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Special Care Dentistry Curriculum 2012

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Updated -12-11-2012 1



November 2012
Specialist Advisory Committee for Special Care Dentistry
The Faculty of Dental Surgery
The Royal College of Surgeons of England

Updated -12-11-2012 2

Introduction 3

Standard 1: Rationale 3

1.1 Purpose of the curriculum 3

1.2 Curriculum development 4

1.3 Context of curriculum development 4

1.4 Entry Requirements 5

1.5 Duration of training 5

1.6 Linkage to subsequent stages of training and education 7

Standard 2: Content of learning 7

2.1 General professional content 7

2.2 Specialty-specific content 18

2.3 Assessment strategy 40

Standard 3: Model of learning 42

Standard 4: Learning experiences 43

Standard 5: Supervision and feedback 44

Standard 6: Managing curriculum implementation 45

Standard 7: Curriculum review and updating 45

Standard 8: Equality and diversity 46

References 48

Appendix 49
Updated -12-11-2012 3


This curriculum relates to specialty training in Special Care Dentistry. Within

the World Health Organisation’s International Classification of Functioning,
Disability and Health (ICF) [1] people requiring Special Care Dentistry are
those with a disability or activity restriction that directly or indirectly affects
their oral health, within the personal and environmental context of the
individual. The aim of this training is to build a knowledge and skill base in the
specialty, which was formally recognised by the General Dental Council in
September 2008, with the specialist list opening in October 2008. Special
Care Dentistry takes a comprehensive, holistic approach, as outlined in the
ICF definition above, to the care of patients, traditionally referred to as a group
of people with ‘special or additional needs’. It is appropriate therefore that the
training will draw on expertise across a wide variety of disciplines in health
and social care.

Definition of Special Care Dentistry

Special Care Dentistry provides preventive and treatment oral care services
for people who are unable to accept routine dental care because of some
physical, intellectual, medical, emotional, sensory, mental or social
impairment, or a combination of these factors. Special Care Dentistry is
concerned with the improvement of oral health of individuals and groups in
society who fall within these categories. It requires a holistic approach that is
specialist led in order to meet the complex requirements of people with
impairments. It pertains to adolescents and adults, as the care of children with
disabilities and additional needs sits within the domain of the specialty of
paediatric dentistry


1.1 Purpose of the curriculum

This curriculum outlines the scope, delivery and assessment designed to

guide the training of Specialist Registrars in Special Care Dentistry. The
Updated -12-11-2012 4

training will produce dentists who are specialists in Special Care Dentistry and
who will be able to register on the General Dental Council (GDC) specialist list
in Special Care Dentistry on completion of training. In the United Kingdom, the
specialist list enables the registered dentist to use the title ‘Specialist in
Special Care Dentistry’. The award of a Certificate of Completion of Specialist
Training (CCST), which enables access to the specialist list, requires
evidence of satisfactory completion of specialty training as detailed in this

1.2 Curriculum development

The curriculum has been developed following guidance of the Postgraduate

Medical Education and Training Board (PMETB) Standards for Curricula and
Assessment Systems [2] and A Guide to Postgraduate Dental Specialty
Training in the UK ‘The Dental Gold Guide’ 2009 [3]. The curriculum has been
based on the Training in Special Care Dentistry programme produced in 2003
by the Joint Advisory Committee in Special Care Dentistry (JACSCD) [4] and
the Specialist Training Curriculum in Special Care Dentistry produced by the
Shadow Specialist Advisory Committee in Special Care Dentistry (SACSCD)
in 2007 [5]. The latter curriculum was approved by the Specialist Dental
Education Board of the General Dental Council as the first specialist training
programme for Special Care Dentistry and was the approved training
programme when the specialist list opened for mediation in October 2008.

1.3 Context of curriculum development

The General Dental Council has recognised the need for a Specialty in
Special Care Dentistry to promote the highest possible standards of oral
health care for people requiring special care with the opening of the specialist
list in Special Care Dentistry in October 2008.

The provision of comprehensive oral care to meet the complex individual

needs of people with impairments cuts across a number of dental specialties
and requires additional specialist knowledge and skills. Further, it requires a
community approach in the primary care setting, as well as access to a range
Updated -12-11-2012 5

of treatment facilities in secondary care centres, to ensure continuity of care in

the best interests of the patients. The focus is on the provision of oral care
rather than on the provision of specific dental procedures.
The curriculum has been prepared by the Curriculum Working Group set up
by the SAC for Special Care Dentistry to the standards of the Postgraduate
Medical Education and Training Board (PMETB) [2] and the Specialist Dental
Education Board (SDEB). The curriculum complies with the Guide to
Postgraduate Dental Specialty Training in the UK ‘The Dental Gold Guide’
2009 [3].

The Curriculum Working Group, a sub-group of the Specialist Advisory

Committee (SAC) in Special Care Dentistry was constituted as follows:
Dr Janice Fiske (Royal College of Surgeons of England member and
Chairperson of the SAC in Special Care Dentistry), Senior Lecturer /
Honorary Consultant in Special Care Dentistry
Dr Shelagh Thompson (Academic Member of the SAC), Senior Lecturer /
Honorary Consultant in Special Care Dentistry
Mr Nick Goss (Lay Member of the SAC), Disability Consultant and Director
of Goss Consultancy Ltd.

The Specialist Training Curriculum [5] approved by the GDC in 2007 was
written by Dr Janice Fiske based on the JACSCD document Training in
Special Care Dentistry [4] written by Professor June Nunn in 2003. During its
development, the curriculum has evolved in conjunction and consultation with
former members of JACSCD and the membership of the SAC in Special Care

1.4 Entry requirements

The specialty trainee must be registered with the General Dental Council.
Entry to training in Special Care Dentistry would normally follow a period of
general professional training which allows applicants to demonstrate they
have received a broad based training and have achieved the foundation
competencies set out in the Dental Foundation Curriculum [6].
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Whilst the Diplomas of Membership of the Joint Dental Faculties (RCS

England), the Faculty of Dental Surgery (RCS Edinburgh/RCPS Glasgow) or
the Faculty of Dentistry (RCS Ireland) are positive indicators that there has
been completion of this period of foundation training, it is not essential that a
candidate holds such a qualification.

The entry requirements for specialty training will follow the specific guidance
of Principles for Entry to Specialty Training (adapted from PMETB) in the ‘The
Dental Gold Guide’ Section 6 [3].

Those candidates seeking to show equivalence of training may demonstrate

they have gained competencies in another way and these should match the
competency areas specified in the UK Dental Foundation Programme Training

Appointment to a training post will be through open competition and will follow
guidance issued in the ‘The Dental Gold Guide’ Section 6 [3]. Selection will be
through an Advisory Appointments Committee and evidence of attributes such
as motivation and career commitment will aid in the selection process.
However, there is no requirement for the prior completion of any particular

1.5 Duration of training

The training reflects the nature of Special Care Dentistry by taking place in a
variety of primary care, hospital, and community settings.

It would be expected that a specialty trainee without accredited prior learning,

training or experience in Special Care Dentistry would complete training in 3
years. The Specialist Advisory Committee (SAC) in Special Care Dentistry
may be called upon to advise Deaneries on duration of training for those
trainees with accredited prior learning, training and experience. Specialty
trainees may have qualifications that are approved as accredited prior
Updated -12-11-2012 7

learning by the SAC in Special Care Dentistry after submission of the course
curriculum and assessment schedules.

‘Less than Full-Time Training’ (LTFT) opportunities may exist as defined in the
‘The Dental Gold Guide’ Section 6 [3].

In addition, there will be opportunities for those trainees who wish to pursue
academic training, research or undertake higher degrees to be able to enter
Deanery approved integrated combined academic and clinical programmes

1.6 Linkage to subsequent stages of training and education

At completion of specialty training in Special Care Dentistry, CCST holders
may gain employment as substantive and honorary consultants in the NHS.
Some employing bodies may expect the CCST holder to additionally possess
a range of extended competencies as well as the core specialty skills in
Special Care Dentistry. Linkages to subsequent stages of training and
education to meet any such requirements will be determined at a future date.

Standard 2: Content of learning

2.1 General professional content

The specialty curriculum in Special Care Dentistry states the content and
expected experiences in a variety of primary care, hospital, and community
settings. It describes the process of achieving the learning outcomes of
specialty training in Special Care Dentistry. The curriculum details the
structure and methods of learning, teaching, assessment and feedback. The
knowledge, skills and attitudes required to be a specialist in Special Care
Dentistry and for the acquisition of a CCST are set out within the curriculum.

The details of the supervision requirements of a specialty training programme

are included in ‘The Dental Gold Guide’ Section 7 [3] and the competencies,
experience and performance of the specialty registrar will be monitored
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through the Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP). The ARCP

can inform the Educational Supervisor (ES) and Training Programme Director
(TPD) of potential shortfalls in learning experience so that these may be

The trainee must have demonstrated compliance with Standards for Dental
Professionals laid down by the General Dental Council [7] as advised in the
‘The Dental Gold Guide’ Section 7.31 [3]. The generic learning outcomes
specified in this specialty curriculum relate to the management of adolescents
and adults who fulfil the criteria of requiring Special Care Dentistry as defined
previously in the introduction.

The three year specialist training programme in Special Care Dentistry will
include experience and study in the following key areas:

1. Biological sciences of relevance to Special Care Dentistry

2. Concepts of impairment, disability, functioning and health
3. Behavioural sciences
4. Impairment, disability and oral health
5. Oral health care and oral health promotion for specific people /
population groups with impairment and disability
6. Oral health care planning for the individual
7. Clinical Special Care Dentistry
8. Legislation, ethics and clinical governance
9. Research, statistics and scientific writing

A substantial part of the theoretical aspects of the training programme may be

delivered through attendance at a University based course, either through
direct attendance or through participation in a distance learning course.

In addition, the trainee will occupy a training post that is structured to provide
her/him with supervised experience in a variety of hospital and community
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Formal completion of training will be marked by satisfactory summative

assessment and success in the Tri-Collegiate Diploma of Membership in
Special Care Dentistry (M Spec Care Dentistry).

The Appendix to this document provides further detail on how individual

learning outcomes may be assessed.

The general professional and specialty-specific content of the curriculum is

detailed in the following tables.

Each learning outcome should be prefaced by: “On completion of

training, the Specialist in Special Care Dentistry …
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Each learning outcome should be prefaced by: ‘On completion of training the Specialist in Special Care Dentistry…’
Subject Knowledge Skills Attitudes and Behaviours Teaching Assessment
and method(s)
…..should be able to …..should be able to: …..should: Learning
describe: method(s)
Professional 1.1.1 the requirements of an effective 1.1.19 provide specialist leadership in 1.1.39 behave in a professional CBL PDP
approach leader the provision of Special Care manner EC MSF
the different models of
1.1.2 leadership
Life-long 1.1.3 the requirements for continuing 1.1.20 recognise learning opportunities 1.1.40 comply with GDC SDL WBA
learning professional development and identify them for members of requirements for Appraisal PDP
the Special Care Dentistry team revalidation ST
1.1.21 maintain a personal development
portfolio and assist others to do

1.1.22 monitor own performance

through audit and feedback
Evidence 1.1.4 the principles of evidence-based critically appraise evidence 1.1.41 use evidence in support of EC MSCD
practice patient care and defend PW provide constructive feedback decisions taken ST WBA

Written 1.1.5 the principles and guidelines for communicate effectively through 1.1.42 take account of legal EC MSCD
records ‘good’ clinical note keeping written records requirements relating to CBL
written, electronic and ST
1.1.6 the reasons for confidentiality apply the principles of digital records WBA
confidentiality in the context of
written records 1.1.43 communicate promptly and

1.1.26 take account of

1.1.27 confidentiality requirements
related to written, electronic
and digital clinical records
and their transport
Key: Teaching and Learning Methods
ACI= audit/critical incident analysis, CA = clinical attachment, CBL= Case based learning, CTS=clinical teaching/supervision, EC = External course, MDC=Multi-disciplinary clinic, MSF=Multi
source feedback, PW=Project work, SDL=Self-directed learning, ST=structured teaching
Assessment Methods
MSCD= Tri-Collegiate Diploma of Membership in Special Care Dentistry, MSF=Multi source feedback, PDP=Personal development portfolio, WBA= workplace-based assessment
Updated -12-11-2012 11

Subject Knowledge Skills Attitudes and Behaviours Teaching Assessment

and method(s)
…..should be able to …..should be able to: …..should: Learning
describe: method(s)
Use of 1.17 the principles of retrieval and 1.1.27 apply the principles of 1.1.42 take account of the legal EC MSCD
information utilisation of data recorded in confidentiality in the context of aspects relating to holding PW
technology clinical systems information technology electronic and digital records ACI WBA

1.1.28 use digital imaging devices 1.1.44 demonstrate a positive and

effectively proactive attitude to new
Organisational 1.1.8 the elements of clinical 1.1.29 participate actively in clinical 1.1.45 recognise the importance of ACI WBA
framework for governance governance teamwork in implementing a SDL
clinical clinical governance Appraisal PDP
governance 1.1.9 the principles of clinical 1.1.30 participate in audit framework ST
and its governance, in particular
application in related to infection control 1.1.31 report serious untoward incidents 1.1.46 recognise and take account
practice of the learning from serious
untoward incidents
Risk 1.1.10 the principles of risk 1.1.32 carry out risk assessments 1.1.47 recognise the value of risk EC MSCD
assessment assessment assessments ACI
and risk develop and apply relevant CBL WBA
management procedures

1.1.33 develop and monitor action plans

to obviate further risk
Audit (general) 1.1.11 the principles of internal and 1.1.34 initiate and complete audit 1.1.48 recognise the benefit of audit ACI MSCD
external quality assurance projects to patient care and individual ST
performance EC WBA
the audit process demonstrate improvement as the PDP
result of audit

Guidelines 1.1.12 the content of guidelines 1.1.35 interpret and apply guidelines 1.1.49 show regard for individual ST MSCD
applicable to the practice and applicable to the practice and patient needs when utilising ACI
delivery of Special Care delivery of Special Care guidelines CBL WBA
Dentistry Dentistry
the process of developing 1.1.36 contribute to the evolution of
guidelines guidelines applicable to the
practice and delivery of Special
Care Dentistry
Key: Teaching and Learning Methods
ACI= audit/critical incident analysis, CA = clinical attachment, CBL= Case based learning, CTS=clinical teaching/supervision, EC = External course, MDC=Multi-disciplinary clinic, PW=Project
work, SDL=Self-directed learning, ST=structured teaching
Assessment Methods
MSCD= Tri-Collegiate Diploma of Membership in Special Care Dentistry, MSF=Multi source feedback, PDP=Personal development portfolio, WBA= workplace-based assessment
Updated -12-11-2012 12

Subject Knowledge Skills Attitudes and Behaviours Teaching Assessment

and method(s)
…..should be able to …..should be able to: …..should: Learning
describe: method(s)
Patient Safety 1.1.14 the principles of management 1.1.37 carry out Immediate Life Support 1.1.50 show regard for patient CBL WBA
of fitness to practice cases safety EC
instigate management of medical CTS
1.1.13 the role of the National Patient emergencies in the dental surgery recognise the importance of ST
Safety Agency (NPSA) and domiciliary setting team training in the
management of medical
1.1.15 the principles of Immediate Life emergencies in the dental
Support surgery and domiciliary
1.1.16 the management of medical
emergencies in the dental
surgery and domiciliary setting
Structure of 1.1.17 the principles of the NHS utilise the role of being a trainee 1.1.51 become involved in EC PDP
the NHS and Constitution in Special Care Dentistry to management activities Clinical
the principles advocate meetings
of the structure of the NHS, in for the best interests of the ST
management outline patient within the NHS SDL
(in context of management structure CA with
the role of the appropriate
trainee) senior staff
Relevance of 1.1.18 the role of: 1.1.38 Communicate with and involve 1.1.52 demonstrate acceptance of EC MSCD
outside • GDC these bodies in appropriate professional regulation Clinical WBA
bodies • Specialist Societies situations meetings PDP
• Defence Unions share best practice ST
• Surgical Royal Colleges SDL
• BDA participate in peer review

Key: Teaching and Learning Methods

CA = clinical attachment, CBL= Case based learning, EC= External course, MDC=Multi-disciplinary clinic, PW=Project work, SDL=Self-directed learning, ST=structured
Assessment Methods
MSCD= Tri-Collegiate Diploma of Membership in Special Care Dentistry, MSF=Multi source feedback, PDP=Personal development portfolio, WBA= workplace-based
Updated -12-11-2012 13


Each learning outcome should be prefaced by: ‘On completion of training the Specialist in Special Care Dentistry…’

Subject Knowledge Skills Attitudes and Behaviours Teaching Assessment

and method(s)
.....should be able to …..should be able to: …..should: method(s)
Teaching 1.2.1 the educational principles 1.2.7 facilitate the learning process 1.2.15 engage in teaching activities CTS WBA
relevant to teaching within the (e.g. identify learning outcomes, for the Special Care EC PDP
dental team construct educational Dentistry team ST Educational
objectives, communicate SDL qualifications
effectively with learners, use
appropriate teaching resources,
give constructive and effective

1.2.8 contribute to the training of all

members of the Special Care
Dentistry team
Appraisal 1.2.2 the purpose of appraisal 1.2.9 maintain an appraisal portfolio 1.2.16 employ appraisal and MSF PDP
and assessment CTS
assessment the principles of appraisal 1.2.10 apply the principles of appraisal
and assessment
1.2.3 the roles of the appraiser and
appraisee 1.2.11 take an active part in the
appraisal process
Research 1.2.4 the principles of undertaking 1.2.12 present findings effectively both 1.2.17 have an enquiring mind PW MSCD
and projects including ethical verbally and in writing EC PDP
publication considerations 1.2.18 respect patients’ and ST WBA
1.2.13 review articles using a parents’/carers’ autonomy SDL Research and
1.2.5 principles of research constructive critical approach and wishes in regard to publication
governance research record

1.2.6 principles of peer review

Key: Teaching and Learning Methods

CA = clinical attachment, CBL= Case based learning, EC = External course, MDC=Multi-disciplinary clinic, PW=Project work, SDL=Self-directed learning, ST=structured
Assessment Methods
MSCD= Tri-Collegiate Diploma of Membership in Special Care Dentistry, MSF=Multi source feedback, PDP=Personal development portfolio, WBA= workplace-based
Updated -12-11-2012 14


Each learning outcome should be prefaced by: ‘On completion of training the Specialist in Special Care Dentistry…’

Subject Knowledge Skills Attitudes and Behaviours Teaching Assessment

and method(s)
…..should be able to …..should be able to: ….should: Learning
describe: method(s)
Informed 1.3.1 the principles of informed 1.3.7 obtain informed consent in 1.3.14 respect patients’ and ST MSCD
consent consent relation to adults with special parents’/carers’ autonomy and CBL
care needs wishes, including their right to EC WBA
1.3.2 the principles of the Mental refuse treatment even when it SDL
Capacity Act (2007) and the 1.3.8 assess capacity would be in their best interests
Deprivation of Liberty
Safeguards 1.3.9 work with other agencies to
obtain informed consent in
1.3.3 the process for gaining circumstances where there is
informed consent lack of capacity

1.3.10 share information appropriately

when necessary to safeguard
vulnerable adults
Confidentiality 1.3.4 relevant strategies to ensure 1.3.11 apply the principles of 1.3.15 respect the right to ST MSCD
confidentiality confidentiality in relation to confidentiality CBL
clinical care EC
1.3.5 the situations when SDL WBA
confidentiality might be broken
Legal issues the legal issues relating to the 1.3.12 work within appropriate legal 1.3.16 demonstrate empathy while ST MSCD
practise and delivery of frameworks acting in the patient’s /family’s CBL
Special Care Dentistry best interests EC WBA
1.3.13 apply knowledge of the Human SDL
1.3.6 the key elements of the Rights Act to the clinical situation
Human Rights Act
Key: Teaching and Learning Methods
CA = clinical attachment, CBL= Case based learning, EC= External course, MDC=Multi-disciplinary clinic, PW=Project work, SDL=Self-directed learning, ST=structured
Assessment Methods
MSCD= Tri-Collegiate Diploma of Membership in Special Care Dentistry, MSF=Multi source feedback, PDP=Personal development portfolio, WBA= workplace-based
Updated -12-11-2012 15


Each learning outcome should be prefaced by: ‘On completion of training the Specialist in Special Care Dentistry…’

Subject Knowledge Skills Attitudes and Behaviours Teaching Assessment

…..should: and method(s)
…..should be able to …..should be able to: Learning
describe: method(s)
Clinical 1.4.1 the function of other clinical 1.4.5 recognise when input from 1.4.10 recognise her/his own limitations Appraisal WBA
teams specialties and their benefits another specialty is required for EC PDP
and limitations individual patients and instigate 1.4.11 demonstrate conscientiousness MDC – any MSF
the required input and co-operation MSF
1.4.2 the extended care team CBL
1.4.6 refer appropriately to health and
social workers

1.4.7 work effectively with other

health care professionals and
dental specialists

Complaints 1.4.3 the principles of complaints 1.4.8 manage dissatisfied patients, 1.4.12 accept responsibility for EC WBA
procedures parents/carers and colleagues managing complaints ST PDP
1.4.4 the principles of 1.4.9 manage complaints in
independent review accordance with Department of
Health guidance

Key: Teaching and Learning Methods

CA = clinical attachment, CBL= Case based learning, EC = External course, MDC=Multi-disciplinary clinic, PW=Project work, SDL=Self-directed learning, ST=structured
Assessment Methods
MSCD= Tri-Collegiate Diploma of Membership in Special Care Dentistry, MSF=Multi source feedback, PDP=Personal development portfolio, WBA= workplace-based
Updated -12-11-2012 16

Each learning outcome should be prefaced by: ‘On completion of training the Specialist in Special Care Dentistry…’

Subject Knowledge Skills Attitudes and Behaviours Teaching Assessment

and method(s)
…..should: Learning
….should be able to …..should be able to: method(s)
Personal 1.5.2 the role of occupational health 1.5.5 recognise when personal health 1.5.9 recognise personal health as EC PDP
health services takes priority over work important ST MSF
the principles of responsibility pressures and be able to take SDL
to the public the necessary time off and/or 1.5.10 recognise and act upon
seek any necessary support signs/symptoms of impaired
personal health
Stress 1.5.3 the effects of stress 1.5.6 develop appropriate coping 1.5.11 recognise how stress effects EC PDP
mechanisms for stress her/him ST MSF
1.5.4 the support facilities for dentists
and other members of the 1.5.7 recognise the signs and 1.5.12 employ strategies to manage
Special Care Dentistry team symptoms of stress stress

1.5.8 seek help if appropriate

Key: Teaching and Learning Methods

CA = clinical attachment, CBL= Case based learning, EC= external course, MDC=Multi-disciplinary clinic, PW=Project work, SDL=Self-directed learning, ST=structured
Assessment Methods
MSF=Multi source feedback, PDP=Personal development portfolio, WBA= workplace-based assessment
Updated -12-11-2012 17

Each learning outcome should be prefaced by: ‘On completion of training the Specialist in Special Care Dentistry…’

Subject Knowledge Skills Attitudes and Behaviours Teaching Assessment

and method(s)
…..should be able to …..should be able to: …..should: Learning
describe: method(s)
Service 1.6.1 the principles of probity 1.6.5 recognise when probity could be 1.6.8 act in accordance with good practice in SDL MSCD
information an issue relation to equality and diversity issues ST
1.6.2 the legal framework for
advertisements 1.6.9 take account of cultural differences
Financial 1.6.3 the elements of a business plan 1.6.6 work within the financial rules of 1.6.10 adopt an ethos of justifying NHS spend EC PDP
regulation an employing institution ST
1.6.4 the NHS/private care 1.6.11 show integrity by acting in an honest and
relationship 1.6.7 write a simple business plan trustworthy manner

1.6.12 declare any conflicts of interest at the


Key: Teaching and Learning Methods

CA = clinical attachment, CBL= Case based learning, EC= external course, MDC=Multi-disciplinary clinic, PW=Project work, SDL=Self-directed learning, ST=structured
Assessment Methods
MSCD= Tri-Collegiate Diploma of Membership in Special Care Dentistry, MSF=Multi source feedback, PDP=Personal development portfolio, WBA= workplace-based
Updated -12-11-2012 18


Each learning outcome should be prefaced by: ‘On completion of training the Specialist in Special Care Dentistry…’

Subject Knowledge Skills Attitudes and Behaviours Teaching Assessment

and method(s)
Biological basis …..should be able to …..should be able to: …..should: Learning
of dental disease describe: method(s)
1. Cell biology 2.1.1 the role of cell biology in health 2.1.29 apply knowledge of cell biology in the take account of this SDL MSCD
and disease diagnosis of oro-facial and dental knowledge in diagnosis
conditions and treatment planning of ST
patient conditions WBA
2.1.30 apply knowledge of normal ageing in the
differential diagnosis of oral conditions in
older people
2. Microbiology 2.1.2 principals and practice of 2.1.31 principals and practice of infection control 1.1.64 employ the practical aspects CA MSCD
infection control in the dental in the dental clinic of infection control when
clinic and in a variety of care carrying out dental treatment CBL
settings including domiciliary 2.1.32 demonstrate how to prepare biological WBA
care specimens and samples for transfer to 1.1.65 comply with universal SDL
diagnostic laboratories, legislation and infection control principles
guidelines when providing oral care for ST
patients with, or at risk of,
2.1.33 demonstrate ability to take blood samples, blood-borne viral diseases
swabs and oral tissue biopsies to provide
material required for testing
3. 2.1.3 normal development and 2.1.34 apply knowledge of genetic principles in 1.1.66 recognise the impact of CA –eg in MSCD
Growth and potential abnormalities in the diagnosis of oro-facial and dental abnormalities in general, genetics
development conditions craniofacial or dento-alveolar learning
- general growth development on patients and disability,
- craniofacial growth 2.1.35 detect abnormality in general, craniofacial their families cleft lip and WBA
or dento-alveolar development palate,
- growth of the dento- 1.1.69 recognise the role of the hypodontia,
alveolar complex 2.1.36 apply knowledge of genetics to be aware special care dentist as part of and
- tooth eruption of systemic factors that might be relevant multidisciplinary teams in the restorative
to oral health care management of patients with dentistryclin
2.1.4 genetic and environmental genetically determined ics
influences on growth and 2.1.37 recognise syndromes where oro-facial conditions
development features form a significant component of CBL
the syndrome
Updated -12-11-2012 19

2.1.5 the principles of genetically 2.1.38 access information related to syndromes SDL
determined conditions where orofacial features form a significant
component of the syndrome

2.1.6 the features and genetic basis ST

of common craniofacial
anomalies and syndromes with
significant oro-facial features

2.1.7 the features and genetic basis

of genetically determined
defects of dental hard tissue
and of tooth form, size and

4a. Occlusion 2.1.8 the structure, function and 2.1.39 apply the principles of managing dental 2.1.68 consult and collaborate with CBL MSCD
and function of principles of managing dental occlusion, function and dysfunction colleagues in other specialties
the masticatory occlusion, function and where necessary SDL
system dysfunction WBA

4b.Periodontal 2.1.9 the pathogenesis, classification 2.1.40 diagnose and manage periodontal 2.1.72 refer patients to other CBL MSCD
disease and management of periodontal disease in adults specialties as appropriate
disease SDL
2.1.41 deliver appropriate and effective 2.1.69 recognise the multifactorial WBA
preventive periodontal programmes for issues associated with ST
special care adults including mechanical managing periodontal disease
and antimicrobial plaque control and team in special care patients eg
working with DCPs cognition, communication,
2.1.42 manual dexterity, carers’
recognise when periodontal disease may attitudes and beliefs, etc.
be related to systemic disease
take account of the support
2.1.43 recognise when referral for a specialist that patient and family/carer
periodontal opinion is indicated may need to manage
periodontal disease
Updated -12-11-2012 20

4c.Dental Caries 2.1.10 the aetiology, pathology and sequelae 2.1.44 use appropriate diagnostic tools and recognise the multifactorial CBL MSCD
of dental caries demonstrate an understanding of their nature of dental caries
benefits and limitations SDL WBA
2.1.70 take account of the factors
2.1.11 the effects of fluorides used 2.1.45 construct and deliver appropriate and which are associated with ST
systemically and topically effective caries prevention for special patients with special care needs
care adults utililising the skills within the being at high risk of developing
dental team caries
2.1.12 the appropriate staging and
management and materials used in 21.46 develop individual patient and community
operative intervention preventive protocols 2.1.71 recognise the key role of
prevention in the management
2.1.47 construct and deliver effective and of caries throughout adulthood
2.1.13 the protective effects of saliva and the appropriate restorative and surgical
management of xerostomia treatment plans for adults with dental 2.1.71 employ preventive measures
caries accordingly

4 d. Pulpal 2.1.14 the aetiology , pathology, sequelae and 2.1.48 Treatment plan and deliver effective 2.1.68 consult and collaborate with CBL MSCD
condition management of pulpal disease preventive, restorative / endodontic care colleagues in other specialties
where appropriate SDL
2.1.15 the biological basis of success and WBA
failure of endodontic therapy ST

4 e. Oral 2.1.16 an overview of the clinical science of 2.1.49 recognise the scope of use of dental 2.1.68 refer patients to other CBL MSCD
Implantology implantology implants and relevance in special care specialties as appropriate
and Bone dentistry SDL
Biology WBA
Updated -12-11-2012 21

5. Biomedical 2.1.17 the role of saliva in maintaining oral 2.1.50 construct and deliver effective and 2.1.68 refer patients to other specialties CBL MSCD
Sciences health appropriate preventative treatment plans as appropriate
for special care patients who have SDL
Oral Physiology mechanisms involved in salivary masticatory dysfunction WBA
secretion ST

2.1.18 the anatomical and physiological 2.1.51 recognise neurological conditions and the
features of the masticatory system effects they may have on masticatory
including mechanisms and pathology of function and oral health
swallowing, speech, taste and olfaction

6. Oral and 2.1.19 current knowledge of general pathology 2.1.52 apply knowledge of mechanisms and 2.1.68 refer patients to other specialties CBL MSCD
Related including. Inflammation, healing and stages of inflammatory processes, as appropriate
Systemic neoplasia healing and of neoplasia to patient care SDL
6 a. General
6 b. Oral 2.1.20 describe the features, diagnosis and 2.1.53 diagnose soft and hard tissue pathology 2.1.68 consult and collaborate with CBL MSCD
Medicine management of common disorders of colleagues in other medical and
the oral mucous membranes, 2.1.54 deliver appropriate and effective surgical specialties where MDC-
particularly oral malignancies and preventive treatment appropriate Oral WBA
bisphosphonate related osteonecrosis 2.1.55 recognise pathology that requires Medicin
of the jaw investigation and management with or by 2.1.72 ensure that referral is e
other specialties undertaken in a timely fashion
and in line with NHS cancer SDL
referral time targets
Updated -12-11-2012 22

6 c. 2.1.21 the indications, modes, administration, 2.1.56 deliver appropriate drug regimen for 2.1.68 consult and collaborate with CBL MSCD
Pharmacology actions, metabolism, side effects, drug special care patients in dentistry, taking colleagues in other medical and
and interactions and precautions of account of possible interactions with surgical specialties where MDC-
Therapeutics commonly used groups of drugs medically prescribed drugs necessary Oral
Medicin WBA
2.1.22 the reasons for latex-free dentistry e
2.1.57 describe the use of these drugs for:
2.1.23 latex free dental materials and older people, people with systemic SDL
products disease and in pregnancy
2.1.58 provide latex free dentistry
6 d. Human 2.1.24 assess, treatment plan and execute 2.1.59 treatment plan and carry out treatment 2.1.68 consult and collaborate with CBL MSCD
Systemic dental treatment in the context of the for patients with systemic disease colleagues in other medical and
Disease overall health of the patient surgical specialties where MDC
2.1.60 explain the significance of a patient’s appropriate
2.1.25 the significance of a patient’s dental dental symptoms, previous dental SDL WBA
symptoms, previous dental experience experience and attitudes towards 2.1.73 recognise how previous dental
and attitudes towards dentistry and oral dentistry and oral health. experience, medical experience, ST
health. attitudes, social history and family
2.1.61 elicit and explain the significance of a history impact on dental-related
2.1.26 the significance of a patient’s past and patient’s past and present medical behaviour
present medical history, social history history, social history and family history.
2.1.74 show empathy when previous
and family history. dental experience, medical
2.1.62 elicit and explain the significance of
extra-oral signs of systemic disease experience and other causes of
2.1.27 the significance of extra-oral signs of anxiety impact on dental-related
systemic disease which affect dental which affect dental treatment.
2.1.63 elicit and explain the significance of
2.1.28 the significance of intra-oral signs intra-oral signs which are a
which are a manifestation of systemic manifestation of systemic disease.

Key: Teaching and Learning Methods

CA = clinical attachment, CBL= Case based learning, MDC=Multi-disciplinary clinic- Oral Medicine, PW=Project work, SDL=Self-directed learning, ST=structured teaching
Assessment Methods
MSCD= Tri-Collegiate Diploma of Membership in Special Care Dentistry, MSF=Multi source feedback, PDP=Personal development portfolio, WBA= workplace-based
Updated -12-11-2012 23


Each learning outcome should be prefaced by: ‘On completion of training the Specialist in Special Care Dentistry…’
Subject Knowledge Skills Attitudes and Behaviours Teachi Assess
….. should: ng and ment
…..should be able to describe: …..should be able to: Learni method(
ng s)

Definitions, 2.2.1 the principles of the Disability 2.2.12 apply the social model of disability and 2.2.17 demonstrate positive attitudes to CBL MSCD
Models and Discrimination Act and the Disability how it relates to special care dentistry disabled people
Philosophies Equality Duty SDL WBA
2.2.18 demonstrate use of inclusive
2.2.2 the importance of promoting disability language ST
2.2.19 demonstrate disability etiquette
2.2.3 the social model of disability
Barriers to 2.2.4 the social and environmental barriers that 2.2.14 apply the social model of disability and 2.2.20 demonstrate positive attitudes to CBL MSCD
inclusion disabled people can encounter in society how it relates to special care dentistry disabled people
2.2.5 how such barriers can be minimised demonstrate use of inclusive
language ST
2.2.6 the methods used to promote disability demonstrate disability etiquette

2.2.7 the types of inclusive language and

language support
2.2.8 the concept of reasonable adjustments 2.2.15 Identify and apply a range of reasonable 2.2.21 demonstrate positive attitude CBL MSCD
adjustments to the practice of special towards individual and collective
Understand 2.2.9 the importance of reasonable adjustments care dentistry person-centred, reasonable SDL
the concept of in ensuring legal compliance and adjustment management WBA
promoting best practice ST
Equality 2.2.10 the concept of equality impact 2.2.16 undertake an equality impact 2.2.22 show regard towards equality CBL MSCD
Impact assessments assessment impact assessments and the
assessments benefits they can have for special SDL
2.2.11 the basic definition and process for care dentistry WBA
carrying out equality impact assessments ST

Key: Teaching and Learning Methods

CA = clinical attachment, CBL= Case based learning incorporating equality and diversity, MDC=Multi-disciplinary clinic, PW=Project work, SDL=Self-directed learning, ST=structured teaching
Assessment Methods MSCD= Tri-Collegiate Diploma of Membership in Special Care Dentistry, MSF=Multi source feedback, PDP=Personal development portfolio, WBA= workplace-
based assessment incorporating equality and diversity
Updated -12-11-2012 24


Knowledge Skills Attitudes and Behaviours Teaching Assessment

Subject and method(s
…..should be able to describe …..should be able to: …..should Learning

1.Principles of 2.3.1 the principles of human behaviour as 2.3.21 use appropriate communication skills 2.3.43 recognise the impact of dental CA MSCD
behavioural they apply to the practice of dentistry in the health care setting anxiety on dental attendance and
psychology  oral health CBL WBA
and sociology 2.3.3  models of health belief 2.3.22 use inclusive language etiquette e.g.
faith related behaviour 2.3.44 recognise the emotional
2.3.4 experience of disability
locus of control/self efficacy
2.3.23 utilise the various elements of
2.3.5 theories of behaviour communication, such as language, 2.3.45 recognise occupational stress SDL PDP
listening, non-verbal communication and its management
2.3.6 principles of behaviour change, ST
adherence behaviour, compliance and 2.3.24 apply knowledge of doctor-patient recognise when to employ
deviance, and negotiation communication specific communication
skills/styles e.g. people who have
2.3.7 principles of learning theory as they 2.3.25 break bad news a learning disability, hearing
relate to medical/dental practice impairment, visual impairment,
2.3.26 communicate with specific groups of cognitive or expressive
2.3.8 aetiology of stress, anxiety and phobia people who have particular impairment due to a stroke, etc
and the measurement of anxiety communication needs, e.g. people who
have a learning disability, hearing
2.3.9  management of dental stress, anxiety impairment, visual impairment,
and phobia, including coping styles cognitive or expressive impairment due
to a stroke, etc
2.3.10 psychiatry and somatic complaints
including the orofacial manifestations of 2.3.27 demonstrate negotiation skills
psychiatric disease
2.3.27 demonstrate networking/liaison skills
2.3.11 self and public perception

2.3.12 loss and bereavement, including the

emotional effects of tooth loss

2.3.13 Dentists as a vulnerable group of

health care practitioners, including:
- alcohol and substance abuse
- -occupational stress and its
Updated -12-11-2012 25

2. Pain 2.3.14 current terminology, the development 2.3.28 diagnose the cause of orofacial pain 2.3.47 show regard for the effects of
of pain science and the role of pain using a process of differential acute and chronic pain on patient
management in dentistry diagnosis behaviour

2.3.15 mechanisms of neuropathic, 2.3.29 demonstrate clinical management of 2.3.48 take account of the effects
neurovascular, musculoskeletal pain in orofacial pain patient pain can have on the
the orofacial region, including referred patient-carer relationship
and psychosomatic pain 2.3.30 recognise patterns of referred pain in CBL WBA
the orofacial region
2.3.16 clinical assessment procedures SDL CbD
including history taking, physical 2.3.31 recognise behaviour associated with
examination and special tests used in pain in patients unable to verbally ST
establishing the aetiology of pain. express pain

2.3.17 interventional and non-interventional

methods of chronic pain management

3. Health 2.3.18 key aspects of the market for health 2.3.42 apply the principles of health 2.3.49 show regard for appropriate use CA MSCD
Economics and health care economics to: of NHS monies
– obtaining resources for people with CBL WBA
2.3.19 the approaches to financing health disability and impairments
services - including different – developing oral healthcare
mechanisms for financing health care services for people with disability
and the likely impact on the efficiency and impairments
of health services and access to care ST

2.3.20 the principles of world class

Each learning outcome should be prefaced by: ‘On completion of training the Specialist in Special Care Dentistry…’

Key: Teaching and Learning Methods

CA = clinical attachment, CBL= Case based learning, MDC=Multi-disciplinary clinic, PW=Project work, SDL=Self-directed learning, ST=structured teaching, JC=Journal Club
Assessment Methods
MSCD= Tri-Collegiate Diploma of Membership in Special Care Dentistry, MSF=Multi source feedback, PDP=Personal development portfolio, WBA= workplace-based
assessment, CbD= Case Based Discussion
Updated -12-11-2012 26


Each learning outcome should be prefaced by: ‘On completion of training the Specialist in Special Care Dentistry…’
Subject Knowledge Skills Attitudes and Behaviours Teaching Assessment
and method(s)
…..should be able to describe: …..should be able to: …..should: Learning
1. Conditions 2.4.1 the differences between the medical, 2.4.13 diagnose, treatment plan and provide 2.4.18 recognise the impact of CA MSCD
leading to social and psycho-social models of safe and effective oral healthcare and disability on patients, their
Impairment disability dental treatment for adolescents and families and carers CBL WBA
and Disability adults with conditions that make them
2.4.2 the following conditions and the impact more prone to oral/dental disease or 2.4.19 take account of the impact of
they have on the individual and their oral which may complicate the delivery of disability and impairment on
health: dental care oral healthcare provision
– medically compromising conditions when treatment planning ST
– learning impairment and associated
– mental health conditions, including
emotional and phobic states
– physical impairment
– sensory impairment
– emotional impairment
– social disability
2. Oral Health 2.4.3 the basic principles of epidemiology 2.4.14 communicate effectively with patients, 2.4.20 consult and collaborate with CA MSCD
in Disability families and carers, other clinicians colleagues in other medical
2.4.4 epidemiology of disability by condition and members of the patient’s and surgical specialties CBL WBA
and age group extended care team where appropriate

2.4.5 epidemiology of oral diseases from 2.4.15 work within multidisciplinary teams 2.4.21 recognise the effects of oral
national and international oral/dental health on quality of life
health surveys 2.4.16 plan appropriate oral health care for factors for people with ST
special care patients disability
2.4.6 the relationship of the results of
epidemiological studies to public health 2.4.17 facilitate access to appropriate modes 2.4.22 take account of appropriate
practice and policy development of delivery of oral healthcare, eg modes of delivery of oral
sedation, general anaesthesia, and healthcare during treatment
2.4.7 different manifestations of impairments domiciliary care planning
for medically, intellectually, mentally,
physically and sensorily compromised

2.4.8 day to day implications of impairment

and any consequent disability.
Updated -12-11-2012 27

2.4.9 oral and dental manifestations and

treatment of specific conditions such as
malocclusion in cerebral palsy,
periodontal disease in Down’s syndrome,
hypodontia in ectodermal dysplasia, oral
care during end of life care

relationship between disability and oral


2.4.10 access to oral healthcare services

2.4.11 factors affecting quality of life, including:

– self-esteem, appearance, social
acceptability and, relationships
– diet, nutrition and alternative feeding
– comfort / pain,
– provision of mouth-held devices

2.4.12 disability and preventive dentistry,

– education
– communication
– home versus surgery delivered care
– role of carers
– modifications required to techniques
and materials
– pharmacological approach
– role of fluorides and fluoridation

Key: Teaching and Learning Methods

CA = clinical attachment, CBL= Case based learning, MDC=Multi-disciplinary clinic, PW=Project work, SDL=Self-directed learning, ST=structured teaching, JC=Journal Club
Assessment Methods
MSCD= Tri-Collegiate Diploma of Membership in Special Care Dentistry, MSF=Multi source feedback, PDP=Personal development portfolio, WBA= workplace-based
assessment, CbD= Case Based Discussion
Updated -12-11-2012 28

Each learning outcome should be prefaced by: ‘On completion of training the Specialist in Special Care Dentistry…’
Subject Knowledge Skills Attitudes and Teaching Assessment
Behaviours and method(s)
…..should be able to describe: …..should be able to: Learning
…..should: method(s)
1. Developing 2.5.1 the development of services for people 2.5.28 develop services for people with special 2.5.48 recognise the role of the CA MSCD
Oral with: care needs with. Special Care Dentist in
Healthcare – learning disability – learning disability developing services for CBL WBA
Services – physical impairment – physical impairment special care patients
– complex medical conditions, including – complex medical conditions, including
those undergoing chemotherapy, those undergoing chemotherapy, 2.5.49 take account of the
radiotherapy, immunotherapy and radiotherapy, immunotherapy and views of patients, their
organ transplant organ transplant families/carers and other ST
– progressive neurological conditions – progressive neurological conditions appropriate public
– mental illness – mental illness groups, through patient
– a history of substance misuse – a history of substance misuse and public involvement
when developing
2.5.2 the development of services for people
2.5.29 develop services for people in: services for special care
– long stay community, residential, patients
– long stay community, residential,
nursing and day care units, or
nursing and day care units, or
– secure units
– secure units
– special education units
– special education units
– ethnic and refugee groups who are
– ethnic and refugee groups who are
socially excluded
socially excluded
– special educational establishments
– special educational establishments
2.5.30 develop services for people who are
2.5.3 the development of services for people homeless or travelers
who are homeless or travelers
2.5.31 contribute to multidisciplinary teams for
the development of services for people
2.5.4 the need for equality impact
in special care groups
assessments as part of the
process of service development and/or
2.5.32 implement equality impact assessments
for the development of or changes to
services to meet the needs of these
2.5.5 the role of patient and public involvement
groups of people
in the development of patient services
2.5.33 demonstrate the available methods of
patient and public involvement used in
service development
Updated -12-11-2012 29

2. 2.5.6 the process of planning, delivery and 2.5.34 plan and deliver oral care services for 2.5.50 demonstrate leadership CA MSCD
Management evaluation of oral care services for people with impairment and disability in skills in negotiating
of Service people with impairment and disability in community and hospital settings, services for people with CBL WBA
Delivery community and hospital settings making effective use of the various impairment and disability
members of the Special Care Dentistry
2.5.7 the principles and application of patient team 2.5.51 show regard for the roles
empowerment in relation to service of the various members
delivery in Special Care Dentistry 2.5.35 monitor and evaluate services for of the Special Care ST
people with impairment and disability in Dentistry team and
2.5.8 management techniques in the health terms of quality of care delivery and employ them to
care system with emphasis on people, cost benefit in community and hospital maximum effect
resources and capacity in service settings
2.5.36 make the case for appropriate service
2.5.9 leadership, influencing and negotiating change based on evaluation of the
skills monitoring data

2.5.10 the dynamics of teams and groups in

service delivery

2.5.11 the roles of the various members of the

Special Care Dentistry team

2.5.12 information management and

communication technology in relation to
service delivery

2.5.13 understanding and use of

epidemiological data to monitor and
develop service provision
3. 2.5.14 the management of oral health care for 2.5.37 provide oral health care for people with: 2.5.52 consult and collaborate CA MSCD
Management people with: – learning disability with colleagues in other
of Care for – learning disability – physical impairment medical and surgical CBL WBA
Special – physical impairment – complex medical conditions, specialties and in social
– complex medical conditions, including including those undergoing care, where
Groups SDL CbD
those undergoing chemotherapy, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, appropriate, to facilitate
radiotherapy, immunotherapy and immunotherapy and organ transplant patient/group
organ transplant – progressive neurological conditions management ST PDP
– progressive neurological conditions – mental illness
– mental illness – a history of substance misuse 2.5.53 take account of the
– a history of substance misuse broad range of issues
provide oral health care for people in: involved in the
– long stay community, residential, management of oral
nursing and day care units Secure health care for people
units with disability
– special education units
Updated -12-11-2012 30

2.5.15 the management of oral health care for 2.5.38 – ethnic, refugee groups who are
people in: socially excluded
– long stay community, residential, – special educational establishments
nursing and day care units, or
housebound 2.5.39 provide oral health care for people who
– secure units are:
– special education units – confined to home and require
– ethnic and refugee groups who are domiciliary care
socially excluded – homeless
– special educational establishments – travelers

2.5.16 the management of oral health care for

people who are homeless or travelers
4. Inter- 2.5.17 the organisational structure and role of 2.5.40 carry out cross-sectoral and inter- 2.5.54 consult and collaborate CA MSCD
Professional the health service and other statutory agency working with colleagues in other
Working and voluntary organisations medical and surgical CBL WBA
2.5.41 initiate a joint care planning approach specialties and in social
2.5.18 roles of Dental Care Professionals care where appropriate
2.5.42 develop community networks and
2.5.19 cross-sectoral and inter-agency working alliances
2.5.20 caring and advocacy 2.5.43 develop collaboration with other
specialists and health/social services
the role of primary health care teams and professionals
2.5.21 the dental and medical specialties
2.5.44 work as an effective member of both the
2.5.22 joint care planning approach dental team and the extended care
2.5.23 community networks and alliances
2.5.45 demonstrate leadership skills within the
2.5.24 collaboration with other specialists Special Care Dentistry team to ensure
appropriate skills mix within the
2.5.25 working within the dental team specialist team
5. Oral Health 2.5.26 the theories of health promotion 2.5.46 plan oral health promotion policies for 2.5.54 consult and collaborate CA MSCD
Promotion differing populations with colleagues in other
2.5.27 planning population based oral health medical and surgical CBL WBA
promotion policies undertake at least one method of public specialties and in social
and patient involvement eg care where appropriate
the principles of public and patient questionnaire, in-depth interviewing,
engagement focus group,etc. 2.5.55 take account of patient
and pubic views in policy ST
Key: Teaching and Learning Methods
CA = clinical attachment, CBL= Case based learning, MDC=Multi-disciplinary clinic, PW=Project work, SDL=Self-directed learning, ST=structured teaching, JC=Journal Club
Assessment Methods MSCD= Tri-Collegiate Diploma of Membership in Special Care Dentistry, MSF=Multi source feedback, PDP=Personal development portfolio,
WBA= workplace-based assessment, CbD= Case Based Discussion
Updated -12-11-2012 31


Each learning outcome should be prefaced by: ‘On completion of training the Specialist in Special Care Dentistry…’
Subject Knowledge Skills Attitudes and Behaviours Teaching and Assessment
Learning method(s)
…..should be able to describe: …..should be able to: …..should: method(s)
1. Assessment, 2.6.1 assessment of the person who requires 2.6.18 identify and assess the person who 2.6.29 take account of the ethical CA MSCD
Diagnosis, special oral health care requires special oral health care and legal aspects of
Treatment managing oral health care CBL WBA
Planning and 2.6.2 history taking, examination, diagnosis for people with impairment
and treatment planning for the individual 2.6.19 obtain information from the individual, and disability
Prevention SDL CbD
carer and wider circle of social and
2.6.3 methods of obtaining information from health care professionals in relation to 2.6.30 consult and collaborate with
the individual, carer and wider circle of the individual’s care needs colleagues in other medical ST
social and health care professionals in and surgical specialties and
relation to the individual’s care needs 2.6.20 provide appropriate care for persons in social care where
with impairments or disability using necessary
2.6.4 methods of assessment of the needs adjuncts as appropriate
and priorities of individuals in order to 2.6.31 show regard for the
promote positive oral health gain 2.6.21 provide appropriate care for persons circumstances that people
with complex medical conditions live in, when carrying out
2.6.6 the impact of disability on oral health domiciliary visits
care planning for the individual 2.6.22 design, deliver and monitor
appropriate, individual health care 2.6.32 employ appropriate
2.6.7 organisation and delivery of appropriate plans to prevent / minimise the management and clinical
treatment services in the relevant care effects of oral disease skills in order to provide
setting for the individual, including preventive and treatment
domiciliary care settings 2.6.23 provide oral health care in a services for individuals
domiciliary setting
2.6.8 the requirements of co-ordination of an
inter-professional team in the delivery of
optimal care for individuals

2.6.9 the management and clinical skills

necessary to provide preventive and
treatment services for individuals

2.6.10 the development of preventive

healthcare programmes for such
patients in a variety of care settings

2.6.11 the design, implementation and

monitoring of individual oral health care
Updated -12-11-2012 32

2. Behaviour 2.6.12 how to recognise the management 2.6.24 recognise normal and 2.6.33 take account of the CA MSCD
Management, requirements of the individual uncharacteristic behaviour patterns in relevant ethical and legal
Pharmacology adults with impairment and disability requirements during the CBL WBA
and 2.6.13 relevant pharmacological and provision and delivery of
therapeutic adjuncts required in pain, 2.6.25 apply knowledge of behavioural conscious sedation
Therapeutics SDL CbD
anxiety and disease management patterns and psychology in the techniques
management of anxiety
2.6.14 the ethical and legal requirements 2.6.34 take account of the ST PDP
relating to the provision and delivery of 2.6.26 recognise when to seek help for relevant ethical and legal
conscious sedation techniques patients with behaviours that require requirements relating to the
further assessment and treatment in delivery of treatment under
2.6.15 the reasoning for selecting the most another care setting general anaesthesia
appropriate adjunct to treatment, based
on the patient assessment 2.6.27 deliver comprehensive restorative 2.6.35 consult and collaborate with
care and exodontias for adults with colleagues in other medical
2.6.16 the skills required to manage pain and impairments and disability under local and surgical specialties and
anxiety in a variety of clinical settings anaesthesia, conscious sedation and in social care where
through: general anaesthesia where necessary
– behaviour management appropriate
– local anaesthesia 2.6.36 refer patients to other
– conscious sedation including 2.6.28 recognise the role of the special care members of the dental,
transmucosal, oral, inhalational and dentist working with the anaesthetist health and social care
intravenous techniques in airway management teams as appropriate
– general anaesthesia including day-
case and in-patient care.

2.6.17 in outline, the additional therapies that

can be used to manage pain and
anxiety, such as:
– hypnosis
– acupuncture

Key: Teaching and Learning Methods

CA = clinical attachment, CBL= Case based learning, MDC=Multi-disciplinary clinic, PW=Project work, SDL=Self-directed learning, ST=structured teaching
Assessment Methods
MSCD= Tri-Collegiate Diploma of Membership in Special Care Dentistry, MSF=Multi source feedback, PDP=Personal development portfolio, WBA= workplace-based
assessment, CbD= Case Based Discussion
Updated -12-11-2012 33


Each learning outcome should be prefaced by: ‘On completion of training the Specialist in Special Care Dentistry…’
Subject Knowledge Skills Attitudes and Behaviours Teaching Assessment
and method(s)
…..should be able to describe: …..should be able to: …..should: Learning
1. Restorative 2.7.1 management and treatment of individual 2.7.31 carry out a high standard of clinical 2.7.61 refer patients to other CA MSCD
Dentistry teeth using intra- and extra- coronal dentistry specialties as appropriate
restorations CBL WBA
2.7.32 treat individual teeth using intra- and
2.7.2 how to identify and maintain key teeth to extra- coronal restorations 2.7.62 discuss treatment options
facilitate long-term care with individuals (where
2.7.33 recognise and maintain key teeth to possible), carers, advocates
2.7.3 restorative and replacement techniques facilitate long-term care and other professionals as ST PDP
for the management of broken down, appropriate
fractured and missing teeth 2.7.34 utilise restorative techniques for the
management of broken down, fractured
2.7.4 diagnosis, prevention and simple and missing teeth
restorative treatment of non-carious tooth
surface loss e.g. abrasion, erosion and 2.7.35 diagnose, prevent and provide simple
attrition restorative treatment of non-carious tooth
surface loss e.g. abrasion, erosion and
2.7.5 diagnosis and non-surgical management attrition
of temporomandibular dysfunction.
2.7.36 diagnose and manage non-surgical
2.7.6 materials relevant to clinical dentistry, treatment of temporomandibular
including those that can be effectively dysfunction.
used in the domiciliary setting
2.7.37 communicate findings and treatment
proposals to individuals (where possible),
carers, advocates and other professionals

2.7.38 discuss treatment options in an

appropriate manner with individuals
(where possible), carers, advocates and
other professionals
2. 2.7.7 gingival and periodontal conditions 2.7.39 diagnose and manage periodontal 2.7.63 recognise one’s own CA MSCD
Periodontology disease in people with impairments and limitations
2.7.8 techniques for periodontal surgery disability CBL WBA
2.7.64 refer patients to other
2.7.9 principles of implantology 2.7.40 deliver appropriate and effective specialties as appropriate
preventive periodontal programmes

2.7.41 recognise when periodontal disease may ST PDP

be related to systemic disease
Updated -12-11-2012 34

2.7.42 utilise techniques for prevention

appropriate to special care groups e.g.
communication with people who have
dyslexia, dyspraxia, autistic spectrum
disorder, learning disability, etc.

2.7.43 recognise when a specialist opinion is

3. Endodontics 2.7.10 principles and practice of routine 2.7.47 carry out routine endodontic care 2.7.63 recognise one’s own CA MSCD
endodontic care limitations
2.7.11 the principles and practice of surgical 2.7.64 refer patients to other
endodontics specialties as appropriate


4. Removable 2.7.12 treatment planning and provision of 2.7.44 diagnose, treatment plan and provide 2.7.63 recognise one’s own CA MSCD
and Fixed removable prosthodontic treatment removable prosthodontic appliances, limitations
Prosthodontics including techniques appropriate to CBL WBA
2.7.13 diagnosis and provisional treatment special care patients such as copy 2.7.64 refer patients to other
planning of fixed prosthodontic treatment denture techniques specialties as appropriate
2.7.14 principles and practice of implant 2.7.45 diagnose and formulate provisional
dentistry. treatment planning of fixed prosthodontic ST PDP
treatment, including implants
2.7.15 maxillofacial prosthodontic management
of developmental and acquired hard and 2.7.46 provide evidence of how removable and
soft tissue defects fixed prosthodontic treatment can effect
quality of life
2.7.16 relevant laboratory procedures

5. Orthodontics 2.7.17 examination, diagnosis and treatment 2.7.48 recognition of clinical situations where it is 2.7.63 recognise one’s own CA MSCD
planning appropriate to liaise with , or refer to limitations
appropriate specialties CBL WBA
2.7.18 scope, design and use of orthodontic 2.7.64 refer patients to other
appliances 2.7.49 engage in effective multidisciplinary specialties as appropriate
communication and planning when
2.7.19 oral surgery in relation to orthodontics appropriate 2.2.67 recognise the role of the
Special Care Dentist in ST PDP
2.7.20 management of developmental management of adults with
anomalies, including cleft lip and palate, impairment and disability
hypodontia and craniofacial anomalies with CLP, hypodontia and
craniofacial anomalies
Updated -12-11-2012 35

6. Oral 2.7.21 diagnosis, treatment planning and 2.7.50 manage oral care for people: 2.7.63 recognise one’s own CA MSCD
Medicine and management of oral care for people: – with common oral medical conditions limitations
Oral Pathology – with common oral medical conditions – undergoing chemotherapy CBL WBA
– undergoing chemotherapy, radiotherapy, immunotherapy 2.7.65 refer patients to other
radiotherapy and immunotherapy – undergoing organ transplant specialties as appropriate,
– undergoing organ transplant for example when cancer,
2.7.51 recognise oral manifestations of systemic other medical conditions or
2.7.22 the characteristics of oral manifestations disease abnormal test results are ST PDP
of systemic disease recognised
2.7.52 recognise and manage oral side effects
2.7.23 the characteristics and management of of prescribed medication
oral side effects of prescribed
medication 2.7.53 interpret haematological tests such as:
full blood count and haematinics (Fe,
2.7.24 normal haematological values, such as: Folate, B12, Sickle cell screening);
full blood count and haematinics (Fe, clotting studies; urea and electrolytes;
Folate, B12); clotting factors; urea and liver function tests; thyroid function tests
electrolytes, etc.
7. Oral Surgery 2.7.25 the management of routine exodontia, 2.7.54 manage routine exodontias, including the 2.7.63 recognise one’s own CA MSCD
including the raising of a flap and the raising of a flap and the removal of limitations
removal of retained roots/fractured teeth retained roots/fractured teeth CBL WBA
2.7.65 refer patients to other
2.7.26 principles for and techniques of incisional 2.7.55 perform techniques of incisional and specialties as appropriate
and excisional biopsy of gingival and excisional biopsy of gingival and mucosal for example when complex
mucosal lesions lesions oral surgery is required or
test results are not within ST PDP
2.7.27 the principles and practice of dento- 2.7.56 recognise results that are not within ‘normal’ expectations
alveolar surgery : ‘normal’ expectations
– Surgical treatment planning for
patients with systemic disease
– Minor oral surgery including surgical
extraction of impacted teeth
– Management of dento-alveolar

2.7.28 use of electromechanical aids and

interpretation of results in diagnosis such
ECG ; blood pressure monitor; SO2
Monitor; Blood sugar monitor;
Coaguchek S monitor, Sickle Cell
Updated -12-11-2012 36

8. Management 2.7.29 the diagnosis and treatment of medical 2.7.57 diagnose emergencies 2.7.63 recognise one’s own CA MSCD
of Medical emergencies that can occur during the limitations
Emergencies provision of dental treatment in the dental 2.7.58 initiate treatment of medical emergencies CBL WBA
surgery and in the domiciliary setting that occur during the provision of dental 2.7.66 call for assistance from
treatment in the dental surgery and in the other specialties as
2.7.30 when and how to liaise with other domiciliary setting appropriate, eg paramedics
healthcare professionals in the
emergency management, including the 2.7.59 liaise with other healthcare professionals 2.7.68 recognise the role of the ST PDP
correct use of emergency drugs for all in the emergency management of all Special Care Dentist in
patients under their care. patients under their care. management of medical
emergencies and the need
2.7.60 use emergency drugs correctly in the for multidisciplinary working
appropriate circumstances and practice in simulated

2.7.69 take on the role of team

leader in the emergency

Key: Teaching and Learning Methods

CA = clinical attachments + Medical Simulator , CBL= Case based learning, EC= External Course, MDC=Multi-disciplinary clinic, PW=Project work, SDL=Self-directed
learning, ST=structured teaching, JC=Journal Club
Assessment Methods
MSCD= Tri-Collegiate Diploma of Membership in Special Care Dentistry, MSF=Multi source feedback , PDP=Personal development portfolio, WBA= workplace-based
assessment, CbD= Case Based Discussion
Updated -12-11-2012 37


Each learning outcome should be prefaced by: ‘On completion of training the Specialist in Special Care Dentistry…’
Subject Knowledge Skills Attitudes and Behaviours Teaching Assessment
and method(s)
…..should be able to describe: …..should be able to: …..should: Learning
1. Informed 2.8.1 the legal and ethical framework and 2.8.26 ensure the legal and ethical framework is 2.8.35 recognise the importance of CA MSCD
Consent issues important to the practice of followed in all aspects of Special Care teamwork to implement consent
Special Care Dentistry Dentistry and adhere to legal and ethical CBL WBA
2.8.2 principles of duty of care and negligence 2.8.27 provide leadership as future lead clinicians
in gaining consent utilising legislation such
2.8.3 principles of consent as the principles set out in the Mental
Capacity Act SDL PDP
2.8.4 the process of obtaining informed
consent ST

2.8.5 confidentiality and the professional


2.8.6 assessment of capacity to consent and

what to do when capacity is lacking

2.8.7 risk assessment

2.8.8 rationale for appropriate use of

physical/pharmacological intervention.
2. 2.8.9 health and safety regulations 2.8.28 practice within the regulatory framework in 2.8.35 recognise the importance of EC MSCD
Regulations dentistry and with respect to specific teamwork to implement consent
2.8.10 decontamination and infection control regulations related to impairment and and adhere to legal and ethical CA WBA
regulations disability, equality and diversity, and human framework
2.8.11 moving and handling skills

2.8.12 principles of confidentiality SDL

2.8.13 principles of good record keeping ST

2.8.14 ethical aspects of practice and research

2.8.15 ethics of physical and pharmacological

intervention and restraint.

2.8.16 issues related to the ethics of

impairment and disability such as
Updated -12-11-2012 38

genetic counselling, palliative care, end

of life care and resuscitation.
3. 2.8.17 the role of the professional governing 2.8.29 implement the requirements of Equality, 2.8.36 take account of appropriate CA MSCD
Legislative bodies Diversity and Human Rights related legislation and act accordingly in
Framework legislation the day to day practice of special CBL WBA
2.8.18 the role of Dental Care Professionals care dentistry
2.8.30 advise appropriately when Equality, Diversity
2.8.19 vicarious liability and Human Rights related legislation is
being breeched
2.8.20 contemporaneous Legislation related to ST PDP
equality and diversity, capacity, human
rights, and dignity and respect, such as:
– The Human Rights Act
– Disability Discrimination Act
– Public Sector Equality Duties
– Equality Impact Assessments
– Single Equality Schemes, and
– other relevant related legislation
4. Protection 2.8.21 current legislation regarding the 2.8.31 recognise the signs of abuse and take 2.8.37 support the team during action CA MSCD
of protection of children and adults, such appropriate action in the event of suspected taken in the event of suspected
Vulnerable as: abuse abuse CBL WBA
People – the Child Protection Act
– Law Reform Commissioner’s report on 2.8.32 respect confidentiality 2.8.38 recognise the issues of the
Vulnerable adults safety of the abused individual

2.8.22 types of abuse ST PDP

2.8.23 signs and symptoms that suggest abuse EC

is taking place

2.8.24 national and local guidance and

protocols for management of suspected
5. Medico- 2.8.25 good and contemporaneous practice in 2.8.33 keep accurate and contemporaneous patient 2.8.39 communicate promptly and CA CBL MSCD
legal Report medico-legal report writing records accurately with regard to the SDL WBA
Writing legal aspects of report writing ST CbD
2.8.34 write clinical reports when requested by the PDP
legal professions in line with current good

Key: Teaching and Learning Methods

ACI= Audit / Critical Incident Analysis, CA = clinical attachments, CBL= Case based learning, CTS= Clinical teaching/supervision, EC=External Courses, MDC=Multi-
disciplinary clinic, PW=Project work (Audit project and specimen legal report), SDL=Self-directed learning, ST=structured teaching, JC=Journal Club
Assessment Methods MSCD= Tri-Collegiate Diploma of Membership in Special Care Dentistry, MSF=Multi source feedback, PDP=Personal development portfolio,
WBA= workplace-based assessment, CbD= Case Based Discussion
Updated -12-11-2012 39


Each learning outcome should be prefaced by: ‘On completion of training the Specialist in Special Care Dentistry…’
Subject Knowledge Skills Attitudes and Behaviours Teaching and Assessment
Learning method(s)
…..should be able to describe: …..should be able to: …..should: method(s)
Research, 2.9.1 the principles of research methods and 2.9.13 undertake: 2.9.15 demonstrate an enquiring PW MSCD
Statistics research governance – basic statistical reasoning and mind
and problem solving SDL PDP
Scientific 2.9.2 basic statistical reasoning and problem – searching the literature 2.9.16 respect patients and carers’
solving – applying for ethical approval autonomy in respect to
Writing ST WBA
– designing research projects participation in research
2.9.3 methods of searching the literature – setting up databases
– analysis of research data 2.9.17 display a positive attitude to EC Research
2.9.4 the process of applying for ethical – critical review of research the legislation regarding and
approval publications; research governance publication
2.9.5 the principles of different types of 2.9.14 write up case reports and research
research design project(s) suitable for publication

2.9.6 setting up databases

2.9.7 analysis of research

2.9.8 critical review of research publications

2.9.9 writing up case reports and research

project(s) suitable for publication.

2.9.10 the essential components for conducting

ethical research

2.9.11 research methodology

2.9.12 biostatistics

Key: Teaching and Learning Methods

EC=External Courses, MDC=Multi-disciplinary clinic, PW=Project work , SDL=Self-directed learning, ST=structured teaching
Assessment Methods
MSCD = Tri-Collegiate Diploma of Membership in Special Care Dentistry, PDP=Personal development portfolio, WBA= workplace-based assessment
Updated -12-11-2012 40

2.3 Assessment strategy

The assessment strategy will follow the principles set down in Principles for an
Assessment System for Postgraduate Medical Training by PMETB [8].
The purposes of assessments are to:
 Confirm suitability of specialty choice at an early stage of training
 Provide feedback to the trainees about progress in achieving
competencies through evidence submitted for the Annual Review of
Competence Progression (ARCP)
 Identify learning needs and progression to the next stage of training
 Drive learning
 Support trainees in gaining a Tri-Collegiate Diploma of Membership in
Special Care Dentistry (M Spec Care Dentistry) from the Royal College
of Surgeons
 Provide evidence for the award of the CCST, and
 Provide assurance to the public that the successful trainee is capable
of unsupervised specialist practice

Throughout the Specialty training programme, an integrated system of

assessments that will be blueprinted against and supporting this curriculum
must be used to measure the progress of the trainee and level of achievement
against agreed criteria. A number of assessment tools will be employed to
provide evidence of knowledge, skills and attitudes throughout training and
these will be blueprinted against the learning outcomes as evidenced in the
accompanying Tables and Appendix. Trainees will be expected to maintain a
personal development portfolio including workplace-based assessments and
specialty examinations. Each component of the curriculum will not be
assessed by every possible method; however, it is intended that assessment
methods should be applied on the basis that they are applied to the
appropriate stage of training and will be appropriate for particular
circumstances of the environment in which training is taking place.

The Postgraduate Deaneries and the JCSTD [9,10] together with the SAC in
Special Care Dentistry will develop and administer the assessment strategy.
Updated -12-11-2012 41

The workplace-based assessments and specialist examinations in Special

Care Dentistry will be overseen by the Dental Faculties who will develop a
matrix that includes a detailed assessment blueprint to allow adequate
sampling across the curriculum. Satisfactory completion will be monitored as
part of ARCP and will be one of the criteria upon which eligibility to progress
will be judged.

Workplace–based assessments
Assessment of progress and competence throughout the training period will
be achieved principally through workplace-based assessment. The trainees
will be assessed on work that they are doing on a day-to-day basis thus
integrating assessment into their daily work and fulfilling the principle of
workplace-based assessment.

The trainee should initiate the assessment process and throughout their
training must identify opportunities for assessment choosing the assessment
tool, procedure and the assessor. The assessments must be undertaken by a
number and range of different assessors covering a broad range of activities
and procedures appropriate to the stage of training.

Workplace-based assessments will include the mini Clinical Evaluation

Exercise (MiniCEX), the Direct Observation of Procedural Skills in Surgery
(DOPS), Case Based Discussion (CBD) and Procedure Based Assessment
(PBA) by Multi-Source Feedback (MSF) including 360o appraisal which follows
current best practice of assessment [11]:

Workplace-based Number per year Attitudes and Behaviours

assessments (WBA)

Clinical management 4-6 by different assessors ARCP

DOPS 6 continuing procedures Appraisal

CBD 6 Personal development portfolio PDP
Updated -12-11-2012 42

Summative assessment will include taking a Tri-Collegiate Diploma of

Membership in Special Care Dentistry (M Spec Care Dentistry) from the Royal
Colleges of Surgeons. To ensure parity for trainees in different Postgraduate
Deaneries, the SAC for Special Care Dentistry will develop standardised
assessment forms with the Postgraduate Deaneries. The Postgraduate
Deaneries and the SAC in Special Care Dentistry will work to ensure there is
standardisation between trainers/examiners in the various training venues
which is important in ensuring quality management. This will lead to the
provision of robust ‘Training the Trainers’ and examiner training programmes.

Standard 3: Model of learning

The training plan must be structured and training should take precedence over
service provision. For the foreseeable future it is likely that a proportion of
training will take place in University Dental Schools, which will be expected to
link with relevant hospital departments and community establishments to
ensure that a complete training is achieved. The training curriculum has been
planned in modules that are linked to various topics as shown in the Tables
and Appendix. Modules need not necessarily be studied in the order

The majority of the curriculum will be delivered through work-based

experiential learning. The programme should comprise 60% direct clinical
care, including participation in diagnostic and treatment planning / review
clinics in a variety of primary care, hospital and community settings and will
include provision of treatment under local anaesthesia, conscious sedation
and general anaesthesia.

An additional 20% of the programme should be treated more flexibly and be

devoted to ‘other’ training activities which may include indirect patient contact
(such as attendance at clinics with members of multi-disciplinary teams such
as Learning Disability teams and Speech and Language Therapists). This will
include Special Care management-related activities. During this component
Updated -12-11-2012 43

of training, the trainee should gain appropriate experience of teaching (for

example, undergraduate and postgraduate dentists and dental care
professionals). Initially the trainee should be mentored by an experienced
teacher and but will be expected to exercise increasing independence as
training progresses.

The remaining 20% of the programme should be ring-fenced for study

(including participation in a structured teaching programme where available)
and project work. Trainees should be given the opportunity to undertake
appropriate project work in relation to research, audit and management
activities. The trainee should be encouraged to produce clinical articles for
submission to peer-reviewed journals e.g. case reports, if it is not feasible to
gain experience of research. The clinical component of training must not,
however, be affected by such activities.

The Specialist training programme should encourage the trainee to

develop into a life-long learner capable of reflection and a desire to
continue self-directed learning to enhance further career development.
Trainers will allow trainees to become less dependent upon direct
supervision as they progress through training, subject to satisfactory
assessment. Demonstration of the trainee’s independent action in learning
and in consistent competent performance will confer employability of
Specialists in Special Care Dentistry. The model of specialist training
depends upon experienced well-trained mentors capable of facilitating and
encouraging trainees to become independent through self-direction.

Standard 4: Learning experiences

The curriculum will be delivered through a variety of learning experiences in

primary, secondary and tertiary care settings (including Universities) to allow
the trainee to develop key transferable skills appropriate to the practice and
delivery of Special Care Dentistry at specialist level. This will include specific
learning experiences such as attendance at multidisciplinary clinics,
Updated -12-11-2012 44

supervised by trainers with appropriate specific areas of expertise. Learning

from peers will occur at clinical meetings and through formal/informal
mentoring schemes. Clinical meetings, journal clubs and specialty audit
meetings will provide specific learning experiences and opportunities which
should form part of the training programme.

Trainees will have different learning styles which should be recognised in the
specialty training programme [12]. The training environment should provide
appropriate reference material (text-books, journals, computer packages etc.).
Attendance at relevant local, national and international meetings and courses
should be encouraged. Secondments to other training centres should be
arranged when it is apparent that elements of the curriculum cannot be
delivered within a training centre.

Standard 5: Supervision and feedback

The Specialty training programme must allow the trainee access to more than
one Specialist in Special Care Dentistry with a significant teaching input. It
should be recognised that different management approaches exist within the
specialty and that, although presentation of unstructured training may confuse
trainees, a rigid approach is however, equally unsatisfactory. The trainee
should be allowed to gain a perspective of the range and effectiveness of
contemporary practice of Special Care Dentistry to allow adult learning. This
will allow a balance between a programme which provides core knowledge
and one which encourages the trainee to make judgements and choices.

The trainees may receive training in relation to other appropriate treatment

modalities that are within the remit of other relevant specialties. It would be
appropriate for the trainee to be supervised by specialists or other individuals
with specific expertise in those fields.

The Postgraduate Deanery will provide the quality management of the training
programme that is essential to the success of Specialty training as described
in Managing Specialty Training in ‘The Dental Gold Guide’ [3, 9].
Updated -12-11-2012 45

Standard 6: Managing curriculum implementation

The GDC has responsibility to quality assure specialist training and specialist
listing nationally [9]. It is the responsibility of the Postgraduate Deaneries to
quality manage the curriculum locally, and to ensure that the programme
delivers the requisite breadth and depth of training stated in the curriculum

The SAC in SCD will ensure consistency within the specialty and will work
with the JCSTD to develop mechanisms of equity in quality of training with
other specialties [9, 10].

Trainees must register with the SAC in Special Care Dentistry on appointment
to a training programme. They must familiarise themselves with the curriculum
and with the training requirements to satisfactorily complete training and be
awarded the CCST. They must also be familiar with the requirements of the
Tri-Collegiate Diploma of Membership in Special Care Dentistry (M Spec Care
Dentistry) examination and must make appropriate use of personal
development portfolios.

Assessment throughout training will be undertaken as detailed in the

assessment blueprint. The Postgraduate Dean/Director will be responsible for
monitoring the continuous assessment of trainees through the ARCP process.

The award of the CCST will be based on satisfactory completion of all areas
of the curriculum, summative assessment occurring by way of the Tri-
Collegiate Diploma of Membership in Special Care Dentistry (M Spec Care
Dentistry) examination. The Postgraduate Dean/Director will forward to the
GDC a recommendation for award of the CCST.
Updated -12-11-2012 46

Standard 7: Curriculum review and updating

The Special Care Dentistry curriculum should be considered a document that

will require updating in line with future progress in the practice and research
within Special Care Dentistry. This will ensure that the curriculum continues to
be fit for purpose.

It is anticipated that a full review of the curriculum would normally occur 5-

yearly which will enable adequate time to be given to evaluate the impact of
change. The curriculum will be monitored by the Deaneries and through the
SAC using information gathered from a variety of sources including Deaneries
(through their Specialty Training Committees), Training Programme Directors
and trainers, the National Health Service, trainees (through the annual survey
of trainees) and appropriate lay representation. The SAC will communicate
any curriculum changes to existing trainees via the network of Training
Programme Directors and the Trainees Group in Special Care Dentistry.

Standard 8: Equality and diversity

Recruitment to training and the process of training in Special Care Dentistry

must follow the guidance in Recruitment into Specialty Training in ‘The Dental
Gold Guide [3] to comply with PMETB’s Principles for Entry into Specialty
Training [8] adapted for dentistry by the SDEB of the GDC. This will promote
and allow implementation of best practice in equality and diversity. Everyone
must be treated in a fair, open and honest manner and training should
encompass a comprehensive approach to equality and diversity. Appropriate
reasonable adjustment will be made for trainees with disabilities, special
educational or other needs. Training programmes are legally required to
avoid direct or indirect discrimination in relation to age, disability, gender,
race, religion or belief, and sexual orientation.

Equality and Diversity training must comply with the requirements set out in
‘The Dental Gold Guide [3]. Additional training in current equality legislation
must take place to cover all the mandatory requirements and good practice.
Updated -12-11-2012 47

Current key legislation includes:

 The Race Relations Act 1976 and The Race Relations Amendment Act
(RRAA) 2000
 The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and subsequent amendments
 The Sex Discrimination Act 1975 and 1986,and the 1983 and 1986
 The Equal Pay Act 1970 and the Equal Pay (Amendment) Regulations
1983 and 1986
 The Human Rights Act 1998
 The Employment and Equality (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2003
 The Employment and Equality (Religion or Belief) Regulations 2003
 Gender Recognition Act 2004
 The Employment Equality (Age) Regulations 2006
 The Equality Bill, 2009

Less than Full-Time Training (LTFT) arrangements may be made for trainees
to work flexibly at the point of application for entry into specialty training or at
any time once they have been accepted into such training, subject to the
established Deanery regulations stated in ‘The Dental Gold Guide [3].

The curriculum was prepared by a working group of the Specialist Advisory
Committee in Special Care Dentistry comprising Dr Janice Fiske, Dr Shelagh
Thompson and Mr Nick Goss, Disability Consultant, Director of Goss
Consultancy Ltd, with the support, advice and guidance of the other members
of the SAC in SCD.

Special Care Dentistry was not fully recognised by the GDC as a dental
specialty until September 2008. As a result of its recent formation it has had
the advantage of viewing the revised curricula of other dental SACs in the
revision of its own curriculum. The curriculum development group is grateful
for this. We are particularly grateful to the SAC in Paediatric Dentistry.
Updated -12-11-2012 48

[1]. World Health Organisation’s International Classification of Functioning,
Disability and Health

[2]. Postgraduate Medical Education and Training Board (PMETB)

Standards for Curricula and Assessment Systems

[3]. A Guide to Postgraduate Dental Specialty Training in the UK

‘The Dental Gold Guide’ 2009

[4]. Training in Special Care Dentistry

Joint Advisory Committee in Special Care Dentistry 2003

[5]. Specialist Training Curriculum in Special Care Dentistry

Specialist Advisory Committee in Special Care Dentistry 2007

[6]. Committee of Dental Postgraduate Deans and Directors.

A Curriculum for UK Dental Foundation Programme Training.

[7]. Standards for Dental Professionals, General Dental Council.

[8]. Postgraduate Medical Education and Training Board.

Standards for curricula and assessment systems.

[9]. Interim Memorandum of Understanding Information Sheet 1 (IMOU)

Franklin C, Wilson N. & GDC, 2008.

[10]. Draft Consultation on the constitution of the Joint Committee for

Postgraduate Training in Dentistry Wilson N. August 2009

[11]. Norcini JJ. Workplace-based assessment in clinical training.

ASME, 2007.

[12]. Entwistle N. Styles of learning and teaching.

London. David Fulton Publishers,1988.
Updated -12-11-2012 49

Updated -12-11-2012 50

1. Generic content



On completion of training a Specialist in Special Care Dentistry should be able to describe:

1.1.1 the requirements of an effective leader X MSF
1.1.2 the different models of leadership X MSF
1.1.3 the requirements for continuing professional development CBD X
1.1.4 the principles of evidence based practice X CBD
1.1.5 the principles and guidelines for ‘good’ clinical note keeping CBD
1.1.6 the reasons for confidentiality X CBD
1.1.7 the principles of retrieval and utilisation of data recorded in clinical systems X CBD
1.1.8 the elements of clinical governance X CBD
1.1.9 the elements of clinical governance in particular related to infection control X CBD
1.1.10 the principles of risk assessment X DOPS/CBD
1.1.11 the principles of internal and external quality assurance X
1.1.12 the content of guidelines applicable to the practice and delivery of Special Care Dentistry X
1.1.13 the role of the National Patient Safety Agency (NPSA) CBD
1.1.14 the principles of management of fitness to practice cases CBD
1.1.15 the principles of Adult Immediate Life Support MiniCEX / PBA
1.1.16 the management of medical emergencies in the dental surgery and domiciliary setting MiniCEX
1.1.17 the principles of the NHS constitution and structure of the NHS in outline X
1.1.18 the role of GDC, Specialist Societies, Defence Unions, Postgraduate Deaneries, the Dental Faculties of the X CBD
Surgical Royal Colleges, BDA.
On completion of training a Specialist in Special Care Dentistry should be able to:
1.1.19 provide specialist leadership in the provision of Special Care Dentistry X MSF
1.1.20 recognise learning opportunities and identify them for other members of the Special Care Dentistry team X MSF
1.1.21 maintain a personal development portfolio and assist others to do so X
1.1.22 monitor own performance through audit and feedback X
1.1.23 critically appraise evidence X CBD
1.1.24 provide constructive feedback X CBD
1.1.25 communicate effectively through written records X CBD / PBA
1.1.26 apply the principles of confidentiality in the context of written records X CBD/PBA
Updated -12-11-2012 51

1.1.27 apply the principles of confidentiality in the context of information technology X CBD/PBA
1.1.28 use digital imaging devices effectively MiniCEX
1.1.29 participate actively in clinical governance CBD
1.1.30 participate in audit X MSF
1.1.31 report serious untoward incidents CBD
1.1.32 carry out risk assessments X CBD
1.1.33 develop and monitor action plans to obviate further risk X
1.1.34 initiate and complete audit projects X CBD X
1.1.35 interpret and apply guidelines applicable to the practice and delivery of Special Care Dentistry X CBD X
1.1.36 contribute to the evolution of guidelines applicable to the practice and delivery of Special Care Dentistry CBD X
1.1.37 demonstrate Immediate Life Support X MiniCEX/DOPS
1.1.38 utilise one’s position in the NHS to best effect X
1.1.39 involve these bodies when appropriate CBD X
• Specialist Societies
• Defence unions
• Postgraduate Deaneries
• Surgical Royal Colleges
On completion of training a Specialist in Special Care Dentistry should:
1.1.40 behave in a professional manner X
1.1.41 comply with GDC requirements for revalidation X
1.1.42 use evidence in support of patient care and defend decisions taken X CBD/PBA
1.1.43 take account of legal requirements relating to written, electronic and digital records X CBD/PBA
1.1.44 communicate promptly and accurately X MSF
1.1.45 demonstrate a positive and proactive attitude to new technology X
1.1.46 recognise the importance of teamwork in implementing a clinical governance framework ALL X
1.1.47 recognise and take account of the learning from serious untoward incidents ALL
1.1.48 recognise the value of risk assessments ALL
1.1.49 recognise the benefit of audit to patient care and individual performance X CBD
1.1.50 Show regard for individual patient needs when utilising guidelines ALL
1.1.51 Show regard for patient safety ALL X
1.1.52 become involved in management activities X
1.1.53 demonstrate acceptance of professional regulation, share best practice and participate in peer review X
Updated -12-11-2012 52



1.2.1 On completion of training, a Specialist in Special Care Dentistry should be able to describe:
the educational principles relevant to teaching within the dental team X
1.2.2 the purpose and principles of appraisal X
1.2.3 the roles of the appraiser and appraisee X
1.2.4 the principles of undertaking projects including ethical considerations X
1.2.5 the principles of research governance
1.2.6 The principles of peer review
1.2.7 On completion of training, a Specialist in Special Care Dentistry should be able to: X EDUCATIONAL
facilitate the learning process (e.g. identify learning outcomes, construct educational objectives, QUALIFICATIONS
communicate effectively with learners, use appropriate teaching resources, give constructive and
effective feedback)
1.2.8 contribute to the training, mentoring and supervision of all members of the Special Care Dentistry X
1.2.9 maintain an appraisal portfolio X
1.2.10 apply the principles of appraisal and assessment X
1.2.11 take an active part in the appraisal process
1.2.12 present findings effectively both verbally and in writing X ALL X
1.2.13 review articles using a constructive critical approach X
1.2.14 carry out a project complying with the requirements for ethical approval and patient consent X X RESEARCH AND
1.2.15 On completion of training, a Specialist in Special Care Dentistry should:
engage in teaching activities for the Special Care Dentistry team
1.2.16 employ appraisal and assessment X MSF
1.2.17 have an enquiring mind ALL X
1.2.18 respect patients’ and parents’/carers’ autonomy and wishes in respect of research X
Updated -12-11-2012 53



1.3.1 On completion of training, a Specialist in Special Care Dentistry should be able to describe:
the principles of informed consent X ALL
1.3.2 the principles of the Mental Capacity Act (2007) and the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards X ALL
1.3.3 the process for gaining informed consent X ALL
1.3.4 relevant strategies to ensure confidentiality in relation to adolescent and adult patients X ALL
1.3.5 the situations in which confidentiality might be broken in relation to adolescent and adult patients X ALL
1.3.6 the key elements of the Human Rights Act X ALL
1.3.7 On completion of training, a Specialist in Special Care Dentistry should be able to:
obtain informed consent in relation to adolescent and adult patients with special care needs X ALL
1.3.8 assess capacity
1.3.9 work with other agencies to obtain informed consent in exceptional circumstances where there is lack of capacity X ALL
1.3.10 share information appropriately when necessary to safeguard vulnerable adults X ALL
1.3.11 apply the principles of confidentiality in relation to clinical care
1.3.12 work within appropriate legal frameworks X ALL
1.3.13 apply knowledge of the Human Rights Act to the clinical situation X ALL
1.3.14 On completion of training, a Specialist in Special Care Dentistry should:
respect patients’ and parents’/carers’ autonomy and wishes including their right to refuse treatment even when it X ALL
would be in their best interests
1.3.15 respect the right to confidentiality X ALL
1.3.16 demonstrate empathy while acting in the patient’s / family’s best interests X ALL



1.4.1 On completion of training, a Specialist in Special Care Dentistry should be able to describe:
the function of other clinical specialties and their benefits and limitations X
1.4.2 the extended care team X
1.4.3 the principles of complaints procedures CBD X
1.4.4 the principles of independent review CBD
1.4.5 On completion of training, a Specialist in Special Care Dentistry should be able to:
recognise when input from another specialty is required for individual patients and instigate the required input X 360
1.4.6 refer appropriately to health and social workers CBD X
1.4.7 work effectively with other health care professionals and dental specialists CBD/ X 360
Updated -12-11-2012 54

1.4.8 manage dissatisfied patients, parents/carers and colleagues CBD/ X
1.4.9 manage complaints in accordance with Department of Health guidance X
1.4.10 On completion of training, a Specialist in Special Care Dentistry should: X
recognise his/her own limitations CBD/
1.4.11 demonstrate conscientiousness and co-operation X 360
1.4.12 accept responsibility for managing complaints X

1.5.1 On completion of training, a Specialist in Special Care Dentistry should be able to describe:
the role of occupational health services X 360
1.5.2 the principles of responsibility to the public X 360
1.5.3 the effects of stress X 360
1.5.4 the support facilities for dentists and other members of the Special Care Dentistry team X 360
1.5.5 On completion of training, a Specialist in Special Care Dentistry should be able to:
recognise when personal health takes priority over work pressures and be able to take the necessary time off and/or X 360
seek any necessary support
1.5.6 develop appropriate coping mechanisms for stress X 360
1.5.7 recognise the signs and symptoms of stress X 360
1.5.8 seek help if appropriate X
1.5.9 On completion of training, a Specialist in Special Care Dentistry should: X 360
recognise personal health as important
1.5.10 recognise and act upon signs/symptoms of impaired personal health X 360
1.5.11 recognise how stress effects him/her X 360
1.5.12 employ strategies to manage stress X 360
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1.6.1 On completion of training, a Specialist in Special Care Dentistry should be able to describe:
the principles of probity X
1.6.2 the legal framework for advertisements X
1.6.3 the elements of a business plan X X
1.6.4 the NHS /private care relationship X
1.6.5 On completion of training, a Specialist in Special Care Dentistry should be able to:
recognise when probity could be an issue X X
1.6.6 work within the financial rules of an employing institution X
1.6.7 write a simple business plan X
1.6.8 On completion of training, a Specialist in Special Care Dentistry should:
act in accordance with good practice in relation to equality and diversity issues X
1.6.9 take account of cultural differences X
1.6.10 adopt an ethos of justifying NHS spend X X
1.6.11 show integrity by acting in an honest and trustworthy manner X
1.6.12 declare any conflicts of interest at the outset X
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2. Specialty Specific Content



2.1.1 On completion of training a Specialist in Special Care Dentistry should be able to describe: X ALL
the role of cell biology in health and disease
2.1.2 principals and practice of infection control in the dental clinic and in a variety of care settings including domiciliary care X ALL
2.1.3 normal development and potential abnormalities in X ALL
- general growth, craniofacial growth, growth of the dento-alveolar complex, tooth eruption
2.1.4 genetic and environmental influences on growth and development X ALL
2.1.5 the principles of genetically determined conditions X ALL
2.1.6 the features and genetic basis of common craniofacial anomalies and syndromes with significant oro-facial features X ALL
2.1.7 the features and genetic basis of genetically determined defects of dental hard tissue and of tooth form, size and
number X ALL
2.1.8 the structure, function and principles of managing dental occlusion, function and dysfunction X ALL
2.1.9 the pathogenesis, classification and management of periodontal disease X ALL
2.1.10 the aetiology, pathology and sequelae of dental caries X ALL
2.1.11 the effects of fluorides used systemically and topically X ALL
2.1.12 the appropriate staging, management and materials used in operative intervention X ALL
2.1.13 the protective effects of saliva and the management of xerostomia X ALL
2.1.14 the aetiology, pathology, sequelae and management of pulpal disease X ALL
2.1.15 the biological basis of success and failure of endodontic therapy X ALL
2.1.16 an overview of the clinical science of implantology X ALL
2.1.17 the role of saliva in maintaining oral health and mechanisms involved in salivary secretion X ALL
2.1.18 the anatomical and physiological features of the masticatory system including mechanisms and pathology of
swallowing, speech, taste and olfaction X ALL
2.1.19 current knowledge of general pathology including. Inflammation, healing and neoplasia X ALL
2.1.20 the features, diagnosis and management of common disorders of the oral mucous membranes, particularly oral
malignancies and bisphosphonate related osteonecrosis of the jaw X ALL
2.1.21 the indications, modes, administration, actions, metabolism, side effects, drug interactions and precautions of
commonly used groups of drugs X ALL
2.1.22 the reasons for latex-free dentistry X ALL
2.1.23 latex free dental materials and products X ALL
2.1.24 assess, treatment plan and execute dental treatment in the context of the overall health of the patient X ALL
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2.1.25 explain the significance of a patient’s dental symptoms, previous dental experience and attitudes towards dentistry and
oral health X ALL
2.1.26 the significance of a patient’s past and present medical history, social history and family history X ALL
2.1.27 the significance of extra-oral signs of systemic disease which affect dental treatment X ALL
2.1.28 the significance of intra-oral signs which are a manifestation of systemic disease X ALL
2.1.29 On completion of training a Specialist in Special Care Dentistry should be able to :
apply knowledge of cell biology in the diagnosis of oro-facial and dental conditions X ALL
2.1.30 apply knowledge of normal ageing in the differential diagnosis of oral conditions in older people X ALL
2.1.31 apply the principals and practice of infection control in the dental clinic X ALL
2.1.32 demonstrate how to prepare biological specimens and samples for transfer to diagnostic laboratories, legislation and
guidelines X ALL
2.1.33 demonstrate ability to take blood samples, swabs and oral tissue biopsies to provide material required for testing
2.1.34 apply the knowledge of genetic principles in the diagnosis of oro-facial and dental conditions X ALL
2.1.35 detect abnormality in general, craniofacial or dento-alveolar development X ALL
2.1.36 apply knowledge of genetics to be aware of systemic factors that might be relevant to oral health care X ALL
2.1.37 recognise syndromes where oro-facial features form a significant component of the syndrome X ALL
2.1.38 access information related to syndromes where orofacial features form a significant component of the syndrome
2.1.39 apply the principles of managing dental occlusion, function and dysfunction X ALL
2.1.40 diagnose and manage periodontal disease in adults with impairments and disability X ALL
2.1.41 deliver appropriate and effective preventive periodontal programmes for special care adults including mechanical and
antimicrobial plaque control and team working with DCPs X ALL
2.1.42 recognise when periodontal disease may be related to systemic disease X ALL
2.1.43 recognise when referral for a specialist periodontal opinion is indicated X ALL
2.1.44 use appropriate diagnostic tools to diagnose caries and demonstrate an understanding of their benefits and limitations
2.1.45 construct and deliver appropriate and effective caries prevention for special care adults utilising the skills within the
dental team X ALL
2.1.46 develop individual patient and community preventive protocols X ALL
2.1.47 construct and deliver effective and appropriate restorative and surgical treatment plans for adults with dental caries
2.1.48 treatment plan and deliver effective preventative, restorative / endodontic care X ALL
2.1.49 recognise the scope of use of dental implants and relevance in special care dentistry X ALL
2.1.50 construct and deliver effective and appropriate preventative treatment plans for special care patients who have X ALL
masticatory dysfunction
2.1.51 recognise neurological conditions and the effects they may have on masticatory function and oral health X ALL
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2.1.52 apply knowledge of mechanisms and stages of inflammatory processes, healing and neoplasia to patient care X ALL
2.1.53 diagnose soft and hard tissue pathology X ALL
2.1.54 deliver appropriate and effective preventative treatment X ALL
2.1.55 recognise pathology that requires investigation and management with or by other specialties X ALL
2.1.56 deliver appropriate drug regimen for special care patients in dentistry, taking account of possible interactions with
medically prescribed drugs X ALL
2.1.57 describe the use of these drugs in dentistry for: older people, people with systemic disease and in pregnancy X ALL
2.1.58 provide latex free dentistry X ALL
2.1.59 treatment plan and carry out treatment for patients with systemic disease X ALL
2.1.60 explain the significance of a patient’s dental symptoms, previous dental experience and attitudes towards dentistry and X ALL
oral health
2.1.61 elicit and explain the significance of a patient’s past and present medical history, social history and family history X ALL
2.1.62 elicit and explain the significance of extra-oral signs of systemic disease which affect dental treatment X ALL
2.1.63 elicit and explain the significance of intra oral signs which are a manifestation of systemic disease X ALL
2.1.64 On completion of training a Specialist in Special Care Dentistry should be able to demonstrate:
a positive attitude to the practical aspects of infection control X ALL
2.1.65 demonstrate a positive attitude towards the provision of oral care for patients with, or at risk of, blood-borne viral
diseases X ALL
2.1.66 understanding of the impact of abnormalities in general, craniofacial or dento-alveolar development on patients and
their families X ALL
2.1.67 understanding of the role of the Special Care Dentist as part of multidisciplinary teams in the management of patients
with genetically determined conditions X ALL
2.1.68 understanding of the necessity to consult and collaborate with colleagues in other specialties where necessary X ALL
2.1.69 understanding of the multifactorial issues associated with managing periodontal disease in special care patients eg
cognition, communication, manual dexterity, carers’ issues, etc. X ALL
2.1.70 understanding of the multifactorial nature of dental caries and how patients with special care needs may present a
higher risk X ALL
2.1.71 understanding of the key role of prevention in the management of caries throughout adulthood X ALL
2.1.72 understanding for timely referral and in line with NHS cancer referral time targets X ALL
2.1.73 recognition of how previous dental experience, medical experience, attitudes, social history and family history impact X ALL
on dental-related behaviour
2.1.74 empathy when previous dental experience, medical experience and other causes of anxiety impact on dental-related X ALL
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2.2.1 On completion of training a Specialist in Special Care Dentistry should be able to describe:
the principles of the Disability Act and the Disability Equality Duty X X
2.2.2 the importance of promoting disability equality X X
2.2.3 the social model of disability X X
2.2.4 the social/environmental barriers that disabled people can encounter in society X X
2.2.5 how such barriers can be minimised X X
2.2.6 the methods used to promote disability equality X X
2.2.7 the types of inclusive language and language support X X
2.2.8 the concept of reasonable adjustments X X
2.2.9 the importance of reasonable adjustments in ensuring legal compliance and promoting best practice X X
2.2.10 the concept of equality impact assessments X X
2.2.11 the basic definition and process for carrying out equality impact assessments X X
2.2.12 On completion of training a Specialist in Special Care Dentistry should be able to:
apply the social model of disability and how it relates to Special Care Dentistry X X
2.2.13 ensure that Special Care Dentistry practice takes account of the barriers disabled people encounter X X
2.2.14 demonstrate understanding of the barriers disabled people can encounter and how they relate to Special Care X X
2.2.15 identify and apply a range of reasonable adjustments to the practice of Special Care Dentistry X X
2.2.16 undertake an equality impact assessment X X
2.2.17 On completion of training a Specialist in Special Care Dentistry should:
demonstrate positive attitudes to disabled people X X
2.2.18 demonstrate use of inclusive language X X
2.2.19 demonstrate disability etiquette X X
2.2.20 demonstrate an ability to reduce and eliminate disabling barriers in devising, developing and implementing treatment
plans X X
2.2.21 demonstrate positive attitude towards individual and collective person centred, reasonable adjustment management
2.2.22 demonstrate regard towards equality impact assessments and the benefits they can have for Special Care Dentistry X X
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2.3.1 On completion of training a Specialist in Special Care Dentistry should be able to describe:
the principles of human behaviour as they apply to the practice of dentistry X X
2.3.2 cognitive development and behavioural psychology X X
2.3.3 the models of health belief X X
2.3.4 locus of control/ self efficacy X X
2.3.5 theories of behaviour X X
2.3.6 principles of behaviour change, adherence behaviour, compliance and deviation, and negotiation X X
2.3.7 the principles of learning theory as they relate to medical/dental practice X X
2.3.8 the aetiology of stress, anxiety and phobia and the management of anxiety X X
2.3.9 the management of dental stress, anxiety and phobia, including coping styles X X
2.3.10 psychiatry and somatic complaints including the orofacial manifestations of psychiatric disease X X
2.3.11 self and public perception X X
2.3.12 loss and bereavement, including the emotional effects of tooth X X
2.3.13 dentists as a vulnerable group of health care practitioners, including: -alcohol and substance abuse, occupational X X
stress and its management
2.3.14 current terminology, the development of pain science and the role of pain management in dentistry n X X
2.3.15 mechanisms of neuropathic, neurovascular, musculoskeletal pain in the orofacial region, including referred and X X
psychosomatic pain
2.3.16 clinical assessment procedures including history taking, physical examination and special tests used in establishing X X
the aetiology of pain
2.3.17 interventional and non-interventional methods of chronic pain management X X
2.3.18 key aspects of the market for health and health care X X
2.3.19 the approaches to financing health services- including different mechanisms for financing health care and their impact X X
on efficiency of health services and access to care
2.3.20 the principles of world class commissioning X X
2.3.21 On completion of training a Specialist in Special Care Dentistry should be able to:
use appropriate communication skills in the health care setting X
2.3.22 use inclusive language etiquette e.g. faith related behaviour X X
2.3.23 utilise the various elements of communication, such as language, listening, non verbal communication X X
2.3.24 apply knowledge of doctor-patient communication X X
2.3.25 break bad news X X
2.3.26 communicate with specific groups of people who have particular communication needs ,e.g. people who have a
learning disability, hearing impairment, visual impairment, cognitive or expressive impairment due to a stroke etc. X X
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2.3.27 demonstrate negotiation, networking and liaison skills X X

2.3.28 diagnose the cause of orofacial pain using a process of differential diagnosis X X
2.3.29 demonstrate clinical management of orofacial pain X X
2.3.30 recognise patterns of referred pain in the orofacial region X X
2.3.31 recognise behaviour associated with pain in patients unable to verbally express pain X X
2.3.32 apply the principles of health economics to: obtain resources for people with disability and impairments, develop oral
healthcare services for people with disability and impairments X X
2.3.33 On completion of training a Specialist in Special Care Dentistry should: X
recognise the impact of dental anxiety on dental attendance and oral health X
2.3.34 recognise the emotional experience of disability X X
2.3.35 recognise occupational stress and its management X X
2.3.36 recognise when to employ specific communication skills/styles e.g. people who have a learning disability, hearing X X
impairment, visual impairment, cognitive or expressive impairment due to a stroke etc.
2.3.37 show regard for the effects of acute and chronic pain on patient behaviour X X
2.3.38 take account of the effects patients pain can have on the patient-carer relationship X X
2.3.39 show regard for appropriate use of NHS monies X X



2.4.1 On completion of training a Specialist in Special Care Dentistry should be able to describe:
the differences between the medical and social and psycho-social model of disability X X
2.4.2 the following conditions and the impact they have on the individual and their oral health : X X
medically compromising conditions,
learning impairment and associated conditions,
mental health conditions, including emotional and phobic states,
physical impairment,
sensory impairment,
emotional impairment,
social disability
2.4.3 the basic principles of epidemiology of oral diseases and disability X X
2.4.4 epidemiology of disability by condition and age group X X
2.4.5 epidemiology of oral diseases from national and international oral/dental health surveys X X
2.4.6 the relationship of the results of epidemiological studies to public health practice and policy development X X
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2.4.7 different manifestations of impairments for medically, intellectually, mentally, physically and sensorily compromised
people X X
2.4.8 day to day implications of impairments and any consequent disability X X
2.4.9 oral and dental manifestations and treatment of specific conditions such as malocclusion in cerebral palsy, periodontal X
disease in Down syndrome, hypodontia in ectodermal dysplasia and oral care during end of life care X
2.4.10 access to services X X
2.4.11 factors affecting quality of life, including: self-esteem, social acceptability and relationships, diet, nutrition and
alternative feeding routes, comfort / pain and provision of mouth-held devices X X
2.4.12 disability and preventative dentistry, including: education, communication, home versus surgery delivered care, role of X X
carers, modifications required to techniques and materials , pharmacological approach and role of fluoridation
2.4.13 On completion of training a Specialist in Special Care Dentistry should be able to:
diagnose, treatment plan and provide safe and effective oral healthcare and dental treatment for adolescents and
adults with conditions that make them more prone to oral/dental disease or which may complicate the delivery of dental X X
2.4.14 communicate effectively with patients, families and carers, other clinicians and members of the patient’s extended care X X
2.4.15 work within multidisciplinary teams X X
2.4.16 plan appropriate oral health care for special care patients X X
2.4.17 facilitate access to appropriate modes of delivery of oral healthcare , e.g. conscious sedation, general anaesthesia and X X
domiciliary care
2.4.18 On completion of training a Specialist in Special Care Dentistry should:
recognise the impact of disability on patients, their families and carers X X
2.4.19 take account of the impact of disability and impairment on oral healthcare provision when treatment planning X X
2.4.20 consult and collaborate with colleagues in other medical and surgical specialties where appropriate X X
2.4.21 recognise the effects of oral health on quality of life factors for people with disability X X
2.4.22 take account of delivery of oral healthcare during treatment planning X X
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2.5.1 On completion of training a Specialist in Special Care Dentistry should be able to describe:
the development of services for people with: learning dis ability, physical impairment, complex medical
conditions, including those undergoing chemotherapy, radiotherapy, immunotherapy and organ transplant,
progressive neurological conditions, mental illness, a history of substance misuse
2.5.2 the development of services for people in: long stay community, residential, nursing and day care units, or
housebound, secure units, special education units, ethnic and refugee groups who are socially excluded
and special educational establishments X X
2.5.3 the development of services for people who are homeless or travelers X X
2.5.4 the need for equality impact assessments as part of the process of service development and/or change
2.5.5 the role of patient and public involvement in the development of patient services X X
2.5.6 the process of planning, delivery and evaluation of oral care services for people with impairment and
disability in community and hospital settings X X
2.5.7 the principles and application of patient empowerment in relation to service delivery in Special Care
Dentistry X X
2.5.8 management techniques in health care system with emphasis on people, resources and capacity in service X X
2.5.9 leadership, influencing and negotiating skills X X
2.5.10 the dynamics of teams and groups in service delivery X X
2.5.11 the roles of the various members of the Special Care Dentistry team X X
2.5.12 information management and communication technology in relation to service delivery X X
2.5.13 understanding and use of epidemiological data to monitor and develop service provision X X
2.5.14 the management of oral health care for people with: learning dis ability, physical impairment, complex medical X X
conditions, including those undergoing chemotherapy, radiotherapy, immunotherapy and organ transplant,
progressive neurological conditions, mental illness, a history of substance misuse
2.5.15 the management of oral health care for people in: long stay community, residential, nursing and day care X X
units, or housebound, secure units, special education units, ethnic and refugee groups who are socially
excluded and special educational establishments
2.5.16 the management of oral health care for people who are homeless or travelers X X
2.5.17 the organisational structure and role of the health service and other statutory and voluntary organisations X X
2.5.18 the roles of Dental Care Professionals X X
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2.5.19 cross-sectoral and inter-agency working X X

2.5.20 caring and advocacy X X
2.5.21 the role of the primary health care teams and the dental and medical specialties X X
2.5.22 joint care planning approach X X
2.5.23 community networks and alliances X X
2.5.24 collaboration with other specialists X X
2.5.25 Working within the dental team X X
2.5.26 the theories of health promotion X X
2.5.27 planning population based oral health promotion policies X X
2.5.28 On completion of training a Specialist in Special Care Dentistry should be able to:
develop services for people with special care needs with: learning dis ability, physical impairment, complex X X
medical conditions, including those undergoing chemotherapy, radiotherapy, immunotherapy and organ
transplant, progressive neurological conditions, mental illness, a history of substance misuse
2.5.29 develop services for people in: long stay community, residential, nursing and day care units, or X X
housebound, secure units, special education units, ethnic and refugee groups who are socially excluded
and special educational establishments
2.5.30 develop services for people who are homeless or travelers X X
2.5.31 contribute to multidisciplinary teams for the development of services for people in special care groups X X
2.5.32 implement equality impact assessments for the development of or changes to services to meet the needs of these X X
groups of people
2.5.33 demonstrate the available methods of patient and public involvement used in service development X X
2.5.34 plan and deliver oral care services for people with impairment and disability in community and hospital settings, making X X
effective use of the various members of the Special Care Dentistry team
2.5.35 monitor and evaluate services for people with impairment and disability in terms of quality of care delivery and cost X X
benefit in community and hospital settings
2.5.36 make the case for appropriate service change based on evaluation of the monitoring data X X
2.5.37 provide oral health care for people with: learning dis ability, physical impairment, complex medical conditions, X X
including those undergoing chemotherapy, radiotherapy, immunotherapy and organ transplant, progressive
neurological conditions, mental illness, a history of substance misuse
2.5.38 provide oral health care for people in: long stay community, residential, nursing and day care units, secure X X
units, special education units, ethnic and refugee groups who are socially excluded and special
educational establishments
2.5.39 provide oral health care for people who are: confined to home and require domiciliary care, homeless or X X
2.5.40 carry out cross-sectoral and inter-agency working X X
2.5.41 initiate a joint care planning approach X X
2.5.42 develop community networks and alliances X X
2.5.43 develop collaboration with other specialists and health/social services professionals X X
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2.5.44 work as an effective member of both the dental team and the extended care team X X
2.5.45 demonstrate leadership skills within Special Care Dentistry team to ensue appropriate skills mix wihin the Specialist X X
2.5.46 plan oral health promotion policies for differing populations X X
2.5.47 undertake at least one method of public and patient involvement e.g. questionnaire, in-depth interviewing, focus group X X
2.5.48 On completion of training a Specialist in Special Care Dentistry should:
recognise the role of the Special Care Dentist in developing services for special care patients X X
2.5.49 take account of the views of patients, their families/ carers and other appropriate public groups, through patient and X X
public involvement when developing services for special care patients
2.5.50 demonstrate leadership in negotiating services for people with impairment and disability X X
2.5.51 show regard for the roles of the various members of the Special Care Dentistry team and employ them to maximum X X
2.5.52 consult and collaborate with colleagues in other medical and surgical specialties and in social care where appropriate, X X
to facilitate patient/ group management
2.5.53 take account of the broad range of issues involved in the management of oral health care for people with disability X X
2.5.54 consult and collaborate with colleagues in other medical and surgical specialties and in social care where appropriate X X
2.5.55 take account of patient and public views in policy development X X



2.6.1 On completion of training a Specialist in Special Care Dentistry should be able to describe:
assessment of the person who requires special oral health care X X
2.6.2 history taking, examination, diagnosis and treatment planning for the individual X X
2.6.3 methods of obtaining information from the individual, carer and wider circle of social and health care professionals in
relation to the individual’s care needs X X
2.6.4 methods of assessment of the needs and priorities of individuals in order to promote positive oral health gain X X
2.6.5 the importance of capacity building and self directed support of the individual X X
2.6.6 the impact of disability on oral health care planning for the individual X X
2.6.7 organisation and delivery of appropriate treatment services in the relevant care setting for the individual including X X
domiciliary care settings
2.6.8 the requirements of coordination of an inter-professional team in the delivery of optimal care for individuals X X
2.6.9 the management and clinical skills necessary to provide preventative and treatment services for individuals X X
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2.6.10 the development of preventative healthcare programmes for patients in a variety of care settings X X
2.6.11 the design, implementation and monitoring of individual oral health care plans X X
2.6.12 how to recognise the management requirements of the individual X X
2.6.13 relevant pharmacological and therapeutic adjuncts required in pain, anxiety and disease management X X
2.6.14 the ethical and legal requirements relating to the provision and delivery of conscious sedation techniques
2.6.15 the reasoning for selecting the most appropriate adjunct to treatment, based on the patient assessment
2.6.16 the skills required to manage pain and anxiety in a variety of clinical settings through: X X
– behaviour management
– local anaesthesia
– conscious sedation including trans-mucosal, oral, inhalational and intravenous techniques
– general anaesthesia including day-case and in-patient care
2.6.17 in outline, the additional therapies that can be used to manage pain and anxiety, such as: X X
– hypnosis
– acupuncture
2.6.18 On completion of training a Specialist in Special Care Dentistry should be able to:
identify and assess the person who requires special oral health care X X
2.6.19 obtain information from the individual, carer and wider circle of social and health care professional in relation to the X X
individual’s care needs
2.6.20 provide appropriate care for persons with impairments or disability using adjuncts as appropriate X X
2.6.21 provide appropriate care for persons with complex medical conditions X X
2.6.22 design, deliver and monitor appropriate individual health care plans to prevent / minimise the effects of oral disease X X
2.6.23 provide oral health care in a domiciliary setting X X
2.6.24 recognise normal and abnormal behaviour patterns in adults with impairment and disability X X
2.6.25 apply knowledge of behavioural patterns and psychology in the management of anxiety X X
2.6.26 recognise when to seek help for patients with behaviours that require further assessment and treatment in
another care setting X X
2.6.27 deliver comprehensive restorative care and exodontias for adults with impairments and disability under
local anaesthesia, conscious sedation and general anaesthesia where appropriate X X
2.6.28 recognise the role of the special care dentist working with the anaesthetist in airway management
2.6.29 On completion of training a Specialist in Special Care Dentistry should:
take account of the ethical and legal aspects of managing oral health care for people with impairment and disability
2.6.30 consult and collaborate with colleagues in other medical and surgical specialties and in social care where necessary
2.6.31 show regard for the circumstances that people live in when carrying out domiciliary visits X X
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2.6.32 employ appropriate management and clinical skills in order to provide preventive and treatment services for individuals X X
2.6.33 take account of the ethical and legal requirements relating to the provision and delivery of conscious
sedation techniques X X
2.6.34 take account of the ethical and legal requirements relating to the delivery of treatment under general
anaesthesia X X
2.6.35 consult and collaborate with colleagues in other medical and surgical specialties and in social care where
necessary X X
2.6.36 refer patients to other members of the dental, health and social care teams as appropriate X X



2.7.1 On completion of training a Specialist in Special Care Dentistry should be able to describe:
management and treatment of individual teeth using intra- and extra- coronal restorations X X
2.7.2 how to identify and maintain key teeth to facilitate long-term care X X
2.7.3 restorative and replacement techniques for the management of broken down, fractured and missing teeth X X
2.7.4 diagnosis, prevention and simple restorative treatment of non-carious tooth surface loss e.g. abrasion,
erosion and attrition X X
2.7.5 diagnosis and non-surgical management of temporomandibular dysfunction X X
2.7.6 materials relevant to clinical dentistry, including those that can be effectively used in the domiciliary setting
2.7.7 gingival and periodontal conditions X X
2.7.8 techniques for periodontal surgery X X
2.7.9 principles of implantology X X
2.7.10 principles and practice of routine endodontic care X X
2.7.11 principles and practice of surgical endodontic therapy X X
2.7.12 treatment planning and provision of removable prosthodontics X X
2.7.13 diagnosis and provisional treatment planning of fixed prosthodontics X X
2.7.14 principles and practice of implant dentistry X X
2.7.15 maxillofacial prosthodontic management of developmental and acquired hard and soft tissue defects
2.7.16 relevant laboratory procedures X X
2.7.17 examination, diagnosis and treatment planning X X
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2.7.18 scope, design and use of orthodontic appliances X X

2.7.19 oral surgery in relation to orthodontics X X
2.7.20 management of developmental anomalies, including cleft lip and palate, hypodontia and craniofacial
anomalies X X
2.7.21 diagnosis, treatment planning and management of oral care for people: X X
– with common oral medical conditions
– undergoing chemotherapy, radiotherapy and immunotherapy
– undergoing organ transplant
2.7.22 the characteristics of oral manifestations of systemic disease X X
2.7.23 the characteristics of oral side effects of prescribed medication X X
2.7.24 normal haematological values such as: full blood count and haematinics (Fe, Folate, B12, Sickle cell X X
screening); clotting studies; urea and electrolytes etc.
2.7.25 the management of routine exodontia, including the raising of a flap and the removal of fractured teeth
2.7.26 principles for and techniques of incisional and excisional biopsy of gingival and mucosal lesions X X
2.7.27 the principles and practice of dento-alveolar surgery : X X
– surgical treatment planning for patients with systemic disease
– minor oral surgery including surgical extraction of impacted teeth
– management of dento-alveolar trauma
2.7.28 use of electromechanical aids in diagnosis such as: ECG ; blood pressure monitor; SO2 Monitor, blood X X
sugar monitor; Coaguchek S monitor, Sickle Cell testing
2.7.29 the diagnosis of emergencies and treatment of medical emergencies that can occur during the provision of
dental treatment in the dental surgery and in the domiciliary setting X X
2.7.30 when and how to liaise with other healthcare professionals in the emergency management of all patients
under their care X X
2.7.31 On completion of training a Specialist in Special Care Dentistry should be able to:
carry out a high standard of clinical dentistry X X
2.7.32 treat individual teeth using intra- and extra- coronal restorations X X
2.7.33 recognise and maintain key teeth to facilitate long-term care X X
2.7.34 utilise restorative techniques for the management of broken down, fractured and missing teeth X X
2.7.35 diagnose, prevent and provide simple restorative treatment of non-carious tooth surface loss e.g. abrasion,
erosion and attrition X X
2.7.36 diagnose and manage non-surgical treatment of temporomandibular dysfunction X X
2.7.37 communicate findings and treatment proposals to individuals (where possible), carers, advocates and
other professionals X X
2.7.38 discuss treatment options in an appropriate manner with individuals (where possible), carers, advocates
and other professionals X X
2.7.39 diagnose and manage periodontal disease in people with impairments and disability X X
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2.7.40 deliver appropriate and effective preventative periodontal programmes X X

2.7.41 recognise when periodontal disease may be related to systemic disease X X
2.7.42 utilise techniques for prevention appropriate to special care groups e.g. communication with people who have dyslexia, X X
dyspraxia, autistic spectrum disorder, learning disability etc.
2.7.43 recognise when a specialist opinion is necessary X X
2.7.44 diagnose, treatment plan and provide removable prosthodontic appliances, including techniques X X
appropriate to special care patients such as copy denture techniques
2.7.45 diagnose and formulate provisional treatment planning of fixed prosthodontic treatment, including implants X X
2.7.46 provide evidence of how removable and fixed prosthodontic treatment can effect quality of life X X
2.7.47 carry out routine endodontic care X X
2.7.48 recognition of clinical situations where it is appropriate to liaise with, or refer to appropriate specialties X X
2.7.49 engage in effective multidisciplinary communication and planning when appropriate X X
2.7.50 manage oral care for people: X X
– with common oral medical conditions
– undergoing chemotherapy, radiotherapy and immunotherapy
– undergoing organ transplant
2.7.51 recognise oral manifestations of systemic disease X X
2.7.52 recognise and manage oral side effects of prescribed medication X X
2.7.53 interpret haematological tests such as: full blood count and haematinics (Fe, Folate, B12, Sickle cell X X
screening); clotting studies; urea and electrolytes; liver function tests; thyroid function tests
2.7.54 manage routine exodontias, including the raising of a flap and the removal of fractured teeth X X
2.7.55 perform incisional and excisional biopsy of gingival and mucosal lesions X X
2.7.56 recognise results that are not within ‘normal’ expectations X X
2.7.57 diagnose emergencies X X
2.7.58 initiate treatment of medical emergencies that can occur during the provision of dental treatment in the
dental surgery and in the domiciliary setting X X
2.7.59 liaise with other healthcare professionals in the emergency management of all patients under their care
2.7.60 use emergency drugs in appropriate circumstances X X
2.7.61 On completion of training a Specialist in Special Care Dentistry should:
refer to other specialties as appropriate X X
2.7.62 be prepared to discuss treatment options with individuals (where possible), carers, advocates and other
professionals as appropriate X X
2.7.63 recognise one’s own limitations X X
2.7.64 refer patients to other specialists as appropriate , for example when cancer, other medical conditions or X X
abnormal tests are recognised
2.7.65 refer patients to other specialists as appropriate, for example, when complex oral surgery is required or X X
test results are not within ‘normal’ expectations
Updated -12-11-2012 70

2.7.66 call for assistance from other specialties as appropriate e.g. paramedics X X
2.7.67 recognise the role of the Special Care Dentist in management of adults with impairment and disability with
CLP, hypodontia and craniofacial anomalies X X
2.7.68 recognise the role of the Special Care Dentist in management of medical emergencies and the need for
multidisciplinary working and practice in simulated settings X X
2.7.69 take on the role of team leader in the emergency situation X X



2.8.1 On completion of training a Specialist in Special Care Dentistry should be able to describe:
the legal and ethical framework and issues important to the practice of Special Care Dentistry X X
2.8.2 principles of duty of care and negligence X X
2.8.3 principles of consent X X
2.8.4 the process of obtaining informed consent X X
2.8.5 confidentiality and the professional relationship X X
2.8.6 assessment of capacity to consent and what to do when capacity is lacking X X
2.8.7 risk assessment X X
2.8.8 rationale for appropriate use of physical/pharmacological intervention X X
2.8.9 health and safety regulations X X
2.8.10 decontamination and infection control regulations X X
2.8.11 moving and handling skills X X
2.8.12 principles of confidentiality X X
2.8.13 principles of good record keeping X X
2.8.14 ethical aspects of practice and research X X
2.8.15 ethics of physical and pharmacological intervention and restraint X X
2.8.16 issues related to the ethics of impairment and disability such as genetic counselling, palliative care, end of
life care and resuscitation X X
2.8.17 the role of the professional governing bodies X X
2.8.18 the role of Dental Care Professionals X X
2.8.19 vicarious liability X X
2.8.20 contemporaneous legislation such as The Human Rights Act, Disability Discrimination Act, Public Sector
Equality Duties, Equality Impact Assessments, Single Equality Schemes, and other relevant equality and
Updated -12-11-2012 71

diversity related legislation X X

2.8.21 current legislation regarding the protection of children and adults, such as the Child Protection Act
Law Reform Commissioner’s report on Vulnerable adults X X
2.8.22 types of abuse X X
2.8.23 signs and symptoms that suggest abuse is taking place X X
2.8.24 national and local guidance and protocols for management of suspected abuse X X
2.8.25 good and contemporaneous practice in medico-legal report writing X X
2.8.26 On completion of training a Specialist in Special Care Dentistry should be able to:
ensure the legal and ethical framework is followed in all aspects of Special Care Dentistry X X
2.8.27 provide leadership as future lead clinicians in gaining consent utilising legislation such as the principles
set out in the Mental Capacity Act X X
2.8.28 practice within the regulatory framework in dentistry and with respect to specific regulations in impairment
and disability, equality and diversity and human rights X X
2.8.29 implement the requirements of Equality, Diversity and Human Rights related legislation X X
2.8.30 advise appropriately when Equality, Diversity and Human Rights related legislation is being breached X X
2.8.31 recognise the signs of abuse and take appropriate action in the event of suspected abuse X X
2.8.32 respect confidentiality X X
2.8.33 keep accurate and contemporaneous patient records X X
2.8.34 write clinical reports when requested by the legal professions in line with current good practice X X
2.8.35 On completion of training a Specialist in Special Care Dentistry should:
recognise the importance of teamwork to implement consent and adhere to legal and ethical framework X X
2.8.36 take account of appropriate legislation and act accordingly in the day to day practice of special care dentistry
2.8.37 support the team during action taken in the event of suspected abuse X X
2.8.38 recognise the issues of the safety of the abused individual X X
2.8.39 communicate promptly and accurately with regard to the legal aspects of report writing X X
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2.9.1 On completion of training a Specialist in Special Care Dentistry should be able to describe:
principles of research methods and research governance X X
2.9.2 basic statistical reasoning and problem solving X X
2.9.3 methods of searching the literature X X
2.9.4 the process of applying for ethical approval X X
2.9.5 the principles of different types of research design X X
2.9.6 setting up databases X X
2.9.7 analysis of research X X
2.9.8 critical review of research publications X X
2.9.9 writing up case reports and research project(s) suitable for publication X X
2.9.10 the essential components for conducting ethical research X X
2.9.11 research methodology X X
2.9.12 biostatistics X X
2.9.13 On completion of training a Specialist in Special Care Dentistry should be able to:
undertake: X X
– basic statistical reasoning and problem solving
– searching the literature
– applying for ethical approval
– designing research projects
– setting up databases
– analysis of research data
– critical review of research publications
2.9.14 write up case reports and research project(s) suitable for publication X X
2.9.15 On completion of training a Specialist in Special Care Dentistry should:
demonstrate an enquiring mind X X
2.9.16 respect patients and carers’ autonomy in respect to participation in research X X
2.9.17 display positive attitudes to the legislation regarding research governance X X

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