monitored functions. assigned if at least the merit level C is reached.
When the merit levels achieved for the passenger spaces (if
6.5.4 Communication system (SYS-COM) (1/7/2009) any) and the crew spaces are different, the notation is
The additional class notation SYS-COM is assigned to ships completed by the suffix:
which are fitted with a local area network including the • PAX, for passenger spaces, and
alarm, monitoring and control systems and computers used • CREW, for crew spaces.
for management operations and external communication
devices for reporting ashore navigation, maintenance and For crew spaces, the following comfort noise notations are
operational information. equivalent to the noise level limits stated in IMO Resolution

60 RINA Rules 2023

Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2

MSC.337(91) "Adoption of the code on noise levels on 6.8 Pollution prevention

board ships", as follows:
6.8.1 General
• for ships in continuous service rate (CSR) condition
The notations dealt with under this heading are assigned to
(defined in Pt F, Ch 6, Sec 1, [2.3]) with gross tonnage
ships fitted with equipment and arrangements enabling
equal to or greater than 10,000 GT: COMF-NOISE
them to reduce the pollution of the sea and/or air caused by
release of solid waste and liquid and/or gaseous effluents.
• for ships in continuous service rate (CSR) condition The requirements for the assignment of these notations are
(defined in Pt F, Ch 6, Sec 1, [2.3]) with gross tonnage given in Part F, Chapter 7.
from 1,600 GT up to 10,000 GT: COMF-NOISE CREW
B. 6.8.2 Sea pollution prevention
(CLEAN-SEA) (1/7/2006)
6.7.3 Comfort with regard to vibration on board The additional class notation CLEAN-SEA is assigned to
ships (COMF-VIB) (1/1/2020) ships provided with construction and procedural means to
The additional class notation COMF-VIB is assigned to prevent pollution of the sea.
ships satisfying levels of vibration defined in Pt F, Ch 6, This is achieved by compliance with the applicable
Sec 2. The assessment of vibration levels is only carried out requirements of Annex I, Annex II, Annex III, Annex IV and
through design review and sea trials. Annex V of MARPOL Convention, relevant to ship’s liquid
The notation is completed by a letter A, B or C, which rep- and solid releases, as well as additional requirements
resents the merit level achieved for the assignment of the related to prevention of sea pollution as follows:
notation, merit A corresponding to the lowest level of vibra- • prevention of accidental pollution by means of location
tion. The notation COMF-VIB is only assigned if at least of fuel and lube oil tanks above the double bottom and
merit level C is reached. away from ship sides
• prevention of operational pollution by means of bilge
When the merit levels achieved for the passenger spaces (if
water separation and filtering, holding tanks for treated
any) and the crew spaces are different, the notation is
sewage and grey water
completed by the suffix:
• prevention of transfer of harmful organisms and
• PAX, for passenger spaces, and pathogens in the ballast water
• CREW, for crew spaces. • prevention of pollution by tributyltin by means of TBT
free antifouling paints
6.7.4 Comfort with regard to air • prevention of pollution by solid garbage (resulting from
temperature/humidity on board ships (COMF- the compacting device and incinerators) by means of
AIR) (1/1/2020)
proper storage of such waste
The additional class notation COMF-AIR is assigned to • ship recycling.
ships fitted with a combined heating-ventilation-air condi-
tioning system (HVAC) satisfying levels of air temperature 6.8.3 Air pollution prevention
and humidity defined in Pt F, Ch 6, Sec 3. The assessment (CLEAN-AIR) (1/7/2009)
of air temperature/humidity levels is only carried out The additional class notation CLEAN-AIR is assigned to
through design review and sea trials in Winter and Summer ships provided with construction and procedural means to
conditions. prevent pollution of the air. This is achieved by compliance
with the applicable requirements of Annex VI of MARPOL
The notation may be completed by one of the letters W or S
Convention, as well as additional requirements related to
when the HVAC system has been satisfactorily tested only
low emissions to the air as follows:
in Winter or in Summer conditions respectively.
• prevention of air pollution by exhaust gas (particles,
6.7.5 Noise emissions in port area outboard COx, NOx, SOx) by means of low emission engines,
(NOISE-PORT-OUT(X)) and inboard (NOISE- use of low sulphur content fuels and incinerators
PORT-IN(X)) (1/1/2023) • use of refrigerants and fixed fire fighting means with
The additional class notations NOISE-PORT-OUT(X) and zero ozone depleting potential and low global warming
NOISE-PORT-IN(X) are assigned to ships satisfying levels of potential
noise in port area defined in Pt F, Ch 6, Sec 4. The assess- • control of release of refrigerants to the atmosphere by
ment of noise levels is only carried out through noise meas- means of leak detection and evacuation systems
urements in port area either outboard (for NOISE-PORT- • recovery of vapours emitted from cargo systems of ships
OUT(X)) or in board (for NOISE-PORT-IN(X)). carrying dangerous liquid cargoes in bulk.
The notation is completed by a number (1-100) which Note 1: For ships with the service notation oil tanker, combination
represents the merit level achieved for the assignment of the carrier/OBO, combination carrier/OOC, chemical tanker, FLS
notation, the merit 100 corresponding to the lowest level of tanker, excluding those intended for the carriage of products hav-
noise. ing flashpoint > 60°C or liquefied gas carrier, the assignment of the
notation VCS (Vapour Control System) is a prerequisite for the
The notations NOISE-PORT-OUT(X) and NOISE-PORT- assignment of the notation CLEAN-AIR. However, the notation VCS
IN(X) are only assigned if at least merit level 1 is reached. may also be assigned as a single notation as described in [6.14.7].

RINA Rules 2023 61

Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2

6.8.4 Sea and air pollution prevention (GREEN ucts having flashpoint > 60°C or liquefied gas carrier, the
PLUS - GREEN STAR 3 DESIGN - GREEN assignment of the notation VCS (Vapour Control System) is a
STAR 3 - GREEN STAR 3 (TOC)) (1/7/2020) prerequisite for the assignment of the notation GREEN STAR 3.
However, the notation VCS may also be assigned as a single
notation as described in [6.14.7].
The additional class notation GREEN PLUS is assigned
to ships designed and provided with systems, compo-
nents and procedural means to control and prevent the The additional class notation GREEN STAR 3 (TOC) can
emission of polluting substances into the sea, the air and be assigned to ships transferred to RINA class from
more in general the environment, in accordance with another IACS classification society if, at the time of the
the requirements in Pt F, Ch 7, Sec 1. transfer of class, they hold a sea and air pollution pre-
vention class notation of the previous society
The additional class notation GREEN PLUS T is assigned 6.8.5 Green and certified cargo handling systems
to units: (GC CARGO HANDLING) (1/7/2013)
• intended to operate at a fixed location; The additional class notation GC CARGO HANDLING is
• provided with facilities to load and unload other assigned to ships provided with systems for handling solid
units (e.g. bulk carriers, dry cargo ships carrying bulk cargo which may be a source of sea or air pollution
solid materials in bulk) (e.g. those handling coal, iron ore, sulphur, etc), designed to
minimize their environmental impact. The requirements for
complying with the provision in a) and provided with the assignment of this notation are given in Pt F, Ch 7,
solid bulk cargo handling systems designed to minimize Sec 6.
their environmental impact according to Pt F, Ch 7,
Sec 6.
6.9 Refrigerating installations
When ships are assigned the notations CLEAN-SEA and 6.9.1 General
CLEAN-AIR, the two separate notations are superseded The notations dealt with under this heading are relevant to
by the cumulative additional class notation GREEN refrigerating installations fitted on board ships, including
STAR 3 DESIGN. machinery and storing equipment or arrangements.
d) GREEN STAR 3 In compliance with [6.1.3], these notations are assigned a
The additional class notation GREEN STAR 3 is assigned construction mark, as defined in [3].
to ships provided with equipment and procedural The requirements for the assignment of these notations are
means to prevent pollution of the sea and of the air. This given in Part F, Chapter 8.
is achieved by compliance with the applicable require-
ments of Annexes I to VI of MARPOL Convention, rele- 6.9.2 Refrigerating installations for cargo (REF-
vant to ship's liquid, solid and gas releases, as well as CARGO)
additional requirements related to prevention of sea and The additional class notation REF-CARGO is assigned to
air pollution as follows: ships fitted with refrigerating plants and holds intended to
• prevention of accidental pollution by means of on carry cargoes, with the condition that the number and the
board equipment to combat oil spills; power of the refrigerating units are such that the specified
temperatures can be maintained with one unit on standby.
• prevention of operational pollution by means of
procedures, bilge water separation and filtering, 6.9.3 Refrigerating installations for insulated
holding tanks for treated sewage and grey water, containers (REF-CONT)
development of an Environmental Management Plan
The additional class notation REF-CONT is assigned to
and availability on board of an Environmental Ship
ships fitted with refrigerating plants intended to supply
Manager, use of refrigerants and fixed fire-fighting
refrigerated air to insulated containers carried in holds of
means with zero ozone depleting potential and low
container ships.
global warming potential, and use of procedures to
control leakage; 6.9.4 Refrigerating installations for domestic
• prevention of transfer of harmful organisms and supplies (REF-STORE)
pathogens in the ballast water; The additional class notation REF-STORE is assigned to
• prevention of pollution by tributyltin by means of ships fitted with refrigerating plants and spaces exclusively
TBT free antifouling paints; intended for the preservation of ship’s domestic supplies.
• prevention of pollution by solid garbage by means of
6.9.5 The above may also be completed by the following
proper storage of such waste, and for passenger
ships other than ro-ro passenger, by means of a
strategy of waste recycling; a) -PRECOOLING when the refrigerating plants are
• ship recycling. designed to cool down a complete cargo of fruit and/or
vegetables to the required temperature of transportation
Note 1: For ships with the service notation oil tanker, combination
carrier/OBO, combination carrier/OOC, chemical tanker, b) -QUICKFREEZE for the refrigerating plants of fishing
FLS tanker, excluding those intended for the carriage of prod- vessels and fish factory ships where the design and

62 RINA Rules 2023

Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2

equipment of such plants have been recognised suitable 6.11 Navigation in ice (POLAR CLASS)
to permit quick-freezing of fish in specified conditions
6.11.1 (1/1/2022)
c) -AIRCONT when the refrigerating plants are equipped The following additional class notations are assigned to
with controlled atmosphere installations or any other ships intended for navigation in ice-infested polar waters:
indication related to the specific features of the • POLAR CLASS PC1
installation, when these features have been specially
examined by the Society
6.10 Navigation in ice (ICE CLASS)
6.10.1 (1/7/2020)
The notations dealt with under [6.10.2] are relevant to ships • POLAR CLASS PC7
strengthened for navigation in ice in accordance with the
“Finnish-Swedish Ice Class Rules 2017” as adopted on 1 The requirements for the assignment of these notations are
December 2017 by the Finnish Transport Safety Agency given in Part F, Chapter 10.
(TRAFI). The above class notations may also be completed by the
The requirements for the assignment of these notations are additional notation "Icebreaker" for any ship with an opera-
given in Part F, Chapter 9. tional profile that includes escort or ice management func-
tions, having powering and dimensions that allow it to
These requirements reproduce the provisions of the Finnish- undertake aggressive operations in ice-covered waters,
Swedish Ice Class Rules cited above. complying with the relevant requirements in Pt F, Ch 10,
Sec 2 and Pt F, Ch 10, Sec 3.
6.10.2 The following additional class notations are
assigned: 6.12 WINTERIZATION (temp)
a) ICE CLASS IA SUPER, for navigation in extreme ice 6.12.1 (1/7/2014)
conditions The additional class notation WINTERIZATION (temp) is
assigned to ships intended to be operated in a cold climate
b) ICE CLASS IA, for navigation in severe ice conditions
over long periods.
c) ICE CLASS IB, for navigation in medium ice conditions The value temp, in brackets, is the design temperature in °C
and is to be taken as the lowest mean daily average air tem-
d) ICE CLASS IC, for navigation in light ice conditions.
perature in the area where the ship is intended to operate
Note 1: Attention is drawn to paragraph 9 of the 1985 Finnish- (see Pt F, Ch 11, Sec 1, [2]).
Swedish Ice Class Rules, where it is stated that these notations are
assigned to the maximum permissible draught according to the
In order for the WINTERIZATION (temp) notation to be
Tonnage and Loadline Certificates. granted, the ship is to be assigned the additional class nota-
tion GREEN PLUS or GREEN STAR 3 DESIGN or equivalent
Note 2: Attention is drawn to paragraph 2 of the above Rules, and one of the following class notations:
where it is stated that the requirements of Finnish-Swedish Ice Class
Rules published on 6th April 1971 are still in force for ships whose • POLAR CLASS
keel was laid, or at a similar stage of construction, before • ICE CLASS IA SUPER
November 1st 1986.
6.10.3 (1/1/2001) • ICE CLASS IB
The additional class notation ICE CLASS ID is assigned to • ICE CLASS IC
ships whose reinforcements for navigation in ice are differ-
The requirements for the assignment of this notation are
ent from those required for the assignment of the notations
given in Part F, Chapter 11.
defined in [6.10.2], but which comply with the specific
requirements detailed in Part F, Chapter 9.
6.13 Planned maintenance scheme and
6.10.4 (1/5/2016) condition based maintenance
The above may also be completed by the notation - HULL (PMS/CBM)
when the reinforcements for navigation in ice are relevant
to hull only, according to the relevant requirements in Pt F, 6.13.1 General (1/7/2009)
Ch 9, Sec 1 and Pt F, Ch 9, Sec 2. The notations dealt with under this item [6.13] are assigned
to ships where a Planned Maintenance Scheme (hereinafter
6.10.5 (1/1/2001)
denominated PMS) has been implemented according to the
The additional class notation ICE is assigned to ships whose requirements given in Part F, Chapter 12.
reinforcements for navigation in ice are different from those
required for the assignment of the notations defined in 6.13.2 PMS (1/7/2009)
[6.10.2] and [6.10.3], when this has been specially consid- Where a Planned Maintenance Scheme is approved by the
ered by the Society. Society the additional class notation PMS is assigned. An

RINA Rules 2023 63

Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2

implementation survey is to be carried out to confirm the 6.14.2 Loading by grabs (1/4/2006)
validity of the additional class notation. a) The additional class notation GRABLOADING may be
The requirements for the assignment of this notation are assigned to ships with hold tank tops specially rein-
given in Pt F, Ch 12, Sec 1. forced for loading/unloading cargoes by means of grabs
or buckets.
6.13.3 PMS-CM(PROP) (1/7/2009) The requirements for the assignment of this notation are
given in Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 2.
Where a Planned Maintenance Scheme approved by the
Society is implemented and Condition Based Maintenance However, this does not preclude ships not assigned with
complying with the requirements of Pt F, Ch 12, Sec 2 rele- this notation from being loaded/unloaded with grabs.
vant to the propulsion system is applied, the additional b) The additional class notation GRAB [X] may be assigned
class notation PMS-CM(PROP) is assigned. to ships with hold tank tops designed for load-
ing/unloading cargoes by means of grabs having a maxi-
6.13.4 PMS-CM(HVAC) (1/7/2009) mum mass of [X] tonnes.
Where a Planned Maintenance Scheme approved by the The requirements for the assignment of this notation are
Society is implemented, and Condition Based Maintenance given in Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 2 (see also Note 2).
complying with the requirements of Pt F, Ch 12, Sec 3 rele- Note 1: These additional class notations may only be assigned to
vant to the heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) ships with the service notation general cargo ship (intended to
system is applied, the additional class notation PMS- carry dry bulk cargoes), bulk carrier, ore carrier, combination car-
CM(HVAC) is assigned. rier/OBO or combination carrier/OOC.
Note 2: The specific requirements for the assignment of the nota-
6.13.5 PMS-CM(CARGO) (1/7/2009) tion GRAB [X] to bulk carriers with the service feature CSR are
given in the Common Structural Rules (Ch 1, Sec 1, [3]).
Where a Planned Maintenance Scheme approved by the
Society is implemented, and Condition Based Maintenance 6.14.3 In-water survey
complying with the requirements of Pt F, Ch 12, Sec 4 rele- The additional class notation INWATERSURVEY may be
vant to the cargo system is applied, the additional class assigned to ships provided with suitable arrangements to
notation PMS-CM(CARGO) is assigned. facilitate the in-water surveys as provided in Ch 2, Sec 2,
6.13.6 PMS-CM(ELE) (1/7/2009)
The requirements for the assignment of this notation are
Where a Planned Maintenance Scheme approved by the given in Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 3.
Society is implemented, and Condition Based Maintenance
complying with the requirements of Pt F, Ch 12, Sec 5 rele- 6.14.4 Single point mooring
vant to electrical switchboards is applied, the additional The additional class notation SPM (Single Point Mooring)
class notation PMS-CM(ELE) is assigned. may be assigned to ships fitted with a specific mooring
6.13.7 PMS-CM(FDS) (1/7/2009)
The requirements for the assignment of this notation are
Where a Planned Maintenance Scheme approved by the given in Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 4.
Society is implemented, and Condition Based Maintenance
These requirements reproduce the provisions of
complying with the requirements of Pt F, Ch 12, Sec 6 rele-
“Recommendations for Equipment Employed in the
vant to the fire detection system is applied, the additional
Mooring of Ships at Single Point Mooring” (3rd edition
class notation PMS-CM(FDS) is assigned.
1993), issued by OCIMF (Oil Companies International
Marine Forum).
6.13.8 PMS-CM (1/1/2020)
Where a Planned Maintenance Scheme approved by the 6.14.5 Container lashing equipment (1/7/2017)
Society is implemented, and Condition Based Maintenance The additional class notation LASHING is assigned to ships
complying with the requirements of Pt F, Ch 12, Sec 7 rele- initially fitted with mobile container lashing equipment that
vant to individual items selected by the Owner is applied, is documented, tested and checked.
the additional class notation PMS-CM is assigned. The notation ROUTE DEPENDENT LASHING (start date -
end date) is assigned to ships initially fitted with mobile
6.14 Other additional class notations container lashing equipment that is documented, tested and
checked for specific routes and for the period of year
6.14.1 Strengthened bottom - Not always afloat but defined by the specification start date - end date.
safe aground (NAABSA) (15/10/2019) These notation are assigned only to ships having the service
The additional class notation STRENGTHBOTTOM- notation container ship or the additional service feature
NAABSA may be assigned to ships built with specially equipped for carriage of containers.
strengthened bottom structures so as to be able to be loaded The requirements for the assignment of the notations are
and/or unloaded when properly stranded. given in Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 5.
The requirements for the assignment of this notation are This equipment, however, will not be verified any longer at
given in Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 1. the periodical class surveys to which the ship is submitted.

64 RINA Rules 2023

Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2

6.14.6 Dynamic positioning (1/1/2021) with requirements beyond those for the DYNAPOS
a) The additional class notation DYNAPOS may be notations.
assigned to ships equipped with a dynamic positioning
system. 6.14.7 Vapour control system (1/10/2000)
In compliance with [6.1.3], this notation is assigned a The additional class notation VCS (Vapour Control System)
construction mark, as defined in [3]. may be assigned to ships equipped with cargo vapour con-
The additional class notation DYNAPOS is assigned, in trol systems both in way of midship cargo crossovers and in
accordance with [6.1.3], to ships fitted with dynamic way of stern cargo manifolds. The notation -MIDSHIP is
positioning installations complying with the require- added to the notation where the ship is equipped with
ments of this Section, as follows: cargo vapour control systems only in way of cargo midship
crossovers. The notation -TRANSFER is added to the nota-
tion where, in addition, the ship is fitted with specific
• DYNAPOS-DP1 arrangements for transferring cargo vapours to another ship.
This notation is assigned only to ships having the service
• DYNAPOS-DP3 notation oil tanker, combination carrier/OBO, combina-
DYNAPOS-SAM (semi-automatic control): the control tion carrier/OOC, liquefied gas carrier, chemical tanker or
system of installation is to be achieved by automatic FLS tanker.
conversion of the instructions issued by the operator in
thruster commands: the operator's manual intervention The requirements for the assignment of this notation are
is necessary for position keeping. given in Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 7.
DYNAPOS-DP1 (automatic control): position keeping is 6.14.8 Cofferdam ventilation (1/7/2001)
automatically achieved and loss of position and/or
heading may occur in the event of a single failure. The additional class notation COVENT (Cofferdam Ventila-
tion) may be assigned to ships having all cofferdams
DYNAPOS-DP2 (automatic control): position keeping is
(including ballast tanks) in the cargo area provided with
automatically achieved, but loss of position and/or
fixed ventilation systems or having movable components
heading is not to occur in the event of a single failure in
included in the ship equipment complying with the require-
any active component or system.
ments of Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 8.
DYNAPOS-DP3 (automatic control): position keeping is
automatically achieved, but loss of position and/or This notation is assigned only to ships having the service
heading is not to occur in the event of a single failure of notation bulk carrier, ore carrier, oil tanker, combination
any active component or system, any static component carrier/OBO, combination carrier/OOC, liquefied gas car-
or loss of any one watertight compartment and any one rier, chemical tanker or FLS tanker.
fire sub-division, due to fire or flooding. The requirements for the assignment of this notation are
The scope of the notation, including the additional keys given in Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 8.
for the description of capability of the installation and
the requirements for assignment, are given in Pt F, 6.14.9 Centralised cargo control
Ch 13, Sec 6.
The additional class notation CARGOCONTROL may be
The notations may be completed by the feature SKC (L, assigned to ships (carrying liquid cargo in bulk) equipped
I1, I2, I3, I4), which provides information about the with a centralised system for handling cargo and ballast liq-
position keeping ability of the ship at the most unfavour- uids.
able heading for specified limiting environmental con-
ditions; it is defined in Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 10. In principle, this notation is assigned only to ships having
the service notation oil tanker, combination carrier/OBO,
b) The additional class notation DP PLUS may be assigned
combination carrier/OOC, chemical tanker or FLS tanker.
to ships having the additional class notation DYNAPOS-
DP2 or DYNAPOS-DP3 when the dynamic positioning The requirements for the assignment of this notation are
system is in compliance with the requirements in Pt F, given in Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 9.
Ch 13, Sec 6, [11]. The DP PLUS notation may be
assigned as addendum of DYNAPOS notation as fol- 6.14.10 Ship manoeuvrability (1/7/2009)
lows: The additional class notation MANOVR may be assigned to
• DP PLUS - DFS ships complying with manoeuvring capability standards,
• DP PLUS - FFP defined in IMO Resolution MSC.137(76) - “Standards for
• DP PLUS - PRD Ship Manoeuvrability”.
DP PLUS-DFS (Dual Feeding System): dual feeding The requirements for the assignment of this notation are
operation of thrusters is allowed. given in Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 10.
DP PLUS-FFP (Fire and Flooding Protection): fire and These requirements reproduce the provisions of IMO
flooding characteristics of machinery space are beyond Resolution MSC.137(76) and are applicable to ships of all
those for the DYNAPOS notations. rudder and propulsion types, of 100 m in length and over,
DP PLUS-PRD (Predictive): power generation system and to chemical tankers and gas carriers regardless of the
and power distribution of the main switchboard comply length, which were constructed on or after 1 July 1994.

RINA Rules 2023 65

Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2

6.14.11 Damage stability (1/10/2005) ments" as adopted by IMO on 13 February 2004, by means
The additional class notation DMS may be assigned to ships of a Ballast Water Treatment system.
complying with the damage stability requirements given in
Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 11. 6.14.16 Crew Accommodation and Recreational
Facilities according to the Marine Labour
6.14.12 Protective coatings in water ballast Convention, 2006 (MLCDESIGN) (1/7/2008)
tanks (1/7/2006) The additional class notation MLCDESIGN is assigned to
The additional class notation COAT-WBT may be assigned ships having crew accommodation and recreational facili-
to ships surveyed during construction by the Society, whose ties complying with the Marine Labour Convention, 2006 -
water ballast tanks have been provided with protective Title 3 and with the requirements of Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 13.
coatings complying with the requirements for the assign-
6.14.17 Ships equipped to support diving
ment of this notation given in Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 12.
operations (1/7/2009)
The notation may be assigned to ships having any service The additional class notation DIVINGSUPPORT is assigned
notation. to ships equipped to support diving operations, which are
provided with a diving system.
6.14.13 Fatigue Life (1/2/2008)
The additional class notation FATIGUELIFE (Y) is assigned Diving systems installed on ships classified by the Society
to ships designed for a fatigue life greater than Y years. In assigned the DIVINGSUPPORT notation are to be certified
general, Y is to be greater than 20 years; for ships with one by the Society according to the "Rules for the classification
of the service notations bulk carrier ESP CSR or oil tanker of underwater units". Certificates issued by another QSCS
ESP CSR, Y is to be greater than 25 years. Classification Society may be accepted.
The fatigue life is to be calculated in accordance with the The requirements for the assignment of this notation are
applicable criteria defined in the Rules. given in Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 14.
For Y greater than 30 years, the strength calculation and 6.14.18 High Voltage Shore Connection (HVSC-NB
construction criteria are to be defined by the Society on a and HVSC) (1/5/2022)
case-by-case basis. The additional class notations HVSC-NB and HVSC are
assigned to ships fitted with high voltage shore connection
6.14.14 Permanent means of access (1/2/2008)
systems complying with the requirements given in Pt F,
The additional class notation PMA is assigned to cargo ships Ch 13, Sec 15.
that are provided with permanent means of access comply-
ing with SOLAS Regulation II-1/3-6, as amended by Resolu- 6.14.19 Helicopter facilities (1/7/2010)
tion MSC 151(78), with the associated "Technical provisions The additional class notation HELIDECK may be assigned to
for means of access for inspections" in IMO Resolution MSC ships fitted with helicopter facilities. In particular, the nota-
158(78) and the relevant interpretations in IACS UI SC191. tion HELIDECK-H is assigned to ships fitted with helicopter
Note 1: For bulk carriers (as defined in SOLAS Regulation IX/1-6) of facilities including hangar and refuelling or maintenance
20000 GT or more and oil tankers of 500 GT or more, compliance facilities, while the notation HELIDECK is assigned when
with the above is requested by SOLAS Regulation II-1/3-6. the helicopter facilities do not include hangar and refuelling
or maintenance facilities.
6.14.15 Ballast water management (1/2/2008)
The additional class notation BWM-E is assigned to ships The requirements for the assignment of these notations are
complying with the "International Convention for the Con- given in Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 16.
trol and Management of Ship's Ballast Water and Sedi-
6.14.20 Inert gas systems (1/7/2016)
ments" as adopted by IMO on 13 February 2004, by means
The additional class notation INERTGAS-A may be assigned
of a Ballast Water Exchange system.
to ships having the service notation:
The notation is to be completed by one of the following
a) built before 1 January 2016 having the service notation:
features, as applicable:
• oil tanker, combination carrier/OBO, combination
• sequential when the Ballast Water Exchange system is of
carrier/OOC, FLS tanker, having deadweight equal
sequential type
to or greater than 20,000 tonnes, or
• flow-through when the Ballast Water Exchange system
• chemical tanker and liquefied gas carrier, having
is of flow-through type
deadweight equal to or greater than 20,000 tonnes
• dilution when the Ballast Water Exchange system is of but not complying with Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 1, [8.2.4] b)
dilution type.
b) built on or after 1 January 2016:
Note 1: according to the above Convention, Ballast Water • oil tanker, combination carrier/OBO, combination
Exchange will be phased out as an acceptable method, depending
carrier/OOC, FLS tanker, having deadweight equal
on the ballast water capacity and date of delivery of the vessel.
to or greater than 8,000 tonnes, or
After phasing out, the only acceptable method will be Ballast
Water Treatment. Therefore the class notation BWM-E will be • chemical tanker and liquefied gas carrier, having
withdrawn when the Ballast Water Exchange is phased out. deadweight equal to or greater than 8,000 tonnes
The additional class notation BWM-T is assigned to ships but not complying with Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 1, [8.2.4]
complying with the "International Convention for the Con- for which the installation of the inert gas system is
trol and Management of Ship's Ballast Water and Sedi- compulsory.

66 RINA Rules 2023

Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2

The installed inert gas system is to comply with Pt C, Ch 4, 6.14.22 Fire Protection (FIRE) (1/1/2020)
Sec 1, [9] except Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 1, [9.6]. The following additional class notations are assigned to
The additional class notation INERTGAS-B may be assigned ships having enhanced features relevant to fire protection:
to ships: • FIRE
a) built before 1 January 2016 having the service notation: • FIRE-AS
• oil tanker, combination carrier/OBO, combination • FIRE-MS
carrier/OOC, FLS tanker, whose deadweight is less • FIRE-MS (hot-spots)
than 20,000 tonnes, or
• chemical tanker and liquefied gas carrier, having
deadweight equal to or greater than 20,000 tonnes The requirements for the assignment of these notations are
but complying with Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 1, [8.2.4] b) or given in Part F, Ch 13, Sec 17.
having deadweight less than 20,000 tonnes
6.14.23 LNG Fuelled and CNG Fuelled (1/1/2023)
b) built on or after 1 January 2016:
• oil tanker, combination carrier/OBO, combination
The additional class notation LNG FUELLED or CNG
carrier/OOC, FLS tanker, whose deadweight is less
FUELLED is assigned to ships operating with liquefied or
than 8,000 tonnes, or
compressed natural gas, respectively, as fuel for their
• chemical tanker and liquefied gas carrier, having internal combustion engines or boilers, complying with
deadweight equal to or greater than 8,000 tonnes the design and constructional requirements of:
but complying with Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 1, [8.2.4] b) or
• Pt E, Ch 9, Sec 16, for liquefied gas carriers,
having deadweight less than 8,000 tonnes
• Pt C, Ch 1, App 7, for other ship types.
for which the installation of the inert gas system is not com-
pulsory but fitted with an inert gas system complying with b) LNG FUELLED (Main) and CNG FUELLED (Main)
the requirements in Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 1, [9.6]. The additional class notation LNG FUELLED (Main) or
The additional class notation INERTGAS-C may be assigned CNG FUELLED (Main) is assigned to ships operating
to ships having the service notation: with liquefied or compressed natural gas, respectively,
as fuel for their internal combustion main engines, com-
a) built before 1 January 2016 having the service notation: plying with the design and constructional requirements
• oil tanker, combination carrier/OBO, combination of:
carrier/OOC, FLS tanker, whose deadweight is less • Pt E, Ch 9, Sec 16, for liquefied gas carriers,
than 20,000 tonnes, or
• Pt C, Ch 1, App 7, for other ship types.
• chemical tanker and liquefied gas carrier, having
deadweight equal to or greater than 20,000 tonnes
but complying with Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 1, [8.2.4] b) or The additional class notation LNG FUELLED (Aux) or
having deadweight less than 20,000 tonnes CNG FUELLED (Aux) is assigned to ships operating with
liquefied or compressed natural gas, respectively, as fuel
b) built on or after 1 January 2016: for their internal combustion auxiliary engines, comply-
• oil tanker, combination carrier/OBO, combination ing with the design and constructional requirements of:
carrier/OOC, FLS tanker, whose deadweight is less • Pt E, Ch 9, Sec 16, for liquefied gas carriers,
than 8,000 tonnes, or
• Pt C, Ch 1, App 7, for other ship types.
• chemical tanker and liquefied gas carrier, having
deadweight equal to or greater than 8,000 tonnes 6.14.24 Carriage of specific solid cargoes in
but complying with Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 1, [8.2.4] b) or bulk (1/8/2011)
having deadweight less than 8,000 tonnes The additional class notation IMSBC-A is assigned to ships
for which the installation of the inert gas system is not com- specially constructed or fitted for the carriage of cargoes
pulsory but fitted with an inert gas system complying with belonging to Group A as defined in the IMSBC Code (see
the requirements in Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 1, [9] except Pt C, Ch 4, Note 1) at a moisture content in excess of their Transporta-
Sec 1, [9.6]. ble Moisture Limit (TML).
The additional class notation IMSBC-nitrate is assigned to
6.14.21 Safe return to port, orderly evacuation and ships intended for the carriage of nitrate cargoes, belonging
abandonment (SRTP) (1/7/2010)
to Group B of the IMSBC Code, for which a fixed gas fire-
The additional class notation SRTP is assigned to passenger extinguishing system is ineffective and for which a water
ships complying with SOLAS Regulations II-1/8-1, II-2/21 fire-extinguishing system is provided (see Note 2).
and 22 and with the "Interim Explanatory Notes for the
The additional class notation IMSBC-non cohesive is
assessment of passenger ship systems' capabilities after a
fire or a flooding casualty" as per IMO MSC.1/Circ. 1369. assigned to ships intended for the carriage of non-cohesive
cargoes with an angle of repose less than or equal to 30°.
Solutions providing an equivalent level of safety as those
contained in the above-mentioned IMO MSC.1/Circ. 1369 The cargoes for which each of the above notations is
may be accepted by the Society, on a case-by-case basis. granted are to be listed in the Certificate of Classification.

RINA Rules 2023 67

Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2

The requirements for the assignment of these additional 6.14.30 Cargo Handling and Personnel
class notations are given in Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 18. Lifting (1/1/2023)

Note 1: International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes Code, IMO

The additional class notation CARGO HANDLING is
Resolution MSC.286(85). assigned to a unit that is provided with crane or lifting
arrangements to load and unload cargoes:
Note 2: Reference is made to IMO MSC/Circ. 1146 as it may be
• from the unit itself to shore facilities and vice versa
• from the unit itself to another unit and vice versa
6.14.25 Compliance with the Code of Safety for (transhipment)
Special Purpose Ships (1/7/2017) • from a delivery unit to a receiving unit.
The additional class notation SPS is assigned to ships con-
The crane or lifting arrangements are to comply with the
structed in compliance with the requirements of the Code
"Rules for loading and unloading arrangements and for
of Safety for Special Purpose Ships, 2008, adopted by IMO
other lifting appliances on board ships or other similar
through Resolution MSC.266(84), as amended or with the
requirements of the Code of Safety for Special Purpose
Ships, IMO Resolution A.534(13), as amended. The additional class notation PERSONNEL LIFTING is
assigned to a unit that is provided with a crane or lifting
6.14.26 Self-unloading (1/1/2013) arrangements intended to be used for personnel lifting and
complying with the "Rules for loading and unloading
The additional class notation SELF-UNLOADING is arrangements and for other lifting appliances on board ships
assigned to ships having one of the following service nota- or other similar units".
The additional class notations PERSONNEL LIFTING+ and
• bulk carrier ESP PERSONNEL LIFTING++ may be assigned when the crane
also complies with the requirements in Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 42.
• bulk carrier ESP CSR

• general cargo ship 6.14.31 Navigation surrounding the arabian peninsula

(SAHARA) (1/7/2014)
provided with permanent on-board loading and unloading The additional class notations SAHARA and SAHARA are
equipment which complies with the following conditions: assigned to ships complying with the requirements of Pt F,
Ch 13, Sec 20, intended to operate in the areas surrounding
a) the equipment that is fitted above the deck is certified in the Arabian Peninsula:
accordance with the "Rules for loading and unloading
arrangements and for other lifting appliances on board • Arabian Gulf
ships", • Oman Gulf

b) the equipment that is fitted inside the holds (horizontal • Red Sea
and vertical conveyors) is certified and tested in • Arabian Sea along the South-East Coast of the Arabian
compliance with a recognised standard. Peninsula.

6.14.27 Technical Advisor Service (TAS) (1/7/2013) The additional class notation SAHARA is assigned to
ships with unrestricted navigation notation.
The additional class notation TAS is assigned to ships whose
The additional class notation SAHARA is assigned to ships
approved geometry and structural data are stored in a data-
for which navigation in the Arabian Sea along the South-
base in order to allow the Society to provide, through dedi-
East Coast of the Arabian Peninsula is limited to sea states
cated computer programs, the necessary assistance in the
with significant wave height not greater than 2 meters and
event of damage.
intended to operate only within 50 nautical miles from the
shore. For these ships, according to [5.2.6], the navigation
6.14.28 Efficient ship (S, DWT) (1/2/2014) notation special (Arabian Peninsula) is assigned and the
The additional class notation EFFICIENT SHIP (S, DWT) is specific restrictions (wave height, operating distance from
assigned to ships achieving a level of efficiency as required the shore or any specific operating area) are to be indicated.
by Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 19.
6.14.32 Risk of failure reduction (RISK
The notation is completed by two numbers, between MITIGATION) (1/1/2015)
brackets, which represent the reference speed S and The additional class notation RISK MITIGATION (...) is
deadweight DWT at which the ship has been evaluated. assigned to ships for which additional measures are
adopted in order to reduce the risk of failures in specific
6.14.29 Mooring (1/7/2014) technical matters such as fire protection, propulsion sys-
tems, etc. which are indicated between brackets in the
The additional class notation MOORING is assigned to
notation itself.
units provided with arrangements for permanent mooring
(anchoring) at a certain location. The mooring arrangement Details of the adopted measures are indicated in an annex
is to comply with Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 21. to the Certificate of Classification of the ship.

68 RINA Rules 2023

Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2

6.14.33 Indoor Air Quality Monitoring (AIR quences (RISKS) of a possible major accident, as defined by
MON) (1/7/2015) the Designer.
The additional class notation AIR MON is assigned to ships The design of the temporary refuge ship is to be developed
for which an air quality management system is imple- in accordance with the criteria of a recognised standard and
mented and verified by the Society according to the require- is to include:
ments of Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 22.
• the identification and quantification of the risks by the
6.14.34 DANGEROUS GOODS (1/7/2015) Designer and the duration of exposure to these risks,
The additional class notation DANGEROUS GOODS is • the assessment of its protection characteristics and
assigned to ships that comply with the provisions for the capabilities effectiveness with respect to their
carriage of dangerous goods given in SOLAS Regulation II- progressive impairment,
2/19. • the adoption of an appropriate programme of tests,
inspections, maintenance, repair and replacement,
6.14.35 INF 1, INF 2, INF 3 (1/7/2015)
which contribute to the impairment detection,
The additional class notations INF 1, INF 2, INF 3 are prevention and mitigation.
assigned to ships that comply with the requirements of the
International Code for the Safe Carriage of Packaged Irradi- 6.14.39 DOLPHIN QUIET SHIP or DOLPHIN TRANSIT
ated Nuclear Fuel, Plutonium and High-level Radioactive SHIP (1/3/2017)
Wastes on Board Ships (INF Code). The additional class notations DOLPHIN QUIET SHIP or
The notation INF 1 is assigned to ships that are certified to DOLPHIN TRANSIT SHIP are assigned to ships whose
carry packaged irradiated nuclear fuel, plutonium and high- design is such as to ensure a low environmental impact
level radioactive wastes with an aggregate activity less than originated from underwater noise radiation.
4000 TBq. The requirements for the assignment of this additional class
The notation INF 2 is assigned to ships that are certified to notation are given in Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 25.
carry packaged irradiated nuclear fuel or high-level radio-
active wastes with an aggregate activity less than 2 x 106 6.14.40 GREAT LAKES ST LAWRENCE SEAWAY
TBq and ships which are certified to carry plutonium with (1/7/2017)
an aggregate activity less than 2 x 105 TBq. The additional class notation GREAT LAKES ST LAWRENCE
SEAWAY is assigned to ships whose design and equipment
The notation INF 3 is assigned to ships that are certified to
is in compliance with the applicable requirements issued by
carry packaged irradiated nuclear fuel or high-level radio-
issued by "The St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corpora-
active wastes and ships which are certified to carry pluto-
tion and the Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corpora-
nium with no restriction of the maximum aggregate activity
tion". The relevant arrangements and equipment are
of the materials.
recorded in the ship's status.
6.14.36 Dedicated Oil Recovery System
(DORS) (15/7/2015) 6.14.41 EGCS-SOX/NOX (1/7/2017)
The additional class notation DORS is assigned to ships The additional class notation EGCS-SOX and/or EGCS-
with cargo tanks and fuel oil tanks provided with two or NOX are assigned to ships equipped respectively with
more connectors in order to allow the recovery of the con- exhaust gas cleaning systems suitable to reduce the SOx
tent of the tanks. emissions (i.e. typically scrubbers) and the NOx emissions
(i.e typically Selective Catalytic Reduction systems) .
The requirements for the assignment of this additional class
notation are given in Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 23. The requirements for the assignment of this additional class
notation are given in Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 26.
6.14.37 LNG READY (X1, X2, X3…) and CNG READY
(X1, X2, X3…) (1/1/2023) 6.14.42 BATTERY POWERED SHIPS (1/1/2019)
The additional class notation LNG READY (X1, X2, X3…) or The additional class notation BATTERY POWERED SHIPS,
CNG READY (X1, X2, X3…) is assigned to ships whose is assigned to ships where batteries, other than Lead and
design is in compliance with the applicable Rules for LNG Nickel-Cadmium batteries, having a capacity of 50 kWh or
and CNG Fuelled Ships, and the relevant systems and above are installed to supply essential or not-essential ser-
arrangement are partially installed on board, thus easing a vices and emergency services, in compliance with the
future ship conversion into a LNG Fuelled Ship or CNG requirements of Pt C, Ch 2, App 2.
Fuelled Ship.
6.14.43 Man Overboard Detection System (MOB)
The requirements for the assignment of this additional class (1/11/2018)
notation are given in Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 24.
The additional class notation MOB is assigned to ships
6.14.38 Temporary Refuge (RISKS) (1/7/2016) equipped with a Man Overboard Detection System capable
of detecting persons that pass through the MOB detection
The additional class notation TEMPORARY REFUGE
zone while going overboard.
(RISKS) is assigned to ships whose design includes specific
characteristics and facilities in order to safely accommodate The requirements for the assignment of this additional class
persons, granting temporary protection from the conse- notation are given in Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 27.

RINA Rules 2023 69

Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2

6.14.44 Hybrid Propulsion Ship (HYB-…) (1/1/2019) is barrier free passage in public spaces on board and in
escape routes to muster stations.
The additional class notation HYBRID PROPULSION SHIP
(HYB-…) is assigned to ships equipped with an hybrid pro- The requirements for the assignment of this additional class
pulsion system. notation are given in Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 32.

The requirements for the assignment of this additional class 6.14.49 BIOSAFE SHIP (15/6/2020)
notation are given in Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 28.
The additional class notation BIOSAFE SHIP is assigned to:
6.14.45 Cyber Resilience (1/1/2019) • Cruise ships and ro-ro passenger ships with sleeping
facilities for passengers
The additional class notations CYR (Cyber resilience), CYR-
OT (Cyber resilience of Operational Technology) and CYR- • Passenger ships, high-speed passenger craft and ro-ro
IT (Cyber resilience of Information Technology) assigned to passenger ships in short sea voyages
ships complying with the cyber resilience requirements
• Cargo ships
given in Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 29.
designed and provided with systems, components and
6.14.46 Digital Ship (1/1/2023) operative procedures to control and prevent possible on
The additional class notation DIGITAL SHIP (ADC) is board infection outbreak.
assigned to ships fitted with an automatic data collection The requirements for the assignment of this additional class
system enabling the collection of navigation and machinery notation are given in Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 33.
data and capable of transferring ashore the data (either as
collected or elaborated as necessary). 6.14.50 REMOTE SURVEYABLE SHIP
(REMOTE) (1/1/2023)
The requirements for the assignment of the DIGITAL SHIP
(ADC) additional class notation are given in Pt F, Ch 13, The additional class notation REMOTE is assigned to ships
Sec 30. complying with the requirements given in Pt F, Ch 13,
Sec 34 to facilitate the execution of remote surveys
The additional class notation DIGITAL SHIP (D) is assigned described in Ch 2, App 5.
to ships fitted with one or more approved electronic
system/digital tool: 6.14.51 LPG Fuelled (1/5/2021)
• enabling the collection on board of documentary data The additional class notation LPG FUELLED is assigned to
in place of paper copies; ships operating with LPG as fuel for their internal combus-
tion engines or boilers, complying with the design and con-
• duplicated by a secondary mean or by the possibility to structional requirements of Pt C, Ch 1, App 13.
transmit data ashore keeping synchronized the two data
storage databases; 6.14.52 NH3 Fuelled (1/5/2021)
• capable of sharing stored data with the Society. The additional class notation NH3 FUELLED is assigned to
ships operating with Ammonia as fuel for their internal
The requirements for the assignment of the DIGITAL SHIP combustion engines or boilers, complying with the design
(D) additional class notation are given in Pt F, Ch 13, and constructional requirements of Pt C, Ch 1, App 13.
Sec 44.
6.14.53 NH3 FUELLED READY (X1, X2, X3) (1/5/2021)
6.14.47 AIr Lubrication System (AIR LUB) (1/4/2019)
The additional class notation NH3 FUELLED READY (X1,
The additional class notation AIR LUB is assigned to ships X2, X3…) is assigned to ships whose design is in compli-
equipped with an air lubrication system according to Pt F, ance with Pt C, Ch 1, App 13, and the relevant systems and
Ch 13, Sec 31. arrangement are partially installed on board, thus easing a
future ship conversion into a NH3 Fuelled Ship.
An air lubrication system is an energy saving system
utilizing microbubbles to reduce hull skin friction. The The requirements for the assignment of this additional class
consistent release of microbubbles forms an air-water layer notation are given in Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 35.
around the hull that can result in reduced skin friction for
ships. 6.14.54 SUSTAINABLE SHIP (1/1/2023)
The additional class notation SUSTAINABLE SHIP is
6.14.48 Persons with reduced mobility (PMR-ITA) assigned to ships complying with the sustainability criteria
(13/12/2019) given in Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 36 relevant to:
The additional class notation PMR-ITA is assigned to ships a) design and provision of systems, components and pro-
designed in such a way that a person with reduced mobility cedural means to control and prevent the emission of
can embark and disembark easily and safely and that there polluting substances into the sea, the air and, more in

70 RINA Rules 2023

Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2

general, the environment (reference is made to GREEN 6.14.58 METHYL/ETHYL ALCOHOL FUELLED
PLUS additional class notation) (1/1/2022)
b) underwater noise limitation (reference is made to DOL- The additional class notation METHYL/ETHYL ALCOHOL
PHIN additional class notations) FUELLED is assigned to ships using methyl/ethyl alcohol as
fuel, complying with the design and constructional require-
c) noise and vibration limitation on board (reference is ments of Pt C, Ch 1, App 15.
made to COMF-NOISE and COMF-VIB additional class
d) compliance with NOISE-PORT-OUT(X) or NOISE- (X1, X2, X3) (1/1/2022)
PORT-IN(X) additional class notations The additional class notation METHYL/ETHYL ALCOHOL
FUELLED READY (X1, X2, X3…) is assigned to ships whose
e) compliance with MLCDESIGN additional class notation design is in compliance with Pt C, Ch 1, App 15, and the
f) compliance with BIOSAFE SHIP additional class nota- relevant systems and arrangement are partially installed on
tion board, thus easing a future ship conversion into a
g) achievement of EEDI and EEXI values 40% lower than
those in Phase 0 EEDI reference lines (see Note 1) in The requirements for the assignment of this additional class
MARPOL Annex VI, according to the 2030 target in notation are given in Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 39.
Initial IMO strategy on reduction of GHG emissions
from ships (Res. MEPC.304(72)). 6.14.60 ENHANCED MAINTENANCE (EM) (1/11/2022)
Note 1: For ro-ro cargo ships and ro-ro passenger ships, reference The additional class notation ENHANCED MAINTENANCE
is made to Phase 2 EEDI reference lines (EM) is assigned to ships subject to enhanced maintenance
6.14.55 Maritime Autonomous Surface Ship • a three-dimensional model structural analysis
(MASS) (1/10/2021)
performed for the hull,
The additional class notations MASS are assigned to ships
• a Planned Maintenance Scheme (PMS) approved by the
having one of the following degrees of autonomy:
Society enhanced by a risk analysis of the essential
• MASS-ADS: ship with Automated processes and Deci- systems, and
sion Support: seafarers are on board to operate and con-
• periodical and corrective maintenance, as well as
trol shipboard systems and functions. Some operations
periodical and occasional surveys of hull structures and
may be automated and at times be unsupervised but
equipment performed according to approved
with seafarers on board ready to take control.
procedures included in the Inspection and Maintenance
• MASS-RCM: Remotely Controlled Manned ship: the Plan (IMP), together with audits at the Owner's office.
ship is controlled and operated from another location.
Seafarers are available on board to take control and to The requirements for the assignment of this additional class
operate the shipboard systems and functions. notation are given in Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 40.
• MASS-RCU: Remotely Controlled Unmanned ship: the
6.14.61 FUEL CELL POWERED SHIP (1/1/2023)
ship is controlled and operated from another location.
There are no seafarers on board. The additional class notation FUEL CELL POWERED SHIP is
assigned to ships where fuel cells are installed to supply
• MASS-FAS: Fully Autonomous Ship: the operating sys- essential or not-essential services, in compliance with the
tem of the ship can make decisions and determine design and constructional requirements of Pt C, Ch 2,
actions by itself. App 3, as follows:
For the assignment of the additional class notations MASS, • FUEL CELL POWERED SHIP (E) when fuel cell is used
in its variants, the ship is to comply with the requirements to power at least one of the essential services defined in
given in Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 37. Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 1, [3.2.1] and contributes to the compli-
ance of the main source of electrical power to the
6.14.56 H2 FUELLED (1/10/2021) requirements in Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3, [2.2.3]
The additional class notation H2 FUELLED is assigned to • FUEL CELL POWERED SHIP (NE) when fuel cell is used
ships using hydrogen as fuel, complying with the design to power only services not falling under the definition of
and constructional requirements of Pt C, Ch 1, App 14. essential services in Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 1, [3.2.1].

6.14.57 H2 FUELLED READY (X1, X2, X3) (1/10/2021) 6.14.62 Reduced Weight of anchor (RW) and Super
The additional class notation H2 FUELLED READY (X1, X2, Reduced Weight of anchor (SRW) (1/1/2023)
X3…) is assigned to ships whose design is in compliance The additional class notations RW or SRW may be assigned
with Pt C, Ch 1, App 14, and the relevant systems and to ships using high holding power (HHP) anchors or super
arrangement are partially installed on board, thus easing a high holding power (SHHP) anchors as defined in Pt B,
future ship conversion into a H2 FUELLED ship. Ch 10, Sec 4, [3.2.3], respectively.
The requirements for the assignment of this additional class The reduction in the weight of anchors is to comply with
notation are given in Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 38. the requirements in Pt B, Ch 10, Sec 4, [3.2.3].

RINA Rules 2023 71

Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2

6.14.63 NOx-Tier III (1/1/2023) 6.14.66 Coating performance standard in cargo oil
The additional class notation NOx-Tier III may be assigned tanks (CPS-COT) (1/1/2023)
to ships having all marine diesel engines with power output The additional class notation CPS-COT is assigned to crude
greater than 130 kW - other than those exempted as per oil tankers surveyed during construction by the Society,
Para 1.2 of Reg. 13 of MARPOL Annex VI, as applicable - whose cargo oil tanks have been provided with protective
certified for compliance with Para 5.1 of Reg. 13 of MAR- coatings complying with the requirements for the assign-
POL Annex VI and provided with an approved NOx Techni- ment of this notation given in Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 43.
cal File and Engine International Air Pollution (EIAPP)
6.14.67 FUEL SAMPLING (1/1/2023)
The additional class notation FUEL SAMPLING is assigned
6.14.64 EEDI-Ph3 (1/1/2023) to ships having the fuel oil supply system provided with
The additional class notation EEDI-Ph3 may be assigned to sampling points complying with the requirements in Pt C,
ships whose verified attained Energy Efficiency Design Ch 1, Sec 10, [11.10.5] and the additional ones in Pt F,
Index (EEDI) value is less than or equal to the required value Ch 13, Sec 45.
for EEDI Phase 3 in Reg.24 of MARPOL Annex VI, as
amended by IMO Resolution MEPC.328(76). 7 Other notations
6.14.65 Cargo Piping Protected (CPP) (1/1/2023) 7.1
The additional class notation CPP is assigned to ships hav-
ing all cargo piping and valve control piping located above 7.1.1 The Society may also define other notations by
the double bottom and complying with the requirements for means of provisional requirements and guidelines, which
the assignment of this notation given in Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 41. may then be published in the form of tentative rules.

Table 3 : List of additional class notations (1/1/2023)

Reference for
Additional class notation Reference Remarks
AIR LUBRICATION SYS- [6.14.47] Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 31
AIR-MON [6.14.33] Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 22
AUT-CCS [6.4.3] Pt F, Ch 3, Sec 2 (1)
AUT-PORT [6.4.4] Pt F, Ch 3, Sec 3 (1)
AUT-UMS [6.4.2] Pt F, Ch 3, Sec 1 (1)
AVM-APS or AVM-APS-NS [6.3.2] Pt F, Ch 2, Sec 1 (1)
AVM-IAPS [6.3.3] Pt F, Ch 2, Sec 2 (1)
AVM-DPS or AVM-DPS-NS [6.3.4] Pt F, Ch 2, Sec 3 (1)
AVM-IPS [6.3.5] Pt F, Ch 2, Sec 4 (1)
BATTERY POWERED SHIPS [6.14.42] Pt C, Ch 2, App 2
BIOSAFE SHIP [6.14.49] Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 33
BWM-E [6.14.15] Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, (5)
BWM-T [6.14.15] Pt C, Ch 1, App 8
CARGOCONTROL [6.14.9] Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 9
CARGO PIPING [6.14.65] Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 41
CLEAN-AIR [6.8.3] Pt F, Ch 7, Sec 3 (4)
CLEAN-SEA [6.8.2] Pt F, Ch 7, Sec 4 (4)
COAT-WBT [6.14.12] Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 12
(1) A construction mark is added to this notation.
(2) This notation may be completed by the specific notations -PRECOOLING, -QUICKFREEZE and/or -AIRCONT (see [6.9.5]).
(3) This notation may be completed by the specific notations -MIDSHIP and -TRANSFER (see [6.14.7]).
(4) When ships are assigned the notations CLEAN-SEA and CLEAN-AIR, the two separate notations are superseded by the cumula-
tive additional class notation GREEN STAR 3 DESIGN (see [6.8.4]).
(5) This notation may be completed by the specific features: sequential, flow-through, dilution.
(6) This notation may be completed by the specific notation -HULL (see [6.10.4]).
(7) This notation may be completed by the specific notation Icebreaker (see [6.11.1]).

72 RINA Rules 2023

Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2

Reference for
Additional class notation Reference Remarks
COATING PERFORMANCE [6.14.66] Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 43
COMF-AIR [6.7.4] Pt F, Ch 6, Sec 3
COMF-NOISE [6.7.2] Pt F, Ch 6, Sec 1
COMF-VIB [6.7.3] Pt F, Ch 6, Sec 2
COVENT [6.14.8] Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 8
CYBER RESILIENCE (CYR, [6.14.45] Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 29
DIGITAL SHIP (ADC) [6.14.46] Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 30
DIGITAL SHIP (D) [6.14.46] Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 44
DIVINGSUPPORT [6.14.17] Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 14
DOLPHIN QUIET SHIP or [6.14.39] Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 25
DORS [6.14.36] Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 23
DMS [6.14.11] Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 11
DYNAPOS [6.14.6] a) Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 6 (1)
DP PLUS [6.14.6] b) Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 6
EEDI-Ph3 [6.14.64] NA
EGCS-SOX and/or EGCS- [6.14.41] Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 26
EFFICIENT SHIP (S, DWT) [6.14.28] Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 19
ENHANCED [6.14.60] Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 40
FATIGUELIFE (Y) [6.14.13] NA
FIRE [6.14.22] Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 17
FIRE-AS [6.14.22] Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 17
FIRE-MS [6.14.22] Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 17
FIRE-MS (hot-spots) [6.14.22] Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 17
FIRE-CS [6.14.22] Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 17
FUEL CELL POWERED SHIP [6.14.61] Pt C, Ch 2, App 3
FUEL SAMPLING [6.14.67] Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 45
GRABLOADING and GRAB [6.14.2] Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 2
GREEN PLUS [6.8.4] a) Pt F, Ch 7, Sec 1
GREEN PLUS T [6.8.4] b) Pt F, Ch 7, Sec 1
and Pt F, Ch 7, Sec 6
GREEN STAR 3 DESIGN [6.8.4] c) Pt F, Ch 7, Sec 2 This cumulative notation supersedes the notations CLEAN-
SEA and CLEAN-AIR, when both are assigned
GREEN STAR 3 [6.8.4] d) Pt F, Ch 7, Sec 5
GREEN STAR 3 (TOC) [6.8.4] e) -
GC CARGO HANDLING [6.8.5] Pt F, Ch 7, Sec 6
(1) A construction mark is added to this notation.
(2) This notation may be completed by the specific notations -PRECOOLING, -QUICKFREEZE and/or -AIRCONT (see [6.9.5]).
(3) This notation may be completed by the specific notations -MIDSHIP and -TRANSFER (see [6.14.7]).
(4) When ships are assigned the notations CLEAN-SEA and CLEAN-AIR, the two separate notations are superseded by the cumula-
tive additional class notation GREEN STAR 3 DESIGN (see [6.8.4]).
(5) This notation may be completed by the specific features: sequential, flow-through, dilution.
(6) This notation may be completed by the specific notation -HULL (see [6.10.4]).
(7) This notation may be completed by the specific notation Icebreaker (see [6.11.1]).

RINA Rules 2023 73

Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2

Reference for
Additional class notation Reference Remarks
H2 FUELLED [6.14.56] Pt C, Ch 1, App 14
H2 FUELLED READY (X1, [6.14.57] Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 38
X2, X3)
HELIDECK [6.14.19] Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 16
HELIDECK-H [6.14.19] Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 16
HYBRID PROPULSION [6.14.44] Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 28 (1)
HVSC [6.14.18] Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 15
HVSC-NB [6.14.18] Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 15
ICE [6.10.5] -
ICE CLASS IA [6.10.2] Part F, Chapter 9 (6)
ICE CLASS IA SUPER [6.10.2] Part F, Chapter 9 (6)
ICE CLASS IB [6.10.2] Part F, Chapter 9 (6)
ICE CLASS IC [6.10.2] Part F, Chapter 9 (6)
ICE CLASS ID [6.10.3] Part F, Chapter 9 (6)
IMSBC-A [6.14.24] Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 18
IMSBC-nitrate [6.14.24] Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 18
IMSBC-non cohesive [6.14.24] Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 18
INERTGAS-A [6.14.20] Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 1
INERTGAS-B [6.14.20] Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 1
INERTGAS-C [6.14.20] Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 1
INWATERSURVEY [6.14.3] Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 3
INF 1, INF 2, INF 3 [6.14.35] NA (1)
LASHING [6.14.5] Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 5
LNG FUELLED or [6.14.23] a) Pt C, Ch 1, App 7
CNG FUELLED and Pt E, Ch 9,
Sec 16
LNG FUELLED (Main) or [6.14.23] b) Pt C, Ch 1, App 7
CNG FUELLED (Main) and Pt E, Ch 9,
Sec 16
LNG FUELLED (Aux) or [6.14.23] c) Pt C, Ch 1, App 7
CNG FUELLED (Aux) and Pt E, Ch 9,
Sec 16
LNG READY (X1, X2, X3…) [6.14.37] Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 24
CNG READY (X1, X2, X3…)
LPG FUELLED [6.14.51] Pt C, Ch 1, App 13
MAN OVERBOARD DETEC- [6.14.43] Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 27
MANOVR [6.14.10] Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 10
MASS-ADS [6.14.55] Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 37
METHYL/ETHYL ALCOHOL [6.14.58] Pt C, Ch 1, App 15
(1) A construction mark is added to this notation.
(2) This notation may be completed by the specific notations -PRECOOLING, -QUICKFREEZE and/or -AIRCONT (see [6.9.5]).
(3) This notation may be completed by the specific notations -MIDSHIP and -TRANSFER (see [6.14.7]).
(4) When ships are assigned the notations CLEAN-SEA and CLEAN-AIR, the two separate notations are superseded by the cumula-
tive additional class notation GREEN STAR 3 DESIGN (see [6.8.4]).
(5) This notation may be completed by the specific features: sequential, flow-through, dilution.
(6) This notation may be completed by the specific notation -HULL (see [6.10.4]).
(7) This notation may be completed by the specific notation Icebreaker (see [6.11.1]).

74 RINA Rules 2023

Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2

Reference for
Additional class notation Reference Remarks
METHYL/ETHYL ALCOHOL [6.14.59] Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 39
MLCDESIGN [6.14.16] Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 13
MON-HULL [6.6.2] Pt F, Ch 5, Sec 1
MON-SHAFT [6.6.3] Pt F, Ch 5, Sec 2
MOORING [6.14.29] Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 21
NH3 FUELLED [6.14.52] Pt C, Ch 1, App 13
NH3 FUELLED READY (X1, [6.14.53] Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 35
X2, X3)
NOx-Tier III [6.14.63] NA
NOISE-PORT-OUT(X) [6.7.5] Pt F, Ch 6, Sec 4
PERSONNEL LIFTING [6.14.30] Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 42
PERSONS WITH REDUCED [6.14.48] Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 32
PMA [6.14.14] NA
PMS [6.13.2] Pt F, Ch 12, Sec 1
PMS-CM(PROP) [6.13.3] Pt F, Ch 12, Sec 2
PMS-CM(HVAC) [6.13.4] Pt F, Ch 12, Sec 3
PMS-CM(CARGO) [6.13.5] Pt F, Ch 12, Sec 4
PMS-CM(ELE) [6.13.6] Pt F, Ch 12, Sec 5
PMS-CM(FDS) [6.13.7] Pt F, Ch 12, Sec 6
PMS-CM [6.13.8] Pt F, Ch 12, Sec 7
POLAR CLASS [6.11.1] Part F, Chapter 10 (7)
REF-CARGO [6.9.2] Pt F, Ch 8, Sec 2 (1) (2)
REF-CONT [6.9.3] Pt F, Ch 8, Sec 3 (1) (2)
REF-STORE [6.9.4] Pt F, Ch 8, Sec 4 (1) (2)
REMOTE SURVEYABLE SHIP [6.14.50] Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 34
RISK MITIGATION (...) [6.14.33] NA
ROUTE DEPENDENT LASH- [6.14.5] Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 5
ING (start date - end date)
 SAHARA [6.14.31] Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 20
SPM [6.14.4] Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 4
SPS [6.14.25] NA
SRTP [6.14.21] NA
STAR [6.2.4] Part F, Chapter 1 This cumulative notation supersedes the notations STAR-
HULL and STAR-MACH, when both are assigned
STAR-HULL [6.2.2] Pt F, Ch 1, Sec 1
STAR-MACH [6.2.3] Pt F, Ch 1, Sec 2
(1) A construction mark is added to this notation.
(2) This notation may be completed by the specific notations -PRECOOLING, -QUICKFREEZE and/or -AIRCONT (see [6.9.5]).
(3) This notation may be completed by the specific notations -MIDSHIP and -TRANSFER (see [6.14.7]).
(4) When ships are assigned the notations CLEAN-SEA and CLEAN-AIR, the two separate notations are superseded by the cumula-
tive additional class notation GREEN STAR 3 DESIGN (see [6.8.4]).
(5) This notation may be completed by the specific features: sequential, flow-through, dilution.
(6) This notation may be completed by the specific notation -HULL (see [6.10.4]).
(7) This notation may be completed by the specific notation Icebreaker (see [6.11.1]).

RINA Rules 2023 75

Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2

Reference for
Additional class notation Reference Remarks
STRENGTHBOTTOM- [6.14.1] Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 1
SUSTAINABLE SHIP [6.14.54] Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 36
SYS-COM [6.5.4] Pt F, Ch 4, Sec 3
SYS-IBS [6.5.3] Pt F, Ch 4, Sec 2 (1)
SYS-NEQ [6.5.2] Pt F, Ch 4, Sec 1 (1)
TAS [6.14.27] NA
VCS [6.14.7] Pt F, Ch 13, Sec 7 (3)
WINTERIZATION (temp) [6.12.1] Part F, Chapter 11
(1) A construction mark is added to this notation.
(2) This notation may be completed by the specific notations -PRECOOLING, -QUICKFREEZE and/or -AIRCONT (see [6.9.5]).
(3) This notation may be completed by the specific notations -MIDSHIP and -TRANSFER (see [6.14.7]).
(4) When ships are assigned the notations CLEAN-SEA and CLEAN-AIR, the two separate notations are superseded by the cumula-
tive additional class notation GREEN STAR 3 DESIGN (see [6.8.4]).
(5) This notation may be completed by the specific features: sequential, flow-through, dilution.
(6) This notation may be completed by the specific notation -HULL (see [6.10.4]).
(7) This notation may be completed by the specific notation Icebreaker (see [6.11.1]).

76 RINA Rules 2023

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