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Rules and Regulations

for the
Construction and Classification
of Steel Ships

Part 1
July 2010
Publications of Indian Register of Shipping

1. Register Book - 2010 - with Quarterly Supplements (Also available on CD)

2. Rule Books

2.1 Rules and Regulations for the Construction and Classification of Steel Ships,
July 2010, comprising of following six parts, which are further divided in chapters.
(Also available on CD)

Part 1 : Regulations
Part 2 : Inspection and Testing of Materials
Part 3 : General Hull Requirements
Part 4 : Main and Auxiliary Machinery
Part 5 : Special Ship Types
(This part is published in two Volumes I & II)
Part 6 : Fire Safety Requirements

2.2 Rules and Regulations for the Construction and Classification of Inland
Waterways Ships, January 1997, comprising of following five* parts which are
further divided in chapters.

Part 1 : Regulations
Part 2 : Inspection and Testing of Materials
(* This part is same as the Part 2 in 2.1 above)
Part 3 : General Hull Requirements
Part 4 : Main and Auxiliary Machinery
Part 5 : Special Ship Types (To be published)

2.3 Rules and Regulations for the Construction and Classification of Mobile Offshore
Drilling Units, March 2006 (This supersedes January 1999 edition)

2.4 Rules and Regulations for the Construction and Classification of High Speed Crafts
and Light Crafts, January 2010

2.5 Rules and Regulations for the Construction and Classification of Naval Ships,
January 2010, comprising of following six parts, which are further divided in chapters.
(Only available on CD)

Part 1 : General Regulations

Part 2 : Manufacture, Testing and Certification of Materials
Part 3 : General Hull Requirements
Part 4 : General Requirements for Main and Auxiliary Machinery
Part 5 : General Requirements for Electrical Installations and
Control Engineering
Part 6 : Special Class Notations

2.6 Rules and Regulations for the Construction and Classification of Indian Coast Guard
Ships, July 2008, comprising of following six parts, which are further divided in chapters.
(Only available on CD)

Part 1 : General Regulations

Part 2 : Manufacture, Testing and Certification of Materials
Part 3 : General Hull Requirements
Part 4 : General Requirements for Main and Auxiliary Machinery
Part 5 : General Requirements for Electrical Installations and
Control Engineering
Part 6 : Special Class Notations
3. Classification Notes

− Marine Gears - Calculation of load capacity of involute parallel axis spur and helical gears,
January 1997.
− Cable trays/protective casing made of plastics materials, July 2003.
− Type approval of mechanical joints used in piping, January 2009.
− Type approval, installation and testing of water level detectors on bulk carriers, March 2006.
− Guidelines for non-destructive examination of steel castings for marine application, January
− Guidelines for non-destructive examination of hull and machinery steel forgings, January
− Guidelines for approval / acceptance of alternative means of access to spaces in oil tankers,
bulk carriers, ore carriers and combination carriers, August 2006.
− Approval scheme for the manufacturing process of normal and higher strength hull structural
steels, January, 2009.
− Calculation of crankshafts for internal combustion engines, February, 2007.
− Type testing procedure for crankcase explosion relief valves, February, 2008.
− Type testing procedure for crankcase oil mist detection and alarm equipment, February,
− Type approval of electrical equipment used in control, protection, safety and internal
communication in marine environment, February, 2008.

4. Type Approval Certification Schemes

− Type Approval Certification Scheme for Machinery Manufactured by Mass Production
System, April 2000.
− Certification Scheme for Type Approval of Products, December 2000

5. Other Information - available on Request

− List of Type Approved Products
− List of Approved Works
− List of Approved Service Suppliers.
Rules and Regulations for the Construction and Classification of Steel Ships - 2010

General Information

This edition of the 'Rules and Regulations for the Construction and Classification
of Steel Ships' (July, 2010) supersedes the July, 2009 edition of the Rules and
the amendments published in Rules Change Notice No.1 of January, 2010.

A summary of additions and amendments incorporated in this edition (further to

the amendments in Rule Change Notice No.1 of January, 2010) are indicated in
Table 1.

Indian Register of Shipping

Rules and Regulations for the Construction and Classification of Steel Ships - 2010



These amendments will come into force as indicated in the Table.

Section/ Subject/amendment
Part 1 Chapter 1: General
Amendments in this chapter are effective from 01 July 2010
2/2.2.2 Reference to date of approval of midship section and structural plans for applicability
of rules is deleted as building contract date is the criterion for applicability of rules

2/2/13.1, 2.13.2 Applicability of rules for new construction will be based on contract date and /or
effective date of statutory requirements. Date of application for certification may also
apply for major machinery such as engines.

Appendix 1, Notation for anchor handling tugs added.

Part 1, Chapter 2: Periodical surveys

Amendments in this chapter are effective from 01 January 2011

1/ Table 1.1.1 Survey notation for Directional propellers modified to avoid similarity with Dynamic
positioning notations.

1/Table 1.1.2 Survey interval for Dynamic positioning systems changed to Annual and 5 yearly
special survey basis.

Part 3 Chapter 1: General, Definitions, Documentation

Amendments in this chapter are applicable to vessels constructed on or after 01 July 2010
1/1.4.2 References updated to the Intact Stability Code 2008.

Pt 4, Chapter 1: General requirements for the design and construction of

Amendments in this chapter are effective from 01 July 2010
1/1.13.1 Reference is made to SOLAS Ch II-1 Reg. 55 for acceptance of alternative design
and arrangements and related guidelines in MSC.1/Circ 1212.

Pt 4, Chapter 8: Electrical Installations

Amendments in this chapter are effective from 01 July 2010

2/2.12.3 The number of light points in final sub-circuits increased to 24 as per IEC standard.

4/ Requirements are specified for internal wiring connecting components in

9/9.5 New Sub-section added for installation of electrical and electronic equipment in
engine rooms protected by fixed water based local application fire-fighting systems

Indian Register of Shipping

Rules and Regulations for the Construction and Classification of Steel Ships - 2010

Section/ Subject/amendment
Pt 5, Chapter 6: Passenger vessels

Amendments to this chapter are applicable to vessels constructed on or after 01 July 2010

2/2.2.3 Supplementary lighting to be provided in all cabins of passenger ships to indicate the
exit so that persons can find their way to the door in case of power failure.

2/2.4.1 A flooding detection system is to be fitted for watertight spaces below bulkhead deck
in passenger ships carrying more than 36 or more persons.

Pt 5, Chapter 7: Tugs

Amendments in this chapter are effective from 01 July 2010

1/1.1.2 New Class notation “Anchor handling tug” is added.

1/1.2.1 The additional plans and documents to be submitted for approval for class notation
“Anchor handling Tug” are indicated.

2/2.4.3 The scantlings of the stern and stern roller/ pin connections of anchor handling tugs
are to meet the requirements specified in Chapter 8 “Supply vessels”.

Pt 5, Chapter 8: Supply vessels

Amendments in this chapter are effective from 01 July 2010
1/1.1.2 Class notation for supply vessels having anchor handling capability is specified.

2/2.4.3 Requirement for strength of stern roller and pin connections is specified.

Pt 5, Chapter 30: Environmental protection

Amendments in this chapter are effective from 01 July 2010 unless otherwise specified.
1/1.1.5 References updated to the NOx Code 2008 which enters into force 01 July 2010 and
to the Anti-fouling Systems Convention (AFS) 2001.

2/Table 2.1, Reference to Sewage treatment plant requirements updated to MEPC.159(55) in documents to be submitted (item 9).

2/ Requirements for protective location of fuel oil tanks updated as per MARPOL
Annex I, Reg.12A.

3/ Tables 3.2 Maximum limits of NOx for engines installed on ships constructed on or after 01
and 3.3 January 2011 are specified in Table 3.3. The existing requirements for NOx limits in
Table 3.2 apply to engines installed on ships constructed prior to 01 Jan 2011.

3/ 3.7.2, 3.7.4, Sulphur content limit in fuel oil while operating in special emission control areas is reduced to 1.0% . Alternative method using SOx cleaning is deleted.

4/4.2.4, Table The term “Green Passport” is changed to “Inventory of hazardous materials”
4.2 according to the Recycling convention.

Indian Register of Shipping

Rules and Regulations for the Construction and Classification of Steel Ships - 2010

Section/ Subject/amendment
Pt 6, Chapter 1: General

Amendments in this chapter are effective from 01 July 2010 unless otherwise specified
1/ 1.3.3 In view of the amendments made to SOLAS Ch II-2, Regulation 7 regarding
ventilation systems, which are effective from 01 July 2010, it is clarified that for
vessels constructed on or after 01 July 2002 and before 01 July 2010, the paragraphs
in existing SOLAS and corresponding clauses in the previous versions of the rules
would apply.

3/ 3.52 and 3.53 Definitions for “Safe area” and “Safety Centre” in passenger ships are added.

Pt 6, Chapter 3: Suppression of fire

Amendments in this chapter apply to vessels constructed on or after 01 July 2010 unless otherwise
1/1.2.4 In passenger ships, fixed fire detection and alarm system is to be capable of remotely
identifying each detector and manually operated call point.

1/, In passenger ships, detectors fitted in cabins are to be also capable of generating/ activating an audible alarm within the space where they are located.

2/2.2 In the case of Safety Centre, it is clarified that ventilation may be derived from the
system serving the navigation bridge unless situated in an adjacent main vertical

3/ Category of “Sale shops” changed to “Accommodation spaces of greater fire risk”
from the existing moderate fire risk category.

3/ Atriums are to be within enclosures of ‘A’ class divisions having fire rating as per the
Tables in the Rules

3/ Decks separating spaces within atriums are to have fire rating as per the Tables in the
3/, For doors approved as ‘A’ class without the sill being part of the frame, which are, installed on or after 01 July 2010, the gap under the door should not exceed 12 mm. A non-combustible sill is to be installed under the door such that floor covering do
not extend beneath the closed door.
For doors on ‘B’ class divisions, the gap under the door should not exceed 25 mm.

3/ New option added that sprinkler heads that are water mist nozzles tested and
approved as per IMO guidelines (A800(19)) are also acceptable for A-0 windows
facing life saving appliances, assembly stations, etc.
3/ Tables 3.3 It is clarified that no fire rating is required for partitions between navigation bridge
and 3.4: note ‘c’ and Safety centre when the safety centre is within the navigation bridge

3/, Ventilation ducts, other than short ducts of small cross section area, are to be of steel or equivalent material.
For ships constructed on or after 01 July 2010, short ducts of small cross section area
(as defined) are to be made of heat resisting non-combustible material, which may be
faced with membranes having low flame spread characteristics.

Indian Register of Shipping

Rules and Regulations for the Construction and Classification of Steel Ships - 2010

Section/ Subject/amendment
3/ Exhaust ducts from cooking ranges installed on open decks on passenger ships are to
meet the requirements of galley exhaust ducts, when passing through accommodation
spaces or spaces containing combustible materials.

3/ Galley exhaust ducts which pass through accommodation spaces or spaces containing
combustible materials are to have a fire damper in the upper end of the duct in
addition to that at the lower end.
3/3.7.6 In ships carrying more than 36 passengers, exhaust ducts from main laundries are to
be fitted with filters, fire damper at lower end with automatic/ remote closing, remote
shut-off of exhaust and supply fans, inspection hatches etc
4/4.6.4 It is clarified that fire safety requirements apply to deep fat cooking equipment
installed on open decks also.

4/IR It is clarified that the requirement for fixed gas fire extinguishing systems for
dangerous goods applies to cargo ships of 500 GT and above and passenger ships
constructed on or after 01 Sept 1984. Further clarified that this does not apply to
cargo ships of less than 500 GT even if document of compliance is issued for carriage
of dangerous goods.
4/ Recharging facilities is required for breathing air cylinders in passenger ships, either
by breathing air compressors or by self contained high pressure storage systems.

Pt 6, Chapter 4: Escape

Amendments in this chapter apply to vessels constructed on or after 01 July 2010.

2/ It is clarified that in passenger ships, public spaces may have direct access to stairway
enclosures except for the backstage of a theatre.
2/ In lieu of the escape route lighting system, alternative evacuation guidance systems
may be accepted. Reference given to MSC.1/Circ 1167 and to MSC.1/Circ 1168
for guidance.
Pt 6, Chapter 7: Special requirements

Amendments in this chapter apply to vessels constructed on or after 01 July 2010.

4/4.1 to 4.5 SOLAS Ch II-2 Reg.21 “Casualty threshold, Safe return to port and Safe areas”, is
incorporated which applies to new Passenger ships of load line length 120 m or more
and having three or more main vertical zones.
Reference is given to MSC.1/Circ. 1369 “Interim explanatory notes for the
assessment of passenger ship systems capabilities after a fire or flooding casualty”.

5/5.1 to 5.3 SOLAS Ch II-2 Reg.22 “Design criteria for systems to remain operational after a fire
casualty” is incorporated, which applies to new Passenger ships of load line length
120 m or more and having three or more main vertical zones.

6/ 6.1 to 6.6 SOLAS Ch II-2 Reg.23 “Safety Centre on passenger ships” is incorporated which
applies to all new passenger ships.

Pt 6, Chapter 8: Fire Safety systems code

Amendments in this chapter apply to vessels constructed on or after 01 July 2010.

5/ Fixed gas fire extinguishing system is to be arranged with normally closed control
valves arranged to direct the medium to the appropriate space.

Indian Register of Shipping

Rules and Regulations for the Construction and Classification of Steel Ships - 2010

Section/ Subject/amendment
5/ Reference is given to ISO standards on gas cylinders and steel tubes which may be
used for the fixed gas fire extinguishing system

5/ System flow calculations of fixed gas fire extinguishing systems to ensure uniform
distribution are to be submitted for approval

5/ Sections of closed piping in fixed gas fire extinguishing systems are to be provided
with pressure relief valves, having outlets led to the open deck.

5/ Melting point of materials of pipes, fittings and nozzle in fixed gas fire extinguishing
systems is to be greater than 925 deg C.
5/ The alarms for warning of the release of fixed gas fire extinguishing medium are to
be audible throughout the space with all machinery operating and to be capable of
being distinguished from other alarms.
5/ The order in which release controls for fixed gas fire extinguishing systems are
operated is specified: the first control to open the valve in the piping and the second
control for discharging the gas from the cylinders. Positive means to be provided for
operating in the order.

5/, Testing of the installation of fixed gas systems: Free air flow test in pipes and nozzles and a functional test of the alarm equipment is to be carried out.

5/ Reference is given to Part 4 of the Rules for other requirements of steam systems

5/5.2.5 Reference given to MSC.1/Circ 1270 for fixed aerosol fire extinguishing systems

9/ Requirement added for remote and individual identification of detectors and call
points in passenger ships.
9/ IR Requirements added for ensuring continuity of power supply to the fire detection and
alarm system during changeover of power supplies.
9/IR Emergency supply to the detection and alarm system is to be either from emergency
switchboard or from an accumulator battery. Requirements for accumulator battery
capacity and charge unit are specified.

9/ Requirements for location of a section of detectors in passenger ships updated in line
with the new requirement for individual identification of detectors. A section of
detectors and call points are not to be situated in more than one main vertical zone.

12/ Capacity of fixed emergency fire pumps increased to 32 m3/hr to be consistent with
the interpretation for capacities of nozzles added in IR.2.
12/ It is clarified that ,where the Emergency fire pump is used to supply fixed water
IR.2 based fire fighting systems in machinery spaces, the capacity is to be sufficient for
supplying that system plus for two jets of water. Capacity of the two jets of water is
to be calculated for two biggest nozzle sizes on board excluding the nozzles in the
space where main fire pumps are located.

Indian Register of Shipping

Indian Register of Shipping

Part 1



Chapter 1 General

Chapter 2 Periodical Surveys

Rules and Regulations for the Construction and Classification of Steel Ships - 2010
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Chapter 1 : General

Section 1 : General Information

1.1 Indian Register of Shipping

1.2 Fees

1.3 Technical committee

1.4 Survey reports

1.5 Register of Ships

1.6 Liability

1.7 IACS QSCS audits

1.8 Access of Surveyor to ships, shipyards or works

1.9 Requirements for service suppliers

1.10 Responding to Port State Control

Section 2 : Classification Regulations

2.1 General

2.2 Application of Rules

2.3 Scope of classification

2.4 Interpretations of the Rules

2.5 Definitions

2.6 Character of classification

2.7 Class notations - Hull

2.8 Class notations - Machinery

2.9 Materials

2.10 Request for surveys

2.11 Repairs

2.12 Alterations

2.13 Classification of new constructions

2.14 Date of contract for construction

2.15 Date of build

2.16 Appeal from Surveyors' recommendations

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2.17 Certificates

2.18 Suspension, withdrawal and deletion of class

2.19 Reclassification of ships

2.20 Condition improvement program

Section 3 : Classification of Ships not Built under the Survey of Indian Register of Shipping

3.1 General procedure for classification of ships not built under survey of IRS

3.2 Plans and data to be furnished as required in 3.1.1

Appendix 1 : Table of characters of class and type notations of IRS, their expanded form and

Chapter 2 : Periodical Surveys

Section 1 : General Requirements

1.1 General

1.2 Definitions

1.3 Laid up vessels

1.4 Surveys by Chief Engineers

1.5 Surveys for damage or alteration

1.6 Unscheduled surveys

1.7 Provision for surveys

1.8 Surveys at sea or at anchorage

1.9 Repairs

1.10 Thickness measurements and close-up surveys

1.11 Extension of special surveys

Section 2 : Surveys - Bulk Carriers and Ore Carriers

2.1 Scope

2.2 Annual surveys

2.3 Intermediate Surveys

2.4 Special Surveys - Hull

2.5 Special Surveys - Machinery

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Section 3 : Surveys - Oil Tankers, Ore or Oil Carriers, Oil or Bulk Carriers

3.1 Scope

3.2 Annual surveys

3.3 Intermediate Surveys

3.4 Special Surveys - Hull

3.5 Special Surveys - Machinery

Section 4 : Surveys - Chemical Tankers

4.1 Scope

4.2 Annual surveys

4.3 Intermediate Surveys

4.4 Special Surveys - Hull

4.5 Special Surveys - Machinery

Section 5 : Surveys - Liquefied Gas Carriers

5.1 Scope

5.2 Annual surveys

5.3 Intermediate Surveys

5.4 Special Surveys - Hull

5.5 Special Surveys - Machinery

Section 6 : Surveys - Other Ship Types

6.1 Scope

6.2 Annual surveys

6.3 Intermediate surveys

6.4 Special Surveys - Hull

6.5 Special Surveys - Machinery

Section 7 : Docking Surveys

7.1 General

7.2 In-water surveys

7.3 Machinery verification runs

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Section 8 : Machinery - Special Surveys

8.1 General

8.2 Continuous survey of machinery (CSM)

8.3 Survey requirements: Auxiliary engines

8.4 Survey requirements: Air compressors, receivers and starting air pipes

8.5 Survey requirements: Fresh water generators and evaporators

8.6 Survey requirements: Fuel tanks

8.7 Survey requirements: Pumps, heat exchangers, forced draught fans, etc.

8.8 Survey requirements: Pumping and piping system

8.9 Survey requirements: Reduction gears, flexible couplings and clutch arrangements

8.10 Survey requirements: Securing arran-gements

8.11 Survey requirements: Shafting

8.12 Survey requirements: Sea connections

8.13 Survey requirements: Windlass and steering machinery

8.14 Survey requirements: Internal combustion engines for propulsion

8.15 Survey requirements: Steam turbines for propulsion

8.16 Survey requirements: Steam reciprocating engines for propulsion

8.17 Survey requirements: Gas turbines and free piston gas generators for propulsion

8.18 Survey requirements: Unattended machinery spaces/Remote control systems

8.19 Survey requirements : Electrical equipment survey

8.20 Survey requirements : Electrical propelling machinery

8.21 In service testing of large permanently installed breathing gas containers onboard diving vessels -
Special Requirements

Section 9 : Boiler Surveys

9.1 General

9.2 Steam heated steam generator

Section 10 : Steam Pipes Surveys

10.1 General

10.2 Cylindrical boilers having smoke tube superheaters

10.3 Copper pipes

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Section 11 : Surveys of Propeller Shafts, Tube Shafts and Propellers

11.1 General

11.2 Scope of survey

11.3 Modified survey

11.4 Partial survey

11.5 Tailshaft Condition Monitoring (TCM)

Section 12 : Surveys of Inert Gas Systems

12.1 General

12.2 Annual surveys

12.3 Special surveys

Section 13 : Surveys of Vessels with Refrigerated Cargo Installations

13.1 General

13.2 Periodical surveys

13.3 Continuous special survey of refrigerating installation

13.4 Annual survey requirements

13.5 Requirements of first special survey

13.6 Subsequent special surveys

13.7 Loading port surveys

Section 14 : Planned Maintenance System

14.1 General

14.2 Machinery acceptable for survey by Chief Engineers under Planned Maintenance System

14.3 Machinery not acceptable for survey by Chief Engineers

14.4 System Administration

14.5 System implementation

14.6 System surveys

14.7 Damage and repairs

14.8 Guidelines for machinery items surveyed on the basis of condition monitoring

Section 15 : Surveys – Vapour Control Systems

15.1 For tankers and combination carriers with notation VCS1

15.2 For tankers and combination carriers with notation VCS2

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Section 16 : Surveys of Thermal Oil Heating Systems

16.1 General

16.2 Oil fired thermal oil heater and economiser

16.3 Circulating pumps

16.4 Dump cooler

16.5 Piping arrangement

16.6 Expansion tank

16.7 Alarms and safety devices

16.8 Thermal oil analysis

16.9 System operation test

16.10 Repairs

Section 17 : Surveys of external Fire Fighting Systems

17.1 General

17.2 Annual survey

17.3 Special survey

End of Chapter

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Chapter 1



1 General Information
2 Classification Regulations
3 Classification of Ships not built under the Survey of Indian Register of Shipping

Section 1

General Information

1.1 Indian Register of Shipping

1.1.1 Indian Register of Shipping (hereinafter referred to as "IRS") was incorporated in 1975 as a Public
Limited Company under Section 25 of the Indian Companies Act, 1956 for the purpose of providing
amongst other things a faithful and accurate classification of mercantile shipping classed with it, to
approve designs of, to survey and to issue reports on mercantile and non mercantile ships, hovercrafts,
hydrofoils etc; all within the scope of classification described in the Rules. This Section contains General
Regulations which have been adopted by IRS for its governance.

1.1.2 The management of the affairs of IRS are carried out under the direction and control of the Board of
Directors (hereinafter referred to as the 'Board'), in accordance with the provisions of its Memorandum
and Articles of Association.

1.1.3 The Board of Directors shall consist of representative of the interests of various members of the
Company and those concerned with shipping in general as under:

3 Directors representing Indian Shipowners

2 Directors representing Indian Shipbuilders

1 Director representing General Insurance Corporation of India and other Indian underwriters

1 Director being the Director General of Shipping, Ministry of Surface Transport, Govt. of India

1 Director representing Ship Design Research and Development Institutions

1 Director representing Manufacturers of Marine Engines/General Engineering Goods

1 Director representing Indian Navy/Coast Guard

1 Director being a person of eminence from the field of Law

3 Directors being persons of eminence from any industry allied with maritime activities

1 Managing Director being full-time employee appointed by the Board of Directors.

The composition of the Board as above is to be in accordance with the Articles of Association of IRS (as
may be amended from time to time).

Indian Register of Shipping

Chapter 1 Part 1
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1.1.4 The Board shall consist of not less than six and not more than fifteen Directors. The Board of
Directors shall elect one of its members to be Chairman of the Board of Directors.

1.1.5 The Board is to appoint a Sub-Committee of Classification representing concerned interests.

1.1.6 The Board is to appoint the Chairman of the Sub-Committee of Classification and the Managing
Director, IRS to be 'ex- officio' member of the Sub-Committee of Classification.

1.1.7 The employees of IRS are to be appointed by and be under the direction of the Board.

1.1.8 The Surveyors of IRS are not to be permitted without the special sanction of the Board of Directors
to receive any fee, gratuity or reward whatsoever, for their own use or benefit, for any service performed
by them in their capacity as Surveyors to IRS, except on pain of immediate dismissal.

1.1.9 The Funds and Accounts are to be under the authority and control of the Board of Directors.

1.2 Fees

1.2.1 Fees will be charged for all surveys and for other services rendered by IRS or any of its publications
in accordance with established scales. Traveling expenses incurred by the Surveyors in connection with
such services are also chargeable.

1.3 Technical committee

1.3.1 The Board is to appoint a Technical Committee whose function will be to consider:-

a) Formulation of Technical Rules for Classification Surveys, building of ships, their machinery and

b) Important alterations to Rules once framed as may be required from time to time.

1.3.2 All decisions of the Technical Committee including amendments and/or additions to the Rules for
classification surveys and building of ships' hull, their machinery and equipment to be reported to the
Board of Directors.

1.3.3 The Technical Committee to be constituted as follows:

Number of
Members Nominees/Representatives of

3 Board of Directors of IRS

1 Marine Engine Unit of

M/s. Garden Reach Ship-builders and Engineers Ltd.

1 Other Marine Engine Builders

6 Shipbuilders

1 Indian Institution of Naval Architects

1 Institution of Marine Technologists

1 Institute of Marine Engineers (India)

1 Company of Master Mariners

1 Directorate General of Shipping

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1 National Ship Design & Research Centre

4 Indian National Shipowners Association

1 Institution of Engineers (India)

1 Ex-Officio - Managing Director of IRS

1.3.4 In addition to the foregoing, the Technical Committee may co-opt to the main body other members
of high managerial positions in Ship Building and Engineering, Naval Architecture, Marine Insurance,
Steel Making, etc.

1.3.5 Nomination of all members to the Technical Committee to be subject to confirmation by the Board.

1.3.6 The Technical Committee can appoint panels from amongst its body to which representatives of
any organisation or industry or individuals specialised in relevant disciplines could be co-opted for the
purpose of considering any particular Technical problem or area of Rules.

1.3.7 The Board of Directors to appoint biennially, the Chairman of the Technical Committee and the
Technical Committee to appoint from their own body biennially a Vice-Chairman. The same members are
not to be eligible to hold office of Chairman or Vice-Chairman, as the case may be, for more than two
terms in succession unless on the occasion of the third term, the appointing body approves of their
continuation by a majority of at least three-fourths of the members present. The appointment of Vice-
Chairman to be confirmed by the Board of Directors.

1.3.8 The terms of office of all members to be not more than four years, one-fourth of all members
(including those co-opted) to retire at the end of each calender year. The members so retiring being those
who have been longest in office since their last nomination and such members to be eligible for re-
nomination for a second term. Unless specially so authorised by the Board of Directors, no member other
than Chairman and/or Vice- Chairman, who has served for two periods of nomination, to be eligible for re-
nomination for a third term until after the expiration of at least one year. In the event of any vacancy
occurring before the expiration of the normal term of office, a representative to be nominated to fill the
vacancy from the same group/body/institution and for such nominee the date of his nomination by the
respective body to be considered as date of his joining the Technical Committee for purposes of his
retirement by rotation.

1.3.9 The meeting of the Technical Committee to be convened as often and at such time and place as
may appear necessary, but there shall be at least two meetings in each year.

1.3.10 The members desiring to propose alterations in, or additions to the Rules for the classification,
survey or building of ship (hull and machinery) shall give notice of such proposals to the Secretary. Every
meeting to be convened by notice from the Secretary, if possible one month before the date of the
meeting and the Secretary to send to each member an Agenda paper as soon as possible thereafter.

1.3.11 The Board of Directors reserves to themselves the right of altering, adding to or rescinding any/or
all of the above terms of reference including the dissolution of the Technical Committee.

1.4 Survey reports

1.4.1 All reports of survey are to be made by the Surveyors according to the form prescribed and
submitted for consideration of the Board or the Sub-Committee of Classification, but the character
assigned by the latter is to be reported to the Board. The Board may, in specified instances, vest in the
Managing Director discretionary powers to act on its behalf, and all such actions being reported to the
Board at its subsequent meeting.

1.4.2 The reports of the Surveyors shall, subject to the approval of the Managing Director, be open to
inspection of the Owner and any other person authorised in writing by the Owner. Copies of the reports
will, subject to the approval of the Managing Director, be supplied to Owners or their representatives.

Indian Register of Shipping

Chapter 1 Part 1
Page 4 of 23 General

1.5 Register of Ships

1.5.1 A Register Of Ships to be printed annually for the use of subscribers contains the names of ships,
character of class notations assigned together with other relevant useful information for ships classed
with IRS or registered in India.

1.6 Liability

1.6.1 Whilst Indian Register of Shipping (hereinafter referred to as IRS) and its Board/Committees use
their best endeavours to ensure that the functions of IRS are properly carried out, in providing services,
information or advice, neither IRS nor any of its servants or agents warrants the accuracy of any
information or advice supplied. Except as set out herein, neither IRS nor any of its servants or agents (on
behalf of each of whom IRS has agreed this clause) shall be liable for any loss damage or expense
whatever sustained by any person due to any act or omission or error of whatsoever nature and
howsoever caused of IRS, its servants or agents or due to any inaccuracy of whatsoever nature and
howsoever caused in any information or advice given in any way whatsoever by or on behalf of IRS, even
if held to amount to a breach of warranty. Nevertheless, if any person uses services of IRS, or relies on
any information or advice given by or on behalf of IRS and suffers loss, damage or expenses thereby
which is proved to have been due to any negligent act omission or error of IRS its servants or agents or
any negligent inaccuracy in information or advice given by or on behalf of IRS then IRS will pay
compensation to such person for his proved loss up to but not exceeding the amount of the fee charged
by IRS for that particular service, information or advice.

1.6.2 Any notice of claim for loss, damage or expense as referred to in 1.6.1 shall be made in writing to
IRS Head Office within six months of the date when the service, information or advice was first provided,
failing which all the rights to any such claim shall be forfeited and IRS shall be relieved and discharged
from all liabilities.

1.7 IACS QSCS audits

1.7.1 The surveys required by the regulations, and conducted by IRS may be subject to Audit by IACS as
per the requirements of Quality System Certification Scheme and for this purpose, IACS auditors are to
be given the necessary access to the ship, shipyard or works when requested by IRS.

1.8 Access of Surveyor to ships, shipyards or works

1.8.1 The Surveyors are to be given free access to ships classed with IRS as well as to shipyards, works,
etc. so as to perform their duties, and are to receive adequate assistance for this purpose.

1.9 Requirements for service suppliers

1.9.1 Firms providing following services on behalf of the Owner, the results of which are used by
Surveyors in making decision affecting classification and/or affecting statutory certifications, are to be
approved by IRS in accordance with the laid down procedures.

a) Class services

- Firms engaged in thickness measurements on ships

- Firms engaged in tightness testing of hatches with ultrasonic equipment

- Firms carrying out in-water survey of ships and mobile offshore units.

- Firms engaged in the examination of bow, stern, side and inner doors.

b) Statutory services

- Firms engaged in surveys and maintenance of fire extinguishing equipment and systems

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- Firms engaged in service on inflatable liferafts, inflatable lifejackets, hydrostatic release units,

- Firms engaged in the servicing and testing of radio communication equipment

- Firms engaged in inspection and testing of centralised gas welding and cutting equipment

- Firms engaged in surveys and maintenance of self contained breathing apparatus

- Firms engaged in the annual performance testing of voyage data recorder

- Firms engaged in the surveys of low location lighting systems using photo luminescent materials

- Firms engaged in sound pressure level measurements of public address and general alarm

1.9.2 For statutory services, approvals done by the flag Administration itself or duly authorised
organisations acting on behalf of the flag Administration or by other organisations that are acceptable to
the flag Administration (e.g. other governments, etc.) may be accepted.

1.10 Responding to Port State Control

1.10.1 When requested by Port State and upon concurrence by the vessel's owner/master IRS Surveyors
would attend onboard a ship in order to assist in the rectification of reported deficiencies or other
discrepancies that affect or may affect classification or the statutory certificates issued by IRS. The owner
and the vessel's flag state will be notified of such attendance and survey. IRS Surveyors will also
cooperate with Port States by providing inspectors with background information.

Section 2

Classification Regulations

2.1 General

2.1.1 When a ship is assigned a specific Character of Class by Indian Register of Shipping, it implies that
IRS has been satisfied that the said ship meets, for this particular class, with these Rules and
Regulations or requirements equivalent thereto for both hull and machinery. The ship will continue to be
classed with IRS so long as she is found, upon examination at the prescribed annual and periodical
surveys, to be maintained in a fit and efficient condition and in accordance with the Periodical Survey
requirements of these Rules. Classification will be conditional upon compliance with IRS requirements for
both hull and machinery.

2.1.2 The Rules are framed on the understanding that ships will be properly loaded and handled; they do
not, unless stated in the class notation, provide for special distributions or concentrations of loading and
that ships will not be operated in environmental conditions more severe than those agreed for design
basis and approval.

2.1.3 Compliance with the following require-ments, as applicable, is a pre-requisite of classification:

- International Convention on Loadlines (ILLC), International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea
(SOLAS) and
International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL)
International Convention on the Control of Harmful Antifouling Systems on Ships (AFS Convention)
International Bulk Chemical Code (IBC Code) or
Bulk Chemical Code (BCH Code)
International Gas Carrier Code (IGC Code) or
Gas Carrier Code (GC Code)
Fire Test Procedures Code (FTP Code)

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Chapter 1 Part 1
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of the International Maritime Organization (IMO)

- Related Resolutions of the IMO Assembly, the Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) and the Marine
Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) of IMO.

In addition, the Unified Interpretations of IACS (International Association of Classification Societies)

related to the above IMO Conventions and Codes are also to be complied with unless the flag
Administration has provided its own interpretation.

2.1.4 Where a vessel holds dual classification with IRS and the periodical survey requirements of the
corresponding Society differ from those of the Rules of IRS, IRS may permit the requirements of the
corresponding Society being applied, in so far as they are equivalent in purpose or are no less stringent
than the IRS rule requirement.

2.1.5 The classification of a ship with IRS does not exempt the owners from compliance with any
additional and/or more stringent requirements issued by the Administration of the state whose flag the
ship is entitled to fly and provision for their application.

2.1.6 It is the responsibility of the Owners to ensure that the operating and maintenance
instructions/manuals for the ship machinery equipment essential to the safe operation of the ship are
available in a language understandable by those officers and crew members who are required to
understand such information/ instructions in the performance of their duties.

2.2 Application of Rules

2.2.1 Unless directed otherwise by IRS, no new Regulations or amendments to the Rules relating to the
character of classification or class notation is to be applied to the existing vessels.

2.2.2 Unless directed otherwise by IRS, no new Rules and Regulations or amendments to the existing
Rules & Regulations become applicable within 6 months after the date of issue.

2.3 Scope of classification

2.3.1 Classification covers ship's hull, appendages and machinery including electrical systems to the
extent as specified in these Rules & Regulations.

2.3.2 On application by Builder or Owner, certain installation, e.g. refrigerating machinery may be classed
by IRS.

2.4 Interpretations of the Rules

2.4.1 The correct interpretation of the requirements contained in the Rules and other Regulations is the
sole responsibility and at the sole discretion of IRS.

2.5 Definitions

2.5.1 Clear water : Water having sufficient depth to permit the normal development of wind generated

2.5.2 Fetch : The extent of clear water across which a wind has blown before reaching the ship.

2.5.3 Sheltered water : Water where the fetch is six nautical miles or less.

2.5.4 Reasonable weather : Reasonable weather is assumed to exclude winds exceeding Beaufort force
six associated with sea states resulting in green water being frequently taken on board the ship's deck.
However it is realised that this is largely a matter of judgment and good seamanship and can vary for
particular ships.

2.5.5 Type notation : A notation indicating that the ship has been designed and constructed with
applicable Rules to that type of ship, e.g. "Bulk Carrier", "Oil Tanker", etc.

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2.5.6 Cargo notation : A notation indicating that the ship has been designed, modified or arranged to
carry one or more particular cargoes, e.g. "Phosphoric Acid". Ships with one or more particular cargo
notations are not thereby prevented from carrying other cargoes for which they are suitable.

2.5.7 Special feature notation : A notation indicating that the ship incorporates special features which
significantly affect the design, e.g. "movable decks".

2.5.8 Service restriction notation : A notation indicating that a ship has been classed on the
understanding that it will be operated only in suitable areas or conditions which have been agreed to by
IRS e.g. "Sheltered Water Service".

2.6 Character of classification

2.6.1 The following Characters and symbols are assigned by IRS to indicate classification of Steel Ships.
(For explanation of abbreviations, see Appendix I).

2.6.2 Character SUL assigned to sea-going vessels indicates that the ship, its machinery and equipment
(i.e. anchors, chain cable and hawsers) meet the Rule requirements for assignment of this Character of

2.6.3 Character SU- assigned to sea-going vessels indicates that the ship and its machinery meet the
Rule requirements but equipment of ship is not supplied or maintained as per the relevant Rules but is
considered by IRS to be acceptable for particular service.

2.6.4 Character SU assigned to sea-going vessels indicates that the ship and its machinery meet the
Rule requirements but where special consideration has been given for reason of particular purpose of
service and normal equipment may be unnecessary. In such cases letter 'L' is omitted from the Character

2.6.5 The distinguishing mark inserted before Characters of Class or Class Notation(s) is assigned
to new ships constructed under special survey of IRS in compliance with the Rules to the satisfaction of

2.7 Class notations - Hull

2.7.1 When requested by an Owner and agreed to by IRS or when considered necessary by IRS, a class
notation will be appended to the character of classification. This class notation will consist of one of, or a
combination of - a type notation, a cargo notation, a special duties notation, a special features notation
and/or a service restriction notation, e.g. SUL CHEMICAL TANKER, "Sulphuric Acid", ESP, "Indian
Coastal Service".

2.7.2 Details of the ship types and additional class notations are given in Appendix 1 and applicable
Chapters in Pt.5 of the Rules.

2.7.3 Service restriction notation will generally be assigned in one of the forms given below, but this does
not preclude the Owners or Shipbuilders from requesting special consideration for other forms of

a) Sheltered Water Service : Service in sheltered water adjacent to sand banks, reefs, breakwaters or
other coastal features, and in sheltered water between islands. The geographical limits will form part
of the Class Notation.

b) Restricted Water Service : Service in sheltered waters and also for short distances (generally less
than 15 nautical miles) beyond sheltered waters in 'reasonable weather'. The geographical limits will
form part of the Class Notation.

c) Specified Coastal Service : Service along a coast, during the course of which the vessel does not go
more than 20 nautical miles from the nearest land and may cross gulfs or similar features recognised

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Chapter 1 Part 1
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by the local Administration as a part of the coastal service. The geographical limits will form part of
the Class Notation, e.g. "Indian Coastal Service".

d) Specified Route Service : Service between two or more points or other geographical features which
will form part of the Class Notation.

e) Specified Operating Area Service : Service within one or more geographical area(s) which will form
part of the Class Notation.

2.8 Class notations - Machinery

2.8.1 The class notations that may be assigned by IRS are given in Appendix 1. IRS may prescribe
additional notations as found necessary/ expedient from time to time.

2.9 Materials

2.9.1 The materials used in the construction of hull and machinery intended for classification, or in the
repair of ships already classed, are to be of good quality and free from defects and are to be tested in
accordance with the relevant Rules. The steel is to be manufactured by an approved process at works
recognized* by IRS. Alternatively, tests to the satisfaction of IRS will be required to demonstrate the
suitability of the steel.

* Consideration may be given by IRS at their sole discretion to recognize the works on the approved list
of Classification Societies with whom IRS currently has Dual Class Agreements for this purpose. Such
approval of works is intended for limited periods only and may call for such tests and/or examination to be
carried out by the Surveyors of IRS as may be decided from time to time.

2.10 Request for surveys

2.10.1 It is the responsibility of the Builders or Owners, as applicable, to inform the Surveyors of IRS in
the port at which the surveys for supervision during new construction or ships in service are to be
undertaken and to ensure that all surveys for issue of class certificate for new construction, and
maintenance of class for ships in service are carried out.

2.11 Repairs

2.11.1 Any repairs to the hull, machinery and equipment either as a result of damage or wear and tear
which are required for the maintenance of ship's class are to be carried out under the inspection of and to
the satisfaction of the Surveyors.

2.11.2 Where a vessel is damaged to an extent resulting in towage outside port limits, it shall be the
Owners' responsibility to notify IRS at the first practicable opportunity.

2.11.3 Where such repairs are effected at a port where there is no Surveyor of IRS, the ship is to be
surveyed by one of its Surveyors at the earliest opportunity.

2.11.4 Where repairs to hull, machinery or equipment, which affect or may affect classification, are to be
carried out by a riding crew, they are to be planned in advance. A complete repair procedure including
the extent of proposed repairs and the need for Surveyor's attendance during the voyage is to be
submitted to and agreed upon by the Surveyor reasonably in advance. Failure to notify IRS, in advance
of the repairs, may result in suspension of the vessel's class.

2.12 Alterations

2.12.1 Any alterations proposed to be carried out to approved scantlings and arrangements of the hull,
machinery or equipment are to meet with the approval of IRS and for this purpose plans and technical
particulars are to be submitted for approval in advance. Such approved alterations are to be carried out
under the inspection of, and to the satisfaction of, the Surveyors.

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2.13 Classification of new constructions

2.13.1 The request for classification of new constructions is to be submitted to IRS by the shipyard or
shipowner in the form provided by IRS. The request is to include complete details regarding class
notation and statutory certificates required, where applicable.

The IRS Rules in force on the date of contract for construction of the vessel (See 2.14) will be applicable
for classification, in general. However, statutory requirements coming into force after the date of contract
for construction may have to be complied with if they become applicable based on any other criteria such
as the date on which vessel is constructed (keel laid).

2.13.2 Where orders for major machinery and equipment are placed on manufacturer or suppliers, IRS
will have to be informed. Responsibility for compliance with IRS Rules and Regulations shall be with the

Where relevant, the date of application for certification of specific major machinery will also be considered
in addition to the date of contract for construction of the vessel, for determining the applicable rules for
such machinery.

2.13.3 Plans and particulars as specified in the Rules will have to be submitted to IRS in triplicate
sufficiently in advance of commencement of construction. One copy with stamp of approval will be
returned. Any deviation from approved drawings will require to be approved by IRS prior to execution of

IRS reserves the right to request for additional plans, information or particulars to be submitted.

Where it is proposed to use existing previously approved plans for a new contract, written application is to
be made to IRS.

Approval of plans and calculations by IRS does not relieve the Builders of their responsibility for the
design, construction and installation of the various parts, nor does it absolve the Builders from their duty
of carrying out any alterations or additions to the various parts on board deemed necessary by IRS during
construction or installation on board or trials.

2.13.4 IRS will assess the production facilities and procedures of the shipyard and other manufacturers
as to whether they meet the requirements of the construction Rules.

Review of the construction facilities prior to any steel work or construction shall be carried out under the
following circumstances:

a) Where IRS has none or no recent experience of the construction facilities – typically after a one year
lapse – or when significant new infrastructure has been added.

b) Where there has been a significant management or personnel re-structuring having an impact on the
ship construction process, or

c) Where the shipbuilder contracts to construct a vessel of a different type or substantially different in

2.13.5 During construction of a vessel, IRS will ensure by surveys that parts of hull and machinery
requiring approval have been constructed in compliance with approved drawings, all required tests and
trials are performed satisfactorily, workmanship is in compliance with current engineering practices and
welded parts are produced by qualified welders.

2.13.6 All hull, machinery and electrical installations will be subjected to operational trials in the presence
of IRS Surveyor.

2.13.7 On completion of the ship copies of as fitted plans showing the ship as built, essential certificates
and records, loading manual etc. are to be submitted by the Builder generally prior to issuance of the
Interim Certificate of Class.

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2.13.8 For each new construction the shipbuilder is required to prepare and deliver a ship construction
file containing documents / plans / manuals etc. for facilitating the future inspection of survey, repair and
maintenance as detailed in Pt.3, Ch.1, Sec.3. Some of these documents may be directly supplied by
other parties e.g. shipowner, for inclusion in the ship construction file. The ship construction file is to be
maintained onboard each ship.

2.14 Date of contract for construction

2.14.1 The date of “contract for construction” of a vessel is the date on which the contract to build the
vessel is signed between the prospective owner and the shipbuilder. This date and the construction
numbers (i.e. hull numbers) of all the vessels included in the contract are to be declared to IRS by the
party applying for the assignment of class to a new building.

2.14.2 The date of “contract for construction” of a series of vessels, including specified optional vessels
for which the option is ultimately exercised, is the date on which the contract to build the series is signed
between the prospective owner and the shipbuilder.

For the purpose of this requirement, vessels built under a single contract for construction are considered
a “series of vessels” if they are built to the same approved plans for classification purposes. However,
vessels within a series may have design alterations from the original design provided:

a) Such alterations do not affect matters related to classification, or

b) If the alterations are subject to classification requirements, these alterations are to comply with the
classification requirements in effect on the date on which the alterations are contracted between the
prospective owner and the shipbuilder or, in the absence of the alteration contract, comply with the
classification requirements in effect on the date on which the alterations are submitted to IRS for

The optional vessels will be considered part of the same series of vessels if the option is exercised not
later than 1 year after the contract to build the series was signed.

2.14.3 If a contract for construction is later amended to include additional vessels or additional options,
the date of “contract for construction” for such vessels is the date on which the amendment to the
contract, is signed between the prospective owner and the shipbuilder. The amendment to the contract is
to be considered as a “new contract” to which 2.14.1 and 2.14.2 above apply.

2.14.4 If a contract for construction is amended to change the ship type, the date of “contract for
construction” of this modified vessel, or vessels, is the date on which revised contract or new contract is
signed between the Owner, or Owners, and the shipbuilder.

2.15 Date of build

2.15.1 The date of completion of the special survey inspection will normally be taken as the date of build
to be entered in the Register Book.

Where there is a substantial delay between completion of construction survey and the ship commencing
service, the date of commissioning may be specified on the classification certificate.

When modifications are carried out on a ship, the initial date of build remains assigned to the ship.

2.15.2 When a complete replacement or addition of a major portion of the ship (e.g. fwd.section, midship
section or aft section) is involved, the following applies:

- Date of build assigned to each portion of the ship will be indicated on the classification certificate, and
the date of modification will be indicated in the Register Book.

- Survey requirements shall be based on the date of build associated with each major portion of
the ship.

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2.16 Appeal from Surveyors' recommen-dations

2.16.1 If the recommendations of the Surveyors are considered in any case to be unnecessary or
unreasonable, appeal may be made to IRS, who may direct a special examination to be held.

2.17 Certificates

2.17.1 Certificates of Class will be issued to Builders or Owners when the required reports on completion
of Special Surveys of new ships or of existing ships submitted for classification have been received from
the Surveyors and approved by IRS.

2.17.2 Certificates of class maintenance in respect of completed periodical special surveys of hull and
machinery will also be issued to Owners.

2.17.3 The Surveyors are permitted to issue Interim Certificates to enable a ship, classed with IRS, to
proceed on her voyage provided that, in their opinion, she is in a fit and efficient condition. Such
Certificates will contain Surveyors' recommendations for continuance of Class, but in all cases are
subject to confirmation by IRS.

2.17.4 Individual Certificates can also be issued for propelling machinery, boilers, equipments and fittings
which have been manufactured under IRS Survey and in accordance with these Regulations.

2.18 Suspension, withdrawal and deletion of class

2.18.1 Suspension The class of a vessel will be automatically suspended from the expiry date of the Certificate of
Class if the special survey has not been completed by the due date and an extension (See Ch.2, 1.11)
has not been agreed to, or the vessel is not under attendance by the Surveyor with a view to complete
the surveys prior to resuming service. The class of a vessel will also be automatically suspended if the annual, intermediate survey
become overdue. (See Pt.1 Ch.2, Table 1.1.1 for due dates and window period). When the surveys relating to specific additional notations of hull or equipment or machinery have
not been complied with and thereby the ship is not entitled to retain that notation, then the specific
notation will be suspended till the related surveys are completed. The class of a vessel will be subject to a suspension procedure if an item of continuous survey is
overdue at the time of annual survey, unless the item is dealt with or postponed by agreement. The class of the vessel will also be subject to a suspension procedure if recommendations
and/or conditions of class are not dealt with by the due date or postponed by agreement, by the due date. The class of a ship is liable to be withheld or, if already granted, may be withdrawn in case of
any non-payment of fees or expenses chargeable for the service rendered. Where any ship proceeds to sea with less freeboard than that approved by IRS or when the
freeboard marks are placed higher on the ship's sides than the position assigned or approved by IRS, the
ship's class will be suspended. When it is found that a ship is being operated in a manner contrary to that agreed at the time of
classification, or is being operated in conditions or in areas more onerous than those agreed, the class
will be suspended. The class of a vessel will be liable to be suspended if the Owner fails to notify IRS of any
damage to the ship‘s hull, machinery or equipment, which may adversely affect classification of the
vessel or subsequently fails to arrange for the survey as may be advised by IRS.

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Chapter 1 Part 1
Page 12 of 23 General The class of a vessel will be suspended after a major casualty to the ship, such as grounding,
sinking or breaking up, if the Owner is unable to arrange for the ship’s survey by IRS and commence
repairs within a reasonable period of the occurrence of the casualty, unless otherwise agreed to with IRS. Vessels laid up in accordance with the Rules prior to surveys becoming overdue will not be
suspended when surveys addressed above become overdue. When a vessel is intended for a demolition voyage with any periodical survey overdue, the
vessel’s class will not be suspended till completion of a single direct ballast voyage from the lay up or
final discharge port to the demolition yard. Ships which are laid up after being suspended as a result of surveys becoming overdue, will
remain suspended until the overdue surveys are completed. Classification will be reinstated upon satisfactory completion of overdue survey. Such surveys
will be credited from the date originally due. However, the vessel will remain disclassed from the date of
suspension until the date class is reinstated. The Owners and the Flag State, where applicable, would be informed in writing, of the
suspension and reinstatement of Classification.

2.18.2 Withdrawal Ship’s class will be withdrawn, at the end of six months of suspension, if the Owner has not
commenced any action to reinstate the ship’s class. A longer suspension period may be granted when
the vessel is not trading or in cases of lay-up awaiting attendance for reinstatement or disposition, in the
event of a casualty. When the class of a ship holding IRS class, is withdrawn by IRS in consequence of a request
from the Owners, the notation "Class withdrawn at Owners' request" (with date) will be made in the
subsequent reprints of the Register Of Ships. This entry will continue till the ship’s class is reinstated or
deleted. When the Regulations as regards surveys on the hull or equipment or machinery have not been
complied with and the ship thereby is not entitled to retain her class, the class will be withdrawn and the
notation "Class withdrawn" (with date) will be made in the subsequent reprints of the Register Of Ships.
This entry will continue till the ship’s class is reinstated or deleted. The withdrawal of a vessel will be confirmed in writing to the Owner and the Flag State, where

2.18.3 Deletion of Class A ship will be considered to “cease to exist” when it is destroyed by scrapping or by sinking to
unsalvageable depths or abandoned by the owner. A ship can also be considered to “cease to exist” when it is broken up either by grounding or due
to structural failure or due to actions of war or sabotage. Ship’s class will be deleted when it ceases to exist.

2.19 Reclassification of ships

2.19.1 When Owners request for reclassification of a ship for which the class previously assigned has
been withdrawn, IRS will require a Special Survey for Reclassification to be held by the Surveyors. The
extent of the survey will depend upon the age of the ship and the circumstances of each case.

2.19.2 If the ship is found or placed in good and efficient condition in accordance with the requirements of
the Rules and Regulations at the Special Survey for Reclassification, IRS may decide to reinstate her
original class or assign such other class as considered appropriate.

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2.19.3 The date of reclassification will appear in the supplement to the Register Of Ships and the
subsequent issue of Register Of Ships.

2.20 Condition improvement program

2.20.1 The Condition Improvement Program (CIP) of IRS classed ships is aimed at improving fleet quality
and safety and reducing the risk of Port State Control detentions.

Under this program vessels requiring special attention are identified based on multiple risk criteria and
study of the recent history of the vessel such as survey status, conditions of class, recommendations,
detentions etc. and the shipowner so informed.

2.20.2 Vessels identified for condition improvement would be subject to additional surveys over and
above the normal classification surveys. Surveyors are to be given necessary access to the ship for the
purpose of identification of deficiencies and recommendation of repairs. Deficiencies requiring immediate
attention as indicated by the Surveyor are to be repaired promptly and thoroughly.

Section 3

Classification of Ships not Built under the Survey of

Indian Register of Shipping

3.1 General procedure for classification of ships not built under survey of IRS

3.1.1 Plans of hull and machinery in duplicate, together with torsional vibration calculations, where
applicable, as specified in 3.2.5 are to be submitted for approval. It is preferable to have the plans
approved before the classification survey is commenced.

3.1.2 Full special classification surveys would require to be carried out by IRS Surveyors in order to
satisfy themselves regarding the workmanship and condition of the ship and to verify the approved
scantlings and arrangements. The scope of these surveys may, however, be modified in the case of
vessels built under the Special Survey and holding valid certificates of class of established classification
societies or equivalent, if prior to commence-ment of survey by IRS, documentary evidence of all hull and
machinery classification surveys held by the other society subsequent to last special survey carried out
by them could be produced. In such cases, a special survey notation will not be assigned in conjunction
with the classification survey. The next special survey therefore would become due five years from the
special survey held by the other society and not five years from classification with IRS.

In cases of transfer of class from another society to single class of IRS, the interim certificate of class or
any other documents enabling the ship to trade, can be issued :

a) In case of vessels less than 15 years of age

− only after IRS has completed all overdue surveys and overdue recommendations / conditions of
class issued earlier, as specified to the Owner by the previous society.

b) In case of vessels 15 years of age and over

− only after the previous society has completed all overdue surveys and all overdue
recommendations / conditions of class issued earlier.

3.1.3 For vessels not built under survey of IRS but subsequently taken in class with the above procedure,
the mark signifying the survey during construction will be omitted.

3.1.4 Once a vessel has been taken into IRS class, periodical surveys are subsequently to be held as per
these rules.

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Chapter 1 Part 1
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3.2 Plans and data to be furnished as required in 3.1.1

3.2.1 Plans of hull and equipment showing the main scantlings and arrangements of the actual ship and
any proposed alterations are to be submitted for approval. These should normally comprise of the
following plans:

For information

- General arrangement

- Capacity plan

- Hydrostatic Curves

- Loading Manual

- Loading Instrument Details

- Lightweight Distribution

For approval

- Midship section

- Longitudinal section and decks

- Shell expansion plan

- Transverse Bulkheads

- Fore body

- Aft body

- Sternframe

- Rudder and Rudder Stock

- Hatch Covers

- Fire detection, fighting and extinction and such other plans as may be requested.

3.2.2 It would normally be expected that particulars of the process of manufacture and testing of material
of construction are furnished. Consideration will however be given to waiving this where such particulars
are not readily available, provided it can be established that the relevant vessel has been originally built
under special survey of an established classification society and continues to be so classed with an
established classification society. In the case of vessels which have been originally built under the special
survey of an established classification society but subsequently not maintaining class, it should
additionally be possible to reasonably ascertain that no changes that would significantly affect the
material specifications have taken place.

3.2.3 Following machinery plans together with the particulars of the materials used in the construction of
the boilers, air receivers and important forgings should be furnished:

For information

- General machinery lay-out

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For approval

- Thrust, intermediate and propeller shafting

- Propeller

- Main engines, propulsion gears and clutch systems (or manufacturer make, model and rating

- For steam turbine engines, main boilers, superheaters and economisers (or manufacturer make,
model and rating information) and steam piping

- Bilge and ballast piping system

- Wiring diagram

- Steering gear systems, piping and arrangements and steering gear manufacturer make and
model information

- Additional plans for oil tankers

- Pumping arrangements at the forward and after ends and drainage of cofferdams and pump

- General arrangement of cargo piping in tanks and on decks

- Additional plans for vessels with Unattended Machinery Spaces

- Description and/or block diagram of method of operation of the control system

- Line diagrams of the control system for :

main propelling machinery and essential auxiliaries

bilge level systems

cargo pumping for tankers

boiler controls

fire detection

fire prevention, including details in way of fuel oil pressure pipes

overall alarm system including test schedule

- Additional plans for vessels with Ice Class notations:

- Plans for flexible couplings and/or torque limiting shafting devices in the propulsion line shafting
(or manufacturer make, model and rating information)

3.2.4 Calculations of torsional vibration characteristics of the main propelling machinery are to be
furnished specially for ships which have been in service for less than about 2 years.

3.2.5 In addition to the requirements of 3.2.1 to 3.2.4, additional plans would require to be submitted in
accordance with applicable Chapters of Pt.5 of the Rules for vessels with additional class notations.

Indian Register of Shipping

Chapter 1 Part 1
Page 16 of 23 General

Appendix 1
Table of characters of class and type notations of IRS, their expanded form and significance
Abbreviation Expanded Form Significance
Characters of Class
Denotes vessels which are classed with Indian
Register of Shipping
Denotes vessels which are classed with IRS but when
the equipment of ship is not supplied or maintained as
per the relevant Rules but is considered by IRS to be
acceptable for particular service
Denotes vessels which are classed with IRS but
SU SARVOUTAM where for reason of their particular purpose or service
normal equipment may be unnecessary
This distinguishing mark inserted before Characters of
Class or Class Notations is assigned to new ships
constructed under special survey of IRS in compliance
with the Rules to the satisfaction of IRS
When a Class Notation is enclosed within brackets, it
[ ] indicates that applicable arrangements exist on board
but the notation has been temporarily suspended
Class Notations - Hull
Service in sheltered water adjacent to sand banks,
Sheltered Water Service reefs, breakwaters or other coastal features, and in
sheltered water between islands
Service in sheltered waters and also for short
Restricted Water Service distances (generally less than 15 nautical miles)
beyond sheltered waters in 'reasonable weather'
Service along a coast, during the course of which the
vessel does not go more than 20 nautical miles from
the nearest land and may cross gulfs or similar
Specified Coastal Service features recognised by the local Administration as a
part of the coastal service. The geographical limits will
form part of the Class Notation, e.g. "Indian Coastal
Service between two or more points or other
Specified Route Service geographical features which will form part of the Class
Service within one or more geographical area(s) which
Specified Operating Area Service
will form part of the Class Notation
Denotes that the ship is strengthened for first year ice
conditions in Northern Baltic in winter or areas of
similar ice with condition equivalent to unbroken level
ice with a maximum thickness of 1.0 metre
Denotes that the ship is strengthened for first year ice
conditions in Northern Baltic in winter or areas of
similar ice with condition equivalent to unbroken level
ice with a maximum thickness of 0.8 metre

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Abbreviation Expanded Form Significance

Denotes that the ship is strengthened for first year ice
conditions in Northern Baltic in winter or areas of
similar ice with condition equivalent to unbroken level
ice with a maximum thickness of 0.6 metre
Denotes that the ship is strengthened for first year ice
conditions in Northern Baltic in winter or areas of
similar ice with condition equivalent to unbroken level
ice with a maximum thickness of 0.4 metre
Denotes that the ship is strengthened for light first
year ice conditions in areas other than Northern Baltic
Vessel complies with requirements of enhanced
survey programme
Denotes that the ship complies with the requirements
SAMATARANA for survival capability (floatability in damaged
STHIRATVA condition) in accordance with Chapter 3 of IMO
Resolution MSC 235(82)
This will be entered in the Register of Ships where the
scantlings and arrangements have been approved for
heavier cargo loadings in any hold filled up to the top
"Strengthened for heavy cargoes"
of the hatch coaming with cargo at a stowage rate of ≤
1 [m3/tonne], when the draught in way of the hold is 80
per cent of the maximum permissible draught or more
This will be entered in the Register of Ships in
"Hold(s) ...(to be specified)......... may be
association with the notation BC-A, for bulk cargo
This will be entered in the Register of Ships when a
bulk cargo carrier has not been designed for loading
and unloading in multiple ports in accordance with the
conditions specified in Part.5, Chapter 1 of the Rules
This will be entered in the Register of Ships when a
Maximum cargo density [t/m3] bulk cargo carrier with notation BC-A or BC-B is
designed for maximum cargo density less than 3 [t/m3]
This will be entered in the Register Of Ships for
vessels with erected platforms or landing area
HELDK designed for helicopter landings in accordance with
applicable requirements of Part 5, Chapter 27 of the
Denotes that the ship is equipped with emergency
EMERGENCY TOWING towing arrangements in accordance with the
ARRANGEMENT requirements given in Part.5, Chapters 2, 3 or 4 of the
Denotes that the ship is equipped with a loading
computer capable of ascertaining and comparing with
Load Comp (1) LOADING COMPUTER (1) the permissible limits, the hull girder loads in still water
in any loading condition as required by Pt.3, Ch.5 and
Pt.5, as applicable, of the Rules

Indian Register of Shipping

Chapter 1 Part 1
Page 18 of 23 General

Abbreviation Expanded Form Significance

Denotes that in addition to the requirements for Load
Comp (1) mentioned above, the ship's loading
computer is capable of performing intact stability
Load Comp (2) LOADING COMPUTER (2)
calculations for any loading condition to verify
compliance with the applicable requirements indicated
in Pt.3, Ch.1 of the Rules
Denotes that in addition to the requirements for Load
Comp (2) mentioned above, the ship's loading
Load Comp (3) LOADING COMPUTER (3)
computer is capable of performing the stability
calculations in damaged condition
Denotes that in addition to the requirement for Load
Comp (2) mentioned above, the ship's loading
Load Comp (4) LOADING COMPUTER (4)
computer is capable of performing both stability and
strength calculations in damaged condition
Denotes that the examination of the ship's bottom and
related items may be carried out while the ship is
afloat in accordance with the applicable requirements
indicated in Pt.1, Ch.2, Sec.7.2
This will be entered in the Register of Ships for
vessels which are designed and constructed solely for
"For carriage of cement in bulk"
carriage of cement in bulk and the scantlings and
arrangements have been approved accordingly
Denotes that the vessel is fitted with standard
SPM SINGLE POINT MOORING arrangements for single point mooring as per Pt.5,
Ch.28 of the Rules
When bulk carriers, oil tankers, oil or ore carriers and
oil or bulk carriers are of double hull construction, in
DOUBLE HULL the entire cargo area (See Ch.2, Sec.1), the main
class notations described above will be appended by
notation ‘DOUBLE HULL’
Class Notations - Machinery
Denotes that the propulsion and auxiliary machinery
can be controlled and monitored with continuous
supervision from a Centralized Control Station as
CENTRALIZED CONTROL detailed in Pt.4, Ch.7. It also denotes that the control
STATION engineering equipment has been arranged, installed
and tested in accordance with Rules.

Denotes that the machinery installation complies with

IY INDIAN YANTRA the applicable requirements of Indian Register of
Denotes that the ship can be operated with the
SWACHALIT YANTRIK machinery spaces unattended in accordance with the
JAHAZ applicable requirements of Part 5, Chapter 22 of the
Denotes that the refrigerated cargo installation of a
HY HIMIKAR YANTRA ship complies with the applicable requirements of Part
5, Chapter 23 of the Rules

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Abbreviation Expanded Form Significance

Denotes that the refrigerated cargo installation is
capable of cooling down fruit in general or a catch of
fish and complies with the applicable requirements of
Part 5, Chapter 23 of the Rules
Denotes that the reliquefaction or refrigeration
installation fitted on a classed liquefied gas carrier for
HY(LGC) HIMIKAR YANTRA (LGC) cargo temperature and pressure control complies with
the applicable requirements of Part 5, Chapter 4 of the
This notation is assigned to ships classed with Indian
Register of Shipping intended for (i) carriage of oil in
bulk or (ii) carriage of liquid chemicals in bulk. It
NV NIPRABHAV VASHPA denotes that the cargo spaces can be inerted by
means of an inert gas system which has been
approved, installed and tested in accordance with the
relevant Rules
Denotes that the ship is equipped for early stage fire
AGNI 1 fighting and rescue operations close to structures
including means for self protection of the vessel
Denotes that the ship is equipped for continuous
AGNI 2 AGNI SHAMAK fighting of large fires and for cooling of structures on
fire including means for self protection of the vessel
Denotes that the ship is equipped for continuous
AGNI 3 fighting of large fires and for cooling of structures on
fire and of greater capacity than for "AGNI 2"
DYNAMIC POSITIONING Denotes that the ship is fitted with automatic controls
DP (1)
(1) for position keeping as Pt.5, Ch.24 of the Rules
Denotes that the ship is fitted with automatic controls
DYNAMIC POSITIONING of position keeping with automatic standby controls
DP (2)
(2) and redundancy in design and equipment as required
by Pt.5, Ch.24 of the Rules
Denotes that the ship is fitted with automatic controls
for position keeping with automatic standby controls,
DP (3) redundancy in design and equipment and physical
separation of components in different compartments
as per Pt.5, Ch.24 of the Rules
The additional class notations ‘IBS’ will be assigned to
ships fitted with an Integrated Bridge System in
accordance with the requirements given in Pt.5,
Ch.31. Integrated Bridge System allows simplified and
centralized bridge operation of the main functions of
navigation, manoeuvring and communication, as well
as monitoring from the bridge of other functions such
IBS Integrated Bridge System as:
- Passage execution
- Communication system
- Monitoring of the machinery installation
- Pollution monitoring
- Monitoring of HVAC for passenger ships
- Safety and security.

Indian Register of Shipping

Chapter 1 Part 1
Page 20 of 23 General

Abbreviation Expanded Form Significance

JALAJJAN UPAKARANA Denotes that the ship is equipped with diving
SAJJITA equipment
Denotes that sterntube bearing temperature and
lubricating oil consumption are monitored, lubricating
TCM oil analysis is carried out regularly and records of
monitoring / analysis are maintained as per Pt.1, Ch.2,
Sec.11 of the Rules
Denotes that the ship is equipped with crude oil
COW CRUDE OIL WASHING washing system in accordance with Part 5, Chapter 2
of the Rules
Denotes that the machinery is subject to a system of
PMS planned maintenance and surveys as per Pt.1, Ch.2,
Sec.14 of the Rules
Pollution Prevention Notations
The additional notation VCS1 will be assigned to oil
tankers, combination carriers (ore or oil/oil or bulk)
and chemical tankers equipped with vapour control
system meeting the requirements of IMO
The additional notation VCS2 will be assigned to oil
tankers and chemical tankers equipped with vapour
control system meeting the requirements of USCG’s
regulations CFR46 Part 39.
The requirements for the assignment of this notation
are given in Part 5, Chapter 29
The additional class notation CLEAN-SEA is assigned
to ships provided with construction and procedural
means to prevent pollution of sea. This is achieved by
complying with the applicable requirements of
Annexes I, II, III, IV, V of MARPOL Convention, as
well as additional requirements related to prevention
of sea pollution as follows:
• Prevention of accidental pollution by locating
fuel and lub.oil tanks above the double bottom
and away from side shell.
• Prevention of operational pollution by means
of bilge water separation and filtering, holding
tanks for treated sewage and grey water
• Prevention of transfer of harmful organisms
and pathogens in the ballast water
• Prevention of pollution by tributyltin by means
of TBT free antifouling paints
• Prevention of pollution by solid garbage
(resulting from the compacting device and
incinerators) by means of proper storage of
such waste
The requirements for the assignment of this notation
are given in Part 5, Chapter 30 of Rules.

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Abbreviation Expanded Form Significance

The additional class notation CLEAN-AIR is assigned
to ships provided with construction and procedural
means to prevent pollution of the air. This is achieved
by complying with the applicable requirements of
Annex VI of MARPOL convention as well as following
additional requirements related to emissions to the air:
• Prevention of air pollution by exhaust gas
(NOx, SOx, etc.) by means of low emission
• Use of low sulphur content fuels and
• Use of refrigerants and fixed fire fighting
means with zero ozone depleting potential
and low global warming potential
• Control of release of refrigerants to the
atmosphere by means of leak detection and
evacuation systems
• Recovery of vapours emitted from cargo
systems of ships carrying dangerous liquid
cargoes in bulk
Note 1 : For ships with the service notation of oil
tanker, oil or bulk carrier, ore or oil carrier, chemical
tanker or liquefied gas carrier, the assignment of the
notation VCS1 or VCS2 is a pre-requisite for assigning
the notation CLEAN-AIR.
The requirements for the assignment of this notation
are given in Part 5, Chapter 30 of Rules.

The additional class notation EP is assigned to ships

provided with equipment and procedural means to
prevent pollution of the sea and of air. This is
achieved by complying with the requirements of
Annexes I to VI of MARPOL Convention and
additional requirements relevant to ship’s liquid, solid
and gas releases as detailed in Part 5, Chapter 30 of
Rules. Additionally the vessel should have developed
an Environmental Management Plan considering the
EP Environmental Protection IMO requirements for recycling.
Note 1 : For ships with the service notation of oil
tanker, oil or bulk carrier, ore or oil carrier, chemical
tanker or liquefied gas carrier, the assignment of the
notation VCS1 or VCS2 is a prerequisite for assigning
the notation Environment Protection – EP.
The requirements for the assignment of this notation
are given in Part 5, Chapter 30 of Rules.

Indian Register of Shipping

Chapter 1 Part 1
Page 22 of 23 General

Ship Type Notation

Ship Type Notation Significance
This notation will be assigned to ships designed primarily to carry dry
cargo in bulk and built in accordance with the applicable requirements of
Part 5, Chapter 1 of the Rules for carriage of cargoes of density less
than 1.0 [t/m3]
This notation will be assigned to ships designed primarily to carry dry
cargo in bulk and built in accordance with the applicable requirements of
BC-B Part.5, Chapter 1 of the Rules for carriage of cargoes of density 1.0
[t/m3] and above with all cargo holds loaded. This also denotes that the
vessel is capable of carriage of cargoes as required for notation BC-C
This notation will be assigned to ships designed primarily to carry dry
cargo in bulk and built in accordance with the applicable requirements of
Part 5, Chapter 1 of the Rules for the carriage of cargoes of density 1.0
[t/m3] and above with specified holds empty. This also denotes that the
vessel is capable of carriage of cargoes as required for notation BC-B
and BC-C
This notation will be assigned to ships specially designed primarily to
ORE CARRIER carry ore and built in accordance with applicable requirements of Part 5,
Chapter 1 of the Rules
This notation will be assigned to tankers intended primarily to carry oil in
bulk and built in accordance with applicable requirements of Part 5,
Chapter 2 of the Rules. Where the scantlings and arrangements have
been approved for the carriage of oil having a flash point of 60°C or
above (closed cup test) or other liquid cargoes in bulk, the class notation
will be suitably modified to show the nature of the cargo
These notations will be assigned to combination carriers specially
ORE OR OIL CARRIER designed primarily to carry dry bulk cargoes (bulk carriers and ore
carriers) and alternatively, oil in bulk, in accordance with Pt.5, Ch.2,
OIL OR BULK CARRIER Sec.12 of the Rules. In such ships, simultaneous carriage of dry bulk
cargo and oil is prohibited.
This notation will be assigned to ships specially designed primarily to
CHEMICAL TANKER carry chemicals in bulk and built in accordance with applicable
requirements of Part 5, Chapter 3 of the Rules
This notation will be assigned to ships specially designed for the
carriage of liquefied petroleum, natural or other gases and built in
accordance with applicable requirements of Part 5, Chapter 4 of the
This notation will be assigned to vessels built for the exclusive carriage
CONTAINER SHIP of containers in holds and on deck in accordance with the applicable
requirements of Part 5, Chapter 5 of the Rules
This notation will be assigned to vessels intended for carrying more than
PASSENGER SHIP 12 passengers and built in accordance with Part 5, Chapter 6 of the
This notation will be assigned to vessels intended for carriage of
FERRY passengers and/or vehicles on regular scheduled service and built in
accordance with Part 5, Chapter 6 of the Rules
This notation will be assigned to ferries intended for carriage of
passengers, vehicles and cargo in pallet form or in containers and
loaded/unloaded by wheeled vehicles and built in accordance with Part
5, Chapter 6 of the Rules

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Rules and Regulations for the Construction and Classification of Steel Ships - 2010
Page 23 of 23

Ship Type Notation Significance

This notation will be assigned to all ships built in accordance with
applicable requirements of Part 5, Chapter 7 of the Rules
This notation will be assigned to tugs designed for anchor handling
ANCHOR HANDLING TUG operations and built according to the requirements for this purpose given
in Pt.5, Ch.7 and Pt.5, Ch.8 of the Rules.
This notation will be assigned to all ships built in accordance with
applicable requirements of Part 5, Chapter 7 of the Rules
This notation will be assigned to ships built in accordance with
STERN TRAWLER applicable requirements of Part 5, Chapter 9 of the Rules and engaged
in stern trawling
This notation will be assigned to ships built in accordance with
TRAWLER applicable requirements of Part 5, Chapter 9 of the Rules and engaged
in side trawling
This notation will be assigned to ships built in accordance with
FISHING VESSEL applicable requirements of Part 5, Chapter 9 of the Rules and not
equipped with trawling gear
These notations will be assigned to self propelled or non self propelled
vessels engaged in dredging or reclamation operation in accordance
with applicable requirements of Part 5, Chapter 10 of the Rules
This notation will be assigned to non self- propelled, manned or
unmanned ships carrying dry cargo in cargo holds and built in
BARGE accordance with applicable requirements of Part 5, Chapter 11 of the
Rules. For special purpose vessels, the Notation will be suitably
modified, e.g. Shipborne Barge
This notation will be assigned to non self- propelled, manned or
unmanned ships intended to carry oil in bulk and built in accordance with
the applicable requirements of Part 5, Chapters 2 & 11 of the Rules.
Where the scantlings and arrangements have been approved by IRS for
the carriage of oil having a flash point of 60°C or above (closed cup
test), or for other liquid cargoes in bulk, the class notation affixed to the
Character will be suitably modified to show the nature of the cargo (e.g.
water barge, molasses barge, etc.)
This notation will be assigned to non self- propelled, manned or
unmanned ships designed specifically for the carriage of non-perishable
PONTOON cargo or equipment on deck and built in accordance with the applicable
requirements of Part 5, Chapter 11 of the Rules. For special purpose
vessels, the Notation will be suitably modified, e.g. Crane Pontoon

This notation will be assigned to floating dry docks built in accordance

with the applicable requirements of Part 5, Chapter 12 of the Rules.

End of Chapter

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Rules and Regulations for the Construction and Classification of Steel Ships - 2010
Page 1 of 160

Chapter 2

Periodical Surveys


1 General Requirements
2 Surveys - Bulk Carriers and Ore Carriers
3 Surveys - Oil Tankers, Ore or Oil Carriers, Oil or Bulk Carriers
4 Surveys - Chemical Tankers
5 Surveys - Liquefied Gas Carriers
6 Surveys - Other Ship Types
7 Docking Surveys
8 Machinery - Special Surveys
9 Boiler Surveys
10 Steam Pipes Surveys
11 Surveys of Propeller Shafts, Tube Shafts and Propellers
12 Surveys of Inert Gas Systems
13 Surveys of Vessels with Refrigerated Cargo Installations
14 Planned Maintenance System
15 Surveys – Vapour Control Systems
16 Surveys of Thermal Oil Heating Systems
17 Surveys of External Fire Fighting Systems

Section 1

General Requirements

1.1 General

1.1.1 All vessels are to be subjected to Periodical Surveys for the purpose of maintenance of class.
Survey notations and Survey intervals are given in Table 1.1.1 for main class Surveys. Where additional
class notations have been assigned, Surveys are to be carried out at intervals given in Table 1.1.2.

1.1.2 Vessels with additional class notations for which there are no specific Survey requirements defined
in this Chapter are to have the equipment and/or construction related to this additional class notation
examined to the Surveyor's satisfaction at each Special Survey. However, at the time of Annual Surveys
the continued effectiveness, of operational features, safety devices and control systems are to be

1.1.3 In view of the coming into force of the Harmonised System of Survey and certification, (IMO
Resolution A.746(18)) annual, intermediate and special surveys are to be held concurrently with the
relevant statutory surveys under the various IMO conventions.

Indian Register of Shipping

Chapter 2 Part 1
Page 2 of 160 Periodical Surveys

1.1.4 Special consideration may be given in the application of relevant requirements of this chapter to
commercial vessels owned or chartered by Governments, which are utilized in support of military
operations or service.

Table 1.1.1 : Periodical survey intervals for class survey notations

(Any specific requirements of the flag Administration are also to be complied with)
Class survey Survey interval in
notation years
Hull : Special Survey SSH 5
Hull : Continuous Survey CSH 55
Machinery : Special Survey SSM 5
Machinery : Continuous Survey CSM 5
Intermediate Survey IS 2 or 34
Annual Survey AS 1
Docking Survey DS 2.52

Tailshaft Survey
with approved oil gland TS(OG) 53,8
with continuous liner TS(CL) 53,8
with shaft of corrosion resistant material TS(NC) 5
with condition monitoring TS(TCM) See Note 7
other than above TS 2.53

Directional propellers, water jet units, or athwartship thrust

Main boilers MBS 2.56
Auxiliary boilers ABS 2.56
Thermal oil heating systems TOH 2.5
Exhaust gas steam generators and economisers EGES 2.56
Steam pipe survey
1st Survey SPS
2nd and subsequent surveys


1 Survey may be carried out within 3 months on either side of the anniversary date.
2 At least 2 Surveys are to be carried out within any 5 year special survey cycle, but the interval between
two consecutive surveys is not to exceed 3 years and one of these two docking surveys should coincide
with the Special Survey. Proposals for alternative means for providing underwater inspection equivalent to
drydocking survey would be considered by IRS as detailed in Sec.7. However, for vessels operating solely
in fresh-water only one docking survey coinciding with the special survey need be carried out till special
survey no. IV provided the interval between consecutive docking surveys does not exceed 5 years.
3 Upon request, IRS may extend the survey period to harmonise with docking survey.
4 Survey may be carried out either at or between the second or third Annual Survey.
5 At the request of the Owner, IRS may agree that the special survey of the hull, for ships other than bulk
carriers, oil tankers, combination carriers, chemical tankers, liquefied gas carriers and general dry cargo
ships, be carried out on the continuous basis.
6 At least 2 surveys are to be carried out within any 5 year special survey cycle. The interval between two
consecutive surveys is not to exceed 3 years.
7 Condition monitoring records are to be verified at the time of annual surveys and during docking survey.
No specific time interval is required between complete tailshaft surveys (See section 11.5).
8 See 11.1.2 for requirements for applicability of 5 years survey interval.

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Table 1.1.2 : Periodical survey intervals for additional class notations

Survey of Additional class notation / Survey interval in years

corresponding class survey
Planned Maintenance
System of Machinery PMS

Annual Audit AA(PMS) 13

Diving system JUS

Annual Survey AS(JUS) 11

Special Survey SS(JUS) 5
Cargo refrigerating plant HY

Annual Survey AS(HY) 11

Special Survey SS(HY) 5
Continuous Survey CS(HY) 5
Dynamic positioning system DP(1), (2) and (3)

Annual Survey AS(DP) 1
Special Survey SS(DP) 5

External fire fighting AGNI 1, 2 & 3

Annual survey AS(AGNI) 11
Special survey SS(AGNI) 5

Inert gas installation NV

Annual Survey AS(NV) 1
Special Survey SS(NV) 5
Un-attended Machinery SYJ

Annual Survey AS(SYJ) 11

Special Survey SS(SYJ) 5

1 May be carried out within 3 months on either side of anniversary date.

2 Survey may be carried out either at or between the second or third annual

3 To be carried out in conjunction with annual survey.

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Chapter 2 Part 1
Page 4 of 160 Periodical Surveys

1.2 Definitions

1.2.1 A Ballast tank is a tank which is being used for the carriage of salt water ballast.

In the case of oil tankers and chemical tankers, combined cargo/ballast tanks which are used for the
carriage of cargo or ballast water as a routine part of the vessel’s operation, are to be treated as ballast
tanks. Cargo tanks in which water may be carried only in exceptional cases as per MARPOL I/13(3), are
to be treated as cargo tanks. In any case, when substantial corrosion is found in a tank used for both
cargo and ballast, the tank is to be considered as a ballast tank for the purpose of application of survey

In the case of bulk carriers, a space used for both cargo and salt water ballast is to be treated as a ballast
tank for the purpose of application of survey requirements when substantial corrosion is found in that
space. Further in the case of double skin bulk carrier a double side tank is to be considered as a separate
tank even if it is in connection to either the topside tank or the hopper side tank.

1.2.2 A Close-up survey is a survey where the details of structural components are within the close
visual inspection range of the Surveyor, i.e. normally within reach of hand.

1.2.3 An Overall survey is a survey intended to report on the overall condition of the hull structure and
determine the extent of additional Close-up Surveys.

1.2.4 A Transverse section includes all longitudinal members such as plating, longitudinals and girders
at the deck, side, bottom, inner bottom and hopper side plating, longitudinal bulkheads and bottom plating
in top wing tanks. Where transversely framed, the transverse section is to include adjacent transverse
stiffeners and their end connections.

1.2.5 Representative spaces/tanks are those which are expected to reflect the condition of other
spaces/tanks of similar type and service and with similar corrosion prevention systems. When selecting
Representative Spaces/Tanks account is be taken of the service and repair history onboard and
identifiable Critical Structural Areas and/or Suspect Areas.

1.2.6 Suspect areas are locations showing Substantial Corrosion and/or considered by the Surveyor to
be prone to rapid wastage.

1.2.7 Critical structural areas are locations which have been identified from calculations to require
monitoring or from the service history of the subject ship or sister ships (if available) to be sensitive to
cracking, buckling or corrosion which would impair the structural integrity of the ship.

1.2.8 Substantial corrosion is an extent of corrosion such that assessment of corrosion pattern
indicates a wastage in excess of 75 per cent of allowable margins, but within acceptable limits.

For vessels built under the IACS Common Structural Rules, substantial corrosion is an extent of
corrosion such that the assessment of the corrosion pattern indicates a gauged (or measured) thickness
between tnet + 0.5 [mm] and tnet.

1.2.9 Corrosion prevention system is normally to be of a full hard protective coating. Hard protective
coatings are to usually be epoxy coating or equivalent. Soft or semi-hard coatings are not acceptable.
Other coating systems may be considered acceptable as alternatives provided they are applied and
maintained in compliance with the manufacturer's specifications.

1.2.10 Coating condition is defined as follows :

GOOD - Condition with only minor spot rusting;
FAIR - Condition with local breakdown at edges and weld connections and/or light rusting over 20 per
cent or more of areas under consideration, but less than as defined for POOR condition;
POOR - Condition with general breakdown of coating over 20 per cent or more of areas or hard scale at
10 per cent or more of areas under consideration.

1.2.11 Cargo area in case of oil tankers and chemical tankers is that part of the ship which contains
cargo tanks, slop tanks and cargo/ballast pump rooms, cofferdams, ballast tanks and void spaces

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Page 5 of 160

adjacent to cargo tanks and also deck areas throughout the entire length and breadth of the part of the
ship over the above mentioned spaces.

In the case of liquefied gas carriers, cargo area is that part of the ship which contains the cargo
containment system, cargo/ballast pump rooms and compressor rooms, cofferdams, ballast tanks and
void spaces adjacent to the cargo containment spaces and also deck areas throughout the entire length
and breadth of the part of the ship over the above mentioned spaces.

In the case of bulk carriers and general dry cargo ships, cargo area is that part of the ship which contains
all cargo holds and adjacent areas including fuel tanks, cofferdams, ballast tanks and void spaces etc.
within the longitudinal extent from the aft bulkhead of the aft-most cargo hold to the fwd bulkhead of the
foremost cargo hold.

Note: The definitions for cargo area given above are applicable only for the purpose of identifying spaces
for examination during hull surveys as required by this chapter of the Rules. For the purpose of design
and construction requirements, the definitions given in respective chapters of Part 5 of the rules would

1.2.12 Spaces are separate compartments including holds, tanks, cofferdams and void spaces bounding
cargo holds, decks and the outer hull.

1.2.13 A prompt and thorough repair is a permanent repair completed at the time of survey to the
satisfaction of the Surveyor, therein removing the need for the imposition of any associated condition of
classification, or recommendation.

1.2.14 Anniversary date means the day and month of each year corresponding to the expiry date of the
classification certificate.

1.2.15 A Double Hull Oil Tanker is a ship which is constructed primarily for the carriage of oil (See Pt.5,
Ch.2, for list of oils) in bulk, which has the cargo tanks protected by a double hull which extends for the
entire length of the cargo area, consisting of double sides and double bottom spaces for the carriage of
water ballast or as void spaces.

1.2.16 For the purpose of application of these requirements, a ‘double skin bulk carrier’ is a ship which
is constructed generally with single deck, top side tanks, hopper side tanks & double bottom in cargo
spaces and is intended primarily to carry dry cargo in bulk, including such types as ore carriers and
combination carriers, in which all cargo holds are bounded by double-side skin (regardless of the width of
the wing space).

1.2.17 ‘General dry cargo ship’ means ships carrying solid cargoes other than:

- bulk carriers and ore carriers which are subject to the requirements of Sec.2;
- dedicated Container carriers;
- dedicated forest product carriers (not timber or log carriers);
- ro-ro cargo ships;
- refrigerated cargo ships;
- dedicated wood chip carriers;
- dedicated Cement carriers;
- livestock carriers;
- ships carrying exclusively deck cargo.

1.2.18 Special consideration or specially considered (in connection with close-up surveys and
thickness measurements) means that sufficient close-up inspection and thickness measurements are to
be taken to confirm the actual average condition of the structure under the coating.

1.2.19 Air pipe heads installed on the exposed decks are those extending above the freeboard deck or
superstructure decks.

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1.3 Laid up vessels

1.3.1 Survey during lay-up When a vessel is laid up and IRS is so informed, the periodical surveys required by 1.1.1, except
Annual Surveys, may be postponed at the discretion of IRS depending upon the vessel's lay-up location,
the maintenance and preservative measures taken during the lay-up. During lay-up, the vessel is to
comply with the following:-

a) The vessel is to be adequately manned in accordance with the statutory requirements prevailing at
the location of lay-up.

b) Adequate power is to be available on board to meet the following requirements:-

- fire fighting;
- bilge pumping;
- lighting;
- communication with shore;
- needs of crew on board, and
- operating anchor and mooring winches within a reasonable time. During lay-up, vessels are to be subjected to a general examination every year.

1.3.2 Survey at re-activation Vessels are to be surveyed and tested before re-entering service. The extent of the surveys and
tests will be considered in each case by IRS depending upon the time out of commission, the
maintenance and preservative measures taken during lay-up and the extent of surveys carried out during
this time but will at least include a sea trial for function testing of the machinery installation.

1.4 Surveys by Chief Engineers

1.4.1 Continuous machinery Surveys of some machinery items may be carried out, subject to certain
conditions, under the supervision of the Chief Engineer of the ship at ports where IRS is not represented
and where practicable, at sea.

1.4.2 A limited confirmatory Survey should be carried out at the next port of call by an exclusive Surveyor
of IRS. Where IRS Surveyor is not available, such Survey may be carried out by the exclusive Surveyor
of a Society with whom IRS has collaboration agreement in force.

1.4.3 Where an Owner wishes to make use of this type of Survey an application will have to be made by
the Owner stating the name, age, qualifications and experience of the Chief Engineer for the
consideration of IRS.

1.4.4 Any further particulars of this scheme may be obtained from IRS Head Office.

1.5 Surveys for damage or alteration

1.5.1 At any time when a ship is undergoing alterations or damage repairs, any exposed parts of the
structure normally difficult for access are to be specially examined by the Surveyor.

1.6 Unscheduled surveys

1.6.1 In the event that IRS has reason to believe that its Rules and Regulations are not being complied
with, IRS reserves the right to perform unscheduled surveys of the hull or machinery.

1.7 Provision for surveys

1.7.1 The Surveyors are to be provided with necessary facilities for a safe execution of survey.

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In order to enable the attending surveyors to carry out the survey, provisions for proper and safe access,
are to be agreed between the owner and IRS.

Details of the means of access are to be provided in the survey planning questionnaire.

In cases where the provisions of safety and required access are judged by the attending surveyor(s) as
not adequate, the survey of the spaces concerned would not be carried out.

1.7.2 The surveys at sea or at anchorages may be carried out provided necessary precautions are taken
while carrying out the survey and adequate assistance is provided.

1.7.3 Cargo holds, tanks and spaces are to be safe for access. Cargo holds, tanks and spaces are to be
gas free and properly ventilated. Prior to entering a tank, void or enclosed space, it is to be verified that
the atmosphere in the tank is free from hazardous gas and contains sufficient oxygen. All spaces are to
be cleaned and loose accumulated corrosion scale is to be removed from all surfaces. They are to be
sufficiently clean and free from water, scale, dirt, oil residues, etc. to reveal any significant corrosion,
deformation, fractures, damages and other structural deterioration as well as the condition of the coating.
However, those areas of structure whose renewal has already been decided by the owner need only be
cleaned and descaled to the extent necessary to determine the limits of the renewal areas.

1.7.4 Sufficient illumination is to be provided to reveal corrosion, deformation, fractures, damages or

other structural deterioration as well as the condition of the coating.

1.7.5 Where soft coatings have been applied, safe access is to be provided for the Surveyor to verify the
effectiveness of the coating and to carry out an assessment of the conditions of the internal structures
which may include spot removal of the coating. When safe access cannot be provided, the soft coating is
to be removed.

1.7.6 The surveyor(s) are to always be accompanied by at least one responsible person, assigned by the
owner, experienced in tank and enclosed spaces inspection. In addition a backup team of at least two
experienced persons is to be stationed at the hatch opening of the tank or space that is being surveyed.
The back-up team is to continuously observe the work in the tank or space and is to keep lifesaving and
evacuation equipment ready for use.

1.7.7 A communication system is to be arranged between the survey party in the cargo hold, tank or
space being examined, the responsible officer on deck and, as the case may be, the navigation bridge.
The communication arrangements are to be maintained throughout the survey.

1.7.8 For overall examination, means are to be provided to enable the Surveyor to examine the structure
in a safe and practical way.

1.7.9 For Close-up Examination of the hull structure, other than cargo hold shell frames of bulk carriers,
one or more of the following means of access to Surveyors satisfaction is to be provided, in general:

- Permanent staging and passages through structures

- Temporary staging and passages through structures
- Lifts and movable platforms
- Portable ladders
- Boats or rafts
- Other equivalent means.


a) For close-up surveys of the cargo hold shell frames of bulk carriers less than cape size (i.e. less than
100,000 dwt) one or more of the following means for access, acceptable to the Surveyor, is to be

- Permanent staging and passage through structures;

- Temporary staging and passages through structures;

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- Portable ladder restricted to not more than 5 [m] in length may be accepted for surveys of lower
section of a shell frame including bracket;
- Hydraulic arm vehicles such as conventional cherry pickers, lifts and movable platforms;
- Boats or rafts, provided the structural capacity of the hold is sufficient to withstand static loads at
all levels of water;
- Other equivalent means.

b) For close-up surveys of the cargo hold shell frames of cape size bulk carriers (100,000 dwt and
above), the use of portable ladders is not accepted and one or more of the following means for
access, acceptable to the surveyor, is to be provided:

i) Annual surveys, intermediate survey under 10 years of age and Special Survey No.1

- permanent staging and passage through structures;

- temporary staging and passages through structures;
- hydraulic arm vehicles such as conventional cherry pickers, lifts and movable platforms;
- boats or rafts provided the structural capacity of the hold is sufficient to withstand static loads
at all levels of water;
- other equivalent means.

ii) Subsequent intermediate surveys and special surveys:

- either permanent or temporary staging and passage through structures for close-up surveys
of at least the upper part of hold frames;
- hydraulic arm vehicles such as conventional cherry pickers for surveys of lower and middle
part of shell frames as alternative to staging:
- lifts and moveable platforms;
- boats or rafts provided the structural capacity of the hold is sufficient to withstand static loads
at all levels of water;
- other equivalent means.

Notwithstanding the above requirements, the use of a portable ladder fitted with a mechanical device to
secure the upper end of the ladder is acceptable for the “close-up examination of sufficient extent,
minimum 25% of frames, to establish the condition of the lower region of the shell frames including
approx. lower one third length of side frame at side shell and side frame end attachment and the adjacent
shell plating of the forward cargo hold” at annual survey, required in and the “one other selected
cargo hold” required in

1.7.11 For bulk carriers and oil tankers constructed on or after 1 Jan 2005, the access requirements for
surveys in the cargo area and forward spaces are given in Pt.5, Ch.1, Sec.1.6 & 1.7 and Pt.5, Ch.2,
Sec.2.3 & 2.4 respectively. The means of access are to be surveyed prior to, or in conjunction with its use
for carrying out surveys.

1.7.12 During surveys of oil tankers, ore or oil carriers, oil or bulk carriers, chemical tankers and liquefied
gas carriers, explosimeter, oxygen-meter, breathing apparatus, life line and whistles are to be at hand
during the survey.

1.7.13 In order to ascertain the structural strength of ship's hull and machinery, thickness measurements
as specified in subsequent sections, as applicable, are to be carried out normally by means of ultrasonic
equipment. The accuracy of the equipment is to be proven to the Surveyor as required.

1.7.14 One or more of the following fracture detection procedures may be required if deemed necessary
by the Surveyor:

- radiographic equipment
- ultrasonic equipment
- magnetic particle equipment
- dye penetrant.

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1.7.15 Explosimeter, oxygen-meter, breathing apparatus, lifelines, riding belts with rope and hook and
whistles together with instructions and guidance on their use are to be made available during the survey.
A safety check-list should be provided.

1.7.16 Adequate and safe lighting is to be provided for the safe and efficient conduct of the survey.

1.7.17 Adequate protective clothing is to be made available and used (e.g. safety helmet, gloves, safety
shoes, etc.) during the survey.

1.8 Surveys at sea or at anchorage

1.8.1 Survey at sea or at anchorage may be accepted provided the Surveyor is given the necessary
assistance from the personnel onboard. Necessary precautions and procedures for carrying out the
survey are to be in accordance with 1.7.

1.8.2 A communication system is to be arranged between the survey party in the tank and the
responsible officer on deck. This system must also include the personnel in charge of ballast pump
handling if boats or rafts are used.

1.8.3 Surveys of tanks or applicable holds by means of boats or rafts may only be undertaken with the
agreement of the Surveyor, who is to take into account the safety arrangements provided, including
weather forecasting and ship response under foreseeable conditions and provided the expected rise of
water within the tank due to ship motion does not exceed 0.25 [m].

1.8.4 When rafts or boats will be used for close-up survey the following conditions are to be observed:

a) Only rough duty, inflatable rafts or boats, having satisfactory residual buoyancy and stability even
if one chamber is ruptured, are to be used;

b) The boat or raft is to be tethered to the access ladder and an additional person is to be stationed
down the access ladder with a clear view of the boat or raft;

c) Appropriate lifejackets are to be available for all participants;

d) The surface of water in the tank or hold is to be calm (under all foreseeable conditions the
expected rise of water within the tank should not exceed 0.25 m) and the water level stationary.
On no account is the level of the water to be rising while the boat or raft is in use;

e) The tank, hold or space must contain clean ballast water only. Even a thin sheen of oil on the
water is not acceptable; and

f) At no time is the water level to be allowed to be within 1 m of the deepest under deck web face
flat so that the survey team is not isolated from a direct escape route to the tank hatch. Filling to
levels above the deck transverses is only to be contemplated if a deck access manhole is fitted
and open in the bay being examined, so that an escape route for the survey party is available at
all times. Other effective means of escape to the deck may be considered.

g) If the tanks (or spaces) are connected by a common venting system, or inert gas system, the
tank in which the boat or raft is used should be isolated to prevent a transfer of gas from other
tanks (or spaces).

The tank being examined is to be isolated also to prevent transfer of liquids/gas through cargo or
ballast piping.

1.8.5 For the under deck areas in tanks, survey by means of boats or rafts will be allowed if the depth of
the webs is 1.5 [m] or less.

If the depth of the webs is more than 1.5 [m], boats or rafts may be allowed only when:

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i) the coating of the under deck structure is in GOOD condition and there is no evidence of
wastage; or

ii) a permanent means of access is provided in each bay to allow safe entry and exit, which means
the following:

a) access direct from the deck via a vertical ladder and a small platform fitted approximately 2 [m]
below the deck in each bay; or

b) access to deck from a longitudinal permanent platform having ladders to deck in each end of
the tank. The platform shall, for the full length of the tank, be arranged in level with, or above, the
maximum water level needed for rafting of under deck structure. For this purpose, the ullage
corresponding to the maximum water level is to be assumed not more than 3 [m] from the deck
plate measured at the midspan of deck tranverses and in the middle length of the tank.

If neither of the above conditions are met, then staging or an “other equivalent means” is to be provided
for the survey of the under deck areas.

See also IRS Classification Notes “Guidelines for approval / acceptance of alternative means of access to
spaces in oil tankers, bulk carriers, ore carriers and combination carriers”.

1.8.6 The requirements regarding the usage of boats or rafts in 1.8.5 does not preclude their use for
moving about within a tank during a survey.

1.9 Repairs

1.9.1 Any damage in association with wastage over the allowable limits (including buckling, grooving,
detachment or fracture), or extensive areas of wastage over the allowable limits, which affects or, in the
opinion of the Surveyor, will affect the vessel's structural, watertight or weathertight integrity, is to be
repaired promptly and thoroughly as defined in 1.2.13. Areas to be considered as relevant, include:

- side structure and side plating;

- deck structure and deck plating;
- bottom structure and bottom plating;
- inner bottom structure and inner bottom plating;
- inner side structure and inner side plating;
- longitudinal bulkhead(s) plating and structure;
- transverse watertight or oiltight bulkheads, plating and structure; and
- hatch covers and hatch coamings.
- weld connection between air pipes and deck plating;
- air pipe heads;
- ventilators including closing devices;
- bunker and vent piping systems in bulk carriers, ore carriers and combination carriers.

Where adequate repair facilities are not available, consideration may be given to allow the vessel to
proceed directly to a repair facility. This may require discharging the cargo and/or temporary repairs for
the intended voyage.

1.9.2 Additionally, when a survey results in the identification of corrosion or structural defects, either of
which, in the opinion of the Surveyor, will impair the vessel's fitness for continued service, remedial
measures are to be implemented before the ship continues in service.

1.9.3 Extended thickness measurements when required by the rules are to be carried out and necessary
repairs completed before the survey is credited as complete.

1.10 Thickness measurements and close-up surveys

1.10.1 In any kind of survey, i.e. special, intermediate, annual or any other surveys having the scope
similar to annual, intermediate or special surveys, thickness measurements of structures in areas where
close-up surveys are required are to be carried out simultaneously with close-up surveys.

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1.11 Extension of special surveys

1.11.1 Under “exceptional circumstances”, IRS may grant an extension not exceeding three (3) months to
allow for completion of the special survey provided that the vessel is attended and the attending
surveyor(s) so recommend(s) after the following has been carried out:

a) Annual Survey;
b) Re-examination of Recommendations / Conditions of Class;
c) In the case where dry docking is due prior to the end of the class extension, an underwater
examination is to be carried out by an approved diving company. An underwater examination by an
approved company may be dispensed with in the case of extension of dry-docking survey not
exceeding 36 months interval provided the ship is without outstanding Recommendation / Condition
of Class regarding underwater parts.

“Exceptional circumstances” means unavailability of dry-docking facilities; unavailability of repair facilities;

unavailability of essential materials, equipment or spare parts; or delays incurred by action taken to avoid
severe weather conditions.

1.11.2 In the case that the Class Certificate will expire when the vessel is expected to be at sea, an
extension to allow for completion of the Special Survey may be granted provided there is documented
agreement to such an extension prior to the expiry date of the certificate and provided that positive
arrangements have been made for attendance of the Surveyor at the first port of call and provided that
IRS is satisfied that there is technical justification for such an extension. Such an extension is to be
granted only until arrival at the first port of call after the expiry date of the certificate. However, if owing to
“exceptional circumstances” the special survey cannot be completed at the first port of call, 1.11.1 may
be followed, but the total period of extension shall in no case be longer than three months after the
original due date of the special survey.

1.11.3 In case of force majeure as defined below, the completion of survey may be specially considered.

“Force Majeure” means damage to the ship; unforeseen inability of IRS to attend the vessel due to the
governmental restrictions on right of access or movement of personnel; unforeseeable delays in port or
inability to discharge cargo due to unusually lengthy periods of severe weather, strikes or civil strife; acts
of war; or other similar circumstances.

Section 2

Surveys - Bulk Carriers and Ore Carriers

2.1 Scope

2.1.1 This section gives the requirements for periodical surveys of vessels which have been assigned the
class notations :

Bulk Carrier ESP

BC-A, B or C ESP (from July 2003)
Ore Carrier ESP

2.1.2 The requirements that are applicable only to double skin bulk carriers and those applicable only to
other bulk carriers have been indicated in the relevant clauses. For bulk carrier with hybrid cargo hold
arrangements, e.g. with some cargo holds of single side skin and others of double side skin, the
appropriate requirements are to applied to the individual cargo holds depending on their type of side skin

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2.2 Annual surveys

2.2.1 General Annual Surveys are to be carried out within 3 months before or after the anniversary date each
year. These should be held concurrently with statutory annual or other relevant statutory Surveys, where
practicable. At Annual Surveys, the Surveyor is to examine the hull and machinery, so far as necessary and
practicable, in order to be satisfied as to their general condition.

2.2.2 Hull The survey is to consist of an examination for the purpose of ensuring, as far as practicable, that
the hull, weather decks; hatch coamings, hatch covers including their securing arrangement, other
closing appliances, equipment and related piping are maintained in satisfactory and efficient condition.
Special attention is to be paid to the following :

a) Weather deck, shipside plating above waterline.

b) Hatchways on freeboard and superstructure decks; exposed casings; skylights and fiddley openings;
deck houses; companionways and superstructure bulkheads; side scuttles and dead lights; flush
deck scuttles; ash shoots and other openings.

c) Weld connection between air pipes and deck plating; air pipe heads on exposed decks (external
examination); flame screens on vents to all bunker tanks; ventilators and closing devices.

d) Scuppers and sanitary discharges as far as practicable together with valves and their controls.

e) Guard rails, bulwarks, freeing ports, gangways, walkways and life lines, fittings and appliances for
timber deck cargo.

f) Watertight bulkheads and their penetrations as far as practicable. Cargo hatch covers and coamings are to be examined to ensure that no alterations have been
made to the approved arrangements :

A thorough survey of cargo hatch covers and coamings is to be carried out by examination in the open as
well as closed positions and should include verification of proper opening and closing operation. The
hatch cover sets within the forward 25% of the ship’s length and at least one additional set, such that all
sets on the ship are assessed at least once in every 5-year period, are to be surveyed open, closed and
in operation to the full extent on each direction at each annual survey, including:

i) stowage and securing in open condition;

ii) proper fit and efficiency of sealing in closed condition; and

iii) operational testing or hydraulic and power components, wires, chains and link drives.

The closing of the covers is to include the fastening of all peripheral and cross joint cleats or other
securing devices. Particular attention is to be paid to the condition of the hatch covers in the forward 25%
of the ship’s length, where sea loads are normally greatest. If there are indications of difficulty in operating and securing hatch covers, sets in addition to
those required by, at the discretion of the surveyor, are to be tested in operation.

Where the cargo hatch securing system does not function properly, repairs are to be carried out under
the supervision of the Surveyors.

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__________________________________________________________________________________ For each cargo hatch cover set the following items are to be surveyed:

a) Cover panels, including side plates and stiffener attachments that may be accessible in the open
position by close-up survey (for corrosion, cracks, deformation);

b) Sealing arrangements of perimeter and cross joints (gaskets for condition and permanent
deformation, flexible seals on combination carriers, gasket lips, compression bars, drainage channels
and non return valves);

c) Clamping devices, retaining bars, cleating (for wastage, adjustment and condition of rubber

d) Closed cover locating devices (for distortion and attachments);

e) Chain or rope pulleys;

f) Guides;

g) Guide rails and track wheels;

h) Stoppers;

i) Wires, chains, tensioners and gypsies;

j) Hydraulic system, electrical safety devices and interlocks; and

k) End and interpanel hinges, pins and stools where fitted. At each hatchway the coamings, with panel stiffeners and brackets are to be subjected to a close-
up survey and checked for corrosion, cracks and deformation, especially of the coaming tops. Where considered necessary, the effectiveness of sealing arrangements may be proved by hose
or chalk testing supplemented by dimensional measurements of seal compressing components. Cargo hatch covers of the portable type (i.e. wood or steel pontoons) are to be examined to
confirm the satisfactory condition of:

- wooden covers and portable beams, carriers or sockets for the portable beams and their
securing devices;

- steel pontoons;

- tarpaulins;

- cleats, battens and wedges;

- hatch securing bars and their securing devices;

- loading pads/bars and the side plate edge;

- guide plates and chocks;

- compression bars, drainage channels and drain pipes, if any. All watertight doors in watertight bulkheads, to be examined and tested (locally and remotely) as
far as practicable. Suspect areas identified at previous special or intermediate surveys are to be close-up surveyed.
Thickness measurements are to be taken of the area of substantial corrosion identified at previous

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Where annual gauging is required as per, thickness measurement of aft bulk-head of the forward
cargo hold is to be carried out. Examination of ballast tanks is to be carried out when required as a consequence of the results
of the special and intermediate surveys. (See, and When considered necessary
by the Surveyor or where extensive corrosion exists, thickness measurement is to be carried out. If the
results of these thickness measurements indicate substantial corrosion additional thickness
measurements are to be carried out to the extent given in Table or Table Anchoring and mooring equipment is to be examined as far as is practicable. Where applicable Surveyor should satisfy himself regarding the freeboard marks on the ship's
side. The Surveyor is to confirm that, where required, an approved loading instrument together with its
operation manual is available on board, See Pt.3, Ch.5. It is to be verified by the Surveyor that the
loading instrument is checked for accuracy at regular intervals by the ship's staff by applying test loading
conditions. On bulk carriers of over 10 years of age the following are to be carried out in addition to the
requirements in to

a) Overall survey of two selected cargo holds in double skin bulk carriers and all cargo holds in the case
of other bulk carriers.

b) For single side skin bulk carriers, close-up survey of sufficient extent, minimum 25 per cent of frames,
to establish the condition of the lower region of the shell frames including approximately lower one
third length of side frame at side shell and side frame end attachment and the adjacent shell plating
in a forward cargo hold. Where this level of survey reveals the need for remedial measures, the
survey is to be extended to include a close-up survey of all of the shell frames and adjacent shell
plating of that cargo hold as well as a close-up survey of sufficient extent of all remaining holds.

c) When considered necessary by the Surveyor, thickness measurement is to be carried out. If the
results of these thickness measurements indicate substantial corrosion additional thickness measure-
ments are to be carried out to the extent given in Table or Table

d) Where a hard protective coating in cargo holds is found to be in GOOD condition, the extent of close-
up surveys may be specially considered.

e) All piping and penetrations in cargo holds, including overboard piping are to be examined. On bulk carriers of over 15 years of age the following are to be carried out in addition to the
requirements given in to

a) Overall survey of all cargo holds.

b) Close-up examination of a selected cargo hold in addition to the forward cargo hold as required in and c).

c) Examination of all piping and penetrations in cargo holds, including overboard piping.

d) Where a hard protective coating in cargo holds is found to be in GOOD condition, the extent of close-
up surveys may be specially considered. Accommodation ladders are to be examined at annual surveys. Satisfactory condition of the
following items is to be checked, in particular :

a) steps;
b) platforms;

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c) all support points such as pivots, rollers, etc.;

d) all suspension points such as lugs, brackets, etc.;
e) stanchions, rigid handrails, hand ropes and turntables;
f) davit structure, wire and sheaves, etc. Gangways are to be examined at annual surveys. Satisfactory condition of the following items is
to be checked, in particular :

a) treads;
b) side stringers, cross-members, decking, deck plates, etc.;
c) all support points such as wheel, roller, etc.;
d) stanchions, rigid handrails, hand ropes. Winches of accommodation ladders and gangways are to be examined to verify the satisfactory
condition of the following items:

a) brake mechanism including condition of brake pads and band brake, if fitted;
b) remote control system, and
c) power supply system for electric motor. Davits and fittings on the ship’s deck associated with accommodation ladders and gangways are
to be examined for satisfactory condition at annual surveys. Fittings or structures for means of access to
deck such as handholds in a gateway or bulwark ladder and stanchions are also to be examined. The maintenance and inspection records of accommodation ladders and gangways are to be
verified. It is to be confirmed that supporting wires are being renewed at intervals not exceeding 5 years.

2.2.3 Additional annual survey requirements for the foremost cargo hold of ships subject to
SOLAS XII/9.1: For ships subject to SOLAS XII/9.1 i.e.:

- Bulk Carriers of 150 [m] in length and upwards of single side skin construction as defined in Pt.5,
Ch.1, 1.1.4; and

- Carrying solid bulk cargoes having a density of 1780 [kg/m3] and above; and

- Contracted for construction before 1 July, 1999 and

- Constructed with an insufficient number of transverse watertight bulkheads to enable them to

withstand flooding of the foremost cargo hold in all loading conditions and remain afloat in a
satisfactory condition of equilibrium as specified in SOLAS XII/4.3. In accordance with SOLAS XII/9.1 for the foremost cargo hold of such ships, the additional survey
requirements listed in to shall apply. For bulk carriers of 5 - 15 years of age:

a) An overall survey of the foremost cargo hold, including close-up survey of sufficient extent, minimum
25% of frames, is to be carried out to establish the condition of:

- Shell frames including their upper and lower end attachments, adjacent shell plating, and
transverse bulkheads.

- Suspect areas found at the previous special survey.

b) Where considered necessary by the surveyor as a result of the overall and close-up survey as
described in a) above, the survey is to be extended to include a close-up survey of all of the shell
frames and adjacent shell plating of the cargo hold.

Indian Register of Shipping

Chapter 2 Part 1
Page 16 of 160 Periodical Surveys For bulk carriers exceeding 15 years of age:

a) An overall survey of the foremost cargo hold, including close-up survey is to be carried out to
establish the condition of:

- All shell frames including their upper and lower end attachments, adjacent shell plating and
transverse bulkheads.

- Suspect areas found at the previous special survey. Extent of thickness measurement:

a) Thickness measurement is to be carried out to an extent sufficient to determine both general and
local corrosion levels at areas subject to close-up survey, as described in and
above. The minimum requirement for thickness measurements are areas found to be suspect areas
at the previous special survey.

Where substantial corrosion is found, the extent of thickness measurements is to be increased with
the requirements of Table or Table

b) The thickness measurement may be dispensed with provided the surveyor is satisfied by the close-
up survey, that there is no structural diminution and the protective coating where provided remains
effective. Where the protective coating in the foremost cargo hold is found to be in GOOD condition, the
extent of close-up surveys and thickness measurements may be specially considered.

For existing bulk carriers, where owners may elect to coat or recoat cargo holds as noted above,
consideration may be given to the extent of the close-up and thickness measurement surveys. Prior to
the coating of cargo holds of existing ships, scantlings should be ascertained in the presence of a

2.2.4 Machinery and systems A general examination of the machinery, boilers, all pressurised systems (steam, pneumatic,
hydraulic) and their associated fittings, propulsion system and auxiliary machinery to see whether they
are being properly maintained and with particular attention to the fire and explosion hazards. Confirmation that machinery, boilers and other pressure vessels, associated piping systems and
fittings are so installed and protected as to reduce to a minimum any danger to persons on board, due
regard being given to moving parts, hot surfaces and other hazards. Confirm that Periodical Surveys of boilers and other pressure vessels have been carried out as
required by the Rules and the safety devices have been tested. Confirmation that the normal operation of the propulsion machinery can be sustained or restored
even though one of the essential auxiliaries becomes inoperative. Confirmation that means are provided so that machinery can be brought into operation from the
dead ship condition without external aid. All main and auxiliary steering arrangements and their associated equipment and control systems
are to be examined and tested. Where applicable, Surveyors are to verify that log entries have been
made in accordance with statutory requirements. Steering chains are to be cleaned for ascertaining wear and tear and lengths of chain worn in
mean diameter by more than 12 per cent of the original rule diameter are to be renewed.

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__________________________________________________________________________________ All the means of communication between the navigating bridge and the machinery control
positions, as well as the bridge and the main alternative steering position, if fitted, are to be tested. It is to
be confirmed that means of indicating the angular position of the rudder are operating satisfactorily. Confirmation that with ships having emergency steering positions there are means of relaying
heading information and, when appropriate, supplying visual compass readings to the emergency
steering positions. Confirmation that various alarms required for hydraulic power operated, electric and electro-
hydraulic steering gears are, operating satisfactorily and that the recharging arrangements for hydraulic
power operated steering gears are being maintained. Examining the means for the operation of the main and auxiliary machinery essential for
propulsion and the safety of the ship, including when applicable, the means of remotely controlling the
propulsion machinery from the navigating bridge and the arrangements to operate the main and other
machinery from a machinery control room. Confirmation that the engine room telegraph, the second means of communication between the
navigation bridge and the machinery space and the means of communication with any other positions
from which the engines are controlled are operating satisfactorily. Confirmation that the engineer's alarm is clearly audible in the engineer's acco-mmodation. The bilge pumping systems and bilge wells including operation of each bilge pump, extended
spindles and level alarms, where fitted, are to be examined as far as is practicable. It is also to be
confirmed that bilge pumping system for each watertight compartment is satisfactory.

It is also to be confirmed that drainage from enclosed cargo spaces situated on freeboard deck is
satisfactory. Examining visually the condition of any expansion joints in sea water system. General examination visually and in operation, as feasible, of the main electrical machinery, the
emergency sources of electrical power, the switch gear, other electrical equipment including the lighting
system is to be carried out. Confirmation as far as practicable, the operation of the emergency source(s) of electrical power,
including their starting arrangement, the systems supplied, and when appropriate, their automatic
operation. Examining in general, that the precautions provided against shock, fire and other hazards of
electrical origin are being maintained. A General Examination of automation equipment is to be carried out. Satisfactory operation of

safety devices, bilge level detection and alarm systems and control systems is to be verified. Examination of bunker and vent piping systems. For ships complying with the requirements of SOLAS XII/12 for hold, ballast and dry space water
level detectors (See 2.4.14), the annual survey is to include an examination and a test, at random, of the
water ingress detection systems and of their alarms. For ships complying with the requirements of SOLAS XII/13 for the availability of pumping
systems (See 2.4.15), the annual survey is to include an examination and a test, of the means for
draining and pumping ballast tanks forward of the collision bulkhead and bilges of dry spaces any part of
which extends forward of the foremost cargo hold and of their controls. Confirmation that machinery space ventilation systems are in good working condition.

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2.2.5 Fire protection, detection and extinction The arrangements for fire protection, detection and extinction are to be examined and are to
include confirmation that no changes have been made in the structural fire protection. Following are to be
examined / verified:

a) verification that fire control plans are properly posted;

b) examination as far as possible and testing as feasible of the fire and/or smoke detection system(s);

c) examination of the fire main system and verification that each fire pump including the emergency fire
pump can be operated separately so that the two required powerful jets of water can be produced
simultaneously from different hydrants;

d) verification that fire hoses, nozzles, applicators and spanners are in good working condition and
situated at their respective locations;

e) examination of fixed fire fighting system controls, piping, instructions and marking, checking for
evidence of proper maintenance and servicing including date of last systems tests;

f) verification that all semi-portable and portable fire extinguishers are in their stowed positions,
checking for evidence of proper maintenance and servicing, conducting random check for evidence
of discharged containers;

g) verification, as far as practicable, that the remote controls for stopping fans and machinery and
shutting off fuel supplies in machinery spaces are in working order;

h) examination of the closing arrangements of ventilators, funnel annular spaces, skylights, doorways
and tunnel, where applicable;

i) confirmation that the fire fighters’ outfits and emergency escape breathing devices (EEBDs) are
complete and in good condition and that the cylinders, including the spare cylinders, of any required
self-contained breathing apparatus are suitably charged.

j) examination of any manual and automatic fire doors and proving their operations.

k) examination of the fire-extinguishing systems for spaces containing paint and/or flammable liquids
and deep fat cooking equipment in accommodation and service spaces;

l) examination of the fire safety requirements of any helicopter facilities;

m) examination of the fire protection arrangements in cargo spaces, as far as practicable;

n) examination, when appropriate of the special arrangements for carrying dangerous goods, including
checking the electrical equipment and wiring, ventilation, provision of protective clothing and portable
appliances and testing of the water supply, bilge pumping and any water spray system.

Surveys carried out by the National Authority of the country in which the ship is registered would normally
be accepted as meeting these requirements, at the discretion of the Surveyor. Confirmation that the means of escape from accommodation, machinery spaces and other
spaces are satisfactory. Examination of the arrangements for gaseous fuel for domestic purposes.

2.3 Intermediate Surveys

2.3.1 General Intermediate surveys are to be carried out at or between the second or third Annual Survey.

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However, only those items which are additional to the requirements of annual survey may be examined
between the second or third Annual Survey.

Concurrent crediting to both Intermediate survey and Special survey for surveys and thickness
measurements of spaces is not acceptable. The following requirements are applicable for vessels over five years of age. For vessels below 5
years of age additional examination over and above the requirements of Annual survey may be required
at the discretion of the Surveyors. For vessels over 10 years of age a specific survey program is to be worked out by the owner in
cooperation with the Surveyors considering the requirements of the previous special survey, executive
hull summary of that survey, later relevant survey records and taking account of any amendments to the
survey requirements after the last special survey. The survey program is to be submitted in written format
for approval and kept on board until the intermediate survey has been completed. (See 2.4.2 for guidance
on preparation of the survey program). Prior to the commencement of any part of the intermediate survey, a survey planning meeting is
to be held between the attending Surveyor(s), the owner’s representative in attendance and where
involved, the thickness measurement company representative and the master of ship or an appropriately
qualified representative appointed by the master or Company for the purpose to ascertain that all the
arrangements envisaged in the survey programme are in place, so as to ensure the safe and efficient
conduct of the survey work to be carried out.

2.3.2 Vessels of between 5 and 10 years of age Ballast tanks

a) An overall survey of representative ballast tanks is to be carried out. The selection of representative
tanks is to include the fore and aft peak tanks and a number of other tanks, taking into account the
total number and type of ballast tanks. When extensive corrosion is found, thickness measurements
are to be carried out. If the overall survey reveals no visible structural defects, the examination may
be limited to a verification that the corrosion prevention system remains efficient.

b) Where POOR coating condition, corrosion or other defects are found in ballast tanks or where a
hard protective coating was not applied from the time of construction, the examination is to be
extended to other ballast tanks of the same type.

c) For ballast tanks other than double bottom tanks, where a hard protective coating is found to be in
POOR condition and is not renewed or where a soft or semi-hard coating has been applied or where
a hard protective coating was not applied from the time of construction, the tank(s) in question are to
be examined and thickness measurements carried out as necessary at subsequent annual surveys.

When such breakdown of hard coating is found in double bottom ballast tanks, or where a soft or
semi-hard coating has been applied or where a hard protective coating has not been applied, the
tanks in question may be examined at annual intervals. When considered necessary by the
Surveyor, or where extensive corrosion exists, thickness measurements are to be carried out.

d) Suspect areas identified at previous surveys are to be overall and close-up surveyed. Cargo holds

a) Overall survey of all cargo holds. For single side skin bulk carriers, close-up survey of sufficient
extent, minimum 25 per cent of frames, is to be carried out to establish the condition of :

- Shell frames including their end attachments, adjacent shell plating and transverse bulkheads in
the forward cargo hold and one other selected cargo hold.

- Areas found suspect at the previous Special Survey.

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b) For single side skin bulk carriers, where considered necessary by the Surveyor as a result of the
overall and close-up survey, the survey is to be extended to include a close-up survey of all of the
shell frames and adjacent shell plating of that cargo hold as well as a close-up survey of sufficient
extent of all remaining cargo holds.

For double skin bulk carriers, as a result of overall survey, the survey may be extended to include a
close-up survey of those areas of structure in the cargo holds selected by the Surveyor. Extent of thickness measurements

a) Thickness measurements are to be carried out to an extent sufficient to determine both general and
local corrosion levels at areas subject to close-up survey as per The minimum
requirements for thickness measurement are the areas found to be suspect areas at the previous
survey. The extent of thickness measurement may be specially considered provided the Surveyor is
satisfied by the close-up survey, that there is no structural diminution and the hard protective coatings
are found to be in GOOD condition.

b) Where substantial corrosion is found, the extent of thickness measurements is to be increased in

accordance with the requirements of Table Suspect areas identified at previous surveys are
to be examined. Areas of substantial corrosion identified at previous surveys are to have thickness
measurements taken.

c) Where the hard protective coating in cargo holds is found to be in GOOD condition, the extent of
close-up surveys may be specially considered.

For existing bulk carriers, where owners may elect to coat or recoat cargo holds as noted above,
consideration may be given to the extent of the close-up and thickness measurement surveys. Prior to
the coating of cargo holds of existing ships, scantlings should be ascertained in the presence of a

2.3.3 Vessels of between 10 and 15 years of age The requirements of the intermediate survey are to be to the same extent as the previous special
survey as required in 2.4 for hull structure and piping systems in way of the cargo holds cofferdams, pipe
tunnels, void spaces and fuel oil tanks in the cargo area and all ballast tanks. However, tank testing
specified in 2.4.8, survey of automatic air pipe heads specified in and internal examination of fuel
oil, lub.oil and fresh water tanks specified in Table need not be carried out unless deemed
necessary by the attending Surveyor. Thickness measurement is to be carried out for items 1) to 6) of

A survey programme as per 2.4.2 is to be worked out prior to commencement of survey. The intermediate survey may be commenced at the second annual survey and be progressed
during the succeeding year with a view to completion by the third annual survey in lieu of the application
of An in-water survey complying with the requirements of Sec.7.2 may be accepted in lieu of docking
survey required by

2.3.4 Vessels of over 15 years of age The requirements of the intermediate survey are to be to the same extent as the previous special
survey as required in 2.4 for hull structure and piping systems in way of the cargo holds cofferdams, pipe
tunnels, void spaces and fuel oil tanks in the cargo area and all ballast tanks. However, tank testing
specified in 2.4.8, survey of automatic air pipe heads specified in and internal examination of fuel
oil, lub.oil and fresh water tanks specified in Table need not be carried out unless deemed
necessary by the attending Surveyor. Thickness measurement is to be carried out for items 1) to 6) of

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A survey programme as per 2.4.2 is to be worked out prior to commencement of survey. The intermediate survey may be commenced at the second annual survey and be progressed
during the succeeding year with a view to completion by the third annual survey in lieu of the application
of A survey in dry dock is to be part of the intermediate survey. Any remaining work in respect of the
overall and close-up surveys and thickness measurements and repairs applicable to the lower portions of
cargo holds and ballast tanks (i.e. parts below light ballast water line), are to be completed in the dry-

2.4 Special Surveys - Hull

2.4.1 General All ships classed with IRS are to undergo Special Surveys at 5 yearly intervals. The first Special
Survey is to be completed within 5 years from the date of the initial classification survey and thereafter 5
years from the assigned date of the previous Special Survey. However, an extension of class of 3 months
maximum beyond the 5th year may be granted in exceptional circumstances in accordance with 1.11. In
such cases, the next period of class will start from the expiry date of the Special Survey before extension
was granted. The interval between the Special Surveys may be reduced at the request of the parties concerned
or by IRS if considered appropriate. For surveys completed within 3 months before the expiry date of the Special Survey, the next
period of class will start from the expiry date of the Special Survey. For surveys completed more than 3
months before the expiry date of the Special Survey, the period of class will start from the survey
completion date. The Special Survey may be commenced at the 4th Annual Survey and be progressed with a view
to completion by the 5th anniversary date. When the special survey is commenced prior to the fourth
annual survey, the entire survey is to be completed within 15 months if such work is to be credited to the
special survey and in this case the next period of class will start from the survey completion date.

Concurrent crediting to both Intermediate survey and Special survey for surveys and thickness
measurements of spaces is not acceptable. As part of the preparation for Special Survey, the proposed Survey Programme (See 2.4.2)
including the schedule for thickness measurements (See 2.4.10) are to be submitted at least 3 months in
advance of the intended commencement of the Special Survey. Record of Special Survey will not be assigned until the Machinery Survey has been completed or
postponed in agreement with IRS. Ships which have satisfactorily passed a Special Survey will have a record entered in the
Supplement to the Register Book indicating the assigned date of Special Survey. In addition a notation
"ESP" will be entered for bulk carriers, ore carriers and combination carriers. The special survey is to include, in addition to the requirements of the Annual Survey,
examination, tests and checks of sufficient extent to ensure that the hull, equipment and related piping as
indicated in are in satisfactory condition and that the ship is fit for its intended purpose for the new
period of class of five years to be assigned subject to proper maintenance and operation and the
periodical surveys being carried out at the due dates. A Docking Survey in accordance with the requirements of Sec.7 is to be carried out as part of the
Special Survey. Any remaining work in respect of the overall and close-up surveys and thickness
measurements and repairs applicable to the lower portions of cargo holds and ballast tanks (i.e. parts
below light ballast water line) are to be completed in the dry-dock.

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2.4.2 Planning and preparation for survey A specific Survey Programme is to be worked out in advance of the Survey by the Owner in
cooperation with the Surveyors and submitted to IRS for approval. The Survey Programme is to be in a
written format based on IMO Resolution MSC197(80). The survey is not to commence until the survey
programme has been agreed. Prior to the development of the survey programme, the survey planning
questionnaire based on IMO Resolution MSC197(80) is to be completed by the owner and forwarded to
IRS. The Survey Programme at Intermediate Survey may consist of the Survey Programme at the
previous Special Survey supplemented by the Executive Hull Summary of that Special Survey and later
relevant survey reports. The survey program is to be worked out taking into account any amendments to
the survey requirements after the last special survey. In developing the Survey Programme, the following documentation is to be collected and
consulted with a view to selecting tanks, areas and structural areas for examination :

- Survey status and basic ship information

- Documentation on board as per 2.4.3

- Main structural plans (scantling drawings), including information regarding use of high strength steels,
clad steel and stainless steel

- Relevant previous survey and inspection reports of IRS and the Owners

- Information regarding the use of the ship's holds and tanks, typical cargoes and other relevant data

- Information regarding corrosion prevention level at the time of construction

- Information regarding the relevant maintenance level during operation. The Survey Programme submitted for approval is to account for and comply, as a minimum, with
the requirements of close-up survey, thickness measurement and tank testing respectively, and to
include relevant information including at least :

- Basic ship information and particulars

- Main structural plans (scantling drawings), including information regarding use of high strength steels,
clad steel and stainless steel

- Plan of holds and tanks

- List of holds and tanks with information on use, corrosion prevention and condition of coating

- Conditions for survey (e.g. information like holds and tank cleaning, gas freeing, ventilation, lighting,

- Provisions and methods of access to structures

- Equipment for survey

- Nomination of holds and tanks and areas for close-up survey (As per Table

- Nomination of sections for thickness measurement (As per Table

- Nomination of tanks for testing

- Damage experience related to the ship in operation. IRS will advise the Owner of the maximum acceptable structural corrosion diminution levels
applicable to the vessel.

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__________________________________________________________________________________ The ship is to be prepared for overall survey in accordance with the requirements of Table The preparation is to be of sufficient extent to facilitate an examination to ascertain any excessive
corrosion, deformation, fractures, damages and other structural deterioration. Proper preparation and the close co-operation between the attending surveyor(s) and the owner’s
representatives onboard prior to and during the survey are an essential part in the safe and efficient
conduct of the survey. During the survey on board safety meetings are to be held regularly. Prior to commencement of any part of the special survey, a survey planning meeting is to be held
between the attending surveyor(s), the owner’s representative in attendance, the thickness measurement
company representative and the master of the ship or an appropriately qualified representative appointed
by the master or Company for the purpose to ascertain that all the arrangements envisaged in the survey
programme are in place, so as to ensure the safe and efficient conduct of the survey work to be carried

Table : Survey preparation

Special Survey No. I Special Survey No. II Special Survey No. III Special Survey No. IV
Age ≤ 5 5 < Age ≤ 10 10 < Age ≤ 15 and subsequently
Age ≥ 15
1) The holds, deep tanks, 1) Requirements of 1) Requirements of 1) Requirements of
peaks, bilges and drain Special Survey I to be Special Survey II to be Special survey III to be
wells, engine and boiler complied with complied with complied with
spaces and other spaces are
to be cleared out and 2) The chain locker is to 2) Portions of wood
cleaned as necessary for be cleaned internally. sheathing, or other
examination. Floor plates in The chain cables are to covering, on steel decks
engine and boiler spaces are be ranged for inspection. are to be removed, as
to be lifted as may be The anchors are to be considered necessary by
necessary for examination of cleaned and placed in an the Surveyor, in order to
the structure underneath. accessible position for ascertain the condition of
Where necessary close and inspection. the plating.
spar ceiling, lining and pipe
casings are to be removed
for examination of the

2) The steelwork is to be
exposed and cleaned as
may be required for its
proper examination by the
Surveyor and close attention
is to be paid to the parts of
the structure which are
particularly liable to
excessive corrosion or to
deterioration due to other

3) All tanks are to be cleaned

as necessary to permit

4) Casings or covers of air,

sounding, steam and other
pipes, spar ceiling and lining
in way of the side scuttles
are to be removed, as
required by the Surveyor.

Indian Register of Shipping

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Page 24 of 160 Periodical Surveys The following is an indicative list of items that are to be addressed in the meeting:

a) Schedule of the vessel (i.e. the voyage, docking and undocking manoeuvres, periods alongside,
cargo and ballast operations, etc.);

b) Provisions and arrangements for thickness measurements (i.e. access, cleaning/de-scaling,

illumination, ventilation, personal safety);

c) Extent of the thickness measurements;

d) Acceptance criteria (refer to the list of minimum thicknesses);

e) Extent of close-up survey and thickness measurement considering the coating condition and suspect
areas/areas of substantial corrosion;

f) Execution of thickness measurements;

g) Taking representative readings in general and where uneven corrosion / pitting is found;

h) Mapping of areas of substantial corrosion; and

i) Communication between attending surveyor(s) the thickness measurement company operator(s) and
owner representative(s) concerning findings.

2.4.3 Documentation on board The Owners are to obtain, supply and maintain on board documentation as specified in,
which is to be readily available for the Surveyor. The documentation is to be kept on board for the life time of the ship. A Survey Report File is to be a part of the documentation on board consisting of

- Reports of structural surveys

- Executive Hull Summary

- Thickness measurement reports. The Survey Report File is to be available also in the Owners and the Classification Society's
management offices. The following additional supporting documentation is to be available on board:

Main structural plans of cargo holds and ballast tanks

- Previous repair history

- Cargo and ballast history

- Inspection by ship's personnel with reference to

- structural deterioration in general

- leakages in bulkheads and piping

- condition of coating or corrosion prevention system, if any

- Any other information that will help identify critical structural areas and/or Suspect Areas requiring

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- Survey Programme as required by 2.4.2 until such time as the Special Survey has been completed. Prior to survey, the Surveyor is to examine the completeness of the documentation on board, and
its contents as a basis for the survey.

2.4.4 Surveys at sea or at anchorage See Sec.1.8.

2.4.5 Space protection Where provided, the condition of coating or corrosion protection of cargo holds and ballast tanks
is to be examined. For ballast tanks excluding double bottom tanks where a hard protective coating is
found in POOR condition and it is not renewed or where soft or semi-hard coating has been applied, or
where a hard protective coating was not applied from the time of construction, the tanks in question are to
be examined at annual surveys. Thickness measurements are to be carried out as deemed necessary by
the Surveyor. When such breakdown of hard protective coating is found in double bottom ballast tanks and it is
not renewed, where a soft or semi-hard coating has been applied, or where a hard protective coating has
not been applied from the time of construction, the tanks in question may be examined at annual
intervals. When considered necessary by the Surveyor or where extensive corrosion exists, thickness
measurements are to be carried out. Areas in spaces where a hard protective coating is provided and found in GOOD condition, the
extent of close-up surveys and thickness measurements may be specially considered.

Areas in tanks where a hard protective coating is provided and found in GOOD condition, the extent of
thickness measurements may be specially considered.

2.4.6 Survey and examination All spaces within the hull and superstructure are to be examined. All tanks other than water ballast tanks are to be examined internally in accordance with the
requirements of Table An overall survey of all cargo holds, ballast tanks including double bottom tanks, pipe tunnels,
cofferdams and void spaces bounding cargo holds, decks and outer hull is to be carried out. This
examination is to be supplemented by thickness measurement and testing as required by 2.4.10 and
2.4.8 to ensure that the structural integrity remains effective. The aim of the examination is to discover
Substantial Corrosion, significant deformation, fractures, damages or other structural deterioration and if
deemed necessary by the Surveyor, a suitable non-destructive examination may be required.

All piping systems within the above spaces are to be examined and operationally tested to working
pressure to attending Surveyors satisfaction to ensure that the tightness and condition remains
satisfactory. Where ballast tanks have been converted to void spaces, the survey extent is to be based upon
ballast tank requirements. All watertight bulkheads and watertight doors are to be examined. All decks, casings and
superstructures are to be examined. Attention is to be given to the corners of openings and other
discontinuities in way of the strength decks and top sides. The masts, standing rigging and anchors are to be examined.

The Surveyor should satisfy himself that there are sufficient mooring ropes on board and also that a tow
line is provided when this is a Rule requirement.

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Table : Requirements for internal examination of tanks

Tank Special Survey Special Survey Special Survey Special Survey

No. I No. II No. III No. IV
Age ≤ 5 5 < Age ≤ 10 10 < Age ≤ 15 and subsequent
Age > 15
Fuel oil bunker tanks
- Engine room None None One One
- Cargo area None One Two Half the number of
tanks, minimum 2

Lub.oil None None None One

Fresh water None One All All


1) These requirements apply to tanks of integral (structural) type.

2) If a selection of tanks is accepted to be examined, then different tanks are to be examined at each
special survey, on a rotational basis.
3) Peak tanks (all uses) are subject to internal examination at each special survey.
4) At special survey No.III and subsequent special surveys, one deep tank for fuel oil in the cargo area
is to be included, if fitted. The steering gear, and its connections and control systems (main and alternative) are to be
examined. The auxiliary steering gear with its various parts are to be examined in working condition. The hand pumps and suctions, air and sounding pipes are to be examined. The Surveyors are to
ensure that striking plates are fitted under the sounding pipes whilst examining the tanks internally.

Automatic air pipe heads are to be internally examined at special surveys as indicated in Table
For designs where the inner parts cannot be properly inspected from outside, the head is to be removed
from the air pipe. Particular attention is to be paid to the condition of the zinc coating in heads
constructed from galvanised steel.

Table : Requirements for internal examination of automatic air pipe heads

Special survey No.I Special survey No.II Special survey No.III

Age ≤ 5 5 < Age ≤ 10 and subsequent
Location Age > 10
forward 0.25L Two air pipe heads1,2 one All air pipe heads on
port and one starboard on exposed decks
exposed decks All air pipe heads3 on
aft of 0.25L Two air pipe heads1,2 one At least 20% of air pipe exposed decks
from the port and one starboard on heads1,2 on exposed decks
forward exposed decks

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Table (Contd.)


1. Preferably air pipes serving ballast tanks.

2. The selection of air pipe heads is to be made by the attending Surveyor. According to the results of
the inspection, the Surveyor may require additional air pipe heads to be examined.
3. When there is substantiated evidence of replacement within the previous five years, individual air
pipe heads may not be examined. The Surveyor should satisfy himself regarding the efficient condition of the following :

− Means of escape from machinery spaces, crew and passenger spaces and spaces in which crew are
normally employed;
- Means of communication between bridge and engine room and between bridge and alternative
steering position;
- Helm indicator;
- Protection to the aft steering wheel and the gear. The chain cables are to be ranged and the anchors and the chain cables are to be examined. At
special survey no. II and subsequent special surveys, the chain cables are to be gauged. Any length of
chain cable which is found to have reduced in mean diameter at its most worn part by more than 12 per
cent of its original rule diameter is to be renewed. The windlass is to be examined. The chain locker, hold fasts, hawse pipes and chain stoppers are to be examined and pumping
arrangements of the chain locker tested. Engine room structure is to be examined. Particular attention being given to tank tops, shell
plating in way of tank tops, brackets connecting side shell frames and tank tops and engine room
bulkheads in way of tank tops and bilge wells. Where excessive areas of wastage are found, thickness
measurements are to be carried out and renewals of repairs made when wastage exceeds allowable
limits. The loading instrument is to be checked for accuracy by applying test load conditions in
presence of the Surveyor. For ships complying with the requirements of SOLAS XII/12 for hold, ballast and dry space water
level detectors, the special survey is to include an examination and a test of the water ingress detection
systems and of their alarms. For ships complying with the requirements of SOLAS XII/13 for the availability of pumping
systems, the special survey is to include an examination and a test of the means for draining and
pumping ballast tanks forward of the collision bulkhead and bilges of dry spaces any part of which
extends forward of the foremost cargo hold and of their controls. Examination of accommodation ladders, gangways and their winches are to be carried out as
required for annual surveys. In addition, the accommodation ladders and gangways are to be
operationally, tested with the specified maximum operation load.

The tests are to be carried out with the load applied as uniformly as possible along the length of the
accommodation ladder or gangway, at an angle of inclination corresponding to the maximum bending
moment on the accommodation ladder or gangway.

Accommodation ladder winch is to be operationally tested at special surveys. The brake system of the
winch is to be tested for holding the maximum operational load on the ladder.

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For existing installations on board ships constructed prior to 01 Jan 2010 where the maximum operational
load is not known, load nominated by the shipowner or operator may be considered as the test load.

2.4.7 Hatch covers and coamings

The hatch covers and coamings are to be surveyed as follows: A thorough inspection of the items listed in is to be carried out in addition to all hatch
covers and coamings. Checking of the satisfactory operation of all mechanically operated hatch covers is to be made,

- stowage and securing in open condition;

- proper fit and efficiency of sealing in closed condition;
- operational testing of hydraulic and power components, wires, chains and link drives. Checking the effectiveness of sealing arrangements of all hatch covers by hose testing or

2.4.8 Tank testing Boundaries of double bottom, deep, ballast, peak and other tanks including holds adapted for the
carriage of water ballast, are to be tested with a head of liquid to the top of air pipes or nearabout to the
top of hatches for ballast/cargo holds. Boundaries of fuel oil, lub.oil and fresh water tanks are to be tested
with a head of liquid to the highest point that liquid will rise under service conditions. Tank testing of fuel
oil, lub.oil and fresh water tanks may be specially considered based on a satisfactory external
examination of the tank boundaries and a confirmation from the Master stating that the pressure testing
has been carried out according to the requirement with satisfactory results. The testing of double bottom tanks and other spaces not designed for the carriage of liquid may
be omitted, provided a satisfactory internal examination together with an examination of the tank top is
carried out.

2.4.9 Close-up surveys The minimum requirements for Close-up survey are given in Table or Table
or Table

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Table : Requirements of close-up survey - Dry bulk cargo ships

other than double skin bulk carriers
Special Survey No. IV
Special Survey No. I Special Survey No. II Special Survey No. III
and subsequently
Age ≤ 5 5 < Age ≤ 10 10 < Age ≤ 15
Age ≥ 15
A) 25% of frames in the A) All shell frames in the A) All shell frames in the A) All shell frames
forward cargo hold at forward cargo hold and forward cargo hold and including their upper and
representative positions 25% of frames in one other selected cargo lower end attachments and
remaining cargo holds hold and 50% of frames in adjacent shell plating in all
including upper and lower remaining cargo holds cargo holds.
end attachments and including upper and lower
adjacent shell plating end attachments and
adjacent shell plating
A) Selected frames in all For bulk carriers of
cargo holds 100,000 dwt and above all
shell frames in the forward
cargo hold and 50% of
shell frames in each of the
remaining cargo holds,
including upper and lower
end attachments and
adjacent shell plating
B) One transverse web B) One transverse web B) All transverse webs with B) All transverse webs with
with associated plating with associated plating and associated plating and associated plating and
and longitudinals in two longitudinals in each longitudinals in each longitudinals in each
representative ballast ballast tank ballast tank ballast tank
tanks of each type (i.e.
topside or hopper side
B) Forward and aft B) All transverse B) All transverse
transverse bulkhead in one bulkheads in ballast tanks, bulkheads in ballast tanks,
ballast tank, including including stiffening system including stiffening system
stiffening system
C) Two selected cargo C) All cargo hold trans- C) All cargo hold C) All cargo hold
hold transverse bulk- verse bulkheads including transverse bulkheads transverse bulkheads
heads including internal internal structure of upper including internal structure including internal structure
structure of upper and and lower stools, where of upper and lower stools, of upper and lower stools,
lower stools, where fitted fitted where fitted where fitted
D) All cargo hold hatch D) All cargo hold hatch D) All cargo hold hatch D) All cargo hold hatch
covers and coamings covers and coamings covers and coamings covers and coamings
(plating and stiffeners) (plating and stiffeners) (plating and stiffeners) (plating and stiffeners)
E) All deck plating and E) All deck plating and E) All deck plating and
underdeck structure inside underdeck structure inside underdeck structure inside
line of hatch openings line of hatch openings line of hatch openings
between all cargo hold between all cargo hold between all cargo hold
hatches hatches hatches
A) Cargo hold transverse frames B) Transverse web frame or C) Cargo hold transverse
watertight transverse bulkhead bulkheads plating, stiffeners
in ballast tanks and girders
D) Cargo hold hatch covers and E) Deck plating and underdeck
coamings structure inside line of hatch
openings, between cargo hold

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Table : (Contd.)

Note : Close-up survey of transverse bulkheads to be carried out at four levels -

Level (a) Immediately above the inner bottom and immediately above the line of gussets (if fitted) and
shedders for ships without lower stool.

Level (b) Immediately above and below the lower stool shelf plate (for those ships fitted with lower stools)
and immediately above the line of the shedder plates.

Level (c) About mid-height of the bulkhead.

Level (d) Immediately below the upper deck plating and immediately adjacent to the upper wing tank and
immediately below the upper stool shelf plate for those ships fitted with upper stools, or immediately
below the topside tanks.

Table : Minimum requirements for close-up survey at special hull survey of
double skin bulk carriers other than ore carriers

Special Survey No. IV

Special Survey No. I Special Survey No. II Special Survey No. III
and subsequently
Age ≤ 5 5 < Age ≤ 10 10 < Age ≤ 15
Age ≥ 15
One transverse web One transverse web All transverse webs with All transverse webs with
with associated plating with associated plating associated plating and associated plating and
and longitudinals in and longitudinals as longitudinals as longitudinals as
two representative applicable in each applicable in each applicable in each
ballast tanks of each ballast tank (A) ballast tank (A) ballast tank (A)
type (This is to include
the foremost topside
and double side ballast
tanks on either side)
Forward and aft All transverse All transverse
transverse bulkheads bulkheads including bulkheads including
including stiffening stiffening system in stiffening system in
system in the topside, each ballast tank (A) each ballast tank (A)
hopper side and double
side ballast tanks that
fall in one transverse
section (A)
25% of ordinary 25% of ordinary All ordinary transverse
transverse frames in the transverse frames in all frames in all double side
foremost double side double side tanks (B) tanks (B)
tanks (B)
Two selected cargo One transverse All cargo hold
hold transverse bulkhead in each cargo transverse bulkheads,
bulkheads, including hold, including internal including internal Areas (C) - (E) as for
internal structure of structure of upper and structure of upper and SS No.III
upper and lower lower stools, where lower stools, where
stools, where fitted (C) fitted (C) fitted (C)
All cargo hold hatch All cargo hold hatch All cargo hold hatch
covers and coamings covers and coamings covers and coamings
(plating and stiffeners) (plating and stiffeners) (plating and stiffeners)
(D) (D) (D)

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Table : (Contd.)

Special Survey No. IV

Special Survey No. I Special Survey No. II Special Survey No. III
and subsequently
Age ≤ 5 5 < Age ≤ 10 10 < Age ≤ 15
Age ≥ 15
All deck plating and All deck plating and
under deck structure under deck structure
inside line of hatch inside line of hatch
openings between all openings between all
cargo hold hatches (E) cargo hold hatches (E)
(A), (B), (C), (D) and (E) are areas to be subjected to close-up surveys and thickness measurements.

(A) : Transverse web frame or watertight transverse bulkhead in topside, hopper side and double
side ballast tanks. In fore and aft peak tanks transverse web frame means a complete
transverse web frame ring including adjacent structural members.
(B) : Ordinary transverse frame in double side tanks.
(C) : Cargo hold transverse bulkheads plating, stiffeners and girders.
(D) : Cargo hold hatch covers and coamings.
(E) : Deck plating inside line of hatch openings between cargo hold hatches.

Note : Close-up survey of transverse bulkheads to be carried out at four levels.

Level (a) : Immediately above the inner bottom and immediately above the line of gussets (if fitted) and
shedders for ships without lower stool.

Level (b) : Immediately above and below the lower stool shelf plate (for those ships fitted with lower
stools) and immediately above the line of the shedder plates.

Level (c) : About mid-height of the bulkhead.

Level (d) : Immediately below the upper deck plating and immediately adjacent to the upper wing tank
and immediately below the upper stool shelf plate for those ships fitted with upper stools, or immediately
below the topside tanks.

Table : Minimum requirements for close-up survey at special hull survey of ore carriers

Special Survey No. IV

Special Survey No. I Special Survey No. II Special Survey No. III
and subsequently
Age ≤ 5 5 < Age ≤ 10 10 < Age ≤ 15
Age > 15
One web frame ring All web frame rings All web frame rings As for special survey for
complete including complete including complete including age from 10 to 15 years
adjacent structural adjacent structural adjacent structural
members in a ballast members in a ballast members in each ballast
wing tank (A) wing tank (A) wing tank (A)
One transverse One deck transverse All transverse
bulkhead lower part – including adjacent deck bulkheads complete –
including girder system structural members in including girder system
and adjacent structural each remaining ballast and adjacent structural
members – in a ballast tank (A) members – in each
tank (A) ballast tank (A)
Forward and aft One web frame ring
transverse bulkheads complete including
complete – including adjacent structural
girder system and members in each wing
adjacent structural void space (A)
members – in a ballast
wing tank (A)

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Table (Contd.)

Special Survey No. IV

Special Survey No. I Special Survey No. II Special Survey No. III
and subsequently
Age ≤ 5 5 < Age ≤ 10 10 < Age ≤ 15
Age > 15
One transverse Additional web frame
bulkhead lower part – rings in void spaces as
including girder system deemed necessary by
and adjacent structural the Surveyor (A)
members – in each
remaining ballast tank
Two selected cargo One transverse All cargo hold Areas (C) – (E) as for
hold transverse bulkhead in each cargo transverse bulkheads, age interval 10 to 15
bulkheads, including hold, including internal including internal years
internal structure of structure of upper and structure of upper and
upper and lower lower stools, where lower stools, where
stools, where fitted (C) fitted (C) fitted (C)
All cargo hold hatch All cargo hold hatch All cargo hold hatch
covers and coamings covers and coamings covers and coamings
(plating and stiffeners) (plating and stiffeners) (plating and stiffeners)
(D) (D) (D)
All deck plating and All deck plating and
under deck structure under deck structure
inside line of hatch inside line of hatch
openings between all openings between all
cargo hold hatches (E) cargo hold hatches (E)
(A), (C), (D) and (E) are areas to be subjected to close-up surveys and thickness measurements
(A) : Transverse web frame or watertight transverse bulkhead in ballast wing tanks and void spaces.
In fore and aft peak tanks transverse web frame means a complete transverse web frame ring
including adjacent structural members
(C) : Cargo hold transverse bulkheads plating, stiffeners and girders
(D) : Cargo hold hatch covers and coamings
(E) : Deck plating and under deck structure inside line of hatch openings between cargo hold
Note : Close-up survey of transverse bulkheads to be carried out at four levels:
Level (a) : Immediately above the inner bottom and immediately above the line of gussets (if fitted)
and shedders for ships without lower stool.
Level (b) : Immediately above and below the lower stool shelf plate (for those ships fitted with lower
stools) and immediately above the line of the shedder plates.
Level (c) : About mid-height of the bulkhead.
Level (d) : Immediately below the upper deck plating and immediately adjacent to the upper wing
tank and immediately below the upper stool shelf plate for those ships fitted with upper
stools, or immediately below the topside tanks. The Surveyor may extend the close-up survey as deemed necessary taking into account the
maintenance of the spaces under survey, the condition of the corrosion prevention system and where
spaces have structural arrangements or details which have suffered defects in similar spaces or on
similar ships according to available information. For areas in tanks and cargo holds where hard protective coatings are found in GOOD condition,
the extent of Close-up survey may be specially considered.

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2.4.10 Thickness measurement The minimum requirement for thickness measurement at special survey are given in Table Provisions for extended measurements for areas with Substantial Corrosion in case of dry bulk
cargo ships are given in Table and Table and may be additionally specified in the
survey programme as required by 2.4.2. Areas of substantial corrosion identified at the previous surveys
are to have thickness measurements taken. The Surveyor may further extend the thickness
measurements as deemed necessary. Transverse sections are to be chosen where the largest reductions are suspected to occur or
are revealed from deck plating measurements. Representative thickness measurement to determine both general and local levels of corrosion
in the shell frames and their end attachments in all cargo holds and ballast tanks is to be carried out.

Thickness measurement is also to be carried out to determine the corrosion levels on the transverse
bulkhead plating.

The extent of thickness measurements may be specially considered provided the Surveyor is satisfied by
the close-up survey, that there is no structural diminution and the hard protective coating where applied
remains efficient.

Table : Thickness measurement at special hull survey of dry bulk cargo ships
(including double skin bulk carriers)

Special Survey Special Survey No. IV

Special Survey No. II Special Survey No. III
No. I and subsequently
5 < Age ≤ 10 10 < Age ≤ 15
Age ≤ 5 Age ≥ 15
1) Suspect areas 1) Suspect areas 1) Suspect areas 1) Suspect areas
throughout the vessel throughout the vessel throughout the vessel throughout the vessel

2) Within the cargo area: 2) Within the cargo area: 2) Within the cargo area:

a) 2 transverse sections of a) Each deck plate a) Each deck plate

deck plating outside outside line of cargo outside line of cargo
line of cargo hatch hatch openings hatch openings
opening b) 2 transverse sections, b) 3 transverse sections,
b) Wind and water strakes one in the amidship one in the amidship
in way of the transverse area, outside line of area, outside line of
sections considered in cargo hatch openings cargo hatch openings
item (a) above c) All wind and water c) All wind and water
strakes strakes
d) Each bottom plate
e) Duct keel or pipe tunnel
plating and internals

3) Measurement, for 3) Measurement, for 3) Measurement, for

general assessment and general assessment and general assessment and
recording of corrosion recording of corrosion recording of corrosion
pattern, of those structural pattern, of those structural pattern, of those structural
members subject to Close- members subject to Close- members subject to Close-
up Survey according to up Survey according to up Survey according to
Table or Table Table or Table Table or Table, as applicable, as applicable, as applicable

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Table (Contd.)

Special Survey Special Survey No. IV
Special Survey No. II Special Survey No. III
No. I and subsequently
5 < Age ≤ 10 10 < Age ≤ 15
Age ≤ 5 Age ≥ 15
4) For vessels where UR
S31 applies as mentioned in 4) Same as for special 4) Same as for special
Table, additional survey II survey II
thickness measurement of
side shell frames and
brackets for verifying
compliance with UR S31.

5) Selected wind and water 5) Selected wind and water 5) All wind and water
strakes outside the cargo strakes outside the cargo strakes outside the cargo
area area area
6) For vessels subject to 6) Same as for Special
compliance of IMO stan- Survey III
dards as mentioned in
2.4.12 thickness measure-
ment applicable to the
vertically corrugated aft
transverse bulkhead of the
foremost cargo hold is to be
carried out as per Table
2.4.12 and Fig.2.4.12
7) Internals in forepeak and 7) Internals in forepeak and
after peak tanks after peak tanks

8) All exposed main deck

plating outside cargo area

9) Representative exposed
superstructure deck plating
(poop, bridge, forecastle
10) All keel plates,
additional bottom plates in
way of machinery space, aft
end of tanks and
cofferdams outside cargo

11) a) Plating of sea chests.

b) Shell plating in way of

overboard discharges as
considered necessary by
the Surveyor.

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Table : Requirements for extent of thickness measurement on areas of substantial

corrosion in dry bulk cargo ships other than double skin bulk carriers

Structural Member Extent of Measurement Pattern of Measurement

Deck Structure including Cross Strips, Main Cargo Hatchways, Hatch Covers, Coamings and Topside
1 Cross deck strip plating Suspect cross deck strip plating 5 point pattern between underdeck
stiffeners over 1 metre in length
2 Underdeck stiffeners Transverse members 5 point pattern at each end and mid
Longitudinal members 5 point pattern on both web and flange
3 Hatch covers Side and end skirts, each 3 5 point pattern at each location
3 longitudinal bands, 2 outboard 5 point measurement each band
strakes and centreline strake
4 Hatch coaming Each side and end of coaming, one 5 point measurement of each band, i.e.
band lower 1/3, one band upper 2/3 end or side coaming
of coaming
5 Topside ballast tanks a) Watertight transverse bulkheads
i) lower 1/3 or bulkhead i) 5 point pattern over 1 sq. metre of
ii) upper 2/3 of bulkhead ii) 5 point pattern over 1 sq. metre of
iii) stiffeners iii) 5 point pattern over 1 metre length
b) 2 Representative swash transverse bulkheads
i) lower 1/3 of bulkhead i) 5 point pattern over 1 sq. metre of
ii) upper 2/3 of bulkhead ii) 5 point pattern over 1 sq. metre of
iii) stiffeners iii) 5 point pattern over 1 metre length
c) 3 Representative bays of slope plating
i) lower 1/3 of tank i) 5 point pattern over 1 sq. metre of
ii) upper 2/3 of tank ii) 5 point pattern over 1 sq. metre of
d) Longitudinals, suspect and 5 point pattern both web and flange
adjacent areas over 1 metre length
6 Main deck plating Suspect plates and adjacent areas 5 point pattern over 1 metre length of
7 Main deck longitudinals Minimum of 3 longitudinals where 5 point pattern both web and flange
plating measured over 1 metre length
8 Web frames/transverses Suspect plates 5 point pattern over 1 sq. metre
Double Bottom and Hopper Structure
1 Inner/double bottom plating Suspect plates plus all adjacent 5 point pattern for each panel between
plates longitudinals over 1 metre length
2 Inner/double bottom Three longitudinals where plates 3 measurements in line across web
longitudinals measured and 3 measurements on flange
3 Longitudinal girders or Suspect plates 5 point pattern over about 1 sq. metre
transverse floors
4 Watertight bulkheads (WT a) lower 1/3 of tank a) 5 point pattern over 1 sq. metre of
floors) plating
b) upper 2/3 of tank b) 5 point pattern alternate plates over
1 sq. metre of plating
5 Web frames Suspect plates 5 point pattern over 1 sq. metre of
6 Bottom/side shell Minimum of three longitudinals in 3 measurements in line across web
longitudinals way of suspect areas
3 measurements on flange

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Table : (Contd.)

Structural Member Extent of Measurement Pattern of Measurement

Cargo Holds
1 Side shell frames Suspect stiffener and each adjacent a) At each end and mid span: 5 point
area pattern of both web and flange
b) 5 point pattern within 25 mm of
welded attachment to both shell and
lower slope plate
Shell Structures
1 Bottom and side shell a) Suspect plate, plus four adjacent a) 5 point pattern for each panel
plating plates between longitudinals
b) See other tables for particulars
on gauging in way of tanks and
cargo holds
2 Bottom/side shell Minimum of three longitudinals in 3 measurements in line across web
longitudinals way of suspect areas 3 measurements on flange
Transverse Bulkheads in Cargo Holds
1 Lower stool a) Transverse band within 25 mm of a) 5 point between stiffeners over 1
welded connection to inner bottom metre length
b) Transverse band within 25 mm of b) 5 point between stiffeners over 1
welded connection to shelf plate metre length
2 Transverse bulkhead a) Transverse band at a) 5 point between stiffeners over 1 sq.
approximately mid height metre of plating
b) Transverse band at part of b) 5 point between stiffeners over 1 sq.
bulkhead adjacent to upper deck or metre of plating
below upper stool shelf plate (for
those ships fitted with upper stools)

Table : Requirements for extent of thickness measurements on areas of substantial

corrosion of double skin bulk carriers

Structural member Extent of measurement Pattern of measurement

Bottom, inner bottom and hopper structure
Bottom, inner bottom and Minimum of three bays across 5-point pattern for each panel
hopper structure plating double bottom tank, including aft between longitudinals and floors
Measurements around and under
all suction bell mouths
Bottom, inner bottom and Minimum of three longitudinals in Three measurements in line
hopper structure longitudinals each bay where bottom plating across flange and three
measured measurements on vertical web
Bottom girders, including the At fore and aft watertight floors Vertical line of single
watertight ones and in centre of tanks measurements on girder plating
with one measurement between
each panel stiffener or a
minimum of three measurements
Bottom floors, including the Three floors in bays where 5-point pattern over two square
watertight ones bottom plating measured, with meter area
measurements at both ends and
Hopper structure web fame ring Three floors in bays where 5-point pattern over one square
bottom plating measured metre of plating.
Single measurements on flange

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Table : (Contd.)

Structural member Extent of measurement Pattern of measurement

Hopper structure transverse Lower 1/3 of bulkhead 5-point pattern over one square
watertight bulkhead or swash metre of plating
bulkhead Upper 2/3 of bulkhead 5-point pattern over two square
metre of plating
Stiffeners (minimum of three) For web, 5-point pattern over
span (two measurements across
web at each end and one at
centre of span). For flange,
single measurements at each
end and centre of span
Panel stiffening Where applicable Single measurements

Deck structure including cross strips, main cargo hatchways, hatch covers, coamings and
topside tanks
Structural member Extent of measurement Pattern of measurement
Cross deck strip plating Suspect cross deck strip plating 5 point pattern between
underdeck stiffeners over 1
metre length
Underdeck stiffeners Transverse members 5 point pattern at each end and
mid span
Longitudinal members 5 point pattern on both web and
Hatch covers Side and end skirts, each 3 5 point pattern at each location
3 longitudinal bands, 2 outboard 5 point measurement each band
strakes and centerline strake
Hatch coamings Each side and end of coaming, 5 point measurement each band
one band lower 1/3, one band i.e. end or side coaming
upper 2/3 of coaming
Topside ballast tanks a) watertight transverse
- Lower 1/3 of bulkhead 5 point pattern over 1 sq. metre
of plating
- Upper 2/3 of bulkhead 5 point pattern over 1 sq. metre
of plating
- Stiffeners 5 point pattern over 1 metre
b) two representative swash
transverse bulkheads:
- Lower 1/3 of bulkhead 5 point pattern over sq. metre of
- Upper 2/3 of bulkhead 5 point pattern over 1 sq. metre
of plating
- stiffeners 5 point pattern over 1 metre
c) three representative bays of
slope plating:
- Lower 1/3 of tank 5 point pattern over 1 sq. metre
of plating
- Upper 2/3 of tank 5 point pattern over 1 sq. metre
of plating
d) Longitudinals, suspect and 5 point pattern on both web and
adjacent flange over 1 metre length
Main deck plating Suspect plates and four adjacent 5 point pattern over 1 sq. metre
plates of plating

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Table : (Contd.)

Structural member Extent of measurement Pattern of measurement

Main deck longitudinals Suspect plates 5 point pattern on both web and
flange over 1 metre length
Web frames / transverses Suspect plates 5 point pattern over 1 sq. metre

Structure in double side spaces of double skin bulk carriers including wing void spaces of ore

Structural member Extent of measurement Pattern of measurement

Side shell and inner side a) upper strake and strakes in
plating: way of horizontal girders

plating between each pair of single measurement

transverse frames / longitudinals
in a minimum of three bays
(along the tank)

b) all other strakes

plating between every third pair single measurement

of longitudinals in same three
Side shell and inner side a) upper strake
transverse frames /
longitudinals on: each transverse frame / 3 measurements across web and
longitudinal in same three bays 1 measurement on flange
b) all other strakes

every third transverse frame / 3 measurements across web and

longitudinal in same three bays 1 measurement on flange
Transverse frames / Minimum of three at top, middle 5-point pattern over area of
longitudinals – brackets and bottom of tank in same three brackets
Vertical web and transverse a) strakes in way of horizontal
bulkheads: girders

minimum of two webs and both 5-point pattern over approx. two
transverse bulkheads square metre area
b) other strakes

minimum of two webs and both two measurements between

transverse bulkheads each pair of vertical stiffeners
Horizontal girders Plating on each girder in a Two measurements between
minimum of three bays each pair of longitudinal girder
Panel stiffening Where applicable Single measurements

Transverse bulkheads in cargo holds

Structural member Extent of measurement Pattern of measurement

Lower stool, where fitted Transverse band within 25 [mm] 5-point pattern between
of welded connection to inner stiffeners over one metre length
Transverse band within 25 [mm] 5-point pattern between
of welded connection to shelf stiffeners over one metre length

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Table : (Contd.)

Structural member Extent of measurement Pattern of measurement

Transverse bulkheads Transverse band at 5-point pattern over one square
approximately mid height metre of plating
Transverse band at part of 5-point pattern over one square
bulkhead adjacent to upper deck metre of plating
or below upper stool shelf plate
(for those ships fitted with upper
stools) The thickness measurements are to be carried out by a qualified company certified by IRS. In order to ensure necessary control during the process of thickness measurements, these are
normally to be carried out under the supervision of the Surveyor. The Surveyor has the right to re-check
the measurements as deemed necessary to ensure acceptable accuracy. In all cases the extent of thickness measurements is to be sufficient as to represent the actual
average condition. A thickness measurement report is to be prepared. The report is to give the location of
measurements, the thickness measured as well as corresponding original thickness. Furthermore, the
report is to give the date when the measurements were carried out, type of measurement equipment,
names of personnel and their qualifications and has to be signed by the operator. The Surveyor is to
review the report of the final thickness measurement after repairs have been carried out and countersign
the cover page.

2.4.11 Reporting and evaluation of survey The data and information on the structural condition of the vessel collected during the survey is
to be evaluated for acceptability and continued structural integrity of the vessel. An Executive Hull Summary of the survey and results is to be issued to the Owner and placed
on board the vessel for reference at future surveys. The Executive Hull Summary is to be endorsed by
IRS Head Office.

2.4.12 Compliance with IMO standards for scantlings of aft transverse bulkhead of the foremost
cargo hold and allowable hold loading for foremost cargo hold These requirements apply to all bulk carriers of 150 [m] in length and above, intending to carry
cargoes having bulk density of 1.78 [t/m3] or above where:

a) The foremost hold is bounded by the side shell only in ships which were contracted for construction
prior to 1 July 1998 and

b) The foremost hold is of double skin construction of less than 760 [mm] in breadth, measured
perpendicular to the side shell, in ships, the keel of which were laid or were at a similar stage of
construction, before 1 July 1999. For existing bulk carriers of the type as mentioned in a) and b) above which have not
yet complied with the IMO standards, the compliance is to be achieved within the following time limits:

i) for ships which were 15 years of age or more on 1 July 1998, immediately before continuance in

ii) for ships which were 10 years of age or more but less than 15 years of age on 1 July 1998, by
the due date of the first intermediate or special survey to be held after the date on which the ship
reaches 15 years of age but not later than the date on which the ship reaches 17 years of age;

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iii) for ships which were 5 years of age or more but less than 10 years of age on 1 July 1998, on or
before the due date, after 1 July 2003, of the first intermediate or special survey after the date on
which the ship reaches 10 years of age; and

iv) for ships which were less than 5 years of age on 1 July 1998, on or before the date on which the
ship reaches 10 years of age.

Completion prior to 1 July 2003 of an intermediate or special survey with a due date after 1 July 2003,
can not be used to postpone compliance. For bulkcarriers described in, thickness measurement of vertically corrugated aft
transverse bulkhead of the foremost cargo hold is to be carried out to determine the general condition of
the structure and to define the extent of possible repairs and/or reinforcements required to meet the
above mentioned IMO standards. As a minimum, the thickness measurement is to be carried out at the
critical locations given in Table 2.4.12 and Fig.2.4.12.

In addition, thickness measurement is to be carried out at subsequent intermediate surveys (for ships
over 10 years of age) and special surveys for the purpose of verifying continuing compliance with the
above standards.

Where annual gauging has been adopted as an alternative to steel renewal in accordance with the IMO
standards, thickness measurement is also to be carried out at subsequent annual surveys.

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Table 2.4.12 : Critical levels at which thickness measurement is to be carried out for the
vertically corrugated aft transverse bulkhead of the foremost cargo hold of existing bulk carriers
to determine compliance with IMO standard

Level as Locations where thickness is to be measured in Zone 2 (P&S) and Zone 1

per Ships with or without lower stool
1) mid breadth of each corrugation flange at about 200 [mm] above line of shedder plates
Level (a) 2) middle of gusset plates between corrugation flanges, where fitted
OR Level 3) middle of each shedder plate
(b) 4) mid breadth of each corrugation web at approximately 200 [mm] above the line of each
shedder plate
1) mid breadth of each corrugation flange and web at about the mid-height of the
Level (c)
1. To adequately assess the scantlings of each individual vertical corrugation, each corrugation flange,
web, shedder plate and gusset plate within each of the levels given above are to be gauged.
2. Where the thickness changes within the horizontal levels, the thinner plate is to be gauged.
3. Steel renewal/reinforcement is to comply with IMO standard.

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2.4.13 Compliance with IACS requirements for existing vessels Compliance with the standards mentioned in Table, as applicable, is to be achieved by
the due date indicated in Compliance with the requirements indicated in Table, as applicable is to be achieved
within the following time limits:

i) For ships which will be 15 years of age or more on 1 January 2004 by the due date of the first
intermediate or special survey after that date;

ii) For ships which will be 10 years of age or more on 1 January 2004 by the due date of the first
special survey after that date;

iii) For ships which will be less than 10 years of age on 1 January 2004 by the date on which the
ship reaches 10 years of age.

Completion prior to 1 January 2004 of an intermediate or special survey with a due date after 1January
2004 cannot be used to postpone compliance. However, completion prior to 1 January 2004 of an
intermediate survey the window for which straddles 1 January 2004 can be accepted. Ships which are required to comply with UR S31 as indicated in Table are subject to
additional thickness measurements with respect to the side shell frames and brackets for the purpose of
determining compliance, prior to the due dates as mentioned in and at subsequent intermediate
and special surveys for verifying continuing compliance with UR S31.

2.4.14 Compliance with SOLAS regulation 12, Ch.XII : Hold, ballast and dry space water level

Bulk carriers constructed before 1st July, 2004 are to be fitted with water level detectors as described in
Pt.5, Ch.1, 2.13 of the Rules, not later than the date of the annual, intermediate or special survey of the
ship to be carried out after 1st July, 2004, whichever comes first.

2.4.15 Compliance with SOLAS regulation 13, Ch.XII : Availability of pumping systems ( for
dewatering of forward spaces)
Bulk carriers constructed before 1 July, 2004 are to comply with this SOLAS regulation in accordance
with details given in Pt.5, Ch.1, 2.14 of the Rules, not later than the date of the first intermediate or
special survey of the ship to be carried out after 1st July, 2004, but in no case later than 1st July, 2007.

2.5 Special Surveys – Machinery

2.5.1 Requirements for examination of machinery and piping are given in Sec.8.

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Table : Compliance with new IACS unified requirements

Item Applicable types of Reference IACS Applicable locations on

vessels unified requirement the ship

Renewal criteria for Bulk carriers with side S31 Cargo holds bounded by
side shell frames and frames and/or brackets single side shell
brackets not meeting the
requirements of Pt.5,
Ch.1 of the 1998 or
subsequent rules
Cargo hatch cover Bulk carriers where S30 Securing devices and
securing arrangements cargo hatch covers do stoppers for the fore
(except for pontoon not meet the most and the second
type hatchcover) requirements of Pt.3, foremost cargo hold
Ch.12 of the January, hatchways located wholly
2004 Rules or partially within 0.25L of
the fore perpendicular
Fore deck fittings: Bulk carriers, ore S27 Located on the exposed
Air pipes and carriers, general dry deck and serving spaces
ventilators and their cargo ships and wholly or partially forward
closing devices combination carriers of of the collision bulkhead
L ≥ 100 m contracted for
construction prior to
1 January, 2004
Strength of small Bulk carriers, ore S26 Located on the exposed
hatches on the fore carriers, general dry deck giving access to
deck and their cargo ships and spaces wholly or partially
securing devices (See combination carriers of forward of the collision
Pt.3, Ch.12, 7.2 for L ≥ 100 m contracted for bulkhead
definition of small construction prior to
hatches) 1 January, 2004.

Section 3

Surveys - Oil Tankers, Ore or Oil Carriers, Oil or Bulk Carriers

3.1 Scope

3.1.1 This section gives the requirements for periodical surveys of vessels which have been assigned
class notations:

Oil Tanker ESP

Ore or Oil Carrier ESP
Oil or Bulk Carrier ESP

3.1.2 For vessels with class notation Ore or Oil Carrier ESP and Oil or Bulk Carrier ESP, the relevant
requirements given in Sec.2 are also to be applied.

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3.2 Annual surveys

3.2.1 General Annual Surveys are to be carried out within 3 months before or after the anniversary date each
year. These should be held concurrently with statutory annual or other relevant statutory Surveys, where
practicable. At Annual Surveys, the Surveyor is to examine the hull and machinery, so far as necessary and
practicable, in order to be satisfied as to their general condition. Access to cargo tanks or other spaces within the cargo area, necessitating gas freeing will
normally not be required unless necessary for checking items of equipment and installations for correct

3.2.2 Hull and weather deck The survey is to consist of an examination for the purpose of ensuring, as far as practicable, that
the hull, equipment, closing appliances and related piping are maintained in satisfactory and efficient
condition. Special attention is to be paid to the following:

a) Weather deck, ship side plating above water line.

b) Openings on freeboard and superstructure decks; exposed casings; skylights and fiddley openings;
deck houses; companionways and superstructure bulkheads; side scuttles and dead lights; flush
deck scuttles; ash shoots and other openings.

c) Weld connection between air pipes and deck plating; air pipe heads on exposed decks (external
examination); ventilators and closing devices.

d) Watertight bulkheads and their penetrations as far as practicable.

e) Scuppers and sanitary discharges as far as practicable together with valves and their controls.

f) Guard rails, bulwarks, freeing ports, gangways, walkways and life lines.

g) Cargo tank openings including gaskets, covers, coamings and flame screens.

h) Cargo tanks pressure/vacuum valves, secondary means to prevent over or under pressure and
devices to prevent passage of flame.

i) Flame screens on vents to all bunker tanks.

j) Examination of cargo, crude oil washing, bunker and vent piping systems, including vent masts and
headers. Examination of pump room and pipe tunnel, if fitted, is to be carried out including:

a) Examination of all pump room bulkheads for signs of oil leakage or fractures and, in particular, the
sealing arrangements of all penetrations of pump room bulkheads.

b) Examination of the condition of all piping systems. All watertight doors in watertight bulkheads, to be examined and tested (locally and remotely) as
far as practicable. Suspect areas identified at previous special or intermediate surveys are to be close-up surveyed.
Thickness measurements are to be taken in the area of substantial corrosion identified at previous

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__________________________________________________________________________________ Examination of Ballast Tank is to be carried out when required as a consequence of the results of
the Special Survey or Intermediate Survey. (See and respectively). When considered
necessary by the Surveyor or where extensive corrosion is found, thickness measurement is to be carried
out. When examination of ballast tanks reveals substantial corrosion, additional thickness measurements
are to be carried out to the extent given in Table or Table Anchoring and mooring equipment is to be examined as far as is practicable. A general

examination of emergency towing arrangements is to be carried out to ensure their ready availability.

For vessels with single point mooring arrangements where 'SPM' notation is assigned, the following are
to be generally examined:

a) Components of the single point mooring system (bow chain stoppers, bow fairleads, pedestal roller
fairleads, winches and capstans), to verify their satisfactory condition.

b) Hull structures supporting and adjacent to the components of the single point mooring system, to
verify that there is no deformation or fracture. Where applicable Surveyor should satisfy himself regarding the freeboard marks on the ship's
side. The Surveyor is to confirm that, where required, an approved loading instrument together with its
operation manual are available on board, See Pt.3, Ch.5. It is to be verified by the Surveyor that the
loading instrument is checked for accuracy at regular intervals by the ship's staff by applying test loading
conditions. Accommodation ladders are to be examined at annual surveys. Satisfactory condition of the
following items is to be checked, in particular :

a) steps;
b) platforms;
c) all support points such as pivots, rollers, etc.;
d) all suspension points such as lugs, brackets, etc.;
e) stanchions, rigid handrails, hand ropes and turntables;
f) davit structure, wire and sheaves, etc. Gangways are to be examined at annual surveys. Satisfactory condition of the following items is
to be checked, in particular :

a) treads;
b) side stringers, cross-members, decking, deck plates, etc.;
c) all support points such as wheel, roller, etc.;
d) stanchions, rigid handrails, hand ropes. Winches of accommodation ladders and gangways are to be examined to verify the satisfactory
condition of the following items:

a) brake mechanism including condition of brake pads and band brake, if fitted;
b) remote control system, and
c) power supply system for electric motor. Davits and fittings on the ship’s deck associated with accommodation ladders and gangways are
to be examined for satisfactory condition at annual surveys. Fittings or structures for means of access to
deck such as handholds in a gateway or bulwark ladder and stanchions are also to be examined. The maintenance and inspection records of accommodation ladders and gangways are to be
verified. It is to be confirmed that supporting wires are being renewed at intervals not exceeding 5 years.

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3.2.3 Machinery and systems A general examination of the machinery, boilers, all pressurised systems (steam, pneumatic,
hydraulic) and their associated fittings, propulsion system and auxiliary machinery to see whether they
are being properly maintained and with particular attention to the fire and explosion hazards. Confirmation that machinery, boilers and other pressure vessels, associated piping systems and
fittings are so installed and protected as to reduce to a minimum any danger to persons on board, due
regard being given to moving parts, hot surfaces and other hazards. Confirmation that Periodical Surveys of boilers and other pressure vessels have been carried out
as required by the Rules and the safety devices have been tested. Confirmation that the normal operation of the propulsion machinery can be sustained or restored
even though one of the essential auxiliaries becomes inoperative. Confirmation that means are provided so that machinery can be brought into operation from the
dead ship condition without external aid. All main and auxiliary steering arrangements and their associated equipment and control systems
are to be examined and tested. Where applicable, Surveyors are to verify that log entries have been
made in accordance with statutory requirements. Confirming, when appropriate, that requisite arrangements to regain steering capability in the
event of the prescribed single failure are being maintained. Steering chains are to be cleaned for ascertaining wear and tear and lengths of chain worn in
mean diameter by more than 12 per cent of the original rule diameter are to be renewed. All the means of communication between the navigating bridge and the machinery control
positions, as well as the bridge and the main alternative steering position, if fitted, are to be tested. It is to
be confirmed that means of indicating the angular position of the rudder are operating satisfactorily. Confirmation that with ships having emergency steering positions there are means of relaying
heading information and, when appropriate, supplying visual compass readings to the emergency
steering positions. Confirmation that various alarms required for hydraulic power operated, electric and electro-
hydraulic steering gears are, operating satisfactorily and that the recharging arrangements for hydraulic
power operated steering gears are being maintained. Examining the means for the operation of the main and auxiliary machinery essential for
propulsion and the safety of the ship, including when applicable, the means of remotely controlling the
propulsion machinery from the navigating bridge and the arrangements to operate the main and other
machinery from a machinery control room. Confirmation that the engine room telegraph, the second means of communication between the
navigation bridge and the machinery space and the means of communication with any other positions
from which the engines are controlled are operating satisfactorily. Confirmation that the engineer's alarm is clearly audible in the engineer's accommo-dation. The bilge pumping systems and bilge wells including operation of each bilge pump, extended
spindles and level alarms, where fitted, are to be examined as far as is practicable. It is also to be
confirmed that bilge pumping system for each watertight compartment is satisfactory.

It is also to be confirmed that drainage from enclosed cargo spaces situated on freeboard deck is
satisfactory. Examining visually the condition of any expansion joints in sea water system.

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__________________________________________________________________________________ General examination visually and in operation, as feasible, of the main electrical machinery, the
emergency sources of electrical power, the switch gear, other electrical equipment including the lighting
system is to be carried out. Confirmation as far as practicable, the operation of the emergency source(s) of electrical power,
including their starting arrangement, the systems supplied, and when appropriate, their automatic
operation. Examining in general, that the precautions provided against shock, fire and other hazards of
electrical origin are being maintained. General Examination of automation equipment is to be carried out. Satisfactory operation of

safety devices, bilge level detection and alarm systems and control systems is to be verified. Confirmation that machinery space ventilation systems are in good working condition. Examination so far as is possible of cargo, bilge, ballast and stripping pumps for excessive gland
seal leakage, verification of proper operation of electrical and mechanical remote operating and shutdown
devices and operation of pump room bilge system, and checking that pump foundations are intact. Checking the protection of cargo pump room and in particular:

a) Checking temperature sensing devices for bulkhead glands and alarms;

b) Checking interlock between lighting and ventilation.

c) Checking gas detection system.

d) Checking bilge level monitoring devices and alarms. Verification that installed pressure gauges on cargo discharge lines and level indicating systems
are operational. Examination of emergency lighting in all cargo pump rooms of tankers constructed after 1 July

3.2.4 Fire protection, detection and extinction The arrangements for fire protection, detection and extinction are to be examined and are to
include confirmation that no changes have been made in the structural fire protection. Following are to be
examined / verified:

a) verification that fire control plans are properly posted;

b) examination as far as possible and testing as feasible of the fire and/or smoke detection system(s);

c) examination of the fire main system and verification that each fire pump including the emergency fire
pump can be operated separately so that the two required powerful jets of water can be produced
simultaneously from different hydrants;

d) verification that fire hoses, nozzles, applicators and spanners are in good working condition and
situated at their respective locations;

e) examination of fixed fire fighting system controls, piping, instructions and marking, checking for
evidence of proper maintenance and servicing including date of last systems tests;

f) verification that all semi-portable and portable fire extinguishers are in their stowed positions,
checking for evidence of proper maintenance and servicing, conducting random check for evidence
of discharged containers;

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g) verification, as far as practicable, that the remote controls for stopping fans and machinery and
shutting off fuel supplies in machinery spaces are in working order;

h) examination of the closing arrangements of ventilators, funnel annular spaces, skylights, doorways
and tunnel, where applicable;

i) confirmation that the fire fighters’ outfits and emergency escape breathing devices (EEBDS) are
complete and in good condition and that the cylinders, including the spare cylinders, of any required
self-contained breathing apparatus are suitably charged;

j) examination of any manual and automatic fire doors and proving their operations;

k) verification that the pump room ventilation system is operational, ducting intact, dampers operational
and screens are clean;

l) external examination of piping and cut-out valves of cargo tank and cargo pump room fixed fire
fighting system;

m) verification that the deck foam system and deck sprinkler system are in good operating condition so
far as is practicable;

n) verification that all electrical equipment in dangerous zones is in good condition and has been
properly maintained so far as is practicable;

o) checking the deck foam system, including the supplies of foam concentrate and testing that minimum
number of jets of water at the required pressure in the fire main is obtained when the system is in

p) examination of the fire-extinguishing systems for spaces containing paint and/or flammable liquids
and deep fat cooking equipment in accommodation and service spaces;

q) examination of the fire safety requirements of any helicopter facilities.

Surveys carried out by the National Authority of the country in which the ship is registered would normally
be accepted as meeting these requirements, at the discretion of the Surveyor. For tankers fitted with inert gas system, examination of the inert gas system as detailed in Section
12, Para 12.2.1 is to be carried out. Confirmation that the means of escape from accommodation, machinery spaces and other
spaces are satisfactory. Examination of the arrangements for gaseous fuel for domestic purposes.

3.3 Intermediate Surveys

3.3.1 General Intermediate surveys are to be carried out at or between the second or third Annual Survey.
However, only those items which are additional to the requirements of annual survey may be examined
between the second or third annual survey.

Concurrent crediting to both Intermediate survey and Special survey for surveys and thickness
measurements of spaces is not acceptable. The following requirements are applicable for vessels over five years of age. For vessels below 5
years of age additional examination over and above the requirements of Annual survey may be required
at the discretion of the Surveyors.

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__________________________________________________________________________________ For vessels over 10 years of age a specific survey program is to be worked out by the owner in
cooperation with the Surveyors considering the requirements of the previous special survey, executive
hull summary of that survey, later relevant survey records and taking account of any amendments to the
survey requirements after the last special survey. The survey program is to be submitted in written format
for approval and kept on board until the intermediate survey has been completed. (See 3.4.2 for guidance
on preparation of survey program). Prior to the commencement of any part of the intermediate survey, a survey planning meeting is
to be held between the attending Surveyor(s), the owner’s representative in attendance and where
involved, the thickness measurement company representative and the master of ship or an appropriately
qualified representative appointed by the master or Company for the purpose to ascertain that all the
arrangements envisaged in the survey programme are in place, so as to ensure the safe and efficient
conduct of the survey work to be carried out.

3.3.2 Examination and testing The following are to be carried out:

a) The survey to the extent specified in 3.3.3 to 3.3.5 depending on the age and type of the tanker.

b) For weather decks, an examination as far as applicable of cargo, crude oil washing, bunker, ballast,
steam and vent piping systems as well as vent masts and headers. If upon examination there is any
doubt as to the condition of the piping, the piping may be required to be pressure tested, thickness
measured or both.

c) A general examination of electrical equipment in dangerous zones and testing of insulation resistance
of the circuits. In cases where a proper record of testing is maintained, consideration may be given to
accepting recent readings. These measurements are not to be attempted until the ship is in gas free
condition and are to be carried out within an acceptable time period.

3.3.3 Oil tankers between 5 and 10 years of age

a) Single hull oil tankers:

All ballast tanks are to be examined. When considered necessary by the Surveyor, thickness
measurement and testing are to be carried out to ensure that the structural integrity remains effective.

b) Double hull oil tankers:

For tanks used for water ballast, an Overall Survey of Representative Tanks selected by the Surveyor is
to be carried out. If such inspections reveal no visible structural defects, the examination may be limited
to a verification that the hard Protective Coating remains in GOOD condition. In addition to the requirements above, suspect areas identified at previous surveys are to be
close-up surveyed. A ballast tank is to be examined at subsequent annual intervals where:

a) a hard protective coating has not been applied from the time of construction, or

b) a soft or semi-hard coating has been applied, or

c) substantial corrosion is found within the tank, or

d) the hard protective coating is found to be in less than GOOD condition and the hard protective
coating is not repaired to the satisfaction of the Surveyor.

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3.3.4 Oil tankers between 10 and 15 years of age The requirements of the intermediate survey are to be to the same extent as the previous special
survey as required in 3.4 for hull structure and piping systems in way of cargo tanks, pump rooms,
cofferdams, pipe tunnels, void spaces within the cargo area and all ballast tanks. However, pressure
testing of cargo and ballast tanks, survey of automatic air pipe heads and specified in and the
requirements for longitudinal strength evaluation of hull girder required in are not required unless
deemed necessary by the attending surveyor. Thickness measurement is to be carried out for items 1) to
4) of Table The intermediate survey may be commenced at the second annual survey and be progressed
during the succeeding year with a view to completion by the third annual survey in lieu of the application
of An in-water survey complying with the requirements of Sec.7.2 may be accepted in lieu of the
requirements of

3.3.5 Oil tankers exceeding 15 years of age the following is to apply: The requirements of the intermediate survey are to be to the same extent as the previous special
survey as required in 3.4 for hull structure and piping systems in way of cargo tanks, pump rooms,
cofferdams, pipe tunnels, void spaces within the cargo area and all ballast tanks. However, pressure
testing of cargo and ballast tanks, survey of automatic air pipe heads as specified in and the
longitudinal strength evaluation of hull girder required in need not be carried out unless deemed
necessary by the attending surveyor. Thickness measurement is to be carried out for items 1) to 4) of
Table The intermediate survey may be commenced at the second annual survey and be progressed
during the succeeding year with a view to completion by the third annual survey in lieu of the application
of A survey in dry dock is to be part of the intermediate survey. Any remaining work in respect of the
overall and close-up surveys and thickness measurements and repairs applicable to the lower portions of
cargo tanks and ballast tanks (i.e. parts below light ballast water line) are to be completed in the dry-

3.4 Special Surveys - Hull

3.4.1 General All ships classed with IRS are to undergo Special Surveys at 5 yearly intervals. The first Special
Survey is to be completed within 5 years from the date of the initial classification survey and thereafter 5
years from the assigned date of the previous Special Survey. However, an extension of class of 3 months
maximum beyond the 5th year may be granted in exceptional circumstances in accordance with 1.11. In
such cases, the next period of class will start from the expiry date of the Special Survey before extension
was granted. The interval between the Special Surveys may be reduced at the request of the parties concerned
or by IRS if considered appropriate. For surveys completed within 3 months before the expiry date of the Special Survey, the next
period of class will start from the expiry date of the Special Survey. For surveys completed more than 3
months before the expiry date of the Special Survey, the period of class will start from the survey
completion date. The Special Survey may be commenced at the 4th Annual Survey and be progressed with a view
to completion by the 5th anniversary date. When the special survey is commenced prior to the fourth
annual survey, the entire survey is to be completed within 15 months if such work is to be credited to the
special survey and in this case the next period of class will start from the survey completion date.

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Concurrent crediting to both Intermediate survey and Special survey for surveys and thickness
measurements of spaces is not acceptable. As part of the preparation for Special Survey, the proposed Survey Programme (See 3.4.2)
including the schedule for thickness measurements (See 3.4.9) are to be submitted in advance of the
Special Survey. Record of Special Survey will not be assigned until the Machinery Survey has been completed or
postponed in agreement with IRS. Ships which have satisfactorily passed a Special Survey will have a record entered in the
Supplement to the Register Book indicating the assigned date of Special Survey. In addition a notation
"ESP" will be entered for oil tankers. The special survey is to include, in addition to the requirements of the Annual Survey,
examination, tests and checks of sufficient extent to ensure that the hull, equipment and related piping
are in satisfactory condition and that the ship is fit for its intended purpose for the next five (5) year class
period, subject to proper maintenance and operation and the periodical surveys being carried out at the
due dates.

A Docking Survey in accordance with the requirements of Sec.7 is to be carried out as part of the Special
Survey. Any remaining work in respect of the overall and close-up surveys and thickness measurements
and repairs applicable to the lower portions of cargo tanks and ballast tanks (i.e. parts below light ballast
water line) are to be completed in the dry-dock.

3.4.2 Planning and preparation for survey A specific Survey Programme is to be worked out in advance of the Survey by the Owner in
cooperation with the Surveyors and submitted to IRS for approval. The Survey Programme is to be in a
written format based on IMO Resolution MSC197(80). The survey is not to commence until the survey
programme has been agreed. Prior to the development of the survey programme, the survey planning
questionnaire based on IMO Resolution MSC197(80) is to be completed by the owner and forwarded to
IRS. The Survey Programme at Intermediate Survey may consist of the Survey Programme at the
previous Special Survey supplemented by the Executive Hull Summary of that Special Survey and later
relevant survey reports. The survey program is to be worked out taking into account any amendments to
the survey requirements after the last special survey. In developing the Survey Programme, the following documentation is to be collected and
consulted with a view to selecting tanks, areas and structural areas for examination :

a) Survey status and basic ship information;

b) Documentation on board as per 3.4.3;

c) Main structural plans (scantling drawings), including information regarding use of high strength steels,
clad steel and stainless steel;

d) Executive Hull Summary;

e) Relevant previous damage and repair history;

f) Relevant previous survey and inspection reports of IRS and the Owners;

g) Cargo and ballast history for the last 3 years, including carriage of cargo under heated conditions;

h) Details of the inert gas plant and tank cleaning procedures;

i) Information and other relevant data regarding conversion or modification of the ship’s cargo and ballast
tanks since the time of construction.

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j) Description and history of the coating and corrosion protection system (including previous class
notations), if any;

k) Inspections by the Owner’s personnel during the last 3 years with reference to structural deterioration
in general, leakages in tank boundaries and piping and condition of the coating and corrosion protection
system if any;

l) Information regarding the relevant maintenance level during operation including port state control
reports of inspection containing hull related deficiencies. Safety Management System non-conformities
relating to hull maintenance, including the associated corrective action(s); and

m) Any other information that will help identify suspect areas and critical structural areas. The Survey Programme submitted for approval is to account for and comply, as a minimum, with
the requirements of close-up survey, thickness measurement and tank testing respectively, and to
include relevant information including at least :

a) Basic ship information and particulars;

b) Main structural plans (scantling drawings), including information regarding use of high strength steels,
clad steel and stainless steel;

c) Plan of tanks;

d) List of tanks with information on use, extent of coatings and corrosion protection systems;

e) Conditions for survey (e.g. information like tank cleaning, gas freeing, ventilation, lighting, etc.);

f) Provisions and methods of access to structures;

g) Equipment for survey; and

h) Identification of tanks and areas for close-up survey (As per Table or Table

i) Identification of sections for thickness measurement (As per Table

j) Identification of tanks for testing

k) Identification of the thickness measurement company.

l) Damage experience related to the ship in question.

m) Critical structural areas and suspect areas, where relevant. IRS will advise the Owner of the maximum acceptable structural corrosion diminution levels
applicable to the vessel. The ship is to be prepared for overall survey in accordance with the requirements of Table The preparation is to be of sufficient extent to facilitate an examination to ascertain any excessive
corrosion, deformation, fractures, damages and other structural deterioration. Proper preparation and the close co-operation between the attending surveyor(s) and the owner’s
representatives onboard prior to and during the survey are an essential part in the safe and efficient
conduct of the survey. During the survey on board safety meetings are to be held regularly. Prior to commencement of any part of the special survey, a survey planning meeting is to be held
between the attending surveyor(s), the owner’s representative in attendance, the thickness measurement
company representative and the master of the ship or an appropriately qualified representative appointed
by the master or Company for the purpose to ascertain that all the arrangements envisaged in the survey

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programme are in place, so as to ensure the safe and efficient conduct of the survey work to be carried

Table : Survey preparation

Special Survey No. I Special Survey No. Special Survey No. III Special Survey No. IV
Age ≤ 5 II 10 < Age ≤ 15 and subsequently
5 < Age ≤ 10 Age ≥ 15
1) All tanks, peaks, bilges and 1) Requirements of 1) Requirements of 1) Requirements of
drain wells, engine and boiler Special Survey I to be Special Survey II to be Special survey III to be
spaces and other spaces are complied with complied with complied with
to be cleared out and cleaned
as necessary for examination. 2) The chain locker is 2) Portions of wood
Floor plates in engine and to be cleaned internally. sheathing, or other
boiler spaces are to be lifted The chain cables are to covering, on steel decks
as may be necessary for be ranged for are to be removed, as
examination of the structure inspection. The considered necessary by
underneath. Where necessary anchors are to be the Surveyor, in order to
close and spar ceiling, lining cleaned and placed in ascertain the condition of
and pipe casings are to be an accessible position the plating.
removed for examination of for inspection.
the structure.

2) The steelwork is to be
exposed and cleaned as may
be required for its proper
examination by the Surveyor
and close attention is to be
paid to the parts of the
structure which are particularly
liable to excessive corrosion or
to deterioration due to other

3) All tanks are to be cleaned

as necessary to permit

4) Casings or covers of air,

sounding, steam and other
pipes, spar ceiling and lining in
way of the side scuttles are to
be removed, as required by
the Surveyor. The following is an indicative list of items that are to be addressed in the meeting:

a) Schedule of the vessel (i.e. the voyage, docking and undocking manoeuvres, periods alongside,
cargo and ballast operations, etc.);

b) Provisions and arrangements for thickness measurements (i.e. access, cleaning/de-scaling,

illumination, ventilation, personal safety);

c) Extent of the thickness measurements;

d) Acceptance criteria (refer to the list of minimum thicknesses);

e) Extent of close-up survey and thickness measurement considering the coating condition and suspect
areas/areas of substantial corrosion;

f) Execution of thickness measurements;

g) Taking representative readings in general and where uneven corrosion / pitting is found;

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h) Mapping of areas of substantial corrosion; and

Communication between attending surveyor(s) the thickness measurement company operator(s) and
owner representative(s) concerning findings.

3.4.3 Documentation on board The Owners are to obtain supply and maintain on board documentation as specified in,
which is to be readily available for the Surveyor. The documentation is to be kept on board for the life time of the ship. A Survey Report File is to be a part of the documentation on board consisting of

- Reports of structural surveys

- Executive Hull Summary

- Thickness measurement reports. The Survey Report File is to be available also in the Owners management offices and with IRS. The following additional supporting documentation is to be available on board:

- Main structural plans of cargo and ballast tanks

- Previous repair history

- Cargo and ballast history

- Extent of use of inert gas plant and tank cleaning procedures

- Inspection by ship's personnel with reference to

- structural deterioration in general

- leakages in bulkheads and piping

- condition of coating or corrosion prevention system, if any

- Any other information that will help identify critical structural areas and/or Suspect Areas requiring

- Survey Programme as required by 3.4.2 until such time as the Special Survey has been completed. Prior to survey, the Surveyor is to examine the completeness of the documentation on board, and
its contents as a basis for the survey.

3.4.4 Surveys at sea or at anchorage See Sec.1.8.

3.4.5 Space protection Where provided, the condition of coating or corrosion protection of cargo tanks and ballast tanks
is to be examined.

A ballast tank is to be examined at subsequent annual intervals where:

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a) a hard protective coating has not been applied from the time of construction, or

b) a soft or semi-hard coating has been applied, or

c) substantial corrosion is found within the tank, or

d) the hard protective coating is found to be in less than GOOD condition and the hard protective
coating is not repaired to the satisfaction of the Surveyor. Where the hard protective coating in tanks is found to be in GOOD condition, the extent of close-
up surveys and thickness measurements may be specially considered.

3.4.6 Survey and examination All spaces within the hull and superstructure are to be examined. All tanks other than cargo and water ballast tanks are to be examined internally in accordance
with the requirements of Table

Table : Requirements for internal examination of tanks

Tank Special Survey Special Survey Special Survey Special Survey

No. I No. II No. III No. IV
Age ≤ 5 5 < Age ≤ 10 10 < Age ≤ 15 and subsequent
Age > 15
Fuel oil bunker tanks
- Engine room None None One One
- Other area None One Two Half the number of
tanks, minimum 2

Lub.oil None None None One

Fresh water None One All All


1) These requirements apply to tanks of integral (structural) type.

2) If a selection of tanks is accepted to be examined, then different tanks are to be examined at each
special survey, on a rotational basis.

3) Peak tanks (all uses) are subject to internal examination at each special survey.

4) At special survey No.III and subsequent special surveys, one deep tank for fuel oil is to be included, if
fitted. An overall survey of all cargo holds, ballast tanks including double bottom tanks, pipe tunnels,
cofferdams and void spaces bounding cargo holds, decks and outer hull is to be carried out. This
examination is to be supplemented by thickness measurement and testing as required by 3.4.9 and 3.4.7
to ensure that the structural integrity remains effective. The aim of the examination is to discover
Substantial Corrosion, significant deformation, fractures, damages or other structural deterioration and if
deemed necessary by the Surveyor, a suitable non-destructive examination may be required. Cargo piping on deck including crude oil washing (COW) piping and cargo and ballast piping
systems within the above tanks and spaces are to be examined and operationally tested to working
pressure to attending Surveyor's satisfaction to ensure that tightness and condition remain satisfactory.

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Special attention is to be given to ballast piping in cargo tanks and cargo piping in Ballast Tanks and void
spaces and Surveyors are to be advised on all occasions when the piping, including valves and fittings
are open during repair periods and can be examined internally. Where ballast tanks have been converted to void spaces, the survey extent is to be based upon
ballast tank requirements. All watertight bulkheads and watertight doors are to be examined. All decks, casings and
superstructures are to be examined. Attention is to be given to the corners of openings and other
discontinuities in way of the strength decks and top sides. The masts, standing rigging and anchors are to be examined.

The Surveyor should satisfy himself that there are sufficient mooring ropes on board and also that a tow
line is provided when this is a Rule requirement. The steering gear, and its connections and control systems (main and alternative) are to be
examined. The auxiliary steering gear with its various parts are to be examined in working condition. The hand pumps and suctions, air and sounding pipes are to be examined. The Surveyors are to
ensure that striking plates are fitted under the sounding pipes whilst examining the tanks internally.

Automatic air pipe heads are to be internally examined at special surveys as indicated in Table
For designs where the inner parts cannot be properly inspected from outside, the head is to be removed
from the air pipe. Particular attention is to be paid to the condition of the zinc coating in heads
constructed from galvanised steel. The Surveyor should satisfy himself regarding the efficient condition of the following :

- Means of escape from machinery spaces, crew and passenger spaces and spaces in which crew are
normally employed;

- Means of communication between bridge and engine room and between bridge and alternative
steering position;
- Helm indicator;
- Protection to the aft steering wheel and the gear.

Table : Requirements for internal examination of automatic air pipe heads

Special survey No.I Special survey No.II Special survey No.III

Age ≤ 5 5 < Age ≤ 10 and subsequent
Location Age > 10
forward 0.25L Two air pipe heads1,2 one All air pipe heads on
port and one starboard on exposed decks
exposed decks All air pipe heads3 on
aft of 0.25L Two air pipe heads1,2 one At least 20% of air pipe exposed decks
from the port and one starboard on heads on exposed decks
forward exposed decks

1. Preferably air pipes serving ballast tanks.

2. The selection of air pipe heads is to be made by the attending Surveyor. According to the results of
the inspection, the Surveyor may require additional air pipe heads to be examined.
3. When there is substantiated evidence of replacement within the previous five years, individual air
pipe heads may not be examined.

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__________________________________________________________________________________ The chain cables are to be ranged and the anchors and the chain cables are to be examined. At
special survey no. II and subsequent special surveys, the chain cables are to be gauged. Any length of
chain cable which is found to have reduced in mean diameter at its most worn part by more than 12 per
cent of its original rule diameter is to be renewed. The windlass is to be examined. A thorough examination of aft and forward emergency towing arrangements is to be carried out
to ensure its ready availability and satisfactory condition.

- examination of pick-up gear, towing pennant and chafing gear for possible deterioration;
- examination of strong points, fairleads, pedestal roller and their attachment to hull structure.

The survey is to confirm that one of the towing arrangements (aft or forward) are pre-rigged. For vessels with single point mooring arrangements where 'SPM' notation is assigned, the
following is to be carried out:

a) A thorough examination of the components of the single point mooring system (bow chain stoppers,
bow fairleads, pedestal roller fairleads, winches and capstans) to verify their satisfactory condition.
b) A close-up examination of the hull structures supporting and adjacent to the components of the single
point mooring system to verify that there is no deformation or fracture. Thickness determination and
non-destructive tests are to be carried out if required by the Surveyor. The chain locker, hold fasts, hawse pipes and chain stoppers are to be examined and pumping
arrangements of the chain locker tested. Engine room structure is to be examined. Particular attention being given to tank tops, shell
plating in way of tank tops, brackets connecting side shell frames and tank tops and engine room
bulkheads in way of tank tops and bilge wells. Where excessive areas of wastage are found, thickness
measurements are to be carried out and renewals of repairs made when wastage exceeds allowable
limits. The attachment to the structure and condition of anodes in tanks is to be examined. Where fitted, the strums of the cargo suction pipes are to be removed or lifted to facilitate
examination of the shell plating and bulkheads in the vicinity, unless other means for visual inspection of
these parts are provided. The loading instrument is to be checked for accuracy by applying test load conditions in
presence of the Surveyor. Examination of accommodation ladders, gangways and their winches are to be carried out as
required for annual surveys. In addition, the accommodation ladders and gangways are to be
operationally, tested with the specified maximum operation load.

The tests are to be carried out with the load applied as uniformly as possible along the length of the
accommodation ladder or gangway, at an angle of inclination corresponding to the maximum bending
moment on the accommodation ladder or gangway.

Accommodation ladder winch is to be operationally tested at special surveys. The brake system of the
winch is to be tested for holding the maximum operational load on the ladder.

For existing installations on board ships constructed prior to 01 Jan 2010 where the maximum operational
load is not known, load nominated by the shipowner or operator may be considered as the test load.

3.4.7 Extent of tank testing The minimum requirements for tank testing for oil tankers (including ore/oil and ore/bulk/oil ships)
in the cargo area are given in Table

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Table : Table of minimum requirements for tank testing at special survey of oil tankers,
ore/oil ships and ore/bulk/oil ships (including double hull oil tankers)

Special Survey No. II and subsequent

Special Survey No. I
Age > 5
Age ≤ 5

1 All ballast tank boundaries 1 All ballast tank boundaries

2 Cargo tank boundaries facing ballast tanks, void 2 All Cargo tank bulkheads
spaces, pipe tunnels, pump rooms or cofferdams All double bottom and peak tanks are to be tested in addition. The Surveyor may extend the tank
testing as deemed necessary. Boundaries of ballast tanks are to be tested with a head of liquid to the top of air pipes.
Boundaries of cargo tanks are to be tested to the highest point that liquid will rise under service
conditions. Boundaries of fuel oil, lub.oil and fresh water tanks are to be tested with a head of liquid to the
highest point that liquid will rise under service conditions. Tank testing of fuel oil, lub.oil and fresh water
tanks may be specially considered based on a satisfactory external examination of the tank boundaries
and a confirmation from the Master stating that the pressure testing has been carried out according to the
requirement with satisfactory results For double hull oil tankers the testing of double bottom tanks and other spaces not designed for
the carriage of liquid may be omitted, provided a satisfactory internal examination together with an
examination of the tank top is carried out.

3.4.8 Close-up survey requirements The minimum requirements for Close-up Surveys at Special Survey are given in Table
and Table as applicable. The Surveyor may extend the Close-up Survey as deemed necessary taking into account the
maintenance of the tanks under survey, the condition of the corrosion prevention system and also in the
following cases:

a) In particular, tanks having structural arrangements or details which have suffered defects on similar
tanks or on similar ships according to available information.
b) In tanks which have structures approved with reduced scantlings due to an approved corrosion
control system. For areas in tanks where coatings are found to be in a GOOD condition, the extent of Close-up
Surveys according to Tables and Table may be specially considered by the Surveyor.

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Table : Minimum requirements to close-up surveys at special survey of oil tankers,
ore/oil ships, ore/bulk/oil ships other than double hull oil tankers

Special Survey No. IV

Special Survey No. I Special Survey No. II Special Survey No. III
and subsequently
Age ≤ 5 5 < Age ≤ 10 10 < Age ≤ 15
Age ≥ 15
A) One Web Frame Ring A) All Web Frame Rings - A) All Web Frame Rings - As Special Survey No.3
- in a ballast wing tank, if in a ballast wing tank, if in all ballast tanks
any, or a cargo wing tank any, or a cargo wing tank,
used primarily for water used primarily for water
ballast ballast

B) One Deck Trans- B) One Deck Transverse A) All Web Frame Rings - Additional transverses as
verse - in a cargo oil tank - in each of the remaining in a cargo wing tank deemed necessary by the
ballast tanks, if any Surveyor

D) One Transverse B) One Deck Transverse A). A minimum of 30% of

Bulkhead - in a ballast - in a cargo wing tank web frame rings in each
tank remaining cargo wing tank

D) One Transverse B) One Deck Transverse C) All Transverse

Bulkhead - in a cargo oil - in two cargo centre Bulkheads - in all cargo
wing tank tanks and ballast tanks

D) One Transverse C) Both Transverse E) A minimum of 30% of

Bulkhead - in a cargo oil Bulkheads - in a wing deck and bottom
centre tank ballast tank, if any, or a transverses 1) including
cargo wing tank used adjacent structural
primarily for water ballast members in each cargo
centre tank
D) One Transverse F) As considered
Bulkhead - in each necessary by the Surveyor
remaining ballast tank

D) One Transverse
Bulkhead - in a cargo oil
wing tank

D) One Transverse
Bulkhead - in two cargo
centre tanks

A) Complete transverse web frame B) Deck transverse including C) Transverse bulkhead complete -
ring including adjacent structural adjacent deck structural members including girder system and adjacent
members members

D) Transverse bulkhead lower part E) Deck and bottom transverse F) Additional complete transverse
- including girder system and including adjacent structural web frame ring
adjacent structural members members

Note : 1) The 30% is to be rounded up to the next whole integer.

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Table : Minimum requirements for close-up survey at special survey of

Double Hull Oil Tankers

Special Survey No. IV

Special Survey No. I Special Survey No. II Special Survey No. III
and subsequently
Age ≤ 5 5 < Age ≤ 10 10 < Age ≤ 15
Age ≥ 15
One web frame (1), in a All web frames (1), in a All web frames (1), in all As for Special Survey for
complete ballast tank (see complete ballast tank ballast tanks age from 10 to 15 years
Note 1) (see Note 1) The knuckle
area and the upper part Additional transverse areas
(5 metres approximately) as deemed necessary by
of one web frame in each IRS
remaining ballast tank (6)
One deck transverse, in a One deck transverse, in All web frames (7),
cargo oil tank (2) two cargo oil tanks (2) including deck transverse
and cross ties, if fitted, in
a cargo oil tank

One web frame (7),

including deck transverse
and cross ties, if fitted, in
each remaining cargo oil
One transverse bulkhead (4), One transverse bulkhead All transverse bulkheads,
in a complete ballast tank (4), in each complete in all cargo oil (3) and
(see Note 1) ballast tank (see Note 1) ballast (4) tanks
One transverse bulkhead (5) One transverse bulkhead
in a cargo oil centre tank (5), in two cargo oil
centre tanks
One transverse bulkhead (5),
in a cargo oil wing tank (see One transverse
Note 2) bulkheads (5), in a cargo
oil wing tank (see Note 2)
(1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6) and (7) are areas to be subjected to close-up surveys and thickness measurements (see

(1) : Web frame in a ballast tank means vertical web in side tank, hopper web in hopper tank, floor in double bottom
tank and deck transverse in double deck tank (where fitted), including adjacent structural members. In fore and aft
peak tanks web frame means a complete transverse web frame ring including adjacent structural members.

(2) : Deck transverse, including adjacent deck structural members (or external structure on deck in way of the tank,
where applicable).

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Table : (Contd.)

(3) : Transverse bulkhead complete in cargo tanks, including girder system, adjacent structural members (such as
longitudinal bulkheads) and internal structure of lower and upper stools, where fitted.

(4) : Transverse bulkhead complete in ballast tanks, including girder system and adjacent structural members, such
as longitudinal bulkheads, girders in double bottom tanks, inner bottom plating, hopper side, connecting brackets.

(5) : Transverse bulkhead lower part in cargo tank, including girder system, adjacent structural members (such as
longitudinal bulkheads) and internal structure of lower stool, where fitted.

(6) : The knuckle area and the upper part (5 metres approximately), including adjacent structural members. Knuckle
area is the area of the web frame around the connections of the slope hopper plating to the inner hull bulkhead and
the inner bottom plating, upto 2 metres from the corners both on the bulkhead and the double bottom.

(7) : Web frame in a cargo oil tank means deck transverse, longitudinal bulkhead vertical girder and cross ties,
where fitted, including adjacent structural members.

Note 1 : Complete ballast tank : means double bottom tank plus double side tank plus double deck tank, as
applicable, even if these tanks are separate.

Note 2 : Where no centre cargo tanks are fitted (as in the case of centre longitudinal bulkhead), transverse
bulkheads in wing tanks are to be surveyed.

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3.4.9 Thickness measurement The minimum requirements for thickness measurements at Special Survey are given in Table Provisions for extended measurements for areas with Substantial Corrosion in case of Oil
Tankers, Ore/oil and Ore/Bulk/Oil Ships are given in Table and Table

The Surveyor may further extend the thickness measurements as deemed necessary. In cases where two or three sections are to be measured in Oil Tankers, Ore/oil and Ore/Bulk/Oil
Ships at least one is to include a Ballast Tank within 0.5L amidships.

Transverse sections are to be chosen where the largest reductions are suspected to occur or are
revealed from deck plating measurements. The thickness measurements are to be carried out by a qualified company certified by IRS. In order to ensure necessary control during the process of thickness measurements these are
normally to be carried out under the supervision of the Surveyor. The Surveyor has the right to re-check
the measurements as deemed necessary to ensure acceptable accuracy. In all cases the extent of thickness measurements is to be sufficient as to represent the actual
average condition. A thickness measurement report is to be prepared. The report is to give the location of
measurements, the thickness measured as well as corresponding original thickness. Furthermore, the
report is to give the date when the measurements were carried out, type of measurement equipment,
names of personnel and their qualifications and has to be signed by the operator. The Surveyor is to
review the report of the final thickness measurement after repairs have been carried out and countersign
the cover page.

Table : Table of minimum requirements to thickness measurements at special survey of

oil tankers, ore/oil ships and ore/bulk/oil ships (including double hull oil tankers)

Special Survey No. IV

Special Survey No. I Special Survey No. II Special Survey No. III
and subsequently
Age ≤ 5 5 < Age ≤ 10 10 < Age ≤ 15
Age ≥ 15
1) Suspect areas 1) Suspect areas 1) Suspect areas 1) Suspect areas
throughout the vessel throughout the vessel throughout the vessel throughout the vessel

2) Within the cargo area: 2) Within the cargo area: 2) Within the cargo area: 2) Within the cargo area:

One section of deck a) Each deck plate a) Each deck plate a) Each deck plate
plating for the full beam of b) One Transverse b) Two Transverse b) Three Transverse
the ship (in way of a section sections sections
ballast tank, if any, or a c) All wind and water c) All wind and water
cargo tank used primarily strakes strakes
for water ballast) d) Each bottom plate

3) Measurements of 3) Measurements of 3) Measurements of 3) Measurements of

structural members structural members structural members structural members
subject to close-up survey subject to close-up survey subject to close-up survey subject to close-up survey
according to Table according to Table according to Table according to Table and Table and Table and Table and Table, for general, for general, for general, for general
assessment and recording assessment and recording assessment and recording assessment and recording
of corrosion pattern of corrosion pattern of corrosion pattern of corrosion pattern

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Table (Contd.)

Special Survey No. IV

Special Survey No. I Special Survey No. II Special Survey No. III
and subsequently
Age ≤ 5 5 < Age ≤ 10 10 < Age ≤ 15
Age ≥ 15
4) Selected wind and 4) Selected wind and 4) All wind and water
water strakes outside the water strakes outside the strakes outside the cargo
cargo area cargo area area

5) Internals in forepeak 5) Internals in forepeak

and after peak tanks and after peak tanks

6) All exposed main deck

plating outside cargo area

7) Representative expo-
sed superstructure deck
plating (poop, bridge,
forecastle deck)

8) All keel plates,

additional bottom plates in
way of machinery space,
aft end of tanks and
cofferdams outside cargo

9) a) Plating of sea chests.

b) Shell plating in way of

overboard discharges as
considered necessary by
the Surveyor.

Table : Requirements for extent of thickness measurement on areas of substantial

corrosion in oil tankers, ore/oil ships and ore/bulk/oil ships other than double hull oil tankers

Structural Member Extent of Measurement Pattern of Measurement

Bottom Structure
1 Bottom plating Minimum of 3 bays across tank 5 point pattern between stiffeners over
including aft bay. 1 metre in length
Measurements around and under all
bell mouths
2 Bottom longitudinal Minimum of 3 longitudinals in each 3 measurements in line across flange
bay where bottom plating measured and 3 measurements on vertically web
3 Bottom girders and At fore and after transverse Vertical line of single measurements
brackets bulkhead bracket toes and in centre on web plating with one measurement
of tanks between each panel stiffener, or a
minimum of three measurements. Two
measurements across face flat. 5 point
pattern on girder/bulkhead brackets
4 Bottom transverse webs 3 webs in bays where bottom 5 point pattern over 2 square metre
plating measured, with area. Single measurements on face
measurements at both ends and flat
5 Panel stiffening Where provided Single measurements

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Table (Contd.)

Structural Member Extent of Measurement Pattern of Measurement

Deck Structure
1 Deck plating Two bands across tank Minimum of three measurements per
plate per band
2 Deck longitudinals Minimum of 3 longitudinals in each 3 measurements in line vertically on
of two bays webs and 2 measurements on flange
(if fitted)
3 Deck girders and brackets At fore and after transverse Vertical line of single measurements
bulkhead bracket toes and in centre on web plating with one measurement
of tanks between each panel stiffener, or a
minimum of three measurements. Two
measurements across face flat. 5 point
pattern on girder/bulkhead brackets
4 Deck transverse webs Minimum of two webs with 5 points pattern over 2 square metre
measurements at middle and both area. Single measurements on face
ends of span flat
5 Panel stiffening Where provided Single measurements
Shell and Longitudinal Bulkheads
1 Deckheads and bottom Plating between each pair of Single measurement
strakes and strakes in way longitudinals in a minimum of 3 bays
of stringer platforms
2 All other strakes Plating between every 3rd pair of Single measurement
longitudinals in same 3 bays
3 Longitudinals - deckhead Each longitudinal in same 3 bays 3 measurements across web and 1
and bottom strakes measurement on flange
4 Longitudinals - all others Every 3 longitudinal in same 3 3 measurements across web and 1
bays measurement on flange
5 Longitudinals - brackets Minimum of 3 at top, middle and 5 point pattern over area of bracket
bottom of tank in same 3 bays
6 Web frames and cross ties 3 webs with minimum of three 5 points pattern over about 2 sq. metre
locations on each web, including in area, plus single measurements on
way of cross tie connections web frame and across tie face flats
Transverse Bulkheads and Swash Bulkheads
1 Deckhead and bottom Plating between pair of stiffeners at 5 points pattern between stiffeners
strakes and strakes in way three locations - approx. 1/4, 1/2 over 1 metre length
of stringer platforms and 3/4 width of tank
2 All other strakes Plating between pair of stiffeners at Single measurement
middle location
3 Strakes in corrugated Plating for each change of scantling 5 point pattern over about 1 sq. metre
bulkheads at centre of panel and at flange or of plating
fabricated connection
4 Stiffeners Minimum of three typical stiffeners For web, 5 point pattern over span
between bracket connections (2
measurements across web at each
bracket connection and one at centre
of span). For flange, single
measurements at each bracket toe and
at centre of span
5 Brackets Minimum of three at top, middle and 5 point pattern over areas of bracket
bottom of tank
6 Deep webs and girders Measurements at toe of bracket and For web, 5 point pattern over about 1
at centre of span sq. metre. 3 measurements across
face flat
7 Stringer platforms All stringers with measurements at 5 point pattern over 1 sq. metre of area
both ends and middle plus single measurements near
bracket toes and on face flats

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Table : Requirements for extent of thickness measurements at those areas of

substantial corrosion - Special Survey of Double Hull Oil Tankers

Structural Member Extent of Measurement Pattern of Measurement

Bottom, Inner Bottom and Hopper Structure
1 Bottom, inner bottom and Minimum of 3 bays across double 5 point pattern for each panel between
hopper structure plating bottom tank including aft bay. longitudinals and floors
Measurements around and under all
suction bell mouths
2 Bottom, inner bottom and Minimum of 3 longitudinals in each 3 measurements in line across flange
hopper structure bay where bottom plating measured and 3 measurements on vertical web
3 Bottom girders, including At fore and aft watertight floors and Vertical line of single measurements
the watertight ones in centre of tanks on girder plating with one
measurement between each panel
stiffener, or a minimum of three
4 Bottom floors, including the 3 floors in bays where bottom 5 points pattern over 2 square metre
watertight ones plating measured, with area
measurements at both ends and
5 Hopper structure web 3 floors in bays where bottom 5 point pattern over one square metre
frame ring plating measured of plating. Single measurements on
6 Hopper structure Lower 1/3 of bulkhead 5 point pattern over two square metre
transverse watertight of plating
bulkhead or swash Upper 2/3 of bulkhead 5 point pattern over two square metre
bulkhead of plating
Stiffeners (minimum of three) For web, 5 point pattern over span
(two measurements across web at
each end and one at centre of span).
For flange, single measurements at
each end and centre of span
7 Panel stiffening Where provided Single measurements
Deck Structure
1 Deck plating Two transverse bands across tank Minimum of three measurements per
plate per band
2 Deck longitudinals Every third longitudinal in each of 3 measurements in line vertically on
two bands with a minimum of one webs and 2 measurements on flange
longitudinal (if fitted)
3 Deck girders and brackets At fwd and aft transverse bulkhead, Vertical line of single measurements
(usually in cargo tanks bracket toes and in centre of tanks on web plating with one measurement
only) between each panel stiffener, or a
minimum of three measurements.
Two measurements across flange. 5
point pattern on girder/bulkhead
4 Deck transverse webs Minimum of two webs with 5 points pattern over one square metre
measurements at both ends and area.
middle of span Single measurements on face flat
5 Vertical web and Minimum of two webs and both 5 point pattern over one square metre
transverse bulkhead in transverse bulkheads area
wing ballast tank (two
metres from deck)
6 Panel stiffening Where applicable Single measurements

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Table (Contd.)

Structural Member Extent of Measurement Pattern of Measurement
Structure in Wing Ballast Tanks
1 Side shell and longitudinal
bulkhead plating:
- Upper strake and - Plating between each pair of - Single measurement
strakes in way of horizontal longitudinals in a minimum of 3 bays
girders (along the tank)
- All other strakes - Plating between every third pair - Single measurement
of longitudinals in same 3 bays
2 Side shell and longitudinal
bulkhead longitudinals on:
- Upper strake - Each longitudinal in same 3 - 3 measurements across web and
bays 1 measurement one flange
- All other strakes - Every third longitudinal in same - 3 measurements across web and
3 bays 1 measurement on flange
3 Longitudinals - brackets Minimum of three at top, middle and 5 point pattern over area of bracket
bottom of tank in same three bays
4 Vertical web and
transverse bulkheads
(excluding deckhead area):
- Strakes in way of - Minimum of two webs and both - 5 point pattern over approx. two
horizontal girders transverse bulkheads square metre area
- Other strakes - Minimum of two webs and both - two measurements between each
transverse bulkheads pair of vertical stiffeners
5 Horizontal girders Plating on each girder in a minimum 2 measurements between each pair of
of three bays longitudinal girder stiffeners
6 Panel stiffening Where applicable Single measurements
Longitudinal Bulkheads in Cargo Tanks
1 Deckheads and bottom Plating between each pair of Single measurement
strakes and strakes in way longitudinals in a minimum of 3 bays
of the horizontal stringer of
transverse bulkheads
2 All other strakes Plating between every 3rd pair of Single measurement
longitudinals in same 3 bays
3 Longitudinals on deckhead Each longitudinal in same 3 bays 3 measurements across web and 1
and bottom strakes measurement on flange
4 All other longitudinals Every third longitudinal in same 3 measurements across web and 1
three bays measurement on flange
5 Longitudinals - brackets Minimum of 3 at top, middle and 5 point pattern over area of bracket
bottom of tank in same 3 bays
6 Web frames and cross ties 3 webs with minimum of three 5 points pattern over approximately 2
locations on each web, including in sq. metre area of webs, plus single
way of cross tie connections measurements on flanges of web
frame and cross ties
7 Lower end brackets Minimum of three brackets 5 points pattern over approximately 2
(opposite side of web sq. metre area of brackets, plus single
frame) measurements on bracket flanges
Transverse Watertight and Swash Bulkheads in Cargo Tanks
1 Upper and lower stool, - Transverse band within 25 mm 5 point pattern between stiffeners over
where fitted of welded connection to inner one metre length
bottom/deck plating
- Transverse band within 25 mm
of welded connection to shelf plate
2 Deckhead and bottom Plating between pair of stiffeners at 5 points pattern between stiffeners
strakes and strakes in way three locations - approx. 1/4, 1/2 over 1 metre length
of horizontal stringers and 3/4 width of tank
3 All other strakes Plating between pair of stiffeners at Single measurement
middle location
4 Strakes in corrugated Plating for each change of scantling 5 point pattern over about 1 sq. metre
bulkheads at centre of panel and at flange of of plating
fabricated connection

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Table (Contd.)

Structural Member Extent of Measurement Pattern of Measurement
5 Stiffeners Minimum of three typical stiffeners For web, 5 point pattern over span
between bracket connections (2
measurements across web at each
bracket connection and one at centre
of span). For flange, single
measurements at each bracket toe and
at centre of span
6 Brackets Minimum of three at top, middle and 5 point pattern over areas of bracket
bottom of tank
7 Horizontal stringer All stringers with measurements at 5 point pattern over 1 sq. metre of area
both ends and middle plus single measurements near
bracket toes and on flange

3.4.10 Reporting and evaluation of survey The data and information on the structural condition of the vessel collected during the survey is
to be evaluated for acceptability and continued structural integrity of the vessel. In case of oil tankers of 130 [m] in length and upwards (as defined in ILLC), the ship's
longitudinal strength is to be evaluated using the thickness of the structural members measured,
renewed, reinforced, as appropriate, during the renewal survey of cargo ship safety construction
certificate or the cargo ship safety certificate carried out after the ship reached 10 years of age in
accordance with the criteria for longitudinal strength of the ship's hull girder Where any structural renewal or reinforcement work is carried out as a result of the initial
evaluation of the ship's longitudinal strength as required by, the final result of the evaluations is
to be included as a part of the Executive hull summary. An Executive Hull Summary of the survey and results is to be issued to the Owner and placed
on board the vessel for reference at future surveys. The Executive Hull Summary is to be endorsed by
IRS Head Office.

3.5 Special Surveys - Machinery

3.5.1 Requirements for examination of machinery and systems are given in Sec.8.

Section 4

Surveys - Chemical Tankers

4.1 Scope

4.1.1 This section gives the requirements for periodical surveys of vessels which have been assigned the
class notation:

Chemical Tanker ESP

For vessels which also carry products covered by the IGC Code it may be necessary in accordance with
Pt.5, Ch.4, Sec.1 to apply the survey requirements given in Sec.5 of this chapter.

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4.2 Annual surveys

4.2.1 General Annual Surveys are to be carried out within 3 months before or after the anniversary date each
year. These should be held concurrently with statutory annual or other relevant statutory Surveys, where
practicable. At Annual Surveys, the Surveyor is to examine the hull and machinery, so far as necessary and
practicable, in order to be satisfied as to their general condition. Access to cargo tanks or other spaces within the cargo area, necessitating gas freeing will
normally not be required unless necessary for checking items of equipment and installations for correct

4.2.2 Hull and weather deck The survey is to consist of an examination for the purpose of ensuring, as far as practicable, that
the hull, equipment, closing appliances and related piping are maintained in satisfactory and efficient
condition. Special attention is to be paid to the following:

a) Weather decks, ships side plating above waterline.

b) Openings on freeboard and superstructure decks; exposed casings; skylights and fiddley openings;
deck houses; companionways and superstructure bulkheads; side scuttles and dead lights; flush
deck scuttles; ash shoots and other openings.

c) Weld connection between air pipes and deck plating; air pipe heads on exposed decks (external
examination); ventilators and closing devices.

d) Watertight bulkheads and their penetrations as far as practicable.

e) Scuppers and sanitary discharges as far as practicable together with valves and their controls.

f) Guard rails, bulwarks, freeing ports, gangways, walkways and life lines.

g) Examination of cargo tank openings including gaskets, covers, coamings and flame screens.

h) Examination of cargo tank pressure/vacuum valves, secondary means to prevent over or under
pressure and devices to prevent passage of flame.

i) Examination of flame screens on vents to all bunker, tanks.

j) Examination of cargo, bunker and vent piping systems, including vent masts and headers.

k) Verification that wheelhouse doors and windows, side scuttles and windows in superstructure and
deckhouse ends facing the cargo area are in good condition. Examination of pump room and pipe tunnel, if fitted:

a) Examination of all pump room bulkheads for signs of chemical leakage or fractures and in particular,
the sealing arrangements of all penetrations of pump room bulkheads.

b) Examination of the condition of all piping systems. All watertight doors in watertight bulkheads, to be examined and tested (locally and remotely) as
far as practicable.

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Page 70 of 160 Periodical Surveys Suspect areas identified at previous special or intermediate surveys are to be close-up surveyed.
Thickness measurements are to be taken in the area of substantial corrosion identified at previous
surveys. Examination of Ballast Tanks is to be carried out when required as a consequence of the results
of the Special Survey or Intermediate Survey. (See and respectively). When considered
necessary by the Surveyor or where extensive corrosion is found, thickness measurement is to be carried
out. When examination of ballast tanks reveals substantial corrosion, additional thickness measurements
is to be carried out to the extent given in Table Anchoring and mooring equipment is to be examined as far as is practicable. A general

examination of the emergency towing arrangements is to be carried out to ensure their ready availability.

For vessels with single point mooring arrangements where 'SPM' notation is assigned, the following are
to be generally examined:

a) Components of the single point mooring system (bow chain stoppers, bow fairleads, pedestal roller
fairleads, winches and capstans), to verify their satisfactory condition.

b) Hull structures supporting and adjacent to the components of the single point mooring system, to
verify that there is no deformation or fracture. Where applicable, Surveyor should satisfy himself regarding the freeboard marks on the ship's
side. The Surveyor is to confirm that, where required, an approved loading instrument together with its
operation manual are available on board, See Pt.3, Ch.5. It is to be verified by the Surveyor that the
loading instrument is checked for accuracy at regular intervals by the ship's staff by applying test loading
conditions. Accommodation ladders are to be examined at annual surveys. Satisfactory condition of the
following items is to be checked, in particular :

a) steps;
b) platforms;
c) all support points such as pivots, rollers, etc.;
d) all suspension points such as lugs, brackets, etc.;
e) stanchions, rigid handrails, hand ropes and turntables;
f) davit structure, wire and sheaves, etc. Gangways are to be examined at annual surveys. Satisfactory condition of the following items is
to be checked, in particular :

a) treads;
b) side stringers, cross-members, decking, deck plates, etc.;
c) all support points such as wheel, roller, etc.;
d) stanchions, rigid handrails, hand ropes. Winches of accommodation ladders and gangways are to be examined to verify the satisfactory
condition of the following items:

a) brake mechanism including condition of brake pads and band brake, if fitted;
b) remote control system, and
c) power supply system for electric motor. Davits and fittings on the ship’s deck associated with accommodation ladders and gangways are
to be examined for satisfactory condition at annual surveys. Fittings or structures for means of access to
deck such as handholds in a gateway or bulwark ladder and stanchions are also to be examined.

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__________________________________________________________________________________ The maintenance and inspection records of accommodation ladders and gangways are to be
verified. It is to be confirmed that supporting wires are being renewed at intervals not exceeding 5 years.

4.2.3 Machinery and systems A general examination of the machinery, boilers, all pressurised systems (steam, pneumatic,
hydraulic) and their associated fittings, propulsion system and auxiliary machinery to see whether they
are being properly maintained and with particular attention to the fire and explosion hazards. Confirmation that machinery, boilers and other pressure vessels, associated piping systems and
fittings are so installed and protected as to reduce to a minimum any danger to persons on board, due
regard being given to moving parts, hot surfaces and other hazards. Confirmation that Periodical Surveys of boilers and other pressure vessels have been carried out
as required by the Rules and the safety devices have been tested. Confirmation that the normal operation of the propulsion machinery can be sustained or restored
even though one of the essential auxiliaries becomes inoperative. Confirmation that means are provided so that machinery can be brought into operation from the
dead ship condition without external aid. All main and auxiliary steering arrangements and their associated equipment and control systems
are to be examined and tested. Where applicable, Surveyors are to verify that log entries have been
made in accordance with statutory requirements. Confirming, when appropriate, that requisite arrangements to regain steering capability in the
event of the prescribed single failure are being maintained. Steering chains are to be cleaned for ascertaining wear and tear and lengths of chain worn in
mean diameter by more than 12 per cent of the original rule diameter are to be renewed. All the means of communication between the navigating bridge and the machinery control
positions, as well as the bridge and the main alternative steering position, if fitted, are to be tested. It is to
be confirmed that means of indicating the angular position of the rudder are operating satisfactorily. Confirmation that with ships having emergency steering positions there are means of relaying
heading information and, when appropriate, supplying visual compass readings to the emergency
steering positions. Confirmation that various alarms required for hydraulic power operated, electric and electro-
hydraulic steering gears are, operating satisfactorily and that the recharging arrangements for hydraulic
power operated steering gears are being maintained. Examining the means for the operation of the main and auxiliary machinery essential for
propulsion and the safety of the ship, including when applicable, the means of remotely controlling the
propulsion machinery from the navigating bridge and the arrangements to operate the main and other
machinery from a machinery control room. Confirmation that the engine room telegraph, the second means of communication between the
navigation bridge and the machinery space and the means of communication with any other positions
from which the engines are controlled are operating satisfactorily. Confirmation that the engineer's alarm is clearly audible in the engineer's acco-mmodation. The bilge pumping systems and bilge wells including operation of each bilge pump, extended
spindles and level alarms, where fitted, are to be examined as far as is practicable. It is also to be
confirmed that bilge pumping system for each watertight compartment is satisfactory.

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It is also to be confirmed that drainage from enclosed cargo spaces situated on freeboard deck is
satisfactory. Examining visually the condition of any expansion joints in sea water system. General examination visually and in operation, as feasible, of the main electrical machinery, the
emergency sources of electrical power, the switch gear, other electrical equipment including the lighting
system is to be carried out. Confirmation as far as practicable, the operation of the emergency source(s) of electrical power,
including their starting arrangement, the systems supplied, and when appropriate, their automatic
operation. Examining in general, that the precautions provided against shock, fire and other hazards of
electrical origin are being maintained. General Examination of automation equipment is to be carried out. Satisfactory operation of

safety devices, bilge level detection and alarm systems and control systems is to be verified. Examination so far as is possible of cargo, bilge, ballast and stripping pumps for excessive gland
seal leakage, verification of proper operation of electrical and mechanical remote operating and shutdown
devices and remote operation of pump room bilge system, and checking that pump foundations are
intact. Verification that installed pressure gauges on cargo discharge lines including those fitted outside
the cargo pump room and level indicating systems are operational. Verification that pumps, valves and pipelines are identified and distinctively marked. Confirmation that machinery space ventilation systems are in good working condition.

4.2.4 Fire protection, detection and extinction The arrangements for fire protection, detection and extinction are to be examined and are to
include confirmation that no changes have been made in the structural fire protection. Following are to be
examined / verified:

a) verification that fire control plans are properly posted;

b) examination as far as possible and testing as feasible of the fire and/or smoke detection system(s);

c) examination of the fire main system and verification that each fire pump including the emergency fire
pump can be operated separately so that the two required powerful jets of water can be produced
simultaneously from different hydrants;

d) verification that fire hoses, nozzles, applicators and spanners are in good working condition and
situated at their respective locations;

e) examination of fixed fire fighting system controls, piping, instructions and marking, checking for
evidence of proper maintenance and servicing including date of last systems tests;

f) verification that all semi-portable and portable fire extinguishers are in their stowed positions,
checking for evidence of proper maintenance and servicing, conducting random check for evidence
of discharged containers;

g) verification, as far as practicable, that the remote controls for stopping fans and machinery and
shutting off fuel supplies in machinery spaces are in working order;

h) examination of the closing arrangements of ventilators, funnel annular spaces, skylights, doorways
and tunnel, where applicable;

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i) confirmation that the fire fighters’ outfits and emergency escape breathing devices (EEBDs) are
complete and in good condition and that the cylinders, including the spare cylinders, of any required
self-contained breathing apparatus are suitably charged;

j) examination of any manual and automatic fire doors and proving their operations;

k) Verification that the pump room ventilation system is operational, ducting intact, dampers operational
and screens are clean;

l) External examination of piping and cut-out valves of cargo tank and cargo pump room fixed fire
fighting system;

m) Verification that all electrical equipment in dangerous zones is in good condition and has been
properly maintained so far as is practicable;

n) Checking the deck foam system, including the supplies of foam concentrate and testing that minimum
number of jets of water at the required pressure in the fire main is obtained when the system is in

o) Examining the fixed fire fighting system for the cargo pump room and the deck foam system for the
cargo area and confirming that their means of operation are clearly marked;

p) Confirming that potential sources of ignition in or near the cargo pump room are eliminated, such as
loose gear, combustible materials etc., that there are no signs of undue leakage and that access
ladders are in satisfactory condition;

q) Confirming that the condition of portable fire fighting equipment for the cargoes to be carried in the
cargo area is satisfactory;

r) examination of the fire-extinguishing systems for spaces containing paint and/or flammable liquids
and deep fat cooking equipment in accommodation and service spaces;

s) examination of the fire safety requirements of any helicopter facilities;

t) Confirming, as far as practicable, that the intrinsically safe systems and circuits used for
measurement, monitoring, control and communication purposes in all hazardous locations are being
properly maintained.

Surveys carried out by the National Authority of the country in which the ship is registered would normally
be accepted as meeting these requirements, at the discretion of the Surveyor. For tankers fitted with inert gas system, examination of the inert gas system as detailed in Section
12, Para 12.2.1 is to be carried out. Confirmation that the means of escape from accommodation, machinery spaces and other
spaces are satisfactory. Examination of the arrangements for gaseous fuel for domestic purposes.

4.2.5 Other safety arrangements related to cargo The following are to be dealt with where applicable:

a) Examination of gauging devices, high level alarms and valves associated with overflow control.

b) Verification that any devices provided for measuring the temperature of the cargo and any associated
alarms are satisfactory.

c) Examination of the cargo heating/cooling system sampling arrangements where fitted.

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d) Verification that removable pipe lengths or other approved equipment necessary for cargo separation
are available, and satisfactory.

e) Verification that the ventilation system including portable equipment, if any, of all spaces in the cargo
area is operational.

f) Verification that arrangements are made for sufficient inert/padding/drying gas to be carried to
compensate for normal losses and that means are provided for monitoring of ullage spaces.

g) Verification that arrangements are made for sufficient medium to be carried where drying agents are
used on air inlets to cargo tanks.

h) Examining the cargo transfer arrangements and confirming that any hoses are suitable for their
intended purpose.

4.2.6 Personnel protection

a) Verification that cargo pump room rescue arrangements are in order.

b) Verification that suitable protective clothing is available for crew engaged in loading and discharging
operations and that suitable storage is maintained.

c) Verification that the requisite safety equipment and associated breathing apparatus with requisite air
supplies and emergency escape respiratory and eye protection, if required, are in good condition and
are properly stowed.

d) Verification that medical first aid equipment including stretchers and oxygen resuscitation is in good
condition and that satisfactory arrangements are made for antidotes for cargoes actually carried to be
on board.

e) Verification that decontamination arrange-ments are operational.

f) Verification that the requisite gas detection instruments are on board and that satisfactory
arrangements are made for the supply of any required vapour detection tubes.

g) Verification that the cargo sample stowage arrangements are in good condition.

h) Verification that any special arrangements made for bow or stern loading and unloading are in good
condition and testing the means of communication and remote shutdown of the cargo pump.

i) Verification that, if applicable, the provisions made for chemicals which have special requirements
listed in relevant Ch.3 of Pt.5 of the Rules are in order.

4.3 Intermediate Surveys

4.3.1 General Intermediate surveys are to be carried out at or between the second or third Annual Survey.
However, only those items which are additional to the requirements of annual survey may be examined
between the second or third annual survey.

Concurrent crediting to both Intermediate survey and Special survey for surveys and thickness
measurements of spaces is not acceptable. The following requirements are applicable for vessels over five years of age. For vessels below 5
years of age additional examination over and above the requirements of Annual survey may be required
at the discretion of the Surveyors.

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__________________________________________________________________________________ For vessels over 10 years of age a specific survey program is to be worked out by the owner in
cooperation with the Surveyors considering the requirements of the previous special survey, executive
hull summary of that survey, later relevant survey records and taking account of any amendments to the
survey requirements after the last special survey. The survey program is to be submitted in written format
for approval and kept on board until the intermediate survey has been completed. (See 4.4.2 for guidance
on preparation of survey program). Prior to the commencement of any part of the intermediate survey, a survey planning meeting is
to be held between the attending Surveyor(s), the owner’s representative in attendance and where
involved, the thickness measurement company representative and the master of ship or an appropriately
qualified representative appointed by the master or Company for the purpose to ascertain that all the
arrangements envisaged in the survey programme are in place, so as to ensure the safe and efficient
conduct of the survey work to be carried out.

4.3.2 Examination tanks and spaces The survey of integral cargo tanks and ballast tanks depending on the age of the vessel is to be
carried out as specified in 4.3.3 to 4.3.5.

4.3.3 Chemical tankers between 5 and 10 years of age The following are to be carried out:

For ballast tanks, an Overall Survey of Representative Tanks selected by the Surveyor is to be carried
out. If such inspections reveal no visible structural defects, the examination may be limited to a
verification that the hard Protective Coating remains in GOOD condition. In addition to the requirements above, suspect areas identified at previous surveys are to be
examined. A ballast tank is to be examined at subsequent annual intervals where:

a) a hard protective coating has not been applied from the time of construction, or
b) a soft or semi-hard coating has been applied, or
c) substantial corrosion is found within the tank, or
d) the hard protective coating is found to be in less than GOOD condition and the hard protective
coating is not repaired to the satisfaction of the Surveyor.

4.3.4 Chemical tankers between 10 and 15 years of age The requirements of the intermediate survey are to be to the same extent as the previous special
survey as required in 4.4 for hull structure and piping systems in way of cargo holds, cofferdams, pipe
tunnels, void spaces within the cargo area and all ballast tanks. However, testing of cargo and ballast
tanks and survey of automatic air pipe heads specified in are not required unless deemed
necessary by the attending surveyor. Thickness measurement is to be carried out for items 1) to 4) of
Table The intermediate survey may be commenced at the second annual survey and be progressed
during the succeeding year with a view to completion at the third annual survey in lieu of the application
of An in-water survey complying with the requirements of Sec.7.2 may be accepted in lieu of the
requirements of

4.3.5 Chemical tankers exceeding 15 years of age the following is to apply: The requirements of the intermediate survey are to be to the same extent as the previous special
survey as required in 4.4 for hull structure and piping systems in way of cargo holds, cofferdams, pipe
tunnels, void spaces within the cargo area and all ballast tanks. However, testing of cargo and ballast

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tanks is not required unless deemed necessary by the attending surveyor. Thickness measurement is to
be carried out for items 1) to 4) of Table For the application of the intermediate survey may be commenced at the second annual
survey and be progressed during the succeeding year with a view to completion at the third annual
survey in lieu of the application of A survey in dry dock is to be part of the intermediate survey. Any remaining work in respect of the
overall and close-up surveys and thickness measurements and repairs applicable to the lower portions of
cargo tanks and water ballast tanks (i.e. parts below light ballast waterline) are to be completed in the

4.3.6 Safety arrangements related to cargo The following are to be dealt with as applicable:

a) Examination of vent line drainage arrangements.

b) Verification that the cargo heating/cooling system is in good condition.

c) Verification that the ship's cargo hoses are approved and in good condition.

d) Verification that where applicable, pipelines and independent cargo tanks are electrically bonded to
the hull.

e) An examination of cargo, cargo washing, bunker, ballast, steam and vent piping on the weather
decks, as well as vent masts and headers. If upon examination there is any doubt as to the
condition of the piping, the pipe may require to be pressure tested, gauged or both.

f) A General Examination of the electrical equipment and cables in dangerous zones such as cargo
pump-rooms, and areas adjacent to cargo tanks for defective certified safe type equipment,
improperly installed wiring, non-approved lighting and fixtures and dead end wiring. Testing
insulation resistance of the circuits except in cases where a proper record of the testing is
maintained, consideration is to be given to accepting recent readings by the crew. If any of the
readings are marginal or if the condition of the cables, fixtures or equipments appears defective in
any way, verification measurements may be required. These measurements are not to be attempted
until the ship is in a gas free condition and are to be carried out within an acceptable time period.

g) Confirmation that spares are provided for cargo area mechanical ventilation fans.

h) Examining the equipment for personal protection.

i) Examining externally and confirming that the pumping and piping systems, including a stripping
system if fitted and associated equipment remain as approved.

j) Examining externally the tank washing piping and confirming that the type, capacity, number and
arrangement of the tank washing machines are as approved.

k) Examining externally the wash water heating system.

l) Examining externally, as far as practicable the underwater discharge arrangement.

m) Confirming that the means of controlling the rate of discharge of the residue is as approved.

n) Confirming that flow rate indicating device is operable.

o) Confirming that the ventilation equipment for residue removal is as approved and satisfactory.

p) Examining externally, as far as is accessible, the heating system required for solidifying and high
viscosity substances.

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q) Confirming that any cargo tank high level alarms are operable.

r) Verifying from the Cargo Record Book that the pumping and stripping arrangements have been
emptying the tanks efficiently and all are in working order.

s) Confirming, if possible, that the discharge outlets are in good condition.

t) Confirming the satisfactory operation of the recording device, as fitted and verifying by an actual flow
test that it has an accuracy of ± 15% or better.

Surveys carried out by the National Authority of the country in which the ship is registered may be
accepted at the discretion of the Surveyor as meeting these additional requirements.

4.4 Special Surveys - Hull

4.4.1 General All ships classed with IRS are to undergo Special Surveys at 5 yearly intervals. The first Special
Survey is to be completed within 5 years from the date of the initial classification survey and thereafter 5
years from the assigned date of the previous Special Survey. However, an extension of class of 3 months
maximum beyond the 5th year may be granted in exceptional circumstances in accordance with 1.11. In
such cases, the next period of class will start from the expiry date of the Special Survey before extension
was granted. The interval between the Special Surveys may be reduced at the request of the parties concerned
or by IRS if considered appropriate. For surveys completed within 3 months before the expiry date of the Special Survey, the next
period of class will start from the expiry date of the Special Survey. For surveys completed more than 3
months before the expiry date of the Special Survey, the period of class will start from the survey
completion date. The Special Survey may be commenced at the 4th Annual Survey and be progressed with a view
to completion by the 5th anniversary date. When the special survey is commenced prior to the fourth
annual survey, the entire survey is to be completed within 15 months if such work is to be credited to the
special survey and in this case the next period of class will start from the survey completion date.

Concurrent crediting to both Intermediate survey and Special survey for surveys and thickness
measurements of spaces is not acceptable. As part of the preparation for Special Survey, the proposed Survey Programme (See 4.4.2)
including the schedule for thickness measurements (See 4.4.9) are to be submitted at least 3 months in
advance of the intended commencement of the Special Survey. Record of Special Survey will not be assigned until the Machinery Survey has been completed or
postponed in agreement with IRS. Ships which have satisfactorily passed a Special Survey will have a record entered in the
Supplement to the Register Book indicating the assigned date of Special Survey. In addition a notation
"ESP" will be entered for chemical tankers. The special survey is to include, in addition to the requirements of the Annual Survey,
examination, tests and checks of sufficient extent to ensure that the hull, equipment and related piping
are in satisfactory condition and that the ship is fit for its intended purpose for the next five (5) year class
period, subject to proper maintenance and operation and the periodical surveys being carried out at the
due dates. The special survey requirements to be applied in respect of independent cargo tanks are given in

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Page 78 of 160 Periodical Surveys A Docking Survey in accordance with the requirements of Sec.7 is to be carried out as part of
the Special Survey. Any remaining work in respect of the overall and close-up surveys and thickness
measurements and repairs applicable to the lower portions of cargo tanks and water ballast tanks (i.e.
parts below light ballast water line) are to be completed in the dry-dock.

4.4.2 Planning and preparation for survey A specific Survey Programme is to be worked out in advance of the Survey by the Owner in
cooperation with the Surveyors and submitted to IRS for approval. The Survey Programme shall be in a
written format prior to the development of survey programme, the survey planning questionnaire in
prescribed format is to be completed by the owner and forwarded to IRS. The survey program is to be
worked out taking into account any amendments to the survey requirements after the last special survey. In developing the Survey Programme, the following documentation is to be collected and
consulted with a view to selecting tanks, areas and structural areas for examination :

a) Survey status and basic ship information

b) Documentation on board as per 4.4.3

c) Main structural plans (scantling drawings), including information regarding use of high strength steels,
clad steel and stainless steel

d) Executive hull summary

e) Relevant previous damage and repair history

f) Relevant previous survey and inspection reports of IRS and the Owners

g) Information regarding the use of the ship's holds and tanks, typical cargoes and other relevant data

h) Details of the inert gas plant and tank cleaning procedures

i) Information and other relevant data regarding conversion or modification of the ship’s cargo and
ballast tanks since the time of construction

j) Description and history of the coating and corrosion protection system (previous class notations), if

k) Inspections by the Owner’s personnel during the last 3 years with reference to structural deterioration
in general, leakages in tank boundaries and piping and condition of the coating and corrosion
protection system, if any

l) Information regarding the relevant maintenance level during operation including port state control
reports of inspection containing hull related deficiencies. Safety Management System non-
conformities relating to hull maintenance, including the associated corrective action(s); and

m) Any other information that will help identify suspect areas and critical structural areas. The Survey Programme submitted for approval is to account for and comply, as a minimum, with
the requirements of close-up survey, thickness measurement, tank testing and pipe testing respectively,
and to include relevant information including at least :

a) Basic ship information and particulars

b) Main structural plans (scantling drawings), including information regarding use of high strength steels,
clad steel and stainless steel

c) Plan of tanks

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d) List of tanks with information on use, corrosion prevention and condition of coating

e) Conditions for survey (e.g. information like tank cleaning, gas freeing, ventilation, lighting, etc.)

f) Provisions and methods of access to structures

g) Equipment for survey

h) Nomination of tanks and areas for close-up survey (As per Table

i) Nomination of sections for thickness measurement (As per Table

j) Nomination of tanks for testing and the pipes that are to undergo pipe testing as per 4.4.10

k) Identification of the thickness measurement company

l) Damage experience related to the ship in operation.

m) Critical structural areas and suspect areas, where relevant. IRS will advise the Owner of the maximum acceptable structural corrosion diminution levels
applicable to the vessel. The ship is to be prepared for overall survey in accordance with the requirements of Table The preparation is to be of sufficient extent to facilitate an examination to ascertain any excessive
corrosion, deformation, fractures, damages and other structural deterioration. Proper preparation and close co-operation between the attending surveyor(s) and the owner’s
representatives onboard prior to and during the survey are an essential part in the safe and efficient
conduct of the survey. During the survey on board safety meetings are to be held regularly. Prior to the commencement of any part of the Special and Intermediate Survey a survey planning
meeting is to be held between the attending Surveyor(s), the Owner’s representative in attendance and
the thickness measurement company representative, where involved, and the master of the ship or an
appropriately qualified representative appointed by the master or Company for the purpose of
ascertaining that all the arrangements envisaged in the survey programme are in place, so as to ensure
the safe and efficient conduct of the survey work to be carried out. The following is an indicative list of items that are to be addressed in the meeting:

a) Schedule of the vessel (i.e. the voyage, docking and undocking manoeuvres, periods alongside,
cargo and ballast operations etc.);

b) Provisions and arrangements for thickness measurements (i.e. access, cleaning / de-scaling,
illumination, ventilation, personal safety);

c) Extent of the thickness measurements;

d) Acceptance criteria (refer to the list of minimum thicknesses);

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Table : Survey preparation

Special Survey No. I Special Survey No. II Special Survey No. Special Survey No. IV
Age ≤ 5 5 < Age ≤ 10 III and subsequently
10 < Age ≤ 15 Age ≥ 15
1) All tanks, peaks, bilges and 1) Requirements of 1) Requirements of 1) Requirements of
drain wells, engine and boiler Special Survey I to be Special Survey II to be Special survey III to be
spaces and other spaces are complied with complied with complied with
to be cleared out and cleaned
as necessary for examination. 2) The chain locker is to 2) Portions of wood
Floor plates in engine and be cleaned internally. sheathing, or other
boiler spaces are to be lifted The chain cables are to covering, on steel
as may be necessary for be ranged for inspection. decks are to be
examination of the structure The anchors are to be removed, as
underneath. Where necessary cleaned and placed in an considered necessary
close and spar ceiling, lining accessible position for by the Surveyor, in
and pipe casings are to be inspection. order to ascertain the
removed for examination of condition of the plating.
the structure.

2) The steelwork is to be
exposed and cleaned as may
be required for its proper
examination by the Surveyor
and close attention is to be
paid to the parts of the
structure which are particularly
liable to excessive corrosion or
to deterioration due to other

3) All tanks are to be cleaned

as necessary to permit

4) Casings or covers of air,

sounding, steam and other
pipes, spar ceiling and lining in
way of the side scuttles are to
be removed, as required by
the Surveyor.

e) Extent of close-up survey and thickness measurement considering the coating condition and suspect
areas / areas of substantial corrosion;

f) Execution of thickness measurements;

g) Taking representative readings in general and where uneven corrosion / pitting is found;

h) Mapping of areas of substantial corrosion; and

i) Communication between attending surveyor(s) the thickness measurement, company operator(s)

and owners representative(s) concerning findings.

4.4.3 Documentation on board The Owners are to obtain supply and maintain on board documentation as specified in,
which is to be readily available for the Surveyor. The documentation is to be kept on board for the life time of the ship.

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__________________________________________________________________________________ A Survey Report File is to be a part of the documentation on board consisting of

- Reports of structural surveys

- Executive Hull Summary
- Thickness measurement reports. The Survey Report File is to be available also in the Owners management offices and with IRS. The following additional supporting documentation is to be available on board:

- Main structural plans of cargo holds, cargo and ballast tanks

- Previous repair history
- Cargo and ballast history
- Extent of use of inert gas plant and tank cleaning procedures
- Inspection by ship's personnel with reference to

- structural deterioration in general

- leakages in bulkheads and piping

- condition of coating or corrosion prevention systems, if any

- Any other information that will help identify critical structural areas or Suspect Areas requiring

- Survey Programme as required by 4.4.2 until such time as the Special Survey has been completed. Prior to survey, the Surveyor is to examine the completeness of the documentation on board, and
its contents as a basis for the survey.

4.4.4 Surveys at sea or at anchorage See Sec.1.8.

4.4.5 Space protection Where provided, the condition of the corrosion prevention system of cargo tanks is to be

A ballast tank is to be examined at subsequent annual intervals where:

a) a hard protective coating has not been applied from the time of construction, or
b) a soft or semi-hard coating has been applied, or
c) substantial corrosion is found within the tank, or
d) the hard protective coating is found to be in less than GOOD condition and the hard protective
coating is not repaired to the satisfaction of the Surveyor. Where the hard protective coating in cargo tanks is found to be in GOOD condition, the extent of
close-up surveys and thickness measurements may be specially considered.

4.4.6 Survey and examination All spaces within the hull and superstructure are to be examined. All tanks other than cargo and ballast tanks are to be examined internally in accordance with the
requirements of Table An overall survey of all cargo holds, ballast tanks including double bottom tanks, pipe tunnels,
cofferdams and void spaces bounding cargo holds, decks and outer hull is to be carried out. This
examination is to be supplemented by thickness measurement and testing as required by 4.4.9 and 4.4.7

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to ensure that the structural integrity remains effective. The aim of the examination is to discover
Substantial Corrosion, significant deformation, fractures, damages or other structural deterioration and if
deemed necessary by the Surveyor, a suitable non-destructive examination may be required.

Table : Requirements for internal examination of tanks

Tank Special Survey Special Survey Special Survey Special Survey

No. I No. II No. III No. IV
Age ≤ 5 5 < Age ≤ 10 10 < Age ≤ 15 and subsequent
Age > 15
Fuel oil bunker tanks
- Engine room None None One One
- Other area None One Two Half the number of
tanks, minimum 2

Lub.oil None None None One

Fresh water None One All All


1) These requirements apply to tanks of integral (structural) type.

2) If a selection of tanks is accepted to be examined, then different tanks are to be examined at each
special survey, on a rotational basis.
3) Peak tanks (all uses) are subject to internal examination at each special survey.
4) At special survey No.III and subsequent special surveys, one deep tank for fuel oil is to be included, if
fitted. Cargo piping on deck and cargo and ballast piping systems within the above tanks and spaces
are to be examined and operationally tested to working pressure to attending Surveyor's satisfaction to
ensure that tightness and condition remain satisfactory. Special attention is to be given to ballast piping in
cargo tanks and cargo piping in Ballast Tanks and void spaces and Surveyors are to be advised on all
occasions when this piping, including valves and fittings are open during repair periods and can be
examined internally. Where ballast tanks have been converted to void spaces, the survey extent is to be based upon
ballast tank requirements. All watertight bulkheads and watertight doors are to be examined. All decks, casings and
superstructures are to be examined. Attention is to be given to the corners of openings and other
discontinuities in way of the strength decks and top sides. The masts, standing rigging and anchors are to be examined.

The Surveyor should satisfy himself that there are sufficient mooring ropes on board and also that a tow
line is provided when this is a Rule requirement. The steering gear, and its connections and control systems (main and alternative) are to be
examined. The auxiliary steering gear with its various parts are to be examined in working condition. The hand pumps and suctions, air and sounding pipes are to be examined. The Surveyors are to
ensure that striking plates are fitted under the sounding pipes whilst examining the tanks internally.

Automatic air pipe heads are to be internally examined at special surveys as indicated in Table
For designs where the inner parts cannot be properly inspected from outside, the head is to be removed

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from the air pipe. Particular attention is to be paid to the condition of the zinc coating in heads
constructed from galvanised steel. The Surveyor should satisfy himself regarding the efficient condition of the following :

- Means of escape from machinery spaces, crew and passenger spaces and spaces in which crew are
normally employed;
- Means of communication between bridge and engine room and between bridge and alternative
steering position;
- Helm indicator;
- Protection to the aft steering wheel and the gear.

Table : Requirements for internal examination of automatic air pipe heads

Location Special survey No.I Special survey No.II Special survey No.III
Age ≤ 5 5 < Age ≤ 10 and subsequent
Age > 10
forward Two air pipe heads1,2 one All air pipe heads on
0.25L port and one starboard on exposed decks
exposed decks All air pipe heads3 on
aft of 0.25L Two air pipe heads1,2 one At least 20% of air pipe exposed decks
from the port and one starboard on heads1,2 on exposed decks
forward exposed decks


1. Preferably air pipes serving ballast tanks.

2. The selection of air pipe heads is to be made by the attending Surveyor. According to the results of
the inspection, the Surveyor may require additional air pipe heads to be examined.
3. When there is substantiated evidence of replacement within the previous five years, individual air
pipe heads may not be examined. The chain cables are to be ranged and the anchors and the chain cables are to be examined. At
special survey no. II and subsequent special surveys, the chain cables are to be gauged. Any length of
chain cable which is found to have reduced in mean diameter at its most worn part by more than 12 per
cent of its original rule diameter is to be renewed. The windlass is to be examined. The chain locker, hold fasts, hawse pipes and chain stoppers are to be examined and pumping
arrangements of the chain locker tested. A thorough examination of aft and forward emergency towing arrangements is to be carried out
to ensure its ready availability and satisfactory condition.

- examination of pick-up gear, towing pennant and chafing gear for possible deterioration;

- examination of strong points, fairleads, pedestal roller and their attachment to hull structure.

The survey is to confirm that one of the towing arrangements (aft or forward) are pre-rigged. For vessels with single point mooring arrangements where 'SPM' notation is assigned, the
following is to be carried out:

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a) A thorough examination of the components of the single point mooring system (bow chain stoppers,
bow fairleads, pedestal roller fairleads, winches and capstans) to verify their satisfactory condition.

b) A close-up examination of the hull structures supporting and adjacent to the components of the single
point mooring system to verify that there is no deformation or fracture. Thickness determination and
non-destructive tests are to be carried out if required by the Surveyor. Engine room structure is to be examined. Particular attention being given to tank tops, shell
plating in way of tank tops, brackets connecting side shell frames and tank tops and engine room
bulkheads in way of tank tops and bilge wells. Where excessive areas of wastage are found, thickness
measurements are to be carried out and renewals of repairs made when wastage exceeds allowable
limits. The attachment to the structure and condition of anodes in tanks is to be examined. Where fitted, the strums of the cargo suction pipes are to be removed or lifted to facilitate
examination of the shell plating and bulkheads in the vicinity, unless other means for visual inspection of
these parts are provided. The loading instrument is to be checked for accuracy by applying test load conditions in
presence of the Surveyor. Examination of accommodation ladders, gangways and their winches are to be carried out as
required for annual surveys. In addition, the accommodation ladders and gangways are to be
operationally, tested with the specified maximum operation load.

The tests are to be carried out with the load applied as uniformly as possible along the length of the
accommodation ladder or gangway, at an angle of inclination corresponding to the maximum bending
moment on the accommodation ladder or gangway.

Accommodation ladder winch is to be operationally tested at special surveys. The brake system of the
winch is to be tested for holding the maximum operational load on the ladder.

For existing installations on board ships constructed prior to 01 Jan 2010 where the maximum operational
load is not known, load nominated by the shipowner or operator may be considered as the test load.

4.4.7 Extent of tank testing The minimum requirements for tank testing for chemical tankers are given in Table

Table : Table of minimum requirements for tank testing at

special survey of chemical tankers

Special Survey No. II and subsequent

Special Survey No. I
Age > 5
Age ≤ 5
1. All ballast tank boundaries 1. All ballast tank boundaries
2. Cargo tank boundaries facing ballast tanks, void 2. All cargo tank bulkheads
spaces, pipe tunnels, pump rooms or cofferdams All double bottom and peak tanks are to be tested in addition. The Surveyor may extend the tank
testing as deemed necessary. Boundaries of ballast tanks are to be tested with a head of liquid to the top of air pipes.
Boundaries of cargo tanks are to be tested to the highest point that liquid will rise under service

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__________________________________________________________________________________ Boundaries of fuel oil, lub.oil and fresh water tanks are to be tested with a head of liquid to the
highest point that liquid will rise under service conditions. Tank testing of fuel oil, lub.oil and fresh water
tanks may be specially considered based on a satisfactory external examination of the tank boundaries
and a confirmation from the Master stating that the pressure testing has been carried out according to the
requirement with satisfactory results. The testing of double bottom tanks and other spaces not designed for the carriage of liquid may
be omitted, provided a satisfactory internal examination together with an examination of the tank top is
carried out.

4.4.8 Close-up survey requirements The minimum requirements for Close-up Surveys at Special Survey are given in Table

The survey of stainless steel tanks may be carried out as an overall survey supplemented by close-up
survey as deemed necessary by the Surveyor. The Surveyor may extend the Close-up Survey as deemed necessary taking into account the
maintenance of the tanks under survey, the condition of the corrosion protection system and also in the
following cases:

a) In particular, tanks having structural arrangements or details which have suffered defects on similar
tanks or on similar ships according to available information.

b) In tanks which have structures approved with reduced scantlings due to an approved corrosion
control system. For areas in tanks where coatings are found to be in a GOOD condition, the extent of Close-up
Surveys according to Table may be specially considered by the Surveyor.

4.4.9 Thickness measurement The minimum requirements for thickness measurements at Special Survey are given in Table Provisions for extended measurements for areas with Substantial Corrosion in case of Chemical
Tankers are given in Table

The Surveyor may further extend the thickness measurements as deemed necessary. Transverse sections are to be chosen where the largest reductions are suspected to occur or are
revealed from deck plating measurements.

In cases where two or three sections are to be measured at least one is to include a Ballast Tank within
0.5L amidships. The thickness measurements are to be carried out by a qualified firm certified by IRS.

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Table : Minimum requirements for close-up survey at

special survey of chemical tankers

Special Survey No. IV

Special Survey No. I Special Survey No. II Special Survey No. III
and subsequently
Age ≤ 5 5 < Age ≤ 10 10 < Age ≤ 15
Age ≥ 15
A) One Web Frame - in a A) All Web Frames - in a A) All Web Frames - in all As Special Survey No.3
ballast wing tank (for S. ballast wing tank or ballast ballast tanks
H.) or ballast double hull double hull tank (See Note
tank (for D.H.) (See Note 1)

B) One Deck B) One Deck Transverse A) All Web Frames - in a Additional transverse
Transverse - in a cargo - in each of the remaining cargo wing tank areas as deemed
tank or on deck ballast tank or on deck (for necessary by the Surveyor
S. H.)

B) The knuckle area and

the upper part (3 metres
approx) of one web frame
in each remaining ballast
tank (for D.H.)

D)/C) One Transverse B) One Deck Transverse A) One Web Frames - in

Bulkhead (lower part for - in a cargo wing tank on each remaining cargo tank
S.H. – complete for D.H.) deck (for S.H.)
- in a ballast tank

D) One Transverse B) One Deck Transverse C) All Transverse

Bulkhead - in a cargo – in two cargo center tanks Bulkheads - in all cargo
wing tank or on deck (for S.H.) and and ballast tanks
one deck transverse in two
cargo tanks (for D.H.)

D) One Transverse C) Both Transverse

Bulkhead – in a cargo Bulkhead - in a ballast
center tank (See Note 2) wing tank (for S.H.)

C) One Transverse
Bulkhead in each ballast
tank (for D.H.) (See Note

D) One Transverse
Bulkhead - in each
remaining ballast tank (for

D) One Transverse
Bulkhead - in a cargo
wing tank

D) One Transverse
Bulkhead - in two cargo
centre tanks (See Note 2)

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Table : (Contd.)

Note 1) Double hull tank - including double bottom and side tank even though these tanks are separate.

Note 2) Where no center cargo tanks are fitted (as in the case of center longitudinal bulkhead), transverse
bulkheads in wing tanks are to be surveyed.

A) Complete transverse web frame ring including adjacent structural members

B) Deck transverse including adjacent deck structural members
C) Transverse bulkhead complete - including girder system and adjacent members
D) Transverse bulkhead lower part - including girder system and adjacent structural members

Table : Table of minimum requirements for thickness measurements at

special survey of chemical tankers

Special Survey No. Special Survey No. IV

Special Survey No. I Special Survey No. II
III and subsequently
Age ≤ 5 5 < Age ≤ 10
10 < Age ≤ 15 Age ≥ 15
1) Suspect areas 1) Suspect areas 1) Suspect areas 1) Suspect areas throughout
throughout the vessel throughout the vessel throughout the vessel the vessel

2) Within the cargo area : 2) Within the cargo area: 2) Within the cargo 2) Within the cargo area:
One section of deck area:
plating for the full beam of a) Each deck plate a) Each deck plate
the ship (in way of a b) One Transverse section a) Each deck plate b) Three Transverse
ballast tank, if any, or a b)Two Transverse sections(1)
cargo tank used primarily sections c) All wind and water strakes
for water ballast) c) All wind and water d) Each bottom plate

3) Measurements of 3) Measurements of 3) Measurements of 3) Measurements of structural

structural members structural members structural members members subject to close-up
subject to close-up survey subject to close-up survey subject to close-up survey according to Table
according to Table, according to Table, survey according to, for general
for general assessment for general assessment Table, for assessment and recording of
and recording of corrosion and recording of corrosion general assessment corrosion pattern
pattern pattern and recording of
corrosion pattern

4) All wind and water 4) All wind and water 4) All wind and water strakes
strakes outside the cargo strakes outside the outside the cargo area
area cargo area

5) Internals in forepeak 5) Internals in forepeak and

and after peak tanks after peak tanks

6) All exposed main deck

plating outside cargo area

7) Representative exposed
superstructure deck plating
(poop, bridge, forecastle

8) All keel plates, additional

bottom plates in way of
machinery space, aft end of
tanks and cofferdams outside
cargo area

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Table : (Contd.)

Special Survey No. Special Survey No. IV

Special Survey No. I Special Survey No. II
III and subsequently
Age ≤ 5 5 < Age ≤ 10
10 < Age ≤ 15 Age ≥ 15
9) a) Plating of sea chests.

b) Shell plating in way of

overboard discharges as
considered necessary by the

(1) At least one section is to include a ballast tank within 0.5L amidships

Table : Requirements for extent of thickness measurements at those areas of substantial
corrosion, special survey of chemical tankers within the cargo area length
Structural member Extent of measurement Pattern of measurement
Bottom, inner bottom and hopper structure
Bottom, inner bottom and Minimum of three bays across 5-point pattern for each panel
hopper structure plating tank, including aft bay between longitudinals and floors
Measurements around and under
all suction bell mouths
Bottom, inner bottom and Minimum of three longitudinals in Three measurements in line
hopper structure longitudinals each bay where bottom plating across the flange and three
measured measurements on vertical web
Bottom girders, including the At fore and aft watertight floors Vertical line of single
watertight ones and in center of tanks measurements on girder plating
with one measurement between
each panel stiffener, or a
minimum of three
Two measurements across face
flat where fitted
Bottom floors, including the Three floors in bays where 5-point pattern over two square
watertight ones bottom plating measured, with metre area
measurements at both ends and
Hopper structure web frame Three floors in bays where 5-point pattern over one square
ring bottom plating measured metre of plating.
Single measurements on flange
Hopper structure transverse - Lower 1/3 of bulkhead - 5-point pattern over one
watertight bulkhead or swash square metre of plating
- Upper 2/3 of bulkhead - 5-point pattern over two
square metre of plating
- Stiffeners (minimum of three) - For web, 5-point pattern over
span (two measurements
across web at each end and
one at center of span). For
flange, single measurements
at each end and center of
Panel stiffening Where applicable Single measurements

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Table : Contd.)

Deck structure
Structural member Extent of measurement Pattern of measurement
Deck plating Two transverse bands across Minimum of three measurements
tank per plate per band
Deck longitudinals Every third longitudinal in each of Three measurements in line
two bands with a minimum of vertically on webs and two
one longitudinal measurements on flange (if
Deck girders and brackets At fore and aft transverse Vertical line of single
bulkhead, bracket toes and in measurements on web plating
centre of tanks with one measurement between
each panel stiffener, or a
minimum of three
Two measurements across
flange, 5-point pattern on
girder/bulkhead brackets
Deck transverse webs Minimum of two webs, with 5-point pattern over one square
measurements at both ends and metre area.
middle of span Single measurements on flange
Vertical web and transverse Minimum of two webs and both 5-point pattern over one square
bulkhead in wing ballast tank for transverse bulkheads metre area
double hull design (two metres
from deck)
Panel stiffening Where applicable Single measurements
Side shell and longitudinal bulkheads
Side shell and longitudinal
bulkhead plating:
- Deckhead and bottom - Plating between each pair of Single measurement
strakes and strakes in way longitudinals in a minimum of
of horizontal girders three bays (along the tank)
- All other strakes - Plating between every third
pair of longitudinals in same
three bays
Side shell and longitudinal
bulkhead longitudinals on:
- Deckhead and bottom - Each longitudinal in same 3 measurements across web and
strakes three bays 1 measurement on flange
- All other strakes - Every third longitudinal in
same three bays
Longitudinals – brackets - Minimum of three at top, 5-point pattern over area of
middle and bottom of tank in brackets
same three bays
Vertical web and transverse
bulkheads of double side tanks
(excluding deck area):
- Minimum of two webs and - 5-point pattern over approx.
- Strakes in way of horizontal both transverse bulkheads two square metre area
- Minimum of two webs and - Two measurements between
- Other strakes both transverse bulkheads each pair of vertical stiffeners

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Table : Contd.)

Structural member Extent of measurement Pattern of measurement

Web frames and cross ties for Three webs with minimum of 5-point pattern over
other tanks than double side three locations on each web, approximately two square metre
tanks including in way of cross tie area of webs, plus single
connections and lower end measurements on flanges of web
brackets frame and cross ties
Horizontal girders Plating on each girder in a Two measurements between
minimum of three bays each pair of longitudinal girder
Panel stiffening Where applicable Single measurements
Transverse watertight and swash bulkheads
Upper and lower stool, where - Transverse band within 25 5-point pattern between
fitted [mm] of welded connection to stiffeners over one metre length
inner bottom / deck plating

- Transverse band within 25

[mm] of welded connection to
shelf plate
Deckhead and bottom strakes Plating between pair of stiffeners 5-point pattern between
and strakes in way of horizontal at three locations: approximately stiffeners over one metre length
stringers ¼, ½ and ¾ width of tank
All other strakes Plating between pair of stiffeners Single measurement
at middle location
Strakes in corrugated Plating for each change of 5-point pattern between
bulkheads scantling at center of panel and stiffeners over one metre length
at flange of fabricated connection
Stiffeners Minimum of three typical For web, 5-point pattern over
stiffeners span between bracket
connections (two measurements
across web at each bracket
connection and one at center of
span). For flange, single
measurements at each bracket
toe and at center of span
Brackets Minimum of three at top, middle 5-point pattern over areas of
and bottom of tank bracket
Horizontal stringers All stringers with measurements 5-point pattern over one square
at both ends and middle metre areas, plus single
measurements near bracket toes
and on flanges
Deep webs and girders Measurements at toe of bracket For web, 5 point pattern over
and at center of span about 1 square metre,
3 measurements across face flat In order to ensure necessary control during the process of thickness measurements, these are
normally to be carried out under the supervision of the Surveyor. The Surveyor has the right to re-check
the measurements as deemed necessary to ensure acceptable accuracy.

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__________________________________________________________________________________ In all cases the extent of the thickness measurements are to be sufficient as to represent the
actual average condition. A thickness measurement report is to be prepared. The report is to give the location of
measurements, the thickness measured as well as corresponding original thickness. Furthermore, the
report is to give the date when the measurements were carried out, type of measurement equipment,
names of personnel and their qualifications and has to be signed by the operator. The Surveyor is to
review the report of the final thickness measurement after repairs have been carried out and countersign
the cover page.

4.4.10 Additional requirements for cargo and ballast piping For chemical tankers exceeding 10 years of age selected steel cargo pipes outside cargo tanks
and ballast pipes passing through cargo tanks are to be:

- Thickness measured at random or selected pipe lengths to be opened for internal inspection.

- Pressure tested to the maximum working pressure. Special attention is to be given to cargo/slop
discharge piping through ballast tanks and void spaces.

4.4.11 Survey of independent tanks All independent cargo tanks are to be surveyed internally and externally together with tank
supports and the adjacent hull structure. Thickness gauging of the independent cargo tanks is to be carried out as found necessary by
the Surveyor. All independent cargo tanks are to be hydraulically pressure tested to their MARVS (Maximum
Allowable Relief Valve Setting). However, testing of gravity type tanks may be omitted if the tanks are
found without corrosion and other damages and otherwise acceptable.

4.4.12 Reporting and evaluation of survey The data and information on the structural condition of the vessel collected during the survey is
to be evaluated for acceptability and continued structural integrity of the vessel. An Executive Hull Summary of the survey and results is to be issued to the Owner and placed
on board the vessel for reference at future surveys. The Executive Hull Summary is to be endorsed by
IRS Head Office.

4.5 Special Surveys - Machinery

4.5.1 Requirements for examination of machinery and systems are given in Sec.8.

Section 5

Surveys - Liquefied Gas Carriers

5.1 Scope

5.1.1 This section gives the requirements for periodical surveys of vessels which have been assigned the
class notation:

Liquefied gas carrier.

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5.2 Annual surveys

5.2.1 General Annual Surveys are to be carried out within 3 months before or after the anniversary date each
year. These should be held concurrently with statutory annual or other relevant statutory Surveys, where
practicable. At Annual Surveys, the Surveyor is to examine the hull and machinery, so far as necessary and
practicable, in order to be satisfied as to their general condition. The annual survey is preferably to be carried out during a loading or unloading operations.

5.2.2 Hull and weather deck The survey is to consist of an examination for the purpose of ensuring, as far as practicable, that
the hull, equipment, closing appliances and related piping are maintained in satisfactory/efficient
condition. Special attention is to be paid to the following:

a) Weather deck, shipside plating above waterline.

b) Openings on freeboard and superstructure decks; exposed casings; skylights and fiddley openings;
deck houses; companionways and superstructure bulkheads; side scuttles and dead lights; flush
deck scuttles; ash shoots and other openings.

c) Weld connection between air pipes and deck plating; air pipe heads on exposed decks (external
examination); flame screens on vents to all bunker tanks; ventilators and closing devices.

d) Watertight bulkheads and their penetrations as far as practicable.

e) Scuppers and sanitary discharges as far as practicable together with valves and their controls.

f) Guard rails, bulwarks, freeing ports, gangways, walkways and life lines.

g) Examining the cargo, bunker, ballast and vent piping systems, including vent masts and protective
screens, as far as practicable.

h) Confirming that the wheel house doors and windows, non-opening type side scuttles and windows in
superstructure and deck house ends facing the cargo area are in a satisfactory gastight condition.

i) Confirming that any special arrangements to survive conditions of damage are in order. Examining the cargo compressor rooms and electrical motor rooms.

Examination of the electric motor room and compressor room bulkheads for signs of leakage or fractures
and in particular, the sealing arrangements of all penetrations on bulkheads. Confirming that the sealing arrangements at the gas domes are satisfactory. All watertight doors in watertight bulkheads, to be examined and tested (locally and remotely) as
far as practicable. Suspect areas identified at previous special or intermediate surveys are to be close-up surveyed.
Thickness measurements are to be taken in the area of substantial corrosion identified at previous
surveys. Examination of ballast tanks is to be carried out when required as a consequence of the results of
the Special Survey or Intermediate Survey. (See,, and When considered
necessary by the Surveyor or where extensive corrosion is found, thickness measurement is to be carried
out. When examination of ballast tanks reveals substantial corrosion, additional thickness measurements

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are to be carried out to determine the extent of the areas of substantial corrosion in accordance with
Table Anchoring and mooring equipment is to be examined as far as is practicable. A general

examination of the emergency towing arrangements is to be carried out to ensure their ready availability.

For vessels with single point mooring arrangements where 'SPM' notation is assigned, the following are
to be generally examined:

a) Components of the single point mooring system (bow chain stoppers, bow fairleads, pedestal roller
fairleads, winches and capstans), to verify their satisfactory condition.

b) Hull structures supporting and adjacent to the components of the single point mooring system, to
verify that there is no deformation or fracture. Where applicable Surveyor should satisfy himself regarding the freeboard marks on the ship's
side. The Surveyor is to confirm that, where required, an approved loading instrument together with its
operation manual are available on board, See Pt.3, Ch.5. It is to be verified by the Surveyor that the
loading instrument is checked for accuracy at regular intervals by the ship's staff by applying test loading
conditions. Accommodation ladders are to be examined at annual surveys. Satisfactory condition of the
following items is to be checked, in particular :

a) steps;
b) platforms;
c) all support points such as pivots, rollers, etc.;
d) all suspension points such as lugs, brackets, etc.;
e) stanchions, rigid handrails, hand ropes and turntables;
f) davit structure, wire and sheaves, etc. Gangways are to be examined at annual surveys. Satisfactory condition of the following items is
to be checked, in particular :

a) treads;
b) side stringers, cross-members, decking, deck plates, etc.;
c) all support points such as wheel, roller, etc.;
d) stanchions, rigid handrails, hand ropes. Winches of accommodation ladders and gangways are to be examined to verify the satisfactory
condition of the following items:

a) brake mechanism including condition of brake pads and band brake, if fitted;
b) remote control system, and
c) power supply system for electric motor. Davits and fittings on the ship’s deck associated with accommodation ladders and gangways are
to be examined for satisfactory condition at annual surveys. Fittings or structures for means of access to
deck such as handholds in a gateway or bulwark ladder and stanchions are also to be examined. The maintenance and inspection records of accommodation ladders and gangways are to be
verified. It is to be confirmed that supporting wires are being renewed at intervals not exceeding 5 years.

5.2.3 Machinery and systems A general examination of the machinery, boilers, all pressurised systems (steam, hydraulic,
pneumatic) and their associated fittings, propulsion system and auxiliary machinery to see whether they
are being properly maintained and with particular attention to the fire and explosion hazards.

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Page 94 of 160 Periodical Surveys Confirmation that machinery, boilers and other pressure vessels, associated piping systems and
fittings are so installed and protected as to reduce to a minimum any danger to persons on board, due
regard being given to moving parts, hot surfaces and other hazards. Confirmation that Periodical Surveys of boilers and other pressure vessels have been carried out
as required by the Rules and the safety devices have been tested. Confirmation that the normal operation of the propulsion machinery can be sustained or restored
even though one of the essential auxiliaries becomes inoperative. Confirmation that means are provided so that machinery can be brought into operation from the
dead ship condition without external aid. All main and auxiliary steering arrangements and their associated equipment and control systems
are to be examined and tested. Where applicable, Surveyors are to verify that log entries have been
made in accordance with statutory requirements. Confirming, when appropriate, that requisite arrangements to regain steering capability in the
event of the prescribed single failure are being maintained. All the means of communication between the navigating bridge and the machinery control
positions, as well as the bridge and the main alternative steering position, if fitted, are to be tested. It is to
be confirmed that means of indicating the angular position of the rudder are operating satisfactorily. Confirmation that with ships having emergency steering positions there are means of relaying
heading information and, when appropriate, supplying visual compass readings to the emergency
steering positions. Confirmation that various alarms required for hydraulic power operated, electric and electro-
hydraulic steering gears are, operating satisfactorily and that the recharging arrangements for hydraulic
power operated steering gears are being maintained. Examining the means for the operation of the main and auxiliary machinery essential for
propulsion and the safety of the ship, including when applicable, the means of remotely controlling the
propulsion machinery from the navigating bridge and the arrangements to operate the main and other
machinery from a machinery control room. Confirmation that the engine room telegraph, the second means of communication between the
navigation bridge and the machinery space and the means of communication with any other positions
from which the engines are controlled are operating satisfactorily. Confirmation that the engineer's alarm is clearly audible in the engineer's accommodation. The bilge pumping systems and bilge wells including operation of each bilge pump, extended
spindles and level alarms, where fitted, are to be examined as far as is practicable. It is also to be
confirmed that bilge pumping system for each watertight compartment is satisfactory.

It is also to be confirmed that drainage from enclosed spaces in cargo areas situated on freeboard deck
is satisfactory. Examining visually the condition of any expansion joints in sea water system. General examination visually and in operation, as feasible, of the main electrical machinery, the
emergency sources of electrical power, the switch gear, other electrical equipment including the lighting
system is to be carried out. Confirmation as far as practicable, the operation of the emergency source(s) of electrical power,
including their starting arrangement, the systems supplied, and when appropriate, their automatic

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__________________________________________________________________________________ Examining in general, that the precautions provided against shock, fire and other hazards of
electrical origin are being maintained. General Examination of automation equipment is to be carried out. Satisfactory operation of

safety devices, bilge level detection and alarm systems and control systems is to be verified. Confirmation that machinery space ventilation systems are in good working condition.

5.2.4 Fire protection, detection and extinction The arrangements for fire protection, detection and extinction are to be examined and are to
include confirmation that no changes have been made in the structural fire protection. Following are to be
examined / verified:

a) verification that fire control plans are properly posted;

b) examination as far as possible and testing as feasible of the fire and/or smoke detection system(s);

c) examination of the fire main system and verification that each fire pump including the emergency fire
pump can be operated separately so that the two required powerful jets of water can be produced
simultaneously from different hydrants; testing the remote means for starting one main fire pump;

d) verification that fire hoses, nozzles, applicators and spanners are in good working condition and
situated at their respective locations;

e) examination of fixed fire fighting system controls, piping, instructions and marking, checking for
evidence of proper maintenance and servicing including date of last systems tests;

f) verification that all semi-portable and portable fire extinguishers are in their stowed positions,
checking for evidence of proper maintenance and servicing, conducting random check for evidence
of discharged containers;

g) verification, as far as practicable, that the remote controls for stopping fans and machinery and
shutting off fuel supplies in machinery spaces are in working order;

h) examination of the closing arrangements of ventilators, funnel annular spaces, skylights, doorways
and tunnel, where applicable;

i) confirmation that the fire fighters’ outfits and emergency escape breathing devices (EEBDs) are
complete and in good condition and that the cylinders, including the spare cylinders, of any required
self-contained breathing apparatus are suitably charged;

j) examination of any manual and automatic fire doors and proving their operations;

k) Examining the fixed fire fighting system for the cargo pump room and confirming that its means of
operation is clearly marked;

l) Examining the water spray system for cooling, fire protection and crew protection and confirming that
its means of operation is clearly marked;

m) Confirming that electrical equipment in gas dangerous spaces and zones is in satisfactory condition
and properly maintained;

n) Examining the dry chemical powder fire extinguishing system for the cargo area and confirming that
its means of operation is clearly marked;

o) Examining the fixed fire fighting system for the cargo pump room and the deck foam system for the
cargo area and confirming that their means of operation are clearly marked.

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p) examination of the fire-extinguishing systems for spaces containing paint and/or flammable liquids
and deep fat cooking equipment in accommodation and service spaces;

q) examination of the fire safety requirements of any helicopter facilities.

Surveys carried out by the National Authority of the country in which the ship is registered would normally
be accepted as meeting these requirements, at the discretion of the Surveyor. On ships where inert gas systems are installed, the requirements of Sec.12 are to be complied
with. Confirmation that the means of escape from accommodation, machinery spaces and other
spaces are satisfactory. Examination of the arrangements for gaseous fuel for domestic purposes.

5.2.5 Other safety arrangements related to cargo The ship's log and operational records for the cargo containment system covering the period from
the previous survey are to be examined taking into consideration hours per day of the reliquefaction plant
or the boil-off rate. Any malfunction of the system entered in the log is to be investigated, the cause
ascertained, and that part of the system at fault is to be found or placed in good order. Cargo liquid level indicating devices are to be generally examined. The low level, high level, and
overfill alarms are to be examined and tested to ascertain that they are in working order. Consideration
will be given to the acceptance of simulated tests, provided that they are carried out at the cargo
temperature, or comprehensive maintenance records, including details of tests held, in accordance with
the cargo plant instrumentation maintenance manual. The calibration status of the measuring instruments
may also be verified. Cargo gas leakage detection systems are to be examined and tested to ascertain that they are in
working order and calibrated using sample gas.

The gas detection arrangements for cargo control rooms and the measures taken to exclude ignition
sources where such spaces are not gas safe, are to be examined. The correct functioning of the cargo containment system temperature and pressure indicating
equipment, together with any associated alarms, is to be verified. Control devices for the cargo containment systems and cargo handling equipment, together with
any associated shutdown and/or interlock, are to be checked under simulated working conditions and, if
necessary, recalibrated. The arrangements for manually operated emergency shutdown system together with the
automatic shut down of the cargo pumps and compressors are to be checked to ascertain they are in
working order.

Alternatively, the log books may be examined for verification that the emergency shutdown system has
been tested. Ventilation systems and air locks in working spaces are to be checked for satisfactory operation. Cargo pipeline, valves and fittings are to be generally examined, with special reference to
expansion bellows, supports and vapour seals on insulated pipes. Examining the process piping including the expansion arrangements, insulation from hull
structure, pressure relief and drainage arrangements. Portable and/or fixed drip trays, or insulation for deck protection in the event of cargo leakage,
are to be examined for condition.

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__________________________________________________________________________________ Examining when applicable bow or stern loading and unloading arrangements with particular
reference to the electrical equipment, fire- fighting arrangements and means of communications between
the cargo control room and the shore location. Confirming that the cargo tank and interface pressure and relief valves, including safety systems
and alarms are satisfactory. Confirming that all liquid and vapour hoses are suitable for their intended purpose. Confirming that any air drying system and any inter barrier and hold space purging inert gas
system are satisfactory.

For membrane containment systems, normal operation of the nitrogen control system for insulation and
inter barrier spaces is to be confirmed by the Master. Confirming that two sets of portable gas detection equipment suitable for the cargoes to be
carried and a suitable instrument for measuring oxygen levels have been provided. Electrical bonding of the cargo pipes and tanks to the hull is to be verified.

5.2.6 Reliquefaction/refrigeration equipment Where reliquefaction or refrigeration equipment for cargo temperature and pressure control is
fitted and notation HY(LGC) assigned, the following are to be examined, so far as is practicable:

a) The machinery under working conditions.

b) The shells of all pressure vessels in the system, externally, insulation need not be removed for this
examination, but any deterioration of insulation or evidence of dampness which could lead to external
corrosion of the vessels of their connections, is to be investigated.

c) Primary refrigerant gas and liquid pipes, cargo vapour and liquid condensate pipes and condenser
cooling water pipes. Insulation need not be removed, but any deterioration or evidence of dampness
is to be investigated.

d) The reliquefaction/refrigeration plant spare gear.

5.2.7 Methane burning equipment and other equipment components The following components are to be generally examined externally. If insulation is fitted, this need
not be removed, but any deterioration of insulation, or evidence of dampness which could lead to external
corrosion of the vessels or their connections, is to be investigated.

a) Heat exchangers and pressure vessels for use with methane burning in boilers or machinery.

b) Cargo heaters, vaporizers, masthead heaters and other miscellaneous pressure vessels. Controls and interlocks are to be checked. Alarm systems are to be checked to ascertain they are in working order. Exhaust fans and/or pressurizing system for gas trunking are to be tested. The relevant instruction and information material such as cargo handling plans, filling limit
information, cooling down procedures etc. are to be verified as being onboard.

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5.2.8 Cargo containment systems At the first Annual Survey after initial commissioning of the ship, the operating records of the
primary gas detection system are to be examined. Where the insulation arrangement is such that the insulation cannot be examined during special
surveys (See the surrounding structures of wing tanks, double bottom tanks and cofferdams are
to be examined for cold spots, prior to the survey. This examination is to be held at a convenient cargo
discharge operation with the cargo tanks loaded at approximately the minimum notation temperature. On application by the Owner, consideration will be given to the cold spot examination, where
applicable, being carried out by the ship's staff. When tests are required after repairs, independent cargo tanks, other than independent tanks,
type C, are to be tested by hydraulic or hydropneumatic means as appropriate. Test heads and pressures
should be as defined in Pt.5, Ch.4. Cargo tanks of the membrane or semi-membrane type are to be
tested by means of a detectable gas in the inter-barrier spaces and discolouring paint on the weld seams
of the cargo tanks wall, or other suitable means. Independent cargo tanks of type C are to be tested
hydraulically at 1.25 times the approved maximum vapour pressure.

5.2.9 Personnel protection

a) Verification that the requisite safety equipment and associated breathing apparatus with requisite air
supplies and emergency escape respiratory and eye protection, if required, are in good condition and
are properly stowed.

b) Verification that medical first air equipment including stretchers and oxygen resuscitation is in god
condition and that satisfactory arrangements are made for antidotes for cargoes actually carried to
be on board.

c) Verification that decontamination arrange-ments are operational.

5.3 Intermediate Surveys

5.3.1 General Intermediate surveys are to be carried out at or between the second or third Annual Survey.
However, only those items which are additional to the requirements for annual surveys may be examined
between the second or third annual surveys.

Concurrent crediting to both Intermediate survey and Special survey for surveys and thickness
measurements of spaces is not acceptable. The following requirements are applicable for vessels over five years of age. For vessels below 5
years of age additional examination over and above the requirements of Annual survey may be required
at the discretion of the Surveyors. For ships carrying liquefied gases in bulk the intermediate survey is preferably to be carried out
with the ship in a gas free condition. The purpose of the intermediate survey is to supplement the annual
survey by testing the cargo handling installations with related automatic control, alarm and safety
systems for their correct functioning. The extent of the testing required for the intermediate survey will
normally be such that the survey cannot be carried out during loading or discharging operation. Prior to the commencement of any part of the intermediate survey, a survey planning meeting is
to be held between the attending Surveyor(s), the owner’s representative in attendance and where
involved, the thickness measurement company representative and the master of ship or an appropriately
qualified representative appointed by the master or Company for the purpose to ascertain that all the
arrangements envisaged in the survey programme are in place, so as to ensure the safe and efficient
conduct of the survey work to be carried out.

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5.3.2 Ballast tanks Vessels of age more than 5 years but not exceeding 10 years

a) An overall survey of representative ballast tanks is to be carried out. When extensive corrosion is
found, thickness measurements are to be carried out. If such examination reveals no visible
structural defects, the examination may be limited to a verification that the corrosion prevention
system remain efficient.

b) Where POOR coating condition, corrosion or other defects are found in ballast spaces or where hard
protective coating was not applied from the time of construction, the examination is to be extended
to other ballast spaces of the same type.

c) For ballast tanks, other than double bottom tanks, where a protective coating is found to be in POOR
condition and is not renewed, where a soft or semi-hard coating has been applied or where a hard
protective coating was not applied from the time of construction, the tank(s) in question are to be
examined at subsequent annual surveys.

d) For double bottom ballast tanks, where a protective coating is found to be in POOR condition and is
not renewed, where a soft or semi-hard coating has been applied or where a hard protective coating
was not applied from the time of construction, the tank(s) in question may be examined at
subsequent Annual surveys. Vessels of age more than 10 years

a) An internal general examination of all ballast tanks is to be carried out. When extensive corrosion is
found, thickness measurements are to be carried out. If such examination reveals no visible structural
defects, the examination may be limited to a verification that the corrosion prevention system remain

b) For ballast tanks, other than double bottom tanks, where a protective coating is found to be in POOR
condition and is not renewed, where a soft or semi-hard coating has been applied or where a hard
protective coating was not applied from the time of construction, the tank(s) in question are to be
examined at subsequent annual surveys.

c) For double bottom ballast tanks, where a protective coating is found to be in POOR condition and is
not renewed, where a soft or semi-hard coating has been applied or where a hard protective coating
was not applied from the time of construction, the tank(s) in question may be examined at
subsequent Annual surveys.

d) The Surveyor is to carry out a Close-up survey and thickness measurement of structure identified at
the previous Special Survey as having substantial corrosion. The minimum requirements for close-up
surveys at intermediate survey are given in Table

5.3.3 Safety arrangements related to cargo The following are to be dealt with as applicable:

a) Examination of means for draining the vent piping system.

b) Verification that the heating arrangements, if any, for steel structures are satisfactory.

c) With regard to the Cargo containment systems examination of the items in accordance with

d) Cargo tank and inter-barrier space pressure and vacuum relief valve settings are to be checked and
adjusted as required. Cargo tank pressure relief valve harbour settings are also to be checked, if
applicable. A check is to be made that cargo tank pressure relief valves will lift at a pressure not more
than the percentage given below, above the maximum vapour pressure for which the tanks have
been approved.

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For 0 to 1.5 bar - 10 per cent.

For 1.5 to 3.0 bar - 6 per cent.
For pressure exceeding 3.0 bar - 3 per cent.
Valves may be removed from the tanks for the purpose of checking.

Table : Table of the minimum requirements for close-up survey of hull at intermediate
surveys of liquefied gas carriers

10 < age ≤ 15 age > 15

Close-up survey of: Close-up survey of :

- all web frames and both transverse - all web frames and both transverse bulkheads
bulkheads in a representative ballast tank in two representative ballast tanks (1) and (2)
(1) and (2)

- the upper part of one web frame in another

representative ballast tank

- one transverse bulkhead in another

representative ballast tank (2)
(1) Complete transverse web frame including adjacent structural members
(2) Transverse bulkhead complete, including girder system and adjacent members and adjacent
longitudinal bulkhead structure
Note 1 : Ballast tanks include topside, double hull side, double bottom, hopper side or any combined
arrangement of the aforementioned and peak tanks where fitted.
Note 2 : For areas in tanks where protective coating is found to be in good condition, the extent of
close-up survey may be specially considered.
Note 3 : For ships having independent tanks of type C, with a midship section similar to that of a
general cargo ship, the extent of close-up surveys may be specially considered.
Note 4 : The extent of close-up surveys may be extended by the Surveyor as deemed necessary,
taking into account the maintenance of the tanks under survey, the condition of the
corrosion prevention system and also in the following cases:
- in particular, in tanks having structural arrangements or details which have suffered
defects in similar tanks, or on similar ships according to available information;
- in tanks having structures approved with reduced scantlings.

e) Generally examining the electrical equipment and cables in dangerous zones such as cargo pump
rooms and areas adjacent to cargo tanks to check for defective equipment, fixtures and wiring. The
insulation resistance of the circuits is to be tested and in cases where a proper record of testing is
maintained, consideration should be given to accepting recent readings. Examination with reference
to the following is to be carried out:

- Protective earthing (spot check).

- Integrity of flame proof enclosures.

- Damage of outer sheath of cables.

- Function testing of pressurized equipment and associated alarms.

- Testing of systems for de-energizing non-certified safe electrical equipment located in spaces
protected by air locks, such as electrical motor-rooms, cargo control rooms, etc.

f) Confirming that spares are provided for cargo area mechanical ventilation fans.

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g) Checking the provision of equipment for personnel protection.

h) Examining when applicable, the arrangements for the use of cargo as fuel and testing as far as
practicable, that the gas supply to the machinery space is cut off should the exhaust ventilation not
be functioning correctly and that the master gas fuel valve may be remotely closed from within the
machinery space.

i) The emergency shutdown system is to be tested without flow in the pipelines, to verify that the trip
system stops the cargo pumps and compressors.

5.4 Special Surveys - Hull

5.4.1 General All ships classed with IRS are to undergo Special Surveys at 5 yearly intervals. The first Special
Survey is to be completed within 5 years from the date of the initial classification survey and thereafter 5
years from the assigned date of the previous Special Survey. However, an extension of class of 3 months
maximum beyond the 5th year may be granted in exceptional circumstances in accordance with 1.11. In
such cases, the next period of class will start from the expiry date of the Special Survey before extension
was granted.

Concurrent crediting to both Intermediate survey and Special survey for surveys and thickness
measurements of spaces is not acceptable. The interval between the Special Surveys may be reduced at the request of the parties concerned
or by IRS if considered appropriate. For surveys completed within 3 months before the expiry date of the Special Survey, the next
period of class will start from the expiry date of the Special Survey. For surveys completed more than 3
months before the expiry date of the Special Survey, the period of class will start from the survey
completion date. The Special Survey may be commenced at the 4th Annual Survey and be progressed with a view
to completion by the 5th anniversary date. When the special survey is commenced prior to the fourth
annual survey, the entire survey is to be completed within 15 months if such work is to be credited to the
special survey and in this case the next period of class will start from the survey completion date. For the purpose of special survey, results of thickness measurement carried out during or after
the fourth annual survey only would be considered. Record of Special Survey will not be assigned until the Machinery Survey has been completed or
postponed in agreement with IRS. Ships which have satisfactorily passed a Special Survey will have a record entered in the
Supplement to the Register Book indicating the assigned date of Special Survey. The special survey is to include, in addition to the requirements of the Annual Survey,
examination, tests and checks of sufficient extent to ensure that the hull, equipment and related piping
are in satisfactory condition and that the ship is fit for its intended purpose for the new period of class of
five years to be assigned subject to proper maintenance and operation and the periodical surveys being
carried out at the due dates. The examinations of the hull are to be supplemented by thickness measurements (See 5.4.4) and
testing as deemed necessary, to ensure that the structural integrity remains effective. The aim of the
examination is to discover substantial corrosion, significant deformation, fractures, damages or other
structural deterioration, that may be present. A Docking Survey in accordance with the requirements of Sec.7 is to be carried out as part of
the Special Survey. Any remaining work in respect of the overall and close-up surveys and thickness

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measurements and repairs applicable to the lower portions of ballast tanks (i.e. parts below light ballast
waterline) are to be completed in the dry dock

5.4.2 Planning and preparation for survey The ship is to be prepared for overall survey in accordance with the requirements of Table The preparation is to be of sufficient extent to facilitate an examination to ascertain any excessive
corrosion, deformation, fractures, damages and other structural deterioration. Prior to commencement of any part of the special survey, a survey planning meeting is to be held
between the attending surveyor(s), the owner’s representative in attendance, the thickness measurement
company representative and the master of the ship or an appropriately qualified representative appointed
by the master or Company for the purpose to ascertain that all the arrangements envisaged in the survey
programme are in place, so as to ensure the safe and efficient conduct of the survey work to be carried

5.4.3 Examination and testing All spaces within the hull and superstructure are to be examined. All tanks other than cargo and ballast tanks are to be examined internally in accordance with the
requirements of Table

All bilge and ballast piping systems are to be examined and operationally tested to working pressure to
attending Surveyor’s satisfaction to ensure that tightness remains satisfactory. An overall survey of all water ballast tanks including double bottom tanks, cargo compressor and
electrical motor rooms, pipe tunnels, cofferdams and void spaces bounding cargo tanks, decks and outer
hull is to be carried out. This examination is to be supplemented by thickness measurement and testing
as deemed necessary, to ensure that the structural integrity remains effective. The aim of the
examination is to discover Substantial Corrosion, significant deformation, fractures, damages or other
structural deterioration and if deemed necessary by the Surveyor, a suitable non-destructive examination
may be required.

Table : Survey preparation

Special Survey No. I Special Survey Special Survey No. III Special Survey
Age ≤ 5 No. II 10 < Age ≤ 15 No. IV and
5 < Age ≤ 10 subsequently
Age ≥ 15
1) All tanks, peaks, bilges and drain 1) Requirements of 1) Requirements of 1) Requirements of
wells, engine and boiler spaces and Special Survey I to be Special Survey II to be Special survey III to
other spaces are to be cleared out complied with complied with be complied with
and cleaned as necessary for
examination. Floor plates in engine 2) The chain locker is 2) Portions of wood
and boiler spaces are to be lifted as to be cleaned internally. sheathing, or other
may be necessary for examination The chain cables are to covering, on steel decks
of the structure underneath. Where be ranged for are to be removed, as
necessary close and spar ceiling, inspection. The considered necessary by
lining and pipe casings are to be anchors are to be the Surveyor, in order to
removed for examination of the cleaned and placed in ascertain the condition of
structure. an accessible position the plating.
for inspection.
2) The steelwork is to be exposed
and cleaned as may be required for
its proper examination by the
Surveyor and close attention is to
be paid to the parts of the structure
which are particularly liable to
excessive corrosion or to
deterioration due to other causes.

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Table : (Contd.)

Special Survey No. I Special Survey Special Survey No. III Special Survey
Age ≤ 5 No. II 10 < Age ≤ 15 No. IV and
5 < Age ≤ 10 subsequently
Age ≥ 15
3) All tanks are to be cleaned as
necessary to permit examination.

4) Casings or covers of air,

sounding, steam and other pipes,
spar ceiling and lining in way of the
side scuttles are to be removed, as
required by the Surveyor.

Table : Requirements for internal examination of tanks

Tank Special Survey Special Survey Special Survey Special Survey

No. I No. II No. III No. IV
Age ≤ 5 5 < Age ≤ 10 10 < Age ≤ 15 and subsequent
Age > 15
Fuel oil bunker tanks
- Engine room None None One One
- Other area None One Two Half the number of
tanks, minimum 2
Lub.oil None None None One
Fresh water None One All All

1) These requirements apply to tanks of integral (structural) type.

2) If a selection of tanks is accepted to be examined, then different tanks are to be examined at each
special survey, on a rotational basis.

3) Peak tanks (all uses) are subject to internal examination at each special survey.

4) At special surveys No.III and subsequent special surveys one deep tank for fuel oil is to be included,
if fitted. Where ballast tanks have been converted to void spaces, the survey extent is to be based upon
ballast tank requirements. For ballast tanks, excluding double bottom tanks, where a hard protective coating is found in
POOR condition and it is not renewed, where soft or semi-hard coating has been applied, or where a
protective coating was not applied from the time of construction, the space in question is to be internally
examined at Annual Surveys. Thickness measurement is to be carried out as deemed necessary by the
Surveyor. For double bottom ballast tanks where a protective coating is found in POOR condition and it has
not been renewed or where soft or semi-hard coating has been applied, or where a protective coating
was not applied from the time of construction, the spaces in question may be examined at Annual
Surveys. When considered necessary by the Surveyor, thickness measurement is to be carried out. All watertight bulkheads and watertight doors are to be examined. All decks, casings and
superstructures are to be examined. Attention is to be given to the corners of openings and other
discontinuities in way of the strength decks and top sides.

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Page 104 of 160 Periodical Surveys The masts, standing rigging and anchors are to be examined.

The Surveyor should satisfy himself that there are sufficient mooring ropes on board and also that a tow
line is provided when this is a Rule requirement. The steering gear, and its connections and control systems (main and alternative) are to be
examined. The auxiliary steering gear with its various parts are to be examined in working condition. The hand pumps and suctions, air and sounding pipes are to be examined. The Surveyors are to
ensure that striking plates are fitted under the sounding pipes whilst examining the tanks internally.

Automatic air pipe heads are to be internally examined at special surveys as indicated in Table
For designs where the inner parts cannot be properly inspected from outside, the head is to be removed
from the air pipe. Particular attention is to be paid to the condition of the zinc coating in heads
constructed from galvanised steel. The Surveyor should satisfy himself regarding the efficient condition of the following :

- Means of escape from machinery spaces, crew and passenger spaces and spaces in which crew are
normally employed;

- Means of communication between bridge and engine room and between bridge and alternative
steering position;

- Helm indicator;

- Protection to the aft steering wheel and the gear. The chain cables are to be ranged and the anchors and the chain cables are to be examined. At
special survey no. II and subsequent special surveys, the chain cables are to be gauged. Any length of
chain cable which is found to have reduced in mean diameter at its most worn part by more than 12 per
cent of its original rule diameter is to be renewed.

Table : Requirements for internal examination of automatic air pipe heads

Special survey No.I Special survey No.II Special survey No.III

Age ≤ 5 5 < Age ≤ 10 and subsequent
Location Age > 10
forward 0.25L Two air pipe heads1,2 one All air pipe heads on
port and one starboard on exposed decks
exposed decks All air pipe heads3 on
aft of 0.25L Two air pipe heads1,2 one At least 20% of air pipe exposed decks
from the port and one starboard on heads1,2 on exposed decks
forward exposed decks

1. Preferably air pipes serving ballast tanks.

2. The selection of air pipe heads is to be made by the attending Surveyor. According to the results of
the inspection, the Surveyor may require additional air pipe heads to be examined.
3. When there is substantiated evidence of replacement within the previous five years, individual air
pipe heads may not be examined. The windlass is to be examined.

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__________________________________________________________________________________ The chain locker, hold fasts, hawse pipes and chain stoppers are to be examined and pumping
arrangements of the chain locker tested. A thorough examination of aft and forward emergency towing arrangements is to be carried out
to ensure its ready availability and satisfactory condition.

- examination of pick-up gear, towing pennant and chafing gear for possible deterioration;
- examination of strong points, fairleads, pedestal roller and their attachment to hull structure.

The survey is to confirm that one of the towing arrangements (aft or forward) are pre-rigged. For vessels with single point mooring arrangements where 'SPM' notation is assigned, the
following is to be carried out:

a) A thorough examination of the components of the single point mooring system (bow chain stoppers,
bow fairleads, pedestal roller fairleads, winches and capstans) to verify their satisfactory condition.

b) A close-up examination of the hull structures supporting and adjacent to the components of the single
point mooring system to verify that there is no deformation or fracture. Thickness determination and
non-destructive tests are to be carried out if required by the Surveyor. Engine room structure is to be examined. Particular attention being given to tank tops, shell
plating in way of tank tops, brackets connecting side shell frames and tank tops and engine room
bulkheads in way of tank tops and bilge wells. Where excessive areas of wastage are found, thickness
measurements are to be carried out and renewals or repairs made when wastage exceeds allowable
limits. Boundaries of double bottom, deep, ballast, peak and other tanks are to be tested with a head of
liquid to the top of air pipes. Boundaries of fuel oil, lub.oil and fresh water tanks are to be tested with a
head of liquid to the highest point that liquid will rise under service conditions. Tank testing of fuel oil,
lub.oil and fresh water tanks may be specially considered based on a satisfactory external examination of
the tank boundaries and a confirmation from the Master stating that the pressure testing has been carried
out according to the requirement with satisfactory results. The loading instrument is to be checked for accuracy by applying test load conditions in
presence of the Surveyor. Examination of accommodation ladders, gangways and their winches are to be carried out as
required for annual surveys. In addition, the accommodation ladders and gangways are to be
operationally, tested with the specified maximum operation load.

The tests are to be carried out with the load applied as uniformly as possible along the length of the
accommodation ladder or gangway, at an angle of inclination corresponding to the maximum bending
moment on the accommodation ladder or gangway.

Accommodation ladder winch is to be operationally tested at special surveys. The brake system of the
winch is to be tested for holding the maximum operational load on the ladder.

For existing installations on board ships constructed prior to 01 Jan 2010 where the maximum operational
load is not known, load nominated by the shipowner or operator may be considered as the test load.

5.4.4 Thickness measurement The minimum requirements for thickness measurement are given in Table The surveyor
may extend the thickness measurements as deemed necessary.

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Table : Table of minimum requirements to thickness measurements of

liquefied gas carriers

Special Survey No. IV

Special Survey No. I Special Survey No. II Special Survey No. III
and subsequently
Age ≤ 5 5 < Age ≤ 10 10 < Age ≤ 15
Age ≥ 15
1) Suspect areas 1) Suspect areas 1) Suspect areas 1) Suspect areas
throughout the vessel throughout the vessel throughout the vessel throughout the vessel

2) Within the cargo area : 2) Within the cargo area: 2) Within the cargo area: 2) Within the cargo area:

One section of deck a) Each deck plate a) Each deck plate a) Each deck plate
plating for the full beam of b) One Transverse section b) Two Transverse b) Three Transverse
the ship within 0.5L within 0.5L amidships in sections (1) sections (1)
amidships in way of a way of a ballast tank, if c) All wind and water c) All wind and water
ballast tank, if any. any strakes strakes
d) Each bottom plate
e) Duct keel or pipe tunnel
plating and internals

3) Measurements of 3) Measurements of 3) Measurements of 3) Measurements of

structural members structural members structural members structural members
subject to close-up survey subject to close-up survey subject to close-up survey subject to close-up survey
according to Table, according to Table, according to Table, according to Table,
for general assessment for general assessment for general assessment for general assessment
and recording of corrosion and recording of corrosion and recording of corrosion and recording of corrosion
pattern pattern pattern pattern

4) Selected wind and 4) Selected wind and 4) All wind and water
water strakes outside the water strakes outside the strakes outside the cargo
cargo area cargo area area

5) Internals in forepeak 5) Internals in forepeak

and after peak tanks and afterpeak tanks

6) All exposed main deck

plating outside cargo area

7) Representative
exposed superstructure
deck plating (poop, bridge,
forecastle deck)

8) All keel plates,

additional bottom plates in
way of machinery space,
aft end of tanks and
cofferdams outside cargo

9) a) Plating of sea chests.

b) Shell plating in way of

overboard discharges as
considered necessary by
the Surveyor.

(1) at least one section is to include a ballast tank within 0.5L amidships, if any.

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Table : Guidance for additional thickness measurements in way of substantial


Structural Member Extent of Measurement Pattern of Measurement

Plating Suspect area and adjacent 5 point pattern over 1 square meter
Stiffeners Suspect area 3 measurements each in line across web and
flange Where thickness measurements indicate substantial corrosion, the number of thickness
measurements are to be increased to determine the extent of substantial corrosion. Table may be
used as guidance for additional measurements. For areas in tanks where coating are found to be in a GOOD condition, the extent of thickness
measurements may be specially considered, by the Surveyor. Transverse sections are to be chosen where the largest reductions are suspected to occur or are
revealed from deck plating measurements. The thickness measurements are to be carried out by a qualified firm certified by IRS. In order to ensure necessary control during the process, thickness measurements are normally to
be carried out under the supervision of the Surveyor. The Surveyor has the right to re-check the
measurements as deemed necessary to ensure acceptable accuracy. A thickness measurement report is to be prepared. The report is to give the location of
measurements, the thickness measured as well as corresponding original thickness. Furthermore, the
report is to give the date when the measurements were carried out, type of measurement equipment,
names of personnel and their qualifications and has to be signed by the operator. The Surveyor is to
review the report of the final thickness measurement after repairs have been carried out and countersign
the cover page.

5.4.5 Close-up survey requirements The minimum requirements for Close-up Surveys at Special Survey are given in Table The Surveyor may extend the Close-up Survey as deemed necessary taking into account the
maintenance of the tanks under survey, the condition of the corrosion prevention system and also in the
following cases:

a) In particular, tanks having structural arrangements or details which have suffered defects on similar
tanks or on similar ships according to available information.

b) In tanks which have structures approved with reduced scantlings due to an approved corrosion
control system. For areas in tanks where hard protective coatings are found to be in a GOOD condition, the
extent of Close-up Surveys according to Table may be specially considered by the Surveyor.

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Table : Table of minimum requirements for close-up surveys at

special surveys of liquefied gas carriers

Special Survey No. I Special Survey No. II Special Survey No. III
Age ≤ 5 5 < Age ≤ 10 subsequent age > 10
One web frame in a All web frames in a ballast tank, All web frames in all ballast tanks
representative ballast tank of which is to be a double hull side (1)
the topside, hopper side and tank or a topside tank. If such
double hull side type (1) tanks are not fitted, another All transverse bulkheads in all
ballast tank is to be selected (1) ballast tanks (2)
One transverse bulkhead in a
ballast tank (3) One web frame in each
remaining ballast tank (1)

One transverse bulkhead in each

ballast tank (2)
(1) Complete transverse web frame including adjacent structural members.
(2) Transverse bulkhead complete, including girder system and adjacent members and adjacent
longitudinal bulkhead structure.
(3) Transverse bulkhead lower part including girder system and adjacent structural members.

Notes :

a) Ballast tanks include topside, double hull side, double bottom, hopper side, or any combined
arrangement of the aforementioned and peak tanks where fitted.

b) For ships having independent tanks of type C, with a midship section similar to that of a general
cargo ship, the extent of close-up surveys may be specially considered by the Surveyor.

5.4.6 Cargo containment and systems All cargo tanks are to be examined internally, also externally so far as is practicable, particular
attention being paid to the plating in way of supports of securing arrangements, tower structures, seatings
and pipe connections. Attention is also to be paid to the sealing arrangements in way of the deck
penetrations and the antiflotation arrangements for independent tanks. The tightness of all cargo tanks is
to be verified by an appropriate procedure. The ships gas detection equipment may be used for tightness
test of independent tanks below deck. Provided that the structural examination is satisfactory, that the
gas leakage monitoring systems have been found to be operating satisfactorily and that the voyage
records have not shown any abnormal operation, cargo tanks do not require to be hydraulically tested. Non-destructive testing is to supplement cargo tank inspection with special attention to be given
to the integrity of the main structural members, tank shell and highly stressed parts, including welded
connections as deemed necessary by the Surveyor. The following items are, inter alia, considered as
highly stressed parts:

- Cargo tank supports and anti-rolling/anti-pitching devices.

- Web frames or stiffening rings.

- Swash bulkhead boundaries.

- Dome and stump connections to tank shell.

- Foundations for pumps, towers, ladders etc.

- Pipe connections.

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- Y-connections between tank shell and a longitudinal bulkhead of bilobe tanks. For independent tanks of type B, the extent of non-destructive testing is to be given in a
programme specially prepared for cargo tank design. If findings of to or examination of voyage records do not reveal a satisfactory
structural integrity of the cargo tanks, a hydraulic or hydro-pneumatic test is to be carried out. For integral
tanks and for independent tanks of type A and B, the test pressure is to be atleast equal to MARVS. It is
to be ensured that the maximum primary membrane stress or maximum bending stress in a primary
membrane under the test conditions does not exceed 90% of the yield strength of the material (as
fabricated) at the test temperature. At every other special survey (i.e. 2nd, 4th, 6th etc.) independent cargo tanks of type C are to be

- hydraulically or hydro-pneumatically tested to 1.25 MARVS followed by non-destructive testing in

accordance with para;


- subjected to a thorough planned non-destructive testing. The testing programme is to be specially

prepared for the tank design. Alternatively the items detailed in para are to be subjected to
non-destructive testing. The extent of radiographic examination with insulation removed as necessary
is to be atleast 10% of the welded connections in each of the above mentioned areas, internally and
externally as applicable. Deck mounted cargo storage tanks are to be examined in the same manner as main cargo tanks. Secondary barriers are to be examined for their effectiveness, visually whenever possible, or by
means of pressure/vacuum tests on the inter-barrier spaces over a period of 36 hours. Alternative means
of checking the secondary barriers will be considered. For membrane and semi-membrane tank systems,
inspection and testing are to be carried out in accordance with programmes specially prepared in
accordance with an approved method for the actual tank system.

For membrane containment systems, a tightness test of the secondary barrier is to be carried out in
accordance with the system designers procedures as approved by IRS.

For membrane containment systems with glued secondary barriers, the values obtained is to be
compared with previous results or results obtained at new building stage. If significant differences are
observed for each tank or between tanks, an evaluation and additional testing, as necessary, would be
required. Where cargo containment systems have secondary barriers which cannot be examined or tested
and have been approved on the basis of extensive prototype testing, the barriers will be considered to
remain efficient provided a cold spot examination of the adjacent steel work is satisfactory and records of
the steel work temperature readings are verified as acceptable. Where a cargo tank or the hull structure is insulated and the insulation is accessible, the
insulation should be examined externally, together with any vapour or protective barrier, and sections
removed for examination, if considered necessary by the Surveyor. Special attention should be given to
insulation in way of chocks, supports and keys. Portions of the insulation are also to be removed, if
required by the Surveyor, to enable the condition of the plating to be ascertained. Where the insulation is
not accessible, see Cargo tank internal pipes and fittings are to be examined, and all valves and cocks in direct
communication with the interiors of the tanks are to be opened out for inspection and the connection
pipes are to be examined internally, so far as is practicable. Pressure relief valves and vacuum relief valves on cargo tanks and inter-barrier spaces are to be
opened out for inspection. Pressure relief valves are subsequently to be adjusted to lift at a pressure in

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accordance with 5.3.3d). Relief valve harbour settings are to be checked, if applicable. Valves may be
removed from the shell for the purpose of making this adjustment under pressure of air or other suitable
gas. Relief valves on cargo gas and liquid pipelines are to have their pressure settings checked. The
valves may be removed from the pipelines for the purpose.

If the cargo tanks are equipped with relief valves with non-metallic membranes in the main or pilot valves,
then such non-metallic membranes are to be replaced. If a proper record of continuous overhaul and
retesting of individually identifiable relief valves is maintained, then consideration will be given to
acceptance on the basis of opening, internal examination and testing of a representative sampling of
valves, including each size and type of liquefied gas or vapour relief valve in use, provided there is a
logbook evidence that the remaining valves have been overhauled and tested since crediting of the
previous special survey. All cargo pumps, cargo booster pumps and cargo vapour pumps are to be opened out for
examination. If requested by the Owner, these items may be examined on a Continuous Survey basis
provided the interval between examination of each item does not exceed five years. Pumping systems for
inter-barrier spaces are to be checked and verified to be in good working order. Where considered necessary, insulated cargo gas and liquid pipelines are to have sections of
insulation removed to ascertain the condition of the pipes. If visual examination raises doubt as to the
integrity of the pipe lines, then the pipe lines are to be pressure tested to 1.25 times MARVS. Care is to
be taken that in the replacement of insulation the outer vapour seal is made good. Equipment for the production of inert gas is to be examined and shown to be operating
satisfactorily within the gas specification limits. Pipelines, valves, etc., for the distribution of the inert gas
are to be generally examined. Pressure vessels for the storage of inert gas are to be examined internally
and externally and the securing arrangements are to be specially examined. Pressure relief valves are to
be demonstrated to be in good working order. Liquid nitrogen storage vessels are to be examined, so far
as is practicable, and all control equipment, alarms and safety devices are to be verified as operational. Gas tight bulkhead shaft seals are to be opened out so that the sealing arrangements may be
checked. Sea connections associated with the cargo handling equipment are to be opened out when the
ship is in dry-dock. The arrangements for discharging the cargo overboard in an emergency are to be checked. Special Survey I (Ships five years old)- reliquefaction/refrigeration equipment

a) Each reciprocating compressor is to be opened out. Cylinder bores, pistons, piston rods, connecting
rods, valves and seats, glands, relief devices, suction filters and lubricating arrangements are to be
examined. Crankshafts are to be examined but crankcase glands and the lower half of main bearings
need not be exposed if the Surveyor is satisfied with the alignment and wear.

b) Where other than reciprocating type compressors are fitted, or where there is a program of
replacement instead of surveys on board, alternative survey arrangements will be considered. Each
case will be given individual consideration.

c) The water end covers of condensers are to be removed for examination of the tubes, tube plates and

d) Refrigerant condenser cooling water pumps, including standby pump(s) which may be used on other
services, are to be opened out for examination.

e) Where a pressure vessel is insulated, sufficient insulation is to be removed, especially in way of

connections and supports, to enable the vessel's condition to be ascertained.

f) Insulated pipes are to have sufficient insulation removed to enable their condition to be ascertained.
Vapour seals are to be specially examined for condition.

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g) The Surveyor is to satisfy himself that all pressure relief valves and/or safety discs throughout the
system are in good order. No attempt, however, is to be made to test primary refrigerant pressure
relief valves on board ship.

h) The items covered by (a) to (d) may, at the request of the Owner, be examined on a Continuous
Survey basis provided the interval between examination of each item does not exceed five years. Special Survey I (ships five years old)- Methane burning equipment

a) Where methane is used as fuel for main propulsion purposes, the associated compressors and heat
exchangers are to be opened out and examined as for reliquefaction/refrigeration equipment. The
steam side of steam heaters is to be hydraulically tested to 1.5 times the design pressure.

b) Methane gas pipe trunks or casings are to be generally examined and the exhaust or inerting
arrangements for these trunks are to be verified.

c) All alarms associated with the methane burning systems are to be verified. Special Survey II and Special Surveys thereafter (ships 10 years old and over)

a) The requirements of to are to be complied with.

b) Water cooled condensers in which the primary refrigerant is in contact with the shell are to have the
end covers removed and the shell pneumatically tested to a pressure equal to the designed working

c) All other pressure vessels in the reliquefaction/refrigeration system, methane burning system and
other handling systems are to be pneumatically tested to a pressure equal to the designed working

d) Liquid cargo pipes are to be tested by approved means, to a pressure equal to 1.25 times the
working pressure. Alternatively, selected representative lengths may be removed for internal
examination and hydraulic testing.

e) At Special Survey III and at each alternate Special Survey thereafter, plating of independent cargo
tanks, and also the hull structural plating surrounding cargo tanks, where it is insulated on one side,
is to be measured for thickness by a non-destructive method.

5.5 Special Surveys - Machinery

5.5.1 Requirements for examination of machinery and systems are given in Sec.8.

Section 6

Surveys - Other Ship Types

6.1 Scope

6.1.1 This section gives the requirements for periodical surveys of all ship types other than bulk carriers,
oil tankers, chemical tankers and liquefied gas carriers which are covered in Sections 2 to 5 of this
chapter. The requirements for general dry cargo ships defined in 1.2.17, are also included.

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6.2 Annual surveys

6.2.1 General Annual Surveys are to be carried out within 3 months before or after the anniversary date each
year. These should be held concurrently with statutory annual or other relevant statutory Surveys, where
practicable. At Annual Surveys, the Surveyor is to examine the hull and machinery, so far as necessary and
practicable, in order to be satisfied as to their general condition.

6.2.2 Hull - General The survey is to consist of an examination for the purpose of ensuring, as far as practicable, that
the hull, equipment, hatch coamings, hatch covers including their securing arrangement, other closing
appliances and related piping are maintained in satisfactory/efficient condition.

a) Weather deck, shipside plating above water line.

b) Hatchways on freeboard and superstructure decks; exposed casings; skylights and fiddley openings;
deck houses; companionways and superstructure bulkheads; side, bow and stern doors; side scuttles
and dead lights; flush deck scuttles; ash shoots and other openings.

c) Weld connection between air pipes and deck plating, air pipe heads on exposed decks (external
examination), flame screens on vents to all bunker tanks; ventilators and closing devices.

d) Scuppers and sanitary discharges as far as practicable together with valves and their controls.

e) Guard rails, bulwarks, freeing ports, gangways, walkways and life lines, fittings and appliances for
timber deck cargo.

f) Watertight bulkheads and their penetrations as far as practicable. Cargo hatch covers and coamings are to be examined to ensure that no alterations have been
made to the approved arrangements :

a) Mechanically operated hatch covers are to be examined for satisfactory condition of:

- hatch covers;

- tightness devices of longitudinal, transverse and intermediate cross junctions, gaskets, gasket
lips, compression bars, drainage channels;

- clamping devices, retaining bars, cleating;

- chain or rope pulleys;

- guides;

- guide rails and track wheels;

- stoppers, etc.;

- wires, chains, gypsies, tensioning devices;

- hydraulic system essential to closing and securing;

- safety locks and retaining devices.

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b) Cargo hatch covers of the portable type (i.e. wood or steel pontoons) are to be examined to confirm
the satisfactory condition of:

- wooden covers and portable beams, carriers or sockets for the portable beams and their
securing devices;

- steel pontoons;

- tarpaulins;

- cleats, battens and wedges;

- hatch securing bars and their securing devices;

- loading pads/bars and the side plate edge;

- guide plates and chocks;

- compression bars, drainage channels and drain pipes, if any.

c) Checking the satisfactory condition of hatch coamings plating and their stiffeners.

d) Random checking of the satisfactory operation of mechanically operated hatch covers :

- stowage and securing in open position;

- proper fit, locking and efficiency of sealing in closed condition;

- operational testing of hydraulic and power components, wires, chains and link drives.

In the case of hatch covers / steel pontoons of general dry cargo ships, a close-up survey of hatch cover
plating is to be carried out. All watertight doors in watertight bulkheads, to be examined and tested (locally and remotely) as
far as practicable. Anchoring and mooring equipment is to be examined as far as is practicable. Where applicable Surveyor should satisfy himself regarding the freeboard marks on the ship's
side. Suspect areas identified at previous special or intermediate surveys are to be close-up surveyed.
Thickness measurements are to be taken in the area of substantial corrosion identified at previous
surveys. Examination of Ballast Tanks when required as a consequence of the results of the Special
Survey or Intermediate Survey (See, and 6.3.2, 6.3.3 respectively). When extensive
corrosion is found, thickness measurement is to be carried out. If the results of these thickness
measurements indicate substantial corrosion then the extent of thickness measurements are to be
increased to determine the extent of areas of substantial corrosion in accordance with Table The Surveyor is to confirm that, where required, an approved loading instrument together with its
operation manual are available on board, (See Pt.3, Ch.5). It is to be verified by the Surveyor that the
loading instrument is checked for accuracy at regular intervals by the ship's staff by applying test loading
conditions. Accommodation ladders are to be examined at annual surveys. Satisfactory condition of the
following items is to be checked, in particular :

a) steps;

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b) platforms;
c) all support points such as pivots, rollers, etc.;
d) all suspension points such as lugs, brackets, etc.;
e) stanchions, rigid handrails, hand ropes and turntables;
f) davit structure, wire and sheaves, etc. Gangways are to be examined at annual surveys. Satisfactory condition of the following items is
to be checked, in particular :

a) treads;
b) side stringers, cross-members, decking, deck plates, etc.;
c) all support points such as wheel, roller, etc.;
d) stanchions, rigid handrails, hand ropes. Winches of accommodation ladders and gangways are to be examined to verify the satisfactory
condition of the following items:

a) brake mechanism including condition of brake pads and band brake, if fitted;
b) remote control system, and
c) power supply system for electric motor. Davits and fittings on the ship’s deck associated with accommodation ladders and gangways are
to be examined for satisfactory condition at annual surveys. Fittings or structures for means of access to
deck such as handholds in a gateway or bulwark ladder and stanchions are also to be examined. The maintenance and inspection records of accommodation ladders and gangways are to be
verified. It is to be confirmed that supporting wires are being renewed at intervals not exceeding 5 years.

6.2.3 Examination of cargo holds of general dry cargo ships. For cargo ships of 10 – 15 years of age:

a) Overall survey of one forward and one after cargo hold and their associated tween deck spaces.

b) When considered necessary by the Surveyor or where extensive corrosion exists, thickness
measurement is to be carried out. If the results of these thickness measurements indicate substantial
corro-sion, then the extent of thickness measurements is to be increased to determine the extent of
areas of substantial corrosion in accordance with Table For cargo ships over 15 years of age:

a) Overall survey of all cargo holds and tween deck spaces.

b) In a forward lower cargo hold and one other selected lower cargo hold:

- Close-up examination of sufficient extent, minimum 25% of frames, to establish the condition of
the lower region of the shell frames including approx. lower one third length of side frame at side
shell, side frame end attachment and the adjacent shell plating.

- Where this level of survey reveals the need for remedial measures, the survey is to be extended
to include a close-up survey of all of the shell frames and adjacent shell plating of those cargo
holds and associated tween deck spaces (as applicable) as well as a close-up survey of
sufficient extent of all remaining cargo holds and tween deck spaces (as applicable).

c) When considered necessary by the surveyor, or where extensive corrosion exists, thickness
measurement is to be carried out. If the results of these thickness measurements indicate substantial
corro-sion, then the number of thickness measurements are to be increased to determine the extent
of substantial corrosion in accordance with Table

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d) Where the protective coating in cargo holds, as applicable, is found to be in a GOOD condition, the
extent of close-up surveys may be specially considered.

e) All piping and penetrations in cargo holds, including overboard piping are to be examined.

6.2.4 Machinery and systems A general examination of the machinery, boilers, all pressurised systems (steam, pneumatic,
hydraulic) and their associated fittings, propulsion system and auxiliary machinery to see whether they
are being properly maintained and with particular attention to the fire and explosion hazards. Confirmation that machinery, boilers and other pressure vessels, associated piping systems and
fittings are so installed and protected as to reduce to a minimum any danger to persons on board, due
regard being given to moving parts, hot surfaces and other hazards. Confirmation that Periodical Surveys of boilers and other pressure vessels have been carried out
as required by the Rules and the safety devices have been tested. Confirmation that the normal operation of the propulsion machinery can be sustained or restored
even though one of the essential auxiliaries becomes inoperative. Confirmation that means are provided so that machinery can be brought into operation from the
dead ship condition without external aid. All main and auxiliary steering arrangements and their associated equipment and control systems
are to be examined and tested. Where applicable, Surveyors are to verify that log entries have been
made in accordance with statutory requirements. Steering chains are to be cleaned for ascertaining wear and tear and lengths of chain worn in
mean diameter by more than 12 per cent of the original rule diameter are to be renewed. All the means of communication between the navigating bridge and the machinery control
positions, as well as the bridge and the main alternative steering position, if fitted, are to be tested. It is to
be confirmed that means of indicating the angular position of the rudder are operating satisfactorily. Confirmation that with ships having emergency steering positions there are means of relaying
heading information and, when appropriate, supplying visual compass readings to the emergency
steering positions. Confirmation that various alarms required for hydraulic power operated, electric and electro-
hydraulic steering gears are, operating satisfactorily and that the recharging arrangements for hydraulic
power operated steering gears are being maintained. Examining the means for the operation of the main and auxiliary machinery essential for
propulsion and the safety of the ship, including when applicable, the means of remotely controlling the
propulsion machinery from the navigating bridge and the arrangements to operate the main and other
machinery from a machinery control room. Confirmation that the engine room telegraph, the second means of communication between the
navigation bridge and the machinery space and the means of communication with any other positions
from which the engines are controlled are operating satisfactorily. Confirmation that the engineer's alarm is clearly audible in the engineer's accommodation. The bilge pumping systems and bilge wells including operation of each bilge pump, extended
spindles and level alarms, where fitted, are to be examined as far as is practicable. It is also to be
confirmed that bilge pumping system for each watertight compartment is satisfactory.

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It is also to be confirmed that drainage from enclosed cargo spaces situated on freeboard deck is
satisfactory. Examining visually the condition of any expansion joints in sea water system. General examination visually and in operation, as feasible, of the main electrical machinery, the
emergency sources of electrical power, the switch gear, other electrical equipment including the lighting
system is to be carried out. Confirmation as far as practicable, the operation of the emergency source(s) of electrical power,
including their starting arrangement, the systems supplied, and when appropriate, their automatic
operation. Examining in general, that the precautions provided against shock, fire and other hazards of
electrical origin are being maintained. General Examination of automation equipment is to be carried out. Satisfactory operation of

safety devices, bilge level detection and alarm systems and control systems is to be verified. For single hold cargo ships which require fitment of hold water level detectors as per Pt.4, Ch.3,
Sec.3.6, the annual survey is to include an examination and a test of the water ingress detection system
and their alarms. Confirmation that machinery space ventilation systems are in good working condition.

6.2.5 Fire protection, detection and extinction The arrangements for fire protection, detection and extinction are to be examined and are to
include confirmation that no changes have been made in the structural fire protection. Following are to be
examined / verified:

a) verification that fire control plans are properly posted;

b) examination as far as possible and testing as feasible of the fire and/or smoke detection system(s);

c) examination of the fire main system and verification that each fire pump including the emergency fire
pump can be operated separately so that the two required powerful jets of water can be produced
simultaneously from different hydrants;

d) verification that fire hoses, nozzles, applicators and spanners are in good working condition and
situated at their respective locations;

e) examination of fixed fire fighting system controls, piping, instructions and marking, checking for
evidence of proper maintenance and servicing including date of last systems tests;

f) verification that all semi-portable and portable fire extinguishers are in their stowed positions,
checking for evidence of proper maintenance and servicing, conducting random check for evidence
of discharged containers;

g) verification, as far as practicable, that the remote controls for stopping fans and machinery and
shutting off fuel supplies in machinery spaces are in working order;

h) examination of the closing arrangements of ventilators, funnel annular spaces, skylights, doorways
and tunnel, where applicable;

i) confirmation that the fire fighters’ outfits and emergency escape breathing devices (EEBDs) are
complete and in good condition and that the cylinders, including the spare cylinders, of any required
self-contained breathing apparatus are suitably charged;

j) examination of any manual and automatic fire doors and proving their operations;

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k) examination of the fire-extinguishing systems for spaces containing paint and/or flammable liquids
and deep fat cooking equipment in accommodation and service spaces;

l) examination of the fire safety requirements of any helicopter facilities;

m) examination of the fire protection arrangement in cargo, vehicle and ro-ro spaces and confirmation,
as far as practicable and as appropriate, the operation of the means of control provided for closing
the various openings;

n) Examination, when appropriate, of the special arrangements for carrying dangerous goods, including
checking the electrical equipment and wiring, the ventilation, protective clothing and portable
appliances and testing of water supply, bilge pumping and any water spray system.

Surveys carried out by the National Authority of the country in which the ship is registered would normally
be accepted as meeting these requirements, at the discretion of the Surveyor. Confirmation that the means of escape from accommodation, machinery spaces and other
spaces are satisfactory. Examination of the arrangements for gaseous fuel for domestic purposes.

6.3 Intermediate surveys

6.3.1 General Intermediate surveys are to be carried out at or between the second or third Annual Survey.

Those items which are additional to the requirements of annual survey may be examined at or between
the second and third annual survey. The following requirements are applicable for vessels over five years of age.

For vessels below 5 years of age additional examination over and above the requirements of Annual
survey may be required at the discretion of the Surveyors. Prior to the commencement of any part of the intermediate survey, a survey planning meeting is
to be held between the attending Surveyor(s), the owner’s representative in attendance and where
involved, the thickness measurement company representative and the master of ship or an appropriately
qualified representative appointed by the master or Company for the purpose to ascertain that all the
arrangements envisaged in the survey programme are in place, so as to ensure the safe and efficient
conduct of the survey work to be carried out. Concurrent crediting to both Intermediate survey and Special survey for surveys and thickness
measurements of spaces is not acceptable.

6.3.2 Vessels of age between 5 and 10 years Ballast tanks

a) An internal general examination of representative ballast tanks is to be carried out as required by (c)
and (d). When extensive corrosion is found, thickness measurements are to be carried out. If such
examination reveals no visible structural defects, the examination may be limited to a verification
that the corrosion prevention system remain efficient.

b) Where POOR coating condition, corrosion or other defects are found in ballast spaces or where hard
protective coating was not applied from the time of construction, the examination is to be extended
to other ballast spaces of the same type.

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c) For ballast tanks, other than double bottom tanks, where a protective coating is found to be in POOR
condition and is not renewed, where a soft or semi-hard coating has been applied or where a hard
protective coating was not applied from the time of construction, the tank(s) in question are to be
examined at subsequent annual surveys.

d) For double bottom ballast tanks, where a protective coating is found to be in POOR condition and is
not renewed, where a soft or semi-hard coating has been applied or where a hard protective coating
was not applied from the time of construction, the tank(s) in question may be examined at
subsequent Annual surveys. Cargo hold of general dry cargo ships

a) An overall survey of one forward and one after cargo hold and their associated tween deck

b) Areas found suspect at previous surveys are to be surveyed in accordance with

6.3.3 Vessels of age between 10 and 15 years Ballast tanks:

a) An overall survey of all ballast tanks is to be carried out. When extensive corrosion is found,
thickness measurements are to be carried out. If such examination reveals no visible structural
defects, the examination may be limited to a verification that the corrosion prevention system remain

b) For ballast tanks, other than double bottom tanks, where a protective coating is found to be in POOR
condition and is not renewed, where a soft or semi-hard coating has been applied or where a hard
protective coating was not applied from the time of construction, the tank(s) in question are to be
examined at subsequent annual surveys.

c) For double bottom ballast tanks, where a protective coating is found to be in POOR condition and is
not renewed, where a soft or semi-hard coating has been applied or where a hard protective coating
was not applied from the time of construction, the tank(s) in question may be examined at
subsequent Annual surveys. Cargo holds of general dry cargo ships:

a) An overall survey of all cargo holds and tween deck spaces.

b) Areas found suspect at previous surveys are to be surveyed in accordance with

c) When considered necessary by the Surveyor or where extensive corrosion exists, thickness
measurement is to be carried out. If the results of these thickness measurements indicate substantial
corrosion, then the extent of thickness measurements are to be increased to determine the extent of
areas of substantial corrosion in accordance with Table

6.3.4 Vessels of age more than 15 years

a) For vessels other than general dry cargo ships, in addition to the requirements given in 6.3.3, an
internal examination of selected cargo holds is to be carried out.

b) For general dry cargo ships, the requirements of the intermediate survey is to be to the same extent
as the previous special survey as required in 6.4 for hull structure and piping systems in way of the
cargo holds, cofferdams, pipe tunnels, void spaces and fuel oil tanks in the cargo area and all ballast
tanks. However, tank testing specified in 6.4.6, survey of automatic air pipe heads specified in
and internal examination of fuel oil, lub.oil and freshwater tanks specified in Table need not be
carried out unless deemed necessary by the Surveyor. In water survey complying with the
requirements of 7.2 may be accepted in lieu of docking survey required by Thickness
measurement is to be carried out for items 1 to 4 of Table except for item 2d).

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In lieu of the application of, the intermediate survey may be commenced at the second annual
survey and be progressed with a view to completion at the third annual survey.

6.4 Special surveys - Hull

6.4.1 General All ships classed with IRS are to undergo Special Surveys at 5 yearly intervals. The first Special
Survey is to be completed within 5 years from the date of the initial classification survey and thereafter 5
years from the assigned date of the previous Special Survey. However, an extension of class of 3 months
maximum beyond the 5th year may be granted in exceptional circumstances in accordance with 1.11. In
such cases, the next period of class will start from the expiry date of the Special Survey before extension
was granted. The interval between the Special Surveys may be reduced at the request of the parties concerned
or by IRS if considered appropriate. For surveys completed within 3 months before the expiry date of the Special Survey, the next
period of class will start from the expiry date of the Special Survey. For surveys completed more than 3
months before the expiry date of the Special Survey, the period of class will start from the survey
completion date. The Special Survey may be commenced at the 4th Annual Survey and be progressed with a view
to completion by the 5th anniversary date. When the special survey is commenced prior to the fourth
annual survey, the entire survey is to be completed within 15 months if such work is to be credited to the
special survey and in this case the next period of class will start from the survey completion date.

Concurrent crediting to both Intermediate survey and Special survey for surveys and thickness
measurements of spaces is not acceptable. For the purpose of special survey, results of thickness measurement carried out during or after
the fourth annual survey only would be considered. Record of Special Survey will not be assigned until the Machinery Survey has been completed or
postponed in agreement with IRS. Ships which have satisfactorily passed a Special Survey will have a record entered in the
Supplement to the Register Book indicating the assigned date of Special Survey. For vessels other than general dry cargo ships, IRS may, at the request of the Owners, accept a
Special Survey of the hull on a continuous basis spread over a period of 5 years. Proposals for such
continuous Surveys are to be submitted for the consideration of IRS. In general, approximately one-fifth
of the Special Survey is to be completed every year. All compartments of the hull should be opened for
Survey and testing in rotation such that not more than 5 years elapse between consecutive examination
of each part.

The Surveyor may extend the inspection at his discretion, to other items if the inspections carried out
reveal any defects.

The agreement for surveys to be carried out on a continuous survey system basis may be withdrawn at
the discretion of IRS or on the request of Owners.

Ships on continuous survey system are not exempt from other periodical survey requirements. For ships
more than 10 years of age, the ballast tanks are to be internally examined twice in each five-year class
period, i.e. once within the scope of the intermediate survey and once within the scope of the continuous
system for the hull special survey.

Ships which have completed satisfactorily the Survey of all the items on such basis will have a record
entered in the supplement to the Register Of Ships indicating the date of completion of the Survey.

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Page 120 of 160 Periodical Surveys The special survey is to include, in addition to the requirements of the Annual Survey,
examination, tests and checks of sufficient extent to ensure that the hull, equipment and related piping as
required in and are in satisfactory condition and that the ship is fit for its intended purpose
for the new period of class of five years to be assigned subject to proper maintenance and operation and
the periodical surveys being carried out at the due dates. The examinations of the hull are to be supplemented by thickness measurements (See 6.4.8)
and testing as deemed necessary, to ensure that the structural integrity remains effective. The aim of the
examination is to discover substantial corrosion, significant deformation, fractures, damages or other
structural deterioration, that may be present. A Docking Survey in accordance with the requirements of Sec.7 is to be carried out as part of
the Special Survey. Any remaining work in respect of the overall and close-up surveys and thickness
measurements, as applicable, of the lower portions of cargo holds and ballast tanks (i.e. parts below light
ballast water line) are to be completed in dry dock.

6.4.2 Preparation for survey The ship is to be prepared for overall survey in accordance with the requirements of Table The preparation is to be of sufficient extent to facilitate an examination to ascertain any excessive
corrosion, deformation, fractures, damages and other structural deterioration.

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Table : Survey preparation

Special Survey No. I Special Survey No. II Special Survey Special Survey
Age ≤ 5 5 < Age ≤ 10 No. III No. IV and
10 < Age ≤ 15 subsequently
Age ≥ 15
1) The holds, tween decks, deep 1) Requirements of Special 1) Requirements of 1) Requirements of
tanks, peaks, bilges and drain Survey I to be complied with Special Survey II to be Special survey III to
wells, engine and boiler spaces, complied with be complied with
coal bunkers and other spaces
are to be cleared out and
cleaned as necessary for
examination. Floor plates in
engine and boiler spaces are to
be lifted as may be necessary
for examination of the structure
underneath. Where necessary
close and spar ceiling, lining and
pipe casings are to be removed
for examination of the structure

2) In ships with single bottom, a 2) In ships having a single 2) Ceiling in the holds 2) Where holds are
sufficient amount of close ceiling bottom, a sufficient amount is to be removed in insulated for the
is to be lifted to enable of ceiling is to be lifted to order to ascertain that purpose of carrying
examination of the structure allow the examination of the the steel work is in refrigerated cargoes,
below. The ceilings to be lifted is structure underneath. The good condition, free limbers and hatches
to comprise of at least two lifting of the ceiling is to from rust and coated. If are to be lifted and a
strakes on each side of comprise of at least three the Surveyor is sufficient additional
centreline fore and aft and one strakes all fore and aft on satisfied, after removal amount of insulation
of these strakes is to be in way each side and one such of portions of the is to be removed in
of the bilges strake one each side to be in ceiling, than it need not each compartment to
way of the bilges. Where the all be removed enable the Surveyor
ceiling is fitted in hatches, to ascertain the
the whole of the hatches and condition of the
at least one strake of planks structure in way and
in way of the bilges on each to enable the
side are to be lifted. If the thickness of the shell
Surveyor considers it plating to be
necessary the whole of the ascertained
ceiling and the limber boards
are to be lifted

3) In ships having double 3) In ships with double 3) Portions of wood

bottom, a sufficient amount of bottom, a sufficient amount sheathing, or other
ceiling is to be lifted from the of ceiling in the holds and covering, on steel
tank top and the bilges to enable other spaces is to be decks are to be
the condition of plating removed from the bilges and removed, as
underneath to be ascertain. If the inner bottom to enable considered necessary
the condition of the plating is the condition of the structure by the Surveyor, in
found to be satisfactory, lifting of in the bilges, the inner order to ascertain the
the remainder of the ceiling may bottom plating, pillar feet and condition of the plating
be dispensed with. All bilges are the bottom plating of
to be cleaned for examination. bulkheads and tunnel sides
Where the inner bottom plating to be examined. If the
is covered with cement or Surveyor considers it
asphalt the removal of such necessary, the whole of the
covering may be dispensed with ceiling is to be removed
provided it is found to be
adhering properly to the plating
when carefully examined by
hammering and chipping

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Table : (Contd.)

Special Survey No. I Special Survey No. II Special Survey Special Survey
Age ≤ 5 5 < Age ≤ 10 No. III No. IV and
10 < Age ≤ 15 subsequently
Age ≥ 15
4) Where holds are insulated for 4) The chain locker is to be 4) Where the holds are
the carriage of refrigerated cleaned internally. The chain insulated for the
cargoes and the hull in way was cables are to be ranged for purpose of carrying
examined by IRS Surveyors inspection. The anchors are refrigerated cargoes,
prior to the fitting of the to be cleaned and placed in the limbers and
insulation, it will be sufficient to an accessible position for hatches are to be lifted
remove the limbers and hatches inspection and sufficient insulation
for examination of the structure is to be removed in
in way. In all other cases each of the chambers
additional insulation will require to enable the Surveyor
to be removed as considered to satisfy himself of the
necessary to enable the condition of the framing
Surveyor to satisfy himself and plating
regarding condition of the

5) The steel work is to be

exposed and cleaned as may be
required for its proper
examination by the Surveyor
and close attention is to be paid
to the parts of the structure
which are particularly liable to
excessive corrosion or to
deterioration due to other

6) All tanks are to be cleaned as

necessary to permit examination
required by Table

7) Casings or covers of air,

sounding, steam and other
pipes, spar ceiling and lining in
way of the side scuttles are to
be removed, as required by the
Surveyor Prior to commencement of any part of the special survey, a survey planning meeting is to be held
between the attending surveyor(s), the owner’s representative in attendance, the thickness measurement
company representative and the master of the ship or an appropriately qualified representative appointed
by the master or Company for the purpose to ascertain that all the arrangements envisaged in the survey
programme are in place, so as to ensure the safe and efficient conduct of the survey work to be carried

6.4.3 Space protection For ballast tanks, excluding double bottom tanks, where a hard protective coating is found in
POOR condition and it is not renewed or where soft or semi-hard coating has been applied, or where a
hard protective coating was not applied from the time of construction, space in question is to be internally
examined at annual surveys. Thickness measurements are to be carried out as deemed necessary by
the Surveyor. For double bottom ballast tanks where a hard protective coating is found in POOR condition and it
has not been renewed or where soft or semi-hard coating has been applied, or where a hard protective

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coating was not applied from the time of construction, the spaces in question may be examined at Annual
Surveys. When considered necessary by the surveyor, thickness measurements are to be carried out.

6.4.4 Survey and examination All spaces within the hull and superstructure are to be examined. All tanks are to be examined internally in accordance with the requirements of Table

All bilge and ballast piping systems are to be examined and operationally tested to working pressure to
attending Surveyor’s satisfaction to ensure that tightness and condition remain satisfactory. For general dry cargo ships, the following requirements are also to be applied:

- An overall survey of all cargo holds, pipe tunnels, cofferdams and void spaces bounding cargo holds,
decks and outer hull is to be carried out.

- All piping systems within the above spaces and in ballast tanks are to be examined and operationally
tested to working pressure to attending Surveyor’s satisfaction to ensure that tightness and condition
remains satisfactory.

- The survey extent of ballast tanks converted to void spaces is to be based on the requirement for
ballast tanks.

Table : Requirements for internal examination of tanks

Tank Special Survey Special Survey Special Survey Special Survey

No. I No. II No. III No. IV
Age ≤ 5 5 < Age ≤ 10 10 < Age ≤ 15 and subsequent
Age > 15
Fuel oil bunker tanks
- Engine room None None One One
- Cargo area None One Two Half the number of
tanks, minimum 2

Lub.oil None None None One

Fresh water None One All All

Water ballast All All All All


1) These requirements apply to tanks of integral (structural) type.

2) If a selection of tanks is accepted to be examined, then different tanks are to be examined at each
special survey, on a rotational basis.

3) Peak tanks (all uses) are subject to internal examination at each special survey.

4) At special survey No.III and subsequent special surveys one deep tank for fuel oil in the cargo area is
to be included, if fitted.

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Page 124 of 160 Periodical Surveys All watertight bulkheads and watertight doors are to be examined. All decks, casings and superstructures are to be examined. Attention is to be given to the corners
of openings and other discontinuities in way of the strength decks and top sides.

Wooden decks or sheathings are to be examined and if decay or rot is found or the wood is excessively
worn, the wood should be renewed.

Attention is to be given to the condition of the plating under wood decks, sheathing or other deck
coverings. Removal of such coverings may be dispensed with if they are found to be sound and adhering
satisfactorily to the plating. Engine room structure is to be examined. Particular attention being given to tank tops, shell
plating in way of tank tops, brackets connecting side shell frames and tank tops and engine room
bulkheads in way of tank tops and bilge wells. Where excessive areas of wastage are found, thickness
measurements are to be carried out and renewals or repairs made when wastage exceeds allowable
limits. The hand pumps and suctions, air and sounding pipes are to be examined. The Surveyors are to
ensure that striking plates are fitted under the sounding pipes whilst examining the tanks internally.

For vessel other than passenger ships, automatic air pipe heads are to be internally examined at special
surveys as indicated in Table For designs where the inner parts cannot be properly inspected
from outside, the head is to be removed from the air pipe. Particular attention is to be paid to the
condition of the zinc coating in heads constructed from galvanised steel. The steering gear, and its connections and control systems (main and alternative) are to be
examined. The auxiliary steering gear with its various parts are to be examined in working condition.

Table : Requirements for internal examination of automatic air pipe heads

Location Special survey No.I Special survey No.II Special survey No.III
Age ≤ 5 5 < Age ≤ 10 and subsequent
Age > 10
forward 0.25L Two air pipe heads1,2 one All air pipe heads on
port and one starboard on exposed decks
exposed decks All air pipe heads3 on
aft of 0.25L Two air pipe heads1,2 one At least 20% of air pipe exposed decks
from the port and one starboard on heads1,2 on exposed decks
forward exposed decks

1. Preferably air pipes serving ballast tanks.

2. The selection of air pipe heads is to be made by the attending Surveyor. According to the results of
the inspection, the Surveyor may require additional air pipe heads to be examined.
3. When there is substantiated evidence of replacement within the previous five years, individual air
pipe heads may not be examined. The Surveyor should satisfy himself regarding the efficient condition of the following :

- Means of escape from machinery spaces, crew and passenger spaces and spaces in which crew are
normally employed;

- Means of communication between bridge and engine room and between bridge and alternative
steering position;

- Helm indicator;

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- Protection to the aft steering wheel and the gear. The masts, standing rigging and anchors are to be examined.

The Surveyor should satisfy himself that there are sufficient mooring ropes on board and also that a tow
line is provided when this is a Rule requirement. The chain cables are to be ranged and the anchors and the chain cables are to be examined. At
special survey no. II and subsequent special surveys, the chain cables are to be gauged. Any length of
chain cable which is found to have reduced in mean diameter at its most worn part by more than 12 per
cent of its original rule diameter is to be renewed. The windlass is to be examined. The chain locker, hold fasts, hawse pipes and chain stoppers are to be examined and pumping
arrangements of the chain locker tested. The loading instrument is to be checked for accuracy by applying test load conditions in
presence of the Surveyor. For single hold cargo ships which require fitment of hold water level detectors as per Pt.4, Ch.3,
Sec.3.6, the special survey is to include an examination and a test of the water ingress detection system
and their alarms. Examination of accommodation ladders, gangways and their winches are to be carried out as
required for annual surveys. In addition, the accommodation ladders and gangways are to be
operationally, tested with the specified maximum operation load.

The tests are to be carried out with the load applied as uniformly as possible along the length of the
accommodation ladder or gangway, at an angle of inclination corresponding to the maximum bending
moment on the accommodation ladder or gangway.

Accommodation ladder winch is to be operationally tested at special surveys. The brake system of the
winch is to be tested for holding the maximum operational load on the ladder.

For existing installations on board ships constructed prior to 01 Jan 2010 where the maximum operational
load is not known, load nominated by the shipowner or operator may be considered as the test load.

6.4.5 Hatch covers and coamings In addition to the requirements of annual survey, the following examination/testing is to be carried

a) checking of the satisfactory operation of the mechanically operated hatch covers:

- stowage and securing in open condition;

- proper fit, locking and efficiency in closed condition;

- operational testing of hydraulic and power components, wires, chains and link drives.

b) checking the effectiveness of sealing arrangements of all hatch covers by hose testing or equivalent.

c) checking the residual thickness of coamings, steel pontoon or hatch cover plating and stiffening
members as deemed necessary by the Surveyor.

For general dry cargo ships, thickness measurement of plating and stiffeners of hatch cover and coaming
is to be carried out as required by Table

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6.4.6 Tank testing Boundaries of double-bottom, deep, ballast, peak and other tanks, including holds adapted for the
carriage of water ballast are to be tested with a head of liquid to the top of air pipes or to near the top of
hatches for ballast/cargo holds. Boundaries of fuel oil, lub.oil and fresh water tanks are to be tested with a
head of liquid to the highest point that liquid will rise under service conditions. Tank testing of fuel oil
lub.oil and fresh water tanks may be specially considered based on a satisfactory external examination of
the tank boundaries and a confirmation from the master stating that the pressure testing has been carried
out according to the requirements with satisfactory results. The Surveyor may extend the tank testing as may be necessary.

6.4.7 Close-up surveys of general dry cargo ships The minimum requirements for close-up survey for general dry cargo ships are given in Table

The surveyor may extend the close-up survey as deemed necessary taking into account the maintenance
of the spaces under survey, the condition of the corrosion prevention system and where spaces have
structural arrangements or details which have suffered defects in similar spaces or on similar ships
according to available information. For areas in tanks and cargo holds where coatings are found in GOOD condition, the extent of
close-up examination may be specially considered.

Table : Requirements of close-up survey – General dry cargo ships

Special Survey No. IV
Special Survey No. I Special Survey No. II Special Survey No. III and subsequent
Age ≤ 5 5 < Age ≤ 10 10 < Age ≤ 15 Age ≥ 15
(A) Selected shell frames (A) Selected shell frames (A) All shell frames in the (A) All shell frames in all
in one forward and one in all cargo holds and forward lower cargo hold cargo holds and tween deck
aft cargo hold and tween deck spaces. and 25% frames in each spaces including upper and
associated tween deck of the remaining cargo lower end attachments and
spaces. (B) One transverse holds and tween deck adjacent shell plating.
bulkhead in each cargo spaces including upper
(B) One selected cargo hold. and lower end Areas (B—F) as for Special
hold transverse attachments and Survey No.III
bulkhead. (B) Forward and aft
transverse bulkhead in adjacent shell plating.
(D) All cargo hold hatch one side ballast tank, (B) All cargo hold
covers and coamings including stiffening transverse bulkheads.
(plating and stiffeners). system.
(B) All transverse
(C)One transverse web bulkheads in ballast
with associated plating tanks, including stiffening
and framing in two system.
representative ballast
tanks of each type (i.e. (C) All transverse webs
topside, hopper side, side with associated plating
tank or double bottom and framing in each
tank). ballast tank
(D) All cargo hold hatch (D) All cargo hold hatch
covers and coamings covers and coamings
(plating and stiffeners). (plating and stiffeners).
(E) Selected areas of all (E) All deck plating and
deck plating and underdeck structure
underdeck structure inside line of hatch
inside line of hatch openings between cargo
openings between cargo hold hatches.
hold hatches.
(F) All areas of inner
(F) Selected areas of bottom plating.
inner bottom plating.

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Table : (Contd.)

(A) Cargo hold transverse frames.
(B) Cargo hold transverse bulkhead plating, stiffeners and girders.
(C) Transverse web frame or watertight transverse bulkhead in ballast tanks.
(D) Cargo hold hatch covers and coamings.
(E) Deck plating and underdeck structure inside line of hatch openings between cargo hold hatches.
(F) Inner bottom plating.
Note : Close-up survey of cargo hold transverse bulkheads to carried out at the following levels:
• Immediately above the inner bottom and immediately above the tween decks, as applicable.
• Mid-height of the bulkheads for holds without tween decks.
• Immediately below the main deck plating and tween deck plating.

6.4.8 Thickness measurement The minimum requirements for thickness measurement are given in Table and Table

The Surveyor may extend the thickness measurements as deemed necessary.

Where thickness measurements indicate substantial corrosion, the number of thickness measurements
are to be increased to determine the extent of substantial corrosion. Table may be used as
guidance for additional measurements.

Table : Thickness measurement : General Ship Types

(other than general dry cargo ships)

Special Survey No. IV

Special Survey No. I Special Survey No. II Special Survey No. III and subsequently
Age ≤ 5 5 < Age ≤ 10 10 < Age ≤ 15 Age ≥ 15
1) Suspect areas 1) Suspect areas 1) Suspect areas 1) Suspect areas throughout
throughout the vessel throughout the vessel throughout the vessel the vessel
2) One transverse 2) Two transverse 2) A minimum of three
section of deck plating in sections of deck plating transverse sections in way of
way of cargo space in way of cargo spaces cargo spaces within the
within the amidships 0.5L within the amidships 0.5L amidships 0.5L
3) Internals in forepeak 3) Internals in forepeak and
and after peak tanks after peak tanks

4) All cargo hold hatch 4) All cargo hold hatch covers

covers and coamings and coamings (plating and
(plating and stiffeners) stiffeners)
5) All exposed main deck
plating full length
6) Representative exposed
superstructure deck plating
(poop, bridge and forecastle
7) Lowest strake and strakes
in way of tween decks of all
transverse bulkheads in cargo
spaces together with internals
in way

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Table : (Contd.)

Special Survey No. IV

Special Survey No. I Special Survey No. II Special Survey No. III and subsequently
Age ≤ 5 5 < Age ≤ 10 10 < Age ≤ 15 Age ≥ 15
8) All wind and water strakes,
port and starboard, full length
9) All keel plates full length.
Also additional bottom plates
in way of cofferdams,
machinery space and aft end
of tanks
10) a) Plating of sea chests.
b) Shell plating in way of
overboard discharges as
considered necessary by the


1) Thickness measurement locations are to be selected to provide the best representative sampling of areas likely
to be most exposed to corrosion considering cargo and ballast history and arrangement and condition of
protective coatings.
2) Thickness measurements of internals may be specially considered by the Surveyor if the hard protective
coating is in GOOD condition.
3) For ships less than 100 [m] in length, the number of transverse sections required at Special Survey No.III may
be reduced to one (1) and the number of transverse sections required at Subsequent Special Surveys may be
reduced to two (2).
4) For ships equal to or more than 100 [m] in length, at special survey No.III, additional thickness measurements
of exposed main deck plating within amidship 0.5L may be required.

Table : Thickness measurement : General dry cargo ships

Special Survey No. IV and
Special Survey No. I Special Survey No. II Special Survey No. III subsequently
Age ≤ 5 5 < Age ≤ 10 10 < Age ≤ 15 Age ≥ 15
1) Suspect areas 1) Suspect areas 1) Suspect areas 1) Suspect areas throughout
throughout the vessel throughout the vessel throughout the vessel the vessel
2) Within the cargo area: 2) Within the cargo area: 2) Within the cargo area:
One transverse section a) Two transverse a) A minimum of three
of deck plating in way of sections within the transverse sections within
cargo space within the amidships 0.5L in the amidships 0.5L
amidships 0.5L way of two different
cargo spaces b) Each deck plate

b) Each deck plate c) All wind and water strakes

outside line of cargo d) Each bottom plate,
hatch openings including lower turn of
c) All wind and water bilge.
strakes e) Duct keel or pipe tunnel
plating and internals
3) Measurement for 3) Measurement for 3) Measurement for general
general assessment and general assessment and assessment and recording of
recording of corrosion recording of corrosion corrosion pattern of those
pattern of those pattern of those structural members subject to
structural members structural members close-up survey according to
subject to close-up subject to close-up Table
survey according to survey according to
Table Table

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Table : (Contd.)

Special Survey No. IV and
Special Survey No. I Special Survey No. II Special Survey No. III subsequently
Age ≤ 5 5 < Age ≤ 10 10 < Age ≤ 15 Age ≥ 15
4) Selected wind and 4) All wind and water strakes
water strakes outside the outside cargo area
cargo length area
5) Internals in forepeak 5) Internals in forepeak tank
6) All exposed main deck
plating outside cargo area
7) Representative exposed
super structure deck plating
(poop, bridge and fore castle
8) All keel plates, additional
bottom plates in way of
machinery space, aft end of
tanks and cofferdams outside
cargo area
9) a) Plating of sea chests.
b) Shell plating in way of
overboard discharges as
considered necessary by the

1. Thickness measurement locations should be selected to provide the best representative sampling of areas
likely to be most exposed to corrosion, considering cargo and ballast history and arrangement and condition of
protective coatings.
2. For ships less than 100 metres in length, the number of transverse sections required at Special Survey No. III
may be reduced to one and the number of transverse sections at Special Survey No. IV and subsequent
surveys may be reduced to two. For general dry cargo ships, representative thickness measurement to determine both general
and local levels of corrosion in the shell frames and their end attachments in all cargo holds and ballast
tanks is to be carried out.
Thickness measurement is also to be carried out to determine the corrosion levels on the transverse
bulkhead plating.

The thickness measurements may be dispensed with provided the surveyor is satisfied by the close-up
examination, that there is no structural diminution and the hard protective coating where applied remains
efficient. For areas in tanks where coating are found to be in a GOOD condition, the extent of thickness
measurements may be specially considered by the Surveyor. Transverse sections are to be chosen where the largest reductions are suspected to occur or are
revealed from deck plating measurements. The thickness measurements are to be carried out by a qualified firm certified by IRS. In order to ensure necessary control during the process of thickness measurements, these are
normally to be carried out under the supervision of the Surveyor. The Surveyor has the right to re-check
the measurements as deemed necessary to ensure acceptable accuracy.

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Table : Guidance for additional thickness measurements in way of substantial corrosion

Structural Member Extent of Measurement Pattern of Measurement

Plating Suspect area and adjacent 5 point pattern over 1 square
plates meter
Stiffeners Suspect area 3 measurements each in line
across web and flange A thickness measurement report is to be prepared. The report is to give the location of
measurements, the thickness measured as well as corresponding original thickness. Furthermore, the
report is to give the date when the measurements were carried out, type of measurement equipment,
names of personnel and their qualifications and has to be signed by the operator. The Surveyor is to
review the report of the final thickness measurement after repairs have been carried out and countersign
the cover page.

6.4.9 Reporting and evaluation of survey of general dry cargo ships The data and information on the structural condition of the vessel collected during the survey is to
be evaluated for acceptability and continued structural integrity of the vessel. The survey report would be issued to the owner and the same along with a copy of the thickness
measurement report, verified and countersigned by the surveyor, is to be placed on board the vessel for
reference at future surveys.

6.4.10 For general dry cargo ships compliance with new IACS requirements for strength of air pipes,
ventilators and their closing devices and of small hatches and their securing devices is to be achieved as
indicated in 2.4.13.

6.5 Special surveys - Machinery

6.5.1 Requirements for examination of machinery and piping at special survey are given in Sec.8.

Section 7

Docking Surveys

7.1 General

7.1.1 The requirements for docking survey intervals are given in Table 1.1.1. Attention should also be
given to any relevant statutory requirements of the National Authority of the country in which the ship is

An extension of examination of the ship’s bottom of 3 months beyond the due date can be granted in
exceptional circumstances due to any of the following reasons:

a) Non-availability of drydocking facilities, repair facilities, essential materials, equipment or spare parts.

b) Delays incurred by action taken to avoid severe weather conditions or delays caused by severe
weather conditions.

7.1.2 The ship is to be placed on blocks of sufficient height in a drydock or on a slipway and proper
staging is to be erected as may be necessary. Shell plating, stern frame or stern post, rudder and sea
inlet and discharge openings are to be examined. Particular attention is to be given to the bilge keels and
their connection to the bilge strake, shell plating in way of side, bow and stern doors, ash shoots, and

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other openings and to parts of the structure particularly liable to excessive corrosion or to deterioration
from causes such as chafing and lying on the ground and to any undue unfairness of the bottom plating.
Important plate unfairness or other deterioration which do not necessitate immediate repairs are to be

Visible parts of rudder, rudder pintles, rudder shafts and couplings are to be examined. The clearances in
the rudder bearings are to be ascertained. The rudder is to be lifted for examination of the pintles, if
considered necessary by the Surveyor. Where applicable, pressure test of the rudder may be required as
considered necessary by the Surveyor.

7.1.3 When the chain cables are ranged the anchors and cables should be examined by the Surveyor.

7.1.4 Sea chests and their gratings, sea connections and overboard discharge valves and cocks and their
fastenings to the hull or sea chests are to be examined. Valves and cocks need not be opened up more
than once in a special survey period unless considered necessary by the Surveyor.

7.1.5 The Surveyor should examine the ship so far as is practicable in order to satisfy himself as to her
general condition.

7.1.6 The propeller should be examined for erosion, pitting, cracking of blades or possible contact
damage. The clearance in the stern bush should be measured. In the case of approved oil glands,
measurements by poker gauges or other devices for ascertaining the stern bush weardown may be
accepted, provided the sealing arrangements appear satisfactory.

7.1.7 For controllable pitch propellers, the Surveyor is to be satisfied with the fastenings and tightness of
hub and blade sealing. Dismantling need not be carried out unless considered necessary by the

7.1.8 Exposed parts of steerable propellers, azimuth thrusters, side thrusters, vertical axis propellers and
waterjet units are to be examined.

7.2 In-water surveys

7.2.1 Eligibility For ships less than 15 years in age the examination of the outside of ship's bottom and related
items of ships may be carried out while the ship is afloat (inwater survey) in lieu of the required
intermediate docking between special surveys provided following conditions are satisfied.

a) The ship has been assigned the class notation INWATER SURVEY as defined in Ch.1. However, on
application by the owner and in special circumstances, such inwater survey may be considered for
ships not assigned with the class notation INWATER SURVEY.

b) The ship does not have any outstanding recommendations which require repair work in dry dock to
the underwater part of the shell plating, the rudder, the propeller or the propeller shaft. Acceptance of inwater surveys as above may be specially considered for ships other than bulk
carriers, oil tankers and chemical tankers which are 15 years of age and over.

7.2.2 Requirements for assignment of INWATER SURVEY notation Detailed plans of the hull and hull attachments below the water line are to be submitted to IRS in
triplicate for approval. These plans are to indicate the location and/or the general arrangement of:

- all shell openings

- stem
- rudder and fittings
- sternpost
- propeller, including the means used for identifying each blade
- anodes, including securing arrange-ments

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- bilge keels
- welded seams and butts.

The plans are also to include the necessary instructions to facilitate the divers' work, especially for taking
clearance measurements. The plans for approval are also to include the procedure for measurement or verification, as the
case may be, of the following:

- rudder pintle/bush clearance

- stern bush clearance
- pintle securing arrangement in the socket. As far as practicable, a photographic documentation, used as a reference during the in-water
surveys, of the following hull parts is to be submitted to IRS:

- propeller boss

- rudder pintles, where slack is measured

- typical connections to the sea

- directional propellers, if any

- other details, as deemed necessary by IRS on a case by case basis. The Owner is to put on board the ship the plans and documents given in and and
they are to be made available to the Surveyor and the divers when an in-water survey is carried out. Protection for the underwater portion of the hull is to be provided by means of a suitable coating
of adequate thickness to last more than the scheduled intervals between consecutive dry dockings and
applied in accordance with the Manufacturer's recommendations.

7.2.3 Survey requirements The in-water survey is to provide all the information normally obtained from a docking survey.
However, special consideration may be given to ascertaining rudder bearing clearances and stern bush
clearances of oil stern bearings based on a review of the operating history, on board testing and stern
tube oil sample reports. These details are to be included in the proposals for in-water surveys which are
to be submitted in advance of the survey so that satisfactory arrangements can be agreed with IRS. The in-water survey is to be carried out with the ship at light draught in sheltered water preferably
with weak tidal streams and currents. The in-water visibility is to be good and the hull below waterline is
to be sufficiently clean to permit meaningful examination. IRS is to be satisfied with the methods of
localisation of the divers on the plating, which should make use where necessary of permanent markings
on the plating at selected points. The in-water survey is to be carried out by a person who is a skilled diver and trained to carry out
in-water survey, or a qualified diver under surveillance of a Surveyor. The diver has to be employed by a
firm approved by IRS.

The equipment, procedure for observing and reporting the survey are to be discussed with the parties
involved prior to the in-water survey and suitable time is to be allowed to enable the diving company to
test all equipment beforehand. When professional divers are employed, the Surveyor is to be satisfied with the method of
pictorial representation, and a good two-way communication between the Surveyor and divers is to be

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__________________________________________________________________________________ If the in-water survey reveals damage or a deterioration that requires early attention, the Surveyor
may require that the ship to be drydocked in order that a detailed survey can be undertaken and the
necessary repairs carried out. The condition of the coating is to be confirmed at every drydocking for continuance of the

7.3 Machinery verification runs

7.3.1 At the time of drydocking, a trial is to be carried out to attending Surveyor's satisfaction to confirm
satisfactory operation of main and auxiliary machinery. If significant repairs are carried out to main or
auxiliary machinery or steering gear, consideration should be given to a sea trial to attending Surveyor's

Section 8

Machinery - Special Surveys

8.1 General

8.1.1 The Machinery Special Survey becomes due five years from the date of build or from the last
assigned Machinery Special Survey (SSM) date. The special survey may be commenced at 4th
anniversary date and continued during the succeeding year with a view to complete by due date.

8.1.2 If a vessel at the time classification certificate expires is not in a port in which it is to be surveyed,
IRS may upon Owners request extend the validity of the classification certificate for a period not
exceeding 3 months. Such requests will only be considered to enable the vessel to complete its voyage
to the port of survey and only in cases where it is considered proper and reasonable to do so. Where
extension beyond the due date is granted, the next period of class will start from the due date of the
special survey, before extension was granted.

8.1.3 Upon satisfactory completion of the Machinery Special Survey an appropriate record will be entered
in the supplement of register of ships.

8.1.4 Further parts of machinery may require to be opened should any defects be found during the
course of Survey of any item and the defects made good to the satisfaction of the Surveyor.

8.2 Continuous survey of machinery (CSM)

8.2.1 At the request of the Owners and upon approval of the proposed arrangement a system of
continuous Survey of Machinery (CSM) may be undertaken whereby the requirements of Special Survey
of machinery are completed within a five year period. The Survey cycle should be such as would ensure
that the interval between consecutive examination of each item does not exceed five years and it is
expected that approximately an equal proportion of the machinery would be subjected for Survey each

8.2.2 Upon satisfactory completion of the continuous Machinery Survey cycle, a record indicating the
date of completion of the cycle will be shown in the supplement to the Register Of Ships.

8.3 Survey requirements: Auxiliary engines

8.3.1 All auxiliary engines driving the generators and other essential machinery together with their coolers
and attached pumps are to be opened up and examined as considered necessary by the Surveyor.
Alarms and safety devices fitted on these units are to be included in this Survey.

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8.4 Survey requirements: Air compressors, receivers and starting air pipes

8.4.1 All air receivers and other pressure vessels for essential services together with their mountings and
safety devices are to be cleaned internally and examined internally and externally. If an internal
examination of an air receiver is not practicable it is to be tested hydraulically to 1.3 times the working

8.4.2 Air compressors are to be opened up and coolers tested as considered necessary by the Surveyor.
Selected pipes in the starting air systems are to be removed for internal examination and hammer tested.
If an appreciable amount of lubricating oil is found in the pipes the starting air system is to be thoroughly
cleaned by steaming or other suitable means. Some of the pipes selected are to be those adjacent to the
starting air valves at the cylinders and to the discharges from the air compressors.

8.5 Survey requirements: Fresh water generators and evaporators

8.5.1 To the extent applicable, these are to be opened up and examined. After such Survey their relief
valves are to be checked under working conditions, where practicable.

8.6 Survey requirements: Fuel tanks

8.6.1 Fuel tanks which do not form part of the ship's structure are to be examined externally and, if
considered necessary by the Surveyor also internally. All mountings, fittings and remote control devices
are to be examined as far as practicable. All such tanks are to be tested by filling to maximum working

8.7 Survey requirements: Pumps, heat exchangers, forced draught fans, etc.

8.7.1 All pumps, heat exchangers, forced draught fans, etc. used for essential purposes are to be opened
up and examined as considered necessary by the Surveyor.

8.8 Survey requirements: Pumping and piping system

8.8.1 The valves, cocks and strainers of the bilge system including bilge injection are to be opened up as
considered necessary by the Surveyor and, together with pipes, are to be examined and tested under
working conditions. If non-return valves are fitted in hold bilges, these be opened up for examination.

8.8.2 The oil fuel, feed and lubricating systems and ballast connections and blanking arrangements to
deep tanks which may carry liquid or dry cargoes, together with all pressure filters, heaters and coolers
used for essential service, are to be opened up and examined or tested as considered necessary by the
Surveyor. All safety devices for the foregoing are to be examined.

8.8.3 Non-metallic expansion joints in piping systems, if located in system which penetrates the ship's
side and both the penetration and the non-metallic expansion joint are located below the deepest load
waterline, are to be examined and replaced as necessary or at an interval recommended by the

8.9 Survey requirements: Reduction gears, flexible couplings and clutch arrangements

8.9.1 Reduction gears, flexible couplings and clutch arrangements are to be opened as considered by the
Surveyor in order to permit the examination of the gears, gear teeth, spiders, pinions, shafts and
bearings, reversing gears, etc. Essential parts of other power transmission arrangements are to be
opened up and examined as considered necessary by the Surveyor.

8.10 Survey requirements: Securing arran-gements

8.10.1 Holding down bolts and chocks of main and auxiliary engines, gear cases, thrust blocks and tunnel
bearings are to be checked.

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8.11 Survey requirements: Shafting

8.11.1 Intermediate shafts and bearings, thrust bearings and their seating are to be examined. The lower
halves of bearings need not be exposed if alignment and wear are found acceptable.

8.12 Survey requirements: Sea connections

8.12.1 All openings to the sea including sanitary and other overboard discharges in the machinery spaces
and pump rooms together with valves and cocks are to be examined internally and externally. The
fastenings of valves and cocks to the hull are to be examined and are to be renewed when considered
necessary by the Surveyor. Particular attention is to be given to the sea suctions and sea water cooling

8.13 Survey requirements: Windlass and steering machinery

8.13.1 These are to be examined to ascertain that they are in good working order. Any relief valves fitted
are to be included in the above examination.

8.14 Survey requirements: Internal combustion engines for propulsion

8.14.1 All working parts of the engines and their attached pumps are to be opened and examined. These
should include all cylinders, cylinder heads, valves and valve gear, pistons, piston rods, cross heads,
guides, connecting rods, crankshafts, vibration dampers and all bearings, camshafts and driving gear,
fuel pumps and fittings, scavenge pumps, scavenge blowers and their prime movers, superchargers, air
compressors, inter coolers, clutches, reverse gears, crankcase door fastenings and explosion relief
devices and such other parts of the machinery as may be considered necessary. Integral piping systems
are to be examined. The maneuvering of engines is to be tested under working condition.

8.15 Survey requirements: Steam turbines for propulsion

8.15.1 Upper halves of turbine casings are to be opened up rotors to be lifted up and inside of casings,
rotors and bearings (including thrust) and governors to be examined.

8.15.2 At the first Special Periodical Survey only, for vessels having more than one main propulsion
ahead turbine with emergency steam crossover arrangement, the turbine casings need not be opened
provided approved vibration indicators and rotor position indicators are fitted and that the Surveyor
considers the operating records to be satisfactory. An operational test of the turbines may be required if
considered necessary by the Surveyor.

8.15.3 Essential valves attached to the turbines and flexible couplings are to be examined. The
maneuvering of the turbines is to be tested under working conditions.

8.15.4 Exhaust steam turbines supplying power for main propulsion purposes in conjunction with
reciprocating engines together with their gearing and appliances, steam compressors or electrical
machinery are to be examined as far as practicable. Where cone connections to internal gear shafts are
fitted, the coned ends are to be examined as far as practicable. The maneuvering of engines is to be
tested under working conditions.

8.16 Survey requirements: Steam recipro-cating engines for propulsion

8.16.1 Working parts of main engines and attached pumps including bulkhead stop valves, maneuvering
valves, cylinders, pistons, valves and valve gear, piston rods, connecting rods, crankshaft and bearings
and governor are to be opened up and examined. The maneuvering of engines is to be tested under
working conditions.

8.17 Survey requirements: Gas turbines and free piston gas generators for propulsion

8.17.1 The Survey should include opening and examination of the following parts :-

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- The blading, rotors, and casings of the turbines, the impellers or blading, rotors and casing of air
compressors, the combustion chambers, burners, inter coolers, heat exchangers, gas and air
pressure piping and fittings and reversing arrangements. When gas turbines operate in conjunction
with free piston gas generators, the following parts of the free piston gas generators are to be opened
and examined: the gas and air compressor cylinders and pistons and the compressor end covers, the
valves and valve gear, fuel pumps and fittings, synchronising and control gear, cooling system
explosion relief devices, gas and air piping, receivers and valves including by-pass. The maneuvering
of engines is to be tested under working conditions.

8.18 Survey requirements: Unattended machinery spaces/Remote control systems

8.18.1 Where remote and/or automatic controls such as bridge controls, bilge controls and bilge level
alarms, local hand controls, fire detection and prevention, alarms warning systems and shut-offs, electric
supply, main controls station, are fitted for essential machinery, they are to be examined and tested to
demonstrate that they are in good working order.

8.18.2 During such trials the proper operation of the safety devices will be checked, in particular, such as
emergency stops, emergency astern movement, standby control of the propelling gear, fire alarm.

8.18.3 The log recording the operating conditions should be checked. If such scrutiny reveals that certain
portion of the automated equipment has behaved abnormally the cause of such failure is to be
investigated and appropriate remedies determined.

8.19 Survey requirements : Electrical equipment survey

8.19.1 Electrical installations including auxiliary and emergency equipment are to be examined in
accordance with the following during each Survey cycle.

8.19.2 Switch boards (including for emergency use) and their accessories including section-boards and
sub-division fuse boards are to be examined as far as possible and over current protective devices and
fuses inspected to verify that they provide suitable protection for their respective circuits.

8.19.3 All generator circuit breakers are to be tested, as far as practicable, to verify that the protective
devices including preference tripping relays, if fitted, operate satisfactorily. The generators are to be run
under load either separately or in parallel, and the governing of the engines to be tested.

8.19.4 The insulation resistance of cables, switch gear, generators, motors, heaters, lighting and other
fittings is to be tested and should not be less than 100,000 ohms between all insulated circuits and earth.
The installation may be subdivided to any desired extent by opening switches, removing fuses or
disconnecting appliances for the purpose of this test.

The electric cables are to be examined as far as possible without undue disturbance of fixtures or casings
unless deemed necessary by the Surveyor.

8.19.5 Transformers are to be examined. Samples of oil are to be taken and tested for breakdown
voltage, acidity and moisture in case of oil immersed transformers or electrical apparatus associated with
supplies to essential services. The testing is to be carried out by a competent testing authority and a
certificate giving the test results is to be furnished to the Surveyor.

8.19.6 Motors used for essential services including their starters are to be examined, and under working
conditions if considered necessary by the Surveyors.

8.19.7 Generators and steering gear motors are to be examined under working conditions. Air gaps are
to be checked for excessive wear down.

8.19.8 In the case of electromagnetic couplings, the air gaps are to be measured and reported and any
excessive eccentricity corrected. Switch gear and couplings for same are to be examined and tested.

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8.19.9 The emergency source of power and its associated circuits are to be tested. In the case of
passenger ships, the temporary source of power and its automatic arrangements (if fitted) are also to be

8.19.10 Navigation light indicators are to be tried under working conditions, and correct operation on the
failure of supply or failure of navigation lights verified.

8.19.11 In tankers, a General examination of electrical equipment located in dangerous zones and
spaces is to be made to ensure that the integrity of the safe type electrical equipment has not been
impaired owing to corrosion, missing bolts, etc. Cable runs are to be examined for sheath and armouring
defects, where practicable, and to ensure that the means of supporting the cable are in good order. Tests
are to be carried out to demonstrate the effectiveness of earth bonding straps. Alarms and interlocks
associated with pressurized equipment or spaces are to tested for correct operation.

Insulation resistance is to be measured for circuits terminating in, or passing through dangerous zones or

8.20 Survey requirements : Electrical propelling machinery

8.20.1 On ships which are electrically propelled, the main propulsion motors, generators, cables, together
with all ancillary electrical gear, exciters and ventilating plant (including coolers) are to be examined and
their insulation resistance to earth to be measured. Protective gear and alarm devices are to be checked
as far as practicable and special attention should be given to windings, commutators and slip rings.
Safety interlocks intended to prevent unsafe operation or unauthorised access are to be checked to verify
that they are functioning correctly. Emergency over speed governors are to be tested. Where insulating
oil is used, samples of oil are to be taken and tested for breakdown voltage, acidity and moisture by a
competent testing authority and a certificate giving the test results is to be furnished to the Surveyor.

8.21 In service testing of large permanently installed breathing gas containers onboard diving
vessels - Special Requirements

8.21.1 At the first special survey, following is to be carried out:

- External and internal survey, by intrascope if necessary.

- If internal survey is not possible or if corrosion or other items of concern are found, hydraulic test to
1.25 x design pressure to be carried out.

At subsequent special surveys, following to be carried out:

- External and internal survey, by intrascope if necessary.

- Hydraulic test to 1.25 x design pressure.

Section 9

Boiler Surveys

9.1 General

9.1.1 All main and auxiliary boilers, exhaust gas steam generators and economisers are to be surveyed
at intervals specified in Sec.1 of this Chapter.

9.1.2 At each Survey, the boilers, superheaters, economisers, air heaters, desuperheaters, and other
equipment are to be examined internally (water/steam side) and externally (fire side) as considered

In exhaust gas heated economizers of the shell type, all accessible welded joints are to be subjected to a
visual examination for detection of cracks. Nondestructive testing may be required for this purpose.

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9.1.3 Boiler safety valve and its relieving gear are to be examined and tested to verify satisfactory
operation. The adjustment of the safety valves is to be verified during each boiler internal survey. Safety
valves are to be adjusted to a pressure not greater than 3 percent of the approved working pressure.

9.1.4 Review of the following records since the last boiler survey is to be carried out as part of the survey:

a) Operation
b) Maintenance
c) Repair history
d) Feed water chemistry

9.1.5 External survey of boilers including test of safety and protective devices and test of safety valve
using its relieving gear, is to be carried out annually, within the window of the Annual Survey of a ship.
For exhaust gas heated economizers, the safety valves are to be tested by the Chief Engineer at sea
within the annual survey window. This test is to be recorded in the log book for review by the attending
Surveyor prior to crediting the Annual Survey of Machinery.

9.1.6 Principal boiler mountings and safety valves are to be examined at each Survey. The remaining
mountings are to be opened if considered necessary by the Surveyor. Manhole and hand hole doors, are
to be examined to ensure that the joining faces are in good condition and that the clearances at the
spigot are satisfactory.

9.1.7 In case where it is considered necessary, the parts subjected to pressure are to be hydraulically
tested and the thickness of plates and size of stays ascertained to determine the safe working pressure.
Collision chocks, rolling stays and boiler stools are to be examined and maintained in efficient condition.
The shell plating in way of welded lugs or fabricated feet are to be carefully examined at each Survey.
Insulation and sheathing in way are to be removed as considered necessary for this purpose.

In fired boilers employing forced circulation the pumps used for this purpose are to be opened and
examined at each boiler Survey.

9.1.8 The proper operation of the water level indicators are to be confirmed at each Survey. The oil fuel
burning system is to be examined under working conditions and a general examination made of the fuel
tank valves, pipe, deck control gear and oil discharge pipes between pumps and burners.


Every effort should be made to complete the boiler Survey once it has been commenced at the same port
if possible or immediately afterwards on the first occasion when steam is raised.

9.1.9 An extension of the internal examination of the boiler upto 3 months beyond the due date can be
granted in exceptional circumstances. “Exceptional circumstances” means unavailability of repair
facilities, unavailability of essential materials, equipment or spare parts or delays incurred by action taken
to avoid severe weather conditions. The extension may be granted by IRS after the following is
satisfactorily carried out:

a) External examination of the boiler

b) Boiler safety valve relieving gear (easing gear) is examined and operationally tested.

c) Boiler protective devices operationally tested.

d) Review of the records since the last boiler survey as mentioned in 9.1.4.

9.2 Steam heated steam generator

9.2.1 Steam heated steam generators are to be surveyed at two and half yearly intervals.

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9.2.2 At each steam heated steam generator survey the mountings and the safety valves are to be
examined. Manhole and hand hole doors are to be examined to ensure that joining faces are in good
condition and that the clearances at the spigot are satisfactory.

9.2.3 Where it is considered necessary, parts subjected to pressure are to be hydraulically tested and the
thickness of plates and the sizes of stays ascertained to determine the safe working pressure.

9.2.4 The proper operation of the water level indicators is to be confirmed at each Survey. The safety
valves of the steam heated steam generator are to be adjusted to a pressure not greater than 3 per cent
above the approved working pressure.

Section 10

Steam Pipes Surveys

10.1 General

10.1.1 Steam pipes are to be surveyed at intervals specified in Sec.1 of this Chapter.

10.1.2 At each Survey a selected number of main and auxiliary steam pipes over 75 [mm] bore supplying
steam for essential services are to be examined internally and tested hydraulically to 1.5 times the
working pressure. If these are found satisfactory, the remaining need not be tested. In cases of pipes
having welded joints, the lagging in way of the welds is to be removed and the welds examined and if
considered necessary crack detected.

10.2 Cylindrical boilers having smoke tube superheaters

10.2.1 Where the saturated steam pipes adjoining the saturated steam headers are situated partly in the
boiler smoke boxes, all such pipes adjoining and cross connecting these headers in the smoke boxes are
required to be included in the pipes required for examination and testing for the steam pipe Survey.

10.3 Copper pipes

10.3.1 At 10 years from the date of build, or of installation and thereafter at 5 yearly intervals, all copper
pipes over 75 [mm] bore and supplying steam for essential services at sea are to be hydraulically tested
to twice the working pressure. Pipes which are subjected to bending and/or vibration are to be annealed
before testing.

Section 11

Surveys of Propeller Shafts, Tube Shafts and Propellers

11.1 General

11.1.1 At tailshaft surveys, propeller shafts and tube shafts, if any, are to be sufficiently drawn to permit
entire examination at intervals as detailed in Sec.1 of this Chapter.

For the purpose of these requirements, “Tube-shaft” means a detachable part of the propulsion shafting
passing through the stern tube, which is coupled to the intermediate shaft at the forward end and to the
propeller shaft at the aft end.

For vessels with Tailshaft Condition Monitoring (TCM) notation, the alternative requirements given in 11.5
are to be complied with.

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11.1.2 Where propeller shafts are fitted with approved oil glands or continuous liners, which effectively
prevent sea water from contacting the steel shaft, or are made of approved corrosion resisting material;
the tailshaft surveys can be carried out at an interval of 5 years provided:

a) In case of keyed propellers, the propeller shafts are of a design having features which would reduce
stress concentrations in the shaft in way of the propeller assembly, or

b) the propellers are fitted to a solid flange coupling at the end of the shaft, or

c) the propellers are fitted key less to the shaft taper.

All other shafts are to be surveyed at intervals of 2.5 years.

11.1.3 Upon application by the Owners, IRS may consider, a modified survey as detailed in 11.3 for
shafting arrangements which have been assigned TS(OG) notation and where new oil seals can be fitted
without removal of the propeller (except in the case of keyed propellers). On satisfactory completion of
modified survey, notation TS(OGM) would be assigned.

11.1.4 Upon application by the Owners, IRS may consider, for shafting arrangements where modified
survey is applicable, a postponement of the survey for a maximum period of half the specified survey
cycle provided a partial survey as detailed in 11.4 is held.

11.2 Scope of survey

11.2.1 Conventional propeller shaft surveys

The survey, is normally to include complete withdrawal of the propeller shaft and examination of
following, as applicable:

- measurement of wear down;

- propeller nut and propeller shaft threaded end;

- cone, key and keyway, including examination by an efficient crack detection method of the after end
of the cylindrical part of the shaft and one third of the length of the taper from the big end;

- where propeller is fitted by a solid flanged coupling at the after end of the shaft, non-destructive
examination of the flange fillet area of the shaft may be required if the visual examination of the area
is not satisfactory;

- propeller shaft bearing areas;

- stern bushes/bearings;

- shaft sealing arrangements, including lubricating oil system;

11.2.2 Steerable and azimuth thrusters

The survey is to normally comprise of examination of the following:

a) Exposed parts including attachment to the hull.

b) The following items upon removal of propeller:

- propeller shaft threaded end and nut;

- cone, key and keyway including examination by an efficient crack detection method of fore part of
the shaft cone;

- sealing glands.

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c) Lubricating oil analysis (to include wear particle analysis) records to detect possible wear of internal
gears and bearings.

d) Internal gears and control gears as far as practicable through hand holes or limited opening of
controlling device.

If the above checks are not satisfactory, complete dismantling of the internal parts may be required.

11.2.3 Vertical axis propellers

The survey is to normally comprise of examination of the following:

a) Exposed parts.

b) Tightness of the oil glands and the backlash of the gears from outside by action on the blades.

c) Gears, as far as practicable through hand holes and observation ports.

d) Control gear for proper functioning.

e) Lubricating oil analysis (to include wear particle analysis) records to detect possible wear of internal
gears and bearings.

If the above checks are not satisfactory, complete dismantling of the internal parts may be required.

11.2.4 Water jet systems

The survey is to normally comprise of examination of the following:

a) Impeller, shaft and bearing clearances.

b) Sealing glands.

c) Nozzle assembly.

d) Control and reversing gear.

e) Suction grids.

If the above checks are not satisfactory further dismantling may be required.

11.2.5 Controllable pitch propellers

Where controllable pitch propellers are fitted, in addition to the survey requirements of the tailshafts, the
working parts and control gear are to be opened up sufficiently to enable Surveyors to examine them at
each tailshaft survey. The survey is to include the following:

a) Analysis of hydraulic oil including wear particle analysis.

b) Propeller blades and hub including crack detection of blade root, flange and blade securing

c) Examination of seals, carrier bearings, crank pin ring, fillets, blade openings in the boss and blade
bolts, upon removal of at lest one blade.

d) Examination of distribution box seal and bearings.

e) Verification upon re-assembly of, servomechanism and hydraulic test of hub and hydraulic piping
including pitch controls together with limit stops.

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11.3 Modified survey

11.3.1 The modified survey is accepted at alternate surveys, provided that the clearances of the aft
bearing are found in order and the oil and the oil sealing arrangements have proved effective.

11.3.2 The modified survey consists of:

- drawing the shaft to expose the aft bearing contact area of the shaft,

- examining the forward bearing as far as possible and all accessible parts of the shaft including the
propeller connection to the shaft, and

- for keyed propellers, performing a non-destructive examination by an approved crack detection

method of about one third of the length of the taper from the big end, for which dismantling of the
propeller will be required,

- for keyless propellers performing a visual examination to confirm the good condition of the sealing

- For controllable pitch propellers survey requirements given at 11.2.5 are also to be complied with.

11.4 Partial survey

11.4.1 The partial survey is to consist of the following:

- wear down to be measured and found satisfactory;

- oil gland to be dismantled and examined;

- it is to be ascertained that lubricating oil is not contaminated;

- In case of keyed shafts, the propeller is to be backed off and one third of the length of the taper from
the big end is to be examined by an efficient crack detection method;

- in case of keyless shafts, the propeller need not be disturbed but top of the cone or fillet of the
flanged shafts is to be examined by an efficient crack detection method.

11.5 Tailshaft Condition Monitoring (TCM)

11.5.1 TCM notation is assigned where the requirements given in a), b) and c) below are complied with:

a) Tail shafts are fitted with oil lubricated bearings and approved oil glands which effectively prevent sea
water from contacting the steel shaft.

b) In case of keyed propellers, the propeller shafts are of a design having features which would reduce
stress concentrations in the shaft in way of the propeller assembly, or

The propellers are fitted to a solid flange coupling at the end of the shaft, or

The propellers are fitted keyless to the shaft taper.

c) Arrangements are provided to monitor stern tube bearing temperature and stern tube lubricating oil

11.5.2 Where the notation TCM is assigned, the following are to be carried out/monitored regularly and
records maintained onboard:

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a) Lubricating oil analysis at intervals not exceeding 6 months, including the following parameters as a

- water contents;

- chloride contents;

- contents of bearing metal particles;

- oil ageing (resistance to oxidation).

Oil samples are to be taken under service conditions.

b) Lubricating oil consumption.

c) Bearing temperature.

11.5.3 Where the notation TCM is assigned, the tailshaft need not be withdrawn provided the requirement
of to are complied with. At annual surveys, a review of the records of condition monitoring data as listed in 11.5.2 is
carried out and found satisfactory. Clearances of the sterntube bearings are verified at every dry docking survey and found in order. At intervals of 5 years the after part of the shaft is examined as given below:
a) For shafts with keyed propellers:

- Examination tailshaft cone, key and keyway, including examination by an efficient crack detection
method of the after end of the cylindrical part of the shaft and one-third of the length of the taper
from the big end;

b) For shafts with propellers mounted keyless:

- Verification the tightness of the propeller hub (propeller hood, fore gland)

c) For shafts with controllable pitch propeller mounted on solid flange coupling:

- Verification of tightness in way of blade glands and distribution box

- Verification of hydraulic oil analysis report of the sample drawn immediately prior (not more than
three months) to the survey

- Working test of the propeller blade movement, as far as possible

11.5.4 Where the surveyor considers that the results of survey in are not satisfactory the extent
of survey may be extended including withdrawal of tail shaft.

11.5.5 When the monitored conditions given in 11.5.2 are abnormal and beyond limits the TCM notation
would be temporarily suspended till the causative factors have been investigated and corrected and the
installation is restored to its normal state.

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Section 12

Surveys of Inert Gas Systems

12.1 General

12.1.1 Inert gas systems installed on board ships intended for the carriage of oil or liquid chemicals in
bulk or liquefied gases are to be surveyed periodically as detailed in Sec.1 of this Chapter.

12.2 Annual surveys

12.2.1 Following are to be examined at each Annual Survey:

a) external examination of the condition of all piping and components for signs of corrosion or
gas/effluent leakage.

b) verification of the proper operation of both inert gas blowers.

c) checking the operation of scrubber room ventilation system.

d) checking of deck water seal for automatic filling and draining and checking for the presence of water
carry over and checking the condition of non-return valve.

e) examination of the operation of all remotely or automatically operated valves and, in particular, the
flue gas isolating valve(s).

f) checking the interlocking feature of soot blowers.

g) checking that the gas pressure regulation valve automatically closes when the inert gas blowers are

h) checking as far as practicable, the following alarms and safety devices of the inert gas systems using
simulated conditions where necessary:

- high oxygen content of gas in the inert gas main;

- low gas pressure in the inert gas main;
- low pressure in the supply to the deck water seal;
- high temperature of gas in the inert gas main;
- low water pressure to the scrubber;
- accuracy of portable and fixed oxygen measuring equipment by means of calibration gas;

- high water level in scrubber;

- failure of the inert gas blowers;
- failure of the power supply to the automatic control system for the gas regulating valve and to the
instrumentation for continuous indication and permanent recording of pressure and oxygen content in
the inert gas main;
- high pressure of gas in the inert gas main.
- Surveys carried out by the National Authority of the country in which the ship is registered would
normally be accepted as meeting these requirements, at the discretion of the Surveyor.

12.2.2 Checking when practicable, the proper operation of the inert gas system on completion of the
checks listed in 12.2.1 h).

12.3 Special surveys

12.3.1 At each Special Survey of the inert gas system, the inert gas generator, scrubber and blower are
to be opened out as considered necessary and examined. Gas distribution lines and shut off valves,

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including soot blower interlocking devices are to be examined as considered necessary. The deck seal
and non-return valve is to be examined. Cooling water systems including the effluent piping and
overboard discharge from scrubbers are to be examined. All automatic shut down devices and alarms are
to be tested. The complete installation is to be tested under working conditions on completion of Survey.

12.3.2 When, at the request of an Owner, it has been agreed by IRS that Complete Survey of the inert
gas system may be carried out on the continuous basis, the various items of the system are to be opened
up for survey in rotation, so far as practicable, to ensure that the interval between consecutive
examinations of each item will not exceed five years. In general one-fifth of the machinery is to be
examined each year.

12.3.3 If any examination during Continuous Survey reveals defects, further parts are to be opened up
and examined as considered necessary by the Surveyor, and the defects are to be made good to his

Section 13

Surveys of Vessels with Refrigerated Cargo Installations

13.1 General

13.1.1 Refrigerated Cargo Installation, on ships which have been assigned the character HY, are to be
surveyed periodically as indicated in Sec.1 of this Chapter.

13.1.2 Where a Refrigerated Cargo Installation holds dual classification with IRS, additional Periodical
Survey requirements, if any, of the corresponding Society would also be applicable.

13.2 Periodical surveys

13.2.1 A Special Survey is to be held at 5 yearly intervals. When due to special circumstances a Special
Survey is commenced prior to its due date, the Survey is to be completed within a period not exceeding 9
months and not later than the expiry date of the classification certificate including any postponement that
may be granted by IRS.

13.2.2 If a vessel at the time classification certificate expires is not in a port in which it is to be surveyed,
IRS may upon Owners request extend the validity of the classification certificate for a period not
exceeding 3 months. Such requests will only be considered to enable the vessel to complete its voyage
to the port of survey and only in cases where it is considered proper and reasonable to do so.

13.3 Continuous special survey of refrigerating installation

13.3.1 At the request of the Owners and upon receipt of a satisfactory proposed arrangement, IRS may
give consideration to a system of Continuous Survey of refrigerating installation (CS HY) being carried
out whereby the requirements of Special Surveys as detailed in 13.5 and 13.6 are completed within a five
year period. In such case the various items of machinery should be opened out for Survey in rotation, so
far as practicable, to ensure that the interval between consecutive examination of each item does not
exceed five years and it is expected that approximately an equal proportion of the surveyable items would
be subjected to Survey each year.

13.3.2 In case any defects are revealed during these examinations, further parts may have to be opened
up as considered necessary by the Surveyor.

13.4 Annual survey requirements

13.4.1 Log Books or other records are to be examined to ascertain that the installation has been working
satisfactorily. Any indications of breakdowns or defects, during the previous 12 months, are to be noted

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and reported. Whenever possible, an examination of the refrigerating plant is to be made upon arrival of
the ship at the port of discharge before refrigerated cargo is unloaded.

13.4.2 Refrigerated chambers/holds are to be examined after careful cleaning. A detailed examination is
to be made of these spaces. For this purpose, removable panels and covers are to be removed and if
appropriate, spot checks of the insulation are to be carried out for condition and shrinkage. If there is
trace of damp or leakage of the insulation from whatever source (fuel tank, pipe work, pipe coils,
scuppers, etc.) or any trace of deterioration in the insulation or its lining, of the air ducts or air coolers, a
more thorough examination is to be made and necessary measures taken to correct the defects thus

13.4.3 Where the cargo is refrigerated by circulating air, the proper air tightness of the air ducts, air cooler
casings, hatch covers, doors, butterfly dampers in ventilation ducts is to be checked. The insulation of the
lining joints should also be carefully checked.

13.4.4 The bilges are to be cleaned and suction pipes, sounding pipes and scupper non-return valves
examined. The Surveyor should satisfy himself that all scuppers draining the chambers and cooler trays
are in good working order.

13.4.5 Air cooler coils, cooling grids and valves are to be examined and the Surveyor should satisfy
himself that no pipe is partially or completely choked and that the valves are in good working order.

13.4.6 Brine coils are to be examined whilst under a pressure of 1.5 times working pressure or 3 bar
whichever is greater.

13.4.7 Primary refrigerant cooler coils and grids are to be examined whilst under the refrigerant pressure
prevailing in the system at the time of the Survey with the plant at rest and the regulating valves opened
just sufficient to obtain an approximate balance of pressure throughout the system and to avoid
accumulation of liquid in the coils or grids.

13.4.8 The shells of condensers, evaporators, separators, receivers, and other pressure vessels are to
be examined as far as practicable. Any evidence of excessive corrosion of water end covers of "shell and
tube" and "double-pipe" type condensers is to be investigated.

13.4.9 Primary refrigerant gas and liquid pipes, condenser cooling water piping and valves are to be
examined as far as possible.

13.4.10 Any evidence of dampness or deterioration of the insulation which could lead to external
corrosion of the vessels or other parts mentioned, is to be investigated and necessary measures are to
be taken to correct the defects thus ascertained.

13.4.11 A general examination is to be made of the fans, their motors, control gear and the insulation
resistance is to be measured. The insulation resistance is not to be less than 100,000 ohms. The
generating plant supplying electric power is to be examined generally with a view to ascertaining that the
plant is being efficiently maintained.

13.4.12 The thermometers for measuring the chamber air suction and air delivery temperatures are to be
examined. If repairs and renewals are carried out, the thermometers are afterwards to be checked for

13.4.13 A Survey book or other permanent record is to be kept on board the ship to show the date of
examination of various parts. This is to be available to the Surveyor at all times and is to be signed by the
Surveyor on each occasion after the Survey.

13.5 Requirements of first special survey

13.5.1 Each reciprocating compressor, including those provided for sub- cooling the primary refrigerant,
is to be opened up. Cylinder bores, pistons, piston rods, connecting rods, valves and seats, glands, relief
devices, suction filters and lubricating arrangements are to be examined. Crankshafts are to be

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examined, but crankcase glands and the lower halves of main bearings need not be exposed if the
Surveyor is satisfied as to alignment and wear.

13.5.2 For screw-type compressors, the period before opening up may be extended to 6 years or 25000
running hours, whichever is the earlier.

13.5.3 Where there is a programme of replacement instead of Surveys on board, alternative Survey
arrangements will be considered. Each case will be given individual consideration.

13.5.4 Refrigerant condenser cooling water pumps, including standby pump(s) which may be used on
other services, are to be opened up and their working parts exposed.

13.5.5 Brine and primary refrigerant pumps are to be opened up and their working parts exposed. Special
consideration will be given to Survey requirements for primary refrigerant pumps of the hermetically
sealed type.

13.5.6 The water end covers of "shell and tube" and "double-pipe" type condensers are to be removed for
examination of the tubes, tube plates and covers.

13.5.7 The shells and connections of "shell-and-tube" and "double-pipe" type condensers and
evaporators, separators, receivers, driers, filters and other pressure vessels, and the coil terminals of
"coil-in-casing" type condensers and evaporators, are to be examined as far as practicable.

13.5.8 In the case of pressure vessels covered by insulation, any evidence of dampness or deterioration
of the insulation which could lead to external corrosion of the vessels or their connections is to be

13.5.9 Sufficient insulation is to be stripped from insulated pressure vessels to allow the condition of the
vessels and their connections to be ascertained. Care is to be taken that in replacement of the insulation,
the vapour sealing of the outer covering is made good.

13.5.10 Sufficient insulation is to be stripped from pipes carrying the refrigerant at various points of the
system both outside and inside the insulated chambers to permit the condition of the pipes to be
ascertained. Sections of piping exposed are to include locations where lengths of piping have been
connected by screwed couplings or butt welding. Care is to be taken that when ungalvanized portions of
the piping in way of joints have been exposed they be suitably coated and taped, after pressure testing,
to prevent corrosion. On replacement of the insulation, the vapour sealing of the outer covering is to be
made good.

13.5.11 The Surveyor is to satisfy himself that all pressure relief valves and/or safety discs throughout the
refrigerating plant are in good order. However, no attempt is to be made to test primary refrigerant
pressure relief valves on board ship.

13.5.12 Sea connections to refrigerant condensers cooling water pumps are to be opened up on the
occasion of the hull and/or main machinery Special Survey.

13.5.13 The electric motors driving refrigerant compressors, pumps and fans, together with their control
gear and cables, are to have their insulation resistance tested and this is to be not less than100000 ohms
between all insulated circuits and earth. The installation may be subdivided to any desired extent by
opening switches, removing fuses or disconnecting appliances for the purpose of this test.

13.5.14 The fittings on switchboards and Section boards are to be examined, and over-current protective
devices and fuses are to be inspected to verify that they provide suitable protection for their respective

13.5.15 Any arrangements fitted to disconnect automatically the excess non- essential load when the
electrical generators are overloaded are to be examined to ascertain that the circuits for cargo
refrigerating machinery are included in the last group to be disconnected.

13.5.16 All automatic controls and alarms are to be tested.

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13.5.17 Sufficient air trunking and insulation lining is to be stripped from the chamber's overhead and
vertical surfaces to allow the condition of the insulation, insulation linings, grounds, supports, hangers
and fixtures which support the insulation, grids, meat rails, etc., to be ascertained. Care is to be taken
that on replacement the ducts and linings are sealed against air blowing into the insulation, or against
moisture ingress from refrigerated cell or space atmosphere.

13.5.18 Sufficient tank top insulation is to be stripped to allow the condition of the grounds and inner
insulation lining to be ascertained.

13.5.19 Due consideration is to be given to the type of insulation used in the holds and chambers when
determining the amount of insulation lining to be removed as detailed in 13.5.17 and 13.5.18. Where
organic foam insulants have been used, including foamed "in situ", or other insulants in slab form, the
Surveyor should use his discretion regarding the removal of linings if he is able to satisfy himself that the
condition of the insulation is good by means of test bore holes.

13.5.20 Under normal circumstances, the condition of hold and chamber insulation, grounds, etc., can be
ascertained when the Special Survey of the ship's steel structure is being held.

13.5.21 Arrangements made for defrosting air coolers, and for draining condensate from trays below
coolers, are to be examined to ascertain that they are in working order.

13.5.22 Any air refreshing arrangements are to be examined.

13.6 Subsequent special surveys

13.6.1 In addition to the requirements for first Special Survey the following items, as mentioned in Table
13.6.1, are to be tested and examined.

13.7 Loading port surveys

13.7.1 Where the Owner or his authorised representative requests for a Loading Port Survey, a Survey
as detailed below is to be carried out at the Loading Port.

13.7.2 In the case of ships engaged on voyages of less than two months duration, a loading port
certificate will be considered as valid for two months, provided the cargoes carried are of such a nature
as not to damage the insulation or appliances in the insulated chambers, nor to affect by taint or mould
the refrigerated cargoes loaded during that period.

13.7.3 If a vessel loads at more than one port, Loading Port Survey at the first Loading Port would only
be required provided all the chambers which are intended to be loaded with refrigerated cargo during the
voyage are offered for examination and no general cargo is subsequently loaded in these chambers prior
to loading of refrigerated cargo.

13.7.4 The refrigerated cargo spaces are to be examined in an empty state prior to loading the cargo.
The Surveyor is to satisfy himself that the spaces are clean and free from odour which may adversely
affect the cargo to be loaded. The brine or other refrigerant pipe grids, cooler coils and connections
should show no trace of leakage. The Surveyor should also satisfy himself that the fixed cargo battens on
the vertical surfaces are in good order, that cargo gratings or dunnage battens are provided for the floors
or decks and that no damage has been sustained to the insulation or its lining prior to the loading of the
refrigerated cargo.

13.7.5 Any indication of defective insulation not considered to warrant immediate attention should be
noted and specially reported.

13.7.6 The scuppers and bilges in the refrigerated cargo spaces are to be clean and dry and the liquid
seals should be primed.

13.7.7 The Surveyor will check whether the entire refrigerated cargo installation operates satisfactorily
and he will record the temperatures in the cargo spaces.

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13.7.8 The proper operation of air duct couplings for connecting refrigerated containers on the ship's own
refrigerating installation has to be checked. If refrigerated containers are coupled to the air ducts during
the on board Survey, the tight sealing effect of the couplings is also to be checked.

13.7.9 It is to be clearly understood that the certificate issued for the carrying out of a Loading Port
Survey is not in respect of the cargo to be loaded or the manner in which it is to be stowed.

Table 13.6.1 : The requirements of special surveys

Ammonia (NH3) or
Item Monochlorodifluoro- Carbondioxide (CO2)
methane (R12)
methane R22)
"Shell and tube" type 7 bar 14 bar -
gas condensers or gas
evaporators (brine Water or brine end covers to be removed and shell pneumatically tested with
coolers) (primary the refrigerant or air or a mixture of inert gas and refrigerant to the above
refrigerant in the shell) pressures
17 bar 70 bar 140 bar
"Coil in casing" type
gas condensers Where it is impracticable to remove the coils they may be examined and
tested in place
"Coil in casing" type 14 bar 35 bar 105 bar
gas evaporators (brine Where it is impracticable to remove the coils they may be examined and
coolers) tested in place
Primary refrigerant
chamber grids or air 7 bar 10 bar 70 bar
cooler coils
"Shell and tube" type Primary refrigerant end covers are to be removed and tested
gas evaporators (brine
coolers) (brine is in the Shell to be hydraulically tested to twice the design pressure but not less than 3
shell) bar

Section 14

Planned Maintenance System

14.1 General

14.1.1 An approved Planned Maintenance System on board a ship may be accepted in lieu of the regular
surveys by IRS Surveyors on CSM basis provided the requirements of this section are complied with.

Any item not covered by PMS is to be surveyed and credited in the usual way. In general the intervals for
PMS is not to exceed those specified for CSM survey. PMS is to be programmed and maintained by a
computerised system.

14.1.2 A vessel complying with the requirements of section will be assigned the PMS survey notation.

14.1.3 The survey system (PMS) is to be approved by IRS before being implemented. When the system
is implemented machinery inspection may be based on calendar or running hours calling for items to be
opened for inspection and overhaul at specified periods, or the machinery may be monitored for condition
and performance whereby items need only be opened for examination when readings indicate a
deterioration. Schemes could be made up of a combination of two or more methods of maintenance
control, such as:

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- A switchboard is surveyed based on regular 5 yearly intervals.

- A diesel engine is surveyed based on running hours.

- A lubricating oil pump is surveyed based on calendar interval.

- A steam turbine driven pump may be surveyed based on condition monitoring.

14.1.4 When certain machinery and components are approved under PMS for condition monitoring and
when their condition and performance is within acceptable limits, no overhaul is necessary, unless
otherwise specified by the manufacturer.

14.1.5 Other items of machinery and components, which are not subjected to an approved condition
monitoring system and part of PMS are required to be surveyed at intervals not greater than those
specified for CSM.

14.1.6 Chief Engineer of the vessel will be responsible and in-charge of PMS and is to be approved by
IRS as per Pt.1, Ch.2, 1.4.3.

14.1.7 The survey of machinery and components (defined at 14.2) & covered by the PMS may be carried
out by the Chief Engineer. Survey of machinery and components defined in 14.3 is not eligible to be
surveyed by the Chief Engineer.

14.1.8 At the time of the Annual Classification Survey an audit of the planned maintenance system will be
carried out to ensure that the system is being correctly operated in accordance with the conditions of

14.1.9 When the annual audit is held, a confirmatory survey will be carried out for those items to be
credited which have been examined by the Chief Engineer under the planned maintenance system
during the preceding year.

14.2 Machinery acceptable for survey by Chief Engineers under Planned Maintenance System

14.2.1 The following machinery may be surveyed by the Chief Engineer under PMS:

- Main engine cylinder covers.

- Main engine valves and valve gears.
- Main engine cylinder liners.
- Main engine pistons and piston rods.
- Main engine connecting rods, crossheads, top end bearings, guides, gudgeon pins and bushes.
- Main engine crankshafts and bearings (multiple engine installations only).

- Main engine fuel injection pumps and fuel booster pumps.

- M.E. Scavenge pumps, blowers and air coolers.
- Main engine detuners, dampers and balancer units.
- Main engine camshaft and camshaft drive.
- Main propulsion steam turbines (casing, rotor and blading) at alternate surveys provided the
monitoring defined in is provided and vibration measurements and full power trials are
carried out at the time of the survey in the presence of a Surveyor.
- M.E. driven pumps, e.g. bilge, lubricating oil, cooling water.
- Independently driven pumps and associated motors and cables where insulation resistance readings
are supplied e.g. bilge, ballast, fresh water cooling, sea water cooling, lubricating oil, oil fuel transfer.
- M.E. fresh water and lubricating oil coolers.
- Low pressure heaters used in fuel oil systems of internal combustion engines
- Main and auxiliary condensers/drain coolers.
- Air compressors including their safety devices.
- Windlass and windlass machinery.
- Forced or induced draught fans.
- Auxiliary oil and steam engines including their coolers and pumps (provided the number of generating
sets is such that all services essential to the propulsion and safety of the ship, also the preservation

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of refrigerated cargo, can be supplied when any two sets are not working. One of these sets can be
overhauled while the other remains as "stand-by").
- Intermediate shafts.
- Main engine thrust bearing.

Note : In cases where torsional vibration characteristics indicate that there is no susceptibility to
damage as a result of uneven firing and the condition monitoring equipment defined in is
installed, a special arrangement may be granted whereby the Chief Engineer is permitted to survey
the main engine crankshafts and bearings on single engine installations provided a modified
confirmatory survey is carried out by IRS Surveyors at the time of the annual audit as follows:

- Check condition-monitoring records. (See

- Check bearing clearances where possible.
- Check for signs of wiped or broken white metal in crankcase.
- Check witness marks of shrink fits.

- Check bed plate structure inside and outside.

- Obtain Chief Engineer's statements regarding crankpins, journals and bearings.

Ships fitted with Approved Inert Gas Systems

- Scrubber units
- Blowers
- Independent gas generators.

14.3 Machinery not acceptable for Survey by Chief Engineers

- Main engine crankshaft and bearings in single engine installations where special requirements in
14.2.1 are not complied with
- Reduction/increase gearing, flexible coup-lings and clutches.
- Holding down bolts and chocks
- Crankcase doors, crankcase and scavenge relief devices
- Boilers and all other pressure vessels
- Boiler fuel oil heaters
- Steam pipes and starting air pipes
- Maneuvering valves and bulkhead stop valves
- Steering machinery
- Pumping arrangements for Bilge/Ballast/ Fuel Oil/Fresh Water/Sea water/Lub.Oil/ Fire
- Electrical equipment other than that defined in 14.2.1
- Propellers
- Screwshafts
- Sea connections
- M.E. controls, bridge, centralised or automatic and controls in unmanned machinery spaces
- Engine trial
- First start arrangements trial.

Ships fitted with Approved Inert Gas Systems

- All other I.G. system components not listed in 14.2.1.

14.4 System Administration

14.4.1 The Owner is to make a formal request to IRS providing the documentation and information
detailed in 14.4.2 below for approval of the system.

14.4.2 The documentation and information to be submitted is to include the following:

a) A description of the system and its application onboard and organizational interface identifying the
areas of responsibility ashore and the people responsible for the PMS onboard.

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b) The list of items of machinery, equipment and components to be considered for inclusion in the PMS.
The list is to be same in terms of description and identification with the identification system adopted
by IRS.

c) Time schedules and scope of the maintenance procedures for each item listed in b), including
acceptable limit conditions of the parameters to be monitored on items of opened up machinery,
based on the manufacturer's recommendations or recognized standards. These are to be laid down
in appropriate PMS sheets.

d) For machinery identified to be maintained under condition monitoring, maintenance and condition
monitoring methods to be used, the time intervals for monitoring and maintenance of each item, the
original reference data where applicable, the list and specifications of the condition monitoring

The acceptable limits of deteriorated condition should be stated and these are to be derived from
manufacturer’s recommendations, applicable severity criteria as defined in applicable Standards, or
the Owners requirements when these are more severe.

e) The documentation flow and filing procedure.

This is to include a system for reporting to Owners, records to be maintained onboard and at Owner’s
head quarters.

f) A list of all personnel likely to be in-charge of the PMS system.

14.4.3 Computerized system requirement The access to and updating the maintenance documentation and the maintenance program is to
be permitted by the Chief Engineer or other authorized person only. The system is to be suitably protected by suitable password access w.r.t. alterations to
maintenance schedules, list of items under PMS and noting of damages. The computerized system is to include a backup procedure, which is activated at regular
intervals. The functional applications of these computerized systems are to be approved by IRS.

14.4.4 Information to be available onboard.

a) All the documentation listed in 14.4.2, duly updated.

b) Maintenance instructions for each machinery, as applicable (supplied by the manufacturer or the

c) The condition monitoring data including all data since last opening of the machinery and where
applicable the original reference data.

d) Reference documentation (trend investi-gation procedures etc.).

e) The records of the maintenance performed, including conditions found, repairs and renewals carried

14.5 System Implementation

14.5.1 After the PMS documentation has been approved, a confirmation survey is to be carried out by
IRS Surveyors.

14.5.2 Upon successful completion of the Confirmatory Survey, the PMS is considered approved and the
survey notation PMS is assigned to the vessel and entered in the Register of Ships.

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14.5.3 The PMS is retained throughout the class period of the vessel provided that :

a) An annual report covering the year’s service is submitted to IRS detailing the list of items of
machinery and components which were subjected to preventive maintenance in the period under
review, together with preventive maintenance sheets, the condition monitoring data including all data
since last dismantling and any changes to PMS documentation.

b) An annual audit of the PMS is carried out.

c) Any change to the PMS is submitted to IRS for approval.

14.5.4 The survey agreement for machinery according to PMS will be withdrawn by IRS if the PMS is not
satisfactorily operated in terms of improperly maintained records or unsatisfactory condition of machinery
or failure to observe the agreed intervals between overhauls.

14.5.5 The Owner may discontinue the PMS at any time by informing IRS in writing. In such a case the
items that have been inspected under the PMS since last annual audit may be credited for IRS records at
the discretion of the attending surveyor carrying out confirmatory surveys.

14.5.6 In case of sale or change of management of the ship the PMS will require to be re-approved.

14.6 System Surveys

14.6.1 Confirmation Survey is to be carried out by an IRS Surveyor within one year from the date of the
documentation approval. The scope of this survey is to verify that :

a) The PMS is implemented as per the approved documentation and is suitable to the type and
complexity of machinery and systems onboard.

b) The documentation required for the annual audit is available and the adopted system is able to
produce such a report.

c) The requirements of surveys and testing for continuing the class status are complied with.

d) The shipboard personnel are familiar with the PMS procedures including documentation.

14.6.2 Annual Audit is to be carried out once the PMS is implemented and approved, to verify the
continued compliance with the documented PMS. The annual audit is carried out in conjunction with the
annual class surveys. The scope of the audit is to be as given in the following :

a) The Surveyor is to verify that the PMS is correctly operated and that all items (due for survey in the
relevant period) have actually been surveyed in due time.

b) The Surveyor is to verify that the machinery has been functioning satisfactorily upon review of the
maintenance and performance records since the previous survey or audit and where needed
necessary measures have been taken in response to machinery operating parameters exceeding
acceptable limits and that the overhaul intervals have been observed.

c) A report detailing overhaul/repairs carried out and spare parts used on items in the list of surveyable
items is to be presented by the Chief Engineer. Any machinery part or component, which has been
replaced by a spare due to damage, is to be retained onboard and submitted to the attending
surveyor’s examination.

d) The attending surveyor after verification of records on board for the identification details of the Chief
Engineers who have undertaken the maintenance activity and prepared the reports given in c), for
compliance with the approved PMS, and upon satisfactory general examination and confirmatory
surveys will credit the items for survey.

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e) Where condition monitoring equipment is in use, function tests, confirmatory inspections and random
check readings are to be carried out as far as practicable and reasonable at the discretion of the
surveyor. Where the condition and performance of the items are within specified approved limits,
these items can be credited for survey without opening up.

f) Written reports of break down or malfunction are to be made available.

g) If the surveyor is not satisfied with results of the PMS i.e. with degree of accuracy as regards the
maintenance records and/or the general condition of the machinery, a report will be forwarded to IRS
recommending that the special arrangements dealing with machinery surveys be suspended.

h) Upon satisfactory completion of the annual audit the surveyor confirms the validity of the PMS by
crediting the PMS Annual audit.

14.7 Damage and repairs

14.7.1 Damage to components or items of machinery covered by the PMS which may affect the class is
to be reported to IRS immediately. A surveyor will attend on board, survey the damage and on the basis
of the survey results decide whether condition of class is to be recommended.

14.7.2 All parts of machinery or components, which need to undergo substantial repairs, are to be
surveyed by IRS before, during and after the repairs, as deemed appropriate by the attending surveyor.

14.7.3 In the case of outstanding conditions of class or records of unrepaired damage, which may affect
the PMS, the relevant items are to be taken out of the PMS until the conditions of class are dealt with or
the repairs are carried out.

14.8 Guidelines for machinery items surveyed on the basis of condition monitoring

14.8.1 The extent of condition based maintenance and associated monitoring of equipment; to be
included in the PMS is decided by the owner. The minimum parameters to be checked in order to monitor
the condition of the various machinery for which this type of maintenance is accepted are indicated in to For the main propulsion diesel engine the following parameters are to be monitored.

- Shaft horse power

- Engine and shaft RPM
- Indicator diagrams (both power and injection timing), where applicable
- Fuel oil temperature and/or viscosity
- Charge air pressure
- Exhaust gas temperatures for each cylinder and before and after turbochargers
- Engine cooling system temperatures and pressures
- Engine lubricating oil system temperatures and pressures
- Turbocharger RPM and vibration
- Lubricating oil analysis data
- Crankshaft deflections
- Main bearing temperatures. For the main and auxiliary steam turbines the following parameters are to be monitored.

- Turbine rotor/bearing vibration

- Turbine rotor axial displacement
- Shaft horsepower
- Shaft and turbine rotor RPM
- Plant performance data i.e. steam conditions at the inlet and outlet of each turbine, boiler
performance data, condenser vacuum, sea temperatures.

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__________________________________________________________________________________ For the auxiliary diesel engines the following parameters are to be monitored.

- Exhaust gas temperatures for each cylinder and before and after turbochargers
- Engine cooling system temperatures and pressures
- Engine lubricating oil system temperatures and pressures
- Turbocharger RPM and vibration
- Lubricating oil analysis data
- Crankshaft deflections. For other auxiliary machinery the following parameters are to be monitored.

- Cooler inlet and outlet temperatures and efficiencies

- Inlet and outlet temperatures of heaters
- Pumps and fans vibration and performance data
- Differential pressures across filters serving essential systems.

Section 15

Surveys - Vapour Control Systems

15.1 For tankers and combination carriers with notation VCS1

15.1.1 Annual Surveys

At each annual survey, the vapour emission control system is to be generally examined for ensuring its
satisfactory condition. The survey is also to include:

a) Components and piping

External examination of all components and piping, including isolating / relief valves, means of collecting
and draining condensate, means for separation of vapours from non-compatible cargoes and electrical
continuity / bonding arrangements.

b) Manifold isolating valve

Confirmation of the proper operation of the vapour manifold isolating valve, including manual operation.

c) Vapour connection flanges

Confirmation of the continuing effectiveness of the “lug and hole” construction of the vapour connection
flange(s), or other approved means of preventing misconnection of the loading hose to the vapour
collection system.

d) Hoses

Confirmation that any hose used for the conveyance of vapour are in accordance with section 2.1.2 of
Pt.5, Ch.29.

e) Inert gas piping

Where inert gas distribution piping is used for vapour collection, confirmation of the continuing
effectiveness of the inert gas main isolating valve(s).

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f) Cargo gauging system

Correct operation of the closed cargo gauging system for each tank, which is connected to the vapour
collection system. Where portable gauging devices are used, the number of devices available are to be
equal to the number of tanks that can be simultaneously loaded plus two (2) additional units.

g) Cargo tank venting system

Examination of the cargo tank venting system, including flame screens, where fitted.

h) Alarms and safety devices

Verification of the satisfactory operation of the following alarms and safety devices using simulated
conditions, where necessary.

- High vapour pressure in main vapour collection line(s) (not required for tank barges).

- Low vapour pressure in main vapour collection line(s) (not required for tank barges).

- Cargo tank high liquid level.

- Cargo tank overfill (high-high liquid level), where fitted.

- Loss of power to alarm system or, alternatively, failure of tank level sensor circuitry.

- Automatic shutdown system, where fitted.

i) Operation and maintenance records

Examination of the permanent records to verify the satisfactory operation and maintenance of the system.
Consideration may be given by the Surveyor for crediting certain items whose satisfactory operation has
been properly documented and recorded.

15.1.2 Special surveys

At each Special Survey – Machinery, the following items of the vapour emission control system are to be
examined for ensuring its satisfactory condition; in addition to the requirements of annual survey in

a) Valves

All valves, including cargo tank isolating valves, main vapour line cross-over valves (where fitted for
vapour segregation), condensate drain valves, manifold isolating valves, pressure / vacuum relief valves
and spill valves / rupture disks (where fitted as additional overfill control devices) are to be examined.

b) Gauging system

The closed gauging system, including portable gauging devices where applicable, is to be examined.

c) Alarms

The independent cargo tank overfill alarms, where fitted, are to be examined.

d) Hoses

Vapour collection system hoses are to be tested for electrical continuity or non-conductivity, as

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e) Inert gas piping

Where inert gas distribution piping is used for vapour collection, deck seals or double block and bleed
assemblies are to be examined.

15.2 For tankers and combination carriers with notation VCS2

15.2.1 Annual surveys

At each annual survey, in addition to the requirements of 15.1.1, the following items of the vapour
emission control system are to be examined for ensuring its satisfactory condition.

a) Detonation flame arrester

Confirmation that the detonation flame arrester (where fitted) is in satisfactory condition.

b) Vapour manifold

Confirmation that a means of electrical insulation (insulating flange or non-conductive hose, etc.) is
provided for the vapour manifold connection.

c) Fixed oxygen analyzer

Confirmation of the accuracy of the fixed oxygen analyzer (required to be fitted within 3 [m] (10 feet) of
the vessel’s vapour manifold connection) by means of a calibration gas.

d) Vapour blowers / compressors

General examination of any devices (such as compressors or blowers) used to increase the vapour flow

15.2.2 Special surveys

At each Special Survey – Machinery, in addition to the requirements of 15.1.2 and 15.2.1, the following
items of the vapour emission control system are to be examined for ensuring its satisfactory condition:

a) Vapour Blowers / Compressors and detonation flame arresters

Vapour blowers / compressors and detonation flame arresters, where fitted, are to be examined,
including isolating and relief valves, as applicable.

Section 16

Surveys of Thermal Oil Heating Systems

16.1 General

16.1.1 Thermal Oil Heating systems are to be surveyed at intervals specified in Sec.1, Table 1.1.1 of this

16.1.2 At each Survey, the following components are to be examined as applicable.

− Oil fired thermal oil heater/s and Economiser/s are to be examined externally including the heat
exchanger coils, insulation and fuel oil burning arrangement
− Circulating pumps
− Dump cooler

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− Piping arrangement including control valves and insulation

− Expansion tank and temperature blocking pipe
− Alarms and safety devices
− Thermal oil (analysis results).

16.2 Oil fired thermal oil heater and Economiser

16.2.1 These are to be examined externally for condition of the insulation, cleanliness and their
attachment to the ship’s structure.

16.2.2 Heat exchanger coils are to be examined for any signs of overheating or corrosion and that they
are in a state to ensure proper heat exchange.

16.2.3 Heat exchanger coils are to be subjected to a leakage test, at working pressure and with working

16.2.4 All mountings are to examined externally and internally, if considered necessary by the surveyor.

16.2.5 Fuel oil burning arrangements are to be examined for proper operation including operation of
safety cut-outs.

16.3 Circulating pumps

16.3.1 Circulating pumps are to be examined externally and internally, if considered necessary by the
surveyor. The pumps are to be examined for proper operation including automatic change over.

16.4 Dump cooler

16.4.1 Dump coolers are to be examined internally and externally including pressure relief devices.

16.5 Piping arrangement

16.5.1 Complete piping arrangement is to be externally examined including condition of insulation and
tested for any leaks.

16.5.2 Pipe fittings and valves are to be examined externally and internally, if considered necessary by
the surveyor.

16.6 Expansion tank

16.6.1 Expansion tank including associated save-alls is to be visually examined.

16.6.2 Arrangement to limit the temperature of thermal oil in the expansion tanks (in open vent systems)
such as ‘Temperature Blocking Pipe” are to be examined for proper operation.

16.6.3 De-aeration arrangement and vent is to be examined for proper operation.

16.7 Alarms and safety devices

16.7.1 Following alarms and safety devices are to be tested:

- Thermal oil high temperature alarm and safety cut out (both in Oil fired heater and Economiser)

- Minimum flow control device

- Minimum flow control alarm and safety cut out (both in Oil fired heater and Economiser)

- Flue gas high temperature alarm and safety cut out (both in Oil fired heater and Economiser)

- Thermal oil leakage alarm and safety cut out (both in Oil fired heater and Economiser)

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- Expansion tank low level and low-low level alarm and safety cut out

- Fire Extinguishing arrangements.

16.8 Thermal oil analysis

16.8.1 Thermal oil is to be analysed at regular intervals – atleast annually.

16.8.2 The thermal oil shall be free from harmful contaminants and signs of oxidation or deterioration.

16.9 System operation test

16.9.1 On completion of survey the entire system is to be examined under working conditions with
particular attention to signs of leakage and functioning of control and safety devices.

16.10 Repairs

16.10.1 Any defects to alarms and safety devices the proper operation of which may pose a fire risk are
to be promptly repaired to the satisfaction of the surveyor.

16.10.2 When repairs or renewals are carried out to system parts or components, these are to be
subjected to a pressure test to 1.5 times the working pressure, prior to putting them into service.

Section 17

Surveys of External Fire Fighting Systems

17.1 General

17.1.1 External Fire Fighting Systems on ships assigned with class notations Agni 1, Agni 2 or Agni 3
are to be surveyed at intervals specified in Sec. 1 Table 1.1.2 of this chapter.

17.2 Annual survey

17.2.1 The annual survey is to consist of general examination / verification of the items indicated in 17.2.2
to 17.2.7.

17.2.2 Hull

General examination of:

− Maneuvering arrangements including side thrusters and power management system, where fitted
− Floodlights.

17.2.3 Self Protection of the Vessel

Agni 1 :

- General examination and functional verification of fixed water-spraying system.

Agni 2 & Agni 3 :

- General examination of dead lights and external steel shutters

- General examination / functional verification of insulation / water spray system, where fitted.

17.2.4 Water monitors and controls

- General examination of water monitors and their securing arrangements

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- Functional verification of water monitors

- General examination and functional verification of remote and local/manual controls.

Additional for Agni 3:

− General examination of foam monitors, foam concentrate tank and associated pumping and piping
arrangements including their securing arrangements
− Condition of foam concentrate
− Functional test of the foam monitors
− General examination and functional verification of remote and local/manual controls.

17.2.5 Pumping and piping

− General examination of fire pumps and water spray pumps, associated piping from sea inlets to
monitors and required instru-mentation.
− Examination and test of water spray piping over pressure preventing arrangement, where fire pumps
also supply to water spray piping.
− Verification of arrangement for prevention of overheating of fire pumps at low delivery rates.

17.2.6 Portable fire fighting equipment

− General examination of hose stations and fire hydrants.

− Ensuring ready availability of hoses and nozzles for the hose stations and their condition.
− Examination of pressure reducing arrangement at hose stations.

Additional for Agni 2 & Agni 3:

− Examination of portable high expansion foam generator including condition of the foam forming liquid.

17.2.7 Fireman’s Outfits

− Ensuring ready availability and condition of fireman’s outfit including self contained breathing
apparatus with spare air bottle.
− General examination of compressor for recharging air bottles.

17.3 Special survey

17.3.1 In addition to the requirements for annual survey the following need to be examined at each
special survey.

17.3.2 Internal examination and testing of the following:

− Fire and water spray pumps

− Fire and water spray pump prime movers
− One section of fire and water spray piping to assess the condition of corrosion prevention measures
− Electrical equipment associated with the external fire fighting systems
− Foam tank to the extent possible.

End of Chapter

Indian Register of Shipping

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