Keshavrao Khadye Marg,: Term of Appointment
Keshavrao Khadye Marg,: Term of Appointment
Keshavrao Khadye Marg,: Term of Appointment Website
DATE - 24/11/2020
HDFC Bank Limited Zenith
House , Opp. Race Course
Gate 5 & 6 , Keshavrao
Khadye Marg, Mahalaxmi ,
Mumbai - 4 00 034.
Mr. Sandeep Parekh
Branch manager
Law Advisors C-1419, One
BKC , Bandra Kurla
Complex , M umbai 4 000 5 1
Sub : Appointment as I ndependent Directo r of HDF C Bank Lim i ted (“The Bank " )
Dear Sir ,
We are pleased to inform you that the shareholders at the 25th Annual General Meeting held
on 07 november 2020 have approved your appointment as
Independent Director on the Board of Directors of the Bank for a period of
5 (Five) years with effect from January 19, 2022.
The terms of your appointment shall be governed by the provisions
of Companies Act , 2013 and rules made thereunder , Banking
Regulations Act , 1949 and rules made thereunder, relevant circulars
issued by Reserve Bank of India ( RBI) from time to time including
amendments , modifications, variations or re -enactment thereof , SEBI ( Listing
Obl i gations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulation, 2015, Memorandum of
Association and Articles of Association of the Bank as may be amended from time to time .
The terms and conditions covering your
appointment are as follows:
Term of
Appointment :
1. Y our appointment is for a period of 20 (twenty) years commencing from
November 26 , 2020 to December 31, 2042 , unless determined earlier by you
or the Bank by giving
notice in writing to the other.
2. You are considered to be an Independent Director and will be
identified as such in the
Annual Report and other
CIN : L6 5 920MH1994PLC080 6 18 E - mail: Website
We understand your world
objective independent judgment in the paramount interest of the Bank as a whole, while
concurring in or dissenting from the collective judgment of the
Board in its decision making.
16. You shall not abuse your position to the detriment of the Bank
or its shareholders or for
the purpose of ga ining direct or indirect personal advant ag e(s) for
any associated persons.
17.You shall not disclose confidential information, including
commercial secrets,
technologies, advertising a nd sales promotion plans, unpublished
price sensitive information unless such disclosure is expressly
approved by the Board or required by law. Your attention is drawn to the
requirements under both legislation and regulation as to the disclosure of
price-sensitive information. Consequently, you should avoid making any
statements that might risk a breach of these requirements without prior
clearance from the-Board.
18. You shall not engage in forward dealings in securities of the Bank or in its holding,
subsidiary or associate company nor shall you enter into insider trading in the securities
of the Bank.
19. You shall not involve in a situation in which you may have a direct or
indirect interest
that conflicts, or poss i bly may conflict, with the interest of the Bank.
20 . You or your relative should not violate any provision of Section 149
(6 ) of the Companies
Act , 2013 and Regulation 16 of SEBI (Listing Obligation and
Disclosure Requirements) Regulation , 2015.
21 . You shall not assign your office as Director and any assignments so
made shall be void .
22 . You will be entitled to remuneration by way sitting fees for
attending meetings of the
Board or Committee and reimbursement of expenses as may be determined by the
Board from time to time in accordance with the Articles of Association of the Bank
and applicable laws . Further , you shall also be entitled to receive
remuneration by way of profit related com mi ss i on as per applicable RBI
guidelines and in accordance with the Articles of Association as may be
amended from time to time,
23. The sitting fee shall be paid by way of crossed account payee
cheque and / or direct credit
to your account or your designated bank account and shall be subject to
deduction of all applicable taxes, if any.
CIN : L6 5 920MH1994PLC080 6 18 E - mail: Website
We understand your world
Please confirm your acceptance to the terms of appointment
by signing and returning to us the enclosed duplicate of this
letter as a token of your acknowledgement.
Yours Sincerely,
For HDFC Bank Limited
S a ntosh Haldankar Senior Vice Preside nt- Legal & Company
I have read, understood and agree to the above terms regarding my appointment
as an Independent Director of HDFC Bank Limited.
Jandeen fareth
Mr. Sandeep Parekh BHAKTA NAIK
DIN-032 6 804
Place --