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Advisory Circular AC 66-08 v1.1: Part 66 Aircraft Engineer Licences - Privileges

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AC 66-08 v1.1

Part 66 aircraft engineer

licences – privileges

Date February 2021

File ref D20/454336

Advisory Circulars are intended to provide advice and guidance to illustrate a means, but not necessarily the only
means, of complying with the Regulations, or to explain certain regulatory requirements by providing informative,
interpretative and explanatory material.
Advisory Circulars should always be read in conjunction with the relevant regulations.

This advisory circular (AC) applies to:

• licensed aircraft maintenance engineers (LAMEs)

• approved maintenance organisations (AMOs) (Part 145 — of the Civil Aviation Safety
Regulations 1998 (CASR))
• certificate of approval holders for aircraft maintenance (regulation 30 of the Civil Aviation
Regulations 1988 (CAR)).

This AC provides information and guidance to current and future holders of a Part 66 aircraft
maintenance engineer licence and AMOs, on the privileges of each category of a Part 66 licence.

For further information

For further information, contact CASA’s Airworthiness and Engineering Branch
(telephone 131 757).

This version of the AC is approved by the Branch Manager, Airworthiness and Engineering.
Note: Changes made in the current version are not annotated. The document should be read in full.

Version Date Details

v1.1 November 2020 Minor updates made to the category B1 and B2 licence - certification
flowcharts at Appendix C.

v1.0 August 2020 Initial issue.

Unless specified otherwise, all subregulations, regulations, Divisions, Subparts and Parts
referenced in this AC are references to the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 (CASR).

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1 Reference material 3
1.1 Acronyms 3
1.2 Definitions 4
References 9
2 Part 1 — General information 10
2.1 Civil aviation legislation 10
2.2 Part 66 licence categories and subcategories 10
2.3 Part 66 licence terminology 11
3 Part 2 — Licence categories and privileges 12
3.1 Part 66 licence – certification levels 12
3.2 Using a Part 66 licence to certify for completion of maintenance under CAR 13
3.3 Category A licence 13
3.4 Category B1 licence 15
3.5 Category B2 licence 20
3.6 Category C licence 23
3.7 Type rated aircraft vs non-type rated aircraft 24
4 Part 3 — Background—transition from CAR 31 to Part 66 26
4.1 The change from CAR 31 to Part 66 26
4.2 Comparison of licence privileges — CAR 31 to Part 66 26
4.3 Licence exclusions 26
4.4 Licence inclusions 30

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1 Reference material

1.1 Acronyms
The acronyms and abbreviations used in this AC are listed in the table below.

Acronym Description
AC advisory circular
AMC acceptable means of compliance
AMO approved maintenance organisation
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
ATA Air Transport Association

CAMO Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisation

CAR Civil Aviation Regulations 1988
CASA Civil Aviation Safety Authority

CASR Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998

COA certificate of approval (issued under regulation 30 of CAR)
CRS certificate of release to service
EASA European Aviation Safety Agency
EDTO Extended Diversion Time Operation
FIM Fault Isolation Manual
GM guidance material
GVI general visual inspection
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organisation
IFR Instrument Flight Rules
LAME licensed aircraft maintenance engineer
LRU line replaceable unit
MEL minimum equipment list

MOS Manual of Standards

MTO maintenance training organisation
NDT non-destructive testing

RPL recognition of prior learning

SOE schedule of experience
TSM Troubleshooting Manual

VFR Visual Flight Rules

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1.2 Definitions
Terms that have specific meaning within this AC are defined in the table below.

Term Definition
aircraft type (a) a particular type, or type and model, of large aircraft with a particular type
of aircraft engine.
(b) a large aircraft with a particular type of aircraft engine.
(c) a small aircraft with a particular type of aircraft engine.
Note: For paragraph (b), aircraft mentioned in this paragraph are known as 'non-
rated aircraft'.
Example 1: For paragraph (a), Airbus A310(GE CF6)
Example 2: For paragraph (a), Boeing 747-400 (RR RB211)
Example 3: For paragraph (b), non-rated aircraft (PWC PT6)
Example 4: For paragraph (b), non-rated aircraft (Honeywell TPE331)
Example 5: For paragraph (c), small aircraft (PWC PT6)
Example 6: For paragraph (c), small aircraft (Honeywell TPE331)
AMO An organisation approved by CASA under Part 145 as an approved
maintenance organisation to carry out maintenance.
ATA Air Transport Association. ATA is a publication referencing standard,
commonly used for all commercial aircraft documentation.

avionic line replaceable An aircraft avionic part that satisfies all the following requirements:
unit (LRU) 1. it must have no mechanical input from, or output to, another part or
2. it must contain only electrical, electronic, instrument or radio parts, or
software, or a combination of any such part or parts and software,
designed to provide control, monitor or display functions, or a
combination of such functions
3. it must not require any of the following in order to be installed, secured or
connected to the aircraft:
a. specialist knowledge or techniques
b. specialised equipment
c. rigging, or functional testing or adjustment, using specialised
equipment external to the aircraft or brought on board the aircraft, to
ensure that it is functioning properly.
Note: Component software loading is considered an Avionic LRU when
associated with a component removal/installation task, BUT the repair,
rebuilding and major modification of system software is not. This remains
the responsibility of the B2 LAME.

avionic system An aircraft system that transfers, processes, displays or stores analogue or
digital data using data lines, data buses, coaxial cables, wireless or other
data transmission medium, and includes the system's components and
connectors. Examples of avionics systems include the following:
• autoflight
• communication, radar and navigation
• instruments
• in-flight entertainment systems
• integrated modular avionics (IMA)
• cabin systems

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Term Definition

• on-board maintenance systems

• information systems (e.g. Network server system)
• fly-by-wire systems (related to ATA27 'Flight Controls')
• fibre optic control systems.
Note: Refer to Table D under section A.1.1 of Appendix A of this AC for
clarification of which systems of the aircraft are designated as avionic

Base maintenance Any task falling outside the criteria that are given in the definition for line

CAMO An organisation approved by CASA under Part 42 as a continuing

airworthiness management organisation responsible for managing the
continuing airworthiness of an aircraft.
CAR 30 An organisation approved by CASA under regulation 30 of CAR to carry out
Certification An authorisation that an approved maintenance organisation grants to an
authorisation individual in accordance with the Part 42 MOS or the Part 145 MOS to
perform maintenance certification and/or issue a certificate of release to
service on behalf of the organisation.
Certificate of release to For an aircraft—a document that complies with subregulation 42.760(1), and
service for an aeronautical product—a document that complies with subregulation
42.810(1) or (2).
Composite structure Aircraft structure (such as, but not limited to —fuselage, wings, fairings,
engine and nose cowlings, flight control surfaces, fixed leading and trailing
edge panels access covers/panels, cabin floorboards and other cabin
furnishings etc), of fibre-reinforced plastic (FRP) composite, metal to metal or
non-metal bonded, or sandwich/honeycomb construction.
Composite structure Maintenance carried out to aircraft structure of fibre-reinforced plastic (FRP)
maintenance composite, metal to metal or non-metal bonded, or sandwich/honeycomb
Electrical system The aircraft electrical power supply source, plus the distribution system to the
different components contained in the aircraft and relevant connectors.
Lighting systems are also included in this definition. When working on wiring
and connectors which are part of these electrical systems, the following
typical practices are included in the privilege:
• continuity, insultation and bonding techniques and testing
• crimping and testing of crimped joints
• connector pin removal and insertion
• wiring protection techniques.
Note: Wiring and connector 'typical practices' privileges are limited to ATA
chapters designated as mechanical, powerplant and electrical systems,
and not avionics systems.

Exclusion A limitation applied to a Part 66 aircraft maintenance engineer licence that

excludes the holder of the licence from certification privileges for a particular
aircraft system.
Line maintenance Any maintenance that is carried out before flight to ensure that the aircraft is
fit for the intended flight. Line maintenance may include:
• troubleshooting
• defect rectification

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Term Definition

• aeronautical product replacement with use of external test equipment, if

required. (aeronautical product replacement may include products such
as engines and propellers)
• scheduled maintenance and/or checks including visual inspections that
will detect obvious unsatisfactory conditions/discrepancies but do not
require extensive in-depth inspection. It may also include internal
structure, systems and powerplant items which are visible through quick
opening access panels/doors
• minor repairs and modifications which do not require extensive
disassembly and can be accomplished by simple means.
Maintenance A certification performed after completion of maintenance carried out on an
certification aircraft.
MTO An organisation approved by CASA under Part 147 as an approved
maintenance training organisation to carry out training.
Multi-generator system A system that has two (or more) independent generating systems operating in
parallel, with either system able to provide power to all aircraft systems in the
event of the failure of the other system.
1. A multi-generator system has the ability to balance the outputs of each
system (e.g. with the use of a generator control unit (GCU))
2. A multi-generator system can load share and isolate a faulty system
output, enabling the serviceable generator to provide power to all aircraft
systems in the event of failure of either system.

Powerplant An aircraft engine.

Recognition of prior Prior learning that has delivered knowledge or competency by a theoretical or
learning (RPL) practical element, which is at least equivalent to the knowledge, competency,
theoretical or practical element that is otherwise required in the absence of
Note: Under provisions of this MOS, passing examinations, holding units of
competency and holding prerequisite qualifications or prerequisite units of
competency may be by means of RPL.

Rating An authorisation granted under regulation 66.080 or 66.095 of Part 66, being
a permission:
1. to perform a maintenance certification, under a category B1 or B2
licence, for maintenance carried out on a particular aircraft type; or
2. to issue a certificate of release to service, under a category B1, B2, or C
licence, for an aircraft of a particular aircraft type in relation to
maintenance carried out on the aircraft.

Simple test A test described in approved maintenance data and meeting all the following
• the serviceability of the system can be verified using aircraft controls,
switches, built-in test equipment (BITE), central maintenance computer
(CMC) or external test equipment not involving special training
• the outcome of the test is a unique go/no-go indication or parameter,
which can be a single value or a value within an interval tolerance. No
interpretation of the test result or interdependence of different values is
• the test does not involve more than 10 actions as described in the
approved maintenance data (not including those required to configure the

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Term Definition

aircraft prior to the test, i.e. jacking, flaps down, etc, or to return the
aircraft to its initial configuration). Pushing a control, switch or button, and
reading the corresponding outcome may be considered as a single action
even if the maintenance data shows them separated.
1. Performing troubleshooting steps outlined in approved maintenance data
within an avionic ATA chapter which includes a wiring check — if data
does not stipulate a 'specific' result or finding (e.g. continuity, 28vdc, 500
ohms between or a range of figures or values), then any outcome of the
test is open to interpretation (i.e. not a go/no-go result) and therefore does
NOT meet the simple test criteria.
2. The total of 10 actions includes consequential actions associated with
tests of other components or systems, required by the maintenance data,
following the LRU change; e.g. if component A is replaced and the
maintenance data includes actions to test component B and system C,
the sum of all the actions for testing components A, B and system C must
be no more than 10 actions.

Single generator system A system that has one primary generating system able to provide power to all
aircraft systems, typically with a backup low capacity generator or alternator
able to provide power to essential flight system equipment.

Specialised test Test equipment designed to perform a specific function, and which requires
equipment operator training before use.
Note: If training on test equipment is required and that training is not covered
and practiced in the syllabus for the licence category training or aircraft
type training, then that test equipment is deemed to be specialised test

Specially qualified A person who:

person • holds a category B1 licence issued under Part 66; and
• is also 1 of the following:
o a person who was trained and licenced under the CAR 31 licensing
system to perform maintenance of composite structured aircraft,
provided that the person’s licence had not been cancelled by CASA; or
o a person who holds at least 1 of the following:
a. AQF qualification MEA405;
b. a Transport Canada AME licence endorsed with an 'S' rating;
c. a New Zealand AME licence endorsed with an aeroplane Group 4
d. another qualification approved in writing by CASA as an appropriate
qualification for performing composite maintenance;
e. an authorisation issued by CASA under subregulation 42ZC (6) of
CAR to perform composite maintenance.

Subsystem A system that works within and is part of a larger system and includes:
• the electrical subsystem comprised of electrical parts/components,
appliances and motors, within a mechanical, powerplant and structural
• the instrument system comprised of instrument and avionic
parts/components within mechanical, powerplant and structural systems.

supervision of In relation to maintenance that is being done by a person — is being carried

maintenance out under the supervision of a person (the supervisor) who:

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Term Definition

• is physically present at the place the maintenance is being carried out;

• is observing the maintenance being carried out to the extent necessary to
enable the supervisor to form an opinion as to whether the maintenance
is being carried out properly; and
• is available to give advice to, and answer questions about the
maintenance from, the person carrying it out.
troubleshooting The procedures and actions taken as necessary, using approved
maintenance data (e.g. following approved fault isolation procedures and
data), in order to identify the root cause of a defect or malfunction.
1. Troubleshooting may involve avionic LRU changes, however, it does not
involve repeated avionic LRU changes in pursuit of a system fault, unless
the repeated changes are made in accordance with a published and
approved fault isolation maintenance procedure (e.g. Troubleshooting
Manual, FIM procedure).
2. Ongoing avionic defects with a history, once a FIM procedure has been
followed and exhausted, should only be certified by a category B2 LAME,
given the B2 LAME has received the required level 3 knowledge training,
i.e. full system knowledge, which enables judgement to be used in

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Regulations are available on the Federal Register of Legislation website
Civil Aviation Orders are available on the CASA website

Document Title
Part 66 of CASR Continuing airworthiness—aircraft engineer licences and ratings
Part 66 MOS Part 66 Manual of Standards

Part 145 MOS Part 145 Manual of Standards

Regulation 30 of CAR Certificate of approval
Regulation 31 of CAR Aircraft maintenance engineer licences
(CAR 31 repealed)

Regulation 42ZE of CAR Certification of completion of maintenance on aircraft in Australian territory

Advisory material
CASA's advisory circulars are available at
CASA's Civil Aviation Advisory Publications are available at
CASA's Airworthiness Bulletins are available at

Document Title

AC 66-4 Maintenance of aircraft composite structures in a maintenance organisation

AC 66-05 Using a Part 66 licence to provide certifications for completion of
maintenance under the Civil Aviation Regulations 1988
AMC/GM CASR Part 66 Continuing airworthiness—Aircraft engineer licences and ratings

AMC/GM CASR Part 145 Approved maintenance organisation requirements

AWB 20-002 Use of visible (red) dye liquid penetrant with inspection of safety critical
ASTM E1417/E1417M-16 Standard practice for liquid penetrant testing

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2 Part 1 — General information

2.1 Civil aviation legislation

2.1.1 CASA operates within a legislative framework made up of acts, regulations, associated
legislative instruments and guidance material. The two primary pieces of legislation
applicable to aircraft maintenance engineer licensing are:
− regulations under Part 66 of the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 (CASR)
− standards under the Part 66 Manual of Standards (MOS).
2.1.2 The Part 66 regulations set out requirements for the application, granting, conditions
and appropriate use of aircraft maintenance engineer licences and aircraft type ratings.
2.1.3 In addition, and among other matters, the Part 66 MOS sets out the:
− required theoretical training
− required practical maintenance experience
− examination and assessment standards for grant of an aircraft maintenance
engineer licence or an aircraft type rating
− requirements for removal of an exclusion from a licence or aircraft type rating
− privileges associated with each category and subcategory of a Part 66 licence
− lists of aircraft and engines designated by CASA as being type rated aircraft or type
rated engines.

2.2 Part 66 licence categories and subcategories

2.2.1 A Part 66 aircraft maintenance engineer licence may be granted in one or more of the
following categories:
− Category A
− Category B1
− Category B2
− Category C.
2.2.2 Category A and B1 licences are further subdivided into subcategories relative to
combinations of aeroplanes, helicopters, turbine and piston engines. These
subcategories are:
− A1 and B1.1 for aeroplanes turbine
− A2 and B1.2 for aeroplanes piston
− A3 and B1.3 for helicopters turbine
− A4 and B1.4 for helicopters piston.
2.2.3 The titles shown against each licence category designator below are provided as a
readily understandable indication of the job function:
− Category A: Line maintenance certifying mechanic (as detailed in Appendix II of the
Part 145 MOS)
− Category B1: Maintenance certifying engineer - mechanical

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− Category B2: Maintenance certifying engineer - avionics

− Category C: Base maintenance certifying engineer.
2.2.4 Individual licence holders are not restricted to a single category or subcategory.
Provided that each qualification requirement is satisfied, any combination of categories
may be granted.

2.3 Part 66 licence terminology

2.3.1 Under Part 66, specific aircraft systems are referred to and designated differently from
the previous licensing system under regulation 31 of the Civil Aviation Regulations 1988
(CAR). Under Table 1 of the Part 66 MOS, aircraft systems are identified using a
chapter reference of the Air Transport Association of America (ATA) numbering system
(the common 'global' referencing standard for commercial aircraft documentation), with
each aircraft system further designated by CASA as one of the following:
− mechanical (B1) system
− powerplant (B1) system
− structural (B1) system
− electrical (B1 and B2) system
− avionic (B2) system – (i.e. instrument and radio under previous CAR 31 licence).
Note: Table 1 of the Part 66 MOS which lists the aircraft systems and their designations, is reproduced at
Appendix A of this AC.

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3 Part 2 — Licence categories and privileges

3.1 Part 66 licence – certification levels

3.1.1 The privileges of a Part 66 licence are found under section 66.A.20 of the Part 66 MOS.
The holder of an aircraft engineer licence exercises the privileges of the licence if:
− for a category A, B1 or B2 licence—the holder performs maintenance certifications
or issues certificates of release to service under the licence
− for a category C licence—the holder issues certificates of release to service under
the licence.
Note: Refer to subregulation 66.120 (3).

3.1.2 Within the Part 66 licensing system, there are two levels of certification of maintenance.
They are:
− a maintenance certification
− a certificate of release to service (CRS).
3.1.3 These two levels form the basis of the 'certification privileges' the holder of a Part 66
licence may exercise.

3.1.4 Maintenance certification Maintenance certification of aircraft maintenance may be made by the individual licence
holder who carried out or supervised the carrying out of the maintenance and must be
made before the issue of a CRS. A maintenance certification may only be performed by the holder of a category A, B1 or
B2 licence.
1. The category C licence does not include the privilege to perform a maintenance certification.
2. The category A licence does not include the privilege to supervise the work of others for maintenance
certification purposes.

3.1.5 Certificate of release to service A CRS is a document issued by a licence holder to release an aircraft back to service
after the completion of maintenance. The holder of an appropriate category A, B1 or B2
aircraft maintenance engineer licence may issue a CRS, except following completion of
base maintenance on large aircraft in a Part 145 AMO.
1. Only the holder of a category C licence with the appropriate aircraft type rating may issue a CRS in a
Part 145 AMO following base maintenance.
2. Maintenance certification and CRS privileges of each category of licence are also specified in legislation
under section 66.A.20 — Privileges, of the Part 66 MOS.

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3.2 Using a Part 66 licence to certify for completion of maintenance

under CAR
3.2.1 For Australian aircraft maintained by the holder of a certificate of approval (COA) for
aircraft maintenance issued under regulation 30 of CAR; certification of maintenance is
carried out by the holder of a Part 66 licence and must be done in a manner that is
compliant with the requirements of regulation 42ZE of CAR.
3.2.2 Advisory Circular AC 66-05 v2.0 – ‘Using a Part 66 licence to provide certifications for
completion of maintenance under the Civil Aviation Regulations 1988’, provides useful
guidance which describes the way in which the holder of a Part 66 licence is able to
certify completion of maintenance within the scope of the licence, and issue a final
certification for completion of maintenance for an aircraft maintained by a CAR 30

3.3 Category A licence

3.3.1 The category A aircraft maintenance engineer licence permits the holder to perform
maintenance certifications and issue certificates of release to service following:
− minor scheduled line maintenance or completion of simple defect rectification tasks
as specified in Appendix II of the Part 145 MOS, within the limits of tasks
specifically endorsed on the certification authorisation issued to the licence holder
by the maintenance organisation.
3.3.2 The certification privileges are restricted to work that the licence holder has personally
performed in the maintenance organisation that issued the certification authorisation.
3.3.3 Category A licences are issued with one or more of the subcategories A1, A2, A3 or A4;
however, are not endorsed with specific aircraft type ratings.
Note: For the list of subcategories, refer to paragraph 2.2.2 of this AC.

3.3.4 Licence scope The following list of tasks (found in Appendix II of the Part 145 MOS) outlines the scope
of authorisations an AMO may issue to category A licensed employees to perform
maintenance certifications and issue CRS, following completion of appropriate aircraft
type/task training.

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3.3.5 Supervision of maintenance A category A licence does not permit the holder to certify for the work of others, only
their own maintenance. However, a second person may be present and be directed and
instructed by the category A licence holder to assist them in carrying out the
maintenance task.

3.3.6 Certification privileges

Maintenance certification A category A licence permits the holder to perform a maintenance certification within the
scope of the subcategory of licence held if the person carried out the maintenance. The
certification privilege is limited to the category A tasks for the specific aircraft type the
licence holder has been trained on (i.e. type and task training) by the maintenance
organisation and has been endorsed for on his/her certification authorisation. Type and task training must include practical hands-on training, and theoretical training,
as appropriate for each task authorised. Completion of training must be demonstrated
to the satisfaction of the Quality Manager of the issuing organisation by an examination
or workplace assessment carried out by the organisation.

Certificate of release to service (CRS) A category A licence permits the holder to issue a CRS for completion of maintenance
to aircraft covered by the subcategory of licence held if the maintenance was carried out
by the person, or the maintenance and its maintenance certification were carried out by
another category A licence holder. This CRS privilege is limited to the category A tasks
for the aircraft type the licence holder has specifically endorsed on the certification
authorisation. The category A licence holder may only issue a CRS when all maintenance
certifications for the aircraft have been performed only by category A licence holders. If
the holder of a category B1 or B2 licence has issued maintenance certifications for
maintenance they have carried out on the aircraft, then the category A licence holder is
not permitted to issue the CRS.

3.4 Category B1 licence

3.4.1 Subject to exclusions listed on the licence, the category B1 aircraft maintenance
engineer licence permits the holder to perform maintenance certifications and issue
CRS following:
− maintenance performed on aircraft structure (airframe), powerplant, mechanical
and electrical systems
− limited work performed on avionic systems (avionic ATA chapters), including
avionic line replaceable units (LRU) replacements and testing that complies with all
the simple test and ‘troubleshooting’ definitions (as described in section 1.2) to
prove their serviceability. (refer to avionic systems at subparagraph below).

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3.4.2 Category B1 licences are issued with one or more of the subcategories B1.1, B1.2, B1.3
or B1.4 and can be endorsed with specific aircraft type ratings.
1. For the list of subcategories, refer to paragraph 2.2.2 of this AC.
2. Refer to list of aircraft type ratings in Appendix IX of the Part 66 MOS. Where an aircraft system (and ATA chapter reference) in Table 1 of the Part 66 MOS is
designated B1, the B1 licence holder has full maintenance privileges within the chapter.
However, a B2 licence holder has privileges for maintenance of electrical and
instrument aspects of that mechanical system. Similarly, where an aircraft system (and
an ATA chapter reference) is designated B2, the B1 licence holder has privileges for
any mechanical aspects of the system.

3.4.3 Licence scope The category B1 licence holder may certify maintenance of aircraft:
− structure (airframe)
− powerplant systems
− mechanical systems
− electrical systems - (B1 and B2 equally share this system), including:
− electrical subsystems (i.e. electrical parts, appliances and motors)
− instrument subsystems (i.e. transmitters, sensors etc), within mechanical and
powerplant systems.
1. Refer to the electrical system definition under section 1.2 – Definitions, of this AC for what is included in
an electrical system.
2. The maintenance above is limited to the extent of scope for the licence held, i.e. within the limitations of
any exclusions endorsed on the licence.

Category A licence maintenance tasks Category B1 includes maintenance covered by the corresponding A subcategory.
Category B1.1 includes subcategory A1 tasks.
Category B1.2 includes subcategory A2 tasks.
Category B1.3 includes subcategory A3 tasks.
Category B1.4 includes subcategory A4 tasks.

Avionic systems Subject to exclusions listed on the licence, the category B1 licence may include limited
privilege to certify for work on aircraft avionic systems, provided the serviceability of the
system can be established by a simple test facility, other on-board test
systems/equipment or by simple ramp test equipment that requires no special training.
Note: Special test equipment training is other than that received during licence category training.

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PRIVILEGES Defect rectification involving test equipment which requires an element of decision
making in its application – other than a simple go/no-go decision – cannot be certified
by a B1. Avionic system privileges for the category B1 licence are limited to the following tasks:
a. replacement of an avionic LRU – that requires only a simple test to prove its
Note: There is no LRU privilege if the licence is endorsed with the E6 exclusion.

b. Updating the software in an avionic system, provided that:

i. the system has a discrete ‘self-test’ facility to confirm success of the updating
(e.g. software load part number)
ii. the serviceability of any other system affected by the updating is also
iii. only simple tests are necessary to verify the serviceability of the system and
any other system affected by the updating.
Note: Updating the software does not extend to the repair, rebuilding and major modification of system
software. This remains the responsibility of the B2 LAME.

c. Functional checks of an avionic system that can be conducted as a simple test.

d. Troubleshooting of an avionic system that can be conducted as a simple test.
Troubleshooting must not deviate outside the instructions of the manufacturer’s
TSM or FIM data.
1. For additional guidance on category B1 avionic systems privileges, refer to Appendix A and the Workflow
diagram (decision tree) at Appendix C of this AC.
2. Refer to the simple test definition under section 1.2 – Definitions, of this AC for what is a simple test with
regards to a category B1 licence holder exercising privileges.

Additional category B1 maintenance privileges Despite any exclusions listed on a licence, the holder of a category B1 licence endorsed
with a subcategory may certify:
− a daily or manufacturer's equivalent inspection (or EDTO pre-flight inspection)
− a check of the condition and security of attachment, of wiring, plumbing, parts and
− inspections using an NDT Liquid Penetrant Inspection (LPI) method (limited to the
visible colour contrast Type II dye penetrant technique — NOT the fluorescent dye
penetrant, inspection technique).
− maintenance of electrical and instrument components which form part of a
mechanical, powerplant or structural system, limited to:
o external mechanical adjustment to facilitate correct operation of mechanical,
powerplant or structural systems
o replacement of components connected by electrical plugs, terminal
connections (other than soldered connections) or pipelines—but excluding

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those functional tests and adjustments that are not simple tests or requiring the
use of external specialised test equipment.
Notes:(NDT inspections using the LPI method)
1. NDT inspections using the visible colour contrast LPI method, are not to be used for final inspection of
safety critical components, and not to be used before an inspection using fluorescent penetrants.
a. CASA Airworthiness Bulletin AWB 20-002 Use of visible (red) dye liquid penetrant with inspection of
safety critical components, and
b. the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), ASTM E 1417/E1417M-16 – Standard
practice for liquid penetrant testing.
2. This NDT privilege does not include inspections using the Type I - fluorescent penetrant (visible under
ultraviolet light) inspection technique.
3. This NDT privilege is consistent with airframe category and engine category NDT inspection privileges
under the previous CAR 31 licensing system.
4. Under Appendix IV of the Part 66 MOS, licence category training for a category B1 licence delivers the
competency to carry out LPI inspections using the visible colour contrast dye penetrant technique only
(refer to competency unit MEA365).
5. For additional information on what privileges are included as part of a daily, or manufacturer's equivalent
inspection, refer to 66.A.20 (a) 4A. of the Part 66 MOS.

Schedule 8 of CAR (pilot maintenance) The category B1 licence includes the privilege to certify for maintenance tasks specified
in Part 1 of Schedule 8 of CAR (i.e. pilot maintenance) carried out on Class B aircraft. The maintenance must be carried out in accordance with any conditions (if any)
prescribed by a legislative instrument issued by CASA. The category B1 licence holder does not require the aircraft type rating to carry out and
certify maintenance specified in Part 1 of Schedule 8 even if the Class B aircraft is
specified as a type rated aircraft in Appendix IX of the Part 66 MOS.
1. Refer to additional information provided in Civil Aviation Advisory Circular – CAAP 42ZC-01 available on
CASA website <>
2. Refer to Part 1 of Schedule 8, of the Civil Aviation Regulations 1988 for the list of maintenance on
Class B aircraft other than balloons.

Composite structure maintenance Not including an inspection in which specialised test equipment is used, the category B1
licence holder may carry out and certify for:
− general visual inspections (GVI) - (routine and non-routine) of non-type rated
aircraft and type-rated aircraft (if type rating held), to all aircraft composite
structures, including:
o fuselage
o wings
o wing to body fairings
o engine cowlings
o nose cowlings
o composite flight control surfaces (flaps, ailerons, elevators etc)

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o fixed leading and trailing edge panels

o access covers/panels
o cabin floorboards and other composite constructed cabin furnishings etc.
− a limited range of simple and non-structural composite repairs such as external
patch, scarf patch, stepped repairs and bolted repairs,
o but only if the licence holder is appropriately trained, assessed as competent
and qualified to do the repair, prior to being authorised as a certifying
1. The privilege excludes inspection and certification following maintenance to those aircraft of primarily
composite construction or with composite primary structures.
2. The privilege excludes inspection and certification following repairs, modifications or assembly of aircraft
composite primary structures.
3. Certification of maintenance to aircraft composite primary structures may only be carried out by a
specially qualified person. (refer definition in section 1.2)
4. Section 7A of Civil Aviation Order (CAO 100.5) and AC 66-04 provide additional information relating to
carrying out and certifying for maintenance of aircraft composite structures in either a Part 145 AMO or a
CAR 30 maintenance organisation, for aircraft of primarily composite construction or with composite
primary structures.

Transitional maintenance privileges (VFR aircraft operations only) Despite any exclusions listed on a licence, the holder of a category B1 licence who
previously held a CAR 31 licence, or who qualified (during the transitional period June
2011-03 July 2020) for transition of an engine category Group 1 or Group 2 rating, or an
airframe category Group 1, Group 2 or Group 19 rating, may perform maintenance
certification for:
− all electrical maintenance – on an aircraft approved for VFR operations only and
fitted with a single generator
− all instrument system maintenance for aircraft general instruments (excluding RMI,
inertial navigation and multi-axis autopilots) – on aircraft approved for VFR
operations only
− replacement of removable items of equipment of radio systems – on aircraft
approved for VFR operations only
− periodic inspections for aircraft radio systems – on aircraft approved for VFR
operations only.
1. These privileges only apply provided that the old licence and its ratings applied to the maintenance, or
would have applied to the maintenance, if CAR 31 were still in force.
2. A person whose Part 66 licence was endorsed with exclusions at transition, is not considered to be a
'full/unrestricted B1 LAME'. That is, those exclusions do apply and limit the scope of privilege for the
respective licence, except for those transitional maintenance privileges mentioned above (and identified
in Table 2 of section 66.A.21 of the Part 66 MOS), which are a privilege despite any exclusion listed on
the licence.

3.4.4 Supervision of maintenance The holder of a category B1 licence may supervise the work of others for maintenance
certification purposes.

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3.4.5 Certification privileges

Maintenance certification A category B1 licence permits the holder to perform a maintenance certification within
the scope of the subcategory of licence held (including accounting for any exclusion
listed on the licence), following maintenance performed on:
− structures (airframe)
− powerplant systems
− mechanical systems
− electrical systems
− category A tasks for the corresponding A subcategory and aircraft type rating(s)
− avionic systems — (see limitations for avionic privileges outlined above)
− inspections using the NDT Liquid Penetrant Inspection (LPI) method – limited to the
visible colour contrast Type II dye penetrant inspection technique only (i.e. NOT the
fluorescent dye penetrant inspection technique)
− composite structures — (see limitations for composite structure maintenance
outlined above)
− transitional privileges (VFR aircraft operations only).

Certificate of release to service (CRS) A category B1 licence permits the holder to issue a CRS for aircraft covered by the
subcategory of licence held, following completion of all maintenance, if the maintenance
was not base maintenance carried out on a large aircraft by a Part 145 AMO.
1. Performance of maintenance certifications and issue of CRS are only permitted on a particular type-rated
aircraft or type-rated engine if the aircraft type rating or engine type rating is endorsed on the licence.
2. Performance of maintenance certifications and issue of CRS are permitted on all aircraft that are not type-
rated if the aircraft is covered by the subcategory of licence held.

3.5 Category B2 licence

3.5.1 Subject to exclusions listed on the licence, the category B2 aircraft maintenance
engineer licence permits the holder to perform maintenance certifications and issue
CRS following:
− maintenance of avionics and electrical systems
− electrical and instrument tasks within powerplant and mechanical systems.
Note: If a fluid system is broken into, certification for associated leak checks must be performed by a B1 LAME.

3.5.2 Category B2 licences can be endorsed with specific aircraft type ratings.
Note: Refer to list of aircraft type ratings in Appendix IX of the Part 66 MOS.

3.5.3 Licence scope The category B2 licence holder may certify maintenance of aircraft:

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− avionic and electrical systems

− electrical and instrument subsystem tasks within powerplant and mechanical
systems. Where an aircraft system (and ATA chapter reference) in Table 1 of the Part 66 MOS is
designated B2, the B2 licence holder has full maintenance privileges within the chapter,
however a B1 licence holder has privileges for maintenance of any mechanical aspects
of the system. Similarly, where an aircraft system (and an ATA chapter reference) is
designated B1, the B1 licence holder has full maintenance privileges within the chapter.
However, the B2 licence holder has privileges for electrical and instrument aspects of
that mechanical system.
1. Refer to the electrical system and subsystem definitions under section 1.2 – Definitions, of this AC.
2. The maintenance above is limited to the extent of scope for the licence held, i.e. within the limitations of
any exclusions endorsed on the licence.

Category A licence maintenance tasks The category B2 licence does not automatically include category A licence privileges.
However, if a B2 licence holder, licensed on a particular aircraft type, has been trained
by the Part 145 AMO or CAR 30 maintenance organisation on category A tasks for that
aircraft type, he/she may perform maintenance certification following:
− minor scheduled line maintenance and simple defect rectification within the limits of
category A licence tasks specifically endorsed on the certification authorisation
issued by the employer.
Note: This certification privilege is restricted to work that the licence holder has personally performed in the
maintenance organisation which issued the certification authorisation and is limited to the type ratings for
a large aircraft endorsed on the B2 licence. As is the case for the category A licence holder, all category A task training undertaken
by a category B2 licence holder must include practical hands-on training, and
theoretical training, as appropriate for each task authorised.

Avionic systems Certification of maintenance to the aircraft avionic systems – any level of maintenance
including replacement of avionics LRUs, (unless the licence is endorsed with the E6
Note: For additional guidance on category B2 certification privileges, refer to the workflow diagram (decision
tree) at Appendix C of this AC.

Additional category B2 maintenance privileges Despite any exclusions listed on a licence, the holder of a category B2 licence may
− a daily or manufacturer's equivalent inspection (or EDTO pre-flight inspection)
− a check of the condition and security of attachment, of wiring, plumbing, parts and
Note: The category B2 licence includes the privilege to certify for closing of cowlings and removal/installation
(screwing/unscrewing) of quick access inspection panels (ref: ATA51 of Table 1 of Part 66 MOS).

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Schedule 8 of CAR (pilot maintenance) The category B2 licence includes the privilege to certify for maintenance tasks specified
in Part 1 of Schedule 8 of CAR (i.e. pilot maintenance) carried out on Class B aircraft. The maintenance must be carried out in accordance with any conditions (if any)
prescribed by a legislative instrument issued by CASA. The category B2 licence holder does not require the aircraft type rating to carry out and
certify maintenance specified in Part 1 of Schedule 8 even if the Class B aircraft is
specified as a type rated aircraft in Appendix IX of the Part 66 MOS.
1. Refer to additional information provided in Civil Aviation Advisory Circular – CAAP 42ZC-01 available on
CASA website <>
2. Refer to Part 1 of Schedule 8, of the Civil Aviation Regulations 1988 for the list of maintenance on
Class B aircraft other than balloons.

3.5.4 Supervision of maintenance The category B2 licence holder may supervise the work of others for maintenance
certification purposes.

3.5.5 Certification privileges

Maintenance certification A category B2 licence permits the holder to perform a maintenance certification within
the scope of the licence held (including accounting for any exclusion listed on the
licence), following category B2 maintenance performed on:
− avionic systems
− electrical systems
− electrical and instrument subsystem tasks within powerplant and mechanical
− category A licence tasks — i.e. minor scheduled line maintenance and simple
defect rectification within the limits of category A licence tasks specifically endorsed
on the certification authorisation issued by the employer.
Note: The category A licence tasks certification privilege is restricted to work that the licence holder has
personally performed in the maintenance organisation which issued the certification authorisation and
limited to the type ratings already endorsed on the licence.

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Certificate of release to service (CRS) A category B2 licence permits the holder to issue a CRS for aircraft covered by the
licence, following completion of all maintenance, if the maintenance was not base
maintenance carried out on a large aircraft by a Part 145 AMO.
1. Performance of maintenance certifications and issue of CRS are only permitted on a particular type-rated
aircraft if the aircraft type rating is endorsed on the licence.
2. Performance of maintenance certifications and issue of CRS are permitted on all aircraft that are not type-

3.6 Category C licence

3.6.1 The category C aircraft maintenance engineer licence permits the holder to issue CRS
following base maintenance on aircraft carried out by a Part 145 AMO. Category C
licences can be endorsed with specific aircraft type ratings.
Note: Refer to list of aircraft type ratings in Appendix IX of the Part 66 MOS.

3.6.2 Licence scope A category C licence permits the holder to issue a CRS following base maintenance on
aircraft, for the maintenance conducted by the AMO. The basis for this single
certification is that all maintenance carried out or deferred has been certified by
appropriate category B1 and B2 personnel, in accordance with applicable continuing
airworthiness management organisation's (CAMO) requirements. The principal function of the category C licence holder is to ensure that all required
maintenance that has been called up, has been certified by appropriate category B1
and B2 personnel or specialist maintainers and any outstanding or incomplete
maintenance has been identified and the operator notified before issue of the CRS.

3.6.3 Certification privileges

Maintenance certification Nil privilege. For base maintenance events, certification of maintenance is the
responsibility of category B1 and category B2 licence holders. No authorisation may be
granted to the category category C licence holder to perform a maintenance certification
following completion of base maintenance.

Certificate of release to service The CRS privilege permits an aircraft to be released back to service (via the issue of a
single CRS for the whole aircraft), following completion of all scheduled base
maintenance. The basis for this certification is that the maintenance has been carried
out by competent maintenance engineers and category A, B1 and B2 personnel have
certified for the maintenance under their respective licence category privileges.

AC 66-08 v1.1 February 2021 Page 23

PRIVILEGES Only category C personnel who also hold category B1 or B2 qualifications may perform
both roles in base maintenance.
1. Issue of a CRS by the category C licence holder, is only permitted on a particular type-rated aircraft if the
appropriate aircraft type rating is endorsed on the individual's licence.
2. The category C role and issue of a CRS in base maintenance is similar to the co-ordinator of
maintenance (CAR 31) and issue of the maintenance release.

3.7 Type rated aircraft vs non-type rated aircraft

3.7.1 Type rated aircraft Type rated aircraft are typically large aircraft including aeroplanes over 5700 kg
maximum take-off weight (MTOW) and multi-engine helicopters. If CASA has a reason
that type training would improve/assure aviation safety it assigns type ratings to other
aircraft (such as particular small aircraft) or specific engines.
1. Refer to Appendix IX of the Part 66 MOS for the lists of type rated aircraft and type rated engines.
2. All CASA approved type training provided by approved Part 147 MTOs are documented in Part 2 of
Advisory Circular AC 147-02 (as amended from time to time).
3. two examples of aircraft less than 5700kgs that CASA has determined as requiring a type rating are:
– Pilatus PC-12
– Embraer Phenom 100.

3.7.2 Non-type rated aircraft Non-type rated aircraft are generally those weighing not more than 5700 kg, or aircraft
weighing above 5700 kg, which CASA considers a type rating is not required.
Maintenance of these aircraft are covered by category B1 and category B2 aircraft
maintenance engineer licences, as long as the maintenance is within the scope of the
licence (including any exclusions on the licence), and do not require a specific aircraft
type rating on the licence. In addition, for some non-type rated aircraft, a type rating may be required for the gas
turbine engine only (e.g. Honeywell TPE 331 engine). In such cases the type rating is
endorsed on the Part 66 licence as – small/non-rated aircraft (engine rating).
A category B1 licence holder with nil airframe exclusions.
The Cessna 441 is a non-type rated aircraft, however its engine (Honeywell TPE 331)
is type rated. The licence holder therefore requires a small/non-rated aircraft (TPE 331)
type rating endorsement on his/her licence to maintain the engine.
1. Refer to Appendix IX of the Part 66 MOS for lists of non-type rated aircraft that require a specific type
rated engine. These are listed as a small/non-rated aircraft (engine rating).
2. All CASA approved type training provided by approved Part 147 MTOs are documented in Part 2 of
Advisory Circular AC 147-02 (as amended from time to time).

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3. Two examples of aircraft greater than 5700kgs that CASA has determined as not requiring a type rating
are: AT-802 Air Tractor, and Grumman G-73T Mallard.

3.7.3 Licence privileges and type-rated aircraft The holder of a subcategory B1.1, B1.2, B1.3, B1.4 or category B2 or C licence, must
only exercise his or her certification privileges on a type rated aircraft or a type rated
aircraft engine when the licence is endorsed with the appropriate aircraft type rating or
aircraft engine type rating, following completion of relevant theory training and practical
experience for that aircraft type or engine type. Permission for the B1 licence holder to provide maintenance certifications for the
completion of maintenance for the powerplant of an aircraft with a type rated engine is
gained by holding those aircraft or engine type ratings. A B1 licence holder (assuming
no E3 – Excluding powerplant systems limits the licence or aircraft type ratings) is
permitted to work on the mechanical, electrical and structural systems of those aircraft
via the holding of the appropriate licence e.g. sub-category B1.1. Holding engine type
ratings is not relevant to B2 and C licence holders.

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4 Part 3 — Background—transition from CAR 31 to

Part 66

4.1 The change from CAR 31 to Part 66

4.1.1 The move to the Part 66 licensing system on 27 June 2011, replaced the previous
licensing system under regulation 31 of CAR (CAR 31) and introduced the A, B1, B2
and C categories and type ratings used by the European Aviation Safety Agency
(EASA). With introduction of this EASA based licensing system, Part 66 of CASR also
introduced new terminologies, some changes in licence privileges and licence
categories. The following information provides an explanation and clarification on some
of the differences between the CAR 31 and Part 66 licensing systems and conversion of
a CAR 31 licence to a Part 66 licence.

4.2 Comparison of licence privileges — CAR 31 to Part 66

4.2.1 The following table provides a general comparison of CAR 31 licence privileges to
Part 66 licence privileges.
Note: Actual privileges depicted on a licence may be subject to exclusions.

Table A — Comparison of licence privileges – CAR 31 to Part 66

4.3 Licence exclusions

4.3.1 What is an exclusion? An exclusion on an aircraft maintenance engineer licence or aircraft type rating,
indicates that a limitation has been applied to the licence or aircraft type rating. Exclusions may be applied to your licence category or to an aircraft type rating
endorsed on your licence, or both. An exclusion prohibits the licence holder from certifying for maintenance carried out on
the aircraft system identified by the specific exclusion number. (e.g. E41 - excluding
oxygen systems would prohibit the licence holder from certifying maintenance carried
out to the aircraft’s oxygen system).

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1. On your aircraft engineer licence, the exclusions, limitations and additional privileges that apply to you are
printed adjacent to the licence category or applicable aircraft type rating. To find out what they mean,
refer to the explanatory list on the last page of your licence and the additional information provided here
under section 2.6.
2. For reference, the list of licence exclusions applicable to the Part 66 licensing system is provided at
Appendix B of this AC.

4.3.2 How did exclusions come to be? In May-June 2011 (the licence conversion period), all aircraft maintenance engineer
licences previously issued under the CAR 31 licensing system were re-issued by CASA
as a Part 66 licence. Due to differences between the two licensing systems (i.e. the five
category licence system under CAR 31 and the two category licence system under Part
66 of CASR), and CASA’s assurance that no existing CAR 31 licence holder would lose
any of his/her existing licence privileges, a licence 'exclusions' system was created and
was applied to all CAR 31 licences at transition to ensure the privileges of the old and
new licences matched.

4.3.3 Explanation of the conversion process from CAR 31 to Part 66 Under the CAR 31 licensing system, licences were classified into five separate licence
categories. Each of those licence categories (i.e. airframe, engine, electrical, instrument
and radio) had their associated aircraft systems further classified into group ratings
(previously known as lower groups). As training was completed for a group rating
(CASA Basics/SOE), licence privilege was granted for a particular system or subsystem
on the aircraft e.g. the airframe category licence had group ratings for air-conditioning
systems, pressurisation systems, wooden airframe structures etc and the radio category
licence had group ratings for VHF radio systems, HF radio systems etc. As each CAR 31 licence and its group rating endorsements were transitioned to a
Part 66 licence, an exclusion may or may not have been applied to the Part 66 licence
to ensure the privileges of the old and new licences matched. During that same time (the licence conversion period), a few licence 'inclusions' were
introduced to identify certain privileges some CAR 31 licence holders had on their
licences and when re-issued as a Part 66 licence, ensured the privileges of the old and
new licences matched. The following tables provide some very basic examples of how exclusions were applied
to a converted licence during the licence conversion period.

Table B — Basic example 1: licence conversion – adding an E3 exclusion

CAR 31 licence converted to Part 66 licence

airframe category licence = B1 (mechanical) licence

(groups 1, 5, 6 and 10, or a group 20 endorsed with (at minimum) an
airframe) E3 exclusion

E3 – excluding powerplant systems

AC 66-08 v1.1 February 2021 Page 27

PRIVILEGES The category B1 licence is a (mechanical) licence that covers maintenance performed
on aircraft structural (airframe), powerplant (engines), mechanical and electrical
(generation, distribution and lighting) systems and electrical or instrument subsystems
of mechanical, powerplant or structural systems.
In example 1 above, the CAR 31 licence was an airframe category licence only.
− because the licence holder did not have the privilege to certify for engines on their
CAR 31 airframe licence (as it was airframe only), the E3 exclusion was applied to
their Part 66 B1.1 licence at conversion, to restrict the licence holder from
certification of maintenance to powerplants (engines).

Table C — Basic example 2: licence conversion – adding E1, E4 and E5 exclusions

CAR 31 licence converted to Part 66 licence

airframe and engine category licence = B1 (mechanical) licence

(groups 1, 5, 6 and 10, or a group 20 endorsed with (at minimum)
airframe, and engine groups 1, 3 and 21) E1, E4 and E5 exclusions

E1 – excluding electrical systems

E4 – excluding electrical sub-system of mechanical, powerplant or structural systems
E5 – excluding instrument sub-systems of mechanical, powerplant or structural systems The category B1 licence is a (mechanical) licence that covers maintenance performed
on aircraft structural (airframe), powerplant (engines), mechanical and electrical
(generation, distribution and lighting) systems and electrical or instrument subsystems
of mechanical, powerplant or structural systems.
In example 2 above, the CAR 31 licence was an airframe and engine category licence
only because the licence holder did not have the privilege to certify for:
− electrical systems, (as the CAR 31 licence was airframe and engine only), the E1
exclusion was applied to the Part 66 B1 licence at conversion, to restrict the licence
holder from certification of maintenance to aircraft electrical systems
− electrical aspects of airframe or engine systems (previously a CAR 31 electrical
category privilege) as the CAR 31 licence was airframe and engine only, the E4
exclusion was applied to the Part 66 B1 licence at conversion, to restrict the licence
holder from certification of maintenance to aircraft electrical sub-systems
− instrument aspects of airframe or engine systems (previously a CAR 31 instrument
category privilege) as the CAR 31 licence was airframe and engine only, the E5
exclusion was applied to the Part 66 B1 licence at conversion, to restrict the licence
holder from certification of maintenance to aircraft instrument sub-systems. During the licence transition period, exclusions were also applied to a Part 66 licence if
the CAR 31 licence holder did not have other maintenance privileges under their CAR
31 licence for specific aircraft sub-systems such as but not limited to: pressurisation
(E16 or E31), radar (E21), air-conditioning (E14 and/or E15), hydraulics systems (E13)

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4.3.4 CASA policy — application of exclusions on a licence and/or rating CASA's policy at the time of the conversion period (May/June 2011) was that exclusions
that applied to the category or subcategory of licence would also be applied to any
aircraft type rating or engine type rating endorsed on the licence. Depending on the CAR 31 licence categories and ratings held at the time of transition
from CAR 31 to Part 66, exclusions were applied at both the category and rating levels.
When an exclusion was applied at the category level, its effects extended to any of the
type ratings granted in the category.
An exclusion for powerplant (engine) systems (E3) applied to the category B1.1 licence
also extended to any aircraft type ratings granted in that category. The licence holder
could not certify for maintenance of turbine engines in relation to any aircraft type
rating held. The reason behind this policy (and applied to the example above) was:
− if the CAR 31 licence holder had no evidence of having previously completed
training (theory and practical) on turbine engines, then he/she never had the
privilege to certify for turbine engines under their CAR 31 licence
− that being the case, he/she would also not be granted (at transition) any turbine
engine privileges under their Part 66 licence, and so for this example, the E3
(excluding powerplant systems) exclusion was applied to the category B1.1 licence
and therefore would have also applied to any aircraft type ratings held under that
licence. Under this policy, any exclusion applied to the licence would first need to be removed
from the category, then from the applicable rating:
− to remove the powerplant (engine) systems exclusion from the licence category
would require completion of turbine engine training (theory and practical) – so gain
knowledge and experience of turbine engines at category level,
and then:
− to remove the powerplant (engine) systems exclusion from any aircraft type rating
held on the licence would require completion of turbine engine (theory and
practical) on the particular engine type covered by the rating – so gain knowledge
and experience for the particular turbine engine type.

4.3.5 Requirements for removal of an exclusion from a category or subcategory

of licence To remove an exclusion from a category or subcategory of licence, an individual must
satisfy the following theory and practical requirements:
− theory – completion of the Part 66 module exam(s) relevant to the subject/aircraft
system of the particular exclusion
− practical – completion of the unit(s) of competency applicable to a particular
exclusion, as listed in Appendix VIII of the Part 66 MOS.

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1. A list of the units of competency (for the practical experience component) taken from the Aeroskills
training package required for removal of each exclusion from a category or subcategory of licence can be
found at Appendix VIII of the Part 66 Manual of Standards.
2. This is usually completed by a CASA approved Part 147 Maintenance Training Organisation (MTO) via a
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) process.

4.3.6 Requirement for removal of an exclusion from a rating To remove an exclusion from an aircraft type rating endorsed on the licence, an
individual must satisfy the following theory and practical requirements:
− theory – completion of theory training (i.e. exclusion removal training) on the
particular aircraft type for the particular aircraft system
− practical – completion of specific practical maintenance experience on the
particular aircraft type for the particular aircraft system.
Note: For additional information on CASA's policy for removal of an exclusion from an aircraft type rating, refer
to Appendix II of the Part 66 Acceptable Means of Compliance/Guidance Material (AMC/GM) document.

4.3.7 Use of CASA Basics/SOE to remove the exclusion Alternatively, if you already hold an aircraft maintenance engineer licence, you can use
CASA Basics and a recognised schedule of experience (SOE) (including aircraft theory
type training where applicable) to:
− remove exclusions from a category or subcategory of licence already held
− remove exclusions from an aircraft type rating that is already held on your licence.
Note: This option is only available until 30 June 2021.

4.4 Licence inclusions

4.4.1 What is an inclusion? An inclusion on an aircraft maintenance engineer licence indicates that the licence
includes an additional privilege. There are two licence inclusions, they are:
− I-1 including compensation of direct reading magnetic compasses
− I-2 including oxygen systems. An I-1 inclusion was applied to individuals who previously held a CAR 31 airframe or
engine category licence at transition, and who also had instrument cross-category
privileges. An I-2 inclusion was applied to individuals who previously held a CAR 31 instrument
category licence at transition.
Note: The I-3 'including pressurisation control' additional privilege endorsed on some category B2 licences at
transition from CAR 31 to Part 66 in June 2011, was repealed from legislation in April 2012. Since that
date, pressurisation control systems, is a privilege granted to all category B2 licences.
(Ref: Column 3 – conditions or limitations, of ATA chapter 21, under Table 1 of the Part 66 MOS).

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Part 66 — general licensing information

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A.1 Aircraft systems, designations and conditions for Category B1 and

Category B2 licences
A.1.1 The following table (taken directly from the Part 66 MOS) lists particular aircraft systems
identified by their relevant Air Transport Association of America (ATA) chapter
reference, with each aircraft system further designated as one of the following systems,
with conditions or limitations applied to particular aircraft systems (as stated):
− mechanical (B1) system
− powerplant (B1) system
− structural (B1) system
− electrical (B1/B2) system
− avionic (B2) system.
Note: Where an ATA chapter in Table 1 of the Part 66 MOS is designated B1, the B1 licence holder has full
maintenance privileges within the chapter, however a B2 licence holder has privileges for maintenance of
electrical and instrument aspects of that mechanical system. Similarly, where an ATA chapter is
designated B2, the B1 licence holder has privileges for any mechanical aspects of the system.

Table D — List of aircraft systems, designations and conditions for Category B1 and Category B2

Aircraft system (and ATA Designation of system Conditions or limitations

chapter reference)

Pressurisation, air-conditioning and Mechanical (B1) For a Category B2 licence,

equipment cooling systems pressurisation control systems.

Autopilot (ATA22) Avionic (B2) For a Category B1 licence — avionic

LRU tasks.

Communications (ATA23), Avionic (B2) For a Category B1 licence — avionic

including ELT and underwater LRU tasks.
locating beacon (ATA25-60)

Generator and/or constant speed Electrical (B1/B2) and

drive/IDG systems (ATA24) Powerplant (B1)

Electrical power supply systems, Electrical

including a ram air turbine, if (B1 and B2)
electrical (ATA24)

Equipment, furnishings and Mechanical (B1) Except ELT and underwater locating
emergency equipment (ATA25) beacon (ATA 25-60) — see (ATA23).

Fire, smoke, overheat detecting Mechanical (B1)

and extinguishing systems (ATA26)

Flight control systems (ATA27) Mechanical (B1) For a category B1 licence — except
system operation - fly-by-wire.

Flight control systems – system Avionic (B2) For a Category B2 licence — limited
operation – fly-by-wire (ATA27) to the avionic subsystem of the flight
control system.

AC 66-08 v1.1 February 2021 Page 32


Aircraft system (and ATA Designation of system Conditions or limitations

chapter reference)

For a Category B1 licence — avionic

LRU tasks.

Fuel systems (ATA28) Mechanical (B1)

Hydraulic power systems, including Mechanical (B1)

ram air turbine (ATA29)

Ice and rain protection systems Mechanical (B1)


Ice and rain protection systems Mechanical and Powerplant Powerplant — for powerplant cowling
(ATA30-20) (B1) anti-icing.

Indicating and recording systems Avionic (B2) For a Category B1 licence — avionic
(ATA31) LRU tasks.

Landing gear (ATA32) Mechanical (B1)

Wheels and brakes (ATA32-40) Mechanical (B1)

Lighting (ATA33) Electrical

(B1 and B2)

Navigation systems: Avionic (B2) For a Category B1

• General licence — compass swings, if
• Radio interface endorsed on the licence.
• Compass For a Category B1 licence — avionic
• Flight management system LRU tasks.
• Doppler systems

Oxygen system Mechanical (B1) For a Category B2 licence, if

(ATA35) endorsed on the licence.

Pneumatic system (ATA36) Mechanical (B1)

Vacuum (ATA37) Mechanical (B1)

Waste water (ATA38) Mechanical (B1)

Integrated modular avionics Avionic (B2) For a Category B1 licence — avionic

(ATA42) LRU tasks.

Cabin systems Avionic (B2) For a Category B1 licence — avionic

(ATA44) LRU tasks.

Central maintenance system Avionic (B2) For a Category B1 licence — avionic

(ATA45) LRU tasks.

Information systems Avionic (B2) For a Category B1 licence — avionic

ATIMS LRU tasks.
Network server

Nitrogen generation system or inert Mechanical (B1)

gas system (ATA47)

AC 66-08 v1.1 February 2021 Page 33


Aircraft system (and ATA Designation of system Conditions or limitations

chapter reference)

APU (ATA49) Powerplant (B1)

Cargo and accessory Mechanical (B1)

compartments (ATA50)

Structures — General (ATA51) Structural (B1) Structures — general, but excluding

wooden structures and fabric
surfaces unless:
(a) for wooden structures —
the holder has obtained the relevant
optional units of competency
mentioned in section 66.A.25 of the
Part 66 MOS; or
Note: These optional units of
competency are marked W in
Appendix IV of the Part 66 MOS.
(b) for fabric surfaces — the
holder has obtained the relevant
optional units of competency
mentioned in section 66.A.25 of the
Part 66 MOS.
Note: These optional units of
competency are marked Z in
Appendix IV of the Part 66 MOS.
Structures — general
(c) for a category B2 licence —
closing of cowlings and refitment of
quick access inspection panels.

Doors (ATA52) Structural (B1)

Fuselage (ATA53) Structural (B1)

Nacelles and pylons (ATA54) Structural (B1)

Stabilisers (ATA55) Structural (B1)

Windows (ATA56) Structural (B1)

Wings (ATA57) Structural (B1)

Propeller — rotor (ATA60) Mechanical (B1)

Propeller — propulsion (ATA61) Powerplant (B1) For a Category B1 licence, only if the
holder has obtained the relevant
optional units of competency
mentioned in section 66.A.25 of the
Part 66 MOS.
Note: These optional units of
competency are marked P in
Appendix IV of the Part 66

Rotor (ATA62) Mechanical (B1)

Rotor drives (ATA63) Mechanical (B1)

Tail rotor (ATA64) Mechanical (B1)

AC 66-08 v1.1 February 2021 Page 34


Aircraft system (and ATA Designation of system Conditions or limitations

chapter reference)

Tail rotor drive (ATA65) Mechanical (B1)

Folding blades and pylon (ATA66) Mechanical (B1)

Rotor flight control (ATA67) Mechanical (B1)

Powerplant (ATA71) Powerplant (B1)

Engine turbine/ Powerplant (B1)

turbo-prop and fans (ATA72)

Engine-mounted accessories: gear Powerplant (B1)

boxes, gears, pumps and attached
engine-mounted and driven

Engine fuel and control — Powerplant (B1)

carburation/injection system

Fuel electronic engine control (e.g. Avionic (B2) and For Category B1 licence — avionic
FADEC) (ATA73A) Electrical (B1 and B2) LRU tasks.

Ignition system (ATA74) Powerplant (B1)

Air systems and control (ATA75) Powerplant (B1)

Engine control system (ATA76) Powerplant (B1)

Engine indicating system (ATA77) Powerplant (B1) and

Avionic (B2)

Exhaust — thrust reverser (ATA78) Powerplant (B1)

Lubrication system (ATA79) Powerplant (B1)

Starting system (ATA80) Powerplant (B1)

Supercharging system (ATA81) Powerplant (B1)

Power augmentation (ATA82) Powerplant (B1)

Accessory drives (ATA83) Powerplant (B1)

A.2 Additional guidance – avionics systems

A.2.1 Background
A.2.2 The move to the EASA style Part 66 maintenance engineer licensing regulations in
June 2011, resulted in the removal of the previous Extensions and Line Maintenance
Authorities (LMA’s) which existed under the previous CAR 31 licensing system. These
had previously enabled appropriately trained mechanical LAMEs some limited scope to
certify for electrical, instrument and radio systems in a Line Maintenance environment.
A.2.3 Within the Part 66 regulations adopted, the loss of this facility has been compensated
for by granting full B1 LAMEs electrical privileges and limited certification privileges on

AC 66-08 v1.1 February 2021 Page 35


aircraft avionic systems, provided the serviceability of the system can be established by
a simple test. The intent of these limited B1 privileges is not to replace the B2 licence.

A.2.4 Replacement of an avionic LRU

A.2.5 An avionic LRU:
− must not require complex removal procedures (typically, an LRU is removed and a
replacement installed with minimum or no tools)
− must be replaced without extensive testing, ideally there should be a simple ‘self-
test’ facility and the simple test 10 or less actions apply.
A.2.6 An avionic LRU includes wiring harnesses that are prefabricated and fully terminated
only. Certification of their replacement is allowed, as long as the level of testing meets
the simple test criteria.
A.2.7 If an avionic LRU is replaced that interfaces with multiple systems, certification is
allowed as long as the serviceability of each associated system is established via the
simple test criteria.
Note: A B1 licence holder’s simple test privilege for establishing avionic system serviceability may be carried
out even if an avionic LRU change has not been made.

A.2.8 Updating the software in an avionic system

A.2.9 Software in an avionic system is considered an avionic LRU. The category B1 licence
holder may certify for updates carried out to the software in an avionic system within the
limits prescribed in paragraph of this AC.
A.2.10 The process of updating/transferring software data, using data loaders (whether
portable or on board), falls under the scope of an avionic LRU replacement, as long as
serviceability can be established via the simple test criteria.
A.2.11 Software transfer is not to be treated as an LRU replacement if the software installation
does not have a discrete test outcome/result or if all the affected systems cannot be
verified as serviceable.
A.2.12 Software variations, customisation or modification (usually by means such as an
Engineering Authority or Service Bulletin), is not to be treated as an avionic LRU. These
require interpretation and application of full avionics system knowledge to assess
continued serviceability of all disturbed systems. Certification in these instances must
be made by the B2 licence holder.
Note: Updating the software does not extend to the repair, rebuilding and major modification of system
software. This remains the responsibility of the B2 LAME.

A.2.13 Functional checks of an avionic system

A.2.14 The category B1 licence holder may certify for a functional check of an avionic system
within the limits of the definition of a simple test1.

Refer to chapter 1.2 – Definitions, of this AC.

AC 66-08 v1.1 February 2021 Page 36


A.2.15 Avionic system testing that performs a detailed examination of the calibration and
accuracy of the avionic system is considered outside the scope of the B1 licence
A.2.16 Inspections within avionic systems require interpretation and evaluation, they are not
go/no-go decisions. They are beyond the scope of the B1 licence privilege and must be
certified by a B2 licence holder.
A.2.17 The intent of this limited privilege is to allow a category B1 licence holder to certify for a
basic functional check of an avionic system that is conducted using:
− the aircraft’s controls or switches
− built-in-test equipment (BITE)
− central maintenance computer (CMC)
− basic external test equipment e.g. such as multi-meters or pressure gauges– (the
training for which is normally received during licence category training)
− no more than 10 actions.
A.2.18 The outcome of the functional check must result in a unique go/no-go indication or
parameter (e.g. a single value or a value falling within a defined range of values) to
confirm serviceability, and there can be no interpretation of the results of any step
prescribed within the test procedure. Each step within the functional check must be
straight forward and simplistic in nature requiring the B1 licence holder to only have a
‘general knowledge’ level of understanding (both in the theoretical and practical aspects
of the avionic system).
A.2.19 If the steps prescribed within the test procedure go beyond the limitations for what is
described as a simple test or require greater than a 'general knowledge' level of
understanding of the avionic system to successfully carry out the test procedure, then
certification for the functional test is no longer the privilege of the category B1 licence
and must be certified by a category B2 licence.
1. Avionic systems theory and practical (licence category and aircraft type) training requirements for a
category B1 licence are not taught to the same knowledge level of understanding as that required for the
category B2 licence.
2. Aircraft systems designated in Table 1 of section 66.A.20 of the Part 66 MOS as avionic systems are
predominately the domain of the category B2 licence, with very limited privilege granted to the category
B1 licence (only for those privileges described above, and all are reliant on the simple test obligation).

A.2.20 Troubleshooting of an avionic system

A.2.21 The category B1 licence holder may only certify for troubleshooting of an avionic system
when a specific defect entry point is available. This would include a specific message or
fault code that can drive the troubleshooting to a documented Troubleshooting Manual
(TSM) of Fault Isolation Manual (FIM) procedure. This troubleshooting procedure must
still comply with the simple test criteria.

AC 66-08 v1.1 February 2021 Page 37


A.2.22 Only wiring checks detailed in documented troubleshooting procedures that stipulate a
specific result or finding (such as continuity, 28vdc, 500 ohms between or a range of
figures or values) may be certified by a full B1 LAME. If nothing specific is detailed,
interpretation is required and a B2 LAME must certify.
A.2.23 Troubleshooting is not to involve repeated replacement of the same LRU in pursuit of
the cause of a system fault.
A.2.24 Ongoing avionic defects with a history, once documented troubleshooting procedures
have been exhausted, should only be certified by a B2 LAME. The B2 LAME has
received training to the full level 3 system knowledge level, which allows a level of
judgement to be used in decision making.

A.3 The intent of the full category B1 licence simple test and LRU
replacement privilege
A.3.1 The intent of the simple test privilege is to enable the category B1 licence holder limited
certification privileges for maintenance carried out on the following aircraft systems
designated under Table 1 of the 66 MOS as an ‘avionic (B2)' system:
− autopilot (ATA22)
− communications (ATA23)
− flight control systems – systems operation – fly-by-wire (ATA27)
− indicating and recording systems (ATA 31)
− navigation systems, (ATA34) including
o general
o radio interface
o compass
o flight management systems
o doppler systems
− integrated modular avionics (ATA42)
− cabin systems (ATA44)
− central maintenance system (ATA45)
− information systems (ATA46)
o Network server
− FADEC system (ATA73A)
− Engine indicating (ATA77).
A.3.2 Certification within the Avionic ATA chapters remains the prime responsibility of the B2
LAME. If the B1 LAME has any doubt over the scope of his/her avionic privilege or does
not believe they have the required knowledge or competency required, then certification
should be carried out by a B2 LAME.
A.3.3 The simple test: If the maintenance data requires interpretation and application of
specific avionics knowledge as part of the functional check (beyond following

AC 66-08 v1.1 February 2021 Page 38


instructions that are a set of steps typically found in e.g. a functional check of a CMC or
a BITE check) then the functional check must be certified by a category B2 licence.
A.3.4 The 'no more than 10 actions' rule: In support of the intent of this category B1 limited
avionics system privilege, a criteria in the definition of a simple test (ref: section 1.2 –
Definitions of this AC.) restricts the category B1 licence holder from certifying for a test
of an avionics system that involves more than 10 actions as described in the approved
maintenance data. This restriction ensures the category B1 licence holder’s privilege in
the avionics systems does not exceed his/her level of knowledge achieved on that

A.4 ICAO compliance of the Part 66 licence

A.4.1 The format/design of a Part 66 licence conforms to the specifications for personnel
licences set out in Chapter 5 – Specifications for personnel licensing, of Annex 1 of the
International Civil Aviation Organisation's (ICAO) Convention on International Civil
Aviation (The Chicago Convention).
A.4.2 Under ICAO Annex 1, Chapter 5, personnel licences issued by an ICAO Member
State/country (e.g. Australia) in accordance with the requirements of Annex 1 are
required to conform to the following specifications and to ensure that other States
(countries) can easily determine the licence privileges and validity of ratings. The
following details must appear on the licence:
I) Name of State (country)
II) Title of licence
III) Serial number of the licence, given by the authority issuing the licence
IV) Name of holder in full
IVa) Date of birth
V) Address of holder if desired by the State
VI) Nationality of holder
VII) Signature of holder
VIII) Authority and, where necessary, conditions under which the licence is issued
IX) Certification concerning validity and authorisation for holder to exercise
privileges appropriate to licence
X) Signature of officer issuing the licence and the date of such issue
XI) Seal or stamp of authority issuing the licence
XII) Ratings, e.g. category, class, type of aircraft, airframe, aerodrome control etc
XIII) Remarks, i.e. special endorsements relating to limitations and endorsements
for privileges, including from 5 March 2008 an endorsement of language proficiency,
and other information required in pursuance to Article 39 of the Chicago Convention
XIV) Any other details desired by the State issuing the licence.

A.5 How to read a Part 66 licence

A.5.1 As presented in the following 'sample' Part 66 licence at subsection A.5.7 of Appendix A
of this AC, all details provided are displayed on the licence in accordance with the ICAO
Annex 1, Chapter 5 specifications, as itemised in I) through XIV) above.

AC 66-08 v1.1 February 2021 Page 39


A.5.2 Page 1 of the licence provides the following information:

− I) the ICAO State (Commonwealth of Australia) that issued the licence
− II) the title of licence
− III) licence number
− IV), IVa), V), VI), VII), VIII) personal identifying details, signature of the licence
holder and Authority and conditions under which the licence is issued
− X) signature of the CASA officer who issued the licence and date of issue, and
− XI) the stamp/seal of the issuing authority (CASA).
A.5.3 Page 2 of the licence provides the following information:
− IX) a statement that confirms the certification privileges the licence holder is
authorised to exercise appropriate to the category and subcategory licences listed
on the licence, as well as requirements to be met for continuing validity of the
− XIII) remarks advising that any additional privileges, limitations or exclusions that
apply to the category or subcategory, or rating on the holder's licence, are shown
as code references adjacent to each listed category or subcategory, or rating.
Note: Explanations for these codes are further listed in section XIV on the licence.

A.5.4 Pages 3 and 4, section XII of the licence, provides the following information:
− the category and subcategory licences granted to the holder of the licence and the
exclusions applicable to each category/subcategory
− the aircraft type rating endorsements applicable to and listed under each
category/subcategory licence and the exclusions applicable to and listed against
each aircraft type rating.

AC 66-08 v1.1 February 2021 Page 40


Example 1: section XII – understanding the endorsements applied to the licence

The E1, E4 and E5 exclusions

endorsed on the category B1.1
licence, means the licence holder is
excluded from electrical privileges
on all aircraft type ratings and
non-type ratings.

The I-1 inclusion endorsed on the

category B1.1 licence, means the
licence holder’s privileges includes
‘compass swings’.

The E2 exclusion endorsed against

each aircraft type rating listed
below the category B1.1 licence,
means the licence holder is
excluded from the mechanical and
structural systems (i.e. previous
category airframe) of each type
rated aircraft.

The small/non-rated aircraft

(engine) ratings listed below the
category B1.1 licence, means the
licence holder holds engine type
rating privileges on all non-type
rated aircraft fitted with PT6 and
TPE331 engines.

The E3 exclusion endorsed on the

category B1.2 licence, means the
licence holder is excluded from all
powerplant systems (i.e. all piston

The aircraft type ratings listed

below the category C licence,
means the licence holder can issue
a CRS (post maintenance) for
those type rated aircraft.

AC 66-08 v1.1 February 2021 Page 41


A.5.5 Page 5, section XIV of the licence, provides the following information:
− the list of code references for additional privileges, limitations or exclusions that
apply to the licence holder.

Example 2: section XIV – understanding the additional privileges and exclusions applied to the

Each exclusion applied to the

licence category or aircraft type
rating is identified by its unique
exclusion ‘code reference’ (e.g. E4,
E5 etc), and annotated against the
licence category or type rating.

(Ref information under section XII on

pages 3 and 4 of the licence).

Note: The same list of exclusions can

be found at Appendix B in this

The I-1 or I-2 codes listed under

‘additional privileges’, means the
licence holder has the specific
privilege, if annotated directly below
the licence category.
An example of this can be seen under
section XII in the sample licence
provided, where the I-1 inclusion has
been annotated directly below the
category B1.1 and the B1.2 licence to
mean the licence holder’s privileges
includes ‘compass swings’.

A.5.6 Pages 6, 7 and 8 of the licence are intentionally left blank with no further entries on
these pages.

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A.6 Sample 1 — a Part 66 licence

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Part 66 — licence exclusions

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B.1 Transitioning from regulation 31 of CAR (CAR 31) to Part 66 –

B.1.1 Due to the difference between the two licensing systems (i.e. the five category licence
system under CAR 31 and the two category licence system under Part 66), and CASA’s
assurance that no existing CAR 31 licence holder would lose any of his/her existing
licence privileges, a licence 'exclusions' system was created and applied to all CAR 31
licences at transition so that the privileges of the old and new licences matched.
B.1.2 Under the CAR 31 licence system, licence privileges were defined and endorsed on the
licence as 'group ratings'. Each licence category (i.e. airframe, engine, electrical,
instrument and radio) was divided into group ratings which, as training was completed
for a group rating, gave licence privilege for a particular system or subsystem on the
aircraft e.g. the airframe licence category had group ratings for air-conditioning systems,
pressurisation systems, wooden airframe structures etc and the radio category licence
had group ratings for VHF radio systems, HF radio systems etc.
B.1.3 As each CAR 31 licence and its group rating endorsements were transitioned over to a
Part 66 licence, an exclusion may or may not have been applied to the Part 66 licence
to ensure licence privilege remained the same.
B.1.4 At the same time (the licence transitional period), a few licence 'inclusions' were also
used for certain privileges some CAR 31 licence holders had on their licence and when
re-issued as a Part 66 licence, ensured a person’s licence privileges remained the
B.1.5 The following table shows the various licence category/group and type ratings under the
CAR 31 licensing system and illustrates the licence categories/ratings that resulted on
conversion to a Part 66 licence, and the exclusion that was applied on the licence if a
particular CAR 31 category/rating was not held at the time of conversion.
B.1.5.1 The Table compares the terminology previously used under the CAR to the Part 66
− the first column of the Table shows the CAR 31 category/group and type ratings
− the second column shows the Part 66 category/subcategory/type ratings that would
be applied at the time of conversion
− the third column shows the exclusions that would be applied to the Part 66 licence
if the particular CAR 31 category/group and type ratings were not held.

AC 66-08 v1.1 February 2021 Page 46


Table E: Regulation 31 of CAR (CAR 31) to Part 66—licence transition table

CAR 31 category/group CASA licence conversions Exclusion on Part 66 licence E#

& type rating held result if CAR 31 category/
group/type rating not held

Electrical category and Subcategory B1.x, category B2 Excluding electrical systems E1

type rating and type rating

Airframe category and Subcategory B1.x and type Excluding mechanical or E2

type rating rating structural

Engine category and Subcategory B1.x and type Excluding powerplant systems E3
engine type rating rating

Electrical category and Subcategory B1.x and type Excluding electrical sub-system E4
type rating rating of mechanical, powerplant or
structural systems

Instruments category Subcategory B1.x Excluding instrument sub- E5

rating system of mechanical,
powerplant or structural

CAR 31 cross category Subcategory B1.x, category B2, Excluding avionic LRUs E6
privilege for type rating
engine/airframe; or CAR
31 licence with radio or
instruments categories

CAR 31 licence with category B2, type rating Excluding instrument aspect of E7
instruments category avionics systems - ATA 22, 27,
rating 31 and 34

CAR 31 licence with radio category B2, type rating Excluding radio aspect of E8
category rating avionics systems - ATA 23, 34
and 44

Airframe group 4 Subcategory B1.2 Excluding fabric surfaces E9

Airframe group 3 Subcategory B1.2 Excluding wooden structures E10

Radio group 2 or radio Subcategory B1.x or category B2 Excluding audio CVR systems E11
group 20

Engine group 1 or holds Subcategory B1.1 or B1.2 Excluding propellers E12

Airframe group 20 aircraft
with propellers

Airframe group 5, 19 or 20 Subcategory B1.x Excluding hydraulics - ATA 29 E13

Airframe group 6 or Subcategory B1.x Excluding vapour cycle air- E14

airframe group 20 fitted conditioning aspects of ATA 21
with air-conditioning

Airframe group 6 or Subcategory B1.x Excluding air-conditioning E15

airframe group 20 type aspects of ATA 21
rating for aircraft fitted
with air-conditioning

AC 66-08 v1.1 February 2021 Page 47


CAR 31 category/group CASA licence conversions Exclusion on Part 66 licence E#

& type rating held result if CAR 31 category/
group/type rating not held

Airframe group 10 or Subcategory B1.x Excluding pressurisation E16

airframe group 20 fitted aspects of ATA 21
with pressurisation control

Radio group 3 or radio Category B2 Excluding ADF systems E18

group 20

Radio group 4 or radio Category B2 Excluding VOR systems E19

group 20

Radio group 5 or radio Category B2 Excluding ILS systems E20

group 20

Radio group 6 or radio Category B2 Excluding weather radar E21

group 20 systems

Radio group 7 or radio Category B2 Excluding ATC transponder E22

group 20 systems

Radio group 9 or radio Category B2 Excluding radio altimeter E23

group 20 systems

Radio group 10 or radio Category B2 Excluding DME systems E24

group 20

Radio group 11 or radio Category B2 Excluding Doppler systems E25

group 20 (where

Radio group 12 or radio Category B2 Excluding satellite navigation E26

group 20 systems

Instruments (group 3, 5 or Category B2 Excluding autopilots E27

7) or relevant instrument
group 20

Instruments (group 5 or 7) Category B2 Excluding multi-axis autopilots E28

or relevant instrument
group 20

Instruments group 8 or Category B2 Excluding remote indicating E29

instrument group 20 compass systems

Instruments group 9 or Category B2 Excluding inertial navigation E30

relevant instrument group and reference systems

Instruments group 10 or Category B2 Excluding pressurisation E31

relevant instrument group systems

Electrical group 2 or Category B2 Excluding electrical systems in E32

electrical group 20 aircraft equipped with multi-
generator power systems

Engine group 3 or piston Subcategory B1.2 or B1.4 Excluding all supercharging E33
engine group 21 systems

AC 66-08 v1.1 February 2021 Page 48


CAR 31 category/group CASA licence conversions Exclusion on Part 66 licence E#

& type rating held result if CAR 31 category/
group/type rating not held

CAR 31 licence with a Subcategory B1.x, category B2 Excluding digital systems E34
digital limitation

Airframe group 1 Subcategory B1.x Excluding pressurised E35


Engine group 1 Subcategory B1.x Excluding carburettor systems E36

Engine group 1 Subcategory B1.x Excluding fuel injection systems E37

Engine group 1 Subcategory B1.x Excluding turbo supercharging E38


Airframe group 1 Subcategory B1.x Excluding airframe ice E39

protection systems

Airframe group 1 Subcategory B1.x Excluding airframe fire E40

protection systems

Instrument or airframe Subcategory B1.x, category B2 Excluding oxygen systems E41

group 1

Airframe group 1 Subcategory B1.x Excluding landing gear E42

retraction systems

Airframe group 4 Subcategory B1.x Excluding fabric other than E43

flight controls

Electrical group 1 or 2 Subcategory B1.x Excluding wiring repairs E44

AC 66-08 v1.1 February 2021 Page 49


Part 66 — B1 and B2 certification flowcharts

AC 66-08 v1.1 February 2021 Page 50


C.1 Can I certify for this task?

C.1.1 The following flowchart is a simplified guide to finding and understanding a broad range
of Part 66 licence privileges and is not intended as a complete solution.
C.1.2 Refer to the relevant Part 66 regulations, Manual of Standards (MOS) and supporting
documentation when reviewing certification privilege applicability for a maintenance
1. In keeping this flowchart simple, category A and category C licence privileges are intentionally not
covered (Part 145 internal training will cover this requirement).
2. Should you require additional explanation or assistance with understanding this flowchart or Part 66
privileges, contact your local Aviation Safety Advisor, their mobile and email contacts are listed on the
CASA website <>

Figure 1: Category B1/B2 licence - certification flowchart

AC 66-08 v1.1 February 2021 Page 51


C.2 Category B1 licence – avionic LRU flowchart (decision tree)

C.2.1 The following workflow diagram illustrates a category B1 licence holder's certification
privilege for maintenance to aircraft avionics LRUs. The diagram presents the licence
holder with some common questions and decisions, to determine the depth of the
category B1 LAME's certification privilege for avionic LRU tasks and where certification
is required by the B2 licence holder.

Figure 2: Category B1 licence - avionic LRU flowchart

AC 66-08 v1.1 February 2021 Page 52


C.3 Category B2 licence – certification flowchart (decision tree)

C.3.1 The following workflow diagram illustrates a category B2 licence holder's certification
privilege for electrical and avionics maintenance tasks and system faults within the
aircraft's avionics, electrical and mechanical/powerplant systems. The diagram presents
the licence holder with some common questions and decisions, to assist in determining
the extent of the B2 LAME's certification privilege within those aircraft systems.

Figure 3: Category B2 licence - certification flowchart

AC 66-08 v1.1 February 2021 Page 53

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