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Man B&W: Fuel Pump Settings

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Plate 109-1

MAN B&W Fuel Pump Settings

Edition 0063
Data Data 1 (1)

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS For detailed sketch, see 900-2

X Stopped engine
X Shut off starting air supply – At starting air receiver
X Block the main starting valve
X Shut off starting air distributor/distributing system supply
X Shut off safety air supply – Not ME engines
X Shut off control air supply
Shut off air supply to exhaust valve – Only with stopped lubricating oil pumps
X Engage turning gear
Shut off cooling water
X Shut off fuel oil
X Stop lubricating oil supply
Lock the turbocharger rotors


Ref. Description Value Unit

D09-02 Change of one index mark, corresponds to p-max being altered approx. 3-4 bar

Data D10901 Edition 0063

Plate 909-1.3
MAN B&W Fuel Pump Settings
Edition 0241
Adjustment Page 1 (2)
Fuel Pump Settings

Before adjustment of the fuel pump is carried
out, see Volume I, Chapter 706, also the fuel
cam lead should be checked, see Procedure

pmax adjustment:

1. The Maximum Combustion Pressure (pmax)

is adjusted for the individual units at the fuel
pump VIT index arm. For collective adjust-
ments of pmax on all units, see Procedure

HN909-1.3 240 01
2. Loosen lock nut B and then turn adjusting
screw H. The link can be adjusted by ap-
prox. 3 index marks.

3. To increase p max, adjust to higher VIT index 2.

(advance injection).

To decrease p max, adjust to lower VIT index

(delay injection).

One index mark will alter pmax approximate-

ly as given in Data D09-02.


The individual p max value must not devi-

ate more than 3 bar from the average
value for all cylinders.

4. If the required p max adjustment cannot be

HN909-1.3 240 02

attained by adjustment on the VIT index

arm, it is possible to carry out the adjust-
ment on the fuel cam disc. Contact MAN
B&W Diesel for advice.

M90901 Edition 0241

Plate 909-1.3
MAN B&W Fuel Pump Settings
Edition 0241
Adjustment Page 2 (2)

5. MIP adjustment:

5. The Mean Indicated Pressure (pi) for a cer-

tain cylinder is adjusted on the fuel pump
index arm.

Increase index for higher p i.

Decrease index for lower p i.

HN909-1.3 240 05

The mean indicated pressure is one of

the most important parameters in obtain-
ing good engine performance.
The mean indicated pressure should not
deviate more than 0.5 bar from the aver-
6. age value for all cylinders. See Volume I,
Chapter 706.

6. After adjustment of the fuel pumps a set of

observations must be taken, to evaluate the
adjustments see Volume I.

M90901 Edition 0241

Plate 109-2
MAN B&W VIT System
Edition 0005
Data Data 1 (1)

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS For detailed sketch, see 900-2

X Stopped engine
X Shut off starting air supply – At starting air receiver
X Block the main starting valve
X Shut off starting air distributor/distributing system supply
X Shut off safety air supply – Not ME engines
X Shut off control air supply
X Shut off air supply to exhaust valve – Only with stopped lubriating oil pumps
Engage turning gear
Shut off cooling water
Shut off fuel oil
Stop lubricating oil supply
Lock the turbocharger rotors


Ref. Description Value Unit

Data D10902 Edition 0005

Plate 909-2.3
MAN B&W VIT System
Edition 0206
Adjustment Page 1 (5)

VIT System

Before adjustment of any part of the VIT sys-
tem, see Volume I, Chapter 706. All adjust-
ments should be based on a set of
observations including a set of indicator dia-
grams taken when the engine is running just
above the breakpoint (90% MCR).

The engine may be equipped with either a me-

chanical or an electronic VIT (Variable Injection
Timing) system.

If the fuel quality has changed or if the fuel

pumps are worn, the pmax will change, this
change can be corrected by adjusting the pmax
of all the cylinders with the VIT system, see
“Fine adjustment”.

Normally the VIT system is adjusted to start at

40% engine load and to have break point at
90% of MCR engine output. Look in the test
sheet for actual start- and break point.

Mechanical VIT system

Basic adjustment:

When the basic adjustment is carried out the

engine must be stopped, normally only fine ad-
justment is necessary.

1. Engage the manual engine control, and ad-

just the regulating shaft to a fuel pump in-
dex corresponding to 90% engine load.
(The fuel index must correspond to 90%
load taken by measurement or from the test
bed sheet).

2. Check that the VIT lever is resting on both

rollers (break point for all cylinders).

M90902 Edition 0206

Plate 909-2.3
MAN B&W VIT System
Edition 0206
Adjustment Page 2 (5)

3. 3. If necessary, adjust the lever by loosening

the nut A and turn the clamping arm B, until
lever contact with both rollers and tighten
nut A.

Adjust the VIT air pressure to 3.0 bar, by

axial displacement of the bracket with the
pilot valve and read the pressure on the
C pressure gauge C. See figure 2.

4. Spare pilot valves should be pre-adjusted

B to 0.5-5.0 bar control air pressure, corre-
sponding to 0.5-8.0 mm pressing-in of pin

To check a pilot valve already mounted on
the engine, remove the inlet and outlet pipe
connections at A and P, and connect a
4. Pbar pressure gauge at A and a pipe with work-
5 ing air (pressure 7 bar) at P on the pilot
4 valve.
3 Check that the pressure on the pressure
2 gauge and the pressing-in of pin C is in ac-
1.5 Pressing cordance with the curve.
0.5 1 in mm
0.1 Any necessary adjustment is done by turn-
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ing adjusting screw B.


M90902 Edition 0206

Plate 909-2.3
MAN B&W VIT System
Edition 0206
Adjustment Page 3 (5)

Fine adjustment: 5.

5. When the fine adjustment is carried out, the

engine must run at 90% load or just above.

Take a new set of indicator diagrams and

calculate the engine load.

Adjust the VIT air pressure to obtain cylin-

der p max of 140 bar. The VIT air pressure
must be maximum 5.0 bar.

Increase the pmax pressure by moving the

pilot valve toward the lever.

Decrease the p max pressure by moving the

pilot valve away from the lever.

For adjustment of pmax on a single cylinder,

see procedure 909-1.

6. Run the engine at maximum load and check

that p max is 140 bar.

If the maximum combustion pressure devi-

ates more than 3.0 bar from 140 bar, adjust
the pressure by replacement of the lower- 6.
most roller.

M90902 Edition 0206

Plate 909-2.3
MAN B&W VIT System
Edition 0206
Adjustment Page 4 (5)

7. Pmax
7. The uppermost roller is used to adjust the
adjusted on
Pbar VIT start point (40% engine load).
lowermost roller

Electronic VIT system

Break point
8. The adjustment should be based on a set
adjusted on
uppermost roller of indicator diagrams taken when the en-
gine is running just above the breakpoint.

9. On the panel in the engine room control

room, change the p offset value in accord-
ance with the required increase or de-

crease in the p max pressure. One

graduation mark on the p offset scale corre-
40 90 100 sponds to a change in p max of 1 bar.

10. Check the adjustment by taking a new set

8. of indicator diagrams while the engine is
running just above the breakpoint.

M90902 Edition 0206

Plate 909-2.3
MAN B&W VIT System
Edition 0206
Adjustment Page 5 (5)

11. The I/P converter mounted on the engine 11.

receives a 4-20 mA signal I from the elec-
tronic governor system and converts this
into a 0.5-5.0 bar control air pressure
pcontrol .

12. To check the adjustment of the I/P convert-

er, operate the panel in the engine control
room to supply various signals I to the I/P
converter. P control

For operation of the panel, see the panel

manufacturer’s instructions.
P supply

On the pressure gauge mounted on the

control air line after the I/P converter check P control
that the control air pressures from the I/P
converter are in accordance with the curve. 5

13. If the control air pressure is not in accord-
ance with the curve, the I/P converter must 3

be adjusted. Remove the hood of the I/P 2


converter and adjust the I/P converter ac- 1
cording to the manufacturer’s instructions. 0.1
0 I, mA
0 4 8 12 16 20

M90902 Edition 0206

Plate 109-3
MAN B&W Fuel Pump Cam
Edition 0052
Data Data 1 (1)

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS For detailed sketch, see 900-2

X Stopped engine
X Shut off starting air supply – At starting air receiver
X Block the main starting valve
X Shut off starting air distributor/distributing system supply
X Shut off safety air supply – Not ME engines
X Shut off control air supply
Shut off air supply to exhaust valve – Only with stopped lubricating oil pumps
X Engage turning gear
Shut off cooling water
X Shut off fuel oil
X Stop lubricating oil supply
Lock the turbocharger rotors


Ref. Description Value Unit

Data D10903 Edition 0052

Plate 909-3.1
MAN B&W Fuel Pump Cam
Edition 0242
Checking Page 1 (3)

Fuel cam lead:

The lead C of the fuel cam is defined as the
number of mm the plunger is lifted from its X2 X1 Roller guide
bottom position when the main piston is in

1. To measure the fuel cam lead (top lift):

Dismantle the puncture valve.
See Procedure 909-8.2. Fuel cam

Make sure that the reversing mechanism is

in AHEAD direction.

2. Push down the measuring pin through the
top cover, until it rests against the pump
plunger. Lowest position
of pump plunger Main piston in TDC
Turn the engine until the lowest point of
the cam is found, use a calliper to find the 3.
point. X

3. Measure the distance x from the top of the

measuring pin to the transverse piece.

Note down the result as x2.

4. Turn ahead until the main piston of the cyl-

inder concerned is in TDC.

Again measure the distance x from the

top of the measuring tool to the transverse

piece. Note down the result as x1.

Calculate the fuel cam lead C (top lift) as:

C = x1 – x2 (mm)
5. Note down the result for comparison with
the testbed results and for future reference.
For adjustment of the fuel cam lead, see
Procedure 909-3.3.

Remount the puncture valve.

M90903 Edition 0242

Plate 909-3.3
MAN B&W Fuel Pump Cam
Edition 0242
Adjustment Page 2 (3)

Normally, adjustment of the fuel cam should

not be necessary. Before adjustment of fuel
equipment, see Volume I, Chapter 706.

1. Remove the inspection cover from the

camshaft housing.

Before dismantling any part of the fuel
pump, make sure that the pump has
been relieved of pressure and that all oil
has been drained off.

2. Dismount the puncture valve from the fuel

pump top cover, and mount the measuring
tool to check the cam adjustment.
2. 3. Turn the camshaft until there is access to
X the oil ducts in the fuel cam through the in-
spection hole.

If fitted, remove the plugs from the oil

ducts (using, for instance, a screwdriver).

Insert three copper gaskets in each oil


Mount snap-on couplings in the oil ducts,

but do not tighten them.

Fit hoses between the snap-on couplings

and the distributor block and between the
distributor block and the hydraulic high-
pressure pump.


M90903 Edition 0242

Plate 909-3.3
MAN B&W Fuel Pump Cam
Edition 0242
Adjustment Page 3 (3)

4. Mount the special spanner on the fuel cam 4.

disc, ensuring that the two pins enter the
holes in the cam.

Apply a light pressure to the hydraulic sys-

tem and, after venting the system, tighten
the snap-on couplings.

Raise the hydraulic pressure until oil seeps

out along the camshaft under the cam disc.

Keep the cam pressurised for at least five

minutes before turning the cam.

Keep the cam pressurised during turning.

Turn the cam disc, using the fitted span-

ner, until the desired change of lead is ob-

To increase lead and pmax:

– turn the cam disc AHEAD.

To reduce lead and pmax:

– turn the cam disc ASTERN.

See Procedure 909-1.

5. After completing the desired turning of the

cam disc, relieve the hydraulic system of
pressure and dismount the spanner and
the hydraulic equipment.

Wait at least 15 minutes – the cam must be

allowed time to “settle” – before mounting
the plugs again in the oil ducts of the cam

After carrying out adjustment, measure the

fuel cam lead again.

Note down and file the new results for pur-

poses of comparison with future measure-
ments and adjustment.

6. Mount the inspection cover on the cam-

shaft housing.

7. Mount the puncture valve.

See Procedure 909-8.4.

8. After any adjustment of the cam position,

pmax must be recorded and compared with
pmax at a known engine reference load.

M90903 Edition 0242

Plate 109-4
MAN B&W Fuel Pump
Edition 0062
Data Data 1 (1)

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS For detailed sketch, see 900-2

X Stopped engine
X Shut off starting air supply – At starting air receiver
X Block the main starting valve
X Shut off starting air distributor/distributing system supply
X Shut off safety air supply – Not ME engines
X Shut off control air supply
Shut off air supply to exhaust valve – Only with stopped lubricating oil pumps
X Engage turning gear
Shut off cooling water
X Shut off fuel oil
Stop lubricating oil supply
Lock the turbocharger rotors


Ref. Description Value Unit

D09-18 Pump housing nuts, tightening torque 300 Nm

D09-19 Pump housing nuts, tightening angle 150/60 Nm/°
D09-20 Pump housing 100 kg
D09-21 Bottom plate 6 kg
D09-68 Fuel pump complete 230 kg
D09-39 Shock absorber 20 kg

Data D10904 Edition 0062

Plate 909-4.2
MAN B&W Fuel Pump
Edition 0224
Dismantling Page 1 (9)

Fuel Pump

1. Close the fuel oil inlet valve.

Open the drain cock, enabling the oil to es-



Before dismantling any part of the fuel

pump, make sure that the pump has
been relieved of pressure and that all oil
has been drained off.

2. Dismantle the fuel pump top cover and con-

MA909-1.1 223 03
nected pipes.
See Procedure 909-5.2.

3. Dismantle the barrel/plunger assembly.

See Procedure 909-6.2.
4. Remove the screws holding the fuel oil inlet
pipe between the fuel pump and the fuel in-
let valve.

Remove the fuel oil inlet pipe.

Remove the shock absorber.

Remove the fuel oil outlet pipe.

Discard the gaskets.

5. Remove the drain pipes from the fuel pump

MA909-4.2 214 04

Remove the control air pipes from the actu-

ator for the VIT index arm.

M90904 Edition 0224

Plate 909-4.2
MAN B&W Fuel Pump
Edition 0224
Dismantling Page 2 (9)

6. 6. Loosen the four nuts by means of a slug-

ging spanner. Remove the nuts.

7. Fit the lifting tool using the top cover studs/

nuts, and lift the pump housing away.

Take care not to damage the threads of the


Land the fuel pump on wooden planks.

MA909-4.2 214 06


MA909-4.2 214 07

M90904 Edition 0224

Plate 909-4.3
MAN B&W Fuel Pump
Edition 0224
Overhaul Page 3 (9)


1. If the fuel index arm or the VIT index arm 3.

of the fuel pump is moving too tightly, the
regulating and timing systems of the fuel
pump must be overhauled.

2. In order to carry out this overhaul, the top

cover and plunger/barrel assembly of the
fuel pump must have been removed, and
the fuel pump must have been dismantled
from the pump base and landed on wooden
See Procedure 909-4.2.
See Procedure 909-5.2.

MA909-4.3 214 03
See Procedure 909-6.2.

3. Dismantle the actuator and actuator brack-


4. Tilt the fuel pump housing into a horizontal 4.

position on the wooden planks. D09-20
5. Dismantle the screws and the bottom plate
from the fuel pump housing.

If the bottom plate is stuck, loosen it by

screwing two M10x80 mm screws into the
holes of the bottom plate.
MA909-4.3 214 04


MA909-4.3 214 05

M90904 Edition 0224

Plate 909-4.3
MAN B&W Fuel Pump
Edition 0224
Overhaul Page 4 (9)

6. 6. Dismantle the:

• Fuel index arm

• Regulating guide

• Sleeve

7. Dismantle the:

• Guide screw

• VIT index arm

MA909-4.3 214 06

• Timing guide

8. Remove the caps from the back of the fuel

pump housing.
Remove the orifice plug from the front side
of the fuel pump housing.

Discard all sealing rings and gaskets.

MA909-4.3 214 07

MA909-4.3 214 08

M90904 Edition 0224

Plate 909-4.3
MAN B&W Fuel Pump
Edition 0224
Overhaul Page 5 (9)

9. Dismantle and inspect the plug screws in 9.

both sides of the fuel pump housing.

If eroded, replace the plug screws.

10. Clean all the dismantled parts of the fuel

pump thoroughly in diesel oil or kerosene.
Dry all parts carefully.

Clean all inside surfaces of the fuel pump


Check that all the bores of the fuel pump

housing are clean.

11. Mount new sealing rings and gaskets. MA909-4.3 214 09

Mount the caps and the orifice plug.

Mount new sealing rings on the plug screws

and mount the plug screws.

Lubricate the threads of all the parts with

Molybdenum Disulphide (MoS 2) before

12. Mount new sealing rings in the sleeves that

are provided with a pointer scratch.
MA909-4.3 214 11


Soak the sealing rings in lubricating oil

before mounting.
HC909-3.4 121 11

M90904 Edition 0224

Plate 909-4.3
MAN B&W Fuel Pump
Edition 0224
Overhaul Page 6 (9)

14. Mounting

13. Lubricate the following with molybdenum di-

sulphide (MoS 2):

• all internal surfaces of the fuel pump


• the sliding surfaces of all parts of the

regulating and timing systems.

• the teeth of the:

regulating guide
MA909-4.3 214 14

timing guide
VIT index arm

15. fuel index arm.

14. Mount the VIT index arm and the guide


Adjust the position of the VIT index arm so

that the scratch mark is aligned with the
centre of the fuel pump housing.

15. Mount the timing guide in the fuel pump


The timing guide must be mounted in such

a way that the scratch marks on the timing
MA909-4.3 214 15

guide, on the VIT index arm and on the fuel

pump housing are aligned.

16. Mount the sleeve in the fuel pump housing,

ensuring that the notch in the side of the
sleeve is aligned with the pin hole in the
fuel pump housing.
MA909-4.3 214 16

M90904 Edition 0224

Plate 909-4.3
MAN B&W Fuel Pump
Edition 0224
Overhaul Page 7 (9)

17. Mount the fuel index arm. 17.

Adjust the position of the fuel index arm so

that the scratch mark on the fuel index arm
is aligned with the centre of the fuel pump

18. Mount the regulating guide in the fuel pump


The regulating guide must be mounted so

that the scratch mark on the regulating
guide is aligned with the scratch mark on
the fuel index arm.

19. Mount the bottom plate on the fuel pump

MA909-4.3 214 17

20. Return the fuel pump to a vertical position.

Mount the actuator and actuator bracket on
the side of the fuel pump.

MA909-4.3 214 18

MA909-4.3 214 05

M90904 Edition 0224

Plate 909-4.4
MAN B&W Fuel Pump
Edition 0224
Mounting Page 8 (9)


2. 1. Before mounting the fuel pump housing,

make sure that all sliding faces and threads
D09-20 are cleaned and lubricated with MOLYKOTE
antifriction spray D321R or molybdenum di-
sulphide (MoS 2).
See Procedure 913-11.

2. Mount the lifting tool on the fuel pump top

cover studs. Lift the fuel pump housing on
to the pump base, taking care not to dam-
age the threads of the studs.

Remove the lifting tool.

3. Mount the nuts on the studs and tighten to

the specified torque or angle, see Data.


Use either the tightening torque or the

tightening angle.
MA909.4.2 214 07


MA909-4.2 214 06

M90904 Edition 0224

Plate 909-4.4
MAN B&W Fuel Pump
Edition 0224
Mounting Page 9 (9)

4. Mount the drain oil pipes on the fuel pump 5.


Connect the control air pipes to the actuator

for the VIT index arm. D09-39

5. Fit new gaskets on the fuel pump inlet pipe.

Mount the pipe between the fuel pump
housing and the fuel oil inlet and outlet

Mount the shock absorber.

6. Mount the barrel assembly in the fuel pump

housing. See Procedure 909-6.4.
MA909-4.2 214 04
7. Mount the top cover on the fuel pump hous-
ing. See Procedure 909-5.4.

Mount the air pipe for the puncture valve.

8. Close the drain cock and open the fuel oil 8.

inlet valve.
MA909-1.1 223 09

M90904 Edition 0224

Plate 109-5
MAN B&W Fuel Pump Top Cover
Edition 0063
Data Data 1 (1)

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS For detailed sketch, see 900-2

X Stopped engine
X Shut off starting air supply – At starting air receiver
X Block the main starting valve
X Shut off starting air distributor/distributing system supply
X Shut off safety air supply – Not ME engines
X Shut off control air supply
Shut off air supply to exhaust valve – Only with stopped lubricating oil pumps
X Engage turning gear
Shut off cooling water
X Shut off fuel oil
X Stop lubricating oil supply
Lock the turbocharger rotors


Ref. Description Value Unit

D09-23 Top cover studs, screwing-in torque 130 Nm

D09-24 Top cover nuts, tightening torque 210 Nm
D09-26 Outlet seat, max.grinding diameter 18 mm
D09-27 Top cover 35 kg

Data D10905 Edition 0063

Plate 909-5.1
MAN B&W Fuel Pump Top Cover
Edition 0234
Checking Page 1 (3)

1. Shut off the fuel oil inlet.

Open the drain cock (at the bottom of the
pump housing), and drain off any oil left in
the high-pressure pipe and the fuel pump.

Before dismantling any part of the fuel
pump, make sure that the pump has
been relieved of pressure and that all oil
has been drained off.

Dismount all drain pipes and the pipe con-
nections to the puncture valve.

Dismount the high-pressure pipes between

the top cover and the fuel valves.
See Procedure 909-14.2. 2.

If the puncture valve is to be overhauled,
remove the puncture valve from the top
cover at this stage.
See Procedure 909-8.2.

2. Remove the top cover fixing nuts and

mount the dismantling screws for top cover
in the two threaded holes.

Pull the top cover with suction valve and

puncture valve (if still mounted) free by
tightening the dismantling screws.

When the top cover is loose, remove the 3.

dismantling screws and mount the lifting
tool in the threaded holes instead.

3. Lift the top cover carefully off.

For overhaul of top cover, puncture valve
and suction valve, see Procedures 909-5.3,
909-7.3, 909-8.3.

Discard the gasket.


M90905 Edition 0234

Plate 909-5.2
MAN B&W Fuel Pump Top Cover
Edition 0234
Dismantling Page 2 (3)

1. If not already done, dismount the protective

1. cap and the puncture valve from the top
See Procedure 909-8.2.

2. Mount the top cover in special bracket and

dismantle the suction valve and the lock
washer from the top cover.
See Procedure 909-7.2.

3. Fill the oil ducts of the top cover with

vaseline or heavy grease.

Screw the guide, with the miller, into the


high-pressure pipe thread.

Mill the seat until a smooth surface is

achieved. For maximum seat diameter see
After completing the milling, use com-
pressed air to blow the vaseline/ grease
out from the oil ducts.

D0926 Clean the top cover with diesel oil/gas oil,

and blow dry with compressed air.

Make sure that all bores and threads in-
side the top cover are absolutely clean.

If necessary, recondition the seats of the

fuel oil high-pressure pipes.
See Procedure 909-14.3.

3. 4. Mount a new lock washer and a new or

overhauled suction valve in the top cover.
See Procedure 909-7.4.

M90905 Edition 0234

Plate 909-5.2
MAN B&W Fuel Pump Top Cover
Edition 0234
Dismantling Page 3 (3)

1. Make sure that the inside of the fuel pump

housing and the top of the fuel pump bar- 1.
rel is completely clean.

2. Mount a new gasket on top of the pump D0927


Lubricate all sliding faces, studs and seal-

ing rings with molybdenum disulphide
(MoS2). See Procedure 913-11.

Mount the overhauled top cover (with over-

hauled suction valve and reconditioned

seatings for the high-pressure pipes) on the
pump housing.

Check that the guide pin in the top cover

enters the hole in the pump housing.

Warning! 3.
As a safety precaution, and before
mounting the top cover nuts, turn the
engine one revolution.

When doing this, the top cover must not

move upwards!

3. Mount the top cover fixing nuts, and

tighten them diagonally to the torque indi-
cated in Data.

For adjustment of the fuel pump, see Pro-

cedure 909-1.1.

4. Finally, mount a new or overhauled punc-

ture valve on the top cover. See Procedure 4.

Mount the protective cap over the puncture

valve and the two screws in the top cover.
Mount the high-pressure pipes and the
drain screw in the pump housing.

Mount the drain pipes on the top cover

and the connecting pipe to the puncture
valve. Open the fuel oil inlet.

M90905 Edition 0234

Plate 109-6
MAN B&W Fuel Pump Barrel Assembly
Edition 0050
Data Data 1 (1)

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS For detailed sketch, see 900-2

X Stopped engine
X Shut off starting air supply – At starting air receiver
X Block the main starting valve
X Shut off starting air distributor/distributing system supply
X Shut off safety air supply – Not ME engines
X Shut off control air supply
Shut off air supply to exhaust valve – Only with stopped lubricating oil pumps
X Engage turning gear
Shut off cooling water
X Shut off fuel oil
X Stop lubricating oil supply
Lock the turbocharger rotors


Ref. Description Value Unit

D09-29 Barrel assembly 28 kg

D09-30 Plunger 7 kg

Data D10906 Edition 0050

Plate 909-6.2
MAN B&W Fuel Pump Barrel Assembly
Edition 0219
Dismantling Page 1 (9)

Fuel Pump Barrel Assembly


1. Shut off the fuel oil inlet.

Open the drain cock (at the bottom of the

pump housing), enabling the oil which is left
in the high-pressure pipe and the fuel pump
to escape.


Before dismantling any part of the fuel

pump, make sure that the pump has
been relieved of pressure and that all oil
has been drained off.

GN909-5.2 204 01
Dismount the pipe connections to the punc-
ture valve.

Dismount the fuel oil high-pressure pipes. 2.

See Procedure 909-14-2.

2. If the top cover is to be overhauled, dis-

mount the puncture valve.
See Procedure 909-8.2.

3. Dismount the fuel pump top cover.

See Procedure 909-5.2.
HN909-8.2 207 03

GN909-5.2 204 03

M90906 Edition 0219

Plate 909-6.2
MAN B&W Fuel Pump Barrel Assembly
Edition 0219
Dismantling Page 2 (9)

4. 4. Position the lifting tool for the barrel/plunger

assembly (without measuring pin) in such a
manner that the two distance tubes of the
tool rest on the pump barrel.

Make sure that the two guide pins in the

bottom of the lifting tool enter the holes in
the top of the plunger.

Secure the lifting tool by screwing the two

screws into the pump barrel.

Loosen the stop ring on the spindle of the

GN909-6.2 204 01

tool and press the spindle down against the

pump plunger.

Turn the spindle in this position until the two

guide pins engage with the two holes in the
5. plunger top.

Tighten the centre screw of the spindle

against the plunger.

5. Remove the pump barrel guide screw from

the pump housing.
MB909-3.1 95 05

6. Disconnect the links for the timing drive and

the regulating drive. Dismount the union
and pointer for the timing drive and the reg-
ulating drive.
Note the position of the scratch mark on the
lever arm.

Remove the locking plate and the lever


Mount the extractor tool and connect the

timing toothed rack to the pulling rod by
means of the pin.
GN909-6.2 204 03

M90906 Edition 0219

Plate 909-6.2
MAN B&W Fuel Pump Barrel Assembly
Edition 0219
Dismantling Page 3 (9)

7. Turn the nut at the end of the pulling rod, 7.

whereby the timing rack will move out-

Continue turning the nut until the pin reach-

es the outer position of the slot in the tool,
whereby the thread of the fuel pump barrel

GN909-6.2 204 04
goes clear of the timing guide.

Keep the toothed rack in this position during

the overhaul or replacement of the pump
There is now a distance between the lifting
tool and the pump housing.

8. Pull the regulating toothed rack outwards

until the plunger foot has been turned clear
of the bayonet joint in the roller guide.

This can be ascertained by watching the

handles on the spindle of the lifting tool.
These will be parallel with the fore-and-aft
direction of the engine when the plunger
has been turned into position.

Remove the cover of the pump base to

make sure that the plunger is able to go
GN909-6.2 204 05

clear of the bayonet joint.

Lift the spindle so that the plunger foot goes

clear of the bayonet joint.

Move the stop ring of the spindle into con- 9.

tact with the upper flange of the tool, and
lock the stop ring in this position by means
of the stop screw.

9. Carefully lift the barrel/plunger assembly D09-29

out of the pump housing.

Dismount the tool.

Press the plunger upwards to the bottom of

the barrel.

Send the barrel/plunger assembly to an

MAN B&W authorized workshop for repair,
or overhaul it on board as described in Pro-
cedure 909-6.3.
GN909-6.2 204 06

M90906 Edition 0219

Plate 909-6.3
MAN B&W Fuel Pump Barrel Assembly
Edition 0219
Overhaul Page 4 (9)


1. 1. Clean the outside of the barrel.

Set up the pump barrel/plunger in a bench

vice provided with “soft” jaws.
Remove and discard the sealing rings from
the barrel.

2. Pull the plunger carefully out of the barrel.

Carefully clean the plunger (for example in

clean kerosene) and wipe dry with a clean
piece of cloth. Also clean the bores in the
top of the plunger.
MB909-3.2 95 01

Clean the barrel and wipe dry with a clean

piece of cloth.

2. For evaluation of pump barrel/plunger, see

Volume I, OPERATION, Chapter 706.

3. Before mounting new sealing rings on the

barrel, heat them in 100°C hot water for at
least five minutes.

4. When mounting the new sealing rings on

the lower end of the pump barrel, the inner
sealing ring must be mounted first.

Mount the guide stick in the barrel and po-

D09-30 sition the big cone on the barrel.
MB909-3.2 95 02

Place the spring-loaded sealing ring on the

cone with the spring facing upwards, see
the sketch.

4. Use the pusher tool to push the sealing ring

into the groove.
MB909-3.2 95 04

M90906 Edition 0219

Plate 909-6.3
MAN B&W Fuel Pump Barrel Assembly
Edition 0219
Overhaul Page 5 (9)

5. When mounting the sealing ring in the outer 5.

groove, place the spacer tool inside the
cone to obtain the correct distance to the
groove, and repeat the above procedure.

After mounting the sealing rings, compress

them by pressing the “sizer” tool over the
sealing rings.

6. Mount the guide stick and cone on the top

end of the barrel and mount the uppermost
sealing ring in the same way as above.

Make sure that the spring faces down-

MB909-3.2 95 05
wards, see the sketch.

7. Lubricate the plunger with molybdenum di-

sulphide (MoS 2).
Carefully slide the plunger into the barrel
and press it to the bottom.


Do not use force as this will damage the

sliding surfaces of the plunger or barrel

If the barrel assembly is not to be mounted

immediately, all openings must be covered
with plastic to prevent dirt from entering the
barrel assembly during storage.
MB909-3.2 95 06

MB909-3.2 95 07

M90906 Edition 0219

Plate 909-6.4
MAN B&W Fuel Pump Barrel Assembly
Edition 0219
Mounting Page 6 (9)


1. 1. Place the supplied measuring pin – which

is of the same length as the plunger – on
the spindle of the lifting tool, and fasten it
by tightening the centre screw of the spin-
dle. Loosen the stop ring on the spindle.

Place the tool on the pump housing, and

press the spindle down until the pointed
end of the measuring pin is in contact with
the thrust piece of the roller guide.

Then press the stop ring down until it

reaches the flange of the tool and lock it
there by tightening the screw of the stop
ring against the spindle.

The stop ring is to remain tightened in this

position until the plunger has been correctly

The engine must not be turned until the

mounting of the barrel/plunger assembly
HN909-6.4 207 01

has been completed.

2. Dismount the tool from the pump housing

and remove the measuring pin from the
spindle. Then mount the tool on the barrel/
2. plunger assembly which is ready for mount-

Secure the tool to the barrel by tightening

the two screws, and attach the plunger to
the spindle of the tool by tightening the cen-
tre screw of the spindle. The tool is thus
fixed on the barrel in such a way that its cor-
rect positioning is ensured during mount-

Before mounting the barrel/plunger in the

pump housing, lubricate the thread for the
timing guide and all sealing rings with mo-
lybdenum disulphide.

Using the spindle of the tool, pull the plung-

er as high up in the barrel as possible, at
the same time turning the spindle so as to
position the plunger foot correctly in relation
to the cutout of the regulating guide.
HN909-6.4 207 02

M90906 Edition 0219

Plate 909-6.4
MAN B&W Fuel Pump Barrel Assembly
Edition 0219
Mounting Page 7 (9)

3. Pull the regulating toothed rack as far out 3.

as possible and check that the extractor
tool is mounted correctly on the timing
toothed rack when this is in its outer posi-

4. Check that the slot in the barrel coincides

with the hole for the guide screw.

Lower the barrel assembly carefully into the

GN909-6.4 204 03
pump housing.

If necessary, turn the regulating guide a lit-

tle (using the toothed rack) to make the foot
and the regulating block of the plunger fit
properly in the cutout of the regulating 4.

Lowering the barrel assembly so far down

into the pump housing that the sealing rings D09-29
of the barrel are about to enter the bore in
the pump housing.

Then continue pressing down the barrel/

plunger assembly until the barrel assembly
rests on top of the timing guide. There will
be a gap between the tool and the pump
GN909-6.4 204 04

M90906 Edition 0219

Plate 909-6.4
MAN B&W Fuel Pump Barrel Assembly
Edition 0219
Mounting Page 8 (9)

5. 5. Loosen the nut on the extractor, disconnect

the pulling rod from the timing toothed rack,
and remove the extractor.

Engaging the thread of the fuel pump barrel

with the timing guide is accomplished by
pressing-in the toothed rack. (A pressure of
about 30 kg may be required).

Check that the toothed rack is correctly en-

gaged by pressing-in the rack. When doing
this, the pump barrel shall move down-

The top flange of the tool is now resting on

the top of the pump housing.

6. After ‘landing’ the barrel assembly, press

the plunger down into contact with the
GN909-6.4 204 05

thrust piece of the roller guide.

Check that the stop disc of the spindle is in

full contact with the flange of the tool, as
when measuring.
If necessary, turn the regulating guide a lit-
tle (using the toothed rack) to make the
plunger foot fit properly in the cutout of the
roller guide. Inspect the position of the
plunger foot through the inspection hole.

When the plunger is in place, press the reg-

ulating rod in, thereby turning the plunger
by means of the regulating guide and caus-
ing the plunger foot to “interlock” with the
bayonet joint of the roller guide.

Check that the plunger is correctly engaged

by pulling at the spindle of the lifting tool.
When doing this, it must not be possible to
lift the spindle.

Mount the inspection hole cover.

GN909-6.4 204 06

M90906 Edition 0219

Plate 909-6.4
MAN B&W Fuel Pump Barrel Assembly
Edition 0219
Mounting Page 9 (9)

7. Mount the pointer and union for the timing 7.


Mount the links for the timing drive and the

regulating drive in place in accordance with
the marks.

8. Mount the guide screw for the pump barrel

in the pump housing.

GN909-6.4 204 07
Remove the centre screw from the plunger,
and remove the tool.

9. Mount the top cover without mounting the 8.

nuts. Turn the engine one revolution, and
check that the top cover does not move up-
wards. If the top cover does move upwards,
the barrel/plunger assembly has to be re-
moved and re-inserted.

10. Mount the fuel pump top cover, including

the nuts. See Procedure 909-5.4.
GN909-6.4 204 08

M90906 Edition 0219

Plate 109-7
MAN B&W Fuel Pump Suction Valve
Edition 0039
Data Data 1 (1)

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS For detailed sketch, see 900-2

X Stopped engine
X Shut off starting air supply – At starting air receiver
X Block the main starting valve
X Shut off starting air distributor/distributing system supply
X Shut off safety air supply – Not ME engines
X Shut off control air supply
Shut off air supply to exhaust valve – Only with stopped lubricating oil pumps
Engage turning gear
Shut off cooling water
X Shut off fuel oil
X Stop lubricating oil supply
Lock the turbocharger rotors


Ref. Description Value Unit

D09-33 Suction valve, tightening torque 890 Nm

D09-34 Suction valve 2.5 kg

Data D10907 Edition 0039

Plate 909-7.1
MAN B&W Fuel Pump Suction Valve
Edition 0214
Checking Page 1 (4)

Fuel Pump Suction Valve


1. Using a brass mandrel, check that the valve
slide can slide freely up and down inside
the suction valve.

2. Check the seats for tightness by filling the

inlet hole with diesel oil or gas oil, and wait
five minutes. No oil may seep through the
seats of the slide/housing.

3. If the suction valve is not to be mounted on

the engine immediately after the checking,
cover all openings of the valve with plastic
to prevent dirt from entering the valve dur-
ing storage.

HN909-7.1 207 01

KB909-3.3 105 08

M90907 Edition 0214

Plate 909-7.2
MAN B&W Fuel Pump Suction Valve
Edition 0214
Dismantling Page 2 (4)


1. 1.

Before dismantling the top cover, it is

recommended to dismantle the fuel pump
puncture valve, see Procedure 909-8.2.

Dismantle the fuel pump top cover and suc-

tion valve assembly from the fuel pump
housing. See Procedure 909-5.2.

2. Mount two eye bolts in the bottom of the top

cover and turn it upside down.

3. Mount the top cover in an upside down po-

GN909-5.2 204 03

sition in the top cover bracket mounted on

the bulkhead inside the engine room. Tight-
en the nuts of the bracket to fix the top cov-
Release the suction valve lock washer.

Dismount the suction valve from the top


Remove and discard the lock washer.

GN909-5.3 204 02

KN909-7.2 213 03

M90907 Edition 0214

Plate 909-7.3
MAN B&W Fuel Pump Suction Valve
Edition 0214
Overhaul Page 3 (4)

1. Set up the suction valve in a bench vice 1.

with “soft” jaws and, using a brass mandrel
and a hammer, release the spring guide
from the valve thrust piece.

Disassemble the other parts of the suction

valve and clean the parts thoroughly in
clean diesel oil.

Remove and discard the sealing ring from

the valve thrust piece.

2. Inspect the seat of the valve slide and the

seat in the thrust piece for damage. If the
seats are damaged, both the suction valve
and the valve slide must be discarded.
KB909-3.3 105 05

Lapping of the seats must not be attempt-


3. Mount the O-ring in the groove of the seal- 2.

ing ring and position the cone on the thrust

Place the sealing ring on the cone and, us-

ing the pusher tool, push the sealing ring on
to the groove.

KB909-3.3 105 06

Make sure that the sealing ring is

mounted correctly. See the sketch.

After mounting the sealing ring, compress it 3.

by pressing the “sizer” tool over the sealing

4. Clean and overhaul all internal parts, and

lubricate them with molybdenum disulphide
(MoS 2).

5. Re-assemble the suction valve.

6. Check the suction valve after the overhaul.

See Procedure 909-7.1.
XZ909-7.3 204 03

M90907 Edition 0214

Plate 909-7.4
MAN B&W Fuel Pump Suction Valve
Edition 0214
Mounting Page 4 (4)


1. 1. Mount the top cover in an upside down po-

sition in the top cover bracket mounted on
the bulkhead inside the engine room. Tight-
en the nuts of the bracket to fix the top cov-
D09-33 er.

Lubricate the thread of the suction valve

with copper grease.

Make sure that the bore for the suction

valve in the top cover is absolutely clean.

Fit a new lock washer and mount a new or

overhauled suction valve in the top cover.

Fit the two screws which secure the lock


Tighten the suction valve with a torque

spanner. See Data.

Lock the suction valve in position by bend-

ing up an edge of the lock washer over one
KN909-7.4 213 01

of the flats of the valve.

2. Remove the top cover from the bracket and

mount the top cover in the fuel pump hous-
2. ing. See Procedure 909-5.4.
GN909-5.2 204 03

M90907 Edition 0214

Plate 109-8
MAN B&W Fuel Pump Puncture Valve
Edition 0050
Data Data 1 (1)

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS For detailed sketch, see 900-2

X Stopped engine
X Shut off starting air supply – At starting air receiver
X Block the main starting valve
X Shut off starting air distributor/distributing system supply
X Shut off safety air supply – Not ME engines
X Shut off control air supply
Shut off air supply to exhaust valve – Only with stopped lubricating oil pumps
Engage turning gear
Shut off cooling water
X Shut off fuel oil
Stop lubricating oil supply
Lock the turbocharger rotors


Ref. Description Value Unit

D09-35 Puncture valve, tightening torque 900 Nm

Data D10908 Edition 0050

Plate 909-8.2
MAN B&W Fuel Pump Puncture Valve
Edition 0217
Dismantling Page 1 (4)

Fuel Pump Puncture Valve


1. Shut off the fuel oil inlet.

Open the drain cock at the bottom of the

pump housing and drain off any oil left in
the fuel oil high-pressure pipe and fuel


Before dismantling any part of the fuel

pump, make sure that the pump has
been relieved of pressure and that all oil
has been drained off.

2. Dismantle the control air pipe and the pro-

tective cap above the puncture valve.

3. Unscrew and remove the puncture valve

from the fuel pump top cover.

4. After dismantling it is recommended always

HN909-8.2 207 02

to overhaul the puncture valve.

If the overhaul cannot take place immedi-

ately after the dismantling, it is recommend-
ed to place the puncture valve immersed in
diesel oil until the overhaul. 3.
HN909-8.2 207 03

M90908 Edition 0217

Plate 909-8.3
MAN B&W Fuel Pump Puncture Valve
Edition 0217
Overhaul Page 2 (4)


1. 1. Remove and discard the O-rings from the

puncture valve.

Set up the puncture valve in a bench vice

with “soft” jaws.

Loosen and remove the four screws and

dismount the plug. Use a screw to remove
the air piston from the housing.

Remove and discard the sealing rings from

the air piston.

Disassemble the other parts of the punc-

ture valve, using a brass mandrel and a
hammer. Take care not to damage the valve

Thoroughly clean all the parts in clean die-

sel oil.

2. Inspect the conical seats of the valve hous-

ing and the valve slide for wear marks or

If the seats are damaged, the valve housing

and the valve slide must be discarded.

Lapping of the valve seats must not be at-

HN909-8.3 207 01


HG909-8.2 201 02

M90908 Edition 0217

Plate 909-8.3
MAN B&W Fuel Pump Puncture Valve
Edition 0217
Overhaul Page 3 (4)

3. When mounting the new sealing rings on 3.

the spindle of the air piston, the inner seal-
ing ring must be mounted first.

Mount the O-ring in the ring groove and po-

sition the large cone on the spindle.

Place the sealing ring on the cone and, us-

ing the pusher tool, push the sealing ring on
to the O-ring in the groove.

After mounting the sealing ring, compress it

by pressing the ‘sizer' tool, over the sealing

Mount the outer sealing ring in the groove

using the short cone, and repeating the
above procedure.

4. The new sealing ring is mounted on the

head of the air piston in accordance with
the same procedure as above.
GM909-3.3 89 10

Before assembling the puncture valve, lu-

bricate all parts with “MOLYKOTE anti-fric-
tion SPRAY D321R” or molybdenum
disulphide (MoS 2).
Mount new O-rings on the housing.

5. If the puncture valve is not to be mounted

on the engine immediately after the over-
haul, cover all openings of the valve with
plastic to prevent dirt from entering the
valve during storage.
GM909-3.3 89 12

M90908 Edition 0217

Plate 909-8.4
MAN B&W Fuel Pump Puncture Valve
Edition 0217
Mounting Page 4 (4)


2. 1. Make sure that the bore for the puncture

valve in the fuel pump top cover is absolute-
ly clean.

If this has not already been done, mount

new O-rings on the puncture valve.

Lubricate the thread of the puncture valve

with copper grease.

D09-35 2. Screw the puncture valve into the bore in

the top cover.

Using a crowfoot wrench and a torque

spanner, tighten the puncture valve to the
torque stated in Data.

3. Mount the protective cap and the control air

pipe on top of the puncture valve.

4. If open, close the drain cock on the fuel

pump and open the fuel oil inlet valve.
HN909-8.4 207 02

HN909-8.4 207 03

M90908 Edition 0217

Plate 109-9
MAN B&W Fuel Pump Shock Absorber
Edition 0032
Data Data 1 (1)

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS For detailed sketch, see 900-2

X Stopped engine
X Shut off starting air supply – At starting air receiver
X Block the main starting valve
X Shut off starting air distributor/distributing system supply
X Shut off safety air supply – Not ME engines
X Shut off control air supply
Shut off air supply to exhaust valve – Only with stopped lubricating oil pumps
X Engage turning gear
Shut off cooling water
X Shut off fuel oil
Stop lubricating oil supply
Lock the turbocharger rotors


Ref. Description Value Unit

D09-39 Shock absorber 20 kg

Data D10909 Edition 0032

Plate 909-9.1
MAN B&W Fuel Pump Shock Absorber
Edition 0214
Checking Page 1 (3)

Fuel Pump Shock Absorber


To ensure satisfactory operation, the function-

ing of the fuel pump shock absorber should be
checked at regular intervals. Normally, inspec-
tion is necessary only at the intervals stated in
the maintenance programme. The checks
should be carried out while the engine is oper-

1. Remove the plug from the end cover of the

shock absorber. Check that air is ‘pulsating’
through the threaded hole.

Short bursts of air should be felt against the

HM909-4.0 09 01
hand, corresponding to the strokes of the
fuel pump.

The air pulses occur when the shock ab-

sorber piston is working and the air below
the piston is being compressed and forced
out through the threaded hole.

2. To check the ‘tightness’ of the piston, meas-

ure the amount of leakage oil flowing from
the drain pipe of the shock absorber hous-
ing. Note down the amounts measured and
compare with earlier measurements.

Increasing amounts indicate a deteriorating

piston sealing. Excessive amounts indicate
that the shock absorber requires overhaul-
See Procedure 909-9.3.

M90909 Edition 0214

Plate 909-9.3
MAN B&W Fuel Pump Shock Absorber
Edition 0214
Overhaul Page 2 (3)




Before dismantling any part of the fuel

pump, make sure that the pump has
been relieved of pressure and that all oil
D09-39 has been drained off.

1. Remove the shock absorber drain pipe.

Place a wire strap around the shock ab-
sorber and hook on the engine room crane.
Loosen the screws holding the shock ab-
GN909-9.3 204 01

sorber and remove it from the fuel pump


2. Remove the plug from the end cover of the

shock absorber. Fit a threaded rod between
2. the piston and the end cover to counteract
the force of the springs. Loosen the screws
of the end cover and remove the end cover
and piston. Discard the gasket.

3. Loosen the nut on the threaded rod to re-

lieve the springs and remove the threaded
rod. Remove and discard the sealing ring in
the shock absorber housing and the wear
ring on the piston.

4. Clean all parts and polish the sliding sur-

faces of the piston and the shock absorber
housing. Mount a new sealing ring in the
HG909-9.2 201 02

shock absorber housing and a new wear

ring on the piston.

5. Mount the springs and the spring guide be-

tween the end cover and the piston, using
4. the threaded rod.

Lubricate all sliding surfaces and assemble

the shock absorber. Take care not to dam-
age the sealing ring or wear ring when
mounting the piston. Check that the piston
slides easily in the shock absorber housing.

6. Mount the end cover. For tightening the

nuts, see Data. Lock with the locking de-
vice. Remove the threaded rod and insert
the plug.
HG909-9.2 201 04

M90909 Edition 0214

Plate 909-9.3
MAN B&W Fuel Pump Shock Absorber
Edition 0214
Overhaul Page 3 (3)

7. Fit a new gasket on the fuel pump housing

and mount the shock absorber. Mount the
shock absorber drain pipe.

If an excessive amount of drain oil is still

observed after the overhaul, the shock ab-
sorber must be replaced and the damaged
one sent to an authorized MAN B&W repair
shop for reconditioning.

M90909 Edition 0214

Plate 109-11
MAN B&W Fuel Valve
Edition 0069
Data Data 1 (1)

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS For detailed sketch, see 900-2

X Stopped engine
X Shut off starting air supply – At starting air receiver
X Block the main starting valve
X Shut off starting air distributor/distributing system supply
X Shut off safety air supply – Not ME engines
X Shut off control air supply
Shut off air supply to exhaust valve – Only with stopped lubricating oil pumps
Engage turning gear
Shut off cooling water
X Shut off fuel oil
Stop lubricating oil supply
Lock the turbocharger rotors


Ref. Description Value Unit

D09-40 Fuel valve opening pressure 300 - 380 bar

D09-41 Fuel valve tightening torque 25 Nm
D09-42 Inlet seat, max. diameter 18 mm
D09-43 Fuel valve 8 kg

Data D10911 Edition 0069

Plate 909-11.1
MAN B&W Fuel Valve
Edition 0246
Checking Page 1 (14)

1. Fuel Valve
The fuel valves must be given the utmost at-
tention and care, as the greater part of irregu-
larities that may occur during the running of the
engine can be attributed to defects in these

If the engine gives normal performance in ac-

cordance with diagrams and exhaust tempera-
tures, it is only necessary to inspect the fuel
valves after the service period stated in the
Checking and Maintenance Schedules. See
Chapter 900-1.

In order to obtain reliable results during testing

of the fuel valves, all fuel valves that are dis-
mantled from the engine must be disas-
sembled, cleaned, inspected and re-assembled
befire testing. See Procedures 909-11.3 and

In the event that the slide-type fuel valve
is pressure tested without being cleaned
between the fuel nozzle and the cut-off
slide, the opening pressure value
measuered might be considerably lower

All fuel valves must be function-tested before

being mounted in the cylinder cover.

Pressure testing pump

If an air supply of 10 bar is not available,

working air of 7 bar can be used. Regard-
ing the operation of the pressure testing
pump, see the supplier’s instructions.

The high-pressure pump should be peri-
odically checked in accordance with the

Prescribed oil: Hydraulic oil (rust-prevent-


ing) with a viscosity of between 7 and 10

cSt at 50°C.

Note: use clean oil only.

M90911 Edition 0246

Plate 909-11.1
MAN B&W Fuel Valve
Edition 0246
Checking Page 2 (14)

2. Setting-up the fuel valve

Place the fuel valve in the test rig and se-
cure it with the tubular spacers and nuts.

Tighten the nuts to the torque stated in

Data. Mount the oil pipe between the pres-
D0941 sure testing pump and the fuel valve.

3. Pressure testing procedure

The following functions of the fuel valve

must be checked:

• Flushing and jet control

• Opening pressure

• Sealing test and sliding function

• Pressure test, O-ring sealing


4. Flushing and jet control

Remove air in the system and check the fuel

jet in the following way.

Slowly increase the oil pressure until straight

3. jets of oil are ejected from the nozzle holes (no

Acceptance criteria:

There is to be a continuous jet of oil through at

least one of the nozzle holes.

Owing to the geometry of the internal part of

the nozzle - and because of the height to
which the spindle is lifted during pressure test-
ing is lower than the height it is lifted during
normal engine operation - the fuel oil will not
necessarily flow from all of the nozzle holes.

Cause of fault:

If the jets do not fulfil the above point, the

cause may be:

Dirt in the nozzle holes


The nozzle is not mounted correctly

M90911 Edition 0246

Plate 909-11.1
MAN B&W Fuel Valve
Edition 0246
Checking Page 3 (14)

5. Opening pressure
To check the opening pressure, increase the oil
pressure until oil is admitted through the nozzle D0940

Acceptance criteria:

Check the opening pressure on the pressure

gauge and compare with Data D09-40 on the


Do NOT attempt to carry out an atomization

test on the slide type fuel valvs, as this may
damage the cut-off slide and nozzle.

Cause of fault:

If the opening pressure is higher than specified

in D09-40, the cause may be that a wrong type
of spring is used - replace the spring on the

thrust spindle, if necessary, replace the com-

plete thrust spindle.

If the opening pressure is lower than specified

in D09-40, the cause may be that the spring
has sagged - replace the spring, or add a spe-
cial thin disc.


Special thin discs are available as spares.

If a spring or a disc has been changed, the

pressure testing procedure of the fuel valve
must be repeated.

M90911 Edition 0246

Plate 909-11.1
MAN B&W Fuel Valve
Edition 0246
Checking Page 4 (14)

6. Sealing test and sliding function

To check the needle valve seat for tightness
and the slide for correct closing.

Slowly increase the oil pressure to about 50

bar below the opening pressure. Maintain the
built-up pressure by closing for the oil supply.

Acceptance criteria:

Oil must not flow from the nozzle holes.


The pressure drops relatively slowly to about

15 bar, after which it drops quickly to 0 (the
slide is pressed against the conical seat and
opens for circulation oil).

Oil flows out of the leak oil outlet when the
fuel valve is full of oil.

Cause of fault:

If oil flows out of the nozzle holes, the cause is

• Defective spindle guide at needle seat,
or a sticking spindle. Examine and/or
replace the spindle guide.
See Procedure 909-12.3.
• Too quick pressure drop:

- the clearances of the movable parts, both of

the spindle guide and of the non-return valve,
are too large, or the seats between the thrust
piece/spindle in the spindle guide or thrust
piece/valve slide in the non-return valve are

Examine and/or replace both the spindle guide

and non-return valve. See Procedure 909-12.3.
See Procedure 909-13.3.

If a quick pressure drop from 15 to 0 bar can-

not be registered:
• The valve slide is sticking; or
• The vent hole in the thrust piece is

If so, disassemble and examine the spindle

guide, replace if necessary. See Procedure

M90911 Edition 0246

Plate 909-11.1
MAN B&W Fuel Valve
Edition 0246
Checking Page 5 (14)

7. Pressure test, O-ring sealing

7. Max. 10 bar
To ensure that the leak oil (circulation oil) re-
mains in the closed system, build up a working
pressure of about max. 10 bar until oil flows
out of the leak oil outlet.

Close the leak oil outlet with a gasket and plug

Max. 100 bar
Increase the working pressure to about 100

Acceptance criteria:

The built-up pressure of about 100 bar should

be maintained.

Cause of fault: Max. 100 bar

If oil leaks out at the union nut, the O-ring in-

side the fuel valve head is defective, and must
be replaced.

8. Atomization test

Do NOT attempt to carry out an atomization
test on slide type fuel valves, as this may
damage the cut-off slide and nozzle.

The atomization test may damage the valve be-

cause it makes the needle oscillate, with a
small lift at a very high frequency. The high
pressure drop across the cut-off edge and the
high contact pressure between slide and fuel
nozzle, in combination with the poor lubricity of
the test oil, increase the risk of seizures be-
tween cut-off slide and nozzle.

All of these conditions involve the risk of sei-

zure between the cut-off slide and the nozzle.

M90911 Edition 0246

Plate 909-11.2
MAN B&W Fuel Valve
Edition 0246
Dismantling Page 6 (14)

1. 1. Close the fuel oil inlet and outlet valves.

Dismantle the high-pressure pipe. See Pro-

cedure 909-14.2.

Disconnect the return oil pipe from the fuel


2. Remove the nuts and the tubular spacers.

3. Take out the valve. If the valve is sticking,

use the fuel valve dismantling tool to pull
the valve clear of the top cover.

If the valve is not to be overhauled immedi-

ately, the valve should be immersed in die-
sel oil until overhauling.




M90911 Edition 0246

Plate 909-11.3
MAN B&W Fuel Valve
Edition 0246
Overhaul Page 7 (14)

When fuel valves are overhauled, all parts

should be handled carefully and be kept clean. 1.

Use only clean, non-fluffy rags for wiping pur-

poses. Make sure to remove all liquid or solid
impurities. Whenever fuel valves are over-
hauled, all sealing rings should be discarded
and replaced by new, faultless sealing rings be-
fore reassembly.

1. Measure the length A of the protruding part

of the nozzle, and write down the result for
correct re-assembling of the valve.

2. Place the valve holder in a machine vice,
mount the fuel valve in the holder and fit
the valve with the guide disc from the
grinding tool.


M90911 Edition 0246

Plate 909-11.3
MAN B&W Fuel Valve
Edition 0246
Overhaul Page 8 (14)

3. Compress the fuel valve and the spring in-

3. side, by means of a drilling machine, to
avoid seizures in the union thread. Hold the
fuel valve compressed and unscrew the
union nut with a hook spanner.

Remove the valve from the valve holder.


M90911 Edition 0246

Plate 909-11.3
MAN B&W Fuel Valve
Edition 0246
Overhaul Page 9 (14)

4. Pull the valve head clear of the valve hous-

ing. 4.

Remove the:

• Non return valve

• Thrust spindle parts

• Thrust foot

• Spindle guide and fuel nozzle

from the valve housing.

Remove and discard all the O-rings.


M90911 Edition 0246

Plate 909-11.3
MAN B&W Fuel Valve
Edition 0246
Overhaul Page 10 (14)

5. Carefully clean and examine all surfaces of

5. the:

• Fuel valve housing

• Fuel valve head

D0942 • Thrust spindle

If necessary, grind the seating surfaces by

means of the grinding mandrels supplied
and a fine-grain abrasive (such as
Carborundum No. 500).

This grinding must only be carried out


After the grinding, wash the parts in gas oil

and blow clean by means of compressed
air to remove any remains of the grinding

In the event of more serious damage to the

seating surface for the high-pressure pipe
in the valve head, the milling tool can be

Normally, the milling tool is turned by hand,

but it may be fitted in the chuck of a col-
umn-type drilling machine provided that the
number of revolutions is kept at a minimum
(not exceeding approx. 100 r/min). An
ample supply of cutting emulsion must be


Take care not to exceed the maximum

diameter of the seat, see Data.

M90911 Edition 0246

Plate 909-11.3
MAN B&W Fuel Valve
Edition 0246
Overhaul Page 11 (14)

6. The complete spindle guide, including the

fuel nozzle, should be sent to an 6.
authorised MAN B&W repair shop for over-
haul. If this is not possible, the spindle
guide may be overhauled on board.
See Procedure 909-12.3.

Do not attempt to remove the fuel nozzle
from the spindle guide unless the spindle
guide has been dismantled. Otherwise
the cut-off slide on the spindle may be


7. The non-return valve should be sent to an

authorised MAN B&W repair shop for over-
haul. If this is not possible, the non-return 7.
valve may be overhauled on board.
See Procedure 909-13.3.

8. Mount the complete spindle guide, includ-

ing the fuel nozzle, in the fuel valve hous-

Carefully slide the spindle guide down into

the valve holder, and turn the nozzle until it
engages correctly with the guide pin.
Check that distance A corresponds to the
measurement taken before the valve was


Make sure that the fuel nozzle engages
correctly with the guide pin in the fuel 8.
valve housing. This can be ascertained
by attempting to turn the nozzle by hand
after mounting. It must not be possible
to turn the nozzle.

M90911 Edition 0246

Plate 909-11.3
MAN B&W Fuel Valve
Edition 0246
Overhaul Page 12 (14)

9. Mount:
• the thrust foot

• the parts of the thrust spindle

• the non-return valve

in the fuel valve housing.

Mount a new O-ring in the uppermost

groove of the fuel valve housing.

Lubricate the thread of the valve head with

molybdenum disulphide (MoS2).

For the correct use of this lubricant, see

Procedure 913-11.

Fit the valve head with new O-rings.

10. Make sure that the guide pin between


valve housing and valve head is intact.

Press the valve head down into the valve
housing and check that the guide pin en-
gages correctly so as to prevent relative
turning of the parts.

MoS 2

M90911 Edition 0246

Plate 909-11.4
MAN B&W Fuel Valve
Edition 0246
Mounting Page 13 (14)

11. Assemble the valve by means of the union

nut. 11.

Place the valve in the valve holder in a drill-

ing machine.

Compress the fuel valve and the spring in-

side. Keep the valve compressed and
tighten the union nut with a hook spanner.

After overhaul, the fuel valve must be

tested in the test rig.
See Procedure 909-11.1.

12. If the fuel valve is not to be mounted in the

engine immediately after the overhaul,
cover all openings of the valve with plastic
to prevent dirt from entering the valve dur-
ing storage.

M90911 Edition 0246

Plate 909-11.4
MAN B&W Fuel Valve
Edition 0246
Mounting Page 14 (14)

1. Note!
All fuel valves must be function-tested
before being mounted in the cylinder
cover, see Procedure 909-11.1.

1. Before mounting the fuel valve, thoroughly

clean the valve bore in the cylinder cover
MoS2 and check the seating in the bore for
marks which, if any, must be eliminated.
(For reconditioning of valve bore in cylinder
cover, see Procedure 901-1).

If not already done, mount new O-rings on

the fuel valve. Lubricate the valve with mo-
lybdenum Disulphide (MoS2).

2. Mount the valve in position in the cylinder

Mount the tubular spacers and nuts.
Tighten the nuts as stated in Data.
D0941 3. Lubricate the thread on the union nipple of
the fuel oil pipe with a heat resistant anti
seize grease before mounting.

It is recommended to overhaul the fuel
oil pipe before mounting.
See Procedure 909-14.3.

Mount the overhauled fuel oil pipe. See

Procedure 909-14.4.

Mount and tighten the union nuts.

Reconnect the return oil pipe to the fuel

Turn on the fuel oil supply.


M90911 Edition 0246

Plate 109-12
MAN B&W Fuel Valve Spindle Guide
Edition 0048
Data Data 1 (1)

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS For detailed sketch, see 900-2

Stopped engine
Shut off starting air supply – At starting air receiver
Block the main starting valve
Shut off starting air distributor/distributing system supply
Shut off safety air supply – Not ME engines
Shut off control air supply
Shut off air supply to exhaust valve – Only with stopped lubricating oil pumps
Engage turning gear
Shut off cooling water
Shut off fuel oil
Stop lubricating oil supply
Lock the turbocharger rotors


Ref. Description Value Unit

D09-70 Nozzel spray hole cleaning tool table

Nozzel Cleaning Test Nozzel Cleaning Test

spray hole drill pin spray hole drill pin

0.90 0.85 0.94 1.60 1.55 1.65

0.95 0.90 0.99 1.65 1.60 1.70
1.00 0.95 1.04 1.70 1.65 1.74
1.05 1.00 1.09 1.75 1.70 1.80
1.10 1.05 1.14 1.80 1.75 1.85
1.15 1.10 1.20 1.85 1.80 1.89
1.20 1.15 1.24 1.90 1.85 1.94
1.25 1.20 1.30 1.95 1.90 1.99
1.30 1.25 1.34 2.00 1.95 2.05
1.35 1.30 1.39 2.05 2.00 2.09
1.40 1.35 1.44 2.10 2.05 2.14
1.45 1.40 1.49 2.15 2.10 2.19
1.50 1.45 1.54 2.20 2.15 2.24
1.55 1.50 1.59 2.25 2.20 2.29

Data D10912 Edition 0048

Plate 909-12.3
MAN B&W Fuel Valve Spindle Guide
Edition 0229
Overhaul Page 1 (5)

This instruction is only valid for spindle
guides of the slide valve design.

Extreme care and accuracy should be

exercised when carrying out this opera-

Based on service experience it is recom-

mended to replace the complete spindle
guide after 16000 hours of operation.

1. Clean the outside of the spindle guide in

pure gas oil or similar. The individual parts of
the spindle guide are not interchangeable,
therefore only one guide is to be disas-
sembled at a time.


The spindle guide, thrust piece and

spindle are matched parts and may not
be re-placed individually.

2. Place the spindle guide in a bench vice pro-

vided with “soft” jaws, and use the brass 4.
mandrel as shown to disassemble the
spindle guide.

3. Mount the pulling tool around the fuel nozzle

on the spindle guide. Turn the nut to pull the
fuel nozzle off the spindle guide.

The pulling tool is not standard for all
engines, but may be delivered as an op-
tional extra.

4. If no pulling tool is available, the fuel nozzle

can be dismantled from the spindle guide
using two screwdrivers.

Place the screwdrivers opposite each other

in the small gap between the fuel nozzle and
the spindle guide and very carefully force the
fuel nozzle off the spindle guide.

M90912 Edition 0229

Plate 909-12.3
MAN B&W Fuel Valve Spindle Guide
Edition 0229
Overhaul Page 2 (5)

5. Clean all the parts of the spindle guide in

5. gas oil and wipe dry with a clean piece of

Clean all parts again in gas oil or

‘Electrocleaner’ and wipe dry with a clean
piece of cloth.

Place all the parts on a clean, soft, lint-free

cloth and examine them through an 8-10
times magnification magnifying glass and an
inspection lamp.

During the examination, pay special attention

to the seating surfaces and sliding surfaces
of the parts.

6. Remove any deposits or very fine scratches

by placing the spindle, thrust piece or
spindle guide respectively in a lathe, as
shown, and polishing with a very fine con-
ventional polishing linen ‘grade 360’.

Use also a little oil for the polishing (a

coarser polishing linen must absolutely not
be used).

6. Note!
The sliding surface of the cut-off slide
may only be polished VERY carefully.
The sliding surface must not be dam-

After polishing, clean the parts again and re-

check the seat on thrust piece/spindle, the
seat on slide valve/spindle, and the seat on
spindle/guide. Use an inspection lamp and
an 8-10 times enlargement magnifying glass.

If the seats are not in order, i.e. if there are

pressing-in marks or similar on the seats, the
complete spindle guide must be discarded.

M90912 Edition 0229

Plate 909-12.3
MAN B&W Fuel Valve Spindle Guide
Edition 0229
Overhaul Page 3 (5)

7. Clean any carbon deposits from the central

bore of the fuel nozzle by means of the spe- 7.
cial brass brush. Clean the fuel nozzle with
gas oil and wipe dry with a clean cloth.

8. Read the nominal hole size on the cylindrical

part of the nozzle, as shown in the figure.
The hole size is given in 1/100 mm. Depend-
ing on the engine model, there can be one
or more different sizes of the holes. Find the
correct drill size and matching test pin in the
table, D09-70, on the data sheet, via the
nominal hole size.

Clean the spray holes, using gas oil and the
special drills supplied.

During this operation be very careful not 8.
to push the drill too far to avoid scratch-
ing the snug-fit surface on the inside of
1 2 3 4
the fuel nozzle.

Then test the spray holes with the test pin. If

the test pin is able to enter just one of the
holes, the fuel nozzle must be discarded.

This also applies to nozzles with oval holes

(can be ascertained with a magnifying glass).

Check the fuel nozzle before mounting on


the spindle guide, the cut-off slide must be

able to move freely inside the nozzle. xxxxxxx*xxxxxx

It is recommended that the fuel nozzle is
changed whenever the spindle guide is
being overhauled or at maximum 8000
running hours.

M90912 Edition 0229

Plate 909-12.3
MAN B&W Fuel Valve Spindle Guide
Edition 0229
Overhaul Page 4 (5)

10. Lubricate the spindle and the thrust piece

11. with the cut-off slide with a little Molybde-
num Disulphide (MoS2), see Procedure 913-

11. Assemble the thrust piece, the spindle and

the spindle guide and carefully knock the
parts together using a soft hammer.

12. Shake the spindle guide back and forth. The

spindle with the cut-off slide must be able to
slide freely back and forth inside the spindle
guide, with a ‘clicking’ sound.


M90912 Edition 0229

Plate 909-12.3
MAN B&W Fuel Valve Spindle Guide
Edition 0229
Overhaul Page 5 (5)

13. Lubricate the sliding surfaces of the nozzle

and the spindle with a little Molybdenum 13.
Disulphide (MoS2). See Procedure 913-11.

Mount the nozzle on the spindle guide.

Make sure that the half-circle shaped groove

on the nozzle and the spring pin are in line.

If nozzle and spindle guide are provided with

scratch marks opposite the spring pin, they Spring pin
must be in line.

Place the parts on the plane of a drilling ma-

chine or hydraulic press and position the
mounting tool over the parts. Make sure that
all the parts are perfectly aligned.

Press the nozzle on to the spindle guide.

Scratch marks


The mounting tools are not standard for

all engines but may be delivered as op-
tional extras.

If no mounting tools are available, the nozzle

can be mounted on the spindle guide using
a short piece of pipe.

Place the pipe around the nozzle, so that the

lower end of the pipe rests on the ‘foot’ of
the fuel nozzle. Then press the parts to-
gether the same way as when using the
mounting tools.

Check that the spindle inside the spindle

guide is able to move freely as in step 10.

14. If the spindle guide is not to be mounted in

a fuel valve immediately after the overhaul,
cover all openings of the spindle guide with
plastic to prevent dirt from entering the
spindle guide during storage.

M90912 Edition 0229

Plate 109-13
MAN B&W Non-return Valve for Fuel Valve
Edition 0033
Data Data 1 (1)

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS For detailed sketch, see 900-2

Stopped engine
Shut off star ting air supply – At star ting air receiver
Block the main star ting valve
Shut off star ting air distributor/distributing system supply
Shut off safety air supply – Not ME-engines
Shut off control air supply
Shut off air supply to exhaust valve – Only with stopped lubriating oil pumps
Engage turning gear
Shut off cooling water
Shut off fuel oil
Stop lubricating oil supply
Lock the turbocharger rotors

Ref. Description Value Unit

Data D10913 Edition 0033

Plate 909-13.3
MAN B&W Non-Return Valve for Fuel Valve
Edition 0208
Overhaul Page 1 (3)

Note! 1.

Extreme care and accuracy should be

exercised when carrying out this opera-

1. Clean the outside of the nonreturn valve

with pure gas oil. The individual parts are
not interchangeable, therefore only one
guide is to be disassembled at a time.

Except for the slide valve spring, defec-
tive parts cannot be replaced individually
by new ones.

Place the nonreturn valve as shown in Fig.
1 in a bench vice provided with “soft” jaws,
and disassemble the nonreturn valve, us-
ing the disassembling tool and a hammer
as shown. B C D
2. Clean all the parts for the spindle guide in
gas oil and then blow clean.

Finally, clean in either gas oil, kerosene or

‘Electrocleaner’, and blow the parts dry
with compressed air as shown in Fig. 2.

3. Now place the parts on clean, lintfree rags

and examine with an 810 times enlarge-
ment magnifying glass, and an inspection
lamp with magnifying glass as shown in
Fig. 3. 3.

M90913 Edition 0208

Plate 909-13.3
MAN B&W Non-Return Valve for Fuel Valve
Edition 0208
Overhaul Page 2 (3)

4. Examine the slide faces of movable parts

4. for coating. Vent slide B/housing A will be
too tight if there is a coating. (The letters
AD refer to the letters/parts in Fig. 2).

Fix vent slide B and, subsequently, housing

A in a lathe as shown in Fig. 4 and remove
the coating by means of very fine conven-
tional polishing linen ‘grade 360’.

Also a little oil should be used (a coarser

polishing linen must absolutely not be

5. Check spring C for the thrust piece for in-

side wear marks. If defective, it should be

Check the seat on thrust piece D/vent

5. slide, and the seat on vent slide/housing.
Use an inspection lamp and an 810 times
enlargement magnifying glass.

If the seats are not in order, i.e. if there are

pressingin marks or similar on the seats,
the complete spindle guide must be dis-

6. Check the outside sealing face on the

thrust piece D.

If necessary, grind the seating surfaces by


means of the grinding mandrel, found on

tool panel 909, and a fine-grain abrasive
(such as Carborundum No. 500).


M90913 Edition 0208

Plate 909-13.3
MAN B&W Non-Return Valve for Fuel Valve
Edition 0208
Overhaul Page 3 (3)

7. Mount the nonreturn valve as follows:

• Lubricate all movable parts with molyb-
denum disulphide (MoS2).

• Place the looselyassembled nonreturn

valve on the plane of a drilling machine,
with the tool positioned as shown in
Fig. 6.

• Make sure that the thrust piece and the

other parts are perfectly aligned and
that the thrust piece is guided in the
vent slide.

• Press the handle until the housing and
thrust piece meet.

8. If the nonreturn valve is not to be mounted

in a fuel valve immediately after the over-
haul, cover all openings of the nonreturn
valve with plastic to prevent dirt from enter-
ing the valve during storage.

M90913 Edition 0208

Plate 109-14
MAN B&W Fuel Oil High-Pressure Pipe
Edition 0093
Data Data 1 (1)

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS For detailed sketch, see 900-2

X Stopped engine
X Shut off starting air supply – At starting air receiver
X Block the main starting valve
X Shut off starting air distributor/distributing system supply
X Shut off safety air supply – Not ME engines
X Shut off control air supply
Shut off air supply to exhaust valve – Only with stopped lubricating oil pumps
Engage turning gear
Shut off cooling water
X Shut off fuel oil
Stop lubricating oil supply
Lock the turbocharger rotors


Ref. Description Value Unit

D09-47 Fuel oil high-pressure pipe, tightening torque 100 Nm

D09-51 Distance from pipe end to thrust bushing lower edge
(fuel pump end and fuel valve end) 11 mm
D09-52 Fuel oil pipe 8 kg

Data D10914 Edition 0093

Plate 909-14.2
MAN B&W Fuel Oil High-Pressure Pipe
Edition 0234
Dismantling Page 1 (4)

Fuel Oil High-Pressure Pipe


High-Pressure Pipe with Protective Hose

1. Close the fuel oil inlet and outlet valves.

2. Using a hook spanner, unscrew the union

nut at the fuel valve end of the high-pres-
sure pipe.

Pull the union nut and the protective hose

clear of the union nipple.

Unscrew the union nipple from the fuel


HN909-14.2 209 02
3. Using a hook spanner, unscrew the union
nut at the fuel pump end of the high-pres-
sure pipe.

Pull the union nut and the protective hose 3.

clear of the union nipple.

Unscrew the union nipple from the fuel


4. Lift the pipe ends clear of the fuel valve/fuel

pump, and remove the high-pressure pipe
from the engine.


It is recommended always to overhaul

HN909-14.2 209 03

the high-pressure pipe before remounting

it on the engine.
See Procedure 909-14.3.

The overhaul should preferably take

place immediately after the high-pres-
sure pipe has been dismantled.

HN909-14.2 209 04

M90914 Edition 0234

Plate 909-14.3
MAN B&W Fuel Oil High-Pressure Pipe
Edition 0234
Overhaul Page 2 (4)


1. 1. Whenever the fuel oil high-pressure system

has been dismantled, it is necessary, be-
fore remounting the high-pressure pipes, to
carefully inspect the tapered contact surfac-
es of the pipe ends, together with their
seats in fuel valves and fuel pump top cov-

Furthermore, the position of the thrust

bushing on the pipe end must be checked.
If the distance is incorrect, compared with
the measurement stated in Data, it should
be adjusted by screwing the thrust bushing
up or down the pressure pipe.

2. If any of the pipe ends requires recondition-

ing, dismantle the high-pressure pipe as
HM909-7.0 59 01

• Lift up the union nut with flexible protec-
tive hose, together with the coupling nut,
on the high-pressure pipe and screw off
2. the thrust bushing.

• Remove the coupling nut and, when the

thrust bushings at both ends of the pipe
have been dismounted, pull the flexible
protective hose with union nuts off the
high-pressure pipe.

3. Shape-up the threads on the pipe ends with

the nut die.
MC909-7.0 67 02

MC909-7.0 67 04

M90914 Edition 0234

Plate 909-14.3
MAN B&W Fuel Oil High-Pressure Pipe
Edition 0234
Overhaul Page 3 (4)

4. Mount the guide on the pipe end, place the 4.

miller in the guide and lightly screw on the
union nut.

5. Turn the miller with, for instance, a tap

wrench while lightly tightening the union nut
to provide a suitable pressure between mill-
er and pipe end. During the milling, add
drilling oil emulsion liberally.

After completing the milling, carefully clean

the high-pressure pipe with diesel oil and
wipe dry with a clean piece of cloth.

MC909-7.0 67 03
6. When assembling the high-pressure pipe,
screw the thrust bushings so high up on the
thread of the pressure pipe that the dis-
tance between the pipe end and the bottom
edge of the thrust bushing is as stated in 5.

Replace the O-rings.

Before mounting a high-pressure pipe,

check the centre distances between pipe
ends and seats, and lubricate the threads
of the union nuts with molybdenum disul-
phide (MoS 2).

It is of great importance for the mounting,

and a condition for obtaining tight joints,
GN909-14.3 204 05

that the pipes fit the seats accurately.

For reconditioning of seat in fuel valve, see

Procedure 909-11.3.

For reconditioning of seat in fuel pump top 6.

cover, see Procedure 909-5.3.
HM909-7.0 62 06

M90914 Edition 0234

Plate 909-14.4
MAN B&W Fuel Oil High-Pressure Pipe
Edition 0234
Mounting Page 4 (4)


4. 1. Check that the distance between the thrust

bushing and the pipe end is correct at both
ends of the pipe. See Procedure 909-14.3.

2. Ensure that the fuel valve is fitted with a

D09-52 new O-ring. Lubricate the thread of the fuel
valve with a heat resistant grease.

3. Ensure that the union nipple at the fuel

pump end of the high-pressure pipe is fitted
with a new O-ring. Lubricate the thread on
the union nipple with a heat resistant
HN909-14.4 209 04

4. Mount the high-pressure pipe between the

fuel valve and the fuel pump.

Screw the union nipples onto the fuel valve

5. and into the fuel pump top cover, by hand.


The nipples must be screwed by hand,

as the threads of the union nipples, fuel
valve or fuel pump top cover might other-
wise be damaged.
Tightening with a crowfoot wrench should
only be done after both of the union nip-
ples have been screwed into position.

5. Use a crowfoot wrench and a torque

HN909-14.4 209 05

wrench to tighten the union nipple at the
fuel valve to the torque stated in Data.

Screw the union nut onto the union nipple

6. by hand, and tighten lightly with a hook

6. Use a crowfoot wrench and a torque

wrench to tighten the union nipple at the
fuel pump to the torque stated in Data.

Screw the union nut onto the union nipple

by hand, and tighten lightly with a hook

7. If dismantled, re-mount the return oil pipe

on the fuel valve. Open the fuel oil inlet and
outlet valves.
HN909-14.4 209 06


M90914 Edition 0234

Plate 109-15
MAN B&W Fuel Pump Roller Guide
Edition 0063
Data Data 1 (1)

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS For detailed sketch, see 900-2

X Stopped engine
X Shut off starting air supply – At starting air receiver
X Block the main starting valve
X Shut off starting air distributor/distributing system supply
X Shut off safety air supply – Not ME engines
X Shut off control air supply
Shut off air supply to exhaust valve – Only with stopped lubricating oil pumps
X Engage turning gear
Shut off cooling water
X Shut off fuel oil
X Stop lubricating oil supply
Lock the turbocharger rotors


Ref. Description Value Unit

D09-53 Nut, reversing shaft, tightening torque 80 Nm

D09-54 Clearance A 2.8 - 5.3 mm
D09-55 Clearance B 0.7 - 3.2 mm
D09-57 Roller/bushing/shaft pin, max. clearance 0.5 mm
D09-60 Housing for sealing arrangement 70 kg
D09-61 Fuel pump roller guide 40 kg
D09-62 Pump base 32 kg

Data D10915 Edition 0063

Plate 909-15.1
MAN B&W Fuel Pump Roller Guide
Edition 0237
Checking Page 1 (12)

Roller guide mounted in engine

1. The fuel pump roller guide can be partially
checked while mounted on the engine, us-
ing the following procedure:

2. Lift the fuel pump roller guide.

See Procedure 909-16.

3. Remove the cover on the camshaft housing

to inspect the fuel pump roller guide.

Turn the engine to provide the maximum

space between the roller guide and the

cam disc.

4. Turn the roller by hand to check that it can

move freely and without unnecessary re-
sistance or “hard” points.
Also inspect the surface of the roller
for possible damage marks, seizures or
scratches. Make sure that there are no
traces of bearing metal left in the roller
guide housing.

Check the clearance in the slide bearing by

lifting the roller relative to the roller guide
and measuring the difference in distance
between the cam disc and the roller in the
upper and lower positions of the roller.

Lower the roller guide onto the fuel cam

See Procedure 909-16.

M90915 Edition 0237

Plate 909-15.1
MAN B&W Fuel Pump Roller Guide
Edition 0237
Checking Page 2 (12)

Roller guide removed from engine

A more suitable and reliable method is to
check the roller guide and the bearing clear-
ance after the roller guide has been dismount-
D0961 ed:

5. Dismount the roller guide from the engine.

See Procedure 909-15.2.

6. Check the surface of the roller and the slid-

ing surfaces of the roller guide, and meas-
ure any ovalness.

7. Turn the roller guide upside down and

land it in a vertical position on a couple
of wooden planks, with the roller hanging

8. Measure the clearance in the slide bearing

by placing a dial gauge against the roller
and lifting the roller as much as the clear-

ance permits.


M90915 Edition 0237

Plate 909-15.2
MAN B&W Fuel Pump Roller Guide
Edition 0237
Dismantling Page 3 (12)

Note! 1.
Before dismantling any part of the fuel
pump, make sure that the pump has
been relieved of pressure and that all oil
has been drained off.

1. Dismantle the top cover with the barrel/

plunger assembly.
See Procedure 909-5.2.

2. Unscrew the nuts, mount the lifting tool

and remove the fuel pump housing.
See Procedure 909-4.2.

When lifting the fuel pump housing, take
care not to damage the threads on the


M90915 Edition 0237

Plate 909-15.2
MAN B&W Fuel Pump Roller Guide
Edition 0237
Dismantling Page 4 (12)

3. Loosen and remove the screws from the

sealing cap on top of the roller guide inside
the pump base.

Remove the sealing cap from the roller

guide/pump base.

Remove and discard the O-ring from the

groove in the top of the roller guide.

4. Remove the cover on the camshaft housing

to inspect the position of the roller guide.
Turn the engine until the roller guide is at

5. Loosen the nuts on the two threaded studs

successively until the roller guide springs
are relieved.

2. Remove the nuts, mount two eye bolts in

the upper pump base and lift it away.

When lifting the pump base, take care not

to damage the threads of the studs.



M90915 Edition 0237

Plate 909-15.2
MAN B&W Fuel Pump Roller Guide
Edition 0237
Dismantling Page 5 (12)

6. Mount two eye bolts in the sealing housing

and lift it away.
When lifting, take care that the bushing of
the sealing housing slides against the up-
per part of the roller guide without scratch-

Remove the springs from the roller guide.

7. Mount the roller guide lifting tool as follows:

• Lift the lock plate of the tool up on the

shaft of the tool.

• Position the tool so that its foot rests on
the thrust piece in the bayonet joint of
the roller guide.

• Turn the tool 90° so as to allow the foot 7.

to engage properly in the bayonet joint.

• Lower the lock plate, thereby securing

the foot in the locked position. D0961
Lift the roller guide out of the roller guide
housing, using the crane.

When lifting, take care that the slide surfac-

es of the roller guide do not scrape against 90°
the roller guide bushing.

Land the roller guide on wooden planks.

8. Check the roller guide.

See Procedure 909-15.1.

M90915 Edition 0237

Plate 909-15.3
MAN B&W Fuel Pump Roller Guide
Edition 0237
Overhaul Page 6 (12)

1. Inspect and check the fuel pump roller

See Procedure 909-15.1.

2. It is recommended that the roller guide

D0961 should ONLY be dismantled if

• irregularities when turning the roller,

• damage to the roller,

• larger clearance than stated on the Data


• seizure marks on the slide surfaces,

have been observed when checking the

roller guide.

For disassembling of the roller guide,

contact an MAN authorized repair shop.

3. If no irregularities are found, just clean and

lubricate the roller guide before remounting
it in the roller guide bushing.

M90915 Edition 0237

Plate 909-15.4
MAN B&W Fuel Pump Roller Guide
Edition 0237
Mounting Page 7 (12)

1. Lubricate the roller guide with plenty of

camshaft lubricating oil, and mount it in the 1.
roller guide bushing, using the lifting tool.

During mounting, take care not to scratch D0961

the sliding surfaces of the roller guide.

Make sure that the pin of the reversing link

fits in the guide of the reversing shaft.

2. After mounting the roller guide with the re-

versing link, check the clearance between
the roller guide and the guide plate mount-
ed in the roller guide bushing.

The clearance C between the roller guide

and the guide plate must be approximately
the same value at both ends.

The clearances A and B between the

guideway and the pin of the reversing link
(arm) must be checked in the AHEAD and

ASTERN positions.

Remove the pipe connections to the air
cylinder, and connect working air to the
air cylinder, and check that the reversing 2.
mechanism is working smoothly.

The clearances A and B must be approx.

the same in both positions. See Data. C



M90915 Edition 0237

Plate 909-15.4
MAN B&W Fuel Pump Roller Guide
Edition 0237
Mounting Page 8 (12)

3. If adjustment is necessary, it must take

place in the ASTERN position.

Remove the cover over the shaft connec-


Loosen nut D and carry out the adjust-


After adjustment, shift to AHEAD position and

check the clearances A and B once more.

Finally, shift again to ASTERN.


Tighten nut D (see data), and lock the nut

with Loctite type: Screw Lock No. 243.

Mount the cover over the shaft connection.

5. 4. Turn the engine until the roller guide is at

5. Mount the springs and the spring seat
discs over the roller guide.

Mount the sealing housing over the roller

guide and the springs.

Remove the eye bolts.


M90915 Edition 0237

Plate 909-15.4
MAN B&W Fuel Pump Roller Guide
Edition 0237
Mounting Page 9 (12)

6. Mount the pump base.

Mount the two nuts on the threaded studs.
Tighten the nuts until the lower pump base
is fastened tightly to the roller guide bush-

7. Check the movement of the reversing link.

See Procedure 909-15.1.



M90915 Edition 0237

Plate 909-15.4
MAN B&W Fuel Pump Roller Guide
Edition 0237
Mounting Page 10 (12)

8. Replace the scraper rings in the sealing

8. cap as follows:

Loosen and remove the screws and nuts

from the bottom of the cap, remove the re-
taining flange and ring holder with scraper

9. Replace the axial scraper ring in the bot-

tom of the cap. Check that the O-ring and
scraper ring are mounted correctly. See the

10. Remove the scraper ring and O-ring from

the ring holder.

Place the new O-ring in the ring holder.

Before mounting, the new scraper ring

9. must be heated in 100°C hot water or oil
for at least five minutes.

When mounting the scraper ring in the
groove, fold the ring without making any
sharp edges, and be careful not to cut
the scraper ring on the edge of the ring
groove when pressing it in.

Check that the O-ring and scraper ring are

mounted correctly. See the sketch.

10. 1

100°C/5 min.


M90915 Edition 0237

Plate 909-15.4
MAN B&W Fuel Pump Roller Guide
Edition 0237
Mounting Page 11 (12)

11. Assemble the sealing cap, the ring holder

and retaining flange.

Tighten the nuts on the screws.

After tightening, check that the holder can

be moved.

12. Mount a new O-ring in the groove on top of

the roller guide.

Mount the sealing cap on top of the roller

guide, over the sealing bush inside the

pump base.

Tighten the screws and lock with locking



M90915 Edition 0237

Plate 909-15.4
MAN B&W Fuel Pump Roller Guide
Edition 0237
Mounting Page 12 (12)

13. Mount the fuel pump housing.

13. See Procedure 909-4.4.

Mount the top cover with the barrel/plunger

See Procedure 909-5.4.

M90915 Edition 0237

Plate 109-16
MAN B&W Fuel Pump Emergency Running
Edition 0019
Data Data 1 (1)

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS For detailed sketch, see 900-2

X Stopped engine
X Shut off starting air supply – At starting air receiver
X Block the main starting valve
X Shut off starting air distributor/distributing system supply
X Shut off safety air supply – Not ME engines
X Shut off control air supply
Shut off air supply to exhaust valve – Only with stopped lubricating oil pumps
X Engage turning gear
Shut off cooling water
X Shut off fuel oil
Stop lubricating oil supply
Lock the turbocharger rotors


Ref. Description Value Unit

D09-33 Suction valve, tightening torque 890 Nm

Data D10916 Edition 0019

Plate 909-16
MAN B&W Fuel Pump Emergency Running
Edition 0213
Page 1 (2)

Disengagement of fuel pump


Disengagement or re-engagement of the
fuel pump roller guide or the exhaust
valve roller guide must only take place at
engine standstill.

1. Engine trouble might require a cylinder to

be taken out of action. The engine can
continue operation with the fuel and ex-
haust systems of a single cylinder discon-

nected. See Volume I, Section 704.

To disconnect the fuel pump of a single

cylinder, proceed as follows:

2. Remove the puncture valve from the fuel 3.


Before dismantling any part of the fuel
pump, make sure that the pump has
been relieved of pressure and that all oil
has been drained off.

3. Remove the cover on the camshaft hous-

ing. Turn the engine until the fuel pump

roller is at TDC.

4. Mount the lifting tool on the fuel pump top

cover and secure it in position with the two
Turn the uppermost nut to screw the spin-
dle of the lifting tool into the fuel pump

M90916 Edition 0213

Plate 909-16
MAN B&W Fuel Pump Emergency Running
Edition 0213
Page 2 (2)

5. Tighten the lowermost nut on the tool to

pull the roller guide upwards as far as pos-

Tighten the middle nut of the tool against

the lowermost nut to secure the roller guide
in this position.

6. Turn the engine one full revolution and in-

spect through the opening in the camshaft
housing to make sure that the roller guide
is clear of the fuel cam.

7. If necessary, disengage the exhaust valve


See Procedure 908-7.

The engine can now operate on the re-

maining cylinders.
6. See Volume I, Section 704.

Re-engagement of fuel pump

Re-engagement of the fuel pump must
only take place at engine standstill.

8. Remove the cover on the camshaft hous-

ing. Turn the engine until the circular sec-
tion of the fuel cam is positioned upwards.

9. Lower the roller guide on to the fuel cam in

the reverse order to lifting.

10. Remove the lifting tool and re-mount the

10. puncture valve.


M90916 Edition 0213

MAN B&W Fuel Valve and Fuel Pump Panel Plate

P90951 Edition 0462

MAN B&W Fuel Valve and Fuel Pump Panel Plate

Item Item
Item Description Item Description
No. No.

0909 Panel for tools

9521 Screw, topcover
9621 Milling tool, fuel oil pipe seats
9622 Milling tool, fuel oil pipe
9623 Grinding mandrel, holder, inside
9624 Grinding mandrel, valve head
9625 Grinding mandrel, thrust spindle
9626 Grinding mandrel, holder, outside
9627 Drift, non-return valve
9628 Flange, dismantling of non-return valve
9630 Drift, spindle guide
9631 Crowfoot spanner
9632 Crowfoot spanner
9633 Crowfoot spanner
9634 Crowfoot spanner
9636 Pin spanner
9637 Hook spanner
9638 Hook spanner
9641 Measuring tool, fuel pump lead
9821 Lifting tool for fuel pump plunger barrel
9822 Lifting tool, fuel pump housing
9823 Lifting tool, fuel pump
9824 Tool for P. max rack
9826 Lifting tool, roller guide
9827 Assembling tool, fuel valve

P90951 Edition 0462

MAN B&W Fuel Valve - Tools Plate

P90961 Edition 0069

MAN B&W Fuel Valve - Tools Plate

Item Item
Item Description Item Description
No. No.
014 High-pressure pump
026 Table
038 Rig fuel oil valve
040 High-pressure hose
051 Connection piece
075 Cover
087 Angle union
099 Gasket
109 Plug screw
122 Hose
9101 Test rig, complete

P90961 Edition 0069

MAN B&W Fuel Valve Nozzle - Tools Plate

P90966 Edition 0008

MAN B&W Fuel Valve Nozzle - Tools Plate

Item Item
Item Description Item Description
No. No.

011 Tool box

023 Extractor for atomizer
035 Drift for atomiizer
047 Cleaning brush
060 Instruction plate
9321 Toolset, complete

When ordering new cleaning tool,
please state P/N on fuel nozzle.

P90966 Edition 0008

MAN B&W Fuel Valve - Inspection Tools Plate

P90968 Edition 0001

MAN B&W Fuel Valve - Inspection Tools Plate

Item Item
Item Description Item Description
No. No.

9421 Probe light with magnifier, complete

P90968 Edition 0001

MAN B&W Fuel Valve Nozzle - Cleaning Tools Plate

P90974 Edition 0001

MAN B&W Fuel Valve Nozzle - Cleaning Tools Plate

Item Item
Item Description Item Description
No. No.
015 Drill*
027 Test mandrel*
039 Pin vice*
9321 Cleaning tool set, complete

* When ordering new cleaning tool,
please state P/N on fuel nozzle.

P90974 Edition 0001

MAN B&W Mounting Tools - Pump Barrel Seals Plate

P90977 Edition 0001

MAN B&W Mounting Tools - Pump Barrel Seals Plate

Item Item
Item Description Item Description
No. No.
011 Cone
023 Pushing tool
035 Compression tool
047 Cone
059 Pushing tool
060 Compression tool
072 Spacer ring
9650 Mounting tools - pump barrel seals

P90977 Edition 0001

MAN B&W Mounting Tools - Suction Valve Seals Plate

P90979 Edition 0001

MAN B&W Mounting Tools - Suction Valve Seals Plate

Item Item
Item Description Item Description
No. No.

012 Cone
024 Pushing tool
036 Compression tool
9650 Mounting tools - suction valve seals

P90979 Edition 0001

MAN B&W Mounting Tools - Air Piston Seals Plate

P90980 Edition 0001

MAN B&W Mounting Tools - Air Piston Seals Plate

Item Item
Item Description Item Description
No. No.
018 Cone
020 Pushing tool
031 Compression tool
043 Cone
055 Pushing tool
067 Compression tool
079 Cone
9650 Mounting tools - air piston seals

P90980 Edition 0001

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