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Science 4 q3 Module 3 Weeks 4-5

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Modified Strategic Intervention Materials


Author: Vanessa T. Valmonte

Cover Art Illustrator: Erich D. Garcia
Reviewer and Editor: Paz I. Canlas
Layout Artist: Leiann G. Celis

Zenia G. Mostoles EdD, CESO V, Schools Division Superintendent
Celia R. Lacanlale PhD, Chief CID
Paz I. Canlas, Education Program Supervisor in Science

Quarter 3 Weeks 4 and 5

Title Card
Week 4 Lesson 4: How Light Travels

Guide Card
Can you imagine Earth without light? Without light, you cannot see, you will not
be able to do what you need to do or go where you want to go.
Have you ever wondered how light travels? Light travels in straight lines in all
directions, but it cannot pass through all materials (Abracia, Sarte, Garcia, Dela Cruz,
Arradaza, Reyes, Francisco, 2014).

Learning Objectives

• Define light, sound, and heat;

• Identify how light, sound, and heat travel

Pre-Test: What I Know

Write TRUE if the statement is correct or FALSE if it is incorrect. Write your
answers on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Light is a form of energy.
2. Sound waves travel at different speeds through different media.
3. Conduction is the travel of heat across an empty space o vacuum.
4. Light can pass through any kind of materials.
5. Convection is a method of heat transfer in gases and liquids.
6. Light moves forward in a straight line when travelling through medium of having a
uniform density.
7. Light from a source travels in a straight line called ray.
8. Heat may be transferred in three ways: conduction, convection, and radiation.
9. Shadow is created by opaque materials.
10. Sound waves travel faster in liquid than in solid.

Put a check (✓) on the statements that are true about magnets and magnetic force
and cross (x) if NOT. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

1. The area around the magnet where there is magnetic force is called magnetic field.
2. The magnetic field is found only in the north pole.
3. A magnet has an electric charge.
4. When N and N poles of two magnets are close to each other, they repel each other.
5. Plastic is a non-magnetic material.
6. Magnetic force is strongest between the north and south poles magnets.
7. Magnetic force can pass through thin, non-magnetic materials.
8. A magnet can attract objects made of rubber and plastic.
9. A magnet can only attract magnetic materials that it touches.
10. The area of magnet where there is magnetic force is called core.

Activity Card

What’s New
Read the short story.
The Light
by Vanessa T. Valmonte
One morning, Maria and her mother were having breakfast inside their house near
the window. While they were eating, the sunlight hit them.

“Mother, why did the sunlight pass through the window?” asked Maria. “Light
coming from the sun, and flashlight in a straight line called ray. This ray of light bends,
passes through, or bounces off when hits an object,” explained mother.

“We have a clear window glass mother. Does it mean

that the ray of light passes through the clear objects? “, Maria

Yes, my daughter. Clear objects like our window glass,

plastic cover, drinking glasses are transparent materials. Light
easily passes through them”, continued mother.

“So, I can see things on the other side clearly as long as the materials are
transparent, added Maria. “Yes, you’re right”, exclaimed mother.

Maria went inside her bedroom to prepare herself for

school. She noticed that her bedroom’s sliding window glass were
tinted. So, she couldn’t see things outside clearly. When she
finished, she went to her mother again.

“Mother, I couldn’t see things outside clearly when I tried to look at the tinted
window glass. Does it mean that the ray of the light bends when it hits it?” asked Maria.
“Yes, you’re right. Tinted glass is an example of translucent object. It means that
only part of the light passes through it.
So, you won’t be able to see the other side of it clearly”, mother explained
“Oh, I think I am using some translucent materials in school like colored paper,
and wax paper, Maria added.
“Yes Maria, you are so smart,” applauded mother.
Maria and her mother continued their conversation. “Look at that big box in our
garden Maria. Have you noticed its shadow?” asked mother. “Yes, mother. Why did
the box form its shadow?” Maria asked curiously.

“That box is an opaque material. Light was

being blocked as it hit the object. No light passed
through so it form a shadow”, explained mother.”

“Look at my bag mother, it has a shadow. My

bag is an opaque material”, exclaimed Maria.
“Yes, absolutely right! Many objects are
opaque. I think you need to make a list of transparent,
translucent, and opaque material when you arrived
home from school”, answered mother happily.

What is Light?

Light is a form of energy. It travels very fast. In space, it travels about

300,000,000 meters per second (Abracia, 2014). Light always travels in a straight line
when going through single medium. In some media, such as air, light travels quickly.
However, in water and in glass, light travels more slowly (Abutay, Bonao, Crucis,
Eslabra, Gramaje, Guadamor, Hernandez, Ilagan, Llamera, Manawato, Panganiban, Rojo,
Tosco and Zape, 2015).

How does light travel?

Transparent materials allow almost all of light to pass through them. Clear glass,
cellophane, glass window, eyeglasses, and magnifying glass are examples of transparent
materials (Mendoza and De Guzman, 2014).

Translucent materials allow only some of the light to pass through them. Some
light is transmitted; the remaining portion is absorbed, reflected, and scattered. You
cannot see clearly the object behind it. Tinted windows, frosted glass, and wax paper are
examples of translucent materials (Mendoza, 2014).

Opaque materials do not allow light to pass through. They can form shadow.
Wood doors, cardboard, walls, and books are examples of opaque materials (Mendoza,
Light travels in straight lines in all directions, but it cannot pass through all
materials (Abracia, 2014)

Enrichment Card
Activity 1

Classify the following objects. Write TP if it is transparent, TL if it is translucent,

or O if it is opaque. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

1. plywood 6. aluminum foil

2. clear glass 7. coins
3. car window 8. magnifying glass
4. box 9. eyeglasses
5. sunglasses 10. parchment paper

Activity 2

Look at the objects below. Draw a triangle if it is transparent, a square

if it is translucent, and a circle if it is opaque. Write your answers on a separate sheet

of paper.

1. log 2. clear glass timer

3. bulb 4. wooden door

5. bond paper 6. clear glass vase

7. colored champagne bottle 8. screen door

9. white plastic bag 10. fish bowl

Activity 3

Group the words inside the box as transparent, translucent, or opaque. Write your
answers on a separate sheet of paper.

aquarium books cellophane

ceramic tiles clear plastic cup frosted glass
hollow blocks pad paper peso bill
thick notebook

Transparent Translucent Opaque

Activity 4
Draw a happy face ☺ if the statement is correct or a sad face ☹ if the statement is
incorrect. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Some light can pass through opaque materials.
2. The light could not pass through the cardboard.
3. Light travels in all directions.
4. Translucent materials allow almost all the light to pass through.
5. Shadow is created by transparent material.
6. Opaque objects block the path of light and formed a shadow.
7. Glass window can pass through almost all the light.
8. Cement walls can block the path of light.
9. Some light can pass through construction paper.
10. A wooden door blocks the path of light.

Reflection Card
Complete the statements using the words in the box. Write your answers on a
separate sheet of paper.
Light can pass through (1) ______________ materials. Some light can pass
through (2) ______________ materials. Light cannot pass through (3) ______________
materials, a shadow is formed. The shape of the (4) ______________is similar to the
shape of the object.

What I can do

Using a flashlight, observe how light travels in the materials below. Identify
whether it is TRANSPARENT, TRANSLUCENT or OPAQUE. Write your answers on
a separate sheet of paper.

1. spoon 6. folder
2. clear glass bottle 7. net curtain
3. wine glass 8. mug
4. rug 9. clear adhesive tape
5. tissue paper 10. Slipper

Assessment Card

Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

1. It allows almost all the light to pass through.

A. light C. translucent
B. opaque D. transparent
2. When the passage of light is blocked, a __________ is formed.
A. opaque C. translucent
B. shadow D. transparent
3. It is a form of energy that travels through space.
A. light C. shadow
B. opaque D. transparent
4. It does not allow light to pass through.
A. light C. translucent
B. opaque D. transparent
5. It allows some of the light to pass through.
A. opaque C. translucent
B. shadow D. transparent
6. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. Light travels very slowly in the air.
B. Light always travels in a straight line.
C. Light can travel in any kind of material.
D. Light cannot pass through transparent materials.
7. Which of the following statements is FALSE?
A. Light travels very fast in space.
B. Opaque object blocks the path of light.
C. Light can pass through transparent materials.
D. Light travels in space about 30,000 meters per second.
8. Clear glass, glass window, and eyeglasses are examples of _________materials.
A. light C. translucent
B. opaque D. transparent
9. Wooden door, cardboard, and boxes are examples of _________materials.
A. light C. translucent
B. opaque D. transparent
10. Wax paper and frosted glasses are examples of _________materials.
A. light C. translucent
B. opaque D. transparent

Title Card
Week 5 Lesson 5: How Sound and Heat Travel

Guide Card

Can you imagine a surrounding without different sounds? Have you wondered how
sound travels? Sound adds life to our surroundings. Each day we hear a different sound
from a different object. A sound wave travels at different speeds through different media
(Abutay, 2015).

Have you tried to stay under the sun? Have you wondered how heat travels? Sun is
a source of heat, and heat is a form of energy that keeps us warm during the cold weather.
It also helps us cook our food and dry our clothes (Abracia, 2014). Heat energy flows
from one body to another with a different temperature (Mendoza, 2014).

Learning Objectives
• Describe how light, sound, and heat travel
• Perform an activity that shows how light, sound, and heat travel

Identify the object as transparent, translucent, or opaque. Write your answers on a
separate sheet of paper.

1. cement wall 6. towel

2. clear face shield 7. linoleum
3. stained glass window 8. tempered glass
4. colored glass 9. measuring cup
5. foam 10.colored paper

Activity Card
What’s New

Read the conversation.

The Sound and Heat

by Vanessa T. Valmonte

It was Monday morning. Pupils of Grade IV- Cruz were busy preparing the
materials for their Science experiment.

Miss Cruz: Good morning class.

Pupils: Good morning Miss Cruz.
Miss Cruz: I think you are ready for our activity today. Your task is to discover how
sounds travel. You need to be very observant. Avoid making any noise so
we can proceed. Are you ready?
Pupils: Yes, Miss Cruz.
Miss Cruz: I have here with me an alarm clock, basin, water, and stone. These are the
materials that we are going to use. Can these materials produce sounds?
Pupils: Yes, Ma’am.
Miss Cruz: Let us try to put this alarm clock inside
the empty room. Listen to its sound.
How did the sound of the alarm clock
travel? Do you have any idea, Aliah?
Aliah: Ma’am, the sound made by the clock was not
heard clearly. I think the sound travelled slowly.
Miss Cruz: Very good! The sound waves of the alarm clock travelled through the air.
The sound takes longer to vibrate or pass because the particles of the air are
Marco: Ma’am if sound travels through the air, can it travel also through the water?
Which takes a longer time for the sound waves to vibrate?
Miss Cruz: Your questions are very interesting Marco. Let us find out. I am going to fill
in the basin with water. I will rub the two stones under the water. Did you
hear a sound?
Pupils: Yes, ma’am.
Miss Cruz: What did you observe class? Did the sound travel slowly
or fast? Yes, Peter you are raising your hand.
Peter: Ma’am, I have observed that the sound travelled faster in water
than through air.

Miss Cruz: What a nice observation Peter. Your answer is correct. Sound waves travel a
little faster through the water because the particles in water are closer than in
Now, try to tap the armrest of your chair. Was
there a sound being produced? Did you hear it?
Pupils: Yes Ma’am.
Miss Cruz: Micaela, how did the sound travel through solid
like the armrest of your chair?
Micaela: I heard a clear sound Ma’am. I think that the sound
travelled very fast. Ma’am does it mean that the sound travels fast through
Miss Cruz: Very good. Yes, the sound waves travel very fast through solids because the
particles are too close together. It means that sound vibration travels quickest
through solids. We can say that the speed of how sound travels depend on
different media like, air, water, and solids.

The following day……

Miss Cruz: Good morning. Today, you will observe how heat travels.
We will be using candle, kettle, tongs, and nail in our
experiment. I am going to put this nail into the lighted
candle. What do you think does it feel being heated unto
the flame like this nail? Does it feel hot or cold?
Marco: It feels hot, Ma’am. We should not touch the nail because it will
burn our fingers. The nail contacted a hot substance already.
Miss Cruz: Yes, very good Marco. The molecules of the nail are being exposed to a hot
substance and heat transfer happened. We call the transfer of heat through
solid materials conduction. Direct contact from a substance or through a
substance causes heat transfer. Solid materials like metals are good conductors
of heat because these objects allow heat to flow easily.
Zeny: Ma’am, what about solid materials like cloth, plastic, shoes, rubber, and glass?
These are not metals. Can these allow heat to flow easily, too?
Miss Cruz: No, these are solid non-metal materials. These objects will not allow heat to
pass through easily. We call these things insulators.
Heat is also being transferred through liquids. Look at this boiling water in
the kettle. The liquid nearest to the source of heat causes this to boil. So, the boiling water
becomes less dense and you will notice that it rises. On top of this boiling water is a cooler

liquid that pushed down, heated, and rises. The transfer of heat in
gases and in liquids is convection. This method of heat transfer
involves the movement of fluids. When convection happened it
is because of the convection current wherein the heated airway
moved from a hot object and the cooler air flows toward that
Zoey: Ma’am, we receive heat coming from the sun every day. How does heat from the
sun travel?
Miss Cruz: The heat from the sun is a radiant energy. It travels as
a wave through space. When this heat waves hit the
Earth this causes warming. Then, the atmosphere
traps the warmth. Radiation transmits heat across
empty space or vacuum.
Shan: Can we see the heat wave ma’am?
Miss Cruz: We cannot see the heat wave because it is invisible. But surely, all warm
objects have heat waves. They can transmit heat. Remember that radiation
transmits heat across empty space or vacuum. When something radiates or
gives off heat waves heat transfer by radiation happens.
Peter: I feel warm Ma’am when I am near the oven. Does it mean there is a heat transfer
by a radiation?
Miss Cruz: Yes, you are right. There is also heat transfer by radiation when you feel hot
when you are near a fire source like campfire and other burning materials.
Furthermore, the heat given off by an electric heater is also a heat transfer by

Discussion of Activity
What is sound?
Sound is produced when things vibrate. Vibrating objects send out sound waves
that travel in all directions. These vibrations become sound when they reach our ears. A
sound wave is a particle of air pushed together in a particular pattern (Abracia, 2014).

How does sound travel?

Sound waves travel at a different speed through different media. The sound wave
causes the surrounding air to vibrate. When the vibration is slow, slow-moving waves
are produced. When the vibration is fast, fast vibration is produced until such time that
vibration stops (Abutay, 2015).

What is heat?
Heat is total energy of all the moving molecules in an object (Abracia, 2014).
How does heat travel?
Heat travels in all direction. Heat transfers from a warm substance to cool substance in
three ways: conduction, convection and radiation. Solids become heated mostly by
conduction. Liquids become heated mostly by convection. Gases become heated mostly
by radiation (Mendoza, 2014).

Enrichment Card

Activity 1
Fill in the blanks with the letter of the correct answer. Choose your answer from the
box. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
1. _________ is the total energy of all the moving molecules in an object.
2.__________ is produced when things vibrate.
3. Energy that travels through radiation is often called______________.
4._____________ is the transfer of heat through solid material.
5._____________ is the transfer of heat in gases and in liquids. It is a
method of heat transfer by the movement of fluids.
6. Solid materials that allow heat to flow easily are a good ___________.
7. A ________ is a particle of air pushed together in a particular pattern.
8. When the______________ is slow, slow-moving waves are produced.
9. _____________ transmits heat across empty space or vacuum.
10. Solid materials that do not allow heat to pass through are called ____________.
Activity 2
Write TRUE if the statement is correct or FALSE if it is not. Write your answers
on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Sound is produced through vibrations.
2. Sound waves travel fastest through solids.
3. Sound waves travel at a different speed through different media.
4. Sound waves travel a little faster through air than in water.
5. Sound waves travel faster in liquid than in solid.
6. Conduction of heat happens in solid materials.
7. Radiant energy travels as a wave through solid materials.
8. Convection of heat happens in gases and in liquids.
9. All solid substance is a good conductor.
10. Insulators are solid materials that do not allow the heat to transfer.

Activity 3
Read each statement carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your
answers on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Rubber is a _________.
A. conductor C. radiator
B. insulator D. vibrator

2. It is the transfer of heat through the movement of liquids and gases.

A. conduction C. radiation
B. convection D. vibration

3. The vibration of object produces___________.

A. heat C. sound
B. light D. radiation energy

4. Which is NOT a method of heat transfer?

A. conduction C. radiation
B. convection D. vibration

5. It is a method where heat is transferred through direct contact.

A. conduction C. radiation
B. convection D. vibration

6. When the sound travels through solids, the vibration of the particles occurs________.
A. fast C. irregularly
B. slowly D. moderately

7. How does sound travel through air?

A. in jumping motion C. very fast
B. fast in a random manner D. very slowly

8. In which medium can sound wave travel fastest?

A. gases C. solids
B. liquids D. solid and liquid

9. Which of the following statements about sound is correct?

A. Sounds cannot travel through a solid.
B. Sound travels faster in solid than in air.
C. Sounds travel faster in air than in liquid.
D. The travel of sound is not affected by the medium where it travels.

10. The travel of energy in a form of waves through space is called______.

A. conduction C. radiation
B. convection D. vibration
Activity 4

Draw a happy face ☺ if the statement is correct. If not, change the underlined
word/s to make the statement correct. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Sound wave causes the vibration of the surrounding air.

2. Sound is produced through radiation.
3. Vibrating objects send out sound waves that travel in all directions.
4. Heat travel is transmitted across the solid medium through a vacuum.
5. Solid materials that do not allow heat to pass through are called conductor.
6. Conduction is a method of heat transfer in solids.
7. Sound waves travel very fast through solid.
8. Sound waves travel a little faster through water.
9. Radiant energy is a form of energy that is transferred by vibration.
10. Metal is good example of insulator.

Reflection Card
Complete the statements using the words in the box. Write your answers on a
separate sheet of paper.

(1) ______________ travel at a different speed through different media. Vibrating

objects send out sound waves that travel in all (2) _____________.
Heat travels in all directions. Heat is transferred from a warm substance to cool
substance in three ways: (3) _____________, (4) _____________, and (5)

What I can do
Identify the method of heat transfer (conduction, convection, and radiation) taking
place in each situation. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
1. boiling water in the kettle
2. sunbathing during summer
3. hand touching a lighted bulb
4. melting butter on the table
5. parking of car at daytime in an open area
6. putting the metal skewer near the campfire
7. boiling soup in the casserole
8. exposing nail to the candle flame
9. spoon stirring a cup of hot coffee
10. heat coming from the bonfire

Assessment Card

Identify what is being described below. Choose your answer inside the box. Write
your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

conduction conductor convection

convection current heat insulator
radiant energy radiation sound
sound waves very fast

1. It is a solid substance that conducts heat easily.

2. It is a method of heat transfer from gases to liquids.
3. It is the movement of heated air away from a hot object and the flow of cooler air
toward that object.
4. It is a solid substance that does not allow heat to pass through.
5. It is a method of heat transfer when heat travels or is transmitted across a gaseous
medium or through a vacuum.
6. It is a particle of air pushed together in a particular pattern.
7. It is produced when objects vibrate.
8. It is the method of heat transfer which travels in solids.
9. It is a form of energy that is transferred by radiation.
10. This is the speed of sound when it travels through solid material.

Reference Card

Abracia, N. M., et al. (2014). Science in Our World 4 Textbook. Quezon City: Vibal Group
Inc. pages 140-157

Department of Education. (2015). Science 4 Learner’s Materials (1st Edition). Pasig City.
pages 186-206

Department of Education. (2015). Science 4 Teacher’s Guide (1st Edition). Pasig City.
page 233-252

Mendoza, D.P. (2014). Science Wonders 4 Textbook. Sampaloc, Manila: St. Augustine
Publications, Inc. pages 306-307, 325, 331-334

Assessment Card Reflection Card Enrichment Card
1. D 6. B ctivity 4
2. B 7. D What I Have Learned
1. ☹
3. A 8. D 1. transparent 2. ☺
2. translucent
4. B 9. B 3. ☺
3. opaque .
5. C 10. C 4. shadow 4. ☹
5. ☹
What I Can Do 6. ☺
1. Opaque 7. ☺
2. Transparent
3. Transparent 8. ☺
4. Opaque 9. ☺
5. Translucent 10. ☺
6. Opaque
7. Translucent
8. Opaque
9. Transparent
10. Opaque
Enrichment Card Enrichment Card
Activity 3 Activity 2
Transparent Translucent Opaque
clear plastic cup wax paper thick notebook
cellophane frosted glass book
aquarium peso bill ceramic tiles
hollow blocks
Enrichment Card Review Pre-Test
Activity 1
1. O 6. O 1. ✓ 6. ✓ 1. True 6, True
2. TP 7. O 2. X 7. ✓ 2. True 7. True
3. TL 8. TP 3. False 8. True
3. ✓ 8. x
4. O 9. TP 4. False 9. True
4. ✓ 9. ✓
5. TL 10. TL 5. True 10. False
5. ✓ 10. x
Lesson 1
Answer Card
Assessment Card
1. Conductor
2. Convection
3. Convection current
4. Insulator
5. Radiation
6. Sound waves
7. Sound
8. Conduction
9. Radiant Energy
10. Very fast
Reflection Card Reflection Card Enrichment Card
What I Can Do What I Have Learned Activity 4
1. Convection 1. sound waves 1. ☺
2. Radiation 2. direction 2. vibration
3. Radiation 3. conduction 3. ☺
4. Radiation 4. convection 4. gaseous
5. Radiation 5. radiation 5. insulator
6. Conduction 6. ☺
7. Convection (Note: the poisition of 7. ☺
8. Conduction answers in item 3-5 may 8. ☺
vary) 9. radiation
9. Conduction
10. conductor
10. Radiation
Enrichment Card Enrichment Card
Activity 3 Activity 2
1. B 6. A 1. TRUE 6.TRUE
2. B 7. D 2. TRUE 7. FALSE
3. C 8. C 3. TRUE 8. TRUE
4. D 9. B 4. FALSE 9. FALSE
5. A 10. C 5. FALSE 10. TRUE
Enrichment Card Review
Activity 1 1. Opaque
2. Transparent
1. e 6. b
3. Translucent
2. i 7. j 4. Translucent
5. Opaque
3. g 8. k
6. Opaque
4. a 9. h 7. Opaque
8. Transparent
5. c 10. f
9. Transparent
10. Opaque
Lesson 2

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